The Universe - The Cosmos
Galaxies -
Black Holes -
Earth -
Planets -
Moon -
Stars -
Sun -
Solar System

Magnetics -
Dimensions -
Extra Terrestrial
ET -
Space Aliens -
Space Station -
Space Shuttle
Space Travel
Satellites -
Asteroids -
Time -
Space -
Dark Matter -
Cosmology -
Science -
The photo on the right is not a
selfie. It is just an artist rendition of what our
milky way galaxy would look like if it were
seen from another galaxy.
The photo above is not to make you feel
insignificant, it is only for
reference and
scale. Think of it as a
scale in your mind.
Depending on your
field of view, you would have to be around
100,000 light years away to see this Galaxy using the naked human
eye. And as you got closer, it would almost disappear because of the
tremendous amount of space there is between
everything, like with
atoms. The
universe is so large that the
earth in comparison is smaller than a grain of sand or a speck of
dust. But even with the earth and humans being so tiny, there are things
still a lot smaller than us that we can't even see. We are simultaneously
really big and really small at the same time.
Sizes (nano)
Pyramid of Complexity.
The Scale
of the Universe from Big to Small (youtube) -
The Scale
of the Universe from Small to Big (youtube) -
illustrates in real time the journey of a photon of light emitted
from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar
system, from a human perspective.
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) -
The Scale of the Universe - Interactive (manual control scale)
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think
in terms of
frequency and
vibration.” -
Nicola Tesla.
Geological time scale is a
scale that divides up
the history of Earth into scientifically meaningful periods.
Timeline of our Universe
13.7 Billion Years Ago Around
14 billion years ago in
earth time, it is believed that our
Universe began. We are not sure if it was the first
time or
even the
beginning of time?
Time Line of the Universe
Chronology of the Universe (wiki)
Detailed Logarithmic Timeline (wiki) -
Shape of the Universe -
Photo (image) -
Seeing the
Beginning of Time 4k (youtube) -
Big Bang -
Creationism -
(conservation of mass) - Universe was denser and smoother in the
Low Entropy -
Time -
After 250 or 400 Million Years Later
Around 300 million years after the
universe was
blackholes and
galaxies started to form.
Reionization marks the point at which the
hydrogen in the Universe
became ionized.
Ionization is the process by which an
atom or a
molecule acquires a
negative or positive
charge by gaining or losing
electrons to form
often in conjunction with other chemical changes.
Ion is an
Atom or a
molecule in which the total
number of
electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving
the atom or molecule a net positive or negative electrical charge. Ions
can be created, by either chemical or physical means, via ionization.
Galaxies had already formed 1.5 billion years after the Big Bang.
Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field.
GN-z11 high-redshift galaxy found in the constellation Ursa Major, and
is currently the oldest and most distant known galaxy in the observable
universe - 13.4 billion years old.
z8 GND 5296 is 13.1 billion years old, only about 700
million years younger than the universe.
Methuselah Star HD 140283 is one of the oldest stars known.
After 9 Billion Years
Around 9 billion years after the universe was created, the
in our
Solar System
is formed, which was around 4.7 Billion years ago
earth time. (Did life start a few billion years before us in another galaxy, or
in our own
4.5 Billion Years
Ago Earth is formed, around 200
million years after our star formed. Earth day then was only 6 hours
Mostly Molten Rock.
Theia collided with another planetary-mass object,
Gaia (the early Earth)
around 4.51 billion years ago. That was when the
Moon Formed, the
Moon was twice as close
then it is now causing 10,000 ft.
Age of
the Earth is approximately 4.54 ± 0.05 billion years (4.54 × 109 years
± 1%). This dating is based on evidence from
age-dating of meteorite material and is consistent with the
radiometric ages of the oldest-known terrestrial and lunar samples. The
Earth has over 4 billion years left in its life, but humans only have
around a billion years left before we have to
a new home. We might have even less time if we don't start making
4 Billion
Years Ago The lunar
cataclysm when
asteroids bombarded the
earth and
moon. The
late heavy bombardment is a hypothesized event thought to
have occurred approximately 4.1 to 3.8 billion years or
Ga ago, at a time corresponding to the
Neohadean and
Eoarchean eras on
Earth. During this interval, a disproportionately
large number of asteroids are theorized to have collided with the early
terrestrial planets in the inner Solar System, including Mercury, Venus,
Earth and Mars. Since 2018, the existence of the Late Heavy Bombardment
has been questioned.
Earliest evidence of freshwater on Earth 4 billion years ago, 5
hundred million years earlier than previously thought. By examining the
age and oxygen isotopes in tiny crystals of the mineral zircon, it found
that unusually light isotopic signatures as far back as four billion
years ago. Such light oxygen isotopes are typically the result of hot,
fresh water altering rocks several kilometres below Earth's surface.
3.5 Billion Years Ago One
Billion Years since the Birth of Earth.
Single Cell
start to form on earth.
Stromatolite life from
3.7 billion years ago when Earth’s skies were
orange and its oceans
Pyramid of Complexity
Soup -
Carbon Dating.
Timeline of Evolutionary History of Life
Atmospheric Pressure was about half of what it is today.
3.2 Billion Years Ago
Great Oxygenation Event.
Was this the first Extinction?
Oxygen is what makes the sky blue,
molecules in the air scatter blue light from the sun more than they
scatter red light. New type of Green
Algae produced
O2, which created the
Ozone Layer
that protected life from damaging
UV Rays and gave life
a chance to progress.
Free oxygen is oxygen
that isn't combined with other elements such as carbon or nitrogen.
Olivine (wiki) -
Organisms Change -
3 Billion Years Ago 1.5
Billion Years since the Birth of Earth - 2.4 billion years ago,
oxygen in
the atmosphere suddenly increased by about 10,000 times in just 200
million years.
Photosynthesis is the process by which light energy synthesizes sugars
from carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen as a waste product. 2.4 – 2.3
billion years ago First rock evidence of atmospheric oxygen. 2.7 billion
years ago
Cyanobacteria were the first oxygen producers.
Ocean organisms
and primitive animals start to evolve.
Marine Biology.
Boring Billion or the Mid Proterozoic and Earth's Middle Ages, is
the time period between
1.8 and 0.8 billion
years ago (Ga) spanning the middle Proterozoic eon, characterized
by more or less tectonic stability, climatic stasis, and slow biological
evolution. It is bordered by two different oxygenation and glacial
events, but the Boring Billion itself had very low oxygen levels and no
evidence of glaciation.
Over 2 Billion Years Go By....yada yada yada...and then....
Between 685 and 800 million years ago, multicellular organisms began
to appear in all of Earth's oceans during what's known as the
Avalon explosion, 33 million years earlier than the Cambrian
explosion. During this era, sea sponges and other bizarre
organisms replaced small single-celled amoeba, algae and bacteria, which
until then, had had run of the planet for more than 2 billion years.
Oxygen didn't catalyze the swift blossoming of Earth's first
multicellular organisms. The Avalon explosion resulted in a rapid
increase in organism diversity. Many of the animals and plants from the
Avalon are found living in deep marine environments and the Flinders
Ranges. The first stages of the Avalon explosion were observed through
comparatively minimal species.
715 - 810 Million Years Ago the
mushrooms evolved.
700 - 550 Million Years Ago, in the
oxygen levels in the
oceans and atmosphere
dramatically. By 600 million years ago, the oxygen in the
reached about one-fifth of today’s level (21 percent).
Ediacaran period spans 94 million years from the end of the
Cryogenian Period that was 635 million years ago (Mya), to the beginning of the
Cambrian Period 541 Mya. It marks the end of the Proterozoic Eon, and the
beginning of the Phanerozoic Eon.
Snowball Earth is when the Earth's surface became entirely
or nearly entirely frozen and was completely covered in
ice, sometime earlier than
650 Mya or million
years ago during the Cryogenian period.
Earth was a giant snowball 700 million years ago and
Geoscientists have proposed that an
all-time low
volcanic carbon dioxide emissions
triggered a
57-million-year-long global
Sturtian ice age.
Sturtian Glaciation was a worldwide glaciation during the
Cryogenian Period when the Earth experienced repeated large-scale
glaciations. As of January 2023, the Sturtian glaciation is thought to
have lasted from c. 717 Ma to c. 660 Ma, a time span of approximately 57
million years. It is hypothesised to have been a
Snowball Earth event, or contrastingly multiple regional
glaciations, and is the longest and most severe known glacial event
preserved in the geologic record, after the much earlier
Huronian glaciation.
600 Million Years Ago 3.9 Billion Years
since the Birth of Earth, and 2.9 Billion Years since
Multicellular Organisms appear that consist of more than one cell, in
contrast to
unicellular organisms, which is an organism that consists of only one
Cell Division.
Multicellularity has evolved independently at least 46 times.
Choanoflagellate are a group of free-living unicellular and
colonial flagellate eukaryotes considered to be the closest living
relatives of the animals.
Protein Domain
is a conserved part of a given
protein sequence and (tertiary) structure that can evolve, function,
and exist independently of the rest of the protein chain.
Around 600
million years ago, a thin
Ozone Layer Formed
that was capable of protecting life from
harmful wavelengths
of UV radiation (wavelengths between 200-300 nm).
Oldest known species of swimming jellyfish identified.
505-million-year-old swimming jellyfish from the Burgess Shale
highlights diversity in Cambrian ecosystem.
Avalon Explosion is named from the Precambrian faunal trace fossils
discovered on the Avalon Peninsula in Newfoundland, eastern Canada, is a
proposed evolutionary radiation of prehistoric animals about
575 million years ago in the
Ediacaran period, with the Avalon explosion being one of three eras
grouped in this time period.
500 Million Years Ago
Cambrian Explosion. Prior to the Cambrian explosion, most
organisms were simple, composed of individual
cells occasionally organized
into colonies. Over the following 70 to 80 million years, the rate of
diversification accelerated by an order of magnitude and the diversity of
life began to resemble that of today. Almost all the present
plants (
Verbena) appeared during this period, with the exception of
which are a
phylum of
invertebrate animals who made its
earliest known appearance later, in the Lower Ordovician.
First Plants colonize Earth around 500 million years ago.
Intelligent Design.
450 Million Years Ago
Plants. First land plants occurs in the
Ordovician, in the form of fossil spores.
Land plants began to
diversify in the Late
from around 430 million years ago, and the results of their
diversification are displayed in remarkable detail in an early
fossil assemblage from the
Rhynie chert. This chert, formed in volcanic hot springs, preserved
several species of early plants in cellular detail by petrification.
is the earliest of three geologic eras of the Phanerozoic Eon. It is the
longest of the Phanerozoic eras, lasting from 541 to 251.902 million years
Phanerozoic covers 541 million years to the present.
Timeline of Plant Evolution (wiki) -
Horseshoe Crab are marine
arthropods invertebrates of the family Limulidae, suborder Xiphosurida, and order
Living Fossil is an extant taxon that closely resembles organisms
otherwise known only from the fossil record. As a rule, to be considered a
living fossil, the fossil species must be old relative to the time of
origin of the extant clade.
Carbon Dating
(measuring how old things are).
450-million-year-old organism finds new life in
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University's College of Engineering used
fossil evidence to engineer a soft robotic replica of pleurocystitids, a
marine organism that existed nearly 450 million years ago and is
believed to be one of the first echinoderms capable of movement using a
muscular stem.
400 Million Years Ago
Carboniferous is a geologic period and system that spans 60 million
years from the end of the Devonian Period 358.9 million years ago (Mya),
to the beginning of the Permian Period, 298.9 Mya. The name Carboniferous
means "
Hangenberg Event is a bioevent that occurred at the end of the
Famennian epoch (late Devonian) associated with the Late Devonian
extinction (roughly 358.9 ± 0.4 million years ago).
is an event recognised in a sequence of sedimentary rocks, where there is
a significant change in the
biota as recorded by assemblages of fossils over a relatively short
period of time. It has been defined as "short-term (hours or days to kyrs)
locally, regionally, or interregionally pervasive changes in the
ecological, biogeographical, and/or evolutionary character of biotas that
are isochronous or nearly so throughout their range". Bioevents either
relate to diversification of a particular fossil group or a reduction,
these may equate to speciation events or extinction events, or may only
represent migration. Records of the appearance and disappearance of
particular taxa at a single locality are insufficient to define a bioevent.
Late Devonian Extinction was
one of five major
extinction events in the history of the Earth's biota. A major
extinction, the Kellwasser event, occurred at the boundary that marks the
beginning of the last phase of the Devonian period, the Famennian faunal
stage (the Frasnian–Famennian boundary), about 375–360 million years ago.
Overall, 19% of all families and 50% of all genera became extinct. A
second, distinct mass extinction, the Hangenberg event, closed the Devonian period.
250 Million Years Ago
Permian Extinction, which caused
Extinction of
95% of all
living species? (
Ward: Earth's Mass Extinctions (youtube)
(14 °F rise in temperature)
Earth took up to 10
million years to recover.
A footprint of a reptile-like creature called an Isochirotherium, an ancestor of dinosaurs and crocodiles that roamed the area
230 million years ago, was discovered in early April by a
person out walking in Olesa de Montserrat, 40 kilometers (25
miles) north of Barcelona, Northeastern Catalonia in the Iberian
Carnian Pluvial Event 230 million years ago it rained for 2 million
Extinction Number Six.
200 Million Years Ago
Mammals Evolve -
Dinosaurs Evolved and lived for 180 Million years (over 700
are a diverse group of
of the clade Dinosauria that first appeared during the
Triassic period,
which was a geologic period and system which spans 50.9 million years from
the end of the Permian Period 252.17 million years ago (Mya), to the
beginning of the
Period 201.3 Mya. The Triassic is the first period of the
Era. Both the start and end of the period are marked by major
extinction events. Earth had
1 Continent, mostly desert, no
broad leaf trees, no flowers,
Earth spun faster, moon was closer. Pangaea
braking apart about 200 million years ago.
Volcanic carbon dioxide emissions helped trigger Triassic climate change
201 million year ago. -
Plate Tectonics.
First 'warm-blooded' dinosaurs may have emerged
180 million years ago. The ability to
regulate body temperature, a trait all mammals and birds have today, may
have evolved among some dinosaurs early in the Jurassic period about 180
million years ago.
125 Million Years Ago
Flowers Evolve, almost 325
million years after plants evolved.
may have bloomed more than 174 million years ago, 264 specimens of 198
individual flowers preserved on 34 rock slabs from the South Xiangshan
100 Million Years Ago
broke away from the other fragments of Gondwana and began moving
Gondwana is
the name given to an ancient supercontinent. It is believed to have
sutured between about 570 and 510 million years ago (Mya), joining East
Gondwana to West Gondwana. Gondwana formed prior to Pangaea, and later
became part of it.
Continental Drift -
Earths Surface -
Ancient Rainforest in Antarctica -
Research tracks 66 million years of mammalian diversity.
65 Million
Years Ago
go extinct. Dinosaur era lasted from 230 to 66 million
years ago.
Cretaceous–Paleogene Extinction Event is also known as the
Cretaceous–Tertiary (K–T) extinction, was a
extinction of some three-quarters of the plant and animal species on
Earth that occurred over a geologically short period of time approximately
66 million years ago. With the exception of some ectothermic species like
the leatherback sea turtle and crocodiles, no tetrapods weighing more than
25 kilograms (55 lb) survived. It marked the end of the Cretaceous period
and with it, the entire Mesozoic Era, opening the Cenozoic Era that
continues today.
Time after Extinction.
Iridium is found in
meteorites in much higher abundance than in the
Earth's crust.
Mesozoic Era is an interval of geological time from about
252 to 66 million years ago. It is also called the Age of
Dinosaurs: Giants of Patagonia (2014) (Argentinosaur,
Giganotosaur 11/25/2014 - 40 min. video).
Maniraptora is a clade of coelurosaurian dinosaurs that
includes the birds and the non-avian dinosaurs that were more closely
related to them than to Ornithomimus velox.
Earths Early History.
is a genus of giant titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur containing a
single species.
Ant agriculture began 66 million years ago. Ants began
farming fungi when an asteroid struck Earth 66
million years ago.
55 Million Years Ago
Grasses evolved.
Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Program or ETE. Earth's
biotas throughout their 400 million year history.
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum was a time period with a more than
5–8 °C
global average temperature rise
across the event. This climate event occurred at the time boundary of
the Paleocene and Eocene geological epochs. The exact age and duration
of the event is uncertain but it is estimated to have occurred around
55.5 million years ago. The associated period of massive carbon release
into the atmosphere has been estimated to have lasted from 20,000 to
50,000 years. The entire warm period lasted for about 200,000 years.
Global temperatures increased by 5–8 °C..
Million Years Ago the
land mass known as India today, drifted into Asia, the
collision created the
Himalayas, and is still moving an
inch every year.
Table Mountain
(30 - 50 million years) -
Archeology (Michael A. Cremo) -
Footprints (3.7 million years ago).
is a geologic period and system that
spans 20.45
million years from the end of the
Paleogene Period
23.03 million years ago
(Mya) to the beginning of the present
Quaternary Period 2.58 Mya.
Scientists discover 36-million-year geological cycle that drives
biodiversity. Tectonic changes alter sea levels that can create
breeding grounds for life.
2.6 Million Years Ago
Paleolithic primitive
Stone Tools discovered.
Stone Age Begins.
is the earliest widespread stone tool
archaeological industry in
prehistory (it is pre-dated by
tools at a single site dated to 3.3 million years ago). Oldowan tools
were used during the Lower Paleolithic period, 2.6 million years ago up
until 1.7 million years ago, by ancient hominids across much of Africa,
South Asia, the Middle East and Europe. This
technological industry was
followed by the more sophisticated Acheulean industry.
Bolas throwing weapon
made of weights on the ends of interconnected cords, used to capture
animals by entangling their legs.
Axe is one
of the first stone
tools used by humans to shape, split and cut wood, to
harvest timber, to dig for roots, and to cut animal skin or used as a
weapon, and as a ceremonial or heraldic symbol. Before the modern axe, the
stone-age hand axe was used from
1.5 million years
BP without a handle. It was later fastened to a wooden handle and
made of copper, bronze, iron and steel as these technologies developed.
2.9 million years ago along the shores of Africa's Lake Victoria in
Kenya roughly, early human ancestors used some of the oldest stone tools
ever found to butcher hippos and pound plant material, according to new
2 Million years ago, our
solar system may have passed through dense interstellar clouds,
altering Earth's climate by interfering with the sun's solar wind.
1.3 million years ago, new geological dating places the first
European hominids in the south of the Iberian Peninsula.
Ancient Knowledge -
Advancement in
Tools -
(culture) -
Discovery of Human Antiquity.
2,588,000 to 11,700 Years Ago
Documentary : Secrets Beneath The Ice In Antarctica HD full (youtube)
Quaternary Period is divided into two epochs: the Pleistocene (2.588
million years ago to 11.7 thousand years ago) and the Holocene (11.7
thousand years ago to today). The informal term "Late Quaternary" refers
to the past 0.5–1.0 million years.
Oldest evidence of the controlled use of fire to cook food,
researchers report. The remains of a huge carp fish mark the earliest
signs of
cooking by prehistoric
human to
780,000 years ago, predating the
available data by some
600,000 years,
according to researchers.
600,000 Years Ago
Homo Sapiens
evolved, or were
engineered or
created or
arrived here from another planet
500 million years ago, or 3 billion years ago?
The Day We
Learned to Think (youtube).
500,000 Years Ago
Humans -
Bottleneck is believed to occurred among a group of Australopithecina
as they transitioned into the species known as Homo erectus
two million years ago. It is believed that
additional bottlenecks must have occurred since Homo erectus started
walking the Earth, but current archaeological, paleontological, and
genetic data is inadequate to give much reliable information about such
conjectured bottlenecks. That said, the possibility of a severe recent
species-wide bottleneck cannot be ruled out. Recent research shows the
extent of climate change was much smaller than believed by proponents of
the theory. In addition, coalescence times for Y-chromosomal and
mitochondrial DNA have been
revised to well above 100,000 years since 2011. Finally, such coalescence
would not, in itself, indicate a
bottleneck, because mitochondrial DNA and Y-chromosome DNA are only a
small part of the entire genome, and are atypical in that they are
inherited exclusively through the mother or through the father,
respectively. Genetic material inherited exclusively from either father or
mother can be traced back in time via either matrilineal or patrilineal
400,000 Years Ago
Schöningen Spears, four ancient
wooden spears found in an opencast
mine near the town (Bamford & Henderson 2003). The spears are about
400,000 years old.
Spear thrower weapon use by prehistoric females equalized the
division of labor while hunting. The
atlatl is a handheld, rod-shaped device that employs leverage to
launch a dart, and represents a major human technological innovation
used in hunting and warfare since the Stone Age. The first javelins are
at least hundreds of thousands of years old; the first atlatls are
likely at least tens of thousands of years old.
250,000 Years Before
the Present.
Hueyatlaco is an archeological site in the Valsequillo Basin near the
city of Puebla, Mexico. After excavations in the 1960s, the site became
notorious due to geochronologists' analyses that indicated human
habitation at Hueyatlaco.
Earthworks are artificial changes in land level, typically made from
piles of artificially placed or sculpted rocks and soil. Earthworks can
themselves be archaeological features, or they can show features beneath
the surface. Earthworks of interest to archaeologists include hill
forts, henges, mounds, platform mounds, effigy mounds, enclosures, long
barrows, tumuli, ridge and furrow, mottes, round barrows, and other tombs.
100,000 Years Ago
Last Glacial Period occurred from the end of the Eemian
interglacial to the end of the Younger Dryas, encompassing the period c.
115,000 – c. 11,700 years ago. This most recent glacial period is part of
a larger pattern of glacial and interglacial periods known as the
Quaternary glaciation extending from c. 2,588,000 years ago to present.
The definition of the Quaternary as beginning 2.58 Ma is based on the
formation of the Arctic ice cap. The Antarctic ice sheet began to form
earlier, at about 34 Ma, in the mid-Cenozoic (Eocene–
Oligocene extinction
event). The term Late Cenozoic Ice Age is used to include this early phase.
Timeline of Glaciation (wiki) -
Middle Pleistocene is a subdivision of the Pleistocene Epoch, from
781,000 to 126,000 years ago (781–126 ka). It is preceded by the Calabrian
stage, beginning with the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal, and succeeded by the
Tarantian stage (equivalent ot the Late or Upper
Pleistocene), taken as
beginning with the last interglacial (MIS 5).
Climate Change.
75,000 Years Ago
Toba Catastrophe Theory was a
supervolcanic eruption that
occurred about 75,000 years ago at the site of present-day Lake Toba in
Sumatra, Indonesia. It is one of the Earth's largest known eruptions. The
Toba catastrophe theory holds that this event caused a global
winter of six to ten years and possibly a 1,000-year-long cooling episode.
San People
are members of various Khoesān-speaking indigenous hunter-gatherer groups
representing the first nation of Southern Africa, whose territories span
Botswana, Namibia, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and South Africa.
Recent African Origin of Modern Humans (wiki) -
Multistep food plant processing at Grotta Paglicci (Southern
Italy) around 32,600 cal B.P.
55,000-year-old mummified
body of a
Steppe bison was found in the Alaskan tundra in 1979. The skeleton,
the skin, the muscles were all in near-impeccable condition.
Radiocarbon dating.
Earliest evidence of humans using fire to shape the landscape of
Tasmania. Some of the first human beings to arrive in Tasmania, over
41,000 years ago, used
fire to shape
and manage the landscape, about 2,000 years earlier than previously
23,000 Years Ago
People came from Siberia and East Asia to America.
22,000 Years Ago
The Last Glacial Maximum, the maximum extent of glaciation
within the last
glacial period 100,000 years ago.
Ice Age is a long
period of reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and
atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental and
polar ice sheets and alpine
Earth's climate alternates between ice ages and
greenhouse periods,
during which there are no glaciers on the planet. Earth is currently in
Quaternary glaciation, known in popular terminology as the
Ice Age.
Individual pulses of cold climate within an ice age are termed "
periods" (or, alternatively, "glacials", "glaciations", "glacial stages",
"stadials", "stades", or colloquially, "
ice ages"), and intermittent warm
periods within an ice age are called "interglacials" or "interstadials",
with both climatic pulses part of the Quaternary or other periods in
Earth's history. In the terminology of glaciology, ice age implies the
presence of extensive ice sheets in both northern and southern
hemispheres. By this definition, we are in an interglacial period—the
Holocene. The amount of
heat trapping gases emitted into Earth's oceans
and atmosphere are predicted to prevent the next glacial period, which
otherwise would begin in around 50,000 years, and likely more glacial
History of
Agriculture (wiki). Wild grains were collected and eaten from at least 20,000
Sun Solar Wind.
Study reveals our European ancestors ate seaweed and freshwater plants.
Researchers say they have found 'definitive' archaeological evidence
that seaweeds and other local freshwater plants were eaten in the
mesolithic, through the Neolithic transition to farming and into the
Middle Ages, suggesting that these
resources, now rarely eaten in Europe, only became marginal much more
recently. 20,000 to 10,000
Before Present.
Years Ago
Humans' arrive in southern South America, first or second time?
Pumapunku -
Years Ago A prehistoric group of hunter-gathers known as the
Clovis people lived in Northern America. Ancient stone carvings in
Gobekli Tepe Temple in Turkey suggest that a comet struck Earth around
11,000 B.C..
Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis or Clovis
hypothesis posits that fragments of a large (more than 4 kilometers in
diameter), disintegrating
asteroid or comet
struck North America, South America, Europe, and western Asia about
12,800 to 11,700 years ago. Multiple
airbursts/impacts produced the Younger Dryas (YD) boundary layer (YDB),
depositing peak concentrations of platinum, high-temperature spherules,
meltglass, and nanodiamonds, forming an isochronous datum at more than
50 sites across about 50 million km² of Earth’s surface. Some scientists
have proposed that this event triggered extensive biomass burning, a
brief impact winter and the Younger Dryas abrupt climate change,
contributed to extinctions of late Pleistocene megafauna, and resulted
in the end of the
Clovis culture. The
Younger Dryas
was named after a flower (Dryas octopetala) that grows in cold
conditions and that became common in Europe during this time. The end of
the Younger Dryas, about 11,500 years ago, was particularly abrupt.
Meltwater Pulse 1B is the name used by
Quaternary geologists,
paleoclimatologists, and
oceanographers for a period of either rapid or
just accelerated post-glacial
sea level rise that some hypothesize to
have occurred between 11,500 and 11,200 years ago at the beginning of
Holocene and after the end of the Younger Dryas. Meltwater pulse 1B
is also known as catastrophic rise event 2 (CRE2) in the Caribbean Sea.
Other named, postglacial meltwater pulses are known most commonly as
meltwater pulse 1A0 (meltwaterpulse19ka), meltwater pulse 1A, meltwater
pulse 1C, meltwater pulse 1D, and meltwater pulse 2. It and these other
periods of proposed rapid sea level rise are known as meltwater pulses
because the inferred cause of them was the rapid release of meltwater
into the oceans from the collapse of continental ice sheets.
11,000 Years Ago
The last ice age ended about 11,000 years ago. Next one might be in
100,000 years.
Global sea level rose as the vast ice sheets of the last Ice Age
melted back, more than 120 meters or
393 feet.
This melt-back lasted from about 19,000 to about 6,000 years ago, meaning
that the average rate of
sea-level rise was roughly 1 meter per century.
Post-Glacial Rebound is the
rise of land masses after the lifting of
the huge weight of ice sheets during the last glacial period, which had
caused isostatic depression.
of Plants.
Holocene is the current
geological epoch. It
began approximately
11,650 cal years before
present, after the last glacial period, which concluded with the
Holocene glacial retreat.
Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch dating from the
commencement of significant human impact on Earth's geology and
ecosystems, including, but not limited to, anthropogenic
climate change.
10,000 to 5,000 BC
Mesolithic pre-agricultural material in northwest
Gobekli Tepe dates back to the 10th–8th millennium BCE. During the
first phase,
pre-pottery Neolithic A or PPNA. Circles of massive
T-shaped stone pillars were
the world's oldest known megaliths.
More than 200 pillars in about 20 circles are currently known through
geophysical surveys. Each pillar has a height of up to 6 m (20 ft) and a
weight of up to 20 tons. They are fitted into sockets that were hewn out
of the bedrock. Archaeological site is atop a mountain ridge "
Hill" in the Southeastern Anatolia Region of modern-day Turkey.
The MacCready explosion states that 10,000
years ago humans and their pets and
livestock made up 0.1% of terrestrial
vertebrate biomass, today it's 98%.
Wall of Jericho
was a Pre-Pottery Neolithic defensive or flood protection wall
suggested to date to approximately
8000 BC.
If interpreted as an "urban fortification", the Wall of Jericho is the
city wall discovered by archaeologists anywhere in the world. It
is built of undressed stones and is located at the archaeological mound
known as Tell es-Sultan, in the city of Jericho on the West Bank. The
topic of this article is the unique Neolithic-age
stone wall, the
earliest one of its kind. Other walls, such as contemporary house walls,
or later, Bronze and Iron Age city walls, are only mentioned for the
sake of context.
Early human species benefited from food diversity in steep mountainous
terrain. A new study shows that the patchwork of different
ecosystems found in mountainous regions played a key role in the
evolution of humans. Mountainous regions have enhanced biodiversity
because the changes in elevation result in shifts of the climate,
providing a range of environmental conditions under which different
plant and animal species can thrive. The decrease in topographic
adaptation around 1 million years ago roughly coincides with large-scale
reorganizations in our climate system, known as the Mid-Pleistocene
Transition. It also lines up with evolutionary events such as a recently
discovered ancestral genetic bottleneck, which drastically reduced human
diversity, and the timing of the chromosome 2 merger in hominins.
Whether this is all a coincidence, or whether the intensifying glacial
climate shifts contributed to the genetic transitions in early humans,
remains an open question.
Feline genetics help pinpoint first-ever domestication of cats. Cat
genes reveal how invention of agriculture bonded cats with people in
ancient Mesopotamia, leading to worldwide feline migration with humans.
Nearly 10,000 years ago, humans settling in the Fertile Crescent, the
areas of the Middle East surrounding the Tigris and Euphrates rivers,
made the first switch from hunter-gatherers to farmers. They developed
close bonds with the rodent-eating cats that conveniently served as
ancient pest-control in society's first civilizations. A new study found
this lifestyle transition for humans was the catalyst that sparked the
world's first domestication of cats, and as humans began to travel the
world, they brought their new feline friends along with them.
Hunter-Gatherer social ties spread pottery-making far and wide.
Analysis of more than 1,200 vessels from hunter-gatherer sites has shown
that pottery-making techniques spread vast distances over a short period
of time through social traditions being passed on.
6,000 and 10,000 Years AgoThe
OCA2 Gene mutation for
Blue Eyes occurred. Before then
there were
no blue eyes. So we went from having nobody on Earth
with blue eyes 10,000 years ago, to now having 20 or 40 percent of
Europeans having blue
eyes. Blue-eyed humans have a single,
Harran was a major
ancient city in Upper Mesopotamia whose site is in the modern city
Harran, Turkey, 44 kilometers southeast of Şanlıurfa. The location is in
the Harran district of Şanlıurfa Province. The archaeological remains
are in the ancient Harran, a major commercial, cultural, science and
religious center first inhabited in the Chalcolitic Age (6th millennium
Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor. Scientists have
tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6,000-10,000 years ago
and is the cause of the eye color of all blue-eyed humans alive on the
planet today. Originally, we all had brown eyes, but a genetic mutation
affecting the OCA2 gene in our chromosomes resulted in the creation of a
"switch," which literally "turned off" the ability to produce brown
eyes. The OCA2 gene codes for the so-called P protein, which is involved
in the production of melanin, the pigment that gives colour to our hair,
eyes and skin. The "switch," which is located in the gene adjacent to
OCA2 does not, however, turn off the gene entirely, but rather limits
its action to reducing the production of melanin in the iris --
effectively "diluting" brown eyes to blue. The switch's effect on OCA2
is very specific therefore. If the OCA2 gene had been completely
destroyed or turned off, human beings would be without melanin in their
hair, eyes or skin colour -- a condition known as albinism. Variation in
the colour of the eyes from brown to green can all be explained by the
amount of melanin in the iris, but blue-eyed individuals only have a
small degree of variation in the amount of melanin in their eyes.
4,500 and 2,000 BC
Neolithic -
Neolithic Revolution. More humans went from
hunting and gathering to one of
agriculture and
settlement, allowing the ability to support an increasingly
large population.
Ġgantija is a megalithic temple complex from the Neolithic on the
Mediterranean island of Gozo. The Ggantija temples are the earliest of
the Megalithic Temples of Malta and are older than the pyramids of
Egypt. Their makers erected the two Ggantija temples during the
Neolithic (c.
3600–2500 BC), which makes
these temples more than 5500 years old and the world's second oldest
existing manmade religious structures after Göbekli Tepe in present-day
The Myth of Man the Hunter: Women’s contribution to the hunt across
ethnographic contexts.
Female Hunters of the early Americas.
3000 BC
Bronze Age is a
period characterized by the use of bronze,
proto-writing, and other early features of urban civilization.
From Stone Tools to Metal Tools
(metal working).
Invented - The Babylonians (Iraq today) divided the day into
hours and minutes, at that time
started to notice the sun coming up regularly. That's the earliest
recorded 365 day year.
Humans understood that there were
patterns and
cycles in life, so humans created tools to help
those patterns, like
Calendars - BC,AD,CE,BCE.
is a ring of standing stones are set within earthworks in the middle of
the most dense complex of Neolithic and Bronze Age monuments in England,
including several hundred burial mounds. (3000 BC).
Indus Valley Civilization 3300–1300 BCE, regions of South Asia,
extending from what today is northeast Afghanistan to Pakistan and
northwest India.
have been built by civilizations in many parts of the world. For thousands
of years, the largest
structures on Earth were pyramids, which is a
structure whose outer surfaces are
triangular and converge to a single
point at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric
Civilization was a Mesoamerican civilization developed by
the Maya peoples, and noted for its hieroglyphic script—the only known
fully developed
writing system of the pre-Columbian Americas—as well as
for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system.
The Maya civilization developed in an area that encompasses southeastern
Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras
and El Salvador. This region consists of the northern lowlands
encompassing the Yucatán Peninsula, and the highlands of the Sierra Madre,
running from the Mexican state of Chiapas, across southern Guatemala and
onwards into El Salvador, and the southern lowlands of the Pacific
littoral plain.
Archery in Andes Mountains dated to 5,000 years ago -- earlier than
previous research.
was the first urban civilization in the historical region of southern
Mesopotamia, modern-day southern
during the Chalcolithic and Early
Bronze ages, and arguably the first
civilization in the world with Ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley. Living
along the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates,
Sumerian farmers were able
to grow an abundance of grain and other crops, the surplus of which
enabled them to settle in one place.
Proto-writing in the prehistory dates
back to c. 3000 BC. The earliest texts come from the cities of Uruk and
Jemdet Nasr and date back to 3300 BC; early
cuneiform writing emerged in
3000 BC. Modern historians have suggested that Sumer was first permanently
settled between c.
5500 and 4000 BC by a West Asian people who spoke the
Sumerian language (pointing to the names of cities, rivers, basic
occupations, etc., as evidence), an agglutinative language isolate.
900s BC 192 BC. -
was the
rigorous education and
training program mandated for all male Spartan citizens, except for
the firstborn son in the ruling houses, Eurypontid and Agiad. The training
involved learning stealth, cultivating loyalty to the Spartan group,
military training (e.g., pain tolerance), hunting, dancing, singing, and
social (communicating) preparation. The word "agoge" meant rearing in
ancient Greek, but in this context generally meant leading, guidance, or
Empire was the post-Roman Republic period of the ancient
Roman civilization, characterized by government headed by emperors and
large territorial holdings around the Mediterranean Sea in Europe, Africa
and Asia. 27 BC – 395 AD, 395–480 (Western), 395–1453 (Eastern).
(wiki) (
BC–330 AD).
Alexander the Great was a
king of the ancient Greek
kingdom of
Macedon and a member of the Argead dynasty. He was born in Pella
356 BC and succeeded his father Philip
II to the throne at the age of 20. He spent most of his ruling years on
an unprecedented military campaign through western Asia and northeast
Africa, and by the age of thirty, he had created
one of the largest empires of the ancient world, stretching from
Greece to northwestern India. He was undefeated in battle and is widely
considered one of history's most successful military commanders.
Basileus is a Greek term and title that has signified various types
monarchs in history.
Byzantine Empire
also referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire and Byzantium, was the
continuation of the Roman Empire in its eastern provinces during
Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, when its capital city was
Constantinople (modern-day
which had been founded as Byzantium). It survived the
fragmentation and fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century
AD and continued to exist for an additional thousand years until it fell
to the
Ottoman Turks in 1453. During most of its existence, the empire was
the most powerful economic, cultural, and military force in Europe. Both
"Byzantine Empire" and "Eastern Roman Empire" are historiographical terms
created after the end of the realm; its citizens continued to refer to
their empire simply as the Roman Empire (Greek: Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων, tr.
Basileia Rhōmaiōn; Latin: Imperium Romanum), or Romania (Ῥωμανία), and to
themselves as "Romans".
Angkor Wat is a temple complex in Cambodia and the largest
religious monument in the world, with the site measuring 162.6 hectares
(1,626,000 m2; 402 acres). It was originally constructed as a Hindu temple
of god Vishnu for the Khmer Empire, gradually transforming into a Buddhist
temple toward the end of the 12th century. It was built by the Khmer King
Suryavarman II in the early 12th century.
Dorset Culture was a Paleo-Eskimo culture (500 BCE–1500 CE)
that preceded the Inuit culture in Arctic North America.
refers to the group of people who spoke what is now called the
Old Norse language between the 8th and 11th centuries. The language
belongs to the North Germanic branch of the Indo-European languages, and
is the earlier form of modern Scandinavian languages.
Spheres of Costa Rica dating back to the Aguas Buenas Period (300–800
CE) and Chiriquí Period (800–1550 CE). (Diquis Spheres or Stone Balls).
Mongol Empire of the
13th and 14th centuries
was the
largest contiguous land empire in
history. Originating in Mongolia in East Asia, the Mongol Empire
eventually stretched from Eastern Europe and parts of Central Europe to
the Sea of Japan, extending northward into parts of the Arctic; eastward
and southward into the Indian subcontinent, Mainland Southeast Asia and
the Iranian Plateau; and westward as far as the Levant and the
Carpathian Mountains. The Mongol Empire emerged from the unification of
several nomadic tribes in the Mongol homeland under the leadership of
Genghis Khan (c. 1162–1227), whom a council proclaimed as the ruler
of all Mongols in 1206. The empire grew rapidly under his rule and that
of his descendants, who sent out invading armies in every direction. The
vast transcontinental empire connected the East with the West, the
Pacific to the Mediterranean, in an enforced Pax Mongolica, allowing the
dissemination and exchange of trade, technologies, commodities and
ideologies across Eurasia.
Mongolia is a landlocked country in East Asia. Its area is roughly
equivalent with the historical territory of Outer Mongolia, and that
term is sometimes used to refer to the current state. It is sandwiched
between Russia to the north and China to the south, where it neighbours
the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. Mongolia does not share a border
with Kazakhstan, although only 37 kilometres (23 mi) separate them.
are an East Asian ethnic group native to Mongolia and to China's Inner
Mongolia Autonomous Region. They also live as minorities in other.
Mongoloid is an outdated historical grouping of various people
indigenous to East Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, North Asia,
Polynesia, and the Americas.
Mongolian Idiocy refers to a specific type of mental deficiency,
associated with the genetic disorder or lack of education. Because of
it's offensive and misleading implications, it's better to say the
someone is not accurately understanding themselves or the world around
them. Not totally stupid, just stupid in certain ways.
Civilizations Collapsed.
Paleontological Research Institution
- Utilizing its unique collections, staff, physical facilities
and digital presence, the Paleontological Research Institution pursues
and integrates education and research, and interprets the history and
systems of the Earth and its life to increase knowledge, educate
society, and encourage wise stewardship of the Earth.
Archaeologists discover world's oldest wooden structure, Pre-dates Homo
sapiens. Half a million years ago, earlier than was previously
thought possible, humans were building structures made of wood,
according to new research. The research, published in the journal
Nature, reports on the excavation of well-preserved wood at the
archaeological site of Kalambo Falls, Zambia, dating back at least
476,000 years and predating the evolution of
our own species, Homo sapiens.
DNA evidence rewrites story of people buried in Pompeii eruption.
The DNA evidence revealed unexpected variations in gender and kinship,
revising the story as written since 1748. The genetic data also
underlined the cosmopolitan nature of the Roman Empire, showing that
Pompeians were mainly descended from immigrants from the eastern
Horrible Moments in History - 410 A.D.
Barbarians sacked Rome - 1348 Peak year of the Black Death - 1644
China's Ming Dynasty collapsed and the Thirty Years' War raged in Europe
- 1816 The Year Without A Summer, when a volcanic eruption in Indonesia
blocked out the sun - 1838 Trail of Tears - 1862 The darkest year of the
Civil War - 1919 The Spanish flu pandemic - 1929 The Wall Street
stock market crash - 1944 The Holocaust was at its height - 1968
Assassinations of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy - 1962 The
Cuban missile crisis - 2001 The 9/11 attacks - 2016 Donald Trump
becomes president - 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic.
Today - 2024
Since then, for thousands of years, humans have struggled to
survive, with many
civilizations failing. Even in the last 2000 years, humans
are still
struggling to survive. Humans have been suffering from
diseases, and all kinds of
catastrophes. We have made many improvements, but
we still
have many problems that we have to solve. Luckily, the Earth
during the last 5,000 years has been pretty good to us. Except
for the regular
outbursts from mother nature, we have had no major
extinction events like the previous ones,
except for the one we are currently in.
It's estimated that
106 Billion Humans
Have Lived since the beginning, and as of 2011, 94% are
Dead. That
means over
99 Billion people have lived and died
before you were born, 38 billion people have lived and died in the last
1,000 years.
So everyone is standing on the Shoulders of Giants, and
everyone is
Passing the Baton, so please make it a good one.
99.9 Percent of all Species
that have existed on Earth, are now Extinct.
We are now in the 6th
Extinction at an extremely fast rate.
Holocene 6th Extinction.
Extinctions are kind of like a computer
rebooting and life is hitting the restart button.
Inventions Timeline -
Some of our Greatest Inventions and Innovations
Corporate Takeover of America Timeline.
Corporate Takeover of America's Education System.
"You have to have something to show for your life, something
significant, something relevant, something positive. And don't
worry about the time that was wasted, think about the time that
you still have. You don't have to finish, you just have to
start, someone else will pick up where you left off, pass your baton forward."
"It's amazing to know that
everyone who has lived before 1901 is dead,
and in 120 years everyone alive today will be dead. And that's
not just 7 billion people dying, it's all the other deaths that
happened in those 120 years. If 55 million people die every
year, that's almost another 7 billion people gone. We need to
get in touch with this reality. Though our lives are temporary,
our actions could continue to do damage long after we have died.
But if our actions are positive, then life will
improve, long after we have gone."
Remember that the universe is still young and still evolving. Only eight
percent of the potentially
habitable planets that will ever form
in the universe exist today. So the bulk of possible habitable
planets - 92 percent - have yet to be born. We have a very
long future ahead us.
And after all that, here you are today....
Historical Geology principles and techniques of
geology to reconstruct
and understand the geological history of Earth.
Paleontology is the scientific study of life that
existed prior to, and sometimes including, the start of the Holocene Epoch
(roughly 11,700 years before present).
Time Measuring.
Palaeogeography is the study of historical geography,
generally physical landscapes.
History (teaching history) -
Big History ProjectThere is no such thing as stationary, everything is in constant
motion, we are in constant motion even when we sleep.
Physical stillness is an illusion, but it's an illusion we
sometimes need in order to relax and to find peace. But we have
to make sure that we fully understand that nothing can be still,
things are either getting better, or things are continually
getting worse. And in order to continually improve things, we have take
necessary actions, actions that are proven to help things get
better, if not, then things will continually get worse. I prefer
to have things continually improve and get better, it seems
natural, so why not take
the path of least resistance, it's life's natural path.
And we know from History that if you go off the path, then
adaptation is no longer available. And we are off the path on a
lot of things in our world. We need to get back on the path, and
stay connected to life's natural progression. We need to avoid
decline and retrograde. We need to stop
devolving, We need to
stop making things worse, or bad, or unnatural, or abnormal, or
unstable. Those directions are nothing but trouble. Don't be
fooled into believing that you have
fixed a problem, because
you may still be headed towards failure.
"We are either progressing
retrograding all the while. There is no such thing as
remaining stationary in this life." -
Freeman Clarke.
My Earth Time Scale (At the age
of 55 years and 5 months as of April 2016).
If I were born on the
planet Mars I would be 28 years old instead of 55.
Since I was born in 1960, my
heart has beat over 2 billion times so far after 55 years.
I have traveled 37,094,025,717 miles
through the
Universe so far.
I have traveled over 32,496,627,730 miles around the Sun so far.
I have traveled over 270,805,235,560 miles through the
Milky Way
so far.
The Earth has had 270 major eruptions so far in my life.
A Coast Redwood's Tree growth in my lifetime was 70' 10".
2 billion people have
died in my lifetime so far at 55.
106 Billion
people have lived before I was born.
World Population has increased by
4,378,974,225 in my lifetime
in 2015.
In my life there have been 122
solar eclipses so far.
Tectonic plate movement in my lifetime on the East Pacific Rise
was 27' 1".
1.4 billion lost
acres of forest were destroyed so far in my
lifetime in 2015.
1960, the
earths average temp was 57.2 in
2013, it is now 58.3 Degrees F.
What We Know So Far
Genealogy -
Blood Line
Generations -
If you look at
the human species as a whole, you can clearly see that we are in our
teenage years. We're rebellious, we're trying new things, we're
wasteful, we make many mistakes, we're irresponsible, and we are
clearly not mature enough to move out on our own.
Time - Measuring Time
is a
measurement system
and a
process for
learning and a
tool that helps us
plan and
Though the timing of
rhythms and
development are essential for
life, try not to
spend to much time
thinking about time, because
time is just one of the many tools that we have.
What is Time
Schedule -
Time Management -
Calendars -
Scale -
History -
Ages -
Universe Timeline -
Time Travel -
Time Scale is a
duration of time or
the quantity of
time, or both.
is a way of
displaying a list of events in
chronological order, sometimes
described as a project
Timestamp is a sequence of characters or
encoded information
identifying when a certain event occurred, usually giving date and time of
day, sometimes accurate to a small fraction of a
second. The term derives
from rubber stamps used in offices to stamp the
current date, and
sometimes time, in ink on paper
documents, to
record when the document was
received. Computer files contain timestamps that tell when the file was
modified, and digital
cameras add timestamps to the pictures they take, recording the date and
time the picture was taken.
Chronology is the science of arranging events in their order
of occurrence in time.
Geologic Time Scale is a system of
chronological dating
that relates geological
strata to time, and is used by geologists,
paleontologists, and other Earth scientists to describe the timing and
relationships of events that have occurred during Earth's history.
Geologic Record
in stratigraphy,
paleontology and other
natural sciences refers to the entirety of the layers of rock strata. That
is, deposits laid down by volcanism or by deposition of sediment derived
from weathering detritus (clays, sands etc.). This includes all its fossil
content and the information it yields about the history of the Earth: its
past climate, geography, geology and the evolution of life on its surface.
According to the law of superposition, sedimentary and volcanic rock
layers are deposited on top of each other. They harden over time to become
a solidified (competent) rock column, that may be intruded by igneous
rocks and disrupted by tectonic events.
Period in geology is one of several
subdivisions of geologic time
enabling cross-referencing of rocks and geologic events from place to
place. These periods form elements of a hierarchy of divisions into which
geologists have split the Earth's history. Eons and eras are larger
subdivisions than periods while periods themselves may be divided into
epochs and ages. The rocks formed during a period belong to a
stratigraphic unit called a system.
means to take a
look back at events that
already have taken place.
Billion Years is a unit of time on the
petasecond scale, more precisely equal to 3.16×1016 seconds (or
simply 1,000,000,000). It is sometimes abbreviated Gy,
Ga ("giga-annum, 10 to the 9 years"), Byr
and variants. The abbreviations Gya or bya are for "billion years ago",
i.e. billion years before present. The terms are used in geology,
paleontology, geophysics, astronomy, and physical cosmology. The prefix
giga- is preferred to billion- to avoid confusion in the long and short
scales over the meaning of billion; the postfix annum may be further
qualified for precision as a sidereal year or Julian year: 1 Gaj=3.15576×1016
s, 1 Gas=3.15581×1016 s (epoch J2000.0). 1 Gas=1×109 y. Byr was formerly
used in English-language geology and astronomy as a unit of one billion
years. Subsequently, the term gigaannum (Ga) has increased in usage,
with Gy or Gyr still sometimes used in English-language works (at the
risk of confusion with Gy as abbreviation for the gray, a unit of
radiation exposure). Astronomers use Gyr or Gy as an abbreviation for
as an abbreviation for "before the Common (or Current) Era". (
Common Era (
CE) is a calendar era that is often used as an
alternative naming of the
Anno Domini era ("in the year of the Lord"),
AD. A.D., is used to refer to
the years after the birth of Jesus. A.D. used to be "
After Death."
Before Present years is a time scale used mainly in geology
and other scientific disciplines to specify when events in the past
History of Timekeeping Devices -
Clocks -
Archaeoastronomy is the investigation of the
astronomical knowledge of prehistoric cultures and the study of how
people in the past have understood the phenomena in the sky, and how
they used these phenomena and what role the sky played in their
cultures. A common justification for the need for
astronomy is the need to develop an accurate
calendar for
agricultural reasons. Astronomical alignments are both solar and
lunar alignments built into Stonehenge. Solsticial Alignments is a line
from the monument center to the "Heelstone" points toward the location
of sunrise at the summer solstice (the northernmost sunrise of the year
and the longest day of the year). A common source of data for
archaeoastronomy is the study of alignments. This is based on the
assumption that the axis of alignment of an archaeological site is
meaningfully oriented towards an astronomical target.
Historical Astronomy (wiki).
We did not invent time, we learned
how to understand time and use it to our advantage.
Recognition -
Light -
Action Physics
is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single
interwoven continuum.
of Flight describes a variety of methods that
measure the time that it takes for an object, particle or acoustic,
electromagnetic or other wave to travel a distance through a medium.
Measuring the Age of Objects - How Old is That?
Radiocarbon Dating is a method for
determining the age of an object
containing organic material by using the properties of radiocarbon (14C),
radioactive isotope of
Carbon-14 dating is based on the fact that radiocarbon is constantly being
created in the atmosphere by the interaction of cosmic rays with
atmospheric nitrogen. The resulting radiocarbon combines with atmospheric
oxygen to form radioactive carbon dioxide, which is incorporated into
plants by photosynthesis; animals then acquire 14 C by eating the plants.
When the animal or plant dies, it stops exchanging carbon with its
environment, and from that point onwards the amount of 14 C it contains
begins to decrease as the 14 C undergoes radioactive decay. Measuring the
amount of 14 C in a sample from a dead plant or animal such as a piece of
wood or a fragment of bone provides information that can be used to
calculate when the animal or plant died. The older a sample is, the less
14 C there is to be detected, and because the
half-life of 14 C (the
period of time after which half of a given sample will have
decayed) is
about 5,730 years, the oldest dates that can be reliably measured by
radiocarbon dating are around 50,000 years ago, although special
preparation methods occasionally permit dating of older samples.
Time Travel -
Entropy -
We can't date the bones, only the place
where they were found. Magnetic fingerprint or
Paleomagnetism is the record of the
Earth's magnetic field in rocks, sediment, or
archeological materials and
Fine-tuning radiocarbon dating could 'rewrite' ancient events.
Dating is a technique used to date materials such as rocks or carbon,
in which trace radioactive impurities were selectively incorporated when
they were formed. The method compares the abundance of a naturally
radioactive isotope within the material
to the abundance of its decay products, which form at a known constant
rate of decay.
is a mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates and is a source of
the metal zirconium. The
structure of zircon is
crystal system. The natural color of zircon varies between colorless,
yellow-golden, red, brown, blue, and green. Zircon is one of the key
minerals used by geologists for
geochronology, which is why it has earned the name "
Lord" because it's so incredibly good at keeping geologic time.
The mineral is zircon, and scientists have found bits of it that
formed 4.37 billion years ago, not too long
after the proto-Earth's epic collision with a Mars-sized object that
spawned our moon. Zircon can also give scientists clues about the
conditions that existed when that zircon originally got created. Zircon
is common in the crust of Earth. It occurs as a common accessory mineral
in igneous rocks (as primary crystallization products), in metamorphic
rocks and as detrital grains in sedimentary rocks. Large zircon crystals
are rare. Because of their uranium and thorium content, some zircons
undergo metamictization. Connected to internal radiation damage, these
processes partially disrupt the crystal structure and partly explain the
highly variable properties of zircon. As zircon becomes more and more
modified by internal radiation damage, the density decreases, the
crystal structure is compromised, and the color changes. Structurally,
zircon consists of parallel chains of alternating silica tetrahedra
(silicon ions in fourfold coordination with oxygen ions) and zirconium
ions, with the large zirconium ions in eightfold coordination with
oxygen ions.
Half-Life of uranium-238 is
4.5 billion
years, it decays into redium-226, which in turn decays into redon-222.
Redon-222 becomes polonium-210, which then decays into a stable nuclide
called lead.
Decay Chain refers
to a series of radioactive decays of different radioactive decay products
as a sequential series of transformations. It is also known as a
"radioactive cascade". Most radioisotopes do not decay directly to a
stable state, but rather undergo a series of decays until eventually a
stable isotope is reached.
Archaeomagnetic Dating is the study and interpretation of the
signatures of the
Earth's Magnetic Field
at past times recorded in archaeological materials. These paleomagnetic
signatures are fixed when ferromagnetic materials such as magnetite cool
below the Curie point, freezing the magnetic moment of the material in the
direction of the local
magnetic field at that
time. The direction and magnitude of the magnetic field of the Earth at a
particular location varies with time, and can be used to constrain the age
of materials. In conjunction with techniques such as radiometric dating,
the technique can be used to construct and calibrate the geomagnetic
polarity time scale. This is one of the dating methodologies used for
sites within the last 10,000 years. The method has been conceived by E.
Thellier in the 1930s and the increased sensitivity of SQUID magnetometers
has greatly promoted its use.
Paleomagnetism is the study of the record of the
Earth's magnetic
field in rocks, sediment, or archeological materials. Magnetic minerals
in rocks can lock-in a record of the direction and intensity of the
magnetic field when they form. This record provides information on the
past behavior of Earth's magnetic field and the past location of
tectonic plates. The record of geomagnetic reversals preserved in
volcanic and sedimentary rock sequences (magnetostratigraphy) provides a
time-scale that is used as a geochronologic tool. Geophysicists who
specialize in paleomagnetism are called paleomagnetists. Paleomagnetists
led the revival of the continental drift hypothesis and its
transformation into plate tectonics. Apparent polar wander paths
provided the first clear geophysical evidence for continental drift,
while marine magnetic anomalies did the same for seafloor spreading.
Paleomagnetic data continues to extend the history of plate tectonics
back in time as it can be used to constrain the ancient position and
movement of continents and continental fragments (terranes).
Paleomagnetism relied heavily on new developments in rock magnetism,
which in turn has provided the foundation for new applications of
magnetism. These include biomagnetism, magnetic fabrics (used as strain
indicators in rocks and soils), and environmental magnetism.
Potassium–Argon Dating, abbreviated K–Ar dating, is a radiometric
dating method used in geochronology and archaeology. It is based on
measurement of the product of the
radioactive decay of an isotope of
potassium (K) into argon (Ar). Potassium is a common element found in many
materials, such as micas, clay minerals, tephra, and evaporites. In these
materials, the decay product 40Ar is able to escape the liquid (molten)
rock, but starts to accumulate when the rock solidifies (recrystallizes).
The amount of Argon sublimation that occurs is a function of the purity of
the sample, the composition of the mother material, and a number of other
factors. These factors introduce error limits on the upper and lower
bounds of dating, so that final determination of age is reliant on the
environmental factors during formation, melting, and exposure to decreased
pressure and/or open-air. Time since recrystallization is calculated by
measuring the ratio of the amount of 40Ar accumulated to the amount of 40K
remaining. The long half-life of 40K allows the method to be used to
calculate the absolute age of samples older than a few thousand years. The
quickly cooled lavas that make nearly ideal samples for K–Ar dating also
preserve a record of the direction and intensity of the local magnetic
field as the sample cooled past the Curie temperature of iron. The
geomagnetic polarity time scale was calibrated largely using K–Ar dating.
Uranium-Lead Dating is one of the oldest and most refined of the
radiometric dating schemes. It can be used to date rocks that formed and
crystallised from about 1 million years to over 4.5 billion years ago with
routine precisions in the 0.1–1 percent range. The dating method is
usually performed on the mineral
zircon. The mineral
incorporates uranium and thorium atoms into its crystal structure, but
strongly rejects lead. Therefore, one can assume that the entire lead
content of the
zircon is
radiogenic, i.e. it is produced solely by a process of radioactive decay
after the formation of the mineral. Thus the current ratio of lead to
uranium in the mineral can be used to determine its age. The method relies
on two separate decay chains, the uranium series from 238U to 206Pb, with
a half-life of 4.47 billion years and the actinium series from 235U to
207Pb, with a half-life of 710 million years. Radioactive Decay to Lead.
Frequently, the quantity of uranium 238 and lead 206 are measured for
radiometric determination of the age of rocks. The half-life with which
uranium 238 decays to form lead 206 is 4.46 billion years.
Relative Dating is the science of determining the relative order of
past events (i.e., the age of an object in comparison to another), without
necessarily determining their
absolute age (i.e. estimated age). In geology, rock or superficial
deposits, fossils and lithologies can be used to correlate one
stratigraphic column with another. Prior to the discovery of radiometric
dating in the early 20th century, which provided a means of absolute
dating, archaeologists and geologists used relative dating to determine
ages of materials. Though relative dating can only determine the
sequential order in which a series of events occurred, not when they
occurred, it remains a useful technique. Relative dating by
biostratigraphy is the preferred method in paleontology and is, in some
respects, more accurate. The Law of Superposition, which states that older
layers will be deeper in a site than more recent layers, was the summary
outcome of 'relative dating' as observed in geology from the 17th century
to the early 20th century.
Thermoluminescence Dating is the determination, by means of measuring
the accumulated
radiation dose, of the time elapsed since material
containing crystalline minerals was either heated (lava, ceramics) or
exposed to sunlight (sediments). As a crystalline material is heated
during measurements, the process of thermoluminescence starts.
Thermoluminescence emits a weak light signal that is proportional to the
radiation dose absorbed by the material. It is a type of luminescence
Thermochronology is the study of the thermal evolution of a region of
a planet. Thermochronologists use radiometric dating along with the
closure temperatures that represent the temperature of the mineral being
studied at the time given by the date recorded to understand the thermal
history of a specific rock, mineral, or geologic unit. It is a subfield
within geology, and is closely associated with geochronology. A typical
thermochronological study will involve the dates of a number of rock
samples from different areas in a region, often from a vertical transect
along a steep canyon, cliff face, or slope. These samples are then dated.
With some knowledge of the subsurface thermal structure, these dates are
translated into depths and times at which that particular sample was at
the mineral's closure temperature. If the rock is today at the surface,
this process gives the exhumation rate of the rock. Common isotopic
systems used for thermochronology include fission track dating in zircon,
apatite, titanite, natural glasses, and other uranium-rich mineral grains.
Others include potassium-argon and argon-argon dating in apatite, and (U-Th)/He
dating zircon and apatite.
Geology -
Soil -
Core Sample -
Stratigraphy is a branch of geology concerned with the study of
rock layers or
strata, and the layering or stratification. It is primarily used
in the study of sedimentary and layered
rocks. Stratigraphy has two related subfields:
lithostratigraphy (lithologic stratigraphy) and
biostratigraphy (biologic stratigraphy).
Surface Exposure Dating
is a collection of geochronological techniques for estimating the length
of time that a
rock has
been exposed at or near Earth's surface. Surface exposure dating is used
to date glacial advances and retreats, erosion history, lava flows,
meteorite impacts, rock slides, fault scarps, cave development, and other
geological events. It is most useful for rocks which have been exposed for
between 10 years and 30,000,000 years. Egypt's Pyramids are estimated to
be over 10,000 years old using weathering measurements.
Weathering is the breaking down of rocks, soil, and minerals as well
as wood and artificial materials through contact with the Earth's
atmosphere, water, and biological organisms. Weathering occurs in situ (on
site), that is, in the same place, with little or no movement, and thus
should not be confused with erosion, which involves the movement of rocks
and minerals by agents such as water, ice, snow, wind, waves and gravity
and then being transported and deposited in other locations.
Techniques for measuring rock weathering.
Unconformity is a buried
erosional or
non-depositional surface separating two rock masses or strata of different
ages, indicating that sediment deposition was not continuous. In general,
the older layer was exposed to
for an interval of time before deposition of the younger layer, but the
term is used to describe any break in the sedimentary geologic record. The
significance of angular unconformity was shown by James Hutton, who found
examples of Hutton's Unconformity at Jedburgh in 1787 and at Siccar Point
in 1788. The rocks above an unconformity are younger than the rocks
beneath (unless the sequence has been overturned). An unconformity
represents time during which no sediments were preserved in a region. The
local record for that time interval is missing and geologists must use
other clues to discover that part of the geologic history of that area.
The interval of geologic time not represented is called a hiatus. It is a
kind of relative dating.
Great Unconformity is the many unconformities or
gaps in time that are
observed in geological
which is a layer of sedimentary rock or soil, or igneous rock that were
formed at the Earth's surface, with internally consistent characteristics
that distinguish it from other layers.
Hutton's Unconformity is a geological phenomenon that marks the
location where rock formations created at different times and by different
forces adjoin. The Earth's cycle of supercontinent formation and
separation uplifts and erodes incredible extents of rock over long periods
of time. And because supercontinent processes, by definition, involve a
lot of land, their effects can appear fairly synchronous across the
geologic record. However, these processes don't happen simultaneously, as
they would in a global event like Snowball Earth.
Is the Mystery of
Earth's 1.2 Billion Missing Years Solved? | SciShow News (youtube) -
Geologists dig into Grand Canyon’s mysterious gap in time -
Beryllium-10 is a radioactive isotope of beryllium. It is
formed in the Earth's atmosphere mainly by cosmic ray spallation of
nitrogen and oxygen. Beryllium-10 has a half-life of 1.39 × 106
years, and decays by beta decay to stable boron-10 with a maximum energy
of 556.2 keV. It decays through the reaction 10Be→10B+e. Light elements in
the atmosphere react with high energy galactic cosmic ray particles.
New Method for Dating Pottery. A team has developed a new method to
date archaeological pottery using fat residues remaining in the pot wall
from cooking using molecular and isotopic evidence. The method means
prehistoric pottery can be dated with remarkable accuracy, sometimes to
the window of a human life span. Pottery found in Shoreditch, London
proven to be 5,500 years old and shows the vibrant urban area was once
used by established farmers who ate cow, sheep and goat dairy products as
a central part of their diet.
Dendrochronology is the scientific method of dating
tree rings (also called
growth rings) to the exact year they were
formed. As well as dating them this can give data for dendroclimatology,
the study of climate and atmospheric conditions during different
periods in history from wood.
Dendroclimatology is the science of determining past climates from
trees (primarily
properties of the annual
tree rings). Tree rings are wider when conditions
favor growth, narrower when times are difficult.
Bristlecone Pine or Pinus longaeva is more than 5,000 years old, making
it the oldest known individual of any species.
Molecular Clock is a figurative term for a technique that uses the
mutation rate of
biomolecules to deduce the time in prehistory when two or more life
forms diverged. The biomolecular data used for such calculations are
usually nucleotide sequences for DNA, RNA, or amino acid sequences for
proteins. The benchmarks for determining the mutation rate are often
fossil or archaeological dates. The molecular clock was first tested in
1962 on the hemoglobin protein variants of various animals, and is
commonly used in molecular evolution to estimate times of speciation or
radiation. It is sometimes called a gene clock or an evolutionary clock.
Nitrogen Isotopes or the ratio of nitrogen-15 to nitrogen-14 (δ15N),
are not used for direct "dating" in the sense of determining the
absolute age of an object, they are a valuable tool in studying past
diets and trophic levels of organisms by analyzing the nitrogen isotopic
composition of their remains, as the nitrogen isotope ratio increases
with each step up the food chain; essentially providing information
about an organism's position in the food web at a specific time period.
Key points about nitrogen isotope analysis: Stable isotope: Unlike
carbon-14 used in radiocarbon dating, nitrogen
used in analysis are stable, meaning they don't decay radioactively.
Trophic level indicator: The higher the δ15N value in an organism's
tissue, the higher its trophic level in the food chain. Applications:
Paleodietary studies: Examining the
nitrogen isotope ratios in
ancient human bones to understand their diet and reliance on
different food sources. Ecological research: Studying the food web
dynamics in different ecosystems by analyzing the nitrogen isotopes of
various organisms. Environmental monitoring: Identifying potential
sources of nitrogen pollution by analyzing the nitrogen isotope ratios
in different environmental samples.

Pyramid of Complexity
Tree of Life -
Connected -
Associations -
Time Line of the Universe.
Solar System
Solar System
is the gravitationally bound system comprising the
and the objects that
orbit it, either directly or indirectly. Of those
objects that orbit the Sun directly, the largest eight are the
planets, with the
remainder being significantly smaller objects, such as dwarf planets and
small Solar System bodies. Of the objects that
orbit the Sun indirectly, the moons, two are larger than the smallest
planet, Mercury.
Our Solar System is located in the
Arm, 26,000 light-years from the center of the
Milky Way galaxy. The name of our solar system is solar system or Sol
System. The
formation and evolution of our Solar System began
4.6 billion years
ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a giant molecular
cloud. Most of the collapsing mass collected in the center, forming the
Sun, while the rest flattened into a protoplanetary disk out of which the
planets, moons, asteroids, and other small Solar System bodies formed.

If the
Sun were the size of a
Basketball, the
Earth would be the size of a
Sesame Seed.
If the Earth were shrunk down to the size of a Basketball (
4.69 inches), the
Moon would be the size of a
Ball (Radius: 1.2768 inches, to be exact) and 23.5 feet away
(238,855.086 miles). The Sun would be a 42.6-foot sphere (source) and
located 1.7 miles away (92 million miles). (figure out the math involved).
down Version (image)
Scaling -
Atom Size -
Interesting Tidbits
The Solar System to Scale on a dry lakebed in Nevada (youtube)
Discovery of planet too big for its sun throws off solar system
formation models. Researchers report the discovery of a planet more
than 13 times as massive as Earth orbiting the "ultracool" star LHS
3154, which itself is nine times less massive than the sun. The mass
ratio of the newly found planet with its host star is more than 100
times higher than that of Earth and the sun.
Study of 'polluted' white dwarfs finds that stars and planets grow
together. A team of astronomers have found that planet formation in
our young Solar System started much earlier than previously thought,
with the building blocks of planets growing at the same time as their
parent star.
Islands of regularity discovered in the famously chaotic three-body
problem. When three massive objects meet in space, they influence
each other through gravity in ways that evolve unpredictably. In a word:
Chaos. That is the
conventional understanding. Now, a researcher has discovered that such
encounters often avoid chaos and instead follow regular patterns, where
one of the objects is quickly expelled from the system. This new insight
may prove vital for our understanding of gravitational waves and many
other aspects of the universe.
The Three-Body Problem is one of the most famous unsolvable problems
in mathematics and theoretical physics.
Planet-forming disks around very low-mass stars are different. The
results reveal the richest hydrocarbon composition seen to date in a
protoplanetary disk, including the first extrasolar detection of ethane
and a relatively low abundance of oxygen-bearing species. By including
previous similar detections, this finding confirms a trend of disks
around very low-mass stars to be chemically distinct from those around
more massive stars like the Sun, influencing the atmospheres of planets
forming there.
Scale: The Solar System (vimeo)
Eyes on the Solar System -
Orrery is a
mechanical model of the Solar System that illustrates or predicts the
relative positions and motions of the planets and moons, usually
according to the heliocentric model. It may also represent the relative
sizes of these bodies; however, since accurate scaling is often not
practical due to the actual large ratio differences, a subdued
approximation may be used instead.
Thunderbolts of the Gods (youtube)
Episode 2
Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning Scarred Planet, Mars (youtube)
Mars Scars
Jupiter was once close to Mars
Grand Tack
The Resonance Project
Are nearby planets sending radio signals to each other? Scientists
use Allen Telescope Array to search for interplanetary communications in
the TRAPPIST-1 star system.
Communicate with each other.
Could we eavesdrop on communications that pass through our solar system?
Cloud is an extended shell of icy objects that exist in the outermost
reaches of the solar system. A theoretical cloud of predominantly icy
planetesimals proposed to surround the Sun at distances ranging from
50,000 to 200,000 AU (0.8 to 3.2 ly). It is divided into two regions: a
disc-shaped inner Oort cloud (or Hills cloud) and a spherical outer Oort
cloud. Both regions lie
beyond the heliosphere and in interstellar space.
Kuiper Belt and the scattered disc, the other two reservoirs of
trans-Neptunian objects, are less than one thousandth as far from the Sun as the Oort cloud.
Voyager 1&2.
The Oort Cloud |
The Solar System's Shell (youtube) - Oct 16, 2020 What lies at the
very furthest recesses of the Solar System? Far beyond the orbit of
Neptune and the Kuiper Belt, deep into interstellar space, lies a vast,
thick shell of icy space debris. We have never seen it directly, but we
know it exists- because it is the source of the most distant
comets that we see entering the Solar System.
Why is it there?
Astronomical Unit or
AU is a unit of
measurement equal to 149.6 million kilometers, the mean distance from
the center of the
earth to the center of the
sun. One astronomical unit is the approximate mean
distance between the Earth and sun. It's
93 million miles (150 million km),
or 8 light-minutes.
is an
astronomical body orbiting a
star or stellar remnant that is massive enough to be rounded by its
own gravity, is not massive enough to cause thermonuclear fusion, and has
cleared its neighbouring region of planetesimals.
Earth -
Minor Planets -
Moon -
System is a set of gravitationally bound non-stellar objects in or out
orbit around a star or star system. Generally speaking, systems with
one or more planets constitute a planetary system, although such systems
may also consist of bodies such as
dwarf planets, asteroids, natural
meteoroids, comets, planetesimals and circumstellar disks. The
Sun together with its planetary system, which includes
Earth, is known as
the Solar System. The term exoplanetary system is sometimes used in
reference to other planetary systems. As of 1 February 2019, there are
3,976 confirmed planets in 2,971 systems, with 653 systems having more
than one planet. Debris disks are also known to be common,
though other objects are more difficult to observe. Of particular
interest to astrobiology is the habitable zone of planetary systems where
planets could have surface liquid water, and thus the capacity to
Earth-like life.
Science is the scientific study of planets (including Earth), moons,
and planetary
systems (in
particular those of the Solar System) and the processes that form them. It
studies objects ranging in size from micrometeoroids to gas giants, aiming
to determine their composition, dynamics, formation, interrelations and
history. It is a strongly interdisciplinary field, originally growing from
astronomy and earth science, but which now incorporates many disciplines,
including planetary geology (together with geochemistry and geophysics),
atmospheric science,
oceanography, hydrology, theoretical planetary science, glaciology, and
exoplanetology. Allied disciplines include space physics, when concerned
with the effects of the Sun on the bodies of the Solar System, and astrobiology.
Space -
Milky Way.
Gas Giant is a giant
planet composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.
are the gas giants of the Solar System.
Jupiter, Saturn and
Neptune are the three immense gas giants in
the outer solar system, all have atmospheres made up of mostly hydrogen. A
gas giant means that it is comprised almost entirely of gas with a liquid
core of heavy metals. Since none of the gas giants has a solid surface,
you cannot stand on any of these planets, nor can spacecraft land on them.
They do have a small rocky and metallic core, but it is buried deep in the
core planet. Jupiter is called a
failed star because it
is made of the same elements (hydrogen and helium) as is the Sun, but it
is not massive enough to have the internal pressure and temperature
necessary to cause hydrogen to fuse to helium, the energy source that
powers the sun and most other stars.
Jovian Planet is also
called a giant planet, large gaseous planet like Jupiter, Saturn,
Planet is any massive planet. They are usually primarily composed of
low-boiling-point materials (gases or ices), rather than rock or other
solid matter, but massive solid planets can also exist. There are four
known giant planets in the Solar System: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
Neptune. Many extrasolar giant planets have been identified orbiting other
stars. Giant planets are also sometimes called jovian planets, after
Jupiter. They are also sometimes known as gas giants. However, many
astronomers apply the latter term only to Jupiter and Saturn, classifying
Uranus and Neptune, which have different compositions, as ice giants.
Both names are potentially misleading: all of the giant planets consist
primarily of fluids above their critical points, where distinct gas and
liquid phases do not exist. The principal components are hydrogen and
helium in the case of Jupiter and Saturn, and water, ammonia and
methane in the case of Uranus and Neptune. The defining differences
between a very low-mass brown dwarf and a gas giant (~13 MJ) are debated.
One school of thought is based on formation; the other, on the physics of
the interior. Part of the debate concerns whether "brown dwarfs" must, by
definition, have experienced nuclear fusion at some point in their history.
Other Planets in other Solar Systems
Pluto -
Pluto's Moon Charon -
Pluto Photos -
The Year
of Pluto - NASA New Horizons (youtube)
when viewed from above its northern polar region, rotates very slowly on
its axis clockwise in the opposite direction, with a single revolution
taking about 243 Earth days or 5,832 hours and it takes longer to rotate
about its axis than any other planet in the Solar System by far. A
single day on Venus is around 4 months and
its night is 4 months or 116.75
Earth days. The Sun
on Venus rises in the west and sets in the east. Venus
orbits in a counter-clockwise direction around the Sun and takes 225
Earth days to go all the way around the sun. Venus does not have any
moons, a distinction it shares only with Mercury among the planets in
solar system. On
Mercury a day lasts 1,408 hours.
Planet is a planet that is composed primarily of silicate rocks or
metals. Within the Solar System, the terrestrial planets accepted by the
IAU are the inner planets closest to the Sun, i.e. Mercury, Venus,
Earth, and Mars. Among astronomers who use the geophysical definition of
a planet, the Moon, Io and Europa may also be considered terrestrial
planets. The terms "terrestrial planet" and "telluric planet" are
derived from Latin words for Earth (Terra and Tellus), as these planets
are, in terms of structure, Earth-like. These planets are located
between the Sun and the asteroid belt. Terrestrial planets have a solid
planetary surface, making them substantially different from the larger
gaseous planets, which are composed mostly of some combination of
hydrogen, helium, and water existing in various physical states.
Tallest Mountains in the Solar System
Latest view of
Jupiter from NASA’s Juno spacecraft
Mars Map that's Perfect everyday Earthlings
Planets that have no stars are called
Rogue Planets,
there may be billions of rogue planets in the
Milky Way.
Curiosity Mars
Rover Snaps 1.8 Billion-Pixel Panorama (narrated video) (youtube) -
Composed of more than 1,000 images and carefully assembled over the
ensuing months, the larger version of this composite contains nearly 1.8
billion pixels of
Martian landscape. NASA Curiosity Project Scientist Ashwin Vasavada guides this tour of the rover's view of the
surface. This panorama showcases "Glen Torridon," a region on the side
of Mount Sharp that Curiosity is exploring. The panorama was taken between
Nov. 24 and Dec. 1, 2019.
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Heliocentrism is the astronomical model in which the Earth
and planets revolve around the Sun at the center of the Solar System.
Copernican Heliocentrism (wiki)
Action Physics.
Why We See the Same Stars Every Night?
Not only does every planet go around the sun in the same
counter-clockwise direction, but upwards of 99% of
asteroids and other small features do too.
The Earth also rotates on its axis in a counter-clockwise direction. And
the Earth revolves around the Sun in an counter-clockwise direction. The
Sun rotates counter-clockwise. All the other major planets, and most of
the minor planets (asteroids) also orbit the Sun in an counter-clockwise
Note that this plane
of rotation in our solar system does not match up with the
overall plane of
galactic rotation,
which is clockwise. The
direction of rotation within individual star systems is largely unaffected
by the galaxy, but the systems themselves do all orbit the galactic core
in one clockwise direction? Scientists believe that on large scales the
Universe is isotropic (the same in all directions). Thus,
from our perspective, half
of all spiral galaxies should spin clockwise, and half counter-clockwise.
A recent analysis of the spin of spiral galaxies confirms this. The public
classified over 35,000 spiral galaxies with spins both clockwise and
counter-clockwise in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as part of the Galaxy
Zoo project. Scientists published the results in a recent paper and found
that the Universe is indeed isotropic - we see the same number of
clockwise as counter-clockwise spirals (within the uncertainties).
Frost Line is the boundary between mostly ice-covered objects and
mostly rock-covered objects where simple molecules condense. Inside the
frost line surfaces exposed to the Sun are warm enough for water ice to
melt or sublime readily, leaving exposed rock like our Moon. It marks
the clear separation between the terrestrial planets and the gas
planets. This particular distance in the solar nebula from the central
protostar, is cold enough for volatile compounds such as water, ammonia,
methane, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide to condense into solid ice
grains. Different volatiles have different condensation temperatures at
different partial pressures (thus different densities) in the protostar
nebula, so their respective frost lines will differ. The frost line is
also known as the snow line or ice line, which is at about 5 AU, which
is a bit closer than Jupiter, 700 million km or 434,959,834 miles.
Every Planet was visible in the sky on Dec.
28, 2022. For most of them, you won’t even need a telescope.
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn will all be visible to the
naked eye at the same time on Wednesday. As for the remote planets —
Uranus and Neptune — hobbyist astronomers can see them with the help of
a pair of binoculars or a decent
Planet Formation
Formation of the Planets. The planets are thought to have
formed from the solar nebula, the disc-shaped cloud of gas and dust left
over from the Sun's formation. The currently accepted method by which the
planets formed is accretion, in which the planets began as dust grains in
orbit around the central protostar. Through direct contact, these grains
formed into clumps up to 200 metres in diameter, which in turn collided to
form larger bodies (planetesimals) of ~10 kilometres (km) in size. These
gradually increased through further collisions, growing at the rate of
centimetres per year over the course of the next few million years. The
inner Solar System, the region of the Solar System inside 4 AU, was too
warm for volatile molecules like water and methane to condense, so the
planetesimals that formed there could only form from compounds with high
melting points, such as metals (like iron, nickel, and aluminium) and
rocky silicates. These rocky bodies would become the terrestrial planets
(Mercury, Venus,
Earth, and Mars). These compounds are quite rare in the
Universe, comprising only 0.6% of the mass of the nebula, so the
terrestrial planets could not grow very large. The terrestrial embryos
grew to about 0.05 Earth masses and ceased accumulating matter about
100,000 years after the formation of the Sun; subsequent collisions and
mergers between these planet-sized bodies allowed terrestrial planets to
grow to their present sizes. When the
terrestrial planets were forming, they remained immersed in a disk of gas
and dust. The gas was partially supported by pressure and so did not orbit
the Sun as rapidly as the planets. The resulting drag and, more
importantly, gravitational interactions with the surrounding material
caused a transfer of angular momentum, and as a result the planets
gradually migrated to new orbits. Models show that density and temperature
variations in the disk governed this rate of migration, but the net trend
was for the inner planets to migrate inward as the disk dissipated,
leaving the planets in their current orbits. The giant planets (Jupiter,
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) formed further out, beyond the frost line,
which is the point between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where the
material is cool enough for volatile icy compounds to remain solid. The
ices that formed the Jovian planets were more abundant than the metals and
silicates that formed the terrestrial planets, allowing the giant planets
to grow massive enough to capture hydrogen and helium, the lightest and
most abundant elements. Planetesimals beyond the frost line accumulated up
to 4 M within about 3 million years. Today, the four giant planets
comprise just under 99% of all the mass orbiting the Sun. Theorists
believe it is no accident that Jupiter lies just beyond the frost line.
Because the frost line accumulated large amounts of water via evaporation
from infalling icy material, it created a region of lower pressure that
increased the speed of orbiting dust particles and halted their motion
toward the Sun. In effect, the frost line acted as a barrier that caused
material to accumulate rapidly at ~5 AU from the Sun. This excess material
coalesced into a large embryo (or core) on the order of 10 M⊕, which began
to accumulate an envelope via accretion of gas from the surrounding disc
at an ever-increasing rate. Once the envelope mass became about equal to
the solid core mass, growth proceeded very rapidly, reaching about 150
Earth masses ~105 years thereafter and finally topping out at 318 M⊕.
Saturn may owe its substantially lower mass simply to having formed a few
million years after Jupiter, when there was less gas available to consume.
Inner Core.
of a Planet is witnessed by ESO Telescope that sees signs of planet
birth. The new images feature a stunning spiral of dust and gas around AB
Aurigae, located 520 light-years away from Earth in the constellation of
Auriga (The Charioteer).
Scientists may have figured out how dust particles can stick together to
form planets. In homes, adhesion on contact can cause fine particles
to form dust bunnies. Particles under microgravity develop strong
electrical charges spontaneously and stick together, forming large
aggregates. Although like charges repel, like-charged aggregates form
nevertheless, apparently because the charges are so strong that they
polarize one another and therefore act like magnets.
Protoplanetary Disk is a rotating circumstellar disk of dense gas and
dust surrounding a young newly formed star, a T Tauri star, or Herbig Ae/Be
star. The protoplanetary disk may also be considered an
accretion disk for the star itself, because gases or other material
may be falling from the inner edge of the disk onto the surface of the
star. This process should not be confused with the accretion process
thought to build up the planets themselves. Externally illuminated
photo-evaporating protoplanetary disks are called proplyds.
How Newborn Stars prepare for the Birth of Planets. Very young stars,
also called
protostars, form in clouds of gas
and dust in space. The first step in the formation of a star is when these
dense clouds collapse due to gravity. As the cloud collapses, it begins to
spin -- forming a flattened disk around the protostar. Material from the
disk continues to feed the star and make it grow. Eventually, the
left-over material in the disk is expected to form planets.
Astronomers reveal a new link between water and planet formation.
Researchers have found
water vapor in the disc
around a
young star exactly where planets
may be forming. Water is a key ingredient for life on Earth, and is also
thought to play a significant role in planet formation. Yet, until now,
we had never been able to map how
water is
distributed in a stable, cool disc -- the type of disc that offers the
most favorable conditions for planets to form around stars.
Pebble Accretion is the accretion of objects ranging from centimeters
up to meters in diameter onto planetesimals in a protoplanetary disk is
enhanced by aerodynamic drag. This drag reduces the relative velocity of
pebbles as they pass by larger bodies, preventing some from escaping the
body's gravity. These pebbles are then accreted by the body after
spiraling or settling toward its surface. This process increases the cross
section over which the large bodies can accrete material, accelerating
their growth. The rapid growth of the planetesimals via pebble accretion
allows for the formation of giant planet cores in the outer Solar System
before the dispersal of the gas disk. A reduction in the size of pebbles
as they lose water ice after crossing the ice line and a declining density
of gas with distance from the sun slow the rates of pebble accretion in
the inner Solar System resulting in smaller terrestrial planets, a small
mass of Mars and a low mass asteroid belt.
Orbiting - Round and Round We Go - Everything is Spinning
Orbit is
the gravitationally
curved path of an object about a point in space, for
example the orbit of a
planet about a
star or a natural
satellite around a
planet. Orbits of planets are typically elliptical, and the central mass
being orbited is at a focal point of the ellipse.
Foucault Pendulum is a simple device conceived in 1851 as an
experiment to demonstrate the Earth's rotation.
Earth's orbit speed around the sun is 19 miles per second.
Centrifugal Force -
Orbital Plane of a revolving body is the geometric
plane in which its orbit lies. Three
non-collinear points in space suffice to determine an orbital plane. A
common example would be the positions of the centers of a massive body
(host) and of an orbiting celestial body at two different times/points
of its orbit. The orbital plane is defined in relation to a reference
plane by two parameters: inclination (i) and longitude of the ascending
node (Ω). By definition, the reference plane for the
Solar System is
usually considered to be Earth's orbital plane, which defines the
ecliptic, the circular path on the celestial sphere that the Sun appears
to follow over the course of a year. In other cases, for instance a moon
or artificial satellite orbiting another planet, it is convenient to
define the inclination of the Moon's orbit as the angle between its
orbital plane and the planet's equatorial plane.
Accretion is the accumulation of particles into a massive object by
gravitationally attracting more matter, typically gaseous matter, in an
accretion disk. Most astronomical objects, such
as galaxies, stars, and planets, are formed by accretion processes.
Rings of Saturn
Orbital Resonance occurs when two orbiting bodies exert a regular,
gravitational influence on each other, usually because their
orbital periods are related by a
ratio of two small integers. The physics
principle behind orbital
resonance is similar in concept to pushing a
child on a swing, where the orbit and the swing both have a natural
frequency, and the other body doing the "pushing" will act in periodic
repetition to have a cumulative effect on the
motion. Orbital resonances
greatly enhance the mutual gravitational influence of the bodies, i.e.,
their ability to alter or constrain each other's orbits. Under some
circumstances, a resonant system can be self-correcting and thus stable.
Examples are the 1:2:4 resonance of Jupiter's moons Ganymede, Europa and
Io, and the 2:3 resonance between Pluto and Neptune. Unstable resonances
with Saturn's inner moons give rise to gaps in the rings of Saturn. The
special case of 1:1 resonance between bodies with similar orbital radii
causes large solar system bodies to eject most other bodies sharing
their orbits; this is part of the much more extensive process of
clearing the neighborhood, an effect that is used in the current
definition of a planet. A binary resonance ratio in this article should
be interpreted as the ratio of number of orbits completed in the same
time interval, rather than as the ratio of orbital periods, which would
be the inverse
ratio. Thus, the 2:3 ratio
above means that Pluto completes two orbits in the time it takes Neptune
to complete three. In the case of resonance relationships among three or
more bodies, either type of ratio may be used (whereby the smallest
whole-integer ratio sequences are not necessarily reversals of each
other), and the type of ratio will be specified.
Orbital Period is the time a given astronomical object takes to
complete one orbit around another object, and applies in astronomy
usually to planets or asteroids orbiting the Sun, moons orbiting
planets, exoplanets orbiting other stars, or binary stars.
Elliptic Orbit not centered, rounded like an egg.
Angular Parameters of Elliptical Orbit (image)
Circular Orbit is the orbit at a fixed distance around any point by an
rotating around a fixed axis.
Spinning Motion
(action physics) -
Angular Momentum -
Centrifugal Force
(action physics)
Orbital Mechanics is the application of ballistics and celestial
mechanics to the practical problems concerning the
motion of
rockets and
Orbiting Satellites -
Orbiting Asteroids -
Torus -
Rotate is to turn on
or around an axis or a center.
Atomic Orbital is a mathematical function that describes the wave-like
behavior of either one electron or a pair of electrons in an atom.
Orbital Inclination is the acute (smaller) angle between a
reference plane and the orbital plane or axis of direction of an object in
orbit around another object.
is the mean
plane of the apparent path in the Earth's sky that the Sun
follows over the course of one year; it is the basis of the ecliptic
coordinate system. This plane of reference is coplanar with
Earth's orbit
around the
Sun (and hence the Sun's apparent path around Earth). The
ecliptic is not normally noticeable from Earth's surface because the
planet's rotation carries the observer through the daily cycles of sunrise
and sunset, which obscure the Sun's apparent motion against the background
of stars during the year.
Ecliptic is the
great circle representing the apparent annual path of the sun. The plane
of the Earth's orbit around the sun, which makes an angle of about
degrees with the equator.
North Pole.
The shape of Earth's orbit, or
eccentricity, and the
wobble in its
rotation, or
precession, favored hotter conditions at the onset of the The
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and that these orbital
configurations together may have played a role in triggering the event.
eccentricity of an
elliptical orbit is a measure of the amount by which it deviates
from a circle.
Earth is revolving around the solar system’s
center of mass, also known as its
barycenter. This is the balancing point around which the combined
mass of every object in the solar system is evenly distributed. Due to
the planets’ constant motion, this point is always shifting. Because the
Sun has over 99% of the solar system’s total
mass, the
barycenter of the solar system is located near its surface, and
sometimes within the Sun itself. But when the barycenter is outside the
Sun, our planet is just orbiting an empty spot in space.
Planets of our solar system rotate around the sun at different speeds.
Deferent and
Epicycle meaning circle moving on another circle, was a geometric
model used to explain the variations in speed and direction of the
apparent motion of the Moon, Sun, and planets. In particular it explained
the apparent retrograde motion of the five planets known at the time.
Secondarily, it also explained changes in the apparent distances of the
planets from
Light will reach
Pluto at
different times in its orbit. At perihelion: 14,800 seconds (4 hours, 6
minutes, 40 sec). At aphelion: 24,617 seconds (6 hours, 50 minutes, 17
sec). Average: 19,680 seconds (5 hours, 28 minutes).
Richard Feynman
giving an elementary demonstration of why planets orbit in ellipses.
Feynman's Lost Lecture.
Orbital Decay is a process that leads to gradual decrease of the
distance between two orbiting bodies at their closest approach (the
periapsis) over many orbital periods. These orbiting bodies can be a
planet and its satellite, a star and any object orbiting it, or components
of any binary system. Orbits do not
decay without some
mechanism which robs energy from the orbital motion. This can be any of a
number of mechanical, gravitational, or
electromagnetic effects. For
bodies in a low Earth orbit, the most significant effect is the
atmospheric drag. If left unchecked, the decay eventually results in
termination of the orbit when the smaller object strikes the surface of
the primary; or for objects where the primary has an
atmosphere, the
smaller object burns, explodes, or otherwise breaks up in the larger
object's atmosphere; or for objects where the primary is a star, ends with
incineration by the star's radiation (such as for comets), and so on.
Collisions and mergers of two stellar-mass objects usually produce
cataclysmic effects; see stellar collision and gamma-ray burst. Due to
atmospheric drag, the lowest altitude above the Earth at which an object
in a circular orbit can complete at least one full revolution without
propulsion is approximately 150 km (90 mi).
Proper Motion
is the astronomical measure of the observed
changes in apparent positions of stars in the sky as seen from the center
of mass of the Solar System compared to the imaginary fixed background of
the more distant stars.
Earth and Venus Orbit (image)
Apparent Retrograde Motion is the apparent motion of a
planet in a direction opposite to that of other bodies within its system,
as observed from a particular vantage point. Direct motion or prograde
motion is
motion in the same direction as other bodies.
Retrograde and Prograde Motion is motion in the direction
opposite to the movement of something else and the contrary of direct or
prograde motion. This motion can be the
orbit of one body about another
body or about some other point, or the rotation of a single body about its
axis, or other phenomena such as precession or nutation of the axis. In
reference to celestial systems, retrograde motion usually means motion
which is contrary to the rotation of the primary, that is, the object
which forms the system's hub.
Planetary Migration occurs when a planet or other stellar
satellite interacts with a disk of gas or planetesimals, resulting in the
alteration of the satellite's orbital parameters, especially its
semi-major axis. Planetary migration is the most likely explanation for
hot Jupiters, extrasolar planets with jovian masses, but orbits of only a few days.
Celestial Mechanics is the branch of
that deals with the motions of objects in outer space. Historically,
celestial mechanics applies principles of physics (classical mechanics)
to astronomical objects, such as stars and planets, to produce ephemeris
Tidal Force is a force that stretches a body towards and away from
the center of mass of another body due to a gradient (difference in
strength) in gravitational field from the other body; it is responsible
for diverse phenomena, including tides, tidal locking, breaking apart of
celestial bodies and formation of ring systems within the Roche limit,
and in extreme cases, spaghettification of objects. It arises because
the gravitational field exerted on one body by another is not constant
across its parts: the nearest side is attracted more strongly than the
farthest side. It is this difference that causes a body to get
stretched. Thus, the tidal force is also known as the differential
force, as well as a secondary effect of the gravitational field. In
celestial mechanics, the expression tidal force can refer to a situation
in which a body or material (for example, tidal water) is mainly under
the gravitational influence of a second body (for example, the Earth),
but is also perturbed by the gravitational effects of a third body (for
example, the
Moon). The perturbing force is sometimes in such cases
called a tidal force (for example, the perturbing force on the Moon): it
is the difference between the force exerted by the third body on the
second and the force exerted by the third body on the first.
Occultation is an event that occurs when one object is hidden by
another object that passes between it and the observer. The term is often
used in astronomy, but can also refer to any situation in which an object
in the foreground blocks from view (occults) an object in the background.
In this general sense, occultation applies to the visual scene observed
from low-flying aircraft (or computer-generated imagery) when foreground
objects obscure distant objects dynamically, as the scene changes over
Interaction is an interaction of a particle's
spin with its
motion. The first
and best known example of this is that spin–orbit interaction causes
shifts in an
electron's atomic energy
levels due to
electromagnetic interaction
between the
electron's spin and the magnetic field generated by the
electron's orbit around the nucleus. This is detectable as a splitting of
spectral lines, which can be thought of as a Zeeman Effect due to the
internal field. A similar effect, due to the relationship between angular
momentum and the strong nuclear force, occurs for protons and neutrons
moving inside the nucleus, leading to a shift in their energy levels in
the nucleus shell model. In the field of spintronics, spin–orbit effects
for electrons in
semiconductors and other materials are explored for
technological applications. The spin–orbit interaction is one cause of magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
System's Motion through Space: The Resonance Project /
Nassim Haramein (youtube) -
Interesting Theory's
Helical Model - Our Solar System is a Vortex (youtube)
Helical Model - our Galaxy is a Vortex (youtube)
The above videos are not totally accurate,
for all intensive purposes, it's good enough for now.
Torus -
Spacetime Manifold (youtube)
Helix is a type of smooth space curve, i.e. a curve in
three-dimensional space. It has the property that the tangent line at any
point makes a constant angle with a fixed line called the axis.
Axial Tilt
also known as obliquity, is the angle between an object's rotational axis
and its orbital axis, or, equivalently, the angle between its equatorial
plane and orbital plane. It differs from orbital inclination.
Axial Precession is a gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in
the orientation of an astronomical body's
rotational axis. In particular,
it can refer to the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth's axis of
rotation, which, similar to a
wobbling top, traces out a pair of cones
joined at their apices in a cycle of approximately
26,000 years.
Through each 26,000-year cycle, the direction in the sky to which the
Earth's axis points goes around a big circle. The period of one complete
cycle of the equinoxes around the ecliptic, or about 25,800 years". A more
precise figure of 25,772 years is currently accepted.
Great Year is the
period of one complete cycle of the
equinoxes around the ecliptic, or
about 25,800 years.
Binary Star.
Precession is a change in the orientation of the rotational axis of a
rotating body. In an appropriate reference frame it can be defined as a
change in the first Euler angle, whereas the third Euler angle defines the
rotation itself. The rate of precession at 1 degree per 72 years.
Age of Aquarius is an
astrological term denoting either the current or
forthcoming astrological age, depending on the method of calculation.
Astrologers maintain that an astrological age is a product of the earth's
precessional rotation and lasts for 2,160 years, on average
26,000-year period of precession /
12 zodiac signs = 2,160 years). There
are various methods of calculating the length of an astrological age. In
sun-sign astrology, the first sign is Aries, followed by Taurus, Gemini,
Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and
Pisces, whereupon the cycle returns to Aries and through the zodiacal
signs again. Astrological ages, however, proceed in the opposite direction
("retrograde" in astronomy). Therefore, the Age of Aquarius follows the
Age of Pisces.
5th Dimension - Age of Aquarius - 1969 (youtube).
Galaxies - Milky Way
Galaxy is a gravitationally bound system of
stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and
dark matter in the
Universe. There are at least 2 trillion galaxies
in the
observable universe.
Satellites -
Telescopes -
Locating Planets
Galaxy Zoo helps
to classify
Galaxies - The
Zooniverse is a
collection of web-based
citizen science
projects that use the efforts and abilities of volunteers to help
researchers deal with the flood of data that confronts them.
Astronomers discover 49 new galaxies in under three hours. An
international team of astronomers has discovered 49 new gas-rich
galaxies using the MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa.
Milky Way
is the galaxy that contains our
system. The Milky Way is a combination of smaller galaxies that were
absorbed over billions of years. Our galaxy contains 200–400 billion
stars, with at least 50
planets, 500 million of which could be located in the
habitable zone of their parent
We have estimated the size of our galaxy to be around 125,000
light years in
diameter. But the latest evidence may bring that size to
almost 150,000 light-years in
The Milky Way's
black hole is 26,000 light years away.
Space -
Dark Matter
Milky Way is a
barred spiral galaxy with 4 galactic arms. Our solar system
is on the edge of a
small arm
called the
arm. The milky way is estimated to be about
billion years old.
New evidence of how and when the Milky Way came together. Aging
individual stars helped date an early merger event, including the merger
with a key satellite galaxy. Using relatively new methods in astronomy,
the researchers were able to identify the most precise ages currently
possible for a sample of about a hundred red giant stars in the galaxy.
The study also used a
survey, called APOGEE, which provides the chemical composition of
stars -- another aid in determining their ages. With this and other
data, the researchers were able to show what was happening when the
Milky Way merged with an orbiting satellite galaxy, known as Gaia-Enceladus,
about 10 billion years ago.
Two of the Milky Way's earliest building blocks identified.
Astronomers have identified what could be two of the Milky Way's
earliest building blocks: Named 'Shakti' and 'Shiva', these appear to be
the remnants of two galaxies that merged between 12 and 13 billion years
ago with an early version of the Milky Way, contributing to our home
galaxy's initial growth. The new find is the astronomical equivalent of
archeologists identifying traces of an initial settlement that grew into
a large present-day city.
Milky Way churns out Seven New Stars Per Year, Scientists
Say with
enough dust and gas to make billions more.
Starburst Galaxy is one undergoing an exceptionally high rate of
star formation, as compared to the
long-term average rate of star formation in the galaxy or the
star formation rate observed in most other
galaxies. Some galaxies make only one star a year.
Newly discovered adolescent star Gaia 17bpi seen undergoing 'growth spurt'.
Star Formation burst in the Milky Way 2-3 billion years ago. More than
50 percent of the stars that created the galactic disc may have been born.
Star formation seems to happen in cycles.
Astronomers' theory of how galaxies formed may be upended. New
research questions standard model. The standard model for how galaxies
formed in the early universe predicted that the
James Webb Space
Telescope would see dim signals from small, primitive galaxies. But data
are not confirming the popular hypothesis that invisible dark matter
helped the earliest stars and galaxies clump together. Instead, the
oldest galaxies are large and bright, in agreement with an alternate
theory of gravity.
Hubble finds a black hole igniting star formation in a dwarf galaxy.
The connection between the black hole and a neighboring star forming
region located 230 light-years from the black hole, is an
outflow of gas stretching across space like an
umbilical cord to a bright stellar nursery. The region was already home
to a dense cocoon of gas when the low-velocity outflow arrived. Hubble
spectroscopy shows the outflow was moving about 1 million miles per
hour, slamming into the
dense gas like a garden hose
hitting a pile of dirt and spreading out. Newborn star clusters dot the
path of the outflow's spread, their ages also calculated by Hubble. This
is the opposite effect of what's seen in larger galaxies, where material
falling toward the black hole is whisked away by surrounding magnetic
fields, forming
blazing jets of plasma moving at
close to the speed of light. Gas clouds caught in the jets' path would
be heated far beyond their ability to cool back down and form stars. But
with the less-massive black hole in Henize 2-10, and its gentler
outflow, gas was compressed just enough to precipitate new star
Hubble Examines a Star-Forming Chameleon.
Our sun was born
in a giant gas cloud cluster alongside with thousands of other stars,
with each star being a little different or very different than our sun.
Some stars stay together as binaries, but the stars gravitational
influence and gravitational perturbations can make the stars disperse
and force stars to spread out and drift apart.
Conservation -
Star Formation.
Dwarf Galaxies that are less evolved have bigger regions of star
factories, with higher rates of star formation. In these relatively
pristine dwarf galaxies, massive stars--stars about 20 to 200 times the
mass of our sun--collapse into black holes instead of exploding as
supernovae. But in more evolved, polluted galaxies, like our Milky Way,
they are more likely to explode, thereby generating a collective
superwind. Gas and dust get blasted out of the galaxy, and star
formation quickly stops.
Plasma -
Cosmic Winds -
Lifespan of AtomsBut what shuts down
star formation in galaxies? Galaxies originally form when
large clouds of hydrogen gas collapse and are converted into
stars, if you remove that gas, the
galaxy cannot grow further.
Milky Way's graveyard of dead stars found,
once massive suns
that have since collapsed into black holes and neutron stars.
Astronomers spot oldest 'dead' galaxy yet observed. A galaxy that
suddenly stopped forming new stars more than 13 billion years ago has
been observed by astronomers. Using the James Webb Space Telescope,
astronomers have spotted a 'dead' galaxy when the universe was just 700
million years old, the oldest such galaxy ever observed.
Astronomers discover newborn galaxies with the
James Webb Space Telescope.
Radcliffe Wave is the nearest coherent gaseous structure in the
Milky Way, dotted with a related high concentration of interconnected
stellar nurseries. It stretches about 8,800 light years. It runs with
the trajectory of the Milky Way arms, and lies at its closest (the
Taurus Molecular Cloud) at around 400 light-years and at its farthest
about 5000 light-years (the Cygnus X star complex) from the Sun, always
within the Local Arm (Orion Arm) itself, spanning about 40% of its
length and on average 20% of its width. Its discovery was announced in
January 2020 and its proximity surprised astronomers.
Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy is an elliptical loop-shaped
satellite galaxy of the Milky Way. It
contains four globular clusters, with the brightest of them – NGC 6715
(M54) – being known well before the discovery of the galaxy itself in
1994. Sgr dSph is roughly 10,000 light-years in diameter, and is
currently about 70,000 light-years from Earth, travelling in a polar
orbit (an orbit passing over the Milky Way's galactic poles) at a
distance of about 50,000 light-years from the core of the Milky Way
(about one third of the distance of the Large Magellanic Cloud). In its
looping, spiraling path, it has passed through the plane of the Milky
Way several times in the past. In 2018 the Gaia project of the European
Space Agency showed that Sgr dSph had caused perturbations in a set of
stars near the Milky Way's core, causing unexpected rippling movements
of the stars triggered when it moved past the Milky Way between 300 and
900 million years ago.
The Milky Way has Satellite Galaxies with their own Satellites.
Drawing from data on those galactic neighbors, a new model suggests the
Milky Way should have an additional 100 or so very faint
satellite galaxies awaiting discovery.
Is the Milky Way an ‘outlier’ galaxy? Studying its ‘siblings’ for clues.
Satellite Galaxy
is a smaller companion galaxy that travels on bound orbits within the
gravitational potential of a more massive and
luminous host galaxy (also known as the primary galaxy). Satellite
galaxies and their constituents are bound to their host galaxy, in the
same way that planets within our own solar system are gravitationally
bound to the Sun. While most satellite galaxies are dwarf galaxies,
satellite galaxies of large galaxy clusters can be much more massive. The
Milky Way is orbited by about fifty satellite galaxies, the largest of
which is the
Large Magellanic Cloud.
Massive Galaxies are Still Forming. NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer
has spotted what appear to be massive “baby” galaxies in our corner of the
universe. Previously, astronomers thought the universe’s birth rate had
dramatically declined and only small galaxies were forming. If these galaxies are indeed newly formed, then
this implies parts of the universe are still hotbeds of galaxy birth.
There are three-dozen bright, compact galaxies that greatly resemble the
youthful galaxies of more than 10 billions years ago. These new galaxies
are relatively close to us, ranging from two to four billion light-years
away. They may be as young as 100 million to one billion years old. The
Milky Way is approximately 10 billion years old.
NASA’s Galaxy Evolution Explorer is an orbiting ultraviolet space
telescope launched on April 28, 2003, and operated until early 2012.
Staggering structure in 19 nearby spiral galaxies (2024)
Galaxy Formation and Evolution is concerned with the processes that
formed a heterogeneous universe from a homogeneous beginning, the
formation of the first galaxies, the way galaxies change over time, and
the processes that have generated the variety of structures observed in
nearby galaxies. Galaxy formation is hypothesized to occur from structure
formation theories, as a result of tiny quantum fluctuations in the
aftermath of the Big Bang. The simplest model in general agreement with
observed phenomena is the Lambda-CDM model—that is, that clustering and
merging allows galaxies to accumulate mass, determining both their shape
and structure.
Distant colliding galaxy dying out as it
loses the ability to form stars.
Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA),
astronomers have seen a galaxy
ejecting nearly
half of its star-forming gas. This ejection is happening at a
startling rate, equivalent to 10,000 Suns-worth of gas a year. The team
believes that this event was triggered by a collision with another
Discovery of massive early galaxies defies prior understanding of the
universe. Using the first dataset released from NASA's James Webb
Space Telescope, the international team of scientists discovered objects
as mature as the Milky Way when the universe was only 3% of its current
age, about 500-700 million years after the Big Bang. The telescope is
equipped with infrared-sensing instruments capable of detecting light
that was emitted by the most ancient stars and galaxies. Essentially,
the telescope allows scientists to see back in time roughly 13.5 billion
years, near the beginning of the universe as we know it.
Does the farthest galaxy away from earth see only stars
in one direction, with
one direction seeing
nothing but a black abyss? GN-z11 is currently the oldest and
most distant known galaxy in the observable universe reported as 13.4
billion light-years, just 400 million years after the Big Bang.
The farthest star ever observed, a bright dot 9 billion light-years away
If Light from a Galaxy is 14
Billon years old, that
means if you go there now, it
may not be there. It's been traveling for
14 billion years and it will not be in the same place or even look the
same as it did 14 billon years ago.
Astronomers detect most distant fast radio burst to date. European
Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in a galaxy so far away that
its light took eight billion years to reach us. The FRB is also one of
the most energetic ever observed; in a tiny fraction of a second it
released the equivalent of our Sun's total emission over 30 years.
Star Explodes in the Milky Way Galaxy about once every 50 years.
Catching a
GLIMPSE of the Milky Way (youtube) -
The Milky Way as
You’ve Never Seen It Before – AMNH SciCafe (youtube)
The Center of the
Milky Way Tastes Like Raspberries. Astronomers reported that
Sagittarius B2, a dust cloud at the center of the Milky Way, includes the
ethyl formate, which is one of the compounds behind the flavor of
raspberries and the scent of rum. Is the
Milky Way
Galaxy the center of the
Monoceros Ring is a long, complex, ringlike filament of
stars that wraps around the Milky Way three times.
solar system orbits around the center of
the Milky Way Galaxy at an average velocity of
828,000 km/hr. But even at
that high rate, it still takes us about 230 million years to make one
orbit around the Milky Way. The Milky Way is moving at a rate of
552 to 630 km per second, being pushed away from the
local void at 600,000 mph with respect to this local
co-moving frame of reference sideways stellar motion.
solar system travels at
447,000 MPH and takes 250 Million
years to complete one Galactic Rotation.
Rotation Curve of a disc galaxy (also called a velocity curve) is a
plot of the
orbital speeds of visible stars or gas in that galaxy versus
their radial distance from that galaxy's centre.
Galactic Year is the duration of time required for the
orbit once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Estimates of the
length of one orbit range from 225 to 250 million terrestrial years. The
Solar System is traveling at an average speed of 828,000 km/h (230 km/s)
or 514,000 mph (143 mi/s) within its trajectory around the galactic
center, a speed at which an object could circumnavigate the Earth's
equator in 2 minutes and 54 seconds; that speed corresponds to
approximately one 1300th of the speed of light.
Shedding light on Galaxies’ Rotation Secrets.
earth takes one day to
rotate, spins 1,050 MPH and travels 67,000 miles per hour.
Earth orbits the Sun once every 366.26 times it rotates about
its own axis, which is equal to 365.26
Solar Days.
is moving 486,000 Mph.
Halo Stars or outer disk stars, are the stars bordering the outer
reaches of Segmentum Obscurus.
Galactic Halo extends beyond the main, visible component.
Video of Space at Night shows Rotation of Earth
Great Attractor is a
gravitational anomaly in intergalactic
space at the center of the Laniakea Supercluster that reveals the
existence of a localised concentration of mass tens of thousands of times
more massive than the Milky Way.
Higgs Boson (Hadron Collider)
Galactic Coordinate System
Celestial Navigation
Google Sky -
Galaxy Rotation Curve is a plot of the orbital speeds of
visible stars or gas in that galaxy versus their radial distance from that
galaxy's centre. It is typically rendered graphically as a plot.
Dwarf Galaxy is a
small galaxy composed of up to several
billion stars, a small number compared to the Milky Way's 200–400 billion stars.
Antlia 2
or Ant 2 is a low-surface-brightness dwarf satellite galaxy of the
Milky Way at a galactic latitude of 11.2°. It spans 1.26° in the sky just
southeast of Epsilon Antliae. The galaxy is similar in size to the Large
Magellanic Cloud, despite being 10,000 times fainter. Antlia 2 has the
lowest surface brightness of any galaxy discovered and is ~ 100 times more
diffuse than any known ultra diffuse galaxy. It was discovered by the
European Space Agency's Gaia spacecraft in November 2018. It has an
extremely low density as well as a perfect hiding place in the Zone of
Avoidance, behind the shroud of the Milky Way’s disc–a region full of dust
and an overabundance of bright stars near the galactic center. This is
what we call a ghost of a galaxy.
Oddball Galaxy NGC 1052-DF2, doesn't have a noticeable central region,
or even spiral arms and a disk, typical features of a spiral galaxy.
The photo on the right, in about 4 Billion years from now, the
Galaxy Andromeda and the
Milky Way will come in contact with each other to form one big Galaxy.
But the chance of even two stars colliding is
negligible because of the huge distances between the stars. The
Andromeda Galaxy,
2.5 million light-years from Earth, contains about 1 trillion stars and the Milky
Way contains about 300 billion. In order to see this image above would
mean that Andromeda Galaxy is still around 100,000 light years away.
Andromeda and Milky Way Collision (wiki) -
Gif of Galaxies Colliding.
There are about 50 Galaxies that we know of Circling the Milky way.
Laniakea Supercluster is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the
Milky Way and approximately 100,000 other nearby galaxies.
Supercluster is a large group of smaller galaxy clusters or galaxy
groups, which is among the largest-known structures of the cosmos. The
Milky Way is part of the Local Group galaxy cluster (that contains more
than 54 galaxies), which in turn is part of the
Laniakea Supercluster with approximately 100,000 other nearby galaxies.
This supercluster spans over 500 million light-years, while the Local
Group spans over 10 million light-years. The number of superclusters in
the observable universe is estimated to be 10 million.
Virgo Supercluster (wiki)
Great Attractor.
Coma Cluster is a large cluster of galaxies that contains over 1,000 identified galaxies.
Globular Cluster is a spherical collection of stars that orbits a
galactic core as a satellite. Globular clusters are very tightly bound
by gravity, which gives them their spherical shapes and relatively high
stellar densities toward their centers. Globular clusters, which are found
in the halo of a galaxy, contain considerably more stars and are much
older than the less dense galactic, or open clusters, which are found in
the disk. The galactic halo is an extended, roughly spherical component of
a galaxy which extends beyond the main, visible component. Several
distinct components of galaxies comprise the halo: the galactic spheroid
(stars). the galactic corona (hot gas, i.e. a plasma). the dark matter
halo. The distinction between the halo and the main body of the galaxy is
clearest in spiral galaxies, where the spherical shape of the halo
contrasts with the flat disc. In an elliptical galaxy, there is no sharp
transition between the body of the galaxy and the halo.
Clouds are two irregular dwarf galaxies visible from the
southern hemisphere; they are members of the Local Group and are orbiting
the Milky Way galaxy. Because they both show signs of a bar structure,
they are often reclassified as Magellanic spiral galaxies. The two
galaxies are: Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), approximately 160,000
light-years away. Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC), approximately 200,000
light years away.
look at the ATLASGAL image of the plane of the Milky Way (youtube)
In around 1.2 million years from now
a star will come close to ours.
There are 52 stellar systems beyond our own Solar system that currently
lie within 5.0 parsecs (16.3 light-years) of the Sun. These systems
contain a total of 63 stars, of which 50 are red dwarfs, by far the most
common type of star in the Milky Way. Much more massive stars, such as our
own, make up the remaining 13. In addition to these "true" stars, there
are 11 brown dwarfs (objects not quite massive enough to fuse hydrogen),
and 4 white dwarfs (extremely dense objects that remain after stars such
as our Sun exhaust all fusable hydrogen in their core and slowly shed
their outer layers while only the collapsed core remains). Despite the
relative proximity of these objects to Earth, only nine (not including the
Sun) are brighter than 6.5 apparent magnitude, the dimmest magnitude
visible to the naked eye from Earth. All of these objects are located in
the Local Bubble, a region within the Orion–Cygnus Arm of the Milky Way.
Based on results from the
Gaia telescope's
second data release from April 2018,
an estimated
694 stars will possibly approach the Solar system to less than 5.0
parsecs (16 light-years) over the next 15 million years. Of these,
26 have a good probability to come within 1.0
parsec (3.3 light-years) and another 7 within 0.5 parsecs (1.6
light-years). This number is likely much higher, due to the sheer
number of stars needed to be surveyed; a star approaching the Solar System
10 million years ago, moving at a typical Sun-relative 20–200 kilometers
per second, would be 600–6,000 light years from the Sun at present day,
with millions of stars closer to the Sun. The closest encounter to the Sun
so far predicted is the low-mass orange dwarf star Gliese 710 / HIP 89825
with roughly 60% the mass of the Sun. It is currently predicted to pass
19,300 ± 3,200 astronomical units (0.305 ± 0.051 light-years) from the Sun
in 1.280+0.041−0.039 million years from the present, close enough to
significantly disturb our Solar System's Oort cloud. The easiest way to
determine stellar distance to the Sun for objects at these distances is
parallax, which measures how much stars appear to move against background
objects over the course of Earth's orbit around the Sun. As a parsec
(parallax-second) is defined by the distance of an object that would
appear to move exactly one second of arc against background objects, stars
less than 5 parsecs away will have measured parallaxes of over 0.2
arcseconds, or 200 milliarcseconds. Determining past and future positions
relies on accurate astrometric measurements of their parallax and total
proper motions (how far they move across the sky due to their actual
velocity relative to the Sun), along with spectroscopically determined
radial velocities (their speed directly towards or away from us, which
combined with proper motion defines their true movement through the sky
relative to the Sun). Both of these measurements are subject to increasing
and significant errors over very long time spans, especially over the
several thousand-year time spans it takes for stars to noticeably move
relative to each other.
Quantum Fluctuation is the temporary change in the amount of energy in
a point in space. This allows the creation of particle-antiparticle pairs
of virtual particles.
Galactic bubbles are more complex than imagined. Fresh look at old
data reveals novel details about galactic formation. Astronomers have
revealed new evidence about the properties of the giant bubbles of
high-energy gas that extend far above and below the
Milky Way galaxy's center.
Bubbles are two enormous orbs of gas and cosmic rays that tower
over the Milky Way. Fermi bubbles are two large structures in gamma-rays
above and below the Galactic center. They are associated with the
microwave haze around the Galactic center discovered in the WMAP data
and recently confirmed in the Planck data.
eRosita Bubbles are about two times the
size of the Fermi bubbles and are expanded by the wave of energy, or a
Local Bubble is a relative cavity in the interstellar medium of the
Orion Arm in the Milky Way. It contains the closest of celestial
neighbors and among others, the Local Interstellar Cloud (which contains
the Solar System), the neighboring G-Cloud, the Ursa Major moving group
(the closest stellar moving group) and the Hyades (the nearest open
cluster). It is estimated to be at least 1000 light years in size, and
is defined by its neutral-hydrogen density of about 0.05 atoms/cm3, or
approximately one tenth of the average for the ISM in the Milky Way (0.5
atoms/cm3), and one sixth that of the Local Interstellar Cloud (0.3
Circumgalactic medium is
a massive multiphase gas reservoir that resides within the virial radius
of their galaxies. The evolution of galaxies is directly linked to the gas reservoirs surrounding them.
"I was given something wonderful, something that changed me forever. A
vision of the universe."
Quote from the 1997 Film "Contact".
Astronomy - Universe Studies
Astronomy is a natural
science that
studies celestial objects and phenomena. It applies
physics, and
chemistry, in
an effort to explain the origin of those objects and phenomena and their
evolution. The objects of interest include
galaxies, and
comets; while the phenomena include supernovae explosions,
gamma ray bursts, and cosmic microwave background radiation. More
generally all astronomical phenomena that originate outside Earth's
atmosphere is within the preview of astronomy. A related but distinct
subject, physical cosmology, is concerned with the study of the Universe
as a whole.
Ask an Astronomer at Cornell University -
The National Radio Astronomy Observatory.
Astronomical is something that relates to
the science of astronomy. Something inconceivably
Astrometry is the branch of astronomy that involves
measurements of the positions and
movements of stars and other celestial
bodies. The information obtained by astrometric measurements provides
information on the kinematics and physical origin of the
solar system and
our galaxy, the
Milky Way.
Calendars -
Astronomical Clock.
Observable Universe are only the things that we can
see with our eyes or detect using our
instruments. There are things that we can't
see or detect. We can theorize about all the things that are
beyond our perception and
beyond our comprehension, but
we can't be sure or be positive about things that we can't see or
detect. All we can do is
build better
instruments and keep educating ourselves so that we
keep building on all
the knowledge and information that we have accumulated so far. We
will continue to discover new things and advance and develop, but only
if we
keep asking
questions and continue to look for answers to our questions.
Learning is the path, learning is the way,
learning is what we do to be the
best that we can be. So what's next? Everything.
Observable Universe is a spherical region of the universe comprising
all matter that can be observed from Earth or its
space-based telescopes
and exploratory probes at the present time, because electromagnetic
radiation from these objects has had time to reach the Solar System and
Earth since the beginning of the cosmological expansion.
There are at
least 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Assuming the
universe is isotropic, the distance to the edge of the observable universe
is roughly the
same in every direction. That is, the observable universe
has a spherical volume (
a ball) centered on the observer. Every location
in the universe has its own observable universe, which may or may not
overlap with the one centered on Earth.
Observational Astronomy is a division of astronomy that is concerned
with recording data about the
observable universe, in contrast with
theoretical astronomy, which is mainly concerned with calculating the
measurable implications of physical models. It is the practice and study
of observing celestial objects with the use of
telescopes and other
astronomical instruments. As a science, the study of astronomy is somewhat
hindered in that direct experiments with the properties of the distant
universe are not possible. However, this is partly compensated by the fact
that astronomers have a vast number of visible examples of stellar
phenomena that can be examined. This allows for observational data to be
plotted on graphs, and general trends recorded. Nearby examples of
specific phenomena, such as variable stars, can then be used to infer the
behavior of more distant representatives. Those distant yardsticks can
then be employed to measure other phenomena in that neighborhood,
including the distance to a galaxy. Galileo Galilei turned a
telescope to
the heavens and recorded what he saw. Since that time, observational
astronomy has made steady advances with each improvement in telescope
Tiny1: The World's Smallest Astronomy Camera -
Worlds Most Powerful 3.2-Gigapixel Digital Camera.
Astronomer is a
scientist in the field of
astronomy who focuses their studies on a specific question or field
outside the scope of Earth. They observe astronomical objects such as
stars, planets, moons, comets and galaxies – in either observational (by
analyzing the data) or theoretical astronomy. Examples of topics or
fields astronomers study include planetary science, solar astronomy, the
origin or evolution of stars, or the formation of galaxies. Related but
distinct subjects like physical cosmology, which studies the Universe as
a whole. Astronomers usually fall under either of two main types:
observational and theoretical. Observational astronomers make direct
observations of celestial objects and analyze the data. In contrast,
theoretical astronomers create and investigate models of things that
cannot be observed. Because it takes millions to billions of years for a
system of stars or a galaxy to complete a life cycle, astronomers must
observe snapshots of different systems at unique points in their
evolution to determine how they form, evolve, and die. They use these
data to create models or simulations to theorize how different celestial
objects work. Further subcategories under these two main branches of
astronomy include planetary astronomy, galactic astronomy, or physical
Stargazer is a
physicist who studies astronomy. Someone who
is not distracted by a busy world.
Uranologist is a physicist who studies astronomy.
ethnoastronomy or
cultural astronomy, are concerned
with humankind's perceptions and understanding of astronomical
phenomena, throughout human history and among all cultures.
Archaeoastronomy is the interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary study of
how people in the past "have understood the phenomena in the sky, how
they used these phenomena and what role the sky played in their
Astrology is the study of the movements and relative
positions of
celestial objects as a means for divining information about
human affairs and terrestrial events.
Horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the
positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive
angles at the time of an event, such as the moment of a person's birth.
Asterism is a popularly known pattern or group of stars that can be
seen in the night sky. This colloquial definition makes it appear quite
similar to a constellation, but they differ mostly in that a constellation
is an officially recognized area of the sky, while an asterism is a
visually obvious collection of stars and the lines used to mentally
connect them; as such, asterisms do not have officially determined
boundaries and are therefore a more general concept which may refer to any
identified pattern of stars. This distinction between terms remains
somewhat inconsistent, varying among published sources. An asterism may be
understood as an informal group of stars within the area of an official or
defunct former constellation. Some include stars from more than one
constellation. Asterisms range from simple shapes of just few stars to
more complex collections of many bright stars. They are useful for people
who are familiarizing themselves with the night sky. For example, the
asterisms known as The Plough (Charles' Wain, the Big Dipper, etc.)
comprises the seven brightest stars in the International Astronomical
Union (IAU) recognised constellation Ursa Major. Another is the asterism
of the Southern Cross, whose recognised constellation is Crux.
Constellation is a
group of stars that forms an imaginary outline or
pattern on the celestial sphere, typically representing an animal,
mythological person or creature, a god, or an inanimate object. The
origins of the earliest constellations likely go back to prehistory.
People used them to relate stories of their beliefs, experiences,
creation, or mythology. Different cultures and countries adopted their own
constellations, some of which lasted into the early 20th century before
today's constellations were internationally recognized. The recognition of
constellations has changed significantly over time. Many have changed in
size or shape. Some became popular, only to drop into obscurity. Others
were limited to a single culture or nation.
Constellations are human constructs to make sense of the night
sky and use star positions as a way to navigate and to measure time.
Some say the Sun is the only star that does not
belong to a constellation. The Sun travels through the 13
constellations along the ecliptic, the 12 of the
Ophiuchus. The Sun is a
G-type main-sequence
star or G2V. The Sun is currently in the
constellation of Capricornus. The current Right Ascension of The Sun
is 21h 57m 03s and the Declination is -12° 29' 41” (topocentric
coordinates computed for the selected location: Greenwich, United
Kingdom). The current magnitude of The Sun is -26.77 (JPL). If viewed
from the surface of this planet, the Sun would appear to be part of the
Cassiopeia constellation.
Celestial is of the sky or relating to the sky, or inhabiting a
divine heaven.
Extraterrestrial -
Celestial Sphere.
Spherical Astronomy is the branch of astronomy that is used to
determine the location of objects on the celestial sphere, as seen at a
particular date, time, and location on Earth. It relies on the
mathematical methods of spherical geometry and the measurements of
astrometry. This is the oldest branch of astronomy and dates back to
antiquity. Observations of celestial objects have been, and continue to
be, important for religious and astrological purposes, as well as for
timekeeping and navigation. The science of actually measuring positions of
celestial objects in the sky is known as astrometry. The primary elements
of spherical astronomy are coordinate systems and time. The coordinates of
objects on the sky are listed using the equatorial coordinate system,
which is based on the projection of Earth's equator onto the celestial
sphere. The position of an object in this system is given in terms of
right ascension (a) and declination (d). The latitude and local time can
then be used to derive the position of the object in the horizontal
coordinate system, consisting of the altitude and azimuth. The coordinates
of celestial objects such as stars and galaxies are tabulated in a star
catalog, which gives the position for a particular year. However, the
combined effects of precession and nutation will cause the coordinates to
change slightly over time. The effects of these changes in the movement of
Earth are compensated by the periodic publication of revised catalogs. To
determine the position of the Sun and planets, an astronomical ephemeris
(a table of values that gives the positions of astronomical objects in the
sky at a given time) is used, which can then be converted into suitable
real-world coordinates. The unaided human eye can detect about 6000 stars,
of which about half are below the horizon at any one time. On modern star
charts, the celestial sphere is divided into 88 constellations. Every star
lies within a constellation. Constellations are useful for navigation.
Polaris lies close to due north to an observer in the northern hemisphere.
This star is always at a position nearly over the North Pole.
Astrophotography is a specialized type of photography for recording photos
of astronomical objects, celestial events, and large areas of the night
Astronomical Symbols
are symbols used to represent astronomical objects, theoretical
constructs and observational events in astronomy. The earliest forms of
these symbols appear in Greek papyri of late antiquity.
is the branch of astronomy that employs the principles of
physics and chemistry "to ascertain the nature of the heavenly bodies,
rather than their positions or motions in space.
Plasma Physics
one of the four fundamental states of matter,
the others being solid, liquid, and gas. A plasma has properties unlike
those of the other states.
Constellation is formally defined as a region of the
celestial sphere, with boundaries laid down by the International
Astronomical Union (IAU). The constellation areas mostly had their origins
in Western-traditional patterns of stars from which the constellations
take their names.
Telescopes -
Star Navigation -
Age of Aquarius
Space Adventures
Science Websites
Science Education
Nikola Tesla -
Wireless Energy
Physical Cosmology is the study of the largest-scale
structures and dynamics of the Universe and is concerned with fundamental
questions about its origin, structure, evolution, and ultimate fate.
Cosmos is the
universe regarded as a complex and
orderly system; the opposite of
is the study of the origin,
evolution, and eventual fate of the universe.
Physical cosmology is the scholarly and scientific study of the origin,
large-scale structures and dynamics, and ultimate fate of the universe, as
well as the
scientific laws that govern these realities.
Star Date is the public education and
outreach arm of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. Our radio
program airs daily on more than 300 stations, and our popular bimonthly
astronomy magazine is the perfect sky watching companion for amateur
astronomers or anyone interested in celestial events and space
exploration. We also offer astronomy resources to teachers, the media, and
the public.
Universe is
all of
time and
space and its
contents. It includes
moons, minor planets,
galaxies, the contents of intergalactic space, and all
matter and
energy. The
size of the entire Universe is unknown.
size of the Universe is
estimated to be around 46.5 billion light-years and its diameter about 28.5 gigaparsecs
(93 billion light-years, 8.8×1026 metres or 2.89×1027 feet). Age:
13.799±0.021 billion years. Diameter: 8.8×1026 m (28.5 Gpc or 93 Gly).
Density (of total energy): 9.9×10-27 kg/m3. Mass (ordinary matter): 1.5 ×
10 to the power of 53 kg.
Universe Basics
(PDF) -
million years after the Big Bang the Universe started to form.
Astronomers have used observations from the
Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and ESO's
Very Large Telescope (VLT) to determine that star formation in the
very distant galaxy MACS1149-JD1 started at an unexpectedly early stage,
only 250 million years after the Big Bang. This discovery also represents
the most distant oxygen ever detected in the universe and the most distant
galaxy ever observed by ALMA or the VLT.
Wendy Freedman: This new telescope might show us the beginning
of the universe (video)
The most distant galaxy ever seen '
UDFj-39546284 is about
13.2 billion
Light Years from Earth.
The galaxy dated back to a time just 480 million years after the
big bang.
Giant Galaxies die from the inside out: Star formation shuts
down in the centers of elliptical galaxies first.
Stupendous is something
great in size, force or extent as to elicit awe. Colossal.
Big is something above average in size,
number, quantity, magnitude or extent. Significant. On a grand scale. In
a major way. Very intense. Loud and firm. Marked by intense physical
force. Conspicuous in position or importance.
Entropy -
Black Holes
Charting the Slow Death of the Universe is an international
team of astronomers studying more than 200,000 galaxies has measured the
energy generated within a large portion of space more precisely than ever
before. They confirm that the energy produced in a section of the Universe
today is only about half what it was two billion years ago and find that
this fading is occurring across all wavelengths from the ultraviolet to
the far infrared. Is the Universe slowly dying or
Universe Era Stages:
Inflationary era preceded and set up the hot Big Bang.
Primordial Soup era was from the start of
the hot Big Bang until the final transformative nuclear & particle
interactions occur in the early Universe.
era was from the end of non-scattering nuclear and particle
interactions until the Universe cools enough to stably form neutral
Dark Ages era was from the
formation of neutral matter until the first stars and galaxies reionize
the intergalactic medium of the Universe completely.
Stellar era was from the end of
reionization until the gravity-driven formation and growth of
large-scale structure ceases, when the dark energy density dominates
over the matter density.
Dark Energy era
is the final stage of our Universe, where the expansion accelerates and
disconnected objects speed irrevocably and irreversibly away from one
Universe Photos
M60-UCD1 Dwarf Galaxy with Black hole 5 times bigger then the
Milky Way (image)
Elephant-4214115 (image)
Butterfly Nebula (image)
Colliding Galaxies Leave a Trail of Stars (NGC 4676) (image)
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51) (image)
Spiral Galaxy NGC 7714 (image)
Cats Eye Nebula Dying Star (image)
Galaxy Pair Arp 87 (image)
Antennae Galaxies NGC 4038 NGC 4039 (image)
MyCn18 (image)
Sombrero Galaxy (M104) (image)
Astrophotography is
photography of
astronomical objects, celestial events, and areas of the night sky. The
first photograph of an astronomical object was the
taken in 1840, but it was not until the late 19th century that advances
in technology allowed for detailed stellar photography. Besides being
able to record the details of extended objects such as the Moon, Sun,
and planets, astrophotography has the ability to image objects invisible
to the human eye such as dim stars, nebulae, and galaxies. This is done
by long time exposure since both film and digital cameras can accumulate
and sum light photons over these long periods of time. Photography
revolutionized the field of
professional astronomical research, with
longtime exposures recording hundreds of thousands of new stars and
nebulae that were invisible to the human eye, leading to specialized and
ever-larger optical telescopes that were essentially big cameras
designed to record light using photographic plates. Astrophotography had
an early role in sky surveys and star classification but over time it
has given way to more sophisticated equipment and techniques designed
for specific fields of scientific research, with image sensors becoming
just one of many forms of sensor. Today, astrophotography is mostly a subdiscipline in
amateur astronomy, usually seeking aesthetically
pleasing images rather than scientific data. Amateurs use a wide range
of special equipment and techniques.
Telescopes - Space Observation Tools
Telescope is a
magnifier of
images of
distant objects.
Telescope is an
optical instrument using lenses, curved mirrors, or a combination of
both to
observe and
focus on distant objects, or various devices used to
observe distant
objects by their emission, absorption, or reflection of
electromagnetic radiation. The first known practical telescopes were
refracting telescopes invented in the Netherlands at the beginning of
the 17th century, by using glass lenses. They were used for both
terrestrial applications and
Telescope is a telescope that gathers and
focuses light, mainly from
the visible part of the
electromagnetic spectrum, to create a magnified
image for direct view, or to make a photograph, or to collect data through
electronic image sensors. There are three primary types of optical telescope:
Refractors, which use lenses (
Reflectors, which use mirrors (catoptrics).
Catadioptric Telescopes, which combine lenses and mirrors.
Depth Perception
- Light Bending
Telescope is a type of optical telescope that uses a lens as its
objective to form an image (also referred to a dioptric telescope). The
refracting telescope design was originally used in spy glasses and
astronomical telescopes but is also used for long focus camera lenses.
Although large refracting telescopes were very popular in the second half
of the 19th century, for most research purposes the refracting telescope
has been superseded by the
Reflecting Telescope which allows larger apertures. A refractor's
magnification is calculated by dividing the focal length of the objective
lens by that of the eyepiece.
Telescopes to Buy (amazon) -
A telescope is like a
time machine.
You see distant
stars and galaxies as there once were and not as we see them now. But at
the same time, looking at stars may not be seeing back in time, because
time does not have the same meaning when measuring light years or the
speed of light. Our perception of time may be something totally different
and time itself may not be what it is to humans on earth. Time may be
something totally unimaginable. What you see is not what you get.
Planet Hunting
Photo on the Right is the
Big Dipper
changing over time, from 100,000 BCE to present-day to 50,000 CE to 100,000 CE.
Why do we see the same stars every night?
Most Distant Astronomical Objects List (wiki).
Galileo Galilei
(February 5th, 1564 – January 8th, 1642).
The Universe Looks like One Large Experiment,
someone has tried all kind of things and is
still trying all kind of
things. Not every planet has life and not every star gives life,
but you can still learn something from all these different
has daily updates on your
cosmos and world.
Worldwide Telescope
Web Client -
Hubble Telescope -
Journeys - Hubble: Universe in Motion (youtube)
James Webb Telescope
(100 times stronger than hubble)
Spitzer Telescope
X-Ray Telescoped
Radio Telescopes
Infrared Astronomy
Laser Guided Telescope (image)
Synoptic Survey
European Southern Observatory
Faulkes Telescope
Stratospheric Observatory Infrared Astronomy
Fermi Gamma-Ray
Meade LX 800
Sloan Digital Sky Survey
Millimeter Telescope
Open Source Virtual Telescope and Interactive Universe Images
for Students and the General Public.
Astrophotography is the
or imaging of astronomical objects, celestial events, or areas of the
night sky. The first photograph of an astronomical object (the Moon) was
taken in 1840, but it was not until the late 19th century that advances
in technology allowed for detailed stellar photography. Besides being
able to record the details of extended objects such as the Moon, Sun,
and planets, modern astrophotography has the ability to image objects
invisible to the human eye such as dim stars, nebulae, and galaxies.
This is done by long time exposure since both film and digital cameras
can accumulate and sum photons over these long periods of time.
in optics
is a transmissive
optical device that
focuses or disperses a
light beam by means of refraction. A simple lens consists of a single
piece of transparent material, while a compound lens consists of
simple lenses (elements), usually arranged along a common axis. Lenses are
made from materials such as glass or plastic, and are ground and polished
or moulded to a desired shape. A lens can
focus light to form an image,
unlike a
prism, which refracts light without
focusing. Devices that similarly focus or disperse waves and radiation
other than visible light are also called lenses, such as microwave lenses,
electron lenses,
acoustic lenses, or explosive lenses.
Optical Engineering.
Bending Light -
Polarized -
Eyepiece is a type of
lens that is attached to a variety of optical devices such as telescopes
microscopes. The objective
lens or mirror collects light and brings it to focus creating an image.
The eyepiece is placed near the focal point of the objective to
magnify this image. The amount of magnification depends
on the focal length of the eyepiece. An eyepiece consists of several "lens
elements" in a housing, with a "barrel" on one end.
Adaptive Optics is a technology used to improve the performance of
optical systems by reducing the effect of wavefront distortions: it aims
at correcting the deformations of an incoming wavefront by deforming a
mirror in order to compensate for the distortion. It is used in
astronomical telescopes and laser communication systems to remove the
effects of atmospheric distortion, in
microscopy, optical fabrication and
in retinal imaging systems to reduce optical aberrations. Adaptive optics
works by measuring the distortions in a wavefront and compensating for
them with a device that corrects those errors such as a deformable mirror
or a liquid crystal array.
Active Optics is a technology used with reflecting telescopes
developed in the 1980s, which actively shapes a telescope's mirrors to
prevent deformation due to external influences such as wind, temperature,
mechanical stress. Without active optics, the construction of 8 metre
Telescopes is not possible, nor would telescopes with segmented
mirrors be feasible.
Geometrical Optics describes light propagation in terms of rays. The
ray in geometric optics is an abstraction useful for approximating the
paths along which light propagates under certain circumstances. The
simplifying assumptions of geometrical optics include that light rays:
propagate in straight-line paths as they travel in a homogeneous medium.
Bend, and in particular circumstances may split in two, at the interface
between two dissimilar media. Follow curved paths in a medium in which the
refractive index changes. May be absorbed or reflected. Geometrical optics
does not account for certain optical effects such as diffraction and
interference. This simplification is useful in practice; it is an
excellent approximation when the wavelength is small compared to the size
of structures with which the light interacts. The techniques are
particularly useful in describing geometrical aspects of imaging,
including optical aberrations.
Alhazen's Problem is a problem in geometrical optics first formulated
by Ptolemy in 150 AD. It is named for the 11th-century Arab mathematician
Alhazen (Ibn al-Haytham) who presented a geometric solution in his Book of
Optics. The algebraic solution involves quartic equations and was found
only as late as 1965, by Jack M. Elkin. The problem comprises drawing
lines from two points in a
circle meeting
at a third point on its circumference and making equal angles with the
normal at that point. Thus, its main application in optics is to solve the
problem, "Given a light source and a spherical mirror, find the point on
the mirror where the light will be reflected to the eye of an observer."
This leads to an equation of the fourth degree.
Image Sensors
Lens FlareEyes in
the Skies (looking inward - environmental monitoring)
Manned Orbiting Laboratory was a 963 military reconnaissance space plane.
National Reconnaissance Operations Center
program was a highly secretive Soviet military space station program where
3 crewed military reconnaissance stations were launched between 1973 and 1976.
Microscopes (looking inward)
MEMS Chips get Metalenses. Combining metasurface lenses with MEMS
technology could add high-speed scanning and enhance focusing capability
of optical systems. Lens technologies have advanced across all scales,
from digital cameras and high bandwidth in fiber optics to the LIGO
instruments. Now, a new lens technology that could be produced using
standard computer-chip technology is emerging and could replace the bulky
layers and complex geometries of traditional curved lenses. Researchers
have developed a device that integrates mid-infrared spectrum metalenses
onto MEMS.
Scanning Electron Micrograph.
Nicolaus Copernicus was a Renaissance-era
mathematician and
astronomer, who formulated
a model of the universe that placed the Sun rather than Earth at the
center of the universe, in all likelihood independently of Aristarchus
of Samos, who had formulated such a model some eighteen centuries
earlier. (February 19, 1473 – May 24,
Sidereus Nuncius or the
Starry Messenger,
is a short astronomical treatise or pamphlet published in New
Latin by
Galileo Galilei on March 13,
1610. It
was the first published scientific work based on observations made
through a telescope, and it contains the results of Galileo's early
observations of the imperfect and mountainous
Moon, the hundreds of
stars that were unable to be seen in either the
Milky Way or certain
constellations with the naked eye, and the
Medicean Stars (later
Galilean moons) that appeared to be circling Jupiter.
Johannes Kepler was a German
astronomer, mathematician, and
astrologer. He is a key figure in the 17th-century scientific
revolution, best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books Astronomia nova, Harmonices Mundi, and Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae.
These works also provided one of the foundations for Newton's theory of
universal gravitation. (Born December 27, 1571 Died November 15,
Light Pollution - I Can't See all the Stars
Light Pollution
is the presence of anthropogenic and artificial light in the night
environment. It is exacerbated by excessive, misdirected or obtrusive uses
of light, but even carefully used light fundamentally alters natural
International Dark-Sky Association works to protect the night skies
from artificial light that interferes with seeing the stars at night.
7th designated Dark Sky Sanctuary.
Olbers's Paradox or the
dark night sky
paradox, is an argument in astrophysics and physical cosmology
that says that the darkness of the night sky conflicts with the
assumption of an infinite and eternal static universe. In the
hypothetical case that the universe is static, homogeneous at a large
scale, and populated by an infinite number of stars, any line of sight
from Earth must end at the surface of a star and hence the night sky
should be completely illuminated and very bright. This contradicts the
observed darkness and non-uniformity of the night.
paradox is a
fallacy. It assumes
that our atmosphere is perfectly clear and that light pollution or the
sun and moon have no effect on our vision.
Apollo 8
astronaut witnessed a star filled sky when he was between the sun and
moon. He said that it was so bright that he could not identify any
constellations because there were so many stars that were so equally
bright, that it was impossible to see any patterns of constellations. He
said that he never saw so many stars in his life. There for, the dark
night sky is relative.
Globe at Night
is an international citizen-science campaign to raise public awareness of
the impact of light pollution.
Space Travel 1 of 5 HQ - The Universe (youtube)
There are more stars in space than there are
grains of sand
on every beach on Earth.
Seeing Stars
It seems that we see the same Stars
every Night, well almost. If you only look at the
stars at the same
time at night and at the same time of year and in the same direction,
will seem like you see the same stars all the time. You need to see
time-lapse photos of the night sky to better
understand our planet, our solar system and our galaxy. The night sky in winter looks different than the summer.
We see constellations at different times of the year - spring, summer,
fall, & winter. This occurs because the Earth is orbiting the Sun. In
winter, we see the
constellation Orion in the south at night and during
the day the Sun is in the sky with the constellation Scorpius. In summer,
we see the opposite (we see Scorpius at night and Orion is in the sky
during the day). This is why you cannot see Orion or any one constellation
all year long, except for constellations in the northern circumpolar sky,
which include Auriga, Camelopardalis, Cassiopeia, Cepheus, Draco, Lynx,
Perseus, Ursa Major, and Ursa Minor. These constellations are always
visible in the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere.
Peripheral vision.
Celestial Sphere is an imaginary sphere of arbitrarily large
radius, concentric with Earth. All objects in the observer's sky can be
thought of as projected upon the inside surface of the celestial sphere,
as if it were the underside of a dome or a hemispherical screen. The
celestial sphere is a practical tool for
spherical astronomy, allowing
observers to plot positions of objects in the sky when their distances are
unknown or unimportant. All objects in the sky can be conceived as being
projected upon the inner surface of the celestial sphere, which may be
centered on Earth or the observer. If centered on the observer, half of
the sphere would resemble a hemispherical screen over the observing
location. The celestial sphere is a practical tool for spherical
astronomy, allowing astronomers to specify the apparent positions of
objects in the sky if their distances are unknown or irrelevant. In the
equatorial coordinate system, the celestial equator divides the celestial
sphere into two halves: the northern and southern celestial hemispheres.
Celestial Sphere is an abstract sphere that has an arbitrarily large
radius and is concentric to Earth.
Relative -
Celestial Equator
is a great circle on the imaginary celestial sphere, in the same plane as
the Earth's equator. In other words, it is a projection of the terrestrial
equator out into space. As a result of the Earth's axial tilt, the
celestial equator is inclined by 23.4° with respect to the ecliptic plane.
Circumpolar Star is a star that, as viewed from a given
latitude on Earth, never sets (that is, never disappears below the
horizon), due to its proximity to one of the celestial poles. Circumpolar
stars are therefore visible from said location toward nearest pole for the
entire night on every night of the year (and would be continuously visible
throughout the day too, were they not overwhelmed by the Sun's glare).
Principle states that
humans are not
privileged observers of the universe on the Earth or in the Solar
System. If one assumes the Copernican principle and observes that the
universe appears isotropic or the same in all directions from the
vantage point of Earth, then one can infer that the universe is
generally homogeneous or the same everywhere (at any given time) and is
also isotropic about any given point. These two conditions make up the
cosmological principle. In practice, astronomers observe that the
universe has heterogeneous or non-uniform structures up to the scale of
galactic superclusters, filaments and great voids. It becomes more and
more homogeneous and isotropic when observed on larger and larger
scales, with little detectable structure on scales of more than about
200 million parsecs. However, on scales comparable to the radius of the
observable universe, we see systematic changes with distance from Earth.
For instance, galaxies contain more young stars and are less clustered,
and quasars appear more numerous. While this might suggest that Earth is
at the center of the universe, the Copernican principle requires us to
interpret it as evidence for the evolution of the universe with time:
this distant light has taken most of the age of the universe to reach
Earth and shows the universe when it was young. The most distant light
of all, cosmic microwave background radiation, is isotropic to at least
one part in a thousand.
Principle of Locality states that an object is only directly
influenced by its immediate surroundings. A theory which includes the
principle of locality is said to be a "local theory". This is an
alternative to the older concept of instantaneous "action at a distance".
Locality evolved out of the field theories of classical physics. The
concept is that for an action at one point to have an influence at another
point, something in the space between those points (such as a field, wave,
or particle) must carry (i.e. "mediate") the action. To exert an
influence, something must travel through the space between the two points,
carrying the influence.
Image of the Angle
our Solar System as it Travels through the Milky Way -
Ecliptic -
Earth's Orbit -
is a star chart analog computing instrument in the form of two
adjustable disks that rotate on a common pivot. It can be adjusted to
display the visible stars for any time and date. It is an instrument to
assist in learning how to recognize stars and constellations. The
astrolabe, an instrument that has its origins in Hellenistic astronomy, is
a predecessor of the modern planisphere. The term planisphere contrasts
with armillary sphere, where the celestial sphere is represented by a
three-dimensional framework of rings.
How to read a Celestial Planisphere Chart.
Using Stars to Navigate
Uncle Milton Star Theatre Pro (amazon)
Portable Planetariums
Digital Education
Spitz Inc -
DIY Star ProjectorThe number of
stars are estimated to be
around is 300,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
That is 300 Sextillion.
Star Chart is a map of the night sky.
Astronomers divide
these into grids to use them more easily. They are used to identify and
locate astronomical objects such as stars, constellations and
They have been used for human navigation since time immemorial. Note that
a star chart differs from an astronomical catalog, which is a listing or
tabulation of astronomical objects for a particular purpose. Tools
utilizing a star chart include the
astrolabe and the planisphere.
Spatial Intelligence.
The Night Sky
Starry Maps
for Star Names and Locations -
Starwalk Cell Phone App
Space Junk App
Sky Guide App: View Stars Night or Day
The Sun Moves too,
everything moves together.
Asteroids The star is known as
WISE J072003.20-084651.2, or Scholz's star. Today, it's 20
light-years away from us in the
constellation Monoceros. But in a study
published by
Astrophysical Journal Letters, researchers say it passed
right by
us at a distance of 5 trillion miles (8 trillion kilometers, or
astronomical units, or 0.8 light-years). No other star has been
known to come
that close. A different star called
HIP 85605 might make a dangerous pass through
Oort Cloud 240,000 to 470,000 years from now.
Coronagraph is a telescopic attachment designed to block out the
direct light from a star so that nearby objects – which otherwise would be
hidden in the star's bright glare – can be resolved. Most coronagraphs are
intended to view the corona of the Sun, but a new class of conceptually
similar instruments (called stellar coronagraphs to distinguish them from
solar coronagraphs) are being used to find extrasolar planets and
circumstellar disks around nearby stars.
Star Location Resources -
The Sky -
Google Sky -
Earth Sky -
Planetarium -
Sky and Telescope -
Clear Dark Sky
The European Space Agency
(ESA) -
Eyes in Space -
Hayden Planetarium
Night Sky Network
Star Count
Galaxy Zoo
Starry Night Software Store
Exploration NASA
Time and Date Astronomy
NASA YouTube Channel (videos)
Center of Milky Way Rises over Texas Star Party (youtube)
Cosmic Distance Ladder is the succession of methods by which
astronomers determine the
distances to
celestial objects. A real direct distance measurement of an astronomical
object is possible only for those objects that are "close enough" (within
about a thousand parsecs) to Earth. The techniques for determining
distances to more distant objects are all based on various measured
correlations between methods that work at close distances and methods that
work at larger distances. Several methods rely on a standard candle, which
is an astronomical object that has a known
luminosity. The ladder analogy arises because no single technique can
measure distances at all ranges encountered in astronomy. Instead, one
method can be used to measure nearby distances, a second can be used to
measure nearby to intermediate distances, and so on. Each rung of the
ladder provides information that can be used to determine the distances at
the next higher rung.
Standard Ruler
is an astronomical object for which the
actual physical size is known. By
measuring its
angular size in the sky, one can use simple
trigonometry to
determine its distance from Earth. In simple terms, this is because
objects of a fixed size appear smaller the further away they are.
Measuring distances is of great importance in cosmology, as the
relationship between the distance and redshift of an object can be used to
measure the expansion rate and geometry of the Universe. Distances can
also be measured using standard candles; many different types of standard
candles and rulers are needed to construct the cosmic distance ladder.
Redshift is a
phenomenon where
electromagnetic radiation (such as light) from an object
undergoes an increase in wavelength. Whether or not the radiation is
visible, "redshift" means an increase in wavelength, equivalent to a
decrease in wave frequency and photon energy, in accordance with,
respectively, the wave and quantum theories of light. Neither the emitted
nor perceived light is necessarily red; instead, the term refers to the
human perception of longer wavelengths as red, which is at the section of
the visible spectrum with the longest wavelengths. Examples of redshifting
are a gamma ray perceived as an X-ray, or initially visible light
perceived as radio waves. The opposite of a redshift is a blueshift, where
wavelengths shorten and energy increases. However, redshift is a more
common term and sometimes blueshift is referred to as negative redshift.
There are three main causes of red (and blue shifts) in astronomy and
cosmology: Objects move apart (or closer together) in space. This is an
example of the Doppler effect. Space itself expands, causing objects to
become separated without changing their positions in space. This is known
as cosmological redshift. All sufficiently distant light sources
(generally more than a few million light years away) show redshift
corresponding to the rate of increase in their distance from Earth, known
as Hubble's Law. Gravitational redshift is a relativistic effect observed
due to strong gravitational fields, which distort spacetime and exert a
force on light and other particles. Knowledge of redshifts and
blueshifts has been used to develop several terrestrial technologies such
as Doppler radar and radar guns. Redshifts are also seen in the
spectroscopic observations of astronomical objects. Its value is represented by the letter z.
Astronomers have discovered that there is a vast wall across the
southern border of the local cosmos.
The South Pole Wall, as it is known, consists of thousands of galaxies
— beehives of trillions of stars and dark worlds, as well as dust and gas
— aligned in
a curtain arcing across at least 700
million light-years of space. It winds behind the dust, gas and
stars of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, from the constellation Perseus in
the Northern Hemisphere to the constellation Apus in the far south. It is
so massive that it perturbs the local expansion of the universe. But don’t
bother trying to see it. The entire conglomeration is behind the Milky
Way, in what astronomers quaintly call the zone of avoidance.
Zone of Avoidance is when viewing space from Earth, the attenuation,
interstellar dust, and stars in the plane of the Milky Way (the galactic
plane) obstruct the view of around 20% of the extragalactic sky at visible
wavelengths. As a result, optical galaxy catalogues are usually incomplete
close to the galactic plane. Many projects have attempted to bridge the
gap in knowledge caused by the Zone of Avoidance. The dust and gas in the
Milky Way cause extinction at optical
wavelengths, and foreground stars can be confused with background
galaxies. However, the effect of extinction drops at longer wavelengths,
such as the infrared, and the Milky Way is effectively transparent at
radio wavelengths. Surveys in the infrared, such as IRAS and 2MASS, have
given a more complete picture of the extragalactic sky. Two very large
nearby galaxies, Maffei 1 and Maffei 2, were discovered in the Zone of
Avoidance by Paolo Maffei by their infrared emission in 1968. Even so,
approximately 10% of the sky remains difficult to survey as extragalactic
objects can be confused with stars in the Milky Way. Projects to survey
the Zone of Avoidance at radio wavelengths, particularly using the 21 cm
spin-flip emission line of neutral atomic hydrogen (known in astronomical
parlance as HI), have detected many galaxies that could not be detected in
the infrared. Examples of galaxies detected from their HI emission include
Dwingeloo 1 and Dwingeloo 2, discovered in 1994 and 1996 respectively.
Galactic Plane is the
plane on which
the majority of a disk-shaped galaxy's mass lies. The directions
perpendicular to the galactic plane point to the galactic poles. In actual
usage, the terms galactic plane and galactic poles usually refer
specifically to the plane and poles of the
Milky Way,
in which Planet Earth is located. Some galaxies are irregular and do not
have any well-defined disk. Even in the case of a barred spiral galaxy
like the Milky Way, defining the galactic plane is slightly imprecise and
arbitrary since the stars are not perfectly coplanar.
heliocentrism is the name given to the astronomical model developed by
Nicolaus Copernicus and published in 1543. This model positioned the Sun
at the center of the Universe, motionless, with Earth and the other
planets orbiting around it in circular paths, modified by epicycles, and
at uniform speeds. The Copernican model displaced the geocentric model
of Ptolemy that had prevailed for centuries, which had placed Earth at
the center of the Universe.
Geocentric Model is a superseded description of the Universe with
Earth at the center. Under the geocentric
model, the Sun, Moon, stars, and planets all orbit Earth. The geocentric
model was the predominant description of the cosmos in many ancient
civilizations, such as those of Aristotle in Classical Greece and
Ptolemy in Roman Egypt. Two
supported the idea that Earth was the center of the Universe: First,
from anywhere on Earth,
the Sun appears to
revolve around Earth once per day. While the Moon and the planets
have their own motions, they also appear to revolve around Earth about
once per day. The stars appeared to be fixed on a celestial sphere
rotating once each day about an axis through the geographic poles of
Earth. Second, Earth seems to be unmoving from the perspective of an
earthbound observer; it feels solid, stable, and stationary. Greek
astronomer and mathematician Aristarchus of Samos (c. 310 – c. 230 BC)
developed a heliocentric model placing all of the then-known planets in
their correct order around the Sun. The ancient Greeks believed that the
motions of the planets were circular, a view that was not challenged in
Western culture until the 17th century, when Johannes Kepler postulated
orbits were heliocentric and elliptical (Kepler's
first law of planetary motion). In 1687 Newton showed that elliptical
orbits could be derived from his
laws of gravitation.
Copernican Heliocentrism model positioned the
Sun at the center of the Universe,
motionless, with Earth and the other planets orbiting around it in
circular paths, modified by epicycles, and at uniform speeds. The
Copernican model displaced the geocentric model of Ptolemy that had
prevailed for centuries, which had placed Earth at the center of the
was formed about
4.54 billion years ago. The
third planet from
Sun, the densest planet in the
Solar System,
the largest of the Solar System's four
terrestrial planets, and the only astronomical object known
to accommodate
life. During one
orbit around the Sun,
Earth rotates about
its own axis 366.26 times, creating
365.26 solar
days or one sidereal
year. The Earth has
5 Directions of Motion, Wobble, Spin,
Orbit around the Sun,
Orbit around the
Galaxy, and
moving through space in the
same direction as
our Galaxy. Earth's
Circumference: 24,901.46 miles or 40,075.017
Radius: 3,959 mi. Area: 196.9 million mi².
Mass: 5.972 ×
10^24 kg.
Distance from Sun: 92.96 million mi.,
Earth is
Biosphere 1.
Subterranean Biosphere.
length of an
Earth day has grown by 1.8
milliseconds per century.
Age of the Earth (timeline).
Planet Sizes
(youtube) -
Google Earth
by Land Size (image)
is the Earth science of accurately measuring and understanding Earth's
geometric shape, orientation in space and gravitational field.
Earth Science or geoscience includes all fields of
natural science related to planet
Earth. This is a branch of science dealing with the physical and
chemical constitution of Earth and its atmosphere. Earth science can be
considered to be a branch of
planetary science,
but with a much older history. Earth science encompasses four main
branches of study, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and
the biosphere, each of which is further broken down into more
specialized fields.
DIY Science.
Pan -
Earth's Northern Hemisphere (youtube)
Solar System -
Atmosphere -
Weather -
Wind -
Storms -
Rain -
Lightning -
Climate -
Seasons -
Oceans -
Earthquakes -
Fire -
Future of the Earth can be extrapolated based upon the
estimated effects of several long-term influences. These include the
chemistry at
Earth's Surface, the rate of cooling of the planet's
interior, the
gravitational interactions with other objects in the
System, and a steady increase in the Sun's luminosity. An uncertain factor
in this extrapolation is the ongoing influence of technology introduced by
humans, such as climate engineering, which could cause significant changes
to the planet. The current
Holocene extinction is being
caused by ignorance and the effects may last for up to five million years. In turn,
ignorance may result in the extinction of humanity, leaving the planet to
gradually return to a slower evolutionary pace resulting solely from
long-term natural processes.
Beneath the Surface of Planet Earth
Core consists of the innermost layer(s) of a planet; which may be
composed of
solid and liquid layers. Cores of specific planets may be
entirely solid or entirely liquid. In the Solar System, core size can
range from about 20% (Moon) to 85% of a planet's radius (Mercury).
Giants also have cores, though the composition of these are still a matter
of debate and range in possible composition from traditional stony/iron,
to ice or to fluid metallic hydrogen. Gas giant cores are proportionally
much smaller than those of terrestrial planets, though theirs can be
considerably larger than the Earth's nevertheless; Jupiter has one 10–30
times heavier than Earth, and exoplanet HD149026 b has a core 67 times the
mass of the Earth.
Navigation -
Latitude -
Topology -
Topography Map -
Earth's Inner Core is the innermost geologic layer of the
Earth. It is primarily a solid ball with a radius of
about 1,220 kilometres (760 miles), which is about 20% of the Earth's
radius and 70% of the Moon's radius. There are no samples of the Earth's
core available for direct measurement, as there are for the Earth's
mantle. Information about the Earth's core mostly comes from analysis of
seismic waves and the
magnetic field. The inner core is believed to be
composed of an iron–nickel alloy with some other elements. The temperature
at the inner core's surface is estimated to be approximately 5,700 K
(5,430 °C) or 9806 °F, which is about the temperature at the surface of
the Sun.
Inner Core Super-Rotation is a theorized eastward
rotation of the inner core of Earth relative to its mantle, for a net
rotation rate that is faster than Earth as a whole. A 1995 model of
dynamo predicted super-rotations of up to 3 degrees per year; the
following year, this prediction was supported by observed discrepancies in
the time that p-waves take to travel through the inner and outer core.
Seismic observations have made use of a direction dependence (anisotropy)
of the speed of seismic waves in the inner core, as well as spatial
variations in the speed. Other estimates come from free oscillations of
Earth. The results are inconsistent and the existence of a super-rotation
is still controversial, but it is probably less than 0.1 degrees per year.
geodynamo models take into
account gravitational coupling between the inner core and mantle, it
lowers the predicted super-rotation to as little as 1 degree per million
years. For the inner core to rotate despite
gravitational coupling, it must be able to change shape, which places
constraints on its viscosity.
Earths inner core
rotates in the same direction as the Earth and slightly faster,
completing its
once-a-day rotation about two-thirds
of a second faster than the entire Earth.
The Spin of Earth’s Inner Core May Be Changing, Scientists Say.
Magnetic Pole
How Microwaving
Grapes Makes Plasma (youtube) - The
Sun is the
brightest source of
radio waves in the
sky. The depth to which the radio waves and microwaves can penetrate
depends on their exact wavelength.
New evidence for how heat is transported below the sun's surface.
Using sound waves, scientists develop findings that challenge standard
theories of solar convection. Solar physicists have revealed the
interior structure of the
sun's supergranules, a flow structure that transports heat from the
sun's hidden interior to its surface. The researchers' analysis of the
supergranules presents a challenge to the current understanding of
solar convection.
Nickel is Crucial for the Earth’s Magnetic Field. Earth's hot core,
consisting mainly of iron, is responsible for the '
dynamo effect,' which
creates a
magnetic field. But with
iron alone, this effect
cannot be explained. A team of researchers has shown that the theory of
the geodynamo has to be revised. It is crucial for the dynamo effect that
the earth's core contains up to 20 percent nickel -- a metal, which under
extreme conditions behaves quite differently from iron.
Structure of the Earth
is layered in spherical shells, like an onion. These
layers can be defined
by their chemical and their rheological properties. Earth has an outer
silicate solid crust, a highly viscous
mantle, a liquid outer core that is
much less viscous than the mantle, and a solid inner core. Scientific
understanding of the internal structure of the Earth is based on
observations of
topography and bathymetry, observations of rock in
outcrop, samples brought to the surface from greater depths by
or volcanic activity, analysis of the seismic waves that pass through the
Earth, measurements of the gravitational and
magnetic fields of the Earth,
and experiments with crystalline solids at pressures and temperatures
characteristic of the Earth's deep interior.
There may be a layer of surprisingly fluid rock ringing the Earth at the
very bottom of the upper mantle, a new study suggests. Study uses
earthquake to make elusive
measurements of the Earth's layers. The finding was made by measuring
the lingering movement registered by GPS sensors on islands in the wake
of a deep earthquake in the Pacific Ocean near Fiji. Published Feb. 22
in Nature, the study demonstrates a new method to measure the fluidity
of the Earth's mantle.
Underground Structures. Comparisons represented on a real scale.
Mines, caves, cities, tunnels and installations. (youtube)
Solid Earth refers to "the Earth beneath our feet" or terra firma, the
planet's solid surface and its interior.
Geography (environment) -
Botany -
Trees (plants)
Topography World Map (image) -
World Map (image)
Land Use -
Agriculture -
Countries -
States -
Elevation of a
geographic location is its height above or below a
fixed reference point, most commonly a reference geoid, a mathematical
model of the Earth's
sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface. Elevation, or geometric height, is
mainly used when referring to points on the Earth's surface, while
altitude or geopotential height is used for points above the surface, such
as an aircraft in flight or a spacecraft in orbit, and depth is used for
points below the surface.
Seismic Tomography is a technique for imaging the subsurface of the
Earth with seismic waves produced by
earthquakes or explosions. P-, S-,
and surface waves can be used for tomographic models of different
resolutions based on seismic wavelength, wave source distance, and the
seismograph array coverage. The data received at seismometers are used to
solve an inverse problem, wherein the locations of reflection and
refraction of the wave paths are determined. This solution can be used to
create 3D images of velocity anomalies which may be interpreted as
structural, thermal, or compositional variations. Geoscientists use these
images to better understand core, mantle, and plate tectonic processes.
Earths inner core layers are not perfect as the diagrams show.
Sextant is a doubly reflecting
navigation instrument used to
measure the
angle between any
two visible objects. The primary use of a
sextant is to determine the angle between an astronomical object and the
horizon for the purposes of celestial navigation. The determination of
this angle, the
altitude, is known as sighting (or shooting) the object,
or taking a sight. The Angle, and the time when it was measured, can be
used to calculate a position line on a nautical or aeronautical chart.
Common uses of the sextant include sighting the sun at solar noon or
Polaris at night (in the Northern Hemisphere) to determine latitude.
Sighting the height of a landmark can give a measure of distance off and,
held horizontally, a sextant can measure angles between objects for a
position on a chart. A sextant can also be used to measure the lunar
distance between the moon and another celestial object (such as a star or
planet) in order to determine Greenwich Mean Time and hence longitude.
Navigation Knowledge
(orienteering - finding your way around) -
Mapping Tools
Triangulation -
Seeing the Same Stars every night
Orientation is a function of the
mind involving
awareness of
three dimensions:
place and
Coordinate is a number that identifies a
position relative to an
Celestial Coordinate System
is a system for specifying positions of celestial objects:
satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, and so on. Coordinate systems can
specify a position in
3-dimensional space, or
merely the direction of the object on the celestial sphere, if its
distance is not known or not important.
Geographic Coordinate System is a coordinate system used in geography
that enables every location on Earth to be specified by a set of
numbers, letters or symbols. The coordinates are often chosen such that one of
the numbers represents a vertical position, and two or three of the
numbers represent a horizontal position. A common choice of coordinates is
latitude, longitude and elevation. To specify a location on a
two-dimensional map requires a map projection.
Pole is either of the two points on Earth where its axis of rotation
intersects its surface. The
North Pole lies in
the Arctic Ocean while the South Pole is in Antarctica. North and South
poles are also defined for other planets or satellites in the Solar
System, with a North pole being on the same side of the invariable plane
as Earth's North pole. Relative to Earth's surface, the
geographic poles move by a few metres
over periods of a few years. This is a combination of Chandler wobble, a
free oscillation with a period of about 435 days; an annual motion
responding to seasonal movements of air and water masses; and an
irregular drift towards the 80th west meridian. As cartography requires
exact and unchanging coordinates, the averaged locations of geographical
poles are taken as fixed cartographic poles and become the points where
the body's great circles of longitude intersect.
Magnetic Poles.
Topography is the study of the shape and features of the
surface of the Earth and other observable astronomical objects including
planets, moons, and
asteroids. The topography of an area could refer to
the surface shapes and features themselves, or a description (especially
their depiction in
Transit Map is a
topological map in the form of a schematic diagram used to illustrate the
routes and stations within a public transport system—whether this be bus
lines, tramways, rapid transit, commuter rail or ferry routes. The main
components are color coded lines to indicate each line or service, with
named icons to indicate stations or stops.
Coordinate System (dimensions)
Geodetic System is a standard for use in cartography, geodesy, and
navigation including
GPS or Global Positioning System. It comprises a standard coordinate
system for the Earth, a standard spheroidal reference surface (the datum
or reference ellipsoid) for raw altitude data, and a gravitational
equipotential surface (the geoid) that defines the nominal sea level.
Latitude are lines of constant latitude, or
east–west as circles parallel to the
Equator. Specifies the
north–south position of a point on the Earth's surface, which
ranges from 0° at the Equator to 90° (North or South) at the
Horizontal is
to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line.
Longitude are
meridians (
lines running from the North Pole to
the South Pole) is a geographic coordinate that specifies the
east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.
Vertical is straight up and down at
angles (90°) to the plane of the horizon or a base line. (
My Home in
Danbury, Ct. is 41.3948° North Latitude, 73.4540° West Longitude,
Elevation 472).
Searching by Latitude & Longitude.
Decimal degrees or DD:
41.40338, 2.17403
Degrees, minutes, and seconds or DMS: 41°24'12.2"N
2°10'26.5"E. (37°25'19.07"N, 122°05'06.24"W).
Degrees and decimal
minutes or DMM: 41 24.2028, 2 10.4418.
Correct: 41.40338, 2.17403
Incorrect: 41,40338, 2,17403.
Date Line is an
imaginary line on the surface of the earth following (approximately) the
180th meridian.
Meridian is an
imaginary great circle on the surface of the earth passing through the
north and south poles at right angles to the equator.
Grid System helps with spacing and page
layout and to align screen elements based on columns and rows.
Grid is
a pattern of regularly spaced horizontal and vertical lines.
Cartography is the study and practice of
making maps. Combining
science, aesthetics, and technique, cartography builds on the premise that
reality can be modeled in ways that communicate spatial information
effectively. The fundamental problems of traditional cartography are to:
Set the map's agenda and select traits of the object to be mapped. This is
the concern of map editing. Traits may be physical, such as roads or land
masses, or may be abstract, such as
toponyms or political boundaries.
Represent the terrain of the mapped object on flat media. This is the
concern of map projections. Eliminate characteristics of the mapped object
that are not relevant to the map's purpose. This is the concern of
generalization. Reduce the complexity of the characteristics that will be
mapped. This is also the concern of generalization. Orchestrate the
elements of the map to best convey its message to its audience. This is
the concern of map design. Modern cartography constitutes many theoretical
and practical foundations of geographic information systems.
Mercator Projection is a cylindrical standard map projection for
nautical purposes because of its ability to represent lines of constant
course, known as rhumb lines or loxodromes, as straight segments that
conserve the angles with the meridians. Although the linear scale is equal
in all directions around any point, thus preserving the angles and the
shapes of small objects (which makes the projection conformal), the
Mercator projection distorts the size of objects as the latitude increases
from the Equator to the poles, where the scale becomes infinite. So, for
example, landmasses such as Greenland and Antarctica appear much larger
than they actually are relative to land masses near the equator, such as
Central Africa.
Projection is a systematic transformation of the latitudes and
longitudes of locations on the surface of a sphere or an ellipsoid into
locations on a plane. Map projections are necessary for creating maps. All
map projections distort the surface in some fashion. Depending on the
purpose of the map, some distortions are acceptable and others are not;
therefore, different map projections exist in order to preserve some
properties of the sphere-like body at the expense of other properties.
There is no limit to the number of possible map projections.
Geodetic Datum is a coordinate system, and a set of reference points,
used to locate places on the Earth (or similar objects). An
approximate definition of sea level is the datum WGS 84, an ellipsoid,
whereas a more accurate definition is Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008),
using at least 2,159 spherical harmonics.
Spherical Harmonics are special functions defined on the surface of a
sphere. They are often employed in solving partial differential
equations that commonly occur in science. The spherical harmonics are a
complete set of orthogonal functions on the sphere, and thus may be used
to represent functions defined on the surface of a sphere, just as
circular functions (sines and cosines) are used to represent functions on
a circle via Fourier series. Like the sines and cosines in Fourier series,
the spherical harmonics may be organized by
spatial angular frequency,
as seen in the rows of functions in the illustration on the right.
Further, spherical harmonics are basis functions for SO(3), the group of
rotations in
three dimensions, and thus play a central role in the group
theoretic discussion of SO(3).
Large low-shear-velocity provinces or
Superplumes are characteristic structures of parts of the lowermost mantle
(the region surrounding the outer core) of Earth. These provinces are
characterized by slow shear wave velocities and were discovered by
seismic tomography of deep Earth. There are two main provinces: the
African LLSVP and the Pacific LLSVP. Both extend laterally for thousands
of kilometers and possibly up to 1,000 km vertically from the
core–mantle boundary. The Pacific LLSVP has specific dimensions of 3,000
km across and 300 metres higher than the surrounding ocean floor, and is
situated over four hotspots that suggest multiple mantle plumes
underneath. These zones represent around 8% of the volume of the mantle
(6% of Earth). Other names for LLSVPs include superwells,
thermo-chemical piles, or hidden reservoirs. Some of these names,
however, are more interpretive of their geodynamical or geochemical
effects, while many questions remain about their nature.
Tectonic Plates (earthquakes)
(ring of fire)
As the continents mash against each other, their collision
gradually slows, but mountain growth has apparently stayed
relatively constant from the past to the present. People thought
because the Earth is cooling that plate movements would slow
down. Continental drift is caused by heat deep in the planet,
driving the convection of material in the
Mantle. The
eight major and numerous minor tectonic plates on the planet's
surface are moved by these convection currents.
Satellites help discover a Jet Stream in the Earth’s Core.
Orogeny refers to forces and events leading to a large
structural deformation of the Earth's lithosphere (crust and
uppermost mantle) due to the interaction between
tectonic plates.
Lithosphere "rocky",or "sphere" is the rigid,
shell of a terrestrial-type planet or natural satellite that is
defined by its rigid mechanical properties.
Soil -
Geography -
Pedosphere is the
outermost layer of the Earth that is composed of
soil and subject to soil formation
processes. It exists at the interface of the lithosphere, atmosphere,
hydrosphere and
biosphere. The sum total of all
organisms, soils,
water and air is termed as the "pedosphere". The pedosphere is the skin of
the Earth and only develops when there is a dynamic interaction between
atmosphere (air in and above the soil),
biosphere (living organisms), lithosphere (unconsolidated regolith and
consolidated bedrock) and
the hydrosphere (water in, on and below the
soil). The pedosphere is the
foundation of terrestrial life on this planet. There is a realization that
the pedosphere needs to be distinctly recognized as a dynamic interface of
all terrestrial ecosystems and be integrated into the Earth system science knowledge base.
Continent is one of several very large landmasses. Generally
identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven
regions are commonly regarded as continents geopolitically. Ordered from
largest in area to smallest, these seven regions are: Asia, Africa, North
America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. Variations with
fewer continents may merge some of these, for example some systems include
Eurasia or America as single continents.
Countries -
States -
is the largest continental area on
Earth, comprising all of Europe and
Asia. Located primarily in the Northern and Eastern Hemispheres, it is
bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the Pacific Ocean to the east,
the Arctic Ocean to the north, and by Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, and
the Indian Ocean to the south. The division between Europe and Asia as two
different continents is a historical social construct, with no clear
physical separation between them; thus, in some parts of the world,
Eurasia is recognized as the largest of the six, five, or even four
continents on Earth. In geology, Eurasia is often considered as a single
rigid megablock. However, the rigidity of Eurasia is debated based on
paleomagnetic data. Eurasia covers around 55,000,000 square kilometres
(21,000,000 sq mi), or around 36.2% of the Earth's total land area. The
landmass contains well over 5 billion people, equating to approximately
70% of the human population. Humans first settled in Eurasia between
60,000 and 125,000 years ago. Some major islands, including Great Britain,
Iceland, and Ireland, and those of Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia,
are often included under the popular definition of Eurasia, in spite of
being separate from the contiguous landmass.
East is a transcontinental region which includes Western Asia
(although generally excluding the Caucasus) and all of Egypt (which is
mostly in North Africa). The term has come into wider usage as a
replacement of the term Near East (as opposed to the Far East) beginning
in the early 20th century. The broader concept of the "Greater Middle
East" (or Middle East and North Africa) also adds the Maghreb, Sudan,
Djibouti, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and sometimes even Central Asia
and Transcaucasia into the region. The term "Middle East" has led to some
confusion over its changing definitions. Most Middle Eastern countries (13
out of 18) are part of the Arab world. The history of the Middle East
dates back to ancient times, with the geopolitical importance of the
region being recognized for millennia. Several major religions have their
origins in the Middle East, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Arabs constitute the majority ethnic group in the region, followed by
Turks, Persians, Kurds, Azeris, Copts, Jews, Assyrians, Iraqi Turkmen, and
Greek Cypriots. The Middle East generally has a hot, arid climate, with
several major rivers providing irrigation to support agriculture in
limited areas such as the Nile Delta in Egypt, the Tigris and Euphrates
watersheds of Mesopotamia (Iraq, Kuwait, and eastern Syria), and most of
what is known as the Fertile Crescent. The most populous countries in the
region are Egypt, Iran, and Turkey, while Saudi Arabia is the largest
Middle Eastern country by area. Most of the countries that border the
Persian Gulf have vast reserves of crude oil, with monarchs of the Arabian
Peninsula in particular benefiting economically from petroleum exports.
Oceania is a geographic region that includes Australasia, Melanesia,
Micronesia and Polynesia. Spanning the eastern and western hemispheres,
Oceania has a land area of 8,525,989 square kilometres and a population of
over 47 million.
Asia is
Earth's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the
Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. It shares the continental landmass of
Eurasia with the continent of Europe and the continental landmass of
Afro-Eurasia with both Europe and Africa.
Southeast Asia is a subregion of Asia, consisting of the regions that
are geographically south of China, east of the Indian subcontinent and
north-west of Australia.
is a continent located entirely in the Northern Hemisphere and mostly in
the Eastern Hemisphere. It comprises the westernmost part of Eurasia and
is bordered by the Arctic Ocean to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the
west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and Asia to the east. Europe is
commonly considered to be separated from Asia by the watershed divides of
the Ural and Caucasus Mountains, the Ural River, the Caspian and Black
Seas and the waterways of the Turkish Straits. However, Europe is
generally accorded the status of a full continent because of its great
physical size and the weight of history and tradition.
Eastern Europe
is the eastern part of the European continent.
is a transcontinental country located in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.
Covering an area of 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), it is
the largest country in the world by area, spanning more than one-eighth of
the Earth's inhabited land area, stretching eleven time zones, and
bordering 16 sovereign nations. The territory of Russia extends from the
Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and from the
Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea and the Caucasus in the south.
With 146.7 million inhabitants living in the country's 85 federal
subjects, Russia is the most populous nation in Europe and the ninth-most
populous nation in the world. Russia's capital and largest city is Moscow;
other major urban areas include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk,
Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan and Chelyabinsk.
is the world's second-largest and second-most populous continent, after
Asia. At about 30.3 million km2 (11.7 million square miles) including
adjacent islands, it covers 6% of Earth's total surface area and 20% of
its land area. With 1.3 billion people as of 2018, it accounts for about
16% of the world's human population.
North America is a continent entirely within the Northern Hemisphere
and almost all within the Western Hemisphere. In can also be described as
a northern subcontinent of the Americas, or America, in models that use
fewer than seven continents. It is bordered to the north by the Arctic
Ocean, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west and south by the
Pacific Ocean, and to the southeast by South America and the Caribbean
South America is a continent in the Western Hemisphere, mostly in the
Southern Hemisphere, with a relatively small portion in the Northern
Hemisphere. It may also be considered a subcontinent of the Americas,
which is how it is viewed in most of Europe and the Spanish and
Portuguese-speaking regions of the Americas. The reference to South
America instead of other regions (like Latin America or the Southern Cone)
has increased in the last decades due to changing geopolitical dynamics
(in particular, the rise of Brazil).
Antarctica is Earth's southernmost continent. It contains the
geographic South Pole and is situated in the Antarctic region of the
Southern Hemisphere, almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle, and is
surrounded by the Southern Ocean. At 14,200,000 square kilometres
(5,500,000 square miles), it is the fifth-largest continent and nearly
twice the size of Australia. At 0.00008 people per square kilometre, it is
by far the least densely populated continent. About 98% of Antarctica is
covered by ice that averages 1.9 km (1.2 mi; 6,200 ft) in thickness,
which extends to all but the northernmost reaches of the Antarctic
Interesting information about the Earth
Did you know that if the earth were the size of a
Billiard Ball, it would be as smooth as a
billiard ball.
High and Low Areas
of Earth Chart (image).
If the Sun was the same
size as a Basketball.
If you took all the
water on earth and put it into a ball, the
ball would be half the size of the
Moon, around 860 miles in
About 71 percent of the Earth's
surface is water-covered, and the
oceans hold
about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water. Water also exists in the air as
water vapor, in rivers and lakes, in icecaps and glaciers, in the ground
as soil moisture and in aquifers, and
even in you and your dog.
A Day on Earth is actually 23 Hours and 56 Minutes and 4.1 Seconds long.
(spinning on its axis 1,000 mph at the equator).
Sidereal Time is a
time-keeping system that astronomers use
to locate celestial objects. Using sidereal time it is possible to easily
point a telescope to the proper coordinates in the night sky. Briefly,
sidereal time is a "time scale that is based on Earth's rate of rotation
measured relative to the fixed stars" rather than the Sun.
23.5 Degrees North Latitude
(Axial Tilt)
Leap Second is a one-second adjustment that is occasionally
applied to
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in order to keep its time of
day close to the mean solar time, or UT1. Without such a correction, time
reckoned by Earth's rotation drifts away from atomic time because of
irregularities in the Earth's rate of rotation. Since this system of
correction was implemented in 1972, 27 leap seconds have been inserted,
the most recent on December 31, 2016 at 23:59:60 UTC.
a day is two years long.
The Earth is slowing at a rate of
4.7×10−4 miles per second every 100 years due to tidal forces of
the moon.
Rotation (wiki)
Moon is currently moving away from the Earth at about 3.8
centimeters per year.
Inner Core is about the same temperature as the surface of
Sun, approximately 5700 K (5430 °C).
Navigation (how to find your way around
planet earth) -
The earth is not perfectly Round.
Ellipsoid is a surface that may be obtained from a sphere by
deforming it by means of directional
Geodesy is the measurement and representation of the Earth
(or any planet), including its gravitational field, in a
three-dimensional time-varying space. Geodesists also study
geodynamical phenomena such as crustal motion, tides, and polar
motion. For this they design global and national control
networks, using space and terrestrial techniques while relying
on datums and coordinate systems.
Historia Da Terra (Earth Story with
Aubrey Manning, History of our Planet) -
Story: Video 1.The age of the Earth (1 of 6 ) (youtube)
Seasons - Solstice - Equinox
is an astronomical event that occurs twice each year, once in June and
once in December as the Sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to
the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. The
seasons of the year are
directly connected to both the solstices and the equinoxes. After the
winter solstice the sun shines a little longer each day about 2 minutes
and 7 seconds.
Orbit -
Equinox occurs
twice each year, around 20 March and 23 September. It is the moment at
which the center of the visible Sun is directly above the equator. In the
Northern Hemisphere, the March equinox is called the vernal or
spring equinox while the September equinox
is called the autumnal or
fall equinox. In
Southern Hemisphere, the reverse is true.
The vernal
falls on March 19 nationwide this year in 2020. It's the earliest start to
spring since 1896. Every fourth year, we add a leap day to the calendar on
February 29, which gets us almost back in sync with the
Earth's orbit. The leap day
turns back the clock on the
time of the
equinox, nearly resetting the approximately 6-hour annual leap forward
from the previous three years. leap day we observe every four years would
fix things if the length of a year were exactly 365.25 days. But remember,
the actual length is closer to
365.24 days. So the leap day intended to
get us back in sync with the Earth's solar orbit doesn't quite do it. And
that discrepancy shows up in the time of the equinox, which gets about 45
minutes earlier every leap year. Next year, the spring equinox will return
to March 20 in much of the country (remember, it moves 6 hours later each
year). But spring will begin on March 19 every leap year for the rest of
this century, and the time of the spring equinox in non-leap years will
move earlier and earlier. By the end of the century, the spring equinox
will fall on March 19 most years. Eventually, in 2100, we'll skip a leap
year as we did in 1900 and the time of the equinox will move later again.
Rotation & Revolution around a moving Sun (youtube)
Tropic of
Cancer, also referred to as the Northern Tropic, is currently
23°26′13.2″ (or 23.437°) north of the Equator. It is the most northerly
circle of latitude on Earth at which the
Sun can be directly overhead.
This occurs on the
solstice, when the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun to its
maximum extent.
Tropic of
Capricorn is the circle of latitude that contains the subsolar point
on the December (or southern) solstice. It is thus the southernmost
latitude where the Sun can be directly overhead. Its northern equivalent
is the Tropic of Cancer. The Tropic of Capricorn is one of the five major
circles of latitude that mark maps of Earth. As of 6 August 2017, its
latitude is 23°26′13.2″ (or 23.437°) south of the Equator, but it is very
gradually moving northward, currently at the rate of 0.47 arcseconds, or
15 metres, per year.
Arcsecond is a unit of
angular measurement
equal to 1/60 of one degree. The angular measure of an object is usually
expressed in degrees, arcminutes or arcseconds. Just as an hour is divided
into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds, a degree is divided into 60
arcminutes and an arcminute is divided into 60 arcseconds.
are a region of the Earth surrounding the Equator. They are delimited in
latitude by the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere at 23°26′13.0″
(or 23.43696°) N and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere at
23°26′13.0″ (or 23.43696°) S; these latitudes correspond to the axial tilt
of the Earth. The tropics are also referred to as the tropical zone and
the torrid zone (see geographical zone). The tropics include all the areas
on the Earth where the Sun contacts the zenith, a point directly overhead,
at least once during the solar year (which is a subsolar point). The
tropics are distinguished from the other climatic and biomatic regions of
Earth, which are the middle latitudes and the polar regions on either side
of the equatorial zone. The tropics comprise 40% of the Earth's surface
area and contain 36% of the Earth's landmass. As of 2014, the region is
home to 40% of the world population, and this figure is projected to reach
50% by the late 2030s.
Each zone is 10 degrees F warmer (or
colder) than an adjacent zone during an average winter.
Motion around the Sun, not as simple as I thought (youtube)
Weather -
Air -
Wind -
Clouds -
Rain -
Storms -
Lightening -
Fires -
Volcanoes -
is a division of the year marked by changes in
weather, ecology and hours
of daylight. Seasons result from the yearly orbit of the Earth around the
Sun and the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis relative to the plane of
the orbit. In temperate and polar regions, the seasons are marked by
changes in the intensity of sunlight that reaches the Earth's surface,
variations of which may cause animals to go into hibernation or to
migrate, and plants to be dormant. During May, June, and July, the
northern hemisphere is exposed to more direct sunlight because the
hemisphere faces the sun. The same is true of the southern hemisphere in
November, December, and January. It is the tilt of the Earth that causes
the Sun to be higher in the sky during the summer months which increases
the solar flux. However, due to seasonal lag, June, July, and August are
the hottest months in the northern hemisphere and December, January, and
February are the hottest months in the southern hemisphere.
consists of periodic, repetitive, and generally regular and predictable
patterns in the levels of a time series. Seasonality can repeat on a
weekly, monthly or quarterly basis, these periods of time are structured
and occur in a length of time less than a year.
Earth's Climate History. Scientists have compiled a continuous,
high-fidelity record of variations in Earth's
extending 66 million years into the past. The record reveals four
distinctive climate states, which the researchers dubbed
Hothouse, Warmhouse,
Coolhouse, and
Icehouse. These major climate states
persisted for millions and sometimes tens of millions of years, and
within each one the climate shows rhythmic variations corresponding to
changes in Earth's orbit around the sun.
is a
thin layer of
gases surrounding a planet or other material body, that is
held in place by
earths magnetic field
gravity. An atmosphere is more likely to
be retained if its
gravity is high and the
atmosphere's temperature is low.
Biosphere -
Ecosphere -
Overview Effect -
Our Living Planet
From Space (youtube) -
Exosphere: 700 to 10,000 km (440 to 6,200 miles).
Thermosphere: 80 to 700 km (50 to 440 miles). (2,500 °C or 4,530 °F).
Mesosphere: 50 to 80 km (31 to 50 miles). (−143 °C or −225 °F; 130 K).
Stratosphere: 12 to 50 km (7 to 31 miles).
UV -
Troposphere: 0 to 12 km (0 to 7 miles).
Lightning -
Magnetosphere -
Oceans -
Hydrosphere is the combined mass of
water found on, under, and above the
surface of a planet,
or minor planet
or natural satellite.
Plasmasphere or inner
magnetosphere, is a region of the
consisting of low energy or cool
plasma. It is located
above the
ionosphere. The outer boundary of the plasmasphere is known as the
plasmapause, which is defined by an order of magnitude drop in plasma
States of Matter -
Heliosphere -
Earths Magnetic Field -
Ether -
Ionosphere is the
ionized part of
Earth's upper atmosphere, from about 60 km
(37 mi) to 1,000 km (620 mi) altitude, a region that includes the
thermosphere and parts of the mesosphere and exosphere. The ionosphere is
ionized by
solar radiation. It plays an important
role in
atmospheric electricity and forms the inner edge of the
magnetosphere. It has practical
importance because, among other functions, it influences radio propagation
to distant places on the Earth. The region below the ionosphere is called
neutral atmosphere, or neutrosphere.
Troposphere is the lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere, and is also
where all
weather takes place. It contains approximately 75% of the
atmosphere's mass and 99% of the total mass of
water vapor and aerosols.
The average depths of the troposphere are 20 km (12 mi) in the tropics, 17
km (11 mi) in the mid latitudes, and 7 km (4.3 mi) in the polar regions in
winter. The lowest part of the troposphere, where friction with the
Earth's surface
influences air flow, is the planetary boundary layer. This
layer is typically a few hundred meters to 2 km (1.2 mi) deep depending on
the landform and time of day. Atop the troposphere is the tropopause,
which is the border between the troposphere and stratosphere. The
tropopause is an inversion layer, where the air temperature ceases to
decrease with height and remains constant through its thickness.
Ozone is a constituent of the troposphere (it is also an
important constituent of some regions of the stratosphere commonly known
as the ozone layer). The troposphere extends from the Earth's surface to
between 12 and 20 kilometers above sea level and consists of many layers.
Ozone is more concentrated above the mixing layer, or ground layer.
Ground-level ozone, though less concentrated than ozone aloft, is more of
a problem because of its health effects.
Atmospheric Chemistry is a branch of atmospheric science in which the
chemistry of the Earth's atmosphere and that of other planets is studied.
It is a multidisciplinary approach of research and draws on environmental
chemistry, physics, meteorology, computer modeling, oceanography, geology
and volcanology and other disciplines. Research is increasingly connected
with other arenas of study such as climatology.
We live at the
bottom of an ocean of air.
Atmospheric Pressure.
Atmospheric Physics is the application of
physics to the study of the atmosphere. Atmospheric physicists attempt
to model Earth's atmosphere and the atmospheres of the other planets using
fluid flow equations, chemical models, radiation budget, and energy
transfer processes in the atmosphere (as well as how these tie into other
systems such as the oceans).
Atmospheric and Space Scientists investigate atmospheric phenomena and
interpret meteorological data, gathered by surface and air stations,
satellites, and radar to prepare reports and forecasts for public and
other uses.
Escape is the loss of planetary atmospheric gases or
air to outer space. A
number of different mechanisms can be responsible for atmospheric escape,
operating at different time scales; the most prominent is Jeans Escape,
named after British astronomer Sir James Jeans, who described the process
of atmospheric loss to the molecular
kinetic energy.
Hydrogen and
Helium are very light gases, so light
that Earth's gravity is too weak to hold them. Most of the hydrogen and
helium of the early atmosphere escaped into space.
Root-Mean-Square Speed is the measure of the
speed of particles in a
gas which is most convenient for problem solving within the kinetic theory
of gases. It is defined as the square root of the average velocity-squared
of the molecules in a gas. Atmosphere of Earth at sea level, by
contrast, is packed with about 100 billion billion molecules per cubic centimetre.
Scientists discover a way Earth's atmosphere cleans itself. Chemist
helped shed light on the formation of an air-clearing molecule. Human
activities emit many kinds of pollutants into the air, and without a
molecule called
hydroxide or OH, many of these pollutants would keep aggregating in
the atmosphere. OH is a key player in the story of atmospheric
chemistry. It initiates the reactions that break down airborne
pollutants and helps to remove noxious chemicals such as sulfur dioxide
and nitric oxide, which are poisonous gases, from the atmosphere.
Oxygen is a highly
reactive nonmetal and oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most
elements as well as other compounds. By mass,
oxygen is the third-most
abundant element in the universe, after
hydrogen and helium.
Oxygen forms a
molecule O2 of two
atoms. At standard
temperature and pressure, two atoms of the
element bind to form
colorless and odorless
diatomic gas with the formula
O2. This is an important part of the
atmosphere and
diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the Earth's
atmosphere. Additionally, as oxides the element makes up almost half of
the Earth's crust. In
one atom of oxygen
is 8 protons. In one molecule of oxygen gas, which is O2, 2 times 8 = 16
protons. Molecule of O2 is 0.0005
microns. Oxygen is capable of having
Carbon 12 Atom.
Air -
Every Breath you Take
Geological History of Oxygen (wiki)
Antioxidants -
Exercise -
Breathing -
States of Matter
Dark Oxygen. Metallic nodules on the seafloor
produce their own oxygen.
Oxide is a chemical compound that contains at least one oxygen atom
and one other element in its chemical formula.
The ground state of
dioxygen is known as triplet oxygen because it has two unpaired electrons.
The first excited state, singlet oxygen, has no unpaired electrons and is
metastable, which means it is continuing in its present state of
equilibrium unless sufficiently disturbed to pass to a more stable state
of equilibrium.
Triplet Oxygen the electron configuration of the oxygen molecule has
two electrons occupying two molecular orbitals (MOs) of equal energy (that
is, degenerate MOs), therefore remaining unpaired. These orbitals are
classified as antibonding and are of higher energy, so the resulting
bonding structure between the oxygen atoms is weakened (i.e., is higher in
energy)—for instance, it is higher in energy than the bonding in
dinitrogen, where the corresponding antibonding orbitals are empty.
Singlet Oxygen is a high-energy form of oxygen. A gas with the formula
O2, its physical properties differ only subtly from those of the more
prevalent triplet ground state of O2. In terms of its chemical reactivity,
however, singlet oxygen is far more reactive toward organic compounds.
Featherweight Oxygen discovery opens window on nuclear symmetry.
Oxygen-11 can be produced only in a laboratory. It decays immediately
after its creation by emitting two protons, and it can be observed solely
through detection of its decay products. Two-proton decay is the most
recently discovered nuclear decay channel. Oxygen-11 is the nuclear mirror
of lithium-11.
Isotopes of Oxygen (wiki).
Great Oxygenation Event is when oceanic
cyanobacteria are believed to have become the first
microbes to produce
oxygen by
Before the GOE, any free oxygen they produced was
chemically captured by dissolved iron or organic matter. The GOE was
the point in time when these oxygen sinks became saturated, at which point
oxygen, produced by the cyanobacteria, was free to escape into the
atmosphere. Oxygen is the byproduct of life intervening in our planet’s
geochemical cycles: harvesting
solar energy to split water molecules,
keeping the
hydrogen atoms and reacting them with
CO2 to make
organic food and body parts, but spitting the oxygen back out. In Earth’s
upper atmosphere some of this oxygen, under the influence of
ultraviolet light, is transformed into ozone, O3, which shields
Earth’s surface from deadly
ultraviolet, making the land surface
habitable. When it appeared, this shield allowed life to leave the
and the continents to become green with forests.
O2 rendered the once
deadly continents habitable for life.
Oxygen Depletion -
Global Warming
Dissolved Oxygen -
Joseph Priestley
There is more oxygen in forests and in
green areas than there is in deserts and in cities. Air would
also be cleaner and more humidified in forests and in other
green areas like near waterfalls. Cities have less oxygen
because there are
less trees
more pollution. There is also more oxygen at lower altitudes
and less oxygen at higher altitudes. The arctic and Antarctic
regions have the highest oxygen ratios. Oxygen saturation is
inversely proportional to the temperature of the water and
phytoplankton life is abundant in cold waters. The amount of
oxygen produced by
single cell organisms is way more than that produced by
Global Oxygen Levels are Dropping -
CO2 Increasing
Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Atmosphere. Earth's atmosphere currently
constituting about 0.04% of
Curve is a graph which plots the ongoing change in
concentration of
carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere since 1958.
Percent Oxygen in Air (youtube)
Breathing -
Air -
Climate Change -
Nitrogen is a
chemical element with symbol N and
Atomic Number 7. The lightest member of group 15 of the periodic
table, often called the pnictogens. The name comes from the Greek πνίγειν
to choke", directly referencing nitrogen's asphyxiating properties.
Cosmic Cinema:
astronomers make real-time, 3D movies of plasma tubes drifting overhead (youtube)
Weather - Climate
Weather is the state
of the
atmosphere, describing for example the
degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or
stormy, clear or
cloudy. Most weather phenomena occur in the lowest level of the
atmosphere, the troposphere, just below the
stratosphere. Weather refers
to day-to-day
temperature and
precipitation activity, whereas
climate is the term for the averaging of
atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time. When used without
qualification, "weather" is generally understood to mean the weather of
Seasons -
Emergencies -
Meteorology is a branch of the atmospheric sciences which includes
atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric physics,
with a major focus on
weather forecasting, which is made by collecting quantitative data
about the current state of the atmosphere at a given place and using
meteorology to
predict how the
atmosphere will change.
World Meteorological
Organization -
National Weather Service
Global Historical Climatology Network includes daily observations from
automated and human-facilitated weather stations across the United States
and around the world. The GHCN-Daily dataset includes observations from
World Meteorological Organization, Cooperative, and CoCoRaHS networks. If
observed, each station dataset includes daily max and minimum
temperatures, total precipitation, snowfall, and depth of snow on ground.
Climate is the
long-term average of weather, typically
averaged over a
period of 30 years. Some of
the meteorological variables that are commonly measured are temperature,
humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind, and precipitation. In a broader
sense, climate is the state of the components of the climate system, which
includes the ocean and ice on Earth. The climate of a location is affected
by its latitude, terrain, and altitude, as well as nearby water bodies and
their currents. More generally, the "climate" of a region is the general
state of the climate system at that location at the current time. Climates
can be classified according to the average and the typical ranges of
different variables, most commonly temperature and precipitation. The most
commonly used classification scheme was the Köppen climate classification.
The Thornthwaite system, in use since 1948, incorporates
evapotranspiration along with temperature and precipitation information
and is used in studying biological diversity and how climate change
affects it. The Bergeron and Spatial Synoptic Classification systems focus
on the origin of air masses that define the climate of a region.
is the
study of ancient climates. Since
very few direct observations of climate are available before the 19th
century, paleoclimates are inferred from proxy variables that include
non-biotic evidence such as sediments found in lake beds and ice cores,
and biotic evidence such as tree rings and coral. Climate models are
mathematical models of past, present and future climates.
Climate change may occur
over long and short timescales from a variety of factors; recent warming
is discussed in global warming.
Global warming results
in redistributions. For example, "a 3°C change in mean annual temperature
corresponds to a shift in isotherms of approximately 300–400 km in
latitude (in the temperate zone) or 500 m in elevation. Therefore, species
are expected to move upwards in elevation or towards the poles in latitude
in response to shifting climate zones".
differs from weather, in that
weather only
describes the short-term conditions of these variables in a given
region. A region's climate is generated by the climate system, which has
five components: atmosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, lithosphere, and
Climatology is the scientific study of climate, scientifically defined
weather conditions averaged over a period of
Temperate Climate is when the temperatures in certain regions are
generally relatively moderate, rather than extremely hot or cold, and the
changes between summer and winter are also usually moderate.
Highest Temperature Recorded on Earth. According to the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO), the highest registered air
temperature on Earth was 56.7 °C (134.1 °F) in Furnace Creek Ranch,
California, located in the Death Valley desert in the United States, on
July 10, 1913.
The lowest natural temperature ever
directly recorded at ground level on Earth is -89.2 °C (-128.6 °F;
184.0 K) at the Soviet Vostok Station in Antarctica on July 21, 1983 by
ground measurements.
Microclimate is a
local set of atmospheric conditions that differ from those in the
surrounding areas, often with a slight difference but sometimes with a
substantial one. Microclimates can exist near bodies of water which may
cool the local atmosphere, or in heavy urban areas where brick, concrete,
and asphalt absorb the sun's energy, heat up, and re-radiate that heat to
the ambient air: the resulting urban heat island is a kind of
microclimate. Another contributing factor of microclimate is the slope or
aspect of an area. South-facing slopes in the Northern Hemisphere and
north-facing slopes in the Southern Hemisphere are exposed to more direct
sunlight than opposite slopes and are therefore warmer for longer periods
of time, giving the slope a warmer microclimate than the areas around the
slope. The lowest area of a glen may sometimes frost sooner or harder than
a nearby spot uphill, because cold air sinks, a drying breeze may not
reach the lowest bottom, and humidity lingers and precipitates, then
Data Online provides free access to NCDC's archive of global
historical weather and climate data in addition to station history
information. These data include quality controlled daily, monthly,
seasonal, and yearly measurements of temperature, precipitation, wind, and
degree days as well as radar data and 30-year Climate Normals. Customers
can also order most of these data as certified hard copies for legal use.
Volunteers Needed to Unlock Historic Weather Secrets.
"There is
no bad weather, just a bad choice of clothes."
Weather Reports -
Intellicast Detailed Local Weather Reports in several formats.
BloomSky World's Smartest Weather Camera Station Smartest weather
camera station with real-time images, time-lapse & precise weather data.
Weather Stations
NOAA upgrades the U.S. Global Weather Forecast Model. Improved model
will boost weather forecasts across the U.S..
Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core is a scalable and flexible dynamical core
capable of both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic atmospheric simulations.
Geophysical Fluid
Dynamics Laboratory.
The National Ocean Service says that episodes of
El Niño and La Niña typically last
nine to 12 months but can sometimes stretch for years.
animated wind, rain and
temperature maps, detailed forecast for your
place, data from the best weather forecast models such as GFS, ICON, GEM.
"There is no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of
good weather."
John Ruskin (wiki).
Weather Measurements
Humidity is
the amount of
water vapor in the air. Water vapor is the gaseous state of
water and is invisible. Humidity indicates the likelihood of
fog. Higher humidity reduces the effectiveness of
sweating in
cooling the body by reducing the rate of
evaporation of moisture from the skin. This effect is
calculated in a
heat index table or
Relative Humidity is the
ratio of the
partial pressure
water vapor to the
vapor pressure of water at a given temperature. Relative humidity depends
and the
of the system of interest. The same amount of water vapor
results in higher relative humidity in cool air than warm air. A related
parameter is that of dew point. Humidity between
30 to 60
percent is the most comfortable for humans, with indoor humidity
ideally between 30 to 50 percent. Other studies suggest that 40% to 60%
humidity is a better range being not too dry or not too moist. But
humidity benefits depend on your body type, if you have
dry skin you may need a
higher humid climate, or a lower humid climate if you have
Dew Point
is the
temperature at which dew forms and is a measure of
atmospheric moisture. Dew Point is the temperature at which air
is saturated with
water vapor, which is the
gaseous state of water. It is the temperature to which air must be
cooled at constant pressure and water content to reach
saturation. A higher dew point indicates more moisture in the
air; a dew point greater than 20 °C (68 °F) is considered
uncomfortable and greater than 22 °C (72 °F) is considered to be
extremely humid. Frost point is the dew point when temperatures
are below freezing. The dew point is the temperature at which
the moisture (water vapor) in the air begins to condense. The warmer the
air is, the more moisture it can hold.
is to change or cause to change from a
or vapor to a
Condensation is
the change of the physical state of matter from
gas phase into liquid
phase, and is the reverse of
Evaporation, which
is a type of vaporization of a liquid that occurs from the surface of a
liquid into a gaseous phase that is not saturated with the evaporating
substance. Once the air temperature reaches the dew point, fog will form.
It also determines whether it will rain or snow. The dew point determines
how high the danger is for a grass or brush fire during a dry spell. It
affects whether you will have to clean the frost off your windshield in
the morning. The dew point determines how uncomfortable you will feel on a
warm summer day. When you
perspire, the water on your skin evaporates and cools your body, this
is your
temperature regulating
system at work. When the dew point is high, the evaporation rate is
very slow because there is so much water vapor in the air, and you don't
get the cooling effect from your wet skin. The dew point also affects how
you feel when you get out of a pool, lake or the ocean. On those days when
the dew point is very low, you will feel cooler than when the dew point is
high. This is because when the dew point is low, the water on your skin
evaporates faster thus cooling you off.
Water from Air.
Atmospheric Pressure sometimes also called
Pressure, is the
pressure exerted by the weight of air in the
atmosphere of Earth. The Earth's
atmosphere exerts a pressure on
the surface. Areas of high and low pressure are caused by
ascending and
descending air.
As air warms, it
ascends or travels up leading to
pressure at the surface.
As air cools, it
descends or travels down leading to
pressure at the surface. In most
circumstances atmospheric pressure is closely approximated by
the hydrostatic pressure caused by the weight of air above the
measurement point.
Low-Pressure areas have less atmospheric mass
above their location, whereas
High-Pressure areas have more
atmospheric mass above their location. Atmospheric pressure
decreases with increasing elevation. Standard
pressure, by definition, equals 760 mm (29.92 inches) of mercury, 14.70
pounds per square inch, 1,013.25 × 103 dynes per square centimetre,
1,013.25 millibars, one standard atmosphere, or 101.325 kilopascals. When
the air pressure drops, so does the mercury level. Atmospheric pressure
can also be measured in millibars (mb), with a "bar" being roughly
equivalent to one atmosphere of pressure (one atmosphere equals 1.01325
bars). One bar is equivalent to 29.6 in. Hg. A barometer reading of 30
inches (Hg) is considered normal. The term barometric pressure is
synonymous with the term air pressure when describing conditions in the
atmosphere, and may also be referred to as atmospheric pressure. Like all
air is composed of
molecules. These molecules have mass
and are subjected to the force of
Earth’s Gravity.
Air pressure is the weight of air molecules pressing down on you.
Inhabitants on Earth’s surface bear the weight of all the air molecules in
the atmosphere. At higher altitudes,
air pressure decreases because there
are fewer air molecules pressing down from above compared with the air
pressure at sea level. Barometric pressure is measured in millibars (mb)
but is often given in inches because older style of barometers measured
the height of a column of mercury to indicate air pressure.
Normal air
pressure at sea level is 1013.2 mb, or 29.92 in. An aneroid barometer
measures air pressure by the
expansion or
contraction of springs, housed in a partial
vacuum, in response to
changes in air pressure. In older mercury barometers, a column of mercury
would rise or fall in response to changes in air pressure. Air pressure is
constantly changing due to fluctuations in
temperature, which is related
to air density. Warm air causes air pressure to rise. When air molecules
collide, they exert force on each other.
When gas molecules are heated,
the molecules move more quickly, and the increased velocity causes more
collisions. As a result, more force is exerted on each molecule and air
pressure increases.
Temperature affects air pressure at different
altitudes due to a disparity in air density. Given two columns of air at
different temperatures, the column of warmer air will experience the same
air pressure at a higher altitude that is measured at a lower altitude in
the cooler column of air. Cool temperatures cause air pressure to drop.
When gas molecules cool, they
move more slowly. Decreased velocity results
in fewer collisions between molecules and air pressure decreases. Air
density plays a role in the correlation between temperature and pressure
because warmer air is less dense than cool air, allowing molecules to have
more space to collide with greater force. In cooler air, the molecules are
closer together. The proximity results in collisions with less force and
lower air pressure.
Weather patterns complicate the relationship between
barometric pressure and
Meteorologists gather barometric readings and represent them on weather
maps with “H” and “L” to indicate areas of high and low pressure. Very
cold temperatures can create areas of high air pressure because cold air
has greater density and the concentration of molecules can raise the air
pressure. An area of higher pressure, H, is called a high-pressure system
and generally has a denser air mass where air temperature is cool. These
systems often bring warmer temperatures and dry weather. A low-pressure
system, L, is an area of less dense air with warmer air temperatures. The
lower concentration of molecules causes lower air pressure in these areas.
Low-pressure systems often bring cool, wet weather.
Decompression -
is a measure of the
distance at
which an object or light can be
clearly discerned. The transparency of air.
Amazing Mirror & Air Experiment! (youtube) - This is a demonstration of
the Schlieren effect. This setup allows you to see changes in air density.
The point light source is aimed at the concave mirror. The concave mirror
reflects to a focal point. There you use a sharp edged object to partially
block the light which helps create a shadow effect that allows you to see
air movement.
(action physics).
Ultraviolet Index or
UV Index, is an international standard
measurement of the strength of
radiation at
a particular place and time.
The calculation starts with measurements of current total
ozone amounts over the entire globe, obtained via two
satellites operated by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. These data are used to produce a forecast of
stratospheric ozone levels for the next day at many points
across the country. A computer model uses the ozone forecast and
the incident angle of sunlight at each point to calculate the
strength of
UV radiation at ground level. Sunlight angle is
determined by latitude, day of year, and time of day (solar
noon). The strength of UV radiation is calculated for several
wavelengths between 280 and 400 nm, the full spectrum of UVB
(280-314 nm) and UVA (315-400 nm) radiation.
Factors that determine the UV Index: The thickness of the ozone layer over your city (detected using
satellites) -
UV Index (
The cloud cover over your city (clouds block UV radiation to
varying degrees).
Air pollution: Similar to the way clouds shield the Earth's
surface from the suns UV, urban smog can reduce the amount of UV
energy reaching the Earth by reflecting UV back towards space or
absorbing UV.
The time of year (in winter, UV radiation is lower than in the
summer because of the sun's angle).
Time of day: On any day the greatest amount of UV reaches the
Earth around midday when the sun is at its highest point. Up to
50% of daily UV radiation levels is received between 11am and
elevation of your city (higher elevations get more UV
Latitude: Since the sun's UV energy impacts the Earth's
surface at the most direct angle over the equator it is the most
intense at this latitude.
Sun Burn -
Degrees of Burns -
Ozone -
Solar Irradiance is the power per unit area (surface power density)
received from the Sun in the form of electromagnetic radiation in the
wavelength range of the measuring instrument. Solar irradiance is
measured in watts per square metre (W/m2) in SI units. Average annual
solar radiation arriving at the top of the Earth's atmosphere is roughly
1361 W/m2. The
Sun's rays are attenuated as they pass
through the atmosphere, leaving maximum normal surface irradiance at
approximately 1000 W/m2 at sea level on a clear day. Solar radiation can
be categorized into four classes: levels less than 2.6 kWh/m2 are
classified as low solar radiation while solar irradiance between 2.6-3
kWh/m2 is moderate solar radiation; irradiance of between 3-4 kWh/m2 is
high solar radiation and irradiance higher than 4 kWh/m2 is very high
Testing UV
Absorption Eyewear and Sunscreen with a Deuterium Light Source
CIE Erythema Action Spectrum and Standard Erythema Dose -
International Commission
on Illumination.
redness of the skin or
mucous membranes, caused by hyperemia (increased blood flow) in
superficial capillaries. It occurs with any skin injury, infection, or
inflammation. Examples of erythema not associated with pathology include
nervous blushes.
Absorbance is the common logarithm of the ratio of incident to
transmitted radiant power through a material, and spectral absorbance or
spectral decadic absorbance is the common logarithm of the ratio of
incident to transmitted spectral radiant power through a material.
Absorbance is dimensionless, and in particular is not a length, though it
is a monotonically increasing function of path length, and approaches zero
as the path length approaches zero. The use of the term "
density" for absorbance is discouraged. In physics, a closely
related quantity called "
optical depth" is
used instead of absorbance: the natural logarithm of the ratio of incident
to transmitted radiant power through a material. The optical depth equals
the absorbance times ln(10). The term absorption refers to the physical
process of
Absorbing Light, while absorbance does not
always measure absorption: it measures attenuation (of transmitted radiant
power). Attenuation can be caused by absorption, but also reflection,
scattering, and other physical processes.
Ozone Layer is a region of Earth's
absorbs most of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. It contains
high concentrations of ozone or O3 in relation to other parts of the
atmosphere, although still small in relation to other gases in the
stratosphere. The
ozone layer contains less than 10 parts per million of
ozone, while the average
ozone concentration in Earth's atmosphere as a
whole is about 0.3 parts per million. The ozone layer is mainly found in
the lower portion of the stratosphere, from approximately 20 to 30 kilometres (12 to 19 mi) above Earth, although its thickness varies
seasonally and geographically.
The ozone layer
continues to thin. The ozone layer protects life on earth from
radiation. Ozone is formed in the
stratosphere, mainly at altitudes above 30 km in the tropics. From there
it is distributed around the globe by atmospheric circulation. When
excessive quantities of ozone-depleting
chlorinated and
brominated hydrocarbons (e.g. CFCs) were released into the atmosphere,
ozone layer in the stratosphere - i.e. at altitudes of 15 to 50 km
thinned out globally. The Montreal Protocol introduced a ban on these
long-lasting substances in 1989. Despite the ban on CFCs, the concentra-tion of ozone in the lower part of the stratosphere (15 to 24
km) - where the ozone layer is at its den-sest - has continued to decline
at latitudes between 60° S and 60° N. The scientists were able to de-monstrate
this using satellite measurements spanning the last three decades together
with advanced statistical methods. very short-lived substances (VSLSs)
containing chlorine and bromine are on the rise, and could increasingly
enter the lower
Indoor Air
Monitoring -
Effects on the Body and Mind
Surface Weather Observation
are the fundamental data used for safety as well as climatological reasons
forecast weather and issue warnings worldwide. They
can be taken manually, by a weather
observer, by computer through the use of automated weather stations,
or in a hybrid scheme using weather observers to augment the otherwise
automated weather
Weather Instruments List (wiki) -
Eyes in the Sky (drones)
Earthquakes -
Volcanoes -
Wind is the
flow of
gases on a large scale. On
the surface of the Earth, wind consists of the bulk movement of
pressure always moves towards an area of
Thermals -
Columns of Rising Air -
Aerodynamics -
Solar Winds -
Upward Drafts
(hot air) -
Ocean Currents
Santa Ana Winds
are caused by high pressure over the desert of the southwestern U.S.,
that pushes through the mountain passages in Southern California toward
an area of lower pressure off the Pacific coast. As the air mass
drops in altitude, it compresses and heats up — by about 10 degrees
Celsius per kilometer (18 degrees Fahrenheit per 0.6 of a mile). It's a
"very effective way of warming up the air. As the air warms up, it also
decreases its humidity.
Funneling through narrow mountain passes, it also speeds up in much
the same way that air moving through a tunnel or the wind between
buildings is stronger. Normally, that makes for warm, dry Santa Anas
that can be reach 40–60 mph, with gusts exceeding 70 mph.
Wind Direction is reported by the direction from which it originates.
For example, a northerly wind blows from the north to the south. Wind
direction is usually reported in cardinal directions or in azimuth
degrees. Wind direction is measured in degrees clockwise from due north
and so a wind coming from the south has a wind direction of 180 degrees;
one from the east is
90 degrees. Winds are described after the
direction from which they come, followed by '-erly'. For example, winds
from the north are called ‘northerly winds’(north +-erly).
Weather Vane is an instrument used for showing the
direction of the wind. It is typically used
as an architectural ornament to the highest point of a building. The word
vane comes from the Old English word fana, meaning 'flag'.
is a
conical textile tube that resembles a giant sock. Windsocks can be
used as a basic guide to
wind direction and
speed, or as decoration.
Microburst or air bombs, is a small downdraft that moves in a way
opposite to a
tornado. Microbursts are found in strong
Shear is a difference in wind speed and/or direction over a relatively
short distance in the
atmosphere. Atmospheric wind shear is normally
described as either vertical or horizontal wind shear. Vertical wind shear
is a change in wind speed or direction with change in altitude. Horizontal
wind shear is a change in wind speed with change in lateral position for a
given altitude.
Turbulence is fluid
characterized by chaotic changes in
pressure and
flow velocity. It is in contrast to
a laminar flow, which occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with
no disruption between those layers.
Clear-Air Turbulence is the turbulent movement of air masses in the
absence of any visual clues, such as clouds, and is caused when bodies
of air moving at widely different speeds meet.
Mountain Waves are associated with severe turbulence, strong
vertical currents, and icing. These waves are generated when strong
winds flowing toward mountains in a generally perpendicular fashion are
raised up over the mountains. As the winds rise, they may encounter a
strong inversion or stable air barrier over the mountains that causes
the winds to be redirected toward the surface.
Convection is the
heat transfer due to bulk movement of molecules within fluids such as
gases and liquids, including molten rock (rheid). Convection takes place
through advection, diffusion or both.
circulation is the large-scale movement of air, and is a means by
which thermal energy is distributed on the surface of the Earth, together
with the much slower (lagged) ocean circulation system. The large-scale
structure of the atmospheric circulation varies from year to year, but the
basic climatological structure remains fairly constant.
Latitudinal circulation occurs because
incident solar radiation per unit area is highest at the heat equator, and
decreases as the latitude increases, reaching minima at the poles. It
consists of two primary convection cells, the Hadley cell and the polar
vortex, with the Hadley cell experiencing stronger convection due to the
release of latent heat energy by condensation of water vapor at higher
altitudes during cloud formation.
circulation, on the other hand, comes about because the ocean has a
higher specific heat capacity than land (and also thermal conductivity,
allowing the heat to penetrate further beneath the surface) and
thereby absorbs and releases more heat, but the temperature changes less
than land. This brings the sea breeze, air cooled by the water, ashore in
the day, and carries the land breeze, air cooled by contact with the
ground, out to sea during the night. Longitudinal circulation consists of
two cells, the Walker circulation and
El Niño / Southern Oscillation.
Less dense air rises above air
that is more dense, or water that is more dense then air. Hot air rises
because when you heat air it expands. When the air expands, it becomes
less dense than the air around it. The less dense hot air then floats
above the denser cold air much like wood floats on water because wood is
less dense than water. Gravity pulls cooler, denser air toward the
Earth's surface. As the denser air reaches the Earth's surface, it
spreads out and undercuts the less dense air, which in turn forces the
less dense air up and into motion, causing it to rise. Air has molecules
that are constantly moving. Because air has mass, Earth's gravity
attracts it and gives it weight. Because it has weight, and the air
molecules are constantly bumping into things, it exerts pressure. Air at
higher altitudes thins out as the gas particles expand and lose energy,
creating low air pressure. Air expands as it rises, and the fewer gas
molecules—including nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide—have fewer
chances to bump into each other. The air in contact with the ground is
warmer than air just above. As you get further and further from the warm
ground, the air is colder and colder. This explains why air temperature
decreases with increasing altitude in the troposphere.
Cell is a tropical atmospheric circulation that features air rising
near the equator, flowing poleward at 10–15 kilometers above the surface,
descending in the subtropics, and then flowing equatorward near the
surface. This circulation creates the trade winds, tropical rain-belts and
hurricanes, subtropical deserts and the jet streams.
Atmospheric River is a narrow corridor or filament of concentrated
moisture in the atmosphere. Atmospheric rivers consist of narrow bands of
enhanced water vapor transport, typically along the boundaries between
large areas of divergent surface air flow, including some frontal zones in
association with extratropical cyclones that form over the oceans.
Pineapple Express storms are the most commonly represented and
recognized type of atmospheric rivers; they are given the name due to the
warm water vapor plumes originating over the Hawaiian tropics that follow
a path towards California.
Ocean Currents.
Jet Stream are fast
flowing, narrow, meandering air currents in the atmospheres of some
planets, including Earth. On Earth, the main jet streams are located near
the altitude of the tropopause and are westerly winds (flowing west to
east). Their paths typically have a meandering shape. Jet streams may
start, stop, split into two or more parts, combine into one stream, or
flow in various directions including opposite to the direction of the
remainder of the jet. The strongest jet streams are the
Polar Jets, at 9–12 km (30,000–39,000 ft)
above sea level, and the higher altitude and somewhat weaker subtropical
jets at 10–16 km (33,000–52,000 ft). The Northern Hemisphere and the
Southern Hemisphere each have a polar jet and a subtropical jet. The
northern hemisphere polar jet flows over the middle to northern latitudes
of North America, Europe, and Asia and their intervening oceans, while the
southern hemisphere polar jet mostly circles Antarctica all year round.
Jet streams are the product of two factors: the atmospheric heating by
solar radiation that produces the large scale Polar, Ferrel, and Hadley
circulation cells, and the action of the Coriolis force acting on those

moving masses. The
Coriolis Force is caused by the planet's rotation on
its axis. On other planets, internal heat rather than solar heating drives
their jet streams. The Polar jet stream forms near the interface of the
Polar and Ferrel circulation cells; the subtropical jet forms near the
boundary of the Ferrel and Hadley circulation cells. Other jet streams
also exist. During the Northern Hemisphere summer, easterly jets can form
in tropical regions, typically where dry air encounters more humid air at
high altitudes. Low-level jets also are typical of various regions such as
the central United States. There are also jetstreams in the thermosphere.
Meteorologists use the location of some of the jet streams as an aid in
weather forecasting. The main commercial relevance of the jet streams is
in air travel, as flight time can be dramatically affected by either
flying with the flow or against, which results in significant fuel and
time cost savings for airlines. Often, the airlines work to fly 'with' the
jet stream for this reason. Dynamic North Atlantic Tracks are one example
of how airlines and air traffic control work together to accommodate the
jet stream and winds aloft that results in the maximum benefit for
airlines and other users. Clear-air turbulence, a potential hazard to
aircraft passenger safety, is often found in a jet stream's vicinity, but
it does not create a substantial alteration on flight times. These are a
narrow belt.
Large atmospheric waves in the jet stream present risk to global food
production. Researchers have discovered jet stream patterns that could
affect up to a quarter of global food production.
Outflow Boundary is a boundary separating thunderstorm-cooled air
(outflow) from the surrounding air; similar in effect to a cold front,
with passage marked by a wind shift and usually a drop in temperature and
a related pressure jump.
Mesoscale Meteorology horizontal
dimensions generally range from
around 5 kilometers to several hundred kilometers. Vertical velocity often
equals or exceeds horizontal velocities in mesoscale meteorological
systems due to nonhydrostatic processes such as buoyant acceleration of a
rising thermal or acceleration through a narrow mountain pass.
North Atlantic Oscillation is a weather phenomenon in the North
Atlantic Ocean of fluctuations in the difference of atmospheric pressure
at sea level (SLP) between the Icelandic low and the Azores high. Through
fluctuations in the strength of the Icelandic low and the Azores high, it
controls the strength and direction of westerly winds and location of
storm tracks across the North Atlantic. It is part of the Arctic
oscillation, and varies over time with no particular periodicity.
Entrainment in meteorology is a phenomenon of the atmosphere which
occurs when a turbulent flow captures a non-turbulent flow. It is
typically used to refer to the capture of a wind flow of high moisture
content, or in the case of tropical cyclones, the capture of drier air.
Detrainment is the opposite effect when the air from a convective cloud,
usually at its top, is injected in the environment.
Wind Chill is the
perceived decrease in air
felt by the body on exposed skin due to the flow of air. The temperature
of the
Air does not
change, the wind helps remove the
warm air
immediately next to the
and this causes a feeling of it being colder. The wind chill was developed
because of the feeling that it gets colder when the wind is stronger due
to a more rapid
heat loss
from the
body. Wind chill
numbers are always lower than the
air temperature for values where the formula is valid. When the
apparent temperature is higher than the air temperature, the
heat index is used instead.
Vortex Cannon is a piece of weaponry that releases
doughnut-shaped air vortices — similar to
smoke rings but larger, stronger and
invisible. The vortices are able to ruffle hair, disturb papers or blow
out candles after travelling several metres. The design consists of a
short and broad barrel with a slight taper, closed by a flexible diaphragm
at the larger end. The diaphragm is internally attached to the barrel by
elastic strips. The cannon is "armed" by pulling the diaphragm out,
distending the elastic bands, and is "fired" by releasing the diaphragm.
The diaphragm quickly pushes a quantity of air out of the open end,
creating a
vortex ring. An air vortex cannon can be made easily at home,
from just a cardboard box. A toy commercial version, with a barrel 12
inches (30 cm) wide and useful range of 20 feet (6.1 m) is sold under the
name Air bazooka or Airzooka.
Wind Speeds in Atmospheric Layers. Loon stratospheric balloons
confirm wind data from Aeolus. Researchers recommend more vertical
measurements for follow-up mission. ESA's novel
Aeolus satellite reliably measures wind speed also in higher air
layers and thus in a region of the atmosphere where other direct global
wind measurements are relatively sparse. This is the result of a study
for which data from the satellite were compared with wind observations
from stratospheric balloons.
Stratospheric balloons would provide highly accurate data on the
horizontal wind speed and are therefore also suitable for the validation
of future satellite missions. This novel satellite has a powerful laser
on board, the
Atmospheric Laser Doppler
Instrument. ALADIN is the first Doppler wind lidar in space to
provide profiles of horizontal wind speed from the Earth's surface or
from the top of thick clouds up to a height of about 30 km on a global
scale. To do this, the satellite emits short ultraviolet laser pulses as
it orbits the Earth. A small part of these light pulses is scattered
back to the satellite by air molecules, aerosols and clouds and
collected and processed in the detector there. For one circumnavigation
of the globe Aeolus takes 90 minutes, within a week the satellite
collects wind data around the entire globe. This data is assimilated by
weather forecasting centres around the world to improve their forecasts.
Since there have been no comparable satellite missions so far, the data
are checked particularly critically and compared with other wind
measurements. Loon was a commercial project that had provided remote
regions with internet access via helium balloons in the stratosphere.
The balloons, which were about 12 metres in diameter, acted as floating
mobile phone stations at altitudes of 16 to 20 kilometres above the
ground. For maintaining the network, the balloons had to automatically
correct the wind direction by changing the altitude. This created an
extensive data set on wind speeds in these atmospheric layers, which
partially fills the gap in wind data at this altitude in the global
observation system. The Loon project was discontinued in 2021 for
economic reasons, but a highly interesting data set remains for
atmospheric research.
is an aerosol comprising a visible mass of
minute liquid droplets,
crystals, or particles suspended in the
above the surface of a planetary body. The droplets and
crystals may be
made of
water or various chemicals. On Earth, clouds are
formed as a
result of saturation of the air when it is cooled to its
dew point, or
when it gains sufficient moisture (usually in the form of water vapor)
from an adjacent source to raise the dew point to the ambient temperature.
They are seen in the Earth's
Homosphere, which includes the troposphere,
stratosphere, and mesosphere.
Nephology is the science of clouds which is
undertaken in the cloud physics branch of meteorology.
Rain falls when tiny water droplets come together to form bigger water
droplets until the weight of
gravity forces the
rain drops to fall.
Coalescence is the process by which two or more droplets,
bubbles or
particles merge during contact to form a single daughter droplet, bubble
or particle. It can take place in many processes, ranging from meteorology
to astrophysics, which is the branch of
that employs the principles of
physics and
Droplet is a tiny liquid drop with a shape that is spherical and
All About Clouds
for Kids: Types and Names of Clouds - FreeSchool (youtube)
The Three Main
Clouds - Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus (youtube)
Types List (wiki) -
Cumulus (white fluffy)
Stratus (blanket) are low clouds below 6,500 feet.
Clouds are
above 20,000 feet.
Cloud - Roll cloud - Mustache Cloud.
Kelvin–Helmholtz Instability is the difference in air densities in the
Noctilucent Cloud or Electric Blue Polar Cloud, are tenuous cloud-like
phenomena that are the "ragged edge" of a much brighter and pervasive
polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere,
visible in a deep twilight. They are made of ice crystals and are only
visible in a deep twilight. These clouds
can be observed only when the Sun is below the horizon for the observer,
but while the clouds are still in sunlight. Noctilucent roughly means
night shining in Latin. They are most commonly observed in the summer
months at latitudes between 50° and 70° north and south of the equator.
These clouds can be observed only during local summer months and when the
Sun is below the horizon for the observer, but while the clouds are still
in sunlight.
Electric-Blue Clouds Appear Over Antarctica (youtube)
Polar Mesospheric Clouds are a phenomenon known as noctilucent clouds.
From satellites, PMCs are most frequently observed above 70°-75° in
latitude and have a season of 60 to 80 days duration centered about a peak
which occurs about 20 days after the summer solstice. This holds true for
both hemispheres. Great variability in scattering is observed from
day-to-day and year-to- year, but averaging over large time and space
scales reveals a basic underlying symmetry and pattern. The long- term
behaviour of polar mesospheric cloud frequency has been found to vary
inversely with solar activity.
Polar Stratospheric Cloud also known as nacreous clouds, are
clouds in the winter polar stratosphere at altitudes of 15,000–25,000
meters (49,000–82,000 ft). They are best observed during civil twilight
when the sun is between 1 and 6 degrees below the horizon as well as in
winter and in more northerly latitudes. They are implicated in the
formation of ozone holes. The effects on ozone depletion arise because
they support chemical reactions that produce active chlorine which
catalyzes ozone destruction, and also because they remove gaseous nitric
acid, perturbing nitrogen and chlorine cycles in a way which increases
ozone destruction. (from nacre, or mother of pearl, due to its
Fog is a
aerosol consisting of tiny
water droplets or
ice crystals suspended in
the air at or near the Earth's surface. Fog can be considered a type of
cloud, usually resembling stratus, and is heavily influenced by
nearby bodies of water, topography, and
wind conditions.
In turn, fog has affected many human activities, such as shipping, travel,
and warfare.
Dust are
fine particles of solid matter. It generally consists of particles in the
atmosphere that come from various sources such as soil, dust lifted by
wind (an aeolian process),
volcanic eruptions,
pollution. Dust
in homes, offices, and other
human environments
contains small amounts of plant pollen, human and animal hairs, textile
fibers, paper fibers, minerals from outdoor soil, human skin cells, burnt
meteorite particles, and many other materials which may be found in the
local environment.
Mineral Dust is atmospheric
originated from the suspension of
minerals constituting the
soil. It is composed of various oxides and carbonates. Human activities
lead to 30% of the dust load in the atmosphere. The Sahara Desert is the
major source of mineral dust, which subsequently spreads across the
Mediterranean (where it is the origin of rain dust) and Caribbean seas
into northern South America, Central America, North America, and Europe.
Additionally, it plays a significant role in the nutrient inflow to the
Amazon rainforest. The Gobi Desert is another source of dust in the
atmosphere, which affects eastern Asia and western North America.
Rain is
water in the form of droplets that have
condensed from atmospheric
water vapor and then precipitated—that is,
become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of
the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water
on the Earth. It provides suitable conditions for many types of
ecosystems, as well as water for
power plants and
Erosion -
Rain Water Management -
Drizzle is a light
liquid precipitation consisting of liquid water drops smaller than those
of rain – generally smaller than 0.5 mm (0.02 in) in diameter.
Even knowing that the earth
100 lightning strikes every second, and has earthquakes
every minute, and has 1,000's of fires burning everyday, with
Meteorites hitting the earth every day, I have had a
a calm life in Danbury Ct. from 1960 till 2015.
Being born in
1960 was extremely lucky,
Turning 40 in 2000.
Evaporation (water
knowledge) -
Droughts -
Flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is
usually dry. Flooding may occur as an
overflow of water from water bodies, such as a river, lake, or ocean, in
which the water overtops or breaks levees, resulting in some of that water
escaping its usual boundaries, or it may occur due to an accumulation of
rainwater on saturated ground in an areal flood. While the size of a lake
or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in precipitation
and snow melt, these changes in size are unlikely to be considered
significant unless they
flood property or drown domestic animals.
Torrent is a heavy rain of an
overwhelming number or amount. A violently fast stream of water.
Torrential is something pouring in
Explosive Cyclogenesis (Weather Bomb)
The Who - Love
Reign Over Me (youtube) - Only Love Can make it Rain. -
Singing In The Rain
(Gene Kelly) (youtube)

Earth has
8.6 Million
Lightning Strikes a day. 3.6 trillion lightning strikes each
year. Lightning hits the earth an
100 times per second on average. When
Condenses the movement of air produces
Global Atmospheric Electrical Circuit is the continuous movement of
electric current between the ionosphere and the earth's surface. This flow
is powered by thunderstorms, which cause a build-up of positive charge in
the ionosphere. In fair weather this positive charge slowly flows back
to the surface.
The Brain -
Electricity in Nature
Electric Universe
Lightning is a abrupt electric discharge
from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth accompanied by the emission of
light. The flash of light that accompanies an
electric discharge in the atmosphere (or something resembling such a
flash); can scintillate for a second or more.
Scintillate is to emit or reflect light in a flickering manner.
Lightning Rod
is a metal rod mounted on a structure and intended to protect the
structure from a lightning strike. If lightning hits the structure, it
will preferentially strike the rod and be
conducted to
ground through a
wire, instead of passing through the structure, where it could start a
fire or cause electrocution. Lightning rods are also called finials, air
terminals, or strike termination devices. In a lightning protection
system, a lightning rod is a single component of the system. The lightning
rod requires a connection to earth to perform its protective function.
Lightning rods come in many different forms, including hollow, solid,
pointed, rounded, flat strips, or even bristle brush-like. The main
attribute common to all lightning rods is that they are all made of
conductive materials, such as copper and aluminum. Copper and its alloys
are the most common materials used in lightning protection.
Spark is a momentary flash of light.
Electrical conduction through a gas in an applied electric field. A small
fragment of a burning substance thrown out by
material or by friction.
is to appear briefly and make known or cause to appear with great speed. A
sudden intense burst of radiant energy. A momentary brightness.
Twinkle is a
rapid change in brightness or a brief spark or flash. To gleam or glow
intermittently. Emit or reflect light in a flickering manner.
Flicker is a momentary flash of light that
moves back and forth very rapidly or flashes
Lightning Strike is an
electric discharge between the
and an earth-bound object. They mostly originate in a
cumulonimbus cloud and terminate on the ground, called cloud to ground
(CG) lightning. A less common type of strike, called ground to cloud (GC),
is upward propagating lightning initiated from a tall grounded object and
reaches into the clouds. About 25% of all lightning events worldwide are
strikes between the atmosphere and earth-bound objects.
The bulk of lightning events are intra-cloud (IC)
or cloud to cloud (CC), where discharges only occur high in the atmosphere.
A single lightning event is a "flash", which is a complex, multi-stage
process, some parts of which are not fully understood. Most cloud to
ground flashes only "strike" one physical location, referred to as a
"termination". The primary conducting channel, the bright coursing light
that may be seen and is called a "strike", is only about one inch in
diameter, but because of its extreme brilliance, it often looks much
larger to the human eye and in photographs. Lightning
Discharges are
typically miles long, but certain types of horizontal discharges can be
upwards of tens of miles in length. The entire flash lasts only a fraction
of a second. Most of the early formative and propagation stages are much
dimmer and not visible to the human eye.
Step Potential is the Step Voltage between
the feet of a person standing near an energized grounded object. It is
equal to the difference in
voltage, given by the voltage distribution
curve, between two points at different distances from the electrode.
Earth Potential Rise occurs when a large current flows to earth
through an earth grid
impedance. The potential relative to a distant point
on the Earth is highest at the point where current enters the ground, and
declines with distance from the source.
Ground potential rise is a concern
in the design of electrical substations because the high potential may be
hazard to people or equipment. The change of voltage over distance
(potential gradient) may be so high that a person could be injured due to
the voltage developed between two feet, or between the
ground on which the
person is standing and a metal object. Any conducting object connected to
the substation earth ground, such as telephone wires, rails, fences, or
metallic piping, may also be energized at the ground potential in the
substation. This transferred potential is a hazard to people and equipment
outside the substation.
Positive Lightning strikes tend to be much more intense than their
negative counterparts. An average bolt of negative lightning carries an
electric current of 30,000 amperes (30 kA), and transfers 15 coulombs of
electric charge and 500 megajoules of energy. Large bolts of negative
lightning can carry up to 120 kA and 350 coulombs. The average positive
ground flash has roughly double the peak current of a typical negative
flash, and can produce peak currents up to 400,000 amperes (400 kA) and
charges of several hundreds coulombs. Furthermore, positive ground flashes
with high peak currents are commonly followed by long continuing currents,
a correlation not seen in negative ground flashes.
Sprite Lightning are large-scale
electrical discharges that
occur high above
thunderstorm clouds, or
cumulonimbus, giving rise to a quite varied range of visual shapes
flickering in the night sky. They are triggered by the discharges of
positive lightning between an underlying thundercloud and the ground.
Sprites appear as luminous reddish-orange flashes. They often occur in
clusters above the troposphere at an altitude range of 50–90 km (31–56
mi). Sporadic visual reports of sprites go back at least to 1886, but they
were first photographed on July 6, 1989 by scientists from the University
of Minnesota and have subsequently been captured in video recordings many
thousands of times. Sprites are sometimes inaccurately called
upper-atmospheric lightning. However, sprites are cold plasma phenomena
that lack the hot channel temperatures of tropospheric lightning, so
they are more akin to fluorescent tube discharges than to lightning
Northern Lights.
Upper-Atmospheric Lightning are short-lived electrical-breakdown
phenomena that occur well above the altitudes of normal lightning and
storm clouds. Upper-atmospheric lightning is believed to be electrically
induced forms of
luminous plasma. The
preferred usage is transient luminous event (TLE), because the various
types of electrical-discharge phenomena in the upper atmosphere lack
several characteristics of the more familiar tropospheric lightning.
Ball Lightning is an unexplained atmospheric electrical phenomenon.
The term refers to reports of luminous, spherical objects that vary from
pea-sized to several meters in diameter. Though usually associated with
thunderstorms, the phenomenon lasts considerably longer than the
split-second flash of a lightning bolt. Many early reports claim that the
ball eventually explodes, sometimes with fatal consequences, leaving
behind the odor of sulfur.
is an unusually
powerful lightning bolt that unleash a thousand times more low-frequency
energy than regular lightning bolts -- occur in dramatically different
patterns than regular lightning.
Volcanic Lightning is an electrical discharge caused by a
volcanic eruption, rather than from an ordinary
thunderstorm. Volcanic lightning arises from colliding, fragmenting
particles of volcanic ash (and sometimes ice), which generate
static electricity
within the volcanic plume, leading to the name dirty thunderstorm. Moist
convection and ice formation also drive the eruption plume dynamics and
can trigger volcanic lightning. But unlike ordinary thunderstorms,
volcanic lightning can also occur before any ice crystals have formed in
the ash cloud.
Atmospheric Electricity is the study of electrical charges in the
Earth's atmosphere. The movement of charge between the Earth's surface,
the atmosphere, and the ionosphere is known as the
global atmospheric electrical circuit. Atmospheric electricity is an
interdisciplinary topic with a long history, involving concepts from
atmospheric physics, meteorology and Earth science. Thunderstorms act as a
giant battery in the
atmosphere, charging up the ionosphere to about 400,000 volts with respect
to the surface. This sets up an electric field throughout the atmosphere,
which decreases with increase in altitude. Atmospheric ions created by
cosmic rays and natural radioactivity move in the electric field, so a
very small current flows through the atmosphere, even away from
thunderstorms. Near the surface of the earth, the magnitude of the field
is on average around 100 V/m. Atmospheric electricity involves both
thunderstorms, which create lightning bolts to rapidly discharge huge
amounts of atmospheric charge stored in storm clouds, and the continual
electrification of the air due to ionization from cosmic rays and natural
radioactivity, which ensure that the atmosphere is never quite neutral.
Most tropical lightning storms are radioactive. Researchers have
known for several decades that thunderstorms can act as
miniature particle accelerators that
produce antimatter, gamma rays and other nuclear phenomena. But they did
not know how common the phenomenon was. In observations taken by a
retrofitted U2 spy plane, they've discovered essentially all large
thunderstorms produce
gamma rays in many
dynamic, unexpected and unknown ways.
Earth is
negatively and carries about 5x10^5 C due to the
Ionosphere - Earth capacitance which is about 1
F. The positive charge of Ionosphere is formed by the predominantly
positively charged cosmic rays with intensity is about 10^4 nuclei per
square meter per second with energy > 1 GeV.
Planets are charged and all bodies in space have a voltage that
depends on their immediate environment to the degree that they interact
with it through the interplanetary medium, which transfers charge to an
extent. Earth has a minor negative charge that causes
lightening. However, overall the planet is very close to neutral when
combined with the atmosphere. Since moons, planets and stars are the
things that make up the universe, it is only logical to deduce that the
universe therefore has a total electric charge of zero.
Sun is made of
charged ions. and negatively charged electrons, in a state of
matter called plasma. The properties of the gas are controlled by
electromagnetic forces among constituent ions and electrons, which results
in a different type of behavior.The Sun is positive with a magnitude that
is estimated as 77 Coulombs, or about 1 electron per million tons of
matter. Equilibrium of these forces establishes the allowed net charge.
Scientists discover phenomenon impacting Earth's radiation belts.
Two scientists discovered a new type of 'whistler,' an electromagnetic
wave that carries a substantial amount of lightning energy to the
Earth's magnetosphere. Lightning
energy entering the ionosphere at higher latitudes reaches the
magnetosphere as a different type of whistler called a
magnetospherically reflected whistler, which undergoes one or more
reflections within the magnetosphere. Earth's magnetosphere is a region
of space surrounding the planet and created by
Earth's magnetic field. It provides a
protective barrier that prevents most of the solar wind's particles from
reaching the atmosphere and harming life and technology. The ionosphere
is a layer of Earth's upper atmosphere characterized by a high
concentration of ions and free electrons. It is ionized by solar
radiation and cosmic rays, making it conductive and crucial for radio
communication because it reflects and modifies radio waves.
Charge Conservation is the principle that the total
electric charge in an
isolated system never changes. The net quantity of electric charge, the
amount of positive charge minus the amount of negative charge in the
universe, is always conserved. Charge conservation, considered as a
physical conservation law, implies that the change in the amount of
electric charge in any volume of space is exactly equal to the amount of
charge flowing into the volume minus the amount of charge flowing out of
the volume. This does not mean that individual positive and negative
cannot be created or destroyed.
Electric charge is carried by subatomic particles such as electrons and
Charged particles can be
created and destroyed in elementary particle reactions. In particle
physics, charge conservation means that in reactions that create charged
particles, equal numbers of positive and negative particles are always
created, keeping the net amount of charge unchanged. Similarly, when
particles are destroyed, equal numbers of positive and negative charges
are destroyed. This property is supported without exception by all
empirical observations so far. Although conservation of charge requires
that the total quantity of charge in the universe is constant, it leaves
open the question of what that quantity is. Most evidence indicates that
the net charge in the universe is zero; that is, there are equal
quantities of positive and negative charge.
Storms - Strong Winds
Storms is any disturbed state of an environment or
astronomical body's
atmosphere especially affecting its surface, and
strongly implying
severe weather. It may be marked by significant
disruptions to normal conditions such as strong
wind, hail, thunder and
lightning (a thunderstorm), heavy precipitation (snowstorm, rainstorm),
heavy freezing
rain (ice storm), strong winds (tropical cyclone,
windstorm), or wind transporting some substance through the atmosphere as
in a dust storm, blizzard, sandstorm, etc. Storms have the potential to
harm lives and property via storm surge, heavy rain or snow causing
flooding or road impassibility, lightning,
wildfires, and vertical
shear; however, systems with significant rainfall and duration help
alleviate drought in places they move through. Heavy
snowfall can allow
special recreational activities to take place which would not be possible
otherwise, such as skiing and snowmobiling.
Cyclones is a rapidly
rotating storm system characterized by
low-pressure center, a closed low-level atmospheric circulation,
winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain.
Depending on its location and strength, a tropical cyclone is referred to
by different names, including
Hurricane, typhoon, tropical storm, cyclonic storm, tropical
depression, and simply cyclone. A hurricane is a tropical cyclone that
occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and northeastern Pacific Ocean, and a typhoon
occurs in the northwestern Pacific Ocean; while in the south Pacific or
Indian Ocean, comparable storms are referred to simply as “tropical
cyclones” or “severe cyclonic storms”.
Flooding -
Earth Magnetics -
Earthquake Tsunamis
Hurricanes originating in the
northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise. And those developing
in the southern hemisphere spin in a clockwise direction.
Hurricanes don't cross the equator because at the equator the
Coriolis effect is
nearly zero, which means there's not enough twist to fuel a hurricane.
The effect of
Earth's rotation causes moving air to
twist in a circular motion.
Dropwindsondes are deployed from the aircraft and drift down on a
parachute measuring vertical profiles of
temperature, humidity and wind as they fall.
Explosive Cyclogenesis or weather bomb, meteorological bomb, explosive
development, or bombogenesis, refers in a strict sense to a rapidly
deepening extratropical cyclonic low-pressure area. To enter this
category, the central pressure of a depression at 60°
latitude is required to decrease by 24 mb (hPa) or more in 24 hours.
This is a predominantly maritime, winter event, but also occurs in
continental settings. This process is the extratropical equivalent of the
tropical rapid deepening.
Tornados is a rapidly rotating column of air that is in
contact with both the surface of the Earth and a
cumulonimbus cloud or, in
rare cases, the base of a cumulus cloud. They are often referred to as
twisters, whirlwinds or cyclones, although the word cyclone is used in
meteorology to name a weather system with a low-pressure area in the
center around which winds blow
counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere
and clockwise in the Southern. Tornadoes come in many shapes and sizes,
and they are often visible in the form of a condensation funnel
originating from the base of a cumulonimbus cloud, with a cloud of
rotating debris and dust beneath it. Most tornadoes have
wind speeds less
than 110 miles per hour (180 km/h), are about 250 feet (80 m) across, and
travel a few miles (several kilometers) before dissipating.
The most
extreme tornadoes can attain wind speeds of more than 300 miles per hour
(480 km/h), are more than two miles (3 km) in diameter, and stay on the
ground for dozens of miles (more than 100 km).
Waterspout is an intense columnar vortex usually appearing as a
funnel-shaped cloud that occurs over a body of
water. Some are connected to a
cumulus congestus cloud,
some to a cumuliform cloud and some to a cumulonimbus cloud.
Devil is a small, weak whirlwind over water or sometimes wet land
that has drawn fog into the
vortex, thus rendering it visible.
Landspout is a term for a kind of tornado not associated with a
Devil is a strong, well-formed, and relatively short-lived
whirlwind. Its size ranges from small (half a metre wide and a few
metres tall) to large (more than 10 m wide and more than 1 km tall). The
primary vertical motion is upward. Dust devils are usually harmless, but
can on rare occasions grow large enough to pose a threat to both people
and property. Dust Devils form when
hot air at
the surface begins to rise rapidly with much cooler air above it
and higher up into the atmosphere. The
hot air then
stretches and causes a spinning motion much like a tornado.
Whirlwind is a
weather phenomenon in which a
vortex of
wind or a vertically
oriented rotating column of air, forms due to instabilities and
turbulence created by heating and flow or current gradients. Whirlwinds
occur all over the world and in any season.
Mesocyclone is a meso-gamma mesoscale (or storm scale) region of
rotation (vortex), typically around 2 to 6 mi (3.2 to 9.7 km) in
diameter, most often noticed on radar within thunderstorms. Mesocyclones
are medium-scale vortices of rising and converging air that circulate
around a vertical axis. They are most often associated with a local
region of low-pressure. Their rotation is (usually) in the same
direction as low pressure systems in a given hemisphere:
counter-clockwise in the northern, and clockwise in the southern
hemisphere, with the only occasional exceptions being the smallest-scale
mesocyclones. Meso Anticyclones that rotate in an opposite direction may
accompany mesocyclones within a supercell but these tend to be weaker
and often more transient than mesocyclones, which can be sustained for
tens of minutes or hours, and also cyclically form in succession within
a supercell.
Mesoscale Meteorology is the study of
systems smaller than synoptic-scale systems but larger than
microscale and storm-scale cumulus systems. Horizontal dimensions
generally range from around 5 kilometres (3 mi) to several hundred
kilometers. Examples of mesoscale weather systems are sea breezes,
squall lines, and mesoscale convective complexes. Mesoscale Meteorology
is divided into these subclasses: Meso-alpha 200–2000 km scale of
phenomena like fronts, squall lines, mesoscale convective systems (MCS),
tropical cyclones at the edge of synoptic scale. Meso-beta 20–200 km
scale of phenomena like sea breezes, lake effect snow storms. Meso-gamma
2–20 km scale of phenomena like thunderstorm convection, complex terrain
flows (at the edge to microscale, also known as storm-scale).
Weather Prediction ServicesRain (floods)
Volcanoes -
Scientific Modeling Atmosphere Composition Diagram
Red Sky at Night,
Sailors' Delight.
Red Sky at Morning, Sailors take Warning" is a rhyme that was used as
an unreliable type of weather forecasting during the past two millennia.
It's based on the reddish glow of the morning or evening sky, caused by
haze or clouds related to storms in the region. If the morning skies are
red, it is because clear skies over the horizon to the east permit the sun
to light the undersides of moisture-bearing clouds. The saying
assumes that more such clouds are
coming in from the west. Conversely, in order to see red clouds in the
evening, sunlight must have a clear path from the west, so therefore the
prevailing westerly wind must be bringing clear skies. There are occasions
where a storm system might rain itself out before reaching the observer
(who had seen the morning red sky). For ships at sea however, the wind and
rough seas from an approaching storm system could still be a problem, even
without rainfall. Because of different prevailing wind patterns around the
globe, the traditional rhyme is
generally not
correct at lower latitudes of both hemispheres, where prevailing
winds are from east to west. The rhyme is generally correct at
mid-latitudes where, due to the rotation of the Earth, prevailing winds
travel west to east.
Earth also has other natural occurring events that sometimes
causes major problems, and death.
Causes of Death -
Extinctions -
Diseases -
Invasive Species.
There are also other events that threaten us that can be
Pollution -
Climate Change
Viruses -
Disease -
War -
Earth Quakes
Earthquake is the shaking of the
surface of the Earth,
resulting from the
sudden release of energy in the Earth's
that creates
seismic waves. Earthquakes can range in size from those that
are so weak that they cannot be felt to those violent enough to toss
people around and destroy whole cities. The seismicity or seismic activity
of an area refers to the
frequency, type and size of earthquakes
experienced over a period of time.
Meteoroids -
Volcanoes -
Shaking is the act of
something to
up and down or back and forth or sideways with quick
Vibrate rapidly and
intensively. Excite the feelings or emotions of or to disturb the peace.
Tremor is a small earthquake with
shaking or trembling.
Rumble is a loud
low dull continuous
noise or
Seismometer or seismograph is an instrument that measures
motion of the
ground, caused by, for example, an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or the
use of explosives.
of Seismic Waves allow
seismologists to
map the interior of the Earth and to locate and measure the size of events
like these.
Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes and the propagation
elastic waves
through the Earth or through other planet-like bodies. The field also
includes studies of earthquake environmental effects such as tsunamis as
well as diverse seismic sources such as volcanic, tectonic, oceanic,
atmospheric, and artificial processes such as explosions. A related field
that uses geology to infer information regarding past earthquakes is
paleoseismology. A recording of earth motion as a function of time is
called a
seismogram. A seismologist is a scientist who does research in
Seismic Tomography.
Zhang Heng Zhang's Seismoscope was made around 91 BC that in 780 BC.
Sand-Tracing Pendulum is a pointed weight
at the end of a long wire suspended over a tray of sand. The vibrations of
the quake produced an intricate, rose-like shape in the sand.
Measuring the tempo of Utah's red rock towers. Geologists know well
how rock towers and arches shimmy, twist and sway in response to far-off
earthquakes, wind and even ocean waves. Their latest research compiles a
first-of-its-kind dataset to show that the dynamic properties, i.e. the
frequencies at which the rocks vibrate and the ways they deform during
vibration, can be
largely predicted using the same mathematics that describe how beams in
built structures resonate.
Earthquake Resistant Building
Earth may be the only planet in our solar system with
plate tectonics, which
move 2 CM's a year.
Plate Tectonics is a scientific theory describing the large-scale
motion of seven large plates and the movements of a larger number of
smaller plates of the Earth's lithosphere, since
tectonic processes began on Earth between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago.
The model builds on the concept of continental drift, an idea developed
during the first decades of the 20th century. The
geoscientific community accepted plate-tectonic theory after seafloor
spreading was validated in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
List of 15 Tectonic Plates (wiki).
Subduction is a geological process that takes place at convergent
boundaries of tectonic plates where
one plate moves under another and is
forced or sinks due to gravity into the mantle. Regions where this process
occurs are known as subduction zones. Rates of subduction are typically in
centimeters per year, with the average rate of convergence being
approximately two to eight centimeters per year along most plate
Sinking Land.
Fault in
geology is a crack in the
earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to
the other. A
fault is a
fracture or zone of
fractures between two blocks of rock.
allow the blocks to move relative to each other. This movement
may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake - or may occur slowly,
in the form of creep.
Faults may range in length from a few millimeters to thousands of
kilometers. Most faults produce repeated displacements over geologic
time. Earthquakes occur on faults - strike-slip earthquakes occur on
strike-slip faults, normal earthquakes occur on normal faults, and
thrust earthquakes occur on reverse or thrust faults. When an earthquake
occurs on one of these faults, the rock on one side of the fault slips
with respect to the other. The fault surface can be vertical,
horizontal, or at some angle to the surface of the earth. A Quaternary
fault is one that has been recognized at the surface and that has moved
in the past 1,600,000 years (1.6 million years). That places fault
movement within the Quaternary Period, which covers the last 2.6 million
years. Fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock
across which there has been significant displacement as a result of
rock-mass movements. Large faults within Earth's crust result from the
action of plate tectonic forces, with the largest forming the boundaries
between the plates, such as the megathrust faults of subduction zones or
transform faults. Energy release associated with rapid movement on
active faults is the cause of most earthquakes. Faults may also displace
slowly, by aseismic creep. A fault plane is the plane that represents
the fracture surface of a fault. A fault trace or fault line is a place
where the fault can be seen or mapped on the surface. A fault trace is
also the line commonly plotted on geologic maps to represent a fault. A
fault zone is a cluster of parallel faults. However, the term is also
used for the zone of crushed rock along a single fault. Prolonged motion
along closely spaced faults can blur the distinction, as the rock
between the faults is converted to fault-bound lenses of rock and then
progressively crushed.
Find the nearest fault to a property or specific location.
Rift is
a linear zone where the lithosphere is being pulled apart and is an
example of extensional tectonics. Typical rift features are a central
linear downfaulted depression, called a graben, or more commonly a half-graben
with normal faulting and rift-flank uplifts mainly on one side. Where
rifts remain above sea level they form a
valley, which may be filled by water forming a rift lake. The
axis of the rift area may contain volcanic rocks, and active volcanism
is a part of many, but not all, active rift systems. Major rifts occur
along the central axis of most mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust
and lithosphere is created along a divergent boundary between two
tectonic plates. Failed rifts are the result of continental rifting that
failed to continue to the point of break-up. Typically the transition
from rifting to spreading develops at a triple junction where three
converging rifts meet over a hotspot. Two of these evolve to the point
of seafloor spreading, while the third ultimately fails, becoming an
Divergent Boundary is a linear feature that exists between
two tectonic plates that are moving away from
each other. Divergent boundaries within continents initially
rifts, which eventually become rift valleys. Most active divergent
plate boundaries occur between oceanic plates and exist as mid-oceanic
ridges. Divergent boundaries also form volcanic islands, which occur
when the plates move apart to produce gaps that molten lava rises to
fill. Current research indicates that complex convection within the
Earth's mantle allows material to rise to the base of the lithosphere
beneath each divergent plate boundary. This supplies the area with vast
amounts of heat and a reduction in pressure that melts rock from the
asthenosphere (or upper mantle) beneath the rift area, forming large
flood basalt or
lava flows.
Each eruption occurs in only a part of the plate boundary at any one
time, but when it does occur, it fills in the opening gap as the two
opposing plates move away from each other. Over millions of years,
tectonic plates may move many hundreds of kilometers away from both
sides of a divergent plate boundary. Because of this, rocks closest to a
boundary are younger than rocks further away on the same plate.
Lithospheric Foundering is a process where a portion of the
lithosphere sinks into the mantle. It's a mechanism that contributes to
the formation of continental plateaus, mountain belts, and basins.
Lithosphere is the rigid, outermost rocky shell of a terrestrial planet
or natural satellite.
Foundered Strata describes rock strata which have collapsed due, for
example, to the dissolution of underlying strata. Foundered strata may
retain original bedding more or less intact or they may assume a chaotic
structure in the process of collapse or some intermediate state of
Delamination refers to the loss and sinking or foundering of the
portion of the lowermost lithosphere from the tectonic plate to which it
was attached.
Seafloor Spreading is a process that occurs at mid-ocean ridges,
where new oceanic crust is formed through
activity and then gradually moves away from the ridge.
Mid-Ocean Ridge is a seafloor mountain system formed by plate
tectonics. It typically has a depth of ~ 2,600 meters (8,500 ft) and
rises about two kilometers above the deepest portion of an ocean basin.
This feature is where
seafloor spreading
takes place along a divergent plate boundary. The rate of seafloor
spreading determines the morphology of the crest of the mid-ocean ridge
and its width in an ocean basin. The production of new seafloor and
oceanic lithosphere results from mantle upwelling in response to plate
separation. The melt rises as
magma at the
linear weakness between the
separating plates,
and emerges as lava, creating new oceanic crust and lithosphere upon
cooling. The first discovered mid-ocean ridge was the Mid-Atlantic
Ridge, which is a spreading center that bisects the North and South
Atlantic basins; hence the origin of the name 'mid-ocean ridge'. Most
oceanic spreading centers are not in the middle of their hosting ocean
basis but regardless, are traditionally called mid-ocean ridges.
Mid-ocean ridges around the globe are linked by plate tectonic
boundaries and the trace of the ridges across the ocean floor appears
similar to the seam of a baseball. The mid-ocean ridge system thus is
the longest mountain range on Earth, reaching about 65,000 km (40,000
mi). An oceanic spreading ridge is the fracture zone along the ocean
bottom where molten mantle material comes to the surface, thus creating
new crust. This fracture can be seen beneath the ocean as a line of
ridges that form as molten rock reaches the ocean bottom and solidifies.
There are
several million
Earthquakes occurring in the world each year, mostly low in
magnitude. There are 14,000 earthquakes of magnitude 4 or
greater every year, approximately 40 per day.
The total Number of Earthquakes per year with 8 or Higher
Magnitude is only 1. Between 7-7.9 is 18, 6-6.9 is 120,
5-5.9 is 800, 4-4.9 6 is 200, 3-3.9 is 49,000
The Largest Recorded Earthquake in the World is 9.5 on the
Richter Scale.
P-wave are a type of
wave, and are one of the two main types of elastic body waves,
called seismic waves in seismology, that travel through a continuum and
are the first
waves from an earthquake to arrive at a seismograph. The
continuum is made up of gases (as sound waves), liquids, or solids,
including the Earth. P-waves can be produced by earthquakes and recorded
by seismographs. The name P-wave can stand for either pressure wave as it
is formed from alternating compressions and rarefactions or primary wave,
as it has the highest velocity and is therefore the first wave to be
Waves -
S-wave (wiki).
G Plates
interactive plate-tectonic reconstructions.
Earth Byte
geodata synthesis through space and time, assimilating the
wealth of disparate geological and geophysical data into a
four-dimensional Earth model including tectonics, geodynamics and surface
Episodic Tremor and Slip is a seismological phenomenon observed in
some subduction zones that is characterized by non-earthquake seismic
rumbling, or tremor, and slow slip along the plate interface. Slow slip
events are distinguished from earthquakes by their propagation speed and
focus. In slow slip events, there is an apparent reversal of crustal
motion, although the fault motion remains consistent with the direction of
subduction. ETS events themselves are imperceptible to human beings and do
not cause damage.
Slow Earthquake is a discontinuous, earthquake-like event that
releases energy over a period of hours to months, rather than the seconds
to minutes characteristic of a typical earthquake. First detected using
long term strain measurements, most slow earthquakes now appear to be
accompanied by fluid flow and related tremor, which can be detected and
approximately located using seismometer data filtered appropriately
(typically in the 1–5 Hz band). That is, they are quiet compared to a
regular earthquake, but not "silent" as described in the past. Slow
earthquakes should not be confused with tsunami earthquakes, in which
relatively slow rupture velocity produces tsunami out of proportion to the
triggering earthquake. In a tsunami earthquake, the rupture propagates
along the fault more slowly than usual, but the energy release occurs on a
similar timescale to other earthquakes.
Tsunami Earthquake triggers a tsunami of a magnitude that is very much
larger than the magnitude of the earthquake as measured by shorter-period
seismic waves. The term was introduced by Hiroo Kanamori in 1972. Such
events are a result of relatively slow rupture velocities. They are
particularly dangerous as a large tsunami may arrive at a coastline with
little or no warning. A tsunami is a sea wave of local or distant origin
that results from large-scale seafloor displacements associated with large
earthquakes, major submarine slides, or exploding volcanic islands.
Disaster Monitoring -
Where to Live? (the right location)
Tide Gauges Capture Tremor Episodes in Cascadian Subduction Zone.
Cascadia Subduction Zone is a convergent plate boundary that stretches
from northern Vancouver Island in Canada to Northern California in the
United States.
Volcano is a rupture in the
crust of a
planetary-mass object, such as Earth, that allows
hot lava, volcanic ash, and gases to escape from a magma chamber below
the surface. Earth's volcanoes occur because its crust is broken into 17
major, rigid
tectonic plates that float on a
hotter, softer layer in its
mantle. Therefore, on
Earth, volcanoes are generally found where tectonic plates are diverging
or converging, and
most are found underwater. Earth's volcanoes occur
because its crust is broken into 17 major, rigid tectonic plates that
float on a hotter, softer layer in its mantle. 70 to 90% of all
Volcanic Activity occurs under the ocean.
About 70% of the Volcanism on Earth occurs Underwater. (mid
ocean ridge, mantel plum,
subduction zone).
Why China's
Largest Volcano Is So Unusual (youtube).
Shield Volcano is a type of volcano usually composed almost entirely
of fluid lava flows. It is named for its low profile, resembling a
warrior's shield lying on the ground. This is caused by the highly fluid
(low viscosity) lava erupted, which travels farther than lava erupted from
a stratovolcano, and results in the steady accumulation of broad sheets of
lava, building up the shield volcano's distinctive form. Shield volcanoes
are distinguished from the three other major volcanic archetypes—
domes, and
cones—by their structural form, a consequence of their unique magmatic
Largest and hottest shield volcano on Earth.
There are around
20 known
Super-Volcanoes on Earth, with major eruptions occurring on average
once every 100,000 years. One of the greatest threats an eruption may pose
is thought to be starvation, with a prolonged volcanic winter potentially
prohibiting civilisation from having enough food for the current
population. In 2012, the United Nations estimated that food reserves
worldwide would last 74 days. But if more of the heat could be extracted,
then the supervolcano would never erupt. Nasa estimates that if a 35%
increase in heat transfer could be achieved from its magma chamber,
Yellowstone would no longer pose a threat.
Geothermal Energy -
Volcanic Lightning.
Mount Tambora 1815 Eruption on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa was one of the most powerful eruptions
in recorded history, with a
Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI) of 7. Causing the
Year Without a Summer, which is a volcanic winter event caused by the
massive 1815 eruption of
Mount Tambora leaving 100,000 dead.
Little Ice Age are cold intervals: one beginning about 1650, another
about 1770, and the last in 1850.
Medieval Warm Period 950 to c.1250.
(wiki) -
Mount Vesuvius (wiki) -
Pelée (wiki).
Largest Volcanic Eruptions. In a volcanic eruption, lava,
volcanic bombs and ash, and various gases are expelled from a volcanic
vent and fissure. While many eruptions only pose dangers to the
immediately surrounding area, Earth's largest eruptions can have a major
regional or even global impact, with some affecting the climate and
contributing to
mass extinctions. Volcanic eruptions can generally be
characterized as either explosive eruptions, sudden ejections of rock and
ash, or effusive eruptions, relatively gentle outpourings of lava. A
separate list is given below for each type.
Volcanic Eruptions by Death Toll (wiki).
Volcanic Winter is a reduction in global temperatures caused by
volcanic ash and droplets of sulfuric acid and water obscuring the Sun and
raising Earth's albedo (increasing the reflection of solar radiation)
after a large, particularly explosive volcanic eruption. Long-term cooling
effects are primarily dependent upon injection of sulfur gasses into the
stratosphere where they undergo a series of reactions to create sulfuric
acid which can nucleate and form aerosols. Volcanic stratospheric aerosols
cool the surface by reflecting
solar radiation and warm
the stratosphere by absorbing terrestrial radiation. The variations in
atmospheric warming and cooling result in changes in tropospheric and
stratospheric circulation.
Lava is
molten or partially molten rock or
that has been expelled from the interior of a terrestrial planet (such
as Earth) or a moon onto its surface. Lava may be erupted at a volcano
or through a fracture in the crust, on land or underwater, usually at
temperatures from 800 to 1,200 °C (1,470 to 2,190 °F). The volcanic rock
resulting from subsequent cooling is also often called lava.
Molten State describes an object that's
reduced to
liquid form by heating.
When an element or compound is melted, to achieve a
liquid state, it is called molten.
Seafloor Volcano Pulses may Alter Climate.
Ring of Fire has
90% of all Earthquakes,
and the ring is dotted with
75% of all active
Volcanoes on Earth.
The Ring of Fire isn’t quite a circular ring. It is shaped more like a
40,000-kilometer (25,000-mile) horseshoe. A string of 452 volcanoes
stretches from the southern tip of South America, up along the coast of
North America, across the Bering Strait, down through Japan, and into New
Zealand. Several active and dormant volcanoes in Antarctica, however,
“close” the ring. A convergent plate boundary is formed by tectonic plates
crashing into each other.
Convergent boundaries are often subduction
zones, where the heavier plate slips under the lighter plate, creating a
deep trench. This subduction changes the dense
mantle material into
buoyant magma, which rises through the crust to the Earth’s surface. Over
millions of years, the rising
Magma creates a series of active volcanoes
known as a volcanic arc. The Aleutian Trench reaches a maximum depth of
7,679 meters (25,194 feet). The Aleutian Islands have 27 of the United
States’ 65 historically active volcanoes. A divergent boundary is formed
tectonic plates pulling apart from each
Divergent boundaries are the site of seafloor spreading and rift
valleys. Seafloor spreading is the process of
Magma welling up in the rift
as the old crust pulls itself in opposite directions. Cold seawater cools
the magma, creating new crust. The upward movement and eventual cooling of
this magma has created high ridges on the ocean floor over millions of
years. The San Andreas Fault, stretching along the central west coast of
North America, is one of the most active faults on the Ring of Fire.
Seismic Tomography.
Moving 'hotspot' created world's longest straight underwater mountain
belt. New research has revealed that the Ninetyeast Ridge -- the
Earth's longest straight underwater mountain chain -- formed through a
different process than previously believed. Stretching 5000 km along the
Indian Ocean's 90-degree east longitude and nearly matching the length
of North America's Rocky Mountains, the ridge offers crucial new
insights into the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates.
Alaska contains over 130 volcanoes and volcanic fields which have been
active within the last two million years.
Flood Basalt is the result of a
volcanic eruption or series of eruptions that covers large
stretches of land or the ocean floor with basalt lava. Many flood
basalts have been attributed to the onset of a hotspot reaching the
surface of the earth via a mantle plume. Flood basalt provinces such as
the Deccan Traps of India are often called traps, after the Swedish word
trappa (meaning "stairs"), due to the characteristic stairstep
geomorphology of many associated landscapes.
Volcanic Rock is a rock formed from lava erupted from a volcano.
Mantle Plume is a proposed mechanism of convection of abnormally hot
rock within the Earth's mantle. Because the plume head partly melts on
reaching shallow depths, a plume is often invoked as the cause of
volcanic hotspots, such as Hawaii or
Iceland, and large igneous provinces such as the Deccan and Siberian
traps. Some such volcanic regions lie far from tectonic plate
boundaries, while others represent unusually large-volume volcanism near
plate boundaries.
Siberian Traps is a
large region of volcanic
rock, known as a large igneous province, in Siberia, Russia. The
massive eruptive event that formed the traps is one of the largest known
volcanic events in the last
500 million years.
The eruptions continued for roughly two million years and spanned the
Permian–Triassic boundary, or P–T boundary, which occurred between 251
to 250 million years ago. Large volumes of basaltic lava covered a large
expanse of Siberia in a flood basalt event. Today, the area is covered
by about 7 million km2 (3 million sq mi) of basaltic rock, with a volume
of around 4 million km3 (1 million cu mi).
Deccan Traps is a large igneous province of west-central India
(17–24°N, 73–74°E). They are one of the largest volcanic features on
Earth. They consist of multiple layers of solidified flood basalt that
together are more than 2,000 m (6,600 ft) thick, cover an area of c.
500,000 km2 (200,000 sq mi), and have a volume of c. 1,000,000 km3
(200,000 cu mi). Originally, the Deccan Traps may have covered c.
1,500,000 km2 (600,000 sq mi), with a correspondingly larger original
Efficient removal of recalcitrant deep-ocean dissolved organic matter during hydrothermal circulation.
New Lava Flows at Axial Seamount are Confirmed Axial Seamount eruption of April 2015 confirmed.
Submarine Volcanoes could Power a Continent. Volcanic eruptions deep
in our oceans are capable of extremely powerful releases of energy, at a
rate high enough to power the whole of the United States, according to
new research.
Deep learning artificial intelligence keeps an eye on volcano movements.
Radar satellites can collect massive amounts of remote sensing data that
can detect ground movements -- surface deformations -- at volcanoes in
near real time. These ground movements could signal impending volcanic
activity and unrest; however, clouds and other atmospheric and
instrumental disturbances can introduce significant errors in those
ground movement measurements. Now, researchers have used artificial
intelligence (AI) to clear up that noise, drastically facilitating and
improving near real-time observation of volcanic movements and the
detection of volcanic activity and unrest.
Ocean is a
body of
water that composes much of a planet's
hydrosphere. On Earth,
an ocean is one of the major conventional divisions of the World Ocean.
These are, in descending order by area, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian,
Southern (Antarctic), and Arctic Oceans. The phrases "the ocean" or "the
sea" used without specification refer to the interconnected body of salt
water covering the majority of the
Earth's surface. As a general term,
"the ocean" is mostly interchangeable with "the sea" in American
English, but not in British English. Strictly speaking, a sea is a body
of water (generally a division of the world ocean) partly or fully
enclosed by land. Saline seawater covers approximately 361,000,000 km2
(139,000,000 sq mi) and is customarily divided into several principal
oceans and smaller seas, with the ocean covering approximately 71% of
Earth's surface and 90% of the Earth's biosphere. The ocean contains 97%
of Earth's water, and oceanographers have stated that less than 20% of
the World Ocean has been mapped. The total volume is approximately 1.35
billion cubic kilometers (320 million cu mi) with an average depth of
nearly 3,700 meters (12,100 ft). As the world ocean is the principal
component of Earth's hydrosphere, it is integral to life, forms part of
the carbon cycle, and influences climate and weather patterns. The World
Ocean is the habitat of 230,000 known species, but because much of it is
unexplored, the number of species that exist in the ocean is much
larger, possibly over two million. The origin of Earth's oceans is
unknown; oceans are thought to have formed in the Hadean eon and may
have been the cause for the emergence of life. Extraterrestrial oceans
may be composed of water or other elements and compounds. The only
confirmed large stable bodies of extraterrestrial surface liquids are
the lakes of Titan, although there is evidence for the existence of
oceans elsewhere in the Solar System. Early in their geologic histories,
Mars and Venus are theorized to have had large water oceans. The Mars
ocean hypothesis suggests that nearly a third of the surface of Mars was
once covered by water, and a runaway greenhouse effect may have boiled
away the global ocean of Venus. Compounds such as salts and ammonia
dissolved in water lower its freezing point so that water might exist in
large quantities in extraterrestrial environments as brine or convecting
ice. Unconfirmed oceans are speculated beneath the surface of many dwarf
planets and natural satellites; notably, the ocean of the moon Europa is
estimated to have over twice the water volume of Earth. The Solar
System's giant planets are also thought to have liquid atmospheric
layers of yet to be confirmed compositions. Oceans may also exist on
exoplanets and exomoons, including surface oceans of liquid water within
a circumstellar habitable zone. Ocean planets are a hypothetical type of
planet with a surface completely covered with liquid.
Ocean Protection -
Aquariums -
Ecosystems -
Cargo Ships
Earths Deepest Part of the Ocean is the
Mariana Trench.
7 Miles Deep
in the western Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Mariana Islands. The
trench is about 2,550 kilometres (1,580 mi) long with an average width of
69 kilometres (43 mi). It reaches a maximum-known
depth of 10,994 metres
(36,070 ft) (± 40 metres [130 ft]) at a small slot-shaped valley in its
floor known as the Challenger
Deep, at its southern end, although some
unrepeated measurements place the deepest portion at 11,034 metres (36,201
ft). It is a
subduction zone where one
tectonic plate moves under another and is forced or sinks due to
gravity into the mantle. Producing mostly
mud volcano's that
produce no lava with very little
earth quakes.
Sea Level is
an average surface level of one or more among Earth's coastal bodies of
water from which heights such as
elevation may
be measured. Sea levels can be affected by many factors and are known to
have varied greatly over geological time scales. Current sea level rise
is mainly caused by human-induced climate change.
Intertidal Zone is the area where the ocean meets the land between
high tide
and the
tide. The foreshore is the area above water level at low tide and
underwater at high tide, or the part of a shore between the high-water
marks and the low-water marks, or between the water and the cultivated
or developed land. Also known as the part of the littoral zone within
tidal range. The
Littoral Zone
is the part of a sea, lake, or river that is close to the shore, or the
shallow down-sloping shelf of a lake or pond that is commonly referred
to as the lake's littoral zone.
Pressure in the ocean increases by about 1
atmosphere for every 10 meters of depth. At the average ocean depth
of 3,800 meters,
pressure on the sea floor is a whopping
times greater than it is at the surface, and in the deepest
trenches, it's 1,100 times greater. All that pressure causes serious
problems for people and other air-breathing animals.
Deep sea fish don't have air sacs in their
bodies, which means they don't get crushed from pressure. Fish
living closer to the surface of the ocean may have a
swim bladder – that's a large organ with air in it, which helps them
float up or sink down in the water.
Lakes and Oceans Depth Chart (image) -
Earths Highest Lowest Points (image)
What Is Sea Level,
Anyway? (youtube)
The Oceans contain 99% of the living
space on the planet with an estimated
50-80% of all
Life on Earth being
found under the
ocean surface with 2/3's not even identified, and
scientists estimate that 91 percent of ocean species have not yet been
classified, and 95 percent of the ocean still remains unexplored, and 85%
of the area and 90% of the volume constitute the dark, cold environment we
call the deep sea. The global scientific community continues to amass as
much knowledge as possible about ocean life.
Our Planet.
Hydrothermal Vent is a fissure on the seafloor from which
geothermally heated water issues.
Hydrothermal vents are commonly found near
volcanically active places, areas where tectonic plates are moving
apart at spreading centers, ocean basins, and hotspots. Hydrothermal
deposits are rocks and mineral ore deposits formed by the action of
hydrothermal vents. Hydrothermal vents exist because the
earth is both geologically active and has large
amounts of water on its surface and within its crust. Under the sea,
hydrothermal vents may form features called black smokers or white
smokers. Relative to the majority of the deep sea, the areas around
submarine hydrothermal vents are biologically more productive, often
hosting complex
communities fueled by the chemicals dissolved in the vent fluids.
Chemosynthetic bacteria and archaea form the base of the food chain,
supporting diverse organisms, including giant tube worms, clams, limpets
and shrimp. Active hydrothermal vents are believed to exist on Jupiter's
moon Europa, and Saturn's moon Enceladus, and it is speculated that
ancient hydrothermal vents once existed on Mars.
Fissure Vent is a linear volcanic vent through which lava erupts,
usually without any explosive activity. The vent is often a few metres
wide and may be many kilometres long. Fissure vents can cause large flood
basalts which run first in lava channels and later in lava tubes. After
some time the eruption builds up spatter cones and may concentrate on one
or some of them.
Artificial Intelligence can identify Microscopic Marine Organisms.
Researchers have developed an
intelligence (AI) program that can automatically provide species-level
identification of
Microscopic Marine Organisms. The next step is to incorporate the AI
into a
robotic system that will
help advance our understanding of the world's oceans, both now and in our
prehistoric past.
Marine Habitats
Chemotroph are organisms that obtain energy by the
oxidation of electron donors in their
Subterranean Biosphere exploring microbial life that populates the
lower boundary of the deep sedimentary biosphere.
Ocean Biodiversity work needs improvement. An international
collaboration says the world's largest marine protected areas aren't
collectively delivering the
benefits they could be because of slow implementation of management
strategies and a failure to restrict the most impactful human
Deep Ocean -
Organisms -
Discovering the Deep
uncover ocean's intricate web of microbial interactions across depths.
This research marks a significant advance in our understanding of how
microbial interactions in the ocean's vast ecosystems operate across
different depths and regions, and understanding the key role of marine
microscopic microorganisms in the cycling of various nutrients and
carbon fixation, as well as in the functioning of marine food webs in
Ocean Current is a continuous, directed movement of sea water
generated by a number of forces acting upon the water, including
wind, the Coriolis effect, breaking waves, cabbeling,
and temperature and salinity differences. Depth contours, shoreline
configurations, and interactions with other currents influence a current's
direction and strength. Ocean currents are primarily horizontal water
movements. Ocean currents flow for great distances, and together, create
the global conveyor belt which plays a dominant role in determining the
climate of many of the Earth’s regions. More specifically, ocean currents
influence the temperature of the regions through which they travel. For
example, warm currents traveling along more temperate coasts increase the
temperature of the area by warming the sea breezes that blow over them.
Perhaps the most striking example is the Gulf Stream, which makes
northwest Europe much more temperate than any other region at the same
latitude. Another example is Lima, Peru, where the climate is cooler,
being sub-tropical, than the tropical latitudes in which the area is
located, due to the effect of the Humboldt Current.
Eddy is a
circular current of water. The
ocean is a huge body of water that is constantly in motion. General
patterns of ocean flow are called currents. Sometimes theses currents
can pinch off sections and create
circular currents of water called an eddy. Significant eddies are
assigned names similar to hurricanes. In the U.S., an oceanographic
company called Horizon Marine assigns names to each eddy as they occur.
The names follow chronologically along with the alphabet and are decided
upon by staff at Horizon Marine. The staff try to think of creative ways
to assign names. The swirling motion of eddies in the ocean cause
nutrients that are normally found in colder, deeper waters to come to
the surface. Here, phytoplankton (tiny ocean plants) feeding on these
nutrients color the water beautiful shades of blue and green. You may
have seen an eddy if you've ever gone canoeing and you see a small
whirlpool of water while you paddle through the water.
El Ninos
is a
warm ocean current that flows along
the equator from the
date line and south off the
coast of Ecuador at Christmas time. The warm phase of the El Niño–Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that
develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific (between
approximately the International Date Line and 120°W), including the area
off the Pacific coast of South America. The ENSO is the cycle of warm and
cold sea surface temperature (SST) of the tropical central and eastern
Pacific Ocean. El Niño is accompanied by high air pressure in the western
Pacific and low air pressure in the eastern Pacific. El Niño phases are
known to occur close to four years, however, records demonstrate that the
cycles have lasted between two and seven years. During the development of
El Niño, rainfall develops between September–November. The cool phase of
ENSO is La Niña, with SSTs in the eastern Pacific below average, and air
pressure high in the eastern Pacific and low in the western Pacific. The
ENSO cycle, including both El Niño and La Niña, causes global changes in
temperature and rainfall.
La Ninas
is the positive and cold phase of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, and is
associated with
cooler-than-average sea surface
temperatures in the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. A
coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon that is the colder counterpart of El
Niño, as part of the broader El Niño–Southern Oscillation climate pattern.
During a period of La Niña, the sea surface temperature across the
equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean will be lower than normal by 3 to
5°C (5.4 to 9°F). An appearance of La Niña persists for at least five
months. It has extensive effects on the weather across the globe,
particularly in North America, even affecting the Atlantic and Pacific
hurricane seasons.
Ocean Surface Current is when water at the
ocean surface is moved primarily by
winds that blow in
certain patterns because of the Earth's spin and the Coriolis Effect.
Winds are able to move the top 400 meters of the ocean creating surface
ocean currents. Surface ocean currents form large circular patterns called
Deep Ocean Currents are
driven by density and temperature gradients. Thermohaline circulation is
also known as the ocean's conveyor belt (which refers to deep ocean
density-driven ocean basin currents). These currents, called submarine
rivers, flow under the surface of the ocean and are hidden from immediate
Antarctic Circumpolar Current is the most powerful ocean current on the
planet. The Circumpolar Current works as a regulator of the planet's
climate. Its origins were thought to have caused the formation of the
permanent ice in Antarctica about 34 million years ago. Now, a study has
cast doubt on this theory, and has changed the understanding of how the
ice sheet in Antarctic developed in the past, and what this could mean
in the future as the planet's climate changes.
AMOC is the main current system in the South and North Atlantic
Oceans. It is a component of Earth's oceanic circulation system and
plays an important role in the climate system. The AMOC includes
currents at the surface as well as at great depths in the Atlantic
Ocean. These currents are driven by changes in the atmospheric weather
as well as by changes in temperature and salinity. They collectively
make up one half of the global thermohaline circulation that encompasses
the flow of major ocean currents. The other half is the Southern Ocean
overturning circulation.
Scientists predict a collapse of the Atlantic ocean current to happen
mid-century. Important ocean currents that redistribute heat, cold
and precipitation between the tropics and the northernmost parts of the
Atlantic region will shut down around the year 2060 if current
greenhouse gas emissions persist. This is the conclusion based on new
calculations that contradict the latest report from the
IPCC. Using advanced
statistical tools and ocean temperature data from the last 150 years,
the researchers calculated that the ocean current, known as the
Thermohaline Circulation or the
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), will collapse --
with 95 percent certainty -- between 2025 and 2095. This will most
likely occur in 34 years, in 2057, and could result in major challenges,
particularly warming in the tropics and increased storminess in the
North Atlantic region.
Coriolis Force is an
inertial or fictitious force that seems to act on objects that are in
motion within a
frame of
reference that rotates with respect to an inertial frame. In a
reference frame with clockwise rotation, the force acts to the left of the
motion of the object. In one with anticlockwise (or counterclockwise)
rotation, the force acts to the right. Deflection of an object due to the
Coriolis force is called the
Coriolis effect.
Ocean Gyre is any large system of circulating ocean currents,
particularly those involved with large wind movements. Gyres are caused by
the Coriolis effect; planetary vorticity along with horizontal and
vertical friction, determine the circulation patterns from the wind stress
curl (torque). The term gyre can be used to refer to any type of vortex in
the air or the sea, even one that is man-made, but it is most commonly
used in oceanography to refer to the major ocean systems.
Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation is the zonally-integrated
component of surface and deep currents in the Atlantic Ocean. It is
characterized by a northward flow of warm, salty water in the upper layers
of the Atlantic, and a southward flow of colder, deep waters that are part
of the thermohaline circulation. These "limbs" are linked by regions of
overturning in the Nordic and Labrador Seas and the Southern Ocean. The
AMOC is an important component of the
Earth's climate system, and is a result of both atmospheric and
thermohaline drivers. It moves around 6 mph and can be as far as 3,000
feet deep in some areas.
Shutdown of Thermohaline Circulation is a hypothesized effect of
global warming on a major ocean circulation. A 2015 study suggested that
the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) has weakened by
15-20% in 200 years.
Thermohaline Circulation is a part of the large-scale ocean
circulation that is driven by global density gradients created by surface
heat and freshwater fluxes. The adjective thermohaline derives from
thermo- referring to temperature and -haline referring to salt content,
factors which together determine the density of sea water. Wind-driven
surface currents (such as the Gulf Stream) travel polewards from the
equatorial Atlantic Ocean, cooling en route, and eventually sinking at
high latitudes (forming North Atlantic Deep Water). This dense water then
flows into the ocean basins. While the bulk of it upwells in the Southern
Ocean, the oldest waters (with a transit time of around 1000 years) upwell
in the North Pacific. Extensive mixing therefore takes place between the
ocean basins, reducing differences between them and making the Earth's
oceans a global system. On their journey, the water masses transport both
energy (in the form of heat) and mass of substances (solids, dissolved
substances and gases) around the globe. As such, the state of the
circulation has a large impact on the climate of the Earth. The
thermohaline circulation is sometimes called the
Ocean Conveyor Belt, the great ocean conveyor, or the global
conveyor belt. On occasion, it is used to refer to the meridional
overturning circulation (often abbreviated as MOC). The term MOC is more
accurate and well defined, as it is difficult to separate the part of the
circulation which is driven by temperature and salinity alone as opposed
to other factors such as the wind and tidal forces. Moreover, temperature
and salinity gradients can also lead to circulation effects that are not
included in the MOC itself.
New study maps how ocean currents connect the world's fisheries. The
ocean is made up of highly
interconnected networks where most countries depend on their neighbors
to properly manage their own fisheries. Understanding the nature of this
network is an important step toward more effective fishery management, and
is essential for countries whose economies and food security are reliant
on fish born elsewhere. The vast majority of the world's wild-caught
marine fish, an estimated 90%, are caught within 200 miles of shore,
within national jurisdictions.
Biological Pump is the ocean's biologically driven
sequestration of
carbon from the atmosphere and land runoff to the ocean interior and
seafloor sediments. It is the part of the oceanic carbon cycle
responsible for the cycling of organic matter formed mainly by
phytoplankton during photosynthesis (soft-tissue pump), as well as the
cycling of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) formed into shells by certain
organisms such as plankton and mollusks (carbonate pump). The biological
pump is not so much the result of a single process, but rather the sum
of a number of processes each of which can influence biological pumping.
Slowing ocean current could ease Arctic warming -- a little. Weaker
AMOC could transport less heat to higher latitudes. The Arctic is
warming at three to four times the global average. However, new research
suggests the slowing of a key ocean current could reduce projected
Arctic warming by up to 2 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.
Mesopelagic Zone or
Twilight Zone is
the part of the pelagic zone that lies between the photic epipelagic and
the aphotic bathypelagic zones. It is defined by light, and begins at
the depth where only
1% of incident light
reaches and
ends where there is no light;
the depths of this zone are between approximately 200 to 1000 meters
(~660 to 3,300 feet) below the ocean surface. It hosts a diverse
biological community that includes bristlemouths, blobfish,
bioluminescent jellyfish, giant squid, and a myriad of other unique
organisms adapted to live in a low-light environment. It has long
captivated the imagination of scientists, artists and writers; deep sea
creatures are prominent in popular culture, particularly as horror movie
West Coast
Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Science Panel.
Oregon Coordinating Council on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia.
Ocean color satellites reveal glacier algae, insights for climate models.
Environmental concerns propel research into marine biofuels.
of Inaccessibility is a location in the pacific ocean that is the
most challenging to reach. Often it refers to the most distant point
from the coastline. Pole of inaccessibility can be defined as the center
of the largest circle that can be drawn within an area of interest
without encountering a coast. Where a coast is imprecisely defined, the
pole will be similarly imprecise.

The photo on right is the number of
fires burning on earth, as seen at night.
Earth Observatory.
Fire is
rapid oxidation of a material in the
exothermic chemical process of
combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products. Fire
is hot because the conversion of the weak double bond in molecular
oxygen, O2, to the stronger bonds in the combustion
products carbon dioxide and water releases energy (418 kJ per 32 g of
O2); the bond energies of the fuel play only a minor role here. At a
certain point in the combustion reaction, called the ignition point,
flames are produced.
The flame is the visible portion of the fire.
Flames consist primarily of carbon dioxide, water vapor, oxygen and
nitrogen. If hot enough, the gases may become ionized to produce plasma.
Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the
color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. Fire in
its most common form can result in conflagration, which has the
potential to cause physical damage through burning. Fire is an important
process that affects ecological systems around the globe. The positive
effects of fire include stimulating growth and maintaining various
ecological systems. Its negative effects include hazard to life and
property, atmospheric pollution, and water contamination. If fire
removes protective vegetation, heavy rainfall may lead to an increase in
soil erosion by water. Also, when vegetation is burned, the nitrogen it
contains is released into the atmosphere, unlike elements such as
potassium and phosphorus which remain in the ash and are quickly
recycled into the soil. This loss of nitrogen caused by a fire produces
a long-term reduction in the fertility of the soil, but this fecundity
can potentially be recovered as molecular nitrogen in the atmosphere is
"fixed" and converted to ammonia by natural phenomena such as lightning
and by leguminous plants that are "nitrogen-fixing" such as clover,
peas, and green beans. Fire has been used by humans in rituals, in
agriculture for clearing land, for cooking, generating heat and light,
for signaling, propulsion purposes, smelting, forging, incineration of
waste, cremation, and as a weapon or mode of destruction.
What Is
Fire? (youtube) -
- 'Earth on Fire' 2014 (youtube) -
Aether The
Sun isn't made of fire. It's made mostly of
hydrogen and
helium. Its
heat and
light come from
nuclear fusion, a very different process that
doesn't require
Fire Ecology is a scientific discipline concerned with
natural processes involving fire in an
ecosystem and the ecological
effects, the interactions between fire and the abiotic and biotic
components of an ecosystem, and the role of fire as an ecosystem process.
Fire Protection is the study and practice of mitigating the unwanted
effects of potentially destructive fires. It involves the study of the
behaviour, compartmentalisation, suppression and investigation of fire and
its related
emergencies, as
well as the research and development, production, testing and application
of mitigating systems. In structures, be they land-based, offshore or even
ships, the owners and operators are responsible to maintain their
facilities in accordance with a
that is rooted in laws, including the local
building code and fire code, which
are enforced by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Fire Fighting -
Red Flag Warning -
Fire Investigations -
Forests -
Climate Change -
Wood Stoves
Forest Fire is a fire in an area of combustible vegetation
that occurs in the countryside or rural area. Depending on the type of
vegetation where it occurs, a wildfire can also be classified more
specifically as a brush fire, bush fire, desert fire, forest fire, grass
fire, hill fire, peat fire, vegetation fire, or veld fire.
Wind -
Amazon Rain Forest.
Firestorm is a
conflagration which attains such intensity that it creates and
sustains its own wind system. It is most commonly a natural phenomenon,
created during some of the largest bushfires and wildfires. Although the
term has been used to describe certain large fires, the phenomenon's
determining characteristic is a fire with its own storm-force winds from
every point of the compass. The Black Saturday bushfires and the Great
Peshtigo Fire are possible examples of forest fires with some portion of
combustion due to a firestorm, as is the Great Hinckley Fire. Firestorms
have also occurred in cities, usually as a deliberate effect of targeted
explosives, such as occurred as a result of the aerial firebombings of
Hamburg, Dresden, firebombing of Tokyo and the atomic bombing of
Methane from megafires. Using a new detection method, scientists
found a massive amount of methane, a
super-potent greenhouse
gas, coming from wildfires -- a source not currently being accounted
for by California state air quality managers. Methane
warms the planet 86 times
more powerfully than
carbon dioxide over the course of 20 years, and it will be difficult
for the state to reach its required cleaner air and climate goals
without accounting for this source, the researchers said.
Conflagration is a large and destructive fire that threatens human
life, animal life, health, and/or property. It may also be described as a
blaze or simply a (large) fire. A conflagration can begin accidentally, be
naturally caused (wildfire), or intentionally created (arson).
Arson can be for fraud, murder,
sabotage or diversion, or due to a person's pyromania. A very large fire
can produce a firestorm, in which the central column of rising
heated air induces strong inward
winds, which supply oxygen to the fire. Conflagrations can cause
casualties including deaths or injuries from
burns, trauma due to
collapse of structures and attempts to escape, and smoke inhalation.
Firefighting is the practice of
attempting to
extinguish a
conflagration, protect life and property, and minimize damage and injury.
One of the goals of fire prevention is to avoid conflagrations. When a
conflagration is extinguished, there is often a fire investigation to
determine the cause of the fire.
is a fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the
countryside or rural area. Depending on the type of vegetation where it
occurs, a wildfire can also be classified more specifically as a brush
fire, bush fire, desert fire, forest fire, grass fire, hill fire, peat
fire, vegetation fire, or veld fire. Fossil charcoal indicates that
wildfires began soon after the appearance of terrestrial plants
420 million years ago. Wildfire’s occurrence
throughout the history of terrestrial life invites conjecture that fire
must have had pronounced evolutionary effects on most ecosystems' flora
and fauna. Earth is an intrinsically flammable planet owing to its cover
of carbon-rich vegetation, seasonally
dry climates,
atmospheric oxygen,
and widespread
lightning and
volcano ignition.
Fuel Reduction Program
California Wild Fires Map (google)
Salvaging Fire-Killed Trees -
Reclaiming Timber after the Flames.
Fire Burned Trees -
Letting Nature Heal itself doesn't always happen.
Earliest evidence of humans changing ecosystems with fire. A new
study provides the earliest evidence to date of ancient humans
significantly altering entire ecosystems with flames. The study combines
archaeological evidence -- dense clusters of stone artifacts dating as
far back as 92,000 years ago -- with paleoenvironmental data on the
northern shores of Lake Malawi in eastern Africa to document that early
humans were ecosystem engineers.
Burned area Emergency Response is an emergency risk management
reaction to post wildfire conditions that pose risks to human life and
property or could further
destabilize or degrade the burned lands. Even though wildfires are
natural events, the presence of people and man-made structures in and
adjacent to the burned area frequently requires continued emergency risk
management actions. High severity wildfires pose a continuing flood,
debris flow and mudflow risk to people living within and downstream from a
burned watershed as well as a potential loss of desirable watershed
System to Harvest Timber eliminates the need for kid trails because
the logs are moved to the lending by an aerial cable (skyline).
Consider the potential for erosion and possible alternative yarding
systems before planning tractor skidding on steep or unstable slopes.
Skyline Logging harvested logs are transported on a suspended steel
cable, a cableway or "highline", from various locations where the trees
are felled to a central location, typically next to a road for logistical
American Forests -
Emerald Ash Borer
(tree deaths)
Forest Preservation
(land trusts)
Dendrochronology Tree Ring Analysis -
Laboratory of
Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona
Spontaneous Human Combustion is a term encompassing reported
cases of the combustion of a living (or very recently deceased)
human body without an apparent external source of ignition. In
addition to reported cases, examples of SHC appear in
literature, and both types have been observed to share common
characteristics regarding circumstances and remains of the
victim. Forensic investigations have attempted to analyze
reported instances of SHC and have resulted in hypotheses
regarding potential causes and mechanisms, including victim
behavior and habits, alcohol consumption and proximity to
potential sources of ignition, as well as the behavior of fires
that consume melted fats. Natural explanations, as well as
unverified natural phenomena, have been proposed to explain
reports of SHC. Current scientific consensus is that most, and
conjectures perhaps all, cases of SHC involve overlooked
external sources of ignition.
Wick Effect is the name given to the partial destruction of
a human body by fire, when the clothing of the victim soaks up
melted human fat and acts like the wick of a candle. The wick
effect is a phenomenon that is found to occur under certain
conditions, and has been thoroughly observed.
Nature Features Deserts: Living in Extremes (2015 - 1 hr. 26 min.)
Amazing Experiment Actually Makes Black Fire! The Shadow Fire Experiment
(youtube) - low pressure sodium vapor lamp - monochromatic light source.
Smoke Inhalation is the
cause of death for victims of fires. The
inhalation or exposure to hot
gaseous products of combustion can cause serious
respiratory complications.
50–80% of fire deaths are the result of smoke inhalation injuries,
including burns to the respiratory system. The hot smoke injures or kills
by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation and
swelling, caused by
carbon monoxide, cyanide and other combustion
Tobacco -
Pollution -
Smoke Levels Alert Map
Smoke is
a collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted
when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the
quantity of air
that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an
unwanted by-product of fires (including stoves, candles, oil lamps, and
fireplaces), but may also be used for pest control (fumigation),
communication (smoke signals), defensive and offensive capabilities in the
military (smoke screen),
cooking, or smoking (
cannabis, etc.). It is used in rituals where incense, sage, or resin is
burned to produce a smell for spiritual purposes. Smoke is sometimes used
as a flavoring agent, and
preservative for various foodstuffs. Smoke is also a component of
combustion engine exhaust gas, particularly diesel exhaust. Smoke
inhalation is the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The
smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and
irritation caused by
carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other
combustion products. Smoke is an
(or mist) of
solid particles and liquid droplets that are close to the
ideal range of sizes for Mie scattering of visible light. This effect has
been likened to three-dimensional textured privacy glass — a
smoke cloud does not obstruct an image, but
thoroughly scrambles it.
Smoke from 2015 Indonesian Fires may have Caused 100,000 Premature Deaths.
Haze is traditionally an
atmospheric phenomenon in which
smoke, and other dry
particulates obscure the
of the sky. The World Meteorological Organization manual of codes includes
a classification of horizontal obscuration into categories of
ice fog,
steam fog,
mist, haze, smoke,
volcanic ash, dust, sand, and snow. Sources for haze
particles include
farming (ploughing in dry weather), traffic, industry,
wildfires. Seen from afar (e.g. an approaching airplane) and depending
on the direction of view with respect to the Sun, haze may appear brownish
or bluish, while mist tends to be bluish grey. Whereas haze often is
thought of as a phenomenon of dry air, mist formation is a phenomenon of
humid air. However, haze particles may act as condensation nuclei for the
subsequent formation of mist droplets; such forms of haze are known as
"wet haze." Haze also occurs when there is too much
pollution in the air
while there is also dust. In meteorological literature, the word haze is
generally used to denote visibility-reducing
of the wet type. Such aerosols commonly arise from complex chemical
reactions that occur as sulfur dioxide gases emitted during combustion are
converted into small droplets of sulfuric acid. The reactions are enhanced
in the presence of sunlight, high relative humidity, and stagnant air
flow. A small component of wet-haze aerosols appear to be derived from
compounds released by trees, such as terpenes. For all these reasons, wet
haze tends to be primarily a warm-season phenomenon. Large areas of haze
covering many thousands of kilometers may be produced under favorable
conditions each
is a suspension of
fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or
another gas. Aerosols can be natural or anthropogenic. Examples of natural
aerosols are fog, dust, forest exudates and geyser steam. Examples of
anthropogenic aerosols are haze, particulate air pollutants and smoke.
Magnetosphere - Earths Magnetic Field
Earth's Magnetic Field extends 370,000 miles (600,000
kilometers) above the planet's surface. The Earth's
magnetic field
originates in the earths core. Earth has a
giant ball of iron at
its core surrounded by an outer layer of molten metal. The
motion of the liquid in the outer core is driven by heat flow
from the inner core, which creates a
rotating magnetic field or
magnetic field protects earth from
solar radiation,
solar storms and
cosmic rays.
Current is a population of medium-energy particles that drift around
the Earth, with protons drifting in one direction and electrons drifting
in the opposite direction. A
coronal mass ejection
or CME occurs when magnetic forces overcome pressure and gravity in the
solar corona. This lifts a huge mass of solar plasma from the corona and
creates a shock wave that accelerates some of the solar wind's particles
to extremely high energies and speeds. This in turn generates radiation in
the form of energetic particles.
North Pole
Dipole -
Geographic Pole
Dip Pole is any point on the Earth’s
surface where the dip of the Earth’s magnetic field is 90 degrees or
perpendicular to the surface. There are
two main dip poles, one on the Antarctic coast and one in Canada’s
Arctic near Bathurst Island. Dip poles may occur locally over strongly
magnetic mineral deposits. (magnetic inclination; i.e., the angle
between the Earth’s surface and the total magnetic field vector).
Magnetic Dip is the angle made with the horizontal by the Earth's
magnetic field lines. This angle varies at different points on the
Earth's surface. Positive values of inclination indicate that the
magnetic field of the Earth is pointing
downward, into the Earth, at the point of measurement, and negative
values indicate that it is pointing upward. The dip angle is in
principle the angle made by the needle of a
vertically held compass,
though in practice ordinary compass needles may be weighted against dip
or may be unable to move freely in the correct plane. The value can be
measured more reliably with a special instrument typically known as a
dip circle.
Plasmasphere is composed of low-energy particles that drift up from
ionosphere, forming a sphere-like reservoir of very cold, fairly dense
plasma that co-rotates with the Earth.
Van Allen Radiation Belt
is a zone of energetic charged particles, most of which
originate from the solar wind that is captured by and held around a planet
by that planet's magnetic field. The Earth has two such belts and
sometimes others may be temporarily created.
The Van Allen Belts consist of high-energy particles that are trapped in
two regions. These particles move along the field lines toward the
poles until they are reflected back, creating a bouncing movement.
Particles with a high enough velocity along the magnetic field will follow
the field lines to the poles and enter the upper atmosphere.
found that Mars and Venus do not have a significant magnetic field.
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune all have magnetic fields much
stronger than that of the Earth. Jupiter is the champion- having the
largest magnetic field.
So why doesn't the Moon get pulled into the earth
by its gravitational Pull? Because the Earth is moving, so the Moon
is chasing the Earth, just like the Earth gets pulled by gravity from the
Sun. And also Earths gravity gets weaker as you go further out. The moon
does not fall to Earth because it is in an
which is the
gravitationally curved path of an
object about a point in space.
Laws of Motion (action physics).
Impenetrable Barrier in Space (nasa)
Geomagnetic Reversal happens once every few hundred thousand
years. The
magnetic poles flip so that a compass would point
south instead of north.
The flip takes around a hundred to a few
thousand years to complete. During past polarity flips there
were no mass extinctions or evidence of radiation damage. Most
reversals are estimated to take between 1,000 and 10,000 years. The latest
one, the Brunhes–Matuyama reversal, occurred 780,000 years ago, and may
have happened very quickly, within a human lifetime.
Local Geomagnetic Fields -
Magnetic Reversal.
Laschamp Event
was a geomagnetic excursion or a
reversal of the Earth's magnetic field. It occurred
41,400 years ago, during the end of the
Last Glacial Period. It is known from geomagnetic anomalies discovered
in the 1960s in the Laschamps lava flows in Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Earth's magnetic field dropped to below 6% of the current level, carbon
14 production increased, ozone levels decreased, and atmospheric
circulation changed. This loss of the geomagnetic shield was also
claimed to cause
extinction of Australian
megafauna, extinction of Neanderthals, and appearance of cave art. The
weakening of the Earth's magnetic field would have briefly transformed
the world by altering its climate and allowing far more ultraviolet
light to pour in. The Australian Research Council is funding research to
analyze a
kauri tree
uncovered in New Zealand in 2019. According to its carbon-dating, the
tree was alive during the event 41,000–42,500 years ago.
Paleomagnetism is the study of the record of the Earth's magnetic
field in rocks, sediment, or archeological materials. Certain minerals in
rocks lock-in a record of the direction and intensity of the magnetic
field when they form.
Earth's Magnetic North Pole has been moving
away from the Canadian Arctic towards Siberia at a rate of
55 km per Year or 34 miles per year
The World Magnetic Model.
Earth's Magnetic Field Is Weakening 10 Times
Faster Now. Solar Storm Vulnerability -
Earth's Magnetic Field Almost Collapsed 565 Million Years Ago. Young
inner core inferred from Ediacaran ultra-low geomagnetic field intensity.
Our planet’s molten core probably began to solidify during the late
Ediacaran period, according to the new paper. This
recharged Earth’s magnetic field right when it was at its weakest point.
Now, a half-billion years later, Earth’s magnetic field is ten times
stronger than it was in was during this early era.
Suns Magnetic Field is Flipping.
Magnetic Anomaly
is a local variation in the Earth's magnetic field resulting from
variations in the chemistry or magnetism of the rocks.
Atlantic Anomaly "I don't think you fully understand the gravity
of this situation".
Ancient Jars Found in Judea Reveal Earth's Magnetic Field is Fluctuating, Not Diminishing.
How does Earth sustain its magnetic field? Life as we know it could
not exist without Earth's magnetic field and its ability to deflect
dangerous ionizing particles. It is continuously generated by the motion
of liquid iron in Earth's outer core, a phenomenon called the geodynamo.
New Data helps explain recent Fluctuations in Earth’s Magnetic Field.
A small but evolving dent in Earth's magnetic field can cause big
headaches for satellites. Researchers track slowly splitting 'dent'
in Earth's magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field acts like a protective
shield around the planet, repelling and trapping charged particles from
the Sun. But over South America and the southern Atlantic Ocean, an
unusually weak spot in the field -- called the South Atlantic Anomaly,
or SAA -- allows these particles to dip closer to the surface than
normal. The South Atlantic Anomaly arises from two features of Earth's
core: The tilt of its magnetic axis, and the flow of molten metals
within its outer core. Earth is a bit like a bar magnet, with north and
south poles that represent opposing magnetic polarities and invisible
magnetic field lines encircling the planet between them. But unlike a
bar magnet, the core magnetic field is not perfectly aligned through the
globe, nor is it perfectly stable. That's because the field originates
from Earth's outer core: molten, iron-rich and in vigorous motion 1800
miles below the surface. These churning metals act like a massive
generator, called the geodynamo, creating electric currents that produce
the magnetic field.
UNH Scientists Capture Space Energy Explosion. Magnetic reconnection
is the process by which sparse particles and energy around Earth collide
producing a quick but mighty explosion -- in the Earth's magnetotail, the
magnetic environment that trails behind the planet.
Earth's Magnetic Field measured using artificial stars at 90 kilometers
altitude. In 2011, researchers proposed that artificial guide stars
could be used to measure the Earth's magnetic field in the mesosphere. An
international group of scientists has recently managed to do this with a
high degree of precision. The technique may also help to identify magnetic
structures in the solid Earth's lithosphere, to monitor space weather, and
to measure electrical currents in the part of the atmosphere called ionosphere.
Human Body Magnetic Field (EMF)
First evidence that water can be created on the lunar surface by Earth's
magnetosphere. The prevailing theory is that positively charged
hydrogen ions propelled by the solar wind bombard the lunar surface and
spontaneously react to make water (as hydroxyl (OH-) and molecular (
However, a new multinational study published in Astrophysical Journal
Letters proposes that solar wind may not be the only source of
water-forming ions. The researchers show
that particles from Earth can seed the moon with water, as well,
implying that other planets could also contribute water to their
satellites. Water is far more prevalent in space than astronomers first
thought, from the surface of Mars to Jupiter's moons and Saturn's rings,
comets, asteroids and Pluto; it has even been detected in clouds far
beyond our solar system.
Birkeland Current is a set of currents that flow along geomagnetic
field lines connecting the Earth’s magnetosphere to the Earth's high
ionosphere. In the Earth’s magnetosphere, the currents are driven
by the
solar wind and interplanetary
magnetic field and by bulk motions of
plasma through the
magnetosphere (convection indirectly driven by the
interplanetary environment). The strength of the Birkeland currents
changes with activity in the magnetosphere (e.g. during substorms). Small
scale variations in the upward current sheets (downward flowing electrons)
accelerate magnetospheric electrons which, when they reach the upper
atmosphere, create the Auroras Borealis and Australis. In the high
latitude ionosphere (or auroral zones), the Birkeland currents close
through the region of the auroral electrojet, which flows perpendicular to
the local magnetic field in the ionosphere. The Birkeland currents occur
in two pairs of field-aligned current sheets. One pair extends from noon
through the dusk sector to the midnight sector. The other pair extends
from noon through the dawn sector to the midnight sector. The sheet on the
high latitude side of the auroral zone is referred to as the Region 1
current sheet and the sheet on the low latitude side is referred to as the
Region 2 current sheet.
Kristian Birkeland was a Norwegian scientist(December 13, 1867 – June
15, 1917).
Global Atmospheric Electrical Circuit is the course of continuous
movement of atmospheric electricity between the
ionosphere and the Earth. Through
solar radiation,
thunderstorms, and the fair-weather condition, the atmosphere is subject
to a continual and substantial electrical current. Principally,
thunderstorms throughout the world carry negative charges to the earth,
which is then discharged gradually through the air in fair weather. This
atmospheric circuit is central to the study of atmospheric physics and
meteorology. It is used in the prediction of
thunderstorms, and was central to the understanding of electricity. In
the past it has been suggested as a source of available energy, or
communications platform. The global electrical circuit is also applied to
the study human health and air pollution, due of the interaction of
negative ions and aerosols. The effect of global warming, and
temperature-sensitivity of the Earth's electrical circuit is unknown.
Wave-Particle Interactions allow collision-free Energy Transfer in space
plasma. The Earth's magnetosphere contains
plasma, an ionized gas composed of
ions and negative electrons. The
motion of these charged plasma particles is controlled by electromagnetic
fields. The energy transfer processes that occur in this collisionless
space plasma are believed to be based on
wave-particle interactions such as particle acceleration by plasma
waves and spontaneous wave generation, which enable energy and momentum
Measuring Tools
(electromagnetic) -
North Pole
Aurora is a natural light display in the sky, predominantly
seen in the high latitude
Arctic and Antarctic regions. Auroras are
produced when the
magnetosphere is sufficiently disturbed by the solar
wind that the trajectories of charged particles in both
solar wind and magnetospheric plasma, mainly in the form of electrons and protons,
precipitate them into the upper atmosphere (thermosphere/exosphere), where
their energy is lost. The resulting
ionization and excitation of
atmospheric constituents emits light of varying colour and complexity. The
form of the aurora, occurring within bands around both polar regions, is
also dependent on the amount of acceleration imparted to the precipitating
particles. Precipitating protons generally produce optical emissions as
incident hydrogen atoms after gaining electrons from the atmosphere.
Proton auroras are usually observed at lower latitudes. New type of aurora
the dunes was discovered by
citizen scientists in Finland. The dunes appear as thin ribbons of green
light in the sky. Researchers suspect the dunes are visible
manifestations of air
undulations called atmospheric waves.
wave is a periodic disturbance in the fields of atmospheric
variables (like surface pressure or geopotential height, temperature, or
wind velocity) which may either propagate (traveling wave) or not
(standing wave). Atmospheric waves range in spatial and temporal scale
from large-scale planetary waves (Rossby waves) to minute sound waves.
Atmospheric waves with periods which are harmonics of 1 solar day (e.g.
24 hours, 12 hours, 8 hours... etc.) are known as atmospheric tides.
Halos -
Tracers -
Rainbows -
Cosmic Rays -
Aurora Borealis is most often seen in a striking green
color, but it also occasionally shows off its many colors
ranging from red to pink, blue to purple, dark to light. The
reason that the aurora is seen in so many colors is that our
atmosphere is made up of many different compounds like
and Nitrogen. When the
charged particles that come from the sun
hit the atoms and molecules of the Earth's atmosphere, they
excite those
atoms, giving off light. Different atoms give off
colors of the spectrum when they are excited. A
familiar example is the Neon lights that we see on many business
signs in our modern world. The
Neon lights contain the gas
These lights have electricity run through them to
excite the
Neon gas. When the Neon is excited, it gives off a brilliant
red-orange color. The Neon lights are the same idea as the
aurora, only on a lot smaller scale.
Different gases give off different colors when they are excited.
Oxygen at about 60 miles up gives off the familiar yellow-green
color, Oxygen at higher altitudes (about 200 miles above us)
gives the all red auroras. Ionic
nitrogen produces the blue
light and neutral Nitrogen gives off the red-purple and the
rippled edges. Imagine if the atmosphere were made of Neon gas and Sodium
gas. We would see red-orange and yellow auroras. Auroral electrons are
accelerated before colliding with the iono-sphere and producing auroral
light. Powerful Alfvén waves are often found traveling. Earthward above
auroras with sufficient energy to generate auroras, the natural light
show starts when disturbances on the sun pull on Earth's magnetic field.
That creates cosmic undulations known as Alfvén waves that launch
electrons at high speeds into Earth's atmosphere where they create the
Alfvén Wave is a type of magnetohydrodynamic wave in which ions
oscillate in response to a restoring force provided by an effective
tension on the magnetic field lines. Sometimes electrons hitch a ride on
these superfast Alfvén waves, reaching speeds as high as 45 million
miles per hour as they hurtle downward.
Aurora Borealis from Space in Ultra-High Definition (4K) (youtube)
Aurora in Fairbanks Alaska (reddit video)
Aurora Colors -
Northern Lights Centre
Red Aurora
Australis Southern Lights (video)
Thin ribbons of purple and white light called STEVE is produced by a
different atmospheric process than the Aurora.
Strong winds power electric fields in the upper atmosphere. Using
observations from NASA's ICON mission, scientists presented the first
direct measurements of Earth's long-theorized dynamo on the edge of
space: a
wind-driven electrical generator that spans the globe 60-plus
miles above our heads. The dynamo churns in the ionosphere, the
electrically charged boundary between Earth and space. It's powered by
tidal winds in the upper atmosphere that are faster than most
and rise from the lower atmosphere, creating an electrical environment
that can
affect satellites and technology on Earth.
Geomagnetic field protects Earth from electron showers. The
ionosphere is a wide region between roughly 60
and more than 600 kilometers above the Earth's surface. It contains
electrically charged
particles that
are a mixture of
ions and free
electrons generated by the
interaction of the atmosphere with radiation from the sun. Polar regions
of the ionosphere are subjected to a particularly steady and energetic
stream of incoming electrons in a process called electron precipitation.
is a three-dimensional,
spherical, scale model of Earth
(terrestrial globe or
geographical globe) or other celestial body such as
a planet or
Lunar and
Planetary Institute -
Constellation Program was a human spaceflight program
developed by NASA, the space agency of the United States, from 2005 to
2009. The major goals of the program were "completion of the
Space Station" and a "return to the Moon no later than 2020" with a crewed
flight to the planet Mars as the ultimate goal.
Overview Effect is a
cognitive shift and an
emotional shift in a person's
awareness and identity when
they see the Earth from space or from the
lunar surface,
or while viewing the
earth from orbit as reported
by some astronauts and cosmonauts during spaceflight. This emotional or
mental reaction is strong enough to disrupt a person's previous
assumptions about humanity and the Earth and the cosmos. The experience of seeing firsthand
reality of the
in space is immediately understood to be a
tiny and fragile ball of life that is hanging in the void that is shielded and nourished
by a
paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish
and the
conflicts that divide people become less important, and the need to create
a planetary society with the
united will
to protect this
pale blue dot
becomes both obvious and imperative.
Third-hand observers of these
individuals may also report a noticeable difference in attitude.
Of course you don't need to travel into space in
order to realize how precious life is. There is a difference
intellectual knowledge and
experiential knowledge,
but that all depends on what
knowledge you read and understand, and how
you interpret a
particular experience to be.
Overview Effect
(youtube) -
Astronauts -
Shuttle -
Savikalpa is
meditation with support of an object.
Gaia in Mythology -
Mother Earth
Awareness -
Emergence -
Out of Body Experience
The farther you travel from earth, the smaller the earth becomes.
When you
see something from a different perspective, it can change your
understanding of it, and change how you feel about it. Its like seeing
your house and home from a distance. You know how special your home is
and how valuable it is. Earth is your shelter, your home, and the reason
why you live. When you have
empathy, you have the ability to see things from a different
perspective. When having empathy, you don't have to physically move,
because the mind moves for you.
Solar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun,
thereby obscuring the view of the Sun from a small part of the Earth,
totally or partially. Such an alignment occurs approximately every six
months, during the eclipse season in its new moon phase, when the Moon's
orbital plane is closest to the plane of the Earth's orbit. In a total
eclipse, the disk of the Sun is fully obscured by the Moon. In partial
and annular eclipses, only part of the Sun is obscured. Unlike a lunar
eclipse, which may be viewed from anywhere on the night side of Earth, a
solar eclipse can only be viewed from a relatively small area of the
world. As such, although total solar eclipses occur somewhere on Earth
every 18 months on average, they recur at any given place only once
every 360 to 410 years.
Why does a
Solar Eclipse move Eastward even though the Earth Rotates from
West to East? The Earth Rotates
counter clockwise or west to east. The
moon travels in the same direction. The Moon takes
27.3 days to travel once around the earth, that is why the moon travels
east to west in the sky during earths 24 hour to spin cycle. So the earth
is spinning faster then the moon even though the moon is moving faster at
3,400 km/hour (2,112
mph) when compared to earths spinning speed of 1,670 km/hr
(1,037 mph) at the
equator. To keep up with the shadow of the eclipse you would have to
be traveling at Mach 1.5 or 1,150.9 mph. (
paths image).
Solar Eclipse
Photos (images) -
Lunar Eclipse (wiki) -
Path of Totality (2024)
Saros is a period of exactly 223
months or approximately 6585.3211 days, or 18 years, 11 days, 8 hours,
that can be used to predict eclipses of the Sun and Moon.
Antikythera Mechanism.
Annular Solar Eclipse happens when the
Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, but when it is at or near its
farthest point from Earth. Because the Moon is farther away from Earth,
it appears smaller than the Sun and
does not
completely cover the Sun.
Baily's Beads or
diamond ring effect, is a feature of total and annular solar eclipses. As
the Moon covers the Sun during a solar eclipse, the rugged topography of
the lunar limb allows beads of
sunlight to shine through in some places
while not in others.
Ring of Fire.
of Earths Spin on its Axis vs. One complete
Orbit of the Moon. Earth spins
at around 1,000 mph on the equator and takes close to 24 hours to travel
24,901 miles or 40,075 kilometers. The
Moon travels 2,288 mph making of full orbit distance of
1,423,000 miles or 2,290,000 kilometers. (27.3 days x 24 hours = 655.2
hours x 2,288 mph = 1,499,097 miles)?
the Sun and the Moon look like they're the Same Size? The
Sun is
403 times as wide as the Moon but the Sun is also roughly 400 times
farther away from Earth. These two qualities almost cancel each other out.
ratio of the sun’s distance from earth
(149.6 million km or 92,957,130.3587 miles) to the moon’s distance from
earth (384,400 km or 238.85509 miles) is 389, rather close to the
diameter ratio of 403. This means that
there is a difference of only 3 percent in the apparent sizes of the sun
and moon and so they appear to be about the same size. More significantly
the moon covers all but a tiny bit of the sun during an eclipse. The
diameter of the sun is 1.4 million kilometers. The diameter of the moon is
3,474 kilometers. The sun is often recognized as a symbol of rebirth,
strength and power. The moon is associated with the female in many
cultures often in the form of a goddess.
Sun and Moon Dualism is the moral or spiritual belief that two
fundamental concepts exist, which often oppose each other, which means
that you should know the difference between
good and
bad and
right and
wrong, and that life is
filled with
relationships that must be
The moon's shadow cast on earth's surface during an eclipse is
around 274 kilometers or
170 miles across,
and covers roughly 37,015 square kilometers or
23,000 square miles at any one time, though the size of the
shadow differs when measuring the
which is when the Sun is completely blocked, or the
penumbra or penumbral diameter, where the
Sun is partially obscured. The shadow from the moon during a full solar
eclipse is only 0.01% of the total surface area of Earth.
A solar eclipse on the opposite side of the earth around midnight is
perfect for seeing more stars and planets. When the sun and the moon are
behind the earth, it's better for seeing the stars and planets.
Antipode of any spot on Earth is the point on Earth's surface
diametrically opposite to it. A pair of points antipodal to each other
are situated such that a straight line connecting the two would pass
through Earth's center. Antipodal points are as far away from each other
as possible. The North and South Poles are antipodes of each other.
Antipodean is situated at opposite sides of the earth. Antipode is the direct opposite
of something.
Satellites - Orbiting Mechanical Machines
is an
object which has been intentionally placed into orbit. Such objects
are sometimes called artificial satellites to distinguish them from
natural satellites such as Earth's
Moon. Satellites
are used to make star maps and maps of planetary surfaces, and also take
pictures of planets they are launched into. Common types include military
and civilian Earth observation satellites, communications satellites,
navigation satellites,
weather satellites, and
space telescopes. Space
stations and human spacecraft in orbit are also satellites. Satellite
orbits vary greatly, depending on the purpose of the satellite, and are
classified in a number of ways. Well-known (overlapping) classes include
low Earth orbit, polar orbit, and geostationary orbit.
- Global Positioning System -
Navigation -
Timeline of Artificial Satellites and Space Probes wiki) -
Voyager Probe.
Sputnik 1 was
the first artificial Earth satellite. The Soviet Union launched it into
an elliptical low Earth orbit on 4 October
Explorer 1 was
the first satellite launched by the United States on January 31,
11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon on July
1969, at 20:17
UTC. Over 400,000 people contributed to
the project.
We Were Apollo (Feature Documentary) | Spark (youtube - 56 mins.)
Orbital Mechanics is the application of ballistics and celestial
mechanics to the practical problems concerning the motion of rockets and
spacecraft. The
motion of these objects is usually calculated from
Newton's laws of motion
and Newton's law of universal gravitation. It is a core discipline
within space mission design and control. Celestial mechanics treats more
broadly the orbital dynamics of systems under the influence of
gravity, including both
spacecraft and natural astronomical bodies such as star systems,
planets, moons and comets. Orbital mechanics focuses on spacecraft
trajectories, including orbital maneuvers, orbit plane changes, and
interplanetary transfers, and is used by mission planners to predict the
results of propulsive maneuvers. General relativity is a more exact theory
than Newton's laws for calculating orbits, and is sometimes necessary for
greater accuracy or in high-gravity situations (such as
orbits close to the Sun).
Specific Mechanical Energy, rather than
energy, is often used in astrodynamics,
because gravity changes the kinetic and potential specific energies of a
vehicle in ways that are independent of the mass of the vehicle,
consistent with the conservation of energy in a Newtonian gravitational
system. The specific energy of an object such as a meteoroid falling on
the earth from outside the earth's gravitational well is at least one half
the square of the escape velocity of 11.2 km/s. This comes to 63 MJ/kg
(15 kcal/g, or 15 tonnes TNT equivalent per tonne). Comets have even more
energy, typically moving with respect to the sun, when in our vicinity, at
about the square root of two times the speed of the earth. This comes to
42 km/s, or a specific energy of 882 MJ/kg. The speed relative to the
earth may be more or less, depending on direction. Since the speed of the
earth around the sun is about 30 km/s, a comet's speed relative to the
earth can range from 12 to 72 km/s, the latter corresponding to 2592 MJ/kg.
If a comet with this speed fell to the earth it would gain another 63 MJ/kg,
yielding a total of 2655 MJ/kg with a speed of 72.9 km/s. Since the
equator is moving at about 0.5 km/s, the impact speed has an upper limit
of 73.4 km/s, giving an upper limit for the specific energy of a comet
hitting the earth of about 2690 MJ/kg. If the Hale-Bopp comet (50 km in
diameter) had hit the earth, it would have vaporized the oceans and
sterilized the surface of the earth.
of Concerned Scientists says there are
active satellites currently
Earth. There are estimates of roughly 2,600 satellites that no longer work
floating in space. Some of the biggest telecommunications satellites can
weigh several tons, be the size of a bus, and orbit from a fixed point
about 22,000 miles (35,000 km) above Earth.
November 15 2016,
SpaceX filed a lengthy application with the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) to
launch 4,425 new satellites.
Each satellite in SpaceX's planned constellation will weigh about 850 lbs
(386 kg) and be roughly the size of a MINI Cooper car. They will orbit at
altitudes ranging from 715 miles (1,150 km) to 790 miles (1,275 km). Each
satellite could cover an ellipse about 1,300 miles (2,120 km) wide. That's
about the distance from Maine to the Florida panhandle. With deployment of
the first 800 satellites, SpaceX will be able to provide widespread U.S.
and international coverage for
broadband services," A speed of 1 Gbps. The global average for
internet speed in late 2015, according
Akamai's "State of the Internet" report, was 5.1 Mbps per user — about
200 times slower than SpaceX's target — with most of the higher speeds
tied up in cable and fiberoptic connections. Downlink capacity to users
ranging from 17 to 23 Gbps.
Ultrathin solar cells promise improved satellite performance.
Radiation damage to
photovoltaics in orbit can be reduced by making the cells thinner.
As low Earth orbit becomes more cluttered, it becomes increasingly
necessary to use middle Earth orbits, and
cell designs will be needed. Making photovoltaics thinner should
increase their longevity because the charge carriers have less far to go
during their shortened lifetimes. Scientists propose a
radiation-tolerant photovoltaic cell design that features an ultrathin
layer of light-absorbing material. Compared to thicker cells, nearly 3.5
times less cover glass is needed for the ultra-thin cells to deliver the
same amount of power after 20 years of operation.
Orbit Zones of Satellites
High Earth Orbit is a geocentric orbit with an altitude entirely above
that of a geosynchronous orbit (35,786 kilometres (
22,236 mi).
List of Orbits
Geostationary Orbit is a satellite orbiting at the same speed as the
Earth rotates, so it stays over one place. The circular orbit is around 35,786 kilometres
r 22,236 mi above the Earth's
and following the direction of the Earth's rotation. Satellites need to
very far away from earth and
above the equator to rotate in this kind
of orbit. A geosynchronous orbit or GSO is an Earth-centered orbit with
an orbital period that matches Earth's rotation on its axis, 23 hours,
56 minutes, and 4 seconds (one sidereal day). The synchronization of
rotation and orbital period means that, for an observer on Earth's
surface, an object in geosynchronous orbit
returns to exactly the same position in the sky after a period of one
sidereal day. Over the course of a day, the object's position in
the sky may remain still or trace out a path, typically in a figure-8
form, whose precise characteristics depend on the orbit's inclination
and eccentricity. A circular
orbit has a constant altitude of 35,786 km or 22,236 mi. A
special case of geosynchronous orbit is the geostationary orbit, which
is a circular geosynchronous orbit in Earth's equatorial plane with both
inclination and eccentricity equal to 0. A satellite in a geostationary
remains in the same position in the sky to
observers on the surface. Communications satellites are often
given geostationary or close to geostationary orbits so that the
satellite antennas that communicate with them do not have to move, but
can be pointed permanently at the fixed location in the sky where the
satellite appears.
Geosynchronous Orbit is an orbit around the Earth that matches Earth's
rotation on its axis with an
period of one sidereal day. (23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds).
Medium Earth
Orbit is the region of space around the Earth above low Earth orbit
(altitude of 2,000 kilometres (
1,243 mi))
and below geostationary orbit.
Low Earth Orbiting Satellite
is an
orbit around Earth with an altitude
between 160 kilometers (99 mi) (
period of about 88 minutes), and 2,000 kilometers (
1,200 mi) (about
127 minutes). Objects below approximately 160 kilometers (99 mi) will
experience very rapid
orbital decay and altitude loss. The orbital velocity needed to
maintain a stable low Earth orbit is about 7.8 km/s, but reduces with
increased orbital altitude.
Orbital Decay.
Synchronous Orbit is an orbit in which an orbiting body (usually a
satellite) has a period equal to the average rotational period of the body
being orbited (usually a planet), and in the same direction of rotation as
that body.
Entry is the movement of an object from outer space into and through
the gases of an atmosphere of a planet, dwarf planet, or natural
satellite. There are two main types of atmospheric entry:
entry, such as the entry of astronomical objects, space debris, or
bolides; and
controlled entry (or reentry) of a spacecraft capable of
being navigated or following a predetermined course. Technologies and
procedures allowing the controlled atmospheric entry, descent, and landing
of spacecraft are collectively termed as EDL.
Miniature Satellites - Internet
is a satellite of low mass and size, usually under 500 kg (1,100 lb).
While all such satellites can be referred to as "small", different
classifications are used to categorize them based on mass. Satellites can
be built small to reduce the large economic cost of launch vehicles and
the costs associated with construction. Miniature satellites, especially
in large numbers, may be more useful than fewer, larger ones for some
purposes – for example, gathering of scientific data and radio relay.
Technical challenges in the construction of small satellites may include
the lack of sufficient power storage or of room for a propulsion system.
Satellite Building Kits
New Nanosatellite System captures better Imagery at Lower Cost.
Communications Satellite is an artificial satellite that relays and
amplifies radio telecommunications signals via a transponder; it creates
a communication channel between a source transmitter and a receiver at
different locations on Earth. Communications satellites are used for
television, telephone, radio, internet, and military applications.
Satellite Internet Constellation is a constellation of artificial
satellites providing satellite internet service. In particular, the term
has come to refer to a new generation of very large constellations
(sometimes referred to as a megaconstellations) orbiting in low-Earth
orbit (LEO) to provide low-latency, high bandwidth (broadband) internet
Satellite Internet Access is
Internet access provided through communication satellites. Modern
consumer grade satellite Internet service is typically provided to
individual users through geostationary satellites that can offer
relatively high data speeds, with newer satellites using Ku band to
achieve downstream data speeds up to 506 Mbit/s. In addition, new
satellite internet constellations are being developed in low-earth orbit
to enable low-latency internet access from space.
commenced launches of the
OneWeb satellite constellation, a network of more than
650 low Earth orbit satellites, on February
27, 2019. Satellites have 5-7 year lifespan.
Starlink is a satellite internet constellation being constructed by
SpaceX providing satellite Internet access. The constellation will
consist of thousands of mass-produced small satellites in low Earth
orbit (LEO), working in combination with ground transceivers. SpaceX
plans to sell some of the satellites for military, scientific, or
exploratory purposes. As of 25 November 2020, SpaceX has launched 955
Starlink satellites. They plan to launch up to 60 more per Falcon 9
flight, with launches as often as every two weeks in 2020. In total,
nearly 12,000 satellites are planned to be deployed, with a possible
later extension to 42,000. The initial 12,000 satellites are planned to
orbit in
three orbital shells: First: 1,440 in a
550 km (340 mi) altitude shell. Second: 2,825 Ku-band and Ka-band
spectrum satellites at 1,110 km (690 mi). Third: 7,500 V-band satellites
at 340 km (210 mi).In June 2020, SpaceX applied in the United States for
use of the E-band in the Gen2 constellation. The generation 2
constellation is expected to include up to 30,000 satellites and
provide complete global coverage. The deployment of the first 1,440
satellites will be into
72 orbital planes
of 20 satellites each.
Kuiper Systems is a subsidiary of Amazon that was setup in 2019 to
deploy a large broadband satellite internet constellation to provide
broadband internet connectivity.
Satellite Images -
Telescopes -
Environmental Monitoring
Smart Satellites to Repair and Refuel stranded Satellites in Space.
Gaia spacecraft is a
space observatory of
the European Space Agency (ESA) designed for astrometry: measuring the
positions and distances of stars with unprecedented precision. The mission
aims to construct the largest and most precise 3D space catalog ever made,
totaling approximately 1 billion astronomical objects,
mainly stars, but also planets, comets, asteroids and quasars among
others. Gaia satellite has
mapped 1.7 billion
stars in the
milky way galaxy.
Over a span of 12 years, the
CORONA satellites captured more than
800,000 images. That's 2.1 million feet of film.
Hipparcos was a scientific satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA),
launched in 1989 and operated until 1993.
ISRO Launches 104
Satellites in a Single Rocket Launch - a world record as of 15/02/2017 (youtube)
Space Junk - Orbital Debris - Avoidance Maneuvers
There are approximately
1,300 nonfunctional
satellites in the
orbit 22,000 mile above earth.
Space Debris: 1957 - 2015
(youtube) - Almost
20,000 pieces of
space debris are
currently orbiting the Earth.
Summer Science Exhibition 2016: Cleaning up space junk (youtube)
Trashopolis S02 E07: Moscow (youtube)
Kessler Syndrome is a collisional cascading scenario with satellites
in which the density of objects in low Earth orbit is high enough that
collisions between objects could cause a cascade in which each collision
generates space debris that increases the likelihood of further
collisions. One implication is that the distribution of debris in orbit
could render space activities and the use of satellites in specific
orbital ranges difficult for many generations.
Active Debris Removal (ADR) capture and deorbit two space debris DebriSATs.
Darpa Satellite Scavenging Phoenix Project.
Laser measurements to track space debris and observe water masses.
More accurate orbit predictions for satellites and space debris as well
as a better understanding of the water masses present on Earth:
Researchers at achieved both using satellite laser ranging.
Spacecraft works by
attempting to attach itself to dead satellites and pushing them toward
Earth to burn up in the atmosphere. A multi-target end-of-life space
debris removal catch and release process repeatedly over the course of
six months. The spacecraft is not designed to capture dead satellites
already in orbit, but rather future satellites that would be launched
with compatible docking plates on them. According to a recent report by
NASA, at least
26,000 of the millions of pieces
of space junk are the size of a softball. Orbiting along at
17,500 mph, they could "destroy a satellite on impact." More than
500,000 pieces are a "mission-ending threat" because of their ability to
impact protective systems, fuel tanks and spacecraft cabins.And the most
common debris, more than 100 million pieces, is the size of a grain of
salt and could puncture a spacesuit, amplifying the risk of catastrophic
collisions to spacecraft and crew.
Satellite captures space junk for the first time. An experimental
cleanup device called RemoveDebris has successfully cast a net around a
dummy satellite, simulating a technique that could one day capture
spaceborne garbage.
Space Junk Tether -
Soft Capture -
Space Debris Clean-up
Let's clean up the space junk orbiting Earth: Natalie Panek (video and
interactive text)
Graveyard Orbit is an orbit that lies away from common operational
orbits. One significant graveyard orbit is a
supersynchronous orbit well above
geosynchronous orbit. Satellites are typically moved into such orbits
at the end of their operational life to reduce the probability of
colliding with operational spacecraft and generating space debris.
Shielding the International Space Station from
Micro-Meteoroid Orbital Debris -
Collision course: Amateur astronomers play a part in efforts to keep space
safe. With over
22,000 artificial satellites
in orbit it is essential to keep track of their positions in order to
avoid unexpected collisions. Amateur astronomers have been helping the
Ministry of Defense explore what is possible using high-end consumer
equipment to track objects in space.
Avoidance Maneuver
collision avoidance is the process of preventing a spacecraft from
colliding with any other vehicle or object.
Collision Avoidance is the implementation and study of processes
minimizing the chance of orbiting spacecraft
inadvertently colliding with other orbiting objects. The most
common subject of spacecraft collision avoidance research and
development is for human-made satellites in geocentric orbits. The
subject includes procedures designed to prevent the accumulation of
space debris in orbit, analytical methods for predicting likely
collisions, and avoidance procedures to maneuver offending spacecraft
away from danger. Orbital velocities around large bodies (like the
Earth) are fast, resulting in significant kinetic energy being involved
in on-orbit collisions. For example, at the mean Low Earth orbital
velocity of ~7.8 km/s, two perpendicularly colliding spacecraft would
have a combined relative impact velocity of ~12.2 km/s. Almost no known
structurally solid materials are capable of withstanding such an
energetic impact, most of which would be instantly vaporized by the
collision and broken up into myriad pieces ejected at force in all
directions. Because of this, it's exceedingly likely that any spacecraft
colliding with another object in orbit would be critically damaged or
completely destroyed by the impact.
The German Experimental Space Surveillance and Tracking Radar
Tracking undetectable space junk. Satellite and spacecraft operators
may finally be able to detect small pieces of debris orbiting Earth
using a new approach. Colliding pieces of space debris emit electric
signals that could help track small debris littering Earth's orbit,
potentially saving satellites and spacecraft.
Space Situational Awareness -
Space Track
Whipple Shield is a type of hypervelocity impact shield used to
protect crewed and uncrewed spacecraft from collisions with
micrometeoroids and orbital debris whose velocities generally range
between 3 and 18 kilometres per second (1.9 and 11.2 mi/s). Bumper wall
and Rear Wall Design.
Pod is a capsule or craft used to escape a vessel in an emergency,
usually only big enough for one person. An escape ship is a larger, more
complete craft also used for the same purpose. Escape pods are ubiquitous
in science fiction, but infrequently used in real vehicles such as supersonic aircraft.
Meteorite - Meteor - Meteoroid
Meteoroid is a small rocky or metallic body travelling
through outer space. Meteoroids are significantly
smaller than
asteroids, and range in size from small grains to one-meter-wide objects.
International Meteor -
American Meteor Society.
is a tiny meteoroid or a small particle of rock in space, usually weighing
less than a gram. A micrometeorite is such a particle that survives
passage through the Earth's atmosphere and reaches the Earth's surface.
Meteorite is a
solid piece of debris from an object, such as a comet, asteroid, or
meteoroid, that originates in outer space and
survives its passage through the atmosphere to reach the surface
of a planet or moon. When the original object enters the atmosphere,
various factors such as friction, pressure, and chemical interactions
with the atmospheric gases cause it to heat up and radiate energy. It
then becomes a meteor and forms a fireball, also known as a shooting
star; astronomers call the brightest examples "bolides". Once it settles
on the larger body's surface, the meteor becomes a meteorite. Meteorites
vary greatly in size. For geologists, a bolide is a meteorite large
enough to create an impact crater. Meteorites that are recovered after
being observed as they transit the atmosphere and impact the Earth are
called meteorite falls. All others are known as meteorite finds.
Meteorites have traditionally been divided into three broad categories:
stony meteorites that are rocks, mainly composed of silicate minerals;
iron meteorites that are largely composed of ferronickel; and stony-iron
meteorites that contain large amounts of both metallic and rocky
material. Modern classification schemes divide meteorites into groups
according to their structure, chemical and isotopic composition and
mineralogy. Meteorites smaller than 2 mm are classified as
micrometeorites. Extraterrestrial meteorites have been found on the Moon
and on Mars.
Meteorite is a stony or metallic
object that is the remains of a meteoroid that has reached the
earth's surface.
Shooting Star is
a common name for the visible path of a meteoroid as it enters the
atmosphere, becoming a
which is any of the small solid extraterrestrial bodies that hits the
earth's atmosphere. A
streak of light in the sky at night that results
when a meteoroid hits the earth's atmosphere and air friction causes the
meteoroid to melt, vaporize or explode.
Many meteors come from one direction. As the Earth swings around
the sun, it encounters meteors as it sweeps through space at 30 km/sec,
or 67,000 miles per hour. These meteors can hit the Earth at all angles
and from all directions, and only occasionally appear to be moving
parallel to the ground.
Most meteors occur in the region of the atmosphere called the
thermosphere. This “meteoric region” lies between about 80 km and 120 km
(50 to 75 miles) in altitude. This is a general guideline only, since
very fast meteors may first become visible above this height, and slow,
bright meteors may penetrate below this band.
Meteors enter the atmosphere at speeds ranging from 11 km/sec
(25,000 mph), to 72 km/sec (160,000 mph) On the evening side, or
trailing edge of the Earth, meteoroids must catch up to the earth’s
atmosphere to cause a meteor, and tend to be slow. On the morning side,
or leading edge of the earth, meteoroids can collide head-on with the
atmosphere and tend to be fast.
Did you know that 100 tons of
meteorites and dust enter our atmosphere everyday? Even
space rocks up to 25 metres across (80 feet) will likely explode and
disintegrate in the upper layers of our atmosphere, causing little or no
damage, according to NASA. The Moon is bombarded by so much space rock
that its surface gets a complete facelift every 81,000 years. Varieties
of space dust, barely the width of a human hair. These photomicrographs
were made with a special camera setup that magnifies the dust grains
nearly 3,000 times. (Credit Jan Braly Kihle/Jon Larsen).
Geminids are a
shower caused by the object
3200 Phaethon, which is thought to be a
Palladian asteroid with a "rock comet" orbit. This would make the
Geminids, together with the Quadrantids, the only major meteor showers
not originating from a comet. The meteors from this shower are slow
moving, can be seen in December and usually peak around December 4–16,
with the date of highest intensity being the morning of December 14. The
shower is thought to be intensifying every year and recent showers have
seen 120–160 meteors per hour under optimal conditions, generally around
02:00 to 03:00 local time. Geminids were first observed in 1862, much
more recently than other showers such as the Perseids (36 AD) and
Leonids (902 AD).
is an extraterrestrial particle, ranging in size from 50 µm to 2 mm,
collected on the Earth's surface. Micrometeorites are micrometeoroids
which have survived entry through the Earth's atmosphere. They differ from
meteorites in being smaller, more plentiful and different in composition
and are a subset of cosmic dust, which also includes the smaller
interplanetary dust particles (IDPs). Micrometeorites enter the Earth's
atmosphere with high velocities (at least 11 km/s) and undergo heating
through atmospheric friction and compression. Individual micrometeorites
weigh between 10-9 and 10-4 g and collectively contribute most of the
extraterrestrial material that has come to the present day Earth. Fred
Lawrence Whipple first coined the term "micro-meteorite" to describe
dust-sized objects that fall to the Earth. Sometimes meteoroids and
micrometeoroids entering the Earth's atmosphere are visible as meteors or
"shooting stars", whether or not they reach the ground and survive as
meteorites and micrometorites.
An urban collection of modern-day large micrometeorites: Evidence for
variations in the extraterrestrial dust flux through the Quaternary.
Space Dust Photo
Image 2
More than 5,000 tons of extraterrestrial dust fall to Earth each year.
Every year, our planet encounters dust from comets and asteroids. These
interplanetary dust particles pass through our atmosphere and give rise
to shooting stars. Some of them reach the ground in the form of
micrometeorites. An international program conducted for nearly 20 has
determined that 5,200 tons per year of these micrometeorites reach the
Kuiper Belt
is a circumstellar disc in the
solar system beyond the known planets,
extending from the orbit of Neptune (at 30 AU) to approximately 50 AU from
the Sun. It is similar to the asteroid belt, but is far larger—20 times as
wide and 20 to 200 times as massive. Like the asteroid belt, it consists
mainly of small bodies or remnants from when the Solar System formed.
While many asteroids are composed primarily of rock and metal, most Kuiper
belt objects are composed largely of frozen volatiles (termed "ices"),
such as methane, ammonia and water. The Kuiper belt is home to three
officially recognized dwarf planets: Pluto, Haumea and Makemake. Some of
the Solar System's moons, such as Neptune's Triton and Saturn's Phoebe,
are thought to have originated in the region.
Heliosphere -
Oort Cloud.
Circumstellar Disc is a torus, pancake or ring-shaped accumulation of
matter composed of gas, dust, planetesimals, asteroids or collision
fragments in orbit around a star. Around the youngest stars, they are the
reservoirs of material out of which planets may form. Around mature stars,
they indicate that planetesimal formation has taken place and around white
dwarfs, they indicate that planetary material survived the whole of
stellar evolution. Such a disc can manifest itself in various ways.
Space Weather -
Space Weather -
Figure 3: Oxygen and chromium isotopic composition of Meteorites.
New method to determine the origin of stardust in meteorites.
Meteorites are critical to understanding the beginning of our solar
system and how it has evolved over time. However, some meteorites
contain grains of stardust that predate the formation of our solar
system and are now providing important information about how the
elements in the universe formed.
Astronomers find the smallest asteroids ever detected in the main belt.
Astronomers have found a way to spot the smallest, 'decameter,'
asteroids within the main asteroid belt. They used their approach to
detect more than 100 new asteroids, ranging from the size of a bus to
several stadiums wide, which are the smallest asteroids within the main
belt detected to date.
Meteor Shower is a celestial event in which a number of meteors are
observed to radiate, or originate, from one point in the night sky.
These meteors are caused by streams of cosmic debris called meteoroids
entering Earth's atmosphere at extremely high speeds on parallel
trajectories. Most meteors are smaller than a grain of sand, so almost
all of them disintegrate and never hit the Earth's surface. Very intense
or unusual meteor showers are known as meteor outbursts and meteor
storms, which produce at least 1,000 meteors an hour, most notably from
Leonids. The Meteor Data Centre lists over 900 suspected meteor
showers of which about 100 are well established. Several organizations
point to viewing opportunities on the Internet. NASA maintains a daily
map of active meteor showers.
Perseids are prolific meteor showers associated with the
comet Swift–Tuttle. The Perseids are so called because the point from
which they appear to hail (called the radiant) lies in the constellation
Orionids (wiki)
Lyrids are a meteor shower lasting from April 16 to April 25 each
year. The radiant of the meteor shower is located in the constellation
Lyra, near its brightest star, Vega. The peak of the shower is typically
around April 22 each year. The shower usually peaks around April 22 and
the morning of April 23. Counts typically range from 5 to 20 meteors per
hour, averaging around 10. The source of the meteor shower are particles
of dust shed by the long-period Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. The April
Lyrids are the strongest annual shower of meteors from debris of a
long-period comet, mainly because as far as other intermediate
long-period comets go (200–10,000 years), this one has a relatively
short orbital period of about 415 years. The Lyrids have been observed
and reported since 687 BC; no other modern shower has been recorded as
far back in time. Occasionally, the shower intensifies when the planets
steer the one-revolution dust trail of the comet into Earth's path, an
event that happens about once every 60 years.
Are meteor
showers a danger to satellites? Space is big, and satellites are
small, and a meteor shower is incredibly sparse. When a meteor hits a
satellite at high speed, the tiny rock vaporizes into hot, electrically
charged gas—or plasma—that can short out circuits and damage onboard
electronics, causing the satellite to spin out of control. A meteor is
moving fast enough to cause damage, but it won't destroy a satellite,
it'll put a small crater in whatever it hits.
are a prolific meteor shower associated with the comet
which are also known for their spectacular meteor storms that occur
about every 33 years. The Leonids get their name from the location of
their radiant in the constellation Leo, where the meteors appear to
radiate from that point in the sky. The Leonids also produce meteor
storms or very large outbursts about every 33 years, during which
activity exceeds 1,000 meteors per hour, with some events exceeding
100,000 meteors per hour, in contrast to the sporadic background (5 to 8
meteors per hour) and the shower background (several meteors per hour).
November 12, 1833, there was a meteor shower so intense that it was
possible to see up to 100,000 meteors crossing the sky every hour. (2023
November 17).
are an
annual meteor shower, associated with the comet Encke. The
Taurids are actually two separate showers, with a Southern and a
Northern component. The Southern Taurids originated from Comet Encke,
while the Northern Taurids originated from the asteroid 2004 TG10. They
are named after their radiant point in the constellation Taurus, where
they are seen to come from in the sky. Because of their occurrence in
late October and early November, they are also called Halloween
fireballs. Encke and the Taurids are believed to be remnants of a much
larger comet, which has disintegrated over the past 20,000 to 30,000
years, breaking into several pieces and releasing material by normal
cometary activity or perhaps occasionally by close encounters with the
tidal force of Earth or other planets (Whipple, 1940; Klacka, 1999). In
total, this stream of matter is the largest in the inner Solar System.
Since the meteor stream is rather spread out in space, Earth takes
several weeks to pass through it, causing an extended period of meteor
activity, compared with the much smaller periods of activity in other
showers. The Taurids are also made up of weightier material, pebbles
instead of dust grains.
are minor planets, especially those of the inner Solar System.
Any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and
metal that move around the sun ranging in size from nearly 600 miles
(1,000 km) across (Ceres) to dust particles, are found (as the asteroid
belt ) especially between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, though some
have more eccentric orbits, and a few pass close to the earth or enter
the atmosphere as meteors.
Near-Earth Object is any small Solar System body whose orbit brings it into
proximity with Earth.
Asteroid Impact Avoidance comprises a number of methods by which
near-Earth objects or NEO
could be diverted, preventing destructive impact
events. A sufficiently large impact by an asteroid or other NEOs would
cause, depending on its impact location, massive tsunamis, multiple
firestorms and an impact winter caused by the sunlight-blocking effect of
placing large quantities of pulverized rock dust, and other debris, into
the stratosphere.
Asteroid Watch
How many near-Earth asteroids have been
discovered so far? At the start of 2019, the number of discovered
near-Earth asteroids totaled more than 19,000. An average of 30 new
discoveries are added each week.
No known asteroid
poses a significant risk of impact with Earth over the next 100 years.
How to Deflect a Killer Asteroid -
Double Asteroid Redirection Test or
DART is a planned space probe that will
visit the double asteroid Didymos and demonstrate the kinetic effects of
crashing an impactor spacecraft into an asteroid moon for
defense purposes. The mission is intended to test whether a spacecraft
impact could successfully
deflect an asteroid on a
collision course with
Planetary Defense Coordination Office provides early detection of
potentially hazardous objects or PHOs – the subset of NEOs whose orbits
predict they will come
within 5 million miles of
Earth’s orbit; and of a size large enough (30 to 50 meters) to
cause significant damage on Earth; Tracks and characterizes PHOs and
issues warnings of the possible effects of potential impacts; Studies
strategies and technologies for mitigating PHO impacts; and Plays a lead
role in coordinating U.S. government planning for response to an actual
impact threat.
How to Deflect an Asteroid. Use the force of a nuclear bomb detonation
that would blast the asteroid away, though the planet would then have to
contend with any nuclear fallout. Or use a kinetic impactor or a
spacecraft, rocket, or other projectile that, if aimed at just the right
direction, with adequate speed, should collide with the asteroid, and
transfer some fraction of its momentum, and veer it off course and prevent
a keyhole passage.
Impact Event is a collision between astronomical objects causing
measurable effects. Impact events have physical consequences and have been
found to regularly occur in planetary systems, though the most frequent
involve asteroids, comets or meteoroids and have minimal effect. When
large objects impact terrestrial planets such as the Earth, there can be
significant physical and biospheric consequences, though atmospheres
mitigate many surface impacts through atmospheric entry. Impact craters
and structures are dominant landforms on many of the Solar System's solid
objects and present the strongest empirical evidence for their frequency
and scale.
Supercharged Light Pulverizes Asteroids. The majority of stars in the
universe will become luminous enough to blast surrounding asteroids into
successively smaller fragments using their light alone, according to an
Asteroid Belt is the circumstellar disc in the Solar System located
between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. It is occupied
by numerous irregularly shaped bodies called asteroids or minor planets.
Asteroids Videos (youtube)
Day of the Asteroid (youtube)
If You Could See All The Asteroids, What Would The Sky Look Like? (youtube)
Asteroid Hunter Named Lucy. A NASA spacecraft named
Lucy rocketed into the sky with diamonds Saturday morning on a
12-year quest to explore eight asteroids. NASA Launches a Robotic
Explorer Named Lucy. “Tar clear.” NASA on Saturday launched a probe
toward clusters of asteroids along Jupiter's orbital path. They're known
as the Trojan swarms, and they represent the final unexplored regions of
asteroids in the solar system.
The number of asteroid impacts on the Moon and Earth increased by two to
three times starting around 290 million years ago. The relative rarity
of large craters on Earth older than 290 million years and younger than
650 million years is not because we lost the craters, but because the
impact rate during that time was lower than it is now.
Geological Time -
Space Law
Astronomical Object is a naturally occurring physical entity,
association, or structure that exists in the observable universe. In
astronomy, the terms object and body are often used interchangeably.
However, an astronomical body or celestial body is a single, tightly
bound, contiguous entity, while an astronomical or celestial object is a
complex, less cohesively bound structure, which may consist of multiple
bodies or even other objects with substructures. Examples of astronomical
objects include planetary systems, star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies,
while asteroids, moons, planets, and stars are astronomical bodies. A
comet may be identified as both body and object: It is a body when
referring to the frozen nucleus of ice and dust, and an object when
describing the entire comet with its diffuse coma and tail.
Mining is the exploitation of
raw materials from
asteroids and other minor planets, including near-Earth objects. Hard
rock minerals could theoretically be mined from an asteroid or a spent
comet. Precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum group metals
could be transported back to Earth, while iron group metals and other
common ones could be used for construction in space. Difficulties
include the high cost of spaceflight, unreliable identification of
asteroids which are suitable for mining, and ore extraction challenges.
Thus, terrestrial mining remains the only means of raw mineral
acquisition used today. If space program funding, either public or
private, dramatically increases, this situation may change as resources
on Earth become increasingly scarce compared to demand and the full
potentials of asteroid mining—and space exploration in general—are
researched in greater detail.
is an icy small
solar system body that, when passing close to
the Sun, heats up and begins to outgas, displaying a visible atmosphere or
coma, and sometimes also a tail. Periodic comets or
short-period comets are generally defined
as those having orbital periods of less than 200 years.
Long-period comets have highly eccentric
orbits and periods ranging from 200 years to thousands of years.
Heliosphere -
Oort Cloud -
Our Solar System
Hypatia is a small stone, thought to be the
first known specimen of a
comet nucleus.
Episode 3
Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric Comet (Full Documentary on youtube)
The Comet Is Coming - Super Zodiac, Summon The Fire, Blood Of The Past.
(tiny desk concert)
Comet 2I/Borisov is a mysterious visitor from another star and is only
the second interstellar object known to have passed through the
system on its way back to interstellar space. The Sun's gravity is
slightly deflecting its trajectory, but can't capture it because of the
shape of its
orbit and high velocity of about 100,000 miles per hour.
(Comet 2I/Borisov is 3,200 feet across length of nine football fields.)
Clovis Comet.
Minor Planets
Dwarf Planet is a planetary-mass object that does not dominate its
region of space (as a true or
classical planet
does) and is not a satellite. That is, it is in direct orbit of the
Sun and is massive enough to be plastic – for its
gravity to maintain it in a hydrostatically equilibrious shape (usually
a spheroid) – but has not cleared the neighborhood of its orbit of
similar objects. The prototype dwarf planet is Pluto. The interest of
dwarf planets to planetary geologists is that, being possibly
differentiated and geologically active bodies, they may display
planetary geology, an expectation borne out by the 2015 New Horizons ission to Pluto.
Dwarf Planet 2014 QZ22
on the right is about 330 miles across and some 8.5 billion
miles from the sun. It takes
1,100 years to complete one orbit. Sedna,
Eris and Makemake have all been discovered in the past decade or so. Add to that Pluto.
Minor Planet is an astronomical object in direct orbit around the
Sun (or more broadly, any star with a
system) that is neither a planet nor exclusively classified as a
comet. Before 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
officially used the term minor planet, but during that year's meeting it
reclassified minor planets and comets into dwarf planets and small Solar
System bodies (SSSBs). Minor planets can be dwarf planets,
asteroids, trojans, centaurs, Kuiper belt
objects, and other trans-Neptunian objects. As of 2019, the orbits of
794,832 minor planets were archived at the Minor Planet Center, 541,128
of which had received permanent numbers.
Minor Planet
Center takes positional measurements of
planets, comets and outer irregular natural satellites of the major
planets. The MPC is responsible for the identification, designation and
orbit computation for all of these objects. This involves maintaining the
master files of observations and orbits, keeping track of the discoverer
of each object, and announcing discoveries to the rest of the world via
electronic circulars and an extensive website. The MPC operates at the
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, under the auspices of Division F of
the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Earth-Crossing Minor Planets is a near-Earth asteroid whose
orbit crosses that of Earth as observed from the ecliptic pole of Earth's orbit.
Theia (wiki)
Cross orbits of smaller moons that collided and merge, slowly building the bigger moon.
Centaur is a small
Solar System body with
either a perihelion or a semi-major axis between those of the outer
planets. Centaurs generally have unstable orbits because they cross or
have crossed the orbits of one or more of the giant planets; almost all
their orbits have dynamic lifetimes of only a few million years, but
there is one centaur, 514107 Ka?epaoka?awela, which may be in a stable
(though retrograde) orbit. Centaurs typically behave with
characteristics of both asteroids and comets. They are named after the
mythological centaurs that were a mixture of horse and human.
Observational bias toward large objects makes determination of the total
centaur population difficult. Estimates for the number of centaurs in
the Solar System more than 1 km in diameter range from as low as 44,000
to more than 10,000,000.
Trojan is a small celestial body (mostly asteroids) that shares the
orbit of a larger one, remaining in a stable orbit approximately 60°
ahead or behind the main body near one of its Lagrangian points L4 and
L5. Trojans can share the orbits of
or of large moons.

Earths natural satellite
orbits the Earth every 27.3 days.
The Moon keeps
nearly the same face turned towards the Earth at all times
because of
gravitational locking.
The moon is
238,857 miles from the Earth and has a diameter of
2,160 miles. The Moon is currently moving away from the Earth at
about 3.8 centimeters per year. The moon is an astronomical body that
orbits planet Earth, being Earth's only permanent
natural satellite.
It is the fifth-largest natural satellite in the
Solar System, and the largest among planetary satellites relative to
the size of the planet that it orbits (its primary). Following Jupiter's
satellite Io, the Moon is second-densest satellite among those whose
densities are known. The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is
384,400 km, or
1.28 light-seconds. The Moon is thought to have
formed about 4.51 billion
years ago, not long after Earth. There are several hypotheses for its
origin; the most widely accepted explanation is that the Moon formed from
the debris left over after a giant impact between Earth and a Mars-sized
body called Theia. There are
more than 200 moons
in our
solar system. Most of the major planets – all except Mercury and
Venus – have moons. Pluto and some other dwarf planets, as well as many
asteroids, also have small moons.
Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter captured the
sharpest images ever of the
Moon taken from space that you can see where Apollo missions landed.
Lunar Mare are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon, formed
by ancient
volcanic eruptions. They were dubbed
maria, Latin for '
seas', by early astronomers
who mistook them for actual seas. They are
reflective than the "highlands" as a result of their
composition, and hence
appear dark to the naked eye. The maria cover
about 16% of the lunar surface, mostly on the side visible from Earth.
The few maria on the far side are much smaller, residing mostly in very
large craters. The traditional nomenclature for the Moon also includes
one oceanus (ocean), as well as features with the names lacus ('lake'),
palus ('marsh'), and sinus ('bay'). The last three are smaller than
maria, but have the same nature and characteristics.
The face that the Moon shows to Earth looks far different from the one
it hides on its far side. Researchers have a new explanation for the
two-faced Moon. The nearside is home to a compositional anomaly known as
Procellarum KREEP terrane (PKT) -- a concentration of potassium (K),
rare earth elements (REE), phosphorus (P), along with heat-producing
elements like thorium. KREEP seems to be concentrated in and around
Oceanus Procellarum, the largest of the nearside volcanic plains, but is
sparse elsewhere on the Moon.
Far Side of
the Moon is the hemisphere of the Moon that always faces away from
Earth. The far side's terrain is rugged, with a multitude of impact
craters and relatively few flat lunar maria. It has one of the largest
craters in the Solar System, the South Pole–Aitken basin. Although both
sides of the moon experience
two weeks of sunlight
followed by
two weeks of night, the far
side is sometimes incorrectly referred to as the
Side of the Moon, but all parts of the Moon see around 14.77 days of
sunlight, followed by 14.77 days of night.
The Moon Orbits Earth in the prograde direction and completes one
revolution relative to the Vernal Equinox and the stars in about
days (a tropical month and sidereal month) and one revolution relative
to the Sun in about 29.53 days (a synodic month). Earth and the Moon
orbit about their barycentre (common center of
mass), which lies about 4,600 km (2,900 mi) from Earth's center (about
72% of its radius). On average, the distance to the Moon is about
385,000 km (239,000 mi) from Earth's center, which corresponds to about
60 Earth radii or 1.282 light-seconds. With a mean
orbital velocity of 1.022 km/s (0.635 miles/s), the Moon covers a
distance approximately its diameter, or about half a degree on the
celestial sphere, each hour. The Moon differs from most
satellites of other planets in that its orbit
is close to the ecliptic plane instead of to its primary's (in this
case, Earth's) equatorial plane. The Moon's
plane is inclined by about 5.1° with respect to the ecliptic plane,
whereas the Moon's equatorial plane is tilted by only 1.5°. Moon does
not orbit around the Earth directly above our equator. The Moon's orbit
is tilted by 6.7 degrees to the Earth's equator. So sometimes we can see
more of the Moon's south pole, and at other times, more of its north
High tide and
low tide is the
bulge of water that earth rotates into and out of.
Horseshoe Orbit is a type of co-orbital motion of a
small orbiting body relative to a larger
orbiting body (such as Earth).
The orbital period of the smaller body is very nearly the same as for the
larger body, and its path appears to have a horseshoe shape as viewed from
the larger object in a rotating reference frame.
Lunar Phase
is the shape of the illuminated or sunlit portion of the Moon as seen by an
observer on Earth. The lunar phases change cyclically as the Moon orbits
the Earth, according to the changing positions of the Moon and Sun
relative to the Earth.
Each moon phase has a name. New Moon, waxing crescent, first
quarter, waxing gibbous, full Moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and
waning crescent.
The Moon's rotation is tidally locked by the
Earth's gravity, therefore the same lunar surface always faces Earth. This
face is variously sunlit depending on the position of the Moon in its
orbit. Therefore, the portion of this hemisphere that is visible to an
observer on Earth can vary from about 100% (full moon) to 0% (new moon).
The lunar terminator is the boundary between the illuminated and darkened
hemispheres. Each of the four "intermediate" lunar phases is
roughly seven days (~7.4 days) but this varies slightly due to the
elliptical shape of the Moon's orbit. Aside from some craters near the
lunar poles such as Shoemaker, all parts of the Moon see around 14.77 days
of sunlight, followed by 14.77 days of "night". (The side of the Moon
facing away from the Earth is sometimes called the "
dark side", which is a
Lunar Phase or
Moon phase is the
shape of the Moon's directly sunlit portion as viewed from Earth. The
lunar phases gradually change over a synodic month (about
29.53 days) as the Moon's orbital
positions around Earth and Earth around the Sun shift. The visible side
of the moon is variously sunlit, depending on the position of the Moon
in its orbit. Thus, this face's sunlit portion can vary from 0% (at new
moon) to 100% (at full moon). Each of the four "intermediate" lunar
phases is approximately 7.4 days, with slight variation due to the
Moon's orbit's elliptical shape.
Moon Phases
Calendars (time measuring) -
Solar Eclipse -
Moon Rise Times
New Moon
is the first phase of the Moon, when it orbits not seen from the Earth,
the moment when the Moon and the Sun have the same
ecliptical longitude. The Moon is not visible at this time except when
it is seen in silhouette during a solar eclipse when it is illuminated by
earthshine. A
new moon is when the moon is in between the
earth and the sun, which causes more
gravitational pull on the
earth. There is also more
gravitational pull on the earth from
the moon when the moon is the closet to the earth during it's
elliptical orbit. During these moments when the gravitational pull is
at it's peak, the earth has higher ocean tides and sometimes
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
Apsis is an extreme point in an object's orbit.
During the new moon, the moon is
between the sun and the Earth,
the side of the
moon that is lit by the sun is facing away from our planet. This
means that the moon is still up there, but we can’t see it in the
daytime, because all of the sun’s light is getting reflected away from
us. As the moon continues in its orbit around the Earth, away from the
sun, increasingly more of its sunlit surface is visible. This is why the
moon sometimes appears as a crescent or half-moon. When it’s farther
from the sun and visible above the horizon, it’s easier to spot during
the day. Usually, the moon travels at an angle that still allows
sunlight to reach it when it’s behind the Earth. But a few times in the
year, it passes behind the Earth at a precise angle where no light can
reach it. This is what’s called a
lunar eclipse.
With some variations, the Waxing Crescent Moon rises in the daytime
before noon and becomes visible in the day sky. It gets more visible
around sunset but typically sets before midnight. The moon rises in the
east and sets in the west just like everything else in the night sky.
That's because Earth is rotating from west to east.
Supermoons are when a full moon coincides with the
Moon's closest approach to Earth in its
elliptical orbit, a point known as
During every 27-day orbit around Earth, the Moon reaches both its
perigee, about 226,000 miles (363,300 km) from Earth, and its farthest
point, or apogee, about 251,000 miles (405,500 km) from Earth. A
perigean full moon, better known as a supermoon, happens when the moon
is full during the closest point in its orbit around Earth. This gives
its appearance an extra pop, making it look up to 8% bigger and 16%
brighter than a typical full moon, the moon's typical orbit ranges
between 226,000 and 251,000 miles from Earth. The end-of-August
supermoon will be the biggest and brightest of 2023 because the moon
will be "exceptionally close" to Earth at 222,043 miles. A blue moon has
to do with frequency, referring to when there's a second full moon in a
single calendar month. Blue moon is also used to describe the third of
four full moons in an astrological season. The moon takes 27.3 days to
orbit the Earth, but because of how the sun's light hits the satellite,
it takes 29.5 days to complete its lunar cycle from one new moon to the
next. This year's blue supermoon will peak at 9:36 p.m. ET on Aug. 30,
the last blue supermoon was in December 2009, and the next one won't be
until August 2032.
Moon illusion is an
optical illusion which causes the
Moon to appear larger near the horizon than it does higher up in the sky.
Waning Gibbous
phase is between a half moon and full moon.
Waning means it is getting smaller. It's at this point that the
moon is more than one half illuminated but not fully and is constantly
decreasing. The Moon displays these
eight phases
one after the other as it moves through its cycle each month.
Moon phases are believed to have effects on
humans and not just the planet. Waning Gibbous is a sign of
gratitude. This is a time to look inwards and reflect on the intentions
and goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the lunar cycle. The
best crystal to work with at this time is opalite as it will help you
rebalance yourself. Spiritually, it is time to get rid of some of those
bad habits, stresses, and any negative thinking that you have been
experiencing. Waning moon represents a time of reflection, purging and
decluttering. Time to let go of people and things that no longer serve
you. Individuals born on a Waning Gibbous are highly self-aware, giving
them a unique potential for growth. They make great communicators, but
sometimes need to remind themselves when it's time to listen.
Earthlight is the diffuse
reflection of
sunlight reflected from
Earth's surface and clouds.
Earthshine is
an example of
planetshine, also known as the
Moon's Ashen Glow or the Da Vinci Glow,
which is the dim illumination of the otherwise unilluminated portion of the Moon by this
indirect sunlight. Earthlight on the
Moon during the waxing crescent is
called "the old Moon in the new Moon's arms", while that during the waning
crescent is called "
the new Moon in the old Moon's arms". Earthshine is a dull glow which
lights up the unlit part of the Moon because the
Sun's light reflects off the Earth's surface and back onto the Moon.
When you look at a
crescent moon shortly after sunset or before sunrise, you can
sometimes see not only the bright crescent of the moon, but also the
rest of the moon as a dark disk. That pale glow on the unlit part of a
crescent moon is
light reflected from Earth.
It's called earthshine.
Planetshine is the dim
illumination, by
sunlight reflected from a
planet, of all or part of the otherwise dark side of any moon orbiting
the body. Planetlight is the diffuse reflection of sunlight from a
planet, whose albedo can be measured.
Albedois the
measure of the diffuse
reflection of solar radiation out of the total solar radiation and
measured on a scale from 0, corresponding to a black body that absorbs
all incident
radiation, to 1, corresponding to
a body that reflects all incident radiation.
Theory attempts to account for the motions of the Moon.
Eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly behind Earth and into its
shadow. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and the Moon are aligned
(in syzygy) exactly or very closely so, with the planet in between. Hence,
a lunar eclipse can occur only on the night of a full moon. The type and
length of an
eclipse depend on the Moon's proximity to either node of its
orbit. (a totally eclipsed Moon is sometimes called a
blood moon.)
Selenelion or selenehelion, also called a
horizontal eclipse, occurs where and when both the Sun and an
eclipsed Moon can be observed at the same time. The event can only be
observed just before sunset or just after sunrise, when both bodies will
appear just above opposite horizons at nearly opposite points in the
sky, or when the sun and moon are 180 degrees apart in the sky at the
same time.
Satellite or moon is an astronomical body
orbits a planet or minor planet, or
sometimes another small Solar System body. In the Solar System there are
six planetary
satellite systems containing 185 known natural satellites.
Four IAU-listed dwarf planets are also known to have natural satellites:
Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris. As of September 2018, there are 334
minor planets known to have moons. The Earth–Moon system is unique
in that the ratio of the mass of the Moon to the mass of Earth is much
greater than that of any other natural-satellite–planet ratio in the Solar
System (although there are minor-planet systems with even greater ratios,
notably the Pluto–Charon system). At 3,474 km (2,158 miles) across, the
Moon is 0.27 times the diameter of Earth.
Subsatellite is a
natural satellite or an
artificial satellite that orbits a natural
satellite, i.e. a "moon of a moon", also known as a moonmoon, submoon, or
grandmoon. It is inferred from the empirical study of natural satellites
in the Solar System that subsatellites may be elements of planetary
systems. In the Solar System, the giant planets have large collections of
natural satellites. The majority of detected exoplanets are giant planets;
at least one, Kepler-1625b, may have a very large exomoon, named
Kepler-1625b I. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that subsatellites
may exist in the Solar System, and in planetary systems beyond the Solar
System. Nonetheless, no "moon of a moon" or subsatellite is known as of
2018 in the Solar System or beyond the Solar System. In most cases, the
tidal effects of the planet would make such a system unstable.
Moons may yield clues to what makes planets habitable. Because the
moon is so important to life on Earth, scientists conjecture that a moon
may be a potentially beneficial feature in harboring life on other
planets. Most planets have moons, but Earth's moon is distinct in that
it is large compared to the size of Earth; the moon's radius is larger
than a quarter of Earth's radius, a much larger ratio than most moons to
their planets. New research finds that distinction significant.
How the moon turned itself inside out. Scientists combined computer
simulations and spacecraft data to solve a long-standing mystery
surrounding the moon's 'lopsided' geology. Linking analyses of the
moon's gravity field with models of its earliest evolution, scientists
tell a story of the moon turning itself inside out after it solidified
from a primordial magma ocean. The process left behind a vestige of
dense, titanium-rich material beneath its Earth-facing side that makes
its presence known by gravity anomalies. About 4.5 billion years ago, a
small planet smashed into the young Earth, flinging molten rock into
space. Slowly, the debris coalesced, cooled and solidified, forming our
moon. This scenario of how the Earth's moon came to be is the one
largely agreed upon by most scientists.
Supermoon Lunar Eclipse | NASA (youtube)
Lunar Eclipse
Viewing Path - 2018 (image)
to the Moon: The Journey of Apollo 8 (youtube) - In 1968 the
battle for civil rights was turning and the world was in turmoil. This
is the story of the
first people to leave the Earth and travel to the Moon, this is
Apollo 8. Three men went faster and
farther than anyone thought possible. They launched on December 21,
1968. Apollo 8 was the first crewed spacecraft to leave low Earth orbit,
reach the Moon, orbit it, and return safely to Earth. Frank Borman was
Commander, Bill Anders was Lunar Module Pilot, and Jim Lovell was the
Command Module Pilot.
Earthrise is a photograph of Earth and some of the Moon's surface
that was taken from lunar orbit by astronaut William Anders on December
24, 1968, during the Apollo 8 mission.
EARTHRISE: The First Lunar Voyage Apollo 8 Mission (youtube)
Apollo Program
(wiki) - Neil Armstrong.
Space Shuttle
Apollo is the Greek god of
is the goddess of the moon and twin sister of Apollo.
Artemis Program
(wiki) -
Exploration of the Moon (wiki).
Apollo 11 was the first
Human on the Moon
on July 20,1969. "One small step for man, one giant leap for
Biggest Space
Milestones: Project Gemini, Venus Express, NASA's EMU | Trajectory | Free
Documentary (youtube)
Space Travel
Living in Space
Solar System
Moons of Earth (wiki) -
3753 Cruithne (wiki) -
Asteroid 3753 Cruithne (youtube)
You Can Fit Every Planet In The
Solar System Between Earth And The Moon.
Planet Average Diameter.
Mercury 4,879 km
Venus 12,104 km
Mars 6,771 km
Jupiter 139,822 km
Saturn 116,464 km
Uranus 50,724 km
Neptune 49,244 km
Total = 380,008 km
The average distance from the Earth to
the Moon is 384,400 km. And check it out, that leaves us
with 4,392 km to spare.
So even
Pluto could fit. 2,302 km.
1 AU = 150 million kilometers (93 million miles).
Moon Base: The moon doesn’t have an
atmosphere or a magnetic field to protect us from the Sun, meteors or
cosmic rays, so we can’t live on its surface. But a team of Japanese
scientists looking at some deep lunar pits think they’ve found more than
just a hole—they think they’ve found tunnels that cut through our
satellite’s volcanic rock for miles. They might be our first home beyond Earth.

I'm kind of like the Moon. I'm totally necessary but I'm not
the main attraction. And my skin looks like I have been hit by millions of
asteroids, but I still look interesting when I'm far away, and people are
still interested in visiting me. Some of us are
born to be planets and some of us are born to shine like the sun, and some
of us are just
satellites waiting to be a part
of something bigger than ourselves. We all have a place in this life and
we all have a job to do. Our time in this universe is just beginning.
And we are more together that we are apart.
Moonstruck is being dazed or distracted with romantic sentiment
from being in love, sometimes a person is unable to think or act
normally because of the over whelming effects of love, love that can
sometimes make you a little loony.
Moonstruck is also a 1987 American romantic comedy drama film.
Fly Me To The
Moon - Frank Sinatra (youtube) - Fly me to the moon, Let me play
among the stars, Let me see what spring is like on, A-Jupiter and Mars.
Elton John - Rocket Man (youtube)
Control to Major Tom by David Bowie (youtube) -
I wouldn't say that planet earth is blue and there's nothing I
can do, I would say
there is
always something to do, especially on planet earth, but if
you had to express a particular feeling based on a particular
time period in human history, then the lyrics are perfect.
“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among
the stars.” ―
Norman Vincent Peale. (the phrase meant to inspire people to
pursue ambitious goals, reasoning
that even if they fail to achieve them, they may still accomplish other
great things while trying.) - "Do or do not. There is no try."
"What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to
cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves?"
Voyager 1 and 2 Space Probes
2 was launched first, on
August 20, 1977; has been operating for 40
years and 17 days as of September 6, 2017. It remains in contact through
Deep Space Network.
NASA’s Voyager 2
Enters Interstellar Space Forty-one years after it launched into space (youtube).
More than 11 billion miles from the sun.
ET Phone Home.
Voyager 1 was launched on a faster, shorter trajectory on
September 5, 1977. Both
spacecraft were delivered to space aboard
Titan-Centaur expendable rockets. Voyager is traveling around
40,000 mph or a
million miles a day.
Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator
will run out of energy around 2026.
V'ger (youtube)
Voyager 1 and 2 Flight Paths (image)
Voyager 1 Gold Record Messages are already out of date, oh
well. It's like the difference between what you would say
when you are 5 years old compared to what you would say when you
are 50 years old. I just hope that
intelligent life
has a good sense of
humor, otherwise they will be in for a big
surprise. (kidding). Voyager 1 was a
Symbol of Life. This was our attempt
to explain what we thought life was in 1977.
Space Probe is a
robotic spacecraft that does not orbit the Earth, but, instead, explores
further into outer space. A space probe may approach the Moon; travel
interplanetary space; flyby, orbit, or land on
other planetary
bodies; or enter
interstellar space.
Space Probes for Data Storage.
Deep Space 1 was launched on 24 October 1998 and carried out
a flyby of asteroid
Braille, which is a small Mars-crossing
asteroid that orbits the Sun
once every 3.58 years.
Space Travel -
Pulsar Navigation.
The Strangest
Sights Cassini Saw: Postcards From Saturn | NPR's SKUNK BEAR (youtube)
Cassini Burns into
Saturn After Grand Finale | Out There (youtube)
NASA at Saturn:
Cassini's Grand Finale (youtube)
Space Shuttle
Space Shuttle was a partially reusable low Earth
spacecraft system. The first of four orbital test flights occurred
in 1981, leading to operational flights beginning in 1982. Five complete
Shuttle systems were built and used on a total of 135 missions from 1981
to 2011, launched from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida.
Operational missions launched numerous
satellites, interplanetary
and the
Hubble Space Telescope (HST); conducted science experiments in
orbit; and participated in construction and servicing of the International
Space Station. The Shuttle fleet's total mission time was 1322 days, 19
hours, 21 minutes and 23 seconds. The Space Shuttle was retired from
service upon the conclusion of Atlantis's final flight on July 21, 2011.
Space Shuttle Program -
Shuttle Missions -
Shuttle Launch (youtube) -
Space Shuttle (video)
Space Shuttle Thermal Protection System is the barrier that protected
the Space Shuttle Orbiter during the searing 1,650 °C (3,000 °F) heat of
atmospheric reentry. A secondary goal was to protect from the
heat and cold of space while in
12 Miles High is the limit for a human without a
Space Suit, you can actually survive in
space for 2 minutes
without a Space Suit, so what would you do in those last 2
Suit Up -
50 Years of Spacewalks (youtube)
Smoke and fire RS 25 Rocket Engine Test (youtube) - NASA
conducted a developmental test firing of the RS-25
engine, on August 13 at the agency’s Stennis Space Center in
Mississippi. The 535 second test was the sixth in the current
series of seven-tests of the former space shuttle main engine.
Four RS-25 engines will power the core stage of the new Space
Launch System (SLS) rocket , which will carry humans deeper into
space than ever before, including to an asteroid and Mars.
XS-1 Spacecraft is a planned experimental spaceplane/booster
designed to deliver
small satellites into orbit for the U.S. Military. It
is intended to be reusable as frequently as 10 times in 10 days. The XS-1
is to directly replace the "first stage" of a multistage rocket that will
be capable of flying at hypersonic speed at suborbital altitude, enabling
one or more expendable upper stages to separate and deploy a payload into
low Earth orbit. The XS-1 would then return to Earth, where it could be
serviced fast enough to repeat the process at least once every 24 hours.
Aerojet Rocketdyne is an American rocket and
missile propulsion
manufacturer. Headquartered in Sacramento, California, the company is
owned by Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings. Aerojet Rocketdyne was formed in
2013 when Aerojet (then owned by GenCorp) and Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne
were merged, following the latter's acquisition by GenCorp from Pratt &
Whitney. On April 27, 2015, the name of the holding company, GenCorp, was
changed from GenCorp, Inc. to Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc.
Space Adventures (zero gravity flights) -
Space Travel -
The Moon
Action Physics
Light Speed.
Boeing X-37, also known as the Orbital Test Vehicle or OTV, is a
reusable robotic spacecraft. It is boosted into space by a launch
vehicle, then re-enters Earth's atmosphere and lands as a spaceplane.
The X-37 is operated by the
United States Space Force for orbital spaceflight missions intended
to demonstrate reusable space technologies. It is a 120-percent-scaled
derivative of the earlier Boeing X-40. The X-37 began as a NASA project
in 1999, before being transferred to the
United States Department of Defense
in 2004. Until 2019, the program was managed by Air Force Space Command.
An X-37 first flew during a drop test in 2006; its first orbital mission
was launched in April 2010 on an Atlas V rocket, and returned to Earth
in December 2010. Subsequent flights gradually extended the mission
duration, reaching 780 days in orbit for the fifth mission, the first to
launch on a Falcon 9 rocket. The latest mission, the sixth, launched on
an Atlas V on 17 May 2020 and concluded on 12 November 2022, reaching a
total of 908 days in orbit.
Robotic Spacecraft is an uncrewed spacecraft, usually under
telerobotic control. A robotic spacecraft designed to make scientific
research measurements is often called a space probe. Many space missions
are more suited to telerobotic rather than crewed operation, due to
lower cost and lower risk factors. In addition, some planetary
destinations such as Venus or the vicinity of Jupiter are too hostile
for human survival, given current technology. Outer planets such as
Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are too distant to reach with current crewed
spacecraft technology, so telerobotic probes are the only way to explore
them. Nearly all
satellites, landers and
rovers are robotic spacecraft.
Unmanned Spacecraft or uncrewed spacecraft are spacecraft without
people on board, used for
robotic spaceflight. Uncrewed
spacecraft may have varying levels of
from human input; they may be remote controlled,
remote guided or even
autonomous, meaning they have a pre-programmed list of operations,
which they will execute unless otherwise instructed.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle or a
Drone, is
an aircraft without any human pilot, crew, or passengers on board. UAVs
are a component of an unmanned aircraft system or UAS, which includes
adding a ground-based controller and a system of communications with the
UAV. The flight of UAVs may operate under
remote control by a human operator,
remotely-piloted aircraft or RPA, or
with various degrees of autonomy, such as autopilot assistance, up to
autonomous aircraft that have no provision for human intervention.
NASA's Europa Clipper sails toward ocean moon of Jupiter. The
massive spacecraft heads for
Europa to search for signs of whether the ocean thought to exist
beneath the moon's icy shell could support life. Europa Clipper also
carries the largest solar arrays NASA has ever used for an
interplanetary mission. With arrays extended, the spacecraft spans 100
feet (30.5 meters) from end to end. With propellant loaded, it weighs
about 13,000 pounds (5,900 kilograms). In all, more than 4,000 people
have contributed to Europa Clipper mission since it was formally
approved in 2015.
In 2031, the spacecraft
will begin conducting its science-dedicated flybys of Europa. Coming as
close as 16 miles or 25 kilometers to the surface.
Eyes in the Sky.
Telerobotics is the area of
robotics concerned with the control of semi-autonomous robots from a
distance, chiefly using television, wireless networks (like Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and the
Deep Space Network) or tethered connections. It is a combination of
two major subfields, which are
teleoperation and
Space Station
International Space Station is a habitable artificial
satellite, in low Earth orbit. Its first component launched into orbit in
1998, and the ISS is now the largest artificial body in orbit and can
often be seen with the naked eye from Earth. The ISS consists of
pressurised modules, external trusses, solar arrays, and other components.
ISS components have been launched by Russian Proton and Soyuz rockets, and
American Space Shuttles. The ISS serves as a microgravity and space
environment research laboratory in which crew members conduct experiments
in biology, human biology, physics, astronomy, meteorology, and other
fields. The station is suited for the testing of spacecraft systems and
equipment required for missions to the Moon and Mars. The ISS maintains an
orbit with an altitude of between 330 and 435 km (205 and 270 mi) by means
of reboost manoeuvres using the engines of the Zvezda module or visiting
spacecraft. It completes 15.54 orbits per day.
Gaia -
Overview Effect -
International Space Station (nasa) -
Self Healing Material
Space Station also known as an orbital station or an orbital
space station, is a
Space craft capable of
supporting crewmembers, which is designed to remain in space (most
commonly as an
artificial satellite in low Earth
orbit) for an extended period of time and for other spacecraft to dock. A
space station is distinguished from other spacecraft used for human
spaceflight by lack of major propulsion or landing systems. Instead, other
vehicles transport people and cargo to and from the station. As of 2018,
two space stations are in
Earth orbit: the
International Space Station (operational and permanently inhabited) and
China's Tiangong-2 spacelab (operational but not permanently inhabited).
Various other components of future space stations, such as Japan's space
elevator and U.S. inflatable modules, are also being tested in orbit.
Previous stations include the Almaz and Salyut series, Skylab, Mir, and
Tiangong-1. China, Russia, the U.S., as well as a few private companies
are all planning other stations for the coming decades. Today's space
stations are research platforms, used to study the effects of long-term
space flight on the human body as well as to provide platforms for greater
number and length of scientific studies than available on other space
vehicles. Each crew member stays aboard the station for weeks or months,
but rarely more than a year. Since the ill-fated flight of Soyuz 11 to
Salyut 1, all human spaceflight duration records have been set aboard
space stations. The duration record for a single spaceflight is 437.7
days, set by Valeriy Polyakov aboard Mir from 1994 to 1995. As of 2016,
four cosmonauts have completed single missions of over a year, all aboard
Mir. Space stations have also been used for both military and civilian
purposes. The last military-use space station was Salyut 5, which was used
by the Almaz program of the Soviet Union in 1976 and 1977. (150 billion Dollars).
Electrical System of the ISS uses
solar cells to directly
convert sunlight to electricity. The ISS power system uses radiators to
dissipate the heat away from the spacecraft. The radiators are shaded from
sunlight and aligned toward the cold void of deep space.
Experiments in Space -
Human Tissue
Experiments on the ISS Could Advance 3D Printed Organs (youtube).
Space Station Commander Provides Tour of Orbital Laboratory
(youtube) Best Space Station Tour Ever.
The ISS takes about
90 minutes to complete one orbit. Astronauts
living on-board experience 16 sunrises and sunsets in a 24-hour
period. ISS is 250 miles high and traveling at 17,000 miles per
hour, More than 220 astronauts and cosmonauts from 18
different countries have been on the ISS since its "first
element launch" in 1998. As of May 16, 2016, at 06:10 at GMT, 18
years after its initial launch, the ISS will begin its 100,000th
orbit — 2.6 billion miles — around planet Earth as it crosses
the equator.
Effect of gravity and microgravity on intracranial pressure.
Microgravity raises pressure in the head and
the eyeballs, which could be problematic for long-term space travel.
Space Travel
Interstellar Travel is a hypothetical
piloted or
unpiloted travel between stars or
planetary systems. Interstellar travel
will be much more difficult than
interplanetary spaceflight; the distances
between the planets in the
solar system are less than 30
units (AU)—whereas the distances between
stars are typically
hundreds of
thousands of AU, and usually expressed in light-years. Because of the
vastness of those distances, interstellar travel would require a high
percentage of the
speed of light, huge travel time, lasting from decades
to millennia or longer, or a combination of both. There has to be a
way to
travel faster than the speed of light, or, travel
without the
constraints of space and time like with a
portal or
time travel. Matter and
mass has it limits, so maybe the key to traveling to other galaxies is
to be something else besides matter.
Pulsar Navigation -
Rockets -
Dimensions -
Communications -
ET -
Hospitable Planets -
Human Body Vulnerabilities
Exploration is the ongoing discovery and
exploration of
celestial structures in outer space by means of continuously evolving and
growing space technology. While the study of space is carried out mainly
astronomers with
telescopes, the physical exploration of space is
conducted both by unmanned robotic space probes and human spaceflight.
"You don't have to travel faster than the speed of light, you just
have to travel faster than
time and
'Tube Map' around planets and moons made possible by knot theory.
Scientists have developed a new method using knot theory to find the
optimal routes for future space missions without the need to waste fuel.
Deep Field:
The Impossible Magnitude of our Universe (youtube).
Per aspera ad astra is a popular Latin phrase meaning "
hardships to the stars". The phrase is one of the many Latin sayings that
use the expression
ad astra, meaning "to
the stars".
was a Soviet space dog who became one of the first animals in space, and
the first animal to orbit the Earth. Laika, a stray dog from the streets
of Moscow, was selected to be the occupant of the Soviet spacecraft
Sputnik 2 that was launched into outer space on 3 November 1957.
From the Earth to the Moon is an
novel by Jules Verne.
Space Flight -
Space X
Astronaut is a person
trained, equipped, and deployed by a human
spaceflight program to serve as a commander or crew member aboard a
spacecraft. Although generally reserved for
space travelers, the terms are sometimes applied to anyone who travels
into space, including scientists, politicians, journalists and tourists,
who are
low level armatures with just
enough training to understand the challenges of space travel.
A high level professional astronaut has
extensive training. The candidate must complete a
degree in a STEM field, including
biological science,
physical science,
computer science or mathematics. The candidate must
have at least two years of related professional experience obtained
after degree completion or at least 1,000 hours pilot-in-command time on
jet aircraft. The candidate must be able to pass the NASA long-duration
flight astronaut physical. The candidate must also have skills in
teamwork and
communications. The
master's degree requirement
can also be met by: Two years of work toward a doctoral program in a
engineering or
math field. A completed
Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine degree. Completion
of a nationally recognized
test pilot school program. Astronaut
Candidate is the rank of those training to be NASA astronauts. Upon
graduation, candidates are promoted to Astronaut and receive their
Astronaut Pin. The pin is issued in two grades, silver and gold, with
the silver pin awarded to candidates who have successfully completed
astronaut training and the gold pin to astronauts who have flown in
Why are astronauts such good people and
some of the nicest people? Is it the
training? is it the love of life? Is it the need to explore? Is it
the need to learn and to know? Is it the
effect? I believe that most astronauts are
good people to begin with.
They obviously need
they need the abilities to adapt, the abilities to solve problems, and
the abilities to communicate effectively and work together as a team.
The training seems to help finely tune and strengthen these abilities.
So What actually is the right stuff?
Parastronaut is an astronaut with
physical disabilities.
Astronaut Ranks and Positions hold a variety of ranks and positions.
Each of these roles carries responsibilities that are essential to the
operation of a spacecraft. A spacecraft's cockpit, filled with
sophisticated equipment, requires skills differing from those used to
manage the scientific equipment on board, and so on.
Pilot serves as systems engineer,
copilot, and would perform any other mission objectives.
Commander is responsible for the overall
mission success, safety of crew and spacecraft, pilot in command of
spacecraft during launch, trans-lunar coast, and Earth return coast.
Command Module Pilot is responsible for
knowing the CSM and their systems fully. Serve as flight engineer during
launch phase while commander would be in full control of the vehicle.
Perform navigation and mid-course correction procedures during
trans-lunar and trans-Earth phases of flight, command pilot of CSM
during lunar orbit phase. The CM pilot would also have other objectives
during lunar orbit phase such as lunar photography, research and study
for future landing sites for subsequent Apollo missions, deploy lunar
satellite in some cases, as well as being responsible for relaying
messages from mission control if radio contact with the LM was lost or
weak, and also responsible for performing an orbital rescue with the LM
if it were to malfunction and not be able to perform as needed to
rendezvous with CSM as planned for in normal cases, but this never was
needed. However, the CM pilot was responsible for docking the two ships
together when the LM returned to orbit after being on the surface.
Lunar Module Pilot is a flight engineer
responsible for its systems during all phases of flight between Earth
and Moon. The LMP would callout key information to the commander during
the most critical descent and landing phases when all of the commander's
attention would be focused out the window and on visually flying the LM
to a suitable landing spot on the surface. He would also control the
navigation computer and other subsystems of the craft while the
commander had hands on the controls to fly the ship down manually the
last portion of the descent when manual control was taken over from the
Flight Engineer is the member of an aircraft's flight crew who
monitors and operates its complex aircraft systems. In the early era of
aviation, the position was sometimes referred to as the "air mechanic".
Aeronautics is the science or art involved with the study, design, and
manufacturing of
air flight capable machines, and the techniques of
operating aircraft and rockets within the atmosphere.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
Aerospace Engineering is the primary field of
engineering concerned with the development
aircraft and
spacecraft. It has two major and overlapping branches: aeronautical
engineering and astronautical engineering. Avionics engineering is
similar, but deals with the electronics side of aerospace engineering.
Orbital Mechanics.
Spacecraft is a vehicle, or machine designed to
Fly in
outer space. Spacecraft are used for a variety of purposes, including
communications, earth observation, meteorology,
navigation, space
colonization, planetary exploration, and transportation of humans and
Light Year.
Space Shuttle -
Space Station -
Space Adventures -
Moon Travel
Self-Healing Nano-Spacecraft
could reach Alpha Centauri in 20 years. With our current technology, it
would take a conventional spacecraft over 18,000 years to reach the
nearest star, Alpha Centauri.
‘Terminator’-style material heals itself (youtube) -
Nano Technology -
Wound Healing
Metals can heal themselves. Microscopic cracks vanish in
experiments, revealing possibility of self-healing machines.
Engineers create
Miniature Self-Sealing Wound.
Self-Healing Metal Oxides could protect against Corrosion.
Self-Healing Plastic becomes biodegradable.
Light-Controlled Polymers can switch between sturdy and soft -
3D printing in microgravity. To advance space colonization, new
research explores
3D printing
in microgravity. Research into how 3D printing works in a weightless
environment aims to support long-term exploration and habitation on
spaceships, the moon or Mars. The team's recent experiments focused on
how a weightless microgravity environment affects 3D printing using
titania foam, a material with potential applications ranging from UV
blocking to water purification.
Scientists develop 'mini-brains' to help robots recognize pain and to
self-repair. The new NTU approach embeds AI into the
network of
sensor nodes, connected to multiple small, less-powerful, processing
units, that act like 'mini-brains' distributed on the
robotic skin. This means
learning happens locally and the wiring requirements and response time
for the robot are reduced five to ten times compared to conventional
Soft robot detects damage, heals itself. Engineers have created a
soft robot capable of detecting when and where it was damaged -- and
then healing itself on the spot. o do this, researchers have pioneered a
technique using fiber-optic sensors coupled with LED lights capable of
detecting minute changes on the surface of the robot. These sensors are
combined with a polyurethane urea elastomer that incorporates hydrogen
bonds, for rapid healing, and disulfide exchanges, for strength. The
resulting SHeaLDS --
self-healing light guides
for dynamic sensing -- provides a damage-resistant soft robot
that can self-heal from cuts at room temperature without any external
Ultra-lightweight multifunctional space skin created to withstand
extreme conditions in space. A new nano-barrier coating could help
protect ultra-lightweight carbon composite materials from extreme
conditions in space, according to a new study.
How will the Human Body Adapt to Space Travel?
Effect of Spaceflight on the Human Body. Venturing into the
environment of
space can have negative effects on
the human body. Significant adverse effects of long-term weightlessness
include muscle atrophy and deterioration of the skeleton (spaceflight
osteopenia). Other significant effects include a slowing of
cardiovascular system functions, decreased production of red blood cells
(space anemia), balance disorders, eyesight disorders and changes in the
immune system. Additional symptoms include fluid redistribution (causing
the "moon-face" appearance typical in pictures of astronauts
experiencing weightlessness), loss of body mass, nasal congestion, sleep
disturbance, and excess flatulence. Overall, NASA refers to the various
deleterious effects of spaceflight on the human body by the acronym
RIDGE (i.e., "space radiation, isolation and confinement, distance from
Earth, gravity fields, and hostile and closed environments"). The
effects of space exposure can result in ebullism, hypoxia, hypocapnia,
and decompression sickness. In addition to these, there is also cellular
mutation and destruction from high energy photons and sub-atomic
particles that are present in the surroundings.
Humans have Genes that will help them to Evolve during Interstellar Space
Will Humans Keep Evolving on Ultra-Long Space Voyages?
How Humans could evolve to survive in space: Lisa Nip (video and text).
Space Travel reduces the expression of 100 genes related to the immune
system. This could be why some people get rashes in space, due to
the reduced activity of one hundred immune-related genes, which help
give opportunistic infections a toehold. Spaceflight leads to the
deconditioning of multiple body systems including the immune system.
When an astronaut enters microgravity, their blood shifts from their
legs to their torsos and heads. It's uncomfortable and throws things out
of whack. Their body resolves the problem by reducing the fluid by up to
15%. But that now means that there are too many immune cells crammed
into this smaller amount of blood. The drop in gene activity helps
eliminate those extra cells. And this in turn affects the way the immune
system responds to pathogens.
Adaptation -
Hibernation -
NASA's landmark Twins Study reveals resilience of human body in space
Micro-Evolution -
Living in Space
Overview Effect
Predicting changes inside astronauts' bodies during space travel through
blood sample analysis. The human body undergoes various
transformations in space. However, a direct examination of organs and
tissues is challenging. This study successfully identified these changes
inside the body by analyzing tiny quantities of DNA and RNA molecules
released from various tissues into the bloodstream while the astronauts
were on the
International Space Station or ISS.
Sedentary -
Sitting Too Long -
Physiological Effects in Space (wiki) -
Sensory Deprivation
How Conan the Bacterium withstands extreme radiation. New discovery
finds simple metabolites combine to form a powerful antioxidant. Thanks
for a powerful antioxidant,
Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand
doses 28,000 times greater than
what would
kill a human. In a new study, scientists discovered how the
antioxidant works. Finding could drive the development of designer
antioxidants to shield astronauts from
Why meals taste bad in space? Food aroma study may help explain. A
new study on common
food aromas
may help explain why astronauts report that meals taste bland in space
and struggle to eat their normal nutritional intake. This research has
broader implications for improving the diets of isolated people,
including nursing home residents, by personalizing aromas to enhance the
flavor of their food. The team found a particular sweet chemical in the
aromas of vanilla and almond, called benzaldehyde, could explain the
change in perceptions, in addition to an individual's sensitivity to the
particular smell.
Food in Space (vertical
Study explores effects of extended spaceflight on brain. The
researchers found that while all of the astronauts and cosmonauts they
studied had a similar level of cerebrospinal fluid buildup in the brain,
along with reduced space between the brain and the surrounding membrane
at the top of the head, there was a noteworthy difference when it came
to the Americans. They had more enlargement in the perivascular spaces
in the brain, passages that serve as a cleaning system during sleep.
That's something the researchers say warrants further investigation. An
important implication of our findings is that the volume of fluid-filled
channels in the brain of astronauts is linked to the development of the
spaceflight-associated neuro-ocular syndrome, a syndrome characterized
by vision changes and whose mechanisms are still not completely clear.
Space travel influences the way the brain works. Scientists have
found how the human brain changes and adapts to weightlessness, after
being in space for 6 months. Some of the changes turned out to be
lasting -- even after 8 months back on Earth. A child who learns not to
drop a glass on the floor, or a tennis player predicting the course of
an incoming ball to hit it accurately are examples of how the brain
incorporates the physical laws of gravity to optimally function on
Earth. Astronauts who go to space reside in a weightless environment,
where the brain's rules about gravity are no longer applicable. A new
study on brain function in cosmonauts has revealed how the brain's
organization is changed after a six-month mission to the International
Space Station (ISS), demonstrating the adaptation that is required to
live in weightlessness. We found that connectivity was altered after
spaceflight in regions which support the integration of different types
of information, rather than dealing with only one type each time, such
as visual, auditory, or movement information.
Brain cells remain healthy after a month on the International Space
Station, but mature faster than brain cells on Earth. Microgravity
is known to alter the muscles, bones, the immune system and cognition,
but little is known about its specific impact on the brain. To discover
how brain cells respond to microgravity, scientists sent tiny clumps of
stem-cell derived brain cells called 'organoids' to the International
Space Station.
First infection of human cells during spaceflight. Scientists have
described the infection of human cells by the intestinal pathogen
Salmonella Typhimurium during spaceflight. They show how the
microgravity environment of spaceflight changes the molecular profile of
human intestinal cells and how these expression patterns are further
changed in response to infection. The researchers were also able to
detect molecular changes in the bacterial pathogen while inside the
infected host cells.
Simulated microgravity affects sleep and physiological rhythms.
Simulated effects of microgravity significantly
affect rhythmicity and sleep in humans, a new study finds. Such
disturbances could negatively affect the physiology and performance of
astronauts in space. Microgravity results in headward fluid shifts,
ventricular expansion, an upward shift of the brain within the skull,
and remodeling of grey and white matter. The fluid changes are
correlated with changes to perivascular space and spaceflight associated
neuro-ocular syndrome. NASA astronauts have experienced altered vision
and increased intracranial pressure during flight aboard the
International Space Station. The VIIP syndrome is thought to result from
the redistribution of body fluid toward the head during long-term
microgravity exposure; however, the exact cause is unknown.
Sensory overload or sensory confusion?
Many astronauts suddenly feel as if they are upside-down or may even
have difficulty sensing the location of their own arms and legs. This
disorientation is described as Space Adaptation Syndrome and is widely
recognized as the main cause of Space Motion Sickness.
Space Adaptation Syndrome or space sickness is a kind of motion
sickness that can occur when one's surroundings visually appear to be in
motion, but without a corresponding sense of bodily motion. This
incongruous condition can occur during space travel when changes in
g-forces and pressure changes compromise one's spatial orientation. Just
as space sickness has the opposite cause compared to terrestrial motion
sickness, the two conditions have opposite non-medicinal remedies. The
idea of sensory conflict implies that the most direct remedy for motion
sickness in general is to resolve the conflict by re-synchronizing what
one sees and what one feels. For most (but not all) kinds of terrestrial
motion sickness, that can be achieved by viewing one's surroundings from
a window or (in the case of seasickness) going up on deck to observe the
seas. For space sickness, relief is available via the opposite move of
restricting one's vision to a small area such as a book or a small
screen, disregarding the overall surroundings until the adaptation
process is complete, or simply to close one's eyes until the nauseated
feeling is reduced in intensity during the adjustment period. Some
research indicates that blindness itself does not provide relief;
"Motion sickness can occur during exposure to physical motion, visual
motion, and virtual motion, and only those without a functioning
vestibular system are fully immune.
Astronauts receive 10x the amount of radiation exposure as we do on
Earth. Such high exposure can damage the immune system, causing
astronauts to be susceptible to infection while in space. Long-term
exposure can damage cells and DNA, leading to cataracts and cancers.
Project Space Health is a program focuses on the protection,
long-duration preservation, and predictive adaptation of life beyond the
earthbound, integrated throughout the Space Exploration Initiative’s
Chemical contamination on International Space Station is out of this
world. Concentrations of potentially harmful chemical compounds in
dust collected from air filtration systems on the International Space
Station (ISS) exceed those found in floor dust from many American homes,
a new study reveals. Contaminants found in the 'space dust' included
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD),
'novel' brominated flame retardants (BFRs), organophosphate esters
(OPEs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), perfluoroalkyl
substances (PFAS), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Indoor Air Pollution -
Somatic Mutations and Clonal Hematopoiesis in Astronauts.
Spaceflight wreaks havoc on liver metabolism. Researchers have
demonstrated that microgravity and other environmental factors in space
play different roles in inducing oxidative stress, which, in turn,
alters the metabolism of sulfur-containing compounds in the liver of
mice. The study highlighted steps that can be taken, such as boosting
antioxidant capacity with dietary supplements, to safeguard astronaut
health. During spaceflight, the human body is exposed to a harmful
environment, characterized by null or microgravity and high radiation
levels. The liver is affected by spaceflight more than any other organ
-- its crucial role in neutralizing harmful substances in the body means
that spaceflight places incredible demands on the organ. Mice that
traveled to space and back had a lower antioxidant capacity because they
had lower levels of the sulfur-containing compounds (e.g., ergothioneine,
cysteine, and glutathione) that play a role in protecting cells by
reducing reactive oxygen compounds, which limits free-radical damage.
Bone aging in fast forward. Researcher investigates the effects of
zero gravity on the
skeleton. Long periods in
space damage bone structure irreparably in some cases and can make parts
of the human skeleton age prematurely by up to 10 years, according to
new research. Adapted training programs in conjunction with medication
could provide better protection for astronauts on future space missions.
The research findings also have implications for treating rheumatic
conditions in clinical practice.
How does the immune system react to altered gravity? It has long
been known that continuous exposure to microgravity conditions human
physiology and causes effects that compromise muscular, sensory,
endocrine and cardiovascular functions. But is it also risky to be
exposed to altered gravity for short periods of time?
Space-trekking muscle tests drugs for microgravity-induced muscle
impairment. Space is a really unique environment that accelerates
qualities associated with aging and also impairs many healthy processes.
Health effects of long-duration Space Flight. Research found that
oxidative stress
during spaceflight contributed to the telomere elongation they observed.
They also found that astronauts had
shorter telomeres
after spaceflight than they did before.
Space Anemia is an effect of space
travel that can lower red blood cell counts. Red blood cells deliver
oxygen to all the cells of the body and a lack of sufficient red blood
cells results in anemia, which can affect physical and mental functions
necessary on a space mission.
Making Oxygen and breathable air.
New reaction for Generating Oxygen that could help humans explore the
universe and perhaps even fight climate change at home. Comet inspires
chemistry for making breathable
oxygen on Mars. Reaction
carbon dioxide
into molecular oxygen.
Moxie Reverse Fuel Cell Pumps out Oxygen.
A Mission to Mars could make its own Oxygen, thanks to plasma technology.
Mars, with its 96 per cent
carbon dioxide
atmosphere, has nearly ideal conditions for creating
from CO2 through a process known as
decomposition, which is the process by which organic substances are
broken down into simpler organic matter.
Oxygen ISRU Experiment is an exploration technology experiment that
will produce a small amount of pure
oxygen from Martian
dioxide (CO2) in a process called
solid oxide electrolysis.
MOXIE is a 1%
scale model aboard the planned Perseverance rover, as part of the Mars
2020 mission. The Principal Investigator of the MOXIE instrument is
Michael Hecht from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The
Niels Bohr Institute at the University of Copenhagen is collaborating with
MIT to develop this prototype. If successful, the technology can be scaled
up as a means of producing oxygen for propellant oxidant in a Mars Ascent
Vehicle (MAV) for a sample return.
Lunar soil has the potential to generate oxygen and fuel. Soil on
the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into
oxygen and fuels, scientists report. They are now exploring whether
lunar resources can be used to facilitate human exploration on the moon
or beyond.
Aircraft Emergency Oxygen Systems or air masks, are emergency
equipment fitted to pressurized commercial aircraft, intended for use
when the
pressurisation system has failed and the cabin altitude has climbed
above a safe level. It consists of a number of individual yellow oxygen
masks stored in compartments near passenger seats and near areas like
lavatories and galleys, and an oxygen source, like a centralized gaseous
cylinder or decentralized chemical oxygen generator.
Chemical Oxygen Generator is a device that releases
oxygen via a
chemical reaction.
The oxygen source is usually an inorganic
chlorate, or
are a promising group of oxygen sources. The generators are usually
ignited by a firing pin, and the chemical reaction is usually
exothermic, making the generator a potential fire hazard. Potassium
superoxide was used as an oxygen source on early manned missions of the
Soviet space program, for firefighters, and for mine rescue.
Lunar soil has the potential to generate oxygen and fuel. Soil on
the moon contains active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into
oxygen and fuels, scientists report. They are now exploring whether
lunar resources can be used to facilitate human exploration on the moon
or beyond.
Artificial Habitats -
Plants Make Oxygen and Remove CO2
Information Backup
Sending Robots with Human DNA.
Turning human waste into plastic, nutrients could aid long-distance space
travel. Imagine you're on your way to Mars, and you lose a crucial
tool during a spacewalk. Not to worry, you'll simply re-enter your
spacecraft and use some microorganisms to convert your urine and exhaled
carbon dioxide into chemicals to make a new one.
Sabatier Reaction process produces
methane and
water from a reaction of
hydrogen with
carbon dioxide
at elevated temperatures (optimally 300–400 °C) and pressures (perhaps
30 bar ) in the presence of a nickel catalyst. The Sabatier reaction has
been proposed as a key step in reducing the cost of human mission to
Mars (Mars Direct, SpaceX Starship) through in-situ resource
utilization. Hydrogen is combined with
CO2 from the
atmosphere, with methane then stored as fuel and the water side product
electrolyzed yielding oxygen to be liquefied and stored as oxidizer and
hydrogen to be recycled back into the reactor. The original hydrogen
could be transported from Earth or separated from Martian sources of
In Situ Resource Utilization is the practice of collection,
processing, storing and use of materials found or manufactured on other
astronomical objects (the
Moon, Mars,
asteroids, etc.) that replace materials that
would otherwise be brought from Earth. ISRU could provide materials for
life support, propellants, construction materials, and energy to a
spacecraft payloads or space exploration crews. It is now very common
for spacecraft and robotic planetary surface mission to harness the
solar radiation found in situ in the form of solar panels. The use of
ISRU for material production has not yet been implemented in a space
mission, though several field tests in the late 2000s demonstrated
various lunar ISRU techniques in a relevant environment. ISRU has long
been considered as a possible avenue for reducing the mass and cost of
space exploration architectures, in that it may be a way to drastically
reduce the amount of payload that must be launched from Earth in order
to explore a given planetary body. According to NASA, "in-situ resource
utilization will enable the affordable establishment of extraterrestrial
exploration and operations by minimizing the materials carried from
Space Travel Songs Rocket Man -
Elton John (Rocket man, burning out his fuse up here alone).
Space Oddity - David Bowie (Though I'm past one hundred thousand
miles, I'm feeling very still, And I think my spaceship knows which way to
Rocket - Def
Leppard (Jack Flash, rocket man, Sergeant Pepper and the band, Ziggy,
Benny and the Jets, Take a rocket, we just gotta fly).
Ride Captain Ride
upon your Mystery Ship - Blues Image (youtube)
Space Cowboy -
Steve Miller Band (youtube)
Propulsion - Thrust - Rockets
Rocket is a missile,
aircraft or other vehicle that obtains thrust from a
rocket engine. Rocket engine exhaust is formed entirely from
propellant carried within the rocket before use. Rocket engines work
action and reaction and push
rockets forward simply by expelling their exhaust in the opposite
direction at high speed, and can therefore work in the vacuum of space. In
rockets work more efficiently in space than
in an atmosphere.
To obtain
Escape Velocity a rocket needs to
travel 11 kilometers (7 miles) per second, or over 40,000 kilometers per
hour (25,000 miles per hour), to enter
Low Earth Orbit.
(Thrust - Efficiency - Weight).
Advanced Propulsion Rockets
Multistage Rockets are capable of attaining
Velocity from Earth
and therefore can achieve unlimited maximum altitude. Compared with airbreathing engines, rockets are lightweight and powerful and capable of
generating large accelerations. To control their flight, rockets rely on
momentum, airfoils,
auxiliary reaction engines,
gimballed thrust,
momentum wheels,
deflection of the exhaust stream, propellant flow,
spin, and/or gravity.
Multistage Rocket is a rocket that uses two or more stages, each of
which contains its own engines and propellant. A tandem or serial stage is
mounted on top of another stage; a parallel stage is attached alongside
another stage. The result is effectively two or more rockets stacked on
top of or attached next to each other. Taken together these are sometimes
called a launch vehicle. Two-stage rockets are quite common, but rockets
with as many as five separate stages have been successfully launched. By
jettisoning stages when they run out of propellant, the mass of the
remaining rocket is decreased. This staging allows the thrust of the
remaining stages to more easily accelerate the rocket to its final speed
and height. In serial or tandem staging schemes,
the first stage is at the bottom and is usually the largest, the
second stage and subsequent upper stages are above it, usually decreasing
in size. In parallel staging schemes solid or liquid rocket boosters are
used to assist with lift-off. These are sometimes referred to as "stage
0". In the typical case, the first-stage and booster engines fire to
propel the entire rocket upwards. When the boosters run out of fuel, they
are detached from the rest of the rocket (usually with some kind of small
explosive charge) and fall away. The first stage then burns to completion
and falls off. This leaves a smaller rocket, with the second stage on the
bottom, which then fires. Known in rocketry circles as staging, this
process is repeated until the final stage's motor burns to completion. In
some cases with serial staging, the upper stage ignites before the
separation- the interstage ring is designed with this in mind, and the
thrust is used to help positively separate the two vehicles.
Why SpaceX Built A
Stainless Steel Starship (youtube).
Rocket is a type of model rocket using water as its reaction mass. The
water is forced out by a pressurized gas, typically compressed air. Like
all rocket engines, it operates on the principle of Newton's third law of
motion. Water rocket hobbyists typically use one or more plastic soft
drink bottle as the rocket's pressure vessel. A variety of designs are
possible including multi-stage rockets. Water rockets are also
custom-built from composite materials to achieve world record altitudes.
Spacecraft Propulsion is any method used to
accelerate spacecraft and
artificial satellites. There are many different methods. Each method has
drawbacks and advantages, and spacecraft propulsion is an active area of
research. However, most spacecraft today are propelled by forcing a gas
from the back/rear of the vehicle at very high speed through a supersonic
de Laval nozzle. This sort of engine is called a rocket engine.
is a propulsive device used by spacecraft and watercraft for station
attitude control, in the
reaction control system, or long-duration,
low-thrust acceleration.
Rocket Propellant is a material used either directly by a rocket as
the reaction mass (propulsive mass), or indirectly to produce the reaction
mass in a chemical reaction. The reaction mass is that which is ejected,
typically with very high speed, from a rocket engine to produce thrust.
Propelling is to cause something to move
forward with
Hypergolic Propellant combination used in a rocket engine is one whose
spontaneously ignite when they come into contact with each other. The
two propellant components usually consist of a fuel and an oxidizer. The
main advantages of hypergolic propellants are that they can be stored as
liquids at room temperature and that engines which are powered by them are
easy to ignite reliably and repeatedly. Although commonly used, hypergolic
propellants are difficult to handle due to their extreme toxicity and/or
corrosiveness. In contemporary usage, the terms "hypergol" or "hypergolic
propellant" usually mean the most common such propellant combination,
dinitrogen tetroxide plus hydrazine and/or its relatives
monomethylhydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine.
Rocket Engine uses
stored rocket propellant mass for forming its
high-speed propulsive jet. Rocket engines are reaction engines, obtaining
thrust in accordance with Newton's third law. Most rocket engines use
combustion, although non-combusting forms (such as cold gas thrusters)
also exist. Vehicles propelled by rocket engines are commonly called
rockets. Since they need no external material to form their jet, rocket
engines can perform in a vacuum and thus can be used to propel spacecraft
and ballistic missiles.
Thermal Rockets.
Rocket Engine
Nozzle is a
propelling nozzle (usually of the de Laval type) used in a rocket
engine to expand and accelerate the combustion gases produced by burning
propellants so that the exhaust gases exit the nozzle at
velocities. Simply: the rocket (pumps and a combustion chamber)
generates high
pressure, a few hundred atmospheres (Bar). The nozzle turns the static
high pressure high temperature gas into rapidly moving gas at near-ambient
Aerospike Engine
is a type of rocket engine that maintains its aerodynamic efficiency
across a wide range of altitudes. It belongs to the class of altitude
compensating nozzle engines. A vehicle with an aerospike engine uses
25–30% less fuel at low altitudes, where most missions have the
greatest need for thrust. Aerospike engines have been studied for a number
of years and are the baseline engines for many single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO)
designs and were also a strong contender for the Space Shuttle Main
Engine. However, no such engine is in commercial production, although some
large-scale aerospikes are in testing phases.
Aerospike Engines
Instead of Bell-Shaped Rocket Engines (youtube).
Scramjet is a variant
of a ramjet
airbreathing jet engine in which combustion takes place in supersonic
airflow. As in
ramjets, a scramjet relies on high vehicle speed to compress the incoming
air forcefully before combustion (hence ramjet), but whereas a ramjet
decelerates the air to subsonic velocities before combustion, the airflow
in a scramjet is supersonic throughout the entire engine. That allows the
scramjet to operate efficiently at extremely high speeds. (supersonic
combustion ramjet).
Launch Pad is an above-ground facility from which a rocket-powered
missile or space vehicle is vertically launched. The term launch pad can
be used to describe just the central launch platform (mobile launcher
platform), or the entire complex (launch complex). The entire complex
will include a launch mount or launch platform to physically support the
vehicle, a service structure with umbilicals, and the infrastructure
required to provide propellants, cryogenic fluids, electrical power,
communications, telemetry, rocket assembly,[not verified in body]
payload processing,[not verified in body] storage facilities for
propellants and gases, equipment, access roads, and drainage. Most
launch pads include fixed service structures to provide one or more
access platforms to assemble, inspect, and maintain the vehicle and to
allow access to the spacecraft, including the loading of crew. The pad
may contain a flame deflection structure to prevent the intense heat of
the rocket exhaust from damaging the vehicle or pad structures, and a
sound suppression system spraying large quantities of water may be
employed. The pad may also be protected by lightning arresters. A
spaceport typically includes multiple launch complexes and other
supporting infrastructure.
Service Structure is a steel framework or tower that is built on a
rocket launch pad to facilitate assembly and servicing. An umbilical
tower also usually includes an elevator which allows maintenance and
crew access. Immediately before ignition of the rocket's motors, all
connections between the tower and the craft are severed, and the bridges
over which these connections pass often quickly swing away to prevent
damage to the structure or vehicle.
Mobile Launcher Platform is a structure used to support a large
multistage space vehicle which is assembled (stacked) vertically in an
integration facility (e.g. the Vehicle Assembly Building) and then
transported by a crawler-transporter (CT) to a launch pad. This becomes
the support structure for launch. Alternatives to this method include
horizontal assembly and transport to the pad, as used by Russia; and
assembling the vehicle vertically on the launch pad, as the United
States used for smaller launch vehicles. The use of mobile launcher
platform is a part of the Integrate-Transfer-Launch (ITL) system, which
involves vertical assembly, transport, and launch of rockets. The
concept was first implemented in the 1960s for the United States Air
Force's Titan III rocket, and it was later used by NASA for their Saturn
V rocket vehicle.
Space Jellyfish is a rocket launch-related phenomenon caused by
sunlight reflecting off the high altitude rocket plume gases emitted by
a launching rocket during morning or evening twilight. The observer is
in darkness, while the exhaust plumes at high altitudes are still in
direct sunlight. This luminous apparition is reminiscent of a jellyfish.
Sightings of the phenomenon have led to panic, fear of nuclear missile
strike, and reports of
unidentified flying objects. It
is also called a jellyfish UFO or a rocket jellyfish.
Advanced Propulsion Engines
Detonation Engine is a type of
propulsion system that uses detonation
waves to combust the fuel and oxidizer mixture. The engine is pulsed
because the mixture must be renewed in the combustion chamber between each
detonation wave and the next. Theoretically, a PDE can operate from
subsonic up to a
hypersonic flight speed of roughly Mach 5. An ideal PDE design can
have a thermodynamic efficiency higher than other designs like turbojets
and turbofans because a detonation wave rapidly compresses the mixture and
adds heat at constant volume. Consequently, moving parts like compressor
spools are not necessarily required in the engine, which could
significantly reduce overall weight and cost. PDEs have been considered
for propulsion since 1940. Key issues for further development include fast
and efficient mixing of the fuel and oxidizer, the prevention of
autoignition, and integration with an inlet and nozzle. To date, no
practical PDE has been put into production, but several testbed engines
have been built and one was successfully integrated into a low-speed
demonstration aircraft that flew in sustained PDE powered flight in 2008.
In June 2008, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
unveiled Blackswift, which was intended to use this technology to reach
speeds of up to Mach 6. However the project was reported cancelled soon
afterward, in October 2008.
Magnetodynamics -
Antigravity -
Space Travel
Rotating Detonation Engine is a proposed engine using a form of
pressure gain
combustion, where one or more detonations continuously
travel around an annular channel. Although none are in production,
computational simulations and experimental results have shown that the RDE
has potential, and a there is wide interest and research into the concept.
Theoretically, detonative combustion, (i.e. that which happens at speeds
above the speeds of sound), is more efficient than the conventional deflagrative combustion. If this theoretical gain in efficiency can be
realized, there would be a major fuel savings benefit. Because the
combustion is supersonic, it can also more efficiently provide thrust at
speeds above the speed of sound. The disadvantages of the RDE include
stability and noise.
Simple, fuel-efficient rocket engine could enable cheaper, lighter
spacecraft. A rotating detonation engine promises to make rockets not
only more fuel-efficient but also more lightweight and less complicated to
construct. A conventional rocket engine works by burning propellant and
then pushing it out of the back of the engine to create thrust. Rotating
detonation engine is made of concentric cylinders. Propellant flows in the
gap between the cylinders, and, after ignition, the rapid heat release
forms a shock wave, a strong pulse of gas with significantly higher
pressure and temperature that is moving faster than the speed of sound.
Plasma Propulsion Engine is a type of electric
propulsion that
generates thrust from a quasi-neutral plasma. This is in contrast to ion
thruster engines, which generates thrust through extracting an ion current
plasma source, which is then accelerated to high velocities using
Plasma Reforming of CO2. Plasma technology could hold the key to
creating a
sustainable oxygen supply on Mars. Creating
oxygen from CO2 through a process known as decomposition.
Anti-Gravity Field Propulsion
Electrically Powered Spacecraft Propulsion system uses electrical
energy to change the
velocity of a spacecraft. Most of these kinds of
spacecraft propulsion systems work by electrically expelling propellant
(reaction mass) at high speed, but electrodynamic tethers work by
interacting with a
planet's magnetic field.
Electron Rocket is a two-stage orbital launch vehicle (with an
optional third stage) developed by the New Zealand aerospace company
Rocket Lab to cover the commercial small satellite launch segment (CubeSats).
Its Rutherford engines are the first electric pump-fed engine to power an
orbital rocket. In December 2016, Electron completed flight qualification.
The first rocket was launched on 25 May 2017, reaching space but not
achieving orbit. During its second flight on 21 January 2018, Electron
reached orbit and deployed three CubeSats.
EmDrive is a controversial proposed type of electromagnetic
thruster in which sustaining a resonant anisotropic electromagnetic field
inside the microwave cavity purportedly produces a consistent thrust.
Ion Thruster is a form of electric propulsion used for
spacecraft propulsion. It creates thrust by accelerating
ions with
electricity. The term refers strictly to gridded electrostatic ion
thrusters, but may more loosely be applied to all electric propulsion
systems that accelerate plasma, since plasma consists of ions.
Tesla / Slayer
Ionic Propulsion (youtube).
wind is the airflow of charged particles induced by electrostatic
forces linked to corona discharge arising at the tips of some sharp
conductors (such as points or blades) subjected to high voltage relative
to ground. Ion wind is an electrohydrodynamic phenomenon. Ion wind
generators can also be considered electrohydrodynamic thrusters. The
term "ionic wind" is considered a misnomer due to misconceptions that
only positive and negative ions were primarily involved in the
phenomenon. A 2018 study found that electrons play a larger role than
negative ions during the negative voltage period. As a result, the term
"electric wind" has been suggested as a more accurate terminology. Ion
wind is also known as ionic wind, corona wind or electric wind.
Particles -
Quantum Flux
Lightsails could reach distant star systems. A team of scientists
has made the first experimental measurements of laser-induced motions of
miniature lightsails in the lab.
Helical Engine is a proposed spacecraft propulsion drive that, like
other reactionless drives, would
violate the laws
of physics. The Helical engine accelerates ions that are confined in
a locked loop. Once they are accelerated, the system changes the
velocity of the ions in order to change their momentum. Afterward, Burns
hypothesized that the engine, by moving the ions along its axis, could
produce thrust. The proposed engine is mainly intended to be used to
maintain the orbit of satellite stations during long periods of time
without the need of refueling.
Anti-Matter Rocket is a proposed class of rockets that
antimatter as their power source. There are several designs that
attempt to accomplish this goal. The advantage to this class of rocket is
that a large fraction of the rest mass of a matter/antimatter mixture may
be converted to
energy, allowing antimatter rockets to have a far higher
energy density and specific impulse than any other proposed class of
Thermal Rocket is a rocket engine that uses a propellant that is
externally heated before being passed through a nozzle to produce thrust,
as opposed to being internally heated by a redox (combustion) reaction as
in a
Chemical Rocket.
Nuclear Thermal Rocket is a proposed spacecraft propulsion technology
that was ground tested in the 1960s. The NTR is a type of thermal rocket
where the heat from a nuclear reaction replaces the chemical energy of the
propellants in a chemical rocket. In an NTR, a working fluid, usually
liquid hydrogen, is heated to a high temperature in a nuclear reactor and
then expands through a rocket nozzle to create thrust. The external
nuclear heat source theoretically allows a higher effective exhaust
velocity and is expected to double or triple payload capacity compared to
chemical propellants that store energy internally. To date, no nuclear
thermal rocket has flown, although TOPAZ series and the SNAP-10A
fission-powered electrical generators and Radioisotope thermoelectric
generators have been launched to space.
Reactionless Drive is a device producing motion
without the exhaust of a propellant. A propellantless drive is not
necessarily reactionless when it constitutes an open system interacting
with external fields; but a reactionless drive is a particular case of a
propellantless drive as it is a closed system presumably in contradiction
with the law of conservation of momentum and often considered similar to a
perpetual motion machine. The name comes from
Newton's third law, which
is usually expressed as, "for every action, there is an equal and opposite
reaction." A large number of infeasible devices, such as the Dean drive,
are a staple of science fiction particularly for space propulsion. To
date, no reactionless device has ever been validated under properly
controlled conditions.
Direct Fusion Drive is a conceptual low radioactivity, nuclear-fusion
engine designed to produce both thrust and electric power for
interplanetary spacecraft. The concept is based on the Princeton
field-reversed configuration reactor invented in 2002 by Samuel A. Cohen,
and is being modeled and experimentally tested at Princeton Plasma Physics
Laboratory, a US Department of Energy facility, and modeled and evaluated
by Princeton Satellite Systems. As of 2018, the concept has moved on to
Phase II to further advance the design.
Photonic Laser Thruster is a photonic propulsion system
where lasers can propel spacecraft with giant sails using a
giant Earth-based
lasers. Electromagnetic acceleration is only
limited by the speed of light while chemical systems are limited
to the energy of chemical processes.
Warp Speed
Trapping Atoms, not space ships, with Tractor Beams. A powerful
Tractor Beam, or light-driven energy trap, for atoms.
Action Physics.
Flight Dynamics
Space Launch
is the earliest part of a
flight that reaches space. Space launch involves
when a rocket or other space launch vehicle leaves the ground, floating
ship or midair aircraft at the start of a flight. Liftoff is of two main
rocket launch (the current conventional method), and
non-rocket spacelaunch (where other forms of propulsion are employed, including
airbreathing jet engines or other kinds).
Launch Window is the time period on a given day during which a
particular rocket or vehicle must be launched in order to reach its
intended target. If the rocket is not launched within a
given window, it
has to wait for the window on the next day of the period. Launch periods
and launch windows are very dependent on both the rocket's capability and
the orbit to which it is going.
Falcon 1 -
Falcon 9
Space Shuttle weighs more than 2.04
million kilograms (4.5 million pounds) and it takes eight seconds for the
engines and boosters to accelerate the ship to 161 kilometers per hour
(100 mph.) But by the time the first minute has passed, the shuttle is
traveling more than 1,609 kilometers per hour (1,000 mph) and it has
already consumed more than one and a half million pounds of fuel. After
about two minutes, when the shuttle is about 45 kilometers (28 miles) high
and traveling more than 4,828 kilometers per hour (3,000 mph), the
propellant in the two boosters is exhausted and the booster casings are
jettisoned. They parachute into the Atlantic Ocean, splashing down about
225 kilometers (140 miles) off the Florida coast.
Orbital Refueling is when a spacecraft to be fueled in space.
Propellant Depot is a cache of propellant that is placed in orbit
around Earth or another body to allow spacecraft or the transfer stage of
the spacecraft to be fueled in space. It is one of the types of space
resource depot that have been proposed for enabling infrastructure-based
space exploration. Many different depot concepts exist depending on the
type of fuel to be supplied, location, or type of depot which may also
include a propellant tanker that delivers a single load to a spacecraft at
a specified orbital location and then departs. In-space fuel depots are
not necessarily located near or at a space station.
United Launch Alliance is a US launch service provider that
manufactures and operates a number of
vehicles capable of orbiting spacecraft. It was formed as a joint
venture between Lockheed Martin Space Systems and Boeing Defense, Space &
Security in December 2006. United States government launch customers
include the DoD and NASA, as well as other organizations. ULA provides
launch services using two expendable launch systems – Delta IV and Atlas
V. The Atlas and Delta launch system families have launched a variety of
payloads including weather, telecommunications, and national security
satellites and scientific probes and orbiters. ULA provides launch
services to commercial satellites. ULA is currently in the process of
developing Vulcan Centaur, a successor to the Atlas V that also
incorporates some Delta IV technology. The Advanced Cryogenic Evolved
Stage (ACES) is planned to replace Centaur V on Vulcan no earlier than
Avangard Hypersonic Glide Vehicle is a hypersonic glider, developed by
Russia. The glider reached a speed of 11,200 kilometres per hour (7,000
mph; 3,100 m/s).
Boost-Glide are a
class of spacecraft guidance and reentry trajectories that extend the
range of suborbital spaceplanes and reentry vehicles by employing
aerodynamic lift in the high upper atmosphere. In most examples,
boost-glide roughly doubles the range over the purely ballistic
trajectory. In others, a series of skips allows range to be further
extended, and leads to the alternate terms skip-glide and skip reentry.
Hypersonic Speed is one that greatly exceeds the
speed of sound,
particularly Mach 5 and above.
<0.8 (Mach number) <614 (mph) <988 (km/h) <274 (m/s).
Supersonic 1.2–5.0 (Mach number)
921–3,836 (mph) 1,482–6,174 (km/h) 412–1,715 (m/s).
Hypersonic 5.0–10.0 (Mach number)
3,836–7,673 (mph) 6,174–12,348 (km/h) 1,715–3,430 (m/s).
High-Hypersonic 10.0–25.0 (Mach number) 7,673–19,182 (mph) 12,348–30,870
(km/h) 3,430–8,575 (m/s).
Hypersonic Aircraft would be great for
emergency services,
rescue missions and emergency aid, especially when time is so extremely
Ambulances in
the Sky.
Shock Wave is a
type of propagating disturbance that
moves faster than the local speed of
sound in the medium. (300 meters per second). Like an ordinary wave, a shock wave carries energy
and can propagate through a medium but is characterized by an abrupt,
nearly discontinuous, change in pressure, temperature, and density of the
medium. For the purpose of comparison, in supersonic flows, additional
increased expansion may be achieved through an expansion fan, also known
as a
Prandtl–Meyer expansion fan. The accompanying expansion wave may
approach and eventually collide and recombine with the shock wave,
creating a process of destructive interference. The sonic boom associated
with the passage of a supersonic aircraft is a type of sound wave produced
by constructive interference. Unlike solitons (another kind of nonlinear
wave), the energy and speed of a shock wave alone dissipates relatively
quickly with distance. When a shock wave passes through matter, energy is
preserved but entropy increases. This change in the matter's properties
manifests itself as a decrease in the energy which can be extracted as
work, and as a drag force on supersonic objects; shock waves are strongly
irreversible processes.
Cavitation -
Scientists find upper limit for the speed of sound. Waves, such as
sound or light waves, are disturbances that move energy from one place
to another. Sound waves can travel through different mediums, such as
air or water, and move at different speeds depending on what they're
travelling through. For example, they move through solids much faster
than they would through liquids or gases, which is why you're able to
hear an approaching train much faster if you listen to the sound
propagating in the rail track rather than through the air. Einstein's
theory of special relativity sets the absolute speed limit at which a
wave can travel which is the speed of light, and is equal to about
300,000 km per second. However until now it was not known whether sound
waves also have an upper speed limit when travelling through solids or
Delta-v is symbolized as ∆v and pronounced delta-vee, as used in
spacecraft flight dynamics, is a measure of the impulse that is needed to
perform a maneuver such as launch from, or landing on a planet or moon, or
in-space orbital maneuver. It is a scalar that has the units of speed. As
used in this context, it is not the same as the physical change in
velocity of the vehicle. As a simple example, take a conventional rocket
which achieves thrust by burning fuel. Delta-v is the change in velocity
that can be achieved by burning that rocket's entire fuel load. Delta-v is
produced by reaction engines, such as rocket engines, and is proportional
to the thrust per unit mass and the burn time. It is used to determine the
mass of propellant required for the given maneuver through the Tsiolkovsky
rocket equation. For multiple maneuvers, delta-v sums linearly. For
interplanetary missions delta-v is often plotted on a porkchop plot, which
displays the required mission delta-v as a function of launch date.
Flight Dynamics is the science of space vehicle performance,
stability, and control. It requires analysis of the six degrees of freedom
of the vehicle's flight, which are similar to those of
translation in three dimensional axes; and its orientation about the
vehicle's center of mass in these axes, known as pitch, roll and yaw, with
respect to a defined frame of reference. Dynamics is the modeling of the
changing position and orientation of a vehicle, in response to external
forces acting on the body. For a spacecraft, these forces are of three
types: propulsive force (usually provided by the vehicle's engine thrust);
gravitational force exerted by the Earth or other celestial bodies; and
aerodynamic lift and drag (when
flying in the
atmosphere of the Earth or other body, such as Mars or Venus). The
vehicle's attitude must be taken into account because of its effect on the
aerodynamic and propulsive forces. There are other reasons, unrelated to
flight dynamics, for controlling the vehicle's attitude in non-powered
flight (e.g., thermal control, solar power generation, communications, or
astronomical observation). The principles of flight dynamics are normally
used to control a spacecraft by means of an inertial navigation system in
conjunction with an attitude control system. Together, they create a
subsystem of the spacecraft bus often called ADCS.
Max Q is
the point at which aerodynamic
on a vehicle in atmospheric flight is maximized. It is an important factor
in the structural and mission design of rockets, missiles, and other
aerospace vehicles which travel through an atmosphere; the flight envelope
may be limited to reduce the total
structural load on a vehicle near max
Transonic refers to the condition of
flight in which a range of
velocities of
airflow exist surrounding and flowing past an air vehicle or an airfoil
that are concurrently below, at, and above the speed of sound in the range
of Mach 0.8 to 1.0, i.e. 965–1,236 km/h (600–768 mph) at
sea level. This
condition depends not only on the travel speed of the craft, but also on
temperature of the
airflow in the vehicle's local environment. It is
formally defined as the range of speeds between the critical Mach number,
when some parts of the airflow over an
air vehicle or airfoil are
supersonic, and a higher speed, typically near
Mach 1.2, when most of the
airflow is supersonic. Between these speeds some of the airflow is
supersonic, but a significant fraction is not. Most modern jet powered
aircraft are engineered to operate at transonic air speeds. Transonic
airspeeds see a rapid increase in drag from about Mach 0.8, and it is the
fuel costs of the drag that typically limits the airspeed. Attempts to
reduce wave
drag can be seen on all high-speed
aircraft. Most notable is
the use of swept wings, but another common form is a wasp-waist fuselage
as a side effect of the Whitcomb area rule. Severe instability can occur
at transonic speeds. Shock waves move through the air at the
speed of
sound. When an object such as an aircraft also moves at the speed of
sound, these shock waves build up in front of it to form a single, very
large shock wave. During transonic flight, the plane must pass through
this large shock wave, as well as contend with the instability caused by
air moving faster than sound over parts of the wing and slower in other
parts. Transonic speeds can also occur at the tips of rotor blades of
helicopters and aircraft. This puts severe, unequal stresses on the rotor
blade and may lead to accidents if it occurs. It is one of the limiting
factors of the size of rotors and the forward speeds of helicopters (as
this speed is added to the forward-sweeping [leading] side of the rotor,
possibly causing localized transonics).
Gravity Assistance
Spin Launch Suborbital
Accelerator is an alternative method for putting 200 kilogram class
satellites into
earth orbit. Unlike traditional fuel-based rockets, SpinLaunch uses
a ground-based, electric powered
kinetic launch system
that delivers a substantially less expensive and environmentally
sustainable approach to space access.
Slingshot Effect or
Gravity Assist
is the use of the relative movement and gravity of a planet or other
astronomical object to alter the path and speed of a spacecraft, typically
to save propellant and reduce expense (e.g. orbit around the Sun). Gravity
assistance can be used to accelerate a spacecraft, that is, to increase or
decrease its speed or redirect its path. The "assist" is provided by the
motion of the gravitating body as it pulls on the spacecraft. The gravity
assist maneuver was first used in 1959 when the Soviet probe Luna 3
photographed the far side of Earth's Moon, and it was used by
interplanetary probes from Mariner 10 onwards, including the two
Voyager Probes' notable flybys of Jupiter and Saturn.
Hohmann Transfer Orbit is an elliptical orbit used to
transfer between two circular orbits of different radii in the same plane.
Low-Energy Transfer or low-energy trajectory, is a
route in space that allows spacecraft to change orbits using very little
fuel. These routes work in the Earth–Moon system and also in other
systems, such as between the moons of Jupiter. The drawback of such
trajectories is that they take longer to complete than higher-energy
(more-fuel) transfers, such as Hohmann transfer orbits.
Non-ballistic atmospheric entry is a class of atmospheric entry
trajectories that follow a non-ballistic trajectory by employing
aerodynamic lift in the high upper atmosphere. It includes trajectories
such as skip and glide.
Skip is a flight
trajectory where the spacecraft goes in and out the atmosphere.
Glide is a flight trajectory where the
spacecraft stays in the atmosphere for a sustained flight period of
time. In most examples, a skip reentry roughly doubles the range of
suborbital spaceplanes and reentry vehicles over the purely ballistic
trajectory. In others, a series of skips allows the range to be further
Communications Blackout is a total lack of radio communications
capability, caused by
ionospheric anomalies,
e.g., during strong auroral activity or during re-entry of a spacecraft
into the Earth's atmosphere.
Hohmann Transfer Orbit is an elliptical orbit used to transfer between
two circular orbits of different radii in the same plane. In general a
Hohmann transfer orbit uses the lowest possible amount of energy in
traveling between two objects orbiting at these radii, and so is used to
send the maximum amount of mission payload with the fixed amount of energy
that can be imparted by a particular rocket. Non-Hohmann transfer paths
may have other advantages for a particular mission such as shorter
transfer times, but will necessarily require a reduction in payload mass
and/or use of a more powerful rocket.
Wormhole or
Einstein-Rosen bridge" is a hypothetical topological feature that would
fundamentally be a
shortcut linking two separate points in
spacetime. A
wormhole may connect extremely long distances such as a billion light
years or more; short
distances such as a few meters; different universes;
different points in time. A wormhole is much like a tunnel with two
ends, each at separate
points in
Stargate is a 1994 American
science fiction adventure film where the
plot centers on the premise of a "Stargate", an ancient ring-shaped
device that creates a wormhole enabling
to a similar device elsewhere in the universe.
Physicists observe wormhole dynamics using a quantum computer.
Wormholes are bridges between two remote regions in spacetime. We
performed a kind of quantum teleportation equivalent to a traversable
wormhole in the gravity picture. To do this, we had to simplify the
quantum system to the smallest example that preserves gravitational
characteristics so we could implement it on the Sycamore quantum
processor at Google.
Teleportation is the
hypothetical transfer of matter or energy from
one point to another
without traversing the
physical space between them. Teleportation is often paired with
time travel, being that the
travelling between the two points takes an unknown period of time,
sometimes being immediate, or maybe traveling through another
Quantum Teleportation is a technique for transferring quantum
information from a sender at one location to a receiver some distance
away. While teleportation is commonly portrayed in science fiction as a
means to transfer physical objects from one location to the next,
quantum teleportation only transfers quantum information. An important
note is that the sender knows neither the location of the recipient nor
the quantum state that will be transferred.
Sixth Sense.
Space Portal is a
opening in space or time that connects travelers to distant realms. A
good portal is a shortcut, a guide, a door into the unknown.
Portal is a grand and imposing entrance,
or something that provides access or the right or opportunity to enter
into another area.
No one would build a
universe this big without having the ability to
travel through it and be
anywhere without the constraints of space and time. You don't have to
travel faster than the
speed of light, you just
need to remove the
space in between and and
adjust your clock. Maybe the universe
was designed in a way that
stops life forms from
physically infecting other planets, just like oceans that kept
civilizations apart. But when civilizations made boats, they could invade
other areas. But with so much space between solar systems, no spaceship
could travel that distance. So there has to be another way to travel, but we have
not matured enough as a species to figure this out just yet, which is most
likely by design. The Universes doesn't want
ignorant life infecting other
planets until they are
enough. So this forces civilizations to
mature and advance enough to be
worthy of such a journey.
ER=EPR | Leonard Susskind (youtube)
Magnetic Reconnection s a physical process in highly conducting
plasmas in which the magnetic topology is rearranged and magnetic energy
is converted to kinetic energy, thermal energy, and particle acceleration.
Magnetic reconnection occurs on timescales intermediate between slow
resistive diffusion of the magnetic field and fast Alfvénic timescales.
Tube is a slang expression for a fictional extra-dimensional
point-to-point Einstein-Rosen bridge (a form of teleportation) opened by a
Mother Box used primarily by residents of New Genesis and Apokolips in DC
Flux Transfer Event occurs when a magnetic portal opens in the
Earth's magnetosphere through which
high-energy particles flow from the Sun. This connection, while previously
thought to be permanent, has been found to be brief and very dynamic.
Tube is a generally tube-like (cylindrical) region of space containing
a magnetic field, B, such that the field is perpendicular to the normal
vector, n ^ {\displaystyle {\hat {n}}} {\hat {n}}. Both the
cross-sectional area of the tube and the field contained may vary along
the length of the tube, but the
magnetic flux is always constant.
Warp Speed is equal to breaking the light barrier, while the
actual velocity corresponding to higher factors is determined using an
ambiguous formula.
Breaking the warp barrier for faster-than-light travel. New
theoretical hyper-fast
Alcubierre Drive a spacecraft could achieve apparent
faster-than-light travel if a
configurable energy-density field lower than that of
vacuum (that is,
negative mass) could be
created. Rather than exceeding the speed of light within a local
reference frame, a spacecraft would traverse distances by
contracting space in front of it and
expanding space behind it, resulting in
effective faster-than-light travel. Objects cannot accelerate to the
speed of light within normal spacetime; instead,
the Alcubierre drive shifts
space around an object
so that the object would arrive at its destination more quickly than
light would in normal
space without breaking any
physical laws. Although the metric proposed by Alcubierre is consistent
with the Einstein field equations, construction of such a drive is not
necessarily possible. The proposed mechanism of the Alcubierre drive
implies a negative energy density and therefore requires
exotic matter. If exotic matter with the
correct properties cannot exist, then the drive cannot be constructed.
At the close of his original article, however, Alcubierre argued
(following an argument developed by physicists analyzing traversable
wormholes) that the
Casimir vacuum between
parallel plates could fulfill the
requirement for the Alcubierre drive. Another possible issue is that,
although the Alcubierre metric is consistent with Einstein's equations,
general relativity does not incorporate
quantum mechanics. Some physicists have presented arguments to
suggest that a theory of quantum gravity (which would incorporate both
theories) would eliminate those solutions in general relativity that
allow for backwards time travel (see the chronology protection
conjecture) and thus make the Alcubierre drive invalid.
Alcubierre Drive:
Warp Speed - Star Trek fantasy or plausible? (youtube).
Eagleworks Laboratories: Advanced Propulsion Physics Research.
Ralph Ring - Blue Star Enterprise
Suppressed Anti-Gravity Tech (youtube)
Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist (video)
Diffusion Current is a current in a semiconductor caused by the
diffusion of charge carriers (holes and/or electrons). This is the current
which is due to the transport of charges occurring because of nonuniform
concentration of charged particles in a semiconductor. The drift current,
by contrast, is due to the motion of charge carriers due to the force
exerted on them by an electric field. Diffusion current can be in the
same or opposite direction of a drift current. The diffusion current and
drift current together are described by the drift–diffusion equation.
Alpha Centauri is
4.3 light-years away, or
25 trillion
miles. How long would that take? Apollo 10 traveled at 24,791
So lets say we can travel 50,000 mph. In 20 hours we would
travel 1 million miles. So almost 1 day to travel a million
It would take a million days, or 2,739 years, to travel a
trillion miles? So 68, 475 years for someone to reach Alpha
The microscopic
Tardigrade—also known as the water bear—is the only animal
that can survive the cold, irradiated vacuum of outer space.
"Funny how movies about space travel make us realize that we are
all on a spaceship called
and everything we learn about surviving in space will help
us survive on planet earth."
Paradox is a thought experiment in
special relativity involving identical twins, one of whom makes a
journey into space in a high-speed rocket and returns home to find that
the twin who remained on Earth has aged more. This result appears to be
puzzling because each twin sees the other twin as moving, and so,
according to an incorrect naive application of time dilation and the
principle of relativity, each should paradoxically find the other to have
aged more slowly. However, this scenario can be resolved within the
standard framework of special relativity: the travelling twin's trajectory
involves two different inertial frames, one for the outbound journey and
one for the inbound journey, and so there is no symmetry between the
spacetime paths of the two twins. Therefore, the twin
paradox is not a paradox in the sense of a logical contradiction.
Dream Big, But always have a Backup Plan
The thing about people wanting to go to
mars, or to mine
asteroids, or to
colonize space.
I believe that these things will eventually happen in the
future, but we should focus more on humanities future first,
because you can dream all you want about future endeavors, but
if there is no future, then what's the point? Secure humanities
future first, then you will have a future where you will be able
to explore space. These dreams of space travel will bring us
full circle anyway. The technologies and the knowledge that we
learn from
trying to live in space, will actually be used on earth to
secure our own planets future and ours. After all, we have the greatest
spaceship in the universe, it's called Earth. Lets take care of this one
before we start thinking about building another one. Besides, the longer
we wait, the more advanced will be in the future, and then we can set out
and explore the universe in full fashion.
6 Space Technologies we can use to Improve Life on Earth: Danielle Wood
(video and text)
Technology Spinoffs
that came from Space Exploration highlights NASA technologies that are
benefiting life on Earth in the form of commercial products. We've
profiled nearly 2,000 spinoffs since the publication began in 1976 —
there's more space in your life than you think!
Spinoff Technologies are commercial products and services which have
been developed with the help of NASA, through research and development
contracts, such as Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or STTR
awards, licensing of NASA patents, use of NASA facilities, technical
assistance from NASA personnel, or data from NASA research. Information on
new NASA technology that may be useful to industry is available in
periodical and website form in "NASA Tech Briefs", while successful
examples of commercialization are reported annually in the NASA
publication "Spinoffs".
Laws in Space
Space Law encompasses national and international law
governing activities in outer space. International lawyers have been
unable to agree on a uniform definition of the term "outer space",
although most lawyers agree that outer space generally begins at the
lowest altitude above sea level at which objects can orbit the Earth,
approximately 100 km (62 mi) (the Kármán line).
Space Policy is the political decision-making process
for, and application of, public policy of a state (or association of
states) regarding spaceflight and uses of outer space, both for civilian
(scientific and commercial) and military purposes. International treaties,
such as the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, attempt to maximize the peaceful uses
of space and restrict the militarization of space. Space policy intersects
with science policy, since national space programs often perform or fund
research in space science, and also with defense policy, for applications
such as spy satellites and anti-satellite weapons. It also encompasses
government regulation of third-party activities such as commercial
communications satellites and private spaceflight. Space policy also
encompasses the creation and application of space law, and space advocacy
organizations exist to support the cause of space exploration.
National Aeronautics and Space Act in 1958 charged a new
Agency with conducting the aeronautical and space activities of the United
States "so as to contribute materially to one or more of the following
The expansion of human knowledge of
phenomena in the atmosphere and space; The improvement of the
usefulness, performance, speed, safety, and efficiency of aeronautical and
space vehicles; The development and operation of vehicles capable of
carrying instruments, equipment, supplies and living organisms through
space; The establishment of long-range studies of the potential benefits
to be gained from, the opportunities for, and the problems involved in the
utilization of aeronautical and space activities for peaceful and
scientific purposes. The preservation of the role of the United States as
a leader in aeronautical and space science and technology and in the
application thereof to the conduct of peaceful activities within and
outside the atmosphere. The making available to agencies directly
concerned with national defenses of discoveries that have military value
or significance, and the furnishing by such agencies, to the civilian
agency established to direct and control nonmilitary aeronautical and
space activities, of information as to discoveries which have value or
significance to that agency; Cooperation by the United States with other
nations and groups of nations in work done pursuant to this Act and in the
peaceful application of the results, thereof; and The most effective
utilization of the scientific and engineering resources of the United
States, with close cooperation among all interested agencies of the United
States in order to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort, facilities,
and equipment.
Office of
Planetary Protection promotes the responsible exploration of the solar
system by implementing and developing efforts that protect the
science, explored environments, and Earth. The objectives of planetary
protection are several-fold and include: Preserving our ability to study
other worlds as they exist in their natural states; Avoiding the
biological contamination of explored environments that may obscure our
ability to find life elsewhere – if it exists; and To ensure that we take
prudent precautions to protect Earth’s biosphere in case life does exist
Outer Space Treaty is a treaty that forms the basis of
international space law that represents the basic legal framework of
international space law. Among its principles, it bars states party to the
treaty from placing weapons of mass destruction in orbit of Earth,
installing them on the Moon or any other celestial body, or otherwise
stationing them in outer space. It exclusively limits the use of the Moon
and other celestial bodies to peaceful purposes and expressly prohibits
their use for testing weapons of any kind, conducting military maneuvers,
or establishing military bases, installations, and fortifications (Article
IV). However, the Treaty does not prohibit the placement of conventional
weapons in orbit and thus some highly destructive attack strategies such
as kinetic bombardment are still potentially allowable. The treaty also
states that the exploration of outer space shall be done to benefit all
countries and that space shall be free for exploration and use by all the
States. The treaty explicitly forbids any government from claiming a
celestial resource such as the Moon or a planet. Article II of the Treaty
states that "outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies,
is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means
of use or occupation, or by any other means". However, the State that
launches a space object retains jurisdiction and control over that object.
The State is also liable for damages caused by their space object.
NASA needed 14 new astronauts.
A record-breaking 18,300 folks applied.
The journey inward is as important as the journey outward, sometimes looking in is looking out."
ET (intelligent life).
In order for humans to travel to another
habitable planet like earth, we first have to learn how to keep
our planet habitable long enough so that humans can live long enough in order to
learn how to travel to another habitable planet, and save
quadrillions of human lives at the same time.
Extraterrestrial Life - ET - Space Aliens
Extraterrestrial Life
is life that does not originate from Earth. Other life forms may range
from simple
single-celled organisms to beings with civilizations far
advanced than humanity.
are objects not originating from earth or
occurring outside Earth or
outside its atmosphere.
Don't assume that incredible space crafts are
Extraterrestrial. It's not so unusual to believe that
there is
advanced aircraft technology that
the public does not know about. Military secrets are nothing new. Besides
that, all those people who have seen advanced aircraft can't be wrong. We
have eye witness accounts from pilots, astronauts, military personal, and
also civilians who were in several different locations at the same time
seeing the same thing. And on top of that,
advancements in technology in
the last 50 years has shown us that almost anything is possible.
Gravity Control Propulsion Research in the 1950's was setup to
discover and develop technologies and theories for the
manipulation of
gravity or gravity-like fields for propulsion.
Alien Reproduction Vehicle.
Singularity -
Technological Advancement
Unidentified Flying Object or
UFO is an
object observed in the sky that is not readily identified. Most UFOs are
later identified as conventional objects or
phenomena. The term is widely
used for claimed observations of
extraterrestrial spacecraft.
eyes can sometimes play tricks on you
are common. There's a good reason why
don't see UFO's, because they know about
and low information zones, so they don't make
Ufology is the investigation of unidentified flying objects or UFOs
by people who believe that they may be of extraordinary origins (most
frequently of extraterrestrial alien visitors). When it comes to UFO
sightings, the
people in power don't
want people asking questions, because when people start asking
they will eventually
learn some things that will make them realize that they have been
lied to in all kinds of ways.
Interdimensional Hypothesis states unidentified flying
objects or UFOs and related events involve visitations from other
"realities" or "
dimensions" that coexist separately alongside our own.
Don't ever assume that you know what intelligent life forms look like.
Michael Herrera
- Witness Testimony in 2009 - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or UAP. (youtube)
David Grusch - UFO whistleblower claims. The U.S. federal government
maintains a secretive UFO or UAP retrieval program and is in possession
of "non-human" spacecraft and "dead pilots".
I believe in the possibility of life outside our
solar system, but I don't fantasize about what that belief means,
or do I fantasize about the millions of other possible
that surround that
possibility. I have to
live in reality and use my common sense as much as possible. Fantasizing
about a belief is to live in a
world where your mind is imprisoned by your belief.
Though it's good to believe, it's
not logical to allow a belief to stop you from learning the truth, or
stop you from exploring other possibilities. You're alive because people
did more than just believe in something, they did something, like learn.
What if there is
extraterrestrial life? How will it change human life? How
will it impact our world?
So where are the
space aliens? Did the
aliens visit earth and then leave earth for some reason? Or did the
aliens all die off for some strange reason? Or,
are the
aliens still here but are not letting humans know about their presence
for some strange reason? Maybe the aliens are intentionally avoiding communication because they're following the
prime directive or the
hypothesis, or maybe they're just avoiding
interplanetary contamination? Maybe aliens are doing something
positive, and we just don't know it. Or maybe the end is near, and
the aliens don't want to tell us because it will ruin the experiment, or
just bum us out. Maybe a
big advancement is coming
soon, so the aliens are thinking that there is no need to intervene. What ever the answer is, we may never
know. But you still have to wonder, will these so called
intelligent life
forms from another planet or galaxy,
especially when they can clearly see that we are killing ourselves, and see that we're also destroying the environment that we all
need to survive and live in. So what kind of intelligent
life would just
sit back and watch a
species self destruct? Can't they see that we're hurting ourselves and
hurting each other. What ever the answer is, this
life on
earth is not a
fair test of human
capabilities, and this is not some form of
virtual reality where
nothing is real.
Humans are much better than this, and so is ET. So, the only thing that makes
sense, is to do what is right and do what is good, for everyone and for every
life form in our
galaxy. If a higher power can not
intervene, then that means
we have to solve our own problems because no one is coming to our rescue.
heaven will have to wait. This is the here and now, this is our chance.
Let's prove to our makers that we are worthy of this planet, and worthy of
any other planet. A peaceful
coexistence would be the goal no matter where
humans may live. But first, we have to prove that to be true on our own
planet, and at the moment, we are doing a horrible job, which means that
the human race will most likely die here on earth, a tragedy that would
reverberate through the entire universe.
What if we do find a
planet close enough? Are we going to go there and say "Hey, can we stay
with you guys, we fucked our planet and can't live there no more." New
TV show "Assholes from Space."
The search for intelligent life
starts within, and not looking outward in outer space, especially when
something is light years away that you will never reach. The information
we're looking for is on planet earth.
"In a very real sense, we
are all aliens on a strange planet. We spend most of our lives trying to
reach out and communicate. If during our lifetime we could reach out and
really communicate with just
two people, we are indeed very fortunate."
Gene Roddenberry -
Star Trek.
Could our world be the result
biogenesis? Are
humans the result of
intelligent design or
creationism? Or maybe other life
forms from other planets just sent their
DNA with
the instructions? Or maybe our existance was a collaboration of
several intelligent beings that were from different planets and from
different galaxies, with each intelligent life contributing to our
Searching for Life on other Planets. The search for
extraterrestrial life is
not just about looking outward, it's
also about
looking inward.
Great Filter is the idea that in the development of life from the
earliest stages of
to reaching the highest levels of development on the
Kardashev scale, there is a
barrier to development
that makes detectable extraterrestrial life exceedingly rare.
Republicans and religious fanatics are barriers to human development and
advancement, which is why life is going through
another mass
extinction and why our earth is dying. In regards to the Fermi
paradox, humans are the living evidence of extraterrestrial life.
The Great Silence could be the result
of civilizations being so far advanced that
we don’t
recognize them, or, that we don't have the ability or the technology
to detect them, or that people in power on earth are hiding evidence of
extraterrestrial life because these psychopaths in power fear that they
will lose their power and control over people when people finally
realize that advanced civilizations have a better alternative to living,
and that advanced civilizations have no need to be manipulated or
controlled by corrupt and ignorant people in power, who are mainly
scumbag republicans and the
gullible religious people who
vote for them. So why doesn't anyone call us? Or why hasn't anyone tried
to reach out to us? Maybe because extraterrestrial life thinks that
humans are too stupid to talk to because republicans and conservatives
are busy killing humans. So extraterrestrial life doesn't think that
humans are worth talking to, or worth saving.
Russian Cosmism is the philosophical theory that the cosmos is a
self-existent whole and
was not created by a god, though an
intelligent being
who is capable of
intelligent design would
be seen as a god, and thus be a God to us.
Konstantin Tsiolkovsky in
published the first serious scientific work on
space travel. His work was essentially unknown outside the Russian
Empire, but inside the country it inspired further research,
experimentation and the formation of the Society for Studies of
Interplanetary Spaceflight.
Astronautics is the theory and practice of travel beyond Earth's
atmosphere into outer space.
Spaceflight is
one of its main applications and space science its overarching field.
Even if we did find another
exo-planet like ours, how could we
even assume that life as we know it exists there?
Bias Errors
drake equation only
assumes the possibility of life, it does
not explain how life exists elsewhere. Do you think that finding
Extraterrestrial Life will somehow improve our world like some
Technology can only do so much,
unless of course, Extraterrestrial Life can show us how to
improve our dysfunctional inadequate education system. Then I
believe we will see improvements. Till then, I have more
important things to think about, like how to improve education
without having to depend on Extraterrestrial Life to do it for
Habitable Zone -
Stars Like Ours.
Fermi Paradox
is the apparent
between the lack of evidence and high probability estimates, e.g., those
given by the Drake equation, for the existence of extraterrestrial
civilizations. The basic points of the argument, made by physicists Enrico
Fermi (1901–1954) and Michael H. Hart (born 1932), are: There are billions
of stars in the galaxy that are similar to the Sun, many of which are
billions of years older than Earth. With high probability, some of these
stars will have Earth-like planets, and if the Earth is typical, some
might develop intelligent life. Some of these civilizations might develop
interstellar travel, a step the Earth is investigating now. Even at the
slow pace of currently envisioned interstellar travel, the Milky Way
galaxy could be completely traversed in a few million years. According to
this line of reasoning, the Earth should have already been visited by
extraterrestrial aliens. In an informal conversation, Fermi noted no
convincing evidence of this, leading him to ask, "Where is everybody?"
There have been many attempts to explain the Fermi paradox, primarily
either suggesting that intelligent extraterrestrial life is extremely rare
or proposing reasons that such civilizations have not contacted or visited
Physical Paradox
is an apparent contradiction in physical descriptions of the universe.
Holography -
VR -
Awareness -
Optics is the technology of controlling the phase of light
waves transmitting or reflecting from a two-dimensional surface by means
of adjustable surface elements. It is the optical analogue of phased array
radar. By dynamically controlling the optical properties of a surface on a
microscopic scale, it is possible to steer the direction of light beams,
or the view direction of sensors, without any moving parts. Hardware
associated with beam steering applications is commonly called an optical
phased array (OPA). Phased array beam steering is used for optical
switching and multiplexing in optoelectronic devices, and for aiming laser beams on a macroscopic scale.
Crop Circles is a
pattern created by flattening high
grass in a large field or in a
cereal crop that
is located on farmland.
Snow Art
Landscaping -
Weaving -
Waterhole Frequency refers to a specific range on the
electromagnetic spectrum used in radio astronomy, typically between 1420
and 1720 Megahertz or MHz. It is considered a relatively quiet band
ideal for searching for potential extraterrestrial signals due to the
natural emission of hydrogen atoms at
1420 MHz. The signal's frequency of 1420 MHz is also part of a
protected spectrum, which is a frequency range reserved for astronomical
research in which terrestrial transmissions are forbidden.
Signal was a strong narrowband radio signal detected on August 15,
1977, by Ohio State University's
Big Ear radio telescope in the United States, then used to support
the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. The signal appeared to
come from the direction of the constellation Sagittarius and bore
expected hallmarks of extraterrestrial origin.
Arecibo Message is a 1974 interstellar
radio message
carrying basic information about humanity and Earth sent to globular
star cluster M13 in the hope that extraterrestrial intelligence might
receive and decipher it. The message was broadcast into space a single
time via frequency modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the
remodeling of the
Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico on 16 November
1974. The message was aimed at the current location of M13 some 25,000
light years away because M13 was a large and close collection of stars
that was available in the sky at the time and place of the ceremony. The
message consisted of 1,679 binary digits, approximately 210 bytes,
transmitted at a frequency of 2,380 MHz and modulated by shifting the
frequency by
10 Hz, with a power of 1,000 kW. The
"ones" and "zeros" were
transmitted by frequency shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second. The
total broadcast was less than three minutes. The cardinality of 1,679 was
chosen because it is a semiprime (the product of two prime numbers), to be
arranged rectangularly as 73 rows by 23 columns. The alternative
arrangement, 23 rows by 73 columns, produces jumbled nonsense (as do all
other X/Y formats). The message forms the image shown on the right, or its
inverse, when translated into graphics, characters and spaces. Dr. Frank
Drake, then at Cornell University and creator of the Drake equation, wrote
the message with help from Carl Sagan, among others.
The message
consists of seven parts that encode the following (from the top down): The numbers one (1) to ten (10)
(white). The
atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen,
oxygen, and phosphorus, which make up deoxyribonucleic acid (
(purple). The formulas for the sugars and bases in the nucleotides of
DNA (green). The number of nucleotides in DNA, and a graphic of the
double helix structure of DNA (white & blue). A
graphic figure of a
human, the dimension (physical height) of an average man, and the human population of Earth (red, blue/white, & white respectively).A
graphic of the
Solar System indicating which of the planets the message is
coming from (yellow). A graphic of the Arecibo radio telescope and the
dimension (the physical diameter) of the transmitting antenna dish
(purple, white, & blue). Since it will take nearly 25,000 years for the
message to reach its intended destination (and an additional 25,000
years for any reply), the
Arecibo message is viewed as a demonstration of
human technological achievement, versus a real attempt to enter into a
conversation with extraterrestrials. In fact, the core of M13, to
which the message was aimed, will no longer be in that location when the
message arrives. However, as the proper motion of M13 is small, the
message will still arrive near the center of the cluster. According to
the Cornell News press release of November 12, 1999, the real purpose of
the message was not to make contact but to demonstrate the
capabilities of newly installed equipment.
Messages -
Symbols -
Robot Ethics
E.T. Phone Home
from the 1982 movie
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial.
(A) Beware the bearers of
FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES.
(B) Much PAIN but still time. BELIEVE.
(C) There is GOOD out there. We Oppose DECEPTION.
Conduit CLOSING (Ding!)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Movie Clip with the 5 Tones (youtube) -
B flat, C, A flat, (octave
lower) A flat, E flat.
Language Interpretation Problems and
Procedures Eighth Note
is a musical note played for half the value of a quarter note (crotchet)
and twice that of the sixteenth note (semiquaver), which amounts to one
quarter the duration of a half note (minim), one eighth the duration of
whole note (semibreve), one sixteenth the duration of a double whole note
(breve), and one thirty-second the duration of a longa, hence the name. It
is the equivalent of the fusa in mensural notation (Morehen and Rastell
G, A, F, (octave lower) F, C.
Kodaly Method is an approach to
developed in Hungary during the mid-twentieth century by
Zoltán Kodály.
Lee Cronin: Making Matter come Alive (youtube)
2.23 UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life (youtube)
Foo Fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots during World
War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in
the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations.
Even if we did come
in contact with other life form, there is no way of knowing what
it would do to our lives?
There is no way of
calculating this
probability, you can only guess.
And we all know what a
guess is? So how can a guess
prepare you?
Archaeoastronomy is the study of how people in the past
"have understood the phenomena in the sky, how they used these phenomena
and what role the sky played in their
Knowledge Preservation.
Astro-Engineering is engineering at astronomical scale, i.e.
at planetary, stellar, stellar system, galactic or even larger scale. It
is a form of megascale engineering. An example is the hypothetical
Dyson Sphere, which is a hypothetical megastructure
that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power
Search for
Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI)
Dimitar Sasselov: How we found hundreds of Earth-like planets (youtube)
There's a big difference between a Technologically Advanced Civilization and an
Intelligent Civilization. Humans are advanced but we are not so
intelligent as a whole. We are like
Klingons, except that we would not be that stupid as to send
Neanderthals out into space. But Hollywood has this strange idea
that Humans will still be stupid in the future, which is
idiotic in itself. I laughed when I saw the movie Prometheus.
When the crew woke up from their deep sleep they realized that one of the crew members
was an a**hole.
Who the hell sends an a**hole into space? Really..What idiot choose
those crew members? You see it doesn't make sense. And that is
just one of many examples there are in
Movies and TV shows about
space travel.
Pigs in Space (youtube).
They're Made Out
of Meat (youtube) - Based on the short story by Terry Bisson.
"The only Intelligent Life Form man will ever meet is himself, as soon as he wakes up,
that is when and if? Not to say that there are not other life forms in our
universe, it's just that we have not yet defined what ' intelligent ' is. Just
because someone is advanced does not mean that they are
intelligent. A perfect example is 21st century humans."
Aliens will not come to earth to
kill all the humans. Aliens will only roundup all the scumbags in
power who are doing all the environmental destruction.
Intelligent life is not
born to kill, only
people kill.
"I only believe in the possibility that there could be life on other planets.
To take a
any farther than that is not really necessary. The same
goes for
Elaborating more on a
does not make it any more real. You have to have proof. I'm not
saying that you must see a space alien in order to prove that
space aliens exist. Example, we didn't have to see atoms to know
that atoms existed. We did a lot of testing and experiments, we
did a lot of research, and we built a lot of complex machines
that ultimately proved that atoms were there. We can see farther
into space and see smaller into molecules then any other time in
human history, But the one thing that we learned is that our
universe is far in all directions. We can't see what's inside
protons, and we can't see the edge of our universe. So I'm
guessing that space aliens are also going to be hard to see,
after all they have almost a
9 Billion year head start. But everything leaves a trail,
and everything has some form of evidence that proves that it
exists. We would have to make amazing complex machines that
would be able to measure things, things that we don't even know
exist. So we will always have work to do because there is no end
to science, there will never be an end to what we could know,
there is no end to knowledge, and there's is no end to
information. I wouldn't say that it goes on forever, I'm just
saying that no one can define what 'END' is, so we don't know
what 'END' means, so you see, There is No End.....well at least
not for now there isn't, but maybe some day?... I wonder if or
when we do find an end, that it will be like telling someone the
ending of a movie before they see it, hey don't ruin it for me!
I want it to be a surprise. So you see, there's not even an end
to this conversation, it keeps going and going..."
The photo on right are creatures found
deep in our ocean. They have a scientific name but to me they
look like Intelligent life. Is there a limit to how small a
human like
brain can be? We haven't fully explored what
intelligence really means. The
second to the last final frontier. The photo reminds me of the 1989 movie
(youtube) -
Angel are a large group of extremely small, swimming sea slugs, not to
be confused with Cnidarians (Jellies and other similar creatures),
classified into six different families. They are pelagic opisthobranchs in
the clade Gymnosomata within the larger mollusc clade Heterobranchia. Sea
angels were previously referred to as a type of
Clionidae (wiki).
Encephalization is defined as the
amount of brain mass
related to an animal's total body mass. Quantifying an animal's encephalization has been argued to be directly related to that animal's
level of intelligence? Of course that is just a guess from a pea brain.
Brittle stars can learn just fine -- even without a brain. Headless
animals called brittle stars have no brains at all and still manage to
learn through experience, new research reveals. This type of learning
involves associating different stimuli via a process called classical
Don't assume that
incredible space
crafts could only be
operated by aliens from another planet,
because the fact is that 99% of the people on the planet are not aware of
all the
technological advances that are known to humans. And don't ever
assume that alien life needs to look a particular way, because the fact is
that 99% of people on the planet don't know all the different ways that
life can exist, or how intelligent a life form should be or can be. It's
best to keep an open mind and not jump to any conclusions. In order to be
properly prepared and less vulnerable, you should believe nothing and
expect anything. Meaning, don't limit yourself to only a few possible
scenarios, because that may not prepare you for something new or something
totally unexplainable. Remember, learning has got us this far, so we can't
stop learning now. Think before you jump, it could very well save your life.
The point is that
intelligent life from another planet may
already be here. We just can't see them because we don't know
all the different ways that life could exist just yet, and we
also haven't fully explored our own planet just yet. To say that
ET life does exist or does not exist, you would first have to
say what exactly is
ET life? And that's like trying to say that you
know what God looks like.
People who are looking for
intelligent life are looking in the wrong direction. Don't just look out
into outer space, look within your own body, intelligent life is in our
Could there be Another Planet like Earth
Exoplanet is a planet outside our
solar system. About 1 in 5
sun-like stars have an "Earth-sized" planet in the
habitable zone.
Circumstellar Habitable Zone is the range of orbits around a star
within which a planetary surface can
support liquid
water given sufficient
atmospheric pressure.
Goldilock Zone refers to the
habitable zone around a
star that is not
to far from the Sun or not too close to the Sun, which depends on the Star
Size and Star Type. In order to have water a planet must be the right
distance from its star. To close water boils away, to far water freezes. Then it is just a matter of reaching a planet at the
right time in its life when it is
stable enough to support
animal life. Does a
galaxy have a habitable zone too?
Bio-Signatures -
Habitability is the measure of a planet's or a natural satellite's
potential to develop and
maintain environments hospitable to life.
A Star like Ours
Solar System like OursScientists spot
planet that may be
hospitable to human life, but human life is
not that hospitable and
not always kind.
Exobiology is the branch of science that
deals with the possibility and likely nature of life on other planets or
in space.
Astrobiology is an interdisciplinary scientific field that studies
the origins, early evolution, distribution, and future of life in the
universe. Astrobiology is the multidisciplinary field that investigates
the deterministic conditions and contingent events with which life
arises, distributes, and evolves in the universe. Astrobiology makes use
of molecular biology, biophysics, biochemistry, chemistry, astronomy,
physical cosmology, exoplanetology, geology, paleontology, and ichnology
to investigate the possibility of life on other worlds and help
recognize biospheres that might be different from that on Earth. The
origin and early evolution of life is an inseparable part of the
discipline of astrobiology. Astrobiology concerns itself with
interpretation of existing scientific data, and although speculation is
entertained to give context, astrobiology concerns itself primarily with
hypotheses that fit firmly into existing scientific theories.
Finding another planet just like
Earth is unlikely, at least not the
same kind of planet, or even at the right time in the planets development
that would allow the planet to safely
sustain human life.
finding another planet like
Earth is mostly just fantasy for now.
We should be more focused on
survival and
sustainability. And
just maybe in a few thousand years, we just might be able to
find another home some where in the Universe, but we have to be
able to live that long first. First things first.
There is not one planet
like earth that is close enough to us that we could reach in one lifetime.
But the fact is, no human alive is just one lifetime.
Everyone alive today is a
combination of millions of lifetimes that were passed on to us from
our past generations. So our future is also made up of millions of
lifetimes, if not trillions of lifetimes. So could we ever reach another
planet like earth? Yes. We just have to understand that "we" is not "us"
who are alive today. We means the humans that will live millions of years
from now. And if you want to be on that
you have to pass on knowledge that future humans will consider worth
taking to another world. We have come full-circle, except this time around
we will know a lot more than we ever did before, but will we not know as
much as future generations will, we hope.
Drake Equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number
of active, communicative
extraterrestrial civilizations
in the Milky Way galaxy. The equation was written in 1961 by Frank Drake,
not for purposes of quantifying the number of civilizations, but as a way
to stimulate scientific dialogue at the first scientific meeting on the
search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The equation summarizes
the main concepts which scientists must contemplate when considering the
question of other radio-communicative life. It is more properly thought of
as a Fermi problem rather than as a serious attempt to nail down a precise
number. Criticism related to the Drake equation focuses not on the
equation itself, but on the fact that the estimated values for several of
its factors are highly conjectural, the combined effect being that the
uncertainty associated with any derived value is so large that the
equation cannot be used to draw firm conclusions. N = the number of
civilizations in our galaxy with which communication might be possible
(i.e. which are on our current past light cone); and R = the average
rate of star formation in our galaxy. fp
= the fraction of those stars that have planets. ne = the average number
of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets.
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop
life at some point. fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually
go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations). fc = the fraction of
civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of
their existence into space. L = the length of time for which such
civilizations release detectable signals into space. 80 billion possible
planets just in our galaxy?
The Search
for Life: The Drake Equation (video).
Biosignature is any substance such as an element, isotope, molecule, or phenomenon, that
provides scientific evidence of
past or
present life. (If there are pollutants in the atmosphere, then we could
say, "we just found life on another planet, and they're stupid just like
us, lets say hello.")
When looking for another planet to move to, you should want
the new planet to have a few qualities. The planet should be around 3
billion years old and
orbit a
stars sweet spot, and the star should be
around 4 billion years old. This should give you around 1 billion years
or so of a somewhat
stable environment, which you will need in order to
survive and live a
sustainable existence. And if other life forms are
already on the planet, then you will need to work out some kind of an
agreement, one that proves that you are a symbiotic life form, which
means that you will have to avoid telling your new friends about the
history of humans. Good luck.
looking at
earth, we can see that a planet like earth
is extremely rare and extremely lucky. No other planet in our solar system
has life. Many things have to happen in order for an earth like planet to
have life. Even then, a planet goes through extreme changes, with some
changes killing almost every living thing, like during
extinction events. Even if you find another
planet, you will not know what state it's in. It could be frozen in ice
like our planet was for over a million years, it could be hit by asteroids like
our planet was, it could be going through a mass extinction like our
planet has several times, the planets atmosphere could be changing as our
planet did, microbes and viruses could kill us just like here on earth,
and this is just name a few of the dangers. Looking at
the history
of our earth, you can say that it takes over 4 billion years
for a planet to stabilize enough to support life, animal life that is, the
type of life most important to us. So the first half of the lifespan of a
planet is used for stabilization, around 4.5 billion years, and the other
half of the lifespan of a planet is used to support life, around 4.5
billion years. So if we find another planet like ours, we will have to
determine how old it is, is it still a reckless teenage planet, or a
stable adult planet. That could make all the difference on choosing the
right one. But of course there is no guarantee, after all, we have only
one experience with planets like ours, which is very little experience.
Even when we find a planet in the
goldilock zone or
there are still has many deadly dangers. Our planet is not stable even
now. And most of the stability in life comes from humans learning about
their environment and adapting to those changes. But if we don't increase
public awareness to the dangers humans face now, the human race will not
live long enough to find a new home. So first we need to stay alive long
enough in order to have the time to solve this problem of finding a new
home. Our earth will reach its end someday, so we need to face the facts.
And the only way to face the facts is making sure that every human alive
knows the facts. The only way for people to be aware of reality is when
they have the knowledge that's needed in order to understand the reality
that everyone lives in. Your life may differ from other peoples lives, but
every person alive is a human living on planet earth. Humans
coexist with life.
Without coexistence their is no life.
Working together and
connected is what humans do, but this only comes from learning, and we
have a lot of learning to do.
"The memory of planet Earth will be
remembered forever. Even though Earth was not the planet of human birth,
Earth was still the most monumental turning point in Human evolution."
Planet Hunters
Kepler Planet Seeking
Backyard-Worlds -
Interplanetary Contamination refers to
biological contamination of a
planetary body by a space probe or spacecraft, either deliberate or
unintentional. There are two types of interplanetary contamination:
Forward contamination is the transfer of
life and other forms of contamination from Earth to another celestial
Back contamination is the
introduction of extraterrestrial organisms and other forms of
contamination into
Earth's biosphere.
It also covers infection of humans and human habitats in space and on
other celestial bodies by extraterrestrial organisms, if such habitats
exist. The main focus is on microbial life and on potentially invasive
species. Non-biological forms of contamination have also been
considered, including contamination of sensitive deposits (such as lunar
polar ice deposits) of scientific interest. In the case of back
contamination, multicellular life is thought unlikely but has not been
ruled out. In the case of forward contamination, contamination by
multicellular life (e.g. lichens) is unlikely to occur for robotic
missions, but it becomes a consideration in crewed missions to Mars.
Current space missions are governed by the Outer Space Treaty and the
COSPAR guidelines for planetary protection. Forward contamination is
prevented primarily by sterilizing the spacecraft. In the case of
sample-return missions, the aim of the mission is to return
extraterrestrial samples to Earth, and sterilization of the samples
would make them of much less interest. So, back contamination would be
prevented mainly by containment, and breaking the chain of contact
between the planet of origin and Earth. It would also require quarantine
procedures for the materials and for anyone who comes into contact with
Planetary Protection is a guiding principle in the design of an
interplanetary mission, aiming to prevent biological contamination of
both the target celestial body and the Earth in the case of
sample-return missions. Planetary protection reflects both the unknown
nature of the space environment and the desire of the scientific
community to preserve the pristine nature of celestial bodies until they
can be studied in detail.
Ethics of Terraforming has constituted a philosophical debate within
biology, ecology, and environmental ethics as to whether terraforming
other worlds is an ethical endeavor.
Directed Panspermia is the deliberate transport of microorganisms
into space to be used as introduced species on lifeless but habitable
astronomical objects. It's been hypothesized that life on the Earth may
have been seeded deliberately by other civilizations.
Genetic Engineering -
Intelligent Design
W. M. Keck Observatory is a two-telescope astronomical observatory at
an elevation of 4,145 meters (13,600 ft) near the summit of Mauna Kea in
the U.S. state of Hawaii. Both telescopes feature 10 m (33 ft) primary
mirrors, currently among the largest astronomical telescopes in use. Keck
Interferometer was a ground-based instrument that combined the light from
the twin Keck telescopes to create an instrument equal in power to an
85-meter telescope that could detect and study stars and planets beyond
our solar system.
Interferometer is an
instrument in which the interference of two beams of light is employed to
make precise measurements.
Michelson Interferometer (wiki).
"Maybe the reason why solar systems
are far apart is to avoid having other planets infected or invaded by
beings from other planets, who for some reason, are not intelligent enough
to avoid ignorantly killing things they don't yet understand, kind of like
what humans are on planet earth right now."
Exoplanet List. There are 3,903 known exoplanets, or planets outside
our solar system that orbit a star, as of December 1, 2018; only a small
fraction of these are located in the vicinity of the Solar System. Within
10 parsecs (32.6 light-years), there are 56 exoplanets listed as confirmed
by the NASA Exoplanet Archive. Among the over 400 known stars within 10
parsecs, 29 have been confirmed to have planetary systems; 51 stars in
this range are visible to the naked eye, nine of which have planetary
Light Speed.
The closest exoplanet found is Proxima Centauri b, which
was confirmed in 2016 to orbit Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our
Solar System (4.25 ly).
James Webb Space Telescope is a space telescope that will be the
successor to the
Hubble Space Telescope with a
planned Launch date on March 30, 2021. The JWST will provide greatly
improved resolution and sensitivity over the Hubble, and will enable a
broad range of investigations across the fields of astronomy and
cosmology. One of its major goals is observing some of the most distant
events and objects in the universe, such as the formation of the first
galaxies. These types of targets are beyond the reach of current ground-
and space-based instruments. Other goals include understanding the
formation of stars and planets, and direct imaging of exoplanets and novas.
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer is a
infrared-wavelength astronomical space telescope launched in December
2009, and placed in hibernation in February 2011 when its transmitter
turned off. It was re-activated in 2013. WISE discovered thousands of
minor planets and numerous star clusters. Its observations also supported
the discovery of the first Y Dwarf and Earth trojan asteroid.
Kepler has already identified more than 1,000
Exoplanets since the beginning of its journey. We are not
alone, or unique.
Allen Telescope Array is a radio telescope array dedicated to
astronomical observations and a simultaneous search for extraterrestrial
intelligence or SETI. The array is situated at the Hat Creek Radio
Observatory in Shasta County, 290 miles (470 km) northeast of San
Francisco, California. The project was originally developed as a joint
effort between the SETI Institute and the Radio Astronomy Laboratory
(RAL) at the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), with
funds obtained from an initial US$11.5 million donation by the Paul G.
Allen Family Foundation. The first phase of construction was completed
and the ATA finally became operational on 11 October 2007 with 42
antennas (ATA-42), after Paul Allen (co-founder of Microsoft) had
pledged an additional $13.5 million to support the construction of the
first and second phases. Although overall Allen has contributed more
than $30 million to the project, it has not succeeded in building the
350 6.1 m (20 ft) dishes originally conceived, and the project suffered
an operational hiatus due to funding shortfalls between April and August
2011, after which observations resumed. Subsequently, UC Berkeley exited
the project, completing divestment in April 2012. The facility is now
managed by SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute), an
independent, nonprofit research institute. As of 2016, the SETI
Institute performs observations with the ATA between the hours of 6 pm
and 6 am daily. In August 2014, the installation was threatened by a
forest fire in the area and was briefly forced to shut down, but
ultimately emerged largely unscathed.
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence or
SETI is a collective term for scientific searches for intelligent
extraterrestrial life, for example, monitoring electromagnetic radiation
for signs of transmissions from civilizations on other planets.
Scientific investigation began shortly after the advent of radio in the
early 1900s, and focused international efforts have been going on since
the 1980s. In 2015, Stephen Hawking and Russian billionaire Yuri Milner
announced a well-funded effort called Breakthrough Listen.
Fast Radio Burst is a transient
radio pulse or electromagnetic radiation of a time length ranging from a fraction of a
millisecond to a few
milliseconds, caused
by some high-energy astrophysical process not yet identified. While
extremely energetic at their source, the strength of the signal reaching
Earth has been described as 1,000 times less than from a mobile phone on
the Moon. Although the exact origin and cause is uncertain, they are
almost definitely extragalactic or originating outside the Milky Way
galaxy. When the FRBs are polarized, it indicates that they are emitted
from a source contained within an extremely powerful magnetic field. The
origin of the FRBs has yet to be identified; proposals for their origin
range from a rapidly rotating neutron star and a black hole, to
extraterrestrial intelligence.
Space Travel
People from other Planets
There are a lot of things
that are Alien to us, especially things that are on our own
planet, new things that we discover everyday.
But there is no value in fantasizing about what kinds of alien
life may exist, no matter how real you make your fantasy to be.
I don't deny the possibilities of alien life, I just don't waste
time fantasizing about alien life. There are a lot of things
that are alien to us, like our own brain. So people should spend
more time understanding their own brain and stop trying to
understand a brain they never met, which is likely their own
brain. Balance your priorities and responsibilities and choose
your creative fantasy's well. You only have so much time to be
productive, so try not to waste too much time. It's OK to Dream,
just don't let you dream become an obsession or distract you
from dreaming about things that are more important."
How do we know they're aliens?
They might be just like us, except in a different body, which
proves just how dangerous and illogical that
racism is, or any
kind of
prejudice for that matter. To prejudge someone is like
hating yourself for living, or worse, it's hating someone you
don't even know, someone that could be a friend, someone who can
benefit society."
"The more I learn about the Universe,
the more I see an
amazing design, an incredible machine. Whether
this machine was created by God, or created by a life form that
resembles a God, matters little to me, what matters most to me
is learning about how this machine was dreamed up and created in
the first place. I applaud whom ever the
Creator is, for thou has created something that is truly
amazing. Thank you, and, where can I get one of these universe makers?"
"Even if just some of the life here on earth were created by a
highly intelligent life form from another planet, I assume they
too believe in a God, and if so, then the existence of highly
intelligent life form does not disprove God, it will only makes
the belief in God more interesting."
I know that we can create a Heaven right
here on Earth. And the best part is that we don't have to leave
our Heaven on Earth, because everyone is welcome in Heaven. So
I'm staying right here with Mother Earth. And I'm not leaving
until she gets consumed by the Sun and gets recycled back into
the Universe. But of course someone will have to venture out
into space and find us a new home in the Universe, but until
then, our Mother Earth is the Greatest and the Most Beautiful
Planet in the Universe, I can't even imagine another planet
being more amazing then Earth. But if people from another planet
would like to debate who's got the best planet in the universe,
then I would have to correct my original statement to say that
"Earth is one of the Two Best Planets in the Universe."
"Every time I find my self thinking about what life would be
like outside the universe, like if life existed in some other way that was
unknown to us, I have to immediately stop thinking about it, because it's
impossible to even guess, the scenarios can go on forever like infinity,
and I have only so much time to think about things, so I don't even
bother, though it blows my mind just to think about it for only a few
seconds, wow!"
"You're an interesting species, an interesting mix.
You're capable of such beautiful dreams and such horrible nightmares. You
feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our
searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable is
each other."
Quote from the 1997 Film 'Contact'.
Sun - Star
Our Sun is a
Yellow Dwarf
Star. It's about
92 million miles from
Earth. Earth gets to 147 million km close
to the sun and 152 million km max distance from the sun. Earths Sun is about
4.7 Billion years old and has about 5
Billion years left in its life, though we will have to leave earth way
before then. Our star is also a second or
third generation star that was
formed from the remains of other stars.
New Star Formation
Elliptical Orbit - Eclipse - Telescopes
- Star Types - Light -
Star Death
A ray of
light from our Sun takes about
8.3 minutes
to reach us on
earth and about
5.3 hours to reach Pluto,
which depends on where
pluto is in its
Our sun is only
4.5 billion years old, so its
light can only extend 4.5 billion light years away from us right now. But
there's nothing to stop that light from expanding outwards forever, as
time goes on.
Sun is the star at the
center of the
Solar System. It is a nearly perfect
sphere of hot
with internal convective motion that generates a
magnetic field via a
dynamo process. It is by far the most important source of
energy for life
on Earth. Its diameter is about 109 times that of Earth, and its mass is
about 330,000 times that of Earth, accounting for about 99.86% of the
total mass of the Solar System. About three quarters of the Sun's mass
consists of
Hydrogen (~73%); the rest is mostly
Helium (~25%), with much
smaller quantities of heavier
elements, including oxygen, carbon, neon,
and iron. Sun's core rotates four times faster than its surface. The core
has a
temperature of approximately 29 million degrees Fahrenheit, which is
15.7 million Kelvin. The sun's surface is "only" about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, or 5,800 Kelvin.
The Sun Emits
IR and
Radio Waves. In order to produce
the energy we see it produce, the Sun needs to fuse 4 × 1038 protons into
helium-4 every second. The result of that fusion is that 596 million tons
of helium-4 are produced with each second that passes, while 4 million
tons of mass are converted into pure energy via E = mc2. Over the lifetime
of the entire Sun, it's lost approximately the mass of the planet Saturn
due to the nuclear reactions in its core.
Solar Heat -
Radiant Heat -
Solar Flares -
Star is
luminous sphere of
plasma held together by its own
gravity. The nearest
star to Earth is the Sun. Many other stars are visible to the naked eye
from Earth during the night, appearing as a multitude of fixed
points in the sky due to their immense distance from Earth. A star shines
due to thermonuclear
Fusion of
Hydrogen into
Helium in its core, releasing
energy that traverses the star's interior and then radiates into outer
space. Almost all naturally occurring elements heavier than helium are
created by stellar
nucleosynthesis during the star's lifetime, and for
some stars by supernova nucleosynthesis when it explodes. Near the end of
its life, a star can also contain degenerate matter. Astronomers can
determine the mass, age, metallicity (chemical composition), and many
other properties of a star by observing its motion through space, its
luminosity, and spectrum respectively. The total mass of a star is the
main factor that determines its evolution and eventual fate. Other
characteristics of a star, including diameter and temperature, change over
its life, while the star's environment affects its rotation and movement.
A plot of the temperature of many stars against their luminosities
produces a plot known as a
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram (H–R diagram).
Plotting a particular star on that diagram allows the age and evolutionary
state of that star to be determined.
A star's life begins with the
gravitational collapse of a gaseous nebula of material composed primarily
of hydrogen, along with helium and trace amounts of heavier elements. When
the stellar core is sufficiently dense,
hydrogen becomes steadily
converted into
helium through
nuclear fusion, releasing energy in the
process. The remainder of the star's interior carries energy away from the
core through a combination of radiative and convective heat transfer
processes. The star's internal pressure prevents it from collapsing
further under its own gravity. A star with mass greater than 0.4 times the
Sun's will expand to become a red giant when the hydrogen fuel in its core
is exhausted. In some cases, it will fuse heavier elements at the core or
in shells around the core. As the star expands it throws a part of its
mass, enriched with those heavier elements, into the interstellar
environment, to be recycled later as new stars. Meanwhile, the core
becomes a stellar remnant: a white dwarf, a neutron star, or if it is
sufficiently massive, a
black hole.
Solar Mass is a
standard unit of mass in astronomy, equal to approximately 2×1030 kg. It
is approximately equal to the mass of the Sun. It is often used to
indicate the masses of other stars, as well as stellar clusters,
nebulae, galaxies and black holes.
Stellar is relating to a star or stars or
resembling or emanating from stars.
Seeing the Same
Sunlight is a portion
of the
electromagnetic radiation
given off by the Sun, in particular infrared, visible, and
ultraviolet light. On Earth, sunlight is filtered through Earth's
atmosphere, and is obvious as daylight when the
Sun is above the horizon. When the direct solar radiation is not blocked
by clouds, it is experienced as sunshine, a combination of bright light
radiant heat.
When it is blocked by clouds or reflects off other objects, it is
experienced as diffused light. A
photon starting at
the center of the Sun and changing direction every time it encounters a
charged particle would take between
10,000 and
170,000 years to get to the surface.
149 xenon short-arc lamps spotlights equivalent of 10,000 times the amount
of solar radiation (Synlight, Juelich).
Scientists help discover the highest-energy light coming from the sun.
Although the high-energy light doesn't reach the Earth's surface, these
gamma rays create telltale signatures that were detected by Nisa and her
colleagues working with the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Observatory,
or HAWC.
Films and Videos about Stars:
Cosmic Journeys - Solar Super Storms (youtube - 7/28/15 - 44:37)
Time-Lapse Video of Milky Way (youtube)
Sun Video (youtube)
NASA | 5 Year Time-lapse of the Sun (youtube)
Three Years of Sun in Three Minutes (youtube)
NASA | Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO: Year 5 (youtube)
Sun Dance [ 4K ] (youtube)
A spacecraft has 'touched' the sun for the first time. On April 28,
2021, NASA's Parker Solar Probe reached the sun's extended solar
atmosphere, known as the corona, and spent five hours there. The
spacecraft is the first to enter the outer boundaries of our sun.
NASA Solar Probe
Finally "Touches The Sun", Here's What It Found. (youtube).
Solar Analog are stars that are particularly similar to the Sun.
Planets like Ours.
Our Sun is small when compared to other Stars.
Star Size Comparisons (youtube)
Universe's Most Massive known Star. By harnessing the capabilities
of the 8.1-meter
Gemini South telescope in
Chile, which is part of the International Gemini Observatory operated by
NSF's NOIRLab, astronomers have obtained the sharpest image ever of the
R136a1, the most massive known star in the Universe, a mass
somewhere between 250 to 320 times the mass of the Sun. The new Zorro
observations, however, indicate that this giant star may be only 170 to
230 times the mass of the Sun. Even with
this lower estimate, R136a1 still qualifies as the most massive known
star. Astronomers have yet to fully understand how the most massive
stars -- those more than 100 times the mass of the Sun -- are formed.
Giant stars also live fast and die young,
burning through their fuel reserves in only a few million years. In
comparison, our Sun is less than halfway through its 10 billion year
lifespan. The combination of densely packed stars, relatively short
lifetimes, and vast astronomical distances makes distinguishing
individual massive stars in clusters a daunting technical challenge.
Sun consists of
Hydrogen (about 74% of its
or 92% of its
Helium (about 24% of mass, 7% of volume), and trace quantities
of other elements, includ
Carbon, Neon,
Calcium, and
Our Sun takes One Month to Rotate,
and it rotates
counterclockwise, depending how you look at it, looking up or
looking down.
SDO: Year
6 Ultra-HD (youtube) -
Simulation of the Sun's Magnetic Field (youtube)
Each Second, more than 4 million tonnes of matter are converted
into energy within the Sun's core.
The Suns surface temperature is 6,000 C or 10,832 F.
Diameter 1,392,000 km just over 109 times the diameter of the
Earth, that means that 1,300,000 Earths could fit in the Sun.
The Sun orbits the Milky Way
Galaxy at a distance
of approximately
24,000–26,000 light years
from the
Galactic Center.
The Sun is moving 486,000 miles per hour and takes 240 million
years to complete one orbit around our Galaxy.
The Sun rotates one complete turn every 34 days. The Sun's magnetic field reverses polarity, "flips" every 11
Earth takes 24 Hours to rotate and
spins 1,000 miles per hour, and the
earth travels nearly
67,000 miles per hour around the sun. The sun is 99.8 percent of all the
in the solar system. -
Sun's coldest region stores secret to heating million-degree corona.
Researchers have unveiled the discovery of intense wave energy from a
relatively cool, dark and strongly magnetized plasma region on the Sun,
capable of traversing the solar atmosphere and maintaining temperatures
of a million degrees Kelvin inside the corona. Researchers say the
finding is the latest key to unraveling a host of related mysteries
pertaining to Earth's nearest star.
The world's largest turbulence simulation unmasks the flow of energy in
astrophysical plasmas. Researchers uncover the long-hidden process
that helps explain why the Sun's corona can be vastly hotter than the
solar surface that emits it. The hidden ingredient is a process called
magnetic reconnection that separates and violently reconnects
magnetic fields in plasma,
the soup of electrons and atomic nuclei that forms the solar atmosphere.
Dong's simulation revealed how rapid reconnection of the magnetic field
lines turns the large-scale turbulent energy into small-sale internal
energy. As a consequence the turbulent energy is efficiently converted
to thermal energy at small scales, thus superheating the corona.
Long-period oscillations control the Sun's differential rotation.
The interior of the Sun does not rotate at the same rate at all
latitudes. The physical origin of this differential rotation is not
fully understood. It turns out, long-period solar oscillations
discovered in 2021 play a crucial role in controlling the Sun's
rotational pattern. The long-period oscillations are analogous to the
baroclinically unstable waves in Earth's atmosphere that shape the
weather. In the Sun, these oscillations carry heat from the slightly
hotter poles to the slightly cooler equator.
Core is considered to extend from the center to about 0.2 to 0.25 of
solar radius. It is the hottest part of the Sun and of the Solar System.
It has a density of 150 g/cm³ (150 times the density of liquid water) at
the center, and a temperature of 15 million degrees Celsius. The core is
made of hot, dense gas in the plasmic state (ions and
electrons), at a
pressure estimated at 265 billion bar (3.84 trillion psi or 26.5 petapascals (PPa)) at the center. Due to fusion, the composition of the
solar plasma drops from 68-70% hydrogen by mass at the outer core, to 33%
hydrogen at the core/Sun center. The core inside 0.20 of the solar radius,
contains 34% of the Sun's mass, but only 0.8% of the Sun's volume. Inside
0.24 solar radius, the core generates 99% of the fusion power of the Sun.
There are two distinct reactions in which four hydrogen nuclei may
eventually result in one helium nucleus: the proton-proton chain reaction
– which is responsible for most of the Sun's released energy – and the CNO
Proton-proton chain reaction is one of the two (known) sets of fusion
reactions by which stars convert hydrogen to helium.
is the process that creates new atomic nuclei from pre-existing nucleons,
primarily protons and neutrons. Fusion -
Super Nova's.
Stellar Nucleosynthesis is the process by which the natural
abundances of the chemical elements within stars change due to nuclear
fusion reactions in the cores and their overlying mantles. Stars are said
to evolve (age) with changes in the abundances of the elements within.
Core fusion increases the atomic weight of elements and reduces the number
of particles, which would lead to a pressure loss except that gravitation
leads to contraction, an increase of temperature, and a balance of forces.
A star loses most of its mass when it is ejected late in the star's
stellar lifetimes, thereby increasing the abundance of elements heavier
than helium in the interstellar medium.
Stars grow old. All stars with initial masses up to about eight
times that of our Sun, will eventually become red giants in the later
stages of their lives. They start to cool down and lose a large amount
of their mass in a steady, dense wind that streams outwards from the
star. As any star ages, part of its mass evaporates into space, while
the remaining mass is squeezed tighter and tighter at the core.
Eventually, as the outside envelope continues to expand and evaporate,
the core of the star will cool, and the star will become a white dwarf.
Massive stars become supergiant and later undergo supernova explosions.
If they have a large mass during this stage, they can develop into a
black hole, or if they have a smaller mass, they can develop into a
neutron star. The more mass a star has, the faster it will convert its
hydrogen fuel into helium. It turns out that high mass stars, even
though they have more fuel, use up that fuel much more quickly than low
mass stars can. Low mass stars have much longer lives than high mass
stars. Short people live longer than tall people.
Synthesis of the Elements in Stars -
Periodic Table -
Carbon - Solar System
The science of spin: Asteroseismologists confirm older stars rotate
faster than expected. All stars, like the Sun, are born spinning. As
they grow older, their spin slows down due to magnetic winds in a
process called 'magnetic braking'.
Research published in 2016 by scientists at Carnegie Observatories
delivered the first hints that stars at a similar stage of life as the
Sun were spinning faster than magnetic braking theories predicted.
One of the fastest-spinning stars in the Universe. New research in
our Milky Way has revealed a neutron star that rotates around its axis
at an extremely high speed. It spins 716 times per second, making it one
of the fastest-spinning objects ever observed. It is a small but
extremely massive and fast-spinning object -- a neutron star, part of a
so-called 'X-ray binary star system' named '4U 1820-30'. It's found in
the Sagittarius constellation towards the centre of our galaxy.
Nearby star could help explain why our Sun didn’t have sunspots for 70
years. Astronomers identified a nearby star whose
cycles appear to have stopped. Studying this star might help explain the
unusual period from the mid 1600s to the early 1700s when our Sun paused
its sunspot cycles.
Celestial Body is a naturally occurring physical entity,
association, or structure that current science has demonstrated to exist in the observable universe.
Pleiades, also known as The Seven Sisters, Messier 45 and other
names by different cultures, is an asterism and an
open star cluster containing middle-aged, hot B-type stars in the
north-west of the
constellation Taurus. At a distance of about 444 light years, it is
among the nearest
star clusters to Earth. In Greek mythology it is the 7 daughters of
Atlas and half-sisters of the Hyades; placed among the stars to save
them from the pursuit of
Solar Path -
Sunrise and Sunset Times
James Webb Telescope catches glimpse of possible first-ever 'dark stars'.
Stars powered with dark matter still need proving but could reveal clues
about the nature of one of the universe's great mysteries. The three
candidate dark stars (JADES-GS-z13-0, JADES-GS-z12-0, and
JADES-GS-z11-0) were originally identified as galaxies in December 2022
by the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey (JADES). Using
spectroscopic analysis, the JADES team confirmed the objects were
observed at times ranging from about 320 million to 400 million years
after the Big Bang, making them some of the earliest objects ever seen
When the stars align: Astronomers find answers to mysterious action of
ghost stars in our Galaxy. Scientists have found a source for the
mysterious alignment of stars near the Galactic Center. Planetary
nebulae are clouds of gas that are expelled by stars at the end of their
lives -- the Sun will also form one about five billion years from now.
The ejected clouds are 'ghosts' of their dying stars and they form
beautiful structures such as an hourglass or butterfly shape.
Dyson Sphere is a hypothetical megastructure that completely
encompasses a star and captures most or all of its power output.
Star Types
Our Sun is a Yellow Dwarf, or
G Dwarf Star known as a
Main-Sequence Star (luminosity class V) of spectral type G. Such a
star has about 0.8 to 1.2 solar masses and surface temperature of between
5,300 and 6,000 K. Each second, our Sun fuses approximately 600 million
tons of hydrogen to helium, converting about 4 million tons of
matter to energy.
Sequence is a continuous and distinctive band of stars that appears
on plots of stellar color versus brightness. After condensation and
ignition of a star, it generates thermal energy in its dense core region
through nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. During this stage of the
star's lifetime, it is located on the main sequence at a position
determined primarily by its mass, but also based upon its chemical
composition and age. The cores of main-sequence stars are in hydrostatic
equilibrium, where outward thermal pressure from the hot core is
balanced by the inward pressure of gravitational collapse from the
overlying layers. The strong dependence of the rate of energy generation
on temperature and pressure helps to sustain this balance. Energy
generated at the core makes its way to the surface and is radiated away
at the
photosphere. The energy is carried by either radiation or
convection, with the latter occurring in regions with steeper
temperature gradients, higher opacity or both. The main sequence is
sometimes divided into upper and lower parts, based on the dominant
process that a star uses to generate energy. Stars below about 1.5 times
the mass of the Sun (1.5 M☉) primarily fuse hydrogen atoms together in a
series of stages to form helium, a sequence called the proton–proton
chain. Above this mass, in the upper main sequence, the nuclear fusion
process mainly uses atoms of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen as
intermediaries in the CNO cycle that produces helium from hydrogen
atoms. Main-sequence stars with more than two solar masses undergo
convection in their core regions, which acts to stir up the newly
created helium and maintain the proportion of fuel needed for fusion to
occur. Below this mass, stars have cores that are entirely radiative
with convective zones near the surface. With decreasing stellar mass,
the proportion of the star forming a convective envelope steadily
increases. Main-sequence stars below 0.4 M☉ undergo convection
throughout their mass. When core convection does not occur, a
helium-rich core develops surrounded by an outer layer of hydrogen. In
general, the more massive a star is, the shorter its lifespan on the
main sequence. After the hydrogen fuel at the core has been consumed,
the star evolves away from the main sequence on the HR diagram, into a
supergiant, red giant, or directly to a white dwarf.
70% of
Stars are Red Dwarfs which are small and relatively cool
stars, of
either K or M spectral type. Red dwarfs range in mass from a low of 0.075
solar masses (M☉) to about 0.50 M☉ and have a surface temperature of less
than 4,000 K. Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star in the
Milky Way, at least in the neighborhood of the Sun, but because of their
low luminosity, individual red dwarfs cannot be easily observed. From
Earth, not one is visible to the naked eye.
Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, is a red dwarf (Type M5,
apparent magnitude 11.05), as are twenty of the next thirty nearest stars.
According to some estimates, red dwarfs make up three-quarters of the
stars in the Milky Way. New Star Formation.
Most Stars in the Universe are M-Stars,
Small Red Dwarfs.
Dwarf Stars have masses from about 0.08 to 0.6 times that of the Sun.
Objects smaller than red dwarf stars are called
Dwarfs and do not shine through the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen.
Lighter stars are much more plentiful than heavier stars, and red dwarfs
are thus the most numerous type of star, about 70%. 1 in 10 stars have planets.?
stars born as wide binaries with weak and
wildly disorganized magnetic field very near a
newly emerging protostar. The Sun at a very early
stage in their formation have traces of methyl isocyanate -- a chemical
building block of life.
Habitability of Red Dwarf Systems -
Planet transiting a nearby Low-Mass Star
is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron star or
white dwarf, that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation out of its
magnetic poles. This radiation can be observed only when a beam of
emission is pointing toward Earth (much like the way a lighthouse can be
seen only when the light is pointed in the direction of an observer), and
is responsible for the pulsed appearance of emission. Neutron stars are
very dense, and have short, regular rotational periods. This produces a
very precise interval between pulses that ranges from milliseconds to
seconds for an individual pulsar. Pulsars are one of the candidates for
the source of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays.
Centrifugal Mechanism of Acceleration of astroparticles to
relativistic energies might take place in rotating astrophysical objects.
It is strongly believed that active galactic nuclei and pulsars have
rotating magnetospheres, therefore, they potentially
can drive charged particles to high and ultra-high energies. It is a
proposed explanation for ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and
extreme-energy cosmic rays (EECRs) exceeding the Greisen–Zatsepin–Kuzmin
limit. Centrifuge.
Scientists discover the highest energy gamma-rays ever from a pulsar.
H.E.S.S. observatory records 20 tera-electronvolts photons from the Vela
pulsar. Scientists have detected the highest energy gamma rays ever from
a dead star called a pulsar. The energy of these gamma rays clocked in
at 20 tera-electronvolts, or about ten trillion times the energy of
visible light. This observation is hard to reconcile with the theory of
the production of such pulsed gamma rays, as the international team
reports. Pulsars are the left-over corpses of stars that spectacularly
exploded in a supernova. The explosions leave behind a tiny, dead star
with a diameter of just some 20 kilometres, rotating extremely fast and
endowed with an enormous magnetic field. "These dead stars are almost
entirely made up of neutrons and are incredibly dense: a teaspoon of
their material has a mass of more than five billion tonnes. Pulsars emit
rotating beams of electromagnetic radiation, somewhat like cosmic
lighthouses. If their beam sweeps across our solar system, we see
flashes of radiation at regular time intervals. These flashes, also
called pulses of radiation, can be searched for in different energy
bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. Scientists think that the source
of this radiation are fast electrons produced and accelerated in the
pulsar's magnetosphere, while traveling towards its periphery. The
magnetosphere is made up of plasma and electromagnetic fields that
surround and co-rotate with the star. On their outward journey, the
electrons acquire energy and release it in the form of the observed
radiation beams. The Vela pulsar, located in the Southern sky in the
constellation Vela (sail of the ship), is the brightest pulsar in the
radio band of the electromagnetic spectrum and the brightest persistent
source of cosmic gamma rays in the giga-electronvolts (GeV) range. It
rotates about eleven times per second. However, above a few GeV, its
radiation ends abruptly, presumably because the electrons reach the end
of the pulsar's magnetosphere and escape from it.
221009A also known as Swift J1913.1+1946, was an extraordinarily
bright and long-lasting gamma-ray burst jointly discovered by the Neil
Gehrels Swift Observatory and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope on
October 9, 2022. The gamma-ray burst was around
seven minutes long, but was detectable for more than ten hours
following initial detection. Despite being around two billion
light-years away, it was powerful enough to
affect Earth's atmosphere, having the strongest effect ever
recorded by a gamma-ray burst on the planet. The peak luminosity of GRB
221009A was measured by Konus-Wind to be ~ 2.1 × 1047 J/s and by Fermi
Gamma-ray Burst Monitor to be ~ 1.0 × 1047 J/s over the 1.024s interval.
A burst as energetic and as close to Earth as 221009A is thought to be a
once-in-10,000-year event. It was the brightest and most energetic
gamma-ray burst ever recorded, with some dubbing it the "BOAT", or
Brightest Of All Time.
Brightest Gamma-Ray Burst of all time came from the collapse of a
massive star. Observations show no sign of heavy elements. In
2022, astronomers discovered the
brightest gamma-ray burst or GRB of all time. Now, astronomers confirm
that a 'normal' supernova, the telltale sign of a stellar collapse,
accompanied the GRB. The team also looked for signatures of heavy
elements like gold and platinum in the supernova. They found no evidence
of such elements, deepening the mystery of their origins.
PSR J1748-2446ad is the
fastest-spinning pulsar
known, at 716 Hz, or 716 times per second.
This pulsar was discovered by Jason W. T. Hessels of McGill University on
November 10, 2004 and confirmed on January 8, 2005. If the neutron star is
assumed to contain less than two times the mass of the Sun, within the
typical range of neutron stars, its radius is constrained to be less than
16 km. At its equator it is spinning at
approximately 24% of the speed of light, or over 70,000 km per
second. The pulsar is located in a globular cluster of stars called
Terzan 5, located approximately 18,000 light-years from Earth in the
constellation Sagittarius. It is part of a binary system and undergoes
regular eclipses with an eclipse magnitude of about 40%. Its orbit is
highly circular with a 26-hour period. The other object is at least 0.14
solar masses, with a radius of 5–6 solar radii. Hessels et al. state that
the companion may be a "bloated main-sequence star, possibly still filling
its Roche Lobe". Hessels et al. go on to speculate that gravitational
radiation from the pulsar might be detectable by LIGO.
Neutron Star is
the collapsed core of a large star (10–29
solar masses). Neutron stars are
the smallest and densest stars known to exist. Though neutron stars
typically have a radius on the order of 10 kilometres (6.2 mi), they can
have masses of about twice that of the Sun. They result from the
supernova explosion of a massive star,
combined with
gravitational collapse, that compresses the core past the white dwarf
star density to that of atomic nuclei. Most of the basic models for these
objects imply that neutron stars are composed almost entirely of
neutrons, which are subatomic particles
with no net electrical charge and with slightly larger mass than protons.
They are supported against further collapse by neutron degeneracy
pressure, a phenomenon described by the
Pauli exclusion principle. If the remnant has too great a density,
something which occurs in excess of an upper limit of the size of neutron
stars at 2–3 solar masses, it will continue collapsing to form a
black hole.
Astronomers have discovered the most massive neutron star to date. A
rapidly spinning pulsar approximately 4,600 light-years from Earth. This
record-breaking object is teetering on the edge of existence, approaching
the theoretical maximum mass possible for a neutron star. A team of
astronomers using the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Green Bank
Telescope (GBT) has brought us closer to finding the answers. Members of
the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center, discovered that a rapidly rotating
millisecond pulsar, called J0740+6620, is the most massive neutron star
ever measured, packing 2.17 times the mass of our Sun into a sphere only
30 kilometers across. This measurement approaches the limits of how
massive and compact a single object can become without crushing itself
down into a black hole. Recent work involving gravitational waves observed
from colliding neutron stars by LIGO suggests that 2.17 solar masses might
be very near that limit. Pulsars get their name because of the twin beams
of radio waves they emit from their magnetic poles.
These beams sweep across space in a lighthouse-like fashion. Some rotate
hundreds of times each second. Since pulsars spin with such phenomenal
speed and regularity, astronomers can use them as the cosmic equivalent of
atomic clocks. Such precise timekeeping helps astronomers study the nature
of spacetime, measure the masses of stellar objects, and improve their
understanding of general relativity.
is a type of neutron star believed to have
an extremely powerful magnetic field (~109 to 1011 T, ~1013 to 1015 G).
The magnetic field decay powers the emission of high-energy
electromagnetic radiation, particularly X-rays and gamma rays. Like other
neutron stars, magnetars are around 20 kilometres (12 mi) in diameter and
have a mass 1–2 times that of the Sun. The density of the interior of a
magnetar is such that a tablespoon of its substance would have a mass of
over 100 million tons. Magnetars are differentiated from other neutron
stars by having even stronger magnetic fields, and by rotating
comparatively more quickly. Most neutron stars rotate once every one to
ten seconds, whereas magnetars rotate once in less than one second. A
magnetar's magnetic field gives rise to very strong and characteristic
bursts of X-rays and gamma rays. The active life of a magnetar is short.
Their strong magnetic fields decay after about 10,000 years, after which
activity and strong X-ray emission cease. Given the number of magnetars
observable today, one estimate puts the number of inactive magnetars in
the Milky Way at 30 million or more.
Magnetars are the strongest magnets in the Universe. These
super-dense dead stars with ultra-strong magnetic fields can be found
all over our galaxy but astronomers don't know exactly how they form.
Binary Pulsar is a pulsar with a binary companion, often a white dwarf
or neutron star.
Binary Star is a star system consisting of
two stars
orbiting around their common barycenter. Systems of two or more stars are
called multiple star systems. It's estimated that approximately one third
of the star systems in the Milky Way are binary or multiple, with the
remaining two thirds being single stars.
is a binary star and the brightest star in the night sky.
When Stars Collide or
Stellar Collision is the coming together of two stars caused by
stellar dynamics within a star cluster, or by the orbital decay of a
binary star due to stellar mass loss or gravitational radiation, or by
other mechanisms not yet well understood. Astronomers predict that
events of this type occur in the globular clusters of our galaxy about
once every 10,000 years. On 2 September 2008 scientists first observed a
stellar merger in Scorpius (named V1309 Scorpii), though it was not
known to be the result of a stellar merger
at the time. Any stars in the universe can collide, whether they are
"alive", meaning fusion is still active in the star, or "dead", with
fusion no longer taking place. White dwarf stars, neutron stars, black
holes, main sequence stars, giant stars, and supergiants are very
different in type, mass, temperature, and radius, and so react
differently. A gravitational wave event that occurred on 25 August 2017,
GW170817, was reported on 16 October 2017 to be associated with the
merger of two neutron stars in a distant galaxy, the first such merger
to be observed via gravitational radiation. About half of all the stars
in the sky are part of binary systems, with two stars orbiting each
other. Some binary stars orbit each other so closely that they share the
same atmosphere, giving the system a peanut shape. While most contact
binary stars are stable, a few have become unstable and have merged in
the past for reasons not well understood.
Neutron Star
Merger is when two neutron stars fall into mutual orbit, they
gradually spiral inward due to gravitational radiation. When they
finally meet, their merger leads to the formation of either a more
massive neutron star, or—if the mass of the remnant exceeds the
Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit—a black hole.
The merger can create a magnetic field that is trillions of times
stronger than that of Earth in a matter of one or two milliseconds.
These events are believed to create short gamma-ray bursts.
Cepheid Variable
is a type of star that pulsates radially, varying in both diameter and
temperature and producing changes in brightness with a well-defined stable
period and amplitude. A strong direct relationship between a Cepheid
variable's luminosity and pulsation period established Cepheids as
important indicators of cosmic benchmarks for scaling galactic and
extragalactic distances.
Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf or brown dwarf, originally
postulated in 1984 to be orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 95,000 AU
(1.5 light-years), somewhat beyond the Oort cloud, to
explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record,
which seem to occur more often at intervals of 26
million years. As of 2012, more than 1800 brown dwarfs have been
identified. There are actually fewer brown dwarfs in our cosmic
neighborhood than previously thought. Rather than one star for every brown
dwarf, there may be as many as six stars for every brown dwarf. The
majority of solar-type stars are single. The previous idea stated half or
perhaps most stellar systems were binary, trinary, or multiple-star
systems associated with clusters of stars, rather than the single-star
systems that tend to be seen most often. Precession.
O-type Star is a
hot, blue-white star of spectral type O in the Yerkes classification
system employed by astronomers. They have temperatures in excess of 30,000
Kelvin (K).
Dwarf are substellar objects that occupy the mass range between the
heaviest gas giants and the lightest stars.
Dwarf is the smallest and coolest kind of star
on the main sequence. Red dwarfs are by far the most common type of star
in the Milky Way, at least in the neighborhood of the Sun, but because of
their low luminosity, individual red dwarfs cannot be easily observed.
From Earth, not one that fits the stricter definitions of a red dwarf is
visible to the naked eye. Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun,
is a red dwarf, as are fifty of the sixty nearest stars. According to some
estimates, red dwarfs make up three-quarters of the stars in the Milky
Blue Supergiant Star are hot luminous stars, referred to
scientifically as OB supergiants. They are larger than the Sun but smaller
than a red supergiant, with surface temperatures of 10,000–50,000 K and
luminosities from about 10,000 to a million times the Sun. Blue
supergiants are supergiant stars (class I) of spectral type O. They are
extremely hot and bright, with surface temperatures of between 20,000 -
50,000 degrees Celsius. The best known example is Rigel, the brightest
star in the constellation of Orion.
Compact Star is used to refer collectively to
neutron stars, and black holes. It would grow
to include exotic stars if such hypothetical dense bodies are confirmed.
Most compact stars are the endpoints of stellar evolution and are thus
often referred to as stellar remnants, the
form of the remnant depending primarily on the mass of the star when it
formed. These objects are all small in volume for their mass, giving them
a very high density. The term compact star is often used when the exact
nature of the star is not known, but evidence suggests that it is very
massive and has a small radius, thus implying one of the above-mentioned
categories. A compact star that is not a black hole may be called a
degenerate star.
Star s a hypothetical compact star composed of something other than
electrons, protons, neutrons, and muons; and balanced against
gravitational collapse by degeneracy pressure or other quantum properties.
These include quark stars (composed of quarks) and perhaps strange stars
(based upon strange quark matter, a condensate of up, down and strange
quarks), as well as speculative preon stars (composed of preons, a
hypothetical particle and "building block" of quarks, if quarks prove to
be decomposable into component sub-particles). Of the various types of
exotic star proposed, the most well evidenced and understood is the quark
Object sometimes called a substar, is an astronomical object whose
mass is smaller than the smallest mass at which hydrogen fusion can be
Classification is the classification of stars based on their spectral
Metal-poor stars are more life-friendly. A star's chemical
composition strongly influences the ultraviolet radiation it emits into
space and thus the conditions for the emergence of life in its
neighborhood. Stars that contain comparatively large amounts of heavy
elements provide less favourable conditions for the emergence of complex
life than metal-poor stars.
The light from our nearest star,
Proxima Centauri, is 4 years old. Time passes slower the
faster you move. If you flew to the
Star Sirius at 99% of the speed of light, then flew back
again, the people you left behind on Earth would have aged more
than 17
years. But you would have aged less than two and a half years.
Methuselah Star HD 140283 is a metal-poor subgiant star about
190 light years away from the Earth in
the constellation Libra, near the boundary with Ophiuchus in the Milky
Way Galaxy. Its apparent magnitude is 7.205, so it can be seen with
binoculars. estimate an age for the star of 14.46 ± 0.8 billion years.
However, more recent models of its stellar evolution have suggested
revision of the star's age to 13.7 billion years
or 12 billion years.
Suns Magnetic Field
Heliosphere is the magnetosphere,
astrosphere and outermost atmospheric layer of the Sun. It is the bubble-like region of space dominated by
the Sun, which extends far beyond the orbit of Pluto.
Plasma "blown" out
from the Sun, known as the solar wind, creates and maintains this bubble
against the outside pressure of the interstellar medium, the hydrogen and
helium gas that permeates the Milky Way Galaxy. The solar wind flows
outward from the Sun until encountering the termination shock, where
motion slows abruptly. The Voyager spacecraft have actively explored the
outer reaches of the heliosphere, passing through the shock and entering
the heliosheath, a transitional region which is in turn bounded by the
outermost edge of the heliosphere, called the heliopause. The overall
shape of the heliosphere is controlled by the interstellar medium through
which it is traveling, as well as the Sun, and is not perfectly spherical.
The limited data available and unexplored nature of these structures have
resulted in many theories. The Sun protects earth from deep space
radiation, but the sun can
also hurt earth.
Oort Cloud -
Kuiper Belt
Current Sheet is the surface within the Solar System where
the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field changes from north to south.
The Suns Magnetic Field is about to Flip. Approximately
every eleven years the polarity of the Sun's magnetic field is reversed,
with solar activity peaking with the same frequency. This manifests itself
in an increase in sunspots -- dark patches on the Sun's surface which
originate from strongly concentrated magnetic fields.
Earth Magnetic Field is Flipping.
ScienceCasts: The Sun's Magnetic Field is About to Flip (youtube)
Stellar Magnetic Field
is a magnetic field generated by the motion of conductive plasma
inside a star. This motion is created through convection, which is a form
of energy transport involving the physical movement of material. A
localized magnetic field exerts a force on the plasma, effectively
increasing the pressure without a comparable gain in density. As a result,
the magnetized region rises relative to the remainder of the plasma, until
it reaches the star's photosphere. This creates starspots on the surface,
and the related phenomenon of coronal loops.
Magnetic Field of the Sun.
Dynamo Theory proposes a mechanism by which a celestial body such as
Earth or a star generates a magnetic field. The dynamo theory describes
the process through which a rotating, convecting, and electrically
conducting fluid can maintain a magnetic field over astronomical time
scales. A dynamo is thought to be the source of the Earth's magnetic
field, as well as the magnetic fields of other planets. Electromagnetism.
Dresden High
Magnetic Field Laboratory - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
NASA’s Cassini, Voyager Missions Suggest New Picture of Sun’s Interaction with Galaxy
Torus -
Sun Trek -
Solar Center
Mystery of
Solar Cycle illuminated. In the convection zone of the star, the
plasma currents make a huge turnover that lasts about 22 years. The sun's
convection zone plays a key role in the generation and evolution of the
Sun's magnetic field. Analyzing data sets spanning more than 20 years,
researchers have obtained the most comprehensive picture of the
north-south flow of plasma in the convection zone ever. The flow goes
around the convection zone in each hemisphere in about 22 years.
Analemma is a diagram showing the deviation of the Sun from
its mean motion in the sky, as viewed from a fixed location on the Earth.
Due to the Earth's axial tilt and orbital eccentricity, the Sun will not
be in the same position in the sky at the same time every day. The
north–south component of the analemma is the Sun's declination, and the
east–west component is the equation of time. This diagram has the form of
a slender figure-eight, and can often be found on globes of the Earth.
Solar Eruptions - Solar Flares - Nova's
Solar Wind is a stream of charged particles released from
the upper atmosphere of the Sun. This plasma consists of mostly
protons and alpha particles with energies usually between 1.5 and 10 keV;
embedded in the solar-wind plasma is the interplanetary
magnetic field.
The solar wind varies in density, temperature and speed over time and over
solar longitude. Its particles can escape the Sun's gravity because of
their high energy resulting from the high temperature of the corona and
magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic phenomena within it.
Birkeland Current - Aurora
- Electro-Magnetic
Space Weather is
a branch of space physics and aeronomy, or heliophysics, concerned with
the time varying conditions within the Solar System, including the solar
wind, emphasizing the space surrounding the Earth, including conditions in
the magnetosphere,
ionosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. Space weather is distinct
from but conceptually related to the terrestrial weather of the atmosphere
of Earth (troposphere and stratosphere). The term space weather was first
used in the 1950s and came into common usage in the 1990s.
Plasma -
Solar Radiance -
Solar Irradiance.
Solar Storm of 1859 (wiki) -
Solar Activity -
September 6, 2017 - Space
Geomagnetic Storm is a temporary
disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a solar wind shock wave
and/or cloud of magnetic field that interacts with the Earth's magnetic
field. The increase in the
solar wind pressure initially compresses the
magnetosphere. The solar wind's magnetic field interacts with the Earth’s
magnetic field and transfers an increased energy into the magnetosphere.
Both interactions cause an increase in plasma movement through the
magnetosphere (driven by increased electric fields inside the
magnetosphere) and an increase in electric current in the magnetosphere
and ionosphere.
Solar Maximum is a normal period of greatest solar activity
in the 11 year solar cycle of the Sun. During solar maximum, large numbers
of sunspots appear and the sun's irradiance output grows by about 0.07%.
The increased energy output of solar maxima can impact Earth's global
climate and recent studies have shown some correlation with regional
weather patterns.
Cycle or solar magnetic activity cycle is the nearly periodic 11-year
change in the Sun's activity (including changes in the levels of solar
radiation and ejection of solar material) and appearance (changes in the
number and size of sunspots, flares, and other manifestations).
The Sun has
become 30% brighter in the last four and a half billion years and will
continue to increase in brightness by 1% every 100
million years.
Coronal Mass Ejection is a significant release of
plasma and accompanying magnetic field from the solar corona. They
often follow solar flares and are normally present during a solar
prominence eruption. The plasma is released into the solar wind, and can
be observed in coronagraph imagery. Coronal mass ejections are often
associated with other forms of solar activity, but a broadly accepted
theoretical understanding of these relationships has not been established.
CMEs most often originate from active regions on the Sun's surface, such
as groupings of sunspots associated with frequent flares. Near solar
maxima, the Sun produces about three CMEs every day, whereas near solar
minima, there is about one CME every five days. The largest recorded
geomagnetic perturbation, resulting presumably from a CME hitting the
Earth's magnetosphere, was the solar storm of 1859 (the Carrington Event),
which took down parts of the recently created US telegraph network,
starting fires and shocking some telegraph operators.
Flare Video or
Coronal Mass Ejection, by the
Solar Dynamics Observatory's AIA instrument. SDO collected
one frame every 12 seconds, and the movie plays at 30 frames per
second, so each second in this video corresponds to 6 minutes of
real time. The video covers 12:30 a.m. EDT to 10:00 p.m. EDT on
July 19, 2012.
Flare is a sudden flash of increased brightness on the Sun, usually
observed near its surface and in close proximity to a sunspot group.
Powerful flares are often, but not always, accompanied by a coronal mass
ejection. Even the most powerful flares are barely detectable in the total
solar irradiance (the "solar constant"). Solar flares occur in a power-law
spectrum of magnitudes; an energy release of typically 1020 joules of
energy suffices to produce a clearly observable event, while a major event
can emit up to 1025 joules. Flares are closely associated with the
ejection of plasmas and particles through the Sun's corona into outer
space; flares also copiously emit radio waves. If the ejection is in the
direction of the Earth, particles associated with this disturbance can
penetrate into the upper atmosphere (the ionosphere) and cause bright
auroras, and may even disrupt long range radio communication. It usually
takes days for the solar plasma ejecta to reach Earth. Flares also occur
on other stars, where the term stellar flare applies. High-energy
particles, which may be relativistic, can arrive almost simultaneously
with the electromagnetic radiations.
Superflares once per century. More often than previously thought,
sun-like stars hurl huge amounts of radiation into space: The Sun, too,
is capable of such outbursts. Such superflares release more energy than
a trillion hydrogen bombs and make all previously recorded solar flares
pale in comparison.
the ability of waves to
oscillate in more than one direction; in particular polarization of
light, responsible for example for the glare-reducing effect of polarized
is an aura of plasma that surrounds the sun and other stars. The Sun's
corona extends millions of kilometres into space and is most easily seen
during a total solar eclipse, but it is also observable with a
coronagraph. The
sun's corona is much hotter (by a factor from 150 to 450)
than the visible surface of the Sun: the
photosphere's average temperature is 5800 kelvin compared to the
corona's one to three million kelvins. The corona is 10−12 times as dense
as the photosphere, and so produces about one-millionth as much
visible light. The corona is separated from the photosphere by the relatively shallow
chromosphere. The exact mechanism by which the corona is heated is
still the subject of some debate, but likely possibilities include
induction by the Sun's magnetic field and magnetohydrodynamic waves from
below. The outer edges of the Sun's corona are constantly being
transported away due to open magnetic flux and hence generating the
solar wind.
Radius is a unit of distance used to express the size of stars in
astronomy. The solar radius is usually defined as the radius to the layer
in the Sun's photosphere where the optical depth equals 2/3:
The solar radius is approximately 695,700 kilometres (432,288 miles),
which is about 10 times the average radius of Jupiter, 110 times the
radius of the Earth, and 1/215th of an astronomical unit, the distance of
the Earth from the Sun. It varies slightly from pole to equator due to its
rotation, which induces an oblateness in the order of 10 parts per
million. (See 1 gigametre for similar distances.)
Sunshine Recorder is a device that records the
amount of
sunshine at a given location. The results provide information about the
weather and climate as well as the temperature of a geographical area.
This information is useful in meteorology, science, agriculture, tourism,
and other fields. It has also been called a heliograph.
is the base unit of luminous intensity in the International System of
Units (SI); that is, luminous power per unit solid angle emitted by a
point light source in a particular direction. Luminous intensity is
analogous to radiant intensity, but instead of simply adding up the
contributions of every wavelength of light in the source's spectrum, the
contribution of each wavelength is weighted by the standard luminosity
function (a model of the sensitivity of the human eye to different
wavelengths). A common wax candle emits light with a luminous intensity of
roughly one candela. If emission in some directions is blocked by an
opaque barrier, the emission would still be approximately one candela in
the directions that are not obscured.
Luminous Intensity s a measure of the wavelength-weighted power
emitted by a light source in a particular direction per unit solid angle,
based on the luminosity function, a standardized model of the sensitivity
of the human eye. The SI unit of luminous intensity is the candela (cd),
an SI base unit. Photometry deals with the measurement of visible light as
perceived by human eyes. The human eye can only see light in the visible
spectrum and has different sensitivities to light of different wavelengths
within the spectrum. When adapted for bright conditions (photopic vision),
the eye is most sensitive to greenish-yellow light at 555 nm. Light with
the same radiant intensity at other wavelengths has a lower luminous
intensity. The curve which measures the response of the human eye to light
is a defined standard, known as the luminosity function. This curve,
denoted V(λ) or y ( λ ) (\lambda ), is based on an average of widely
differing experimental data from scientists using different measurement
techniques. For instance, the measured responses of the eye to violet
light varied by a factor of ten.
Luminosity is the total amount of energy emitted by a star, galaxy, or
other astronomical object per unit time. It is related to the brightness,
which is the luminosity of an object in a given spectral region. In SI
units luminosity is measured in joules per second or watts. Values for
luminosity are often given in the terms of the luminosity of the Sun.
Luminosity can also be given in terms of magnitude: the absolute
bolometric magnitude (Mbol) of an object is a logarithmic measure of its
total energy emission rate.
Pyranometer is a type of actinometer used for measuring
solar irradiance on a planar surface and it is designed to measure the
solar radiation flux density (W/m2) from the hemisphere above within a
wavelength range 0.3 μm to 3 μm.
is an instrument for measurement of direct beam solar
irradiance. Sunlight enters the instrument through a window and is
directed onto a thermopile which converts heat to an electrical signal
that can be recorded. The signal voltage is converted via a formula to
measure watts per square metre. It is used with a solar tracking system to
keep the instrument aimed at the sun. A pyrheliometer is often used in the
same setup with a pyranometer.
Ultraviolet Index -
Radiation - Cosmic Rays -
Dark Matter - Black Holes
is a device that measures exposure to ionizing radiation. It has
two main uses: for human radiation protection and for measurement of dose
in both medical and industrial processes.
Star Death
Nova is a cataclysmic nuclear explosion on a white
dwarf, which causes a sudden brightening of the star. Novae are not to be
confused with other brightening phenomena such as supernovae or luminous red novae.
Recurrent Novae are objects that have been seen to experience multiple
nova eruptions. Fusion -
is an astronomical event that occurs during the last stellar evolutionary
stages of a massive star's life, whose dramatic and catastrophic
destruction is marked by one final titanic explosion. This causes the
sudden appearance of a "new" bright star, before slowly fading from sight
over several weeks or months.
List of Supernovae (wiki) -
History of Supernova observation (wiki) -
Astronomy -
Eyes in the Sky.
Type Ia Supernova is a type of supernova that occurs in
binary systems (two stars orbiting one another) in which one of the stars
is a white dwarf. The other star can be anything from a giant star to an
even smaller white dwarf.
Complete Stellar Collapse: Unusual star system proves that stars can
die quietly. University of Copenhagen astrophysicists help explain a
mysterious phenomenon, whereby stars suddenly vanish from the night sky.
Their study of an unusual binary star system has resulted in convincing
evidence that massive stars can
completely collapse and become black holes
without a supernova explosion.
Gravitational Collapse is the contraction of an astronomical object
due to the influence of its own gravity, which tends to draw matter
inward toward the center of gravity. Gravitational collapse is a
fundamental mechanism for structure formation in the universe. Over time
an initial, relatively smooth distribution of matter, after sufficient
accretion, may collapse to form pockets of higher density, such as stars
or black holes.
Subaru Telescope has captured images of more than 1800 exploding stars in
the Universe, some located 8 billion light years from Earth. This
telescope is capable of generating shape stellar images, and the Hyper
Suprime-Cam, an 870 mega-pixel digital camera attached at its top,
captures a very wide area of the night sky in one shot.
Hubble watches exploding star fade into oblivion. When a star
unleashes as much energy in a matter of days as our Sun does in several
billion years, you know it's not going to remain visible for long. The
supernova is called SN 2018gv.
A particular cloud produced by a
supernova explosion 10,000 years ago contains enough dust to
make 7,000 Earths.
Star Formation
The Photo on right is a massive
star forming 4,200 light years
away. The star, W75N(B)-VLA 2, is eight times larger than our
sun and is believed to be just a few thousand years old.
Star Types.
The process of
star formation takes around a million years
from the time the initial gas cloud starts to collapse until the star is
created and shines like the Sun. The leftover material from the star's
birth is used to create planets and other objects that orbit the central
star. Galaxies - Orbits -
Plasma Streams
Protostar is a very young star that is still gathering mass
from its parent molecular cloud. The protostellar phase is the earliest
one in the process of stellar evolution. For a low mass star (i.e. that of
the Sun or lower), it lasts about 500,000 years. The phase begins when a
molecular cloud fragment first collapses under the force of self-gravity
and an opaque, pressure supported core forms inside the
fragment. It ends when the infalling gas is depleted, leaving a
pre-main-sequence star, which contracts to later become a main-sequence
star at the onset of hydrogen fusion. Solar System
Proto-Suns teeming with Prebiotic Molecules
Star Formation is the process by which dense regions within
molecular clouds in interstellar space, sometimes referred to as "stellar
nurseries" or "star-forming regions", fuse to form stars.
Star Formation.
Nebula is an
interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Most
nebulae are of vast size, some are hundreds of light years in diameter.
Other nebulae form as the result of supernova
explosions; the death throes of massive, short-lived stars. The
materials thrown off from the supernova explosion are then ionized by the
energy and the compact object that its core produces. One of the best
examples of this is the Crab Nebula, in Taurus.
Cosmic Dust is
dust which exists in outer space, or has fallen on Earth. Most cosmic dust
particles are between a few molecules to 0.1 µm in size. Cosmic dust can
be further distinguished by its astronomical location:
intergalactic dust, interstellar dust,
interplanetary dust (such as in the zodiacal cloud) and
circumplanetary dust (such as in a planetary ring).
Lagoon Nebula Zoom
and Flythrough (youtube) - Located in the constellation Sagittarius in
the direction of our Milky Way galaxy’s central bulge.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Infant stars are born in large groups – never in
isolation. Star’s chemical composition bears the signature of the
evolution of its predecessors.
How Many Milky Way Stars are Formed?
First pictures from Euclid satellite reveal billions of orphan stars.
The first scientific pictures from the
Euclid satellite mission have revealed more than 1,500 billion
orphan stars scattered throughout the Perseus cluster of galaxies.
Orphan Star is a star
that is not part of any galaxy, but exists in intergalactic space
instead. The orphan stars are characterized by their bluish hue and
clustered arrangement. Based on these distinctive features the
astronomers involved in the study suggest that the stars were torn from
the outskirts of galaxies and from the complete
disruption of smaller cluster galaxies, known as dwarfs. Although stars
cannot form in the voids between galaxies (since the density of matter
is far too low), there are in fact large numbers of 'intergalactic
stars'. It has been estimated, for example, that 10 per cent of the mass
of the Virgo galaxy cluster is in the form of these stellar interlopers.
Rogue Planet or free-floating planet or an isolated planetary-mass
object, is an interstellar object of planetary mass which is
gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.
This Galaxy
stopped making Stars only a few billion years after the big bang. This
artist's concept shows what the young, dead, disk galaxy MACS2129-1,
right, would look like when compared with the Milky Way galaxy, left.
Although three times as massive as the Milky Way, it is only half the
size. MACS2129-1 is also spinning more than twice as fast as the Milky
Way. Note that regions of Milky Way are blue from bursts of star
formation, while the young, dead galaxy is yellow, signifying an older
star population and no new star birth. Why this galaxy stopped forming
stars is still unknown. It may be the result of an active galactic
nucleus, where energy is gushing from a supermassive black hole. This
energy inhibits star formation by heating the gas or expelling it from the
galaxy. Or it may be the result of the cold gas streaming onto the galaxy
being rapidly compressed and heated up, preventing it from cooling down
into star-forming clouds in the galaxy's center.
How nearby galaxies form their stars. Stars are born in dense clouds
of molecular hydrogen gas that permeates interstellar space of most
galaxies. The star-formation activity of typical, nearby
galaxies is found to scale proportionally with
the amount of gas present in these galaxies. This points to the net gas
supply from cosmic distances as the main driver of galactic star
Looking at the Stars in the night sky is
seeing the Past, the Future and the Present all at once.
If you look at galaxies that are 5 billion light years
away, then you're looking at the Universe as it was 5 billion
years ago.
Seeing a supernova 150,000 light years away is seeing what
happened 150,000 years ago, so the star was dead long before we
saw it explode into a
Supernova. So stars could be gone long before we see it.
Time Perception.
Magnitude in astronomy is a logarithmic measure of the brightness of an
object in a defined passband, often in the visible or infrared spectrum,
but sometimes across all wavelengths. An imprecise but systematic
determination of the magnitude of objects was introduced in ancient times
by Hipparchus.
Seeing the light from our own Sun is 8 minutes old.
List of Nearest Stars
Are the stars in the night
sky just the History of the Universe Frozen in Time? Is what we
see just an image of us, what we were like millions of years ago
at different times? We can travel within our own galaxy, but if
we try to
reach another galaxy, we would never make it, because it's
already gone.
This is What
We Know, so far - Back to the Top of page
"So when you look out at the stars you're not seeing now, you're
seeing the past, something that may be already gone. So what is now?
We have no idea what now is. Yes we have our own
measurement of time, but that's just for humans on planet earth.
We see the universe but does somebody out there see us? Maybe
not because they're already gone. Or maybe we were not seen yet
because we have not yet been born yet. So even if they are
looking in our direction they don't even see us because our sun
has not yet been born."
Light - Photons
Light is
electromagnetic radiation
within a certain portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum that can produce a
sensation. Any device serving as a source of
Visible light is carried by photons, and so are all the other kinds of
electromagnetic radiation like X-rays,
microwaves and radio waves.
Is light a
particle or a
wave? Does light only travel
through Space?
- Light Bends -
What Is
Light? (youtube) - LED's -
Light is invisible, darkness is
invisible, but when you add darkness and light together, along with
matter, then we see
colors and
shapes. You can only see a beam of
light when there is darkness, and you can only
see a beam of darkness
when there is light, and you can only see light when it comes in contact with
matter. The Sun does not illuminate outer space, you
only see light when it comes in contact with
matter, like when we see the moon at night, or when light comes in
contact with your eye, which is also matter.
Brightness is the quality of being
luminous, bright or radiant, and emitting or reflecting light. The
location of a visual perception along a continuum from black to white.
Darkness is absence of light or
illumination or the degree of visibility of your environment.
is an elementary particle, the quantum of all forms of
electromagnetic radiation including
light. It is the force carrier for electromagnetic
force, even when static via virtual photons. The photon has
zero rest mass
and as a result, the interactions of this force with matter at long
distance are observable at the microscopic and macroscopic levels. Like
all elementary particles, photons are currently best explained by
mechanics and exhibit wave–particle duality,
exhibiting properties of both waves and
particles. A photon is
has no electric charge, and is a stable particle. A photon has two
possible polarization states. Light does not carry any charge itself, so
it does not attract or repel charged particles like electrons. Instead
light is an oscillating electric and magnetic field. All electromagnetic
radiation is transmitted as photons and photons occur on all of the
frequencies. Photons are just electric fields traveling through space.
Photons have no charge, no resting mass, and travel at the speed of
light. Photons are emitted by the action of charged particles, although
they can be emitted by other methods including radioactive decay. A
photon is produced when an electron releases energy by moving to a lower
energy level within the atom. When the atom absorbs energy, it re-emits
it in a random direction, almost instantaneously. Photons are easily
created and destroyed. An electron moving in a strong magnetic field
will generate photons just from its acceleration. Similarly, when a
photon of the right wavelength strikes an atom, it disappears and
imparts all its energy to kicking the electron into a new energy level.
That interaction is called fusion, and
it naturally occurs when two atoms are heated and compressed so
intensely that their nuclei merge into a new element. This process often
leads to the creation of a photon, the particles of light that are
released from the sun. Since photons (particles of light) have no mass,
they must obey E = pc and therefore get all of their energy from their
A Photon is a Photon.
There's little difference between individual photons that are emitted
from the sun or from an LED
incandescent light bulb. But a light bulb emits photons at different
rates and has a relatively different spectra of light, and photons have
variable energy depending on their frequency, which depends on the type
of light bulb that you're using. Natural sources of light like our sun
have a different biological effect on us, mostly because the light bulb
is missing many frequencies that are found in sunlight. You can buy
bulbs that produce a spectrum that is pretty much the same as sunlight,
but of course you don't want the UV in your house.
With our circadian photoreceptors, an incandescent lamp will not wake
you up as fast as sunlight because they don't emit much blue light. And
people who sleep with
lights in their
bedroom have a number of health related issues a person who sleeps
in a totally dark room does not have. We're programmed to sleep best
when it's very dark. A women went to Alaska, and in the summer there was
no dark, so she had to put foil over her windows and wear a black mask
because she was having all sorts of serious mental problems as well as
physical problems from the lack of darkness.
Photons - Energy Transfer
- Let there be Light. The high-energy photons released in
fusion reactions takes an
indirect path to the sun's surface. A photon takes
around 100,000 years to travel from the
suns core to reach the sun's surface. According to current models, random
scattering from free electrons in the solar radiative zone (the zone
within 75% of the solar radius, where heat transfer is by radiation) sets
the photon diffusion time scale (or "photon travel time") from the core to
the outer edge of the radiative zone at about 170,000 years. From there
they cross into the convective zone (the remaining 25% of distance
from the Sun's center), where the dominant transfer process changes to
convection, and the speed at which heat moves outward becomes considerably
faster. In the process of heat transfer from core to photosphere, each
gamma ray in the Sun's core is converted during scattering into several
million visible light photons before escaping into space. Neutrinos are
also released by the fusion reactions in the core, but unlike photons they
very rarely interact with matter, so almost all are able to escape the Sun
immediately. For many years measurements of the number of neutrinos
produced in the Sun were much lower than theories predicted, a problem
which was recently resolved through a better understanding of neutrino
oscillation. Gamma Rays.
Photon Energy is the energy carried by a single photon. The amount
of energy is directly proportional to the photon's electromagnetic
frequency and thus, equivalently, is inversely proportional to the
wavelength. The higher the photon's frequency, the higher its energy.
Equivalently, the longer the photon's wavelength, the lower its energy.
Photon energy can be expressed using any unit of energy. Among the units
commonly used to denote photon energy are the electronvolt (eV) and the
joule (as well as its multiples, such as the microjoule). As one joule
equals 6.24 × 1018 eV, the larger units may be more useful in denoting
the energy of photons with higher frequency and higher energy, such as
gamma rays, as opposed to lower energy photons, such as those in the
radio frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Sneeze Reflex is why the Sun makes you sneeze.
Photophysics is the physics of light,
especially of its interaction with matter.
Light Therapy -
Photonics -
Photo-Chemistry - Dark
Matter -
The Nature of Nuclear Forces imprinted in Photons. IFJ PAN scientists
together with colleagues from the University of Milano (Italy) and other
countries confirmed the need to include the three-nucleon interactions in
the description of electromagnetic transitions in the 20O atomic nucleus.
Vital for validating the modern theoretical calculations of the nuclear
structure was the application of state-of-the-art gamma-ray detector
systems and the newly developed technique for measurements of femtosecond
lifetimes in exotic nuclei produced in heavy-ion deep-inelastic reactions.
Atomic nuclei consist of nucleons—protons and neutrons. Protons and
neutrons are systems of quarks and gluons held together by strong nuclear
interactions. The physics of quarks and gluons is described by quantum
chromodynamics (QCD), so we could expect that the properties of nuclear
forces would also result from this theory. Unfortunately, despite many
attempts, determining the characteristics of strong interactions based on
QCD faces enormous computational difficulties. However, relatively much is
known about the properties of nuclear forces—this knowledge is based on
many years of experimentation. Theoretical models were also developed that
can reproduce the basic properties of forces acting between a pair of
nucleons—they make use of the so-called effective nucleon-nucleon
interaction potentials. Knowing the details of the interaction between two
nucleons, we would expect that the description of the structure of any
atomic nucleus will not be a problem. Surprisingly, it turns out that when
a third nucleon is added to the two-nucleon system, the attraction between
the initial two nucleons increases. What follows, the strength of the
interaction between the components of each pair of nucleons in the
three-body system increases—an additional force shows up that seems not to
exist in the case of an isolated pair. This puzzling contribution is
called the irreducible three-nucleon force.
How Light is detected affects the atom that emits it, An
atom or molecule in the
fluorescent tube that is in an excited
state spontaneously decays to a lower energy state, releasing a
particle called a photon. When the photon enters your eye,
something similar happens but in reverse. The photon is absorbed
by a molecule in the retina and its energy kicks that molecule
into an excited state. Light is both a particle and a wave, and
this duality is fundamental to the physics that rule the
Lilliputian world of atoms and
How we
look at light can affect the atom that emits it (youtube).
Photometer is an instrument that measures light intensity or the
optical properties of solutions or surfaces. Photometers detect the light
photodiodes or
which are the class of vacuum phototubes that are extremely sensitive
detectors of light in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared ranges
of the electromagnetic spectrum. These detectors multiply the current
produced by incident light by as much as 100 million times (i.e., 160 dB),
in multiple dynode stages, enabling (for example) individual photons to be
detected when the incident flux of light is low. To analyze the light,
the photometer may measure the light after it has passed through a filter
or through a
monochromator for determination at defined wavelengths or for
analysis of the spectral distribution of the light. Monochromator is an
optical device that transmits a mechanically selectable narrow band of
wavelengths of light or other radiation chosen from a wider range of
wavelengths available at the input.
Photometers measure:
Illuminance is the total luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit
area. It is a measure of how much the incident light illuminates the
surface, wavelength-weighted by the
luminosity function to correlate with
human brightness perception. Similarly, luminous emittance is the luminous
flux per unit area emitted from a surface. Luminous emittance is also
known as luminous exitance.
Irradiance In radiometry, irradiance is the radiant flux (power)
received by a surface per unit area. Spectral irradiance is the
irradiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength, depending on
whether the spectrum is taken as a function of frequency or of wavelength.
The two forms have different dimensions: spectral irradiance of a
frequency spectrum is measured in watts per square metre per hertz (W·m−2·Hz−1),
while spectral irradiance of a wavelength spectrum is measured in watts
per square metre per metre (W·m−3), or more commonly watts per square
metre per nanometre (W·m−2·nm−1).
Light Absorption of electromagnetic radiation is the way in which the
energy of a photon is taken up by matter, typically the electrons of an
atom. Thus, the electromagnetic energy is transformed into internal energy
of the absorber, for example thermal energy. The reduction in intensity of
a light wave propagating through a medium by absorption of a part of its
photons is often called attenuation. Usually, the absorption of waves does
not depend on their intensity (linear absorption), although in certain
conditions (usually, in optics), the medium changes its transparency
dependently on the intensity of waves going through, and saturable
absorption (or nonlinear absorption) occurs. UV.
Scattering of Light is a general physical process where some forms of
radiation, such as light, sound, or moving particles, are forced to
deviate from a straight trajectory by one or more paths due to localized
non-uniformities in the medium through which they pass. In conventional
use, this also includes deviation of reflected radiation from the angle
predicted by the law of reflection. Reflections that undergo scattering
are often called diffuse reflections and unscattered reflections are
called specular (mirror-like) reflections. Scattering may also refer to
particle-particle collisions between molecules, atoms, electrons, photons
and other particles. Examples include: cosmic ray scattering in the
Earth's upper atmosphere; particle collisions inside particle
accelerators; electron scattering by gas atoms in fluorescent lamps; and
neutron scattering inside nuclear reactors.
Reflection of Light is either specular (mirror-like) or diffuse
(retaining the energy, but losing the image) depending on the nature of
the interface. In specular
Reflection the phase of the reflected waves
depends on the choice of the origin of coordinates, but the relative phase
between s and p (TE and TM) polarizations is fixed by the properties of
the media and of the interface between them. A
Mirror provides the most
common model for specular light reflection, and typically consists of a
glass sheet with a metallic coating where the significant reflection
occurs. Reflection is enhanced in metals by suppression of wave
propagation beyond their skin depths. Reflection also occurs at the
surface of transparent media, such as water or glass.
Fluorescence -
Phosphorescence -
Luminescence - Bending of Light -
Light Meter is a
device used to
measure the amount of light that allows a
photographer to
determine which shutter speed and f-number should be selected for an
exposure, given a certain lighting situation and film speed.
Exposure Value
is a number that represents a combination of a camera's shutter speed and
f-number, such that all combinations that yield the same exposure have the
same EV (for any fixed scene luminance). Exposure value is also used to
indicate an interval on the photographic exposure scale, with a difference
of 1 EV corresponding to a standard power-of-2 exposure step, commonly
referred to as a stop.
Frames Per Second.
Photodetector are sensors of light or other electromagnetic energy. A
photo detector has a p–n junction that converts light photons into
current. The absorbed photons make electron–hole pairs in the depletion
region. Photodiodes and photo transistors are a few examples of photo
detectors. Solar Cells convert some of
the light energy absorbed into electrical energy.
Cell is a specialized type of sensory
neuron found in the retina that is capable of
phototransduction. The great biological importance of
is that they convert light (visible electromagnetic radiation) into
signals that can stimulate biological processes. To be more specific,
photoreceptor proteins in the cell absorb photons, triggering a change in
the cell's membrane potential.
Physicists 'trick' photons into behaving like electrons using a
'synthetic' magnetic field. Scientists have discovered an elegant
way of manipulating light using a 'synthetic' Lorentz force -- which in
nature is responsible for many
fascinating phenomena including the Aurora
Physicists Create New Form of Light. Newly observed optical state
could enable quantum computing with photons. Individual photons that make
up light do not interact. But what if light particles could be made to
interact, attracting and repelling each other like atoms in ordinary
matter? Quantum.
A new state of light. Physicists observe new phase in
Bose-Einstein condensate of light particles. A single 'super photon'
made up of many thousands of individual light particles. About ten years
ago, researchers produced such an extreme aggregate state for the first
time. Researchers report of a new, previously unknown phase transition
in the optical Bose-Einstein condensate. This is a
overdamped phase.
Structured Light is the process of projecting a known pattern (often
grids or horizontal bars) on to a scene. The way that these deform when
striking surfaces allows vision systems to
calculate the depth and surface
information of the objects in the scene, as used in structured light 3D
scanners. Invisible (or imperceptible) structured light uses structured
light without interfering with other computer vision tasks for which the
projected pattern will be confusing. Example methods include the use of
infrared light or of extremely high
frame rates
alternating between two exact opposite patterns. Structured light is used
by a number of police forces for the purpose of photographing fingerprints
in a 3D scene. Where
previously they would use tape to extract the fingerprint and flatten it
out, they can now use cameras and flatten the fingerprint digitally, which
allows the process of identification to begin before the officer has even
left the scene.
Spontaneous Emission is the process by which a
system such as an atom, molecule,
nanocrystal or nucleus in
an excited state undergoes a transition to a state with a lower
energy (e.g., the ground state) and emits quanta of energy.
Excited State of a system (such as an atom, molecule or
nucleus) is any quantum state of the system that has a higher energy than
the ground state (that is, more energy than the absolute minimum).
Excitation is an elevation in energy level above an arbitrary baseline
energy state.
Ground State of a quantum mechanical system is its
lowest-energy state; the energy of the ground state is known as the
zero-point energy of the system. An excited state is any state with energy
greater than the ground state. In the quantum field theory, the ground
state is usually called the vacuum state or the vacuum.
Interference wave propagation is a phenomenon in which two
waves superpose to form a resultant wave of greater, lower, or the same
amplitude. Interference usually refers to the interaction of waves that
are correlated or coherent with each other, either because they come from
the same source or because they have the same or nearly the same
frequency. Interference effects can be observed with all types of waves,
for example, light, radio, acoustic, surface water waves or matter waves.
If you could fly nonstop to the Sun at 60 mph, it would take you
180 years to get there.
If a Space Ship
could travel 35,000 mph, it would take 81,000 years to
4.3 light years.
light year
is about 5.9 trillion miles. A light-year is the distance that light travels in a vacuum in
one Julian year (365.25 days). (5.88 trillion miles or 9.5 trillion km).
Speed of Light
is 299,792,458 metres per second. 300,000 km/s, or 983,571,056.4304 feet per second
(9.836e+8), approximately 3.00×108 m/s. (186,000 miles
per second). Light travels at a speed of
about 671
Million MPH.
Speed of Light is Relative (video)
the Speed of Light One Trillion Frames Per Second (youtube)
Finding The Speed Of Light With Peeps (youtube)
Superluminal Motion is the apparently faster-than-light motion seen
in some radio galaxies, BL Lac objects, quasars, blazars and recently
also in some galactic sources called microquasars. Bursts of energy
moving out along the relativistic jets emitted from these objects can
have a proper motion that appears greater than the speed of light. All
of these sources are thought to contain a black hole, responsible for
the ejection of mass at high velocities. Light echoes can also produce
apparent superluminal motion.
Slow Light is the propagation of an optical pulse or other
modulation of an optical carrier at a very low group velocity. Slow light
occurs when a propagating pulse is substantially slowed down by the
interaction with the medium in which the propagation takes place. When
light propagates through a material, it travels slower than the vacuum
speed. Liquid properties of light
emerge under special circumstances, when the photons that form the light
wave are able to interact with each other.
Hau is a Danish physicist who in 1999 succeeded in slowing a
beam of light to about 17 metres per second.
Stop Light: Humans tame light, stop it from moving for a full minute.
Physics -
Action Physics -
Spatial Intelligence
- Medical Imaging -
Electromagnetic Spectrum
- Colors
- Polarized
Prism is a
transparent optical element with flat, polished surfaces that
refract light. At least two of the flat surfaces must have an
angle between them.
The exact angles between the surfaces depend on the application. The
traditional geometrical shape is that of a triangular prism with a
triangular base and rectangular sides, and in colloquial use "prism"
usually refers to this type. Some types of optical prism are not in fact
in the shape of geometric prisms. Prisms can be made from any material
that is transparent to the wavelengths for which they are designed.
Typical materials include glass, plastic and fluorite.
Spectroscopy is
the study of the interaction between matter and
electromagnetic radiation. Historically, spectroscopy originated
through the study of visible light dispersed according to its wavelength,
by a prism. Later the concept was expanded greatly to include any
interaction with radiative energy as a function of its wavelength or
frequency. Spectroscopic data is often represented by an emission
spectrum, a plot of the response of interest as a function of
or frequency. Spectrum.
Deviation a ray of light enters the transparent material, the ray's
direction is deflected, based on both the entrance angle (typically
measured relative to the perpendicular to the surface) and the material's
refractive index, and according to Snell's Law. A beam passing through an
object like a prism or water drop is deflected twice: once entering, and
again when exiting. The sum of these two deflections is called the
deviation angle. The deviation angle in a prism depends upon:
Refractive index of the prism: The
refractive index depends on the material and the wavelength of the light.
The larger the refractive index, the larger the deviation angle.
Angle of the prism: The larger the prism angle, the larger the
deviation angle. Angle of incidence: The
deviation angle depends on the angle that the beam enters the object,
called angle of incidence. The deviation angle first decreases with
increasing incidence angle, and then it increases. There is an angle
of incidence at which the sum of the two deflections is a minimum. The
deviation angle at this point is called the "minimum deviation" angle, or
"angle of minimum deviation". At the minimum deviation angle, the
incidence and exit angles of the ray are identical. One of the factors
that causes a rainbow is the bunching of light rays at the minimum
deviation angle that is close to the rainbow angle.
Light Cone is the path that a flash of light, emanating from a
single event (localized to a single point in space and a single moment
in time) and traveling in all directions, would take through
spacetime. If one imagines the light
confined to a two-dimensional plane, the light
from the flash spreads out in a circle after the event E occurs, and if
we graph the growing circle with the
vertical axis of the graph representing time,
the result is a cone, known as the future light cone.
Iridescence is a colorful
optical phenomenon that occurs in a cloud and
appears in the general proximity of the Sun or Moon. The colors resemble
those seen in soap bubbles and oil on a water surface. It is a type of
photometeor. This fairly common phenomenon is most often observed in
altocumulus, cirrocumulus, lenticular, and cirrus clouds. They sometimes
appear as bands parallel to the edge of the clouds.
Iridescence is also seen in the much rarer polar stratospheric clouds,
also called nacreous clouds. The colors are usually pastel, but can be
very vivid or mingled together, sometimes similar to mother-of-pearl.
When appearing near the Sun, the effect can be difficult to spot as it
is drowned in the Sun's glare. This may be overcome by shielding the
sunlight with one's hand or hiding it behind a tree or building. Other
aids are dark glasses, or observing the sky reflected in a convex mirror
or in a pool of water.
Relativistic Doppler Effect is the change in frequency (and
wavelength) of light, caused by the relative motion of the source and the
observer (as in the classical Doppler effect), when taking into account
effects described by the special theory of relativity.
How much
information is in the Light?
"If I can see the light, does that mean that I'm connected to
its source?"
Optical Communications is communication at a distance using
light to carry information. It can be performed visually or by using
electronic devices. The earliest basic forms of optical communication date
back several millennia, while the earliest electrical device created to do
so was the photophone, invented in 1880.
Illusions (spatial Intelligence)
Sun Dog
is an atmospheric
optical phenomenon that consists of a bright spot to one
or both sides of the Sun. Two sun dogs often flank the Sun within a 22°
halo. The sun dog is a member of the family of halos, caused by the
refraction of sunlight by ice crystals in the atmosphere. Sun dogs
typically appear as a pair of subtly colored patches of light, around 22°
to the left and right of the Sun, and at the same altitude above the
horizon as the Sun. They can be seen anywhere in the world during any
season, but are not always obvious or bright. Sun dogs are best seen and
most conspicuous when the Sun is near the horizon.
Halo is the name for a family of
optical phenomena produced by light
(typically from the Sun or Moon) interacting with ice crystals suspended
in the atmosphere. Halos can have many forms, ranging from colored or
white rings to arcs and spots in the sky. Many of these appear near the
Sun or Moon, but others occur elsewhere or even in the opposite part of
the sky. Among the best known halo types are the circular halo (properly
called the 22° halo), light pillars, and sun dogs, but many others occur;
some are fairly common while others are (extremely) rare.
Optical Phenomena are any observable events that result from the
interaction of light and matter. See also list of optical topics and
optics. A mirage is an example of an
optical phenomenon.
Flare refers to a phenomenon wherein light is scattered or flared in a
lens system, often in response to a bright light, producing a sometimes
undesirable artifact within the image. This happens through light
scattered by the imaging mechanism itself, for example through internal
reflection and scattering from material imperfections in the lens. Lenses
with large numbers of elements such as zooms tend to exhibit greater lens
flare, as they contain a relatively large number of interfaces at which
internal scattering may occur. These mechanisms differ from the focused
image generation mechanism, which depends on rays from the refraction of
light from the subject itself. Flare manifests itself in two ways: as
visible artifacts, and as a haze across the image. The haze makes the
image look "washed out" by reducing contrast and color saturation (adding
light to dark image regions, and adding white to saturated regions,
reducing their saturation). Visible artifacts, usually in the shape of the
lens iris, are formed when light follows a pathway through the lens that
contains one or more reflections from the lens surfaces. Flare is
particularly caused by very bright light sources. Most commonly, this
occurs when shooting into the sun (when the sun is in frame or the lens is
pointed in the direction of the sun), and is reduced by using a lens hood
or other shade. For good-quality optical systems, and for most images
(which do not have a bright light shining into the lens), flare is a
secondary effect that is widely distributed across the image and thus not
visible, although it does reduce contrast.
Nonlinear Optics is the branch of optics that
describes the behavior of light in nonlinear media, that is, media in
which the dielectric polarization P responds nonlinearly to the electric
field E of the light.
Photolithography is a process used in
microfabrication to pattern parts of a thin film or the bulk of a
substrate. It uses light to transfer a geometric pattern from a photomask
to a light-sensitive chemical "photoresist", or simply "resist," on the
substrate. A series of chemical treatments then either engraves the
exposure pattern into, or enables deposition of a new material in the
desired pattern upon, the material underneath the photo resist. For
example, in complex integrated circuits, a modern CMOS wafer will go
through the photolithographic cycle up to 50 times.
The Optical Society
Optical Tweezers are scientific instruments that use a
highly focused laser beam to provide an attractive or repulsive force
(typically on the order of piconewtons), depending on the refractive index
mismatch to physically hold and move microscopic dielectric objects
similar to tweezers. Optical tweezers have been particularly successful in
studying a variety of biological systems in recent years.
Optogenetics is a biological technique which involves the
use of light to control cells in living tissue, typically neurons, that
have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels. It
is a neuromodulation method employed in neuroscience that uses a
combination of techniques from optics and genetics to control and monitor
the activities of individual neurons in living tissue—even within
freely-moving animals—and to precisely measure these manipulation effects
in real-time.
is a book by English natural philosopher Isaac Newton that was published
in English in 1704. (A scholarly Latin translation appeared in 1706.) The
book analyzes the fundamental nature of light by means of the refraction
of light with prisms and lenses, the diffraction of light by closely
spaced sheets of glass, and the behaviour of color mixtures with spectral
lights or pigment powders. It is considered one of the great works of
science in history. Opticks was Newton's second major book on physical
science. Newton's name did not appear on the title page of the first
edition of Opticks.
Optics is the branch of physics which involves the
behaviour and properties of light, including its interactions with matter
and the construction of instruments that use or detect it. Optics usually
describes the behaviour of visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light.
Because light is an electromagnetic wave, other forms of electromagnetic
radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and radio waves exhibit similar
properties. Telescopes.
Optical focusing deep inside dynamic scattering media with
near-infrared time-reversed ultrasonically encoded (TRUE) light
Light Thermometer
Diffuse Interstellar Band are absorption features seen
in the spectra of astronomical objects in the Milky Way and other
galaxies. They are caused by the absorption of light by the interstellar
medium. Circa 500 bands have now been seen, in ultraviolet, visible and
infrared wavelengths.
Buckminsterfullerene is a
spherical fullerene molecule
with the formula C60. It has a cage-like fused-ring structure (truncated
icosahedron) which resembles a soccer ball (football), made of twenty
hexagons and twelve pentagons, with a carbon atom at each vertex of each
polygon and a bond along each polygon edge.
Light Bends - Diffraction - Refraction
Stellar Parallax is the apparent shift of position of any nearby star
(or other object) against the background of distant objects. Created by
the different orbital positions of Earth, the extremely small observed
shift is largest at time intervals of about six months, when Earth arrives
at opposite sides of the Sun in its orbit, giving a baseline distance of
about two astronomical units between observations. The
parallax itself
is considered to be half of this maximum, about equivalent to the
observational shift that would occur due to the different positions of
Earth and the Sun, a baseline of one astronomical unit (AU).
Telescope Lens Bends Light -
Space is Curved -
Parallax - Skywaves - Sight Problems
Aberration of Light is an astronomical phenomenon which produces an
apparent motion of celestial objects about their true positions, dependent
on the velocity of the observer. Aberration causes objects to appear to be
displaced towards the direction of motion of the observer compared to when
the observer is stationary. The change in angle is typically very small —
of the order of v/c where c is the speed of light and v the velocity of
the observer. In the case of "stellar" or "annual" aberration, the
apparent position of a star to an observer on Earth varies periodically
over the course of a year as the Earth's velocity changes as it revolves
around the Sun, by a maximum angle of approximately
20 arcseconds in right
ascension or declination.
is the bending and spreading around of an RF signal when it encounters an
obstruction. The waves that encounter the object bend around the object,
taking a longer and different path. The waves that do not encounter the
object do not bend and maintain a shorter and original path.
Diffraction refers to various phenomena that occur when a
wave encounters an obstacle or a slit. It
is defined as the bending of light around the corners of an obstacle or
aperture into the region of geometrical shadow of the obstacle.
is the change in direction of a wave passing from one medium to another or
from a gradual change in the medium. The change in direction of wave propagation due to a change in its
transmission medium. Refraction of light is the most commonly observed
phenomenon, but other waves such as sound waves and water waves also
experience refraction. How much a wave is refracted is determined by the
change in wave speed and the initial direction of wave propagation
relative to the direction of change in speed.
Photography - Prisms -
Refractive Index of a material is a dimensionless number that
describes how fast light travels through the material. It is defined as
n = c v, where c is the speed of light in vacuum
and v is the phase velocity of light in the medium. For example, the
refractive index of water is 1.333, meaning that light travels 1.333
times slower in water than in a vacuum. Increasing the refractive index
corresponds to decreasing the speed of light in the material. The
refractive index determines how much the
path of light is bent, or
refracted, when entering a material. The refractive indices also
determine the amount of light that is reflected when reaching the
interface, as well as the critical angle for total internal reflection,
their intensity (Fresnel's equations) and Brewster's angle.
Atmospheric Refraction is the deviation of light or other
electromagnetic wave from a straight line as it passes through the
atmosphere due to the variation in air density
as a function of height. This refraction is due to the velocity of light
through air decreasing (the refractive index increases) with increased
density. Atmospheric refraction near the ground produces mirages. Such
refraction can also raise or lower, or stretch or shorten, the images of
distant objects without involving mirages. Turbulent air can make
distant objects appear to twinkle or shimmer. The term also applies to
the refraction of sound. Atmospheric refraction is considered in
measuring the position of both celestial and terrestrial objects.
Astronomical or celestial refraction causes astronomical objects to
appear higher above the horizon than they actually are. Terrestrial
refraction usually causes terrestrial objects to appear higher than they
actually are, although in the afternoon when the air near the ground is
heated, the rays can curve upward making objects appear lower than they
actually are. Refraction not only affects visible light rays, but all
electromagnetic radiation, although in varying degrees. For example, in
the visible spectrum, blue is more affected than red. This may cause
astronomical objects to appear dispersed into a spectrum in
high-resolution images. The atmosphere refracts the image of a
waxing crescent Moon as it sets into the horizon.
Whenever possible, astronomers will schedule their observations around
the times of culmination, when celestial objects are highest in the sky.
Likewise, sailors will not shoot a star below 20° above the horizon. If
observations of objects near the horizon cannot be avoided, it is
possible to equip an optical telescope with control systems to
compensate for the shift caused by the refraction. If the dispersion is
also a problem (in case of broadband high-resolution observations),
atmospheric refraction correctors (made from pairs of rotating glass
prisms) can be employed as well. Since the amount of atmospheric
refraction is a function of the temperature gradient, temperature,
pressure, and humidity (the amount of water vapor, which is especially
important at mid-infrared wavelengths), the amount of effort needed for
a successful compensation can be prohibitive. Surveyors, on the other
hand, will often schedule their observations in the afternoon, when the
magnitude of refraction is minimum. Atmospheric refraction becomes more
severe when temperature gradients are strong, and refraction is not
uniform when the atmosphere is heterogeneous, as when turbulence occurs
in the air. This causes suboptimal seeing conditions, such as the
twinkling of stars and various deformations of the Sun's apparent shape
soon before sunset or after sunrise.
Snell's Law is a formula used to describe the relationship between
the angles of incidence and refraction, when referring to light or other
waves passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media,
such as water, glass, or air.
Orbital Angular Momentum of Light is the component of
angular momentum
of a light beam that is dependent on the field spatial distribution, and
not on the polarization. It can be further split into an internal and an
external OAM. The internal OAM is an origin-independent angular momentum
of a light beam that can be associated with a helical or twisted
wavefront. The external OAM is the origin-dependent angular momentum
that can be obtained as cross product of the light beam position (center
of the beam) and its total linear momentum.
Orbital Angular Momentum is a property of the electron's
rotational motion that is related to the shape of its orbital. The
orbital is the region around the nucleus where the electron will be
found if detection is undertaken. Orbital angular momentum is
thought of as analogous to angular momentum in classical physics.
Angle of Incidence is the angle
between a ray incident on a surface and the line perpendicular to the
surface at the point of incidence, called the normal. The ray can be
formed by any wave: optical, acoustic, microwave, X-ray and so on.
Snell's Law is a formula used to describe the relationship between
the angles of incidence and refraction, when referring to light or other
waves passing through a boundary between two different isotropic media,
such as water, glass, or air. In optics, the law is used in ray tracing
to compute the angles of incidence or refraction, and in experimental
optics to find the refractive index of a material. The law is also
satisfied in metamaterials, which allow light to be bent "backward" at a
negative angle of refraction with a negative refractive index.
Brewster's Angle is an angle of incidence at which light with a
particular polarization is perfectly
transmitted through a transparent dielectric
surface, with no reflection. When unpolarized light is incident at this
angle, the light that is reflected from the surface is therefore
perfectly polarized.
Total Internal Reflection is the optical phenomenon in which (for
example) the surface of the water in a fish-tank, viewed from below the
water level, reflects the underwater scene like a
mirror with no loss of
brightness. In general, TIR occurs when waves in one
medium strike sufficiently obliquely
against the boundary with a second ("external") medium, in which the
waves travel faster than in the first ("internal") medium; the second
medium must also be perfectly transparent to
the waves. TIR occurs not only with electromagnetic waves such as light
and microwaves, but also with other
types of waves, including sound and water waves. In the case of a narrow
train of waves, such as a laser beam, we tend to describe the reflection
in terms of "rays" rather than waves; in a medium whose properties are
independent of direction, such as air, water, or glass, the "rays" are
perpendicular to the associated wavefronts. Refraction is generally
accompanied by partial reflection. When waves are refracted from a
medium of lower propagation speed to a medium of higher propagation
speed (e.g., from water to air), the angle of refraction (between the
refracted ray and the line perpendicular to the refracting surface) is
greater than the angle of incidence (between the incident ray and the
perpendicular). As the angle of incidence approaches a certain limit,
called the critical angle, the angle of refraction approaches 90°, at
which the refracted ray becomes parallel to the surface. As the angle of
incidence increases beyond the critical angle, the conditions of
refraction can no longer be satisfied; so there is no refracted ray, and
the partial reflection becomes total. For visible light, the critical
angle is about 49° for incidence at the water-to-air boundary, and about
42° for incidence at the common glass-to-air boundary.
Light from outside our galaxy brighter than expected. Study led by
RIT scientists uses data taken by LORRI on NASA's New Horizons mission.
Scientists analyzed new measurements showing that the light emitted by
stars outside our galaxy is two to three times brighter than the light
from known populations of galaxies, challenging assumptions about the
number and environment of stars are in the universe.
Evanescent Field is an
electric and/or magnetic field that does not
propagate as an electromagnetic wave but whose energy is spatially
concentrated in the vicinity of the source (oscillating charges and
currents). Even when there is a propagating electromagnetic wave
produced (e.g., by a transmitting antenna), one can still identify as an
evanescent field the component of the electric or magnetic field that
cannot be attributed to the propagating wave observed at a distance of
many wavelengths (such as the far field of a transmitting antenna). A
hallmark of an evanescent field is that there is no net energy flow in
that region. Since the net flow of electromagnetic energy is given by
the average Poynting vector, this means that the Poynting vector in
these regions, as averaged over a complete oscillation cycle, is zero.
Poynting Vector represents the directional energy flux (the energy
transfer per unit area per unit time) of an electromagnetic field.
Straight Objects Shift
when in a glass of water because the glass is so thin and because the
light starts and finished in air, the refraction into and out of the glass
causes little deviation in the light's original direction. As you sight
at the portion of the pencil that was submerged in the water, light
travels from water to air (or from water to glass to air).
List of Refractive Indices (wiki).
Refractive Index of a material is a dimensionless number that
describes how fast light propagates through the material.
Optical Phenomenon are any observable events
that result from the interaction of light and matter. See also list of
optical topics and optics. A mirage is an example of an
Camera Obscura is the natural optical phenomenon that occurs when an
image of a scene at the other side of a screen (or for instance a wall) is
projected through a small hole in that screen as a reversed and inverted
image (left to right and upside down) on a surface opposite to the
opening. The surroundings of the projected image have to be relatively
dark for the image to be clear, so many historical camera obscura
experiments were performed in dark rooms.
Fata Morgana Mirage is an unusual and complex
form of superior mirage that is seen in a narrow band right above the
Dark Matter
Binocular Disparity
refers to the difference in image location of an object seen by the left
and right eyes, resulting from the eyes’ horizontal separation (parallax).
The brain uses binocular disparity to extract depth information from the
two-dimensional retinal images in stereopsis. In computer vision,
binocular disparity refers to the difference in coordinates of similar
features within two stereo images.
Distance Ladder is the succession of methods by which
astronomers determine the distances to celestial objects. A real direct
distance measurement of an astronomical object is possible only for those
objects that are "close enough" (within about a thousand parsecs) to
Earth. The techniques for determining distances to more distant objects
are all based on various measured correlations between methods that work
at close distances and methods that work at larger distances. Several
methods rely on a standard candle, which is an astronomical object that
has a known
luminosity, which is the total amount of energy emitted by a star,
galaxy, or other astronomical object per unit time. It is related to the
brightness, which is the luminosity of an object in a given spectral
Signal Strength refers to the transmitter power output
as received by a reference antenna at a distance from the transmitting
antenna. High-powered transmissions, such as those used in broadcasting,
are expressed in dB-millivolts per metre (dBmV/m). For very low-power
systems, such as mobile phones, signal strength is usually expressed in
dB-microvolts per metre (dBµV/m) or in decibels above a reference level of
one milliwatt (dBm). In broadcasting terminology, 1 mV/m is 1000 µV/m or
60 dBµ (often written dBu).
Measuring Receiver is a calibrated laboratory-grade
radio receiver designed to measure the characteristics of radio signals.
The parameters of such receivers (tuning frequency, receiving bandwidth,
gain) can usually be adjusted over a much wider range of values than is
the case with other radio receivers. Their circuitry is optimized for
stability and to enable calibration and reproducible results. Some
measurement receivers also have especially robust input circuits that can
survive brief impulses of more than 1000 V, as they can occur during
measurements of radio signals on power lines and other conductors.
Einstein Ring is
the deformation of the light from a source (such as a galaxy or star) into
a ring through gravitational lensing of the source's light by an object
with an extremely large mass (such as another galaxy
or a black hole).
Gravitational Lens
is a distribution of matter (such as a cluster of galaxies) between a
distant light source and an observer, that is capable of bending the light
from the source as the light travels towards the observer. This effect is
known as gravitational lensing, and the amount of bending is one of the
predictions of Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Classical
physics also predicts the bending of light, but only half that predicted
by general relativity.
Could new technique for 'curving' light be the secret to improved
wireless communication? A
study that could help revolutionize wireless communication introduces a
novel method to curve terahertz signals around an obstacle.
DNA Phantom Effect
- Contrast Microscopy
Collimated Light is light whose rays are parallel, and therefore will
spread minimally as it propagates. A perfectly collimated beam, with no
divergence, would not disperse with distance. Such a beam cannot be
created, due to
Diffraction, which refers to various phenomena which occur when a wave
encounters an obstacle or a slit. It is defined as the bending of light
around the corners of an obstacle or aperture into the region of
geometrical shadow of the obstacle. In classical physics, the diffraction
phenomenon is described as the interference of waves according to the
Huygens–Fresnel principle, which is a method of analysis applied to
problems of wave propagation both in the far-field limit and in near-field
Wave Propagation is any of the ways in which
waves travel. With
respect to the direction of the oscillation relative to the propagation
direction, we can distinguish between longitudinal wave and transverse
waves. For electromagnetic waves, propagation may occur in a vacuum as
well as in a material medium. Other wave types cannot propagate through a
vacuum and need a transmission medium to exist.
Rayleigh Scattering is the predominantly
scattering of light or other
electromagnetic radiation by particles much
smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. For light frequencies well
below the resonance frequency of the scattering particle (normal
dispersion regime), the amount of scattering is inversely proportional
to the fourth power of the wavelength. Rayleigh scattering results from
the electric polarizability of the
particles. The oscillating electric field of a light wave acts on the
charges within a particle, causing them to move at the same frequency.
The particle, therefore, becomes a small radiating dipole whose
radiation we see as scattered light. The particles may be individual
atoms or molecules; it can occur when light travels through transparent
solids and liquids, but is most prominently seen in gases. Rayleigh
scattering of sunlight in Earth's atmosphere causes
diffuse sky radiation, which is the reason for the blue color of the
daytime and twilight sky, as well as the yellowish to reddish hue of the
low Sun. Sunlight is also subject to
Raman scattering, which changes the rotational state of the
molecules and gives rise to polarization
effects. Scattering by particles similar to, or larger than, the
wavelength of light is typically treated by the Mie theory, the discrete
dipole approximation and other computational techniques. Rayleigh
scattering applies to particles that are small with respect to
wavelengths of light, and that are optically "soft" (i.e., with a
refractive index close to 1). Anomalous diffraction theory applies to
optically soft but larger particles.
Quotes about Light, and Darkness
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only
light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate: only
love can do that.” Martin Luther
“We can easily forgive a child who
is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are
afraid of the light.” Plato.
thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No
matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always
got there first, and is waiting for it.” Terry Pratchett,
Reaper Man.
“Look at how a single candle can
both defy and define the darkness.” Anne Frank
"I'm like the light, you will always have
me, but you can never keep me."
“When you
light a candle, you
also cast a shadow.” Ursula K. Le Guin
"For you were once darkness, but
now you are light. Live as children of light."
“I will love the
light for it shows me
the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the
stars.” Og Mandino
Seeing the Light
is to finally understand something or to realize something after a
prolonged thought or doubt.
"The Lord of Light, the giver of Heat and Energy. Our
Star is truly a Star."
Star is an