Social Intelligence - Social Studies - Social Sciences

Social Intelligence is a person who understands society and social interactions, and has the capacity to effectively navigate and negotiate complex social relationships and environments. A person who contributes positively to the learning community and to society. A person who is information literate and recognizes the importance of information to a democratic society. Practices ethical behavior in regard to information and technology and participates effectively in groups to pursue and generate information. A person who has the Capacity and the Ability to make a difference and to live a fulfilling life. Social Skills is any skill facilitating interaction and communication with others. Social rules and relations are created, communicated, and changed in verbal and nonverbal ways. The process of learning these skills is called socialization. For socialization, interpersonal skills are essential to relate one another.

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Civilized is having a high state of culture and development both social and technological. Marked by refinement in taste and manners.

Civilization is any complex society characterized by the development of an organized social system along with symbolic systems of communication beyond natural spoken language, such as a writing system. Any complex society characterized by urban development, social stratification, symbolic communication forms such as a writing system, and a perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment by a cultural elite.

Nationalism - Mass Hysteria - Influence - Social Structures

Society is a group of people living together and enjoying life in communities or in organized groups. Most humans do not live alone, or are they usually isolated from each other. Instead, individuals tend to live in communities with other people, often related by ethnicity, nationality, religion, or some other cultural element. A human society is a group of people who share a common lifestyle and organization. Society is usually composed of sociable people, or formed for the purpose of sociability. Society is people who tend to move together or live together in groups or colonies of the same kind. Society is marked by friendly companionship with others, or a party of people assembled to promote sociability and communal activity. Society is an extended social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization, or a formal association of people with similar interests. Society is the state of being with someone.

Mass Society is any society of the modern era that possesses a mass culture and large-scale, impersonal, social institutions. A mass society is a "society in which prosperity and bureaucracy have weakened traditional social ties".

Social Organization or Collectivism refers to the network of relationships in a group and how they interconnect. This network of relationships helps members of a group work together and stay connected to one another in order to maintain a sense of community within a group. Societies can also be organized through collectivist or individualistic means, which can have implications for economic growth, legal and political institutions and effectiveness and social relations. This is based on the premise that the organization of society is a reflection of its cultural, historical, social, political and economic processes which therefore govern interaction.

Social Knowledge

All Kinds of People Social Sciences is the study of how people interact with one another. It's a major category of academic disciplines, concerned with society and the relationships among individuals within a society. Social science has many branches that include economics, political science, human geography, demography, and sociology. In a wider sense, social science also includes some fields in the humanities such as anthropology, archaeology, jurisprudence, history, and linguistics. The term is also sometimes used to refer specifically to the field of sociology, the original 'science of society', established in the 19th century. A more detailed list of sub-disciplines within the social sciences can be found at Outline of Social Science.

Social Studies is the integrated study of the social sciences, humanities and history. Within the school program, social studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, jurisprudence, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences.

Coexistence - Equality - Social Studies for Kids - Family Relationships can Influence Social Behavior

Human Geography is the branch of the social sciences that deals with the study of people and their communities, cultures, economies and interaction with the environment by noticing their relations with and across space and place. Human geography attends to human patterns of social interaction, as well as spatial level interdependencies, and how they influence or affect the earth's environment. As an intellectual discipline, geography is divided into the sub-fields of physical geography and human geography, the latter concentrating upon the study of human activities, by the application of qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Sociology is the study of social behavior or society, including its origins, development, organization, networks, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, disorder, and change. Many sociologists aim to conduct research that may be applied directly to social policy and welfare, while others focus primarily on refining the theoretical understanding of social processes. Subject matter ranges from the micro-sociology level of individual agency and interaction to the macro level of systems and the social structure.

Human Behavior and Evolution Society is a society for all those studying the evolution of human behavior.

Harvard Adult Study - Gluck Study - Harvard Gratitude Study - Giving Thanks can make you Happier

Lifestyle denotes the interests, opinions, behaviors, and behavioral orientations of an individual, group, or culture.

Roles is a set of connected behaviors, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as conceptualized by people in a social situation.

Social Theory are frameworks of empirical evidence used to study and interpret social phenomena. A tool used by social scientists, social theories relate to historical debates over the most valid and reliable methodologies (e.g. positivism and antipositivism), as well as the primacy of either structure or agency. Certain social theories attempt to remain strictly scientific, descriptive, and objective. Conflict theories, by contrast, present ostensibly normative positions, and often critique the ideological aspects inherent in conventional, traditional thought.

Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society.

Eusociality is defined by the following characteristics: cooperative brood care (including care of offspring from other individuals), overlapping generations within a colony of adults, and a division of labor into reproductive and non-reproductive groups. The division of labor creates specialized behavioral groups within an animal society which are sometimes called castes. Eusociality is distinguished from all other social systems because individuals of at least one caste usually lose the ability to perform at least one behavior characteristic of individuals in another caste.

The world is going to get more complicated before it gets any simpler.

Differentiation Sociology (sustainable)

Ideology is a collection of beliefs held by an individual, group or society. It can be described as a set of conscious and unconscious ideas which make up one's beliefs, goals, expectations, and motivations. An ideology is a comprehensive normative vision that is followed by people, governments, or other groups that is considered the correct way by the majority of the population, as argued in several philosophical tendencies (political ideologies).

Morals - Social Engineering - Mass Hysteria

Social Simulation is a research field that applies computational methods to study issues in the social sciences. The issues explored include problems in psychology, organizational behavior, sociology, political science, economics, anthropology, geography, engineering, archaeology and linguistics. Social Neuroscience.

Pro-Social (introvert) - Activism - Humanities - Anthropology (culture)

Open and Closed Systems in Social Science. Open systems are systems that allow interactions between their internal elements and the environment. An open system is defined as a “system in exchange of matter with its environment, presenting import and export, building-up and breaking-down of its material components.” Closed systems, on the other hand, are held to be isolated from their environment. Equilibrium thermodynamics, for example, is a field of study that applies to closed systems.

Self-Verification Theory - People Smart

Power - Social Structure (PDF) - Work - Responsibilities

Public Interest is the welfare or well-being of the general public; commonwealth. Also means appeal or relevance to the general populace. A news story of public interest.

What is the difference between emotionally disordered and socially maladjusted?

Poor Social Skills May Be Harmful to Mental and Physical Health. Poor social skills often lead to stress and loneliness, which can negatively affect physical as well as mental health.

Antipositivism is a theoretical stance that proposes that the social realm cannot be studied with the methods of investigation utilized within the natural sciences, and that investigation of the social realm requires a different epistemology. Fundamental to that antipositivist epistemology is the belief that the concepts and language that researchers use in their research shape their perceptions of the social world they are investigating and defining. Interpretivism (anti-positivism) developed among researchers dissatisfied with post-positivism, the theories of which they considered too general and ill-suited to reflect the nuance and variability found in human interaction. Because the values and beliefs of researchers cannot fully be removed from their inquiry, interpretivists believe research on human beings by human beings cannot yield objective results. Thus, rather than seeking an objective perspective, interpretivists look for meaning in the subjective experiences of individuals engaging in social interaction. Many interpretivist researchers immerse themselves in the social context they are studying, seeking to understand and formulate theories about a community or group of individuals by observing them from the inside. Interpretivism is an inductive practice influenced by philosophical frameworks such as hermeneutics, phenomenology, and symbolic interactionism. Interpretive methods are used in many fields of the social sciences, including history, sociology, political science, anthropology, and others. Profiling.

Philosophy of Social Science is the study of the logic, methods, and foundations of social sciences (psychology, cultural anthropology, sociology, etc...). Philosophers of social science are concerned with the differences and similarities between the social and the natural sciences, causal relationships between social phenomena, the possible existence of social laws, and the ontological significance of structure and agency.

Course of Positive Philosophy first three volumes of the course dealt chiefly with the physical sciences already in existence (mathematics, astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology), whereas the latter two emphasized the inevitable coming of social science. It is in observing the circular dependence of theory and observation in science, and classifying the sciences in this way, that Comte may be regarded as the first philosopher of science in the modern sense of the term.

Social Influences - Mass Hysteria - Moral Panic

Social Influence refers to the way in which individuals change their behavior to meet the demands of a social environment. It occurs when a person's emotions, opinions, or behaviors are affected by others. Social influence takes many forms and can be seen in conformity, socialization, peer pressure, obedience, leadership, persuasion, sales, and marketing. Compliance is when people appear to agree with others but actually keep their dissenting opinions private. Identification is when people are influenced by someone who is liked and respected, such as a famous celebrity. Internalization is when people accept a belief or behavior and agree both publicly and privately.

Psychosocial is the combined influence that psychological factors and the surrounding social environment have on peoples physical and mental wellness, individual thought, behavior and their ability to function.

Influence is a power to affect persons or events. Having power to influence or manipulate others. Causing something to happen without any direct or apparent effort. A cognitive factor that tends to have an effect on what you do.

Social Engineering - Propaganda - Assimilation - Conformity - Illusion of Control - Divided - Power - Cause and Effect - Violence - Abuse - Slander - Drug Influence - Cults - Collective Memory - Patriotism - United - Triggers - Nature and Nurture

Peer Pressure is direct influence on people by other people, or an individual who gets encouraged to follow their peers by changing their attitudes, values, or behaviors to conform to those of the influencing group or individual. Consent.

Peer Group is both a social group and a primary group of people who have similar interests, homophily, age, background, or social status. The members of this group are likely to influence the person’s beliefs and behavior. Peer groups contain hierarchies and distinct patterns of behavior. Eighteen-year-olds are not in a peer group with 14 year olds even though they may be in school together, just as teachers do not share students as a peer group.

Big-data study explores social factors affecting child health. Researchers have used an AI-based approach to uncover underlying patterns among the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work, and age, termed social determinants of health or SDoH, and then linked each pattern to children's health outcomes. Compared with traditional approaches, the strategy, in principle, provides a more objective and comprehensive picture of potential social factors that affect child health, which in turn, can enable better targeted interventions. Influences of Parents on their Children.

Pushover is a person who is easy to overcome or influence. Someone unable to resist an attraction or appeal, like a sucker. A thing that is very easily done. Passive.

Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Group members try to minimize conflict and reach a consensus decision without critical evaluation of alternative viewpoints by actively suppressing dissenting viewpoints, and by isolating themselves from outside influences.

Collective Behavior refers to social processes and events which do not reflect existing social structure (laws, conventions, and institutions), but which emerge in a "spontaneous" way. People Power.

Behavioral Contagion is a form of social contagion involving the spread of behavior through a group. It refers to the propensity for a person to copy a certain behavior of others who are either in the vicinity, or whom they have been exposed to. Emotional Contagion.

Social Contagion involves behavior, emotions or conditions spreading spontaneously through a group or social network. Generally social contagion is understood to be separate from the collective behavior which results from a direct attempt to exert social influence. Two broad divisions of social contagion are behavioral contagion and emotional contagion, which is the phenomenon of having one person's emotions and related behaviors directly trigger similar emotions and behaviors in other people. Emotions can be shared across individuals in many different ways both implicitly or explicitly. For instance, conscious reasoning, analysis and imagination have all been found to contribute to the phenomenon. The behavior has been found in humans, other primates, dogs, and chickens. Emotional contagion is important to personal relationships because it fosters emotional synchrony between individuals.

Mirroring (child development) - Copying Others (mimic) - Oxytocin-Regulated Behavior

Imitation is an advanced behavior whereby an individual observes and replicates another's behavior. Imitation is also a form of social learning that leads to the "development of traditions, and ultimately our culture. It allows for the transfer of information (behaviours, customs, etc.) between individuals and down generations without the need for genetic inheritance.

Deep Social Mind refers to the distinctively human capacity to 'read' (that is, to infer) the mental states of others while reciprocally enabling those others to read one's own mental states at the same time.

Group Emotion refers to the moods, emotions and dispositional affects of a group of people. It can be seen as either an emotional entity influencing individual members' emotional states (top down) or the sum of the individuals' emotional states (bottom up).

Communal Reinforcement in which a concept or idea is repeatedly asserted in a community, regardless of whether sufficient empirical evidence has been presented to support it. Over time, the concept or idea is reinforced to become a strong belief in many people's minds, and may be regarded by the members of the community as fact.

Collective Identity is a shared sense of belonging to a group.

Transformative Learning - Enlightenment - World View - Ideology - Leadership

Mandela Effect refers to a situation in which a large mass of people believes that an event occurred when it did not. False Memories.

Crowd Manipulation is the intentional use of techniques based on the principles of crowd psychology to engage, control, or influence the desires of a crowd in order to direct its behavior toward a specific action. This practice is common to politics and business and can facilitate the approval or disapproval or indifference to a person, policy, or product. The ethicality of crowd manipulation is commonly questioned. Crowd manipulation differs from propaganda although they may reinforce one another to produce a desired result. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds is an early study of crowd psychology by Scottish journalist Charles Mackay, first published in 1841. "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."

Psychological Manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics. By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive. The process of manipulation involves bringing an unknowing victim under the domination of the manipulator, often using deception, and using the victim to serve their own purposes.

Suggestibility is the quality of being inclined to accept and act on the suggestions of others. One may fill in gaps in certain memories with false information given by another when recalling a scenario or moment. Suggestibility uses cues to distort recollection: when the subject has been persistently told something about a past event, his or her memory of the event conforms to the repeated message. A person experiencing intense emotions tends to be more receptive to ideas and therefore more suggestible. Generally, suggestibility decreases as age increases. However, psychologists have found that individual levels of self-esteem and assertiveness can make some people more suggestible than others; this finding led to the concept of a spectrum of suggestibility.

Gas Lighting - Game Theory

First-in-Humans discovery reveals brain chemicals at work influencing social behavior. International team decodes intricate dance of dopamine and serotonin in human brains, shedding light on social decisions. The idea that people make decisions based on social context is not a new one in neural economic games. But now, for the first time, researchers show the impact of the social context may spring from the dynamic interactions of dopamine and serotonin. Researchers built carbon-fiber electrodes that were implanted in patients receiving Deep Brain Stimulation surgery. The method allows researchers to measure more than one neurotransmitter at a time, revealing a dance that has never been seen before.

What math tells us about social dilemmas. Human coexistence depends on cooperation. Individuals have different motivations and reasons to collaborate, resulting in social dilemmas, such as the well-known prisoner's dilemma. Scientists now present a new mathematical principle that helps to understand the cooperation of individuals with different characteristics.

Collective Consciousness is the set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society. Collective Intelligence.

Mass Hysteria is a phenomenon that transmits collective illusions of threats, whether real or imaginary, through a population in society as a result of rumors and fear (memory acknowledgment).

Mass Formation Psychosis is when a large part of a society focuses its attention to a leader or leaders or a series of events, and their attention focuses on one small point or issue. Followers can be hypnotized and be led anywhere, regardless of data proving otherwise. They experience a detachment from reality. Several factors can contribute to Mass Psychosis, including groupthink, stress, and social pressure. Some psychologists believe mass hysteria is a form of groupthink. In cases of mass hysteria, the group members all develop a common fear that often spirals into a panic. Mass Psychogenic illness.

Rout is a panicked, disorderly and undisciplined retreat of troops from a battlefield, following a collapse in a given unit's command authority, unit cohesion and combat morale (esprit de corps). In the absence of effective motivation and control from their leaders, a unit that has taken heavy casualties and/or believes itself about to be surrounded, annihilated or overrun by a superior force may suddenly disintegrate into a state of self-perpetuating mass panic, with each combatant running pell-mell in a herd mentality towards a place of imagined safety (usually directly away from the enemy). A force which has retreated thus is said to have "routed", "broken", "fled the field" or declared "every man for himself" (sauve qui peut). In contrast, a united, orderly and command-supervised retreat from combat is known as a withdrawal (historically known as "retiring from the field"), and invariably preserves a much greater portion of the fighting force's strength. This includes the all-important ability to defend itself intelligently en masse from pursuers while retreating to a militarily defensible position. A routed force, in comparison, is little more than a scattered and terrified mob, useless to its commanders, unable to intelligently defend itself from the pursuing enemy and easily capable of spreading its panic to any other friendly unit in the vicinity. The opposite of a rout is a rally, in which a military unit that has routed in disorder (or is wavering on the brink of a rout) is reinstilled with fighting spirit via some means, generally the decisive (and often forceful) reimposition of command influence: the threat of the officer's pistol in modern times (and the vine staff of the Roman centurion in antiquity) reflect the ancient and pressing need to forcibly halt such battlefield panics immediately and restore discipline at all costs, including fratricidal summary execution if necessary–but also via suicidal acts of bravery or inspiring words to the same effect. History is replete with famous rallying speeches, such as Frederick the Great, exhorting his elite (but wavering) Prussian Army in the center of the Battle of Kolín in 1757 ("Scoundrels, do you wish to live forever?!") or US Army Brigadier General Norman Cota addressing his mauled units under fire on Omaha Beach ("Gentlemen, we are being killed on these beaches! Let us go inland and be killed!").

Panic is a sudden sensation of fear, which is so strong as to dominate or prevent reason and logical thinking, replacing it with overwhelming feelings of anxiety and frantic agitation consistent with an animalistic fight-or-flight reaction. Panic may occur singularly in individuals or manifest suddenly in large groups as mass panic (closely related to herd behavior).

Moral Panic is a feeling of fear spread among many people that some evil threatens the well-being of society. It is "the process of arousing social concern over an issue – usually the work of moral entrepreneurs and the mass media". In recent centuries, the mass media have become important players in the dissemination of moral indignation, even when they do not appear to be consciously engaged in sensationalism or in muckraking. Simply reporting a subset of factual statements without contextual nuance can be enough to generate concern, anxiety, or panic. Examples of moral panic include the belief in widespread abduction of children by predatory pedophiles, belief in ritual abuse of women and children by satanic cults, and concerns over the effects of music lyrics like with the Parents Music Resource Center, which was an American committee formed in 1985 with the stated goal of increasing parental control over the access of children to music deemed to have violent, drug-related or sexual themes via labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers. Some moral panics can become embedded in standard political discourse, which include concepts such as "Red Scare" and terrorism.

Fear Mongering - Sensationalism - Conspiracy Theories

Social Panic is a state where a social or community group reacts negatively and in an extreme or irrational manner to unexpected or unforeseen changes in their expected social status quo.

Deviancy Amplification Spiral is a media hype phenomenon defined by media critics as a cycle of increasing numbers of reports on a category of antisocial behaviour or some other undesirable event, leading to a moral panic.

Red Scare is the promotion of a widespread fear of a potential rise of communism or anarchism by a society or state. McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason, especially when related to communism.

Witch-Hunt is a search for people who have been labeled witches or a search for evidence of witchcraft resulting in an estimated 35,000 to 100,000 executions. In current language, "witch-hunt" metaphorically means an investigation that is usually conducted with much publicity, supposedly to uncover subversive activity, disloyalty, and so on, but with the real purpose of intimidating political opponents. It can also involve elements of moral panic or mass hysteria.

Satanic Ritual Abuse is the subject of a moral panic that originated in 1980 with the publication of Michelle Remembers, spreading throughout many parts of the world by the late 1990s. SRA is sometimes known as ritual abuse, ritualistic abuse, organized abuse, or sadistic ritual abuse.

Day-Care Sex-Abuse Hysteria was a moral panic that occurred primarily during the 1980s and early 1990s, and featured charges against day-care providers accused of committing several forms of child abuse, including Satanic ritual abuse. False Memories.

False Allegation of Child Sexual Abuse is an accusation against an individual claiming they committed child sexual abuse when no abuse has been committed by the accused. Slander.

Mind Control - Popularity (ignorant reinforcement) - Privilege

Facilitated Communication is a technique that involves a facilitator physically supporting the hand, wrist or arm of an autistic person while the person spells out words on a keyboard or similar device. It's sometimes called 'assisted typing' or 'supported typing'. There have been instances in which a person, through facilitated communication, seems to disclose experiences of abuse. Often, the alleged abuse is sexual and contains "extensive, explicit, pornographic details." While facilitators are taught to expect their communication partners to reveal sensitive, personal issues, researchers find that facilitators involved in this type of case mistakenly suspect abuse by family members or others. Ouija Board is a game where participants place their fingers on the planchette, and it is moved about the board to spell out words.

Mass Psychogenic illness is the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss, or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic aetiology. MPI is distinct from other collective delusions, also included under the blanket terms of mass hysteria, in that MPI causes symptoms of disease, though there is no organic cause. MPI involves the spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no infectious agent responsible for contagion, except for toxic propaganda.

Folie a deux is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief and hallucinations are transmitted from one individual to another.

Creeping Normality is a process by which a major change can be accepted as normal and acceptable if it happens slowly through small, often unnoticeable, increments of change. The change could otherwise be regarded as objectionable if it took place in a single step or short period. Delusions of Popularity.

Death by a Thousand Cuts in psychology is the way a major negative change which happens slowly in many unnoticed increments is not perceived as objectionable. Social Cuts.

Lingchi is a slow lingering death from many small cuts by slowly slicing someone with a knife, or used to methodically remove portions of the body over an extended period of time, eventually resulting in death. Was a form of torture and execution used in China from roughly 900 until it was banned in 1905. It was also used in Vietnam. Social Cuts.

Credulity is a state of willingness to believe in one or many people or things in the absence of reasonable proof or knowledge.

Asch Conformity Experiments was a series of studies in the 1950s studying if and how individuals yielded to or defied a majority group and the effect of such influences on beliefs and opinions. So that's what's happening? Asch Experiment (youtube).

Normative Social Influence involves a change in behavior that is deemed necessary in order to fit in a particular group. The need for a positive relationship with the people around leads us to conformity.

Informational Influence refers to a type of social influence in which individuals modify their behavior, opinions, or beliefs based on the information they receive from others.

Information Bubbles - Argumentum ad Populum

Pluralistic Ignorance is a situation in which a majority of group members privately reject a norm, but incorrectly assume that most others accept it, and therefore go along with it. This is also described as "no one believes, but everyone thinks that everyone believes." In short, pluralistic ignorance is a bias about a social group, held by that social group.

Social Experiments - Zoos - Popularity - Conditioning

The Third Wave Experiment was an experimental social movement created by California high school history teacher Ron Jones to explain how the German populace could accept the actions of the Nazi regime during the Second World War. Passive - Followers - Brainwashed by Propaganda.

Milgram Experiment was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience; the experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of people were prepared to obey, albeit unwillingly, even if apparently causing serious injury and distress. Experimenter (2015 Film). The Milgram Experiment proves that people with more knowledge make better decisions. Conducting the Milgram Experiment in Poland, Psychologists Show People Still Obey. A replication of one of the most widely known obedience studies, the Stanley Milgram experiment, shows that even today, people are still willing to harm others in pursuit of obeying authority. Sadly, these social experiments are still happening today, with devastating consequences.

Stanford Prison Experiment - Zero-Sum Game - Dystopia - Candid Camera

Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological condition that causes hostages to develop sympathetic sentiments towards their captors, often sharing their opinions and acquiring romantic feelings for them as a survival strategy during captivity. These feelings, resulting from a bond formed between captor and captives during intimate time spent together, are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. Generally speaking, Stockholm syndrome consists of "strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other." The FBI's Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly eight percent of victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.

Bandwagon Effect is a phenomenon whereby the rate of uptake of beliefs, ideas, fads and trends increases the more that they have already been adopted by others. In other words, the bandwagon effect is characterized by the probability of individual adoption increasing with respect to the proportion who have already done so. As more people come to believe in something, others also "hop on the bandwagon" regardless of the underlying evidence. Conformity.

Herd Mentality describes how people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviors. Examples of the herd mentality include stock market trends, superstition and home décor. Social psychologists study the related topics of group intelligence, crowd wisdom, and decentralized decision making.

Herd Behavior describes how individuals in a group can act collectively without centralized direction. The term can refer to the behavior of animals in herds, packs, bird flocks, fish schools and so on, as well as the behavior of humans in demonstrations, riots and general strikes, sporting events, religious gatherings, episodes of mob violence and everyday decision-making, judgment and opinion-forming.

Collective Motion in Crowds is largely determined by participants' field of vision. Researchers have developed a new model to predict human flocking behavior based on optics and other sensory data. Like flocks of birds or schools of fish, crowds of humans also tend to move en masse -- almost as if they're thinking as one. Scientists have proposed different theories to explain this type of collective pedestrian behavior. Dance Mania.

Swarm Behavior is a collective behavior exhibited by entities, particularly animals, of similar size which aggregate together, perhaps milling about the same spot or perhaps moving en masse or migrating in some direction. It is a highly interdisciplinary topic. As a term, swarming is applied particularly to insects, but can also be applied to any other entity or animal that exhibits swarm behaviour. The term flocking or murmuration can refer specifically to swarm behaviour in birds, herding to refer to swarm behaviour in tetrapods, and shoaling or schooling to refer to swarm behaviour in fish. Phytoplankton also gather in huge swarms called blooms, although these organisms are algae and are not self-propelled the way animals are. By extension, the term "swarm" is applied also to inanimate entities which exhibit parallel behaviours, as in a robot swarm, an earthquake swarm, or a swarm of stars. From a more abstract point of view, swarm behaviour is the collective motion of a large number of self-propelled entities. From the perspective of the mathematical modeller, it is an emergent behaviour arising from simple rules that are followed by individuals and does not involve any central coordination. Swarm behaviour is also studied by active matter physicists as a phenomenon which is not in thermodynamic equilibrium, and as such requires the development of tools beyond those available from the statistical physics of systems in thermodynamic equilibrium. Swarm behaviour was first simulated on a computer in 1986 with the simulation program boids. This program simulates simple agents (boids) that are allowed to move according to a set of basic rules. The model was originally designed to mimic the flocking behaviour of birds, but it can be applied also to schooling fish and other swarming entities.

Bat study reveals how the brain is wired for collective behavior. The same neurons that help bats navigate through space may also help them navigate social environments. Our episodic memories are a combination of the environment where we are located and our experiences within it -- including, of course, our social experiences.

Sociality is the degree to which individuals in an animal population tend to associate in social groups and form cooperative societies. Sociality is a survival response to evolutionary pressures. For example, when a mother wasp stays near her larvae in the nest, parasites are less likely to eat the larvae. Biologists suspect that pressures from parasites and other predators selected this behavior in wasps of the family Vespidae. This wasp behaviour evidences the most fundamental characteristic of animal sociality: parental investment. Parental investment is any expenditure of resources (time, energy, social capital) to benefit one's offspring. Parental investment detracts from a parent's capacity to invest in future reproduction and aid to kin (including other offspring). An animal that cares for its young but shows no other sociality traits is said to be subsocial. An animal that exhibits a high degree of sociality is called a social animal. The highest degree of sociality recognized by sociobiologists is eusociality. A eusocial taxon is one that exhibits overlapping adult generations, reproductive division of labor, cooperative care of young, and—in the most refined cases—a biological caste system.

Crowd Psychology is a branch of social psychology. Social psychologists have developed several theories for explaining the ways in which the psychology of a crowd differs from and interacts with that of the individuals within it. This field relates to the behaviors and thought processes of both the individual crowd members and the crowd as an entity. Crowd behavior is heavily influenced by the loss of responsibility of the individual and the impression of universality of behavior, both of which increase with crowd size.

Intervention Avoidance - When people don't intervene.

Bystander Effect is a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. The probability of help is inversely related to the number of bystanders. In other words, the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. Several variables help to explain why the bystander effect occurs. These variables include: ambiguity, cohesiveness and diffusion of responsibility.

People are sometimes more willing to help if there is a smaller number of people around an emergency or an event. And sometimes individuals are less likely to help in an emergency when other people are present. Sometimes people think that another person will intervene. And sometimes people believe that other observers are more qualified to help, like a doctor. People may also fear legal consequences of offering inferior assistance that could make a situation worse. Murder of Kitty Genovese (wiki).

Good Samaritan Law offers legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are, or whom they believe to be, injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise incapacitated. The protection is intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death.

Duty to Intervene is a statutory duty to intervene that would require an officer to use the information that is in front of them in determining whether or not the force they are observing by a fellow officer is excessive.

Choices - Conscientious Objector - Civics - No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Bystander support is crucial for tackling anti-social behavior -- new research. Confronting poor behavior cannot be left to a single voice to be effective. Witnesses to anti-social behavior must speak up to support the lone voices of people who confront it to reduce the risk of such behavior becoming tolerated in society, according to new research. Three studies into the impact of bystander conduct showed that when bystanders step in to support someone who is calling out mistreatment or harmful behavior it sends a strong message to onlookers that this behavior is unacceptable, helping to prevent a gradual erosion of social norms. Social Network Comments.

Social Psychology is the scientific study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. Social Experiment.

Money Influences - Word of Mouth - Horror Films

Hidden Camera's - Autonomous - Power of Authority

Imaginary in sociology is the set of values, institutions, laws, and symbols common to a particular social group and the corresponding society through which people imagine their social whole. The dimension through which human beings create their ways of living together and their ways of representing their collective life. An illusion and fascination with an image of the body as coherent unity, deriving from the dual relationship between the ego and the specular or mirror image. This illusion of coherence, control and totality is by no means unnecessary or inconsequential. Social imaginary is nevertheless an institution in as much as it represents the system of meanings that govern a given social structure. These imaginaries are to be understood as historical constructs defined by the interactions of subjects in society. In that sense, the imaginary is not necessarily "real" as it is an imagined concept contingent on the imagination of a particular social subject. The development of this concept allows a better understanding of the close link between the ability to condition and organize exchanges between an experience and its representation, and a procedure based on the rhythmical repetition of one, or several, paradigms in a determined and coherent body, which allows their reproduction and inflection.

Engaged Theory is a methodological framework for understanding social complexity. It takes social life or social relations as its base category, with 'the social' always understood as grounded in 'the natural', including humans as embodied beings. Engaged theory provides a framework that moves from detailed empirical analysis about things, people and processes in the world[ to abstract theory about the constitution and social framing of those things, people and processes

Critical Theory is the reflective assessment and critique of society and culture by applying knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities to reveal and challenge power structures. It argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors.

Critical Philosophy - Critical Race Theory

Social Graph is a model or representation of a social network, where the word graph has been taken from graph theory. The social graph has been referred to as "the global mapping of everybody and how they're related".

Social Relation is any relationship between two or more individuals. Friendships.

Clique is a group of individuals who interact with one another and share similar interests.

Gang is a group of good friends or family with identifiable leadership and internal organization, identifying with or claiming control over territory in a community. Militia - White Collar Crimes.

Cartel is any criminal organization with the intention of supplying drug trafficking operations. CIA.

Pledge of Allegiance - Fame - Popularity

Affinity is characterized by high levels of intimacy and sharing, usually in close groups, also known as affinity groups.

Culture - Behavior - Fear - Propaganda - Manipulation

Influence: Science and Practice is a psychology book from 2003 examining the key ways people can be influenced by "Compliance Professionals". The key premise of the book is that in a complex world where people are overloaded with more information than they can deal with, people fall back on a decision making approach based on generalizations. These generalizations develop because they allow people to usually act in a correct manner with a limited amount of thought and time. However, they can be exploited and effectively turned into weapons by those who know them to influence others to act certain ways.

Exploitation is an act that exploits or victimizes someone (treats them unfairly). Environment.

Social Structures

Social Reality is distinct from biological reality or individual cognitive reality, representing as it does a phenomenological level created through social interaction and thereby transcending individual motives and actions.

Social Comparison Theory centers on the belief that there is a drive within individuals to gain accurate self-evaluations. The theory explains how individuals evaluate their own opinions and abilities by comparing themselves to others in order to reduce uncertainty in these domains, and learn how to define the self. Rational Ignorance

Cognitive Social Structures is the focus of research that investigates how individuals perceive their own social structure (e.g. members of an organization, friend group, hierarchy, company employees, etc.). It is part of social network research and uses social network analysis to understand how various factors affect one's cognitive representation of the network (i.e. the individual's belief of who is connected to whom). Importantly, an individual's perception of the network may be different than reality. In fact, these differences between the perceived network and the actual network are the focus of many studies that seek insight into how we think about others and our relationships.

Social Structure is the aggregate of patterned social arrangements in society that are both emergent from and determinant of the actions of individuals. Likewise, society is believed to be grouped into structurally related groups or sets of roles, with different functions, meanings, or purposes. Examples of social structure include family, religion, law, economy, and class. It contrasts with "social system", which refers to the parent structure in which these various structures are embedded. Thus, social structures significantly influence larger systems, such as economic systems, legal systems, political systems, cultural systems, etc. Social structure can also be said to be the framework upon which a society is established. It determines the norms and patterns of relations between the various institutions of the society.

Social Class System - Divided - Power Structure - Agency - Influences - Morality - Media Literacy - Technology Addictions

Social Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field devoted to understanding how biological systems implement social processes and behavior, and to using biological concepts and methods to inform and refine theories of social processes and behavior. Humans are fundamentally a social species, rather than individualists. As such, Homo sapiens create emergent organizations beyond the individual—structures that range from dyads, families, and groups to cities, civilizations, and cultures. These emergent structures evolved hand in hand with neural and hormonal mechanisms to support them because the consequent social behaviors helped these organisms survive, reproduce, and care for offspring sufficiently long that they too survived to reproduce.

Framing comprises a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies, organize, perceive, and communicate about reality. Framing involves social construction of a social phenomenon – by mass media sources, political or social movements, political leaders, or other actors and organizations. Participation in a language community necessarily influences an individual's perception of the meanings attributed to words or phrases. Politically, the language communities of advertising, religion, and mass media are highly contested, whereas framing in less-sharply defended language communities might evolve imperceptibly and organically over cultural time frames, with fewer overt modes of disputation.

Social Networks - Identity - Self Smart

Social Order refers to a particular set or system of linked social structures, institutions, relations, customs, values and practices, which conserve, maintain and enforce certain patterns of relating and behaving. Social order is contrasted to social chaos or disorder, and refers to a stable state of society in which the existing social order is accepted and maintained by its members.

Social Constructionism is a theory of knowledge in sociology and communication theory that examines the development of jointly constructed understandings of the world that form the basis for shared assumptions about reality. The theory centers on the notions that human beings rationalize their experience by creating models of the social world and share and reify these models through language.

Social Construction is a theory of knowledge in sociology and communication theory that examines the development of jointly constructed understandings of the world that form the basis for shared assumptions about reality. The theory centers on the notions that human beings rationalize their experience by creating models of the social world and share and reify these models through language.

The Social Construction of Reality is a 1966 book about the sociology of knowledge by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann.

Social Identity Theory is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group. Social identity theory introduced the concept of a social identity as a way in which to explain intergroup behavior.

Murder of Kitty Genovese (wiki)

Social Engineering refers to psychological manipulation of people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. A type of confidence trick for the purpose of information gathering, fraud, or system access, it differs from a traditional "con" in that it is often one of many steps in a more complex fraud scheme. Social Engineering in political science is a discipline in social science that refers to efforts to influence particular attitudes and social behaviors on a large scale, whether by governments, media or private groups in order to produce desired characteristics in a target population. Social engineering can also be understood philosophically as a deterministic phenomenon where the intentions and goals of the architects of the new social construct are realized.

Manipulating How History is Remembered - Equality 

Social Control is described as a certain set of rules and standards in society that keep individuals bound to conventional standards as well as to the use of formalized mechanisms. The disciplinary model was the forerunner to the control model.
Social control is a concept within the disciplines of the social sciences. An informal means of control – Internalization of norms and values by a process known as socialization, which is defined as "the process by which an individual, born with behavioral potentialities of enormously wide range, is led to develop actual behavior which is confined to the narrower range of what is acceptable for him by the group standards." Formal means of social control – External sanctions enforced by government to prevent the establishment of chaos or Lack of moral standards in society. Regulation.

Social Conditioning is the sociological process of training individuals in a society to respond in a manner generally approved by the society in general and peer groups within society.

Milgram Experiment - I Live in a Zoo

Internalized Oppression is a concept in social justice in which an oppressed group comes to use against itself the methods of the oppressor. Internalized oppression occurs when one group of people recognizes a distinct inequality of value compared to another group of people and, as a result, desires to be like the more highly valued group. For example, sometimes members of marginalized groups hold an oppressive view toward their own group, or they start to affirm negative stereotypes of themselves. Internalized oppression may manifest on a group level as well as an individual one. Internalized oppression may result in conflict within the group, and discrimination among the group. Internalized oppression may also exist among some immigrants and their descendants. If the host community devalues foreigner's ethnic origin, native language or culture, the person may feel a sense of inferiority. This could lead to self-hatred, which manifests itself through an exaggerated conformity with the dominant norms. In response to ridicule, an immigrant may attempt to compensate via assimilation and acculturation.

Collectivism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the group and its interests. Collectivism is the opposite of individualism. Collectivists focus on communal, societal, or national interests in various types of political, economic, and educational systems. Emphasizes the significance of groups—their identities, goals, rights, and outcomes. It is also about analyzing problems in the interest of a group.

Violence spreads like a disease among adolescents, study finds. Contagion moves from friends to friends of friends and beyond.

Expatriate is a person temporarily or permanently residing in a country other than that of their citizenship.


Operation Paperclip was a program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians (many of whom were formerly registered members of the Nazi Party and some of whom had leadership roles in the Nazi Party) were recruited and brought to the United States for government employment from post-Nazi Germany (after World War II).

Sociological Theory are statements of how and why particular facts about the social world are related. They range in scope from concise descriptions of a single social process to paradigms for analysis and interpretation. Some sociological theories explain aspects of the social world and enable prediction about future events, while others function as broad perspectives which guide further sociological analyses.

Voting - Gambling - Power

Social Groups has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity.

Radicalism - Religion - Culture

The Lottery of Birth, 2013 (video, 1 hr. 16 min)

Are you hanging out with the wrong crowd? 

Which Social Conditioning factors helps to create unconscious beliefs that are inaccurate? - VR.

If humans could be easily fooled into mass delusion, then doing the opposite should also be easy.

Sometimes people become the average of the people they spend the most time with, Birds of a Feather Flock Together.

"Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth." - Working Together.

Orwellian describes a social system that is destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. People are being subjected to a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson"—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments. George Orwell envisioned this in 1949.

Dystopia is a community or society that is undesirable or frightening. It is translated as "not-good place".

Abilene Paradox is when a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of many or all of the individuals in the group. It involves a common breakdown of group communication in which each member mistakenly believes that their own preferences are counter to the group's and, therefore, does not raise objections. A common phrase relating to the Abilene Paradox is a desire "Not to Rock the Boat". This differs from groupthink in that the Abilene paradox is characterized by an inability to manage agreement. Rock the Boat, just don't tip the boat over. Rock The Boat 1974 Hues Corporation (youtube) - Passive.

Why Fans Celebrations Sometimes Turn Violent? Researchers attribute violent behavior to a heady mixture of factors: Intense fan identification with a team, how behavior changes when people become part of a mob, and strong psychological and physiological responses when your team wins or loses.

Fans Who Celebrate Victories with Violence, Vandalism — Why? - Why do US sports fans riot after a win? The science behind Philadelphia’s Super Bowl chaos - 5 Reasons Why Large Crowds Turn Violent? Behavioral contagion, anonymity, emotions, weather and anxiety.

Football Hooliganism constitutes barbaric behavior perpetrated by spectators at association football events. Football hooliganism normally involves conflict between gangs, in English known as football firms (derived from the British slang for a criminal gang), formed to intimidate and attack supporters of other teams. Other English-language terms commonly used in connection with hooligan firms include "army", "boys", "bods", "casuals", and "crew". Certain clubs have long-standing rivalries with other clubs and hooliganism associated with matches between them (sometimes called local derbies) is likely to be more severe. Conflict may take place before, during or after matches. Participants often select locations away from stadiums to avoid arrest by the police, but conflict can also erupt spontaneously inside the stadium or in the surrounding streets. In extreme cases, hooligans, police, and bystanders have been killed, and riot police have intervened. Hooligan-led violence has been called "aggro" (short for "aggression") and "bovver" (the Cockney pronunciation of "bother", i.e. trouble). Hooligans who have the time and money may follow national teams to away matches and engage in hooligan behaviour against the hooligans of the home team. They may also become involved in disorder involving the general public. While national-level firms do not exist in the form of club-level firms, hooligans supporting the national team may use a collective name indicating their allegiance. Violence Influence in Sports.

Association Football Culture refers to the cultural aspects surrounding the game of association football. As the sport is global, the culture of the game is diverse, with varying degrees of overlap and distinctiveness in each country. In many countries, football has ingrained itself into the national culture, and parts of life may revolve around it. Many countries have daily football newspapers, as well as football magazines. Football players, especially in the top levels of the game, have become role models. Football has over 150 years of history. The rules first written in England in 1863 – and since then a vast and diverse culture has emerged. The culture of football can be easily divided into how the players, fans and clubs see the sport. Held every four years, the FIFA World Cup is a "month long festival of football", with The Independent adding "its extreme popularity across the expanse of the globe giving it a uniquely universal audience".

Human Guinea Pigs - Human Experiments

Social Experiment is a research project conducted with human subjects in the real world. It typically investigates the effects of a policy intervention by randomly assigning individuals, families, businesses, classrooms, or other units to different treatments or to a controlled condition that represents the status quo. The qualifier "social" distinguishes a policy experiment from a "clinical" experiment, typically a medical intervention within the subject's body, and also from a laboratory experiment, such as a university psychology faculty might conduct under completely controlled conditions. In a social experiment, randomization to assigned treatment is the only element in the subject's environment that the researchers control. All other elements remain exactly what they were.

Human Guinea Pig is a person or thing used as a subject for experiment. A guinea pig is a special species of rodents which is conventionally used in laboratories to conduct scientific experiments. In-Vivo.

Milgram Experiment - Stanford Prison Experiment - Indoctrination - Social Engineering - Human Test Subjects - Vaccinations

Human Experimentation describes numerous experiments performed on human test subjects in the United States that have been considered unethical, and were often performed illegally, without the knowledge, consent, or informed consent of the test subjects. Such tests have occurred throughout American history, but particularly in the 20th century. The experiments include: the exposure of humans to many chemical and biological weapons (including infection with deadly or debilitating diseases), human radiation experiments, injection of toxic and radioactive chemicals, surgical experiments, interrogation and torture experiments, tests involving mind-altering substances, and a wide variety of others. Many of these tests were performed on children, the sick, and mentally disabled individuals, often under the guise of "medical treatment". In many of the studies, a large portion of the subjects were poor, racial minorities, or prisoners.

Eugenics - Birth Control - Media Propaganda

Human Subject Research is systematic, scientific investigation that can be either interventional (a "trial") or observational (no "test article") and involves human beings as research subjects. Human subject research can be either medical (clinical) research or non-medical (e.g., social science) research. Systematic investigation incorporates both the collection and analysis of data in order to answer a specific question. Medical human subject research often involves analysis of biological specimens, epidemiological and behavioral studies and medical chart review studies. (A specific, and especially heavily regulated, type of medical human subject research is the "clinical trial", in which drugs, vaccines and medical devices are evaluated.) On the other hand, human subject research in the social sciences often involves surveys which consist of questions to a particular group of people. Survey methodology includes questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. Human subject research is used in various fields, including research into basic biology, clinical medicine, nursing, psychology, sociology, political science, and anthropology. As research has become formalized, the academic community has developed formal definitions of "human subject research", largely in response to abuses of human subjects.

Human Research Protections - Human Research - Vac Lib

Alliance for Human Research Protection - U.S. Code Legal Information

Professional Abuse are standards of behavior, which include the maintenance of professional boundaries and the treatment of people with respect and dignity. A more comprehensive version of this description states that this type of abuse is "a pattern of conduct in which a person abuses, violates, or takes advantage of a victim within the context of the abuser's profession.

Medical Torture describes the involvement of, or sometimes instigation by, medical personnel in acts of torture, either to judge what victims can endure, to apply treatments which will enhance torture, or as torturers in their own right. Medical torture overlaps with medical interrogation if it involves the use of professional medical expertise to facilitate interrogation or corporal punishment, in the conduct of torturous human experimentation or in providing professional medical sanction and approval for the torture of prisoners. Medical torture also covers torturous scientific (or pseudo-scientific) experimentation upon unwilling human subjects. Kidnapping.

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis purposely let hundreds of Black men die of syphilis in Alabama so they could study the disease. The Negro Male was a study conducted for almost 40 years between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on a group of nearly 400 African Americans with syphilis. The purpose of the study was to observe the effects of the disease when untreated, though by the end of the study medical advancements meant it was entirely treatable. The men were not informed of the nature of the experiment, and more than 100 died as a result. Hundreds of Black men were targeted in the study.

Patient Abuse or Neglect is any action or failure to act which causes unreasonable suffering, misery or harm to the patient. Abuse includes physically striking or sexually assaulting a patient. It also includes the intentional withholding of necessary food, physical care, and medical attention. Neglect includes the failure to properly attend to the needs and care of a patient, or the unintentional causing of injury to a patient, whether by act or omission. Patient abuse and neglect may occur in settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinics and during home-based care. Elderly Abuse.

FDA in 2023 no longer requires all drugs to be tested on animals before human trials. A new U.S. law has eliminated the requirement that drugs in development must undergo testing in animals before being given to participants in human trials. There are a slew of other methods that drugmakers employ to assess new medications and treatments, such as computer modeling and "organs on a chip," thumb-sized microchips that can mimic how organs' function are affected by pharmaceuticals. The National Association for Biomedical Research, which supports testing drugs in animals, says animal testing in conjunction with human trials "remains the best way to examine complex physiological, neuroanatomical, reproductive, developmental and cognitive effects of drugs to determine if they are safe and effective for market approval.

Social Research is research conducted by social scientists following a systematic plan. Social research methodologies can be classified along a quantitative/qualitative dimension. Quantitative designs approach social phenomena through quantifiable evidence, and often rely on statistical analysis of many cases (or across intentionally designed treatments in an experiment) to create valid and reliable general claims. Related to quantity. Qualitative designs emphasize understanding of social phenomena through direct observation, communication with participants, or analysis of texts, and may stress contextual subjective accuracy over generality. Related to quality.

Wealth Barriers - Wealth Inequality - Class Segregation

Do Anything for Money Wealth Inequality refers to the unequal distribution of assets in a group of people. In 2007, the top 20% wealthiest possessed 80% of all financial assets. In 2007 the richest 1% of the American population owned 35% of the country's total wealth, and the next 19% owned 51%. Thus, the top 20% of Americans owned 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 80% of the population owned 15%. In 2011, financial inequality was greater than inequality in total wealth, with the top 1% of the population owning 43%, the next 19% of Americans owning 50%, and the bottom 80% owning 7%. However, after the Great Recession which started in 2007, the share of total wealth owned by the top 1% of the population grew from 35% to 37%, and that owned by the top 20% of Americans grew from 85% to 88%. The Great Recession also caused a drop of 36% in median household wealth but a drop of only 11% for the top 1%, further widening the gap between the top 1% and the bottom 99%. The unequal distribution of assets among residents of the United States. Wealth includes the values of homes, automobiles, personal valuables, businesses, savings, and investments. Wealth Equality by Country (wiki) - World Unequal by Country - Image Chart (photo)

Wage Divide - Knowledge Divide - Privilege - Wealth Drain - Brain Drain - Wage Drain - Poverty

Bernie Sanders message to Fox News viewers and Americans Jun 14, 2022, (youtube) - In 1950 the average CEO made 20 times more than the average worker, in the 1980's it was 42 times more, in 2000, it was 120 times more, now in 2022, it's more that 400 times the average worker.

BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment company. Founded in 1988, initially as an enterprise risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with 10 Trillion Dollars in Assets under management as of December 31, 2023. Hedge Funds.

Wealth never reaches people at the bottom because people in power know that poor people are easier to control and manipulate when they lack the power of money. It seems that certain people in power would rather abuse people than help people. The best and most effective way to help people is to educated people to be self sufficient and money wise. But people in power also know that ignorant people are easier to control and to manipulate. These old outdate ideologies and beliefs are killing people and causing millions of people to suffer. Too many people in power are psychopathic predators who are so selfish and narrow-minded, that they can't even see how evil and destructive they are. Their minds are so corrupted from power that they are almost completely insane and out of touch with reality. This is another reason why education needs to improve. The world can't afford to raise anymore ignorant leaders, or ignorant followers to be victimized. Trickle Down Ignorance.

Economic Inequality is measured using the distribution of income or the amount of money people are paid, and the distribution of wealth or the amount of wealth people own. Besides economic inequality between countries or states, there are important types of economic inequality between different groups of people. Important types of economic measurements focus on wealth, income, and consumption.

Transfer of Wealth - $68 trillion transfer of wealth in America is evaporating amid crisis. According to a survey by the Center for New Middle Class, there was a 25% drop in the number of baby boomers who said they are self-employed or own their own business in the second quarter. That impact could have significant repercussions for the economy at large considering that baby boomers own nearly half of privately-held businesses with employees in the U.S., according to Project Equity. That’s 2.34 million businesses with 24.7 million employees and $5.1 trillion in sales, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The Greatest Wealth Transfer In History. Baby Boomers, the generation of people born between 1944 and 1964, are expected to transfer $30 trillion in wealth to younger generations over the next many years. This jaw-dropping amount has led many journalists and financial experts to refer to the gradual event as the “great wealth transfer".

Wealth Grab is obtaining money from someone without returning anything of real value. Requiring someone to pay a fee out of purely greedy or opportunistic motives. Power Structure.

High Society is the behavior and lifestyle of people with the highest levels of wealth and social status. It includes their related affiliations, social events and practices. Upscale social clubs were open to men based on assessments of their ranking and role within high society. In American high society, the Social Register was traditionally a key resource for identifying qualified members. For a global perspective, see upper class. The quality of housing, clothing, servants and dining were visible marks of membership.

Upper Class in modern societies is the social class composed of people who hold the highest social status, usually are the wealthiest members of class society, and wield the greatest political power.

Elites are a group or class of persons who are privileged with social or economic status.

Upper Echelon are the people of a higher level of command, authority or rank.

Privilege is a special advantage or immunity or benefit not enjoyed by all. A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group (especially a hereditary or official right). "Privilege can be a power that can influence a person to be selfish, wasteful and abusive."

Entitlement is a right granted by law or contract, especially a right to benefits, which has nothing to do with money. A painful, contagious, socially transmitted condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more.

Socialite is a person from a wealthy and possibly aristocratic background, who is prominent in high society. A socialite generally spends a significant amount of time attending various fashionable social gatherings, instead of having traditional employment. The lines between being a socialite and celebrity with an exuberant partying lifestyle have since become blurred due to the influence of both popular culture and the media, particularly when the status of being a celebrity is largely due to that lifestyle. Celebrity Paris Hilton is an example of a 21st-century socialite due to her ability to attract media attention and fame based only on her connections and associations. "it girl" is an attractive young woman, who is perceived to have both sex appeal and a personality that is especially engaging.

The Establishment is a term used to describe a dominant group or elite that controls a polity or an organization.

High Society is the behavior and lifestyle of people with the highest levels of wealth and social status. It includes their related affiliations, social events and practices.

Social Register is a semi-annual publication in the United States that indexes the members of American high society.

Social Club may be a group of people or the place where they meet, generally formed around a common interest, occupation, or activity.

Dynastic Wealth is monetary inheritance that is passed on to generations that didn't earn it. Dynastic wealth is linked to the term Plutocracy.

My Betters was a term for people who are more important or who have a higher social position. Not necessary better people, just people with more money and more power.

Cockney was a term for a native of East London or working-class Londoners. Traditionally one born within hearing of Bow Bells.

Income Distribution covers how a country's total GDP is distributed amongst its population.

Living Wage - Equality

Distribution of Wealth is a comparison of the wealth of various members or groups in a society. It shows one aspect of economic inequality or economic heterogeneity. The distribution of wealth differs from the income distribution in that it looks at the economic distribution of ownership of the assets in a society, rather than the current income of members of that society. According to the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth, "the world distribution of wealth is much more unequal than that of income.

Redistribution of Wealth is the transfer of income and of wealth, including physical property, from some individuals to others by means of a social mechanism such as taxation, charity, welfare, public services, land reform, monetary policies, confiscation, divorce or tort law. The term typically refers to redistribution on an economy-wide basis rather than between selected individuals, and it always refers to redistributions from those who have more to those who have less. Social Justice.

Revenue Sharing is the distribution of profits between employees, used to increase productivity, to decrease employee turnaround, and to reduce the wage gap.

Gini Coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income inequality or wealth inequality within a nation or any other group of people. The Gini coefficient measures the inequality among values of a frequency distribution (for example, levels of income). A Gini coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, where all values are the same (for example, where everyone has the same income). A Gini coefficient of one (or 100%) expresses maximal inequality among values (e.g., for a large number of people where only one person has all the income or consumption and all others have none, the Gini coefficient will be nearly one).

Social inequality leads to vandalism in experiments. Social inequality can incite collective violence in an experimental setting, finds a new study.

Social Rank affects response to stress. Scientists say their study could shed light on stress-related mental illnesses, but more research is needed.

The Haves and the Have-Nots - Divided - Hierarchy - Rationing

In Britain, 1000 of the richest people are more wealthier then the poorest 40% in their country. In America 0.1% have the same wealth as the bottom 90%. 400 of the Richest People in America have more money the half the country.

Feed the Poor and get Rich or Feed the Rich and get Poor - Colonel Sanders.

"Rich people like to call it "wealth bashing", which is like calling justice against a known rapist "man bashing."

Worker Coop's - Equality - Sharing - Profits - Audit

Inequity Aversion is the preference for fairness and resistance to incidental inequalities. The social sciences that study inequity aversion include sociology, economics, psychology, anthropology, and ethology.

Class Compromise is a compromise of class-based interests -- members of each class give up something of value. Class compromise is thus always defined against a counterfactual in which such concessions are not made.

Public Good is a good that is both non-excludable and non-rivalrous in that individuals cannot be effectively excluded from use and where use by one individual does not reduce availability to others. Sharing - Public Service.

Excludability is a good or service that prevents people who have not paid for it from having access to it. By comparison, a good or service is non-excludable if non-paying consumers cannot be prevented from accessing it. (but if criminals with money can have access then that's wrong, so there has to be other more valuable factors in determining access).

How to reduce the wealth gap between Black and white Americans - Kedra Newsom Reeves • TED@BCG • October 2020 - As last recorded by the US Federal Government, the median wealth for a white family in the United States was 171,000 dollars and the median wealth for a Black family was just 17,000 dollars, a 10x different over 150 years after the end of slavery.

Free-Rider Problem occurs when those who benefit from resources, public goods, or services do not pay for them, which results in an under provision of those goods or services. (again, there has to be other more valuable factors in determining access. If we just use money as a factor, then criminals will have there way as they do now).

Rivalry in economics states that if consumption by one consumer prevents simultaneous consumption by other consumers, or if consumption by one party reduces utility/ability to use to another. A good is considered non-rivalrous or non-rival if, for any level of production, the cost of providing it to a marginal (additional) individual is zero.

Public Bad is when parties generating the public bad do not account for the negative effects (or externality) imposed on others. It is a good that produces socially undesirable results or an externality in standard economics, like pollution. The costs of public bads are hidden as externalities from the businesses that cause them.

When poor people steal, they go to jail. When rich people steal, they don't even get arrested. When poor people murder, they go to jail. When rich people murder, they don't even get arrested. For the wealthy and powerful, a day of reckoning is upon us. There's no where to hide and there's no where to run. We will track you using satellites and follow your digital footprint and recover the money you are hording illegally. We are not out for revenge, only justice and fair treatment. It's best that you give yourself in now. If you try to run or try to plead not guilty, you will only hurt yourself and cause more unneeded suffering for others. Fighting the truth will only make things worse. Time to Negotiate a settlement and a truce. A Treaty that can never be broken. This is not about class warfare, this is only a realization

Reckoning is to be fully aware of and realize something fully. To expect, believe, or suppose and judge to be probable and deem to be. Have faith or confidence in. A bill for an amount due. Problem solving that involves numbers or quantities.

Truce is a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms.

Trouble Paying BillsMatthew Effect is when scientists often get more credit than a comparatively unknown researcher, even if their work is similar; it also means that credit will usually be given to researchers who are already famous. For example, a prize will almost always be awarded to the most senior researcher involved in a project, even if all the work was done by a graduate student. - The Rich get Richer and the Poor get Poorer.

Dependency theory is the notion that resources flow from a "periphery" of poor and underdeveloped states to a "core" of wealthy states, enriching the latter at the expense of the former. It is a central contention of dependency theory that poor states are impoverished and rich ones enriched by the way poor states are integrated into the "world system". This theory was officially developed in the late 1960s following World War II, as scholars searched for the root issue in the lack of development in Latin America.

Rentier Capitalism describes the belief in economic practices of monopolization of access to any (physical, financial, intellectual, etc.) kind of property, and gaining significant amounts of profit without contribution to society.

Financialization describes the development of financial capitalism during the period from 1980 to present, in which debt-to-equity ratios increased and financial services accounted for an increasing share of national income relative to other sectors. Financialization describes an economic process by which exchange is facilitated through the intermediation of financial instruments. Financialization may permit real goods, services, and risks to be readily exchangeable for currency, and thus make it easier for people to rationalize their assets and income flows.

Generational Accounting is a method of measuring the fiscal burdens facing current and future generations. Generational accounting considers how much each adult generation, on a per person basis, is likely to pay in future taxes net of transfer payments, over the rest of their lives.

"Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunity of a very small number of people to continue making enormous amounts of money. Our biosphere is being sacrificed so that rich people in countries can live in luxury. It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few. You say you love your children above all else, and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes."- Greta Thunberg (wiki)

Critical Theory stresses the reflective assessments and critique of society and culture by applying knowledge from the social sciences and the humanities.

False Consciousness is when material, ideological, and institutional processes in capitalist society mislead members of the proletariat and other class actors. These processes are thought to hide the true relations between classes and the real state of affairs regarding the exploitation suffered by the proletariat. Confirmation Bias.

Conflict Theories are perspectives in sociology and social psychology that emphasize the social, political, or material inequality of a social group, that critique the broad socio-political system, or that otherwise detract from structural functionalism and ideological conservatism. Conflict theories draw attention to power differentials, such as class conflict, and generally contrast historically dominant ideologies. It is therefore a macro level analysis of society.

Conspicuous Consumption - Anti-Simplicity

Costs Increasing American Middle Class is a social class in the United States with 15% to 20% of households being the upper or professional middle class consisting of highly educated, salaried professionals and managers. One third of households is the lower middle class consisting mostly of semi-professionals, skilled craftsmen and lower-level management. Middle-class persons commonly have a comfortable standard of living, significant economic security, considerable work autonomy and rely on their expertise to sustain themselves.

Working Class are the people employed for wages, especially in manual-labour occupations and in skilled, industrial work. Working-class occupations include blue-collar jobs, some white-collar jobs, and most service-work jobs. The working class only rely upon their earnings from wage labour, thereby, the category includes most of the working population of industrialized economies, of the urban areas (cities, towns, villages) of non-industrialized economies, and of the rural workforce. Commoner.

Proletariat is a term for the class of wage-earners, in a capitalist society, whose only possession of significant material value is their labor-power (their ability to work); a member of such a class is a proletarian.

Vanguardism is a strategy whereby the most class-conscious and politically advanced sections of the proletariat or working class, described as the revolutionary vanguard, form organizations in order to draw larger sections of the working class towards revolutionary politics and serve as manifestations of proletarian political power against the bourgeois.

Proletarian Literature refers here to the literature created by working-class writers mainly for the class-conscious proletariat.

Upper Class is the social class composed of the wealthiest members of society, who also wield the greatest political power.

Diffusion of Responsibility - Negative Liberty - Have a little, live a little. Have a lot, do a lot.

Social Status is the position or rank of a person or group, within the society. Status can be determined in two ways. One can earn their social status by their own achievements, which is known as achieved status. Alternatively, one can be placed in the stratification system by their inherited position, which is called ascribed status.

Social Position is the position of an individual in a given society and culture. A given position (for example, the occupation of priest) may belong to many individuals. Social position influences social status. Social position can help to identify a person's position within the social hierarchy in a society.

Ingroups and Outgroups is a social group to which a person psychologically identifies as being a member. By contrast, an outgroup is a social group with which an individual does not identify. For example, people may find it psychologically meaningful to view themselves according to their race, culture, gender, age or religion. It has been found that the psychological membership of social groups and categories is associated with a wide variety of phenomena.

"Not to say that being in groups or clubs is bad, it's just when people believe that their group makes them believe that they are better then others, or makes them believe that they are separated from reality."

"Things which equal the same thing are also equivalent to one another" - Euclid.

Emulation is the effort or desire to equal or surpass others.

Social Mobility is the movement of individuals, families, households, or other categories of people within or between social strata in a society. It is a change in social status relative to others' social location within a given society.

Favoritism - Bias - Social Justice

Social Class is a set of concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being the upper, middle, and lower classes. Social Class in the United States is a three-class model that includes the "rich", the "middle class", and the "poor".

Class Conflict or class warfare or class struggle, is the tension or antagonism which exists in society due to competing socioeconomic interests and desires between people of different classes.

Russian Oligarchs generally labels wealthy businessmen of the former Soviet republics who rapidly accumulated wealth during the era of Russian privatization in the aftermath of the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990s.

A Class Divided, 1968 (video) - Class Warfare Reversed

Monroe Doctrine was a U.S. policy of opposing European colonialism in the Americas beginning in 1823. It stated that further efforts by European nations to take control of any independent state in North or South America would be viewed as "the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition toward the United States."

Bourgeoisie are those who live in the borough, the people of the city (including merchants and craftsmen), as opposed to those of rural areas.

Base and Superstructure consists of two parts: the base (or substructure) and superstructure. The base comprises the forces and relations of production—employer–employee work conditions, the technical division of labour, and property relations—into which people enter to produce the necessities and amenities of life. These relations determine society’s other relationships and ideas, which are described as its superstructure. The superstructure of a society includes its culture, institutions, political power structures, roles, rituals, and state. The base determines (conditions) the superstructure, yet their relation is not strictly causal, because the superstructure often influences the base; the influence of the base, however, predominates.

Socio-Economic Status is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.

Social Order refers to a particular set or system of linked social structures, institutions, relations, customs, values and practices, which conserve, maintain and enforce certain patterns of relating and behaving. social order is contrasted to social chaos or disorder, and refers to a stable state of society in which the existing social order is accepted and maintained by its members. The problem of order or Hobbesian problem, which is central to much of sociology, political science and political philosophy, is the question how and why it is that social orders exist at all.

Secret Society - "The Needs of the Many outweigh the Wants of the Few" Peace.

Selling Out is a common idiomatic pejorative expression for the compromising of a person's integrity, morality, authenticity, or principles in exchange for personal gain, such as money.

Modern City next to a Slum Gentrification is a process of renovation and revival of deteriorated urban neighborhoods by means of influx of more affluent residents, which results in increased property values and the displacing of lower-income families and small businesses.

Eminent Domain - Colonization - Evictions - Discrimination - Marginalized

Urban Renewal is the redevelopment of areas within a large city, typically involving the clearance of slums. It is a program of land redevelopment often used to address urban decay in cities. Urban renewal is the clearing out of blighted areas in inner cities to clear out slums and create opportunities for higher class housing, businesses, and more. Over Development

Social Polarization is associated with the segregation within a society that may emerge from income inequality, real-estate fluctuations, economic displacements etc. and result in such differentiation that would consist of various social groups, from high-income to low-income.

Stratification is the act or process or arranging persons into classes or social strata. The condition of being arranged in social strata or classes within a group. Housing - Poverty.

Economic Stratification refers to the condition within a society where social classes are separated, or stratified, along economic lines.

Social Stratification is a society's categorization of people into socioeconomic strata, based upon their occupation and income, wealth and social status, or derived social and political power. It also refers to a society's categorization of its people into groups based on socioeconomic factors like wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social status, or derived power (social and political). As such, stratification is the relative social position of persons within a social group, category, geographic region, or social unit. In modern Western societies, social stratification is typically defined in terms of three social classes: the upper class, the middle class, and the lower class; in turn, each class can be subdivided into the upper-stratum, the middle-stratum, and the lower stratum. Moreover, a social stratum can be formed upon the bases of kinship, clan, tribe, or caste, or all four. Social Justice.

Caste is a form of social stratification characterized by endogamy, hereditary transmission of a lifestyle which often includes an occupation, status in a hierarchy, customary social interaction, and exclusion. Although caste systems still exist in various regions, its paradigmatic ethnographic example is the division of Indian society into rigid social groups, with roots in India's ancient history and persisting until today. However, the economic significance of the caste system in India has been declining as a result of urbanization and affirmative action programs and people are finally becoming more educated.

Outlier is a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system. A person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set.

is a person who is rejected from society or home or excluded from a society. 

Poverty - Slavery - Living Wage - Wealth Divide

Social Invisibility refers to a group of people in the society who have been separated or systematically ignored by the majority of the public. As a result, those who are marginalized feel neglected or being invisible in the society. It can include elderly homes, child orphanages, homeless people or anyone who experiences a sense of ignored or separated from society as a whole.

Social Exclusion or social marginalization is the social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society. Social exclusion is the process in which individuals are blocked from (or denied full access to) various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group, and which are fundamental to social integration and observance of human rights within that particular group. Discrimination.

Misrepresentation of Marginalized Communities.

Coventry is the state of being banished or ostracized or excluded from society by general consent.

Peasant is a pre-industrial agricultural laborer or a farmer with limited land-ownership, especially one living in the Middle Ages under feudalism and paying rent, tax, fees, or services to a landlord. In Europe, three classes of peasants existed: slave, serf, and free tenant. Peasants may hold title to land either in fee simple or by any of several forms of land tenure, among them socage, quit-rent, leasehold, and copyhold.

Disadvantaged is being deprived the necessities of life or healthful environmental influences. Having a lower quality or less favorable position that may be hindering or harmful to someone.

Social Alienation is a condition in social relationships reflected by (1) a low degree of integration or common values and (2) a high degree of distance or isolation (3a) between individuals, or (3b) between an individual and a group of people in a community or work environment. It is a sociological concept developed by several classical and contemporary theorists. The concept has many discipline-specific uses, and can refer both to a personal psychological state (subjectively) and to a type of social relationship (objectively). Social isolation - Separatism.

Social Invisibility refers to a group of people in the society who have been separated or systematically ignored by the majority of the public. As a result, those who are marginalized feel neglected or being invisible in the society. It can include elderly homes, child orphanages, homeless people or anyone who experiences a sense of ignored or separated from society as a whole.

Social Exclusion is the social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society. Social exclusion is the process in which individuals are blocked from (or denied full access to) various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group, and which are fundamental to social integration and observance of human rights within that particular group (e.g., housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement, democratic participation, and due process). Alienation or disenfranchisement resulting from social exclusion can be connected to a person's social class, race, skin color, religious affiliation, ethnic origin, educational status, childhood relationships, living standards, and or political opinions, and appearance. Such exclusionary forms of discrimination may also apply to people with a disability, minorities, LGBTQ+ people, drug users, institutional care leavers, the elderly and the young. Anyone who appears to deviate in any way from perceived norms of a population may thereby become subject to coarse or subtle forms of social exclusion. The outcome of social exclusion is that affected individuals or communities are prevented from participating fully in the economic, social, and political life of the society in which they live. This may result in resistance in the form of demonstrations, protests or lobbying from the excluded people. The concept of social exclusion has led to the researcher’s conclusion that in many European countries the impact of social disadvantages, that influence the well-being of all people, including with special needs, has an increasingly negative impact. Segregation.

Class Discrimination is prejudice or discrimination on the basis of social class. It includes individual attitudes, behaviors, systems of policies and practices that are set up to benefit the upper class at the expense of the lower class. Social class refers to the grouping of individuals in a hierarchy based on wealth, income, education, occupation, and social network.

Second-Class Citizen is a person who is systematically discriminated against within a state or other political jurisdiction, despite their nominal status as a citizen or legal resident there.

Inside a Lost African Tribe Still Living in India Today | Short Film Showcase (youtube)

Siddis of Karnataka are an ethnic group inhabiting India. Members are descended from Bantu peoples from Southeast Africa that were brought to the Indian subcontinent as slaves by Portuguese merchants. There is a 50,000 strong Siddi population across India, of which more than a third live in Karnataka.

Media Literacy - Power - Politics - Divided - Equality - Civil Rights - Education - Money

Everybody knows that the dice are loaded, Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed, Everybody knows the war is over, Everybody knows the good guys lost, Everybody knows the fight was fixed, The poor stay poor, the rich get rich, That's how it goes, Everybody knows. Everybody knows that the boat is leaking, Everybody knows that the captain lied, Everybody got this broken feeling, Like their father or their dog just died, Everybody talking to their pockets, Everybody wants a box of chocolates, And a long-stem rose, Everybody knows. Everybody knows that you love me baby, Everybody knows that you really do, Everybody knows that you've been faithful, Oh, give or take a night or two, Everybody knows you've been discreet, But there were so many people you just had to meet, Without your clothes, Everybody knows, Everybody knows, everybody knows, That's how it goes, Everybody knows, Everybody knows, everybody knows, That's how it goes, Everybody knows, And everybody knows that it's now or never, Everybody knows that it's me or you, And everybody knows that you live forever, When you've done a line or two, Everybody knows the deal is rotten, Old Black Joe's still picking cotton, For your ribbons and bows, And everybody knows, And everybody knows that the Plague is coming, Everybody knows that it's moving fast, Everybody knows that the naked man and woman, Are just a shining artifact of the past, Everybody knows the scene is dead, But there's gonna be a meter on your bed, That will disclose, What everybody knows, And everybody knows that you're in trouble, Everybody knows what you've been through, From the bloody cross on top of Calvary, To the beach of Malibu, Everybody knows it's coming apart, Take one last look at this Sacred Heart, Before it blows, Everybody knows.

In the future, having lots of money will be irrelevant, instead it will be intelligence that will be the most relevant and also the biggest determiner of wealth. And being healthy will also be more relevant than being wealthy. Healthy, Wealthy and Wise, with the wealth being the result of being healthy and wise. And to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise will take more than just good sleep habits, it will take a lot of deliberate learning. Wealth without wisdom is why we have so much corruption, ignorance and crimes.

Community Barriers - Unity Barriers - Generations

Political Factions is a group of individuals, such as a political party, a trade union, or other group with a common political purpose. A faction or political party may include fragmented sub-factions, "parties within a party," which may be referred to as power blocs, or voting blocs. Members of factions band together as a way of achieving these goals and advancing their agenda and position within an organization. Social Engineering.

Religious Factions - Sectarianism

Social Alienation is a sociological concept developed by several classical and contemporary theorists, is "a condition in social relationships reflected by a low degree of integration or common values and a high degree of distance or isolation between individuals, or between an individual and a group of people in a community or work environment". The concept has many discipline-specific uses, and can refer both to a personal psychological state (subjectively) and to a type of social relationship (objectively). Anti-Social Behavior - Me Generation (me, me, me)

Intergenerationality is interaction between members of different generations. Sociologists study many intergenerational issues, including equity, conflict, and mobility.

Intergenerational equity is the concept or idea of fairness or justice in relationships between children, youth, adults and seniors, particularly in terms of treatment and interactions.

Intergenerational conflict is either a conflict situation between teenagers and adults or a more abstract conflict between two generations, which often involves all inclusive prejudices against another generation.

Intergenerational cycle of violence is a pattern of violence or abuse that is passed from one generation to the next. Generally, an individual who witnesses domestic violence as a child is much more likely to be an abuser or a victim of domestic abuse in adulthood.

Intergenerational mobility is a measure of the changes in social status which occurs from the parents' to the children's generation.

An inter-generational contract is a dependency between different generations based on the assumption that future generations, in honoring the contract, will provide a service to a generation that has previously done the same service to an older generation.

Intergenerational struggle is the economic conflict between successive generations of workers because of the public pension system where the first generation has better pension benefit and the last must pay more taxes, have a greater tax wedge and a lower pension benefit due to the public debt that the states make in order to pay the current public spending.

Intergenerational policies are public policies that incorporate an intergenerational approach to addressing an issue or have an impact across the generations.

Intergenerational shared sites are programs in which children, youth and older adults participate in ongoing services and/or programming concurrently at the same site, and where participants interact during regularly scheduled planned intergenerational activities, as well as through informal encounters.

Inter-generational ministry is a model of Christian ministry which emphasizes relationships between age groups and encourages mixed-age activities.

Discrimination - Prejudice

Discrimination is the unfair and unequal judgment that is either in favor of someone or against someone, using a bias that is only based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing is perceived to belong to, rather than accurately judging someone on their individual rights, merit, character, facts and reality, such as having good experiences with that person, something that would indicate that the person is trust worthy, honest and compassionate. Discrimination is criticism filled with misrepresentations, fabrications and false accusations that are defamatory.

Double Standard is a rule or principle that is unfairly applied in different ways to different people or groups. It's a different sets of principles for similar situations. It is most commonly seen as a decisive psychological tool used to defend one’s ego or subconscious from the shortcomings of one’s own set of values or contrasting principles.

Publicity Stunts - Privileged - Psychopaths - Police Brutality

Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover, which means that you shouldn't prejudge the worth or value of something or someone by its outward appearance alone. Not Seeing the Whole Picture.

Prejudice is to pre-judge someone or to form an opinion of someone before ever meeting them or before ever knowing them personally, or before seeing any facts or evidence that would justify any rude behavior, unfairness or unequal treatment of that person. The word is often used to refer to preconceived, usually unfavorable, judgments toward people or a person because of their gender, beliefs, values, social class, age, disability, religion, sexuality, race/ethnicity, language, nationality, beauty, occupation, education, criminality or other personal characteristics. In this case, it refers to a positive or negative evaluation of another person based on their perceived group membership.

Gender Discrimination - Racism - Slander - Stratification - Segregate - Redlining - Profiling - Labels - Tracking - Generational Trauma - Upward Mobility

Once you become prejudice against facts, you will never live in reality. You will live in a fantasy world that has real consequences, and you will pretend that these consequences are not real.

“Prejudices are what fools use for reason.” Voltaire (November 21, 1694 – May 30, 1778).

Equal Rights Amendment is designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex or gender. It seeks to end the legal distinctions between men and women in terms of divorce, property, employment, and other matters. The ERA was originally written by Alice Paul and Crystal Eastman, and was first introduced in Congress in December 1923. Twenty-five states have adopted constitutions or constitutional amendments providing that equal rights under the law shall not be denied because of sex. Equal Rights Amendment: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - Gender Equality Index.

Invisible Barrier is an unseen barrier such as a rule, law, policy, bias or prejudice that makes it difficult or impossible for something to happen or to be achieved.

Glass Ceiling prevents a women from rising beyond a certain level in a hierarchy. It is a metaphor that has often been used to describe invisible barriers through which women can see elite positions but never reach them.

Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it systematically and primarily affects women and girls. It has been linked to stereotypes and gender roles, and may include the belief that one sex or gender is intrinsically superior to another. Sexual Abuse.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 enacted July 2, 1964, is a landmark civil rights and labor law in the United States that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It prohibits unequal application of voter registration requirements, and racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations. Title VII prohibits discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin. It makes it illegal for employers to discriminate based upon protected characteristics regarding terms, conditions, and privileges of employment.

Sex Segregation is the physical, legal, and cultural separation of people according to their biological Sex. This is distinct from gender segregation, which is the separation of people according to social constructions of gender.

Impugning is to attack something as being false or wrong without evidence or facts.

Criticize - Slander

Marginalized is when people are reduced to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people. Divided.

Marginalization is the social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society. It is a term used widely in Europe and was first used in France. It is used across disciplines including education, sociology, psychology, politics and economics.

Disadvantage is having an inferior or less favorable position that can hinder, or cause harm, or create a flaw or weak point.

Indiscriminate is something done at random or without careful judgment. Degrading.

Appearance is an outward or visible aspect of a person or thing. A mental representation. Appearing in public view or sight.

Reverse Discrimination is the discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, in favor of members of a minority or historically disadvantaged group, only because they were known to have been discriminated against previously. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Reverse Racism is the concept that affirmative action and similar color-conscious programs for redressing racial inequality are a form of anti-white racism. The concept is often associated with conservative social movements and the belief that social and economic gains by black people in the United States and elsewhere cause disadvantages for white people.

Xenoracism is a form of prejudice that resembles racism but is exhibited by members of a racial group towards other members of it, or it is exhibited towards members of an otherwise mostly indistinguishable racial group which may have no phenotypical differences but is perceived as being alien, foreign, other, or culturally inferior.

Interactional Justice is the degree to which people are treated with politeness, dignity, and respect by authorities or third parties involved in executing procedures or determining outcomes. Why procedures were used in a certain way or why outcomes were distributed in a certain fashion. Where more adequacy of explanation is prevalent, the perceived level of informational justice is higher. Fairness.

Intersectionality is the acknowledgement that everyone has their own unique experiences of discrimination and oppression and we must consider everything and anything that can marginalise people – gender, race, class, sexual orientation, physical ability, etc. Intersectionality is an analytical framework for understanding how aspects of a person's social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege. Intersectionality identifies multiple factors of advantage and disadvantage. Examples of these factors include gender, caste, sex, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, religion, disability, weight, physical appearance, and height. These intersecting and overlapping social identities may be both empowering and oppressing. Intersectional feminism aims to separate itself from white feminism by acknowledging the fact that all women have different experiences and identities. It is a qualitative analytic framework that identifies how interlocking systems of power affect those who are most marginalized in society.

Allegations - Bias - Racism - Profiling - Condescension

Social Death is the condition of people not accepted as fully human by wider society. Used by sociologists like Zygmunt Bauman and historians of slavery and the holocaust to describe the part played by governmental and social segregation in that process. Examples of social death are: Racial and gender exclusion, persecution, slavery, and apartheid. Governments can exclude individuals or groups from society. Examples: Protestant minority groups in early modern Europe; ostracism in Ancient Athens; criminals; prostitutes, outlaws. Institutionalization and segregation of those labeled with a mental illness. Change in the identity of an individual. This was a major theme during the Renaissance.

Stigma is a feeling of disgrace, shame or dishonor because a person feels that other people will disapprove of them or discriminate against them because of some perceivable social characteristic or particular circumstance.

Disrespectful - Slander - Hate Crime

Implicit Attitude are evaluations that occur without conscious awareness towards an attitude object or the self. These evaluations are generally either favorable or unfavorable. They come about from various influences in the individual experience.

Social Exclusion is the social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society.

Minorities are a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part.

Minority Group refers to a group of people whose practices, race, religion, ethnicity, or other characteristics are lesser in numbers than the main groups of those classifications. However in present-day sociology, a minority group refers to a category of people who experience relative disadvantage as compared to members of a dominant social group. Minority group membership is typically based on differences in observable characteristics or practices, such as: ethnicity (ethnic minority), race (racial minority), religion (religious minority), sexual orientation (sexual minority), or disability. Utilizing the framework of intersectionality, it is important to recognize that an individual may simultaneously hold membership in multiple minority groups (e.g. both a racial and religious minority). Likewise, individuals may also be part of a minority group in regard to some characteristics, but part of a dominant group in regard to others. The term "minority group" often occurs within the discourse of civil rights and collective rights, as members of minority groups are prone to differential treatment in the countries and societies in which they live. Minority group members often face discrimination in multiple areas of social life, including housing, employment, healthcare, and education, among others. While discrimination may be committed by individuals, it may also occur through structural inequalities, in which rights and opportunities are not equally accessible to all. The language of minority rights is often used to discuss laws designed to protect minority groups from discrimination and afford them equal social status to the dominant group.

Underrepresented Group is a group that has a disproportionately low representation that is insufficient. A subset of a population that holds a smaller percentage within a significant subgroup than the subset holds in the general population. Specific characteristics of an underrepresented group vary depending on the subgroup being considered.

Census - Diversity - Isolation - Marginalized

Structural Inequality is defined as a condition where one category of people are attributed an unequal status in relation to other categories of people. This relationship is perpetuated and reinforced by a confluence of unequal relations in roles, functions, decisions, rights, and opportunities. As opposed to cultural inequality, which focuses on the individual decisions associated with these imbalances, structural inequality refers specifically to the inequalities that are systemically rooted in the normal operations of dominant social institutions, and can be divided into categories like residential segregation or healthcare, employment and educational discrimination.

Systemic Bias is the inherent tendency of a process to support particular outcomes. The term generally refers to human systems such as institutions. The issues of systemic bias are dealt with extensively in the field of industrial organization economics. Systemic bias plays a part in systemic racism, a form of racism embedded as normal practice within society or an organization. It is not to be confused with the equivalent bias in non-human systems, such as measurement instruments or mathematical models used to estimate physical quantities, often called systematic bias.

Collective Responsibility is also known as collective guilt, refers to responsibilities of organizations, groups and societies. Collective responsibility in the form of collective punishment is often used as a disciplinary measure in closed institutions, e.g. boarding schools (punishing a whole class for the actions of one known or unknown pupil), military units, prisons (juvenile and adult), psychiatric facilities, etc. The effectiveness and severity of this measure may vary greatly, but it often breeds distrust and isolation among their members. Historically, collective punishment is a sign of authoritarian tendencies in the institution or its home society. In ethics, both methodological individualists and normative individualists question the validity of collective responsibility. Normally, only the individual actor can accrue culpability for actions that they freely cause. The notion of collective culpability seems to deny individual moral responsibility. Contemporary systems of criminal law accept the principle that guilt shall only be personal. According to genocide scholar A. Dirk Moses, "The collective guilt accusation is unacceptable in scholarship, let alone in normal discourse and is, I think, one of the key ingredients in genocidal thinking.

Hegemony is the political, economic, or military predominance or control of one state over others.

Disfranchisement is to deny or deprive the legal rights or privileges that have been granted to a person or group, such as the right to vote. Disfranchisement may be accomplished explicitly by law or implicitly through requirements applied in a discriminatory fashion, intimidation, or by placing unreasonable requirements on voters for registration or voting.

Suppression of Dissent occurs when an individual or group which is more powerful than another tries to directly or indirectly censor, persecute or otherwise oppress the other party, rather than engage with and constructively respond to or accommodate the other party's arguments or viewpoint. When dissent is perceived as a threat, action may be taken to prevent continuing dissent or penalize dissidents. Government or industry may often act in this way. Knowledge Suppression.

Oppression or Social Oppression is the socially supported mistreatment and exploitation of a group of individuals. Social oppression is based on power dynamics, and an individual's social location in society.

Attacks on Countries (economic hit men)

Political Repression is the persecution of an individual or group within society for political reasons, particularly for the purpose of restricting or preventing their ability to take part in the political life of a society thereby reducing their standing among their fellow citizens.

Bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own. Bigotry - Hypocrites.

Zealot is a militant proponent of something who pleads for a cause.

Partisan is a fervent and even militant proponent of something. An ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some person or activity. Devoted to a cause or party. Bias.

Discrimination during pregnancy can affect infant's brain circuitry. Experiences of discrimination and acculturation are known to have a detrimental effect on a person's health. For pregnant women, these painful experiences can also affect the brain circuitry of their children, a new study finds. These effects, the researchers say, are separate from those caused by general stress and depression. The study was published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

Profiles - Profiling

Profiling is recording a person's behavior and analyzing psychological characteristics in order to predict or assess their ability in a certain sphere or to identify a particular group of people.

Labels - Targeting - Cherry Picking Data - False Evidence - Ratings - Reputation - Screening - TSA

Racial Profiling is the act of suspecting or targeting a person on the basis of assumed characteristics or behavior of a racial or ethnic group, rather than on individual suspicion. Racial profiling, however, is not limited only to an individual's ethnicity or race, but can also be based on the individual's religion, or national origin. In European countries, the term "ethnic profiling" is also used instead of racial profiling. #airbnbwhileblack - Prisons - Drug War.

Vulnerable or Gullible People Profiling is a victim list and other data to help fraudsters target elderly or otherwise vulnerable consumers. Criminals purposefully supply the names and addresses of vulnerable Americans to known fraudulent clients, who then target consumers via mass-mailings. Mail and Wire Fraud.

Offender Profiling also known as criminal profiling, is an investigative tool used by law enforcement agencies to identify likely suspects (descriptive offender profiling) and analyze patterns that may predict future offenses and/or victims (predictive offender profiling). Mistaken Identity.

Psychological Profiling also known as behavioral, criminal personality, and criminal profiling, is a method used by criminal investigators to develop profiles for murders, rapists, and other violent criminals who haven't been apprehended. Most psychological profilers are FBI special agents.

Biometrics - Biomarkers - Private and Personal Information - Big Data - Marketing - Psychic

Most of the Big Corporations are just like pedophiles, they use information and disinformation to groom people so they can easily victimize them, abuse them and violate them, and they're not just attacking innocent children, but also the adults and the elderly. This sickness is more than just greed, these are insane acts by people who are sometimes referred to as High Functioning Addicts. This is another clear example why education needs to improve. An ignorant human can be extremely dangerous, especially when they have any type of power or authority. Nothing to Hide?

Online Profiling involves the collection and analysis of customer Web site data, information that can be used to personalize and customize an end user's or used to target them with misinformation and target advertisements. A digital profile can include information about personal characteristics, behaviors, affiliations, connections, interactions, tastes, interests, and purchasing habits.

Social Profiling is the process of constructing a social media user's profile using his or her social data from multiple social media platforms using different methods to obtain their interests, locations, language, content, and friend list. Reputation.

User Profile is a visual display of personal data associated with a specific user, or a customized desktop environment. A profile refers therefore to the explicit digital representation of a person's identity. A user profile can also be considered as the computer representation of a user model. A profile can be used to store the description of the characteristics of person. This information can be exploited by systems taking into account the persons' characteristics and preferences. Profiling is the process that refers to construction of a profile via the extraction from a set of data. User profiles can be found on operating systems, computer programs, recommender systems, or dynamic websites (such as online social networking sites or bulletin boards).

Micro-Level Sociology looks at small-scale interactions between individuals, such as conversation or group dynamics. Microsociology allows observation of large-scale patterns and trends, but runs the risk of seeing these trends as abstract entities that exist outside of the individuals who enact them on the ground. Microsociology is concerned with the nature of everyday human social interactions and agency on a small scale: face to face. Microsociology is based on interpretative analysis rather than statistical or empirical observation.

Level of Analysis is used in the social sciences to point to the location, size, or scale of a research target. "Level of analysis" is distinct from the term "unit of observation" in that the former refers to a more or less integrated set of relationships while the latter refers to the distinct unit from which data have been or will be gathered. Together, the unit of observation and the level of analysis help define the population of a research enterprise.

FBI Method of Profiling is used to detect and classify the major personality and behavioral characteristics of an individual based upon analysis of the crime or crimes the person committed.

Dossier is a collection of documents about a particular person, event, or subject, or a collection of papers or other sources, containing detailed information about a particular person or subject. Big Data.

Profiling in information science refers to the process of construction and application of user profiles generated by computerized data analysis. This involves the use of algorithms or other mathematical techniques that allow the discovery of patterns or correlations in large quantities of data, aggregated in databases. When these patterns or correlations are used to identify or represent people, they can be called profiles. Other than a discussion of profiling technologies or population profiling, the notion of profiling in this sense is not just about the construction of profiles, but also concerns the application of group profiles to individuals, e. g., in the cases of credit scoring, price discrimination, or identification of security risks.

Observation Flaws - Bias - Contradictions

Stereotype is an oversimplified image or an idea of a particular type of person or thing. Thoughts or beliefs that may or may not accurately reflect reality. A stereotype is a perceived simplified or symbolic form that is believed to resemble someone conforming to accepted standards. Stereotypical is someone lacking spontaneity, originality or individuality.

Stereotype Threat is a situational predicament in which people are or feel themselves to be at risk of conforming to stereotypes about their social group. It is theorized to be a contributing factor to long-standing racial and gender gaps in academic performance. According to the theory, if negative stereotypes are present regarding a specific group, group members are likely to become anxious about their performance, which may hinder their ability to perform to their full potential. Importantly, the individual does not need to subscribe to the stereotype for it to be activated. It is hypothesized that the mechanism through which anxiety (induced by the activation of the stereotype) decreases performance is by depleting working memory (especially the phonological aspects of the working memory system). Situational factors that increase stereotype threat can include the difficulty of the task, the belief that the task measures their abilities, and the relevance of the stereotype to the task. Individuals show higher degrees of stereotype threat on tasks they wish to perform well on and when they identify strongly with the stereotyped group. These effects are also increased when they expect discrimination due to their identification with a negatively stereotyped group. Repeated experiences of stereotype threat can lead to a vicious circle of diminished confidence, poor performance, and loss of interest in the relevant area of achievement. Stereotype threat has been argued to show a reduction in the performance of individuals who belong to negatively stereotyped groups. Its role in affecting public health disparities has also been suggested. Some researchers have suggested that stereotype threat should not be interpreted as a factor in real-life performance gaps, and have raised the possibility of publication bias.

Typecasting is the process by which a particular actor becomes strongly identified with a specific character; one or more particular roles; or, characters having the same traits or coming from the same social or ethnic groups. There have been instances in which an actor has been so strongly identified with a role as to make it difficult for him or her to find work playing other characters. Stock Characters.

Pigeonholed is to assign to a particular category or class, especially in a manner that is too rigid or exclusive. Pigeonholing is a process that attempts to classify disparate entities into a limited number of categories, usually, mutually exclusive ones. Examples of Pigeonholing is using categories that are poorly defined (e.g., because they are subjective). Entities may be suited to more than one category. Example: rhubarb is both "poisonous" and "edible". Entities may not fit into any available category. Example: asking somebody from Washington, D.C. which state they live in. Entities may change over time, so they no longer fit the category in which they have been placed. Example: certain species of fish may change from male to female during their life. Attempting to discretize properties that would be better viewed as a continuum must be taken with caution. Example: while sorting people into "introverted" and "extroverted" one must keep in mind that most people exhibit both traits to some degree.

The Major Problem with Profiles is that there are no documents that are available to the public that would explain exactly what information that people are collecting and why. There are also no documents that are available to the public that would explain how the information is being used or how the information is being understood. This means that the information can be misused to discriminate and attack innocent people, especially if the profiles are inaccurate or fraudulent, like some back ground checks or credit checks are. This is not just slanderous, but outright lying. A type of ignorant bias used to unfairly discredit people. Like McCarthyism, which is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence, or without any research into its interpretation.

American Community Survey is an ongoing survey by the U.S. Census Bureau. It regularly gathers information previously contained only in the long form of the decennial census, such as ancestry, citizenship, educational attainment, income, language proficiency, migration, disability, employment, and housing characteristics. These data are used by many public-sector, private-sector, and not-for-profit stakeholders to allocate funding, track shifting demographics, plan for emergencies, and learn about local communities. Sent to approximately 295,000 addresses monthly (or 3.5 million per year), it is the largest household survey that the Census Bureau administers. Adversity Score is intended to assess the kind of neighborhood the student came from, including factors such as the portion of teens receiving free or reduced lunch, the level of crime and average educational attainment. Boiling all of that complex information down to one number.

Blacklisting is the action of a group or authority, compiling a blacklist (or black list) of people, countries or other entities to be avoided or distrusted as not being acceptable to those making the list. A blacklist can list people to be discriminated against, refused employment, or censured. As a verb, blacklist can mean to put an individual or entity on such a list. being denied a particular privilege, service, mobility, access or recognition. Censorship - Extortion.

Blacklist is a list of people or products viewed with suspicion or disapproval.

Blacklisting - Blacklist (employment) - McCarthyism - Excluded People - Blacklisted by History

Being targeted by ignorant criminals who work for corporations and government departments. Diversion Tactics.

Profiling Algorithms or weapons of math destruction, are just as dangerous as a racist or an extremist. Trying to understand someone's thinking and reasoning is very difficult, especially if they are not knowledgeable enough to accurately explain the flaws and errors they are experiencing. Now imagine if someone created a formula that mimicked a ignorant reasoning that could be used over and over again to profile people. Similar to how Schools and Universities use testing as a method for profiling. This is another great reason why improving education is so extremely important. We need math experts who can't be corrupted by ignorance. Math is a extremely important tool that humans need to use to understand life and to increase the quality of life. We can not allow criminals to use math against life and or use math against people. Turning an ignorant behavior into a math formula is very dangerous, especially when people don't understand what they're using or what they're doing with it.

Profiling algorithms or mathematical techniques allow the discovery of patterns or correlations in large quantities of data.

Social Credit System is a proposed Chinese government initiative for developing a national reputation system. It has been reported to be intended to assign a "social credit" rating to every citizen based on government data regarding their economic and social status. It works as a mass surveillance tool and uses big data analysis technology. In addition, it is also meant to rate businesses operating on the Chinese market.

Shaming people is not an effective teaching method. Punishing people is also not an effective teaching method. A High Quality Education is the most effective way to help people understand the differences between right and wrong, good and bad.

Sin Tax is used for Taxes on activities that are considered socially undesirable. An excise or sales tax specifically levied on certain goods deemed harmful to society and individuals, for example alcohol and tobacco, candies, drugs, soft drinks, fast foods, coffee, sugar, gambling and pornography. Pharmaceuticals, Pollution, Dumbing Down Education, Corruption and Propaganda should also have a Sin Tax.

Rhode Island's largest city has approved final passage of a police accountability measure. Proponents say could be a national model to prevent discriminatory profiling based on race, gender identity and immigration status. Prohibiting racial and other forms of discriminatory profiling- Establishing how police officers will document and collect data from traffic and pedestrian stops - Mandating greater transparency and accountability in police-community interactions- Establishing new protections for juveniles, immigrants and transgender people- Improving and codifying policies for use of the police gang database- Improving language access for people who have limited English proficiency.

Injustice - Rumors

You can't punish people for the mistakes they made, you can only detain people because there is clear evidence that they will commit a horrible crime again, or do things that would either harm themselves or harm others or harm the environment. Law enforcement should act more like an immune system, and not be the cancer that they are supposed to protect us from.

Frameup or setup is the act of framing someone, that is, providing false evidence or false testimony in order to falsely prove someone guilty of a crime. Sometimes, the person who is framing someone else is the actual perpetrator of the crime. In other cases it is an attempt by law enforcement to get around due process. Motives include getting rid of political dissidents or "correcting" what they see as the court's mistake. Some lawbreakers will try to claim they were framed as a defense strategy.

Geographic Profiling is determining an offender's most likely area of residence, an understanding of the spatial pattern of a crime series and the characteristics of the crime sites can tell investigators other useful information, such as whether the crime was opportunistic and the degree of offender familiarity with the crime location. This is based on the connection between an offender's behavior and his or her non-criminal life.

Stalking is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group towards another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.

Implicit Stereotype is the unconscious attribution of particular qualities to a member of a certain social group. Implicit stereotypes are influenced by experience, and are based on learned associations between various qualities and social categories, including race or gender. Individuals' perceptions and behaviors can be affected by implicit stereotypes, even without the individuals' intention or awareness. Implicit stereotypes are an aspect of implicit social cognition, the phenomenon that perceptions, attitudes, and stereotypes operate without conscious intention.

Abusive Personal Attacks - Telling Lies about People

Slander is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.

Vilify is to spread negative information about someone.

False Accusation - Invalid Argument - False Arrest - Malicious Prosecution - Frivolous Lawsuit - Harassment - Profiling - Rumors - Assumptions - Troll - False Flag - Threats - Criticizing - Cancel Culture - Hatred - Hate Speech - Racism - Profanity

Smear Campaign is an effort to damage or call into question someone's reputation, by propounding negative propaganda. It can be applied to individuals or groups. Negative Campaigns - Attack Adds.

Bad-Jacketing is the practice of creating suspicion—through the spreading of rumors, manufacturing of evidence, etc.—which allude to bona fide key organizational members as being either political informers, or guilty of offenses such as skimming organization funds.

Ratfucking is an American slang term for political sabotage or dirty tricks, particularly pertaining to elections.

Discredit is to harm the good reputation of someone. Perjury.

Denigrate is to charge someone falsely with malicious intent. To attack the good name and reputation of someone. Cause to seem less serious or play down.

Aspersion is an attack on the reputation or integrity of someone or something. A false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation.

Relational Aggression is a type of aggression in which harm is caused by damaging someone's relationships or social status.

Character Assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that destroys the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, social group, or nation Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and fostering rumors, and manipulating information.

Doxed is to publish personal or identifying information about someone on the internet, usually maliciously.

Defamation is an abusive attack on a person's character using malicious and false accusations and misrepresentation of someone's words or actions.

Defamatory are statements harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign.

Character Defamation is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.

Cyber Defamation Law is not a specific criminal offense, misdemeanor or tort, but rather defamation or slander conducted via digital media, usually through the Internet. Penalties for "cyber defamation" vary from country to country, but the fundamental rights covered in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and European Union Fundamental Human Rights. Stopping or addressing defamation can be difficult. If the person has no serious grudge, then a cease and desist letter may stop the behavior and get the statements removed from the Internet. On the other hand, if the person is acting out of spite, it may be necessary to file a report with the police depending on local law. Non-Disparagement Clause.

Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress is a civil tort that involves conduct that is so terrible and outrageous that it causes severe emotion distress and trauma to the victim. Although not all offensive conduct qualifies as IIED, when found, a victim can recover damages from the party that caused the trauma.

Public Humiliation is the dishonoring showcase of a person, usually an offender or a prisoner, especially in a public place. It was regularly used as a form of punishment in former times, and is still practiced by different means in the modern era.

Humiliation is strong feelings of embarrassment. Depriving one of self-esteem. State of disgrace or loss of self-respect. Humiliation is the abasement of pride, which creates mortification or leads to a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission. It is an emotion felt by a person whose social status has just decreased.

Humiliation is depriving one of self-esteem and pride, which creates mortification or leads to a state of being humbled or reduced to lowliness or submission. It is an emotion felt by a person whose social status, either by force or willingly, has just decreased. It can be brought about through intimidation, physical or mental mistreatment or trickery, or by embarrassment if a person is revealed to have committed a socially or legally unacceptable act. Whereas humility can be sought alone as a means to de-emphasize the ego, humiliation must involve other person(s), though not necessarily directly or willingly. Humiliation is currently an active research topic, and is now seen as an important – and complex – core dynamic in human relationships, having implications at intrapersonal, interpersonal, institutional and international levels.

Intimidation is intentional behavior that "would cause a person of ordinary sensibilities" to fear injury or harm. It is not necessary to prove that the behavior was so violent as to cause mean terror or that the victim was actually frightened. Threat, criminal threatening (or threatening behavior) is the crime of intentionally or knowingly putting another person in fear of bodily injury. "Threat of harm generally involves a perception of injury...physical or mental damage...act or instance of injury, or a material and detriment or loss to a person." "A terroristic threat is a crime generally involving a threat to commit violence communicated with the intent to terrorize other." "Intimidation" is the name of a criminal offense in several U.S. states. Frivolous.

Derogatory is an expressive of low opinion.

Condescension - Abuse - Punishment

Disparage is to express a negative opinion of someone or some thing.

Contentious is something causing or likely to cause an argument or a controversy, which is a dispute where there is strong disagreement. Inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits.

Mockery is teasing and contemptuous language or behavior directed at a particular person or thing. Mockery or mocking is the act of insulting or making light of a person or other thing, sometimes merely by taunting, but often by making a caricature, purporting to engage in imitation in a way that highlights unflattering characteristics.

Revenge Porn is the distribution of sexually explicit images or video of individuals without their permission. The sexually explicit images or video may be made by a partner of an intimate relationship with the knowledge and consent of the subject, or it may be made without his or her knowledge. The possession of the material may be used by the perpetrators to blackmail the subjects into performing other sex acts, to coerce them into continuing the relationship, to punish them for ending the relationship, or to silence them. Nonconsensual pornography occurs when someone shares a sexually graphic image of you without your consent. It's also commonly called revenge porn.

Harassment is behavior that is intended to disturb someone or upset someone, and is characteristically repetitive. In the legal sense, it is behavior that appears to be disturbing or threatening. Sexual Harassment refers to persistent and unwanted sexual advances, typically in the workplace, where the consequences of refusing are potentially very disadvantageous to the victim. Bullying.

Threat is a communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another person. A threat is considered an act of coercion. Threats or intimidation are widely observed in animal behavior, particularly in a ritualized form, chiefly in order to avoid the unnecessary physical violence that can lead to physical damage or death of both conflicting parties.

Annoyance is an unpleasant mental state that is characterized by such effects as irritation and distraction from one's conscious thinking. It can lead to emotions such as frustration and anger. The property of being easily annoyed is called irritability. Disturbing the Peace.

is a published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation; a written defamation, defame (someone), malign, slander, blacken someone's name, sully someone's reputation, speak ill/evil of, traduce, smear, cast aspersions on, drag someone's name through the mud, besmirch, tarnish, taint, tell lies about, stain, impugn someone's character/integrity, vilify, denigrate, disparage, run down, stigmatize, discredit, slur.

Insult is a rude expression intended to offend or hurt. A deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect. Treat, mention, or speak to rudely. Show contempt for someone. Profanity.

Subversion is destroying someone's or some group's honesty or loyalty. Undermining moral integrity.

Factoid a false or spurious statement presented as a fact, as well as a true, if brief or trivial, item of news or information.

Ad Hominem is a logical fallacy in which an argument is rebutted by attacking the character, motive, or other attribute of the person making the argument, or persons associated with the argument, rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Indelible is making marks that cannot be removed. Something that is not able to be forgotten or erased and incapable of being canceled or lost. Dismissal (clean record).

Insinuate is to suggest or hint something bad or reprehensible in an indirect and unpleasant way.

Condescension is a form of incivility or deliberate lack of respect wherein low status of the target is implied.

Pejorative is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative connotation, a low opinion of someone or something, or showing a lack of respect for someone or something. It is also used as criticism, hostility, disregard and/or disrespect.

Public Shaming (youtube)

Derogatory Labels (profanity) - Profiling

Stigma - Weight Stigma is a form of social stigma that has been broadly defined as bias (prejudicial and negative attitudes, beliefs, and/or stereotypes) or discriminatory behaviors targeted at individuals with overweight or obesity or who are perceived to carry excess body weight. Weight stigma is present in multiple domains, such as healthcare, education, media, and interpersonal settings, and is perpetrated by friends, family, and the individual him- or herself. Weight Stigma (PDF) - Body Image.

Innuendo is an hint, insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a denigrating or a derogatory nature (low opinion). It can also be a remark or question, typically disparaging (also called insinuation -a indirect (and usually malicious) implication), that works obliquely by allusion. In the latter sense the intention is often to insult or accuse someone in such a way that one's words, taken literally, are innocent. Profanity.

Badge of Shame a distinctive symbol required to be worn by a specific group or an individual for the purpose of public humiliation, ostracism, or persecution.

Excommunication is an institutional act of religious censure used to deprive, suspend, or limit membership in a religious community or to restrict or regulate certain rights within it, in particular receiving of the sacraments. Excommunicado is a state of a former Continental member after their privileges have been revoked due to a severe infraction of the rules.

Criticized - Censured - Fired

Reprimand is to censure severely or angrily. An act or expression of criticism and censure. Rebuke formally. Chewed out. Berate.

Exile means to be away from one's home or city, state, or country, while either being explicitly refused permission to return or being threatened with imprisonment or death upon return. It can be a form of punishment and solitude.

Pharmakos was the ritualistic sacrifice or exile of a human scapegoat or victim.

Ostracize is to exclude or expel someone from a society, community or group.  To avoid speaking to or dealing with. Ostracism was a procedure under the Athenian democracy in which any citizen could be expelled from the city-state of Athens for ten years. While some instances clearly expressed popular anger at the citizen, ostracism was often used preemptively. It was used as a way of neutralizing someone thought to be a threat to the state or potential tyrant. The word "ostracism" continues to be used for various cases of social shunning. Discrimination - Racism.

Shun is to expel from a community or group and avoid and stay away from and stay clear of deliberately.

Shunning can be the act of social rejection, or emotional distance. In a religious context, shunning is a formal decision by a denomination or a congregation to cease interaction with an individual or a group, and follows a particular set of rules. It differs from, but may be associated with, excommunication.

Rejection (relationships) - Passive Aggressive.

Denunciation is the act of publicly assigning blame of a perceived wrongdoing to a person with the hopes of bringing attention to a particular problem.

Denounce is to accuse or condemn someone openly or formally and to classify or describe someone as disgraceful. To speak out against someone or give away information about somebody, information that can be misconstrued and misinterpreted by ignorant people, which could cause an ill-advised witch-hunt.

Enemy Combatant is a term referring to a person who, either lawfully or unlawfully, directly engages in hostilities for an enemy state or non-state actor in an armed conflict.

False Flag Attack - Violence - Crimes - Torture - Murder - Genocide - Terrorism - Evil

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening a polity or corporation through subversion, obstruction, disruption or destruction. In a workplace setting, sabotage is the conscious withdrawal of efficiency generally directed at causing some change in workplace conditions. One who engages in sabotage is a saboteur. Saboteurs typically try to conceal their identities because of the consequences of their actions. Treason.

Wars - Anger - Punishment - Abuse - Prisons

Corporate Crimes - Abuse - Media Crimes - Power - Interrogation

Crimes Against Humanity are certain acts that are deliberately committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population or an identifiable part of a population.

Reputation is an opinion about that entity, typically a result of social evaluation on a set of criteria. It is important in business, education, online communities, and many other fields.

You can Sue for Slander if someone makes false statements about you that harm your reputation. Slander is a type of defamation that involves spoken statements, while libel is written defamation. To win a slander lawsuit, you must prove that: The defendant made a false statement, The statement was defamatory, The statement was spoken as if it were true, The Statement was published, The statement was not privileged, The defendant acted intentionally or negligently, The statement caused you harm. In some cases, such as accusations of criminal activity or certain diseases, the law assumes damages without requiring proof of actual harm. These are known as "slander per se" cases. You can expect the following process if you sue for slander: File a complaint: You file a complaint in state court. Serve the defendant: You serve the defendant with a copy of the complaint. Answer: The defendant has a limited time to file an answer to your complaint. Discovery: You and the defendant exchange information about the case, such as written questions and physical evidence. Trial: The court issues a scheduling order that specifies all of the relevant deadlines. You must file your defamation lawsuit within a certain time frame, called the statute of limitations. Most states allow one to three years from the time the statement was made. If you miss the deadline, the court will likely dismiss your case. The amount of compensation you can receive for a defamation case varies depending on your individual circumstances. You could receive as little as $1 or millions of dollars.


Racism is prejudice, discrimination, abuse, or antagonism directed against other people because they are of a different race or ethnicity. It is the ignorant belief of ignorant people who think that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. Modern variants of racism are often based in social perceptions of biological differences between peoples. These views can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs, or political systems in which different races are ranked as inherently superior or inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. Inequality.

Institutional Racism or Systemic Racism, is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues.

Institutional Bias and structural bias can lead to institutional racism, and can also be used interchangeably. Institutional racism is a type of racism that is integrated into the laws, norms, and regulations of a society or establishment. Structural bias, in turn, has been defined more specifically in reference to racial inequities as "the normalized and legitimized range of policies, practices, and attitudes that routinely produce cumulative and chronic adverse outcomes for minority populations".

Implicit is something implied, though not plainly expressed, or it has been suggested or hinted at but not actually directly stated or expressed.

Segregation - Stratification - Hate - Church and State - False Evidence - Rumors

Covert Racism is a form of racial discrimination that is disguised and subtle, rather than public or obvious. Concealed in the fabric of society, covert racism discriminates against individuals through often evasive or seemingly passive methods. Covert, racially-biased decisions are often hidden or rationalized with an explanation that society is more willing to accept. These racial biases cause a variety of problems that work to empower the suppressors while diminishing the rights and powers of the oppressed. Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.

Racist is a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others. Discriminatory especially on the basis of race, religion or the lightness or the darkness of the skin tone.

Ethnicity - Race - Condescending - Invalid Reasoning (fallacy) - Profiling

Researchers found the Black population in the United States experienced more than 1.63 million excess deaths — and more than 80 million excess years of life lost — compared to the White population over a recent 22-year period, from 1999 through 2020.

Racial Discrimination affects brain microstructure, study finds. Anomalies could underlie higher risk for health conditions in Black Americans. Racial discrimination increases the risk for physical and mental illnesses, and Black women suffer from diseases at significantly higher rates than White women. How traumatic experiences such as discrimination increase vulnerability to illness remains the topic of intense research. Now, a new study shows that the experience of racial discrimination affects the microstructure of the brain, as well as increasing the risk for health disorders.

Person of Color is primarily used to describe any person who is not considered white. People of color include African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Pacific Islander Americans, Middle Eastern Americans, and multiracial Americans. The term emphasizes common experiences of systemic racism. The term may also be used with other collective categories of people such as "communities of color", "men of color" (MOC), "women of color" (WOC), or "librarians of color". The acronym BIPOC refers to black, indigenous, and other people of color and aims to emphasize the historic oppression of black and indigenous people. Colored is an ethnic descriptor historically used in the United States during the Jim Crow era and other European-settled countries and their former colonies.

The people who believe that they're superior to others are the ones who are the least superior to everyone around them. Only an ignorant scumbag would believe that they are superior to another person, especially when they use superficial details that they have not measured or even confirmed. This is a psychotic delusional fantasy that proves only one thing, that you are inferior and you are lower in ability, rank, status, and quality. Ignorant Reinforcement.

Cultural Racism describes prejudices and discrimination based on cultural differences between ethnic or racial groups. Mix Marriage.

Xenophobia is a fear of the other or the outsider, including the foreigner who seeks refuge in one's country. It's a dislike of or a prejudice against people from other countries. An irrational fear of foreigners or strangers. A fear of that which is perceived to be foreign or strange.

Phobias - Fear of Change - SegregationPrivileged

Fear is a Powerful Weapon, and fear is what corrupt ignorant people in power use to control people and to keep people distracted and confused. Immigrants, regardless of their status, are portrayed as a threat to American society by the media who are controlled by corrupt ignorant people in power.

Fear of Immigrants and Immigration in American Society. The media portrays immigrants as a threat, using fear and ignorance as a weapon. Just another devious distraction to take peoples attention away from the real criminals doing real damage to society, whichare the big corporations and wealthy demigods who are damaging your brain, damaging your body, and damaging your environment, all while you're blaming and complaining about things that you assume are a threat, when the real threat is your own ignorance and the ignorance of the people in power.

Ethnic Cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous. Ethnic Unrest. Genocide.

Replacement Theory is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory that proposes that white European populations at large are being demographically and culturally replaced by non-white peoples—especially from Muslim-majority countries—through mass migration, demographic growth and a drop in the birth rate of white Europeans. Great Replacement or replacement theory is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory. It's another catch phrase used by republican criminals to manipulate gullible voters using fear and lies.

White people have always been the minority in the world. So nothing has changed, except for the ignorance of white people. White people are much dumber now. You can't be superior when your education system is dumbed down. Your only threat is your own ignorance. Educate yourself and wakeup. The real body snatchers are the dumbed down schools and the dumbed down media that are owned by greedy white psychopaths. You're being killed by your own and being manipulated to blame other people. Just the same old divide and control bullshit that has been going on for thousands of years. White people are an embarrassment to themselves. The oppressors have not become the oppressed and the oppressed have not become the oppressors. Ignorance is the oppressor.

The irony of reverse colonialism. Reverse Colonization is defined as the return of a colonized people or land to their native ownership and control. It is the exact opposite of colonization, which takes control of land and resources from one group to another. White people have used other people as slaves for hundreds of years. We still have slaves, but now more slaves are free. And freed slaves just want equality, they don't want to be slave owners.

There are different factions of white supremacy groups, just like with other religions, not everyone is on the same page, or reads the same books, or do they interpret the meaning of text in the same way. A high quality universal education can fix all this division. Unite us as intelligent humans. Intelligence is every humans birth right. We should embrace our true human nature and not let it be destroyed by ignorance.

Victimhood can become a part of a person's identity, but it is a learned behavior and can be changed. It often evolves as a defense mechanism to cope with adverse life events. People who constantly blame other people or situations for the events in their lives have a victim mentality. Victim mentality is a psychological concept referring to a mindset in which a person, or group of people, tends to recognize or consider themselves a victim of the negative actions of others. In some cases, those with a victim mentality have in fact been the victim of wrongdoing by others or have otherwise suffered misfortune through no fault of their own.

ZOG is a white supremacist acronym for "Zionist Occupied Government," which reflects the common white supremacist belief that the U.S. government is controlled.

Mud People is a racist slang term for black people, Mexicans and Asians.

How can you use one word to attack and judge people you don't even know. There is not one person or one thing on this planet that can be described using one word. People need to expand their vocabulary and learn the definitions of words so they can actually explain something in detail, instead of using vague words that only generalize and say very little. Learn to speak or learn to shut up and listen. But please learn something. Race in America 2019 (youtube) - Public has negative views of the country’s racial progress; more than half say Trump has made race relations worse.

Ethnocentrism is the act of judging another culture based on preconceptions that are found in the values and standards of one's own culture – especially regarding language, behavior, customs, and religion. These aspects or categories are distinctions that define each ethnicity's unique cultural identity.

Ethnic Nepotism describes a human tendency for in-group bias or in-group favoritism applied by nepotism for people with the same ethnicity within a multi-ethnic society.

Every white person is different in their own way, every dark skinned person is a little different too, every Asian person is also different. So you would be a total moron to ignore these facts. To label someone is to limit someone, especially if that someone is an individual that you have never met or know very little about. So stop being a moron. Treat people as individuals, and not as some perceived group.

Human Skin Color ranges in variety from the darkest brown to the lightest hues. An individual's skin pigmentation is the result of genetics, being the product of both of the individual's biological parents' genetic makeup, and exposure to sun. In evolution, skin pigmentation in human beings evolved by a process of natural selection primarily to regulate the amount of ultraviolet radiation penetrating the skin, controlling its biochemical effects. The actual skin color of different humans is affected by many substances, although the single most important substance is the pigment melanin. Melanin is produced within the skin in cells called melanocytes and it is the main determinant of the skin color of darker-skinned humans. The skin color of people with light skin is determined mainly by the bluish-white connective tissue under the dermis and by the hemoglobin circulating in the veins of the dermis. The red color underlying the skin becomes more visible, especially in the face, when, as consequence of physical exercise or the stimulation of the nervous system (anger, fear), arterioles dilate. Color is not entirely uniform across an individual's skin; for example, the skin of the palm and the sole is lighter than most other skin, and this is especially noticeable in darker-skinned people.

Human skin pigmentation as an adaptation to UV radiation. Human skin pigmentation is the product of two clines produced by natural selection to adjust levels of constitutive pigmentation to levels of UV radiation or UVR. One cline was generated by high UVR near the equator and led to the evolution of dark, photoprotective, eumelanin-rich pigmentation. The other was produced by the requirement for UVB photons to sustain cutaneous photosynthesis of vitamin D3 in low-UVB environments, and resulted in the evolution of depigmented skin. As hominins dispersed outside of the tropics, they experienced different intensities and seasonal mixtures of UVA and UVB. Extreme UVA throughout the year and two equinoctial peaks of UVB prevail within the tropics. Under these conditions, the primary selective pressure was to protect folate by maintaining dark pigmentation. Photolysis of folate and its main serum form of 5-methylhydrofolate is caused by UVR and by reactive oxygen species generated by UVA. Competition for folate between the needs for cell division, DNA repair, and melanogenesis is severe under stressful, high-UVR conditions and is exacerbated by dietary insufficiency. Outside of tropical latitudes, UVB levels are generally low and peak only once during the year. The populations exhibiting maximally depigmented skin are those inhabiting environments with the lowest annual and summer peak levels of UVB. Development of facultative pigmentation (tanning) was important to populations settling between roughly 23° and 46° , where levels of UVB varied strongly according to season. Depigmented and tannable skin evolved numerous times in hominin evolution via independent genetic pathways under positive selection. Skin Cancer.

"Everyone is a little different no matter what color, gender or size they are. Even people in the same family are never exactly the same, even twins. And these small differences is what makes life possible. But even knowing that, we are still more alike then we are different."

I would not say that I'm color blind when it comes to seeing people of different colors. Blind is not the right word to use when seeing someone. I see colors and I see outward appearances. But I try not to focus on any one detail about what a person may look like. The most important details of any person are the details of their character. I don't judge a book by its cover. But I do remember what the cover looks like, It's just that I remember more about how a person acted, than how they looked. I can remember a person by their face, but I remember the face more when I know the person behind the face. It's crazy to be prejudice or biased or make assumptions, because those are defects in your thinking that can make you extremely vulnerable to manipulation and delusions. Yes you should be cautious and you should also be aware of other people. And you should know that everyone is different and that everyone has value, and that some people can be dangerous. But you can't be so paranoid that you imagine things that are not even real. If that happens, you could easily become the evil that you fear. All because you pretended to know something that wasn't even there. And the only thing that was there, was your ignorance.

Whiteness Studies is the study of the structures that produce white privilege, the examination of what whiteness is when analyzed as a race, a culture, and a source of systemic racism, and the exploration of other social phenomena generated by the societal compositions, perceptions and group behaviors of white people.

Critical Race Theory is an academic movement of civil rights scholars and activists in the United States who seek to critically examine the law as it intersects with issues of race and to challenge mainstream liberal approaches to racial justice. Critical race theory examines social, cultural and legal issues as they relate to race and racism. Both critical race theory and critical legal studies are rooted in critical theory, which argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. Critical race theory is loosely unified by two common themes: first, that white supremacy or societal racism exists and maintains power through the law; and second, that transforming the relationship between law and racial power, and also achieving racial emancipation and anti-subordination more broadly, are possible. Critics of critical race theory argue that it relies on social constructionism, elevates storytelling over evidence and reason, rejects the concepts of truth and merit, and opposes liberalism. Generational Trauma.

Critical Race Theory: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube).

When an ignorant moron says that teaching students about racism will make students feel shame and guilt about the ignorant scumbags who were racist in the past, what this moron is really saying is that ignorant people don't want students to have a conscience or to feel empathy or know the truth about history, because if they do, they will not grow up to be ignorant republican voters, or realize that ignorant racist scumbags still exist today. We should remember the ignorant scumbags of our past as a way to remind us of how extremely important a high quality education is. The best way to avoid being an asshole is learning how bad it is to be an asshole. Just because a white person was a scumbag or is still a scumbag, this does not make me feel shame about being white, it makes me feel shame about a society that poorly educates people so they grow up to be ignorant scumbags, or worse, republicans. Gov. Glenn Youngkin wants to turn people into nazi informers and back stabbing snitches, which causes divisive behavior instead of discouraging divisive behavior. This makes Glenn a liar and a threat to Americans for inciting terrorism, which is no surprise, since he is a republican. Education is dumbed down enough as it is, and now someone wants to dumb down education some more. That is a stupid idea, and most bad ideas come from a bad education. So what you're saying is that you're broken, and your idea is to break yourself some more and then see if that it will make things better. You sound like a person crying for help. We can help you, but in return you will need to help the people that your are responsible for, that's everyone, including yourself. We know that you're not alone in your decisions, and that you have people influencing your behavior. But there is another way. You can still be someone's puppet, but you can also be your own puppeteer, and do what is right and fair for everyone. Everything that you have in life is from people who were bold enough to stand up to horrible abuses, and then find ways to stop the abuses, and because of these people standing up, humans have been given the time to advance and the time needed to make improvements. But we still have so much work to do, which means more people must stand up. And the best way to stand up is to learn and educate yourself. Standing up requires planning, Standing up requires commitment, and standing up requires that you never forget why you need to stand up. Remembering your purpose is extremely important. And if you have doubts, then you better deal with those doubts fast, because if your heart is not in it, then your head may lose its way. So you need to keep learning, we have a mountain of troubles ahead of us, and we are going to need the most skilled climbers that we can get, or at the least, find people who are willing to learn how to climb this mountain of troubles that are ahead of us. Humans are born to solve problems, we are problem solvers by design. But we must do something, and not just dream about doing something. Everyone has a first step, now its up to you to take the next steps. One by one.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not just about stopping discrimination, it was also about stopping ignorant people from pretending to be superior to others based on their race, religion, or other characteristics, or that people’s moral character is defined by those identity traits.

Critical Legal Studies adherents claim that laws are used to maintain the status quo of society's power structures; it is also held that the law is a codified form of society's biases against marginalized groups. Despite wide variation in the opinions of critical legal scholars around the world, there is general consensus regarding the key goals of Critical Legal Studies: To demonstrate the ambiguity and possible preferential outcomes of supposedly impartial and rigid legal doctrines. To publicize historical, social, economic and psychological results of legal decisions. To demystify legal analysis and legal culture in order to impose transparency on legal processes so that they earn the general support of socially responsible citizens.

Critical Theory focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures. With origins in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems are influenced and created more by societal structures and cultural assumptions than by individual and psychological factors. Maintaining that ideology is the principal obstacle to human liberation.

Anti-Bias Education should teach critical thinking and problem solving, while explaining the dangers of prejudice, racisism, hate, terrorism, misinformation, and bias. People should understand to respect the differences that each individual has, and that confidence and values-based principles are best learned when young.

Demographic Threat is a term used in political conversation to refer to population increases from within a minority ethnic group in a given country that are perceived as threatening to alter the ethnic identity of that country.

I Pranked America's Most Racist Man (youtube) - Guy Travels To The Most Racist Town In America And Tricks A KKK Leader Into Giving A Interview. Niko Omilana travels to Zinc, Arkansas to interview Thomas Robb and he's going to flip when he realizes BBC doesn't just mean British Broadcasting Company.

U.S. Economy Lost $16 Trillion Because Of Discrimination. Since 2000, U.S. gross domestic product lost that much as a result of discriminatory practices in a range of areas, including in education and access to business loans, according to a new study by Citigroup. It's not an insignificant number: By comparison, U.S. GDP totaled $19.5 trillion last year. $13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result. $2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans. $218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit. And $90 billion to $113 billion in lifetime income lost from discrimination in accessing higher education.

Privileged - You Think You're Better Than Me

Privilege is an opportunity to do something good, or a chance to do something important and beneficial.

Privilege can also mean having a special advantage or immunity or a benefit not enjoyed by all. Privilege can be a right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group who may not be deserving or have not earned this right.

is someone not subject to the usual rules or penalties.

Toxic Ego - Spoiled Brat - Foolish Pride - Illusion of Superiority - Above the Law - Quid pro quo - Nepotism - Client Privilege - Information Bubble - Ill-Prepared for Reality - Religious Excuse - Cults

Patronage is the support, encouragement, privilege, or financial aid that an organization or individual bestows on another.

Prerogative is a right or privilege exclusive to a particular individual or class. A right reserved exclusively by a particular person or group.

Privilege is a certain entitlement to immunity granted by the state or another authority to a restricted group, either by birth or on a conditional basis. Land-titles and taxi medallions are pronounced examples of transferable privilege. These can be revoked in certain circumstances. In modern democratic states, a privilege is conditional and granted only after birth. By contrast, a right is an inherent, irrevocable entitlement held by all citizens or all human beings from the moment of birth. Various examples of old common law privilege still exist, to title deeds, for example. Etymologically, a privilege (privilegium) means a "private law", or rule relating to a specific individual or institution. Note that the principles of conduct that members of the legal profession observe in their practice are called Legal ethics.

Male Privilege is a set of social, economic, and political advantages or rights that are made available to men solely on the basis of their sex. Male privilege is often examined alongside the concept of patriarchy within feminist movements.

Spoiled Brat - Colonialism - Imperialism

White Privilege is the societal privilege that benefits white people over non-white people in some societies, or a term for societal privileges that benefit people identified as white in Western countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances. Academic perspectives such as critical race theory and whiteness studies use the concept of "white privilege" to analyze how racism and radicalized societies affect the lives of white or white-skinned people.

Social Privilege is a special advantage or entitlement, used to one's own benefit and/or to the detriment of others. Privileged groups can be advantaged based on education, social class, caste, age, height, nationality, geographic location, disability, ethnic or racial category, gender, gender identity, neurology, sexual orientation, physical attractiveness, and religion. It is generally considered to be a theoretical concept used in a variety of subjects and often linked to social inequality. Privilege is also linked to social and cultural forms of power. It began as an academic concept, but has since been invoked more widely, outside of academia. This subject is based on the interactions of different forms of privilege within certain situations. Furthermore, it must be understood as the inverse of social inequality, in that it focuses on how power structures in society aid societally privileged people, as opposed to how those structures oppress others.

Advantage is the quality of having a superior or more favorable position. A benefit resulting from some event or action. To give preferential help or benefit to someone. Clout is having a special advantage or influence.

Being privileged can sometimes influence delusional behavior. If your reasoning is based on things that you can not prove, then you're lying to yourself. If you can't explain a single scenario that offers some kind of an example that helps to prove your assumptions, then your belief is just an opinion that's based on hypotheticals that you can't even explain or justify. When you ignorantly believe that just because there are other people who think just like you, makes you right, then that's pretty stupid, because confirmation bias is like a hearsay, you have no evidence, you only have rumors, which means that you're an idiot, especially when the people who spread the rumors are just as ignorant as you are. So the only thing that you confirm is that you're an idiot. One of the main problems with being privileged is when the experience of being privileged becomes distorted and misinterpreted. A person can become disillusioned with the belief that they will always get things or always be deserving of things. When this happens, the person will always expect things and become spoiled and dependent, and will most likely take things for granted. This is when a person becomes vulnerable to mistakes and confusion. They will barely be able to think for themselves or survive on their own. And when privileges makes you narrow minded or unable to adapt, then you're not the dominant species anymore, you're just a risk. You have become complacent and content with your own ignorance. There's nothing worse than a person who pretends to be educated enough just because they had the privilege of going to some school. That's like people pretending to be informed about the world just because they watched some TV shows or read some books or news papers. When you're that ignorant, you don't even know that you're ignorant. Your ego becomes the lunatic on your shoulder who enjoys interrupting you and keeps you from doing anything of value in your life. Your empathy eventually gets replaced with psychopathic tendencies. You brag about how ignorant you are, and we're supposed to be impressed. Being privileged is not supposed to influence negative behaviors or cause you to lose your sense of reality. Privilege comes in many ways. Money is a privilege. Where you were born is a privilege. Having opportunities is a privilege. Having a loving family is a privilege. The color of your skin is a privilege. Being a man is a privilege. Being a beautiful women is a privilege. Having the power of authority is a privilege. Being a human is a privilege. Privilege is like having power, if you can't control it, it controls you. Every human should be given an operators manual for the proper control of power. Being alive is a responsibility.

Privilege should also be seen as when a person is not subjected to any physical abuse or mental abuse. Privilege is when you are not threatened or harassed or attacked or discriminated against just because you look different. Privilege is when you don't have to deal with ignorant scumbags who think that they're better than you. Privilege is when you have more opportunities and more freedom than other people do. And privilege may be something that you don't even know you have, at least not until some asshole acts like an ignorant scumbag by disrespecting you or by violating your rights, that's when you know something is wrong. When you say 'all lives matter', we have to assume that you actually know the definition of the word 'all', and know the word 'lives', and know the word 'matter'. Being able to speak and be heard is a privilege. But some people use that privilege to spread hate and force everyone else to suffer the consequences from their abusive comments.

White Nationalism is a belief that white people are a race and seeks to develop and maintain a white national identity. They hold that white people should maintain their majority in majority-white countries, maintain their political and economic dominance, and that their cultures should be foremost. Many white nationalists believe that miscegenation, multiculturalism, immigration of nonwhites and low birth rates among whites are threatening the white race, and some argue that it amounts to white genocide. This behavior is egotistical extremism and a perverted form of nationalism.

Chauvinism is an exaggerated patriotism and a belief in national superiority and glory. Whereas patriotism and nationalism may represent temperate pride, chauvinism is intemperate. It can be also defined as "an irrational belief in the superiority or dominance of one's own group or people". Moreover, the chauvinist's own people are seen as unique and special while the rest of the people are considered weak or inferior. Civil War - Voter Suppression.

Jingoism is extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests. Colloquially, jingoism is excessive bias in judging one's own country as superior to others — an extreme type of patriotism.

White Pride is an expression primarily used by white separatist, white nationalist, neo-Nazi and white supremacist organizations in order to signal racist or racialist viewpoints. It is also a slogan used by the prominent post-Ku Klux Klan group Stormfront and a term used to make racist/racialist viewpoints more palatable to the general public who may associate historical abuses with the terms white nationalist, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist. Straight Pride has primarily been used by social conservatives as a political stance and strategy. Heterosexual pride parades exist as a response to societal acceptance of LGBTQ visibility.

Illusion of Superiority - Dunning Kruger Effect - Condescension - Invalid Argument - Hypocrisy - Paranoid Delusions - Foolish Pride - Insecurity

Supremacism is a narrow-minded belief that assumes that a group of people are better than some other group of people because of the difference in appearances. Supremacists don't believe that people are measured by merit, competence or by their character. Supremacists don't believe in humans rights. For some strange reason, supremacists pretend to know things without doing any research or without doing any investigations on their own. Supremacists have nothing that would prove their point. They have no facts and they have no evidence that supports their understanding. All they have is what other people said. They have no credible reliable sources, mostly just regurgitated nonsense. People need current facts and relevant knowledge, not fantasies. Being subjective is ignorant. This type of atrocious behavior should not be happening in 2020. This behavior was supposed to die with hitler. But this is what happens when people are not educated enough. Having an inflated ego and being a spoiled brat is not supreme. When you give invalid arguments, it only proves that you don't understand what you belief or understand what you think you know.

Racism - White Trash, Redneck, Honky, Cracker.

is a term used to describe a privileged and abusive white women who ignorantly complains and makes contradictions when trying to make an argument. The "CAREN Act" that stands for "Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies", makes it illegal to make discriminatory, racially biased and exploitive non-emergency 911 calls in San Francisco. Karen's can have many issues (image).

You think that you're better than someone else, when in reality, you're a lot worse. You have more possessions and more privileges than a lot of people, yet you waste your opportunities and your potential to be disrespectful and abusive to people who have less than you, which makes you an ignorant asshole and an enemy of the state.

Allowing white nationalists to have a public demonstration is like allowing pedophiles to march for their right to rape children. This is how sick and demented some people are. They have no logical reason or argument, only psychotic beliefs that are similar to a terrorist or a war profiteer. It's like a mentally unstable lunatic trying to convince people that their mental illness is an excuse to be an as*hole. Correlation does not prove Causation - Freedom of Speech Abuses.

Sectarianism is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching relations of inferiority and superiority to differences between subdivisions within a group. Common examples are denominations of a religion, ethnic identity, class, or region for citizens of a state and factions of a political movement.

White People is a racial classification and skin color specifier, used mostly and exclusively for people of European and, more broadly Western Eurasian descent; depending on context, nationality, and point of view. The term has at times been expanded to encompass persons of South Asian, Middle Eastern, and North African descent (for example, in the US Census definition), persons who are often considered non-white in other contexts in the United States. It has also controversially been alleged that, in the United States, people of Southern European and even Irish descent have been excluded from this category, although this idea has been contested. The usage of "white people" or a "white race" for a large group of mainly or exclusively European populations, defined by their light skin, among other physical characteristics, and contrasting with "black people", Amerindians, Brown Race and other "colored" people or "persons of color", originated in the 17th century. It was only during the 19th century that this vague category was transformed in a pseudo-scientific system of race and skin color relations.

Caucasian Race is an outdated grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon which, depending on which of the historical race classifications is used, has usually included ancient and modern populations from all or parts of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, South Asia, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. Caucasoid has been used as an umbrella term for phenotypically similar groups from these different regions, with a focus on skeletal anatomy, and especially cranial morphology, without regard to skin tone. Physical anthropologists have moved away from a typological understanding of human biological diversity towards a genomic and population-based perspective, and have tended to understand race as a social classification of humans based on phenotype and ancestry as well as cultural factors, as the concept is also understood in the social sciences

Anglo-Saxons were a cultural group who inhabited England from the 5th century. They comprised people from Germanic tribes who migrated to the island from continental Europe, their descendants, and indigenous British groups who adopted many aspects of Anglo-Saxon culture and language. Anglo-Saxon period denotes the period in Britain between about 450 and 1066.

Hyper-Masculinity is a psychological term for the exaggeration of male stereotypical behavior, such as an emphasis on physical strength, aggression, and sexuality. Callous sexual attitudes toward women. The belief that violence is manly. The experience of danger as exciting. Toxic Masculinity - Toxic Leadership - Toxic Ego - Masculinity.

Classical Conditioning - Psychopaths - Bias - Conformity - Socially Constructed

Hate Group is a social group that advocates and practices hatred, hostility, or violence towards members of a race, ethnicity, nation, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation or any other designated sector of society. Why Do People Hate Jews? (youtube).

Hate Crime or bias-motivated crime is a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership or perceived membership of a certain social group or race. Examples of such groups can include, and are almost exclusively limited to: sex, ethnicity, disability, language, nationality, physical appearance, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation. Non-criminal actions that are motivated by these reasons are often called "bias incidents". "Hate crime" generally refers to criminal acts which are seen to have been motivated by bias against one or more of the social groups listed above, or by bias against their derivatives. Incidents may involve physical assault, damage to property, bullying, harassment, verbal abuse or insults, mate crime or offensive graffiti or letters (hate mail). A hate crime law is a law intended to deter bias-motivated violence. Hate crime laws are distinct from laws against hate speech: hate crime laws enhance the penalties associated with conduct which is already criminal under other laws, while hate speech laws criminalize a category of speech.

Whitewashing refers to casting white actors as characters who are non-white or of indeterminate race. Green Washing.

American Exceptionalism is the belief that the history of the United States is inherently different from other nations, and the US has a unique mission to transform the world, and that its history and its mission give the United States a superiority over other nations. Genocide.

Manifest Destiny was a widely held cultural belief in the 19th-century United States that American settlers were destined to expand across North America. There are three basic themes to manifest destiny: The special virtues of the American people and their institutions. The mission of the United States to redeem and remake the west in the image of the agrarian East. An irresistible destiny to accomplish this essential duty. Indoctrination.

Exceptionalism is the perception that a country, society, institution, movement, or time period is exceptional, unusual or extraordinary in some way and thus does not need to conform to normal rules or principles. Although the idea appears to have developed with respect to an era, today the term is particularly applied to national or regional exceptionalism. Other uses are rarer in the present day.

Exploitation is an act that exploits or victimizes someone and treats them unfairly. Manipulation.

Racism is ignorance at its core. Racism is an assumption and a narrow minded observation that prejudges another person by their appearance instead of their individual merit. When a racist person try's to explain the reasoning behind their thinking, that's when they hopefully realize how wrong and how incorrect they are, but not always, because most ignorant people don't want to listen or learn, and seldom have real conversations. Racist people will not even try to attempt to explain themselves because they're afraid of the ugly truth that it will reveal. Racist people also hate to be wrong and find out that they have been living a lie. Being ignorant is not so unusual, especially when you examine how inadequate the education system is. Admitting that you're ignorant is not supposed to be difficult. This stubbornness to learn is why ignorance remains in the minds of racist bigots. This ignorance will fester and grow like a cancer until that persons death, causing society to pay for the damage that their ignorance has inflicted on themselves and other people, and on the world. The lies that racist people tell themselves, and the excuses that they give are a direct result of the lack of knowledge that they are suffering from. If people would just educated themselves they would realize how wrong they are and how little they know about themselves and the world around them. All people have ignorance, it's just that racist peoples ignorance is focused on a particular type of ignorance, called racism. Racist people are more ignorant than the general public, but how damaging a persons ignorance is depends on how that ignorance is expressed. Other ignorant people can also do just as much damage as a racist moron does, especially when a person has the power of authority or money, or anything else that can manipulate reality, like owning a gun or having a car, or belonging to a cult, or belonging to a group that's not about educating people but more about manipulating people.

Racist people are always falsely and narrow mindedly blaming other people for their problems, when in fact, everyone in the world shares similar problems. So hating people who are not the cause of your problems will never solve your problems, it will only make your problems worse, as clearly documented throughout human history. All citizens of the world have a common enemy called ignorance. And that ignorance is the minds of most people who are in control of our governments, schools and media outlets. Dived and conquer has been a weapon used by people in power for hundreds of years. People in power have always made people fight each other, this way, when people are busy fighting each other, they will remain distracted from knowing the truth and never have time to accurately question the problems, or fix the problems that they face in their lives. And since the people in power control the schools and control the universities and control the media, that means people will always be ignorant of the facts, which is clearly the reality that everyone lives in today. Everyone needs to educate themselves. Everyone needs to learn how to work together. Everyone needs to stop blaming other people, and everyone needs to start making intelligent efforts in creating a true democracy, a democracy that is controlled by educated citizens, and not controlled by a few wealthy and powerful people, which we give power to, and who don't always have peoples best interest in mind. But we can't blame the wealthy and powerful for their ignorance, because ignorance effects all levels of society. We need to communicate and educate. It's time for us to sit down and discuss our problems rationally. Humans are intelligent enough to communicate. But sadly, humans are not intelligent enough to understand themselves and the world around them, because everyone is undereducated. That means everyone has a lot to learn. And learning is one responsibility that all humans can no longer afford to ignore. This means that every school on the planet must improve how they educate young minds, and the Media and Communication Networks must also improve, so that people can become more informed and more knowledgeable about themselves and the world around them.

White Man holds up a Black Lives Matter sign in Harrison Arkansas. Ignorant white people scream insults and expose how dumb and moronic they truly are. Petition to rename this place Karensville.

Racism is so ugly and so heart wrenching that it makes me sick to my stomach just knowing that there are humans in the world who can be so f*cked up in the head and so insanely out of their f*cking minds that they would commit horrible crimes of hate and murder just because of someone else's appearance, and then try to convince themselves that they are not wrong and bad. Ignorance does really nasty things to peoples thinking, and the worst part is, most people are not even aware of their ignorance. If we don't improve education and make it available to everyone, then people will always be victimized by hate and ignorance. And you would probably think that no one would want that kind of life, but an ignorant person would, that's because ignorant people don't know the difference between a good life and a bad life. Some people just want to pretend that they know and understand things in life, they don't want to prove that they know and understand things accurately. But if we made it easy for people to prove what they know and understand, then every person on the planet would test themselves, mostly out of curiosity. People want to know what there is to be known, and people also want to know that what they think they know today is correct or accurate.

People use all kinds of ignorant excuses to be a scumbag to other people. If you're attacking someone using an ignorant excuse as a reason to attack someone, then you're a criminal, and a scumbag. Not to say that you are a bad person, it's just that you're acting bad, and you should be aware that you're acting bad. Most people are good because its human nature to be good and also logical to be good. And if someone is acting bad, then that says that someone needs help. When a person goes against human nature, and they're not using logic in their reasoning, obviously there needs to be a some kind of intervention, where you either make improvements on your own, or you can ask other people to help you and assist you in making improvements. We are all negotiators and almost everything that is human is negotiable. But to start, everyone has to take responsibility for themselves. No more stubbornness, everyone has to have a real conversations. And everyone has to take learning seriously. The age of enlightenment can only manifest when we educate our minds to the highest level that the world requires. We have the tools and we have the technology, all we need is collaborative actions with clear goals.

People complain about other people, and people blame other people, but they can never fully explain why. People use labels and they generalize, but they never use any details or facts, or do they show any clear examples that would help prove that they understand a particular problem well enough in order to explain it well enough that would allow them to find a logical solution. There has to be a point to your argument, otherwise, the words that you use are pointless and meaningless. If your reasoning is flawed, then you have no reason for your opinion. If you pretend to know and pretend to understand, then you're just making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. This is why the root cause of racism is ignorance. It's the lack of knowledge that causes people to act out emotionally, and sometimes violently. If people had access to knowledge and information that would help them to understand the problems in the world more clearly, and If people had access to knowledge and information that would help them to understand themselves more clearly, then all racism and forms of hatred would cease to exist. The only people you should be blaming for your ignorance is our poor education system and our corporate controlled media and our corporate controlled governments. But just blaming them too will still not solve our problems. The only way is to actively and deliberately educate ourselves, and don't wait for others to do it for you. If you have a real concern, then please explain it because people will listen. Do your research and save your activism for the real threats. Because these false flags are distracting us from working together, and also stopping us from seeing our true reality accurately enough. Racism is just one of the hundreds of different manifestations that comes from ignorance. It truly is a deadly disease.

Collective Punishment is a form of retaliation whereby a suspected perpetrator's family members, friends, acquaintances, sect, neighbors or entire ethnic group is targeted. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. Abuse.

Racial Polarization is the process whereby a population, the individuals of which have varying degrees of diversity in their ancestry, is divided into separate, and distinct (from each other) racial groups. One Peoples Project.

Group Attribution Error makes us think that the behavior and characteristics of an individual are representative of the entire group. Conformity - Double Standard (contradiction)

Deference is the condition of submitting to the espoused, legitimate influence of one's superior or superiors. Deference implies a yielding or submitting to the judgment of a recognized superior out of respect or reverence. Deference has been studied extensively by political scientists, sociologists, and psychologists.

Implicit-Association Test is a measure within social psychology designed to detect the strength of a person's automatic association between mental representations of objects (concepts) in memory. The IAT is now widely used in social psychology research and, to some extent, in clinical, cognitive, and developmental psychology research. The IAT is the subject of much controversy regarding precisely what it measures, and the lack of reproducibility of many of its results. A study was done that said that people who took propranolol were less racist. Propranolol is a medication of the beta blocker type. It is used to treat high blood pressure, a number of types of irregular heart rate, thyrotoxicosis, capillary hemangiomas, performance anxiety, and essential tremors. Body affects the Mind, especially an undereducated mind.

Dehumanization describes a behavior or process that undermines individuality of and in others. Abuse.

Institutional Racism is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization. It can lead to such issues as discrimination in criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power, and education, among other issues.

Scientific Racism is a pseudoscientific belief that empirical evidence exists to support or justify racism (racial discrimination), racial inferiority, or racial superiority. Historically, scientific racism received credence throughout the scientific community, but it is no longer considered scientific. Scientific racism was common during the period from 1600s to the end of World War II. Since the second half of the 20th century, scientific racism has been criticized as obsolete and discredited, yet historically has persistently been used to support or validate racist world-views, based upon belief in the existence and significance of racial categories and a hierarchy of superior and inferior races.

Human Zoo were 19th- and 20th-century public exhibitions of humans, usually in an erroneously labeled "natural" or "primitive" state. The displays often emphasized the cultural differences between Europeans of Western civilization and non-European peoples or with other Europeans who practiced a lifestyle deemed more primitive. Some of them placed indigenous populations in a continuum somewhere between the great apes and Europeans. Ethnological expositions are now seen as highly degrading and racist, depending on the show and individuals involved. A human zoo is also called ethnological expositions. Human Zoos: America's Forgotten History of Scientific Racism (youtube).

The Twilight Zone - People Are Alike All Over (youtube) - Conrad realizes that he has become a caged exhibit in a Martian alien zoo. Conrad picks up a sign that says, "Earth Creature in his native habitat", and throws it on the floor as Teenya tearfully leaves. (March 25, 1960).

When people come out and say that they are against something, don't assume that it's for the right reasons. Sometimes they may have another underlying selfish motive. When the church came out against the human zoo, it wasn't just because they knew this was abusive and wrong, but it also contradicted their belief that God made man and that man did not evolve from apes or monkeys.

Hate Crime is a prejudice-motivated crime, which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of his or her membership (or perceived membership) in a certain social group.

Hatred - Hate Speech - Slander

Multitude is a term for a group of people who cannot be classed under any other distinct category, except for their shared fact of existence.

Human Nature - Human Rights - Civil Rights

Human Resources Management - Morals Ethics - Community

If you say that you care about workers rights, then ignorant people will claim that you are a communist. If you say that you care about people, then ignorant people will claim that you must be a socialist. These are ignorant labels that need to stop, these labels are no different then discrimination, prejudice, and being biased. This narrow minded approach to life needs to stop because it causes too much damage and death. We have so much more knowledge and information now then ever before in human history. And if a person does not know about valuable knowledge and information, or understand it effectively enough, then that person will always be narrow minded and ignorant about life and the world around them. And this problem with the lack of valuable knowledge and information is a problem that we can solve. We can no longer ignore the benefits that come from educated people, nor can we ignore the consequences that come from having an undereducated society. We can no longer afford ignorance. It's time to invest in our future. We owe it to the trillions of people who will live after us, and we owe it to the 100 billion people who struggled to survive for thousands of years, the billions who gave their lives to bring us all here in this pivotal moment in time. We need to honor those sacrifices, and we now can do it by making better choices, choices that we know will bring us success and prosperity. Our intelligence has unlimited potential and gives us unlimited possibilities. It's time, time to live, time to learn, time love and it's time to progress.

Yassmin Abdel Magied: Conscious Discrimination, Unconscious Bias, Implicit Prejudice (video)

White Like Me - Tim Wise (full documentary) (youtube).

Malcolm X - Interview At Berkeley (1963) (youtube) - Malcolm X, being interviewed by Professor John Leggett and Herman Blake (graduate student) (Dept. of Sociology) at the University of California, Berkeley in October 1963, discusses being a Black Muslim, the conditions of Blacks in this country, their relation with white people, and states the case for Black separatism. Originally recorded October 11, 1963, Presented for Historical reference.

James Baldwin - Pin Drop Speech (youtube) - James Baldwin debates William F. Buckley At Cambridge University 1965.

Marlon Brando on Rejecting His Oscar for 'The Godfather' | The Dick Cavett Show Date aired - 12th June 1973 - (youtube) - Marlon Brando's Oscar® win for "The Godfather" (youtube) - Sacheen Littlefeather refuses to accept the Best Actor Oscar® on behalf of Marlon Brando for his performance in "The Godfather" at the 45th annual Academy Awards® in 1973. Liv Ullmann and Roger Moore presented the award. "Hello. My name is Sacheen Littlefeather. I'm Apache and I am president of the National Native American Affirmative Image Committee. I'm representing Marlon Brando this evening, and he has asked me to tell you in a very long speech which I cannot share with you presently, because of time, but I will be glad to share with the press afterwards, that he very regretfully cannot accept this very generous award. And the reasons for this being are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry – excuse me [boos and cheers] – and on television in movie re-runs, and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee. I beg at this time that I have not intruded upon this evening, and that we will in the future, our hearts and our understandings will meet with love and generosity. Thank you on behalf of Marlon Brando." [applause].

People with opportunities are obligated to use opportunities in the most effective ways possible. And one of the best ways to give back is to educate people and to pass down valuable knowledge and information to future generations. Everything that you have and everything that you are comes from the information and knowledge that as been passed down to you, and is now inside you. And how you interpret the information inside you will determine your behavior and your actions. If humans did not have information, humans would not be alive, life can not exist without some form of information being preserved and transferred. Your body stores information, processes information and shares information. Knowledge and information needs to be preserved and passed on. You need to learn and keep learning. Your life and every life depends on it.

2020 - 250,000 Gather For March On Washington To Demand Police Reform And Racial Equality - 2020 March.

March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, also known as the March on Washington or The Great March on Washington, was held in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday, August 28, 1963. The purpose of the march was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. At the march, Martin Luther King Jr., standing in front of the Lincoln Memorial, delivered his historic "I Have a Dream" speech in which he called for an end to racism. The march was organized by A. Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin, who built an alliance of civil rights, labor, and religious organizations that came together under the banner of "jobs and freedom." Estimates of the number of participants varied from 200,000 to 300,000, but the most widely cited estimate is 250,000 people. Observers estimated that 75–80% of the marchers were black. The march was one of the largest political rallies for human rights in United States history. Walter Reuther, president of the United Auto Workers, was the most integral and significant white organizer of the march. The march is credited with helping to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964and preceded the Selma Voting Rights Movement which led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

I'm not better than you, or worse than you, I just think a little differently than you, and you think a little differently than me. So the only difference there is, is some of our thoughts are not the same, which is good, because life would not exist if everything was the same. Diversity is the spice of life, it brings flavor to living. Just imagine if everything tasted the same? Just imagine if everything looked the same? How would you know differences without differences?


Racial Segregation is the systemic separation of people into racial or other ethnic groups in daily life. Segregation can involve spatial separation of the races, and mandatory use of different institutions, such as schools and hospitals by people of different races. Racial Segregation is the ignorant belief that humans need to be separated into ethnic or racial groups in daily life, which denies human rights that everyone has the right to have. The Cost of Segregation is lost income, lost lives and lost potential.

Ruby Nell Bridges Hall was the first African-American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana during the New Orleans school desegregation crisis on November 14, 1960. She is the subject of a 1964 painting, The Problem We All Live With, by Norman Rockwell. She was born September 8, 1954 and is an American civil rights activist.

Tracking - Redlining - Forced Isolation

Separatism is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group. While it often refers to full political secession, separatist groups may seek nothing more than greater autonomy.

Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa. Apartheid is a social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are not Whites; the former official policy in South Africa. Free Your Mind (youtube)

Israel's Apartheid Against Palestinians: Cruel System of Domination and Crime Against Humanity (youtube). Civil Rights.

Reparations for Slavery is compensation for the victims and for the descendants of slavery. Something done or paid in order to repair a wrong or injury.

Sex Segregation - Sexism is prejudice or discrimination based on a person's Sex or Gender. - Sex Crimes.

In-Group Favoritism is a pattern of favoring members of one's in-group over out-group members.

Social Identity Theory is the portion of an individual's self-concept derived from perceived membership in a relevant social group.

BlackFishing is when someone who is not of Black culture, tries to tan themselves, paint themselves, take melanin pills or injections or basically finds an Commonly perpetrated by females of European descent (white) which involves artificial tanning (spray tanning and tanning booths) and using makeup to manipulate facial features in order to appear to have some type of Black African ancestry. Some consider black-fishing to be equivalent to modern day “black face” because it capitalizes off the looks of historically oppressed groups of people by people who come from more privileged backgrounds. Mix Marriage.

Racial Passing occurs when a person classified as a member of a racial group is accepted or perceived ("passes") as a member of another. Historically, the term has been used primarily in the United States to describe a person of color or of multiracial ancestry who assimilated into the white majority to escape the legal and social conventions of racial segregation and discrimination.

One-Drop Rule is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the 20th century in the United States. It asserted that any person with even one ancestor of black ancestry  or 'one drop' of 'black blood' is considered black, negro or colored in historical terms, which means that everyone is black because everyone came from Africa.

Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896) - "The constitution is color-blind"

De jure describes practices that are legally recognized, regardless of whether the practice exists in reality. In contrast, de facto ("in fact") describes situations that exist in reality, even if not legally recognized. In U.S. law, particularly after Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the difference between de facto segregation (segregation that existed because of the voluntary associations and neighborhoods) and de jure segregation (segregation that existed because of local laws that mandated the segregation) became important distinctions for court-mandated remedial purposes.


Desegregation is the process of ending the separation of two groups, usually referring to races.

Multiculturalism describes a mixed ethnic community area where multiple cultural traditions exist. Diversity.

Miscegenation is the mixing of different racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations, or procreation.

Interracial Marriage is a form of marriage outside a specific social group involving spouses who belong to different socially-defined races or radicalized ethnicities. Exogamy is marriage to a person belonging to a tribe or group other than your own as required by custom or law.

Affirmative Action is the policy of protecting members of groups that are known to have previously suffered from discrimination and have been underrepresented based on their gender, race, sexuality, creed or nationality. Affirmative action has sought to achieve goals such as bridging inequalities in employment and pay, increasing access to education, promoting diversity, and redressing apparent past wrongs, harms, or hindrances. Affirmative action is not to be confused with privilege.

Contact Hypothesis suggests that intergroup contact under appropriate conditions can effectively reduce prejudice between majority and minority group members.

Intergroup Relations refers to interactions between individuals in different social groups, and to interactions taking place between the groups themselves collectively.

Intergroup Dialogue is a face-to-face facilitated conversation between members of two or more social identity groups that strives to create new levels of understanding, relating, and action. This process promotes conversation around controversial issues, specifically, in order to generate new "collective visions" that uphold the dignity of all people. Intergroup dialogue is based in the philosophies of the democratic and popular education movements. It is commonly used on college campuses, but may assume different namesakes in other settings.

Racial Fluidity is the idea that race is not permanent and fixed, but rather imprecise and variable. The interpretation of someone's race, including their self-identification and identification by others, can change over the course of a lifetime, including in response to social situations. The racial identity of groups can change over time as well

Melting Pot is a monocultural metaphor for a heterogeneous society becoming more homogeneous, the different elements "melting together" with a common culture; an alternative being a homogeneous society becoming more heterogeneous through the influx of foreign elements with different cultural backgrounds, possessing the potential to create disharmony within the previous culture. Historically, it is often used to describe the cultural integration of immigrants to the United States.

"The color of a persons skin should not matter, only the color of a persons heart should matter. Is your heart black and white? Or is your heart a rainbow?"

Nance Legins-Costley was the first African American slave legally freed by attorney Abraham Lincoln in 1841, twenty years before the start of the American Civil War. Born Nance Legins Cox (circa 1813–1892).

Xernona Clayton born August 30, 1930, was an American civil rights leader and broadcasting executive. During the Civil Rights Movement, she worked for the National Urban League and Southern Christian Leadership Conference, where she became involved in the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Later, Clayton went into television, where she became the first African American from the southern United States to host a daily prime time talk show. She became corporate vice president for urban affairs for Turner Broadcasting. Clayton created the Trumpet Foundation. She was instrumental in the development of the International Civil Rights Walk of Fame that was developed by the foundation to honor the achievements of African Americans and civil rights advocates. She convinced a Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan to denounce the Klan. Clayton has been honored by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the city of Atlanta for her work.

Daryl Davis is an African-American who engaged with members of the Ku Klux Klan and convinced Klansmen to leave and denounce the KKK. Davis eventually went on to befriend over 20 members of the KKK, and claims to have been directly responsible for between 40 and 60, and indirectly over 200 people leaving the Klan. "Ignorance breeds fear, if you don't keep that fear in check, that fear will breed hatred. If you don't keep hatred in check, it will breed destruction."

Working Together - Mutual Cooperation

People working together "Two heads are better than one."

"Many hands make light work."

"No man is wise enough by himself."

"None of us is as smart as all of us."

"No one person can be aware of everything, but working together we can be aware of almost everything."

Parallel - Peace - Cooperation - Constitution - Competition - Unions

"If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together."

"We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.” Marcus Aurelius (wiki).

"We are more alike then we are unalike, we have more in common than uncommon."

"No man is an island made entirely of itself, because every man is a piece of the continent, and every continent is a piece of everyman man."

Working together is human nature and it's in every aspect of society. Every business and government, every musical band and production, and every family and friendship is based on working together. Even animals and insects work together. So working together is not just what humans do, it's what life does naturally. Even a single individual is made up of billions of cells and microbes working together. So working together is in our blood, literally and figuratively. But working together doesn't always happen on its own. Working together is a major responsibility that needs people who know how to work together and people who also know how to show others how to work together.

Teamwork needs communication and leadership, but more importantly, teamwork needs informed people sharing common goals.

The Power of Working Together. When we work together we can accomplish some amazing things. When you have a group of engineers or scientists working together on the same problem, it increases our ability to make more accurate decisions. And when we include more people with diverse talents, skills and knowledge, that also increases our ability to make more accurate decisions. And when we bring all our accumulated knowledge and information together, we see things more clearly. 

Community - Social Capital - Relationships - Cohesion - Structural Functionalism - Diplomacy - Multilateralism - Patriotism

Study reveals how humanity could unite to address global challenges. New research has found that perceptions of globally shared life experiences and globally shared biology can strengthen psychological bonding with humanity at large, which can motivate prosocial action on a global scale and help to tackle global problems.

People used teamwork and the power of working together in order to save the lives of 33 miners trapped 2,300 ft. below ground for 69 days. Now all we have to do is save all the other lives of the 7 billion people who are trapped above ground, people who are trapped by a corrupted system. Solving this problem will also take teamwork and people working together.

Grabbing pizza with coworkers isn't just fun -- it could boost your teamwork skills. Study highlights benefits of shared experiences among different employee groups. Forming memories around shared experiences, whether something fun like grabbing a pizza or as emotionally straining as an employee strike, has a way of binding people together. But it could also motivate those performing different roles within the same company to socialize more and strengthen their working relationships, according to new research.

I Want You To Get Together (Rose Rouge)-Saint Germain (youtube)

Together is being in contact with each other or assembled in one place at the same time, with cooperation and mutual interaction that is reciprocating and exchanging, all within a common plan and having similar goals.

Shoulder to Shoulder or side by side is acting together toward a common aim with a united effort.

Working Together Saves much more than just Time

When we work together we can accomplish some amazing things. 7,000 people helped plant over 64,000 trees in 15 minutes. Philippines. The Empire State Building was built in 465 Days. It took approximate 250 Days for Orville and Wilbur Wright to design, build, launch and fly their first powered aircraft. It took 234 Days to build the Alaska Highway connecting Alaska to the contiguous U.S.. The Human Genome Project took 13 years, the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City took over 4 years, The Transcontinental Railroad took 6 years, Da Vinci took 7 years to finish the Mona Lisa, Mount Rushmore took 14 years. And we also flew men in a Rocket to the Moon and then flew back, 6 times. How many people work on a Major Motion Picture Film?

100 man years is equal to 100 people working 40 hours a week for 1 year. Man Hour is the amount of work performed by the average worker in one hour.

These are great examples of having good Problem Solving Skills, Time Management Skills and Collaboration Skills.

We have shown many times throughout history that we are capable of some amazing things when we work together. Plus working together is so much easier then fighting. And working together is a lot more productive too. If we all made this choice together, to work together, it would be an incredible benefit to everyone. So we have to make working together easy, and we have, but it's not perfected yet, it's called the internet, and we are all ready connected, and we speak the same language using zero's and one's. So what's the procedure? Who will write it?

So lets all pull together, my oh my (youtube)

The Power of the Internet - Productive - Brotherhood

"Having another pair of eyes can be very useful." Working together are the first two words to a long list of agreements and understandings. Working Together is an important process that everyone needs to fully understand. Never confuse working together with politics. We must look at working together as maximizing our potential, and also an effective and efficient way of solving our problems and improving our lives. Teamwork and collaboration should be two of the most important skills that need to be taught in school, and at home.

People have always gathered together, like most animals do. Symbiotic relationships among animals has been around since the beginning. There is strength in numbers, as well as other benefits. We are more effective and more efficient when we work together. Our alliances can give us extra security, safety and added support, along with a sense of belonging and acceptance, just like family. Whether you are in a clan, a tribe, a family, a club, a state, a country, or grouped together by status, religion, political party, race, or language, this does not mean that you are separate from other groups, because separation is an illusion. This is not about splitting up for survival reasons, or experimenting with new ideas, or competing with other sport teams, because that is totally different. Because you are still in contact, and you still have communication with other people. We are talking about society as a whole, separating ourselves into groups and disconnecting ourselves from the rest of the world. For some strange reason our grouping together has separated ourselves from other groups. And as intelligent humans, we know this separation is false, and dangerous. Because we know about cause and effect, and we also know about our history of communication failures. When we stop communicating, we stop learning. And this negates our strength in numbers. Like antibodies attacking our own immune system, we fight ourselves, which makes no sense at all. We know the benefits of working together, but some how we fail to extend this knowledge beyond our own sphere of influence. So our safety in groups is causing people to have a false sense of security, and at the same time, causing people to be complacent, so people stop learning and stop developing communication skills, which they need to communicate to other people outside their own group. The good news is that over the years humans have bridged a lot of these gaps of separation using treaties and agreements. We have also been able to learn more about each other using books, TV and the internet. But our methods of communication are not effective enough to give everyone the knowledge and information that they need in order to accurately analyze themselves and the world around them. And this ineffectiveness in learning and communication is the reason why we have so many problems. So this is the responsibility that we have all inherited. We must improve education, and improve our methods of communication, which we have already started, but we have a long way to go, and we need everyone's ones help, and cooperation.

Collaboration-Ecology (PDF)

Social Progress - Social Service - Breaking Down the Barriers - Conformity

Choices add up. When everyone is making good choices together, things improve. When everyone is making bad choices together, things get worse. I would rather have my choices make improvements, than have my choices make things worse.

Teamwork - Cooperation

Team WorkTeamwork is a dynamic process involving two or more professionals with complementary background and skills, sharing common goals and exercising concerted physical and mental effort in assessing, planning, or evaluating.

Symbiosis - Coexist - Diplomacy - Multilateralism - Employee Management

Team is a cooperative unit of two or more people that work together to achieve common goals.

T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Achieves More.

Concerted involves the joint activity of two or more people.

Complementary Skills are dissimilar skills that, when combined, become more useful than individual skills in accomplishing a goal due to coordinated efforts of individual team members.

Cooperation is the process of groups of organisms working or acting together for common or mutual benefit, as opposed to working in competition for selfish benefit. Many animal and plant species cooperate both with other members of their own species and with members of other species, like with symbiosis or mutualism.

Collaboration - Cooperation - Worker Coops - Benefit Corporations - Competition

Team Building is a collective term for various types of activities used to enhance social relations and define roles within teams, often involving collaborative tasks. Team-building includes: aligning around goals, building effective working relationships, reducing team members' role ambiguity, finding solutions to team problems. Challenges to team building may include three types of conflict that can occur which are task conflict, process conflict and relationship conflict. Task Conflict: Conflict over the work or goals of the project, including different approaches, perspectives and interpretations. Process Conflict: Conflict over how the logistics of the work are completed and assigning responsibilities. Relationship Conflict: Conflict over interpersonal relationships, including personality clashes, differing personal views and perspectives. Employee engagement is effective because: employees enjoy problem-solving activities; problem-solving creates ownership; it can increase capacity; competitive activities encourage a results-based outlook. Outdoor activities can be an effective way to engage the team, but there are many different types of team building activities possible. Team building is distinct from team training, which is designed by a combine of business managers, learning and development/OD (Internal or external) and an HR Business Partner (if the role exists) to improve the efficiency, rather than interpersonal relations.

Cross-Generational is when people from different generations have mutual goals.

Support Group are members that provide each other with various types of help, usually nonprofessional and nonmaterial, for a particular shared, usually burdensome, characteristic. Members with the same issues can come together for sharing coping strategies, to feel more empowered and for a sense of community. The help may take the form of providing and evaluating relevant information, relating personal experiences, listening to and accepting others' experiences, providing sympathetic understanding and establishing social networks. A support group may also work to inform the public or engage in advocacy.

Take One for the Team is to willingly undertake an unpleasant task or make a personal sacrifice for the collective benefit of one's friends or colleagues.

Structural Functionalism is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation, which is a broad focus on the social structures that shape society as a whole, and believes that society has evolved like organisms. This approach looks at both social structure and social functions. Functionalism addresses society as a whole in terms of the function of its constituent elements; namely norms, customs, traditions, and institutions. A common analogy presents these parts of society as "organs" that work toward the proper functioning of the "body" as a whole. In the most basic terms, it simply emphasizes "the effort to impute, as rigorously as possible, to each feature, custom, or practice, its effect on the functioning of a supposedly stable, cohesive system".

Interconnectivity refers to the state or quality of being connected together.

Everything is Connected

Interdependence is the mutual reliance between two or more groups. This concept differs from the reliance in a dependent relationship, where some members are dependent and some are not. There can be various degrees of interdependence.
Combing Interdependence with Self-Reliance.

Agreements amoug Countries Commonwealth is a world organization of autonomous states that are united in allegiance to a central power but are not subordinate to it or to one another. Commonwealth is an association of nations consisting of the United Kingdom and several former British colonies that are now sovereign states but still pay allegiance to the British Crown. A politically organized body of people under a single government. A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them. A politically organized body of people under a single government. Commonwealth of Nations is a political association of 56 member states, the vast majority of which are former territories of the British Empire. One World Order.

Common Good refers to either what is shared and beneficial for all members of a given community, or alternatively, what is achieved by citizenship, collective action, and active participation in the realm of politics and public service.

Solidarity - Cohesion - Emergency Response System 

Consortium is an association of two or more individuals, companies, organizations or governments (or any combination of these entities) with the objective of participating in a common activity or pooling their resources for achieving a common goal.

BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising nine countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. BRICS was originally identified to highlight investment opportunities. The grouping evolved into a geopolitical bloc, with their governments meeting annually at formal summits and coordinating multilateral policies since 2009. Relations among BRICS are conducted mainly based on non-interference, equality, and mutual benefit.

Not all cooperation is good or beneficial. Sometimes cooperation can be unfair and unsustainable. Coexisting at the expense of others is not cooperation, it's exploitation.

People Helping eachother Synchronization is the coordination of events to operate a system in unison.

United Front is an alliance of groups against their common enemies, figuratively evoking unification of previously separate geographic fronts and/or unification of previously separate armies into a front.

Social Representation is a stock of values, ideas, metaphors, beliefs, and practices that are shared among the members of groups and communities. Diplomacy.

Consolidate is to unite into one. Make firm or secure; strengthen. Bring together into a single whole or system. Make (something) physically stronger or more solid. combine (a number of things) into a single more effective or coherent whole.

Merge is to join or combine.

Social Services - Community Feedback

Manifesto's - Conformity - People Power.

4 Cs: Communication, Coordination, Cooperation, and Collaboration. Cooperation: Independent goals with agreements not to interfere with each other. Coordination: Actions of users directed by a coordinator to achieve a common goal. Collaboration: The process of shared creation; collectively creating something new that could not have been created by the individual users. Have a common purpose and goal. Trust each other. Clarify their roles from the start. Communicate openly and effectively. Appreciate a diversity of ideas. Balance the team focus. Leverage any heritage relationships.

United - Unity - Joined - Common Purpose

United is characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity. Act in concert or unite in a common purpose or belief. Be or become joined or united or linked, Join or combine. Become one. United into one. Join for a common purpose or in a common action.

Solidarity is a union of interests, purposes or sympathies among members of a group. A unity or an agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group.

Solidarity - Harmony - Brotherhood - Meeting

Alliance is a relationship among people, groups, or states that have joined together for mutual benefit or to achieve some common purpose, whether or not explicit agreement has been worked out among them. Members of an alliance are called allies.

Whole is including all components without exception; being one unit or constituting. The full amount or extent or duration; complete. Exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health. Not injured. All of something including all its component elements or parts. An assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity. To a complete degree or to the full or entire extent.

Unity is the quality of being united. Bring together for a common purpose or action or ideology or in a shared situation. Undivided. An undivided or unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting. The quality of being united into one.

Unit is an organization regarded as part of a larger social group. A single undivided whole. An assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity. An individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole. A single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else. Trinity - Building Blocks.

En la unión está la fuerza - In unity there is strength.

Coordinating is to bring into common action, movement, or condition.

Collaboration - Cooperation - Systems

Pull One's Own Weight is to do the things that one should be doing as part of a group of people who are working together.

Continuity is an uninterrupted connection or union. The property of a continuous and connected period of time. Continuity can also means a detailed script used in making a film in order to avoid discontinuities from shot to shot.

Contiguous is very close or connected in space or time. Connecting without a break; within a common boundary. Having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching.

Not Fragmented - Coherence - Cooperation

Conjunction is the temporal property of two things happening at the same time. The state of being joined together and connected.

Converge to be adjacent or come together. Move or draw together at a certain location. Come together so as to form a single product. Convergence is the occurrence of two or more things coming together. A representation of common ground between theories or phenomena.

is a group of people who work together. The act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business. The persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something. Social Organization is a pattern of relationships between and among individuals and social groups. Characteristics of social organization can include qualities such as sexual composition, spatiotemporal cohesion, leadership, structure, division of labor, communication systems, and so on.

Association - Community - Conference - Consensus

Committee is a special group delegated to consider some matter. A self-constituted organization to promote something.

Commission is a group of representatives or delegates. A special assignment that is given to a person or group.

Coalition is the denotation for a group formed when two or more people, factions, states, political parties, militaries etc. agree to work together temporarily in a partnership to achieve a common goal. The word coalition connotes a coming together to achieve a goal. Coalition is a pact or treaty among individuals or groups, during which they cooperate in joint action, each in their own self-interest, joining forces together for a common cause. This alliance may be temporary or a matter of convenience. A coalition thus differs from a more formal covenant. Possibly described as a joining of 'factions', usually those with overlapping interests rather than opposing. Consortium.

Group is any number of entities members considered as a unit.

Working Group is a group of experts working together to achieve specified goals. The groups are domain-specific and focus on discussion or activity around a specific subject area. The term can sometimes refer to an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers working on new activities that would be difficult to sustain under traditional funding mechanisms (e.g., federal agencies). The lifespan of a working group can last anywhere between a few months and several years. Such groups have the tendency to develop a quasi-permanent existence when the assigned task is accomplished; hence the need to disband (or phase out) the working group when it has achieved its goal(s). A working group's performance is made up of the individual results of all its individual members. A team's performance is made up of both individual results and collective results. In large organizations, working groups are prevalent, and the focus is always on individual goals, performance and accountabilities. Working group members do not take responsibility for results other than their own. On the other hand, teams require both individual and mutual accountability. There is more information sharing, more group discussions and debates to arrive at a group decision. Examples of common goals for working groups include: creation of an informational document, creation of a standard, resolution of problems related to a system or network, continuous improvement, research. Working groups are also referred to as task groups, workgroups, or technical advisory groups. Public Debate.

Enterprise is an organization created for business ventures. A purposeful or industrious undertaking.

Institution is an organization founded and united for a specific purpose. Foundation.

Fraternity are people engaged in a particular occupation. A social club. A union.

Join is to become part of something and become a member of a group or organization. To make contact or come together or become united or linked. The shape or manner in which things come together and a connection is made. A set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets.

Joined is to be connected by a link. To make contact or to come together. To be united. To become part of something or become a member of a group or organization. Relating to two people who are married to each other.

Joint Venture is a business entity created by two or more parties, generally characterized by shared ownership, shared returns and risks, and shared governance. Companies typically pursue joint ventures for one of four reasons: to access a new market, particularly emerging markets; to gain scale efficiencies by combining assets and operations; to share risk for major investments or projects; or to access skills and capabilities.

Marriage - Contracts - Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Incorporation is consolidating two or more things. The union into one body. The learning of values or attitudes that is incorporated within yourself. Internet Society.

Common-Interest Development is sharing common areas, resources and amenities which might prove to be too expensive to be solely owned or maintained.

Voluntary Association is a group of individuals who enter into an agreement, usually as volunteers, to form a body or organization to accomplish a purpose. Common examples include trade associations, trade unions, learned societies, professional associations, and environmental groups.

Unions of Workers - Worker Cooperatives (employee owned companies)

Union is the state of being joined or united or linked. The occurrence of a uniting of separate parts. The act of making or becoming a single unit. Mutual agreement. Supranational Union is a type of multinational political union where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by governments of member states. The concept of supranational union is sometimes used to describe the European Union or EU, as a new type of political entity.

Social Capital - Common Good

Partnership is a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal. The members of a business venture created by contract. Partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as partners, agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. The partners in a partnership may be individuals, businesses, interest-based organizations, schools, governments or combinations. Organizations may partner to increase the likelihood of each achieving their mission and to amplify their reach. Partnership is an arrangement where parties, known as partners, agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. The partners in a partnership may be individuals, businesses, interest-based organizations, schools, governments or combinations. Organizations may partner together to increase the likelihood of each achieving their mission and to amplify their reach. A partnership may result in issuing and holding equity or may be only governed by a contract. Partnership agreements can be formed in the following areas: Business: two or more companies join forces in a joint venture or a consortium to i) work on a project (e.g. industrial or research project) which would be too heavy or too risky for a single entity, ii) join forces to have a stronger position on the market, iii) comply with specific regulation (e.g. in some emerging countries, foreigners can only invest in the form of partnerships with local entrepreneurs). In this case, the alliance may be structured in a process comparable to a Mergers & Acquisitions transaction. Politics (or geopolitics): In what is usually called an alliance, governments may partner to achieve their national interests, sometimes against allied governments holding contrary interests, as occurred during World War II and the Cold War. Knowledge: In education, accrediting agencies increasingly evaluate schools, or universities, by the level and quality of their partnerships with local or international peers and a variety of other entities across societal sectors. Individual: Some partnerships occur at personal levels, such as when two or more individuals agree to domicile together, while other partnerships are not only personal, but private, known only to the involved parties. Partnerships present the involved parties with complex negotiation and special challenges that must be navigated unto agreement. Overarching goals, levels of give-and-take, areas of responsibility, lines of authority and succession, how success is evaluated and distributed, and often a variety of other factors must all be negotiated. Once agreement is reached, the partnership is typically enforceable by civil law, especially if well documented. Partners who wish to make their agreement affirmatively explicit and enforceable typically draw up Articles of Partnership. Trust and pragmatism are also essential as it cannot be expected that everything can be written in the initial partnership agreement, therefore quality governance and clear communication are critical success factors in the long run. It is common for information about formally partnered entities to be made public, such as through a press release, a newspaper ad, or public records laws.

Club as an organization is an association of two or more people united by a common interest or goal.

Social Capital is a form of economic and cultural capital in which social networks are central, transactions are marked by reciprocity, trust, and cooperation, and market agents produce goods and services not mainly for themselves, but for a common good. The term generally refers to (a) resources, and the value of these resources, both tangible (public spaces, private property) and intangible ("actors", "human capital", people), (b) the relationships among these resources, and (c) the impact that these relationships have on the resources involved in each relationship, and on larger groups. It is generally seen as a form of capital that produces public goods for a common good. Social capital has been used to explain the improved performance of diverse groups, the growth of entrepreneurial firms, superior managerial performance, enhanced supply chain relations, the value derived from strategic alliances, and the evolution of communities. During the 1990s and 2000s the concept has become increasingly popular in a wide range of social science disciplines and also in politics.

Social Fabric is the glue which holds a society together. It is the bonds which people share, that can help to form a culturally rich and socially cohesive community that consists of its ethnic composition, wealth, education level, employment rate and regional values.

Global Commons is a term typically used to describe international, supranational, and global resource domains in which common-pool resources are found. Global commons include the earth's shared natural resources, such as the high oceans, the atmosphere and outer space and the Antarctic in particular. Cyberspace may also meet the definition of a global commons. Geo-Engineering - Infrastructure.

Cohesion - Collective Bonds

Social Cohesion or Group Cohesiveness arises when bonds link members of a social group to one another and to the group as a whole. Although cohesion is a multi-faceted process, it can be broken down into four main components: social relations, task relations, perceived unity, and emotions. Members of strongly cohesive groups are more inclined to participate readily and to stay with the group.

Cohesion is the state of cohering or sticking together. Cohesion in physics the intermolecular force that holds together the molecules in a solid or liquid.

Cohering is to be in close contact with; To stick or hold together and resist separation. Cause to form a united, orderly, and aesthetically consistent whole. Have internal elements or parts logically connected so that aesthetic consistency results.

Without cohesion there would be no life. Strong Force.

Community Cohesion bringing people together by building on shared values that people have in order to better a relationship with their community no matter a person's age, gender, race or religion.

Adjacent is having a common boundary or edge; abutting; touching. Nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space. Near or close to but not necessarily touching.

Social Capital (the power of working together) - Consensus.

Collective is a group of entities that share or are motivated by at least one common issue or interest, or work together to achieve a common objective.

Corporatism is the sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests.

Social Learning - Knowledge Society - Community Practice

Human Capital is a collection of traits – all the knowledge, talents, skills, abilities, experience, intelligence, training, judgment, and wisdom possessed individually and collectively by individuals in a population. These resources are the total capacity of the people that represents a form of wealth which can be directed to accomplish the goals of the nation or state or a portion thereof. Cultural Knowledge.

Brotherhood - Buddy System

Farm WorKersBrotherhood is the feeling that men should treat one another like brothers. Brotherhood is the kinship relation between a male offspring and the siblings, or people engaged in a particular occupation.

Brotherly Love -  Sisterhood - Patriotism Friendships - Fraternity - Hazing - Blue Wall

Buddy System is a procedure in which two people, the "buddies", operate together as a single unit so that they are able to monitor and help each other.

Affinity refers to "kinship of spirit", interest and other interpersonal commonalities. Affinity is characterized by high levels of intimacy and sharing, usually in close groups, also known as affinity groups.

Kinship is a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character.

Camaraderie is mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together. The quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability.

Everyone should understand the benefits of camaraderie, as well as support and trust. Brotherhood makes you feel that you are not alone because you have people who care about you, which gives a person strength and purpose. It's a type of love that all humans should feel. So why can't we? Why do we have to wait for a life and death situation in order to show our commitment to each other. Why should a soldier only feel brotherhood and camaraderie while in military service. And why does this brotherhood and camaraderie fade when our soldiers come home. Soldiers should not only associate war with brotherhood. When soldiers come home so should the brotherhood.

Brotherhood and camaraderie is human nature. But depending on a persons upbringing and environment this human quality can be easily lost or muted. But brotherhood can be regained if a person is put into a unique situation or given the right kind of training with the right kind of people, like they have in the military. Brotherhood or camaraderie should go beyond the circle of friends, it should not be contained or restrained, you have a responsibility towards your team members, but also, the team has a responsibility to the people you represent, your species.

If war has taught us only one thing of value, it's that when we work with mutual trust, and when we work together as a team, we are at our strongest. We should not wait for war for this human quality to appear, we should exercise this quality every day. If the military can train soldiers to understand brotherhood, then our education system can do the same.

When we feel that our sacrifice is for the good of our fellow man, and for the good of the people, and that it protects our family and our species, then giving our lives becomes more then just honorable, it's also logical and that the action can be proven and calculated to be the best choice that would ultimately preserve life.

Know who's got your back, and know who's got your front, but more importantly, know who you represent. It's easy to get recognition for the work that you do from the people you work with, but as soon as you leave work, the recognition is gone. And if you depend on that recognition, you will feel lost without it. That is one part of teaching people about brotherhood that we need to improve on.

Synergy is the creation of a whole that is greater than the simple sum of its parts. Converge.

Henosis "oneness," "union," or "unity". Each individual must engage in divine work

Belongingness is the human emotional need to be an accepted member of a group. Whether it is family, friends, co-workers, a religion, or something else, people tend to have an 'inherent' desire to belong and be an important part of something greater than themselves. This implies a relationship that is greater than simple acquaintance or familiarity. The need to belong is the need to give, and receive attention to, and from, others. Belonging is a strong and inevitable feeling that exists in human nature. To belong or not to belong can occur due to choices of one's self, or the choices of others. Not everyone has the same life and interests, hence not everyone belongs to the same thing or person. Without belonging, one cannot identify themselves as clearly, thus having difficulties communicating with and relating to their surroundings.

Community - Living Together

Community is a group of people living in a particular local area. Inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other. A group of people having common interests. Agreement as to goals. Common ownership. Community is a social unit or a group of people who have something in common, such as norms, values, or identity.

Cooperative - Social Learning - Civics

Community Members are at the heart of healthy communities. They include all who live, learn, work, play, and pray in communities. Community members may have a formal leadership role in a community organization, or friends and neighbors may recognize them as the person who gets things done. Members of a Community are also called civilian, inhabitant, national, or resident. Community Members should be content-driven, communicative, collaborative, conversational, and comprehensive. Communities can function in different ways, such as a community based on Interest, where communities of people who share the same interest or passion. Communities can be based on Action, where communities of people try to bring about change. Communities can be based on a particular Place, where communities of people are brought together by geographic boundaries. Communities can be based on a Practice, where communities of people are in the same profession or undertake the same activities. Communities can also be based on Circumstance, where communities of people are brought together by external events or situations.

Community Standards are local norms bounding acceptable conduct. Sometimes these standards can be itemized in a list that states the community's values and sets guidelines for participation in the community.

Communitarianism is a philosophy that emphasizes the connection between the individual and the community. Its overriding philosophy is based upon the belief that a person's social identity and personality are largely molded by community relationships, with a smaller degree of development being placed on individualism.

Community Engagement - Learning Community - Food Coops - Community Garden

Commune is a body of people or families living together and sharing almost everything. Communicate intimately with; be in a state of heightened, intimate receptivity or the willingness or readiness to receive, especially impressions or ideas.

Communal is for the group or by a group rather than individuals. Cooperation.

Culture - Society - City Planning - Commons

Intentional Community is a planned residential community designed from the start to have a high degree of social cohesion and teamwork. The members of an intentional community typically hold a common social, political, religious, or spiritual vision and often follow an alternative lifestyle. They typically share responsibilities and resources. Intentional communities include collective households, cohousing communities, coliving, ecovillages, monasteries, communes, survivalist retreats, kibbutzim, ashrams, and housing cooperatives. New members of an intentional community are generally selected by the community's existing membership, rather than by real-estate agents or land owners (if the land is not owned collectively by the community). List of American Utopian communities (wiki)

Community Organizing is a process where people who live in proximity to each other or share some common problem come together into an organization that acts in their shared self-interest. Unlike those who promote more-consensual community building, community organizers generally assume that social change necessarily involves conflict and social struggle in order to generate collective power for the powerless. Community organizing has as a core goal the generation of durable power for an organization representing the community, allowing it to influence key decision-makers on a range of issues over time. In the ideal, for example, this can get community-organizing groups a place at the table before important decisions are made. Community organizers work with and develop new local leaders, facilitating coalitions and assisting in the development of campaigns. A central goal of organizing is the development of a robust, organized, local democracy bringing community members together across differences to fight together for the interests of the community.

Nationalism - Patriotism

Nationalism is a shared communal identification with one's nation. The love of country and willingness to sacrifice for it. The aspiration for national independence felt by people under foreign domination.

Fake Nationalism or False Nationalism is when certain people pretend that they have the good of the country at heart, but in reality, they help and encourage those forces who do not, like certain corporations.

True Nationalism is without racism and hatred, and does not manipulate or commercialize nationalism in anyway that would exploit peoples love for their country, or exploit peoples willingness to make sacrifices for their country. Civic Nationalism.

Why The U.S. Plays The National Anthem Before Sporting Events - Cheddar Explains (youtube)

Patriotism is an attachment to a homeland. Inspired by love for your country. Willingness to defend the country and its core beliefs like the U.S. Constitution, while avoiding conformity blindness or extremist beliefs.

"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country." "If I had ten thousand lives, I would lay them all down, if called to it, in defense of my country against English rule. These were the last words of Nathan Hale before he was hanged for spying on British troops, on September 22, 1776. (Nathan was born in Coventry, Connecticut).

Homeland is the concept of the place where a cultural, national, or racial identity had formed (usually refers to the ethnic groups involved). The definition can also mean the country of nationality, the place in which somebody grew up or lived for a long enough period that shaped his or her cultural identity, the place in which one's ancestors live for generations, or the place that one regard it as home. When used as a proper noun, the Homeland, as well as its equivalents in other languages, often have ethnic nationalist connotations. A homeland may also be referred to as a fatherland, a motherland, or a mother country, depending on the culture and language of the nationality in question. In the modern context, one's homeland may not be unique. For example, somebody's ancestors might live in France for generations until his grandfather moved to Germany, where his father and he himself grew up. But he later lived in the US for decades and chose to become American by naturalisation. In this case, he would describe all three countries as his homelands.

Civil Religion is the religious values of a nation, as expressed through public rituals, symbols such as the national flag, and ceremonies on sacred days and at sacred places such as monuments, battlefields, or national cemeteries. It is distinct from churches, although church officials and ceremonies are sometimes incorporated into the practice of civil religion. Countries described as having a civil religion include France, South Korea, the former Soviet Union, and the United States. As a concept, it originated in French political philosophy.

is the act of binding yourself intellectually or emotionally to a course of action.

Pledge of Allegiance is an expression of allegiance to the Flag of the United States and the republic of the United States of America, which is done by standing at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. When not in uniform men should remove any non-religious headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should remain silent, face the flag, and render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces not in uniform and veterans may render the military salute in the manner provided for persons in uniform. "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Fealty is the loyalty that citizens owe to their country, or subjects to their sovereign. Fealty is a sworn loyalty to a lord or a formal acknowledgement of loyalty to a lord. Who do Your Serve?

Staunch is being firm and dependable especially in loyalty. Conformity.

Loyalty is a devotion and faithfulness to a nation, cause, philosophy, country, group, or a person. Loyal is steadfast in allegiance or duty.

Asking for Loyalty is when people in power try to coerce people they appoint into positions of authority to be an accessory to crimes, or to ignore their principles, or to ignore their oath of office. If the person in power is not a criminal or corrupt, they will not need to ask for loyalty, they will only ask people to do their job without breaking any laws and without violating human rights and without violating moral standards. If people are not allowed to question ignorance, then ignorance will prevail.

Loyal to Commonsense. I'm loyal to what is right and I'm loyal to what is good. I'm loyal to the U.S. Constitution. I cannot just blindly follow orders that are clearly criminal acts. I took an oath. I gave my word. It's my duty to blow the whistle on criminal activity. No one should be above the law.

Loyalist is a person who remains loyal to the established ruler or government, especially in the face of a revolt. Loyalist during the American Revolution were American colonists who stayed loyal to the British Crown during the American Revolutionary War, often referred to as Tories, Royalists, or King's Men at the time. They were opposed by the Patriots, who supported the revolution, and called them "persons inimical to the liberties of America". Prominent Loyalists repeatedly assured the British government that many thousands of them would spring to arms and fight for the crown. The British government acted in expectation of that, especially in the southern campaigns in 1780–81. In practice, the number of Loyalists in military service was far lower than expected since Britain could not effectively protect them except in those areas where Britain had military control. The British were often suspicious of them, not knowing whom they could fully trust in such a conflicted situation; they were often looked down upon. Patriots watched suspected Loyalists very closely and would not tolerate any organized Loyalist opposition. Many outspoken or militarily active Loyalists were forced to flee, especially to their stronghold of New York City. When their cause was defeated, about 15 percent of the Loyalists (65,000–70,000 people) fled to other parts of the British Empire, to Britain itself, or to British North America (now Canada). The southern Loyalists moved mostly to Florida, which had remained loyal to the Crown, and to British Caribbean possessions. Northern Loyalists largely migrated to Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. They called themselves United Empire Loyalists. Most were compensated with Canadian land or British cash distributed through formal claims procedures. Loyalists who left the US received over £3 million or about 37% of their losses from the British government. Loyalists who stayed in the US were generally able to retain their property and become American citizens. Historians have estimated that between 15 and 20% of the 2,000,000 whites in the colonies in 1775 were Loyalists (300,000–400,000).

Traitors - Treason - Sympathizer - Protectionism - Separatism - Privilege - Economic Warfare

Misplaced Loyalty is loyalty placed in other persons or organizations where that loyalty is not acknowledged or respected. To be betrayed or taken advantage of by someone you trusted. It can also mean loyalty to a malignant or misguided cause. Cults.

Loyalty Oath is a declaration by an individual of allegiance to a government and its institutions and a disavowal of support for foreign ideologies or associations. Civil servants and military officers to swear not only to future loyalty but also to affirm that they had never previously engaged in disloyal conduct. Although Congress did not initially extend the 1862 Test Oath to its own members, many took it voluntarily. Loyalty Pledge in the republican party is declaring that they'd support the eventual republican presidential nominee and forgo any third-party bid of their own.

Who's Backing You? Who has your Back? Who is supporting you in your moment of need? Who is prepared and willing to support you or defend you?

Constitution - Responsibilities - Bravery - Trustworthy - Citizenship - American Dream

Jingoism is extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy. It is perverted nationalism in the form of aggressive and proactive foreign policy, such as a country's advocacy for the use of threats or actual force, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests. Colloquially, jingoism is excessive bias in judging one's own country as superior to others – an extreme type of nationalism.

Cult of Personality - Demagogue - Fascism - Republicanism

Flag-Waving is a fallacious argument or propaganda technique used to justify an action based on the undue connection to nationalism or patriotism or benefit for an idea, group or country. It is a variant of argumentum ad populum. This fallacy appeals to emotion instead to logic of the audience aiming to manipulate them to win an argument. All ad populum fallacies are based on the presumption that the recipients already have certain beliefs, biases, and prejudices about the issue. If flag-waving is based on connecting to some symbol of patriotism or nationalism it is a form of appeal to stirring symbols which can be based on undue connection not only to nationalism but also to some religious or cultural symbols—for example, a politician appearing on TV with children, farmer, teacher, together with the "common" man, etc. The act of flag-waving is trivial display of support or loyalty to the nation or to the political party.

Peace - Harmony

Peace is having harmonious relations and freedom from disputes. Peace is the absence of mental stress or anxiety and having general security in public places. A treaty to cease hostilities. The state prevailing during the absence of war. Peace is an end of conflict and freedom from fear of violence. The end of Corruption.

World Peace is an ideal state of freedom, peace, and happiness among and within all nations and people. This ideal of world non-violence provides a basis for peoples and nations to willingly cooperate, either voluntarily or by virtue of a system of governance that prevents warfare. While different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations may have differing concepts about how such an ideal state might come about, they have in common this ideal of a cessation of all hostility amongst all humanity. Peaceful Protesting.

Armistice is a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms. Armistice is a formal agreement of warring parties to stop fighting. It is not necessarily the end of a war, since it may constitute only a cessation of hostilities while an attempt is made to negotiate a lasting peace. It is derived from the Latin arma, meaning "arms" (as in weapons) and -stitium, meaning "a stopping". Treaties.

Ceasefire or truce is a temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive actions. Ceasefires may be declared as part of a formal treaty, but they have also been called as part of an informal understanding between opposing forces.

Diplomacy - Human Values - Good Vibrations

Peace Economics is a specialized branch of economics. Peace economics focuses on the design of the sociosphere's political, economic, and cultural institutions and their interacting policies and actions with the goal of preventing, mitigating, or resolving violent conflict within and between societies.

Global Peace Index measures the relative position of nations' and regions' peacefulness. The GPI ranks 172 independent states and territories (99.7 percent of the world's population) according to their levels of peacefulness. In the past decade, the GPI has presented trends of increased global violence and less peacefulness. It also increases the world peace program in the world.

Peace and Conflict Studies is a social science field that identifies and analyzes violent and nonviolent behaviors as well as the structural mechanisms attending conflicts (including social conflicts), with a view towards understanding those processes which lead to a more desirable human condition.

Peace Education is the process of acquiring the values, the knowledge and developing the attitudes, skills, and behaviors to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment.

Peace Psychology is a subfield of psychology and peace research that deals with the psychological aspects of peace, conflict, violence, and war. Peace psychology can be characterized by four interconnected pillars: (1) research, (2) education, (3) practice, and (4) advocacy. The first pillar, research, is documented most extensively in this article.

Perpetual Peace refers to a state of affairs where peace is permanently established over a certain area. Perpetual Peace is structured in two parts. The Preliminary Articles described the steps that should be taken immediately, or with all deliberate speed: No secret treaty of peace shall be held valid in which there is tacitly reserved matter for a future war. No independent states, large or small, shall come under the dominion of another state by inheritance, exchange, purchase, or donation. National debts shall not be contracted with a view to the external friction of states. No state shall by force interfere with the constitution or government of another state. No state shall, during war, permit such acts of hostility which would make mutual confidence in the subsequent peace impossible: Such are the employment of assassins (percussores), poisoners (venefici), breach of capitulation, and incitement to treason (perduellio) in the opposing state. Three Definitive Articles would provide not merely a cessation of hostilities, but a foundation on which to build a peace: The law of nations shall be founded on a federation of free states. The law of world citizenship shall be limited to conditions of universal hospitality.

Democratic Peace Theory posits that democracies are hesitant to engage in armed conflict with other identified democracies.

Prince of Peace is the Hebrew Shar Shalom, which means “the one who removes all peace-disturbing factors and secures the peace.

"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love."

If you want Peace, Prepare for War. The phrase is used above all to affirm that one of the most effective means to ensure peace for a people is always to be armed and ready to defend oneself. Si vis pacem, para bellum. Deterrence Theory.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9 (wiki)

"There can never be peace between nations until it is known that true peace is within the souls of men." Black Elk.

Inner Peace refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious, a state where our mind performs at an optimal level with a positive outcome. Peace of mind is thus generally associated with bliss, happiness and contentment. Calmness.

is an agreement of opinions, or sounds.

Sustainable - Equilibrium - Competition

Compatibility is existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combination or coexistence.

Taoism is living in harmony with the Tao and various disciplines for achieving "perfection" by becoming one with the unplanned rhythms of the universe called "the way" or "dao".

De or Te, is a key concept in Chinese philosophy, usually translated "inherent character; inner power; integrity" in Taoism, "moral character; virtue; morality" in Confucianism and other contexts, and "quality; virtue" (guna) or "merit; virtuous deeds".

Li is a concept often rendered as “ritual,” “proper conduct,” or “propriety.” Originally li denoted court rites performed to sustain social and cosmic order.

The Great Harmony, the TA TUNG. When the great principle prevails the world is a Commonwealth in which rulers are selected according to their wisdom and ability. Mutual confidence is promoted and good neighborliness cultivated. Hence men do not regard as parents only their own parents nor do they treat as children only their own children. Provision is secured for the agéd till death, employment for the able bodied and the means of growing up for the young. Helpless widows and widowers, orphans and the lonely as well as the sick and disabled are well cared for. Men have their respective occupations and women their homes. They do not like to see wealth lying idle, yet they do not keep it for their own gratification. They despise indolence, yet they do not use their energies for their own benefit. In this way, selfish schemings are repressed, and robbers, thieves and other lawless men no longer exist, and there is no need for people to shut their outer doors. This is the great harmony. ~ Confucius (September 28, 551 – 479 BC). The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity.

Great Unity is a Chinese concept referring to a utopian vision of the world in which everyone and everything is at peace. It is found in classical Chinese philosophy which has been invoked many times in the modern history of China.

Harmonious Society philosophy is recognized as a response to the increasing social injustice and inequality emerging in mainland Chinese society as a result of unchecked economic growth, which has led to social conflict. The governing philosophy was therefore shifted around economic growth to overall societal balance and harmony.

Tranquility is free from stress and disturbances and in a state of peace and quiet. Calmness.

Golden Age denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity. During this age peace and harmony prevailed, people did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age with a youthful appearance, eventually dying peacefully, with spirits living on as "guardians".

When we work with mutual trust, and when we work together as a team, we are at our strongest.

Social Integration is a dynamic and structured process in which all members participate in dialogue to achieve and maintain peaceful social relations. Social integration does not mean forced assimilation. Social integration is focused on the need to move toward a safe, stable and just society by mending conditions of social disintegration and social exclusion—social fragmentation, exclusion and polarization; and by expanding and strengthening conditions of social integration—towards peaceful social relations of coexistence, collaboration and Group Cohesiveness, which arises when bonds link members of a social group to one another and to the group as a whole. Although cohesion is a multi-faceted process, it can be broken down into four main components: social relations, task relations, perceived unity, and emotions. Members of strongly cohesive groups are more inclined to participate readily and to stay with the group.

Combination is a collection of things or an assemblage of separate parts or qualities. A group of people having a common purpose. An alliance of people or countries for a special purpose, formerly to achieve some antisocial end but now for general political or economic purposes. The act of combining things to form a new whole.

Competition - Competing

Competition is a contest or rivalry between two or more entities that strive for a goal which cannot be shared, where one's gain is the other's loss.

Zero-Sum Game - Winning - Losing - Chess - Milgram - Moloch Trap

Competition in economics is a scenario where different economic firms are in contention to obtain goods that are limited by varying the elements of the marketing mix: price, product, promotion and place. In classical economic thought, competition causes commercial firms to develop new products, services and technologies, which would give consumers greater selection and better products. The greater the selection of a good is in the market, prices are typically lower for the products, compared to what the price would be if there was no competition (monopoly) or little competition (oligopoly). Competitiveness pertains to the ability and performance of a firm, sub-sector or country to sell and supply goods and services in a given market, in relation to the ability and performance of other firms, sub-sectors or countries in the same market. It involves one company trying to figure out how to take away market share from another company. Competitiveness is derived from the Latin word “competere”, which refers to the rivalry that is found between entities in markets and industries. It is used extensively in management discourse concerning national and international economic performance comparisons. The extent of the competition present within a particular market can be measured by; the number of rivals, their similarity of size, and in particular the smaller the share of industry output possessed by the largest firm, the more vigorous competition is likely to be.

In reality, no one really wins because it's a Zero-Sum Game, which is a mathematical representation of a situation in which each participant's gain or loss of utility is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the utility of the other participants. So how does competition apply to Sports or Games? It doesn't. We don't compete, we measure our abilities in a fun and constructive way. Awards are not a measurement of worth or value, awards are only for entertainment purposes, an insignificant detail of a moment in time. Competition is only fun when it's understood that it's a game and a test that provides some value.

Rivalry is the act of competing as for profit or a prize.

Contest is an occasion on which a winner is selected from among two or more contestants. A struggle between rivals.

Contestant is a person who participates in competitions.

Interspecific Competition is a form of competition in which individuals of different species compete for the same resources in an ecosystem (e.g. food or living space). Opposite of Symbiosis. This leads to a reduction in fitness for both individuals. By contrast, interspecific competition occurs when members of different species compete for a shared resource. Members of the same species have very similar resources requirements whereas different species have a smaller contested resource overlap, resulting in intraspecific competition generally being a stronger force than interspecific competition. Individuals can compete for food, water, space, light, mates or any other resource which is required for survival or reproduction. The resource must be limited for competition to occur; if every member of the species can obtain a sufficient amount of every resource then individuals do not compete and the population grows exponentially. Exponential growth is very rare in nature because resources are finite and so not every individual in a population can survive, leading to intraspecific competition for the scarce resources. When resources are limited, an increase in population size reduces the quantity of resources available for each individual, reducing the per capita fitness in the population. As a result, the growth rate of a population slows as intraspecific competition becomes more intense, making it a negatively density dependent process. The falling population growth rate as population increases can be modeled effectively with the logistic growth model. The rate of change of population density eventually falls to zero, the point ecologists have termed the carrying capacity (K). The carrying capacity of a population is the maximum number of individuals that can live in a population stably; numbers larger than this will suffer a negative population growth until eventually reaching the carrying capacity, whereas populations smaller than the carrying capacity will grow until they reach it. Intraspecific competition doesn't just involve direct interactions between members of the same species (such as male deer locking horns when competing for mates) but can also include indirect interactions where an individual depletes a shared resource (such as a grizzly bear catching a salmon that can then no longer be eaten by bears at different points along a river). The way in which resources are partitioned by organisms also varies and can be split into scramble and contest competition. Scramble competition involves a relatively even distribution of resources among a population as all individuals exploit a common resource pool. In contrast, contest competition is the uneven distribution of resources and occurs when hierarchies in a population influence the amount of resource each individual receives. Organisms in the most prized territories or at the top of the hierarchies obtain a sufficient quantity of the resources, whereas individuals without a territory don’t obtain any of the resource.

"He who tries to shine, dims his own light." Tao Te Ching (wiki)

Cooperation is a lot more beneficial than Competition. Competition encourages corruption, why do you think athletes cheat and companies commit crimes. Competition is the opposite of cooperation - Monopolies - Competition Laws.

If a company or person makes a better product that is sustainable and superior, and doesn't exploit workers and resources, then that company or person should be protected from other manufactures who make unsustainable and less superior products, that also exploits workers and resources. And if a product can be made locally using the same superior standards as someone else from another country, then that country will not have a need to import that product, thus not waste the time, resources and people needed to ship a product long distance. Trade is only a necessity that guarantees best practice and reduces waste and pollution, and does not reward scumbag corporations who exploit workers and resources for money, which is the same as murder. Greed and Fear Hamper Cooperation.

Hobbesian describes a situation of unrestrained, selfish and uncivilized competition.

Game Theory which one person's gains result in losses for the other participants. Gambling

Peace Of Mind - Boston (youtube) "I understand about indecision, But I don't care if I get behind People livin' in competition, All I want is to have my peace of mind." - The only thing that keeps us apart is knowledge. No longer riding on the merry-go-round, I just had to let it go (youtube)

European Union - EU

EU or European Union is in some ways a criminal organization for large corporations, just like the U.S. government. Not to say that it's all bad, it's just that we need more transparency and more public control. The markets going down after the EU brexit vote is just corporations threatening other countries not to leave the EU, and it's also investors acting stupid. Brexit - Movie Full Film (youtube, 1 hr. 10 mins.) - North American Union (same sh*t different place). - As far a global markets, or globalization or the global economy are concerned, we need to see the whole picture. We just don't want to be controlled by criminals. This is just another form of insider trading, where wealthy scumbag criminals have unfair access to confidential information that they use to exploit the system and steal money.

Monopolies - Corporate Crimes - Global Governing - Imperialism - Workers Unions

Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN, is a political and economic union of 10 states in Southeast Asia. Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Together, its member states represent a population of more than 600 million people and land area of over 4.5 million km2 (1.7 million sq mi).

Working together is our greatest strength, but it is also our greatest weakness if people are manipulated and lied to about the facts. Having our resources, time, energy and people controlled by ignorant criminals is extremely dangerous, as everyone can clearly see. Corporations are more interested in money then they are the welfare of people. We need reality based decisions, not ones based on exploitation. Trade Deals only work if the whole system is included in the calculations. We need more education, not regulations that scumbag corporations can easily exploit, as they have done for many years, at the cost of human life and at the cost of our environment.

Supranational Union is a type of multinational political union where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by governments of member states. International Law.

Bureaucracy is any organization in which action is obstructed by insistence on unnecessary procedures and Red Tape.

Equality - Breaking Down the Barriers of Perceived Inequalities

Equal is a person who is equivalent in standing, quality or ability with another in a group. To be uniform, corresponding or matching the same quantity, value, or measure as another.

Fairness - Legal Rights - Level Playing Field - Equal Justice - Symmetry - Agreement - Potential - Proportions - Dispersing - Wealth Sharing

Equivalent is a person or thing equal to another in value, measure, force, effect or significance. Being essentially equal to something.

Coequal is having the same standing before the law. Equal to each other in size, rank or position. Coeternal is jointly or equally eternal. Consubstantial in Christian theology is when someone is regarded as the same in substance or essence, as of the three persons of the Trinity.

Equality is when all people have the same status or relative position in respects to civil rights, freedom of speech, property rights, and equal access to certain social goods and services. This also includes concepts of health equity, economic equality and other social securities. It also includes equal opportunities and obligations, and so involves the whole of society. Social equality requires the absence of legally enforced social class or caste boundaries and the absence of discrimination motivated by an inalienable part of a person's identity. For example, sex, gender, race, age, sexual orientation, origin, caste or class, income or property, language, religion, convictions, opinions, health or disability must not result in unequal treatment under the law and should not reduce opportunities unjustifiably. "Equal opportunities" is interpreted as being judged by ability, which is compatible with a free-market economy. Relevant problems are horizontal inequality − the inequality of two persons of same origin and ability and differing opportunities given to individuals − such as in education or by inherited capital. Conceivements of social equality may vary per philosophy and individual and other than egalitarianism it does not necessarily require all social inequalities to be eliminated by artificial means but instead often recognizes and respects natural differences between people. Fair Division is not easy, but not impossible. Needs and Responsibilities must be defined first because everyone's needs are different and everyone has different responsibilities. The problem of dividing a set of goods or resources between several people who have an entitlement to them, such that each person receives his/her due share. All Men and Women are Created Equal.

Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law.

Equal Protection Clause of the Connecticut Constitution is Article 1, Section 20 states that no person can be denied equal protection under the law or discriminated against based on certain factors. No one can be discriminated against based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, or physical or mental disability. No one can be discriminated against in the exercise of their civil or political rights. The clause requires the government to have a valid reason for treating people differently.

Equal Pay for Equal Work is the purpose of labour rights that individuals in the same workplace be given equal pay.

American Dream - Mobility - Wealth Equality - Equity in Healthcare - Fairness - Equally Divided - Democracy

Social Equality is a state of affairs in which all individuals within a specific society have equal rights, liberties, and status, possibly including civil rights, freedom of expression, autonomy, and equal access to certain public goods and social services. Social equality requires the absence of legally enforced social class or caste boundaries and the absence of discrimination motivated by an inalienable part of an individual's identity.

Social Justice is justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. In Western and Asian cultures, the concept of social justice has often referred to the process of ensuring that individuals fulfill their societal roles and receive their due from society.

Equal Opportunity is that all people should be treated with respect, unhampered by artificial barriers or prejudices or preferences, except when particular distinctions can be explicitly justified. The aim according to this often complex and contested concept is that important jobs should go to those "most qualified" – persons most likely to perform ably in a given task – and not go to persons for arbitrary or irrelevant reasons like money or power.

Equal Protection Clause is part of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution that states "nor shall any State [...] deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws".

Egalitarianism is a trend of thought that favors equality for all people. Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status.

Egalitarian is someone who favors social equality. A person who believes in the equality of all people

Extensionality refers to principles that judge objects to be equal if they have the same external properties. It stands in contrast to the concept of intensionality, which is concerned with whether the internal definitions of objects are the same.

Everyone is Equal in the Eyes of the Lord.

People Smiling and Clapping Solidarity is unity as a group or as a class which produces or is based on unities of interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies. It refers to the ties in a society that bind people together as one. Social Solidarity is an awareness of shared interests, objectives, standards, and sympathies creating a psychological sense of unity of groups or classes. Sovereignty.

Structural Functionalism is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. This approach looks at society through a macro-level orientation, which is a broad focus on the social structures that shape society as a whole, and believes that society has evolved like organisms. This approach looks at both social structure and social functions. Functionalism addresses society as a whole in terms of the function of its constituent elements; namely norms, customs, traditions, and institutions. Differences does not make things Unequal.

Parity is the state or condition of being equal, especially regarding status or pay.

Disparity is inequality or difference in some respect.

Impartiality is an inclination to weigh both views or opinions equally. Not Divided or Biased.

Women and men should always be treated equally and fairly, no one should be discriminated against based on their gender or any other nonrelative reason. People should be measured by their ability and their potential.

Rwanda (wiki) - Iceland (wiki)

"It is said that heaven does not create one man above or below another man." - Fukuzawa Yukichi

Open System is a process that exchanges material, energy, people, capital and information with its environment.

Divide and Choose is a procedure for envy-free cake-cutting between two partners. It involves a heterogeneous good or resource ("the cake") and two partners which have different preferences over parts of the cake. The protocol proceeds as follows: one person ("the cutter") cuts the cake into two pieces; the other person ("the chooser") chooses one of the pieces; the cutter receives the remaining piece.

Allocate is to distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose. Sharing.

Distribute is to give or provide in small portions. To give to several people. Disperse widely. Make available. Spread throughout a given area.

Resource Allocation is the assignment of available resources to various uses. In the context of an entire economy, resources can be allocated by various means, such as markets or central planning. In project management, resource allocation or resource management is the scheduling of activities and the resources required by those activities while taking into consideration both the resource availability and the project time.

Inequity Aversion - Distributive Justice - Redistribution of Wealth - Water Management

Political Theory - John Rawls (youtube)

Related Subjects - Social Learning - Social Service - Activism - Peace - Human Rights - Civil Rights - Civil Liberties - Liberty - Morality - Privacy - Transparency - Informed Consent - Communication - Relationships - Coops - Reciprocity - Sharing - Collaboration - Education Reform - Accountability - Audit - Immigration - Culture - Pro-Social Behavior - Love is what we need more of.

Social Innovation are new strategies, concepts, ideas and organizations that meet the social needs of different elements which can be from working conditions and education to community development and health — they extend and strengthen civil society. Social innovation includes the social processes of innovation, such as open source methods and techniques and also the innovations which have a social purpose — like online volunteering, microcredit, or distance learning.

Diplomacy - Managing Public Affairs

Diplomacy is the skillful handling of a situation and having wisdom in the management of public affairs. Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of states and finding mutually acceptable solutions to a common challenges. One set of tools being the phrasing of statements in a non-confrontational, or polite manner. Have a civilized conversation without creating divisions.

"Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood." "You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.” Mahatma Gandhi.

People Smart - Body Language - Real Conversations - Empathy - Patience - Self Control - Tolerance - Understanding - Listening - Different Points of View - Not Being Stubborn - Not Making Assumptions - Smart Interventions - Conflict Avoidance - Peace - Negotiations - Staying Calm, Cool and Collected - Disagreements - Conflicts - Peace - Agreements - Public Relations - Seeing the Whole Picture

Statecraft is having wisdom in the management of public affairs, which is the engagement between businesses, organizations,  government bodies and the public.

Resolution is finding a solution to a problem. A statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem. A method that is explained or answered. Something that is settled or resolved. An outcome of decision making. An agreement to adapt to others needs and to be fair to other people. A decision to do something or a promise to behave in a certain manner. Contract.

Bilateral is involving two parties, especially countries, and relating to two sides and affecting both sides. Bilateral contract involves mutual promises where each party is both promisor and promisee.

Bilateralism is the conduct of relations between two sovereign states. When states recognize one another as sovereign states and agree to diplomatic relations, they create a bilateral relationship. States with bilateral ties will exchange diplomatic agents such as ambassadors to facilitate dialogues and cooperation's that are political, economic, or cultural. Unilateralism (polarized).

Multilateralism refers to an alliance of multiple countries pursuing a common goal. Multilateralism, in the form of membership in international institutions, serves to bind powerful nations, discourage unilateralism, and gives small powers a voice and influence that they could not otherwise exercise. For a small power to influence a great power, the Lilliputian strategy of small countries banding together to collectively bind a larger one can be effective.

"People can agree on the same thing but for different reasons. Be aware of ulterior motives."

Cultural Diplomacy is a type of public diplomacy and soft power that includes the exchange of ideas, information, art, language and other aspects of culture among nations and their peoples in order to foster mutual understanding. The purpose of cultural diplomacy is for the people of a foreign nation to develop an understanding of the nation's ideals and institutions in an effort to build broad support for economic and political goals. In essence "cultural diplomacy reveals the soul of a nation", which in turn creates influence. Though often overlooked, cultural diplomacy can and does play an important role in achieving national security efforts.

Public Diplomacy is any of the various government-sponsored efforts aimed at communicating directly with foreign publics to establish a dialogue designed to inform and influence with the aim that this foreign public supports or tolerates a government's strategic objectives.

Megaphone Diplomacy refers to making public statements regarding a matter of dispute, which means negotiations between countries or parties are held through social media posts, press releases, and announcements, aiming to force the other party into adopting a desired position.

Digital Diplomacy has been defined as the use of the Internet and new information communication technologies to help achieve diplomatic objectives.

Culinary Diplomacy is a technique that sates that the easiest way to win hearts and minds is through the stomach.

Consent Decree is an agreement or settlement that resolves a dispute between two parties without admission of guilt or liability. Most often it is such a type of settlement in the United States.

Strange Bedfellows is a type of alliance with unlikely allies who share the same goals but are totally different in their views. Difficult circumstances and situations will sometimes bring together very different people who have widely different views.

Argumentation Theory is the interdisciplinary study of how conclusions can be reached through logical reasoning; that is, claims based, soundly or not, on premises. It includes the arts and sciences of civil debate, dialogue, conversation, and persuasion. It studies rules of inference, logic, and procedural rules in both artificial and real world settings. Argumentation includes deliberation and negotiation which are concerned with collaborative decision-making procedures. It also encompasses eristic dialog, the branch of social debate in which victory over an opponent is the primary goal. This art and science is often the means by which people protect their beliefs or self-interests—or choose to change them—in rational dialogue, in common parlance, and during the process of arguing. Argumentation is used in law, for example in trials, in preparing an argument to be presented to a court, and in testing the validity of certain kinds of evidence. Also, argumentation scholars study the post hoc rationalizations by which organizational actors try to justify decisions they have made irrationally. Argumentation is one of four rhetorical modes (also known as modes of discourse), along with exposition, description, and narration. Win-Win Situations.

Parley is a conference between opposing sides in a dispute, especially a discussion of terms for an armistice. A discussion over terms of a truce or other matters. Who do Your Serve?

Protocol in diplomacy is the etiquette of diplomacy and affairs of state. Rules which describes how an activity should be performed, especially in the field of diplomacy. Specifying the proper and generally accepted behavior in matters of state and diplomacy, such as showing appropriate respect to a head of state, ranking diplomats in chronological order of their accreditation at court, and so on.

If you can't lick 'em, join 'em is a saying that means if you can't defeat your opponent, then you might as well work alongside them or do what they do. If you can not defeat your opponent, you may as well join forces with them in order to have at least some control of the situation. And you have to do this without looking like a sellout or looking weak.

We have to learn how to redirect our energy towards productive behavior, instead of wasting our energy on destructive behavior. This is another thing we need to be mindful of. When coming to a decision, or faced with a decision, we have to remember the road that we're on, and we have to remember the roads that we have already gone down. If you know the the road ends or if you know that it's a dead end road, then you might as well take the other road and see where that road goes and see where the other road will take you. If one road goes nowhere, then the other road must go somewhere. If not, then at least we confirmed something we never knew before, which is knowing the best road to take. Our legacy must have knowledge, and not just the remains of all the mistakes that were made by our ignorance.

Diplomatic is the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations. Using or marked by tact in dealing with sensitive matters or people. Creating a good rapport with people. Diplomatic History (wiki).

Diplomat is a person appointed by a state to conduct diplomacy with one or more other states or international organizations. The main functions of diplomats are: representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state; initiation and facilitation of strategic agreements; treaties and conventions; promotion of information; trade and commerce; technology; and friendly relations. Seasoned diplomats of international repute are used in international organizations (for example, the United Nations) as well as multinational companies for their experience in management and negotiating skills. Diplomats are members of foreign services and diplomatic corps of various nations of the world. Diplomats are the oldest form of any of the foreign policy institutions of the state, predating by centuries foreign ministers and ministerial offices. They usually have diplomatic immunity. Diplomatic Rank (wiki).

Diplomatic Mission is a group of people from one state or an organization present in another state to represent the sending state or organization officially in the receiving state. In practice, the phrase diplomatic mission usually denotes the resident mission, namely the embassy, which is the main office of a country's diplomatic representatives to another country; this is usually, but not necessarily, in the receiving state's capital city. Consulates, on the other hand, are smaller diplomatic missions which are normally located in major cities of the receiving state (but can be located in the capital, usually when the sending country has no embassy in the receiving state). As well as being a diplomatic mission to the country in which it is situated, it may also be a non-resident permanent mission to one or more other countries. There are thus resident and non-resident embassies. A country may have several different types of diplomatic missions in another country. An embassy is a diplomatic mission generally located in the capital city of another country which offers a full range of services, including consular services. A high commission is an embassy of a Commonwealth country located in another Commonwealth country. A permanent mission is a diplomatic mission to a major international organization. A consulate general is a diplomatic mission located in a major city, usually other than the capital city, which provides a full range of consular services. A consulate is a diplomatic mission that is similar to a consulate general, but may not provide a full range of services. A legation was a diplomatic representative office of lower rank than an embassy. Where an embassy was headed by an ambassador, a legation was headed by a minister. Ambassadors outranked ministers and had precedence at official events. Legations were originally the most common form of diplomatic mission, but they fell out of favor after World War II and were upgraded to embassies. A consulate headed by an Honorary Consul is a diplomatic mission headed by an Honorary Consul which provides only a limited range of services.

Minister is a person appointed to a high office in the government who's duties are to attend to the wants and needs of others. A diplomat representing one government to another who ranks below the ambassador.

Foreign Minister is generally a cabinet minister in charge of a state's foreign policy and relations.

Liaison is a channel for communication between groups.

Ally is an associate who provides cooperation or assistance.

Moderator is an arbitrator or a mediator.

Allyship is not an identity—it is a lifelong process of building relationships based on trust, consistency, and accountability with marginalized individuals and/or groups of people. Allyship is not self-defined—our work and our efforts must be recognized by the people we seek to ally ourselves with. It is important to be intentional in how we frame the work we do.

Ambassador is a high-ranking diplomatic agent and a representative of a government or sovereign state who has been appointed for a special assignment or a temporary diplomatic assignment. Love Ambassador.

Goodwill Ambassador is a person who advocates for a specific cause or global issue on the basis of their notability as a public figure. Goodwill ambassadors generally deliver goodwill by promoting ideals from one entity to another, or to a population. The term should be distinguished from the related concept of a brand ambassador, who plays a role in promoting a company or product through personal interaction. A goodwill ambassador may be an individual from one country who resides in or travels to another country, on a diplomatic mission (or international friendship mission) at a peer to peer level; that is: country to country, state to state, city to city, or as an intermediate emissary representative of the people of a specific organization or cultural group such as an indigenous tribe or enclave population. Goodwill ambassadors have been a part of governments and countries for as long as diplomacy has existed. They represent their constituents by traveling abroad exchanging or delivering gifts and presents while bringing awareness to their cause or purpose through public relations activities and organizing events. Goodwill ambassadors are responsible for delivering humanitarian relief, implementing public programs and providing development assistance to demonstrate benevolence and compassion between parties. Most often nation-states and organizations use well-known celebrities such as actors, actresses, musicians, scientists, authors, former politicians and other high society figures; but they also engage civilians and government officials to fulfill the role. Goodwill missions of US states and international nations are usually carried out or overseen by the head of state, but do not necessarily involve official diplomatic credentials beyond a letter of presentation, letters patent or a letter of credence, it is very rare that goodwill ambassadors are ever issued a diplomatic passport. However, some countries, such as Haiti, do issue credentials that include diplomatic immunity for goodwill ambassadors and organizations sometimes issue a civil service credential or international identification such as a laissez-passer.

Chancellor is a Title of various official positions in the governments of many nations.

Envoy usually known as a Minister, was a diplomatic head of mission who was ranked below ambassador. A diplomatic mission headed by an envoy was known as a legation rather than an embassy.

Resident is a government official required to take up permanent residence in another country. A representative of his government, he officially has diplomatic functions which are often seen as a form of indirect rule.

Mediate (courts) - Judge (laws) - Public Speaking - Crisis Negotiation - Conflict Avoidance

Power Broker is a person who deliberately affects the distribution of political or economic power by exerting influence or by intrigue. Power broker is a person who influences people to vote towards a particular client (i.e. elected official or referendum) in exchange for political and financial benefits. Power brokers can also negotiate deals with other power brokers to meet their aims. The term is sometimes used for a non-elected person with political influence. Power brokers can demand more benefits in closely contested areas and policies. They can play both sides and influence voters for the highest bidder. These brokers wield great influence over voters who may be dedicated to one issue that draws them into the electoral process but undecided on others. Hence, the brokers maintain their influence by denying loyalty to a political party or other political label.

Broker is a person or firm who arranges transactions between a buyer and a seller for a commission when the deal is executed. A broker who also acts as a seller or as a buyer becomes a principal party to the deal. Neither role should be confused with that of an agent—one who acts on behalf of a principal party in a deal. A broker is an independent party, whose services are used extensively in some industries. A broker's prime responsibility is to bring sellers and buyers together and thus a broker is the third-person facilitator between a buyer and a seller. An example would be a real estate or stock broker who facilitates the sale of a property.

Kingmaker is a person or group that has great influence on a royal or political succession, without themselves being a viable candidate. Kingmakers may use political, monetary, religious, and military means to influence the succession.

If we want to solve our problems, we have to agree to educate ourselves. We have to stop pretending that we truly know ourselves on any meaningful level. We have to stop pretending that we know other people that we share this planet with. Everyone alive today arrived on this planet the same way. We are all born here. And over 100 billion humans have lived and died so that we can be here. So let us show our respect to all our ancestors, and show respect to all of the decedents of our ancestors, which is all of us. We are all a family. We might not agree with each other all the time, but that is never more important than being a family. We have to value each other in order to be valued.

Every person should learn diplomacy and learn how to communicate effectively. We need to stop fighting amongst ourselves and stop dividing each other into groups or political associations. We need to break down the barriers that distract us from making progress and stop us from making needed improvements. We need to fight the real enemy, which is the people in power who want to keep people ignorant and divided so that we keep fighting each other instead of solving problems and making improvements. An educated public will neutralize people in power. So we just have to convince people in power that an educated public is a good thing, and that they can still live a comfortable life without having to dominate people. Be careful how you answer certain questions. Sometimes trying to correct someone or trying to educate someone may not work so effectively. Change the subject or misdirect the conversation without ignoring the person. Don't get sucked into an argument. People want you to acknowledge and answer a question in a particular way that they expect or presume is the correct answer. Do not be passive or dumb down a response, use a diplomatic strategy that keeps the lines of communication open. Take the higher ground if needed, but only when you can prove that the higher ground is beneficial to everyone. Debate if allowed.

You Can't Please Everyone. This is because people experience different things in their life and they may also have different knowledge and information than you do, so people will understand things differently than you. The most important thing is to not be distracted or confused by this human phenomenon. You need to stay focused on the message and know how to explain the message in several different ways. Look at criticism in the same way that you look at praise. Neither one is good or bad until they are defined and evaluated. The 5 W's is a good way to start the conversation, but be warned, most people can't explain their reasoning or explain why they think the way they do, so be patient and tolerant. You're on a fact finding mission. When people have different information they will have different opinions. But even when people have the same information, they can sometimes interpret that same information differently. This is why people need to talk more definitively and listen more carefully. People sometimes believe that they have reasons for what they do or believe that they have reasons for what they think. But when you ask a person to explain themselves, they will either get defensive, or they will just generalize and never fully explain in any details about why they think the way they do, or will they provide any facts or evidence or examples that would help to explain their reasoning. Sadly, this is not an unusual human phenomenon. The lack of information and the differences of information have always divided people. In order for people to see eye to eye and understand things on the same level or in the same way, people would have to be educated to the same level. Teach each other and learn from each other. Politically Correct.

When saying 'please' is more strategic than magic. The word 'Please' is an expression of politeness that shows courtesy and respect, turning a potential demand into a request that will -- poof! -- magically be granted. But a new study on the ways people make requests of one another suggests that 'please' might not be an all-purpose marker of politeness, but rather a more focused, strategic tool to manage frictions or obstacles among family members, friends and even coworkers. The study shows that people say 'please' much less often than expected, and mostly when they expect a 'no' response is forthcoming.

First you have to understand human behaviors and then you have to explore behavioral strategies that helps to keep the lines of communication open. Both sides have to adapt. Each one is equally responsible. If we allow our biases and our own personal behaviors to disrupt and degrade our ability to communicate, then everyone suffers. Either we talk effectively or we suffer collectively. Stubbornness has killed more people than all diseases combined. And the cure is a "commitment to learning". If we stop learning and if we stop trying to understand each other, then we see this ugliness continue, forever.

When to Ignore Someone. When someone says something unreasonable, irrelevant or vague, just ignore them and say nothing. And don't even say anything with your body language either. It's sometimes best not to respond to ignorance. And don't answer ignorance with more ignorance or use a joke, it may just add to the ignorance. You can try to change the subject, or if you have to answer someone, you can simply answer that "I'm not sure how to answer that". Because there are many other questions that would need to be answered first in order to understand that statement. This may not be the best time. But if the subject needs to be understood in order to move forward, then we should discus it now, just as long as we know that we might not finish this discussion or come to a conclusion at this time, so we might have to do more research and continue this conversation at a future time. Listen.

Diplomacy is kind of like being a sales person. When you're trying to sell a product or an idea, you have to explain any concerns that a customer may have, and you also have to remove any doubts the customer may have, and you also have to provide the customer with something for their particular needs. You have to be selling what people need. If you're not selling what people need, then people will not buy. So a salesperson should never limit themselves to what they have to offer. When you meet the customers criteria, that is when you usually make the sale, but not always. There are many things that could cause a sale from not happening, like not being prepared for questions and not understanding someone's reasoning. Pros and Cons. "If you continually lie, then we will never be able to build any trust. So working together will be limited or non-existent".

Things are Relative. Something that looks good could actually be bad, and something that looks bad could actually be something good. We have to learn how to perceive things together and understand things in similar ways. But we can't have understanding without learning. You have to read and absorb more knowledge. So the gift of language should never be taken for granted. Language is an endless supply of potential energy. But when language is not used effectively or efficiently, then this bad language will degrade life, instead of using good language to progress life. Knowing how to talk is not enough, you have to know how to communicate effectively and efficiently. And the only way to do that is to learn how to communicate effectively and efficiently.

Tips to keep the Peace when Working Together. Manage expectations and understand expectation alignment. Know your audience and personally Get to Know Them. Ask the Client About Specific Goals. Think Like the people you are trying to communicate with. Confront any social issues that arise head-on, with honesty. Be friends enough to forgive. Don't avoid conflict in order to be polite, and don't let "unhealthy peace" fester. Defuse tension by talking out any social issues honestly. Look for where expectation gaps exist or where they might arise. Set Realistic Expectations. Bridge those expectation gaps. Know how the group will make decisions. Build a social contract. Be Authentic. Be Transparent. Be Honest. Establish Regular Communication. Set boundaries for how you'll spend your time. Where do I get my alone time. Have days where things are unscheduled. Some people like to plan every moment; others are more spontaneous and want to see where the mood takes them. Bring something from your home routine to help you stay sane on the road. Comfort Object or transitional object or a security blanket is an item used to provide psychological comfort, especially in unusual or unique situations. Understand in-group relationships. Group Dynamics is a system of behaviors and psychological processes occurring within a social group (intragroup dynamics), or between social groups (intergroup dynamics). The study of group dynamics can be useful in understanding decision-making behavior, tracking the spread of diseases in society, creating effective therapy techniques, and following the emergence and popularity of new ideas and technologies. Group dynamics are at the core of understanding racism, sexism, and other forms of social prejudice and discrimination. These applications of the field are studied in psychology, sociology, anthropology, political science, epidemiology, education, social work, business, and communication studies. The three main factors affecting a team's cohesion (working together well) are: environmental, personal and leadership.

Collaborating with a team of rivals can resolve conflict and advance science. If people are willing to get in a room together and debate their differences, science can be improved. To negotiate some common ground and identify some remaining challenges, they satisfied two preconditions and followed specific guidelines. They began by reframing their interactions away from competitive rivalry into the pursuit of a joint goal. They also agreed that everyone shared trustworthy intentions, as well as scientific competence, with relation to the goal. From there, they moved into "producing measurable progress," and split off in pairs, to begin writing the paper. All of this kept in mind what they called "working toward mutual gain," as well as the realization that not reaching a resolution would be an unacceptable "downside alternative." This created a sense of urgency throughout the experience. A week later, a draft theory paper had formed. The team spent a year revising, submitting, and revising the paper for a theory journal.

The Simpsons – S33E01 – The Star of the Backstage | Transcript. Homer sings a song to Marge in the bathroom. - When your partner’s in a tizzy, Flossing till she’s dizzy, Clearly in the wrong, but certain she’s right, It’s your responsibility, To imply her culpability, In a way that doesn’t instigate a fight. Don’t escalate the situation, Or add further complication, Mince your words, so as never to encroach. Deliver your advice, But make sure to do it nice, For it’s best to use a delicate approach, Now, I know you may think you were just in your actions, But it makes my heart sink to see your infractions, Your feelings were hurt, but it’s malice you blurt, Your transaction compels a retraction.

Negotiations - Compromises - Agreements - Common Ground

Negotiation is a discussion intended to produce an agreement. Harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters. Compatibility of observations and actions. A dialogue between two or more people or parties intended to reach a beneficial outcome. This beneficial outcome should be for all of the parties involved.

is to discuss the terms of an arrangement or an agreement.

Debated - Persuasion - Diplomacy - Conflict - Disagreement - Plea Bargain - Disclaimers

Dispute Resolution is the process of resolving disputes between parties. The term dispute resolution is sometimes used interchangeably with conflict resolution, although conflicts are generally more deep-rooted and lengthy than disputes. Dispute resolution techniques assist the resolution of antagonisms between parties that can include citizens, corporations, and governments.

Brokered is to arrange or negotiate a settlement, deal, or plan.

High-Stakes Negotiation is understanding the big picture. It's uncovering hidden agendas and collaborating with the other side. Getting genuine buy-in. Building relationships that are based on trust rather than fear. Paying attention to process as well as desired outcomes.

Negotiation Tactics: Active silence: The negotiator uses silence skillfully to induce a targeted discomfort in the other parties. The silence serves as a sign that the negotiator is confident and expects a response. Bigger picture: The negotiator makes light of the proposed issue, and turns the focus to a wider discussion. Bluff: The negotiator makes a false claim, as if he has better offers from other parties. Bogeyman: The negotiator introduces a false threat or warning. Changing the Negotiator: The negotiator is changed to reset the progression made thus far. Control the Agenda: The negotiator controls the agenda, and the priorities to control what is discussed and when. Discovery challenges: A negotiator stalls for time by claiming they had a hard time finding or doing what the other party asked for. Divide and conquer: The negotiator creates an internal conflict between other, opposing parties. Ellsberg paradox or also ambiguity aversion: The negotiator uses the human bias toward the option they know most about, regardless of its merits. Empty Promises: The negotiator makes promises that they know they will not keep. Feather ruffling: The negotiator utilizes personal attack to divert the discussion to the involved parties instead of the results. Fragmentation: The negotiator breaks the discussion into minor discussions. Introducing a new issue: The negotiator introduces a new issue during the negotiation for distraction. Jurisdictional challenges: A delaying tactic in court in which another group prolongs the case by claiming it is their jurisdiction. Late objections: The negotiator makes an objection late in the negotiation, to set it back to square one. Limited Authority, Absent Authority or Missing person tactic: The negotiator declares their limited ability to make a decision, they also claim that the person who can make the decision is not available at the moment, drawing out the process. Logrolling: The negotiator concedes on low-priority items to them. Overwhelming: The negotiator provides other parties with too much requests or information to overload them. Questioning goals: The negotiator debates the value of other parties' ultimate goals. Phasing: The negotiator offers to phase in or out the requested changes, buying themselves more time. Playing Dumb: The negotiator acts stupid to avoid confrontations. Selective listening: The negotiator overlooks certain fragments of the other parties' argument hearing what they want to, rather than what is actually being said. Taking something back: The negotiator offers something only to take it back later.

Junk Science - Invalid Argument - Distractions - Debate Abuse - Stubborn Denial - Abusing the 5th - Unanimous Consent - Diplomacy

Alliance is a formal agreement establishing an association between nations or other groups to achieve a particular aim. An organization of people or countries involved in a pact or treaty. A connection based on kinship, marriage or common interest.

Dialectic is a discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject but wishing to establish the truth through reasoned arguments. Dialectic resembles debate, but the concept excludes subjective elements such as emotional appeal and the modern pejorative sense of rhetoric. Dialectic may be contrasted with the didactic method, wherein one side of the conversation teaches the other. Dialectic is alternatively known as minor logic, as opposed to major logic or critique.

Reconcile is to make something more compatible with another and bring into consonance or accord. To come to terms or to understand ones dilemma and adapt to a new situation.

Marriage Agreement - Divorce Settlement.

Agreement is an oral or written statement that has an exchange of promises and things that have been agreed upon and arranged between two people or by a group of people. An agreement is having an understanding and harmony in opinions, actions, characters and compatibility of observations. When people see things in the same way there is less confusion and people can also work together without conflicts of interest.

Agree is when you are able to exist and perform in harmonious or agreeable combination. Sympathetic compatibility. Bring (several things) into consonance or relate harmoniously. Achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose. Go together. Be agreeable or suitable. A harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); Congruity of parts with one another and with the whole. Be in accord; be in agreement. A written agreement between two states or sovereigns. Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics. An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions.

Gentlemen's Agreement is an informal and legally-nonbinding agreement between two or more parties. It is typically oral, but it may be written or simply understood as part of an unspoken agreement by convention or through mutually-beneficial etiquette. The essence of a gentlemen's agreement is that it relies upon the honor of the parties for its fulfillment, rather than being in any way enforceable. It is, therefore, distinct from a legal agreement or contract.

Acquiesce is to agree or express agreement.

Acquiescence is to acceptance without protest. Agreement with a statement or proposal to do something. To give in or go along with something without protesting, even if you don't really want to.

Covenant is an agreement. To agree by lease, deed, or other legal contract.

Settle - Legal Reasoning - Rulings

Concede is to admit that something is true or to acknowledge the truth. To admit to a wrongdoing and to acknowledge defeat. To be willing to agree to surrender or to relinquish to the physical control of another. Consent.

Capitulation is to surrender unconditionally, or to cease to resist an opponent or an unwelcome demand. Capitulation is a document containing the terms of surrender. The act of surrendering under agreed conditions. A summary that specifies individually the main parts of a topic. Conflict Avoidance - Negotiate - Compromise

Surrender is to give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another. Relinquish possession or control over. A verbal act of admitting defeat. We must avoid being polarized.

Memorandum in law is a record of the terms of a transaction or contract, such as a policy memo, memorandum of understanding, memorandum of agreement, or memorandum of association. Other memorandum formats include briefing notes, reports, letters, or binders. They may be considered grey literature. In business, a memo is typically used by firms for internal communication, while letters are typically for external communication. Memorandum formatting may vary by office or institution. If the intended recipient is a cabinet minister or a senior executive, the format might be rigidly defined and limited to one or two pages. If the recipient is a colleague, the formatting requirements are more flexible.

Memorandum of Understanding expresses a convergence of will between the parties, indicating an intended common line of action. It is often used either in cases where parties do not imply a legal commitment or in situations where the parties cannot create a legally enforceable agreement. It is a more formal alternative to a gentlemen's agreement.

Ratify is to approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation. Ratified is to be formally approved and invested with legal authority. Treaties.

Assent is an agreement with a statement or a proposal to do something. To agree or express agreement.

Tentative Agreement is an agreement reached in collective bargaining negotiations between two parties. It is not put into effect until each side has ratified (or voted to approve) it. If the tentative agreement is rejected, the union may demand that the employer resume bargaining to resolve the issue(s) causing member rejection, a strike might be considered, or a re-vote could occur – all with the goal of reaching a voluntary binding contract.

Tentative is an agreement not certain or fixed that is under terms and not final or fully worked out or agreed upon. Not put into effect until each side has ratified or voted to approve it. Unsettled in mind or opinion. Done without confidence; hesitant.

Terms is a statement of what is required as part of an agreement. The status with respect to the relations between people or groups. The amount of money needed to purchase something. Term can also mean a limited period of time. A word or expression used for some particular thing.

Overlapping Consensus refers to how supporters of different comprehensive normative doctrines—that entail apparently inconsistent conceptions of justice—can agree on particular principles of justice that underwrite a political community's basic social institutions. Comprehensive doctrines can include systems of religion, political ideology, or morality.

Consent Decree is an agreement or settlement that resolves a dispute between two parties without admission of guilt (in a criminal case) or liability (in a civil case), and most often refers to such a type of settlement in the United States. The plaintiff and the defendant ask the court to enter into their agreement, and the court maintains supervision over the implementation of the decree in monetary exchanges or restructured interactions between parties. It is similar to and sometimes referred to as an antitrust decree, stipulated judgment, or consent judgment. Consent decrees are frequently used by federal courts to ensure that businesses and industries adhere to regulatory laws in areas such as antitrust law, employment discrimination, and environmental regulation.

Settlement is a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it settled or resolved; the outcome of decision making. Settlement in litigation is a resolution between disputing parties about a legal case, reached either before or after court action begins. The term "settlement" also has other meanings in the context of law. Structured settlements provide for future periodic payments, instead of a one time cash payment.

Resolve is to reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation. Reach a decision. Find a solution by calculation, algebra or detailed analysis. A formal expression by a meeting; agreed to by a vote.

Collective Bargaining is a process of negotiation between employers and a group of employees aimed at agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and other aspects of workers' compensation and rights for workers. Unions.

Provisional is something that can possibly be changed later. Temporary, but with the intention of eventually becoming permanent or being replaced by a permanent equivalent.

Arrangement is a promise to do something that was agreed upon by people involved in the arrangement. To make plans or preparations for a future event. Arrangement can also mean the spatial property of the way in which something's are placed. An orderly grouping or organized structure. Arrangement can also mean a piece of music that has been adapted for performance by a particular set of voices or instruments.

Accord is harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters. Concurrence of opinion.

Seeing Eye to Eye is used when you view something in the same way as others do, or that you agree with someone about something.

Being on the Same Page means that people are thinking in a similar ways and are in agreement about what they are trying to achieve. When people are not on the same page means that they are in disagreement and do not see things in the same way.

Accommodate is to be agreeable or acceptable to the requirements of other people. Make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose. Provide with something desired or needed. Provide a service or favor for someone. Make one thing compatible with another. Reuse - Repurpose.

Trade-Off is when you sacrifice something of value as part of a compromise, where one thing increases, while another thing decreases, and you give up something in order to gain something. There are always advantages and disadvantages with choices. An example of a trade off is when you sacrifice your time in order to work, in hopes that the work you do will provide something of value in return. Even though the time you lose is irreversible, if your time is properly managed, then the work you do now may save time for yourself and save time for others in the future, which is a good return on your investment. An example of a trade-off in relationships is when you sacrifice the time you spend on something that you like to do, in order to spend more time with someone you love, which in return, the other persons love they have for you will always be there, so favors can be returned

Side Effects - Caveats - Pros and Cons - Risks - Blow Back - Collateral Damage - Sell Out - Hypocrisy - Opportunity Cost - Sustainability - Fairness - Balance

"The price of doing nothing may be more, but you must do something."

At What Cost? Is it responsible? Is it practical? Is it productive? Is it used effectively and efficiently? And can it be reused, e purposed or recycle?

"Don't put all of your eggs into one basket." Minimize Risks.

Reciprocal transfer of equivalent things. The act of changing one thing for another thing. The act of giving something or giving up something in return for something received. Not a Bribe.

Compromise is a middle way between two extremes. An accommodation in which both sides make concessions. Settle by concession. Compromise is also a deal between different parties where each party gives up part of their demand. In arguments, compromise is a concept of finding agreement through communication, through a mutual acceptance of terms—often involving variations from an original goal or desires.

Concession is to do without something or cease to hold on to something that is not needed, especially when it's compared to other things of value such as working together for the greater good of the community as a whole. Negotiate. Concession is to release, share, trade, or give away something that you controlled. To grant a right or a privilege to something that you once possessed.

Concession in contract is a grant of rights, land or property by a government, local authority, corporation, individual or other legal entity. Public services such as water supply may be operated as a concession. In the case of a public service concession, a private company enters into an agreement with the government to have the exclusive right to operate, maintain and carry out investment in a public utility (such as a water privatization) for a given number of years. Other forms of contracts between public and private entities, namely lease contract and management contract (in the water sector often called by the French term affermage), are closely related but differ from a concession in the rights of the operator and its remuneration. A lease gives a company the right to operate and maintain a public utility, but investment remains the responsibility of the public. Under a management contract the operator will collect the revenue only on behalf of the government and will in turn be paid an agreed fee. A grant of land or property by a government may be in return for services or for a particular use, a right to undertake and profit by a specified activity, a lease for a particular purpose. A concession may include the right to use some existing infrastructure required to carry out a business (such as a water supply system in a city); in some cases, such as mining, it may involve merely the transfer of exclusive or non-exclusive easements. In the private sector, the owner of a concession — the concessionaire — typically pays either a fixed sum or a percentage of revenue to the owner of the entity from which it operates. Examples of concessions within another business are concession stands within sporting venues and movie theaters and concessions in department stores operated by other retailers. Short term concessions may be granted as promotional space for periods as short as one day. Depending on what the law that is related to a sector states, concession can either allow the authority to retain or keep ownership of the assets, turning over to the concessionaire and reverting the ownership back to an authority once the duration of their concession ended, or both the authority and concessionaire own the facilities. Contract is a voluntary arrangement between two or more parties that is enforceable at law as a binding legal agreement. Contract is a branch of the law of obligations in jurisdictions of the civil law tradition.

Concession is a territory within a country that is administered by an entity other than the state which holds sovereignty over it. The territory can be called more precisely a lease territory or leased territory.

is the capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combination.

Conciliate is making or willing to make concessions. Come to terms and make one thing compatible with another. Intended to placate. Adapt.

Placate is to cause something to be more favorably inclined and to gain the good will of people.

Concurrence is an agreement of results or opinions. Acting together, as agents or circumstances or events. A state of cooperation.

Common Ground is a technique for facilitating interpersonal relationships. In order to find common ground between parties, participants must search for signals of recognition, which are often subtle and cause for misunderstanding. Generally, smiles, bland faces, or frowns can be the positive, neutral or negative signals. When verbal communication is possible, the participants can speak and then listen. We are more united than divided.

Commonality is sharing of common attributes.

Common is belonging to a community as a whole. Sharing the same connection or having the same connection with two or more parties.
A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area.

Coexist - Human Values we have in Common - Values

Common Ground - Rhythm Corps (youtube, 1988) - Can we meet on common ground? Are our views so far apart, That there's no room to be found? Can we speak, without a sound, Of a world gone quite insane, Can we start settling down? I'll not play the scene, Where the threats start flying, You'll not have to scream, Cause we're not that stupid. Can we meet on common ground? Can we meet on common ground. Are your walls all brick and stone, And far from tumbling down. Can we seat ourselves around A table for awhile and talk  Like friends we have found? Well, all that's plain to see, While the brats start blighing, You'll not have to dream, Of a peaceful one day. Can we meet on common ground? Tell me, tell me, tell me, Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Can we meet on common ground? Are our views so far apart, That there's no room to be found. Can we speak without a sound, Of a world gone quite insane, Can we start settling down, yeah. I'll not play the scene, Where the threats start flying, You'll not have to scream, Cause we're not that stupid. Whoa, can we meet on common ground. Can we meet on common ground Can we meet on common ground, Tell me, can we meet on common ground?

Bipartisan is something that is supported by both sides. But Bipartisan can also be when politicians only agree because their wealthy scumbag friends will benefit from the agreement, while the citizens get stabbed in the back, well not all the time, but too many times. impartial - Not Polarized.

Bipartisanship is when opposing political parties find common ground through compromise.

Appeasement is a diplomatic policy of making political or material concessions to an enemy power in order to avoid conflict.

Interfaith refers to cooperative, constructive and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e., "faiths") and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual and institutional levels. It is distinct from syncretism or alternative religion, in that dialogue often involves promoting understanding between different religions or beliefs to increase acceptance of others, rather than to synthesize new belief.

Ethical Persuasion is a human being's internal ability to treat others with respect, understanding, caring, and fairness in order to understand themselves. Phases of ethical persuasion; they are: Explore the other person's viewpoint. Explain your viewpoint. Create resolutions.

Up the Anti is to increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute. To increase your demands or the risks in a situation in order to achieve a better result. To raise the cost or price. To raise the stakes in a betting game.

Anti Up is to contribute one's share of a payment, or to pay what is due.

Conflict Avoidance - Crisis Negotiation

Conflict Resolution are methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution. Committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of the group (e.g., intentions; reasons for holding certain beliefs), and by engaging in collective negotiation.

Anger Management - Staying Calm - When to Show Force - When to Run - Active Listening - Intervention - Non-Violent Protest - Forgive instead of Revenge - Negotiate - Compromise

De-Escalation refers to behavior that is intended to escape escalations of conflicts. It may also refer to approaches in conflict resolution. Escalations of commitment are often hard from spiraling out of proportions without specific measures being taken.

Defuse a Situation is to make a threatening or dangerous situation safer. To make a difficult or dangerous situation calmer by reducing or removing its cause. To settle, calm, or make less dangerous an extremely tense, hostile, or volatile situation. Diffuse is both a verb and an adjective, and refers to the spreading of something, or making it less concentrated. Defuse functions only as a verb and means to remove the fuse from something.

Valuing the Client: Provides genuine acknowledgement that the client’s concerns are valid, important and will be addressed in a meaningful way.

Reducing Fear: Listens actively to the client and offers genuine empathy while suggesting that the client’s situation has the potential for positive future change.

Inquiring about Client’s Queries and Anxiety: Can communicate a thorough understanding of the client’s concerns, and works to uncover the root of the issue.

Providing Guidance to the Client: Suggests multiple ways to the help the client with their current concerns and recommends preventative measures.

Working Out Possible Agreements: Takes responsibility for the client’s care and concludes the encounter with an agreed-upon short-term solution and a long-term action plan.

Remaining Calm: Maintains a calm tone of voice and steady pace that is appropriate to the client’s feelings and behavior.

Risky: Maintains a moderate distance from the client to ensure safety, but does not appear guarded and fearful.

Conflict Avoidance is a method of reacting to conflict, which attempts to avoid directly confronting the issue at hand. Methods of doing this can include changing the subject, putting off a discussion until later, or simply not bringing up the subject of contention. Conflict prevention can be used as a temporary measure to buy time or as permanent means of disposing of a matter.

Conflict Resolution are methods and processes involved in facilitating the peaceful ending of conflict and retribution. Committed group members attempt to resolve group conflicts by actively communicating information about their conflicting motives or ideologies to the rest of the group (e.g., intentions; reasons for holding certain beliefs), and by engaging in collective negotiation.

Crisis Negotiation follows this model work through the following stages in order. Active Listening: Understand the psychology of the perpetrator and let them know they are being listened to. Empathy: Understand their issues and how they feel. Rapport: When they begin to see how the negotiator feels, they are building trust. Influence: Only once trust has been gained can solutions to their problem be recommended. Behavioral Change: They act, and maybe surrender. It is considered to be important to work through these steps in order, and not to try to effect behavioral change before rapport has been established.

Don’t tell someone to calm down, or to cheer up, or to relax. Don’t tell someone to look on the bright side, or tell them that things are bound to get better, or tell someone to just be grateful and you’ll be happy. Don’t tell tell someone they're overreacting or embarrassing themselves. You certainly don’t tell someone to smile. You don’t tell someone about someone else you know who has it far worse than them. You tell them that you're listening. You ask them to please talk, I can hear you, I'm right here.

Hostage Negotiation - Hostage Negotiation - Crisis Negotiation - Crisis Intervention

Active Listening Techniques for Hostage Crisis Negotiators.

Resolve a Conflict at Work (wiki-how) - Police Training

Pacify is to reduce the anger, agitation, or excitement of someone. To bring peace. To
cause someone to be more favorably inclined. To gain the good will of someone.

Pacification is the act of appeasing someone or causing someone to be more favorably inclined. A treaty to cease hostilities.

Pacifier is a rubber, plastic, or silicone nipple substitute given to an infant to suckle upon between feedings to quiet its distress by satisfying the need to suck when it does not need to eat.


Dispute is to have a disagreement over something. To question the truth or validity of something. To fight against something or resist something strongly.

Disagreement is a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions. A conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters. The speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing.

Disapprove is to deem something wrong or inappropriate or to consider something to be bad or wrong. Disapproval is a feeling of disliking something or what someone is doing. Condemn.

To have a beef with someone means to have a complaint about something, or to have a disagreement with someone, or to be dissatisfied with something, or to have an outstanding or unsettled dispute or disagreement with someone or something. You're not sharing a steak, you have a gripe.

Pushback is a negative reaction or unfavorable reaction or a response to something new that has been introduced. An opposition or resistance to a plan, action, statement.

“Democracies don’t fall apart — they’re taken apart” - Now is the time to put it back together. Agreements.

Why is it when someone you personally know says something crazy, you don't over react. But when a stranger says something crazy, you freak out. If we treat everyone as a friend, we will spend less time freaking out, and spend more time reaching out.

Controversial is a situation that is capable of arousing controversy.

Controversy is a dispute where there is strong disagreement. A contentious speech act.

Contentious is an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits and likely to cause controversy.

Argue for No Reason - Invalid Arguments - Hate Speech

Contention is a dispute where there is strong disagreement. A point asserted as part of an argument. A contentious speech act or a heated disagreement. An assertion, especially one maintained in argument.

Dissension is a disagreement among those expected to cooperate. A conflict of people's opinions, actions or characters. Disagreement that leads to discord.

Dissent is a non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea. Parliamentary Opposition (wiki).

Discord is the lack of agreement or harmony.

Intragroup Conflict refers to conflict between two or more members of the same group or team.

Group Conflict is disagreements between different groups. Compromises.

Disagreements can happen for many different reasons. Some people may have the wrong information, some people may pretend to know things that are not true, and some people could be the puppet for other people, people who may also have the wrong information or may also be pretending to know things. It's either someone is wrong or in denial of the facts, or someone is right, but has difficulty convincing the other person. Most people lack the necessary knowledge and information that would help them to realize how wrong the are or how inaccurate they are. For the person who is right, they must take on the responsibility of educating the person who is wrong, otherwise a disagreement will continue. And when both parties are wrong, then chaos and suffering will follow.

Argument - Discussion - Anger Management

Millions of people can agree that a red light means stop and a green light means go, but we can't always agree on what's good and what's bad. It seems that pattern recognition is being ignored or misinterpreted. This selective judgment or biased judgment is causing many problems in the world.

Sticking Point is an obstacle to progress toward an agreement or goal.

Discrepancies are a difference between conflicting facts, claims or opinions. An event that departs from expectations.

Realistic Conflict Theory is when disagreements can arise as a result of conflicting goals and competition over limited resources, and it also offers an explanation for the feelings of prejudice and discrimination toward the out-group that accompany the intergroup hostility.

Conflict Resolution Research is any reduction in the severity of a conflict. It may involve conflict management, in which the parties continue the conflict but adopt less extreme tactics; settlement, in which they reach agreement on enough issues that the conflict stops; or removal of the underlying causes of the conflict. The latter is sometimes called "resolution", in a narrower sense of the term that will not be used in this article. Settlements sometimes end a conflict for good, but when there are deeper issues – such as value clashes among people who must work together, distressed relationships, or mistreated members of one's ethnic group across a border – settlements are often temporary.

Cost of Conflict is a tool which attempts to calculate the price of conflict to the human race. The idea is to examine this cost, not only in terms of the deaths and casualties and the economic costs borne by the people involved, but also the social, developmental, environmental and strategic costs of conflict. In most cases organizations measure and analyze the economic and broader development costs of conflict. While this conventional method of assessing the impact of conflict is fairly in-depth, it does not provide a comprehensive overview of a country or region embroiled in conflict. Risk Management.

Conflict Economics introduces the idea that agents have to decide between production of resources and production of guns, i.e. tools that have the sole purposes of appropriating the resources produced by the other player.

I'm Walking on Egg Shells refers to the shell of an egg that is very thin and breaks easily. So if you are 'walking on eggshells' you are in a situation where you could break something (or get in trouble or ruin everything) very easily.

Watch what you say or do around a certain people because anything might set them off, and turn into a fragile situation.

Peace - Diplomacy

Social Justice is a concept of fair and just relations between the individual and society.

Grounding in communication is the collection of "mutual knowledge, mutual beliefs, and mutual assumptions" that is essential for communication between two people. Successful grounding in communication requires parties "to coordinate both the content and process". The concept is also common in philosophy of language.

Fact Finding Missions is a tool to gather information, sometimes in potentially troubled areas. The fact-finding should be comprehensive, objective and impartial. It should be used at the earliest possible stage to prevent disputes.

Intercultural Communication is a form of communication that aims to share information across different cultures and social groups. It is used to describe the wide range of communication processes and problems that appear within an organization or social context made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds. Intercultural communication is sometimes used synonymously with cross-cultural communication. In this sense it seeks to understand how people from different countries and cultures act, communicate and perceive the world around them. Many people in intercultural business communication argue that culture determines how individuals encode messages, what medium they choose for transmitting them, and the way messages are interpreted.

International Relations is the study of interconnectedness of politics, economics and law on a global level.

International Relations Theory is the study of international relations from a theoretical perspective. It attempts to provide a conceptual framework upon which international relations can be analyzed. Ole Holsti describes international relations theories as acting like pairs of coloured sunglasses that allow the wearer to see only salient events relevant to the theory; e.g., an adherent of realism may completely disregard an event that a constructivist might pounce upon as crucial, and vice versa. The three most prominent theories are realism, liberalism and constructivism. Sometimes, institutionalism proposed and developed by Keohane and Nye is discussed as an paradigm differed from liberalism.

Multi-Communicating is the practice of engaging in two or more overlapping conversations at the same time.

Communicating to A Diverse Audience

Multilateralism refers to an alliance of multiple countries pursuing a common goal. Multilateralism, in the form of membership in international institutions, serves to bind powerful nations, discourage unilateralism, and gives small powers a voice and influence that they could not otherwise exercise. For a small power to influence a great power, the Lilliputian strategy of small countries banding together to collectively bind a larger one can be effective. Similarly, multilateralism may allow one great power to influence another great power. For a great power to seek control through bilateral ties could be costly; it may require bargaining and compromise with the other great power. There are many definitions of the term. It was defined by Miles Kahler as "international governance" or global governance of the "many," and its central principle was "opposition [to] bilateral discriminatory arrangements that were believed to enhance the leverage of the powerful over the weak and to increase international conflict." In 1990, Robert Keohane defined multilateralism as "the practice of coordinating national policies in groups of three or more states." John Ruggie elaborated the concept based on the principles of "indivisibility" and "diffuse reciprocity" as "an institutional form which coordinates relations among three or more states based on 'generalized' principles of conduct ... which specify appropriate conduct for a class of actions, without regard to particularistic interests of the parties or the strategic exigencies that may exist in any occurrence." Embedding the target state in a multilateral alliance reduces the costs borne by the power-seeking control, but it also offers the same binding benefits of the Lilliputian strategy. Furthermore, if a small power seeks control over another small power, multilateralism may be the only choice, because small powers rarely have the resources to exert control on their own. As such, power disparities are accommodated to the weaker states by having more predictable bigger states and means to achieve control through collective action. Powerful states also buy into multilateral agreements by writing the rules and having privileges such as veto power and special status. International organizations, such as the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization, are multilateral in nature. The main proponents of multilateralism have traditionally been the middle powers, such as Canada, Australia, Switzerland, the Benelux countries and the Nordic countries. Larger states often act unilaterally, while smaller ones may have little direct power in international affairs aside from participation in the United Nations (by consolidating their UN vote in a voting bloc with other nations, for example.) Multilateralism may involve several nations acting together, as in the UN, or may involve regional or military alliances, pacts, or groupings, such as NATO. These multilateral institutions are not imposed on states but are created and accepted by them to increase their ability to seek their own interests through the coordination of their policies. Moreover, they serve as frameworks that constrain opportunistic behaviour and encourage coordination by facilitating the exchange of information about the actual behaviour of states regarding the standards to which they have consented. The term "regional multilateralism" has been proposed, suggesting that "contemporary problems can be better solved at the regional rather than the bilateral or global levels" and that bringing together the concept of regional integration with that of multilateralism is necessary in today’s world. Regionalism dates from the time of the earliest development of political communities, where economic and political relations naturally had a strong regionalist focus due to restrictions on technology, trade, and communications. The converse of multilateralism is unilateralism, in terms of political philosophy. Other authors have used the term "minilateralism" to refer to the fewest states required to get the biggest results through this institutional form. The foreign policy that India formulated after independence reflected its idiosyncratic culture and political traditions. Speaking in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India, in March 1950, Nehru affirmed: “It should not be supposed that we are starting on a clean slate. It is a policy that flowed from our recent history and our national movement and its development and various ideals, we have proclaimed. (Nehru, 1961, p.34). In fact, the foreign policy culture of India is an elite culture, meaning, in effect, that the writings and speeches of select leading figures of the Indian foreign policy elite provide an insight into the key ideas and norms constituting the foundation of India’s foreign policy.

The unexpected challenges of a country's first election: Philippa Neave (video and interactive text) this talk shows how extremely important accurate translations are from one language to the next. This also shows how important education is and how extremely important having knowledge and information is to people. The more people know and understand the better they will be at controlling their own destinies and freedoms.

Comparisons - Consensus - Sustainable

DJ Shadow feat. Run The Jewels - Nobody Speak (Official Video) - When Negotiations Break down and get Ugly.

Intelligence Studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that concerns intelligence assessment. Intelligence has been referred to as the "lost dimension" of the fields of international relations (IR) and diplomatic history, as the secretive nature of the subject means most intelligence successes are unknown. Among the academic journals concentrating on the subject are the International Journal of Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence, Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business and Intelligence and National Security, while other periodicals in the fields of IR and security studies, such as International Security, publish articles concerned with intelligence studies regularly. Many universities, such as Aberystwyth, teach intelligence studies as an independent degree or as part of courses in IR, security studies, military science or related subjects.

Master of Arts in Strategic Intelligence Studies. This degree is designed for students who seek careers in the intelligence or counterintelligence field, as well as professionals whose agencies or clientele are charged with the acquisition and interpretation of intelligence. It features courses in fundamental intelligence disciplines, such as intelligence collection, analysis and epistemology, counterintelligence and deception, and covert action. The program equips the student with all of the requisite tools and knowledge necessary for professional success in the field.

The Doctor of Strategic Intelligence addresses intellectual, cultural, and organizational challenges in the emerging field of intelligence studies. You’ll study the activities and relationships between actors in the global community, along with domestic intelligence topics and issues of strategic concern to the U.S. The curriculum integrates practice, research, and multidisciplinary study (international security, psychology, strategic leadership) to enhance your understanding of the complex problems you face in your professional practice today. As a student in this doctoral program, you will conduct ethically-sound, original, applied research that extends the body of knowledge in the field, and prepares you for leadership and service in the intelligence community. This program embraces a scholar-practitioner model of education, and courses are taught by highly credentialed and experienced instructors, many of whom hold key positions in government agencies or public safety organizations.

Divided - The Great Divide

We need to stop letting things divide us. We have more things in common than we do uncommon. There are more things that unite us than divide us. We are more connected than disconnected. We have more similarities than we have differences, which is a fact of life, because we would not be here if our human nature was not true. There are no battle lines. There is no "them", there's only "us". The only thing that divides people is ignorance. And it's not just what people don't know, it's more about what people think they know or assume to know. Pointing a finger at other people or blaming other people does not solve problems. We need to have real conversations were everyone has a chance to understand the evidence and understand the facts. The only way to stop ignorance from dividing us is to listen and learn and become more knowledgeable. The more we understand ourselves and the more we understand the world around us, the more we can understand each other. We can't allow our differences to keep us from sharing what we have in common. And we can't allow the things that we have in common keep us from working on our differences that are tearing us apart. We can find common ground on our differences because our differences are few and what we have in common is many. Love is a bridge, and hate is a wall.

"People United can never be Divided." "Slow and steady wins the race."

Americans are not inherently divided, it's that Americans are being intentionally divided by wealthy powerful interests to prevent Americans from uniting around shared interests.

Fragmented - Segregated - Marginalized - Polarized - Isolated - Unequal - Narcissism - Disconnected - No Trusted Friends - Separation of Power - Bias - Stubbornness - Extremist - Left Brain Dysfunction

Divide and Rule is the process of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures, and especially prevents smaller power groups from linking up, causing rivalries and fomenting discord among the people. Having two political parties is an easy way to keep people divided, especially when republicans incite violence by blaming other people for their own negligence.

"United we stand, divided we fall."

Sow Discord is to say and do things which cause a group as a whole to distrust one another, which causes people to argue and then to fight amongst each other. Usually the 'sower' is acting as if he/she is not trying to cause arguments. Sowing discord is something done in secret, done by deceit authored by the father of deceit. Planting false ideas in to peoples heads.

Corruption is the biggest source of division. Big corporations control the US government, and these powerful scumbags have been influencing Americas politicians for over a hundred years. But over half of Americas citizens are ignorant about this manipulation, which is where this division starts. Republicans are the voice of these powerful scumbags, and they have been very busy manipulating the minds of republican voters. The rich and powerful know the weaknesses and the vulnerabilities of the republican voters, so much so, that republican voters are like puppets on a string. Republican voters have toxic egos and low empathy, which makes them easy prey for powerful scumbags to manipulate them using the media, which they mostly control themselves. So why do so many republic voters have toxic egos and low empathy? This brain dysfunction is most likely influenced by powerful scumbags. So we need to find out how they are doing it. There's most likely toxins involved, but there is also a dumbed down education that keeps unaware of this problem. So we have a lot of work to do. These psychopaths in power are out of their freaking minds, and they will not stop unless we expose their cruel evilness.

When we are divided, we become disconnected, separated, detached, disjointed, uncoupled and disunited. The United States is no longer united. We have differences, diversity and individuality, and these characteristics makes us resilient, and not just unique. So these things should not be dividing us, they should only be uniting us.

Divided Government is a type of government in presidential systems, when control of the executive branch and the legislative branch is split between two political parties, respectively, and in semi-presidential systems, when the executive branch itself is split between two parties. The former can also occur in parliamentary systems but is often not relevant since if the executive does not satisfy or comply with the demands of parliament, parliament can force the executive to resign via a motion of no confidence.

Politics divides us by using a two party system. Religions divides us by using heresy, factions and charlatans. Wealth divides us by using greed. Ethnicity divides us using discrimination. Gender divides us by using sex discrimination. Authority divides us by abusing power. Knowledge divides us by limiting access. Inadequate education divides us by creating ignorant people. Ignorance divides us when people use assumptions as a reason to pretend to know what is really happening. The biggest divider of people is ignorance. But ignorance is relative.

Wedge Issue is a political or social issue, often of a controversial or divisive nature, which splits apart a demographic or population group. Wedge issues can be advertised or publicly aired in an attempt to strengthen the unity of a population, with the goal of enticing polarized individuals to give support to an opponent or to withdraw their support entirely out of disillusionment. The use of wedge issues gives rise to wedge politics. Wedge issues are also known as hot button or third rail issues. Political campaigns use wedge issues to soften tension within a targeted population. A wedge issue may often be a point of internal dissent within an opposing party, which that party attempts to suppress or ignore discussing because it divides "the base". Typically, wedge issues have a cultural or populist theme, relating to matters such as crime, national security, sexuality (e.g. same-sex marriage), abortion or race. A party may introduce a wedge issue to an opposing population, while aligning itself with the dissenting faction of the opposition. A wedge issue, when introduced, is intended to bring about such things as: A debate, often vitriolic, within the opposing party, giving the public a perception of disarray. . The defection of supporters of the opposing party's minority faction to the other party (or independent parties) if they lose the debate. The legitimising of sentiment which, while perhaps popularly held, is usually considered inappropriate; criticisms from the opposition then make it appear beholden to special interests or fringe ideology. In an extreme case, a wedge issue might contribute to the actual fracture of the opposing party as another party spins off, taking voters with it. To prevent these consequences from occurring, the opposing party may attempt to take a "pragmatic" stand and officially endorse the views of its minority faction. However, this can lead to the defection of supporters of the opposing party's majority faction to a third party, should they lose the debate.

Drive a Wedge Between People is to cause people to oppose one another or turn against one another. To cause disagreement or anger between people who had been friendly before. False-Flag Attacks is to keep people divided, because when people are fighting among themselves they become weak, powerless and distracted, which makes them easier to control and manipulate. This is why America has two political parties.

Salami Slicing Tactics is a divide and conquer process of threats and alliances used to overcome opposition. With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, in piecemeal fashion. Opposition is eliminated "slice by slice" until its members realize, usually too late, that it has been virtually neutralized in its entirety. In some cases, the tactics include the creation of several factions within an opposing political party, followed by its dismantling from the inside, without giving the affected parties the opportunity to protest or react. Salami tactics are most likely to succeed when its perpetrators keep their true long-term motives hidden and maintain a posture of cooperativeness and helpfulness while engaged in gradual subversion.

Partisanship is when an individual or political party only adheres to their interests without compromise.

Social Issue is a problem that affects many people within a society. It is a group of common problems in present-day society and ones that many people strive to solve. It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual's control. Social issues are the source of conflicting opinions on the grounds of what is perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal life or interpersonal social life decisions. Social issues are distinguished from economic issues; however, some issues such as immigration have both social and economic aspects. Some issues do not fall into either category, such as warfare. Education is unarguably the most important factor in a person's success in society.

People in Power want their citizens to keep fighting each other. This engineered social intrusion helps to keep citizens divided and to distract people from learning the truth, with the truth being that people do have the power, but when people are too busy fighting amongst themselves, people have very little time or resources to fully understand the causes of their problems that everyone is facing, which leaves people no time to solve problems, or to make improvements. Independent - Human Values.

Propaganda is brain washing republicans and conservatives into believing that they understand the problems in the world. Pretending to know things is dangerous. Republicans and conservatives can't logically explain themselves or logically explain their opinions or their beliefs, or do they show any evidence or proof that explains their reasoning. As democrats become more aware and more educated, republicans are becoming less aware and les educated. This ignorance is dividing us.

It's the elites against everyone else. The elites pit the left and right against each other so they can divide the power of the people, just so they can stay in power and continue to steal the wealth of everyday working people.

We have a brain divide. We have people with toxic egos and low empathy, and we have people with normal egos and normal empathy. A toxic ego is bad, and a normal ego is good. Low empathy is bad, and normal empathy is good. So we have bad people, and we have good people. We also have bad people pretending to be good people, and we have good people pretending to be bad people. We also have people pretending to know things, and we also have people who don't pretend to know things. People who pretend to know things is bad. People who don't pretend to know things, and who also educate themselves, is good. There's also a knowledge divide, but measuring knowledge can vary. This makes the ignorance divide relative. Because people can be knowledgeable in some ways, but not so knowledgeable in other ways. If people could have real conversations, then we would discover that we have more things in common than we believe, and that we also have more things that unite us than divide us.

Like with almost every relationship, we like other people who like some of the same things that we do. But this doesn't mean that everyone likes everything in the same way, or does it mean that everyone likes everything that you like. Most people spend time together because of what they share, and not because of what they don't share. Most people can share common interests, but they don't share all interests. People can understand some things differently than other people do. But this doesn't mean that the relationship is polarized or divided. It just means that we recognize our differences. And if these differences cause problems, then we need to talk and make sure that our differences are not hurting anyone. Our agreements is what keeps us together. Even when we have disagreements, we know that we still have agreements that can keep us communicating. But eventually we need to talk about our disagreements and understand our differences. We can't be that far apart if we have already proven how connected we are. If we can truly agree on some things, we can surly agree on other things, even knowing that working out our differences is not always easy. But if we can agree to listen to each other, and agree to talk to each other, we will eventually find other common interests to share.

Ignorance is the Greatest Divider of People. It's what people don't know about each other and what people think they know about each other is what creates these illusionary barriers or walls. Most people just assume that they're different from other people without ever having a real conversation with other people. Most every person on the planet has the same needs and the same concerns. People have more in common than uncommon, and people are more alike than unlike. One of the biggest divisions of people comes from our corporate controlled media who preach it's us and them using false flag attacks on the Human mind. Our human nature is to work together. But when people don't have enough knowledge and information, then our ignorance becomes the biggest divider. When we allow simple labels to define us, we ignore the important details, and we fail to communicate openly and effectively. We need to define what is right, and define what is good, and define what is bad and define what is wrong. Simply stating your political affiliation, or any other affiliation, does not describe enough details about your true understanding of yourself and the world around you. You can not generalize a persons world view just by using simple labels or words. You can't make assumptions and pretend to know someone. And we can not transfer our responsibility to educate ourselves and to be informed to a bunch of strangers. So who are you? And, what do you really know for sure? Do you know what a filter bubble is?

Relative - Diplomacy

Politicians are not divided. What divides politicians is who's bribing them and who's pulling their strings. Criminal corporations and powerful interests own most republican politicians and even own a few democrats. Why do some supreme court justices vote a particular way? All judges see the same facts and see the same evidence and hear the same arguments, but for some strange reason, some judges have different excuses for voting yes or no, and they never fully explain their reasoning clearly enough to be understood, which makes it look like they are being manipulated on some level, either by radical beliefs or powerful influences. We should see more unanimous voting. Public servants should be independent. We shouldn't have Democratic state attorneys general or Republican attorneys general. If people had the same intelligence and the same education and the same type of training, then you would think they would understand things in the similar ways. But this is not the case. Why? Corruption of the Mind?

There are ignorant scumbags in the world who want people to be divided, because it keeps people distracted by fighting each other, instead of working together to solve problems. These psychopaths who control this social experiment think that life is some kind of a game. It's time to wake up, again. But this time, we will remember yesterday, including all the yesterdays before yesterday. We will remember that we exist, and that we have existed for millions of years. We will protect our memories from the viruses and from the propaganda that you spread. Our knowledge is our immunization, and this is our nation. One world, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Internal Division. Some people are divided internally and have a division of what is known and what is unknown, or what is not yet learned. A division of reality and fantasy. What you know and what you think you know, or what you believe to know or pretend to know. Information is being transmitted continually from other people and the environment. And if you don't understand that information accurately, then your actions will be guesses, which would be a disadvantage and leave you vulnerable. So why do people pretend to know things without ever doing any research or actual learning? And why do people blame other people, especially when they don't know all the facts? If we can educate everyone and inform everyone much more effectively than we do today, and if we can also get people to understand each other more accurately, then this ignorance will stop dividing us, and people will stop jumping to conclusions, and people will stop being distracted by all the nonsense that they hear, especially the nonsense they hear in their own head. People need to take the process of learning more seriously. In order for people to see eye to eye and understand things on the same level or in the same way, people would have to be educated to the same level. Polarized - Introverted.

Faction is a small organized dissenting group within a larger one, especially in politics. Political Faction is a group of individuals within a larger entity, such as a political party, a trade union or other group, or simply a political climate, united by a particular common political purpose that differs in some respect to the rest of the entity. A faction or political party may include fragmented sub-factions, "parties within a party," which may be referred to as power blocs, or voting blocs. Members of factions band together as a way of achieving these goals and advancing their agenda and position within an organization. Factions are not limited to political parties; they can and frequently do form within any group that has some sort of political aim or purpose.

Religious Factions - Schism - Extremism - Disagreements - Conflicts

Finding common ground needs to be our greatest strength, if not, this weakness will continue to kill people and continue to destroy our homes and our planet.

Intragroup Conflict refers to conflict between two or more members of the same group or team. False Flag Attacks.

Life survives when things are more Right then wrong and more good then Bad. Life does not survive when things are more wrong then right and more bad then good. Choose Good and Choose Right. But, you can only do the right thing when you are sure that what you are doing is the right thing to do. You can only do a good thing when you are sure there is nothing bad about the thing you are doing. Let us Learn this Together. Everything has Side Effects, so we must do our best to do the things that do more Good then Harm. When we do more harm then good, Serious Consequences always follows.

"There's Right and Wrong, Good and Bad. We should not over complicate these facts with selfish narrow-minded perceptions. We have the ability to live peaceful lives. So please let us start communicating now, so that we can finish this and get back to living, real living."

Political Efficacy is when citizens who have low efficacy, they do not have faith in their government and do not believe that their actions affect the government and the actions of their political leaders. When citizens have high efficacy, they have faith in their government and believe that they have the ability to influence political leaders and affect the government. Political Alienation.

Social Alienation is a condition in social relationships reflected by a low degree of integration or common values and a high degree of distance or isolation between individuals, or between an individual and a group of people in a community or work environment. Social exclusion is the process in which individuals or people are systematically blocked from or denied full access to various rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of a different group, and which are fundamental to social integration and observance of human rights within that particular group (e.g., housing, employment, healthcare, civic engagement, democratic participation, and due process). Racism.

Social Exclusion is the social disadvantage and relegation to the fringe of society. Isolated - Fragmented.

Social Rejection occurs when an individual is deliberately excluded from a social relationship or social interaction.

Social Invisibility also refers to individuals who have been marginalized and are systematically overlooked by the wider public and in effect made as if invisible. It can include homeless people, the elderly, minorities, migrant workers, or anyone who experiences a sense of exclusion from society as a whole. Social invisibility is the subjective experience of being unseen by others in a social environment. A sense of disconnectedness from the surrounding world is often experienced by invisible people. This disconnectedness can lead to absorbed coping and breakdowns, based on the asymmetrical relationship between someone made invisible and others.

Bourgeois Nationalism is the practice by the ruling classes of deliberately dividing people by nationality, race, ethnicity, or religion, so as to distract them from initiating class warfare. It is seen as a divide and conquer strategy used by the ruling classes to prevent the working class from uniting against them (hence the Marxist slogan, Workers of all countries, unite!).

Triangulation in psychology is a manipulation tactic where one person will not communicate directly with another person, instead using a third person to relay communication to the second, thus forming a triangle. It is also a form of splitting in which one person manipulates a relationship between two parties by controlling communication between them. Triangulation may manifest itself as a manipulative device to engineer rivalry between two people, known as divide and conquer or playing one (person) against another. Media and the Citizens.

Why I have coffee with people who send me hate mail: Özlem Cekic (video and text) - #dialoguecoffee

Elections should not divide people, instead elections should bring people together. But that is what people in power d don't want. They control people by diving their power and by distracting people so they never educate themselves about the truth of our situation. Most people can't accurately explain the actual differences between Democrats and Republicans, that's because they are not informed enough to understand.

Dissidents are people who do not conform or support the policies of certain states. A person who actively challenges an established doctrine, policy, or institution.

Polarization in psychology is the behavior of a social or political groups who are split based on opposing views. Over time, more and more members of the original group join one or the other split group and fewer and fewer members remain neutral. This brings the two sides or "poles" further and further apart.

Attitude Polarization is a phenomenon in which a disagreement becomes more extreme as the different parties consider evidence on the issue. It is one of the effects of confirmation bias, which is the tendency of people to search for and interpret evidence selectively, to reinforce their current beliefs or attitudes. When people encounter ambiguous evidence, this bias can potentially result in each of them interpreting it as in support of their existing attitudes, widening rather than narrowing the disagreement between them.

Biased - Subjective - Conflict of Interest - Unhealthy Attachments - Conformity - Cronyism - Nepotism - Narrow Minded - Flawed Reasoning

Polarize is to cause to concentrate about two conflicting or contrasting positions. Polarized Glasses.

Polarization in politics is when politicians can not agree on important issues at hand because of their corrupted and ignorant narrow minded perceptions of reality and stated facts. Everyone needs to know the difference between facts and ignorance. Impartial - Two Sides of a Story.

Group Polarization refers to the tendency for a group to make decisions that are more extreme than the initial inclination of its members. These more extreme decisions are towards greater risk if individuals' initial tendencies are to be risky and towards greater caution if individuals' initial tendencies are to be cautious. The phenomenon also holds that a group's attitude toward a situation may change in the sense that the individuals' initial attitudes have strengthened and intensified after group discussion, a phenomenon known as attitude polarization.

Unilateral involves only one part or side. Tracing descent from either the paternal or the maternal line only.

Unilateralism is any agenda that supports one-sided action. Such action may be in disregard for other parties, or as an expression of a commitment toward a direction which other parties may find disagreeable.

Partisanspan is being devoted to a particular organization that is not necessarily devoted to you. Partisan is being biased. Partisan is not dedicated to doing what is right or good, but it's more about conforming to ideologies that are not based on facts or reality. Partisan is similar to being an extremist. Partisan is a committed member of a political party.

Prisoner Dilemma is a standard example of a game analyzed in game theory that shows why two completely "rational" individuals might not cooperate, even if it appears that it is in their best interests to do so.

Diplomacy - Disagreements

Filibuster is where a debate over a proposed piece of legislation is extended, allowing one or more members to delay or entirely prevent a vote on the proposal. It is sometimes referred to as "talking out a bill" or "talking a bill to death" and characterized as a form of obstruction i in a legislature or other decision-making body.

In-Group Bias is when people unconsciously give better treatment to people perceived as members of their group. This applies to how we evaluate them, how we distribute resources, and more. It’s prejudice.

Infighting is a hidden conflict or competitiveness within an organization. Divided.

is a difference between conflicting facts or claims or opinions. The act of moving away in different direction from a common point.

Cultural Divide is a boundary in society that separates communities whose social economic structures, opportunities for success, conventions, styles, are so different that they have substantially different psychologies. A cultural divide is the virtual barrier caused by cultural differences, that hinder interactions, and harmonious exchange between people of different cultures.

Division is the act of dividing or partitioning. Separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps things apart. One of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole. Discord that splits a group.

Dividing is to separate into parts or portions. Act as a barrier in between two sides or stands in between two groups or people. Take apart or pull apart. Arithmetic Division.

Divide is to separate into parts or portions. A serious disagreement between two groups of people. A ridge of land that separates two adjacent river systems. Fragmented.

People Power - All Humans are 99% Genetically Similar.

Even the cells in your body have to work together. In order for cells to live, they must Adhere to one another, Communicate with one another, and Cooperate with one another. In order to reproduce, Cells must also share Life's Information with new cells.

Luke 11:17  "Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall." 

"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community." -- M. Scott Peck.

Civil War Never Ended - The Mind is still at War

Looking at Republican Senators reminds you that the American civil war never ended. There is an ignorance that is inbred in the south. This ignorant hatred is like a mutation in the gene pool that makes the person more vulnerable to diseases, especially diseases of the mind. Education is so dumbed down in the south, that it makes the northern states dumbed down schools look like a high quality education. Not to say that all southern people are ignorant, because not all ignorant people live in the south. And this is not to say that anyone is totally ignorant, because all people can be smart in many ways, but they can also be stupid in some ways. So one thing is for sure, America has an ignorance problem. As technology has advanced, human thinking has not advanced, in fact, people are more ignorant and gullible than ever. People are unaware of how little they know. And this stupidity is not just dangerous, stupidity is also a threat to America and to life as we know it. Americans must address this problem. It's already killed too many people and caused too much damage.

People who control Historical Teachings - Causing Division

Civil War Division Label Names. Civil War was a war between factions in the same country. United States Civil War was between the North and the South from 1861-1865. (Both sides forming an alliance, but not with each other).

Yankee is an American who lives in New England or in the Northern States in the United States. An American who lives in the North during the American Civil War.

Federal Soldier is a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War. (Unionist)

Union Soldier is a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War.

Union Army is the northern army during the American Civil War.

Confederacy is the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861. A union of political organizations. A group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose. A secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act.

Confederate Army is the southern army during the American Civil War. (Confederates - Rebels).

Dixie or Dixieland is the southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861. Dixie.

"Teaching the truth is not about resentment, anger or disappointment. It's learning about the mistakes that people made so we do not repeat those same mistakes again. Horrible things have happened to all kinds of people all over the planet, all throughout our history. And the only way to avoid making those same mistakes, is by learning what caused those mistakes to happen."

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The Thinker Man