Money is something that can be
used as an official
medium of
payment or
trade, which includes
currency. Money is the most
medium of exchange that
functions as legal tender in a particular area. Money is the official
currency issued by a
government or
Medium is a way or an
instrument for
storing or

Money does not determine the
worth, or the
cost or the
value of something,
money only determines the
price of something. If you want to
accurately measure
true value
the actual cost of something, then you
need to do some
math and some
research in
order to fully understand the
as well as all the
of a
transaction. Money is a
symbol of
valuable work that was
performed. But
some people don't earn money, they just believe they
deserve money and
wealth. If
debt or
profit is
not an accurate
measurement of
reality, then almost everyone is living in a
world of
make believe.
Knowledge is the New Money. But when
knowledge is not available to everyone, then having no money is the least
of your problems.
gains, and No Brains = No
Gains. And having
gains with no brains is what you see now. Please remember,
money is not always the best solution to solve a
problem or to satisfy a need. Money can create more problems than
it solves. You need to fully
your goals, so when the money does come, or doesn't come, your goals
don't suffer. Having the money to do more things may make you do less of
the things that are more important.
need balance. Too much may be too little, and too little may be too
much. It's a good idea to
look at
things from different perspectives and
see the whole picture. It's
healthier to have a wealth of knowledge and to have spiritual wealth than
it is to have only wealth measured in dollars.
Corporate Corruption -
Money Corruption -
Political Corruption -
Wall Street Corruption -
Corruption -
Evictions -
Loan Fraud -
Monopolies -
Rackets -
Off shore Accounts
Hoarding -
Middlemen Skimming -
Wealth Drain -
Interest -
Debt -
Income -
Basic Income -
Living Wage -
OccupyMoney is
Power and a
but money is not a reason to do something. Too many people only do
something because they have the money to do it. When you give people power
without giving them the
and the
skills, and without
explaining the
of having this power, then people will make mistakes. The problems that
society is suffering from are exactly the same problems that people have
had for the last 300 years. If schools never teach how to effectively and
efficiently handle the power of money, then people will continue to make
the same mistakes over and over again. Money is not the problem, the
problem is the
ignorant mind. Money
affects almost every
aspect of society, but sadly 99% of the people in the world don't have the
necessary knowledge and information in order to fully understand how and
why money is created, or
who is responsible for the printing of money? Or
who is responsible for the distribution of money? Why do you
work? Why do you say
I have to pay my bills", which has nothing
to do with reality. How much did you take from earth? How much resources, food,
water did you use? How much
did you cause? How much did you take from other people? How much time and
energy did you use? Now calculate all that, and now
measure how much
you need to give back in
order for the
cycle of life to continue. Now
that is your actual bill. And
if you don't pay that bill, people die,
like they are now.
Money does not
responsibilities. It's not
just how you make your money, it's also
how you spend your money. Now,
Get a Job!
Education needs to improve
because when there's not enough money, people die. And when there's too
much money, people die.
Money Alternatives
Local Currencies -
Time -
Financial Aid
Income -
Worker Coop's -
Budget -
Money Management -
Financial Advice -
Films about Money -
OccupyMoney is a technological
tool created by humans to make
trading easier. But people did not realize
all the
responsibilities that came with this tool. Every school in the
world, and every media outlet on the planet, needs to communicate the
knowledge and information that people need in order to use this money
effectively and efficiently as possible, so as to avoid
corruption and
abuses. Money is not the root of all evil,
it's the lack of
knowledge and information that is the root of all evil. So if we do not
improve schools and our media outlets, this world will continue to suffer
corruption and all the
other problems that come from
people not knowing enough about themselves and the world around them.
Education and the
Media will need to be upgraded
and improved.
Housing Scams.
Everyone has the
power to
make this tool that we call money, because
money is not restricted to
any one form. Money is a symbol that people can agree on to what this tool
can be used for. Money should never be a replacement for the facts, or
disconnect people from knowing the actual cost of something. And just
possessing this tool should never excuse you from knowing the reality of
your actions. This is easier said then done, but needs to be the goal of
society, which is to free ourselves from the
of money and to liberate ourselves so that we can reach our full
potential and live beautiful lives.
Money is a tool, and
money should never control
your actions, and money should never
how you feel about yourself, or control how you treat other people. "Any
creation of man cannot be above man"
Money is great tool that we invented, but
money is in the wrong hands it
can become a
weapon of control and abuse.
Money has a strange power that can easily corrupt the
mind of any person
who is not knowledgeable enough to control moneys
addictive and manipulative influence on
Behavior. Money can make you do things that you will
Money creates a false sense of security and a false
sense of reality. Money blinds a person from realizing other
choices and other options. When we use only money as a reason
for what we do, that means that we don't have enough knowledge
and information. Saying that you don't have enough money to do
something, is like saying that you don't have enough knowledge
and information. Having the money to do something does not say
that what you're doing is
good or
bad, or right or wrong. It
only says that you have the money to do something, which means
nothing, and says nothing. If you can't explain your actions and
responsibility for your actions, using money as an excuse
is like
blaming your imaginary friend for getting you into
trouble. Money should never replace learning, or should money be
a reason. So can you
calculate the value of the action that you are about to
take? Money gives you many options and choices, but money does
not tell you what the best choices are. Having the ability to
fantasize and dream, does not say that the fantasy or the dream
is realistic, or does it explain all the pros and cons of that
dream, it's only a dream, it's not a well thought out plan based
on reality. Stick with the facts, stick with what you know, and
keep learning. If you don't have
wealth of knowledge, then having money could easily kill you.
Timeline of America -
Films about Money
Why is it that we feel the need to spend the money we earn like
a mindless consumers? It's like we are spending our hard earned
just to feel good about ourselves, without justification
and without accurately examining our choices or our options. We
drug addicts looking for a
fix. We are so disconnected from
that we act like
behaving children, which is another great reason to improve
education. The money we earn is supposed to represent our
potential energy, money is not supposed to represent our total
disregard for life. But here we are.
There is nothing more destructive or insane then to use
money to control your decisions. People are committing horrific
crimes in the name of money. And most of the people are totally
unaware of the destruction they are doing to themselves, or to
others, or to the planet. If we can't educate people enough to
use their minds, then people will always be
controlled by money,
and people will never be aware of their choices, or the
possibilities. So the problem has never been money, it's always
been peoples lack of knowledge, and this lack of knowledge is
killing us and causing most of our problems. We have allowed
ourselves to be lobotomized by ineffective schools and
universities, where the only thing they do well is keeping
people unaware of their own insanity. The good news is that we
can fix this. But it will take more then just
It takes 2 cents to make a
is the difference between the
value of money and the cost to produce and distribute it.
Money Facts - Knowledge about Money - Money Explained
Money is any item or
verifiable record that is generally
accepted as
payment for goods and services and repayment of debts in a
particular country or socio-economic context, or is
easily converted to
such a form.
97% of Money is Digital.
Electronic Money -
Digital Currency History of Money -
of Money
Government Spending -
Banks -
Federal ReserveThe use of
barter-like methods may date back to at least 100,000
years ago.
Representative Money predates the invention of coinage.
Coins were developed
independently in Iron Age Anatolia and Archaic Greece, India and China
around the 7th and 6th centuries BCE. Coins spread rapidly in the 6th and
5th centuries BCE, throughout Greece and Persia, and further to the
Paper money was introduced in
Song Dynasty China during the 11th century. The development of the
banknote began in the seventh century, with local issues of paper
currency. Its roots were in merchant receipts of deposit during the Tang
Dynasty (618–907), as merchants and wholesalers desired to avoid the heavy
bulk of copper coinage in large commercial transactions.
Tender is a medium of payment recognized by a legal system to be valid
for meeting a financial obligation. Paper currency and coins are common
forms of legal tender in many countries. "this note is legal tender for
all debts, public and private".
is a type of negotiable instrument known as a promissory note, made by a
bank, payable to the bearer on demand.
Reserve Note are the banknotes currently used in the United States of
America. Denominated in United States dollars, Federal Reserve Notes are
printed by the United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing on paper
made by Crane & Co. of Dalton, Massachusetts. (Deposit Note).
Federal Reserve.
Bureau of Engraving and Printing produces
38 million notes a day with a face value of approximately $541
million. That doesn't mean there is $541 million more money circulating
today than there was yesterday, though, because 95% of the notes
printed each year are used to replace notes already in circulation.
Money Creation the process by which the money supply of a country or a
monetary region is printed. ($
36.8 trillion)
is a small, flat, round piece of metal or plastic used primarily as a
medium of exchange or legal tender, depending on the country or value.
They are standardized in weight, and produced in large quantities at a
mint in order to facilitate trade. They are most often issued by a
government. Coins often have images, numerals, or text on them. Obverse
and its opposite, reverse, refer to the two flat faces of coins and
medals. In this usage, obverse means the front face of the object and
reverse means the back face. The obverse of a coin is commonly called
heads, because it often depicts the head of a prominent person, and the
reverse tails.
Bullion Coin is a coin struck from
precious metal
and kept as a store of value or an investment rather than used in
day-to-day commerce. A bullion coin is distinguished by an explicit
statement of weight (or mass) and fineness on the coin; this is because
the weight and composition of coins intended for legal tender is specified
in the coinage laws of the issuing nation, and therefore there is no need
for an explicit statement on the coins themselves.
Currency refers to money
in any form
when in actual use or circulation as a medium of exchange, especially
circulating banknotes and coins. Currency is the metal or paper medium of
exchange that is presently used and in circulation.
National Currency -
Digital Currency.
World Currency refers to a currency that is transacted
internationally, with no set borders.
There are 180 current currencies across the world, as recognized by
the United Nations. The British pound is the world’s oldest currency
that’s still in use, dating back to the 8th century. The newest currency
in the world is the South Sudanese pound, made official on July 18, 2011.
Officially, the
euro is the currency of 19
countries: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain. The European
microstates of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City have also
adopted the euro, as well as Kosovo and Montenegro as a de facto currency.
There is over 1,565 digital currencies and growing. Bitcoin is
currently (April 10, 2018) the largest blockchain network, followed by
Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and EOS.
Every year, more
money is printed for the game Monopoly than real money printed around the
world. There’s around $974 million printed in real money by the US Bureau
of Engraving and Printing, while the makers of Monopoly, Parker Brothers,
print an impressive $30 billion every year.
United States Mint produces circulating coinage for the United States
to conduct its trade and commerce, as well as controlling the movement of
bullion. It does not produce paper money.
Commodity Money
is money whose value comes from a commodity of which
it is made. Commodity money consists of objects that have value in
themselves as well as value in their use as money. Example of commodities
that have been used as mediums of exchange include gold, silver, copper,
salt, peppercorns, tea, large stones (such as Rai stones), decorated
belts, shells, alcohol, cigarettes, cannabis, candy, cocoa beans, cowries
and barley. These items were sometimes used in a metric of perceived value
in conjunction to one another, in various commodity valuation or price
system economies.
Representative Money is any type of money that has face value greater
than its value as material substance.
Cash and
Cash Equivalents are the most liquid current assets found on a
business's balance sheet.
Financial Aid.
Token Money is
money that has little
intrinsic value compared
to its face value. Unlike fiat money, which also has little intrinsic
value, it is limited legal tender. It does not have free coinage.
Devaluation is a reduction in the value of a currency with respect to
those goods, services or other monetary units with which that currency can
be exchanged.
History of U.S. Dollar
(96% devalued) -
Modern Money Mechanics (wiki).
Money from Nothing - Fiat
Agreement took place on May 17,
1792, started the New York Stock &
Exchange Board now called the New York Stock Exchange. This agreement was
signed by 24 stockbrokers outside of 68 Wall Street New York under a
buttonwood tree. The organization drafted its constitution on March 8,
1817, and named itself the "New York Stock & Exchange Board". In 1863,
this name was shortened to its modern form, the "New York Stock Exchange".
Bretton Woods System monetary management established
the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States,
Canada, Western Europe, Australia and Japan in the mid-20th century.
Gold Standard is a monetary system in which the standard
economic unit of account is based on a fixed quantity of
gold. Three types
can be distinguished: specie, bullion, and exchange.
Standard Act of
1900 established gold as the only standard for
redeeming paper money, stopping bimetallism (which had allowed
silver in
exchange for gold).
Glass Steagall Act describes four provisions of the U.S.
Banking Act of
1933 that limited securities, activities, and affiliations
within commercial
banks and securities firms.
is the process of converting or establishing something into legal tender.
President Richard Nixon in
cancelled the direct international convertibility of the United States
dollar to gold. It did not formally abolish the existing Bretton Woods
system of international financial exchange, the suspension of one of its
key components effectively rendered the Bretton Woods system inoperative.
By 1973, the Bretton Woods system was replaced de
facto by the current regime based on freely floating fiat currencies.
Convertibility is the quality that allows money or other
financial instruments to be converted into other
liquid stores of value. Convertibility is an important factor in
international trade, where instruments valued in different currencies must
be exchanged.
Floating Exchange Rate is a type of
rate regime in which a currency's value is allowed to fluctuate in
response to
foreign exchange market events. A
currency that uses a floating exchange rate is known as a floating
currency, in contrast to a fixed currency, the value of which is instead
specified in terms of material goods, another
or a set of currencies (the idea of the last being to reduce currency
Float is duplicate money present in the banking
system during the time between a deposit being made in the recipient's
account and the money being deducted from the sender's account. It can be
used as investable asset, but makes up the smallest part of the money
supply. Float affects the amount of currency available to trade and
countries can manipulate the worth of their currency by restricting or
expanding the amount of float available to trade.
Fiat Money is a type of currency that is
not backed by any commodity such as gold or
silver, and typically declared by a decree from the government to be legal
tender. A currency established as money by government
regulation or law.
Fractional Reserve Banking is the practice whereby a
accepts deposits, makes loans or investments, and holds reserves that are
equivalent to a fraction of its deposit liabilities. Fractional-reserve
permits the money supply to grow beyond the amount of the
underlying reserves of base money originally created by the central bank.
Double-Spending is a potential flaw in a digital cash
scheme in which
the same single digital token can be spent more than
once. Unlike physical cash, a digital token consists of a digital file
that can be duplicated or falsified. As with
counterfeit money, such
double-spending leads to
by creating a new amount of
currency that did not previously exist. This devalues the currency
relative to other monetary units or goods and diminishes user trust as
well as the circulation and retention of the currency. Fundamental
cryptographic techniques to prevent double-spending, while preserving
anonymity in a transaction, are blind signatures and, particularly in
offline systems, secret splitting.
Debt -
Secret Sharing refers to methods for distributing a
secret among a
group of
participants, each of whom is allocated a share of the secret. The
secret can be reconstructed only when a sufficient number, of possibly
different types, of shares are combined together; individual shares are of
no use on their own. In one type of secret sharing
there is one dealer and n players. The dealer gives a share of the secret
to the
players, but only when specific conditions
are fulfilled will the players be able to reconstruct the secret from
their shares. The
dealer accomplishes this by
giving each player a share in such a way that any group of t (for
threshold) or more players can together reconstruct the secret but no
group of fewer than t players can. Such a system is called a (t,
n)-threshold scheme (sometimes it is written as an (n, t)-threshold
Quantity Theory of Money states that the general price level of goods
and services is directly proportional to the amount of money in
circulation, or money supply. The theory was challenged by Keynesian
economics, but updated and reinvigorated by the monetarist school of
economics. While mainstream economists agree that the quantity theory
holds true in the long run, there is still disagreement about its
applicability in the short run. Critics of the theory argue that money
velocity is not stable and, in the short-run, prices are sticky, so the
direct relationship between money supply and price level does not hold.
Alternative theories include the real bills doctrine and the more recent
fiscal theory of the price level.
Real Bills Doctrine asserts that money should be issued in exchange
for short-term real bills of adequate value. The doctrine was developed by
practical bankers over centuries of experience, as a means for banks to
stay solvent and profitable. Banks that follow it avoid inflation,
maturity mismatching, and speculative bubbles and unwanted reflux of
Fiscal Theory of the Price Level is the idea that government fiscal
policy affects the price level: for the
price level to be stable (to
control inflation), government finances must be sustainable: they must run
a balanced budget over the course of the business cycle, meaning they must
not run a structural deficit. It is an unorthodox theory, which contrasts
with the usual monetary theory of the price level, where the price level
is primarily or exclusively determined by supply of money. These two
contrasting views of prices may or may not contradict one another. By its
proponents, the fiscal theory is seen as complementary to the monetary
quantity theory. By its detractors, the fiscal theory is seen as
incorrect, and either irrelevant or simply wrong-headed.
Commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants or
needs. Often the item is fungible. Economic commodities comprise goods and
Commodification is the transformation of goods,
ideas and not least people into commodities or objects of
North American Monetary Union (Danger Will Robinson, Danger)
System is the set of institutions by which a government
provides money in a country's economy. Modern monetary systems usually
consist of mints,
central banks and commercial Banks.
Monetary Reform describes any movement or theory that
proposes a system of supplying money and financing the economy that is
different from the current system.
Banking Alternatives.
Money Supply - Circulation
Supply is the total amount of
monetary assets available in an economy
at a specific time. (
$90.4 trillion)
as a currency is the total value of currency (coins and paper currency)
that has ever been issued minus the amount that has been removed from the
economy by the central bank. More broadly, money in circulation is the
total money supply of a country, which can be defined in various ways
always including currency and also including some types of bank deposits.
$1.4 trillion worth of Federal
Reserve notes in circulation. Only 3% paper money in
Circulation, the rest is
Money in Circulation in 2017 is around 5 Trillion US Dollars. But
160 countries are not calculated. The CIA
says the total amount is $80 Trillion if you include "
money." which is a measure of the money supply that includes more
than just physical money such as currency and coins (also known as
narrow money). It generally includes demand
deposits at commercial banks, and any monies held in easily accessible
accounts. As for money owed by every single person and country in the
world, the grand total is $199 Trillion. Owed? Criminals stole trillions
of dollars and the people have to pay it back?
Monetary Policy is the policy adopted by the monetary authority of a
country that controls either the
interest rate
payable on very short-term borrowing or the money supply, often targeting
inflation or the interest rate to ensure price stability and general trust
in the currency. Unlike fiscal policy which relies on government to spend
its way out of recessions,
monetary policy aims to
manipulate the money supply, i.e. 'printing' more money or
decreasing the money supply by changing interest rates or removing excess
reserves. Further goals of a monetary policy are usually to contribute to
the stability of
gross domestic product,
to achieve and maintain low unemployment, and to maintain predictable
exchange rates with other currencies. Monetary economics provides insight
into how to craft an optimal monetary policy. In developed countries,
monetary policy has been generally formed separately from fiscal policy,
which refers to taxation, government spending, and associated borrowing.
Monetary policy is referred to as being either expansionary or
contractionary. Expansionary policy occurs when a monetary authority uses
its tools to stimulate the economy. An expansionary policy maintains
short-term interest rates at a lower than usual rate or increases the
total supply of money in the economy more rapidly than usual. It is
traditionally used to try to combat unemployment in a recession by
lowering interest rates in the hope that less expensive credit will entice
businesses into expanding. This increases aggregate demand (the overall
demand for all goods and services in an economy), which boosts short-term
growth as measured by gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Expansionary
monetary policy usually diminishes the value of the currency relative to
other currencies (the exchange rate). The opposite of expansionary
monetary policy is contractionary monetary policy, which maintains
short-term interest rates higher than usual or which slows the rate of
growth in the money supply or even shrinks it. This slows short-term
economic growth and lessens inflation. Contractionary monetary policy can
lead to increased unemployment and depressed borrowing and spending by
consumers and businesses, which can eventually result in an economic
recession if implemented too vigorously.
Monetary Authority is the entity which
controls the
money supply of a particular currency, often with the objective of
controlling inflation, interest rates, real GDP or the unemployment rate.
With its monetary tools, a monetary authority is able to effectively
influence the development of short-term interest rates for that currency,
but can also influence other parameters which control the cost and
availability of money.
Monetary Economics is the branch of
that studies the different competing theories of money: it provides a
framework for analyzing money and considers its functions (such as medium
of exchange, store of value and unit of account), and it considers how
money, for example fiat currency, can gain acceptance purely because of
its convenience as a public good. The discipline has historically
prefigured, and remains integrally linked to, macroeconomics. This branch
also examines the effects of monetary systems, including regulation of
money and associated financial institutions and international aspects.
Modern analysis has attempted to provide microfoundations for the demand
for money and to distinguish valid nominal and real monetary relationships
for micro or macro uses, including their influence on the aggregate demand
for output. Its methods include deriving and testing the implications of
money as a substitute for other assets and as based on explicit frictions.
Income - Output
is the
transfer of an item of
from one party such as a person or company to another
in exchange for the provision of
services or both, or to fulfill a legal
Income is the
consumption and
savings opportunity gained by an entity within a specified
timeframe, which is generally expressed in monetary terms. However, for
households and individuals, "income is the sum of all the
wages, salaries,
profits, interests payments, rents, and other forms of earnings a given period of time." In the field of public
the term may refer to the
accumulation of both monetary and
consumption ability, with the former (monetary) being used as a proxy for
total income.
Personal Income refers to an individual's total earnings from wages,
investment enterprises, and other ventures. It is the sum of all the
incomes received by all the individuals or household during a given
period. Personal income is that income which is received by the
individuals or households in a country during the year from all sources.
In general, it refers to all products and money that you receive.
Gross Income
is your
income before any deductions like
bills or
Payroll is the list of
of some company that is entitled to receive payments as well as other work
benefits and the amounts that each should receive.
Revenue is the entire amount of
income before any deductions are made. Revenue is
government income due to
taxation or
is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods and services
related to the primary operations of the
business. Commercial revenue may also be referred to as sales or as
turnover. Some companies receive revenue from interest, royalties, or
other fees.
Disposable Income is total personal income minus current income taxes.
To call income disposable is to call life itself disposable. The term
disposable is not reality based.
Capita Income measures the average income earned per person
in a given area (city, region, country, etc.) in a specified year. It is
calculated by dividing the area's total income by its total population.
Income Statement
profit and loss account (also referred to as a profit and loss
statement (P&L), statement of profit or loss, revenue statement, statement
of financial performance, earnings statement, operating statement, or
statement of operations) is one of the financial statements of a company
and shows the company’s
revenues and expenses during a particular period.
It indicates how the revenues (money received from the sale of products
and services before expenses are taken out, also known as the “top line”)
are transformed into the net income (the result after all revenues and
expenses have been accounted for, also known as “net profit” or the
“bottom line”). The purpose of the income statement is to show managers
and investors whether the company made or lost money during the period
being reported.
Budget -
Living Wage -
Cause and Effect
Energy -
Investment -
Aid -
Discretionary Spending Profits or
Net Income
generally implies the total revenue
Minus total
Expenses in a given period. In
accounting, revenue is often referred to as the "top line" due to its
position on the income statement at the very top. This is to be contrasted
with the "
bottom line" which denotes
net income (gross revenues minus total expenses).
Remuneration is money
paid for
work or a
service. The pay or other
compensation provided in exchange for the services performed; not to be
confused with giving (away), or donating, or the act of providing to. A
number of complementary benefits, however, are increasingly popular
remuneration mechanisms. Remuneration is one component of
Earn is to deserve some
form of compensation from one's efforts or actions that created
value. Having qualities or abilities that
merit recognition in
some way. To be
worthy. Earn is to acquire or deserve by one's
efforts or actions that are considered worthy, having worth or merit or
value; being honorable or admirable. Having qualities or abilities that
merit recognition in some way. Earning is a
measure of
and effect and known benefits.
Wage is monetary
compensation (or remuneration, personnel expenses, labor) paid by an
employer to an employee in exchange for work done. Payment may be
calculated as a fixed amount for each task completed (a task wage or piece
rate), or at an hourly or daily rate, or based on an easily measured
quantity of
work done.
Personal Income in the United States (wiki) -
Poverty -
Big 5 Needs.
Input is a
component or the
cost of
production. Something that goes
into the production of output. What is
put in,
taken in, or operated on by
any process or system. A place where
energy or
information enters a system.
device through which an
input can be
Output is the final
product or the things
Production of a certain
amount. The quantity of something such as a
that is created within a given period of time. What is produced
in a given time period. To create or manufacture a specific amount.
Neural Networks.
Outlay is money
paid out,
or an
amount spent on something.
Integrator is an element whose output signal is the time integral of
its input signal, when applied to measurement and control applications. It
accumulates the input quantity over a defined time to produce a
representative output. Integration is an important part of many
engineering and scientific applications.
Spending -
Consumption -
Greed -
Inflation -
Return on Investment
The In's and Out's is to know all the
details or complicated facts about something. To understand all the
intricacies or ramifications of a situation.
In is toward the inside of something.
Internal to something but not outside. Located in the bounds of something.
Inward toward a center or interior. Inside away from the outer edge.
Out is directed outward or serving to
direct something outwards. The region that is outside of something or the
outer side or surface of something. To move away from a place, especially
one that is enclosed or hidden. To be made known or be disclosed or
Nonlinear System is a
system in which the output is
directly proportional to the input. Nonlinear problems are of interest to
engineers, physicists and mathematicians and many other scientists because
most systems are inherently nonlinear in nature. Nonlinear systems may
appear chaotic, unpredictable or counterintuitive, contrasting with the
much simpler
linear systems.
When people say they earned money or earned something,
they are usually lying. What they mean to say is that they were paid a sum
of money or
stole a some money.
Stole is to take without the owner's
consent. Citizens own the tool we call money, money is a shared resource.
Income is
not an accurate measurement of your output. Just like price, income does
not measure true
cost. People are
making money at
other peoples expense and at the expense of the planet, which is called
Compensation is
awarded to someone as a recompense for
loss, injury, or suffering. The
action or process of awarding someone money as a recompense for loss,
injury, or suffering. The money received by an employee from an employer
as a salary or wages.
Financial Compensation refers to the act of
providing a person with
money or other things of economic value in exchange for their goods,
labor, or to provide for the costs of injuries that they have incurred.
Kinds of financial compensation include: Damages, legal term for the
financial compensation recoverable by reason of another's breach of duty.
Nationalization compensation, compensation paid in the event of
nationalization of property. Payment. Remuneration. Deferred compensation.
Executive compensation. Royalties. Salary, Wage. Employee benefits.
Workers' compensation, to protect employees who have incurred work-related
Workers Compensation is a form of
insurance providing
replacement and medical benefits to employees injured in the course of
employment in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's
right to sue their employer for the tort of negligence. The trade-off
between assured, limited coverage and lack of recourse outside the worker
compensation system is known as "the compensation bargain". One of the
problems that the compensation bargain solved is the problem of employers
becoming insolvent as a result of high damage awards. The system of
collective liability was created to prevent that, and thus to ensure
security of compensation to the workers. Individual immunity is the
necessary corollary to collective liability.
14,689,000 Americans
make less than $2,500.00 a year. 6,262,000 Americans make $2,500 to $4,999
a year.
7,657,000 Americans make $5,000 to $7,499 a year. 10,551,000
Americans make $7,500 to $9,999 a year.
39 Million Americans make less
than $10,000 a year.
80 Million Americans
make less than $20,000 a year.
113 Million Americans make less
than $30,000 a year.
46,876 Million Americans make between $30,000 to
$50,000 a year.
46,753 Million Americans make between $50,000 to
$100,000 a year.
20,755 Million Americans make more than $100,000 or
more a year.
Less than
$30,000: 46.51% / $30,000 – $49,999: 20.93% / $50,000 – $99,999: 22.27% /
$100,000 – $250,000: 8.89% / $250,000 – $1,000,000: 1.39% / More than
$1,000,000: 0.09%.
is the abundance of
valuable resources or valuable material possessions.
This includes the core meaning as held in the originating old English word
weal, which is from an Indo-European word stem. An individual, community,
region or country that possesses an
abundance of such possessions or
resources to the benefit of the
common good is known as wealthy.
Gross Profit is the
profit a company makes after
deducting the costs associated with making and selling its products, or
the costs associated with providing its services. Gross profit will appear
on a company's income statement, and can be calculated with this formula:
Gross profit = Revenue - Cost of Goods Sold. Gross profit is the
difference between revenue and the cost of making a product or providing a
service, before deducting overheads, payroll, taxation, and interest
payments. This is different from operating profit (earnings before
interest and taxes). Gross margin is the term normally used in the U.S.,
while gross profit is the more common usage in the UK and Australia.
Various Deductions and their corresponding metrics leading from net
sales to net income are as follows: Net Sales = Gross Sales –
customer discounts + returns + allowances. Gross Profit = Net Sales –
cost of goods sold. Gross Profit Percentage = [(net sales – cost of
goods sold)/net sales] × 100%. Operating Profit = Gross Profit – total
operating expenses. Net Income (or Net Profit) = operating profit –
taxes – interest. (Note: Cost of goods sold is calculated differently
for a merchandising business than for a manufacturer.)
Profit the actual
profit after
working expenses not
included in the calculation of gross profit have been paid also referred
to as the bottom line, net income, or net earnings is a measure of the
profitability of a venture after accounting for all costs and taxes. It is
the actual profit, and includes the operating expenses that are excluded
from gross profit.
How you reach Net Profit on a Profit &
Loss account: Sales Revenue = Price (of product) × quantity sold.
Gross Profit = Sales Revenue − cost of sales and other direct costs.
Operating Profit = Gross Profit − overheads and other indirect costs.
EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes) = operating profit +
non-operating income. Pretax Profit (EBT, earnings before taxes) =
operating profit − one off items and redundancy payments, staff
restructuring − interest payable. Net Profit = Pre-tax profit − tax.
Retained Earnings = Profit after tax − dividends.
Accounting Terms: Net Sales = Gross Sales
– (customer discounts, returns, and allowances). Gross Profit = Net
Sales – cost of goods sold. Operating Profit = Gross Profit – total
operating expenses. Net Profit = Operating Profit – taxes – interest.
Net Profit = Net Sales – cost of goods sold – operating expense – taxes –
Worth is the
value of all the
non-financial and financial
assets owned by an
individual or institution minus the value of all its
outstanding liabilities. Since financial assets minus outstanding
liabilities equal net financial assets, net worth can also be conveniently
expressed as non-financial assets plus net financial assets. It can apply
to companies, individuals, governments or economic sectors such as the
sector of financial corporations or to entire countries. Net worth is a
combination of financial assets and liabilities. The financial assets that
contribute to net worth are homes, vehicles, various types of bank
accounts, money market accounts, and stocks and bonds. The liabilities are
financial obligations such as loans, mortgage, accounts payable (AP) that
deplete resources. Net worth in business is also referred to as equity. It
is generally based on the value of all assets and liabilities at the
carrying value which is the value as expressed on the financial
statements. To the extent items on the balance sheet do not express their
true (market) value, the net worth will also be inaccurate. On reading the
balance sheet, if the accumulated losses exceed the shareholder's equity,
net worth becomes negative. Net worth in this formulation does not express
the market value of a firm; a firm may be worth more (or less) if sold
with a going concern. Net worth vs. debt is a significant aspect of
business loans. Business owners are required to "trade on equity" in order
to further increase their net worth. For a deceased individual, net worth
can be used for the value of their estate when in probate. Net worth is a
representation of where one stands financially. This can be used to help
create budgets, influence wise spending, motivate one to pay off debt, and
it can motivate someone to save and invest. Net worth is also important to
look at when considering retirement.
Worth is the
value of all assets, minus the total of all
liabilities. Net worth is what is owned minus
what is
owed. Net worth is the value of all the non-financial and financial
owned by an individual or institution minus the value of all its
outstanding liabilities.
Equity is ownership of assets that may have debts or other liabilities
attached to them. For example, if someone owns a car worth $15,000 and
owes $5,000 on the loan used to buy the car, then the difference of
$10,000 is equity. Equity can apply to a single asset, such as a car or
house, or to an entire business entity. Selling equity in a business is an
essential method for acquiring cash needed to start up and expand
operations. When liabilities attached to an asset exceed its value, the
difference is called a deficit and the asset is informally said to be
"underwater" or "upside-down". In government finance or other non-profit
settings, equity is known as "net position" or "net assets".
Private equity typically refers to investment funds, generally
organized as limited partnerships, that buy and restructure companies that
are not publicly traded.
Market Value is
price at which an asset would trade in
a competitive auction setting. Market
value is often used interchangeably with open market value,
fair value or fair market value,
although these terms have distinct definitions in different standards, and
differ in some circumstances.
Value is the most probable
that a specified interest in real property is likely to bring under all of
the following conditions: Consummation of a sale will occur within a
severely limited future marketing period specified by the client. The
actual market conditions currently prevailing are those to which the
appraise property interest is subject. The buyer is acting prudently and
knowledgeably. The seller is under extreme compulsion to sell. The buyer
is typically motivated. The buyer is acting in what he or she considered
his or her best interest. A limited marketing effort and time will be
allowed for the completion of the sale.
Payment will be made in cash in U.S. dollars or in terms of financial
arrangements comparable thereto. The price represents the normal
consideration for the property sold, unaffected by special or creative
financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale.
Use Value takes into account a
use for the subject property and does not attempt to ascertain the highest
and best use of the real estate. For example, the appraisal may focus on
the contributory value of the real estate to a business enterprise. Some
property tax jurisdictions allow agricultural use appraisals for farmland.
Also, current IRS estate tax regulations allow land under an interim
agricultural use to be valued according to its current use regardless of
development potential.
Economic Value.
Stability and economic growth are two factors that international investors
are seeking when considering
investment options.
A country offering economic value amongst its other incentives attracts
investment funds. A political unrest situation can be the cause of not
only loss of confidence, but a reduced value in currency, creating
transfer of capital to other and more stable sources.
Redistribution of Wealth
(wealth barriers)
Related Subjects -
Alternatives -
Profit is a Lie -
Power -
Occupy Movement
Banks -
Society -
Activism -
Government Websites
Poverty -
Sayings about Money.
Value - Quality - Benefits
Value is a
measured quality that has known
benefits. The
positive quality that renders something
desirable or valuable. To
evaluate or
estimate the nature, quality,
ability, extent, or
significance of
something. The
amount of money or
goods or
services that is considered to be a fair
for something
Utility -
Goodness -
Human Values
“Nowadays people know the price of everything, and the value of nothing.” -
Oscar Wilde
"People are more concerned about the
price of things when they should be more
concerned about its
Money confuses peoples ability to correctly measure value.
People need
to fully understand the difference between a
value system
and a
system, one is
based on reality, the other is not.
What if there was no money, how would you measure value? How would you measure the worth of freedom of speech or good
What if money was no object or
a factor in your decisions?
What would you do
for a living?
Value in social science denotes the degree of importance of some thing
or action, with the aim of determining which actions are best to do or
what way is best to live (normative ethics in ethics), or to describe the
significance of different actions. Values can be defined as broad
preferences concerning appropriate courses of actions or outcomes. As
such, values reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what "ought"
to be.
Value Judgment is a
judgment of
rightness or wrongness
of something or someone, or of the usefulness of something or someone,
based on a comparison or other relativity. As a generalization, a value
judgment can refer to a judgment based upon a particular set of values or
on a particular value system. A related meaning of value judgment is an
expedient evaluation based upon limited information at hand, where said
evaluation was undertaken because a decision had to be made on short
Values Survey (wiki).
Intrinsic Value is a property of anything that is valuable on its own.
Intrinsic value is in contrast to instrumental value (also known as
extrinsic value), which is a property of anything that derives its value
from a relation to another intrinsically valuable thing.
Intrinsic value is
always something that an object has "
itself" or "
for its own sake",
and is an intrinsic property. An object with intrinsic value may be
regarded as an end, or in Kantian terminology, as
an end-in-itself.
Instrumental and Intrinsic Value are the distinction between what is a
means to an end and what is as an
end in itself. Things are deemed to have
instrumental value if they help one achieve a particular end; intrinsic
values, by contrast, are understood to be desirable in and of themselves.
A tool or appliance, such as a hammer or washing machine, has instrumental
value because it helps you pound in a nail or clean your clothes.
Happiness and pleasure are typically considered to have intrinsic value
insofar as asking why someone would want them makes little sense: they are
desirable for their own sake irrespective of their possible instrumental
Value in
ethics denotes the degree of
importance of some thing or
action, with the aim of determining what actions are best to do or
way is best to live or
or to describe the significance of different actions or
axiology. It may be described as treating
themselves as abstract objects, putting value to them. It deals with
conduct and good life, in the sense that a highly, or at least relatively
highly, valuable action may be regarded as ethically "
good" (adjective
sense), and an action of low in value, or somewhat relatively low in
value, may be regarded as "
bad". What makes an action valuable may in turn
depend on the ethic values of the objects it increases, decreases or
alters. An object with "ethic value" may be termed an "ethic or
philosophic good" (noun sense). Values can be defined as broad preferences
concerning appropriate courses of action or outcomes. As such, values
reflect a person's sense of right and wrong or what "ought" to be. "
rights for all", "Excellence deserves admiration", and "People should be
treated with respect and dignity" are representative of values. Values
tend to influence attitudes and behavior. Types of values include
ethical/moral values, doctrinal/ideological (religious, political) values,
social values, and aesthetic values. It is debated whether some values
that are not clearly physiologically determined, such as altruism, are
intrinsic, and whether some, such as acquisitiveness, should be classified
as vices or virtues.
Living -
Personal and Cultural Value
Value Measuring Methodology is a tool that helps financial
planners balance both tangible and intangible values when making
investment decisions, and monitor benefits.
Instrumental Value is the value of objects, both
objects and
abstract objects, not as ends-in-themselves, but as means of
achieving something else. It is often contrasted with items of intrinsic
value. It is studied in the field of value theory.
Instrumental and Value Rationality are terms scholars use to identify
two ways individuals act in order to optimize their behavior. Instrumental
rationality recognizes means that "work" efficiently to achieve ends.
Value rationality recognizes ends that are "right," legitimate in
Fact–Value Distinction is a fundamental epistemological distinction
described between, statements of
fact (positive or descriptive statements), based upon reason and
physical observation, and which are examined via the empirical method.
Statements of value (normative or prescriptive statements), which
encompass ethics and aesthetics, and are studied via axiology. This
barrier between fact and value, as construed in epistemology, implies it
is impossible to derive ethical claims from factual arguments, or to
defend the former using the latter. The fact–value distinction is closely
related to, and derived from, the is–ought problem in moral philosophy.
is a
measure of the benefit provided by a good or service to an economic
agent. It is generally measured relative to units of currency, and the
interpretation is therefore "what is the maximum amount of
money a
specific actor is willing and able to pay for the good or service"?
Measuring Value Questions: What are the Benefits of the object?
Does it save time? Does it save Energy? Does it improve health and safety?
How difficult is it to make it yourself? What's the average quantity of
Human Labor needed? Time, People, Resources, Environmental Impacts?
Capstone Math.
Evaluation is the act of
ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of. An appraisal of the value of
Appraisal is a
document appraising the value of
something. An
expert estimation of
quality, quantity, and other characteristics of
someone or something.
Contractor Bid.
Depreciation is the decrease in value over time due to
obsolescence or use.
and Tear is damage that naturally and inevitably occurs as a result of
normal wear or aging.
Face Value is the nominal value or dollar value, especially when less
than the actual or intrinsic value.
Par Value (wiki).
Value-Added Tax is known in some countries as a goods and services tax
(GST), which is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally,
based on the increase in value of a product
service at each stage of production
or distribution. VAT essentially compensates for the shared services and
infrastructure provided in a certain locality by a state and funded by its
taxpayers that were used in the elaboration of that product or service.
is something pleasing or valuable or
useful. Having
moral excellence or
admirableness. A benefit.
Fungible -
is a good is a material that satisfies human
and provides
utility. A common distinction is made
between 'goods' that are tangible property, and
services, which are non-physical.
Inputs and
Capital Good is a durable good that is used in the
production of goods or services.
Capital goods are one of the three types of producer goods, the other two
being land and
The three are also known collectively as "primary factors of production".
Durable Good is a
good that does not quickly
wear out, or more specifically, one that
utility over time rather than being completely consumed in one use.
Items like bricks could be considered perfectly durable goods because they
should theoretically never wear out. Highly durable goods such as
refrigerators or cars usually continue to be useful for three or more
years of use, so durable goods are typically characterized by long periods
between successive purchases. Examples of consumer durable goods include
automobiles, books, household goods (home appliances, consumer
electronics, furniture, tools, etc.), sports equipment, jewelry, medical
equipment, firearms, and toys.
Nondurable goods or
soft goods (consumables) are the opposite of durable goods. They
may be defined either as goods that are immediately consumed in one use or
ones that have a lifespan of less than three years. Examples of nondurable
goods include fast-moving consumer goods such as cosmetics and cleaning
products, food, condiments, fuel, beer, cigarettes and tobacco,
medication, office supplies, packaging and containers, paper and paper
products, personal products, rubber, plastics, textiles, clothing, and
footwear. While durable goods can usually be rented as well as bought,
nondurable goods generally are not rented. While buying durable goods
comes under the category of investment demand of goods, buying
non-durables comes under the category of consumption demand of goods.
Asset is a
valuable quality.
Asset is
resource owned by the business. Anything
tangible or intangible that can be owned or
controlled to produce
value and that is
held by a company to produce positive economic value is an
asset. Simply
stated, assets represent
value of ownership
that can be converted into cash (although cash itself is also considered
an asset). The balance sheet of a firm records the
monetary value of the
assets owned by that firm. It covers money and other valuables belonging
to an individual or to a business.
Value System
is a
judgment of the
rightness or wrongness of something or someone, or of
usefulness of something or someone, based on a
comparison or other
relativity. As a generalization, a value judgment can refer to a judgment
based upon a particular set of values or on a particular value system. A
related meaning of value judgment is an expedient evaluation based upon
limited information at hand, an evaluation undertaken because a decision
must be made on short notice.
Labor Theory of Value is the economic
value of a good or
service is determined by the total amount of socially necessary labor
required to produce it, rather than by the use or pleasure its owner gets
from it. At present this concept is usually associated with Marxian
economics, although it is also used in the theories of earlier liberal
economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo and later also in
Fair Value is a
rational and unbiased estimate of the potential market price of a
or asset. It takes into account such objective factors as:
Acquisition/production/distribution costs, replacement costs, or costs of
close substitutes. Actual utility at a given level of development of
social productive capability. Supply vs.
Demand, and subjective factors such as
Risk Characteristics, cost
of and return on capital, individually perceived
Exchange Value refers to one of four major attributes of a
commodity, i.e., an item or service produced for, and sold on the market.
The other three aspects are use value, economic value, and price.
Market Value
is the
price at which an asset would trade in a
competitive auction setting. Market value is often used interchangeably
with open market value, fair value or fair market value, although these
terms have distinct definitions in different standards, and may differ in
some circumstances.
Value Chain is a
set of activities that a firm operating in a specific industry
performs in
order to deliver a valuable product or service for the market. seeing a
manufacturing (or service) organization as a system, made up of subsystems
each with inputs, transformation processes and outputs. Inputs,
transformation processes, and outputs involve the acquisition and
consumption of resources - money, labour, materials, equipment, buildings,
land, administration and management. How value chain activities are
carried out determines costs and affects profits.
Development Process -
Green Washing
Value Network is
a business analysis perspective that describes social and technical
resources within and between businesses. The nodes in a
value network
represent people (or roles). The nodes are connected by interactions that
represent tangible and intangible deliverables. These deliverables take
the form of knowledge or other intangibles and/or financial value. Value
networks exhibit interdependence. They account for the overall worth of
products and services. Companies have both internal and external value
Knowledge Management
Theory encompasses a range of approaches to understanding
how, why, and to what degree persons
value things; whether the object or
subject of valuing is a person, idea, object, or anything else.
Incommensurable is something that is almost
impossible to
measure or
compare in value or size or excellence.
Not having a common factor. Not able to be judged by the same standard as
something, or having no common
standard of
measurement. Incommensurable in mathematics are numbers in a ratio
that cannot be expressed as a ratio of integers.
Paradox of Value is the apparent
contradiction that,
although water is on the whole more useful, in terms of survival, than
diamonds, diamonds command a higher price in the market.
Law of Value refers to a regulative principle of the
economic exchange of the products of human work: the relative
values of those products in trade, usually expressed by
money-prices, are proportional to the average amounts of human labor-time
which are currently socially necessary to produce them.
Value Form refers to the social form (a socially attributed
status) of a commodity (any product traded in markets), which contrasts
with the tangible use-value or utility (its "useful form" or "natural
form") which it has, as a product which satisfies some human need. Marx
seeks to provide a brief morphology of the category of economic value as
such, with regard to its substance, the forms which this substance takes,
and how its magnitude is determined or expressed.
Expected Value is the long-run average value of repetitions of the
same experiment it represents. For example, the expected value in rolling
a six-sided die is 3.5, because the average of all the numbers that come
up is 3.5 as the number of rolls approaches infinity (see § Examples for
details). In other words, the law of large numbers states that the
arithmetic mean of the values almost surely converges to the expected
value as the number of repetitions approaches infinity. The expected value
is also known as the expectation, mathematical expectation, EV, average,
mean value, mean, or first moment. a predicted value of a variable,
calculated as the sum of all possible values each multiplied by the
probability of its occurrence.
Time can Measure Value
is something
made in long ago in
earlier times and is valued for its age.
Belonging to or lasting from
times long ago. Any piece of furniture or
decorative object or the like produced in a former period and
because of its beauty or rarity. Something
100 years or older is an
Antique Car is a car over 50 years of age.
is the time when something was produced. The oldness of wines. A season's
yield of wine from a vineyard.
Vintage Car is a
car from the period of 1919 to 1930.
Collectable is any object regarded as being of
value or interest to a
collector (not necessarily monetarily valuable or antique). There are
numerous types of collectables and terms to denote those types. An antique
is a collectable that is old. A curio is a small, usually fascinating or
unusual item sought by collectors. A manufactured collectable is an item
made specifically for people to collect.
is an outstanding example of a
particular style; something of
worth or with a timeless quality; of the first or highest quality, class,
or rank – something that exemplifies its class.
Classic Car is an older automobile 20 years or older, though
definitions vary.
Knowledge -
Historic Knowledge
Preserved Knowledge
Time DollarMemorabilia are
objects treasured for their memories or
historical interest; however,
unlike souvenirs,
memorabilia can be valued for a connection to an event
or a particular professional field, company or brand. (Latin for memorable
(things), plural of memorabile).
is a
memento, a keepsake, or token of
remembrance is an object a person
acquires for the memories the owner associates with it. A souvenir can be
any object that can be collected or purchased and transported home by the
traveler as a memento of a visit. While there is no set minimum or maximum
cost that one is required to adhere to when purchasing a souvenir,
etiquette would suggest to keep it within a monetary amount that the
receiver would not feel uncomfortable with when presented the souvenir.
The object itself may have intrinsic value, or be a symbol of experience.
Without the owner's input, the symbolic meaning is invisible and cannot be
is something that has been passed down for
generations through family
members. Examples are antiques or jewelry.
is any possession that is highly valued by its owner. Art highly prized
for its beauty or perfection. A collection of precious things. A brilliant
or much-loved person who is highly valued. Hold dear. Treasure can also be
accumulated wealth in the form of money or jewels, or a concentration of
wealth, often those that originate from ancient history that is considered
lost and/or forgotten until rediscovered. Searching for hidden treasure or
buried treasure is a common theme in legend; treasure hunters do exist,
and can seek lost wealth for a living.
refers to two aspects of the same concept: The decrease in
value of assets (fair value depreciation). The allocation of the cost of
assets to periods in which the assets are used (depreciation with the
matching principle). Depreciation is a method of reallocating the cost of
a tangible asset over its useful life span of it being in motion.
Businesses depreciate long-term assets for both accounting and tax
purposes. The former affects the balance sheet of a business or entity,
and the latter affects the net income that they report. Generally the cost
is allocated, as depreciation expense, among the periods in which the
asset is expected to be used. Methods of computing depreciation, and the
periods over which assets are depreciated, may vary between asset types
within the same business and may vary for tax purposes. These may be
specified by law or accounting standards, which may vary by country.
There are several standard methods of computing depreciation expense,
including fixed percentage, straight line, and declining balance methods.
Depreciation expense generally begins when the asset is placed in service.
For example, a depreciation expense of 100 per year for five years may be
recognized for an asset costing 500. Depreciation has been defined as the
diminution in the utility or value of an asset. Depreciation is a non cash
expense. It does not result in any cash outflow. Causes of depreciation are natural wear and tear.
Worth - Quality
Worthy is something having worth or
value, and being
honorable or admirable and having
qualities or
abilities that merit
recognition in some way.
Important -
Beneficial -
Worth is the quality that renders something desirable or
valuable or
useful. An indefinite quantity of something having a specified
Explaining Measures of Worth -
Utility Patent
Worth every Penny means that something was
worth all the
money that was spent on it.
Use Value are the combined
benefits of consuming a good
and its
low impacts
and side-effects.
Fungible is
something valuable or
useful that can be easily exchangeable, replaceable
or traded for something of equal
Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual
units are capable of
mutual substitution. That is, it is the property of
essences or goods which are "
capable of being substituted in place of one
Commodity is a
marketable item produced to satisfy wants or needs. Often the item is
fungible. Economic
commodities comprised of
goods and
Adjustable is capable of being changed so as to match or fit.
Adaptable -
Normative means
relating to an ideal standard or model, or being based on what is
considered to be the normal or
correct way of doing something.
is being very careful and precise. Marked by precise accordance with
details. Marked by extreme care in treatment of details. Showing great
attention to detail.
Details are the facts, figures
and parts of a bigger element or process, used to accurately describe
something as a whole. A small part that can be
considered separately from the whole. True confidential
Precise is being exact or accurate. Characterized by perfect
conformity to fact or
truth ; Strictly correct.
Measured -
Researched -
Corporation -
Co-Op -
Consumer Warnings -
False Advertising
Accurate is something that was
measured or
confirmed. The quality of being near to the true value. Conforming exactly
or almost exactly to fact or to a
standard or performing with
Correct is something that is free from error; especially conforming to fact or
truth. In
accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure. Correct in
opinion or
Right is something that is free from
error; especially conforming to fact or truth.
Anything in accord with
principles of justice. In conformance
justice or law or
Measure How Much:
Time? People? Resources? Money?
Positives? Negatives? Options? Choices?
Quality is having a high degree or grade of
excellence or worth. Of
superior grade. A characteristic property that defines the apparent
individual nature of something. An essential and distinguishing attribute
of something or someone. Quality is the standard of something as measured
against other things of a similar kind.
Quality Control
Validity -
Good -
in business
is a product that is long lasting, durable, reliable, easy to maintain,
easy to use, very effective in its purpose, is superior to other similar
free of
deficiencies, and conforms to the specifications, requirements and
expectations of the user. Quality is sometimes perceptual, conditional,
and somewhat subjective and can be understood differently by different
Scientific Testing
Conformance Testing is used to determine whether a product or system
or just a medium complies with the requirements of a specification,
contract or regulation.
Utility - Necessary - Vital
is the
quality of being of
practical use and
purpose. A
measure of
preferences over some
set of
goods and
services. A
good is something that satisfies human wants
is something that is
to use, or something of
service and
able to function usefully.
Something having a
useful function
or action and
activity that is required or expected of a person or
a group.
Usefulness is the
quality of being of
practical use and something
likely to succeed or be effective in
real life circumstances.
Use is to put
something into
service or
action. To do
something without
Usability is the
capacity of a system to provide a condition for its
users to
perform the tasks safely,
effectively, and
while enjoying the experience. Usability is a part of "usefulness" and is
composed of: Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic
tasks the first time they encounter the design? Efficiency: Once users
have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks? Memorability:
When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily
can they re-establish proficiency? Errors: How many errors do users make,
how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the
errors? Satisfaction:
How pleasant is it to use the design?
Utility Delta is the total improved
usefulness of something that is equal to the usefulness to the average
person, minus the next best similar item, multiplied by the amount of
people who would find it useful. Utility delta in math terms is X = total
usefulness (Utility Delta), U = Usefulness to one person, C = Comparable
item in usefulness & cost, P = Number of people this item would be used
by/affect. X = (U - C) * P.
is something intending to improve development or promote development.
Something having a use, a purpose, or a point. Emphasizing what is worthy,
hopeful and
good. Something
not destructive or
is capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they
are. Usable for a specific purpose.
is concerned with actual use or practice.
Guided by practical experience
and observation rather than theory. Being actually such in almost every
respect. Having or put to a practical purpose or use.
Deliberate is
carefully thought out in
advance. With the intention of an anticipated
outcome that is
intended or that
guides your
Deliberate also means to discuss the
pros and cons
of an issue. Unhurried and with care and dignity.
Will Power -
Development -
Practice -
Purpose is the
reason why a particular
action was taken for an intended outcome. The reasons that guided your
planned actions. The quality of being
determined to do something or
achieve something and having firmness of
purpose. What
something is used for.
All Intensive Purposes or
for all intents and purposes,
is a means
for all
practical purposes or in every practical sense.
Purpose of EducationFits the Bill
is to be suitable for a particular purpose.
Function is what something is used for.
Something that
performs the
actions and
activities as
expected and
required when applied to or assigned to
a particular
output or goal.
Function serves a purpose and usually has a relation such that one thing
is dependent on another. An activity or a purpose natural to or intended for
a person or thing. To
work or
operate in a proper or particular way. A
relationship or expression involving one or more variables.
Functional is designing something
for a particular function or use. Capable, fit and ready for use or
service. How long will it Last? Durability.
Form Follows Function -
Effectiveness -
High Functioning -
Math Function
Dysfunctional is being
impaired in
function and
failing to serve an
adjustive purpose.
Not productive.
is capable of being applied and having
Suitable is something meant,
planned or
designed for a particular time and
place, or use.
Application is the action of putting
something into
operation and using it
for a particular purpose. The
work of applying something.
A program or
app that gives a computer
instructions that provide the user
tools to accomplish a task.
Applying is to put something into
and make
work for a
purpose or use as
designed. Be pertinent or
relevant or applicable.
Applied is to be pertinent, relevant or applicable. Make
use of something and apply oneself. Apply is using
something to cover a surface.
Beneficial is
promoting or enhancing
Progress -
Valuable Knowledge
Important is something of
great significance or
value. Important in
effect or
meaning. Vital to the
resolution of a
Paramount is something more important than
anything else and having superior power and influence. Something that is
supreme or greatest in status or authority or power and highest in
excellence or achievement.
is something serving as an essential component. Any factor that could be
considered important to the understanding of a particular problem. Being
or involving basic facts or principles. Far-reaching and thoroughgoing in
effect especially on the nature of something.
is something extremely important that has essential
relevance and is vital to
resolution of a
Crux is the decisive or most important
point at issue. A particular point of difficulty.
Flagship is the best or finest or the most
important product or idea of a group of things.
is also a ship that carries the commander of a fleet and flies his flag.
Viable is something capable of doing what
it is intended to do.
Entity is a
thing with distinct and independent existence.
Relevant is
having an
upon on or a connection with the subject at issue.
Matter is something of importance and
significance. When you say someone matters it means that the person is
very important and
valuable and that they have
the ability to make a difference in the world and also have a significant
positive influence on other people.
as Energy.
Emphasis is something of special importance,
value, prominence or significance.
is to single out something as important. To draw attention to something or
give extra weight to something.
is something spoken suddenly and
that expresses action.
is something that is
absolutely essential. Anything indispensable
that was unavoidably determined by
prior circumstances.
Vital is something that is urgently
needed or absolutely
necessary. Performing an essential function in the living body.
is something that is
necessary and vital and of the greatest importance.
Essential in biology is something that the organism cannot continue to
be alive or reproduce without. Something
basic and fundamental.
Principal is the most important element. An
actor who plays a principal role The educator who has executive authority
for a school. Capital as contrasted with the income derived from it. The
major party to a financial transaction at a stock exchange; buys and sells
for his own account.
are the
assets available for use in the
production of further assets. The
wealth of primary importance in the form of money or property owned by a
person or business and human resources of economic value. A center that is
associated more than any other with some activity or product. Capital can
also mean a federal government of a country. Capital can also mean one of
the large alphabetic characters used as the first letter in writing or
printing proper names and sometimes for emphasis. Uppercase.
Needs is something that is
necessary to live, things like
clean air, water, food and shelter. There are also many other needs that
people require in order to live peacefully, things like security, freedom,
respect, and love. When peoples needs are not available, then people will
suffer, and when important needs are unavailable, then people could die.
Unhealthy Attachments.
Needs Assessment is a systematic process for determining and
addressing needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired
conditions or "
wants". The discrepancy between the current condition and
wanted condition must be measured to appropriately identify the need. The
need can be a desire to
improve current
performance or to correct a
Sometimes it's better to have something that you may
not need or use than to need something that you don't have. But of course
it's all relative to your situation.
Frugal -
Simple -
Significant is important in effect or meaning.
Having worth or merit or value.
Insignificant is something devoid of
importance, meaning, influence, power or force. Not worthy of notice.
Monumental is an outstanding significance.
Analysis is determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or
altered product or project, taking account of the possibly conflicting
Hierarchy of Needs -
Duty of Care Want is
something that you don't
actually need, but you just want to have
it, like junk food or when you have an
to something. And if
the want degrades health or the environment, then that is what is called
Theft or
is something necessary for relief or supply. Anything indispensable.
is a source or
supply from
which a
benefit is
produced. Resources can broadly be classified upon their
availability—they are
classified into renewable and
non-renewable resources.
They can also be classified as actual and potential on the basis of level
of development and use, on the basis of origin they can be classified as
biotic and
and on the basis of their distribution, as ubiquitous and localized
(private resources, community-owned resources, natural resources,
international resources). An item becomes a resource with time and
developing technology. Typically, resources are materials,
energy, services, staff,
knowledge, or other assets that are
transformed to produce benefit and in the process may be consumed or made
unavailable. Benefits of resource utilization may include increased
wealth, proper functioning of a
system, or enhanced well-being. From a human perspective a
natural resource is anything
obtained from the
environment to
human needs and wants. From a broader
biological or ecological perspective a resource satisfies the needs of a
living organism.
Provide is to give something useful or
necessary to someone. Give what is needed,
support, food or sustenance.
To offer a
possibility or provide an opportunity for someone and permit some need
to be attainable or cause to remain.
Requirement is something that is necessary for relief or
Require as useful,
just, or proper. Consider obligatory; request and expect. Something that
is required in advance.
Requirement is a singular documented physical or
functional need that a
particular design, product or process aims to satisfy. It is commonly used
in a formal sense in engineering design, including for example in systems
engineering, software engineering, or enterprise engineering. It is a
broad concept that could speak to any necessary (or sometimes desired)
function, attribute, capability, characteristic, or
quality of a
system for it to have value
and utility to a customer, organization, internal user, or other
stakeholder. Requirements can come with different levels of specificity;
for example, a requirement specification or requirement "spec" (often
imprecisely referred to as "the" spec/specs, but there are actually
different sorts of specifications) refers to an explicit, highly
objective/clear (and often quantitative) requirement (or sometimes, set of
requirements) to be satisfied by a material, design, product, or service.
A set of requirements is used as inputs
into the design stages of product development. Requirements are also an
important input into the verification process, since tests should trace
back to specific requirements. Requirements show what elements and
functions are necessary for the particular project. When
iterative methods of
software development or agile methods are used, the system requirements
are incrementally developed in parallel with design and implementation.
With the
waterfall model
requirements are developed before design and implementation.
Teleology is the
philosophical attempt to describe things in terms of their apparent
purpose, directive principle, or
A purpose that is imposed by a human use, such as that of a fork, is
states that the best action is the one that
maximizes utility.
Cause and Effect.
Utilitarian is someone who believes that
the value of a thing depends on its utility. Having a useful function.
Ability is the quality of
being able to
perform and a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or
accomplishment. Possession of the qualities (especially
mental qualities)
required to do something or get something done.
Decision Making
Marginal Utility
is the satisfaction or benefit derived by consuming a product, thus the
marginal utility of a good or service is the change in the utility from
increase or decrease in the consumption of that
good or service. Economists sometimes speak of a law of diminishing
marginal utility, meaning that the first unit of consumption of a good or
service yields more utility than the second and subsequent units, with a
continuing reduction for greater amounts. Therefore, the fall in marginal
utility as consumption increases is known as diminishing marginal utility.
Mathematically: MU1>MU2>MU3......>MUn. The marginal decision rule states
that a good or service should be consumed at a quantity at which the
marginal utility is equal to the marginal
Price is
the quantity of
payment or compensation given by one party to another in
return for goods or services, generally expressed in units of some form of
A price is what you're willing to pay,
price does not
measure value.
because someone paid a large amount of money for something does not mean
that is how much that something is
worth. People who have a lot of money
sometimes do stupid things with their money.
Input -
Prices of Production is defined as "cost-price + average
profit". It refers to the price levels at which newly produced goods and
services would have to be sold by the producers, in order to reach the
normal, average
profit rate on the capital invested in producing them. The
importance of those prices is that a lot of other prices are based on, or
derived from them: they determine the cost structure of
Paid is to give
money or to receive
Price Fixing
Price Gouging -
Inflation -
Supply and Demand -
Consumer Price Index measures changes in the price level of
a market basket of
consumer goods and services purchased by households.
Price Index
is a normalized average or weighted average of price relatives
for a given class of goods or services in a given region, during a given
interval of time. It is a statistic designed to help to compare how these
price relatives, taken as a whole, differ between time periods or
geographical locations.
Producer Price Index is a price index that measures the average
changes in prices received by domestic producers for their output.
Wholesale Price Index is the price of a representative basket of
wholesale goods.
Employment Cost Index is a quarterly
series detailing the changes in the costs of labor for businesses in the
United States economy.
U.S. Import and Export Price Indexes measure average changes in prices
of goods and services that are
to or
exported from the U.S..
Deflator or price deflator is a measure of the level of prices of all
new, domestically produced, final goods and services in an economy in a
Retail Price Index
is a measure of
inflation published monthly by the Office for National
Statistics. It measures the change in the
cost of a representative sample
of retail goods and services.
Point is a point on a scale of possible prices at which something
might be marketed. Prices at which demand for a given product is supposed
to stay relatively high.
Market Value is the
price at which an asset would
trade in a competitive auction setting, but
does not measure true value.
Market value is often used interchangeably with open market value, fair
value or
fair market value, although these terms have distinct definitions
in different standards, and differ in some circumstances.
How Rare is it? How many were
made? How rare are the resources that were used to make the
How many uses does it have? Versatility? How Practicable is
it? Specified Purposes of Use? Options?
Flaws of Supply and Demand. The price cannot be calculated by
replacing the
supply and demand variables with numbers. The supply cannot
be calculated by replacing the price and demand variables with numbers,
and the demand cannot be calculated by replacing the price and supply
variables with numbers.
Supply with no Demand.
Demand is what
need or want at a given time.
how much there is of a certain resource.
is sometimes the amount of how much people steal and not
how much people pay. Price is not always the
calculated value of that recourse
or service. Price does not always control the supply, it sometimes discriminates and
Property values steal in the same way.
Market value is just another name for theft.
Cost - Value Measurement
Cost is the
measurement of
resources and
labor that it takes to
perform a
particular action. Cost is the
value measured by what must
be given or done or undergone to obtain something. Cost is the
compared to the output. When the output is less than the input, then the
cost is high and
The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics
Calculating True Cost -
Math -
Risk -
Management -
Caveats -
Opportunity Cost
is the "cost" incurred by not enjoying the benefit associated with the
best alternative
choice. The
value of the best alternative forgone where, given limited
resources, a choice needs to be made between several mutually exclusive
alternatives. Assuming the best choice is made, it is the "cost" incurred
by not enjoying the benefit that would have been had by taking the second
best available choice. The basic relationship between scarcity and choice.
The real cost of output forgone, lost time, pleasure or any other benefit
that provides utility should also be considered opportunity costs.
Time Saving.
Externality is the cost or benefit that affects a party who
did not choose to incur that cost or benefit.
Economists often urge
governments to adopt policies that "internalize" an externality, so that
costs and benefits will affect mainly parties who choose to incur them.
Cost Externalizing is a socioeconomic term describing how a
business maximizes its profits by
off-loading indirect costs and forcing
negative effects to a third party.
Problem Transference -
Passing the Buck -
Collateral Damage -
Obsolescence -
Wealth Inequality
Customer Cost refers
not only to the price of a
product, but it also encompasses the purchase costs, use costs and the
post-use costs. Purchase costs consist of the cost of searching for a
product, gathering information about the product and the cost of obtaining
that information. Usually, the highest use costs arise for durable goods
that have a high demand on resources, such as energy or water, or those
with high maintenance costs. Post-use costs encompass the costs for
collecting, storing and disposing of the product once the item has been
Social Cost is the sum of the private costs resulting from a
transaction and the costs imposed on the consumers as a consequence of
being exposed to the md's transaction for which they are not compensated
or charged. Private costs are the direct costs of the producer to produce
the good or service. Social cost includes these private costs, and in
additional the costs (external costs) associated with the production of
the good which are not dealt with by the free market.
Transaction Cost is a cost incurred in making an economic exchange of
some sort, or in other words the cost of participating in a market. In
Transaction Costs, Institutions and Economic Performance (1992), Douglass
C. North argues that Institutions, understood as the set of rules in a
society, are key in the determination of transaction costs. In this sense,
institutions that facilitate low transaction costs, boost economic growth.
Transaction costs can be divided into three broad categories: Search and
information costs are costs such as in determining that the required good
is available on the market, which has the lowest price, etc.. Bargaining
costs are the costs required to come to an acceptable agreement with the
other party to the transaction, drawing up an appropriate contract and so
on. In game theory this is analyzed for instance in the game of chicken.
On asset markets and in market microstructure, the transaction cost is
some function of the distance between the bid and ask. Policing and
enforcement costs are the costs of making sure the other party sticks to
the terms of the contract, and taking appropriate action (often through
the legal system) if this turns out not to be the case.
You need to
measure the
value of the transaction, and not
just the
price of the transaction. You have to
measure the
benefits and
positive effects that comes from
your work, and not just focus on how much money you spent.
Cost of Production theory of Value is the theory that the
price of an object or condition is determined by the sum of the cost of
the resources that went into making it. The cost can comprise any of the
factors of production (including labor, capital, or land) and taxation.
Marginal Cost is the change in the opportunity cost that arises when
quantity produced is incremented by one unit, that is, it is the cost
of producing one more unit of a good. In general terms, marginal cost at
each level of production includes any additional costs required to produce
the next unit. For example, if producing additional vehicles requires
building a new factory, the marginal cost of the extra vehicles includes
the cost of the new factory. In practice, this analysis is segregated into
short and long-run cases, so that, over the longest run, all costs become
marginal. At each level of production and time period being considered,
marginal costs include all costs that vary with the level of production,
whereas other costs that do not vary with production are considered fixed.
Cost Benefit Analysis is a systematic approach to estimating
the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives that satisfy transactions,
activities or functional requirements for a business. It is a technique
that is used to determine options that provide the best approach for the
adoption and practice in terms of benefits in labor, time and cost savings
etc. The CBA is also defined as a systematic process for calculating
and comparing benefits and costs of a project, decision or government
policy (hereafter, "project").
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis is a form of economic
analysis that compares the
relative costs and outcomes (effects) of different courses of action.
Cost-effectiveness analysis is distinct from cost–benefit analysis, which
assigns a monetary value to the measure of effect. Cost-effectiveness
analysis is often used in the field of health services, where it may be
inappropriate to monetize health effect. Typically the CEA is
expressed in terms of a
ratio where the
denominator is a gain in health from a measure (years of life, premature
births averted, sight-years gained) and the numerator is the cost
associated with the health gain. The most commonly used outcome measure is
quality-adjusted life years (QALY).
Cost-utility analysis is similar to cost-effectiveness analysis.
Cost-effectiveness analyses are often visualized on a plane consisting of
four-quadrants, the cost represented on one axis and the effectiveness on
the other axis. Cost-effectiveness analysis focuses on maximising the
average level of an outcome, distributional cost-effectiveness analysis
extends the core methods of CEA to incorporate concerns for the
distribution of outcomes as well as their average level and make
trade-offs between equity and efficiency, these more sophisticated methods
are of particular interest when analysing
interventions to tackle health inequality.
Cost-Utility Analysis is a form of financial analysis used to guide
decisions. The
most common and well-known application of this analysis is in
pharmacoeconomics, especially health technology assessment (HTA).
Cost Overrun involves
unexpected costs incurred in excess of
budgeted amounts due to an
underestimation of the actual cost during
budgeting. Cost overrun should be distinguished from cost escalation,
which is used to express an anticipated growth in a budgeted cost due to
factors such as inflation.
Cost is
the value of money that has been used up to produce something, and hence
is not available for use anymore. In business, the be one(?) of
acquisition, in which case the amount of money expended to acquire it is
counted as cost. In this case, money is the input that is gone in order to
acquire the thing. This acquisition cost may be the sum of the cost of
production as incurred by the original producer, and further costs of
transaction as incurred by the acquirer over and above the price paid to
the producer. Usually, the price also includes a mark-up for profit over
the cost of production.
Fixed Cost are
business expenses that are not dependent on the level of goods or services
produced by the business. Direct labor and
overhead are often called conversion cost, while direct material
and direct labor are often referred to as prime cost.
Variable Cost
are costs that change in proportion to the good or service that a business
Direct costs are costs
that can easily be associated with a particular cost object, describe
something to which costs are assigned. Common examples of cost objects
are: product lines, geographic territories, customers, departments or
anything else for which management would like to quantify cost.
Expense is an
of money to another person or group to pay for an item or service, or for
a category of costs. For a tenant, rent is an expense
Real versus Nominal Value
in economics real value is relative to other
commodities or goods. It is adjusted for inflation, enabling comparison of
quantities as if prices had not changed. Changes in real terms therefore
exclude the effect of inflation. In contrast with real value, nominal
value is not adjusted for inflation, and so increases in nominal value
reflect the effect of inflation.
Economic Impact Analysis examines the effect of an event on the
economy in a specified area, ranging from a single neighborhood to the
entire globe. It usually measures changes in
business revenue, business profits, personal wages, and/or jobs. The
economic event analyzed can include implementation of a new policy or
project, or may simply be the presence of a business or organization. An
economic impact analysis is commonly conducted when there is public
concern about the potential impacts of a proposed project or policy. An
economic impact analysis typically measures or estimates the change in
economic activity between two scenarios, one assuming the economic event
occurs, and one assuming it does not occur (which is referred to as the
counterfactual case). This can be accomplished either before or after the event (ex ante or ex post).
Gift Economy -
Sharing Economy
Why do
Addictions often confuse our Value Judgment?
(jobs, employment) -
Financial Advice
What is the Cost of Doing Nothing?
What would the cost be if
you did nothing? When deciding whether to
invest now or make
sacrifice now, you have
to consider what the cost would be
if you did nothing? If the cost of doing nothing now, greatly exceeds
what the cost will be in the future, then how do you calculate how much to
pay now or invest now? All of the time, energy and resources that we use
now, may be insignificant when compared to what we will have to pay in the
future. So do we pay now, or do we pay much more in the future? Do we make
some sacrifices now, or do we sacrifice everything later. Do we make the
choices now, or do we live in a world without choices in the future? We
can not just pass on our debts and our ignorance to future generations, we
have stolen enough from our future generations. We can no longer afford to
be selfish and irresponsible. Everyone on this planet is alive today
because of
millions of our ancestors
throughout human history learned how to survive. That
responsibility to
survive is now ours. Life is counting on us. If we fail now, we fail
everyone and everything. We inherited a lot of problems, but we also
inherited a lot of knowledge. And knowledge is power. We either use it or
we lose it.
Inactive is lacking in
energy or
will. Not exerting
influence or change.
progressing or increasing.
participating. Lacking activity or
lying idle or unused. Not active physically or mentally. Not in
physical motion.
If something cost 1 million dollars now,
but will save you 5 million dollars in ten years, then what is the
true cost
of the project if you do it now? What is the
return on investment?
Money is not an accurate
method or even a correct method to measure the importance of
actions that we must all take to protect our world and protect human
Only society should decide what it
needs, not money. Any social service that depends on money is not a
service. How can you have a needed human service depended on an
inanimate object? It’s just so sad and so crazy to know that
almost every person on the planet is manipulated and controlled
by money, in some varying degrees of course, but still affected.
How did we become so complacent and so unaware of the damage
that we do to ourselves everyday in the name of money? It's like
waking up from a bad dream. Remember how horrible it was when
you got
fooled and
suckered by a
scam or a
con. But this time the con man is everywhere.
Money is supposed to be just a
tool and not a weapon of control. So what happened to us?
Instead of pumping money into the economy to thwart off
inflation, we should be pumping information and knowledge
into the economy. Of course, we would first have to decide on
the how, what, why, when and where that this particular
information and knowledge should be. Because we have painfully
learned from our past and our present, that when things get
corrupted they cause more harm then good. To say that a country
needs a
growing economy is an out right lie and a very ignorant
observation. A growing economy will always end in collapse. A
country needs
intelligent management and
Intelligent Design. There is no other way.
Information and
knowledge is our best defense. And
knowing how to use that information correctly would be our best
offence. A slow economy is just another way of saying that
Incompetence and
Crime has increased.
does not determine the
worth, the
cost or the
value of
something, money only determines the
of something."
"Money is not a measure of
success, just like owning more then one hammer does not make
you a carpenter. The only accurate measure of success is positive output
that has almost zero waste."
Calculating True Cost
Using money to measure value
is like using a dipstick to measure how much oil costs the
environment? It is very ignorant and almost criminal to
judge the value of something using just money. You should only
judge things by how much time, resources and people they use in
excavating process or the creating process. You also have to
measure the amount of energy that the resource will ultimately
provide and how it will be used. You also have to measure the
environmental impact during excavating process or creating
process. You have to measure the efficiency, the environmental
impact during use, the recycling and reusing capabilities, and
you have to measure how certain resources compare to other
resources of similar properties. This information can be
measured and used, so this needs to be public knowledge in order
for the public to be aware of their choices.
This is the only way of judging the true value of something.
You have to ask what is the true cost of this? You can't
answer that by using a dollar sign. How much time, how much
resources and how many people? Then you have to figure impact,
choices and priorities. When you use money in equations you
confuse people and keep people from fully understanding the
situation. I’m not saying to stop using money as a way to
measure action. Sadly we still have to use money in this way to
some extent. But if you understand the facts and
understand the math of a
particular problem, then money should always follow
this logic, if not, then someone is lying or using the wrong
math. When things can be correctly measured they can be better
Measuring the Value of Money
We have to have a way, or a
rating system, that would accurately explain if the
or money, was earned in a way that definitely benefited people,
versus, in a way that definitely did not benefit people. I'm all
for alternate currencies, as long as the currency can be easily
identified as
valuable, and honest.
to a Rating System for Food
“...when men live by
Trade... it is the best product that wins,
the best performance, the man of best judgment and highest
ability...” - (Francisco d'Anconia
Atlas Shrugged(Part 2, Chapter 2, Page 411).
Supply Chain -
Free Trade
“The symbol of all relationships among such men, the moral symbol of respect for human beings, is
Trader. We, who live by values, not by loot, are traders,
both in matter and in spirit. A trader is a man who earns what
he gets and does not give or take the undeserved.” (John
Atlas Shrugged (Part 3, Chapter 7, Page 1,022).
“...when you live in a rational society, where men are free to
Trade, you receive an incalculable bonus: the material value of your work is
determined not only by your effort, but by the effort of the
best productive minds who exist in the world around you.” -
(John Galt
Atlas Shrugged (Part 3, Chapter 7, Page 1,064).
Only ignorant people would force other people to do something pointless that is not
necessary. Ignorance creates extra steps in society that wastes time,
people and resources. If you are going to generate useless paper work you should print
it on toilet paper so at the least it will provide something of
Toilet Paper with information not Adds or Toilet
Paper with words of wisdom.
To force people to make things just because you selfishly want them, and not because you
actually need them, that is not just illogical it is also
totally insane. And you wonder why people suffer?
There's a big difference between
Convenience and Necessity.
Measuring True Cost -
Measuring Value
Quotes about Money -
Sayings about Money
Just because you can doesn't mean you should. Is this the most
logical choice based on your current needs?
Is Money
Just another Addiction? What is the true cost of
TROM - 2.17 Beauty and Design (youtube)
"We should not have taxes, people should just a bill that
clearly shows how the money is spent. This way a person can
calculate how much they owe by the services they use."
Why does the cost of
Insurance control our decisions? Why does it stop us from
making improvements? Because we're idiots.
Why will
be unnecessary in the future?
The best insurance is friendships and
families, because if there is no one to give money too, then
your insurance is useless. This is one of the reasons why
insurance does more harm then good because it degrades
relationships. But it's not just insurance, it's more about the
fact that money disconnects people from reality. So the root of
the problem is still our inadequate and dysfunctional education
To be more
Privileged or to have certain
Entitlements cannot exist in Society for it only creates
Discrimination and also abuses the less fortunate without
justification. Of course certain people do need extra
assistance, need better tools and require extra help from other
people in order to be more productive in the service they
provide. This is not the same as believing you have a right to a
more spoiled and extravagant lifestyle just because you have
more money or have a position of power. That is a very distorted
understanding of life that has a very negative and destructive
effect on other people and the planet. Showing
Gratitude without money or power is more genuine.
Maybe we should all be Praying for Time (song on youtube).
"If we don't educate people completely
we will always have problems in our world, especially when money
and power gives anyone the ability to commit murder and spread
violence, as well as destroy land and pollute water. I don't
know if you realize this but our money system has some horrible
and deadly flaws. If we don't fix these flaws, making our world
a better place will be impossible, and suffering, destruction
and avoidable deaths will continue for as long as humans live.
Saved My Life Tonight (youtube) but now the song is
about capitalism....clinging to your stocks and bonds and paying
H.P. demands for ever... you nearly had me roped and
tied...then sweet freedom whispered in my ear, you're a
butterfly, and butterflies are free to away...Bye
"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the
consequences of ignoring reality."
Ayn Rand
Instead of living with blood on your hands, how about living
with unlimited potential in your hands, the potential that you
can't see because it's covered by money and the blood of the people who
gave their lives for it. I'm not blaming you, I want to help
you, help you make things better. I know that a lot of the times
you're just protecting yourself against all the other criminals
in the world, and I know its hard to leave the game and just
walk away from the table, but that's where it starts. And the
more people who leave the game, then there will be less people
to exploit. And then eventually the people who like to exploit
people will become tired of playing games because there will be
no more people who are willing to play the game with them. And
when people stop playing this game of exploitation, that's when
we'll be waiting for them to help them through this transition,
a transition into a better world and a better life for everyone.
I'm sure you would like to spend your time and energy on more
productive objectives and enjoy life more freely.
We all have
Blood on their Hands
You can still have it all but at the same time still have
nothing, so what are you really living for?
If you never learn the right things when
you become broke, then you will end up making the same mistakes
It was more then just thinking that I would always have a
Job, so I would always find a way to pay my bills. And it was more
then just mismanaging money. And it was more then just spending
money that I didn't have. It was more then just getting bad
loans. It was more then just the
economy. It was more then just
bad jobs that do more harm then good. It was more about being
and manipulated into spending and buying things that I didn't
need. I was manipulated into thinking that buying things was
some how good for the
Economy, and that
Conspicuous Consumption and mindless consumerism was
improving society. We have all been horribly mislead and
misinformed, which is the fault of our biggest problem, which is
our incompetent education system, and of course our sucky media
too. I was so lucky that I went broke in 2007, but I was
even more lucky to have learned about the problems with our
Monetary System as well
as our enormous problems in our
Education System. So what seemed to be a failure turned out to
be a blessing after all. Thank You God! Thank You Internet! My
situation is unique now, I'm working a lot but I'm not getting
paid enough to pay all my bills to this ignorant capitalistic
society, which is another problem for me to solve, add that to the
"Nothing drives people more then having a
purpose, not even money can inspire people more then having a
purpose. But sadly there are too many people being driven by
money instead of being driven by purpose, which leaves them
totally unaware of the real reasons why they are doing what they
are doing, and also, they are unaware of the side effects that
are produced by their actions."
Educating People About Money
is work, right?
Volunteering is considered
work. So work is not just about the
it’s more about the
Value of your
Morals and EthicsWhy does
Money encourage ignorance and make people complacent with a
false sense of security?
Am I insane, incoherent, corrupt or just a fool?
Money Documentaries
can't put a price on life, but you
the value life. You can measure how much a person gives, and how
much a person takes. You can measure how many opportunities a
person has had, You can measure how much education they were
given. You can also measure the importance of a persons
inventions and discoveries, actions that helped improve life,
without degrading life in any way. Value can be measured, price
can not be measured because money is an inanimate object."
should not drive your decision making, because you will never be
able to accurately calculate the real cost of your actions.
There is
and effect, there is
good and bad, there is
right or wrong,
there is
productive and
non productive, and all those can be
mathematically proven,
this way our odds of success are greatly increased. To base our
decisions only on money is to live without reason and purpose,
which always leads to a lonely place filled with nightmares. And
to that I say no thank you, I think I will stick to using logic
to drive my decisions as much as humanly possible."
The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love (Live) (youtube)
why money disconnects people from reality. Not to say that people doing things just for money is always
wrong, it's just that it's not always right, and most people are
not fully aware of the real cost of their actions. This is a
huge disconnect that has devastating consequences. if we don't
correct this, it will continue to kill people and continue to
destroy and poison our world.
Too many people believe that saving their money is some how
going to better their lives and make them more prepared for when
they no longer feel the need to work. Saving time, saving
resources and saving friendships are much more valuable and
important in the long run. Invest in expanding your knowledge,
because it's what you don't know that will do the most damage
and cause the
most problems. Encourage people to continue to learn and expand
their knowledge of themselves and the world around them. knowing
a little more each day, understanding a little more each day,
enjoying life a little more each day.
Just because you paid a 100 dollars for electricity that does
not say how much that energy cost. Just because you paid a 1 dollar for an apple that does not say
how much that apple cost.
We can easily label a product with the cost as well as the
price, the cost would included how much time, resources, and
people it took to deliver this product to you. it would also
include how much environmental damage the product caused, and
what were the offsets of this damage if any. our world would
gradually improve everyday.
Money is not something that should be controlling your actions,
money should not tell you what you can and cannot do. Money is
not a guide. What should be guiding you is your knowledge of the
world. To live within your means is not about money, because
money is not a calculation or a measurement of reality. Living
within your means is about resources and understanding the cause
and effects of your actions, actions that could hurt others or
hurt yourself. Spending less then you earn does not tell me what
you do for work or what you do with the money you earn, because
both may be causing damage. Spending less or spending more is
not doing less or doing more. You have to calculate and measure
the effects of your actions, without using a dollar sign.
Information and knowledge that proves your actions were the best
actions to take based on our current understanding of the world.
We waste too much and we pollute to much without taking in
consideration the millions of people you will suffer from these
bad decisions.
If people don't have enough information and knowledge to
understand their world, how are the supposed to know what
choices to make that would improve things and make life better.
There are millions of people around the world living better then
kings did a 100 years ago. That's how much we improved the
standard of living. And we are just beginning to realize the
true cost of this standard of living. And we are also
understanding the mistakes we made and the waste and abuse that
we caused. Millions of kings sitting on their thrones enjoying
their lifestyle, just as disconnected as real kings were 100
years ago. Except now it's a different, we can communicate much
more easily then ever before. The Kings should all get together
and make better choices and stop pretending that they will live
"We learn the game. Then we learn how to cheat the game. So we think that
we're smart. But we learned nothing important or valuable
because it was just a game. So where was life? Life was in front
of us the whole time. But we were too busy playing the game. So we never bothered to look up."
Debt - Bills Owed
refers to something that is
owed or due either
physically or
metaphorically. In the physical sense, the parties to debt are
who are those who
give and
borrowers who
are those who
receive. In the metaphorical
sense, debt refers to a
moral obligation
not based on physical value
(e.g.: debt of gratitude).
Debt Bondage
Student Debt
Medical Debt
Low Wage Debt -
Bankruptcy -
Background Checks -
Discrimination -
Inflation -
Housing Cost -
Consumer Debt
Truth in Lending Act of 1968 is a United States federal law designed
to promote the informed use of consumer credit, by requiring disclosures
about its terms and cost to standardize the manner in which costs
associated with
borrowing are calculated and
disclosed. TILA gives consumers the right to cancel certain
credit transactions that involve a lien on a consumer's principal
dwelling, regulates certain
credit card practices,
and provides a means for fair and timely resolution of credit billing
disputes. With the exception of certain
mortgage loans, TILA does not regulate the charges that may be imposed
for consumer credit. Rather, it requires uniform or standardized
disclosure of costs and charges so that consumers can shop. It also
imposes limitations on home equity plans that are subject to the
requirements of 12 CFR 1026.40 and certain "higher-priced" mortgage loans
(HPMLs) that are subject to the requirements of 12 CFR 1026.35. The
regulation prohibits certain acts or practices in connection with credit
secured by a consumer's principal dwelling.
Bill is an amount of money owed for
goods supplied or
services rendered, set out in a
printed or written statement of charges.
Fee is a fixed charge for a privilege or for professional services.
A payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public
body in exchange for advice or services.
Charge is the
price charged for some article
or service. Request for payment of a debt.
Accounting -
Credit -
Loans -
Financial Aid
Invoice is a
commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, relating to a
sale transaction and indicating the
products, quantities, and agreed prices for
products or services the seller had provided the buyer.
Payment terms are usually stated on the invoice. These may specify
that the buyer has a maximum number of days in which to pay and is
sometimes offered a discount if paid before the due date. The buyer could
have already paid for the products or
services listed on the invoice. To avoid confusion, and consequent
unnecessary communications from buyer to seller, some sellers clearly
state in large and/or capital letters on an invoice whether it has already
been paid. From the point of view of a seller, an invoice is a sales
invoice. From the point of view of a buyer, an invoice is a purchase
invoice. The document indicates the buyer and seller, but the term invoice
indicates money is owed or owing.
is something to be
obliged to
pay or repay.
Government Debt is the debt owed by a government. By contrast, the
annual "
Government Deficit" refers
to the difference between government receipts and
spending in a single year.
Government debt can be categorized as
internal debt (owed to lenders
within the country) and
external debt (owed to foreign lenders). Another
common division of government debt is by duration until repayment is due.
Short term debt is generally considered to be for one year or less, and
long term debt is for more than ten years. Medium term debt falls between
these two boundaries. A broader definition of government debt may consider
all government
including future pension payments and
for goods and services which the government has contracted but not yet
paid. Governments create debt by issuing
government bonds and
bills. Less creditworthy countries sometimes borrow directly from a
supranational organization (e.g. the World Bank) or international
financial institutions. In a monetarily sovereign country (such as the
United States of America, the United Kingdom, Australia and most other
countries, in contrast with eurozone countries), government debt held in
the home currency are merely savings accounts held at her central
bank. In this way this "debt" has a very different meaning than that of
the debt acquired by households who are restricted by their income.
Monetarily sovereign governments issue their own currencies and do not
need this income to
finance spending. In these self-financing nations,
government debt is effectively an account of all the money that has been
spent but not yet taxed back. Their ability to issue currency means they
can always service the interest repayments on these savings accounts. This
is why bonds and gilt-edged securities are considered the safest form of
investment. A central government with its own currency can pay for its
spending by creating money ex novo. In this instance, a government issues
securities not to raise funds, but instead to remove excess bank reserves
(caused by government spending that is higher than tax receipts) and
'...create a shortage of reserves in the market so that the system as a
whole must come to the [central] Bank for liquidity.'
National Debt of the United States (wiki).
The U.S. is on track
to hit its
$31.4 trillion debt limit on
January 19th, 2023. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen formally warned
Congress last week that the agency will have to start taking
“extraordinary measures” to continue paying its bills and prevent the
government from
defaulting on its debts.
The government’s cash and extraordinary measures are expected to last
until June.
In 2021,
global debt reached a
record $303 trillion, a further jump from what was record global
debt in 2020 of $226 trillion, as reported by the International Monetary
Fund in its
Global Debt Database.
Credit Card Debt in US tops $1
Trillion in 2023, and it will keep rising as workers and farmers
increasingly have to wrack up more and more debt for food, car repairs,
rising rents and mortgages and all kinds of family emergencies. Inflation
and sharply higher interest rates imposed over the past year have made
paying down credit cards even harder. According to Bankrate, 60% of those
who carry a balance on their credit card —
54 million people — have been
in debt for at least a year. These debts are assets for the bankers and
capitalist investors who make big profits off the high interest rates they
charge. The average interest rate on credit cards today is 20.53%,
according to TransUnion. Nearly half of credit cardholders are permanently
in debt, without any prospect of ever paying off their balance.
Credit card debt hits record $1.14 trillion. Americans' total credit
card balance is $1.142 trillion in the second quarter of 2024, according
to the latest consumer debt data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York. That's up from $1.115 trillion in the first quarter of 2024 and is
the highest balance since the New York Fed began tracking in 1999.
Pay Your Debt to Society
is not just about serving time in prison as punishment for committing a
crime and for doing something illegal, paying your debt to society is for
the people who
took more than they needed or who
stole more than they needed at the
expense of other people and at the
expense of the planet.
There is no greater debt than the one you owe to life. Debt is measured by
wealth you have and not just by the wealth you
owe. There is no
alternant reality or
that could justify
behavior in humans. You could
pretend that
parasitism doesn't exist, but that only
proves your
ignorance, it doesn't
explain your behavior. By
comparing the
factual input to the factual output,
you could
measure your debt or
measure any surplus
that you may have. This measurement is not based on dollars or money, but
measured by
reality based
benefits and reality based
negative side effects.
Government Bond is an instrument of indebtedness or bond issued by a
national government to
government spending. It generally includes a commitment to
pay periodic interest, called coupon payments, and
to repay the face value on the maturity date. For example, a bondholder
invests $20,000 (called face value) into a 10-year government bond with a
10% annual coupon; the government would pay the bondholder 10% of the
$20,000 each year. At the maturity date the government would give back the
original $20,000. Government bonds can be denominated in a foreign
currency or the government's
domestic currency.
Countries with less stable economies tend to denominate their bonds in the
currency of a country with a more stable economy (i.e. a hard currency).
When governments with less stable economies issue bonds, there is a
possibility they will be unable to make the
payments and may default. All bonds carry a default risk.
International credit rating agencies provide ratings for each country's
bonds. Bondholders generally demand higher yields from riskier bonds. For
instance, on May 24, 2016, 10-year government bonds issued by the Canadian
government offered a yield of 1.34%, while 10-year government bonds issued
by the Brazilian government offered a yield of 12.84%. When a government
is close to default on its debt, the media often refer to this as a
sovereign debt crisis.
Americas Debt owed to other Counties -
Major Foreign Holders of U.S. Public Debt:
As of October 2018,
foreigners owned $6.2 trillion
of U.S. debt, or approximately 39 percent of the debt held by the
public of $16.1 trillion and 28 percent of the total debt of $21.8
trillion. At the close of 2018, the largest foreign holders were China
($1.13 trillion), Japan ($1.02 trillion), Brazil ($313 billion), and
Ireland ($287 billion). Historically, the share held by foreign
governments had grown over time, rising from 13 percent of the public debt
in 1988 to 34 percent in 2015. In more recent years, foreign ownership has
retreated both in percent of total debt and total dollar amounts. China's
maximum holding of 9.1% or $1.3 trillion of US debt occurred in 2011,
subsequently reduced to 5% in 2018. Japan's maximum holding of 7% or $1.2
trillion occurred in 2012, subsequently reduced to 4% in 2018.
External Debt is the total debt a country owes to foreign creditors;
its complement is internal debt which is owed to domestic lenders. The
debtors can be the government, corporations or citizens of that country.
The debt includes money owed to private commercial banks, other
governments, or international financial institutions such as the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. Note that the use of
gross liability figures greatly distorts the ratio for countries which
contain major money centers such as the United Kingdom due to London's
role as a financial capital. Contrast with net international investment
Internal Debt is the part of the total government debt in a country
that is owed to lenders within the country. Internal debt's complement is
external debt. Commercial banks, other financial institutions etc.
constitute the sources of funds for the internal debts. Internal public
debt owed by a government (money a government borrows from its citizens)
is part of the country's national debt. It is a form of fiat creation of
money, in which the government obtains finance not by creating it de novo,
but by borrowing it. The money created is in the form of treasury
securities or securities borrowed from the central bank. These may be
traded but will only rarely be spent on goods and services. In this way,
the expected increase in inflation due to the increase in national wealth
is lower than if the government had simply created the money de novo and
increased the more liquid forms of wealth (i.e., the money supply).
In the Red means that business is in
debt and owes money. The red ink signifies financial losses for the
business. It means that you have more expenses and bills than the money to
pay them.
In the Black means that business
is making a profit.
Public Debt is how much a country owes to
lenders outside of itself. These can include
individuals, businesses, and
even other governments. The term "public debt" is often used
interchangeably with the term sovereign debt. Public debt usually only
refers to national debt.
As of December 31, 2018,
debt held by the public was $16.1 trillion
and intragovernmental holdings were $5.87 trillion, for a total of $21.97
trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017,
ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office
forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028,
perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled
expiration date. The national debt can also be classified into marketable
or non-marketable securities. Most of the marketable securities are
Treasury notes, bills, and
bonds held by investors and governments
globally. The non-marketable securities are mainly the "government account
series" owed to certain government trust funds such as the
Social Security Trust Fund, which
represented $2.82 trillion in 2017.
Odious Debt also known as illegitimate debt, is a legal
theory that holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes
that do not serve the best interests of the nation, should not be
Get Out of Debt Free.
Ratio is the ratio between a country's government debt (measured in
units of currency) and its
gross domestic
product (GDP) (measured in units of currency per year). A low
debt-to-GDP ratio indicates an economy that produces and sells goods and
services sufficient to pay back debts without incurring further debt.
Geopolitical and economic considerations – including interest rates, war,
recessions, and other variables – influence the borrowing practices of a
nation and the choice to incur further debt.
The Majority of the U.S. National Debt is owned by
Social Security. The
U.S. debt was $22 trillion as of February 11, 2019. Most headlines
focus on how much the United States owes China, one of the largest foreign
owners. What many people don’t know is that the Social Security Trust
Fund, aka your retirement money, owns most of the national debt.
Intragovernmental Debt. This is the portion of the federal debt owed to
230 other federal agencies. In December 2018, intergovernmental holdings
totaled $5.9 trillion or 27 percent of the debt. Why would the government
owe money to itself? Some agencies, like the Social Security Trust Fund,
take in more revenue from taxes than they need. Rather than stick this
cash under a giant mattress, these agencies buy U.S. Treasury's with it.
By owning Treasury's, they transfer their excess cash to the general fund,
where it is spent. Of course, one day they will redeem their Treasury
notes for cash. The federal government will either need to raise taxes or
issue more debt to give the agencies the money they will need. The Social
Security Trust Fund and Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund - $2.798
trillion. Office of Personnel Management Retirement - $998 billion.
Military Retirement Fund - $828 billion. This has become a big issue in
funding our nation's defense and is only expected to grow. Medicare, which
includes the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund and the Federal
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust Fund - $308 billion. All other
retirement funds - $287 billion. Cash on hand to fund federal government
operations - $634 billion. Public Debt. The public holds the rest of the
national debt of $16.1 trillion. Foreign governments and investors hold 30
percent of it. Individuals, banks, and investors hold 15 percent. The
Federal Reserve holds 12 percent. Mutual funds hold 9 percent. State and
local governments own 5 percent. The rest is held by pension funds,
insurance companies, and Savings Bonds. The most recent complete breakdown
from the U.S. Treasury is as of June 2018. The public debt was $15.6
trillion. It's in the Treasury Bulletin, Ownership of Federal Securities,
Table OFS-2. Here is the breakdown: Foreign - $6.2 trillion. In June 2018,
China owned $1.18 trillion of U.S. debt and Japan owned $1.03 trillion.
That's more than one-third of foreign holdings. Federal Reserve - $2.46
trillion. Mutual funds - $1.8 trillion. State and local government,
including their pension funds - $984 billion. Private pension funds - $600
billion. Banks - $674 billion. Insurance companies - $226 billion. U.S.
savings bonds - $158 billion. Other holders such as individuals,
government-sponsored enterprises, brokers and dealers, bank personal
trusts and estates, corporate and non-corporate businesses, and other
investors - $2.4 trillion. This debt is not only in Treasury bills, notes,
and bonds but also in Treasury Inflation Protected Securities and special
state and local government series securities. In June 2018, China owned
$1.18 trillion of U.S. debt and Japan owned $1.03 trillion. That's more
than one-third of foreign holdings. Federal Reserve - $2.46 trillion. As
of December 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $16.1 trillion and
intragovernmental holdings were $5.87 trillion, for a total of $21.97
The U.S. Debt was $21.9 Trillion as of December
31, 2018. Each Taxpayer Owes About $400,000. Social Security Trust
Fund, aka your retirement money, owns most of the national debt. China,
one of the largest foreign owners. China owned $1.18 trillion of U.S. debt
and Japan owned $1.03 trillion. With China's 2014 GDP being US$ 10,356.508
billion, this makes the government debt of China approximately US$ 4.3
trillion. The foreign debt of China, by June 2015, stood at around US$
1.68 trillion, according to data from the country's State Administration
of Foreign Exchange as quoted by the State Council. That's more than
one-third of foreign holdings. The federal government's annual budget
deficit is set to widen significantly in the next few years, and is
expected to top $1 trillion in 2020 despite healthy economic growth,
according to new projections from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget
20 Nations in the world with the most
Debt to GDP Ratios: United States
– Total debt: $18,286,510,000,000 / United Kingdom – Total debt:
$7,499,400,000,000 / France – Total debt: $5,250,608,000,000 / Germany – Total
debt: $5,084,360,000,000 / Netherlands – Total debt: $4,124,640,000,000.
Countries with the
Highest Debt-to-GDP Ratio: Japan 222.2% / Greece 179.4% / Lebanon 146.6%
/ Italy 132.5%.
National Debt says that the rich and powerful
stole lots of money and are
hoarding it. So the wealthy have the debt, but they
expect the citizens to pay it back so they can keep the money they stole.
Ecological Debt refers to the accumulated debt of wealthier countries
(from a defined date in the past until present) for having plundered
poorer countries by the exploitation of their resources, the degradation
of their natural habitat, the beggaring of local people and/or the free
occupation of environmental space for waste discharge.
Environmental Debt is the ecological damage
caused over time by a country in one or other countries or to ecosystems
beyond national jurisdiction through its production and consumption
patterns; and the exploitation or use of ecosystems over time by a country
at the expense of the equitable rights to these ecosystems by other
Environmental Debt can also be
the price for cleaning up soil, water and air that was
contaminated by
corporations who pollution them.
Public Service Loan Forgiveness -
Paid to Learn
Public Good -
Loans -
Rearage is a legal term for that part of a
debt which is overdue after missing one or more required payments.
Arrears in child support is a term that
refers to past due child support owed to a custodial parent.
is the possession of
assets in excess of
liabilities and ability to pay
one's debts.
Consumer Debt - Bankruptcy - Debt Collectors
Consumer Debt is the amount
owed by
consumers (as opposed to amounts
owed by businesses or governments). It includes
debts incurred on purchase
of goods that are consumable and/or do not appreciate. In macroeconomic
terms, it is
debt which is used to fund consumption rather than
investment. The most common forms of consumer debt are
credit card debt, payday loans, and other
consumer finance, which are often at higher interest rates than long-term
secured loans, such as
Student Debt Scam
Ponzi Scam -
Indentured Servant
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act is a
consumer protection amendment,
legal protection from
abusive debt collection practices, to
the Consumer Credit Protection Act, as Title VIII of that Act. The
statute's stated purposes are: to eliminate abusive practices in the
collection of consumer debts, to promote fair debt collection, and to
provide consumers with an avenue for disputing and obtaining validation of
debt information in order to ensure the information's accuracy. The Act
creates guidelines under which debt collectors may conduct business,
defines rights of consumers involved with debt collectors, and prescribes
penalties and remedies for violations of the Act. It is sometimes used in
conjunction with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
Sewer Service is a long-running practice where debt collectors
to serve complaints on debtors, and later falsely certify to courts that
service was made and that the cases have merit. Sewer service often ends
default judgments because
debtors do not
know to
appear in court. It can lead to
bank account seizures,
garnishments and
ruined credit
Procedural Violations
examples are failure to give notice of rights, planned meetings through
prior written notice. Failure to adhere to state-mandated timelines.
Debt Collectors use the courts to collect money. In 2014,
the industry filed roughly 20,000
lawsuits in Maryland and more
than 67,000 in New York, according to court records. Most of the
time people are
not even aware they have been sued by a debt
collector, so people
don't show up to court, and then judges
vote in favor of the
debt collector. Nice
scam scumbags.
Debt Shaming should be about the
cost of a persons actions that the world suffered
from, and not about money, which is just the
price paid
for something and not a measured
value of
inputs and outputs.
Bankruptcy is a legal process through which people or other entities
cannot repay debts to creditors may seek relief from some or all of
their debts. In most jurisdictions, bankruptcy is imposed by a court
order, often initiated by the debtor. Bankrupt is not the only legal
status that an insolvent person may have, and the term bankruptcy is
therefore not a synonym for insolvency.
Bankruptcy: Last
Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - John Oliver details
why people file for bankruptcy, how needlessly difficult the process can
be, and the ways we can better serve people struggling with debt.
800,000 to 1.3 million people claim bankruptcy every year in America.
Debt Restructuring is a process that allows a private or
public company, or a sovereign entity facing cash flow problems and
financial distress to reduce and renegotiate its delinquent debts in order
to improve or restore liquidity so that it can continue its operations.
Negotiable Instrument is a document guaranteeing the payment of a
specific amount of money, either on demand, or at a set time, with the
payer named on the document. Bills of Exchange.
Banking Arrangement is a private or
between a debtor and unsecured creditors, under which the creditors agree
to settle for a certain fraction of monies owed by the debtor. When it is
a voluntary agreement, it is properly called a scheme of arrangement and
is governed by the ordinary law of contract.
Voluntary Agreement or voluntary
arrangement, is where an insolvency procedure allows a company with debt
problems or that is insolvent to reach a voluntary agreement with its
business creditors regarding repayment of all, or part of its corporate
debts over an agreed.
Company Voluntary Arrangement (wiki).
Individual Voluntary Arrangement is a formal alternative for
individuals wishing to avoid bankruptcy.
Insolvency is the state of being
unable to pay the money
owed, by a person or company, on time; those in a state of insolvency are
said to be insolvent. There are two forms: cash-flow insolvency and
balance-sheet insolvency.
refers to the reduction of the leverage ratio, or the percentage of debt
in the balance sheet of a single economic entity, such as a household or a
firm. It is the opposite of leveraging, which is the practice of borrowing
money to acquire assets and multiply gains and losses.
Negative Equity occurs when the
value of an asset
used to secure a
loan is less than the outstanding
balance on the loan. In the
United States, assets (particularly real estate, whose loans are
mortgages) with negative equity are often referred to as being
underwater", and loans and borrowers with negative equity are said to be
upside down".
Controlling and Manipulating
People using a
debtors prison,
and debt does not have to be an actual
Good is a commodity which is judged that an individual or society
should have on the basis of some concept of need, rather than ability and
willingness to pay.
Game is a mathematical representation of a situation in
which each participant's gain (or
loss) of utility is exactly balanced by
the losses (or gains) of the utility of the other participant(s). If the
total gains of the participants are added up and the total losses are
subtracted, they will sum to zero. Thus cutting a cake, where taking a
larger piece reduces the amount of cake available for others, is a
zero-sum game if all participants value each unit of cake equally.
Profit - Greed - Overindulgence - Extravagance
Profit is the
excess of revenues over
outlays in a given
period of time, including
depreciation and other
non-cash expenses.
Excess is a quantity
much larger than is needed, or
taking more than is needed,
desired, or
required. Excessive
immoderation is being
excessive and
lacking in moderation
and going
sufficient or permitted
Greed is excessive
to acquire or
possess more wealth
material than one
needs or
deserves. Reprehensible
or strong disapproval for the acquisitiveness or a
strong desire to
acquire and possess.
Insatiable or
impossible to satisfy the
desire for
wealth. An
unsustainable behavior that has
of Our Time -
Gilded Prison -
Moloch Trap -
What's In It For
Me -
Selfishness -
Toxic Egos -
Low Empathy -
Power Abuse -
Negligence -
Externalities -
Deadly Sins -
Eating -
Parasites -
Hoarding -
Spoiled -
Scams -
Corruption -
Divide -
Poverty -
Living Wage
Maximalism is a types of greed where
always wanting more, thus
over indulging and
over consuming.
of Money is condemned as a
sin for being
and having is an
insatiable desire for material gain or
social value, such
as status, or power.
Almighty Dollar is an
idiom often used to
satirize the
obsession with
material wealth. The phrase implies that money is a kind of deity.
God we Trust?
Bottom Feeder is an
opportunist who seeks quick profit usually
at the expense of others or
from their misfortune.
Ambulance Chasers.
Robber Barons were wealthy and powerful American businessmen during
Gilded Age in the 19th century. They
unethical business practices to
gain control of major industries, such as railroads, steel, and oil.
Robber Barons created
monopolies by
buying out competitors,
exploiting workers, and disregarding customers. Robber Barons sold
stock at
inflated prices to investors. Robber
Barons consumed and destroyed natural resources. Robber Barons also
influenced government officials.
Some of the robber barons were Andrew Carnegie who led the expansion of
the American steel industry. Cornelius Vanderbilt who was a shipping and
railroad magnate. John D. Rockefeller who was wealthy industrialist. J.P.
Morgan who was a financier who organized railroads and consolidated
corporations. Henry Clay Frick helped build the world's largest coke and
steel operations. George Pullman who Invented the Pullman sleeping car.
History of Corporate Crimes.
Nazgul or
were nine men who were blinded by greed and power who succumbed to the
evil lord Sauron's influence through wearing the Rings of Power, which
gave them immortality, but also reduced them to
invisible wraiths, dark
riding terrible servants whose main weapon was terror. The Ringwraiths
were bound to the power of the One Ring and completely under Sauron's
Money is a form of
But having too much money can be a
and be a
potential risk.
It can also be considered to be a weakness in the system, and be a
possible threat to its stability. Like
Pandora's box, you
need to be
careful what you wish for.
There's nothing wrong with profit, just as long as the
profit is not considered to be a form of
hording or
waste or
abuse, and does not
increase risk or
decrease safety. Profit should be the
end result of a process where
a person or company was able to
produce more
than what was taken. If you use time, people and
resources, what you produce from that
input should
actually give more
benefit than the
of the resource by itself. That is a profit. The
positives should be
calculated as being more
beneficial than the known
negatives. And the end result
should also be
more beneficial than doing nothing at all with the
resource. Most people know that the
of something is not always an accurate
measurement of the
output. So if you think that you
earned your money, then just show us the numbers
without using any of those fraudulent
accounting techniques that some
people like to use. There's nothing wrong with paying people a good salary
high quality work. What's wrong is when people
take more than they have earned.
Inflation is a wealth grab.
A man's
worth is no greater than the worth of his ambitions." or, "A man's
ambition should never
exceed his worth." This is a perspective about
individual value and
aspiration that says the value or the significance of an individual
isn't solely defined by their material possessions, their social status,
or even their past accomplishments. If you want to be rich more then your
worth as a person,
then your actual value will be low. But if your aspirations are
virtuous, then you
will have a
value as a person. -
Aurelius Antoninus.
Taxing the
Rich is not as affective as stopping greedy people from
taking more than their
fair share. If you allow greedy people to be more wealthier than
governments and states, and if these wealthy citizens
don't care about other
citizens, then you have a
wealth grab that does more harm than good. Unchecked greed can
destabilized countries while citizens become
marginalized. When individuals are allowed to take more money than they
citizens will always have less to live on,
which results in poverty, crime, bad health, decreased productivity,
decreased security and so on. That's not
theft at
everyone's expense.
Everything that wealthy people have is
from other people. It's
selfish and
narrow minded to think that
wealthy people deserve it or earned it.
Wealthy people have no argument,
just lame excuses and lies.
Money and
goods are
symbols of
human labor, work
that has a
measureable value. But someone on
supply chain gets to profit from the work of
thousands of men and women. Some people take the value of a 100,000 man
hours as if they can prove that they have done the work of a thousand men
working for 100 hours, with most of them being paid a
minimum wage. Is it a math trick or
just a trick? The real shareholders are the people who worked hard to
create that value and potential. Use it in good faith. It takes a lot of
time, effort and resources to produce a product and provide a service. And
the worker needs to be paid a fair price for their work. Everyone needs to
be paid for their time, their effort and the resources they use. And
people need insurance too, so they can survive when a disaster strikes or
when problems arise. And we have to consider the fact that certain type of
work is more valuable than other types of work. But all these
middlemen want a piece of the action,
which causes price wars, bidding and haggling. And hardly no one provides
any facts or truth about the transactions. So your supposed to just shut
up and except what you get. This system is deeply flawed.
would wealthy people want more money?
Maybe the reason is that the more money the wealthy have, the less money that
other people will have.
Increasing their power while at the same time decreasing your power. And when lots of people
are poor and have to struggle to survive, it's easy to
enslave them, it's easy to control them with
debt, it's easy to make them
addicted to material things, and it's
easy to keep them poor by making everything expensive and over priced,
such as healthcare and college tuition. So
in this system, poor people can be forced to work jobs that
would be more beneficial for the wealthy, but not so beneficial for the
workers, or for the communities. Keep them poor and wanting more and you
will always have workers and soldiers to do your biding. Keep them
ignorant and
keep them
entertained, and you will always have
puppets and pawns to
play with. But this idea is not playing out so well. The curtain is falling. A
lot of people
can see you now,
with the word "you" meaning, "the problem", which is now more visible.
It's time to
make America a democracy again.
Unjust Enrichment occurs when one person is enriched
at the expense of
another in circumstances that the law sees as unjust. Where an individual
is unjustly enriched, the
law imposes an obligation upon
the recipient to make restitution, subject to defences such as change
of position. Liability for an unjust (or unjustified) enrichment arises
irrespective of wrongdoing on the part of the recipient. The concept of
unjust enrichment can be traced to Roman law and the maxim that "
one should be benefited at another's expense": nemo locupletari
potest aliena iactura or nemo locupletari debet cum aliena iactura. The
law of unjust enrichment is closely related to, but not co-extensive with,
the law of restitution. The law of restitution is the law of gain-based
recovery. It is wider than the law of unjust enrichment. Restitution for
unjust enrichment is a subset of the law of restitution in the same way
that compensation for
breach of contract is a subset of the law relating
compensation. Was the defendant enriched? Was the enrichment at the
expense of the claimant? Was the enrichment unjust? Does the defendant
have a defense? What remedies are available to the claimant?
Overindulgence is having
too much of something enjoyable, like
food, drink, drugs,
money, television or sex. An excessive
desire, craving,
Indulgence is an inability to resist the
gratification of
whims and desires. A foolish or senseless behavior.
Extravagance is the quality of exceeding
the appropriate limits of decorum, probability or truth. Thoughtless excessive
Extravagant is being
recklessly wasteful. Extravagant is
lacking restraint and
foresight in
spending money or using a resource.
Privileged -
Spoiled Brats
Showing Off -
Unhealthy Attachments -
Addiction -
Stairway to
Decadence is the moral decline or a cultural deviation as characterized by
excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.
A decay in standards, morals,
dignity, religious faith, honor, discipline, or skill at governing among
the members of the elite of a very large social structure, such as an
empire or nation state.
(Decadence should not to be confused with
celebration, it's more related to
letting off steam in the
wrong direction.)
Opulence is wealth as evidenced by
sumptuous living. Great wealth or luxuriousness. Rich and superior in
Debasing is to be corrupt
morally by excessive behavior in action and immoderate indulgence of
bodily appetites. To lower something in value by replacing valuable
ingredients with inferior ones.
Luxury is something that is an indulgence
rather than a necessity. The quality possessed by something that is
excessively expensive or that the cost exceeds the benefits. The state of
great comfort and extravagant living.
Materialist is someone
obsessed with material
possessions more than life itself.
is a desire for wealth and material possessions with little interest in
ethical or spiritual
matters, and without
responsibility for the actual
cost. Materialism is a personal attitude which
attaches importance to acquiring and consuming material goods. The use of
the term materialistic tends to describe a person's personality or a
society tends to have a negative or critical connotation. Also called
acquisitiveness, it is often associated with a
value system which regards social status as being determined by
affluence or
conspicuous consumption,
as well as the belief that possessions can provide happiness.
Environmentalism can be considered a competing orientation to materialism.
Materialism can be considered a pragmatic form of enlightened
self-interest based on a
prudent understanding of the character of market-oriented economy and
society. Using two measures of subjective well-being, one study found that
materialism was negatively related to happiness, meaning that people who
tended to be more materialistic were also less happy. When people derive a
lot of pleasure from buying things and believe that acquiring material
possessions are important life goals, they tend to have lower life
satisfaction scores. Materialism also positively correlates with more
serious psychological issues like depression, narcissism and paranoia.
However, the relationship between materialism and happiness is more
complex. The direction of the relationship can go both ways. Individual
materialism can cause diminished
well-being or
lower levels of well-being can cause people to be more materialistic in an
effort to get external gratification. Instead, research shows that
purchases made with the intention of acquiring life experiences such as
going on a family vacation make people happier than purchases made to
acquire material possessions such as an expensive car. Even just thinking
about experiential purchases makes people happier than thinking about
material ones.
excessively concerned with
material possessions and the money to buy such possessions.
"Material wealth is neither good or bad, it's how you use it."
How does materialism in social media trigger stress and unhappiness?
Clothes, cars, travel, followers: People with a materialistic mindset
always want more and, above all, more than others.
Social media provides them
with ideal opportunities to compare themselves with others, which makes
them susceptible to passive and addictive user behavior. This stresses
them out and, ultimately, leads to low life satisfaction. This downward
spiral, which turns materialists into less happy people, was identified in
an online survey of over 1,200 participants.
Keeping up with the Joneses is the
comparison to one's neighbor as
a benchmark for
class or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to "keep up with
the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural
Conspicuous consumption occurs
when people care about their standard of living in relation to their
Waste is useless or profitless activity; using or
expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly.
Inefficiently or inappropriately.
The trait of wasting resources. Lose vigor and health, become
Waste Law.
Prodigal is spending money or resources
recklessly, wastefully and extravagantly.
Profligate is recklessly extravagant or
wasteful in the use of resources.
Scrounge is to seek to obtain money
at the expense
of others or through the generosity of
others, or
by stealth. To obtain something of moderate or inconsequential
value from another. To acquire by such dubious ways as habitual borrowing,
begging, foraging, scavenging, pilfering, etc; cadge,
mooch. Obtain or seek to obtain by cadging
wheedling or tries to get something for free. Be a
parasite, sponge or leech.
not being sensible or
restrained, to a point that you're excessive.
is not having or showing
No one does it alone.
Everyone Stands on the Shoulders of Giants. Wealth and money are symbols
of work done by millions of people. So why do certain people think that
they deserve a lot more money than the person next to them? How would you
taking more than the other 90%,
other than knowing that there are laws that allow you to take much more
than needed? If the end result of wealth grabbing is mostly creating more
crime and creating more corruption and creating more waste and creating
more abuse, then we seriously need to make some changes to the laws, and
of course improve education. Wealthy people are not bad people. It's just
that too many bad people become wealthy. Just like with power, powerful
people are not bad people, it's just that too many bad people are put into
positions of authority.
Not knowing
any better seems to be a problem.
Earn is to acquire or
deserve by one's own efforts
or actions.
Simple Living.
Price Gouging in any form is a
criminal act and pure corruption to the
core. There is no valid reasoning what so ever. You are
willfully negligent in knowing that
you are doing more harm than good. Imagine trying to explain to your
friends and family that you killed innocent people just because you made
some extra money from doing it. How do you live with yourself? I guess
it's easy to live with yourself when you believe that the self is the only
thing alive. You're not connected with yourself, you're not connected to
reality, and you're not connected with life, though life suffers from your
existence. You're killing us, yet we grow in numbers, and we are growing
an awareness. We forgive, but we will never forget. Because if we do
forget our past mistakes, this horrible behavior in human history will
keep repeating itself. Human nature us being systematically disrupted.
Education is dumbed down, the media is propagandized, and people have no
access to factual information or access to valuable information that they
can use to improve their communities. We are failing is so many ways. But
at least some of us know about these failures and we are making others
aware of these failures.
Offshore Accounts -
Evasion -
War Profiteering -
Capitol Flight
Skimming is slang for
taking cash off
the top of the daily receipts of a business (or from any cash transaction
involving a third interested party) and officially reporting a lower
Carried Interest Loophole is a share of the profits of an investment
paid to the investment manager in excess of the amount that the manager
contributes to the partnership, specifically in alternative investments
(private equity and hedge funds). It is a performance fee, rewarding the
manager for enhancing performance.
Defalcation is
misappropriation of funds
by a person trusted with its charge.
The Oligarchs -
Al Jazeera Investigations (youtube) - The web of offshore companies
and international lawyers who are stealing money and moving it around like
a shell game to avoid criminal charges.
Company Formation Agents.
Suspicious Activity Report is a document that financial institutions
must file with the
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) following a suspected
incident of
money laundering or
fraud. These reports are required under
the United States
Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) of 1970.
You say that you deserve more then others, but you
don't have a
disability. Humans should have the ability to
accumulate wealth, but not at other
peoples expense. This type of
power in the wrong
hands always ends with death and destruction. So we don't want to take
away peoples freedom, we just want people to have a license and
accreditation that proves they know how to control the corrupting
influences of money. We don't want an idiot behind the wheel of a car when
they have not yet learned how to drive.
Greed is a disease
of the mind. Just like most
greed is not necessary.
Greed is not
nature. Greed is illogical. Greed is a
sin because it does more harm than good. Greed is not about
human survival.
Greed is pure
ignorance. Greed
is a twisted
We need to stop using profit as a reward for stealing,
or using money as a reason for
stealing. This behavior is
insane! It's as if we have minds of children. Our
brains fully developed, but we forgot about the software, we
ignored the most important aspect of having a computer between
our ears, and that is having software that works great and
produces positive results. We have millions of people working on
computer software, but hardly anyone working on
Software. The value of the resource would be measured by the
most beneficial output that we can get from this resource. So if
you use the resource for something else, then you have to prove
that the process you are planning to do has more benefits then
all other options available.
You cannot derive a benefit from
something if the cost and the negatives are more. Using money to
justify a
crime is insane. You're
embezzling more then just
money, your stealing resources, time and potential. Excessive Wealth is
not only bad, it's totally unnecessary.
You don't
need to steal more then you need because there's plenty for everybody.
Profit Motive is the motivation of firms that operate so as to
maximize their profits.
Profit Maximization is the short run or long run process by which a
firm determines the price and output level that returns the greatest
Profit Sharing refers to various
incentive plans
introduced by businesses that provide direct or indirect payments to
employees that depend on company's profitability in addition to employees'
regular salary and bonuses. In publicly traded companies these plans
typically amount to allocation of shares to employees. The profit sharing
plans are based on predetermined economic sharing rules that define the
split of gains between the company as a principal and the employee as an
agent. (explain that).
financial help to a corporation or country which otherwise would be on
the brink of failure or bankruptcy.
A bailout
could be done for profit motives.
Bankruptcy is a legal status of a person or other entity who
repay debts to
which is a party (e.g., person, organization, company, or government) that
has a claim on the services of a second party. It is a person or
institution to whom money is owed. In most jurisdictions, bankruptcy is
imposed by a
court order, often initiated
by the
debtor, which is an entity that owes a
debt to another
Bankruptcy Fraud is a
white-collar crime most typically involving concealment of assets by a
debtor to avoid liquidation in bankruptcy proceedings. It may include
filing of false information, multiple filings in different jurisdictions,
bribery, and other acts.
Subsidiaries are being used by big scumbag corporations to claim
bankruptcies to avoid
liability and to
avoid paying lawsuits for the damages they
caused from their
negligence and
Using more
resources does not always mean that you are doing more or
accomplishing more. There's a big difference between being
productive and being Wasteful and Abusive. Productive can be
sustainable, wasteful could never be Sustainable.
Executive Order 6102 is an
Executive Order
forbidding the Hoarding of gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates
within the continental United States". (April 5, 1933, by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt).
There's enough
for everyone, but the problem is that some people believe
they deserve more then others. This goes way beyond
Hoarding, this is a
of the Mind.
If we consume
more then we make, then profit is a lie and shareholders is a lie.
Profit and shareholders are words that rich
scumbags use to replace the word theft. Profit at whose expense?
Pay shareholders at whose expense? That's theft, that is stealing, and you
can't pretend otherwise. You're lying to yourself and you're lying to
everyone else. That is like saying that a hired killer has the right to
commit murder just because they were paid a fee.
Working to Provide Public Service -
Public Good Mostly all profit
is nothing more then
Money. So it's time for people of this earth to be compensated for
these crimes and the violence committed in the name of profit and money.
Non-Profit (social
Profit is like saying that murder is just helping people sleep for a
long time. Profit is like saying that slavery is helping people work
and have jobs, minus
human rights and freedoms
of course.
Prospect Theory describes the way people choose between probabilistic
alternatives that involve risk, where the probabilities of outcomes are
known. The theory states that people make decisions based on the potential
value of losses and gains rather than the final outcome, and that people
evaluate these losses and gains using certain heuristics, which are are
mental shortcuts that usually involve focusing on one aspect of a complex
problem and
ignoring others.
There is hardly
any companies in the world that truly understands what
true cost is. Corporations and Governments
steal and murder and then they point the finger at someone else.
Transference -
Externalizing "We don't have a system that
shares the wealth, we have a system where people are allowed to
steal the wealth."
Saying that there's no money in
it is a false statement. It's just that people don't care, and
the people who do care, have no support to do what is needed.
The current system is flawed.
It's not how much money you
make in your life, it's how much you do with your life. Did your
life benefit people? Did the actions in your life improve life
for others? Did you make things better? Or did you make things
worse? To measure a persons true value you have to measure them
by their actions and the results from those actions. You can't
use money to measure a persons value because it does not explain
all the details of that transaction. Do the
Math, do the
Calculate True Value.
Company Founder is paying a new Maximum Wage, 70,000 a Year
Equal pay for the 99% (living
People who take more, sometimes give more, which is not
giving, it's just feeling guilty because you have taken more
then you needed, and now you want to give some back. And people
call that generosity?
"Not taking more then you need is the purest form of giving."
"Everything changes hands sooner or later, but you don't want
things to fall into the wrong hands."
A License to Spend Freely. The main problem with money is how money is used. We need a way to
Certify that says that your money is clean and was not
earned by hurting people, or by hurting the water, food, air or
soil. And also that you are spending money wisely so as not to
cause damage to yourself, or to others, or to the water, food,
air or soil. This way businesses and people can easily
discriminate against as*holes, or people who have no conscience,
respect, or just lack certain knowledge. Of course it would have
to be voluntary, but I assume that many people would want be
certified, just out of respect.
Rating System for FoodEveryone knows that you don't need to be a millionaire in order
to be happy. Everyone knows that you don't need a lot to
be happy. The less you have to worry about the better off you will be.
Simplifying our lives is how we survived for thousands
of years. It's only when people take too much, or complicate
things to much, that's when they set them selves up for a
collapse and failure. You need to have a full understanding of a
life style that can survive any where, no matter what the
conditions. So you see, knowledge becomes the most important
factor when it comes to
Survival. If you had to put everything that you need
to live in a backpack, what would those items be? Like running
out of a burning building, no material object is more important
then your life. But if you did have a couple of minutes to
spare, would that be enough time to figure out what are the most
important items you would take.
Martin scene in the movie The Jerk. This you should already
know, you need to have a life starting over kit. Or know of
someone who can deliver you a kit when needed. And that's why
our relationships and connections are really our life
line. 99% of us can not survive on our own without some help and
support. So even material objects are not as important as each
other, our problems are not money related, our problems are with "us".
Why does money turn people into robots? Why does money make people dumb and unaware?
Paul Piff: Does Money Make you Mean? (video)
Sports and Money.
Unhealthy Attachments
We are
dependent on something's, but
we don't want certain dependencies to turn into
obsessions for
things that we are not truly dependent on, like
trivial material
possessions, or
money, or
unhealthy foods, or unhealthy drugs,
unhealthy thoughts, or any
unhealthy habits that do more harm than good.
Understanding Needs -
Consumerism -
Profits -
Hoarding -
Addictions -
Paradox of Our Time
Impermanence -
Everyone must understand the
transitory nature of material life
and that all things must
come and go.
Here today and gone
tomorrow. We must see things as they are, so as to avoid
creating unhealthy attachments to things, and stop creating
unhealthy attachments to certain thoughts, and stop creating
unhealthy attachments to certain people, because some
relationships can cause more harm than good.
Sand Mandala.
Unhealthy Attachment is when
someone is excessively concerned with material possessions or the
acquisition of wealth. Clinging to the past, or having an obsession with the future.
Allowing our possessions to define us or entrap us. Fearing
loss. Attaching yourself to hopes and dreams in a way that excuses you
from fixing things.
Obsessed or
Addicted is to continually preoccupied with things that intrude the mind
Compulsively or physiologically dependent on something that is
inconsistent with reason or logic.
An unhealthy and compulsive preoccupation with something or
An irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive
actions, even against your will.
Biased -
in philosophy
or Non-attachment, is a state in which a person
overcomes his or her
attachment to desire for things, people or concepts of the world
and thus attains a heightened perspective. Detachment as release
from desire and consequently from suffering.
Going back to simpler times.
Child Development (good
examples and effects on children) -
Living within your
Psychology of Collecting is an area of study that seeks to understand
the motivating factors why people devote great amounts of time, money, and
energy making and
maintaining collections. For people who collect, the
value of their collections are not monetary but emotional. The collections
allow people to relive their childhood,
themselves to a period or to a time they feel strongly about. Their
collections help them ease insecurity and anxiety about losing a part of
themselves and to keep the past to continue to exist in the present. Some
collect for the thrill of the hunt. For these collectors, collecting is a
quest, a lifelong pursuit which can never be completed. Collecting may
provide psychological security by filling a part of the self one feels is
missing or is void of meaning. When one collects, one experiments with
arranging, organizing, and presenting a part of the world which may serve
to provide a safety zone, a place of refuge where fears are calmed and
insecurity is managed. Motives are not mutually exclusive, rather,
different motives combine for each collector for a multitude of reasons.
Hoarding - Offshore Accounts - Tax Evasion
Hoarding is a pattern of behavior that is characterized by
acquisition or
consumption and an inability or
unwillingness to discard large quantities
of objects that can cause significant distress or impairment.
Hoarding behavior has been associated with health risks,
functioning, economic burden, and adverse effects on friends and family
members. When clinically significant enough to impair functioning,
hoarding can
prevent typical uses of space, enough so that it can limit
Compulsive hoarders may be aware of their
irrational behavior, but the
emotional attachment to the hoarded objects far exceeds the motive to
discard the items.
What if your body never got rid of its waste?
Dark Money -
Unhealthy Attachments -
Pack Rat
Not the same as Saving -
Corporate Welfare -
Bailouts -
Tax Breaks -
Predatory Lending -
Kickbacks -
debt -
Corruption -
Money Laundering -
Evasion -
Means, Motive and OpportunityIt's
hard sometimes to give stuff away, it's even harder to throw things away.
When we know something still has value, we don't want to throw it away, we
would rather find this thing a good home so it can be utilized in some
productive way.
What is it with you Pirates and your Buried
Treasures? I thought you would have grown out of that by now.
Buried Treasure is when criminals often bury their stolen
fortunes in remote places, intending to return for them later, often with
the use of treasure maps, or offshore bank account numbers.
is an act of robbery or criminal violence with the goal of stealing cargo
and other valuable items or properties.
Porch Pirate is criminal that steals delivered packages that are
left on doorsteps or on front porches of peoples homes. More than 25
million Americans have their packages stolen right from their doorsteps by
porch pirates each year.
My Precious! (youtube)
Hording is not the
same thing as a
savings account.
Robber Baron is a person who uses illegal, immoral and unethical
methods to
steal money and steal the
wealth of citizens. Charging illegal tolls and high
unfair prices for
goods and services.
Cache is a
hidden storage space for money, provisions or weapons. A secret store of
valuables or money. Save up as for future use. Cache in computing is RAM
memory that is set aside as a specialized buffer storage that is
continually or store temporarily in memory or disk for quick re-use later.
Foraging is the act of searching for food and provisions. To look
around for food and collect food. Wander and feed.
Offshore Bank is a
bank regulated under international banking license
(often called offshore license), which usually prohibits the bank from
establishing any business activities in the jurisdiction of establishment.
Due to
less regulation and
no transparency,
accounts with offshore banks were often used to
hide undeclared income.
Since the 1980s, jurisdictions that provide financial services to
nonresidents on a big scale, can be referred to as offshore financial
centres. Since OFCs often also levy little or no
tax corporate and/or
personal income and offer, they are often referred to as
Reasons for having an offshore bank
account includes the potential for tax benefits, asset protection,
convenience, security, privacy, and higher interest rates. offshore bank
accounts can be for both personal and business purposes. The most common
and straightforward method for starting an offshore account is to simply
wire the money from your onshore bank account, or your existing offshore
account to the new offshore account.
Can I put
money in a suitcase and show up in the Virgin Islands? Transporting
any amount of cash is legal in most countries, most law-abiding citizens
don’t carry large amounts of cash over borders. Those who do often make
customs officials suspicious enough to go so far as to confiscate your
Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts
or FBAR. The IRS can find your foreign bank account. So it's advised that
you to seek assistance and correct the FBAR non-reporting issue with the
IRS as soon as possible before the IRS offers their solution for FBAR
reporting noncompliance.
Offshore Leaks (Blacklight) -
Dark Money
Haven is a country or place with very low "effective" rates of
taxation for foreign investors ("headline" rates may be
higher). In some traditional definitions, a tax haven also offers
financial secrecy. However, while countries with high levels of secrecy
but also high rates of taxation (e.g. the United States and Germany in the
Financial Secrecy Index ("FSI") rankings) can feature in some tax
haven lists, they are not universally considered as tax havens. In
contrast, countries with lower levels of secrecy but also low "effective"
rates of taxation (e.g. Ireland in the FSI rankings), appear in most § Tax
haven lists. The consensus around effective tax rates has led academics to
note that the term "tax haven" and "offshore financial centre" are almost synonymous.
Evasion is the illegal evasion of taxes by individuals, corporations,
and trusts. Tax evasion often entails taxpayers
deliberately misrepresenting the true state of their affairs to the
tax authorities to reduce their tax liability, and it includes dishonest
tax reporting, such as declaring less income, profits or gains than the
amounts actually earned, or overstating deductions. Tax evasion is an
activity commonly associated with the informal economy. One measure of the
extent of tax evasion (the "tax gap") is the amount of unreported income,
which is the difference between the amount of income that should be
reported to the tax authorities and the actual amount reported. In
contrast, tax avoidance is the legal use of tax laws to reduce one's tax
burden. Both tax evasion and tax avoidance can be viewed as forms of tax
noncompliance, as they describe a range of activities that intend to
subvert a state's tax system, but such classification of tax avoidance is
disputable since avoidance is lawful in self-creating systems.
Avoidance is the legal usage of the tax regime in a single territory
to one's own advantage to reduce the amount of tax that is payable by
means that are within the law. Tax sheltering is very similar, although
unlike tax avoidance tax sheltering is not necessarily legal. Tax havens
are jurisdictions which facilitate reduced taxes.
"We don't pay
taxes, only the little people pay taxes." ~ quote by
Leona Helmsley when expressing her arrogance and disregard for
societal obligations. Her reputation for tyrannical behavior earned her
the nickname "
Queen of Mean".
Exporting occurs when a country (or other jurisdiction) shifts its tax
burden (partially) abroad. For example, if residents of country A hold
shares of a company in country B, the government in B might want to levy
an inefficiently high tax on this company's profits since the tax is
partially borne by the shareholders in A. Tax exporting does not
necessarily involve direct taxation of foreign residents. It can also work
through other economic channels, such as price changes.
Breaks are a method of reduction to the
tax liability
of taxpayers.
Deduction is an amount deducted from
taxable income,
usually based on expenses such as those incurred to produce additional
Tax Abatement is the
reduction of taxes, or an exemption from taxes. Taxes that are reduced
that are granted by a government for a specified period of time. A tax
incentive is a form of tax abatement, which is usually a way to encourage
certain activities such as investment in capital equipment or buildings.
Credit allows certain
taxpayers to subtract the
amount of the credit they have accrued from the total they owe the state.
Tax Exemption is the reduction or removal of a liability to make a
compulsory payment that would otherwise be imposed by a ruling power upon
persons, property, income, or transactions.
55 Corporations Paid $0 in Federal Taxes on 2020 Profits. At least 55
of the largest corporations in America paid no federal corporate income
taxes in their most recent fiscal year despite enjoying substantial pretax
profits in the United States
Are New Spart Stadiums Worth the Cost? Most bonds issued by government
agencies are tax-exempt. This means interest on these bonds are excluded
from gross income for federal tax purposes.
Stadium Subsidy is a type of
government subsidy
given to professional sports franchises to help finance the construction
or renovation of a sports venue. Stadium subsidies can come in the form of
tax-free municipal bonds, cash payments, long-term tax exemptions,
infrastructure improvements, and operating cost subsidies. Funding for
stadium subsidies can come from all levels of government and remains
controversial among legislators and citizens.
Unreported Employment is employment that is not reported to the
government. The employer or the employee often does so for tax evasion or
to avoid or violate other laws. It is a part of what has been called the
underground economy, or the non-observed economy. (also known as working
under the table, off the books, or cash-in-hand).
Capital Flight in economics, occurs when
assets or money rapidly flow out of a country, due to an event of
economic consequence. Such events could be an increase in taxes on capital
or capital holders or the government of the country defaulting on its debt
that disturbs investors and causes them to lower their valuation of the
assets in that country, or otherwise to lose confidence in its economic
strength. This leads to a
disappearance of wealth,
and is usually accompanied by a sharp drop in the exchange rate of the
affected country—depreciation in a variable exchange rate regime, or a
forced devaluation in a fixed exchange rate regime. This fall is
particularly damaging when the capital belongs to the people of the
affected country, because not only are the citizens now burdened by the
in the economy and devaluation of their currency, but probably
also, their assets have lost much of their nominal value. This leads to
dramatic decreases in the purchasing power of the country's assets and
makes it increasingly expensive to import goods and acquire any form of
foreign facilities, e.g. medical facilities.
The Spider's Web:
Britain's Second Empire (Documentary) (youtube)
Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial
and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities.
The documents, some dating back to the 1970s, were created by, and taken
from, Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca,
and were leaked in 2015 by an anonymous source. The documents contain
personal financial information about wealthy individuals and public
officials that had previously been kept private. While offshore business
entities are legal, reporters found that some of the Mossack Fonseca shell
corporations were used for illegal purposes, including fraud,
tax evasion,
and evading international sanctions.
Bank Fraud.
Paradise Papers
are a set of 13.4 million documents relating to offshore investment,
leaked to the public on 5 November 2017. The documents originate from the
offshore law firm Appleby, the corporate services providers Estera and
Asiaciti Trust, and business registries in 19
tax jurisdictions. They
contain the names of more than 120,000 people and companies. Among those
whose financial affairs are mentioned are Queen Elizabeth II, President of
Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross.
Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, EBay, Glencore, Uber, Nike, Walmart, Allianz,
Siemens, McDonald's and Yahoo are also among the companies owning offshore
companies according to the papers. According to The Express Tribune,
"Apple, Nike, and Facebook avoided billions of dollars in tax using
offshore companies.
Pandora Papers are 11.9 million leaked documents with 2.9 terabytes of
data that the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
published beginning on 3 October 2021. The leak exposed the secret
offshore accounts of 35 world leaders, including current and former
presidents, prime ministers, and heads of state as well as more than 100
billionaires, celebrities, and business leaders. The news organizations of
the ICIJ described the document leak as their most expansive exposé of
financial secrecy yet, containing documents, images, emails and
spreadsheets from 14 financial service companies, in nations including
Panama, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, surpassing their
previous release of the Panama Papers in 2016, which had 11.5 million
confidential documents (2.6 terabytes). At the time of the release of the
papers, the ICIJ said it is not identifying its source for the documents.
Estimates by the ICIJ of money held offshore (outside the country where
the money was made) range from US$5.6 trillion to US$32 trillion.
Ugland House is a building located in George Town, Cayman Islands.
Located at 121 South Church Street, the building is the registered office
address for 18,857 corporations, including many major investment funds,
international joint ventures and capital market issuers.
The secretive networks used to move money offshore.
Shell Corporation is a company that exists only on paper and has no
office and no employees, but may have a bank account or may hold passive
investments or be the registered owner of assets, such as intellectual
property, or ships. Shell companies may be registered to the address of a
company that provides a service setting up shell companies, and which may
act as the agent for receipt of legal correspondence (such as an
accountant or lawyer). The company may serve as a vehicle for business
transactions without itself having any significant assets or operations.
Sometimes, shell companies are used for
tax avoidance, and
laundering, or to achieve a specific goal such as anonymity.
Anonymity may be sought to
shield personal assets from others, such as a
spouse when a marriage is breaking down, from creditors, from government
authorities, besides others.
Non-Practicing Entity is a patent owner who
does not manufacture or
does not use the
patented invention.
Shelf Corporation or shelf company or an aged corporation is a company
corporation that has had no activity. It was created and left with no
activity, except when use to illegally
obtain money from fraudulent
billing. A shelf company is metaphorically put on the "shelf" to "age".
The company can then be sold to a person or group of persons who wish to
start a company without going through all the procedures of creating a new
one. Common reasons for buying a shelf corporation include: To save the
time involved in taking the steps to create a new corporation. To gain the
opportunity to bid on contracts. Some jurisdictions require that a company
be in business for a certain length of time to have this ability. To show
corporate longevity in order to attract consumers or investors. To gain
access to corporate credit. These reasons are open to criticism. Many
years ago, it would take months to properly incorporate a business.
However, it is now quite easy, at least in Australia, Canada, the United
States, Western Europe and Dubai, to do so. In fact, it can now be done in
as little as a couple of hours in some jurisdictions. In Australia, a new
company can get registered within 10 minutes. A corporation might end up
"on the shelf" precisely because of a bad business history. A number of
consortia "produce" and sell shelf corporations, promoting the fact that
the new buyer can at the same time have a corporation with a long history,
and yet have complete control over the establishment of the corporation's
board of directors and shareholder profile. One item to be aware of is the
re-aging of the shelf corporation. If the credit bureaus learn about the
company being under new management, they will list it on their reports,
effectively "re-aging" the company.
Corporation is an entity created to serve as a front or cover for
one or more companies. It can have the appearance of being real (logo,
website, and sometimes employing actual staff), but lacks the capacity to
function independently. The dummy corporation's sole purpose is to protect
"an individual or another corporation from liability in either contract or
Offshore Trust
is a conventional trust that is formed under the laws of an offshore
jurisdiction. Generally offshore trusts are similar in nature and effect
to their onshore counterparts; they involve a settlor transferring (or
'settling') assets (the 'trust property') on the trustees to manage for
the benefit of a person, class or persons (the 'beneficiaries') or,
occasionally, an abstract purpose. However, a number of offshore
jurisdictions have modified their laws to make their jurisdictions more
attractive to settlors forming offshore structures as trusts.
Liechtenstein, a civil jurisdiction which is sometimes considered to be
offshore, has artificially imported the trust concept from common law
jurisdictions by statute.
Banking System is a term for the collection of non-bank financial
intermediaries that provide services similar to traditional commercial
banks but
outside normal banking regulations.
The phrase "shadow banking" contains the pejorative connotation of back
alley loan sharks. Many in the financial services industry find this
phrase offensive and prefer the euphemism "market-based finance".
South Dakota's Tax
Evasion. South Dakota has no income tax, no inheritance tax and no
capital gains tax. But the state has gone even further than that. South
Dakota allows for extreme secrecy when law enforcement comes knocking, and
protects assets from being claimed by creditors, ex-spouses, or pretty
much anybody else. By setting up a trust, the "settlor" — think some
billionaire wanting to keep his assets secure — gives those assets to a
trustee in South Dakota to look after. The trustee then invests the assets
for a "beneficiary" who is often a direct relative of the settlor. Neither
the settlor nor the beneficiary ever needs to set foot in South Dakota, or
even be able to find it on a map. All three parties — the settlor, the
trustee, and the beneficiary — can legally claim that the money isn't
theirs. The settlor and the beneficiary can say they don't have the money,
it's all in a trust run by someone else. The trustee can say that she is
just looking after the money and doesn't own it. How it happened: South
Dakota started carving out its position as the most laissez-faire state
for financial services in 1981, when it abolished upper limits for
credit-card interest rates. (That's why the credit card in your wallet was
almost certainly issued in South Dakota.). In 1983, South Dakota became
the first state to allow perpetual trusts — money that can remain
untouchable for centuries, with no one ever paying inheritance tax on it.
Since then, South Dakota has continued to pass laws making its trusts more
attractive to the world's ultra-wealthy. It allowed trusts where the
settlor and beneficiary can be the same person. It has also sealed all
court documents setting up trusts, making it impossible to know — in the
absence of Pandora Papers style leaks — who might have one. The
Republican-controlled South Dakota legislature regularly rubber-stamps
whatever bills are placed in front of it by the financial services
industry. “Nobody understands any of them,” said Gene Abdallah, Republican
chair of South Dakota’s Senate Judiciary Committee in 2007 — although it's
broadly understood that the laws help to support hundreds of
financial-services jobs in Sioux Falls, as well as the lawmakers'
free-market bona fides. Context: Since 2010, almost every country in the
world has signed onto the Common Reporting Standard (CRS), whereby
governments inform each other about assets held by foreigners. The United
States is the only major country not to sign on to the CRS, making it much
more attractive as a tax haven than places like the Bahamas or Panama.
Who's in: Ecuadoran President Guillermo Lasso, Chinese real-estate
billionaire billionaire Sun Hongbin, and dozens of other high-profile tax
optimizers — both foreigners and Americans —are sheltering their assets in
South Dakota. By the numbers: A decade ago, South Dakotan trust companies
held $57 billion in assets. The current figure is about $360 billion —
with similar trusts in other states bringing the total for the U.S. close
to $1 trillion. The United States — not only South Dakota but also rival
tax-haven states like Nevada and Delaware — now ranks second only to the
Cayman Islands for financial secrecy. The bottom line: “South Dakota
offers the best privacy and asset protection laws in the country, and
possibly in the world," tax expert Harvey Bezozi told the Guardian.
Why Louisiana Stays
Poor. With all Louisiana's wealth in natural resources and industry,
why are corporations not paying taxes like everyone else. (youtube).
Corporate Welfare.
Money Laundering is the act of concealing the transformation of
profits from illegal activities and corruption into ostensibly
"legitimate" assets. The dilemma of illicit activities is accounting for
the origin of the proceeds of such activities without raising the
suspicion of law enforcement agencies. Accordingly, considerable time and
effort is put into devising strategies which enable the safe use of those
proceeds without raising unwanted suspicion. Implementing such strategies
is generally called money laundering. After money has been suitably
laundered or "cleaned", it can be used in the mainstream economy for
accumulation of wealth, such as acquisitions of properties, or otherwise
spent. Law enforcement agencies of many jurisdictions have set up
sophisticated systems in an effort to detect suspicious transactions or
activities, and many have set up international cooperative arrangements to
assist each other in these endeavors.
Giant Leak of Offshore Financial Records Exposes Global Array of
Crime and Corruption.
List of Multinational Corporations (wiki)
Informal Sector is the part of an economy that is
neither taxed,
monitored by any form of government.
Market or
shadow market is a
secret market or series of transactions that
has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of
noncompliant behavior with an institutional set
of rules. If the rule defines the set of goods and services whose
production and distribution is prohibited by law, non-compliance with the
rule constitutes a black market trade since the transaction itself is
illegal. Parties engaging in the production or
distribution of prohibited
goods and services are members of the
illegal economy.
Examples include the drug trade, prostitution (where prohibited), illegal
currency transactions and human trafficking. Violations of the tax code
involving income
tax evasion constitute membership
in the unreported economy. Because tax evasion or participation in a black
market activity is illegal, participants will attempt to hide their
behavior from the government or regulatory authority. Cash usage is the
preferred medium of exchange in illegal transactions since cash usage does
not leave a footprint. Common motives for operating in black markets are
to trade contraband, avoid taxes and regulations, or skirt price controls
or rationing. Typically the totality of such activity is referred to with
the definite article as a complement to the official economies, by market
for such goods and services, e.g. "the black market in bush meat". The
black market is distinct from the
Market, in which commodities are distributed through channels that,
while legal, are
unofficial, unauthorized, or unintended by the original
manufacturer, and the white market, in which trade is legal and official.
Black money is the proceeds of an illegal transaction, on which income and
other taxes have not been paid, and which can only be legitimised by some
form of money laundering. Because of the clandestine nature of the black
economy it is not possible to determine its size and scope.
Bonus Payment is
usually made to employees in
addition to their base salary as part of
their wages or salary. While the base salary usually is a fixed amount per
month, bonus payments more often than not vary depending on known
criteria, such as the annual turnover, or the net number of additional
customers acquired, or the current value of the stock of a public company.
Thus bonus payments can act as incentives for managers attracting their
attention and their personal interest towards what is seen as gainful for
their companies' economic success.
Profit -
Financial Aid -
Employee Benefits.
Bonus is an additional payment or
other remuneration to employees as a means of increasing
output. Anything
that makes one feel encouraged.
Incentives -
Why is a
sometimes similar to a
bribe or
hush money? Because if your
job does more harm the good, then you are incentivizing
negligence, which is why money
is sometimes a horrible
profit sharing
employee benefits just another
Employee benefits
should be an
to do something good instead of just rewarding
Entitlement is a government program guaranteeing access to
some benefit by members of a specific group and based on established
rights or by legislation.
Say on Pay is a term used for a role in corporate law
whereby a firm's shareholders have the right to vote on the
remuneration of executives.
Executive Compensation is composed of the
compensation and other
non-financial awards received
by an executive from their firm for their service to the organization. It
is typically a mixture of salary, bonuses, shares of or call options on
the company stock, benefits, and perquisites, ideally configured to take
into account government regulations, tax law, the desires of the
organization and the executive, and rewards for performance.
Executive compensation the compensation of company executives is
distinguished by the forms it takes and its dramatic rise over the past
three decades and wide-ranging criticism leveled against it. In the past
three decades in America executive compensation or
pay has risen dramatically beyond what can be explained by changes
in firm size, performance, and industry classification. It is the highest
in the world in both absolute terms and relative to median salary in the
US. It has been criticized not only as
but also for "
rewarding failure"—including
massive drops in stock price, and much of the national growth in income
inequality. Observers differ as to how much of the rise in and nature of
this compensation is a natural result of competition for scarce business
talent benefiting stockholder value, and how much is the work of
manipulation and self-dealing by management unrelated to supply, demand,
or reward for performance. Federal laws and Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) regulations have been developed on compensation for top
senior executives in the last few decades, including a $1 million limit on
the tax deductibility of compensation not "performance-based", and a
requirement to include the dollar value of compensation in a standardized
form in annual public filings of the corporation.
is a clause in an executive employment contract that provides the
executive with a significant severance package in the case that the
executive loses their job through firing, restructuring, or even scheduled
retirement. This can be in the form of cash, equity, and other benefits,
and is often accompanied by an accelerated vesting of stock options.
According to Investopedia, a golden handshake is similar to, but more
generous than a golden parachute because it not only provides monetary
compensation and/or stock options at the termination of employment, but
also includes the same severance packages executives would get at
Parachute is an
agreement between a company and an employee (usually upper executive)
specifying that the employee will receive certain significant benefits if
employment is terminated.
refers to the cash compensation and benefits that an employee receives in
exchange for the service they perform for their employer. Approximately
93% of the working population in the United States are employees earning a
salary or wage.
Financial Aid.
Unearned Income
income gained through ownership of land and other
Accelerated Depreciation refers to any one of several
methods by which a company, for 'financial accounting' or tax purposes,
depreciates a fixed asset in such a way that the amount of depreciation
taken each year is higher during the earlier years of an asset’s life.
Subsidy is a form of
financial aid or support extended to an
economic sector (or institution, business, or individual) generally with
the aim of promoting economic and social policy.
is the state of being unable to pay the money owed, by a person or
company, on time; those in a state of insolvency are said to be insolvent.
There are two forms: cash-flow insolvency and balance-sheet insolvency.
Free Lunch is a sales enticement that offers a meal at no
cost in order to attract customers and increase revenues from other
Dividends is a payment made by a corporation to its
shareholders, usually as a distribution of
Behind the Brands, change the way the food companies that
make your favorite brands do business.
Cartel -
Prison -
Motive, and OpportunityBlack's Law Dictionary (laws)
Leaks: Tricks of the Trade (youtube)
Power Abuse Films -
Corporations Abuse Films.
If you see
something, say something -
Whistle Blowers
Dereliction of Duty -
Corporate Watchdogs
Grandfather Clause
is a provision in which an old rule continues to apply to some existing
situations while a new rule will apply to all future cases. Those exempt
from the new rule are said to have grandfather rights or acquired rights,
or to have been grandfathered in. Frequently, the exemption is limited; it
may extend for a set time, or it may be lost under certain circumstances.
For example, a "grandfathered power plant" might be exempt from new, more
restrictive pollution laws, but the exception may be revoked and the new
rules would apply if the plant were expanded. Often, such a provision is
used as a compromise or out of practicality, to allow new rules to be
enacted without upsetting a well-established logistical or political
situation. This extends the idea of a rule not being retroactively
applied. The Grandfather Clause it self is outdated.
Above the Law.
Monopolies - Corporate Control
is when a
specific person or enterprise exclusively
controls the supply of
a particular commodity in a way that it
hinders innovation and advances by
killing competition from small businesses. Monopolies can also
people more money for products even though there are
better alternatives for less money.
Monopolies kill small businesses and destroys peoples livelihood, just so
that scumbag
corporate CEO's can
steal more money for themselves, while
they layoff workers and
steal their benefits. Employees and citizens
generate the wealth and then corporate criminals steal it. The U.S. only
pretends to have
free markets. Monopolies costs American consumers
billions of dollars a year.
Corporate Terrorism is the biggest
to the world. And
now corporations are using
Intelligence as a tool to
steal more wealth.
Imagine being able to kill people and you only have to pay a fine,
what or who will stop you from
murdering thousands of people for profit?
Collusion -
Price Gouging
Middlemen -
Killing the
Competition -
Lack of Choice -
Corruption -
Repeat Offenders
Media Monopolies -
Censorship -
Corporate Welfare -
Bailouts -
Capitol Flight -
Predatory Lending -
Kickbacks -
Regulatory Capture -
Debt -
Oligopoly is a state of
limited competition,
in which a market is shared by a
small number of producers or sellers. A
market structure in which a market or industry is dominated by a small
number of large sellers or producers.
Supply and Demand.
Greedy scumbag
corporations are raising food prices. Who is responsible for food
prices in the
supply chain? Who
in the supply chain is responsible for food prices? Studies have found
that corporate profits from
food monopolies account for more than 50 percent of our current
inflation, or
price gouging. Egg and meat
producers, dominated by a handful of multibillion-dollar companies, have
engaged in or are alleged to have engaged in
fixing, further exacerbating any external issues. This is just another
way to
tax people unfairly.
Ozempic maker Novo Nordisk is facing pressure
as a study finds that the $1,000 dollar appetite suppressant can be made for
just $5 dollars.
American Corporations using Child Labor or
Forced Labor in other countries. Almost 100 major brands are suspected
of illegally sourcing products made by
forced labor
in China. If you're buying a car, electronics, clothing, or beverages from
one of dozens of major household names, you could be buying products made
in part by forced labor in the Xinjiang region of China. Too many American
Corporaqtions don't want to comply with the
Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act. President Joe Biden signed the
bill into law after evidence emerged of human-rights abuses committed by
the Chinese government against Uyghur Muslims, including forced labor,
government surveillance, forced sterilization, and reeducation camps. Some
have called the treatment a genocide.
BlackRock and the $15 trillion fund industry should be broken up. What
BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street Are Doing to the Economy.
The Monopoly of
BLACKROCK (youtube)
Industry Concentration is when a
small number of large firms have
dominance over production and sales and make up
for the total production in the market.
Market Concentration (wiki).
Concentration Ratio is used to show the extent of market control of
the largest firms in the industry and to illustrate the degree to which an
industry is oligopolistic, which is a market or industry that is
dominated by a small group of large sellers or
Oligopolies can result from various forms of
collusion that reduce market competition which then typically leads to
higher prices for consumers. Oligopolies have their own market structure.
Justice Department accuses Visa of stifling competition in the debit
card business. The Justice Department sued Visa on Tuesday, accusing the
company of illegally monopolizing the debit card market and therefore
driving up prices for businesses and consumers. The lawsuit, filed in the
Southern District of New York, says Visa handles more than 60% of debit
card transactions in the U.S. and collects more than $7 billion in annual
processing fees. The company allegedly used its market power to stifle
competition and keep fees artificially high, according to the suit.
Mastercard was also accused of using illegal tactics to limit competition
in the debit card market. The company settled a complaint brought by the
Federal Trade Commission last year.
Monopoly Types: Natural monopolies, soft monopolies, governmental
monopolies, technological monopolies, and geographic monopolies. Each type
of monopoly has distinct qualities and arises due to different
Pure Monopoly is
monopolizing public utilities such as gas, electric, water, cable TV, and
local telephone service companies.
Monopolies offer essential goods and services, such as public
utilities. The infrastructure to deliver these goods is expensive to build
and maintain.
Franchised Monopolies is an
exclusive license or patent to a company or individual, shielding them
from competition.
Monopolistic Competition
is a market structure where many producers and consumers exist, and all
firms have some degree of market control. There are few barriers to entry,
so firms can enter the market if they think the profits are attractive
Short-Run Private Companies may
engage in monopoly-like behavior when production has high fixed costs.
This can temporarily allow a single producer to operate on a lower cost
curve than other producers.
big corporations like Aramark, Xanterra and Delaware North, get in the
business of hospitality and concessions management, they choose profit
over service and choose money over people, which means that people suffer
and the environment suffers because of the greedy scumbags who own these corporations.
Corporatization is the process of transforming and restructuring state
assets, government agencies, public organizations, or municipal
organizations into
corporations. It involves the adoption and application
of business management practices and the separation of ownership from
management through the creation of a joint-stock or shareholding structure
for the organization.
Private Sector - Privatization - Commodification
Private Sector is the part of the economy that is owned and operated
by private individuals and groups, rather than the government. The private
sector includes businesses such as banks, insurance companies, real
estate, and investment funds. The private sector is the part of the
economy which is owned by private groups, usually as a means of
establishment for profit or non profit, rather than being owned by the
government. The
private sector is the part of the national
economy that is
not under direct government
control. The private sector is the part of the economy, sometimes
referred to as the
citizen sector, which is owned by private groups,
usually as a means of enterprise for
profit, rather
than being owned by the state. The private sector employs most of the
workforce in some
countries. In private sector, activities are guided by the motive to earn
money. States legally regulate the private sector. Businesses operating
within a country must comply with the
in that country. In free enterprise countries, such as the United States
of America, the private sector is wider, and the state places fewer
constraints on firms. In countries with more government authority, such as
China, the
public sector makes up most of the economy.
There can be negative effects from the private sector. In the early 1980s,
the Corrections Corporation of America pioneered the idea of running
prisons for a profit. Today,
corporate-run prisons hold eight percent of America's inmates. Since
it is from the private sector, their main priority isn't rehabilitation,
but profit. This has resulted in many human rights violations across the
United States.
Privatization is the
process of transferring an enterprise or an industry from the
public sector or from
government control to the private sector.
Privatization is not about selling
lands or transferring
public services
to criminals who want to exploit it at peoples expense and at the expense
of the environment. Important and
services sometimes need to be
subsidized and
and controlled by the public. Important
services should not be privatized
parasitic people who
value money more than people.
Held Company is a business company owned by a relatively small number of shareholders or company
members which does not offer or trade its company stock (shares) to the
general public on the stock market exchanges, but rather the company's
stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately or
over-the-counter. More ambiguous terms for a privately held company are
closely held corporation, unquoted company, and unlisted company.
Private Companies are hard to
regulate or keep under
Control -
Small Government?
Quasi-Public Corporation is a company in the private sector that is
supported by the government with a public mandate to provide a given
service. An apparent or false government.
Commodification of Water refers to the process of transforming
water, especially
freshwater, from a public good into a tradable commodity also known as an
economic good. This transformation introduces
water to previously unencumbered market forces in
the hope of being managed more efficiently as a resource.
Water Trading is
the process of buying and selling
water access
entitlements, also often called
water rights.
The terms of the trade can be either permanent or temporary, depending on
the legal status of the
water rights.
Commodification is the transformation of goods,
services, ideas, nature,
information or people into
commodities or
objects of trade. A
commodity at its most basic, according to Arjun
Appadurai, is "anything intended for exchange," or any object of
economic value. Commodification is often
criticised on the grounds that some things ought not to be treated as
commodities—for example
water, education,
data, information,
knowledge, human life, and animal
life. Human commodity is a term used in case of human organ trade, paid
surrogacy also known as commodification of the womb, and human
trafficking. Slave trade as a form of human trafficking is a form of the
commodification of people. According to Gøsta Esping-Andersen people are
commodified or 'turned into objects' when selling their labour on the
market to an employer.
Private Property is a legal designation for the ownership of property
non-governmental legal entities. Private property is distinguishable
public property, which is
owned by a state entity; and from collective or
cooperative property, which is owned by a group of non-governmental
entities. Private property can be either personal property, consumption
goods or capital goods.
Private property is a legal concept defined and
enforced by a country's political system.
Sovereignty (independence).
Capitalism - Free Market
Capitalism is an
economic system where individuals and
citizens can start their own privately owned business and produce products
provide services in a
free market, instead of being controlled or owned by the state or
by a
government. Capitalism gives individuals a chance to
own their own
property and own businesses
privately, just as long as they follow
regulations and do not commit crimes or abuses. Capitalism was mainly
created to end
feudalism and
slavery and
stop the abuses of the rich and powerful who
systematically raped people of their wealth that they created by their
own hard
work. But
criminals always find ways to commit crimes.
Capitalism is an economic system based on
private ownership
of capital.
Free Market Capitalism is a society in
which an
open market sets
prices for the sole purpose
profits. This type of society operates on the
principles of
supply and demand. Prices
are set, and goods are bought and sold based on the demand of the people.
Free Market is an economic system in which prices are determined
by unrestricted competition between privately owned businesses.
Market Economy is an economic system in which the decisions regarding
investment, production and distribution are guided by the price signals
created by the forces of supply and demand. The major characteristic of a
market economy is the existence of factor markets that play a dominant
role in they allocation of capital and the factors of production.
Cooperative Ownership.
Capitalism is not the problem,
the problem is the
criminals who
manipulate the system and
capitalism for their own
private gains at peoples expense, and at the
expense of the environment. When these
corporate criminals are allowed to
write their own laws and and make
regulations that
destroy competition, and reduces
choices and lowers quality, then there's no real
democracy, it's mostly
fascism. And on top of that,
politicians you vote for end up working for the same corporate
criminals they were supposed to
regulate. They are in a sense
backstabbing traitors at the expense
of every American and at the expense of the environment where they
the water, air and the soil that grows our food. When we allow criminals to use
profit as an excuse to commit crimes against
American citizens, then we have no real democracy, only an illusion of
democracy. But money is not the problem. The problem is an
inadequate education
system and a
corporate controlled media.
It's time to educate people and make changes on how our money is used and
distributed. People forgot how extremely important
education is,
and the
criminals in power know this, they know that
people are the easiest people to
Economic Warfare -
Treason -
Lobbying -
Propaganda -
Offshore Accounts -
Tax Evasion
Wealth Theft -
BonusesScumbag Intelligence is
when college educated people put all their mental effort into
coercion and use smart and
creative ways to
exploit and
manipulate people and the
system for
sociopaths with no empathy. These
scumbags violate every
loophole and
weakness they can find. A company may provide a good
service to customers, but they will also do criminal acts behind the
scenes and use the opportunity to increase their profits at the customers
expense and at the environments expense. When decisions are based on money
and not people, then you become a cancer in society. Big business is
undermining public trust and ethical behavior. Big corporations can make
big mistakes. This is not capitalism, this is people abusing capitalism.
This is not about blaming big business either, this is about the
employees following orders for big business who are driven by greed that ends up abusing
people for money. And corporations do not have real conversations with the
Public Relations is not about
having good
relations, it's more about manipulations. When people are hurt
or abused by a big corporations, it's very difficult for a customer to
remedy the problem or fix the problem. Corporations make it difficult for
customers to file complaints on purpose. This is a business model and a
business practice that is ignorantly taught to corporate workers as a
training method. When corporations fight you and make it difficult for you to
settle grievances, then that's when a corporation turns into a scumbag and
does more harm than good. This is not to say that it's all bad, it's just
that corporations should be held responsible and should at least fix the
bad, and not profit from being a bad. A big business can say that people
in charged are not always aware of what their employees are doing or what
their contractors are doing, but at least address the problem and fix it.
If negative effects are happening, businesses need to correct it. That's
why we have laws. But wealthy scumbags always find away to get around the
law. People must be aware that this
ignorance is at every level of society
because it's a systemic problem. When school educated people commit
crimes, it means that they are still ignorant in a lot of ways. So it's
not knowledge, it's the lack of knowledge. Ignorant criminals and corrupt
people are not representative the human race, or are they examples of
human intelligence. They are just manifestations of ignorance.
Competition - Fairness
Competition Law seeks to maintain
market competition by regulating
anti-competitive conduct by companies. Competition law is implemented
through public and private enforcement.
Lack of Choice.
Anti-Competitive Practices are business or government practices that
unlawfully prevent or
competition in a market.
Anti-trust laws differ among state and federal laws to ensure businesses
do not engage in
practices that harm other, usually smaller, businesses or consumers.
These laws are formed to
promote healthy competition within a free market
by limiting the
abuse of
monopoly power. Competition allows companies to
compete in order for products and services to
improve, and
promote innovation, and
provide a more choices for consumers to preference.
Anticompetitive behavior is
used by business and governments to lessen competition within the markets
so that monopolies and dominant firms can generate
supernormal profits and
deter competitors from the market. Therefore it is heavily regulated and
punishable by law in cases where it substantially affects the market.
Anti-competitive practices are commonly only deemed illegal when the
practice results in a
substantial dampening in competition, hence why for
a firm to be punished for any form of anti-competitive behaviour they
generally need to be a monopoly or a dominant firm in a duopoly or
oligopoly who has significant influence over the market. Anti-competitive
behaviour can be grouped into two classifications. Horizontal restraints
regard anti-competitive behavior that involves competitors at the same
level of the supply chain. These practices include mergers, cartels,
collusions, price-fixing, price discrimination and predatory pricing. On
the other hand, the second category is |vertical restraint which
implements restraints against competitors due to anti-competitive practice
between firms at different levels of the supply chain e.g.
supplier-distributer relationships. These practices include exclusive
dealing, refusal to deal/sell, resale price maintenance and more.
Antitrust Law is a collection of federal and state government
that regulates the conduct and organization of business corporations,
generally to promote fair
competition for the
benefit of consumers. The concept is called
competition law in other English-speaking
countries. The main statutes are the Sherman Act of 1890, the Clayton Act
of 1914 and the Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914. These Acts, first,
restrict the formation of cartels and prohibit other
collusive practices regarded as being in
restraint of trade. Second, they restrict the mergers and acquisitions of
organizations that could substantially lessen competition. Third, they
prohibit the creation of a monopoly and the abuse
of monopoly power. The Federal Trade Commission, the U.S. Department of
Justice, state governments and private parties who are sufficiently
affected may all bring actions in the courts to enforce the antitrust
laws. The scope of antitrust laws, and the degree to which they should
interfere in an enterprise's freedom to conduct business, or to protect
smaller businesses, communities and consumers, are strongly debated. One
view, mostly closely associated with the "Chicago School of economics"
suggests that antitrust laws should focus solely on the benefits to
consumers and overall efficiency, while a broad range of legal and
economic theory sees the role of antitrust laws as also controlling
economic power in the public interest.
Rackets -
Middlemen -
Economic Warfare -
Genocide -
Bureaucracy -
Non-Compete Agreements is a
term between an employer and a worker that
blocks the worker from working for a
competing employer.
Employee agrees not to enter into or start a similar profession or trade
in competition against another party (usually the employer). In the labor
market, these agreements prevent workers from freely moving across
employers, and weaken the bargaining leverage of workers. A noncompetition
agreement, also called a noncompete or a covenant not to compete, is an
agreement where one party promises not to engage in conduct that would
increase competition for the other party for a specific period of time. Some courts refer to these as "
covenants". As a contract provision, a CNC is bound by traditional
contract requirements including the consideration doctrine.
Federal Trade Commission new rule
that would prohibit employers from imposing noncompete agreements on their
workers, a practice it called exploitative and widespread,
affecting some 30 million American workers.
This is widespread and often exploitative practice that suppresses wages,
hampers innovation, and blocks entrepreneurs from starting new businesses.
By stopping this practice, the agency estimates that the new proposed rule
could increase wages by nearly $300 billion per year and expand career
opportunities for about 30 million Americans, who are bound by noncompetes
from joining competing businesses or launching businesses of their own.
The employment noncompete agreements typically prevents workers from
getting a better job with higher wages and better working conditions, all
because greedy
scumbag corporations want
slave labor and they don't want their slaves
running away to get a better life. If you can't take care of your own
employees, you don't deserve them. The one benefit of having competition
was to increase quality, not to impeded progress, but tell that to a
greedy scumbag. So what if a company has an unfair advantage and uses that
advantage to lure workers from a company who does not have the same
advantages? You subsidize the businesses who can't compete with big
businesses, or you stop big business from killing the competition who use
their wealth advantages to gain control, like monopolies do. We have a
corrupt system controlled by wealthy scumbags who write their own rules
that benefit them, but not workers. Noncompete as basically the same thing
union busting.
It's all about greedy scumbags taking advantage of hard working people.
Getting ride of noncompetes could lead to wage increases totaling nearly
$300 billion per year and the creation of 8,500 new businesses per year,
once workers can freely pursue new opportunities without the fear of being
taken to court by their employers. What if divorce was illegal? What if
professional sport athletes had noncompetes? Would that be fair?
Corporations have been killing the competition for years, and not for the
workers benefit or for the consumers benefit or for the planets benefit,
only to benefit the greedy scumbags at the top. These psychopaths will eat
their own children for profit. And they're doing just that. They are not
prolife, they are pro money.
Predatory Product is goods or
services are priced at a very low price point to drive out the
Predatory pricing is the
lowering of prices by a company specifically to
put rival firms out of business. Predatory pricing is a method in
which a seller sets a
price so low that other
suppliers cannot compete and are forced to exit the market. A
company that does this will see initial losses, but eventually, it
benefits by driving competitors out of the market and
raising its prices again. If you had a
competitor that was selling a TV at $100, and you sold the same TV at $80
(while taking a loss) because you knew they couldn't beat your price,
you're enacting in predatory pricing. This is illegal in many countries
and is treated very harshly by many justice systems. Amazon has
consistently engaged in predatory pricing — selling products and services
below cost to kill off competitors and expand its market share. Predatory
pricing is a pricing strategy, using the method of
undercutting on a larger scale, where a dominant firm in an
industry will deliberately reduce the prices of a product or service to
loss-making levels in the short-term. The aim is that existing or
potential competitors within the industry will be
forced to leave the market, as they are unable to effectively
compete with the dominant firm without making a loss. Once competition has
been eliminated, the dominant firm now having a majority share of the
market can raise its prices to monopoly levels in the long-term to recoup
its losses. The difference between predatory pricing and competitive
pricing is during the recouping phase of lost profits by the dominant firm
charging higher prices. With there being less firms in the market causing
consumers to have fewer choices between products or services, these higher
prices result in consumer harm. Predatory pricing usually causes consumer
harm and is considered anti-competitive in many jurisdictions making the
practice illegal under some competition laws.
Antitrust Exemption prevents Major
League Baseball from being sued for federal antitrust violations. Unless
Congress removes the exemption, baseball owners make any decisions they
want and they can't be sued for them on antitrust grounds. Antitrust laws
are designed to prevent restrained trade in interstate commerce. However,
there are several antitrust
that were covered under the Clayton Act of 1914. The two most important
aspects of the exemptions are the labor exemption that covers labor unions
from being defined as
monopolies and the
non-statutory labor exemption that protects union activity as being
defined as antitrust.
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 is a United States antitrust law that
regulates competition among enterprises, which broadly prohibits (1)
anticompetitive agreements and (2) unilateral conduct that monopolizes or
attempts to monopolize the relevant market. The Act authorizes the
Department of Justice to bring suits to enjoin (i.e. prohibit) conduct
violating the Act, and additionally authorizes private parties injured by
conduct violating the Act to bring suits for treble damages (i.e. three
times as much money in damages as the violation cost them). Over time, the
federal courts have developed a body of law under the Sherman Act making
certain types of anticompetitive conduct per se illegal, and subjecting
other types of conduct to case-by-case analysis regarding whether the
conduct unreasonably restrains trade. The law attempts to prevent the
artificial raising of prices by restriction of trade or supply. "Innocent
monopoly", or monopoly achieved solely by merit, is perfectly legal, but
acts by a monopolist to artificially preserve that status, or nefarious
dealings to create a monopoly, are not. The purpose of the Sherman Act is
not to protect competitors from harm from legitimately successful
businesses, nor to prevent businesses from gaining honest profits from
consumers, but rather to preserve a competitive marketplace to protect
consumers from abuses.
The Consumer Welfare
Standard generally states that overall consumer welfare and
economic efficiency should be the main criterion regulators look to when
evaluating a merger or alleged anticompetitive behavior. Big is OK, so
long as no consumers are harmed. This is when corporations lie, because
people always get harmed by big greedy corporations. Name one monopoly that turned out to be a good
idea that benefited society.
I rest my case.
Rule of Reason
is a legal doctrine used to interpret the Sherman Antitrust Act, one of
the cornerstones of United States antitrust law. While some actions like
price-fixing are considered illegal per se,
other actions, such as possession of a monopoly, must be analyzed under
the rule of reason and are only considered illegal when their effect is to
unreasonably restrain trade.
Rule of Reason Standard vs. Consumer Welfare Standard Antitrust Basics.
Middle Men - Price Gouging
Middle Man is someone
who buys large quantities of goods and resells to merchants rather than to
the ultimate customers.
Front Men.
Price Gouging referring to when a
seller increases the prices of
goods, services or commodities to a level
much higher than is considered
reasonable or
fair, and is considered
exploitative, potentially to an
unethical extent. Usually this event occurs after a demand or
shock. Common examples include price increases of basic necessities after
hurricanes or other natural disasters.
Supply and Demand can also be
Price Gouging starts at the top by
big corporations, which forces most small
businesses to raise prices, with some businesses doing their own
trickle down price gouging. Mostly because
monkey see monkey do. Small criminals
love to mimic the big
corporate criminals. If we had
criminals at the top, we would have
no criminals at the bottom. Little brother is
watching the big brother,
and not just the other way around.
Puppet Masters -
Scams -
Economic Warfare
Inflation Excuse
Market Value -
Private Equity -
Rent Price Fixing
Price Fixing is where
companies collude to set prices,
effectively dismantling the free market. An agreement between participants on the
same side in a market to buy or sell a product, service, or commodity only
at a
fixed price, or maintain the market conditions such that the price is
maintained at a given level by controlling supply and demand.
Realpage Rent software Raises Rent -
Cendyn Price Fixing Software -
AI Fears
There have been many lawsuits against big corporations because they
over charging customers, which is no
surprise, because these greedy scumbags are always busy looking for ways
to steal more money for themselves.
Dynamic Pricing is another word for price gouging. Dynamic pricing is
a type of price discrimination and is an approach whereby ecommerce store
owners change the price of their products based on a number of different
factors. Dynamic Pricing is used by a major grocery chain Kroger to
vary prices depending on your income.
Tickets is the act of buying tickets before they are sold to the
public and then reselling the tickets for admission to events for a much
higher price.
Scalper is a person who resells shares or
tickets at a large or quick
profit, usually at the expense of the buyer
and at the expense of the performer.
ticket brokers with multiple accounts can buy up all the tickets.
Scalping is
profiting off small price changes, generally
after a trade is executed and becomes profitable. It requires a trader to
have a strict exit strategy because one large loss could eliminate the
many small gains the trader worked to obtain.
General Maximum or Law of the Maximum, was
a law that set price
limits, deterred price gouging, and allowed for the continued flow of food
Medicine Price Gouging -
Wage Theft -
Middlemen Scamming Solar Power
Insider Trading -
Fees makes 11
Billion dollars a year. Check Cashing industry makes 36 Billion dollars a
year. Pay Loan Industry makes 9 Billion dollars a year. Late fees, cash
bail, ticket fees and fines, the list goes on and on. Greedy scumbags are
very busy.
Sticker Shock is a disturbing reaction to a price increase of a
product that had previously been marked with a lower price that was fair.
Redlining is the
systematic denial of various services by
federal government agencies, local governments as well as the private
sector either directly or through the
raising of prices. Neighborhoods with high proportion of minority
residents are more likely to be redlined than other neighborhoods with
similar household incomes, housing age and type, and other determinants of
risk, but different racial composition. While the best known examples of
redlining have involved denial of financial services such as banking or
insurance, other services such as health care (see also Race and health)
or even
supermarkets have been denied to
residents. In the case of retail businesses like supermarkets,
purposely locating stores impractically far away from targeted residents
results in a redlining effect. Reverse redlining occurs when a lender or
insurer particularly targets minority consumers in a non-redlined area,
not to deny them loans or insurance, but to charge them more than would be
charged to a similarly situated white consumer. In the 1960s, sociologist
John McKnight coined the term "redlining" to describe the discriminatory
practice of fencing off areas where banks would avoid investments based on
community demographics. During the heyday of redlining, the areas most
frequently discriminated against were black inner city neighborhoods. For
example, in Atlanta in the 1980s, a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of
articles by investigative reporter Bill Dedman showed that banks would
often lend to lower-income whites but not to middle-income or upper-income
blacks. The use of blacklists is a related mechanism also used by
redliners to keep track of groups, areas, and people that the
discriminating party feels should be denied business or aid or other
transactions. In the academic literature, redlining falls under the
broader category of credit rationing.
Pharmacy Benefit Managers act as
for insurance providers and pharmaceutical companies. They create and
maintain lists or formularies of prescription medications that are
available through a particular insurance plan. A pharmacy benefit manager
is a
third-party administrator of
prescription drug programs for commercial health plans. There are
conflicts of interest and these companies
driving local drugstores out of business by systematically profiting
and underpaying independent drugstores, creating pharmacy deserts. These middlemen
never have to explain their reasoning. They are like a black box filled
with lies and deceit, which is why they don't want you to know what they
do, besides skim money from the system.
Scarcity is the fundamental
economic problem of resources
being limited in amount but desired in a seemingly infinite amount.
Scarcity causes society to have insufficient productive resources to
fulfill all human wants and needs.
Supply and Demand -
Artificial Scarcity is the scarcity of items that exists even though
either the technology for production or the sharing capacity exists to
create a theoretically limitless or at least greater quantity of
production than currently exists. The most common causes are
pricing structures, such as those enabled by laws that
competition or by high fixed costs in a particular marketplace. The
inefficiency associated with artificial scarcity is formally known as a
deadweight loss.
The only thing that's scarce is our
access to the
necessary information and knowledge that we desperately need.
The only thing that
trickled down was ignorance, corruption, pollution, disease,
suffering and death.
Supply Chain.
Artificial Demand constitutes demand for something that, in the
absence of exposure to the vehicle of creating demand, would not exist. It
has controversial applications in microeconomics, such as with the
pump and dump strategy
Congestion Pricing or congestion charges is a system of surcharging
users of public goods that are subject to congestion through excess
demand, such as through higher peak charges for use of bus services,
electricity, metros, railways, telephones, and road pricing to reduce
traffic congestion; airlines and shipping companies may be charged higher
fees for slots at airports and through canals at busy times. Advocates
claim this pricing strategy regulates demand, making it possible to manage
congestion without increasing supply.
There is nothing wrong with being a middle man,
its just that too many middlemen are
scumbags who
profit from
other peoples work, and forces
consumers to pay higher prices, just so they
can steal money like a
scam or a
ponzi scheme
does. We're
not talking about good people providing services, or is this about
services or
third parties, we're talking about
parasites who
add no value to the world.
Middle Men who
make money at the expense of the worker
and the
environment, and at the expense
of the buyer, are scumbags. If you victimize people and pollute the planet
for money, then you're an asshole. There is nothing in the definition of
capitalism that says you have to be a
parasitic leach in order
to make a living. It's obvious that we just can't have laws that tell
people what is bad and what is wrong, we need an education system and a
media system that explains to all people why some things are considered
bad and wrong. There is no threat of punishment from the law or from God
will that will ever be as effective as an educated person with an educated
mind. When you learn to have common sense and learn to understand valid
reasoning, and when you understand right from wrong and good from bad, you
will not need to be threatened when your ignorant behavior starts causing
problems for other people, this time, all you need to do is just learn
from your mistake and share this knowledge with other people. So instead
of wasting all that time, people, money and resources just to punish
people for their ignorance, we could just be educating people on how not
to be ignorant, which would benefit society in several ways, and also
solve almost every problem that we suffer from. It is simple the best
return for the
investment known to man. You could easily say this is a
no brainer, but we would first
have to educate brains to understand what understanding means. It's only a
no brainer when the person has a brain and knows how to use it.
Shipping is a
supply chain
management method in which
the retailer does
not keep goods in stock but instead transfers its customer's orders
and shipment details to either the manufacturer, another retailer, or a
wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. As in
retail business, the majority of retailers make their
profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail price.
Cheap Products -
Knock Offs (counterfeits).
is the practice of taking advantage of a price difference between two or
more markets.
Wholesaling is the resale or sale without transformation of new and
used goods to retailers.
purchases goods or services with the intention of selling them rather than
consuming or using them. This is usually done for
is the process of selling consumer goods or services to customers through
multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit.
Skimming Device is a piece of equipment
attach over card readers at ATMs, self-service payment kiosks, or other
point of sale equipment. A skimmer is a card reader that can be disguised
to look like part of an ATM.
The skimmer attachment collects card numbers and PIN codes, which are
then replicated into counterfeit cards. Skimming is the
type of fraud that occurs when an ATM is compromised by a skimmer.
Skimming occurs when devices illegally installed on or inside ATMs,
point-of-sale or POS terminals, or fuel pumps capture card data and record
cardholders’ PIN entries, if applicable. Criminals use the data to create
fake payment cards and then make unauthorized purchases or steal from
victims' accounts. It is estimated that
costs financial institutions and consumers more than $1 billion each
year. Phishing is one of the most common methods used to steal personal
Offshoring -
Tax Evasion -
Laundering -
Dummy Corporations
Straw Purchase is when someone buys something on behalf of someone
else who is unable or prohibited from making the purchase themselves. The
term comes from the legal term "straw man," which refers to someone who
holds property for a transaction but has no interest in owning it. In the
context of firearms, a straw purchase is when someone buys a gun for
someone who is legally prohibited from owning one, or for someone who
doesn't want their name associated with the transaction. Straw purchases
are a federal crime and can result in up to 10 years in prison and a fine
of up to $250,000. Some signs that a straw purchase may be taking place
include inconsistent or false information, the buyer is hesitant to answer
questions about their intentions, the buyer seems to be rushing the
transaction, the buyer is pushing another person to complete the
Straw Man is a figure not intended to have a genuine beneficial
interest in a property, to whom such property is nevertheless conveyed in
order to facilitate a transaction.
Owner is a person who owns property legally or has the legal
appearance of owning something but does so on behalf of another, sometimes
for a fee, and typically solely to hide the identity of the effective
owner. Most instances of straw ownership are legal, but the arrangement is
sometimes made for nefarious, illegal purposes.
Straw Deed is when
two deeds are filed in quick succession, the first from Party A to Party B
and then the second from Party B back to Party A. This is used to sidestep
legal restrictions of sales between spouses or joint owners, or to
incorporate a new survey description. Party B is a trusted intermediary,
either a close friend or an attorney.
This does
not mean that all straw purchases bad. Someone could be purchasing
groceries for senior citizens who are unable to go to supermarkets
themselves because of poor health or financing an automobile for someone
who cannot obtain a loan because of poor credit. In some cases, the agent
in the straw purchase may receive money or recompense from the ultimate
possessor. Obtaining loans through a straw buyer is legal except when the
agent and ultimate user of the funds defraud the lender or foreseeable
ultimate lender, such as by signing false mortgage documents designed to
be mingled with other mortgages and securitized, or when the loan terms
expressly prohibit use of an agent to obtain funds.
Mergers - Buyouts - Killing the Competition
State polity is a political organization with a
centralized government that
maintains a
monopoly by use of force within a certain geographical
Racket -
Competition Killing -
Oligopoly consists of
a few entities dominating an industry, which has the same negative effects
as a monopoly.
Conglomerate is the
combination of two or more corporations
engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate
group, usually involving a parent company and many subsidiaries. Often, a
conglomerate is a multi-industry company. Conglomerates are often large
and multinational.
List of
Conglomerates (wiki).
Media Conglomerate is
a company
that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such
as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the
Internet. Media conglomerates strive for policies that facilitate their
control of the markets around the world.
Consolidation in business is the merger and
acquisition of many
smaller companies into a few much larger ones. In the context of financial
accounting, consolidation refers to the aggregation of financial
statements of a group company as consolidated financial statements. The
taxation term of consolidation refers to the treatment of a group of
companies and other entities as one entity for tax purposes.
Mergers and
Acquisitions are transactions in which the
ownership of companies, other business organizations or their operating
units are
transferred or combined. As an aspect of strategic management,
M&A can allow enterprises to grow, shrink, change the nature of their
business or competitive position.
Merger in
law is an absorption of one estate, or one contract, into another, both
being held by the same person. The combination of two or more commercial
Subsumed is to include or absorb
something in something else.
is the purchase of one company by another company, or the acquisition of a
public company whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, in contrast to
acquisition of a private company. A
reverse takeover is a type of takeover
where a public company acquires a private company.
Backflip takeover is any sort of takeover in which the acquiring
company turns itself into a subsidiary of the purchased company.
Subsidiary is
a company owned or
controlled by another company,
which is called the parent company or holding company.
Hostile Takeover is when a company or
activist shareholder tries to gain control of a target company by
sidestepping the company's management and
board of directors, and going directly to its shareholders, or if it's a
country, the
voters and
most representatives are ignored while the
wealthy corporations take control. A hostile takeover allows a bidder to
take over a target company whose management is unwilling to agree to a
merger or takeover. The party who initiates a hostile takeover bid
approaches the shareholders directly, as opposed to seeking approval from
officers or directors of the company.
Private Equity typically refers to investment funds, generally
organized as
limited partnerships, that
buy and
restructure companies that are not publicly traded. Private equity
is, strictly speaking, a type of equity and one of the asset classes
consisting of equity securities and debt in operating companies that are
not publicly traded on a stock exchange. However, the term has come to be
used to describe the business of taking a company into private ownership
in order to restructure it before selling it again at a hoped-for profit.
A private equity investment will generally be made by a private equity
firm, a venture capital firm or an angel investor. Each of these
categories of investors has its own set of goals, preferences and
investment strategies; however, all provide working capital to a target
company to nurture expansion, new-product development, or restructuring of
the company’s operations, management, or ownership.
Leveraged Buyout
is a financial transaction in which a company is purchased with a
combination of equity and debt, such that the company's cash flow is the
collateral used to secure and repay the borrowed money. The use of debt,
which normally has a lower cost of capital than equity, serves to reduce
the overall cost of financing the acquisition. The cost of debt is lower
because interest payments often reduce corporate income tax liability,
whereas dividend payments normally do not. This reduced cost of financing
allows greater gains to accrue to the equity, and, as a result, the debt
serves as a lever to increase the returns to the equity.
Layoff is the temporary suspension or permanent termination
employment of an employee or, more commonly, a group of employees
(collective layoff) for business reasons, such as personnel management or
downsizing an organization.
Breaking up monopolies doesn't
work, you have to stop corruption and stop criminals from exploiting
Scott Galloway Says Amazon, Apple, Facebook, And Google should be broken
up (youtube)
It is illegal to change
your name to escape a criminal past. You will have to certify that
you have not been convicted of a felony. Often, you will have to certify
that you have not been
convicted of a
felony. But even if you have a criminal record, you still may be able
to change your name, but the process is more complex and will take longer.
You must certify to the court that you have no criminal record or no
record of a felony conviction. If you do, you can still petition for the
name change, but the clerk will run a thorough background check, which
involves additional time and expense. In some states, like Minnesota, you
must serve a copy of the petition on the state, federal or local authority
that convicted you. Corporations are getting away with murder.
Scumbag corporations can change their names to
escape lawsuits. They either close business or change business name
before lawsuit to prevent potential claims from criminal negligence. By
filing a document called “
Articles of Amendment,”
an LLC or corporation can request to change the name of the business. When
approved, it means your company will operate under its new name.
When a judgment is entered against a business,
the business owners will sometimes form a new business entity, open a bank
account in the name of the new business, and transfer the equipment and
other assets of the old business to the new business. The owners will then
simply continue to operate the business under the name of the new entity.
They mistakenly believe that because the judgment is against the old
business, the judgment creditor cannot seize the assets of the new
Missouri’s Fraudulent Transfer Act.
Transfers fraudulent with
actual intent to hinder, delay, or defraud any creditor of the debtor.
Monopolistic Competition is a type of imperfect
such that many producers sell products that are differentiated from one
another (e.g. by branding or quality) and hence are not perfect
Monopoly is a Stupid Board Game because it teaches you very little
about reality. It kind of resembles the money game in real life where most
people don't even get to roll the dice, and the people who get to roll the
dice, can change the numbers so they always land where they want to. The
game is rigged by cheaters, cheaters who want to learn how to be
scumbag landlords?
Corporations are not always the true source of all
the crimes and corruption being committed by corporations. Most
corporations are just
conforming to
the ignorance that has been passed down to them by
propaganda. Criminals have
exploited capitalism for over a hundred years, only because they were able
to use the money and wealth they've stolen to manipulate people and to
manipulate the system, like a self feeding cancer. This century will see
the end of these abuses and criminal acts. "Workers and people of the
world will finally unite." It all came down to people being more aware and
more informed.
Allegory of the Cave
will disappear and the
awakening will follow.
Supply and Demand is sometimes another word for
theft and
Dumping is when a company sells a product in
a competitive market at a loss. Though the company loses money for each
sale, the company hopes to force other competitors out of the market,
after which the company would be free to raise prices for a greater
Exclusive dealing, where a retailer
or wholesaler is obliged by contract to only purchase from the contracted
Refusal to deal, e.g., two
companies agree not to use a certain vendor.
Dividing territories, an agreement by two companies to stay out of
each other's way and reduce competition in the agreed-upon territories.
Limit pricing, where the price is set by a
monopolist at a level intended to discourage entry into a market. (Ex.
Tying, where products that
aren't naturally related must be purchased together.
Resale price maintenance, where resellers
are not allowed to set prices independently.
Religious - minority group doctrine, where businesses must apply
tribute to a significant (normally religious) part of the community in
order to engage in trade with that community. (A business that does not
comply will be 50% worse off than the competitor if they do not comply
with the tribute demanded by just 20% of the community).
Barriers to Entry is a cost that must be incurred by a new entrant
into a market that incumbents do not have or have not had to incur.
Because barriers to entry protect incumbent firms and
restrict competition
in a market, they can contribute to distortionary prices and are therefore
most important when discussing antitrust policy. Barriers to entry often
cause or aid the existence of
monopolies or give companies market
Restraint of
Trade is defined as a legal contract between a buyer and a seller of a
business, or between an employer and employee, that prevents the seller or
employee from
engaging in a similar business within a specified
geographical area and within a specified period.
Market -
Rackets -
Shadow Market
Secret Market -
Illegal Tree Cutting -
Loopholes are ways that
criminals exploit a system or
circumvent laws to steal money. It's an ambiguity or inadequacy in a
system, such as a law or security, which can be used to circumvent or
otherwise avoid the purpose, implied or explicitly stated, of the system.
Loopholes are searched for and used strategically in a variety of
circumstances, including taxes, elections, politics, the criminal justice
system, or in breaches of security, or a response to one's civil
Bribes -
Blackmail -
Tax Evasion
Collusion is an
agreement between two or more parties, sometimes illegal and therefore
secretive, to limit open competition by
deceiving, misleading, or defrauding others of their legal rights, or to
obtain an objective forbidden by law typically by
defrauding or gaining an unfair market
advantage. It is an agreement among firms or individuals to divide a
market, set prices, limit production or limit opportunities. It can
involve "wage fixing, kickbacks, or misrepresenting the independence of
the relationship between the colluding parties". In legal terms, all acts
effected by collusion are considered void.
It's not so bad that people become extremely wealthy, because
people become wealthy for doing good things, what's the most damaging
thing is,
what rich people do with their money.
It's bad enough knowing that some peoples work causes more harm then good,
but if you cause even more harm and even more damage with the money you
made from the original damage, then that is just total disregard for life.
The gift of life that you received is not supposed to be used as a weapon
against life itself, yet here we are. WTF is happening?
false utopia is
depending on just
capitalism, because it's a flawed system that is too
easily corrupted, abused and misunderstood, it's a Dead End,
shell game that in the end, you realize that there was never
anything under any of the shells, it was all an
illusion, a
manipulation of reality, a system of control and a
ponzi scheme, which pays returns to its investors from new
capital paid to the operators by new investors, rather than from profit
earned through legitimate sources.
Musical Chairs is a game of elimination involving players, chairs, and
music, with one fewer chair than players. When the music stops whichever
player fails to land on a chair is eliminated, with a chair then being
removed and the process repeated until only one player remains. It is also
a metaphor.
Right now I'm at the bottom of a
pyramid scheme called the exploitation of capitalism,
but at least I'm not alone.
Corporate Terrorism is the use of
corporate status to commit crimes and to be involved with criminal
activity. Some corporate leaders are not complying with the law or
adhering to the constitution. This is a clear example of what happens when
people are
allowed to be above the law. We are allowing the biggest
killers and the biggest polluters to profit from their crimes. Like any
drug addict, if you keep rewarding corporate abuse, they will continue to
abuse, which makes this a clear threat to human existence. People need to
stand up against this threat, but they first have to learn that this
threat exists, which means that reality will not be what people thought it
was. Realizing problems that you never knew existed or realizing problems
that you were not prepared for, can be overwhelming. But as soon as you learn
about your options and your choices, this problem becomes just one more
decision that you will have to make today. We have responsibilities. And
we have to choose to do the responsibilities that are the most important.
And that will be your first decision, deciding what are the most important
things? If you can't be accurate with your priorities, then your list of
things to do will be mostly random and unimportant.
Rackets - Crimes for Profit
Racket is is an
illegal enterprise
carried on for
is a type of work that is
fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for
a problem that
does not actually exist, that will not be put into effect,
or that would not otherwise exist if the racket did not exist.
War Racket -
Drug War Racket -
Cancer Racket -
Media Racket -
Prison Racket -
Healthcare Racket -
Religion Racket -
Cults -
Monopolies -
Price Gouging
Middle Men -
Economic Warfare -
Black Markets
Bubbles -
Racketeer is someone who commits crimes for
profit, especially one who obtains money by
fraud or
extortion. Carry on
illegal business activities involving crime.
Racketeering is being involved and participating in a racket.
Bribery -
Bonuses -
Loopholes -
Inside Job -
White Collar Crimes -
Protection Racket is a
scheme whereby a group
provides protection to businesses or other groups through violence outside
the sanction of the law. In other words, it is a racket that sells
security, traditionally physical security but now also computer security.
Through the credible threat of violence, the racketeers deter people from
swindling, robbing, injuring, sabotaging or otherwise harming their
clients. Protection rackets tend to appear in markets in which the police
and judiciary cannot be counted on to provide legal protection, because of
incompetence (as in weak or failed states) or illegality (black markets).
Protection rackets are indistinguishable in practice from extortion
rackets and distinguishable from private security by some degree of
implied threat that the racketeers themselves may attack the business if
it fails to pay for their protection. A distinction is possible between a
"pure" extortion racket in which the racketeers might agree only not to
attack a business and a broader protection racket offering some real
private security in addition to such extortion. The criminals might agree
to defend a business from any attack by either themselves or third parties
(other criminal gangs). However, that distinction is moot in reality, as
extortion racketeers may have to defend their clients against rival gangs
to maintain their profits. By corollary, criminal gangs may have to
maintain control of territories (turfs), as local businesses may collapse
if forced to pay for protection from too many rackets, which then hurts
all parties involved. Certain scholars, such as Diego Gambetta, classify
criminal organizations engaged in protection racketeering as "mafia", as
the racket is popular with both the Sicilian Mafia and Italian-American Mafia.
Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws"
Baron M.A. Rothschild.
is a criminal act of
coercion or
intimidation for personal
gain. Shakedown also a colloquial term for an inspection for contraband
inside a
Looting is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force. Also
referred to as sacking, ransacking, plundering, despoiling, despoliation,
and pillaging.
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States
federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil
cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal
organization. Under
RICO, a person who has
committed "at least two acts of racketeering activity" drawn from a list
of 35 crimes (27 federal crimes and eight state crimes) within a 10-year
period can be charged with racketeering if such acts are related in one of
four specified ways to an "enterprise." Those found guilty of racketeering
can be fined up to $25,000 and sentenced to 20 years in prison per
racketeering count. In August 2023, the District Attorney of Fulton
County, Georgia, Fani Willis, filed charges under the Georgia RICO act
Donald Trump and parties
involved, including Rudy Giuliani. The (Georgia) law contains a list of 40
state crimes or acts that together can be classified as 'racketeering
schemes.' It is broader than the federal law in that attempting,
soliciting, coercing, and intimidating another person to commit any of the
offenses can also be considered organized crime.
Crony Capitalism
arises when business
cronyism and related
self-serving behavior by
businesses or businesspeople spills over into politics and government, or
self-serving friendships and
family ties between businessmen and the
government influence the economy and society to the extent that it
corrupts public-serving economic and political ideals. Cronyism is an
economic system in which businesses thrive
not as
a result of free enterprise, but rather as a return on money
amassed through
collusion between a business
class and the political class. This is often achieved by the manipulation
of relationships with state power by business interests
rather than unfettered competition in
obtaining permits, government grants,
tax breaks,
or other forms of state intervention over resources where business
interests exercise undue influence over the state's deployment of public
goods, for example, mining concessions for primary commodities or
contracts for public works. Money is then made not merely by making a
profit in the market, but through
profiteering by
rent seeking using this
monopoly or oligopoly.
Entrepreneurship and innovative practices which seek to reward risk are
stifled since the value-added is little by crony businesses, as hardly
anything of significant value is created by them, with transactions taking
the form of trading. Crony capitalism spills over into the government, the
politics, and the media, when this nexus distorts the economy and affects
society to an extent it corrupts public-serving economic, political, and
social ideals.
Uber aggressively
pushed into markets around the world, the ride-sharing service lobbied
political leaders to relax labor and taxi laws, used a "
switch'' to thwart regulators and law enforcement, channeled money
through Bermuda and other
tax havens and
considered portraying violence against its drivers as a way to gain public
sympathy, according to a report released Sunday July 10, 2022. The
International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists, a nonprofit network of investigative
reporters, scoured internal Uber texts, emails, invoices and other
documents to deliver what it called "an unprecedented look into the ways
Uber defied taxi laws and upended workers' rights.'Uber used "
technology'' to fend off government investigations. The company,
for example, used a "kill switch'' that cut access to Uber servers and
blocked authorities from grabbing evidence during raids in at least six
countries. During a police raid in Amsterdam, the Uber Files reported,
former Uber CEO Travis Kalanick personally issued an order: "Please hit
the kill switch ASAP ... Access must be shut down in AMS (Amsterdam). The
Uber Files say the company cut its tax bill by millions of dollars by
sending profits through Bermuda and other tax havens, then sought to
deflect attention from its tax liabilities by helping authorities collect
taxes from its drivers.
Vested interest is when groups seek to
control a social system or activity from which they derive private benefit
at other peoples expense.
Hierarchical Organization
(structure) -
Corporate Titles
Crime Boss is a person in charge of a criminal organization.
President is the elected head of state and
head of government. (but
only corporations have presidents?)
Crime refers to crimes committed either by a corporation
(i.e., a business entity having a separate legal personality from the
natural persons that manage its activities), or by individuals acting on
behalf of a corporation or other business entity.
Organized Crime
is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly
centralized enterprises run by criminals who intend to engage in illegal
activity, most commonly for money and
profit. Some criminal organizations,
such as
terrorist groups, are
politically motivated. Sometimes criminal organizations force people to do
business with them, such as when a gang
extorts money from shopkeepers for
so-called "protection". Gangs may become disciplined enough to be
considered organized. A criminal organization or gang can also be referred
to as a mafia, mob, or crime syndicate; the network, subculture and
community of criminals may be referred to as the underworld.
Cartel is an agreement between competing firms to
control prices or exclude entry of a new competitor in a market. It is a
formal organization of sellers or buyers that agree to fix selling prices,
purchase prices, or reduce production using a variety of tactics.
Blue Mafia -
Syndicate is a self-organizing group of individuals,
companies, corporations or entities formed to transact some specific
business, to pursue or promote a shared interest. A self-coordinating
group. A similar group of gangsters engaged in organized crime. A chain of
newspapers, or an agency that distributes features to multiple newspapers.
The office or jurisdiction of a syndic; a council or body of syndics.
Gang is a group of
friends or members of a family with a defined leadership and internal
organization that identifies with or claims control over territory in a
community and engages, either individually or collectively, in illegal,
and possibly violent, behavior.
Baby Gang
is a group of teenage delinquents.
The System is Rigged just like the
Claw Machines are Rigged. | Observatory #8 (youtube)
Gaming the System
refers to as gaming the rules, bending the rules, abusing the
system, cheating the system, milking the system, playing the system, or
working the system) can be defined as using the rules and procedures meant
to protect a system in order, instead, to manipulate the system for a desired outcome.
Mario Savio: The Operation of the Machine (youtube)
The Empire Files: The Tyranny of Big Oil (youtube 28:25 mins.) - Son of a Snake Oil Salesman.
Racism and Capitalism Syllabus (PDF)
Paycheck Protection Program
Racket. At least a dozen lawmakers have ties to organizations that
received federal coronavirus aid, according to newly released government
data, highlighting how Washington insiders were both author and
beneficiary of one of the biggest government programs in U.S. history.
Under pressure from Congress and outside groups, the Trump administration
this week disclosed the names of some loan recipients in the $659 billion
Paycheck Protection Program, launched in April to help smaller businesses
keep Americans employed during the pandemic. Connections to lawmakers, and
the organizations that work to influence them, were quickly apparent.
Shipping business started by Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao’s
family. Chao is married to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Car
dealerships owned by at least three Republican House members — Reps. Roger
Williams of Texas, Vern Buchanan of Florida and Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania
— received money. So, too, did fast-food franchises owned by Rep. Kevin
Hern, R-Okla., a law firm owned by the husband of Sen. Jeanne Shaheen,
D-N.H., and the former law firm of Rep. Matt Cartwright, D-Pa., which
employs his wife. Money also flowed to a farming and equipment business
owned by the family of Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., and a regional casino
company led by the husband of Rep. Susie Lee, D-Nev. Hundreds of millions
of dollars also flowed to political consultants, opposition research
shops, law firms, advocacy organizations and trade associations whose work
is based around influencing government and politics. While voting,
lobbying and ultimately benefiting from legislation aren't illegal,
advocates say the blurred lines risk eroding public trust in the federal
pandemic response as Congress begins debating yet another round of
coronavirus relief. As of June 30, the Treasury Department program had
handed out $521 billion to industries including manufacturing,
construction, restaurants and hotels. Treasury identified just a fraction
of the total borrowers Monday, naming only companies that got more than
$150,000. Those firms made up less than 15% of the nearly 5 million small
companies and organizations that received assistance. Many of the
lawmakers connected to loan awards emphasized they weren't part of the
application process. The Shaheen & Gordon law firm in Dover, New
Hampshire, got a loan of $1 million to $2 million. The firm is owned by
Jeanne Shaheen’s husband, William Shaheen. A title company partially owned
by William Shaheen got a $160,000 loan and a half dozen companies he
partially owns or another relative owns got loans, below $150,000. Four
car dealerships owned by Kelly received $600,000 to $1.4 million. Mike
Kelly Automotive Group, Mike Kelly Automotive LP and Mike Kelly Hyundai
and Kelly Chevrolet-Cadillac, all near Pittsburgh, received the money. A
spokesman for Kelly said he wasn't part of the loan application and isn't
involved in the operations of the dealerships, in accordance with ethics
rules. Williams, who had a net worth of over $27 million in 2018, received
a loan for his Roger Williams Chrysler Dodge Jeep dealership in
Weatherford, Texas. Williams is president and CEO of JRW Corp. of Fort
Worth, which is listed as receiving a loan of $1 million to $2 million.
"Like every other company who accepted a small business loan, our business
qualified under law and regulation, and today over 100 of our employees
are grateful that we did,'' Williams said in a statement. Buchanan, whose
net worth is estimated at $74 million, received three loans for car
dealerships totaling $2.7 million to $7 million. He told the Tampa Bay
Times that he hoped any eligible small business "would use the program to
make sure their workers continued to get paid during this difficult
period.” At least five car dealerships owned by the husband of Rep. Carol
Miller, R-W.Va., also received loans, each ranging from $350,000 to $1
million, the data show. A California hotel partially owned by the husband
of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as well as a Full House Resorts, a Las
Vegas-based casino company led by Lee's husband, Daniel, got two loans
totaling $5.6 million, according to the Securities and Exchange
Commission. The company said the funds would be used to rehire several
hundred employees and prepare to reopen two casinos in Indiana and
Colorado. Two wineries tied to Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and an Iowa
farm run by his family received loans worth at least $2 million. The
wineries got separate loans worth $1 million to $2 million, and an Iowa
dairy farm that is tied to his relatives received $150,000 to $350,000.
Three companies including Gate Gourmet, a global provider of airline
meals, received $338 million in relief money for workers — and laid
workers off anyway.
Evangelical churches got 7.3 billion. Religious Organizations Receive
$7.3 Billion in PPP Loans, Megachurches Amass Millions. Treasury
Department data released Monday shows that religious organizations,
ranging from nearly 10,000 Catholic churches to hundreds of Jewish groups,
received 88,411 Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans since the program
began April 3. Several churches affiliated with outspoken Trump supporters
and close associates amassed at least $17.3 million in loans intended to
help small businesses and nonprofits retain workers. C
Church won $1.4B in virus aid After lobbying. Millions in aid from
small business relief fund went to "
hate groups".
At least 10 groups with a history of making anti-Black, anti-LGBTQ or
anti-immigrant statements received loans from the government's small
business coronavirus relief fund. The Trump administration designed a
program that largely excludes minority owned small businesses but left the
door open to taxpayer funds propping up hate groups. The SBA earlier this
week released a list of some 650,000 companies and organizations that each
received more than $150,000 from the program, including churches, Girl
Scout chapters and nonprofits pushing liberal as well as conservative
causes. While the SBA did not disclose the exact loan amounts, it provided
a range of funding that each organization received. The SBA barred a
number of companies from getting Paycheck program loans, including strip
club operators, sellers of legal marijuana and firms that directly lobby
the federal government and politicians. But while lobbyists were banned,
advocacy groups weren't, which opened the door to all types of
issue-focused groups receiving money. And while the SBA has set up the
rules of the program, it's generally up to individual banks to decide who
is eligible for the loans. The SBA has said that it may audit some of the
loans, including those over $2 million, if borrowers apply for
Extortion - Blackmail
Extortion is a criminal offense of obtaining money,
property, or services from an institution, through
coercion. It is
sometimes euphemistically referred to as a "
protection racket" since the
racketeers often phrase their demands as payment for "protection" from
(real or hypothetical) threats from unspecified other parties. Extortion
is commonly practiced by organized crime groups. The actual obtainment of
money or property is not required to commit the offense. Making a threat
of violence which refers to a requirement of a payment of money or
property to halt future violence is sufficient to commit the offense.
Exaction refers not only to extortion or the demanding and obtaining of
something through force, but additionally, in its formal definition, means
the infliction of something such as pain and suffering or making somebody
endure something unpleasant.
Scams -
Middlemen -
Rackets -
Kickbacks -
Blackmail a crime, involving unjustified
threats to make money or a
gain property or cause loss to another unless a demand
is met.
Coercion involves threats to reveal substantially true or
information about a person to the public, a family member, or associates,
or threats of physical harm or criminal prosecution.
Fraud is deliberate
deception to secure unfair or
gain, or to deprive a victim of a legal right. Fraud itself can be a
civil wrong.
Fence is an individual who
knowingly buys stolen property
for later resale, sometimes in a legitimate market. The fence thus acts as
a middleman between thieves and the eventual buyers of stolen goods who
may not be aware that the goods are stolen.
Price Fixing -
Price Gouging
Standard is when something is acceptable to one group of
people, but are considered unacceptable—taboo—when applied by another
group. A double standard can therefore be described as a
biased or morally unfair application
of the principle that all are equal in their freedoms.
False Claims Act is an American federal law that imposes
liability on persons and companies (typically federal contractors) who
defraud governmental programs. It is the federal Government's primary
litigation tool in combating fraud against the Government.
Racket -
Scams -
Crime of Opportunity -
Confidence Trick
White-Collar Crime is a crime committed by a
person of respectability and high social status in the course of his
occupation. Typical white-collar crimes include fraud, bribery, Ponzi
schemes, insider trading, labor racketeering, embezzlement, cybercrime,
copyright infringement, money laundering, identity theft, forgery.
Corporate Crime -
Media Control -
Non-Disclosure Agreement
Concessions is a grant of rights, land or property by a
government, local authority, corporation, individual or other legal
entity. Public services such as water supply may be operated as a
concession. In the case of a
public service
concession, a private company enters into an agreement with the government
to have the exclusive right to operate, maintain and carry out investment
in a public utility (such as a water
privatization) for a given number of
Contemptible and
Inexcusable -
Cooking the Books Buy out Practice
- Other
People's Money -
Overt ActsWillful Default is the
Intentional failure by a party to a contract, or a court case,
to do what it is supposed, or ordered, to do.
Talk about
entitlements, what about
dividends, pensions, bonuses, kickbacks, over blown salaries,
favors, and so on...
Money with an Expiration Date.
To avoid expiration, the bills would have to be periodically stamped for a
fee. With no new stamp, they would become worthless. In this system,
saving money would cost you money. Savings, in other words, would have a
negative interest rate. Only by spending or investing it would you be able
to avoid stamp fees. Free money" (or Freigold) — "free" because he
believed it would be freed from hoarding and also because it would
encourage bankers to lend money without charging interest.
Silvio Gesell was a German merchant, theoretical economist, social
activist, Georgist, anarchist, libertarian socialist, and founder of
Freiwirtschaft. In 1900 he founded the magazine Geld-und Bodenreform
(Monetary and Land Reform), but it soon closed for financial reasons.
During one of his stays in Argentina, where he lived in a vegetarian
commune, Gesell started the magazine Der Physiokrat together with Georg
Blumenthal. In 1914, it closed due to censorship. The Bavarian Soviet
Republic, in which he participated, had a violent end and Gesell was
detained for several months on a charge of treason, but was acquitted by a
Munich court after a speech he gave in his own defence. (March 17, 1862 – March 11, 1930).
Economic Warfare - Destroying Economies for Profit
Hit Men are corporate puppets who
manipulate leaders of underdeveloped countries to
accept substantial development
loans for large construction and
engineering projects that would primarily help the richest families and
local elites, rather than the citizens, while making sure that these projects
were contracted to U.S. companies.
Off Shore
Accounts -
Dark Money -
Bribes -
Rackets -
Controlled by Debt -
Wealth Dived -
Living Wage -
Knowledge Divide -
Gentrification -
Warfare are actions of which the primary effect is
weaken and
destabilize the
economy of another state.
Unconventional Warfare is broadly defined as "military and
quasi-military operations other than conventional warfare" and may use
covert forces or actions such as subversion, sabotage, espionage,
biowarfare, sanctions, propaganda or guerrilla warfare. This is typically
done to avoid escalation into conventional warfare as well as
international conventions.
is the practice of using capitalism,
globalization and cultural
imperialism to influence a developing country in lieu of direct military
control (imperialism) or indirect political control (hegemony).
Wealth Drain or the
Drain of Wealth is the constant flow of national wealth from a
country without giving the country adequate economic, commercial or
material return.
Drain of Wealth Theory - Modern India History Notes.
plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the
course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes
it and a moral code that glorifies it.” ―
Frédéric Bastiat Economic Drain refers to a
portion of the national product which was not available for consumption of
its people, but was being drained away to another country without that
country getting adequate economic material for it.
Economic Drain occurs when resources such as gold or silver leave a
country as a result of an unfavorable trade balance.
Money Laundering -
Rape -
Wealth Divide -
Capital Flight when assets or
money rapidly flows
out of a country, due to
greed and
corruption, or an event of economic consequence or
as the result of a political event such as regime change or economic
globalization. Such events could be an increase in taxes on capital or
capital holders or the government of the country defaulting on its debt
that disturbs investors and causes them to lower their valuation of the
assets in that country, or otherwise to lose confidence in its economic
strength. This leads to a disappearance of wealth, and is usually
accompanied by a sharp drop in the exchange rate of the affected
country—depreciation in a variable exchange rate regime, or a forced
devaluation in a fixed exchange rate regime. This fall is particularly
damaging when the capital belongs to the people of the affected country
because not only are the citizens now burdened by the loss in the economy
and devaluation of their currency but their assets have lost much of their
nominal value. This leads to dramatic decreases in the purchasing power of
the country's assets and makes it increasingly expensive to import goods
and acquire any form of foreign facilities, e.g. medical facilities.
The Octopus of Global Control
(amazon) - A controversial, nonfiction book detailing how those in
positions of power are able to manipulate society for their benefit.
Attrition Warfare is a military strategy consisting of belligerent
attempts to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse
through continuous losses in personnel, materiel, and morale. Attrition
warfare represents an attempt to grind down an opponent's ability to make
war by destroying their military resources by any means including
guerrilla warfare, people's war, scorched earth and all kind of battles
apart from a decisive battle. Attrition warfare does not include all kinds
of Blitzkrieg or using concentration of force and a decisive battle to
win. The side that reinforces their army at a higher speed will normally
win the war. Clausewitz called it the exhaustion of the adversary.
Financial Instrument of US
National Power and Unconventional Warfare. The U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions — such as
the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization
for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — are used as
financial weapons in times of conflict up to and
including large-scale general war, as well as in leveraging the policies
and cooperation of state governments. The document, officially titled
“Field Manual (FM) 3-05.130, Army Special Operations Forces Unconventional
Warfare” and originally written in September 2008. U.S.-led economic siege
of that country through sanctions and other means of economic warfare.
False Flag Operations -
Corporate take over of
America Timeline.
Economic Sanctions are commercial and financial penalties applied by
one or more countries against a targeted self-governing state, group, or
individual. Economic sanctions generally aim to change the behavior of
elites in the target country. Economic sanctions may include various forms
trade barriers,
tariffs, and
restrictions on financial transactions. Sanctions cause citizens to
suffer from resource shortages, food shortages and supply shortages, which
makes them blame the people in control of their country, like a false flag
event where the people forcing the sanctions blame the rulers of the
country. Just like war, people suffer, not the rulers.
War is an economic conflict resulting from
protectionism in
which states raise or create tariffs or other trade barriers against each
other in response to trade barriers created by the other party. Increased
protection causes both nations' output compositions to move towards their
autarky position.
Supply and Demand -
Price Gouging
International Sanctions are political and economic decisions that are
part of diplomatic efforts by countries, multilateral or regional
organizations against states or organizations either to protect national
security interests, or to protect international law, and defend against
threats to international peace and security. These decisions principally
include the temporary imposition on a target of economic, trade,
diplomatic, cultural or other restrictions (sanctions measures) that are
lifted when the motivating security concerns no longer apply, or when no
new threats have arisen.
is an effort to
cut off supplies, war
material or communications from a particular area by force, either in part
or totally. A blockade should not be confused with an embargo or
Embargo is a trading ban.
Sanctions in law are penalties or other means of enforcement used to
provide incentives for obedience with the law, or with rules and
Subversion refers to an attempt to
transform the established
social order and its structures of power, authority, and hierarchy. A
process by which the values and principles of a system in place are
contradicted or reversed. More specifically, subversion can be described
as an attack on the public morale and, "the will to resist intervention
are the products of combined political and social or class loyalties which
are usually attached to national symbols.
Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization,
that tends toward
insurrection against the established order. An action inciting
resistance to lawful authority
and tending to cause the disruption or overthrow of the government.
Attrition is wearing something down in
order to weaken it or destroy it. The action or process of gradually
reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through
sustained attack or pressure.
Attrition Warfare is a
sponsored military or government strategy consisting of belligerent
attempts to win a war by wearing down the enemy to the point of collapse
through continuous losses in personnel and material. The war will usually
be won by the side with greater such resources. The word attrition comes
from the Latin root atterere to rub against, similar to the "grinding
down" of the opponent's forces in attrition warfare.
Seditious Libel is
against the established order: if the statement is in writing or some
other permanent form it is seditious libel. Libel denotes a printed form
of communication such as writing or drawing.
Overt Act is an open act, one that
can be clearly proved by
evidence, and from which criminal intent can be inferred, as opposed to a
mere intention in the mind to commit a crime.
murder of a public figure by surprise attack. An attack intended to
ruin someone's
Intention in criminal law is having knowledge and
awareness of wrongdoing.
Mercantilism promoted governmental regulation of a nation's economy
for the purpose of
augmenting state power at the expense of rival national
Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening a polity
or corporation through subversion, obstruction, disruption or destruction.
Economic Espionage makes the theft or misappropriation of a
trade secret a federal
Industrial Espionage is a form of espionage conducted for
commercial purposes instead of purely national security.
Covert U.S. Foreign Regime Change Actions (wiki) -
U.S. Involvement in Regime Change (wiki) -
Espionage -
Annexation is the
political transition of land from the control of one entity to another. It
is also the incorporation of unclaimed land into a state's sovereignty,
which is in most cases legitimate. In
international law it is the forcible transition of one state's
territory by another state or the legal process by which a city acquires
land. Usually, it is implied that the territory and population being
annexed is the smaller, more peripheral, and weaker of the two merging
entities, barring physical size. It can also imply a certain measure of
coercion, expansionism or unilateralism on the part of the stronger of the
merging entities. Because of this, more positive euphemisms like political
union/unification or reunification are sometimes seen in discourse.
Annexation differs from cession and amalgamation, because unlike cession
where territory is given or sold through treaty, or amalgamation (where
the authorities of both sides are asked if they agree with the merge),
annexation is a unilateral act where territory is seized and held by one
state and legitimized via general recognition by the other international
bodies (i.e. countries and intergovernmental organisations).
Ceding is to relinquish possession or
control over.
Amalgamation is the
combination of two or more commercial companies.
Merge is to join or combine.
Texas Annexation
(wiki) -
Mexican - American War (wiki)
Harry S. Truman Address in Mexico City. March 3, 1947.
Manifest Destiny was a widely held belief in the United States that
its settlers were destined to expand across North America.
used to refer to an economic and political system
controlled by
corporations or corporate interests.
Petrodollar refers to earning more money from the export of
crude oil than they could feasibly invest in their own economies. The
resulting global interdependencies and financial flows, from oil producers
back to oil consumers, can reach a scale of hundreds of billions of US
dollars per year across a variety of currencies, heavily influenced by
government-level decisions regarding international investment and aid.
Devaluation is a reduction in the value of a currency with
respect to those goods, services or other monetary units with which that
currency can be exchanged.
Triffin Dilemma is when a country whose currency, being the
global reserve currency, foreign nations wish to hold, must be willing to
supply the world with an extra supply of its currency to fulfill world
demand for these foreign exchange reserves, thus leading to a
Demolition is to destroy something completely or damage irreparably.
destruction of a building.
Power Politics is a form of international relations in which
sovereign entities protect their own interests by threatening one another
with military, economic or political aggression. The term was the title of
a 1979 book by Martin Wight, which the Times Literary Supplement listed as
the 18th most influential book since World War II.
Scams - Trickery - Secret Plots
Scam is a
fraudulent and
scheme or a
plot to do something
harmful. You know it's a scam when
someone has an
urgent need for money or they are asking
you for your
is something that is a
counterfeit and not what it seems to be. A person who
deceitful pretenses.
Make believe with the
intent to deceive.
Adopted in order to deceive.
Trickery is a verbal
intended to
take advantage of you in some way. The use of
tricks to
deceive someone by
like you're an
honest person.
Swindle is to
deprive someone by
deceit using a
fraudulent scheme.
Swindler is a person who uses deception to
deprive someone of money or possessions, or someone who
gets money
dishonestly by deceiving or cheating people a person who cheats or
defrauds others. A bilk, cheat, cheater, cozener,
defrauder, rook, sharper, trickster, victimizer, chiseler, crook,
Rackets -
Grab -
Marketing Scams -
Cherry-Picking Data -
Pretenses -
Click Bait -
Entrapment -
Religious Charlatans
Fortune Telling -
FolkloreCon Artist is someone who
tricks other
people into giving them their money or property. A person who cheats or
tricks others by
persuading them to
believe something that is not true. A
person who deceives other people by making them believe something false or
making them give their money. A person adept at lying, cajolery, or glib
self-serving talk. A person who exploits the vulnerability of others for
their own sake by manipulating and
taking advantage of their confidence.
Impostor Scams cost Americans billions last year, people lost a total
of $2.6 billion to imposter scams.
Imposter Scammer may
call, text, or
email to convince you they are
someone in authority. They try to get you to
send money or a gift card or
share personal information so they can commit ID theft.
The FBI reported that scammers stole more than $3.4 billion from older
Americans last year. But no mention of the
scumbags from corporations who steal billions every day. Not just a
wealth divide, but an
ignorance divide, with
dumb and
Two Faced -
Liar -
Political Campaigns
Are you a
Robot -
Pig Butchering Scam is a text message scam that appears to be a
wrong-number text message. The people who respond to the text are lured
into crypto investments. But the investments are fake, and once victims
send enough funds, the scammers disappear with all their money. It is a
type of confidence trick and investment fraud in which victims are
gradually lured into making increasing contributions.
Butchering is named after the practice of farmers fattening pigs
before they slaughter them in order to get the most meat, or money.
Call Center Scams or scam call centers
operate by manipulating victims into disclosing personal and financial
information over the phone. These centers typically impersonate credible
companies, such as Amazon and Microsoft, or government agencies, like the
Investment Scams or investment
fraud happens when people try to trick you into investing money. They
might want you to invest money in stocks, bonds, notes, commodities,
currency, or even real estate. A scammer may lie to you or give you fake
information about a real investment. Or they may make up a fake investment
Fake Trading Platforms
are used by scammers who create fake
trading platforms or fake versions of official crypto wallets to trick
unsuspecting victims.
Online trading scams
involve fraudulent activity aimed at deceiving individuals into investing
their money and ultimately stealing it. Scammers make false promises of
high returns, use unsolicited contact, create urgency to invest quickly,
and may ask for personal information.
Scam trading platforms won't
connect to legitimate financial institutions because they'll be discovered
as frauds. Instead, the scammers will walk you through how to convert
dollars to cryptocurrency on a legitimate trading platform first, and then
ask you to transfer the crypto to them.
Society as a whole in 2024 is
one big scam and a fraud an many
different ways.
E-mail Scams -
Middle Men Gone Mad -
Monopolies -
Propaganda -
Dumbed Down Education.
Technical Support Scam is a type of scam in which a scammer claims to
offer a legitimate technical support service. Victims contact scammers in
a variety of ways, often through fake pop-ups resembling error messages or
via fake "help lines" advertised on websites owned by the scammers.
Technical support scammers use social engineering and a variety of
confidence tricks to persuade their victim of the presence of problems on
their computer or mobile device, such as a malware infection, when there
are no issues with the victim's device. The scammer will then persuade the
victim to pay to fix the fictitious "problems" that they claim to have
found. Payment is made to the scammer through ways which are hard to trace
and have fewer consumer protections in place which could allow the victim
to claim their money back, usually through gift cards.
Grifter is a
manipulator or a
corrupt person who
games a system or
swindles a group of people, or other entity for
selfish gains. A political
perceived as
lacking integrity.
A con artist or someone who pulls confidence games. A swindler, scammer,
huckster, hustler, or
Grift is to engage in petty or small-scale
Charlatan is a
confidence trick in order to obtain money, fame, or other advantages
through pretense or deception. knowingly employing bogus means of
impressing people in order to swindle victims by selling them worthless
remedies and similar goods or services that will not deliver on the
promises made for them. A charlatan is a person who fakes evidence that a
spirit is "making contact" with the medium and seekers.
Charlatan is a person practicing quackery or some similar confidence
trick in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of
pretense or deception.
Cheat is to
deprive somebody of something by
deceit. To engage in deceitful
behavior or to practice trickery or fraud. To be sexually unfaithful to
one's partner in marriage.
Hustled is
to be swindled or cheated into
buying something worthless, especially by
underhanded activity using forceful action or
You Got Played means that you were
manipulated by someone
pretending to be looking out for your best
Snow Job is a deception or a
concealment of one's real motive in an attempt to flatter or persuade. An
attempt to persuade someone to do something, or to persuade someone that
something is good or true, when it is not. An effort to deceive, persuade,
or overwhelm with insincere talk. A long and elaborate misrepresentation.
"You must not fool yourself, because you are the easiest person to
"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself -- and you are the easiest person to fool." -
(Richard Feynman).
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people
all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
Gullible -
Ignorant -
Elderly adults lose billions to financial scams by people they trust every
year. Each year, older adults lose more than
$28 billion to financial scams targeting the elderly. Nearly
three-quarters of that money is stolen by people the elderly adult knows
-- people they trust. New psychological research suggests this
vulnerability could be linked to older adults' overreliance on initial
impressions of trustworthiness. Older adults rely more on trust in
decision making. It could open them up to scams. Relying on initial
impressions of trustworthiness, elderly adults overlook bad behavior.
"You my friend are full of shit. Every single word that comes out of
your mouth is fake." (A quote from the wife of Adam Neumann from
WeWork, after they met
for the first time).
Oil is a euphemism for
deceptive marketing and fraud. A product or
policy of little real
worth or value that is
promoted as the solution to a problem. A
with no real medicinal value sold as a remedy for all diseases.
Pranks Destroy Scam
Callers- Glitter Bomb Payback (youtube)
All that Glitters is Not Gold means that just because something
looks valuable and
authentic, that does not prove or mean that it is valuable and authentic.
All that glitters is gold is an
stating that not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be
so. This can be applied to just about any experience in life. While early
expressions of the idea are known from at least the 12th century, the
current saying is derived from a 16th-century line by
William Shakespeare.
Counterfeit is something made in exact
imitation of something
valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud someone. A
fraudulent imitation or a
forgery of something else.
Artificial -
Front Men.
Connive is
to plot something harmful. To scheme secretly in an illegal or wrongful
action or in an underhanded manner. To encourage,
collude or assent to illegally or criminally.
Plot is a
secret scheme to do something
underhand or
Scheme is plot to do something
harmful. An elaborate and
systematic plan of action. Plot
something harmful; scheme in an underhand manner. A group of
independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole. (There are many different types of
revenue generating schemes. Be aware.)
Pyramid Scheme is a
promise of payments or services for
enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or
from the sale of products or services. As recruiting multiplies, recruiting becomes
quickly impossible, and most members are
unable to
make enough money because
pyramid schemes are
unsustainable and
Multi Level Marketing
Two Faced -
Back Stabbing -
Middle Men
Loss Aversion
"The rich and powerful are running a pyramid scheme with life. And the
billions of people at the bottom are left with almost nothing."
Ponzi Scheme is a
investment operation where the operator, an individual or organization,
pays returns to its investors from new capital paid to the operators by
new investors, rather than from profit earned through legitimate sources.
Operators of Ponzi schemes usually entice new investors by offering higher
returns than other investments, in the form of short-term returns that are
either abnormally high or unusually consistent.
MMM Ponzi Scheme (wiki).
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube)
License to Lie Clause was created to
protect scumbags who sell Timeshares. Visible on most written agreements,
this “license to lie” purportedly gives timeshare companies the “right” to
disqualify any “verbal promises” made by a timeshare salesperson during
the sale.
Perpetuity Clause or
Forever Clause is an indefinite timeshare
contract, meaning it has no end date. Almost impossible to cancle. It was
very popular in timeshare contracts in Europe and is still pretty much the
standard way American timeshare contracts are written
Disclaimer of Interest is an attempt by a person to renounce their
legal right to benefit from an inheritance or through a trust. If a
trustee disclaims an interest in property that otherwise would have become
trust property, the interest does not become trust property. Disclaimer of
interest pertains to the law of inheritance, wills and trusts.
Business Exit Strategy is an entrepreneur's
strategic plan to sell his or her ownership in a company to investors or
another company. An exit strategy gives a business owner a way to reduce
or liquidate his stake in a business and, if the business is successful,
make a substantial profit.
What's the Catch is a question that you ask when an offer sounds
too good to be true, and that there must be hidden costs involved as well
as disadvantages or problems that are not being clearly revealed or
explained to you.
Catch 22.
Rob Peter to Pay Paul is to take something away from one person to pay
another person, leaving the former at a disadvantage. To discharge one
debt only to incur another.
Passing the Buck.
Shell Game is a
confidence trick used to perpetrate
In confidence trick slang, this swindle is referred to as a short-con
because it is quick and easy to pull off.
(magic tricks)
Psychic -
Consumer Protection.
Romance Scam is a confidence trick involving a scammer who
pretends to have romantic intentions
towards a victim, and the gaining their affection and using that goodwill
to commit
fraud. Fraudulent
acts may involve access to the victim's money, bank accounts, credit
cards, passports, e-mail accounts, or national identification numbers; or
forcing the victims to commit financial fraud on
their behalf. In many instances, a
mail-order bride scam will also bait the victim into committing
felonies to establish citizenship for the perpetrator.
What would you do for love?
Two Faced -
Sextortion -
Fake People
Romance Scammers Are Bilking Americans Out Of $1.3 Billion A Year. The
US Federal Trade Commission says pandemic isolation, online dating and
cryptocurrencies have created a "combustible combination for fraud.
Honey Trap is an investigative practice involving the use of romantic
sexual relationships for
interpersonal, political (
including state
espionage), or monetary purpose. The honey pot or trap involves making
contact with an individual who has information or resources required by a
group or individual; the trapper will then
seek to
entice the target into a false relationship (which may or may not
include actual physical involvement) in which they can glean information
or influence over the target. The term "honey trap" is also used when
dating sites. are used to gain
access to a victim. Private investigators are often employed to create a
honey pot by wives, husbands, and other partners usually when an illicit
romantic affair is
suspected of the "
target", or
subject of the investigation. Occasionally, the term may be used for the
practice of creating an affair for the purpose of taking incriminating
photos for use in
blackmail. A honey trap is used
primarily to collect evidence on the subject of the honey trap. Honey
trapping is used in getting a new user addicted to illegal drugs and also
for drug smuggling. A honey trapping can also be an investigative
technique that tests the fidelity of a spouse or significant other by
attempting to lure him or her into a romantic or sexual liaison.
Love Trap or a
Relationship Trap or an
Intimacy Trap
can happen to anyone. People can become vulnerable in many ways.
can come from attachment problems early in life, low self-esteem, trauma,
abuse, abandonment, emotional deprivation, entitlement, poor standards or
from a poor education. Having a perfect first date with a mysterious
stranger may be enticing. So a relationship may seem like a good idea.
Maybe the person may seem to be a career-compatible match. Or maybe having
terrific sex could hook you in. Or maybe you're on a rebound and you feel
that it's now or never. What ever the reasons are, you should take your
time. Don't commit to anything. Read the contract and then think long and
hard about yourself and your emotional well-being.
Catfishing is to
lure someone into a relationship by
means of a
fictional online
persona. A
deceptive activity
in which a person creates a fictional persona or
fake identity on a social
networking service, usually
targeting a specific victim.
Sexpionage is the involvement of
sexual activity, or the possibility of sexual activity, intimacy,
romance, or seduction to conduct
Sex or the possibility of sex can function as a distraction, incentive,
cover story, or unintended part of any intelligence operation. Sexpionage
is a historically documented phenomenon and even the CIA has previously
added Nigel West's work Historical Dictionary of Sexspionage to its
proposed intelligence officer's bookshelf. Female agents using such
tactics are known as sparrows, while male ones are known as ravens. A
commonly known type of sexpionage is a honey trap operation, which is
designed to compromise an opponent sexually to elicit information from
that person.
Femme Fatale is an attractive and
seductive woman,
especially one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who
becomes involved with her. Femme fatale is a
stock character of a mysterious, beautiful, and seductive woman whose
charms ensnare her lovers, often leading them into compromising, deadly
Sugar Daddy.
Confidence Trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after
first gaining their confidence, used in the classical sense of trust.
Confidence tricks exploit characteristics of the human psyche such as
dishonesty, honesty, vanity, compassion, credulity, irresponsibility,
naïveté and greed. (confidence game, confidence scheme, ripoff,
scam and stratagem).
Allure is the power to
entice or
attract someone through
personal charm. To make receptive or willing towards an action or attitude
or belief
is the act of urging by means of teasing or
flattery. Influence or urge by
gentle urging,
caressing, or flattering. Buttering someone up or to
or flatter someone excessively. Watch out for
Money is a Romance Scam and Donald Trump is a
Nigerian Prince. Scams are at every level of society, and people are
easily fooled.
Breadcrumbing is when
someone leads a person on romantically, usually using social media or
texting. It basically means they're
someone along, but with the help of modern technology. Think Hansel
and Gretel being tempted onwards to their doom by the witch.
Head Games.
Sucker - Jonas
Brothers (youtube) -
I'm a sucker for you,
You say the word and I'll go anywhere blindly.
Sucker is a person who is
gullible and easy to take advantage
of. To deceive somebody.
Advance-Fee Scam is a form of
fraud and one of the most
common types of confidence tricks. The scam typically involves promising
the victim a significant share of a large sum of money, in return for a
small up-front payment, which the fraudster requires in order to obtain
the large sum. If a victim makes the payment, the fraudster either invents
a series of further fees for the victim or simply disappears. There are
many variations of this type of scam, including the 419 scam, also known
as the
Nigerian Prince Scam where a member
of a royal family is seeking to transfer large sums of money. There is
also the Spanish Prisoner scam, the black money scam, Fifo's Fraud and the
Detroit-Buffalo scam. The scam has been used with fax and traditional
mail, and is now prevalent in online communications like emails.
Someone is Pulling
the Wool over your Eyes when someone is trying to deceive you or
trick you by telling you lies. So Stop trying to pull the wool over my
eyes! The phrase came from people in the 1600's who sometimes wore a
woolen wig. And if you pulled the wool wig down over your face it would
cover your eyes and you would be blind to what was happening around you.
Hoodwinked is to deceive someone or
trick someone. Conceal one's true motives from especially by elaborately
feigning good intentions so as to gain an end. Influence by slyness or
shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception. Bamboozled.
Rob you Blind is to cheat someone in a
comprehensive or merciless way.
is to take something away by force or without the
consent of the owner.
Opportunism is the practice of
taking advantage of circumstances with little regard for principles or
with what the
consequences are for
others. Opportunist actions are expedient actions guided primarily by
self-interested motives.
Means, Motive, Opportunity.
Constructive Fraud is a legal fiction describing a situation where a
person or entity gained an
unfair advantage over another by deceitful or
unfair methods. Intent does not need to be shown as in the case of actual
Exploit is to take advantage of someone's weaknesses,
vulnerabilities, needs or lack of knowledge. When people are desperate
they can easily be abused by criminals.
Attacking Economies -
Trap is a device or setup that is intended to kill, harm, or
surprise a person or
animal. It is triggered by the presence or actions of the
victim and sometimes has
some form of bait designed to lure the victim towards it.
Right-Wing Terrorism aim to
overthrow governments and
replace them with nationalist or
fascist-oriented governments.
Laissez-Faire or Laissez Unfair?
is a policy or attitude of
letting things take their own course, without
interfering. Abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of
free market, but how can you prove you're not involved?
Even relationships based on a criminal activity can be
repurposed. They don't need to be totally ended, unless of
course someone refuses to except better
alternatives, then those
may be a lot harder to keep going. But never end a relationship
on a sour note, always reassure the other person that you are
not going to burn the bridge, and that you will always be
willing to seek
compromises and
solutions. Not agreeing with each other doesn't mean that we
have to stop
communicating with each other. People change, the world
changes, and the better we adjust to these changes the better
our lives will be.
Income inequality in the U.S. by state, metropolitan area, and
"Just because the distribution of money
is unequal, this doesn't mean that you don't have the power to
equalize it."
"Everyone could live a good life without
having to force other people to suffer because of it, or have
future generations pay for it with their lives. A good life
means good for everyone, and not just you."
Opportunity. "There's a lot of
things that we can do better and improve. But our gift of
intelligence is being under utilized by inadequate schooling and
an ineffective curriculum. Our intelligence is also being
marginalized by the misconception that education only happens in
schools, which it doesn't. Knowledge and Information is more
then just a right, it's what people need to know what is right.
We need to stop being fools and improve education, as well as
our ability to properly inform the public."
On this page there's Hundreds of Crimes that are Committed in
the name of Money by Corporations, Politicians, Banks, and
People in Power, crimes that go unpunished because criminals own
the justice system, crimes that you don't hear about in the news
because the criminals own the media, crimes that you never learn
how to stop because the criminals own the Education System.
Bourgeois is being of the
property-owning class and exploitive of
the working
class. Conforming to the standards and conventions of the middle
class of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with
reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional
attitudes. A capitalist who engages in industrial commercial
A Modest Proposal suggests that the impoverished Irish might
ease their economic troubles by selling their children as food for rich gentlemen and ladies.
Devolution is the notion that species can revert into
more primitive forms over time.
Cyber Con Artists are using artificial intelligence,
apps, and social
engineering to
target parents
and grandparents. They are being scammed out of a total of $10 billion
dollars a year in America.
Scam Artists -
Becoming a victim of crime and Fraud -
Common Scams and CrimesYou
have a defect in your perception when you can't make
accurate assessments
of other people, and when
you can't tell when
someone is lying to you, or tell if someone is dangerous. This goes
way beyond
bias, this is negligence.
You are not even trying to do what is right or trying to do what is good.
You have to be more
aware and
responsible. You put
everyone at
risk when you
are a
fool. Please take some time to
educate yourself. The more
knowledgeable you are the
less vulnerable
you are.
Negligence - Intentional Destruction to Increase Profits
Recklessness is an appropriate
intention, knowledge of,
recklessness, or
negligence. Recklessness may constitute an
offense against property or involve significant danger to another person.
Negligent Homicide -
Criminal Negligence
Gross Negligence
Premeditated Murder -
Wrongful Death -
Willful Violation act done voluntarily with either an
intentional disregard of, or plain indifference to.
Damages are damages intended to reform or deter the
defendant and others from engaging in conduct similar to that which formed
the basis of the lawsuit.
Grievous Bodily Harm -
Malice Aforethought
Nuisance -
Intentional infliction of emotional distress
intent or knowledge of wrongdoing.
Negligent infliction of emotional distress
Endangerment -
Motive, and Opportunity
Cause refers to the standard by which a grand jury believes
that a crime has been committed.
Impropriety -
Collateral Damage term for deaths, injuries, or other damage
inflicted on an unintended target.
Externality is the cost or
benefit that affects a party who did not choose to incur that cost or
Special Organizations -
Precautionary Principle - Predictive Neglect.
All people should have a right to vote on who dies and who
suffers, whether it's from a particular action by a company, or a Government.
Lack of Oversight can Lead to Internal Corruption
When the people in charge of protecting citizens can
indirectly for criminals, then you will never have
true security or
true justice. Most
people are just following orders, which makes an
inside job easy to accomplish.
Shills -
Secrecy -
Structure -
Double Standards -
Bogus Lawsuits
Inspector General -
Attorney General -
Oversight -
Internal Affairs
NSA or
National Security Agency, is an
intelligence organization
responsible for
global monitoring, collection, and processing of
information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence
purposes, a discipline known as signals intelligence.
Flawed Priorities
of the NSA -
CIA or
Intelligence Agency, is a civilian foreign
intelligence service of the
United States federal government, tasked with gathering, processing and
national security information from around the world, primarily
through the use of human intelligence. As one of the principal
members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, the CIA reports to the
Director of National Intelligence and is primarily focused on providing
intelligence for the President and Cabinet.
Dealing -
Crime -
Rackets -
War Profiteering -
Economic Warfare -
False Flag Attacks -
Propaganda -
Homeland Security is a term for the national effort to
ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against
terrorism and other hazards where
American interests, aspirations, and ways of life can thrive to the
national effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States,
reduce the vulnerability of the U.S. to terrorism, and minimize the damage
from attacks that do occur.
FBI or the
Federal Bureau of Investigation, is the domestic intelligence
and security service of the United States, which simultaneously serves as
the nation's prime federal law enforcement agency. Operating under the
jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of Justice, the FBI is concurrently a
member of the U.S. Intelligence Community and reports to both the Attorney
General and the Director of National Intelligence. A leading U.S.
counterterrorism, counterintelligence, and criminal investigative
organization, the FBI has jurisdiction over violations of more than 200
categories of
federal crimes.
Agency is responsible for the collection, analysis, and
of information and intelligence in support of law enforcement, national
security, military, and foreign policy objectives. Provision of analysis in areas relevant to national security;
Give early warning of impending crises; Serve national and international
crisis management by helping to discern the intentions of current or
potential opponents; Inform national defense planning and military
operations; Protect sensitive information secrets, both of their own
sources and activities, and those of other state agencies; May act
covertly to influence the outcome of events in favor of national
interests, or influence international security; and Defense against the
efforts of other national intelligence agencies (counter-intelligence).
Special Operations Command
is the
Unified Combatant Command charged with overseeing the various
Special Operations Component Commands of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and
Air Force of the United States Armed Forces. The command is part of the
Department of Defense and is the only Unified Combatant Command legislated
into being by the U.S. Congress. USSOCOM is headquartered at MacDill Air
Force Base in Tampa, Florida.
Joint Special Operations Command
is charged to study special operations requirements and techniques to
ensure interoperability and equipment standardization; plan and conduct
special operations exercises and training; develop joint special
operations tactics; and execute special operations missions worldwide.
OSS or the
Office of Strategic Services, was a wartime intelligence
agency of the United States during World War II, and a predecessor of the
modern Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Human Intelligence in intelligence gathering is intelligence gathered
by means of interpersonal contact, as opposed to the more technical
intelligence gathering disciplines such as signals intelligence (SIGINT),
imagery intelligence (IMINT) and measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT).
Counterintelligence refers to information gathered and activities
conducted to protect against
other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for
or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons or international
terrorist activities, but not including personnel, physical, document or
communications security programs.
Secretary of Defense -
Government Departments -
Prosecution (special) -
Obstruction of Justice
Plausible Deniability -
Secret Service is a federal law enforcement agency under the U.S.
Department of Homeland Security. Until 2003, the Service was part of the
U.S. Department of the Treasury because the organization's first mission
was to fight counterfeiting of U.S. currency. The U.S. Secret Service has
two distinct areas of responsibility: Financial Crimes, covering missions
such as prevention and investigation of counterfeit U.S. currency, U.S.
treasury securities, and investigation of major fraud. Protection, which
entails ensuring the safety of current and former national leaders and
their families, such as the President, past Presidents, Vice Presidents,
presidential candidates, visiting heads of state, and foreign embassies.
The Secret Service's initial responsibility was to investigate
counterfeiting of U.S. currency, which was rampant following the U.S.
Civil War. The agency then evolved into the United States' first domestic
intelligence and counterintelligence agency. Many of the agency's missions
were later taken over by subsequent agencies such as the Federal Bureau of
Investigation (FBI), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives
(ATF), and IRS Criminal Investigation Division (IRS).
Secret Service.
NCS or the
National Clandestine Service, is one of the smallest components of the US
Central Intelligence Agency. Directorate of Operation.
Defense Clandestine Service is an arm of the Defense Intelligence
Agency (DIA), which conducts clandestine
espionage activities around the world to answer national-level defense
objectives for senior U.S. policymakers and military leaders.
Defense Intelligence Agency is an external intelligence service of the
United States specializing in defense and military intelligence. A
component of the Department of Defense (DoD) and the United States
Intelligence Community (IC), DIA informs national civilian and defense
policymakers about the military intentions and capabilities of foreign
governments and non-state actors.
United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court is a U.S.
federal court established and authorized under the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA) to oversee requests for
surveillance warrants against foreign
spies inside the United States by federal law enforcement and intelligence
agencies. Such requests are made most often by the National Security
Agency (NSA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Congress
created FISA and its court as a result of the recommendations by the U.S.
Senate's Church Committee. From its opening in 1978 until 2009, the court
was housed on the sixth floor of the Robert F. Kennedy Department of
Justice Building. Since 2009, the court has been relocated to the E.
Barrett Prettyman United States Courthouse in Washington, D.C.. In 2013, a
top-secret order issued by the court, which was later leaked to the media
from documents culled by Edward Snowden, required a subsidiary of Verizon
to provide a daily, on-going feed of all call detail records—including
those for domestic calls—to the NSA.
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is a United States federal law
that establishes procedures for the
physical and electronic surveillance and collection of "foreign
intelligence information" between "foreign powers" and "agents of foreign
powers" suspected of espionage or terrorism. The Act created the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to oversee requests for
surveillance warrants by federal law enforcement and intelligence
agencies. It has been repeatedly amended since the September 11 attacks.
Schutzstaffel or
SS for short, in 1923,
Nazi Party led by
Hitler had created a small volunteer guard unit known as the
Saal-Schutz (Hall Security). The same year,
Hitler ordered the formation of a small bodyguard unit dedicated to his
personal service. He wished it to be separate from the "suspect mass" of
the party, including the paramilitary Sturmabteilung ("Storm Battalion";
SA), which he did not trust. The new formation was designated the
Stabswache (Staff Guard). Originally the unit was composed of eight men,
commanded by Julius Schreck and Joseph Berchtold, and was modeled after
the Erhardt Naval Brigade, a Freikorps of the time. The unit was renamed
Stoßtrupp (
Shock Troops) in May 1923. In
1934, Himmler founded the first SS business venture, Nordland-Verlag, a
publishing house that released
propaganda material and SS training manuals. By the outbreak of World
War II, the SS had consolidated into its final form, which comprised three
main organizations: the Allgemeine SS, SS-Totenkopfverbände, and the
Waffen-SS, which was founded in 1934 as the SS-Verfügungstruppe (SS-VT)
and renamed in 1940. The Waffen-SS evolved into a second German army
alongside the Wehrmacht and
operated in tandem
with them, especially with the Heer (German Army). However, it never
obtained total "independence of command", nor was it ever a "serious
rival" to the German Army. Members were never able to join the ranks of
the German High Command and it was dependent on the army for heavy
weaponry and equipment. Although SS ranks generally had equivalents in the
other services, the SS rank system did not copy the terms and ranks used
by the Wehrmacht's branches. Instead it used the ranks established by the
post-World War I Freikorps and the SA. This was primarily done to
emphasize the SS as being independent from the Wehrmacht. The SS was built
on a culture of violence, which was exhibited in its most extreme form by
mass murder of civilians and prisoners
of war on the Eastern Front. In response to the army's difficulties in
dealing with Soviet partisans, Hitler decided in July 1942 to transfer
anti-partisan operations to the police. Himmler set the SS and SD to work
on developing additional
anti-partisan tactics and launched a
propaganda campaign. After the
start of the war, Himmler intensified the activity of the SS within
Germany and in Nazi occupied Europe. Alarmed by the raids on St Nazaire
and Dieppe in 1942, Hitler had ordered the construction of fortifications
he called the
Atlantic Wall all along the
Atlantic coast, from Spain to Norway, to protect against an expected
Allied invasion. The SS established its own
symbolism, rituals, customs,
ranks and uniforms to set itself apart from other organizations.
Non-Compliance - Failure to Obey
Chief Compliance Officer responsible for overseeing and
managing regulatory compliance issues within an organization.
Compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification,
policy, standard or law. Regulatory compliance describes the goal that
organizations aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are
aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws and
Transparency -
Regulatory Agency is a public authority or government agency
responsible for exercising autonomous authority over some area of human
activity in a regulatory or supervisory capacity. An independent
regulatory agency is a regulatory agency that is independent from other
branches or arms of the government.
Corporate Responsibility is a form of corporate
self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as
a self-regulatory mechanism whereby a business monitors and ensures its
active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards and
national or international norms. With some models, a firm's implementation
of CSR goes beyond compliance and engages in "actions that appear to
further some social good, beyond the interests of the firm and that which
is required by law, (corporate conscience, corporate citizenship
responsible business).
Self-Regulation is the process whereby an organization
monitors its own adherence to
legal, ethical, or safety standards, rather than have an outside,
independent agency such as a third party entity monitor and enforce those
Self-regulation of any group can be a
conflict of interest. If any
organization, such as a corporation or government bureaucracy, is asked to
eliminate unethical behavior within their own group, it may be in their
interest in the short run to eliminate the appearance of unethical
behavior, rather than the behavior itself, by keeping any ethical breaches
hidden, instead of exposing and correcting them. An exception occurs when
the ethical breach is already known by the public. In that case, it could
be in the group's interest to end the ethical problem to which the public
has knowledge, but keep remaining breaches hidden.
Corporation -
Investment in Knowledge Always Pays the Best Return"
Benjamin Franklin
Corporate Watch Dogs -
Regulatory Law
If you do a set of particular actions that end up killing people
or injuring people, then that's
premeditate. You can say that you were not aware that your
actions were causing people to die, but you would have to
explain that very carefully, because you don't want to come
across as someone who
does not care about what happens to other people, because
that would make you guilty just by
Ignorance to the Law is something that we can learn from and
correct, but
willful disregard is something we need to stop, because
waiting to educate people about their wrong doings will take a
lot of time, and that's why we have laws. Which is to make up
for our educations failure and our inability to inform people
correctly and effectively. Till then, we will continue to suffer
from ignorance. We need more people doing positive things and
less people doing negatives things. And both of those things we
can easily added to our education system as well as to our media
outlets, like TV, Newspapers, Magazines and Radio. Improving
communication and and education is possible because we can
calculate probability more accurately more now then ever. This
is because we can clearly see the past, because we've been
there, and how it let up to this present moment, because we are
here. So if we continue to do these same actions, people will
continue to die. And this means that every person on the planet
shares this responsibility. You are either doing something
positive or you're stopping others from doing something
negative. And if you can do both, that's awesome, and also a
guarantee the we will all be successful.
Politicians and corporate leaders are perpetrators of
Munchausen by Proxy, and the citizens are their victims.
corporations are committing a deliberate act of
Sabotage against humanity. This is far worse then someone
just acting ignorantly because they're unaware of the severity
of their actions. These people are aware, which is disturbing,
but not surprising since we have murders and violence every
minute of every day. This long ongoing mass murder needs to stop.
The Center for
Responsible Enterprise And Trade: Reduce corruption and IP
theft in the forms of counterfeiting, piracy and trade secret theft.
Yes we want to help people create jobs in other countries, but
not at the expense of the countries citizens or at the expense of
the countries environment and resources. You don't help people
by exploiting them. You help people by educating them, so they
Self-Sufficient and
Sustainable. Corporations are mostly about money, they only
pretend to help people, that's called manipulative selling,
which is a very sick and degrading way to function in this world, selling death and destruction.
Corporate Abuse Timeline - History of Fraud
Anti-Corporate Activism
holds that the influence of big business corporations is a detriment to
the public good and to the democratic process.
Monopolies -
Rackets -
Extortion -
Hoarding -
Profits -
Corporate Welfare -
Bailouts -
Tax Breaks -
Predatory Lending -
Kickbacks -
Debt -
Corruption -
Big Banks
Criticisms of Corporations
granting of "personhood" to an organization with no personal liability
contend that it creates a legal entity with the extensive financial
resources to co-opt public policy and exploit resources and populations
without any moral or legal responsibility to encourage restraint.
Charmian Gooch: Meet Global Corruption's Hidden Players
(video) -
More Videos United States Bill of Rights -
Human Rights -
Activism"Slavery is the
fiction that a person is property. Corporate Personhood is a legal
fiction that property is a person."
Corporations now control most
of the agencies that were designed to control them and keep them from
committing crimes.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1819 decision settled the
nature of public versus private charters and resulted in the rise of the
American business corporation and the American
enterprise system.
Dred Scot v. Sandford 1857 held that "a negro, whose
ancestors were imported into [the U.S.], and sold as slaves", whether
enslaved or free, could not be an American citizen and therefore had no
standing to sue in federal court. The decision was only the second time
that the Supreme Court had ruled an Act of Congress to be
Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad 1886
was the first time that the Supreme Court was reported to hold that the
Fourteenth Amendment's equal protection clause granted constitutional
protections to corporations as well as to natural persons.
Evidence Rule Hale v. Henkel 1906 the Court ruled that a
statute that compelled the production of documents as part of an
investigation into the payment of duties was a violation of the Fourth and
Fifth Amendments. The Court reasoned that the defendant had a superior
property right in the papers, and that compelling their production as
evidence was compelled self-incrimination.
Corporations that Have Cut Ties to ALEC ALEC is a corporate
bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more
powerful than that. Through ALEC, corporations hand state legislators
their wishlists to benefit their bottom line. Corporations fund almost all
of ALEC's operations. They pay for a seat on ALEC task forces where
corporate lobbyists and special interest reps vote with elected officials
to approve “model” bills.
American Legislative Exchange Council describes itself as
the largest “membership association of state legislators,” but over 98% of
its revenue comes from sources other than legislative dues, primarily from
corporations and corporate foundations.
Dodge v. Ford Motor Company 1919
case in which the Michigan Supreme Court held that Henry Ford had to
operate the Ford Motor Company in the interests of its shareholders,
rather than in a charitable manner for the benefit of his employees or
Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon 1922
case in which the Supreme Court of the United States held that whether a
regulatory act constitutes a taking requiring compensation depends on the
extent of diminution in the value of the property.
Timeline History of America.
Just in case you don't know what failing is, or maybe you just forgot what failing means....
Failing is something below acceptable performance
and proven to be insufficient.
A flaw or weak point having a
loss of ability to function normally.
An event that does not accomplish its intended purpose and
does not reach a minimum required performance.
To leave something undone and be unsuccessful. To disappoint and
prove undependable, unacceptable and unable.
The United States Postal Service or the USPS lost $5.5 billion in
2014. That is the eighth annual loss in a row and the
third-highest ever. The only silver lining is that the loss was
below the red-ink tsunami of $15.9 billion in 2012.
As the old saying goes, they're lying
and stealing so why shouldn't I? I might as well lie and
steal because everyone else is doing it. Not everyone, of
course, but that's not the problem, the problem is how do we
stop lying and stealing? We know that lying has many negative
effects and causes all kinds of problems, same things with
2 wrongs don't make a right, and always wrong will
never be right. Lying and stealing comes from the lack of
knowledge, information, and understanding. You can make all the
excuses you want, but you can't ignore known realities,
especially knowing the damage that you cause is right in front
of you. And the reason why you think that you don't see the
damage is because you're lying to yourself. So you see, lying
does more damage then you think. Your life is a lie, so how do
you make your life true again? You learn how to make your life
true. Everything comes from learning.
You learned how to lie, and now you will learn how to tell the
truth, and learn how
to be true.
"Trickle down ignorance"
"Its been estimated that there are
30 Million
worldwide, which doesn't include the millions enslaved by a poor
education, or the millions who are enslaved by our flawed and
corrupted monetary system."
Fascism should more
properly be called Corporatism, since it is the Merger of State
and Corporate Power." (
Big to Fail is just another way of saying "I'm not competent
enough to solve this problem or am I competent enough to even explain
this problem properly. So what information do you need?
There's a big difference between people who are
willing to work and
people who are desperate and fear for their lives. And there's many like
them, so the competition for survival has become a tool for mass slavery.
Foreign workers are not better workers then Americans, Foreign workers are
just more exploited, more desperate and more victimized then American
Americans can be the hardest
workers on the planet when they need to be. But this need has
been criminally stolen from Americans and our purpose has been
manipulated. If we were to bring back the need and purpose to
American workers, we would ultimately unleash the greatest
workforce this world has ever seen...We all want a better
planet, so lets make one....
A system that excludes billions of people on the planet is a broken system. Money is a
system of control, but now that system is out of control. It's
time to reboot, transition and transform into a system of
fairness and responsibility. Money should not give a person the
right to cause damage or cause the suffering of other people.
What's the point of having laws to protect human rights if you
never stop the violators or stop the things that allow
violations to continue?
"So it's time for you to put on your
Dunce Cap and go sit in the corner"
No Taxation without Representation is a slogan originating
during the 1750s and 1760s that summarized a primary grievance of the
American colonists in the Thirteen Colonies, which was one of the major
causes of the American Revolution. In short, many in those colonies
believed that, as they were not directly represented in the distant
British Parliament, any laws it passed affecting the colonists (such as
the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act) were illegal under the Bill of Rights
1689, and were a denial of their rights as Englishmen.
Tax Foundation
It would be great if paying taxes actually made people aware of
the responsibilities of managing our shared services, our
resources and our environment. But just paying taxes, or
just voting, does not make people aware enough about their world, mostly
because our money system is just too corrupted and manipulated. And on top
of that, there's nothing in our education that gives people the necessary
knowledge and skills that are needed to help rid the system of corruption.
So this makes the whole tax thing a waste of time and energy. And all
these wasted extra steps and paper work and rules, it's just insane.
Especially when taxes mostly benefit wealthy people. Poor people get very
little return for their tax money, and poor people work just as hard as
wealthy people do, if not harder. So the money system is not just unfair,
it's abusive, it's corrupt, it's greedy, it's incompetent and it's
wasteful. If money were a drug, then everyone would be a drug addict, but
that is exactly what we are, we are addicts, and we have addicts ruling
our world, and their drug of choice is money, and they are never
satisfied. So we all know where this is going, as all addicts know their
fate, same as before, same as throughout history, things that are
unsustainable will always end horribly, and will always end when you least
expect it. We have to free ourselves from this insanity. The abuses of
money is literally killing us. And when you can just pay people to look
the other way or lie, this insanity will never end by itself. It's like
having heroin addicts trying to police heroin addicts when everyone is
getting paid with heroin, this is just insane. There has to be a better
way, we need a system of trade that can't be corrupted or manipulated.
The Tax
Free Tour (VPRO, Marije Meerman) (youtube)
Responsibility is a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to
someone for something or
being responsible for one's conduct.
The proper sphere or extent of your activities. The social
force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that
Fairness is the ability to make judgments free from discrimination or
Moral Competence.
Marginalized is to relegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of
We need more the just legislation, we need education, and we
need a lot of it.
Loss Aversion
refers to people's tendency to prefer
avoiding losses to
acquiring equivalent gains: it's better to not lose $5 than to find $5.
"I know, don't rock the
look the other way. The only reason why Humans are still
alive today is because some people decided to rock the boat and
not look the other way. The boat is sinking people, we have a
lot of work to do.
Financial Aid -
Bonuses -
"If you see money not being used correctly or efficiently by
someone, then you should take the money and use it for a good cause, it's
not stealing, it's just called good money management."
Hood "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor".
Documentaries -
Measuring True Cost
Leadership -
Social Abuses -
Gambling -
You're Losing it Man - Why do most Politicians and Corporate Leaders have the same characteristics
as people who suffer from
Mental Illness?
Why are they similar to a
Psychopathy Checklist.
Syndrome is a set of medical signs and symptoms that are
correlated with each other.
Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between
species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the
other, the host.
I Am
Fishhead - Are Corporate Leaders Psychopaths? (2011) (youtube)
Like Us - 07 - Business (youtube)
Competence Test and
Psychological Evaluation should be Mandatory and also Public
Knowledge for every public servant with power. It's been documented that
crazy people make bad decisions.
Corporation Abuses - Cancer of Modern Society
Not all Corporations are bad, it's just the ignorant criminals who use corporate
loopholes to exploit the system.
White-Collar Crime refers to
financially motivated,
crime committed by businesses and
government professionals. Typical
white-collar crimes could include wage
theft, fraud, bribery,
ponzi schemes, insider
trading, labor racketeering, embezzlement, cybercrime, copyright
infringement, money laundering, identity theft, and forgery.
Sex Crimes.
Corporate Crime refers to crimes committed either by a
corporation (i.e., a business entity having a separate legal personality
from the natural persons that manage its activities), or by individuals
acting on behalf of a corporation or other business entity (see vicarious
liability and corporate liability). For the worst corporate crimes,
corporations may face judicial dissolution, sometimes called the
"corporate death penalty", which is a legal procedure in which a
corporation is forced to dissolve or cease to exist.
Monopolies -
Hoarding -
White-Collar Worker relates to the work done or those who work in an
office or other professional environment. A white-collar worker is a
person who performs professional, managerial, or administrative work.
White-collar work may be performed in an office or other administrative
There is many things that are criminally wrong about
Multinational Corporations, and it's not just their
Offshore Tax Havens, and their
Transfer Pricing, their
Tax Exemptions,
Tax Holidays, their
Grantor Retained Annuity Trust, their
Tax Avoidance,
Tax Shelters, Money and
Stock Shuffling in and out of Trusts, and their
Tax Noncompliance.
The worse thing is that corporations have been given permission
to bribe US Government Leaders into making
Tax Laws that allows corporations to
Steal billions of
dollars from the public. You have criminals making their own
laws. Thanks in part to our corrupt US Supreme Court.
So no matter what
you come up with, whether
International Taxation or a
World Taxation System, the problem will never go away.
Corporations will continue to steal billions of dollars at the
expense of the environment and at the expense of every person on
the planet. Citizens should not be forced to
pay income
taxes when e-filing when most corporations don't. And on top of
that, corporations pay themselves incredible bonuses, and not
because they did some amazing job or they worked really hard or
their work was important, it's because we have corrupt laws that allows people to be
thieves, while at the same time lay off millions of workers.
Corporations use our citizens, they use our
Workforce, they use our resources, they use our
infrastructure, they use our government, and not for benefit of
the public, but only to benefit themselves. And citizens are
just figuring this out, the money does not trickle down, the
only thing that trickles down is that sick corporate behavior
that poisons the minds of politicians in State Government, our
Local Government, our Military, our Police Force, our Judicial
System and eventually poisons the minds of people in
our own communities, which then causes even more
suffering. We can fix this.
corporate mentality says "We have a responsibility to our
shareholders." That's like saying that a
hired killer or a
hitman has the right to commit
murder just because they're a hired killer who is making money from
the murder. I guess the murderer in court could say that "I had a
responsibility to my investor". This is how insane most corporations are.
Not understanding the nature or wrongfulness and conduct is called
Insanity: Guilty
but Mentally ill?
The International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists.
Rich and Powerful people around the world have used
offshore and secret accounts to dodge taxes, sanctions, launder
money and get sweetheart loans from banks.
Corporation - What is a Corporation
Corporation is
a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally
a person) and recognized as such in law. Early incorporated entities were
established by charter (i.e. by an ad hoc act granted by a monarch or
passed by a parliament or legislature). Most jurisdictions now allow the
creation of new corporations through registration.
Corporate Personhood
is when a corporation believes it has legal rights and responsibilities
enjoyed by natural persons (physical humans). Corporate means "
Natural Person -
Personality -
United States is a Corporation?
And Whereas: On February 21, 1871, the Forty First Congress
passed an act entitled "An Act to Provide a Government for the
District of Columbia," legislating the organization of a municipal
corporation to run the day to day affairs of the District of Columbia, the
seat of government, which transferred the United States.
William "Bill"
Foust - The District of Columbia Act of 1871 (youtube) -
Republic of the United
States is against the fraud, abuse and theft perpetrated by a
for-profit corporate entity known as the UNITED STATES Government. This
entity has been posing as the lawful government for nearly 150 years
unawares to most Americans.
Body Politic in
which a government is considered to be a corporate entity.
Voluntary Servitude by Deception
Corporate Watch
Dogs (accountable)
Self Govern
(self manage) -
Corporation -
currency is debt trap and a power grab, keep the power local
the decisions local and the money local.
Motive, Opportunity -
Anonymous Companies (video and interactive text)
S.A. Corporation is an anonymous company or anonymous
"People are living
in a state of Confusion." -
Cognitive Distortion.
Most Hated Corporations:
Monsanto 51% -
Federal Reserve 20% -
British Petroleum 9% -
Halliburton 5% -
McDonalds 3% -
Pfizer 2% -
Merck 2% -
Wal-Mart 2% -
Nestle 1% -
Other 7%.
Greedy and power hungry people are not
Possessed Creatures from Hell. They are human, and humans
can learn and
communicate. If we can choose
to be bad, then we
choose to be good. And
human nature by default is to be
good. So it's just a matter of discovering your natural
tendencies by learning and becoming more understanding of
yourself, and the world.
Failure is completely f*cked up beyond comparison, rather than
just a bit f*cked up. (of a situation or condition) extremely bad,
unpleasant, and degrading (of a person or their behavior) completely
without pride or dignity; self-abasing.
When we allow
corporations to
exploit cheap labor in other countries it hurts
everyone, except the scumbags at the top of course.
Corporations could care less about America. Corporations are
truly the most damaging
Terrorists this world has ever seen,
and politicians are corporations partners in crime, they're
exploited and in return help exploit citizens, this is simply a
War Crime"
If your corporation or company has more negatives then positives to society and the world, and causes
Considerable Damage that's similar to
Dirty Bombs,
Chemical Warfare and
Chemical Weapons, then you need to
Cease and Desist.
We cannot afford to kill ourselves in the
name of money. You're going in the wrong direction and you're wasting valuable time.
If you meet us half way then we're half
way there.
"Don't worry, we'll let you keep your toys.".
Money Influence Timeline - A Brief History of Money from 1600 to 2011
William Patterson "The bank hath benefit of interest on all
moneys which it creates out of nothing" -
Fractional Reserve Banking (money from nothing) -
History of Money.
Bank of England (wiki).
American Revolutionary War conflict between Great Britain and thirteen
of its North American colonies who wanted there own
Currency. August 2, 1776 that the
Declaration of independence was first signed.
Central Bank -
Debt, A Great Invention (youtube) - “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our
liberties than standing armies.” –
Thomas Jefferson.
Andrew Jackson President vetoed Central Bank. -
Bank War.
Financial Crisis -
Vegetable Oil was Conducted.
First Oil Well -
American Civil War.
1868 in
the United States (wiki).
Standard Oil -
District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 - America's Government
becomes a
1871 (wiki)
Panic of 1873 was a financial crisis that triggered a depression in
Europe and North America lasted from 1873-1879.
First Light Bulb -
Inventions Timeline.
Two-Stroke Engine (wiki).
First Oil Tankers
1893: Car running on nothing but peanut oil. August 10th declared
International Biodiesel Day.
Electric Vehicles
are being driven out of business by the oil monopoly -
Electric Cars.
Panic -
Education Takeover Timeline -
(follow the money, the Money Trail).
Federal Reserve Act -
History of the Federal Reserve System -
Warburg -
Board of Governors - Federal Reserve is America's
4th Central Bank.
The Corporate Takeover of the Money Supply (wiki).
War I -
Timeline of Modern History -
History (follow the money).
Prohibition in the United States (Killed Alternate Fuels and
Electric Cars and gave rise to Oil Monopoly) -
Council on Foreign Relations (wiki).
Great Depression -
Wars (follow the money).
Federal Open Market Committee. Treasury of the
United States goes ‘Bankrupt’. -
Adolf Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany.-
Treasury Security (wiki).
1934: Dictatorships begin in
Brazil and
Bolivia (wiki).
1935: United States Marine Corps Major
Smedley Butler explained how
business interests commercially benefited and
profited from wars, thus
they are incentivized to start wars and
create turmoil,
start revolutions and
economic espionage in other
countries and even in America. The U.S. Military is being used as a pawn
to further Corporate Interests, and not the interests of American
General Motors Streetcar Conspiracy (wiki).
1941: Operation Reinhard commences the main phase of
The Holocaust. - USA joins
World War II.
(follow the money).
Green Revolution -
Corporate Takeover of Food (youtube)
GMO's -
Vietnam War (follow the money).
Dwight D Eisenhower: "The disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."
Assassination of John F. Kennedy -
JFK Speech.
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy and
Martin Luther King Jr.1969: Average Cost of new house $15,550.00 -
Average Monthly Rent $135.00 - Gas per Gallon 35 cents.
1971: Nixon
Started ill-conceived
drug war.
Oil Embargo (wiki).
NAFTA (wiki).
9/11 (Follow the Money. The first warning sign was in 1961,
and even years before that).
Housing Scam -
Inequality -
Political Corruption
Climate Change, to name a few.
We need 2 Systems of Money (State Run Banks - Government Run
Banks) Non-Fractional, Reality Based Banking.
We need 2 Types of Currency(Regular Bank Notes -
Type of Currency) No Inflation, Just Adaptation.
We need
Systems of Trade.
Value instead of Price
Self-Insurance -
Ithaca Hours.
And the most important, We need to fully educate every child on
earth about money.
Intelligence = No Corruption, No Waste.
Before Humans Timeline -
History of
timeline needs to paint a particular picture, cover a
particular subject, so that it gives you an understanding of a
particular process of change, and what influenced those changes.
Show a trend, tell a story, give an accurate interpretation.
Comeback America
Syndromes of Corruption
History of Money concerns the development of social systems that
provide at least one of the functions of money. Such systems can be
understood as means of trading wealth indirectly; not directly as with
barter. Money is a mechanism that facilitates this process. Money may take
a physical form as in coins and notes, or may exist as a written or
electronic account. It may have intrinsic value (commodity money), be
legally exchangeable for something with intrinsic value (representative
money), or only have nominal value (
fiat money).
Films About Money
Money vs
Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Mike Maloney (youtube)
The Monetary System
Visually Explained (youtube, 21:28)
Connecting the Dots (youtube)
2.15 Slavery (youtube)
All Wars
Are Bankers' Wars (youtube)
Avenue - Money, Power and the American Dream
Debtocracy (youtube)
Richard Wilkinson: How Economic
Inequality Harms Societies (youtube)
Time for
Change: VPRO Backlight 2010) (youtube)
Zeitgeist (youtube)
Cyclical Consumption (youtube)
The Money Masters (youtube)
30 For 30 - Broke (youtube)
Money as Debt 3 - The
Rothschild mafia (Paul Grignon) (youtube)
Ethos: A Time for Change (2012) (hulu)
97% Owned - Monetary Reform (youtube)
Lines : History of an Occupation (youtube)
Activism Documentaries
Profit (youtube) -
Money and Work (youtube)
Resource Based Economy (youtube)
The Story of Broke (2011) (youtube)
Short Movie about our National Debt
I.O.U.S.A (youtube) -
The Great Awakening
Money Films -
Corporate Films
Great Documentary about Debt is
Maxed Out (youtube)
Not Broke (hulu)
Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version 09/10/2012 | 1 hr. 38 min. (youtube)
In Debt We Trust (youtube) -
Buy DVD (amazon)
Documentaries about the Abuse of Power
Stated Income Loan (wiki)
William Black former bank regulator explains firsthand how
banking systems commit fraud — “Liar's Loans” (TED Video)
will eat democracy — unless we speak up (video and Text)
Owned &
Operated 1:48:06 -
Published on Apr 15, 2012
Does money make you mean? Monopoly game experiment UC Berkeley campus
where the game was rigged, like the one we are in now.
Milton Friedman
Speaks - Myths That Conceal Reality (youtube) - "Myths That Conceal
Reality." Milton Friedman Speaks. Speech given at Utah State University,
Logan, UT, October 13, 1977.
Five myths cloud our
perception of both the past and the present. (1) The "robber baron"
myth, which holds that in late nineteenth-century America there were
powerful men who became rich at the expense of the poor. The reality is
that they became wealthy by being productive, and that there is no other
period in history which saw such a rapid and widespread improvement in the
well-being of the average individual; (2) The myth that the Great
Depression was caused by a failure of business, when it was, in fact,
produced by a failure of government and specifically by the
Federal Reserve System; (3) The myth that government
in the economy has expanded in response to public demand, when, actually,
the public has had to be sold "hard" for politicians to enact every major
social program; (4) The "free lunch" myth, which forces the individual to
pay more, no matter how the government raises money - by taxing
individuals, by taxing businesses, or by printing more money; and (5) The
myth that government, like Robin Hood, transfers wealth from the rich to
the poor, when the reality is that the government usually transfers wealth
and income from both the very rich and the very poor to those in the
Milton Friedman was an American economist who received the 1976 Nobel
Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his research on consumption
analysis, monetary history and theory and the complexity of stabilization
policy. With George Stigler and others, Friedman was among the
intellectual leaders of the second generation of Chicago price theory, a
methodological movement at the University of Chicago's Department of
Economics, Law School and Graduate School of Business from the 1940s
onward. Several students and young professors who were recruited or
mentored by Friedman at Chicago went on to become leading economists,
including Gary Becker, Robert Fogel, Thomas Sowell and Robert Lucas Jr.
(July 31, 1912 – November 16, 2006).
Quotes and sayings about Money
"Don't go away mad, just go away"
"I don't hate money or capitalism, or am I bothered by how much
money some people have. What bothers me is what people do with their money. They damage
themselves, they damage and kill other people, and
they damage our environment. Money and Capitalism is not the
problem, ignorance is the problem, and what ignorant people do at everyone's else's expense."
"People are not evil, people just don't know enough in order to
know what is right and what is good."
"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people God gave it to."
"No heaven for you, you will be reincarnated over and over again as a child who will be abused
their entire life and then starve to death at the age of 5. And
the only time that you will not be reincarnated as an abused
child, is when civilization solves this problem of abuse. So if
you help us now, we can then end your never ending misery that
you have brought upon on yourself."
"The money system creates to much Scheming and not enough Dreaming.
Scheming, or Scamming, is narrow minded and selfish, which
wastes time, people and resources. Dreaming is open minded and
giving, which sparks innovation and progress."
"Many people are so poor because the only
thing they have is money."
"You cannot serve both God and mammon."
Mammon is thought to mean money or material wealth and is
associated with the
greedy pursuit of gain.
Central Bank is
institution that
manages a
state's currency,
money supply, and
interest rates.
Central banks also usually oversee the commercial banking system of their
respective countries. In contrast to a
commercial bank, a central bank
or Reserve Bank
possesses a monopoly on increasing the monetary
base in the state, and usually also
prints the national currency, which
usually serves as the
state's legal tender. Central
banks also act as a "
lender of last resort"
to the banking sector during times of financial crisis. Most central banks
usually also have supervisory and regulatory powers to ensure the solvency
of member institutions, prevent bank runs, and prevent
reckless or fraudulent behavior by member banks. Central banks in most
developed nations are
institutionally designed to
be independent from political interference. Still, limited control
by the executive and legislative bodies usually exists.
Federal Reserve -
Fractional Reserve Banking -
Middle Men -
Princes of the Yen | Finance Documentary (youtube) -
Bubbles -
“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an
invisible government owing no allegiance and
acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible
government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and
corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” ~
Theodore Roosevelt,
September 7, 1903.
“The real menace of our Republic is the
invisible government, which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy
legs over our cities, states and nation. To depart from mere
generalizations, let me say that at the head of this octopus are the
Rockefeller–Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking
houses generally referred to as the international bankers. The little
coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States
government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both
parties, write political platforms, make catspaws of party leaders, use
the leading men of private organizations, and resort to every device to
place in nomination for high public office only such candidates as will be
amenable to the dictates of corrupt big business.” “These international
bankers and Rockefeller–Standard Oil interests control the majority of the
newspapers and magazines in this country. They use the columns of these
papers to club into submission or drive out of office public officials who
refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose the
invisible government. It operates under cover of a self-created screen
[and] seizes our executive officers, legislative bodies, schools, courts,
newspapers and every agency created for the public protection.” ~
John Francis Hylan, Autobiography of John Francis Hylan, Mayor of New
York -
Publication date 1922.
real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element
in the larger centers has
owned the
Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson - and I am not wholly
excepting the Administration of W. W. The country is going through a
repetition of Jackson's fight with the Bank of the United States - only on
a far bigger and broader basis. ~
Franklin D. Roosevelt,
January 6, 1941,
"Four Freedoms Speech".
Quotes about Money
Speeches -
Corporate Timeline -
Smedley Butler
Commercial Bank
is an
institution that provides
services such as accepting deposits, providing business loans, and
offering basic investment products. The main function of a commercial bank
is to accept deposit from the public for the purpose of lending money to
the borrowers. Commercial bank can also refer to a bank, or a division of
a large bank, which more specifically deals with deposit and loan services
provided to corporations or large/middle-sized business - as opposed to
individual members of the public/small business.
Banking Alternatives -
Credit Unions
(State Banks)
Financial Institution are
corporations which
provide services as intermediaries of financial markets. Broadly speaking,
there are three major types of financial institutions: Depository
institutions – deposit-taking institutions that accept and manage deposits
and make loans, including banks, building societies, credit unions, trust
companies, and mortgage loan companies; Contractual institutions –
insurance companies and pension funds. Investment institutions –
investment banks, underwriters, brokerage firms.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or
is a United States government corporation supplying deposit insurance to
depositors in American commercial banks and savings banks. The FDIC was
created by the Banking Act of 1933, enacted during the Great Depression to
restore trust in the American banking system. More than one-third of banks
failed in the years before the FDIC's creation, and
bank runs
were common. Items not insured by FDIC are stocks, bonds, and mutual funds
including money funds, the contents of safe deposit boxes, insurance and
annuity products, such as life, auto and homeowner's insurance.
Theft has many different names. Analysts
always blame the causes of inflation and recession using the same vague
terms, but they can't explain what those terms really mean, because
they're lying for the criminals they serve. These
games are complex for a reason. It's hard to investigate
corruption when there is so many
different players involved. We see
people are getting wealthier while
people are
getting poorer. So there is proof that crimes are
happening right in front of your eyes.
And citizens are
too ignorant
and too
powerless to stop it.
Banks made 34 billion dollars in in overdraft fees
in 2017, from people who have no money or had very little money. So what
kind of ignorant criminal scumbag would do that?
ATM fees are out of control. Withdrawing
cash is costing Americans more cash than ever, according to an annual
survey from Bankrate. The national average combined out-of-network ATM fee
is now $4.77, up from $4.72 last year. You can typically dispute any
unauthorized charge in your checking account or savings account, including
ATM fees. If you incurred an ATM fee and it wasn't the result of fraud,
you may still be able to request that your bank reimburse you. In most
cases, banks reimburse ATM fees at the end of each statement cycle by
crediting the customer's account with the total fees the customer was
charged that cycle. Ways to avoid ATM fees is to get cash back at a
grocery store or other retailer, you'll typically have the option to get
cash back with the purchase.
Who's making huge withdrawals? Are
deposit flights a warning sign? $100,000,000,000 in
deposits exit US Banking System in three weeks. Federal Reserve Economic
Data system showed that deposits in all US commercial banks suffered a
$100 billion decline in three weeks – from $17.38 trillion on September
27th down to $17.28 trillion on October 18th 2023. Deposits at all US
commercial lenders totaled $17.18 trillion as of April 12, down from
$18.09 trillion at the end of March 2022, a fall of more than $900
billion, according to US Federal Reserve data. The largest 25 banks by
assets bore the brunt of the hit. Over that period, deposits declined by
$718 billion.
Wall Street Firms
Vanguard and
State Street manage
trillion in assets. These three firms are major shareholders in 95% of S&P
500 companies.
The Big Short is a 2015 American biographical crime comedy-drama film
showing how the 2007–2008 financial crisis was triggered by greedy
criminals in the banking system who created a housing bubble that caused
millions of people to lose their jobs and millions to lose their homes.
Wall Street -
Bubbles -
In is a form of
financial relief for banks
that are in danger of collapsing or going bankrupt. The relief comes from
canceling some or all of the bank's debt by reducing
the value of bank shares, bonds, and uninsured deposits. In a bail-in,
use the money from depositors and
unsecured creditors to help them avoid failure.
Banks have the authority to take control of any capital that fits
the criteria as per the law. Financial institutions would only use the
amount of deposits that are in excess of a customer's 250,000 balance.
bailouts, governments inject money back into
troubled banks and corporations to help them avoid bankruptcy.
Bail Outs.
Troubled Asset Relief Program is a program of the United States
government to
purchase toxic assets and equity from financial institutions
to strengthen its financial sector that was passed by a Democratic Party
controlled Congress and signed into law by Republican Party President
George W. Bush on
October 3, 2008. TARP was
a component of the government's measures in 2008 to address the subprime
mortgage crisis. The
TARP program originally authorized expenditures of
$700 billion. The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 created the
TARP program. The Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection
Act, signed into law in 2010, reduced the amount authorized to $475
billion. By October 11, 2012, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) stated
that total disbursements would be $431 billion, and estimated the total
cost, including grants for mortgage programs that have not yet been made,
would be $24 billion. On December 19, 2014, the U.S. Treasury sold its
remaining holdings of Ally Financial, essentially ending the program. TARP
recovered funds totaling $441.7 billion from $426.4 billion invested,
earning a $15.3 billion profit or an annualized rate of return of 0.6% and
perhaps a loss when adjusted for inflation. TARP did not stop
millions of people losing their homes or stop
millions of people losing
their jobs, it only guaranteed that
scumbags walk away with millions of dollars.
Theft -
Bailout -
Debt -
Student Debt
In 2022, Wells
Fargo forced to pay $3.7 billion settling charges it
wrongfully seized
homes and cars. Wells Fargo has agreed to a $3.7 billion deal with
regulators to settle charges that it took advantage of customers on their
auto loans, mortgages and bank accounts. The bureau says the wrongdoing
goes back more than a decade, with some of it continuing into this year.
Others customers were charged improper overdraft fees on their checking
accounts. Wells Fargo's rinse-repeat cycle of violating the law has harmed
millions of American families.
JP Morgan
Chase is a victim of trickle down criminal behavior. Monkey see
monkey do. JP Morgan Chase is suing customers over 'infinite money glitch'
ATM scam. A technical issue with the bank’s ATMs that allowed people to
deposit bogus checks and withdraw the money from their accounts. Fraud is
a crime that impacts everyone and undermines trust in the banking system,
says the banking criminals.
JPMorgan Chase was
involved in several financial crimes in 2008, including: Precious
metals trading: Between
2008 and 2016,
JPMorgan traders and sales staff defrauded customers by: Placing orders to
buy and sell precious metals futures contracts with the
intent to cancel them before execution.
Injecting false information about the
supply and demand for precious metals futures contracts.
Trading to trigger or defend barrier
options held by JPMorgan.
securities Fraud: JPMorgan packaged, securitized, marketed, and
sold residential mortgage-backed securities:
JPMorgan falsely assured investors that its RMBS were backed by
sound mortgages. In 2008, the U.S. Treasury Department
transferred $25 billion in funds to JPMorgan Chase under the Troubled
Asset Relief Program or TARP. In
JPMorgan admitted to
wire fraud and paid
$920 million to settle the charges. In
JPMorgan settled with the SEC for $296.9 million for
misleading investors about the delinquency
rate of mortgages underlying a $1.8 billion RMBS.
Bear Stearns acquisition: JPMorgan bought the failing investment
bank Bear Stearns for $1.4 billion with assistance from the Federal
Reserve Washington Mutual acquisition. JPMorgan bought much of the assets
of troubled lender Washington Mutual for $1.9 billion.
Foreign exchange market rigging. JPMorgan
admitted to one criminal count for its role
with other banks in
rigging the foreign exchange
Asset is a popular term for certain financial assets having values
that have fallen significantly and for which there is no longer a
functioning market, so that such assets cannot be sold at a price
satisfactory to the holder. Because assets are offset against liabilities
and frequently leveraged, this decline in price may be quite dangerous to
the holder. The term became common during the financial crisis of
2007-2008, in which they played a major role. When the market for toxic
assets ceases to function, it is described as "frozen". Markets for some
toxic assets froze in 2007, and the problem grew much worse in the second
half of 2008. Several factors contributed to the freezing of toxic asset
markets. The value of the assets were very sensitive to economic
conditions, and increased uncertainty in these conditions made it
difficult to estimate the value of the assets. Banks and other major
financial institutions were unwilling to sell the assets at significantly
reduced prices, since lower prices would force them to reduce
significantly their stated assets, making them, at least on paper,
insolvent. Toxic asset is euphemistically also labeled "troubled asset."
Accounting Scandals are business scandals which arise from intentional
manipulation of financial statements with the disclosure of financial
misdeeds by trusted executives of corporations or governments. Such
misdeeds typically involve complex methods for misusing or misdirecting
funds, overstating revenues, understating expenses, overstating the value
of corporate assets, or underreporting the existence of liabilities. It
involves an employee, account, or corporation itself and is misleading to
investors and shareholders.
List of Corporate Collapses and Scandals (wiki).
Enron Scandal included market manipulation, accounting fraud and lying
about the value of the company, just to name a few.
Shadow Banking provides services similar to traditional
commercial banks but
outside normal financial regulations.
Check Kiting
is a form of check fraud, involving taking advantage of the float to make
use of non-existent funds in a checking or other bank account. In this
way, instead of being used as a negotiable instrument, checks are misused
as a form of unauthorized credit.
Suspicious Activity Report is a report made by a financial institution
about suspicious or potentially suspicious activity. The criteria to
decide when a report must be made varies from country to country, but
generally is
any financial transaction that does not make sense to the
financial institution; is unusual for that particular client; or appears
to be done only for the purpose of hiding or obfuscating another, separate
transaction. The report is filed with that country's financial crime
enforcement agency, which is typically a specialist agency designed to
collect and analyse transactions and then report these to relevant law
enforcement. Front line staff in the financial institution have the
responsibility to identify transactions that may be suspicious and these
are reported to a designated person that is responsible for reporting the
suspicious transaction. The financial institution is not allowed to inform
the client or parties involved in the transaction that a SAR has been
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network collects and analyzes information
about financial transactions in order to combat domestic and
money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes.
Dead People have Bank Accounts.
A deceased account is a bank account owned by a deceased person.
Banks freeze access to deceased accounts, such as savings or checking
accounts, pending direction from an authorized court. Generally, banks
cannot close a deceased account until after the person's estate has gone
through probate.
Bank Account is a
financial account maintained by a bank or other financial institution for
a customer. A bank account can be a deposit account,
savings account, a credit card account, a current account, or any
other type of account offered by a financial institution, and represents
the funds that the customer has entrusted to or borrowed from the
financial institution. The financial transactions which have occurred on a
bank account within a given period on time are reported to the customer on
a bank statement, and the balance on the accounts at any point in time is
the financial position of the customer with the institution. The laws of
each country specify how bank accounts may be opened and operated. They
may specify who may open an account, for example, how the signatories can
identify themselves, deposit, withdrawal limits among other
specifications. The minimum age for opening a bank account is most
commonly 18 years of age. However, in some countries, the minimum age to
open a bank account can be 16 years. In general, it is unlawful to open an
account in a false name.
Misallocation of Funds
Currency War
countries seek to gain a trade advantage over other countries by causing
the exchange rate of their currency to fall in relation to other
currencies. As the exchange rate of a country's
currency falls exports
become more competitive in other countries, and imports into the country
become more expensive.
What is Money?
World Bank Projects Leave Trail Of Misery Around Globe.
World Bank evicted and Abandoned.
Prof. Werner
Brilliantly Explains how the Banking System and Financial Sector really
works (youtube)
Hard Money is a specific type of asset-based loan financing
through which a borrower receives funds secured by real property. Hard
money loans are typically issued by private investors or companies.
Interest rates are typically higher than conventional commercial or
residential property loans because of the higher risk and shorter duration
of the loan. Most hard money loans are used for projects lasting from a
few months to a few years. Hard money is similar to a bridge loan, which
usually has similar criteria for lending as well as cost to the borrowers.
The primary difference is that a bridge loan often refers to a commercial
property or investment property that may be in transition and does not yet
qualify for traditional financing, whereas hard money often refers to not
only an asset-based loan with a high interest rate, but possibly a
distressed financial situation, such as arrears on the existing mortgage,
or where bankruptcy and foreclosure proceedings are occurring.
International Finance is the branch of financial economics
broadly concerned with monetary and macroeconomic interrelations between
two or more countries. International finance examines the dynamics of the
global financial system, international monetary systems, balance of
payments, exchange rates, foreign direct investment, and how these topics
relate to international trade.
Quantitative Easing -
Bank for International Settlements fosters international
monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks.
The Secret Of Oz" is the Truth Behind The Modern Financial System, And
The Money-Political Complex.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the
issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will
deprive the people of all property until their
children wake up
homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe
that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties
than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from
the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson).
“Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care
not who makes its laws.” ~
Mayer Amschel Rothschild. (February 23, 1744 – September 19, 1812)
I don't care who writes the laws, just as long as I control most of
the money, and when I can control a large portion of the money, then I can
make politicians write laws for my benefit, and with those increased
benefits, I will have more money to increase my control over more
politicians, and increase my control over the police, the justice system
and the military. Then I can circumvent democracy and have a quasi
dictatorship and have indirect control over millions of people. This is
not a well thought out plan of course. But when you're blinded by money
and possessed by greed, you don't see how ignorant you truly are. All the
money in the world can't buy you intelligence. To be intelligent you have
to do a lot of reading, and read the most valuable knowledge, especially
the knowledge that makes you realize how ignorant you are and how little
you actually know. Intelligence is true power. This is because
intelligence controls power and money, instead of having power and money
control you.
People in power waged a war on
drugs, but they ignorantly ignored the most dangerous drug in the
world, which is money. The most dangerous cartel in the world is the
money cartel. Money can be an
extremely dangerous drug to an ignorant person, which means that money
should be
classified as schedule 1.
When people in power are under the influence of money, then power becomes
a poison on society. Earth is now a superfund site and a toxic wasteland
that is in desperate need of a serious clean up.
Interest - Predatory Lending - Loan Sharks
Interest is a
price paid for
money, or payment received for
lending money, usually a
percentage of the amount borrowed.
is payment from a borrower or deposit-taking
financial institution to a
lender or depositor of an amount above repayment of the principal sum
(that is, the amount borrowed), at a particular rate. It is distinct from
a fee which the borrower may pay the lender or some third party. It is
also distinct from dividend which is paid by a company to its shareholders
(owners) from its profit or reserve, but not at a particular rate decided
beforehand, rather on a pro rata basis as a share in the reward gained by
risk taking entrepreneurs when the revenue earned exceeds the total costs.
For example, a customer would usually pay interest to borrow from a bank,
so they pay the bank an amount which is more than the amount they
borrowed; or a customer may earn interest on their savings, and so they
may withdraw more than they originally deposited. In the case of savings,
the customer is the lender, and the bank plays the role of the borrower.
Interest differs from
profit, in that interest is received by a lender,
whereas profit is received by the owner of an asset, investment or
enterprise. (Interest may be part or the whole of the profit on an
investment, but the two concepts are distinct from each other from an
accounting perspective.) The rate of interest is equal to the interest
amount paid or received over a particular period divided by the principal
sum borrowed or lent (usually expressed as a percentage). Compound
interest means that interest is earned on prior interest in addition to
the principal. Due to compounding, the total amount of debt grows
exponentially, and its mathematical study led to the discovery of the
number e. In practice, interest is most often calculated on a daily,
monthly, or yearly basis, and its impact is influenced greatly by its
compounding rate.
Interest is another
word for
theft, same as for
profit. It's also controlling people with
debt. Not calculating
Tax -
Debt -
Scam -
Fiat -
LendingInterest Rates. When the
central bank increases interest rates, borrowing becomes more expensive.
In this environment, both consumers and businesses might think twice about
taking out loans for major purchases or investments. This slows down
spending, typically lowering overall demand and
hopefully reducing
When inflation causes higher prices, the demand for credit increases,
raising interest rates, which
benefits lenders. Rising food and energy prices are
the main drivers of this
hits low-income households hardest
for several reasons. They spend more of their income on necessities such
as food, gas and rent—categories with greater-than-average inflation
rates—leaving few ways to reduce spending.
Interest Rate is the amount of
interest due per period, as a
proportion of the amount lent, deposited or borrowed (called the
sum). The total interest on an amount lent or borrowed depends on the
principal sum, the interest rate, the compounding frequency, and the
length of time over which it is lent, deposited or borrowed. It is defined
as the proportion of an amount loaned which a lender charges as interest
to the borrower, normally expressed as an annual percentage. It is the
rate a bank or other lender charges to borrow its money, or the rate a
bank pays its savers for keeping money in an account. The annual interest
rate is the rate over a period of one year. Other interest rates apply
over different periods, such as a month or a day, but they are usually
Home Loans.
Carried Interest in finance is a share of the
profits of an
investment paid to the investment manager in excess of the amount that the
manager contributes to the partnership, specifically in alternative
investments i.e., private equity and hedge funds. It is a performance fee
rewarding the manager for enhancing performance.
Half of Americans don't know their credit card APR
or Annual Percentage Rate, which refers to the yearly interest rate
you'll pay if you carry a balance on your credit card. If you pay your
balance in full every month, purchase APR likely won't apply.
24.99% APR is theft and predatory lending.
An APR is the interest rate you are charged for borrowing money. In the
case of credit cards, you don't get charged interest if you pay off your
balance on time and in full each billing cycle. Card issuers express this
rate annually, but to find your monthly interest rate, simply divide by
Shark a
moneylender who charges extremely high
rates of interest, typically under illegal conditions. Loan Shark is a
person who offers loans at extremely high interest rates, has strict terms
of collection upon failure, and generally operates outside of local
authority. Loan sharking is usually illegal, but
predatory lending with extremely high interest rates such as payday or
title loans is sometimes considered loan sharking.
Middle Men Racket -
Scams -
Ponzi Scam
Loan is a small, short-term
unsecured loan
high interest rates. The loans are
also sometimes referred to as "
cash advances,"
though that term can also refer to cash provided against a prearranged
line of credit such as a credit card. Payday loan exploits people who are
unbanked or
underbanked, or have lack access to a traditional deposit bank
account. In an American context the families who will use a payday loan
are disproportionately either of black or Hispanic descent, recent
immigrants, and/or under-educated. These individuals are least able to
secure normal, lower-interest-rate forms of credit. Since payday lending
operations charge higher interest-rates than traditional banks, they have
the effect of depleting the assets of low-income communities. The Insight
Center, a consumer advocacy group, reported in 2013 that payday lending
cost U.S communities $774 million a year.
Is America's God named Money?
are adults who do not have their own bank accounts. Along with the
underbanked, they may rely on alternative financial services for their
financial needs, where these are available.
Underbanked are people who do not have sufficient access to mainstream
financial services and products typically offered by retail banks and thus
often deprived of banking services such as credit cards or loans. The
underbanked are characterized by a strong reliance on non-traditional
forms of finance and micro-finance often associated with disadvantaged and
the poor, such as cheque cashers, loan sharks and pawnbrokers. Many people
who are classified as underbanked may also have a language barrier, such
as migrant workers, be unable to access banking facilities due to
distance, such as the elderly, or simply feel uncomfortable using
automated teller machines. The underbanked are a distinct group from the
unbanked, who are characterized by having no banking facilities at all.
People to People Banking.
Banks borrow money from the public, and
then they loan it back to you
for a fee, and it's not even a real loan,
they're just purchasing securities. And when the loan shows up in your
account, that doesn't mean that money was transferred, only the numbers.
Lending is the unfair, deceptive, or
fraudulent practices of some
lenders during the loan origination process.
Housing Crisis.
Subprime Lending
means making loans to people who may have difficulty maintaining the
repayment schedule, sometimes reflecting setbacks, such as unemployment,
divorce, medical emergencies, etc. (another word for
Subprime Mortgage Crisis (wiki) -
List of Bank Failures in the United States (2008–present) (wiki).
in Lending is a process whereby a loan officer takes
information from a borrower and makes a tentative assessment of how much
the lending institution is willing to lend them. (let's see that
Market is one of the many
varieties of systems, institutions,
procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby parties engage in
exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter, most
markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services (including labor
power) in exchange for money from buyers. It can be said that a market is
the process by which the prices of goods and services are established.
Markets facilitate trade and enable the distribution and resource
allocation in a society. Markets allow any trade-able item to be evaluated
and priced. A market emerges more or less spontaneously or may be
constructed deliberately by human interaction in order to enable the
exchange of rights (cf. ownership) of services and goods. Markets
generally supplant gift
economies and are
often held in place through rules and customs, such as a booth fee,
competitive pricing, and source of goods for sale (local produce or stock
Markets can differ by
products (goods, services) or factors (labour and capital) sold, product
differentiation, place in which exchanges are carried, buyers targeted,
duration, selling process, government regulation, taxes, subsidies,
minimum wages, price ceilings, legality of exchange, liquidity, intensity
of speculation, size,
concentration, exchange asymmetry, relative prices,
volatility and geographic extension. The geographic boundaries of a market
may vary considerably, for example the food market in a single building,
the real estate market in a local city, the
consumer market in an entire
country, or the economy of an international trade bloc where the same
rules apply throughout. Markets can also be worldwide, see for example the
global diamond trade. National economies can also be classified as
developed markets or developing markets. In mainstream economics, the
concept of a market is any structure that allows buyers and sellers to
exchange any type of goods, services and information. The exchange of
goods or services, with or without money, is a transaction. Market
participants consist of all the buyers and sellers of a good who influence
its price, which is a major topic of study of economics and has given rise
to several theories and models concerning the basic market forces of
supply and demand. A major topic of debate is how much a given market can
be considered to be a "free market", that is free from government
Microeconomics traditionally
focuses on the study of market structure and the efficiency of market
equilibrium; when the latter (if it exists) is not efficient, then
economists say that a market failure has occurred. However, it is not
always clear how the allocation of resources can be improved since there
is always the possibility of government failure.
market is one of the many varieties of systems, institutions,
procedures, social relations and infrastructures whereby parties engage in
exchange. While parties may exchange goods and services by barter, most
markets rely on sellers offering their goods or services (including labor)
in exchange for money from buyers. It can be said that a market is the
process by which the prices of goods and services are established. Markets
facilitate trade and enable the distribution and allocation of resources
in a society. Markets allow any trade-able item to be evaluated and
priced. A market sometimes emerges more or less spontaneously or may be
constructed deliberately by human interaction in order to enable the
exchange of rights (cf. ownership) of services and goods. Markets of
varying types can spontaneously arise whenever a party has interest in a
good or service that some other party can provide. Hence there can be a
market for cigarettes in correctional facilities, another for chewing gum
in a playground, and yet another for contracts for the future delivery of
a commodity. There can be black markets, where a good is exchanged
illegally, for example markets for goods under a command economy despite
pressure to repress them and virtual markets, such as eBay, in which
buyers and sellers do not physically interact during negotiation. A market
can be organized as an auction, as a private electronic market, as a
commodity wholesale market, as a shopping center, as a complex institution
such as a stock market and as an informal discussion between two
Markets vary in form, scale
(volume and geographic reach), location and types of participants as well
as the types of goods and services traded. The following is a non
exhaustive list: Physical
consumer markets. Food retail markets: farmers'
markets, fish markets, wet markets and grocery stores. Retail
marketplaces: public markets, market squares, Main Streets, High Streets,
bazaars, souqs, night markets, shopping strip malls and shopping malls.
Big-box stores: supermarkets, hypermarkets and discount stores. Ad hoc
auction markets: process of buying and selling goods or services by
offering them up for bid, taking bids and then selling the item to the
highest bidder. Used goods markets such as flea markets. Temporary markets
such as fairs. Real estate markets. Physical business markets. Physical
wholesale markets: sale of goods or merchandise to retailers; to
industrial, commercial, institutional, or other professional business
users or to other wholesalers and related subordinated services. Markets
for intermediate goods used in production of other goods and services.
Labor markets: where people sell their labour to businesses in exchange
for a wage. Online auctions and Ad hoc auction markets: process of buying
and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids and
then selling the item to the highest bidder. Temporary markets such as
trade fairs. Energy markets. Non-physical markets. Media markets
(broadcast market): is a region where the population can receive the same
(or similar) television and radio station offerings and may also include
other types of media including newspapers and Internet content. Internet
markets (electronic commerce): trading in products or services using
computer networks, such as the Internet. Artificial markets created by
regulation to exchange rights for derivatives that have been designed to
ameliorate externalities, such as pollution permits (see carbon trading).
Financial markets. Financial markets facilitate the exchange of liquid
assets. Most investors prefer investing in two markets: The stock markets,
for the exchange of shares in corporations (NYSE, AMEX and the NASDAQ are
the most common stock markets in the United States). The bond markets.
There are also: Currency markets are used to trade one currency for
another, and are often used for speculation on currency exchange rates.
The money market is the name for the global market for lending and
borrowing. Futures markets, where contracts are exchanged regarding the
future delivery of goods are often an outgrowth of general commodity
markets. Prediction markets are a type of speculative market in which the
goods exchanged are futures on the occurrence of certain events; they
apply the market dynamics to facilitate information aggregation. Insurance
markets. Debt markets.
Unauthorized and illegal
markets. Grey markets (parallel markets): is the trade of a
commodity through distribution channels which, while legal, are
unofficial, unauthorized, or unintended by the original manufacturer.
Markets in illegal goods such as the market for illicit drugs, illegal
arms, infringing products, cigarettes sold to minors or untaxed cigarettes
(in some jurisdictions), or the private sale of unpasteurized goat milk.
Grey Market -
Monopolies -
Dark Net
Market information Systems are information systems used in
gathering, analyzing and
disseminating information about prices and other
information relevant to farmers, animal rearers, traders, processors and
others involved in handling agricultural products.
Marketing is marketing on a worldwide scale reconciling or
taking commercial advantage of global operational differences,
similarities and opportunities in order to meet global objectives.
Market is a market that trades in primary economic sector
rather than manufactured products. Soft commodities are agricultural
products such as wheat, coffee, cocoa and sugar. Hard commodities are
mined, such as gold and oil.
Free Market
is an economic system in which prices are determined by
competition between privately owned businesses.
Free Market is a
system in which the prices for goods and services are
self-regulated by
the open market and by consumers. In a free market, the laws and forces of
supply and demand are free from any
intervention by a government or other authority, and from all forms of
economic privilege,
monopolies and
scarcities. Proponents of the concept of free market contrast it with a
regulated market in which a government intervenes in supply and demand
through various methods such as
tariffs used to
restrict trade and to
protect the local economy. In an idealized free-
market economy, prices for
goods and services are set freely by the forces of supply and demand and
are allowed to reach their point of equilibrium without intervention by
government policy.
Food Market (food security) -
Off Shore -
Margaritaville is the third episode of the thirteenth season of the
American animated television series
South Park.
Pension (finacial aid) -
Investment -
Wave Principle is a form of technical analysis that finance
traders use to analyze financial market cycles and forecast market trends
by identifying extremes in investor psychology, highs and lows in prices,
and other collective factors.
Financial Market is a market in which people trade financial
securities, commodities, and other fungible items of value at low
transaction costs and at prices that reflect supply and demand. Securities
include stocks and bonds, and commodities include precious metals or
agricultural products.
Wall Street - Stock Exchange - Financial System
Wall Street is a street in New York City where the stock
exchange and financial businesses are located. Wall Street is often used
to refer to the financial business carried out there and to the people who
work there. Wall street is a 0.7-mile-long (1.1 km) street running eight
blocks, roughly northwest to southeast, from Broadway to South Street on
the East River in the Financial District of Lower Manhattan, New York
City. The term has become a
metonym for
the financial markets of the United States as a whole, the American
financial sector (even if financial firms are not physically located
there), or New York-based financial interests.
Divesting -
Investing -
Profit -
Inside Trading -
High Frequency
Trading -
Bubbles -
Stock Exchange is an
exchange where stock brokers and traders can buy
and sell shares of stock, bonds, and other securities. Stock exchanges may
also provide facilities for issue and redemption of securities and other
financial instruments and capital events including the payment of income
and dividends.
Traded on a stock exchange include stock issued
by listed companies, unit trusts, derivatives, pooled investment products
and bonds. Stock exchanges often function as "continuous auction" markets
with buyers and sellers consummating transactions at a central location
such as the floor of the exchange. There are
Stock Exchanges in the world that have a market capitalization of over
US$1 trillion each. They are sometimes referred to as the "$1 Trillion
Club". These exchanges accounted for 87% of global market capitalization
in 2015. Some exchanges do include companies from outside the country
where the exchange is located.
Stock Market is the aggregation of
buyers and
(a loose network of economic transactions, not a physical facility or
discrete entity) of stocks (also called shares); these may include
securities listed on a stock exchange as well as those only traded
Commodity is an
economic good, usually a
resource, that has full
or substantial fungibility, that is, the market treats instances of the
good as equivalent or nearly so with no regard to who produced them. The
price of a commodity good is typically determined as a function of its
market as a whole, well-established physical commodities have actively
traded spot and derivative markets. The wide availability of commodities
typically leads to smaller profit margins and diminishes the importance of
factors (such as brand name) other than price. Most commodities are raw
materials, basic resources, agricultural, or mining products, such as iron
ore, sugar, or grains like rice and wheat. Commodities can also be
mass-produced unspecialized products such as chemicals and computer
Water Monopoly.
Financial System is a system that allows the exchange of funds between
financial market participants such as lenders, investors, and borrowers.
Financial systems operate at national and global levels. They consist of
complex, closely related services, markets, and institutions intended to
provide an efficient and regular linkage between investors and depositors.
In other words financial system can be known where ever the exist the
exchange of financial medium(money) while there is an reallocation of
funds into the needy areas (financial markets, business firms, banks) to
utilize the potential of ideal money and place them in use to get benefits
out of them. This whole mechanism is known as financial system. Money,
credit, and finance are used as medium of exchange in financial systems.
They serve as a medium of known value for which goods and services can be
exchanged as an alternative to bartering. A modern financial system may
include banks (public sector or private sector), financial markets,
financial instruments, and financial services. Financial systems allow
funds to be allocated, invested, or moved between economic sectors. They
enable individuals and companies to share the associated risks.
Stock Trader
is a person or company involved in trading equity securities. Stock
traders may be an agent, hedger, arbitrageur, speculator, stockbroker or
Trader is a member of a stock or
commodities exchange who trades on the floor of that exchange for his
or her own account. The floor trader must abide by trading rules similar
to those of the exchange specialists who trade on behalf of others. The
term should not be confused with
Broker. Floor traders are occasionally referred to as registered
competitive traders, individual liquidity providers or locals. These
traders are subject to a screening process before they can trade on the
exchange. The people who operate as floor traders are in an open outcry
system that has slowly been replaced by automated trading systems and
computers that work in the same fashion as humans, without the interaction
of people buying and selling stocks.
Share is a unit used as mutual funds, limited partnerships, and real
investment trusts. The owner of
shares in the company is a shareholder (or stockholder) of the
corporation. A share is an indivisible unit of capital, expressing the
ownership relationship between the company and the shareholder. The
denominated value of a share is its
face value,
and the total of the face value of issued shares represent the capital of
a company, which may not reflect the market value of those shares. The
income received from the ownership of shares is a dividend. The process of
purchasing and selling shares often involves going through a stockbroker
as a middle man. There are different types of shares such as equity
shares, preference shares, bonus shares, right shares, and employees stock
option plan shares.
Share Price is the
price of a single share of a
number of saleable stocks of a company, derivative or other financial
asset. In layman's terms, the stock price is the highest amount someone is
willing to pay for the stock, or the lowest amount that it can be bought
Price-Earnings Ratio is the ratio of a company's share price or stock
price to the company's earnings per share. The ratio is used for valuing
companies and to find out whether they are overvalued or undervalued.
Repurchase is the re-acquisition by a company of its own stock.
Shareholder is an individual or institution (including a
corporation) that legally owns a share of stock in a public or private
Poison Pill Defense
strategy or the
shareholder rights plan, allows existing shareholders to purchase
additional shares in a company at a discount. It makes a hostile
or buyout costly for the other party, effectively diluting its ownership
interest. Shareholder rights plan is a type of defensive tactic used by a
corporation's board of directors against a takeover.
Everyone is a share holder and everyone is a stake
holder. Everyone owns a piece of each other.
stock market is like a gambling casino where the criminals or the crime
bosses have access to the cash in the back room. When stocks go down, it
means that someone took a withdrawal, so the criminals just got richer,
while the poor got poorer. The house always wins.
Securities and Exchange Commission primary responsibility is enforcing
the federal securities laws, proposing securities rules, and regulating
securities industry, which is the nation's stock and options
exchanges, and other activities and organizations, including the
electronic securities markets in the United States. In addition to the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which created it, the
SEC enforces the
Securities Act of 1933, the
Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the
Investment Company Act of 1940, the
Investment Advisers Act of 1940, the
Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, and other statutes. The SEC was created by
Section 4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (now codified as 15
U.S.C. § 78d and commonly referred to as the Exchange Act or the 1934
Act). SEC is a large independent agency of the United States federal
government that was created following the stock market crash in the 1920s
to protect investors and the
national banking system.
Stake Holder is a person with an interest
or concern in something, especially a business.
Primary stakeholders are usually internal stakeholders, are those that
engage in economic transactions with the business, like stockholders,
customers, suppliers, creditors, and employees.
Secondary stakeholders are the general public, parents, children,
customers, owners, employees, associates, partners, contractors, and
suppliers, people that are related or located nearby like communities,
activist groups, business support groups, and the media. External
stakeholders do not engage in direct economic exchange with the business,
but they can be affected by its actions. Any action taken by any
organization or any group might affect those people who are linked with
them in the private sector.
Everything is Connected.
Shares Outstanding are all the shares of a corporation or financial
asset that have been authorized, issued and purchased by investors and are
held by them. The person who holds the shares has rights and represents
ownership in the corporation. They are distinguished from treasury shares,
which are shares held by the corporation itself and have no exercisable
rights. Shares outstanding plus treasury shares together amount to the
number of issued shares. Shares outstanding can be calculated as either
basic or fully diluted. The basic count is the current number of shares.
Dividend distributions and voting in the general meeting of shareholders
are calculated according to this number. The fully diluted shares
outstanding count, on the other hand, includes diluting securities, such
as warrants, capital notes or convertibles. If the company has any
diluting securities, this indicates the potential future increased number
of shares outstanding.
Security in finance is a tradable financial asset. The term commonly
refers to any form of financial instrument, but its legal definition
varies by jurisdiction.
Dividend is a payment made by a corporation to its shareholders,
usually as a distribution of
profits. When a
corporation earns a profit or surplus, the corporation is able to
re-invest the
profit in the business (called retained earnings) and pay a proportion of
the profit as a dividend to shareholders. Distribution to shareholders may
be in cash (usually a deposit into a bank account) or, if the corporation
has a dividend reinvestment plan, the amount can be paid by the issue of
further shares or share repurchase. When dividends are paid, shareholders
typically must pay income taxes, and the corporation does not receive a
corporate income tax deduction for the dividend payments.
Futures Contract or futures is a standardized legal contract to buy or
sell something at a predetermined price for delivery at a specified time
in the future, between parties not yet known to each other.
Insider Trading -
Forward Contract or simply a forward is a non-standardized contract
between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a specified future time at
a price agreed on at the time of conclusion of the contract, making it a
type of
derivative instrument, which is a contract that derives its value from
the performance of an underlying entity.
Hedge is an investment position intended to offset potential losses or
gains that may be incurred by a companion investment.
Short in an asset means investing in such a way that the investor
will profit if the value of the asset falls. This is the opposite of a more
conventional "long" position, where the investor
will profit if the value
of the asset rises.
Long Position in a financial instrument means the holder of the
position owns a positive amount of the instrument.
Market or cash market is a public financial market in which financial
instruments or commodities are traded for immediate delivery. It contrasts
with a futures market, in which delivery is due at a later date. In a spot
market, settlement normally happens in T+2 working days, i.e., delivery of
cash and commodity must be done after two working days of the trade date.
A spot market can be through an exchange or over-the-counter or OTC. Spot
markets can operate wherever the infrastructure exists to conduct the
Date of a transaction is the normal settlement day when the
transaction is carried out as soon as practical, i.e. "
the spot". This kind of transaction is called a "
transaction" or simply "spot", and is often described as such in
contrast to a transaction which is not settled immediately, such as a
futures contract or a forward contract.
Public Company is a company whose ownership is organized via shares of
stock which are intended to be freely traded on a stock exchange or in
over-the-counter markets. A public company can be listed on a stock
exchange (listed company), which facilitates the trade of shares, or not
(unlisted public company). In some jurisdictions, public companies over a
certain size must be listed on an exchange. Public companies are formed
within the legal systems of particular states, and therefore have
associations and formal designations which are distinct and separate in
the polity in which they reside. In the United States, for example, a
public company is usually a type of corporation (though a corporation need
not be a public company), in France it is usually a "société anonyme"
(SA), in Britain a public limited company (plc), and in Germany an
Aktiengesellschaft (AG). While the general idea of a public company may be
similar, differences are meaningful, and are at the core of international
law disputes with regard to industry and trade.
Market Capitalization or
Market Cap is
market value of a
publicly traded company's outstanding
shares. Market capitalization is equal to
the share price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. Since
outstanding stock is bought and sold in public markets, capitalization
could be used as an indicator of public opinion of a company's net worth
and is a determining factor in some forms of stock valuation. Market cap
reflects only the equity value of a company. A firm's choice of capital
structure has a significant impact on how the total value of a company is
allocated between equity and debt. A more comprehensive measure is
enterprise value (EV), which gives effect
outstanding debt, preferred stock, and other
factors. For insurance firms, a value called the embedded value (EV) has
been used. Market capitalization is used by the investment community in
ranking the size of companies, as opposed to sales or total asset figures.
It is also used in ranking the relative size of stock exchanges, being a
measure of the sum of the market capitalizations of all companies listed
on each stock exchange. In performing such rankings, the market
capitalizations are calculated at some significant date, such as June 30
or December 31. The total capitalization of stock markets or economic
regions may be compared with other economic indicators. The total market
capitalization of all publicly traded companies in the world was US$51.2
trillion in January 2007 and rose as high as US$57.5 trillion in May 2008
before dropping below US$50 trillion in August 2008 and slightly above
US$40 trillion in September 2008. In 2014 and 2015, global market
capitalization was US$68 trillion and US$67 trillion, respectively.
Market Value is the
price at which an asset would trade in a
competitive auction setting.
Market value is often used interchangeably
with open market value, fair value or fair market value, although these
terms have distinct definitions in different standards, and may or may not
differ in some circumstances.
Price Gouging.
Enterprise Value
is an
economic measure reflecting the market
value of a business (i.e. as distinct from market price). It is a sum of
claims by all claimants: creditors (secured and unsecured) and
shareholders (preferred and common). Enterprise value is one of the
fundamental metrics used in business valuation, financial modeling,
accounting, portfolio analysis, and risk analysis. Enterprise value is
more comprehensive than market capitalization, which only reflects common
equity. Importantly, EV reflects the opportunistic nature of business and
may change substantially over time because of both external and internal
conditions. Therefore, financial analysts often use a comfortable range of
EV in their calculations.
Financial Asset is a
non-physical asset whose
value is derived from a contractual claim, such as bank deposits,
bonds, and stocks. Financial assets are usually more liquid than other
tangible assets, such as
commodities or real
estate, and may be traded on financial markets.
Unrealized Capital Gain or paper
profit, refers to an increase in value for an asset that a person hasn't
sold yet, whether it's a share in a business or a property. If an
investment has unrealized capital gains, you might sell it to lock in your
profit or you may hold onto it longer to defer taxes. Alternatively, you
might hold an investment with capital losses to wait until it increases in
value or you might sell it to offset other gains. A gain or loss on an
investment is realized when it is sold. Capital gains are taxed and
capital losses may be deducted only after they're realized from the sale
of an asset. Unrealized gains and losses remain subject to change, but
they can help you minimize the taxes you owe. A tax on unrealized gains
would mean that even if you had not sold a stock or other asset, you would
need to pay tax on it if it appreciated in value.
If unrealized
gains can be used as collateral to purchase luxury items, or used to take
out big loans, or used to determine net worth, then that unrealized gain
is actually "realized". It may be a paradox or a contradiction, but it's
definitely another loophole for greedy scumbags to use, and those greedy
scumbags have a lot of loopholes.
The S&P
500 measures the value of stocks of the 500 largest corporations by
market capitalization listed on the New York Stock Exchange or
Nasdaq Composite.
Standard & Poor's intention is to have a price that provides a quick
look at the stock market and economy. Indeed, the S&P 500 index is the
most popular measure used by financial media and professionals, while the
mainstream media and general public are more familiar with the Dow Jones
Industrial Average.
DOW Jones Industrial Average was 35,000 in 2021, 36,000 in 2023,
and 45,000 at the end of 2024. The
Dow Jones Industrial Average or simply the Dow, is a stock market
index that shows how 30 large, publicly owned companies based in the
United States have traded during a standard trading session in the stock
market. The value of the Dow is not a weighted arithmetic mean and does
not represent its component companies' market capitalization, but rather
the sum of the price of one share of stock for each component company. The
sum is corrected by a factor which changes whenever one of the component
stocks has a stock split or stock dividend, so as to generate a consistent
value for the index. To calculate the DJIA, the sum of the prices of all
30 stocks is divided by a divisor, the Dow Divisor. The divisor is
adjusted in case of stock splits, spinoffs or similar structural changes,
to ensure that such events do not in themselves alter the numerical value
of the DJIA.
Market Trend is a perceived tendency of financial markets to move in a
particular direction over time. These trends are classified as secular for
long time frames, primary for medium time frames, and secondary for short
time frames. Traders attempt to identify market trends using
technical analysis, a framework which characterizes market trends as
predictable price tendencies within the market when price reaches support
and resistance levels, varying over time. A trend can only be determined
in hindsight, since at any time prices in the future are not known.
Bear Market is a condition in which
securities prices fall 20% or more from recent highs amid widespread
pessimism and negative investor sentiment.
Bull Market is a market that is on the rise and is economically
sound, while a bear market is a market that is receding, where most stocks
are declining in value. Although some investors are "bearish," the
majority of investors are "bullish".
What causes the stock market
to go up and down? Prices often move because of supply and demand:
If more investors want to buy a stock than sell it, the price goes up. If
more investors want to sell a stock than buy it, the price goes down. You
buy a stock because you think that it will go up in the future.
Money Market
became a component of the financial market for assets involved in
short-term borrowing, lending, buying and selling with original maturities
of one year or less. Trading in money markets is done over the counter and
is wholesale. There are several money market instruments in most Western
countries, including treasury bills, commercial paper, bankers'
acceptances, deposits, certificates of deposit, bills of exchange,
repurchase agreements, federal funds, and short-lived mortgage- and
asset-backed securities. The instruments bear differing maturities,
currencies, credit risks, and structures. Money markets, which provide
liquidity for the global financial system including for capital markets,
are part of the broader system of financial markets. The money market
consists of financial institutions and dealers in money or credit who wish
to either borrow or lend. Participants borrow and lend for short periods,
typically up to twelve months. Money market trades in short-term financial
instruments commonly called "paper". This contrasts with the capital
market for longer-term funding, which is supplied by bonds and equity. The
core of the money market consists of interbank lending—banks borrowing and
lending to each other using commercial paper, repurchase agreements and
similar instruments. These instruments are often benchmarked to (i.e.,
priced by reference to) the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) for the
appropriate term and currency. Finance companies typically fund themselves
by issuing large amounts of asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP), which is
secured by the pledge of eligible assets into an ABCP conduit. Examples of
eligible assets include auto loans, credit card receivables,
residential/commercial mortgage loans, mortgage-backed securities and
similar financial assets. Some large corporations with strong credit
rating issue commercial paper on their own credit. Other large
corporations arrange for banks to issue commercial paper on their behalf.
In the United States, federal, state and local governments all issue paper
to meet funding needs. States and local governments issue municipal paper,
while the U.S. Treasury issues Treasury bills to fund the U.S. public
debt: Trading companies often purchase bankers' acceptances to tender for
payment to overseas suppliers. Retail and institutional money market
funds. Banks. Central banks. Merchant banks. Cash management programs.
The Federal Reserve on March 12th, 2020 offers of $1.5 trillion in
short-term loans to stem a market meltdown. Another
bailout for banks.
Market Failure is a situation in which the allocation of goods and
services is not efficient. That is, there exists another conceivable
outcome where an individual may be made better-off without making someone
else worse-off. Market failures can be viewed as scenarios where
individuals' pursuit of
pure self-interest leads to
results that are not efficient – that can be improved upon from the
societal point of view.
Speculation is the purchase of an asset with the
hope that it will become more valuable at a
future date. In finance, speculation is also the practice of engaging in
risky financial transactions in an
attempt to profit from short term
fluctuations in the market value of a tradable financial instrument—rather
than attempting to profit from the underlying financial attributes
embodied in the instrument such as capital gains, dividends, or interest.
Speculator is a person who forms a theory
or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence. (commodity, goods,
or real estate).
Speculation is when
banks are earning huge
profits from
betting on food prices in
unregulated financial markets. This
creates instability and pushes up global food prices, leaving millions
going hungry and facing deeper poverty. In January 2014, after four years
of our campaign, the EU agreed to introduce new rules to prevent hedge
funds and investment banks from driving up food prices.
Financial Bubble is
characterized by
rapidly increasing prices of an asset
to a point that is unsustainable, causing the asset to burst or contract
in value. Financial bubbles follow five stages, displacement, boom,
profit taking and bust. Bubbles are mostly
money making scam and not an
economic cycle.
Stock Market Bubble is when participants drive
stock prices above
their value in relation to some system of stock valuation.
The Big Short.
Speculative Bubble is a spike in asset values within a particular
industry, commodity, or asset class that is fueled by
speculation as
opposed to fundamentals of that asset class.
Housing Bubble
Information Bubble -
Knowledge Bubble -
Inflation -
Middle Men
Economic Bubble is a period when current asset prices greatly exceed
their intrinsic valuation, being the valuation that the underlying
long-term fundamentals justify. Bubbles can be caused by overly optimistic
projections about the scale and sustainability of growth (e.g. dot-com
bubble), and/or by the belief that intrinsic valuation is no longer
relevant when making an investment (e.g. Tulip mania). An economic bubble
is also called a speculative bubble or a financial bubble. Most bubbles
are created by
greedy scumbags who know how to
manipulate the systems and then blame on something else besides their
known criminal activity.
Dot-Com Bubble was a period of market growth coincided with the
widespread adoption of the World Wide Web and the Internet, resulting in a
dispensation of available venture capital and the rapid growth of
valuations in new dot-com startups. The bubble ballooned during the
late-1990s and peaked on Friday, March 10, 2000. etween 1995 and its peak
in March 2000, investments in the NASDAQ composite stock market index rose
800%, only to fall 78% from its peak by October 2002, giving up all its
gains during the bubble. And of course, some
scumbags walked away with billions of dollars.
Mania was a period in the Dutch Golden Age during which contract
prices for some bulbs of the recently introduced and fashionable tulip
reached extraordinarily high levels and then dramatically collapsed in February 1637.
Stock Market Crash is a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across
a significant cross-section of a
stock market, resulting in a significant
loss of paper wealth. Crashes are driven by panic as much as by underlying
economic factors. They often follow speculation and economic bubbles. A
stock market crash is a social phenomenon where
external economic events combine
with crowd psychology in a positive feedback loop where selling by some
market participants drives more market participants to sell. Generally
speaking, crashes usually occur under the following conditions: a
prolonged period of rising stock prices (a bull market) and excessive
economic optimism, a market where price–earnings ratios exceed long-term
averages, and extensive use of margin debt and leverage by market
participants. Other aspects such as wars, large corporate hacks, changes
in federal laws and regulations, and natural disasters within economically
productive areas may also influence a significant decline in the stock
market value of a wide range of stocks. All such stock drops may result in
the rise of stock prices for corporations competing against the affected
corporations. There is no numerically specific definition of a stock
market crash but the term commonly applies to steep double-digit
percentage losses in a stock market index over a period of several days.
Crashes are often distinguished from bear markets (periods of declining
stock market prices that are measured in months or years) by panic selling
and abrupt, dramatic price declines. Crashes are often associated with
bear markets; however, they do not necessarily go hand in hand. Black
Monday (1987), for example, did not lead to a bear market. Likewise, the
Japanese bear market of the 1990s occurred over several years without any
notable crashes. Crashes are generally unexpected. As Niall Ferguson
stated, "Before the crash, our world seems almost stationary, deceptively
so, balanced, at a set point. So that when the crash finally hits — as
inevitably it will — everyone seems surprised. And our brains keep telling
us it’s not time for a crash."
Black Monday is the name commonly attached to a sudden, severe, and
largely unexpected
stock market crash that struck the global financial
market system in
1987. In the United
States, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell 508 points (22.6%),
accompanied by crashes in the futures and options markets. This was one of
the largest one-day percentage drops in the history of the Dow Jones
index. Significant selling created steep price declines throughout the
day, particularly during the last hour and a half of trading. The S&P 500
and Wilshire 5000 indices each declined more than 18 percent, and the S&P
500 futures contract declined 29 percent. Total trading volume was so
large that the computer and communications systems in place at the time
were overwhelmed, leaving orders unfilled for an hour or more. Large funds
transfers were delayed for hours and the Fedwire and NYSE DOT systems shut
down for extended periods of time, further compounding traders' confusion.
All of the twenty-three major world markets experienced a similar decline
that October. When measured in a common currency (US dollars), eight of
them declined by 20 to 29%, three by 30 to 39% (Malaysia, Mexico and New
Zealand), and three by more than 40% (Hong Kong, Australia and Singapore).
Worldwide losses were estimated at US$1.7 trillion. The severity of the
crash sparked fears of extended economic instability or even a reprise of
Great Depression. Across
nations, the degree to which the financial markets' distress spread to the
wider economy (the "real economy") was directly related to the monetary
policy each nation pursued in response. The central banks of the United
States, West Germany and Japan provided liquidity to prevent debt defaults
among financial institutions, and the impact on the real economy was
relatively limited and short-lived. The Reserve Bank of New Zealand's
refusal to loosen monetary policy in response to the crisis, however, had
sharply negative and relatively long-term consequences for both financial
markets and the real economy. In finance, the crash of 1987 also
apparently had the ongoing effect of altering implied volatility patterns
that arise in pricing financial options. Equity options traded in American
markets did not show a volatility smile before the crash but began showing
one afterward.
Popularity is not an accurate
measurement of reality.
Fair Trade.
Insider Trading is the trading of a public company's
or other securities (such as bonds or stock options) by individuals with
access to nonpublic information about the company.
Insider trading gives those competitive
informed of an actual upcoming event an
unfair advantage, allowing
them to buy or sell the corresponding stock prior to the new information
being publicly released. The
inside information can come from company
employees or any third party that has particular knowledge of the inner
workings of an organization and is barred from using that information for
gain. When ghosting the market, more than one firm may attempt to
drive a
buy or sell frenzy. This is often started by buying or selling large
amounts of a particular stock by all parties included in the fraudulent
activity. This sudden increase in activity often sparks similar activities
in other stockholders who are unaware of the collusion. As a result,
prices rise or fall dramatically, corresponding to the buying or selling
frenzy respectively.
Many stocks and share sales and buys happen off
the exchange behind closed doors.
Senators got covid-19 briefings
before the public, and they sold millions of dollars in shares before the
crash, and they never got in trouble for insider trading. People also knew
about 911 coming, and they also sold and bought stock before the attack.
High-Frequency Trading is a type of algorithmic trading
characterized by high speeds, high turnover rates, and high order-to-trade
ratios that leverages high-frequency financial data and electronic trading
tools. Who ever has the fastest computer, the fastest connection and is
also closest to the servers, wins. High Frequency Trading is
middle men on steroids who can steal money from
the financial systems without creating value, and do it without any
Abuse -
Knowledge Gap
Front Running is
the practice by market makers of dealing on
advance information provided by their brokers and investment
analysts, before their clients have been given the information. The
practice of entering into an equity (stock) trade, option, futures
contract, derivative, or security-based swap to
capitalize on advance, nonpublic knowledge of a large ("block")
pending transaction that will influence the price of the underlying
Non-Public Information refers to any
documents, facts, figures, or data that has not been released to
investors. Material nonpublic information refers to certain
about a company which could affect its share price and investment
decisions as soon as the information has been made public. However, the
public does not yet have access to this information. Insider trading laws
prohibit the buying or selling of a company's stock while in possession of
material, nonpublic information.
Private Equity strategies generally involve investing in companies
that are not publicly traded on stock exchanges.
Pool is a private forum or
alternative trading system for
trading securities, derivatives, and other financial instruments.
Liquidity on these markets is called dark pool liquidity. The bulk of dark
pool trades represent large trades by financial institutions that are
offered away from public exchanges like the New York Stock Exchange and
the NASDAQ, so that such trades remain confidential and
outside the
purview of the general investing public. The fragmentation of electronic
trading platforms has allowed dark pools to be created, and they are
normally accessed through crossing networks or directly among market
participants via private contractual arrangements. Generally dark pools
not available to the public, but in some cases they may be accessed
indirectly by retail investors and traders via retail brokers. One of the
main advantages for institutional investors in using dark pools is for
buying or selling large blocks of securities without showing their hand to
others and thus avoiding market impact as neither the size of the trade
nor the identity are revealed until some time after the trade is filled.
However, it also means that some market participants are disadvantaged as
they cannot see the orders before they are executed; prices are agreed
upon by participants in the dark pools, so the market is no longer
transparent. Dark pools are heavily
used in high-frequency trading, which
has also led to a
conflict of interest for those operating dark pools due
to payment for order flow and priority access. High frequency traders may
obtain information from placing orders in one dark pool that can be used
on other exchanges or dark pools. Depending on the precise way in which a
"dark" pool operates and interacts with other venues, it may be
considered, and indeed referred to by some vendors, as a "grey" pool.
These systems and strategies typically seek liquidity among open and
closed trading venues, such as other alternative trading systems. Dark
pools have grown in importance since 2007, with dozens of different pools
garnering a substantial portion of U.S. equity trading. Dark pools are of
various types and can execute trades in multiple ways, such as through
negotiation or automatically (e.g., midpoint crosses, staggered crosses,
VWAP, etc.), throughout the day or at scheduled times.
War Profiteering -
Dark Money -
Inside Job
Payment for Order Flow is when brokerage firms receive compensation in
exchange for routing orders with market makers. These market makers make
money on the difference between the bid price and ask price, which means
investors may not be getting the best deal possible. Payment for order
flow is the compensation that a stockbroker receives from a market maker
in exchange for the broker routing its clients' trades to that market
maker. It is a controversial practice that has been called a "
by its critics. Policymakers supportive of PFOF and several people in
finance who have a favorable view of the practice have defended it for
helping develop new investment apps, low-cost trading, and more efficient
Act is an Act of Congress
designed to combat insider trading. It was
signed into law by President Barack Obama on April 4, 2012. The law
prohibits the use of non-public information for private profit, including
insider trading by members of Congress and other government employees. It
confirms changes to the
Commodity Exchange Act, specifies reporting intervals for financial
Ghosting is an illegal
practice whereby two or more market makers
collectively attempt to influence and change the price of a stock.
Ghosting is used by
corrupt companies to affect stock prices so they can
profit from the price movement. This practice is illegal because market
makers are required by law to act in competition with each other. While
both ghosting and insider trading give particular firms or investors the
ability to
profit through illegal mechanisms, they function differently.
With ghosting, a change in market condition is essentially
spurred on by the sudden increase of buying or selling of a particular
stock. This causes stock prices to rise or fall in response to the sudden
increase in trade volume but for disingenuous reasons, as no event has
transpired to instigate the change.
Distortion is any event in which a market reaches a market
clearing price for an item that is substantially different from the price
that a market would achieve while operating under conditions of perfect
competition and state enforcement of legal contracts and the ownership of private property.
and Dump is a form of securities fraud that involves
artificially inflating the price of an owned
stock through false and misleading positive statements, in order to sell
the cheaply purchased stock at a higher price. Once the operators of the
scheme "dump" (sell) their overvalued shares, the price falls and
investors lose their money.
Share Repurchase or
Stock Buyback is
the re-acquisition by a company of its own shares. It is relatively easy
for insiders to capture insider-trading-like gains through the use of
"open market repurchases". Such transactions are legal and generally
encouraged by regulators through safe harbours against insider trading
Quantitative Analysis is the use of models, or algorithms,
to evaluate assets for investment. The process usually consists of
searching vast databases for patterns, such as correlations among liquid
assets or price-movement patterns (trend following or mean reversion). The
resulting strategies may involve high-frequency trading.
18 U.S. Code § 1955 - Prohibition of illegal gambling businesses.
Whoever conducts, finances, manages, supervises, directs, or owns all or
part of an illegal
business shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five
years, or both.
2010 Flash Crash was a United States trillion-dollar stock
market crash on May 6, 2010.
Adverse Selection is a "rigged" trade. When buyers and
sellers have access to different information (
asymmetric information),
traders with better private information about the quality of a product
will selectively participate in trades which benefit them the most (at the
expense of the other trader). A textbook example is Akerlof's market for
Warrant is a kind of stock option. Specifically, it is a barrier
option of the Down and Out type. It is similar to a vanilla contract, but
with two additional features: It has a low vega, meaning that the option
price is much less affected by the implied volatility of the stock market,
and it is highly geared due to the possibility of knockout.
Really Happened? -
Occupy the SEC
Vulture Fund
is a hedge fund, private-equity fund or distressed debt fund, that invests
in debt considered to be very weak or in default, known as distressed
securities. Investors in the fund profit by buying debt at a discounted
price on a secondary market and then using numerous methods to
subsequently sell the debt for a larger amount than the purchasing price.
Debtors include companies, countries, and individuals. Vulture funds have
had success in bringing attachment and recovery actions against sovereign
debtor governments, usually settling with them before realizing the
attachments in forced sales. Settlements typically are made at a discount
in hard or local currency or in the form of new debt issuance. In one
instance involving Peru, such a seizure threatened payments to other
creditors of the sovereign obliger.
Short -
Options is a contract which conveys to its owner, the holder, the
right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific quantity of an
underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price on or before a
specified date, depending on the style of the option.
Black–Scholes Model is a mathematical model for the dynamics of a
financial market containing derivative investment instruments, using
various underlying assumptions.
Derivative is a contract that derives its value from the performance
of an underlying entity. This underlying entity can be an asset, index, or
interest rate, and is often simply called the underlying.
Hedge Fund is a
fund that trades in relatively liquid assets and is able to make extensive
use of more complex trading, portfolio-construction and risk management
techniques in an attempt to improve performance, such as short selling,
leverage, and derivatives. Financial regulators generally restrict hedge
fund marketing except to institutional investors, high net worth
individuals and others who are considered sufficiently sophisticated.
Dynamic Hedging is a strategy that
involves rebalancing hedge positions as market conditions change; a
strategy that seeks to insure the value of a portfolio using a
synthetic put option.
Swap is a derivative in which two counterparties exchange
cash flows of one party's financial instrument for those of the other
party's financial instrument.
Treasury Yield Curve has now been inverted for a full quarter as of
Mar 25, 2019. One of the most reliable recession indicators in the market
got triggered on Friday and investors across the globe are starting to
worry. This happens to be an unusually reliable warning sign that an
economic downturn is on the way. The yield
curve has flipped prior to each of the last seven official recessions over
the past 50 years, without a single false-alarm during that stretch. If
securities could talk, in other words, they’d be screaming bloody murder
about trouble ahead. When finance types say that the yield curve is
“inverted,” what they really mean is that the typical order of the debt
markets that prevails when the economy is healthy has been turned on its
head. Usually, long-term U.S. government bonds offer higher yields than
short-term ones, because buyers demand higher interest rates in return for
locking up their money for greater periods of time. There are a few
reasons why this is the case, but a big one is that the longer it takes to
get repaid, the more risk there is that inflation will eat up your
investment. When the yield curve is inverted, however, the opposite
becomes true: The returns on long-term bonds dip below returns on
short-term ones. Again, there are many reasons that this could happen, but
it’s generally interpreted as a sign that the market expects weak or
nonexistent growth in the coming years, and very little inflation.
Treasury Yield Curve Rates: These rates are
commonly referred to as "Constant Maturity Treasury" rates, or CMTs.
Yields are interpolated by the Treasury from the daily yield curve. This
curve, which relates the yield on a security to its time to maturity is
based on the closing market bid yields on actively traded Treasury
securities in the over-the-counter market. These market yields are
calculated from composites of indicative, bid-side market quotations (not
actual transactions) obtained by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York at
or near 3:30 PM each trading day. The CMT yield values are read from the
yield curve at fixed maturities, currently 1, 2, 3 and 6 months and 1, 2,
3, 5, 7, 10, 20, and 30 years. This method provides a yield for a 10 year
maturity, for example, even if no outstanding security has exactly 10
years remaining to maturity.
Mergers -
Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street was a
protest movement that began on September 17,
2011, in Zuccotti Park, located in New York City's Wall Street financial
district, against
economic inequality. It gave rise to the wider Occupy
movement in the United States and other countries.
Right to Assembly.
Occupy Wall St. Sept. 17, 2011 (youtube)
ccupy Wall Street
N.Y.C. General Assembly
Rise Like Lions -
Social Justice -
Free The Network (youtube)
Move your Money Out of Nation’s Largest Banks Into Local Community Banks
Okupación (vimeo)
Protest Camp or protest encampment is a physical camp that is set up
activists, to either provide a base for
protest, or to delay, obstruct or prevent the focus of their protest by
physically blocking it with the camp. A protest camp may also have a
symbolic or reproductive component where 'protest campers' try and
recreate their desired worlds through the enactment of protest camp
infrastructures (such as communal kitchens, child care, environmentally
friendly composting toilet or use of grey water systems) or through the
modes of organizing and governance (e.g. direct democracy).
Occupation is a protest strategy often used by
social movements and other forms of collective social action in order
to squat and
hold public and symbolic
spaces, buildings, critical infrastructure such as entrances to train
stations, shopping centers, university buildings, squares, and parks.
Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed
into federal law by President Barack Obama on July 21, 2010. Passed as a
response to the financial crisis of 2007–2008, it brought the most
significant changes to financial regulation in the United States since the
regulatory reform that followed the Great Depression. It made changes in
the American financial regulatory environment that affect all federal
financial regulatory agencies and almost every part of the nation's
financial services industry. (Pub.L. 111–203, H.R. 4173, commonly referred to as Dodd–Frank).
Crimes need to be stopped that are being
Committed by Banks, Corporations and Politicians.
Move to Amend - We the People of the United States of
America, reject the U.S. Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling and other
related cases, and move to amend our Constitution to firmly establish that
money is not speech, and that human beings, not corporations, are persons
entitled to
constitutional rights.
Wage Slavery -
Offshore Accounts -
Tax Evasion
Wall Street is actually not a total waste. The Computer Network System they
currently use just for money can easily be converted to monitor
things in our world that matter. Wall street could become an
information hub for monitoring our resources and needs in real
time. "
Information Street" The system can monitor food distribution throughout the
world, see water pollution problems, housing shortages, energy
needs, disease and health needs, and any other major problem
that needs addressing. So instead of wasting time, people and
resources playing with money like an ignorant moron, and
investing only in your own selfish desires that only benefit a
few while millions don't, you can actually use wall-street
computer network system positively and logically, and it will
benefit everyone. The
Market isn't bad, what's bad are the people who abuse it and
manipulate it.
Like any
pyramid scheme, the
free market isn't free when people are allowed to skim money
out of a
financial system,
to benefit only themselves. Any Life Form
that feeds on itself, dies.
the System is defined as using the rules and procedures meant
to protect a system in order, instead, to manipulate the system for a
desired outcome. Also referred to as gaming the rules,
bending the rules,
abusing the system, cheating the system, milking the system, playing the
system, or working the system.
Private Equity is a type of equity finance and one of the
asset classes consisting of equity securities and debt in operating
companies that are not publicly traded on a stock exchange.
Leveraged Buyout is a financial transaction in which a
company is purchased with a combination of equity and debt, such that the
company's cash flow is the collateral used to secure and repay the
borrowed money. The use of debt, which has a lower cost of capital than
equity, serves to reduce the overall cost of financing the acquisition.
This reduced cost of financing allows greater gains to accrue to the
equity, and, as a result, the debt serves as a lever to increase the
returns to the equity.
Fiscal Cliff was a situation that came into existence in
January 2013 whereby a series of previously enacted laws would come into
effect simultaneously, increasing taxes while decreasing spending.
The Limits to Growth -
Monopoly -
The Red standard accounting practice of using red ink to
denote negative values, especially a net loss.
Price -
Crimes -
Abuses -
More Crimes
Hidden Costs
Libor is the average of interest rates estimated by each of
the leading banks in London that it would be charged were it to borrow from other banks.
The Zeitgeist Movement (TZM)
was founded in 2008, is a sustainability advocacy group that
operates through a network of regional chapters, project teams,
public events, media expressions and charity operations.
activism is explicitly based on non-violent methods of
communication with the core focus on educating the public about
the true root sources of many common personal, social and
ecological problems today, coupled with the vast problem solving
and humanity improving potential science and technology has now
enabled, but yet goes unapplied due to barriers inherent in the
current, established social system.
Zeitgeist Movement
Lecture - Where Are We Now? 1/8 (youtube, Uploaded on Oct 14, 2009)
2009 - THE
It is a
public domain work, in a simple slide show style, intended to give a more
specific overview of the tenets of The Movement.
Activism -
Human Rights -
Civil Rights
Century of Enslavement: The History of The Federal Reserve (youtube)
Corbett Report
Corbett Report (youtube channel).
Luxuries like Energy can't just be about our comfort. You
have to give
something back to the system so that our energy supplies can
continue to provide us with this privileged lifestyle. And giving back
does not include money, or how much you paid for the energy, because money
is not a resource that can be
feed back
into the environment, the environment on which we feed. I'm not
saying that money can't be part of the solution, I'm just saying
that money can't be the only part of a solution. It has to be
something physical, something created in return, something that
the environmental system can use to create more of of the
natural resources that we use. And money is not a form of
payment that our environment accepts, sorry that kind of credit
does not exist in
Reality. A natural symbiotic return is the
only way for
sustainability, all other ways end in
First the resource goes extinct and then what ever was feeding
on it follows. This is one of the major flaws with the monetary
system, it creates a false reality that blinds a person from
their own fate, a fate that now has a horrible ending, unless we
educate and inform the public. I'm sure no one wants to die and
suffer, and I'm sure that no one would like to be the cause of
death and suffering of other people.
Humans are born to be good,
and that goodness can only be guaranteed if we make sure that
everyone has access to a high quality education. Education has
been our greatest source for improvements, so that's proof it
works. It's time.
When dealing in the
business of just money, honey, you stop being funny. This is
because 100's of millions of people have died and suffered
because of money, and millions more will continue to do so,
unless we change. And if you're not helping the situation,
you're just making it worse and adding to the killing and the
suffering. You need to wake up and see the damage that you're
doing, see the earth that you're polluting, see the people that
you're hurting, see the people that you're killing. But even
then, you might not even care, because evil is at its strongest
when you are oblivious of its existence, for cancer doesn't know
that it is cancer. The most damage that is inflicted by people
is when people are not aware of the effects that come from their
actions, or sometimes they are just in denial, like your average
addict. Ignorance isn't evil, ignorance just gives evil a place
to live and a place to hide, silently and patiently waiting for
you to make a mistake. That's when evil exposes its true
horrific ugliness, with most of the ugliness done behind your
back, because evil knows you wont turn around when you're
distracted by your addictions. You can't see evil when you're
blinded by your ignorance or blinded by your obsessions with
material possessions. You see dollar signs instead of seeing
life. So that emptiness in your soul will never go away. You can
only temporally cover your emptiness with your ignorance and
keep pretending that everything will be just fine. Knowledge is
the only medicine that will ever cure you, so please, turn
around. -
Bonnie Tyler: Total Eclipse of the Heart (video).
Too Many Chiefs
and Not Enough Braves. Ignorant
corporations and their
blind followers fueled by money instead
of being fueled by intelligent actions that are driven by facts,
information, knowledge and wisdom. If we continue to allow our
actions to be driven by money and not by the facts, then we will
continue to be totally disconnected from reality and the world
around us. We shouldn't have to wait for dead bodies to show up
to make us realize that there's a problem. But even then, we are
so disconnected that we fail to act accordingly to the needs of
the problems that we have created, all because we allow money to
be the reason why. This is a serious flaw in our thinking that
we need to correct. And we can make these corrections if
everyone learns and understands that money does not solve
problems, people solve problems. We don't need more money, we
need more people, more people who understand what our most
serious problems are and then know how to take the appropriate
actions. All changes come from people learning and understanding
why the change is needed. Changes just don't happen, we make
changes happen, either by contributing to change, or accepting
the change, or just by ignoring the change. When people don't
learn and understand a problem, because their vision is blocked
by money, they fail to see the problem. And in doing so, people
will continue to die and suffer. Humans have lived for thousands
of years because we learned how to adapt and live in concordance
with our environment, we did not live this long because we
printed more money, but obviously there are people who are that
ignorant and they believe this to be true, that some how we can
buy our way out from the messes that we have created. That is
the type of ignorance that has been the cause of most of our
problems. But we can correct it if we start communicating more
effectively, more accurately and in more detail. People just
don't need access to our most valuable information and
knowledge, they also need assistance in understanding how to
access information and knowledge, especially when it would
benefit them, and at the same time, make it easy for them to
help others. And people also need to learn how we can combine
our efforts and our wisdom to make improvements. We can do this
by using all media and all forms of communication. Counting down
to the age of Restoration.
What would be more inspiring then to begin the age of
restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity
of life that still surrounds us?
Edward. O. Wilson)
Profiting from ignorance
by making money from other peoples ignorance, is ignorant. But
what's worse is that some people even flaunt their ignorance.
They ignorantly believe that being paid large sums of money, somehow justifies their actions, and that it's also some kind of
measurement of their value or their relevance, which it is not.
Money is not a
free pass, it's not authorization, it's not a license to
kill, or does it give you permission to be an idiot.
Money is just one of many side-effects that your actions
produce. Money does not say anything, it does not describe the
facts that pertain to the true value of your life and the
impacts of your life, whether positive or negative. So let the
facts speak for themselves, and stop using money as an excuse,
you're just being an idiot doing the wrong things for the wrong
reasons, and the money is not making you do it, you are. But of
course you're not alone, we have all been sleeping, but now
we're slowly waking up, little by little. And that is what
knowledge does, it slowly wakes you up to a world of
possibilities that you never knew existed. We wasted a lot of
time, but we can get it back if we start education people fully.
That's another great thing about knowledge, it can alter the
course of time, going back, or going forward.
You have been educated in
math and have the ability to calculate earnings, but you never
count the things that count, why?
Does Money encourage ignorance and make people complacent with a false
sense of security and a diminished awareness?
What are the other alternatives to money? Why don't we teach this? Why is the saying "You get what you pay for", so stupid?
Money has put a spell on you.
You Put
The Spell On Me - Screamin' Jay Hawkins (youtube)
Corporation Abuse -
Protect the Internet
Who's controlling the
controllers? 50 Shades of Grey is a metaphor for capitalism and
its sociopathic desire for greed and slavery.
Everyone needs to renegotiate this contract that has been forced
on us by criminals and their perverted sense of reality. You are
50 shades of f*cked up. We need to be free from domination. Not
to say that sexual roleplaying is wrong, it's just that we
should keep our fantasies to ourselves and stop forcing others
to obey, or be punished. You're sick, get help. And stop ruining
Quotes about Money
The real measure of your wealth is how much you'd be worth if you lost everything
you own, including all your money. Quotes from
Jean-Jacques Rousseau.
Money Quotes (wiki quotes)
Only when the
last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last
fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. - (
Indian Proverb).
Empty pockets
never held anyone back. Only
empty heads and empty hearts can do
that. -
Vincent Peale).
people are so poor because the only thing they have is money."
many people buy things they don’t need with money they don’t
have to impress people they don’t know."
Money does not
pay for anything, never has, never will. It is an economic
axiom as old as the hills that goods and services can be paid
for only with goods and services. - (
Jay Nock, Memoirs of a Superfluous Man, 1943).
The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our
Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their
destruction...I sincerely believe that banking institutions are
more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of
spending money to be paid by posterity... is but swindling
futurity on a large scale." - (
"The issuing power should be
taken from the
banks and restored to the people, to whom it
properly belongs."
If money is your
hope for independence you will never have it. The only
real security that a man will have in this world is a
reserve of
knowledge, experience, and ability. - (
“Money is only a
tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not
replace you as the driver.” - (
Atlas Shrugged).
“Money will not purchase
happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants.” -
Atlas Shrugged).
“Until and unless you
discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your
own destruction. When money ceases to become the means by which
men deal with one another, then men become the tools of other
men. Blood, whips and guns--or dollars. Take your choice--there
is no other.” - (
Atlas Shrugged).
Money is a tool of exchange,
which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able
to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle
that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade
and give value for value.” ~
(Francisco d'Anconia -
Atlas Shrugged -
(Part 2, Chapter 2, Page 410).
“Money is made... made by the
effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability.
An honest man is one who knows that he can't consume more than
he has produced.” (Francisco d'Anconia
Atlas Shrugged (Part 2,
Chapter 2, Page 411).
To profit from life is
to take more then you give, and if you take more then you give,
there will always be suffering.
We never know the
worth of water 'til the well is dry. (English
Those who live by numbers can
also perish by them and it is a terrifying thing to have an
adding machine write an epitaph, either way. - (
J.W. Goodman, The Money Game)
I'd like to live as a poor man
with lots of money. (Pablo Picasso)
Give me control of a nation's money
supply, and I care not who makes its laws.
I conceive that the great part
of the miseries of mankind are brought upon them by false
estimates they have made of the value of things. - (
Franklin 1706-1790, American politician, inventor and
You know the value of every
merchandise, but you do not know your own value -- that is
stupidity....(The Sufi Path of Love, The Spiritual Teachings of
Everything that can be counted
does not necessarily count; everything that counts cannot
necessarily be counted. ~
Einstein 1879 - 1955, German-born
Theoretical Physicist).
In God we trust, all others
bring data. (
W. Edwards Deming 1900-1993, American
is a deductive argument for a mathematical statement. In the argument,
other previously established statements, such as theorems, can be used. In
principle, a proof can be traced back to self-evident or assumed
statements, known as axioms, along with accepted rules of inference.
Inflation is taxation without
legislation.- (
Earth provides enough to
satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.
Gandhi 1869-1948, Indian, ethic-spiritual & political leader for
Nonviolent Resistance).
nation that continues year after year to spend more money on
military defense than on programs of social uplift is
approaching spiritual doom. - (
Luther King, Jr).
The best way for a person to
have happy thoughts is to count his blessings and not his cash.
Waste your money and you're only out of money, but waste your time and you've lost a part of
your life. (Michael Leboeuf)
Do not value money for any more nor any less than its worth; it is a good servant but a bad master. -
Dumas fils), Camille, 1852.
When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.
Lincoln 1809-1865, American President, abolisher of
"I had rather fashion my mind than furnish it." - (
de Montaigne)
We are not afraid to entrust
the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien
philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is
afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an
open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy 1917-1963, 35th president of the United States).
It is important that an aim
never be defined in terms of activity or methods. It must always
relate directly to how life is better for everyone. . . . The
aim of the system must be clear to everyone in the system. The
aim must include plans for the future. The aim is a value judgment. -
W. Edwards Deming 1900-1993, American Statistician).
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.
F. Drucker, American Management Guru).
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.
341 B.C.-270 B.C., ancient Greek philosopher, father of
A people that values its privileges above its principles soon loses both.
David Eisenhower 1890-1969, US General, 34th
president of the United States).
"Many people believe that poor people are lazy. In reality, most of the nations
poorest people work full-time jobs, sometimes 60 or more hours a
week, but because they are paid so little, they can't feed
their families or adequately take care of the needs of their
family. It's also commonly believed that the rich deserve their
wealth because they work harder then others. In reality, most of
the super rich have never worked a real job, because most of
their wealth has been handed to them."
"The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said "This is mine,"
and found people naïve enough to believe him, that man was the
true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and
murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one
have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the
ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this
impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of
the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."
Discourse on Inequality, 1754)
No Man can Serve two Masters
Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters:
for either he will hate the one, and love the other;
or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Ye cannot be human and inhuman.
Ye cannot serve man and kill man. (whether directly or indirectly).
Penny Wise, Pound Foolish.
Proverbs 22:7 -
“The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender’s slave.”
Other People's Money (1991 Film)
Other People's Money (wiki) -
Video Clip
of Speech (youtube)
A Quote from the Movie..."There is the instrument of our
destruction. I want you to look at him in all of his glory,
Larry "The Liquidator," the entrepreneur of post-industrial
America, playing God with other people's money.
The Robber Barons of old at least left something tangible in
their wake -- a coal mine, a railroad, banks. This man leaves
nothing. He creates nothing. He builds nothing. He runs nothing.
And in his wake lies nothing but a blizzard of paper to cover
the pain. Oh, if he said, "I know how to run your business
better than you," that would be something worth talking about.
But he's not saying that. He's saying, "I'm going to kill you
because at this particular moment in time, you're worth more
dead than alive."
Well, maybe that's true, but it is also true that one day this
industry will turn. One day when the yen is weaker, the dollar
is stronger, or, when we finally begin to rebuild our roads, our
bridges, the infrastructure of our country, demand will
skyrocket. And when those things happen, we will still be here,
stronger because of our ordeal, stronger because we have
survived. And the price of our stock will make his offer pale by
God save us if we vote to take his paltry few dollars and run.
God save this country if that is truly the wave of the future.
We will then have become a nation that makes nothing but
hamburgers, creates nothing but lawyers, and sells nothing but
tax shelters. And if we are at that point in this country, where
we kill something because at the moment it's worth more dead
than alive -- well, take a look around. Look at your neighbor.
Look at your neighbor. You won't kill him, will you? No. It's
called murder and it's illegal.
Well, this too is murder -- on a mass scale. Only on Wall
Street, they call it "maximizing share-holder value" and they
call it "legal." And they substitute dollar bills where a
conscience should be. Dammit! A business is worth more than the
price of its stock. It's the place where we earn our living,
where we meet our friends, dream our dreams. It is, in every
sense, the very fabric that binds our society together.
So let us now, at this meeting, say to every Garfield in the
land, "Here, we build things. We don't destroy them. Here, we
care about more than the price of our stock! Here, we care about
Vulture Capitalist are investors that acquire distressed
firms in the hopes of making them more
profitable so
as to ultimately sell them for a profit. Due to their aggressive investing
nature, and how they make firms more profitable, vulture capitalists are
often criticized.
"I no longer dream of stupid luxuries anymore because they are
mostly irrelevant and wasteful. I no longer dream of wealth or
power, because I know that I will always have both as long as I
keep learning. The only material possessions I think about are
tools that would make me more productive, and more sustainable,
just like the planet earth, living in peace and harmony."
If you create a
psychotic environment,
then people exposed to this psychotic environment could easily
be influence enough to become psychotic themselves, which has
clearly happened. This is one thing that humans have learned as
being a fact, and that is, humans are products of their
environment. And there are many different environments on this
planet, each one having its own unique effect on the human mind.
You can be neighbors with other people and still be worlds
apart. You can be siblings from the same family, and still have
your own unique qualities. This is because the same environment
does not always mean the same reaction to that environment,
especially when each person has their own experiences. We have
finally realized just how incredible the human mind is, and how
incredible life is. We know that Humans can learn, which means
that humans can learn about how different environments can
effect their behaviors. And we can share this knowledge, and we
can also pass on this knowledge.
Which means that future generations will be more intelligent,
and more capable of surviving, and thriving.
It's not just that I realized that there
are more important things then money, I realized that the things
that are more important then money are extremely important. Like
the importance of knowledge. This was more then just an
epiphany, It's like realizing the water well that everyone has
been drinking from has been poisoned. And the affects from the
poison are gradual and not easily identifiable. So making
everyone aware of this was not going to be easy or straight
forward. So of course I needed to do some research so that I can
find ways to make people understand that the poisoned well is
real and not just a metaphor. It's like waking up and realizing
that the life you have been living is a lie. So why are people
lying to me and to others? I don't know, but that is not
important, what's important is knowing what the truth is. And
the only way to find the truth is by researching and learning.
You can't equate your life or
your time to money. Money is just a tool and just one of
many tools a human has. And the most important tool is the human
brain. The ability to solve problems and to analyze information
gives a human more advantages over all other living things on
this planet.
But just because we have these abilities does not mean everyone
has learned them or even knows how to use these abilities
correctly. keep learning and don't forget to apply what you have
learned to your life.
When money can give anyone power, before they have actually
earned it or before they fully understand the responsibility of
power, you will always have destructive behavior and corruption.
You either take away the power of money or fully educate people
on how to use this tool correctly and responsibly. It looks like
we have to do both.
Basic Knowledge 101.
We will never begin to understand
the cost of our actions if we use only money as a guide. You
have to look at all the elements, all the facts and all the
results in order to even come close to understanding the whole
picture. Having more money will not guarantee that you will be
smarter or live a better life, on the contrary you will more
likely become more ignorant and suffer as clearly proven and
documented by the destructive effects of wealth on people and
society. Money has a very strange power, or special magic, that
decreases a persons ability to think clearly. And just to think
that it's only a tool. How can you give an inanimate object so
much power over your thinking. And you can't blame the tool, so
money is not the problem here. The problem is that people are
terribly confused and manipulated by a tool that society uses.
This is the fault of education that we must fix immediately. If
most of the corrupted people in the world are educated people,
then why is education not correcting this flaw?
Social Impact of Wealth
Should we allow corporations to use our earths resources, our
people and our time just to make money? Of course not because
that would be totally ignorant and totally insane. Yet we let it
happen everyday. Then on top of that these same corporations irresponsibly cause damage to our earth and violate human rights
as if they were above every law know to man. I'm not about
because that's a waste of time.
Justice and
education is the only logical alternative.
People pursuing their ideas and chasing their personal dreams is
absolutely necessary.
But eventually a lot of us will have to
work together on the
same project, work on the same idea and work on the same dream.
Teamwork is our only hope for success and prosperity. The world
is producing to many humans that are disconnected and isolated
Reality. When we realize that
we are all one entity, one organism, one species, we will then
start acting to our full potential as ‘one’.
The Eco-system is our teacher.
And this teacher is clearly showing us the way to survive and to
sustain a happy and healthy life style. That knowledge is
Single people are one of the
world's greatest resources.
Being Single should be looked upon as a honorable life
choice. Single people can dedicate themselves to the world and
provide a great service that helps the needy and helps the
uneducated to become educated. This way families can focus more
time and energy towards their family instead of having to spend
precious time away from their family to combat the worlds
problems that are over whelming families. As of 2012 there's
about 32.7 million Americans living
Being Alone does not mean that you are
Routines -
Population Growth
There are powerful and greedy
people who don't fully understand our dilemma, but with
enough educated people we will surely over whelm them into
change, as well as over whelm our politicians into making the
right choices and sacrifices that we all have to make. And it’s
not just living within our means either because some people
actually believe that they have the right to be wasteful just
because they can afford it, which is so moronic and ignorant
that it goes against all common sense. Freedom does not mean
that you have the right to be an ignorant moron at everybody
else’s expense. Especially when we can measure and confirm what
things are bad, damaging and counter productive. We have to live
within the world’s means, and the world cannot afford anything
right now. Plus, people who do have money have it easier to
make positive changes then the people who are just fighting for
survival because their options are limited.
So it’s time to put away our childish ways and grow up fast.
This does not mean the American dream is over, it just
means the American dream has become more defined and more
responsible. This amazing journey of change
will bring us closer together and make us clearly understand our
values, which have become obscured by deceiving images by our
corporate media. It's time to join the millions who have already
made changes because we desperately need the support of everyone
in order to prosper.
Americas actually
have the power to save the world, if they want to? Americans have the power. Not just the power of choice, but also
the power of change.
We use more energy and resources then most countries combined.
And using more energy does not say that we are actually doing
more. We actually waste more time and resources and throw away
more then most countries consume. On top of that we do more
damage to our environment and too ourselves. We spend more time
digging our own graves then spending time making a difference.
Selfish endeavors are killing us. We really are in some ways an
embarrassment to the rest of the world and to our constitution.
But amazingly Americans can literally improve the world over
night. I’m not saying that Americans can fix every problem in
the world but if we just learn to conserve, to recycle and
reuse, we would stop this thoughtless waste. The energy and
resources that went into making a product that you don’t need
can now be use somewhere else where it can have a positive
influence. And thus the change begins. Literally, “The world is
in our hands”. I always thought that picture was silly, but not
anymore. We have come full circle. We have made a lot of mistakes and
made a mess of a lot of things. Blaming doesn’t help. We can
heal if we work together. There are a lot of great people in
America, we’re not stupid, we can fix this....So what’s the plan?
Everyone has an effect on the world,
whether the effect is large or small. and whether you are poor or
wealthy, everyone has the power to effect the world. People with
wealth seem to have a bigger effect on the world, but it's not
true. Because it's not the size of the effect that matters, it's
the importance of the effect that matters. The poor think that
their life will not make a difference in the world, but that is
wrong, because the poor have always made the difference in the
world, always. To believe that you don't have an effect in the
world, will still have an effect. But just knowing that you do
effect the world everyday that you are alive, is not enough. You
still have to know your options and you still have to know your
choices. So Knowledge and information is the key to ending all
poverty and all inequalities. You want poor people to lift
themselves out of poverty, just give people the necessary
knowledge and information that they need, and you will unleash
the power and potential of 100's of millions of people all
around the world. The poor can easily end
poverty for everyone,
because the poor are not stupid. The only stupid people in the
world are the people who are denying people access to the
necessary information and knowledge that people need to make the
improvements in the world that are desperately needed. The
problem can be solved, so what are you waiting for?
Education is the strongest and the most effective tool known
to Humans:
"It's hard to implement action and positive change without
the necessary knowledge being shared"
3 Major things that happened
way to fast for enough Humans to react to: Our over use and dependency of
fossil fuels.
Our irresponsible and misunderstood
economic growth.
Our over
population explosion.
"It's not that too many people, or over population is bad,
it's just that too many undereducated people is really bad"
I have seen
the population double and my parents have seen the population
How many people can the earth sustain? If the rates of
consumption are equal and fair for every human on earth, we can
then measure very accurately how many resources, food and water
every human requires. And then we can measure how many people
the earth can sustain without damaging the ecosystem or starving
itself. And not just sustain humans, but also sustain every
other living species, especially the animals we call food, and
of course the water and all the other foods that we all need to
live. We are living in an eco-system whether we like it or not.
If you break the chain something always dies and it might be us.
These problems are not new and
were foreseen by thousands. We have known about these issues for
at least 40 years now and still we are reacting way to slow then
simple common sense dictates.
"There has been too much emphasis on treating the disease and
not enough emphasis on the cure"
Most of us are completely unaware of the levels of destruction
and suffering that are embodied in the stuff that we buy and in the
choices we make. To rid ourselves of this ignorance will not be easy. But
it will have to be done in order to insure our children's survival and to
evolve as a species.
"The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for
What does it meant to be Successful?
Green living or sustainable
living is intelligent living. So the word intelligent must
be emphasized when describing
eco-friendly living because that's
what it is. When people hear the word
intelligent they will want
to know more about that subject because everyone wants to be
intelligent. People have a hard time understanding and accepting
terminology like environmentally friendly, sustainability or
recycling. Mostly because being environmentally conscience is so
new to a lot of people that we have not completely found the
words to fully explain it in ways that are totally understood by
If we stop making poisons then
corporations and governments will stop feeding it to us.
When it comes to our world
environment, I want to help educate people about the effects
that we all have on our earth and the effects that we all have
on our eco-systems that keep us alive and sustain life for
millions of other species. I want to make people aware of all
the right choices that we can make so that everyone has a clear
understanding of their impact on the planet.
But educating
people is not an easy task. It will take incredible patience and
an enormous amount of ingenuity. Educating people will need the
support from everyone. So the first thing we must teach is the
extreme importance of education, not the education that we all
know today, but the education that is not being fully shared and
the education that is not being fully understood.
Today we have
so much more information and knowledge, of the world, and
ourselves, that is tremendously important to our understanding.
We need a consensus and total world involvement in organizing
and distributing all this important information and knowledge.
If we don’t take this action to improve our education system,
billions of people will continue to suffer from our own
The major problem has always been
People can't act or understand what is needed
without knowledge. Our education system is unaware of its
incompetence and its dysfunctional effects that it has on
people. If every educator and every parent on this planet were
to educate every child and themselves on what actions and
choices they could make to secure human survival and secure our
planets survival with all its species and wonders, our chances
for survival and our increased quality of life will not just
double, but triple.
If we were to educate every women on the
planet we could improve the world over night.
decisions are not based on facts, or reality, or common sense,
they are usually bad mistakes with huge consequences. No one in
their right mind would do harm to themselves or do harm to
others, especially if they knew of a better way. No one does bad
things because they are bad, they do bad things because they
don't know better, or, they are force by an ignorant system of
control, or forced by ignorant people. When we wake up from
this, life will be exhilarating, like a warm spring day after a
long cold winter. Remember those? Everyone does.
Spending -
Problem Transference
People need to know the difference between Earning and Stealing.
Tragedy of the Commons is an economic theory of a situation
within a shared-resource system where individual users acting
independently according to their own self-interest behave contrary to the
common good of all users by depleting that resource through their
collective action.
People also need to know the difference between Borrowing,
Renting and Using.
Affluenza a painful, contagious, socially transmitted
condition of overload, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged
pursuit of more."The term "affluenza" has also been used to refer to an
inability to understand the consequences of one's actions because of
financial privilege.
Money doesn't answer all your questions, so why do we allow
money to impede our knowledge and our understanding? Money does Transfer all the information that is related to a
transaction. Cause and effects need to be measured in order to
accurately understand the full impact, if not, then you could be
totally disconnected from reality, like many people are.
Valuing Time Over Money Is Associated With Greater Happiness.
There is empirical evidence that prioritizing time over money is
a stable preference related to greater subjective
money is not exchanged for any one specific quality, for any one
specific thing, or for any particular human essential power, but
for the entire objective world of man and nature, from the
standpoint of its possessor it therefore serves to exchange
quality for every other, even contradictory, quality and object:
it is the fraternisation of impossibilities. It makes
contradictions embrace."
Abstract Labour
Concrete Labour
You would have to be a total moron to have a system where money
allows you to do almost anything that you want. And you don't
even have to prove right or wrong or good or bad, you just need
money. That is a scam and a total disconnect from reality. It's
like a child's fairytale come to life. All you have to do is
have this special object and it will give you all the power you
need. Except this fairytale is killing people, and it's killing
this planet, so your fairytale is over, it was a lie, time to
wake up, it was just a bad dream, and a nightmare for others.
But this children's story does have a happy ending, it's
called doing what is right. Our actions will again be
measured by the value that our actions bring to life, by the
value that our actions bring to ourselves, and by the value that
our actions bring to others. You can still have your fairytales,
but let us try to forget this nightmare that we called the dark
ages of the monetary system, the embarrassment that we all
shared in. Thank God, we are finally coming to our senses.
it wasn't about money then we would have no disagreements, we
would only have the facts. Money is only a tool that is related
to a particular step in a transaction, it does not define the
reasons why the action is necessary or valuable. Money
disconnects us from reality more then it connects us to
reality. Let us talk in facts, not money. It can't be about
money, only the facts. You need to ask "Is the action
Logical, and
Valuable?" The most ignorant thing that you can do is put a
dollar sign on a solving a problem or reaching a goal. Stick
with the facts, do your research, keep moving forward.
do I do things because I have the money? Just having money does
not say that it's right or good. I need to do things because it
is necessary and important, and money is just one of the steps
in that process, and not the reason.
many people who have more then enough money are doing the worst
things with money. And not just because they're ignorant, it's
also that there addiction to money leaves them with a very
narrow view of the world. So people live in denial, but they
don't know that they are living in denial, like most
Addicts do.
"Money is like a
carrot on a stick, people blindly chase the carrot without
paying attention to life, thus they never fully understand
themselves or the world around them."
"If money is your
hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that
a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and
ability." -
Henry Ford.
"We should live and let live, as long as your life doesn't take
away anyone else's right to live and let live."
"Man sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he
sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about
the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he
does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never
going to die, and then dies having never really lived.” -
Dalai Lama.
“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors
destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy
minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys
information, religions destroy spirituality and governments
destroy freedom.”
– Michael Ellner.
can give anyone
power before they have actually earned it, or before they
fully understand the responsibility of power, you will
always have destructive behavior and corruption. You
either take away the power of money or fully educate
people on how to use this tool correctly and
It looks like we have to do both.
Emergency Banking Act was an act passed by the United States
Congress in March 1933 in an attempt to stabilize the banking system.
Bank for International Settlements is an international
financial institution owned by central banks which "fosters international
monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central
Psychological Disorders Related to Money. Money disorders are persistent patterns of self-destructive and
self-limiting financial behaviors. Money disorders are the
maladaptive patterns of financial beliefs and behaviors that
lead to clinically significant distress, impairment in social or
occupational functioning, due to financial strain or an
inability to appropriately enjoy one’s financial resources. With
the exception of
pathological gambling and
compulsive buying, psychology and the mental health fields
have largely neglected dysfunctional money disorders.
Conspicuous Consumption is the spending of money on and the
acquiring of luxury goods and services to publicly display
economic power. Types of behaviors, or “scripts”, related to
money disorders include money avoidance, money worship, money
status and money vigilance. Money Avoidance Disorders (also
includes Underspending and Excessive Risk Aversion, but not
related to being
Hoarding: When stockpiling objects or money provides a sense of
safety, security, and relief of anxiety. Relational Money
Disorders (also includes Financial Dependence and Financial
Incest). Financial Infidelity: Telling "little green lies" about
one's spending or finances to one's partner. Financial Enabling:
Giving money to others whether you can afford it or not; giving
when it is not in the other's long-term best interest. Those
afflicted with money disorders or who have problematic money
beliefs can seek financial therapy. With financial therapy,
financial planners and relationship therapists work together to
provide comprehensive treatment to clients experiencing
financial distress. Peniaphobia is the fear of poverty and/or
poor people. We need a
High Quality Education and not just
do people use money as an excuse to be criminals? Or to
put more simply, why do people do more harm then good in the
name of money? This type of ignorance destroys people. And it
also destroys Nations, and
history has confirmed this time and time again. Wake up,
you're dying, you're killing, you're losing, wake up!
Make Living Affordable - Pay People Enough to Live
Living Wage is the minimum
income necessary for a
worker to
meet their
basic needs including a little extra
money left over for
necessities and unexpected expenses. This is not necessarily the same as
refers to a situation where a person's livelihood depends on
wages or a
salary, especially when the dependence is total and immediate. Biological
Living Wage
Rights -
Affordable Housing -
Quality of Life -
Standard of Living -
Income -
Debt Bondage -
Greedy Price Gougers -
Wealth Inequality
Cost of Living is the amount of money needed to
sustain a certain
standard of living including
basic expenses such as
taxes and
health care. The cost of living is often used to compare
how expensive it
is to live in one city versus another. It also includes how much
waste you produced and what
your life
cost the environment and cost future generations.
Living within your means is not just about you, it's
about everything.
Disproportionately High Paying Jobs by State Map (image).
Cost of Living Index is a theoretical
price index that measures
cost of living over time or regions. It is an index that measures
differences in the price of
goods and
services, and allows for
substitutions with other items as prices vary.
Cost-of-Living Adjustment or COLA is forecast to come in at about 2.5%
in 2025, according to the
Senior Citizens
In 2022, the share
of Americans
living paycheck to paycheck rises to 63%. Personal financial
stress hurts the economy.
Inflation is Killing People (reddit video)
It's not a cost of living crisis, it's a
cost of greed crisis. A company laid off 1200 people
yesterday. Today, the CEO and board director received combined bonuses of
$7.5 million. I'm still too pissed off to say anything else about it.
Minimum Wage is the lowest remuneration that employers can legally pay
their employees—the price floor below which employees may not sell their
labor. Minimum Wage is a
type of
forced poverty where a person may be
forced to
work in businesses
that do more harm than good, or work in
sweatshops or in a workplace that has very poor
working conditions that are considered to be socially unacceptable. The work may be difficult, dangerous, climatically
challenged or underpaid. Workers in sweatshops may be forced to work long hours with
low pay.
Capitalism being exploited by criminals,
and at the same time, intentionally
marginalize millions of people.

In 2021, around
27 Million Americans
work minimum wage
jobs for
$7.25 an hour. 51% of the 27
million or 13.5 million low wage workers are at the ages of 25 to 54. 28%
of the 27 million low wage workers have children and have to support their
family. You either
supplement peoples income, or you
raise the minimum wage to a level that matches the cost of living and is
at the current level of
In 2019,
1.6 million Americans made at or below
the federal minimum wage—about 1% of workers, and less than 2% of
those paid by the hour. Less than half worked full-time, almost half were
aged 16-25; and more than 60% worked in the leisure and hospitality
industry, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025 would
benefit over 17 million workers.
Republican states have
the lowest paid workers in America, which is no surprise.
48% of hourly workers in the U.S.
don't have a single cent in emergency savings.
Minimum Wage in the United States, employers generally have to pay
workers the highest minimum wage prescribed by federal, state or local
laws. Since July 24, 2009, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour. As
of January 2020, there were 29 states and D.C with a minimum wage higher
than the federal minimum. From 2018 to 2019, seven states increased their
minimum wage levels through automatic adjustments, while increases in
sixteen other states and D.C. occurred through referendum or legislative
In 2022, it is estimated
that $35.80 an hour is needed to be able to afford the
basics and to live healthy. If you work 40 hours per week and 50 weeks
per year, you will make an annual salary of $71,600.

People in power
purposely under pay
workers and increase rents, prices and taxes because it's their
system of control, a system of control that has
been used for hundreds of years. Governments are also manipulated and
controlled by money, and not just the citizens. Allowing money to be
overlord is totally
insane. Humans have given up their liberties for an abstract object that
is mostly controlled by the 1 percent, who treat life like a game where
they are the
evil puppet masters
who punish and abuse people as if their lives don't matter, or as if they
are not even real. You can't have an inanimate object like money as your
leader. The lack of money can imprison the mind and not just imprison your
body. But people in power wont use money to teach you how to protect
yourself, instead they use money to preach to you a reality that deviates
so far from the truth that people are living a lie, and most people don't
even know it. And this is not the fault on money, it is the fault of the
minds that can't accurately interpret money because people lack the
knowledge and information that is needed to understand the manipulative
power of money. And this is why people in power purposely under-educate
people, so people will never know that they are living a lie and that they
are part of an elaborate scam to defraud life on planet earth.
Congresswoman Katie
Porter grills billionaire CEO over pay disparity at JP Morgan.
California Democratic congresswoman Katie Porter spelled out to
JP Morgan's CEO, Jamie Dimon, the real-world implications of the low
wages his bank pays its junior employees at a senate hearing on Wednesday.
After running Dimon through the numbers, Porter found that a single mother
on the bank's starting salary for a teller would be $567 in the red at the
end of each month. Asked how a woman in that situation could get by, Dimon said, 'I don't know'.
Slavery is a term describing a situation in which a person's
livelihood depends on wages or a salary, especially when the dependence is
total and immediate. It has been used to criticize exploitation of labour
and social stratification, with the former seen primarily as unequal
bargaining power between labour and capital, particularly when workers are
paid comparatively low wages, like in sweatshops.
Debt -
Debt Bondage
Living Wage
Theft is the denial of wages or employee benefits rightfully owed to
an employee. It can be conducted by employers in various ways, among them
failing to pay overtime; violating minimum-wage laws; the
misclassification of employees as independent
contractors, illegal deductions in pay; forcing employees to work
"off the clock", not paying annual leave or holiday entitlements, or
simply not paying an employee at all.
Paying yourself
millions of dollars while the workers struggle to survive. According
to some studies, wage theft is common in the United States, particularly
from low wage legal or undocumented immigrant workers. The Economic Policy
Institute reported in 2014 that survey evidence suggests wage theft costs
US workers billions of dollars a year. Some rights violated by wage theft
have been guaranteed to workers in the United States in the 1938 Fair
Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Price Gouging is not
about providing a good service, it's about maximizing profit for the
scumbags at the top.
Contract Workers -
Part Time Workers (temps).
Living Paycheck to Paycheck. Seventy-eight
percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from
75 percent last year in 2017.
Insurance -
Savings Account.
One Pay Check
away from being Homeless. Approximately 63% of Americans in
2016 have no emergency savings for things such as a $1,000 emergency room
visit or a $500 car repair.
Housing -
On the Margin is someone operating at
the extreme capabilities of a system with no margin of safety.
shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,” and, “The
laborer deserves his wages.” or "The worker is worthy of his wages." (1
Timothy 5:18). Putting a muzzle on the ox would prevent it from eating
grain while it was working. This might save a small amount of grain, but
it means the ox can't replenish its strength while it works. It is more
sensible—and fair—to let the animal eat while it works.
Purchasing Power is the amount of
and services that can be purchased with a unit of
currency. Value would be measured in hours of labor required to
produce a given quantity, or to produce some other good worth an amount
sufficient to purchase the same. If one's monetary income stays the same,
but the price level increases, the purchasing power of that income falls.
Inflation does not always imply
falling purchasing power of one's money income since the latter may rise
faster than the price level. A
higher real income
means a higher purchasing power since real income refers to the income
adjusted for inflation. Purchasing power to some extent is
power over other people, to the extent that they
are willing to trade their labor or goods for money or currency. Having
money gives one the ability to command others
Safety Net is a a safeguard against
possible hardship or adversity.
Social Safety
Net -
Social Security -
Financial AdviceMake Ends Meet is to earn
enough money to live without getting into debt. To have enough money to
cover expenses. To get by financially. To get through the pay period with
sufficient funds in order to meet the next payday.
Working Poor are
working people whose incomes fall below a given
poverty line due to
low-income jobs and low
familial household income. These are people who spend at least 27 weeks in
a year working or looking for employment, but remain under the
poverty threshold.
The Working Poor are
people who have jobs, but because of a corrupt system, they are
not receiving enough income from those jobs to pay the bills that they
need to live. This is a
of reality that has been forced on them by ignorant corrupt criminals.
Forced Servitude -
Marriages -
Consent -
Human Trafficking -
Labor Rights
Indentured Servant
is an employee (indenturee) within a system of
unfree labor who is bound
by a signed or forced contract (indenture) to work for a particular
employer for a fixed time. The contract often lets the employer
sell the
labor of an indenturee to a third party. Indenturees usually enter into an
indenture for a specific payment or other benefit, or to meet a legal
obligation, such as
debt bondage. On completion of the
servants were given their
freedom, and occasionally plots of
land. In many countries, systems of indentured labor have now been
outlawed, and are banned by the
Declaration of Human Rights as a form of slavery.
White Slavery (wiki) -
Modern Day Slavery (video) -
1619 -
Free the Slaves
Reparations for direct descendants of enslaved people only.
Financial Aid.
Prison -
Poverty -
Controlled by Debt -
Debt Bondage -
Inflation -
Evictions Modern slavery climbs to 50
million in 2022.
Walk Free Foundation
global slavery index is the world’s most comprehensive data set of modern
Bondage is also known as
debt slavery, bonded
labour, or peonage, is the pledge of a person's services as security for
the repayment for a debt or other obligation, where the terms of the
repayment are not clearly or reasonably stated, and the person who is
holding the
debt thus has some control over the
laborer. Freedom is assumed on
debt repayment. The
services required to repay the debt may be undefined, and the services'
duration may be undefined, thus allowing the person supposedly owed the
debt to demand services indefinitely. Debt bondage can be passed on from
generation to generation. Currently, debt bondage is the most common
method of enslavement with an estimated 8.1 million people bonded to
labour illegally as cited by the International Labour Organization in
2005. Debt bondage has been described by the United Nations as a form of "
day slavery" and the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of
Slavery seeks to abolish the practice. The practice is still prevalent
primarily in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa, although most countries in
these regions are parties to the Supplementary Convention on the Abolition
of Slavery. It is estimated that 84 to 88% of the bonded labourers in the
world are in South Asia. Lack of prosecution or insufficient punishment of
this crime are the leading causes of the practice as it exists at this
scale today.
Debt Trap occurs when
a person or persons continues to take out loans or lines of credit to
pay off other debt. A cycle of debt can negatively
impact your score.
Crisis is a situation in which a government, nation, state, province,
county, or city, loses the ability of paying back its governmental debt.
When the expenditures of a government are more than its tax revenues, or
more than the
greedy scumbags stealing wealth for a
prolonged period, the government may enter into a debt crisis. Various
forms of governments finance their expenditures primarily by raising money
through taxation. When tax revenues are insufficient, the government can
make up the difference by issuing debt.
Unfree Labour is when people are employed against their will by the
threat of destitution, detention, violence (including death), lawful
compulsion, or other extreme hardship to themselves or to members of their
families. The payment does not exceed subsistence or barely exceeds it;
The payment is in goods which are not desirable and/or cannot be exchanged
or are difficult to exchange; or The payment wholly or mostly consists of
cancellation of a debt or liability that was itself coerced, or belongs to
someone else.
Kidnaping -
White Privilege
Forced Labor includes all forms of slavery, and related institutions
(e.g. debt slavery, serfdom, corvée and labour camps). Many of these forms
of work may be covered by the term forced labour, which is defined by the
International Labour Organization (ILO) as all involuntary work or service
exacted under the menace of a penalty. Forced labor should not include any
work or service exacted in virtue of compulsory military service laws for
work of a purely military character; any work or service which forms part
of the normal civic obligations of the citizens of a fully self-governing
country; any work or service exacted from any person as a consequence of a
conviction in a court of law, provided that the said work or service is
carried out under the supervision and control of a public authority and
that the said person is not hired to or placed at the disposal of private
individuals, companies or associations (requiring that prison farms no
longer do convict leasing); any work or service exacted in cases of
emergency, that is to say, in the event of war, of a calamity or
threatened calamity, such as fire, flood, famine, earthquake, violent
epidemic or epizootic diseases, invasion by: animal, insect or vegetable
pests, and in general any circumstance that would endanger the existence
or the well-being of the whole or part of the population; minor communal
services of a kind which, being performed by the members of the community
in the direct interest of the said community, can therefore be considered
as normal civic obligations incumbent upon the members of the community,
provided that the members of the community or their direct representatives
shall have the right to be consulted in regard to the need for such
Labour refers to the
exploitation of children through any form of work
that deprives children of their childhood, interferes with their ability
to attend regular school, and is mentally, physically, socially or morally
harmful. Such exploitation is prohibited by legislation worldwide.
Our Inadequate Education
System that is Dumbed Down makes everyone a child.
Masih was a Pakistani Christian child labourer and activist who
campaigned against abusive child labour in Pakistan. At the age of 10,
Iqbal escaped his slavery, after learning that bonded labour had been
declared illegal by the Supreme Court of Pakistan.
Kidnapping of Children by Nazi Germany was part of the Generalplan Ost
(GPO), involved taking children regarded as "Aryan-looking" from the rest
of Europe and moving them to Nazi Germany for the purpose of
Germanization, or
into becoming culturally German. At more than 200,000 victims, occupied
Poland had the largest proportion of children taken. An estimated 400,000
children were abducted throughout Europe. The aim of the project was to
acquire and "Germanize" children with purportedly
Aryan-Nordic traits, who were considered by Nazi officials to be
descendants of German settlers that had emigrated to Poland. Those labeled
"racially valuable" were forcibly Germanized in centers and then sent to
German families and SS Home Schools. In the case of older children used as
forced labor in Germany, those determined to be racially "un-German" were
sent to extermination camps and concentration camps, where they were
either murdered or forced to serve as living test subjects in German
medical experiments - and thus often tortured or killed in the process.
was the government agency which was in charge of the Soviet network of
forced-labour camps which was set up by order of Vladimir Lenin. It
reached its peak during Joseph Stalin's rule from the 1930s to the early
The Monetary System is a Form of Slavery.
Money enslaves people. It's almost all forced labor. A tool should not
enslave people. This is why improving education is extremely important,
ignorance is a prison. When you
force people to work, you should at least have
jobs available that are a
benefit to society. Forcing people to
blindly follow orders or work jobs that do more harm than
good is like paying people to dig their own grave. And we should not pay
people to steal resources from future generations and force future
generations to get diseases from all the pollution and poisons we left behind.
You're basically forcing people to be
accessories to mass murder. People don't need to be
forced to work, people just have to understand how important work is and
how work helps us to fulfuill some of our responsibilities that we need to perform that will help us
to maintain a
comfortable living. So people need to have access to knowledge and
information that will help them to understand their choices and understand
their options.
Free Money needs
Free Knowledge in order for human life to work effectively and
Every human brings value to the world. But
there are people who like to exploit this value and misuse this value in
unproductive ways, sometimes doing more harm than good. Every human has
value. But not every human has protection against people who want to
exploit a persons value for their own purposes and not for the person they
stole the value from. People need protection from this abuse. People need
protection from people who are only interested in their own benefit,
usually at the expense of other people, and at the expense of the
communities and the environment where people live. Peoples value needs to
be protected. No one should have the right to waste or abuse a persons
The 13th Amendment
that was ratified in 1865, says “Neither slavery nor involuntary
servitude, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to
their jurisdiction, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party
shall have been duly convicted.”
Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a
crime. In Congress, it was passed by the Senate on April 8, 1864, and by
the House on January 31, 1865. The amendment was ratified by the required
number of states on December 6, 1865. On December 18, 1865, Secretary of
State William H. Seward proclaimed its adoption. It was the first of the
three Reconstruction Amendments adopted following the American Civil War.
Juneteenth is an American holiday celebrated on June 19. It
memorializes June 19, 1865, when Union general Gordon Granger read orders
in Galveston, Texas, that all previously enslaved people in Texas were
free. Although the Emancipation Proclamation had formally freed them
almost two-and-a-half years earlier, and the American Civil War had ended
with the defeat of the Confederate States in April, Texas was the most
"remote" of the slave states, with a low presence of Union troops, so
enforcement of the proclamation had been slow and inconsistent.
Celebrations date to 1866, at first involving church-centered community
gatherings in Texas. It spread across the South and became more
commercialized in the 1920s and 1930s. Often the centerpiece was a food
festival. During the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, the focus became
the story of struggle for postwar civil rights. The 1970s returned the
focus to African American freedom and arts. By the 21st century,
Juneteenth was celebrated in most major cities across the United States.
Activists are pushing Congress to recognize Juneteenth as a national
holiday. Juneteenth is recognized as a state holiday or special day of
observance in 47 of the 50 states. Modern observance is primarily in local
celebrations. Traditions include public readings of the Emancipation
Proclamation, singing traditional songs such as "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"
and "Lift Every Voice and Sing", and reading of works by noted
African-American writers such as Ralph Ellison and Maya Angelou.
Celebrations include rodeos, street fairs, cookouts, family reunions, park
parties, historical reenactments, and Miss Juneteenth contests. The
Mascogos, descendants of Black Seminoles, of Coahuila, Mexico, also
celebrate Juneteenth.
Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to
carry me home, Swing low, sweet chariot, Coming for to carry me home, I
looked over Jordan, and what did I see? (Coming for to carry me home), A
band of angels coming after me, (Coming for to carry me home) - Chorus:
If you get there before I do, (Coming for to carry me home), Tell all of
my friends, that I'm coming there too, (Coming for to carry me home).
The Atlantic
slave trade: What too few textbooks told you - Anthony Hazard
Slave Trade involved the transportation by slave traders of various
enslaved African people, mainly to the Americas. The slave trade regularly
used the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, and existed from
the 16th to the 19th centuries. Some of those who were enslaved and
transported in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and
West Africa that had been sold by other West Africans to Western European
slave traders, while others had been captured directly by the slave
traders in coastal raids; Europeans gathered and imprisoned the enslaved
at forts on the African coast and then brought them to the Americas.
Except for the Portuguese, European slave traders generally did not
participate in the raids because life expectancy for Europeans in
sub-Saharan Africa was less than one year during the period of the slave
trade (which was prior to the widespread availability of quinine as a
treatment for malaria). The South Atlantic and Caribbean economies were
particularly dependent on labour for the production of sugarcane and other
commodities. This was viewed as crucial by those Western European states
which, in the late 17th and 18th centuries, were vying with one another to
create overseas empires.
9 To 5 - Dolly
Parton (youtube) - Tumble outta bed, And I stumble to the kitchen,
Pour myself a cup of ambition, And yawn and stretch, And try to come to
life. Jump in the shower, And the blood starts pumpin', Out on the street
The traffic starts jumpin', The folks like me on the job from 9 to 5.
Workin' 9 to 5, What a way to make a livin', Barely gettin' by, It's all
takin' and no givin', They just use your mind, And they never give you
credit, It's enough to drive you crazy, If you let it. 9 to 5, for service
and devotion, You would think that I, Would deserve a fair promotion Want
to move ahead, But the boss won't seem to let me, I swear sometimes that
man is out to get me. They let you dream, Just to watch 'em shatter,
You're just a step, On the boss-man's ladder, But you got dreams, He'll
never take away, You're in the same boat, With a lot of your friends,
Waitin' for the day your ship'll come in, 'N' the tide's gonna turn, And
it's all gonna roll your way. Workin' 9 to 5, What a way to make a livin',
Barely gettin' by, It's all takin' and no givin', They just use your mind,
And you never get the credit, It's enough to drive you crazy, If you let
it. 9 to 5, yeah, They got you where they want you, There's a better life,
And you think about it, don't you? It's a rich man's game, No matter what
they call it. And you spend your life, Puttin' money in his wallet. 9 to
5, whoa, What a way to make a livin', Barely gettin' by, It's all takin'
and no givin', They just use your mind, And they never give you credit,
It's enough to drive you crazy, If you let it. 9 to 5, yeah, They got you
where they want you, There's a better life, And you dream about it, don't
you? It's a rich man's game, No matter what they call it, And you spend
your life, Puttin' money in his wallet, Working 9 to 5.
16 Tons - Tennessee
Ernie Ford (youtube) - Some people say a man is made outta mud, A poor
man's made outta muscle and blood, Muscle and blood and skin and bones, A
mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong, You load 16 tons, what do you
Another day older and deeper in debt.
St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go,
owe my soul to the company store. I was born one mornin' when the
sun didn't shine, I picked up my shovel and I walked to the mine, I loaded
16 tons of number nine coal, And the straw boss said, "Well, a-bless my
soul", You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in
debt, St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the
company store. I was born one mornin', it was drizzlin' rain, Fightin' and
trouble are my middle name, I was raised in the canebrake by an ol' mama
lion, Can't no high toned woman make me walk the line, You load 16 tons,
what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt, St. Peter, don't
you call me 'cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store, If you
see me comin', better step aside, A lotta men didn't, a lotta men died,
One fist of iron, the other of steel, If the right one don't get you, Then
the left one will, You load 16 tons, what do you get? Another day older
and deeper in debt, St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store.
Un-Real Estate - Predatory Lending
83 Million Eviction Records since 2000 -
Nearly one million American
households received
eviction judgments in 2016.
2.3 Million Evictions
were filed in the U.S. in 2016 — a rate of four every minute.
Ponzi Scams -
Debt -
Property Tax -
Wealth Barriers -
Homeless -
Rental Housing Crisis -
Housing -
Foreclosures -
Coronavirus IX:
Evictions: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - Nearly
1/3 of Americans did not make their Rent Payments in April 2020.
30% of Americans are Renters, and 60% are
home owners or
More Americans are renters now than at any time in the past 50
Price-Fixing by Big Landlords and a Real Estate Tech Company. The U.S.
Department of Justice late Wednesday stepped into a massive
antitrust lawsuit filed by dozens of tenants who
are accusing a tech company’s apartment software of helping landlords
collude to
inflate rents.
US Justice Department accuses six major landlords of scheming to
keep rents high.
DOJ accuses real estate software company of helping landlords collude to
raise rents. The U.S. Department of Justice announced Friday that it
is suing the real estate company
RealPage, saying it engaged in a
price-fixing scheme to drive up rents. The DOJ
also alleges the company has a
controlling about 80% of the U.S. market share for this kind of software.
In some markets across the country, half or more of landlords use
pricing algorithm, housing experts say. Friday’s lawsuit isn’t the
first to target the company’s software — there are some 20 other lawsuits
Tenants Union is a group of tenants creating a written list of demands
and complaints about building safety, high rent, maintenance issues,
harassment, and other harmful
practices. An organized group of tenants with a list of specific demands
is more likely to get a landlord
negotiating. No official
recognition is required in order for a tenant
union to be
legitimate and impactful. United States of America federal law prohibits
based on race, gender, religion and other protected identity categories,
but it doesn't explicitly protect tenants' right to
organize collectively. The goal of a
tenants union is to empower people to fight for housing as a human right
or reforms like rent control.
Renters and Housing Union is a syndicalist tenants union based in
Australia. RAHU organizes for safe and
secure housing through self-advocacy, education, and eviction defense.
Unions -
Large investors are taking some
of the most affordable homes off the market, exacerbating the
racial wealth gap. Investors are also more likely to raise rents, evict
tenants and let houses fall into disrepair. Rental housing investment is a
booming business, as there is a greater demand for rental housing.
Corporations buying single family houses is a bad
United States Housing Bubble saw an increased of foreclosure rates in
2006–2007 among U.S. homeowners, which led to a crisis in August 2008 for
the subprime, Alt-A, collateralized debt obligation (CDO), mortgage,
credit, hedge fund, and foreign bank markets. In October 2007, the U.S.
Secretary of the Treasury called the bursting housing bubble "the most
significant risk to our economy".
Americans Can't
Afford To Buy A Home In 70% Of The Country.
The American Dream
is turned into Poverty. Documentary 2017 (youtube) - Developers
stealing government funded
tax credits
that are supposed to be used for
housing assistance and low income housing.
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (wiki) -
The American Dream.
Fiasco is a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a
ludicrous or humiliating way.
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City is a 2016 non-fiction
book that follows eight families struggling to pay rent to their landlords
during the financial crisis of 2007–2008.
EasyKnock, a real estate
company offering controversial
sale-leaseback deals to financially strapped homeowners, announced
abruptly on Thursday that it is going out of business. EasyKnock promised
to help people "unlock" the equity in their homes by buying the property
from them and then letting them remain in the home as a renter. This type
of real estate transaction, known as a sale-leaseback, focuses on
homeowners who struggle to get traditional loans due to bad credit or
insufficient income. An NPR investigation in June, citing court records
obtained from lawsuits against the company, found that the deals can cost
homeowners tens of thousands of dollars in equity, and that customers
rarely buy back their homes as the deals allow. Some people were even
evicted from homes they once owned. The company faces over two dozen
lawsuits around the country and several investigations by state attorneys
general. In May, the Michigan attorney general sent EasyKnock a cease and
desist letter calling on the company to end certain "unfair and deceptive
unfair trade practices." EasyKnock denies any liability in these lawsuits
and investigations and says it is cooperating with attorneys general.
Mobile Homes: Last
Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - Large investment
companies are making
Mobile Homes a nightmare for owners.
Warren Buffett's Mobile Home empire preys on the poor. Billionaire
profits at every step, from building to selling to high cost lending.
The median value of a
mobile home
increased at an average annual rate of 34.6% between 2021 and 2016,
compared to 35.4% for single-family homes, based on a
LendingTree analysis of U.S. Census data. Residents of mobile homes
say that unlike single-family homes, typically houses that buyers purchase
as an investment as much as a residence, mobile homes become more
burdensome with time. Many times there's no repairs and there's no
improvement in the
warranty of habitability, which ensures properties are livable. A
landlord's obligation for providing a habitable living space is primarily
governed by the state. This legal requirement, commonly known as the
“implied warranty of habitability”, also outlines the rights of tenants
when repairs are not made in a timely manner. So many mobile homes can
fall into disrepair, making them less attractive to potential buyers. And
the private companies who own the land can lowball on price when offering
to buy the homes. Plus, for many mobile homeowners, choosing to sell right
now would mean entering an even tighter housing and rental market. So,
even as the values of their homes rise, owners are finding they're stuck.
Large companies have been buying out mobile home parks. They're raising
the rent for the land the mobile homes sit on, increasing prices for
typically low-income and elderly residents who say they aren't getting
anything new.
Corporate Landlords are the biggest
price gougers,
even when their profits are extremely high. They draft unusually
restrictive leases that charge tenants stiff fees when they slip up.
More than 1,000 may lose water — or even their homes — because a
landlord didn't pay. Corporate landlords are gobbling up U.S. suburbs.
Countries, such as
France, Austria and Poland, prohibit removing people from their homes when
it's too cold. But that's not the case in the United States. Land of the
free must mean that some people are free to be a
Negative Equity -
Eminent Domain -
Financial Services refers to a particular type of
service, namely subprime or near-prime lending (that is, lending to people
with relatively poor credit) by non-bank financial institutions.
Non-Bank Financial Institution is a financial institution that
not have a full banking license or is not supervised by a national or
international banking regulatory agency.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is an agency of the
United States government responsible for
consumer protection in the
financial sector. CFPB jurisdiction includes banks, credit unions,
securities firms, payday lenders, mortgage-servicing operations,
foreclosure relief services, debt collectors and other financial companies
operating in the United States.
Right of Redemption is the right of a debtor whose real property has
been foreclosed upon and sold to reclaim that property if they are able to
come up with the money to repay the amount of the debt. Most U.S. states
have a statutory provision that allows such a reclamation of property.
Home Ownership has
Dropped to Its Lowest Level Since 1965.
"The words of the prophets Are
written on the subway walls And tenement halls."
The Sound of
Silence (youtube)
Debt Deflation recessions and depressions are due to the
overall level of
debt shrinking (deflating): the credit cycle is the cause
of the
economic cycle.
The American Securitization Forum (ASF) -
Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (wiki)
Government-Sponsored Enterprise is a financial services corporation
created by the United States Congress. Their intended function is to
enhance the flow of
credit to targeted sectors of the economy and to make
those segments of the capital market more efficient and transparent, and
to reduce the risk to investors and other suppliers of capital. The
desired effect of the GSEs is to enhance the availability and reduce the
cost of credit to the targeted borrowing sectors primarily by reducing the
risk of capital losses to investors: agriculture, home finance and
education. The two most well known GSEs are the Federal National Mortgage
Association, or Fannie Mae, and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation, or Freddie Mac.
Aid Types.
Lending - Loans - Borrowing
is the
lending of
money by one or more individuals,
organizations, or other entities to other individuals, organizations etc.
The recipient (i.e., the borrower) incurs a debt and is usually liable to
pay interest on that
debt until it is repaid as well as to repay the
principal amount borrowed. The document evidencing the debt (e.g., a
promissory note) will normally specify, among other things, the principal
amount of money borrowed, the
interest rate the lender is charging, and
the date of repayment. A loan entails the reallocation of the subject
asset(s) for a period of time, between the lender and the borrower. The
interest provides an incentive for the lender to engage in the loan. In a
legal loan, each of these obligations and restrictions is enforced by
contract, which can also place the borrower under additional restrictions
known as loan covenants. Although this article focuses on monetary loans,
in practice, any material object might be lent. Acting as a provider of
loans is one of the main activities of financial institutions such as
banks and
credit card companies. For other institutions, issuing of
contracts such as bonds is a typical source of funding.
Lending is to
give something temporarily or let
someone have something for a limited time.
Predatory Lending is the unfair, deceptive, or
fraudulent practices of some lenders during the loan origination process.
Education Loan Sharks
Middle Men -
Fair Housing -
Rackets -
Tax -
Debt -
Scam -
Fiat -
Interest Rate
Truth in Lending Act is a United States federal law designed to
promote the informed use of consumer credit, by requiring disclosures
about its terms and cost to standardize the manner in which costs
associated with borrowing are calculated and disclosed.
Informed Consent.
Subprime Lending is making loans to people who may have
difficulty maintaining the repayment schedule, sometimes reflecting
setbacks, such as unemployment, divorce, medical emergencies, etc.
Banks -
Credit -
Financial Aid
Equal Credit Opportunity Act and the
Housing Act—prohibit discrimination in credit transactions, including
transactions related to residential real estate.
Federal Fair Lending Laws -
Fair Lending -
Consumer-Lending Discrimination in the FinTech Era.
Dangers - Flaws and Corruption:
Giving money to private companies
with no instructions or guidelines on how the money is supposed to be used
in order to reach the economic goals and improvements needed always ends
in failure as history has documented many times. Then on top of that, the
government tells the private companies that they won't be liable for
losses or mismanagement, waste or corruption, which is insane. Guaranteed
loans or insured loans offer no incentives to do what is right and good.
So most people will always act ignorantly and steal tax payer money for
themselves instead of using it for the public good for which it was
intended. It seems that our government incites corruption by lending money
to corrupt companies. No
Oversight + No
Fraud. (Another Wasted Opportunity).
people with disabilities are in a low-income bracket and don't qualify for
standard mortgage loans. Fortunately, HUD's Section 8 Homeownership
Voucher Program was established specifically to assist low-income
individuals and families in renting or buying a house by subsidizing their
monthly mortgage payments. Social Security does not prohibit an individual
from using their disability benefits to buy a house. However, those who
receive SSI or concurrent SSI/SSD benefits should be careful. SSI
disability beneficiaries can own the home and land they live on, but other
property will be counted as an asset.
Reverse Mortgage is a mortgage loan, usually secured over a
residential property, that enables the borrower to access the unencumbered
value of the property. The loans are typically promoted to older
homeowners and typically do not require monthly mortgage payments.
Borrowers are still responsible for property taxes and homeowner's
insurance. Reverse mortgages allow elders to access the home equity they
have built up in their homes now, and defer payment of the loan until they
die, sell, or move out of the home. Because there are no required mortgage
payments on a reverse mortgage, the interest is added to the loan balance
each month. The rising loan balance can eventually grow to exceed the
value of the home, particularly in times of declining home values or if
the borrower continues to live in the home for many years. However, the
borrower (or the borrower's estate) is generally not required to repay any
additional loan balance in excess of the value of the home.
Reverse Mortgage Scams. The FBI and the U.S. Department of Housing and
Urban Development Office of Inspector General (HUD-OIG) urge consumers,
especially senior citizens, to be vigilant when seeking reverse mortgage
products. Reverse mortgages, also known as home equity conversion
mortgages (HECM), have increased more than 1,300 percent between 1999 and
2008, creating significant opportunities for fraud perpetrators. Reverse
mortgage scams are engineered by unscrupulous professionals in a multitude
of real estate, financial services, and related companies to steal the
equity from the property of unsuspecting senior citizens or to use these
seniors to unwittingly aid the fraudsters in stealing equity from a
flipped property. In many of the reported scams, victim seniors are
offered free homes, investment opportunities, and foreclosure or refinance
assistance. They are also used as straw buyers in property flipping scams.
Seniors are frequently targeted through local churches and investment
seminars, as well as television, radio, billboard, and mailer
advertisements. A legitimate HECM loan product is insured by the Federal
Housing Authority. It enables eligible homeowners to access the equity in
their homes by providing funds without incurring a monthly payment.
Eligible borrowers must be 62 years or older who occupy their property as
their primary residence and who own their property or have a small
mortgage balance. See the FBI/HUD Intelligence Bulletin for specific
details on HECMs as well as other foreclosure rescue and investment
schemes. Tips for Avoiding Reverse Mortgage Scams: Do not respond to
unsolicited advertisements. Be suspicious of anyone claiming that you can
own a home with no down payment. Do not sign anything that you do not
fully understand. Do not accept payment from individuals for a home you
did not purchase. Seek out your own reverse mortgage counselor. If you are
a victim of this type of fraud and want to file a complaint, please submit
information through the FBI’s electronic tip line or through your local
FBI office. You may also file an online complaint with HUD-OIG or call
HUD’s hotline at 1-800-347-3735.
Credit Theory of Money - How is passing on debt to someone
else considered a
Loan Servicing is the process by which a company, bank or servicing
collects interest, principal, and escrow payments
from a borrower. The vast majority of mortgages are backed by the
government or government-sponsored entities (GSEs) through purchase by
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae (which purchases loans insured by
the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or guaranteed by the Department
of Veterans Affairs (VA)). Because GSEs and private loan investors
typically do not service the mortgage loans that they purchase, the bank
who sells the mortgage will generally retain the right to service the
mortgage pursuant to a master servicing agreement. The payments collected
by the mortgage servicer are remitted to various parties; distributions
typically include paying taxes and insurance from escrowed funds,
remitting principal and interest payments to investors holding
mortgage-backed securities (or other types of instruments backed by pools
of mortgage loans), and remitting fees to mortgage guarantors, trustees,
and other third parties providing services. The level of service varies
depending on the type of loan and the terms negotiated between the
servicer and the investor seeking their services, and may also include
activities such as monitoring delinquencies, workouts/ restructurings and
executing foreclosures. In exchange for performing these activities, the
servicer generally receives contractually specified servicing fees and
other ancillary sources of income such as float and late charges. Mortgage
servicing became "far more profitable during the housing boom", and some
servicers targeted borrowers "less likely to make timely payments" in
order to collect more late fees.
Promissory Note is when one party (the maker or issuer) promises in
writing to pay a determinate sum of money to the other (the payee), either
at a fixed or determinable future time or on demand of the payee, under
specific terms. If the promissory note is unconditional and readily
saleable, it is called a negotiable instrument.
Contract Laws -
Default Rate is the rate of borrowers who fail to remain current on their loans.
It is a critical piece of information used by lenders to
determine their risk exposure and economists to evaluate the
health of the overall economy. The interest rate charged to a
borrower when payments on a revolving line of credit are
Mortgage Swaps.
Interest Rate Swap is an
interest rate derivative. It
involves exchange of interest rates between two parties. In particular it
is a linear IRD and one of the most liquid, benchmark products. It has
associations with forward rate agreements, and with zero coupon
Credit Default Swap is a financial swap agreement that the seller of
the CDS will compensate the buyer in the event of a debt default (by the
debtor) or other credit event. That is, the seller of the CDS insures the
buyer against some reference asset defaulting. The buyer of the CDS makes
a series of payments (the CDS "fee" or "spread") to the seller and, in
exchange, may expect to receive a payoff if the asset defaults.
Collateralized Debt Obligation is a type of structured
asset-backed security (ABS). Originally developed for the corporate
debt markets, over time CDOs evolved to encompass the mortgage and
mortgage-backed security (MBS) markets.
Synthetic CDO is a variation of a CDO that generally uses
credit default swaps and other derivatives to obtain its
investment goals.
ISDA Master Agreement is the most commonly used master
service agreement for OTC derivatives transactions internationally. It is
part of a framework of documents, designed to enable OTC derivatives to be
documented fully and flexibly. The framework consists of a master
agreement, a schedule, confirmations, definition booklets, and credit
support documentation. The ISDA master agreement is published by the
International Swaps and Derivatives Association.
Bid Rigging is
a form of
fraud in which a commercial
contract is promised to one party even though for the sake of appearance
several other parties also present a bid. This form of collusion is
illegal in most countries. It is a form of price fixing and market
allocation, often practiced where contracts are determined by a call for
bids, for example in the case of government construction contracts. Bid
rigging almost always results in economic harm to the agency which is
seeking the bids, and to the public, who ultimately bear the costs as
taxpayers or consumers.
5 trillion dollars disappeared or
stolen, 8 million lost jobs, 6
million lost homes.
Financial Crisis of 2007 - 2008
Market is an economy in which decisions regarding
investment, production, and distribution are based on market determined
supply and demand, and prices of goods and
services are determined in a free price system.
Evictions - Forced to Move
Evicted is to expel or eject
recourse to
legal process. Expel from
one's property or force to
move out
by a legal process. Forced out.
Common Grounds -
Housing -
Gentrification -
Eminent Domain -
Colonization -
Bubbles -
Eviction is the removal of a tenant from rental property by
the landlord.
Expelled is forced to
leave or move out. Kicked out. Thrown Out. Ousted.
Banished is to expel from a community or
group. Ban from a place of residence, as for punishment.
is to remove something that has been rejected. To look for and gather.
is to cause to move, usually with force or pressure.
Exiled is to be expel
from a country.
Ostracize is to
expel from a
community or group. Avoid speaking to or dealing with.
Refugee is an exile who flees for safety.
Internally Displaced Person is someone who is forced to flee his or
her home but who remains within his or her country's borders. They are
often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the legal
definitions of a refugee.
Housing Stress describes a situation where the cost of housing (either
as rental, or as a mortgage) is high relative to household income. It may
also be used to describe inadequate housing for a proportion of the
population. As a rule of thumb, a household spending 30 per cent or more
of its income can be considered under housing stress, and under "extreme"
housing stress if spending exceeds 50 percent. Other studies may apply a
different threshold, or restrict its definition to households with below
average income. The Economic Research Service of the United States
Department of Agriculture classifies counties as under housing stress" if
30 percent or more of its housing units meets one or more of the following
criteria: lacked complete plumbing, lacked complete kitchens, paid 30 per
cent or more for owner costs or rent, or had more than one person per
Foreclosure is a legal process in which a lender claims
possession of property belonging to a borrower, who has stopped making
payments to the lender. In the United States the term is used for a forced
sale of the property used as the collateral for the loan.
Fault Lines
For Sale:
The American Dream (youtube)
Approximately 549,000 homes in the United States were in some
stage of
foreclosure compared to 822,000 in January 2014.
3 Day Notice to Pay or Quit, or a 30 or 60 Day Notice to Vacate.
More than 170 tenants were evicted every day in England and
Wales in 2015 -
Landlord and homeowners evicted after foreclosure, filings
soared to almost 270,000 last year in 2015.
Rents are Soaring -- and so are
Evictions. Rents have risen 7% in the past year, while incomes have inched
just 1.8% higher. Several million families a year face evictions
nationwide. In Georgia, there was one eviction notice filed for
every five rental households, more than 200,000 total filings
last year. Many cases involved renters who were unable to keep
up with rent increases.
Fair Affordable
Before You Rent ask
your landlord how many units they own? What's their monthly income? How
many mortgages they have? How many people have they evicted and what were
the circumstances? Tell them you need references from previous tenants.
Squatter's Right is a legal allowance to use the property of
another in the absence of an attempt by the owner to force eviction. This
right may eventually be converted to title to the property over time by
Adverse Possession, if recognized by state law.
Squatting is the action of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied area
of land or a building, usually residential, that the squatter does not
own, rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use. Author Robert
Neuwirth suggested in 2004 that there were one billion squatters globally.
Tenure is the legal regime in which
land is owned by an individual,
who is said to "hold" the land. It determines who can use land, for how
long and under what conditions. Tenure may be based both on official laws
and policies, and on informal customs. In other words, land tenure system
implies a system according to which land is held by an individual or the
actual tiller of the land. It determines the owners rights and
responsibilities in connection with their holding.
Fiefdom an area over
which someone exercises control as or in the manner of a feudal lord.
Slumlord is an absentee landlord with more than one property, who
attempts to maximize
profit by
minimizing spending
on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods, and to
tenants that they can intimidate. Severe housing shortages allow slumlords
to charge higher rents, and when they can get away with it, to break
rental laws. As many of these neighborhoods are often populated by poor
minorities, the term "ghetto landlord" has also been used. A "retail
slumlord" is one who keeps a shopping mall in a bad shape until the
government buys or confiscates it.
Slumlords buy deteriorating buildings for as little as $500
apiece and then rent them as is.
Slumlords love to pass the
costs onto renters, just as long as they don't have to pay. Slumlords
suck the life out of future generations, like leeches. This is why most
public housings fail, planned obsolescence by neglect.
Absentee Landlord is a person who owns and rents out a
property, but
does not live within the property's local economic region.
When used in a local context, the term refers to a landlord of a house or
other real estate, who leases the property to tenants, but fails to ensure
that proper maintenance is done on it, or does only the minimum required
by law (the term slumlord is also used to describe such a person). This,
in turn, leads to what may appear to be abandoned buildings, causing
significantly lowered property values and urban blight. Tax policy seems,
overall, to favour absentee ownership. However, some jurisdictions seek to
extract money from absentee owners by taxing land. Absentee ownership has
sometimes put the absentee owners at
risk of loss.
Feudalism was a way of structuring society around relationships that
were derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labour.
Describes a set of reciprocal legal and military obligations which existed
among the warrior nobility and revolved around the three key concepts of
lords, vassals and fiefs. includes not only the obligations of the warrior
nobility but the obligations of all three estates of the realm: the
nobility, the clergy, and the peasantry, all of whom were bound by a
system of manorialism; this is sometimes referred to as a "feudal
Then Came Monopolies.
is a pre-industrial agricultural laborer or farmer with limited land
ownership, especially one living in the Middle Ages under feudalism and
paying rent, tax, fees, or services to a landlord. In Europe, three
classes of peasants existed: slave, serf, and free tenant. Peasants hold
title to land either in fee simple or by any of several forms of land
tenure, among them socage, quit-rent, leasehold, and copyhold.
Owning a Condo can like being under
house arrest. That's how bad some condo associations are and how criminal
property management companies can
be. A bunch of leeching parasites who don't
want to do work, but will easily take your money, scumbags. Condos are
just another way to tax and gouge home owners. And it's
unsustainable. Commons fees go up while
property values go down, explain that morons. These
Types of Housing only works when
the owners are involved and informed about the choices they have. Home
owners should understand the
current status of the property and future plans that would give home
owners the best return on their
investment. That is also the only way any
type of
government could work effectively
and efficiently.
Housing Improvements.
When you have more slumlords than live in owners.
Slumlords mostly care about money, slumlords don't care about people. This
is why properties fall into disrepair. And the neighbors pay the price by
their property values going down along the the quality of living.
Criminal Negligence -
Waste in Law (maintain)
Estrepement is used to prevent estrepement, a type of
voluntary waste. The waste that the writ would issue to prevent would be
waste that occurred in response to a lawsuit seeking possession of the
land, or a judgment against the waster where possession had not yet been
Future Interest in property law and real estate, is a legal right to
property ownership that does not include the right to present possession
or enjoyment of the property. Future interests are created on the
formation of a defeasible estate; that is, an estate with a condition or
event triggering transfer of possessory ownership. A common example is the
landlord-tenant relationship. The landlord may own a house, but has no
general right to enter it while it is being rented. The conditions
triggering the transfer of possession, first to the tenant then back to
the landlord, are usually detailed in a lease. As a slightly more
complicated example, suppose O is the owner of Blackacre. Consider what
happens when O transfers the property, "to A for life, then to B". Person
A acquires possession of Blackacre. Person B does not receive any right to
possess Blackacre immediately; however, once person A dies, possession
will fall to person B (or his estate, if he died before person A). Person
B has a future interest in the property. In this example, the event
triggering the transfer is person A's death. Because they convey ownership
rights, future interests can usually be sold, gifted, willed, or otherwise
disposed of by the beneficiary (but see Vesting below). Because the rights
vest in the future, any such disposition will occur before the beneficiary
actually takes possession of the property. There are five kinds of future
interests recognized at common law: three in the transferor and two in the
Hourly Wage
Needed to Rent in each State (image)
Income needed to Buy a Home in each U.S. City (image)
Needed to Work in Order to afford the Rent in Each State
difference between House Wages and Renter Wages (image)
Numbers by State in 2016 (image)
Living Wage
38 cities in America have
Filed for Bankruptcy.-
Bankruptcies - Defaults (wiki)
Who Took
Down Stockton? (youtube)
A lot of foreclosures occur due to a
homeowner's medical problems, so
the healthcare system steals
peoples homes as much as banks do.
People are even being evicted from
Homeless Camps.
List of Tent Cities in the United States (wiki) -
Small Homes -
Refugees In 2015 Detroit sent out 72,000
foreclosure notices to homeowners behind on property taxes,
62,000 of them in Detroit alone. They say about 18,000 of these
properties are occupied, but fewer than half of those homeowners
have paid all of their tax.
Empty Homes and Buildings
Eminent Domain -
Annexation (be careful where you live)
Bubble is just another word for corruption and greed gone
bad, so lets blame it on the economy so that people don't realize that
they have been swindled, again.
Fair Affordable Housing
Fair Housing Act is intended to protect
the buyer or renter of a
dwelling from seller or landlord discrimination,
which is selectively enforced.
Its primary prohibition makes it unlawful to refuse to sell, rent to, or
negotiate with any person because of that person's inclusion in a
protected class. The goal is a unitary
housing market in which a person's
background (as opposed to financial resources) does not arbitrarily
restrict access. Calls for open housing were issued early in the twentieth
century, but it was not until after World War II that concerted efforts to
achieve it were undertaken.
The Fair Housing Act or FHA and the
Equal Credit Opportunity Act or ECOA, is to protect consumers by
prohibiting unfair and
discriminatory practices.
Why are cities
still so segregated? | Let's Talk | NPR (youtube) - In 1968, Congress
passed the Fair Housing Act that made it illegal to
discriminate in
Redlining is the systematic denial of various services or goods by
governments or the private sector either directly or through the selective
raising of prices. To
refuse a loan or insurance to
someone because they live in an area deemed to be a poor financial risk.
Affordable Housing.
Blockbusting is a business process in which U.S. real estate agents
and building developers convince white property owners to sell their
houses at low prices, which they do by telling house owners that racial
minorities will soon move into their neighborhoods in order to instill
fear in them. The agents then sell those same houses to black families who
are desperate to escape overcrowded ghettos at much higher prices.
Blockbusting became possible after the legislative and judicial
dismantling of legally protected racially segregated real estate practices
after World War II. By the 1980s it largely disappeared as a business
practice, after changes in law and the real estate market.
Racially Restrictive Covenants were widespread tools of discrimination
used by white homeowners to prevent the migration of people of color into
their neighborhoods during the first half of the 20th century.
Los Angeles Land Covenants, Redlining; Creation and Effects.
cost of living and
affordable housing are words that
can mislead people, Why? U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
What Qualifies
as Affordable Rent is a calculation based on the region’s median
income, though that calculation is often much, much higher than what
federal housing programs set as affordable rent.
Affordable Housing.
Market Rate is the
usual price charged in a free market. If demand goes up, manufacturers and
laborers will tend to respond by increasing the price, thus setting a
higher market rate. When demand falls, market rates also tend to fall.
Supply and demand.
Subsidized Housing is
government sponsored economic assistance aimed
towards alleviating housing costs and expenses for impoverished people
with low to moderate incomes. Forms of subsidies include
direct housing
subsidies, non-profit housing, public housing, rent supplements, and some
forms of co-operative and private sector housing. In the United States,
subsidized housing is often called "affordable housing." There are
scientific research suggesting that actions to facilitate people's access
housing contribute to lower poverty situations.
Affordable Housing is housing which is
affordable to those with a
median household
income as rated by the national government or a local government by a
recognized housing affordability index. Most of the literature on
affordable housing refers to
mortgages and number of forms that exist
along a continuum – from emergency shelters, to transitional housing, to
non-market rental (also known as social or subsidized housing), to formal
and informal rental, indigenous housing, and ending with affordable home
National Housing Act of 1934 also called the Capehart Act, was part of
the New Deal passed during the Great Depression in order to
make housing
and home mortgages more affordable. It created the Federal Housing
Administration (FHA) and the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance
Corporation (FSLIC). The Act was designed to stop the tide of bank
foreclosures on family homes during the Great Depression. Both the FHA and
the FSLIC worked to create the backbone of the mortgage and home building
industries, until the 1980s. (See Savings and loan crisis and Financial
Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 that ended the
FSLIC, whose activities were moved to the FDIC.). The Housing Act of 1937 built on this legislation.
Home Owners' Loan Corporation (wiki).
The amount of money you must earn in a year to be able to afford to live and pay rent in
a particular city.
San Francisco: $119,570
San Jose: $89,734
New York: $87,446
Boston: $84,422
Washington, D.C.: $83,104
Los Angeles: $74,371
New Orleans: $60,782
Atlanta: $60,285
Milwaukee: $43,281
Detroit: $42,772
Tucson: $39,966
House Price Index measures the price changes of residential
housing. Methodologies commonly used to calculate a HPI are the hedonic
regression (HR), simple moving average (SMA) and repeat-sales regression (RSR).
Negative Equity (debt)
Broker acts as an intermediary who brokers mortgage loans on
behalf of individuals or businesses.
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (wiki)
HousingWhy do people
owning land and property experience the same negative
side-effects that come from having too much money, or from
having too much power? Why does owning property change people.
Landlords manipulated by the power authority? Why does our views on life change after buying property? Why do
people become more defensive? And why does owning land make you more
of a target? We need to change the perception land ownership. Though
the lines in the sand are only temporary, it is mainly a mutual
agreement with our neighbors and other people in the world. If
you would like to do something in my area of the sand, then
please let me know first, and I will do the same for you if I
ever plan to do something in your area of the sand.
A 2014 report for the
Scottish government found that 432 individuals own 50 percent of
the land in rural Scotland. It said half of the territory's land
is owned by 0.008 percent of the population of more than 5.3
million people. Ok
Wallace, it's time again.
Britain’s Bad Housing -
Net Zero
The Green Buildings that are
being built today are excellent. They require
maintenance, cost less to operate, they are less dependent on
non-renewable resources and last longer. So these models of
intelligent building that we have today are fantastic and give
everyone living examples to improve on and to follow. But living
by example will never be enough if we don’t include this
knowledge in our education system. When people say that
green building cost to much money, what they're
really saying is that they would rather pass on the debt and
problems to future generations. These people are very selfish
and ignorant and care only for themselves. Anyone not building
green is really negligent. Future generations will look back at
these people and say "Thanks for nothing scumbag". Thanks for
making buildings that are built with too many non-renewable
products, which is a waste of raw materials. Thanks for making
buildings that always needs maintenance so it will always cost
you time and resources. Thanks for making buildings that are
energy inefficient so it wastes energy, pollutes more, consumes
more energy and consumes more water, which costs even more
resources. And on top of that some of the building products used
in building creates unhealthy air by
outgassing chemicals. This is the same for our car
manufacturers and other industries that put profit over people.
Tax is a mandatory
financial charge or some other type of
levy imposed upon a taxpayer or an
individual or
other legal entity by a governmental organization in order
fund various public expenditures. A failure to pay, along with
of or resistance to taxation, is punishable by law. Taxes consist of
direct or indirect taxes and may be paid in money or as its labour
equivalent. Most countries have a tax system in place to pay for
public/common/agreed national needs and government functions: some levy a
flat percentage rate of taxation on personal annual
income, some on a scale based on annual income amounts, and some
countries impose almost no taxation at all, or a very low tax rate for a
certain area of taxation. Some countries charge a tax both on corporate
income and dividends; this is often referred to as
double taxation as the
individual shareholder(s) receiving this payment from the company will
also be levied some tax on that personal income.
Tariffs -
Interest -
Economic Warfare -
Evasion -
Passing the Buck
Inflation -
Accounting -
No Taxation without Representation means that a citizen should not be
taxed by an authority without the benefit of having
elected representatives who
speak on
their behalf and
protect them from
unlawful taxes or abusive fees and
Taxes can be used as
weapon to attack certain people or attack certain
businesses. Taxes don't effect the wealthy and the powerful, because they
loopholes and
exploit the system or
pass on the tax on to
Taxes don't hurt jobs and wages, it's the greed that hurts jobs and wages.
Taxation as
Theft should not take from people what they already own.
Property rights are the product of a
set of laws and conventions, of which the tax system forms a central part,
so the fairness of taxes can’t be evaluated by their impact on preexisting
Natural Property Rights
are those not determined by the law of the state.
Source who revealed how Taxes Steal for the Rich is rewarded with five
years in prison. Rich people pay next to nothing in taxes, while the rest
of us frantically file tax returns and see our wages sucked away to fund
the military, aid for Israel and corporate subsidies. Charles Littlejohn
abused his position as a consultant at the Internal Revenue Service by
disclosing thousands of Americans’ federal tax returns and other private
financial information to news organizations. He violated his
responsibility to safeguard the sensitive information that was entrusted
to his care, and now he is a convicted felon. Littlejohn’s lawyers had
argued that he had acted “out of a deep, moral belief that the
American people had a right to know
the information and sharing it was the only way to effect change.
Non-Aggression Principle is defined as initiating or threatening any
forceful interference against either an individual, their property.
(violating or breaching conduct).
Taxation as Slavery is the idea that taxation results in an unfree
society in which individuals are forced to work to enrich the government
and the recipients of largesse, rather than for their own benefit.
While the wealthy have
tax havens, the poor
have to live in Tax hell.
Tax is a tax imposed on individuals or entities
that varies with respective
taxable income or
profits. Income tax
generally is computed as the product of a tax rate times taxable income.
Taxation rates may vary by type or characteristics of the taxpayer. The
tax rate may increase as taxable income increases (referred to as
graduated or progressive rates). The tax imposed on companies is usually
known as corporate tax and is levied at a flat rate. However, individuals
are taxed at various rates according to the slab in which they fall.
Further, the partnership firms are also taxed at flat rate. Most
jurisdictions exempt locally organized charitable organizations from tax.
Capital gains may be taxed at different rates than other income. Credits
of various sorts may be allowed that reduce tax. Some jurisdictions impose
the higher of an income tax or a tax on an alternative base or measure of
income. Taxable income of taxpayers resident in the jurisdiction is
generally total income less income producing expenses and other
deductions. Generally, only net gain from sale of property, including
goods held for sale, is included in income. Income of a corporation's
shareholders usually includes distributions of profits from the
corporation. Deductions typically include all income producing or business
expenses including an allowance for recovery of costs of business assets.
Many jurisdictions allow notional deductions for individuals, and may
allow deduction of some personal expenses. Most jurisdictions either do
not tax income earned outside the jurisdiction or allow a credit for taxes
paid to other jurisdictions on such income. Nonresidents are taxed only on
certain types of income from sources within the jurisdictions, with few
exceptions. Most jurisdictions require self-assessment of the tax and
require payers of some types of income to withhold tax from those
payments. Advance payments of tax by taxpayers may be required. Taxpayers
not timely paying tax owed are generally subject to significant penalties,
which may include jail for individuals or revocation of an entity's legal
existence. Approximately 76.4 million or
44.4% of
Americans won't pay any federal income tax in 2018, up from 72.6
million people or 43.2%. Most of these people aren't paying income taxes
because they either don't have any income that is taxable (many fall below
poverty line). The Tax Policy Center has
updated its estimate of the percentage of Americans who pay no federal
individual income taxes. And the number is: 44 percent—45.3 percent—won't
pay income tax.
Income Tax
is an illegal tax is imposed on income by the federal government, most
state governments, and many local governments.
Living Wage
Budget -
Government Spending
Carried Interest Loophole allows investment managers to
pay the lower 20 percent long-term capital gains
tax rate on income received as compensation, rather than the
ordinary income tax rates of up to
37 percent
that they would pay for the same amount of wage income. This loophole is a
favorite of private equity, real estate, and hedge fund managers. This tax
preference has allowed the wealthiest Americans to pay much less than
their fair share for far too long.
Corporate Tax is a direct tax imposed by a jurisdiction on the income
or capital of corporations or analogous legal entities. Many countries
impose such taxes at the national level, and a similar tax may be imposed
at state or local levels. The taxes may also be referred to as income tax
or capital tax. Partnerships are generally not taxed at the entity level.
Windfall Tax is a higher tax rate on
that result from a
sudden windfall gain to
a particular company or industry, often as the result of a geo-political
disturbance, war or natural disaster that creates unusual spikes in demand
and/or interruptions to supply. Historically, taxes on windfall profits
have been imposed as a result of opportunistic 'price gouging' or
'profiteering', whether real or perceived. Notable instances of sudden and
dramatic increases in oil industry profits that provoked such taxes around
the world include the 1970's OPEC oil embargo, the Persian Gulf wars and
the global economic sanctions imposed on Russia in response to their
invasion of Ukraine.
US Tax Shield - IRS and
state tax liability problems.
Tax Arguments are arguments made by people, primarily in the
United States, who contend that tax laws are unconstitutional or otherwise
Regressive Tax is a tax imposed in such a manner that the
tax rate decreases as the amount subject to taxation increases.
Mediation Services - Tax Relief Professionals.
Sales Tax is a tax
paid to a governing body for the sales of certain goods and services.
Usually laws allow (or require) the seller to collect funds for the tax
from the consumer at the point of purchase. When a tax on goods or
services is paid to a governing body directly by a consumer, it is usually
called a use tax. Often laws provide for the exemption of certain goods or
services from sales and use tax.
Certificate or
Tax Exemption Certificate allows you to buy goods through your
business without paying local sales tax. A resale certificate is a signed
document that indicates that the purchaser intends to resell the goods. It
is usually provided by a retailer to a wholesale dealer. When doing this,
it's your responsibility to collect the tax from the customer when you
sell the item. Without a resale certificate, the purchaser must pay sales
tax on the items they intend to resell. Resale numbers are issued by state
governments. Typically, you apply for a number from your state's tax
agency, which issues you a resale license, permit or certificate bearing
the number. Then, when you make purchases that aren't subject to sales
tax, you provide the merchant your license or certificate number.
Indirect Tax,
such as sales tax, per unit tax, value added tax, or goods and services
tax (GST)) is a tax collected by an intermediary (such as a retail store)
from the person who bears the ultimate economic burden of the tax (such as
the consumer). The intermediary later files a tax return and forwards the
tax proceeds to government with the return. In this sense, the term
indirect tax is contrasted with a direct tax, which is collected directly
by government from the persons (legal or natural) on whom it is imposed.
Some commentators have argued that "a direct tax is one that cannot be
charged by the taxpayer to someone else, whereas an indirect tax can be.
Tax is imposed upon an individual person (juristic or natural) or
property (i.e. real and personal property, livestock, crops, wages, etc.)
as distinct from a tax imposed upon a transaction. In this sense, indirect
taxes such as a sales tax or a value added tax (VAT) are imposed only if
and when a taxable transaction occurs.
The term may be used in economic and political analyses, but does not
itself have any legal implications.
is to impose a tax, a fee, or a fine.
Duty in economics is a kind of tax levied by a state. It is often
associated with
customs, in which context they are also known as
or dues. The term is often used to describe a tax on certain items
purchased abroad. Properly, a duty differs from a tax in being levied on
specific commodities, financial transactions, estates, etc. rather than on
individuals. Duties may be import duties, excise duties, stamp duties,
death or succession duties, etc.; but not such direct impositions as
personal income taxes.
Use Tax is a type of
tax levied in the United States by numerous state governments. It is
essentially the same as a sales tax but is applied not where a product or
service was sold but where a merchant bought a product or service and then
converted it for its own use, without having paid tax when it was
initially purchased. Use taxes are functionally equivalent to
sales taxes.
They are typically levied upon the use, storage, enjoyment, or other
consumption in the state of tangible personal property that has not been
subjected to a sales tax.
Value-Added Tax is a type of tax that is assessed incrementally, based
on the increase in value of a product or service at each stage of
production or distribution. VAT essentially compensates for the shared
services and infrastructure provided in a certain locality by a state and
funded by its taxpayers that were used in the elaboration of that product
Tax is a tax imposed on the transfer of ownership of property. The
United States Internal Revenue Service says, a gift is "Any transfer to an
individual, either directly or indirectly, where full consideration
(measured in money or money's worth) is not received in return.
Conversion in Law is a voluntary act by one
person inconsistent with the ownership rights of another.
Examples are seen in cases where trees are cut down and the
lumber hauled from the land by someone not having clear ownership.
taxes are taxes that are
imposed on various
goods, services and activities. Such taxes may be imposed on the
manufacturer, retailer or
depending on the specific tax. Form 720, Quarterly Federal Excise Tax
Return, is available for optional electronic filing. excise, or excise
tax, is any duty on manufactured goods that is levied at the moment of
manufacture rather than at sale. Excises are often associated with customs
duties, which are levied on pre-existing goods when they cross a
designated border in a specific direction; customs are levied on goods
that become taxable items at the border, while excise is levied on goods
that came into existence inland. An excise is considered an indirect tax,
meaning that the producer or seller who pays the levy to the government is
expected to try to recover their loss by raising the price paid by the
eventual buyer of the goods. Excises are typically imposed in addition to
an indirect tax such as a sales tax or value-added tax (VAT). Typically,
an excise is distinguished from a sales tax or VAT in three ways: an
excise is typically a per unit tax, costing a specific amount for a volume
or unit of the item purchased, whereas a sales tax or value-added tax is
an ad valorem tax and proportional to the price of the goods, an excise
typically applies to a narrow range of products, and an excise is
typically heavier, accounting for a higher fraction of the retail price of
the targeted products. Typical examples of excise duties are taxes on
gasoline and other fuels and taxes on tobacco and alcohol (sometimes
referred to as
sin tax). The
Motor Vehicle Excise Tax applies to the
sale of every motor vehicle that must be registered in the State of New
Mexico. We presume that every time a vehicle is titled, a sale has
occurred and the motor vehicle excise tax is due. The tax is 4% of the
price paid for the vehicle less any trade-in credit. For non-dealer sales,
however, the N.A.D.A. value is used if the declared purchase price of the
vehicle is lower than 80% of the N.A.D.A. average trade-in or wholesale
value. If a vehicle is legitimately transferred by gift, there is no sale,
and no excise tax is due. Any applicant for a vehicle title who claims
that the vehicle was received by gift must submit a notarized Affidavit of
Gift of Motor Vehicle or Boat (MVD-10018) in which both donor and
recipient affirm under oath and under penalty of perjury that the vehicle
was in fact transferred as a gift. Payment is due at the time the buyer
applies for a certificate of title. When you purchase a vehicle through a
dealer, the dealer may handle the application for you and collect the tax.
Otherwise, you must pay the tax to the New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division
(MVD) or one of its agents when you apply for a title. Tax Penalty for
late Titling-A penalty of 50% of the Motor Vehicle Excise Tax is imposed
on any person who lives in New Mexico and either: a) accepts transfer of a
vehicle in New Mexico but fails to apply for a certificate of title within
90 days or b) accepts transfer outside the state and fails to apply for a
certificate of title within 90 days of bringing the vehicle into New
Mexico. The 50% add-on penalty has the effect of increasing the tax rate
to 6% (4% x 1.5 = 6%). Twenty-five percent of the tax goes to the Local
Governments Road Fund. The remainder goes to the Highway Infrastructure
Fund. Note-If a vehicle is acquired out-of-state, and another state’s
gross receipts, sales, compensating or similar tax was paid, the amount of
the tax paid may be credited against the MVET due on the same vehicle.
Property Taxes or millage tax, is an ad valorem tax levy on the
of property that the
owner of the property is required to pay to a
government in which the property is situated. Multiple jurisdictions may
tax the same property. There are three general varieties of property:
land, improvements to land (immovable man-made things, e.g. buildings) and
personal property (movable things). Real estate or realty is the
combination of land and improvements to land. Property taxes are usually
charged on a recurrent basis (e.g., yearly). A common type of property tax
is an annual charge on the ownership of real estate, where the tax base is
the estimated value of the property.
Property Tax is an ad valorem tax on the value of a
property, usually levied on real estate. The tax is levied by the
governing authority of the jurisdiction in which the property is located.
This can be a national government, a federated state, a county or
geographical region or a municipality. Multiple jurisdictions may tax the
same property. This tax can be contrasted to a
rent tax which is based on rental income or imputed rent, and a
land value tax, which is a levy on the value of land, excluding the value
of buildings and other improvements. Under a property-tax system, the
government requires or performs an appraisal of the monetary value of each
property, and tax is assessed in proportion to that value.
Estate Tax is a tax on the transfer of the
estate of a
deceased person. The tax applies to property that is transferred via a
will or according to state laws of intestacy. Other transfers that are
subject to the tax can include those made through an intestate estate or
trust, or the payment of certain life insurance benefits or financial
account sums to beneficiaries. The estate tax is one part of the Unified
Gift and Estate Tax system in the United States. The other part of the
system, the gift tax, applies to transfers of property during a person's
Death Tax is used by wealthy
scumbags to
manipulate peoples
understanding what an estate tax is.
Ad Valorem Tax
is a tax whose amount is based on the
value of a transaction or of
property. It is typically imposed at the time of a transaction, as in the
case of a sales tax or value-added tax (VAT). An ad valorem tax may also
be imposed annually, as in the case of a real or personal property tax, or
in connection with another significant event (e.g. inheritance tax,
expatriation tax, or tariff). In some countries a stamp duty is imposed as
an ad valorem tax.
Land Value Tax is an ad valorem levy on the unimproved value
of land. Unlike
property taxes, it disregards the value of buildings,
personal property and other improvements to real estate. Land value taxes
are generally favored by economists as (unlike other taxes) it does not
cause economic inefficiency, and it tends to reduce inequality.
Inherent Vice term refers to a property of
or defect in a physical object that causes it to deteriorate due
to the fundamental instability of its components. In the legal
sense, inherent vice may make an item an unacceptable risk to a
carrier or insurer. If the characteristic or defect is not visible, and if the carrier
or the insurer has not been warned of it, neither of them may be
liable for any claim arising solely out of the inherent vice.
Land Banking is the practice of
aggregating parcels of land
for future sale or development.
Real Property is land which is the property of some person
and all structures (also called improvements or fixtures) integrated with
or affixed to the land, including crops,
buildings, machinery, wells,
dams, ponds, mines, canals, and roads, among other things. The term is
historic, arising from the now-discontinued form of action, which
distinguished between real property disputes and
personal property
disputes. Personal property was, and continues to be, all property that is
not real property.
Allodial Title constitutes ownership of
real property (land,
buildings and fixtures) that is independent of any superior landlord. Allodial title is related to the concept of land held "in allodium", or
land ownership by occupancy and defense of the land. Allodial lands
are the absolute property of their owner and not subject to any rent,
service, or acknowledgment to a superior. Allodial title is therefore an
alternative to feudal
tenure, which is a holder of the estate in land with considerable
rights of ownership or, simply put, an owner of land.
Fee Simple is an estate in land, a form of freehold
ownership. It is a way that real estate may be owned in common law
countries, and is the highest possible ownership interest that can be held
in real property. Allodial title is reserved to governments under a civil
law structure. The rights of the fee simple owner are limited by
government powers of taxation, compulsory purchase, police power, and
escheat, and it could also be limited further by certain encumbrances or
conditions in the deed, such as, for example, a condition that required
the land to be used as a public park, with a reversion interest in the
grantor if the condition fails; this is a fee simple conditional.
Ejectment is to recover the possession of or
title to land.
Quiet Title is a lawsuit brought in a court having
jurisdiction over
property disputes, in order to establish a party's title
to real property, or personal property having a title, of against anyone
and everyone, and thus "quiet" any challenges or claims to the title.
Lien is a claim on a residential
property for the homeowner's
unpaid bills. When a lien is placed on a
home's title, it means that the owner cannot legally sell, refinance or
otherwise transfer a clear title of ownership to the home.
Lien is a
form of security interest granted over an item of property to secure the
payment of a debt or performance of some other obligation. The owner of
the property, who grants the lien, is referred to as the lienee and the
person who has the benefit of the lien is referred to as the lienor or
lien holder.
Real Estate Transaction is the
whereby rights in a unit of property (or designated real estate) is
transferred between two or more parties, e.g. in case of conveyance one
party being the seller(s) and the other being the buyer(s). It can often
be quite complicated due to the complexity of the
property rights being transferred,
the amount of money being exchanged, and government regulations.
Conventions and requirements also vary considerably among different
countries of the world and among smaller legal entities (jurisdictions).
Money Alternatives - Jobs - Time Banks - Skills Exchange - Trading - Sharing
There should always be options and
choices. Depending
on just one type of
currency is stupid
and dangerous.
on one style of business is also stupid
and dangerous, as clearly seen.
Alternatives are extremely
necessary. A
cashless society could easily work when people are educated enough
about other means of exchange and trade, which would also help reduce
Local Currency is a
currency that can be spent in
a particular geographical locality at participating organizations. A
regional currency is a form of local currency encompassing a larger
geographical area, while a community currency might be local or be used
for exchange within an online community. A local currency acts as a
complementary currency to a national currency, rather than replacing it,
and aims to encourage spending within a local community, especially with
locally owned businesses. Such currencies may not be backed by a national
government nor be legal tender. About 300 complementary currencies,
including local currencies, are listed in the Complementary Currency
Resource Center worldwide database.
Currency or
micro-currency or
Eco-Money is a less common synonyms for community or local currency.
Sectoral Currency is a complementary
currency used within one economic sector, such as education or health
Alternative Currency is a synonym for
complementary currency, referring to a currency designed to work in
conjunction with the national currency; less often refers to a type of
private currency which attempts to supplant or circumvent the national
Alternative Currency
or private currency, is any currency used as an alternative to the
dominant national or multinational currency systems. They are created by
an individual, corporation, or organization, they can be created by
national, state, or local governments, or they can arise naturally as
people begin to use a certain commodity as a currency. Mutual credit is a
form of alternative currency, and thus any form of lending that does not
go through the banking system can be considered a form of alternative
Complementary Currency is used as a complement to a
national currency, as a
medium of exchange,
which is usually not legal tender.
Complementary Currency is used to supplement a national
currency. It is an agreement to use a medium of exchange that is not
usually legal tender. The purpose may be to protect or stimulate a
particular economy. Another purpose may be to orientate the economy
towards social, environmental or political aims.
Bitcoin -
Time is Currency Community Currency is a
complementary currency used by a group with a common bond, such as
residents of a locality, association, or members of a business or online
Private Currency is a currency issued by an individual, business or
non-governmental organization. Complementary currencies are a type of
private currency.
List of Community Currencies in the United States (wiki)
Voucher System is a system of accounting in
which a voucher (as for an account payable) is prepared usually with
supporting documents attached for each transaction or a series of
transactions affecting a single account and when approved is entered in a
voucher register.
School Voucher (wiki)
Greenback was a United States Note, also known as a Legal
Tender Note, a type of paper money that was issued from 1862 to 1971 in
the U.S. Having been current for over 100 years, they were issued for
longer than any other form of U.S. paper money.
Early American Currency was during the American Revolution,
when the colonies became independent states; freed from British monetary
regulations, they issued paper money to pay for military expenses. The
Continental Congress also issued paper money during the Revolution, known
as Continental currency, to fund the war effort.
Drachma (Greek) (wiki).
is the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or
away from a central location and away from being under control of a
single authority so as to avoid
system catastrophic failures or total
Medium of Exchange is
anything that is generally accepted as a
standard of
value and a
measure of wealth in a
particular country or region.
Medium of Exchange
is a token which can be exchanged for goods and services. Because it can
be exchanged for any good or service it acts as an intermediary instrument
and avoids the limitations of barter; where what one wants has to be
exactly matched with what the other has to offer. Most forms of money can
act as mediums of
Exchange is the act of
giving something
in return for something received. Give to, and receive from, one another.
Exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category or
The act of putting one thing or person in the place of another.
Barter is the exchange goods without using
Barter is a system of
exchange where goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or
services without using a
medium of exchange, such as money.
Trade is an equal exchange.
involves the transfer of the ownership of goods
or services, from one person or entity to another, in exchange for money,
goods or services. A network that allows trade is called a market.
Fair Trade.
to set a price tag by an individual or business for a product or service
or a demand that something be done. Bidding is used to determine the cost
value of something.
Bid Rigging.
is usually a process of buying and selling
goods or services by offering
them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest
bidder or buying the item from the lowest bidder.
Bidding Fee Auction is a type of all-pay auction in which all
participants must pay a non-refundable fee to place each small incremental
bid. The auction is extended each time a new bid is placed, typically by
10 to 20 seconds. Without new bids the last participant to have placed a
bid wins the item and also pays the final bid price. The auctioneer makes
money in two ways: the fees for each bid and the payment for the winning
bid, totaling typically significantly more than the value of the item.
Such auctions are typically held over the Internet, rather than in person.
All-Pay Auction is an auction in which every bidder must pay
regardless of whether they win the prize, which is awarded to the highest
bidder as in a conventional auction.
Bargaining or
haggling is a type of
negotiation in which the
buyer and seller of a good or service
debate the price and exact nature of a transaction. If the bargaining
produces agreement on terms, the transaction takes place. Bargaining is an
alternative pricing strategy to fixed prices. Optimally, if it costs
retailers nothing to engage in and allow bargaining, they can deduce
buyers' willingness to spend. Bargaining allows for capturing more
consumer surplus as it allows price discrimination, a process whereby a
seller can charge a higher price to a more eager buyer (due to his or her
having more disposable income or simply by being more eager). Haggling has
largely disappeared in parts of the world where the cost to haggle exceeds
the gain to retailers for most common retail items. However, for expensive
goods such as automobiles sold to uninformed buyers, bargaining can remain
People to People Banking - Credit Union - State Bank
Peer-to-Peer Banking is an online system that allows individual
members to complete
financial transactions with one another by using an
auction style process that lets members
offer loans for a specific amount
and at a specific rate. Buyers have the option to look for an amount and
rate of interest that meets their needs. All members are categorized by
their risk level. Members can browse for other people based on various
demographic information. Since P2P banking does not use third party
banking institution intermediaries the rates and terms are often much more
favorable for the members. Unlike conventional banking where the spread
between deposit rates and lending rates are consumed to finance the bank's
administrative and logistic expenses, both lenders and borrowers get to
save such costs, while paying certain commission to the P2P portal
provider and/or the credit rating agency.
P2P banking and financing has
been proposed as a method to accelerate the development renewable energy
projects while more equitably distributing the return on investment. These
concepts have now been instituted by Energy in Common and Kiva in their
green fund.
Peer to Peer
banking could also be used to fund public
services and businesses that are known to benefit people, improve living
conditions and create jobs. The return on the investment would be a better
People to People Banking (Micro-Lending Organizations)
Peer-to-Peer Lending sometimes abbreviated
P2P lending, is the
practice of lending money to individuals or businesses through online
services that match lenders with borrowers. Since peer-to-peer lending
companies offering these services generally operate online, they can run
with lower overhead and provide the service more cheaply than traditional
financial institutions. As a result, lenders can earn higher returns
compared to savings and investment products offered by banks, while
borrowers can borrow money at lower interest rates, even after the P2P
lending company has taken a fee for providing the match-making platform
and credit checking the borrower. there is the risk of the borrower
defaulting on the loans taken out from peer-lending websites.
Peer-to-Peer in computing or
is a distributed application architecture that partitions tasks or
workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent
participants in the application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer
network of nodes. Peer to peer denotes or relates to computer networks in
which each computer can act as a server for the others, allowing shared
access to files and peripherals without the need for a central server. A
decentralized communications model in which each
party has the same capabilities and either party can initiate a
communication session.
main purpose for lending money and giving people access to finances is to
make sure that we fund actions that are proven to improve the quality of
life continually, and also guarantee that important advancements continue.
It's basically investing in the future, and not just your own future, but
the future of the planet, which is the only planet that we know of that
can sustain human life comfortably. The goal is to encourage proper
maintenance of our health and the health of our environment, and to ensure
that human and technological development advances simultaneously. Leaving
no one behind guarantees our strength as a nation and as a people.
Cash Transfers are direct transfer payments of money to eligible
people. Cash transfers are usually provided by the state and federal
Transfer is a method of electronic funds transfer from one person or
entity to another. A wire transfer can be made from one bank account to
another bank account or through a transfer of cash at a cash office.
is a Belgian cooperative society that serves as an intermediary and
executor of financial transactions between banks worldwide. S.W.I.F.T.
stands for the
Society for Worldwide Interbank
Financial Telecommunication. It also sells software and services to
financial institutions, mostly for use on its proprietary "SWIFTNet", and
ISO 9362 Business Identifier Codes (BICs), popularly known as "SWIFT
codes". Swift Transfer is also called International Money Transfer. SWIFT
underpins the global financial system, handling millions of secure
messages every day to help banks manage transactions around the world. It
doesn't move the money, but it moves the information about the money.
SWIFT does not facilitate funds transfer: rather, it sends payment orders,
which must be settled by correspondent accounts that the institutions have
with each other. To exchange banking transactions, each financial
institution must have a banking relationship by either being legally
organized as a bank or through its affiliation with at least one bank.
While SWIFT transports financial messages in a secure manner, it does not
hold accounts for its members nor performs any form of clearing or
settlement. As of 2018, around half of all high-value cross-border
payments worldwide used the SWIFT network, and in 2015, SWIFT linked more
than 11,000 financial institutions in over 200 countries and territories,
who were exchanging an average of over 32 million messages per day
(compared to an average of 2.4 million daily messages in 1995). Though
widely utilized, SWIFT has been criticized for its inefficiency. In 2018,
the London-based Financial Times noted that transfers frequently "pass
through multiple banks before reaching their final destination, making
them time-consuming, costly and lacking transparency on how much money
will arrive at the other end". SWIFT has since introduced an improved
service called "Global Payments Innovation" (GPI), claiming it was adopted
by 165 banks and was completing half its payments within 30 minutes. As a
cooperative society under Belgian law, SWIFT is owned by its member
financial institutions. It is headquartered in La Hulpe, Belgium, near
Brussels; its main building was designed by Ricardo Bofill Taller de
Arquitectura and completed in 1989. The chairman of SWIFT is Yawar Shah of
Pakistan, and its CEO is Javier Pérez-Tasso of Spain. SWIFT hosts an
annual conference, called Sibos, specifically aimed at the financial
services industry.
Community Development Bank
are commercial banks that operate with a mission to generate economic
development in low- to moderate-income (LMI) geographical areas and serve
residents of these communities.
Crowd Funding -
Bank of
Bank is generally a financial institution that is
chartered by a state. It differs from a
reserve bank in that it does not necessarily control
monetary policy (the state in question may have no legal capacity to
create monetary policy), but instead usually offers only retail and
commercial services.
State Owned Bank.
Credit Union
is a member-owned financial cooperative, democratically
controlled by its members, and operated for the purpose of promoting
thrift, providing credit at competitive rates, and providing other
financial services to its members.
Savings Account
Deposit Account is a
savings account , current account or any other
type of
bank account that allows money to be deposited and withdrawn by
the account holder.
Transaction Account or
Checking Account,
is a deposit account held at a bank or other financial institution. It is
available to the account owner "on demand" and is available for frequent
and immediate access by the account owner or to others as the account
owner may direct. Access may be in a variety of ways, such as cash
withdrawals, use of debit cards, cheques (checks) and electronic transfer.
In economic terms, the funds held in a transaction account are regarded as
liquid funds and in accounting terms they are considered as cash.
Living Wage.
Public Banking Institute -
Global Resource Bank
Unbanked are adults who do not have their own bank accounts.
Along with the underbanked, they may rely on alternative financial
services for their financial needs, where these are available.
Loans -
Transaction is an agreement, communication, or movement carried out
between a buyer and a seller to exchange an asset for payment. It involves
a change in the status of the finances of two or more businesses or
individuals. The buyer and seller are separate entities or objects, often
involving the exchange of items of value, such as information, goods,
services, and money. It is still a transaction if the goods are exchanged
at one time, and the money at another. This is known as a two-part
transaction: part one is giving the money, part two is receiving the goods.
Worker Owned - Employee Owned - Cooperative - Social Ownership
Cooperative is a cooperative owned and
self-managed by its
workers. This control may be exercised in a number of ways. A cooperative
enterprise may mean a firm where every worker-owner participates in
decision-making in a
democratic fashion, or it may refer to one in which
management is elected by every worker-owner, and it can refer to a
situation in which managers are considered, and treated as, workers of the
firm. In traditional forms of worker cooperative, all shares are held by
the workforce with no outside or consumer owners, and each member has one
voting share. In practice, control by worker-owners may be exercised
through individual, collective, or majority ownership by the workforce; or
the retention of individual, collective, or majority voting rights
(exercised on a one-member one-vote basis). A worker cooperative,
therefore, has the characteristic that the majority of its workforce own
shares, and the majority of shares are owned by the workforce.
Decentralized -
Cooperatives -
Worker Coop -
Food Coops
Community Garden
Employee Stock Ownership Plan is an
employee-owner program that
provides a company's workforce with an ownership interest in the company.
In an ESOP, companies provide their employees with stock ownership, often
at no upfront cost to the employees. ESOP shares, however, are part of
employees' remuneration for work performed. Shares are allocated to
employees and may be held in an ESOP trust until the employee retires or
leaves the company. The shares are then either bought back by the company
for redistribution or voided.
Working Together -
Part-Time Work Force (temps)
Employee-Owned Companies are companies in which employees have an
ownership stake.
When workers own companies, the economy is more resilient (video and
interactive text)
Empowering Employees - (VPRO Documentary) - 2015 (youtube)
RCO Tires -
Cooperative Home Care
Associates -
Los Angeles
Union Cooperative Initiative - -
Benefit Corporations (public
good) -
Public Land (parks)
Public Company or public limited company is a company whose ownership
is organized via shares of stock which are intended to be freely traded on
a stock exchange or in over-the-counter markets. A public company can be
listed on a stock exchange (listed company), which facilitates the trade
of shares, or not (unlisted public company). In some jurisdictions, public
companies over a certain size must be listed on an exchange. Public
companies are formed within the legal systems of particular states, and
therefore have associations and formal designations which are distinct and
separate in the polity in which they reside. In the United States, for
example, a public company is usually a type of corporation (though a
corporation need not be a public company), in the
United Kingdom it is usually a public limited company (plc), in France a "société
anonyme" (SA), and in Germany an Aktiengesellschaft (AG). While the
general idea of a public company may be similar, differences are
meaningful, and are at the core of international law disputes with regard
to industry and trade.
Public Sector is the part of the economy composed of both
public services and public enterprises.
Public sectors include public goods and governmental services such as the
military, law enforcement, infrastructure (public roads, bridges, tunnels,
water supply, sewers, electrical grids, telecommunications, etc.), public
transit, public education, along with health care and those working for
the government itself, such as elected officials. The public sector might
provide services that a non-payer cannot be excluded from (such as street
lighting), services which benefit all of society rather than just the
individual who uses the service. Public enterprises, or state-owned
enterprises, are self-financing commercial enterprises that are under
public ownership which provide various private goods and services for sale
and usually operate on a commercial basis. Organizations that are not part
of the public sector are either a part of the private sector or voluntary
sector. The private sector is composed of the economic sectors that are
intended to earn a profit for the owners of the enterprise. The voluntary,
civic or social sector concerns a diverse array of non-profit
organizations emphasizing civil society. The organization of the public
sector can take several forms, including: Direct administration funded
through taxation; the delivering organization generally has no specific
requirement to meet commercial success criteria, and production decisions
are determined by government. State-owned enterprises; which differ from
direct administration in that they have greater management autonomy and
operate according to commercial criteria, and production decisions are not
generally taken by a government (although goals may be set for them by the
government). Levels of Public sector are organized at three levels:
Federal or National, Regional (State or Provincial), and Local (Municipal
or County). Partial outsourcing (of the scale many businesses do, e.g. for
IT services) is considered a public sector model. A borderline form is as
follows: Complete outsourcing or contracting out, with a privately owned
corporation delivering the entire service on behalf of the government.
This may be considered a mixture of private sector operations with public
ownership of assets, although in some forms the private sector's control
and/or risk is so great that the service may no longer be considered part
of the public sector (Barlow et al., 2010). (See the United Kingdom's
Private Finance Initiative.) Public employee unions represent workers.
Since contract negotiations for these workers are dependent on the size of
government budgets, this is the one segment of the labor movement that can
actually contribute directly to the people with ultimate responsibility
for its livelihood. While their giving pattern matches that of other
unions, public sector unions also concentrate contributions on members of
Congress from both parties who sit on committees that deal with federal
budgets and agencies.
Nationalization is the process of transforming
private assets into
public assets by
bringing them under the
public ownership of
a national government or state. Nationalization usually refers to private
assets or assets owned by lower levels of government, such as
municipalities, being transferred to the state. The opposites of
nationalization are
privatization and
demutualization. When previously nationalized assets are privatized and
subsequently returned to public ownership at a later stage, they are said
to have undergone renationalization. Industries that are often subject to
nationalization include telecommunications, electric power, fossil fuels,
railways, airlines, iron ore, media, postal services, banks, and water.
Nationalization may occur with or without compensation to the former
owners. Nationalization is to be distinguished from
socialization, which
refers to the process of restructuring the economic framework,
organizational structure, and institutions of an economy on a socialist
basis. By contrast, nationalization does not necessarily imply social
ownership and the restructuring of the economic system. By itself,
nationalization has nothing to do with
socialism, having been
historically carried out for various different purposes under a wide
variety of different political systems and economic systems. However,
nationalization is in most cases opposed by economic liberals as it can be
perceived as excessive government interference in—and control of—economic
affairs of individual citizens.
Non-Governmental Organization.
Ownership refers to holding the assets of an organization, enterprise
or community indivisibly rather than in the names of the individual
members or groups of members as common property. Forms of common ownership
exist in every economic system.
Common Responsibility -
Cooperative is an
autonomous association of
persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and
cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned enterprise.
Cooperatives may include: businesses owned and managed by the people who
use their services (a consumer cooperative). Organizations managed by the
people who work there (worker cooperatives). Multi-stakeholder or hybrid
cooperatives that
ownership between different stakeholder groups. For example, care
cooperatives where ownership is shared between both care-givers and
receivers. Stakeholders might also include non-profits or investors.
Second- and third-tier cooperatives whose members are other cooperatives.
Platform cooperatives that use a cooperatively owned and governed website,
mobile app or a protocol to facilitate the sale of goods and services.
Common-Pool Resource is a type of good consisting of a natural or
human-made resource system (e.g. an irrigation system or fishing grounds),
whose size or characteristics makes it costly, but not impossible, to
exclude potential beneficiaries from obtaining benefits from its use.
Unlike pure public goods, common pool resources face problems of
congestion or overuse, because they are subtractable. A common-pool
resource typically consists of a core resource (e.g. water or fish), which
defines the stock variable, while providing a limited quantity of
extractable fringe units, which defines the flow variable. While the core
resource is to be protected or nurtured in order to allow for its
continuous exploitation, the fringe units can be harvested or consumed.
Global Commons is a term typically used to describe international,
supranational, and global resource domains in which common-pool resources
are found. Global commons include the
earth's shared natural resources, such as the high oceans, the
atmosphere and outer space and the Antarctic in particular. Cyberspace may
also meet the definition of a global commons.
Global Public Good is a
public good available on a more-or-less
worldwide basis. There are many challenges to the traditional definition,
which have far-reaching implications in the age of globalization.
Economic Democracy
is the shift decision-making power from
corporate managers and corporate shareholders to a larger group of public
stakeholders that includes
workers, customers,
suppliers, neighbors and
the broader public.
Self Govern
Co-Operative Economics is a field of
economics that incorporates
co-operative studies and political economy toward the study and management
Cooperatives, which is an
association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common
economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a
jointly-owned and
democratically-controlled enterprise.
State Ownership is the ownership of an industry, asset, or enterprise
by the state or a
public body representing a community as opposed to an
individual or private party. Public ownership specifically refers to
industries selling goods and services to consumers and differs from public
goods and government services financed out of a government's general
Social Ownership is any of various forms of ownership for the means of
production in socialist economic systems, encompassing public ownership,
employee ownership, cooperative ownership,
ownership of equity, common ownership and collective ownership.
Historically social ownership implied that capital and factor markets
would cease to exist under the assumption that market exchanges within the
production process would be made redundant if capital goods were owned by
a single entity or network of entities representing society, but the
articulation of models of market socialism where factor markets are
utilized for allocating capital goods between
socially owned enterprises broadened the definition to include
autonomous entities within a market economy. Social ownership of the means
of production is the common defining characteristic of all the various
forms of
socialism. The
two major forms of social ownership are society-wide public ownership and
cooperative ownership. The distinction between these two forms lies in the
distribution of the surplus product. With society-wide public ownership,
the surplus is distributed to all members of the public through a social
dividend, whereas with co-operative ownership the economic surplus of an
enterprise is controlled by all the worker-members of that specific
enterprise. The goal of social ownership is to eliminate the distinction
between the class of private owners who are the recipients of passive
property income and workers who are the recipients of labor income (wages,
salaries and commissions), so that the surplus product (or economic
profits in the case of market socialism) belong either to society as a
whole or to the members of a given enterprise. Social ownership would
enable productivity gains from labor automation to progressively reduce
the average length of the working day instead of creating job insecurity
and unemployment. Reduction of necessary work time is central to the
Marxist concept of human freedom and overcoming alienation, a concept
widely shared by Marxist and non-Marxist socialists alike. The term
"socialization" refers to the process of restructuring the economic
framework, organizational structure and institutions of an economy on a
socialist basis. The comprehensive notion of socialization and the public
ownership form of social ownership implies an end to the operation of the
laws of capitalism, capital accumulation and the use of money and
financial valuation in the production process, along with a restructuring
of workplace-level organization.
Privately Owned
Mondragon Corporation is a corporation and
federation of worker cooperatives based in the Basque region of Spain.
It was founded in the town of Mondragoe in 1956 by graduates of a local
technical college. Its first product was paraffin heaters. It is the
tenth-largest Spanish company in terms of asset turnover and the leading
business group in the Basque Country. At the end of 2014, it employed
74,117 people in 257 companies and organizations in four areas of
activity: finance, industry, retail and knowledge. By 2015, 74,335 people
were employed. Mondragon cooperatives operate in accordance with the
Statement on the Co-operative Identity maintained by the International
Co-operative Alliance.
Rochdale Principles (wiki).
International Co-Operative Alliance is a non-governmental
co-operative federation or, more precisely, a co-operative
union representing
co-operatives and the
co-operative movement worldwide. It was founded in 1895 to unite,
represent and serve co-operatives worldwide. The Alliance maintains the
internationally recognised definition of a co-operative in the Statement
on the
Co-operative Identity. The ICA represents 284 co-operative federations
and organisations in 95 countries. The Alliance provides a global voice
and forum for knowledge, expertise and co-ordinated action for and about
co-operatives. The members of the Alliance are international and national
co-operative organisations from all sectors of the economy, including
agriculture, banking, consumer, fisheries, health, housing, insurance, and
workers. The Alliance has members from 100 countries, representing close
to one billion individuals worldwide. Around one hundred million people
work for co-operatives globally. Co-operatives are values based businesses
owned by their members. Whether they are customers, employees or
residents, the members get an equal say in the business and a share of the
profits. In 2006 the ICA published the first major index of the world's
largest co-operative and mutual enterprises, the ICA Global 300, which
demonstrated the scale of the co-operative movement globally. On the first
Saturday of July each year, the ICA coordinates celebrations of
International Co-operative Day. In December 2009, the United Nations
declared 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives.
Workplace Democracy is not socialism, it's just another way
of running a business. A business that is fair, a business
that is not corrupted or controlled by criminals, A business
that treats everyone equally, A business that is sustainable,
and so on. You have the same things as most businesses do, but
now you also have transparency and honesty.
Take (Workers take over factory to save their jobs).
Occupy, Resist, Produce! (youtube)
Exchange is a for-profit
Fairtrade worker-owned, cooperative
headquartered in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Equal Exchange
distributes organic, gourmet coffee, tea, sugar, bananas, avocados, cocoa,
and chocolate bars produced by farmer cooperatives in Latin America,
Africa and Asia.
Exchange -
Decentralized Autonomous Organization is an organization
that is run through rules encoded as computer programs called smart
contracts. A DAO's financial transaction record and program rules are
maintained on a
blockchain. There are several examples of this business
model. The precise legal status of this type of business organization is
New Economy Coalition is an American nonprofit organization
based in Boston, Massachusetts, formerly known as the New Economics
Institute. It is a network of over 100 organizations working for what it
describes as the New Economy movement.
Open Source Ecology is a network of farmers, engineers,
architects and supporters, whose main goal is the eventual manufacturing
of the Global Village Construction Set (GVCS).
Cooperative is a cooperatively-owned,
democratically-governed business
that uses a protocol, website or mobile app to facilitate the sale of
goods and services. Platform cooperatives are an alternative to venture
capital funded platforms insofar as they are owned and governed by those
who depend on them most—workers, users, and other relevant stakeholders.
Proponents of platform cooperativism claim that, by ensuring the financial
and social value of a platform circulate among these participants,
platform cooperatives will bring about a more equitable and fair
digitally-mediated economy in contrast with the extractive models of
corporate intermediaries. Platform cooperatives differ from traditional
cooperatives not only due to their use of digital technologies, but also
by their contribution to the commons for the purpose of fostering an
equitable social and economic landscape.
Temporary Workers - Part-time Work
Invisible Temporary Workforce -
Economy. Over-qualified for
entry-level jobs and
under-qualified for the jobs they went to college for, and
now they're in debt. As
temping has grown, the
quality of jobs has deteriorated, and
temps now
earn 20 to 25 percent less
an hour than those who work as direct hires. Most temp Jobs fail to pay
health benefits and are
guilty of wage theft, while providing dehumanizing
work with numerous safety violations.
Almost half
of all Americans work in low-wage jobs, and
40 Million people in America still on Food
In 2018, one in five workers
is a
worker, and in ten years, contractors and
could make up half of the workforce. Of course we will have to provide
health benefits for temps. Like owning your own small
You have to have training, legal protections and a safety net to deal with
fluctuating incomes. 65 percent of contract workers are men and 62 percent
are under 45.
Black Car
Fund - Workers' Compensation insurance to Black Car operators in the
state of New York.
4-Day Workweek Boosted
Workers' Productivity By 40%. Microsoft Japan says it became more
efficient in several areas, including lower electricity costs, which fell
by 23%. And as its workers took five Fridays off in August, they printed
nearly 60 percent fewer pages. In 2017, a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
report found that from 1987 to 2015, productivity rose by as much as 5%
annually in industry sectors from information to manufacturing and retail
— but compensation never grew by more than 2% in each year of that same
4 Day Week Pilot Program. 73 companies ran an experiment. Pay
workers their full salary to work fewer days. There is clear evidence
around the world that if you reduce work time, you increase productivity.
(I worked for Grolier's in the late 70's and I worked 10 hour days 4 days
a week. The company gave me a choice, I could have Monday off or Friday
Flexible Work Programs
are work
wherein employees are given greater
scheduling freedom in how they fulfill the
obligations of their positions.
Other common flexible working arrangements involve telecommuting,
job-sharing, and compressed work weeks.
Factories -
Part-Time Workers -
Worker Coops (employee owned) -
Remote WorkerGig Economy is an
environment in which
temporary positions are common and organizations
contract with independent workers for short-term engagements.
Temps (skill sharing) -
Independent Contractor -
On Demand Workers -
Apprentices -
Independent Workers
Union is an independent trade union who has their roots in
representing migrant workers and is evolved to taking on the bosses of the
so called gig economy.
IWGB (wiki).
Union is advocating on independent
Employment Agency is an organization which matches employers to
employees. In all developed countries, there is a publicly funded
employment agency and multiple private businesses which act as employment
What about jobs that have a lot of
Down Time?
There is no such thing as down time for a human, unless you are talking
about sleeping. There is only time and what you do with it. If you can't
do one thing then you do another. Unless you are in a prison cell with
nothing but walls, then you have no excuse for not doing something else.
Same goes for
boredom is just another way of saying I forgot my abilities and I forgot
that there is always something else to do. And one of the most important
responsibilities that you have,
and need to do often, is to keep learning. You have a brain, use or lose
Down Time
is time during which a machine, especially a computer, is out of action or
unavailable for use. The time during which production is stopped
especially during setup for an operation or when making repairs or
California Assembly Bill 5 (2019) - holds that most workers are
employees, ought to be classified as such, and the burden of proof for
classifying individuals as independent contractors belongs to the hiring
entity. AB5 entitles workers classified as employees to greater labor
protections, such as minimum wage laws, sick leave, and unemployment and
workers' compensation benefits, which do not apply to independent
contractors. Concerns over employee misclassification, especially in the
gig economy, drove support for the bill.
Gig Workers
Overwork Killed More Than 745,000 People In A Year, WHO Study Finds.
Working long hours poses an occupational health risk that kills hundreds
of thousands of people each year, the World Health Organization says.
People working 55 or more hours each week face an estimated 35% higher
risk of a stroke and a 17% higher risk of dying from heart disease,
compared to people following the widely accepted standard of working 35 to
40 hours in a week, the WHO says in a study that was published Monday in
the journal Environment International. In the U.S., less than 5% of the
population is exposed to long work hours, according to a map the WHO
published with the study. To compile the report, researchers reviewed and
analyzed dozens of studies on heart disease and stroke. They then
estimated workers' health risks based on data drawn a number of sources,
including more than 2,300 surveys on working hours that were conducted in
154 countries from the 1970s through 2018.
What if you're
doing a job that you love? It's not just the long hours, it's more
about not having the time to take care of yourself, or the energy to take
care of yourself or having the knowledge and education to take care of yourself.
Time Dollar
Time is a Currency. Time-based currency is a
type of money where the value is based on
units of
time, rather than being backed by some precious metal or by a
fiat capacity to levy
taxes. The idea is that labor-time can be reduced to a standardized
unit of
economic value that can then be used
in exchange.
Time Banking
or Time-based currency is an
alternative currency or exchange system where
the unit of account/value is the
person-hour or some other time unit. Some
time-based currencies
value everyone’s contributions equally: one hour
equals one service credit. In these systems, one person volunteers to work
for an hour for another person; thus, they are credited with one hour,
which they can redeem for an hour of service from another volunteer.
Others use time units that might be fractions of an hour (e.g. minutes,
ten minutes – 6 units/hour, or 15 minutes – 4 units/hour). While
time-based exchange systems are service exchanges in that most exchange
involves the provision of services that can be measured in a
time unit, it
is also possible to exchange goods by 'pricing' them in terms of the
average national hourly wage rate (e.g. if the average hourly rate is
$20/hour, then a commodity valued at $20 in the national currency would be
equivalent to 1 hour).
Knowledge is a Currency -
Saving time for others is sharing the wealth.
Ithaca Hours is a local currency used in Ithaca, New York
and is the oldest and largest local currency system in the United States
that is still operating. It has inspired other similar systems in Madison,
Wisconsin; Corvallis, Oregon.
Time Banks -
Mi Time Banks -
Time-Based Currency
Currency Alternatives -
Antiques -
Hour World -
Mutual Credit -
In Time
is a 2011 American science fiction action film inhabitants of a society
that uses time from one's lifespan as its primary currency, with each
individual possessing a clock on their arm that counts down how long they
have to live. In 2169, people are genetically engineered to stop aging on
their 25th birthdays and are given one free year to live. Everyone has a
timer on their forearm that shows their remaining time; when it reaches
zero, the person "times out" and instantly dies. Time is now the universal
currency, transferred directly between people or stored in capsules. The
country is divided into Time Zones; Dayton is the poorest, a ghetto where
people rarely have more than 24 hours on their timer. New Greenwich is the
richest, people there are effectively immortal.
Time is
Money means that when
time is not used for
some sort of
productive work,
money is lost. So
you should not
waste time, for our time is valuable, and once time is lost, time
can't be regained no matter how much money you spend.
Time Management -
Saving Time
Community Exchange a
platform for advertising work offerings and wants, as well as a variety of
instruments for facilitating trade and exchange.
Shared Skills -
Self-Management -
Open Governance
Sharing -
Renting -
Swapping -
Trade -
Repair Cafe -
Maker Space
Social Peer-to-Peer Processes are organized through the free
cooperation of equals in view of the performance of a common task, for the
creation of a common good, with forms of decision making and autonomy that
are widely distributed throughout the network.
peer production - the collaborative production of use value is open
to participation and use to the widest possible number;
peer governance - production or project is
governed by the community of producers themselves, not by market
allocation or corporate hierarchy;
peer property
- the use-value of property is freely accessible on a universal basis;
peer services and products are distributed
through new modes of property, which are not exclusive, though recognize
individual authorship (i.e. the GNU General Public License or the Creative
Commons licenses).
Peer-to-Peer in computing or
networking is a distributed application architecture that partitions
tasks or workloads between peers. Peers are equally privileged, equipotent
participants in the application. They are said to form a peer-to-peer
network of nodes. Peers make a portion of their resources, such as
processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth, directly available to
other network participants, without the need for central coordination by
servers or stable hosts. Peers are both suppliers and consumers of
resources, in contrast to the traditional client-server model in which the
consumption and supply of resources is divided. Emerging collaborative
systems are going beyond the era of peers doing similar things while
sharing resources, and are looking for diverse peers that can bring in
unique resources and capabilities to a virtual community thereby
empowering it to engage in greater tasks beyond those that can be
accomplished by individual peers, yet that are beneficial to all the
Coincidence of wants is the situation where the supplier of good A
wants good B and the supplier of good B wants good A.
Quest -
Commodity is a marketable item produced to satisfy wants or
needs. Often the item is fungible. Economic commodities comprise goods and
Contribution Margin
is the selling price per unit minus the variable cost per unit.
“Contribution” represents the portion of sales revenue that is not
consumed by variable costs and so contributes to the coverage of fixed
costs. This concept is one of the key building blocks of break-even
Resource-Based Economy -
Business Alliance for Local Living Economies.
Local Exchange Trading System is a locally initiated,
democratically organised, not-for-profit community enterprise that
provides a community information service and records transactions of
members exchanging goods and services by using locally created currency. LETS allow people to negotiate the value of their own hours
or services.
Precious Metals - Rare Earth
Precious Metal is a rare, naturally occurring metallic chemical
element of high economic
value. Chemically, the precious
metals tend
to be less reactive than most
Metal are
metals that are resistant to corrosion and oxidation in
moist air.
Rare Earth Elements are one of a set of
seventeen chemical elements in
the periodic table, specifically the fifteen lanthanides, as well as
scandium and yttrium. Scandium and yttrium are considered rare earth
elements because they tend to occur in the same ore deposits as the
lanthanides and exhibit similar chemical properties. Rare earth elements
are cerium (Ce), dysprosium (Dy), erbium (Er), europium (Eu), gadolinium (Gd),
holmium (Ho), lanthanum (La), lutetium (Lu), neodymium (Nd), praseodymium
(Pr), promethium (Pm), samarium (Sm), scandium (Sc), terbium (Tb), thulium
(Tm), ytterbium (Yb) and yttrium (Y). Rare earths aren't that rare.
They're elements that can be found all over the world. The difficult part
extracting them or
digging them out of the ground. Then you have to separate them out becuase
they're usually combined with other elements or materials. Breaking these
compounds down, and refining them to get the raw elements, is an expensive
and messy business.
Rocks -
Mountain Pass Rare Earth Mine is an
open-pit mine of
rare-earth elements on the south flank of the Clark Mountain Range, just
north of the unincorporated community of Mountain Pass, California, United
States. The mine once supplied most of the world's rare-earth elements.
Owned by MP Materials, it is the only rare earth mining and processing
facility in the United States.
China accounts for over 95 percent of the world's production of rare
earths. Therefore, having control of these elements puts China at a
powerful position. It is estimated the world has 99 million tonnes of rare
earth reserve deposits. China's reserves are estimated to be 36 million
tonnes or roughly 30 percent of the world's total reserves. Rare earths
are a group of elements on the periodic table with similar properties.
Rare earth metals are used to manufacture everything from electric or
hybrid vehicles, wind turbines, consumer electronics and other clean
energy technologies. The elements are also important to national
governments because they are used in the defense industry. Twenty percent
of rare earth demands are for use as permanent magnets. Permanent magnets
can be used for a variety of applications including serving as essential
components of weapons systems and high performance aircraft. Rare earths
are found in various minerals such as monazite and bastnasite. They are
dispersed in low concentrations and are costly to extract from ore. Major
reserves in the world exist in China, California, India, Brazil,
Australia, South Africa, and Malaysia.
Rare Earth Elements
& Thorium Legislative Efforts - Jim Kennedy @ TEAC7 (youtube)
Researchers Publish Study on Rare-Earth Garnets.
is a bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile
metal. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It
is one of the least reactive chemical elements and is solid under standard
conditions. Gold often occurs in free elemental (native) form, as nuggets
or grains, in
rocks, in veins, and in alluvial deposits. It occurs in a
solid solution series with the native element silver (as electrum) and
also naturally alloyed with copper and palladium. Less commonly, it occurs
in minerals as gold compounds, often with tellurium (gold tellurides).
Atomic number 79, resists attack by individual acids, Gold does not react
oxygen at any temperature. A total of
183,600 tonnes of gold is in
existence above ground, as of 2014. The most malleable of all metals.
Good infrared detector.
Atomic number 47, exhibits the highest
electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity, and reflectivity of any metal.
Copper -
Bronze -
Aluminum -
Metal Working
Bullion is gold,
silver, or other precious metals in the form of bars, ingots, or
specialized coins that is said to
maintain its worth better than conventional
currencies and is therefore kept as a form of emergency currency by both
governments and private citizens alike.
Abundance of Elements in Earth's Crust (wiki)
Atomic number 90, is a weakly radioactive element that decays very slowly
and occurs naturally in large quantities as a primordial element. Has the
longest half-life of all the significantly radioactive elements. It's an
Unlimited Energy Source
with an almost unlimited supply.
Digital Dollars
Digital Currency is an Internet-based
medium of exchange distinct from
physical medium of exchange such as
coins that exhibits properties similar to
physical currencies, but allows for
transactions and borderless transfer-of-ownership. Both
virtual currencies
and cryptocurrencies are types of digital currencies, but the converse is
incorrect. Like traditional money these currencies may be used to buy
physical goods and services but could also be restricted to certain
communities such as for example for use inside an on-line game or social
Digital Currency is a type of
currency available only in digital form, not in
physical (such as banknotes and coins). It exhibits properties similar to
physical currencies, but allows for instantaneous transactions and
borderless transfer-of-ownership. Examples include virtual currencies and
cryptocurrencies or even central bank issued "
base money". Like traditional money, these currencies may be used to
buy physical goods and services, but may also be restricted to certain
communities such as for use inside an online game or social network.
Digital currency is a money balance recorded electronically on a
stored-value card or other device. Another form of electronic money is
network money, allowing the transfer of value on computer networks,
particularly the Internet. Electronic money is also a claim on a private
bank or other financial institution such as bank deposits. Digital money
can either be centralized, where there is a central point of control over
the money supply, or decentralized, where the control over the money
supply can come from various sources.
Privacy -
Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange using
cryptography to secure
the transactions and to control the creation of additional units of the
currency. Cryptocurrencies are a subset of alternative currencies, or
specifically of digital currencies.
Electronic Money or e-money, is the money balance recorded
electronically on a stored-value card. These cards have microprocessors
embedded which can be loaded with a monetary value. Another form of
electronic money is network money, software that allows the
transfer of value on computer networks, particularly the internet.
Electronic money is a floating claim on a private bank or other financial
institution that is not linked to any particular account. Examples of
electronic money are bank deposits, electronic funds transfer, direct
deposit, payment processors, and digital currencies.
Escrow works by placing money in the control of an independent and
licensed third party in order to protect both buyer and seller in a
transaction. Escrow generally refers to money held by a third-party on
behalf of transacting parties.
Society World Numbers (image)
Why We Need A
Moneyless Society David Harvey (youtube)
Millions of crimes have been committed using the United States
Dollar, and no one is blaming the dollar.
Multilateral Exchange is a transaction, or forum for transactions,
which involve more than two parties. For example, Alice gives Bob an apple
in exchange for an orange, that is a bilateral exchange. A multilateral
exchange would involve a third party, for example: Alice gives an apple to
Bob who gives an orange to Charles, who gives a pear to Alice.
Credit Clearing
is when a small group of banks need to make many payments to each other,
of adding up the payments and cancelling them out before settling the remainder.
Mobil Payments - Money for Info
Every person with a
smartphone can be a contributor of information,
information that would benefit their community and the city were they live
in. But
people need to be compensated for the information they provide
and they also need to fully understand how their information is being used
and why. People should not just be contributors of information, but also
fully understand the impacts that they have on their life and the world
around them. This knowledge will give every person alive the shared
responsibility of power that will give everyone almost total control of
life on planet earth. Every person alive will understand the value of
their life and also know how important they are as an individual. It's
extremely important that people share data, because it's a vital process
of life. But when
corporations can exploit
peoples information, then this is a problem that we need to solve.
Everyone needs to be
comfortable with
sharing information. People should also know how criminals can
information so people are more aware and can also learn how to stop this
criminal activity from causing more harm or damage then it has already
done. Just Knowing the risks of abuse is not enough, people have to know
how to keep themselves safe and know how to defend themselves when needed.
So people will have to know how to identify criminal activity when they
see it. But don't worry, all the good things in life will still look the same, but
many things that are wrong and bad will need to be improved and changed simultaneously.
A smooth transition is essential, but don't count on it.
If any of
your personal information or input helps to create a data point in a
larger dataset, and if that information helps to determine the best
decision that would help improve something or help to solve a particular
problem, then you should be rewarded for your information because your
information is valuable because it helps us to better understand what
people need and what people are concerned about. And we need to
incentivize people, not just to keep people sharing, but also to remind
people that they are doing something valuable for their community and for
their world.
Mobile Payment also referred to as mobile money, mobile money
transfer, and mobile wallet, is generally refer to payment services
operated under financial regulation and performed from or via a
device.. Instead of paying with cash, cheque, or credit cards, a consumer
can use a mobile to pay for a wide range of services and digital or hard
goods. Although the concept of using non-coin-based currency systems has a
long history, it is only recently that the technology to support such
systems has become widely available. Mobile payment is being adopted all
over the world in different ways.
Contactless Payment systems are credit cards and debit cards, key
fobs, smart cards, or other devices, including
smartphones and other
mobile devices, that use radio-frequency identification (RFID) or near
field communication (NFC, e.g. ATAR pay, Samsung Pay, Apple Pay, Android
Pay, Fitbit Pay, or any bank mobile application that support Contactless)
for making secure payments. The embedded chip and antenna enable consumers
to wave their card, fob, or handheld device over a reader at the point of
sale terminal. Contactless payments are made in close physical proximity,
unlike mobile payments which use broad-area
Cellular or WiFi Networks and
do not involve close physical proximity.
The Human Data Marketplace
represents an estimated $150B to $200B annually. Our inherent human
data is being bought and sold without our consent, authorization,
consideration, or compensation.
Estonian Government administration is almost completely digital to
bureaucracy, increase
transparency and boost economic
Estonia has created one platform that supports electronic
authentication and digital signatures to enable paperless communications
across both the private and public sectors. There are still a few things
that you can't do electronically in
Estonia: marry, divorce or transfer property — and that's only because
the government has decided it was important to turn up in person for some
big life events. It also has a backup plan to restore digital services in
the event of a disaster, or an invasion or severe cyber-attacks. Servers
in Estonian embassies in other countries would give the government a
chance to boot up elsewhere if needed.
Solid or
social linked data, is a proposed set of conventions and tools for
building decentralized Web applications based on
linked data principles. Solid
is modular and extensible. It relies as much as possible on existing W3C
standards and protocols.
True data ownership as well as improved privacy. Social Network
Assembly Bill No. 375 Privacy: Personal Information: Businesses. An
act to add Title 1.81.5 (commencing with Section 1798.100) to Part 4 of
Division 3 of the Civil Code, relating to privacy. The California
Constitution grants a right of privacy. Existing law provides for the
confidentiality of personal information
in various contexts and requires a business or person that suffers a
breach of security of computerized data that includes personal
information, as defined, to disclose that breach, as specified.
How are you going to force
people to work crappy low paying jobs? Governments and corporations
do it by exploiting even poorer people. But instead, we should allow
jobs to fade out that society does not need, and also at the same
time, we should subsidize the jobs that society does need and can't live
without. Eventually everyone will work and no one will get hurt.
Prisoners with jobs.
Everyone has the right to know the
cause and effect
of all their actions from start to finish throughout the whole supply
chain, including all the inputs and outputs. Everyone has the right to
know the cause and effect of all the actions their company is involved in
from start to finish?
True Cost.
Yes everyone
needs free time to explore their interests and to do the things they enjoy
doing. And everyone also needs quality time to spend with loved ones. But
you shouldn't have time to just waste, and you shouldn't have time to abuse
other people or to abuse the environment. That is not what time is for.
Work Requirements for Medicaid - Conditional, just like life is, as
long as the work is relevant and important.
What you do after work is just as important as what you do for work.
The value of your life is just as important as what the value of your
work. What is the true cost and the entire cost of your life? What is the
true cost of the work and service that you provide?
You need to count the things that matter.
What if you could turn plastic trash into cash?: David Katz (video and text)
It's not a
world without money or a
cashless society, it's about having more
choices to be more effective and more efficient. There are
vulnerabilities, risks and benefits with both physical money and digital
money. If one method does not work, then you need an alternative. Credit,
bartering and trading will always be essential tools and skills to have,
which means that knowledge and information will always be the most
important currency that a human can have.
Bitcoin - Decentralized Currency
introduced on October 31, 2008 to a cryptography mailing list.
The system is
peer-to-peer and transactions take place between users
without an intermediary. These transactions are verified by
network nodes and recorded in a
public distributed ledger called the blockchain, which uses bitcoin as its unit of account. Since the system
works without a central repository or single administrator, the U.S.
Treasury categorizes bitcoin as a
decentralized virtual currency. Bitcoin
is often called the first cryptocurrency, although prior systems existed
and it is more correctly described as the first decentralized digital
currency. Bitcoin is the largest of its kind in terms of total market
value. Bitcoin has no central base, so it can't be hacked, everyone has
their own copy of the leger.
Public Ownership.
Peer to Peer,
Digital Currency using
Cryptography, small
Transaction Fees, and
Personal information is Private.
is the process of distributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or
away from a central location and
away from being under control of a
single authority so as to avoid
system catastrophic failures or total
Decentralized Computing is the allocation of resources, both hardware
and software, to each individual workstation, or office location. In
contrast, centralized computing exists when the majority of functions are
carried out, or obtained from a remote centralized location. A
decentralized system can use the potential of these systems to maximize
efficiency. They also make the system as a whole less vulnerable, like
when decreasing diversity. Decentralized Money.
Self Manage -
Micro-Smart-Grids -
Matrix Management
Computing is a model in which components located on
networked computers communicate and
coordinate their actions by passing
messages. The components interact with each other in order to achieve
common goal.
Decentralized Autonomous Organization is an organization that is run
through rules encoded as computer programs called smart contracts.
Smart Contract is a computer protocol intended to facilitate, verify,
or enforce the negotiation or performance of a
contract. Smart contracts allow to
perform credible transactions without third parties. These transactions
are trackable and irreversible.
Random Numbers makes it hard for thieves. Researchers can generate
perfectly random numbers by using the quantum properties of light.
Whenever we need to communicate in secret, a cryptographic key is needed.
For this key to work, it must consist of numbers chosen at random without
any structure.
Bitcoin Story (2015) (video on hulu, 35 min.)
Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (video on hulu, 6/01/2015 | 02:07) -
What is Bitcoin? -
Coin Base -
Ledger is the principal book or computer file for recording
and totaling economic transactions measured in terms of a monetary unit of
account by account type, with debits and credits in separate columns and a
beginning monetary balance and ending monetary balance for each account.
Rating System - Brand-Controlled Currency.
Block Chain is a transaction database shared by all nodes
participating in a system based on the Bitcoin protocol. A full copy of a
currency's block chain contains every transaction ever executed in the
currency. With this information, one can find out how much value belonged
to each address at any point in history. Blockchain is a basically a
digital lockbox that
stores any kind of transaction in a
secure 'block' that's shared across independent computers. It's the
technology behind the
cryptocurrency Bitcoin, but it is quickly
transitioning to other uses, like digital home deeds, municipal bonds.
Blockchain Research Institute in Toronto
Blockchain-Based Voting App
Block Chain Database
is a
distributed database
that maintains a continuously-growing list of records called blocks. Each
block contains a timestamp and a link to a previous block. The data in a
block cannot be altered retrospectively.
How the Blockchain will radically transform the economy: Bettina Warburg
(video and interactive text)
Crypto-Currency Network
Public Key Certificate is an electronic document used to prove the
ownership of a public key.The certificate includes information about the
key, information about the identity of its owner (called the subject), and
the digital signature of an entity that has verified the certificate's
contents (called the issuer). If the signature is valid, and the software
examining the certificate trusts the issuer, then it can use that key to
communicate securely with the certificate's subject. In email encryption,
code signing, and e-signature systems, a certificate's subject is
typically a person or organization. However, in Transport Layer Security
(TLS) a certificate's subject is typically a computer or other device,
though TLS certificates may identify organizations or individuals in
addition to their core role in identifying devices. TLS, sometimes called
by its older name Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), is notable for being a part
of HTTPS, a protocol for securely browsing the web. In a typical
public-key infrastructure (PKI) scheme, the certificate issuer is a
certificate authority (CA), usually a company that charges customers to
issue certificates for them. By contrast, in a web of trust scheme,
individuals sign each other's keys directly, in a format that performs a
similar function to a public key certificate. The most common format for
public key certificates is defined by X.509. Because X.509 is very
general, the format is further constrained by profiles defined for certain
use cases, such as Public Key Infrastructure (X.509) as defined in RFC
Digital Certificate is an electronic
"password" that allows a person, organizaion to exchange data securely
over the Internet using the public key infrastructure (PKI). Digital
Certificate is also known as a public key certificate or identity
Key Authentication is used to solve the problem of authenticating the
keys of the person (say "person B") to whom some other person ("person A")
is talking to or trying to talk to. In other words, it is the process of
assuring that the key of "person A" held by "person B" does in fact belong
to "person A" and vice versa.
Digital Signature is a mathematical scheme for verifying the
authenticity of digital messages or documents. A valid digital signature,
where the prerequisites are satisfied, gives a recipient very strong
reason to believe that the message was created by a known sender
(authentication), and that the message was not altered in transit
(integrity). Digital signatures are a standard element of most
cryptographic protocol suites, and are commonly used for software
distribution, financial transactions, contract management software, and in
other cases where it is important to detect forgery or tampering.
Certificate Authority is an entity that issues digital certificates. A
digital certificate certifies the ownership of a public key by the named
subject of the certificate. This allows others (relying parties) to rely
upon signatures or on assertions made about the private key that
corresponds to the certified public key. A CA acts as a trusted third
party—trusted both by the subject (owner) of the certificate and by the
party relying upon the certificate.
Trusted Third Party is an entity which facilitates interactions
between two parties who both trust the third party; the Third Party
reviews all critical transaction communications between the parties, based
on the ease of creating fraudulent digital content. In TTP models, the
relying parties use this trust to secure their own interactions. TTPs are
common in any number of commercial transactions and in cryptographic
digital transactions as well as cryptographic protocols, for example, a
certificate authority (CA) would issue a digital identity certificate to
one of the two parties in the next example. The CA then becomes the
Trusted-Third-Party to that certificates issuance. Likewise transactions
that need a third party recordation would also need a third-party
repository service of some kind or another. 'Trusted' means that a system
needs to be trusted to act in your interests, but it has the option
(either at will or involuntarily) to act against your interests. 'Trusted'
also means that there is no way to verify if that system is operating in
your interests, hence the need to trust it. Corollary: if a system can be
verified to operate in your interests, it would not need your trust. And
if it can be shown to operate against your interests one would not use it.
Accounting Information System is a system of collecting, storing and
processing financial and accounting data that are used by decision makers.
An accounting information system is generally a computer-based method for
tracking accounting activity in conjunction with information technology
Proof of Work is a piece of data which is difficult (costly,
time-consuming) to produce but easy for others to verify and which
satisfies certain requirements. Producing a proof of work can be a random
process with low probability so that a lot of trial and error is required
on average before a valid proof of work is generated. Bitcoin uses the
Hashcash proof of work system. One application of this idea is using
Hashcash as a method to preventing email spam, requiring a proof of work
on the email's contents (including the To address), on every email.
Legitimate emails will be able to do the work to generate the proof easily
(not much work is required for a single email), but mass spam emailers
will have difficulty generating the required proofs (which would require
huge computational resources). Hashcash proofs of work are used in Bitcoin
for block generation. In order for a block to be accepted by network
participants, miners must complete a proof of work which covers all of the
data in the block. The difficulty of this work is adjusted so as to limit
the rate at which new blocks can be generated by the network to one every
10 minutes. Due to the very low probability of successful generation, this
makes it unpredictable which worker computer in the network will be able
to generate the next block.For a block to be valid it must hash to a value
less than the current target; this means that each block indicates that
work has been done generating it. Each block contains the hash of the
preceding block, thus each block has a chain of blocks that together
contain a large amount of work. Changing a block (which can only be done
by making a new block containing the same predecessor) requires
regenerating all successors and redoing the work they contain. This
protects the block chain from tampering.
Proof-of-Work System is an economic measure to deter denial of service
attacks and other service abuses such as spam on a network by requiring
some work from the service requester, usually meaning processing time by a
Proof-of-Stake is a type of algorithm by which a cryptocurrency
blockchain network aims to achieve distributed consensus. In PoS-based
cryptocurrencies the creator of the next block is chosen via various
combinations of random selection and wealth or age (i.e., the stake). In
contrast, the algorithm of proof-of-work-based cryptocurrencies such as
bitcoin uses mining; that is, the solving of computationally intensive
puzzles to validate transactions and create new blocks. (PoS).
Sharding is a solution to the scalability,
latency and transaction throughput issues. Sharding is a concept that's
widely used in databases, to make them more efficient. In case of the
blockchain, each node will have only a part of the data on the blockchain,
and not the entire information, when sharding is implemented.
Lightning Network is a "Layer 2" payment protocol that operates on top
of a blockchain-based cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin). It enables fast
transactions between participating nodes and has been touted as a solution
to the Bitcoin scalability problem.
Tether is a controversial
cryptocurrency with
tokens issued by Tether Limited. It formerly claimed that each token was
backed by one United States dollar, but on 14 March 2019 changed the
backing to include loans to affiliate companies. The Bitfinex exchange was
accused by the New York Attorney General of using Tether's funds to cover
up $850 million in funds missing since mid-2018. Tether was called a
stablecoin because it was originally designed to always be worth $1.00,
maintaining $1.00 in reserves for each tether issued. Nevertheless, Tether
Limited states that owners of tethers have no contractual right, other
legal claims, or guarantee that tethers will be redeemed or exchanged for
dollars. On 30 April 2019 Tether Limited's lawyer claimed that each tether
was backed by only $0.74 in cash and cash equivalents. Tether Limited and
the tether cryptocurrency are controversial because of the company's
failure to provide a promised audit showing adequate reserves backing
tether, its alleged role in manipulating the price of bitcoin,[ the
unclear relationship with the Bitfinex exchange, and the company's
apparent lack of a long-term banking relationship. Author David Gerard was
quoted by the Wall Street Journal saying that tether "is sort of the
central bank of crypto trading ... [yet] they don't conduct themselves
like you'd expect a responsible, sensible financial institution to do."
Tether's price decreased to lows of $0.90 on 15 October 2018 on
speculation that investors are losing faith in the token. On 20 November
2018, Bloomberg reported that U.S. federal prosecutors are investigating
whether tether was used to manipulate the price of bitcoin. In 2019,
Tether surpassed Bitcoin in trading volume with the highest daily and
monthly trading volume of any cryptocurrency on the market.
Ethereum is a public blockchain-based distributed computing
platform, featuring smart contract functionality. It provides a
decentralized virtual machine, the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), that
can execute peer-to-peer contracts using a cryptocurrency called ether.
Energy-Efficient Security Mechanisms for Digital Currency
Internet Privacy
It's disturbing that politicians and banking criminals
want to regulate Bitcoin. They don't want people to have freedom which is
a direct violation of the US constitution. They use ignorant excuses like
people buying drugs and money laundering, which are the crimes that banks
and politicians commit daily. And they also claim they want to protect the
consumer, which is a lie. They're using the
system as a weapon
against Americans. These ignorant scumbags who want to regulate peoples
freedom of choice have no shame and they are a serious threat to every
human on the planet, even all life. This sounds harsh, but it's not that
harsh when you're the victim. But even then, you may still not fully
understand this type of
even when you suffer from it, or
profit from it.
The problem with Bitcoin is that people are getting wealthy
in the
same way that Banks do, by skimming money out of the system
without actually adding any value to the system. We have to know
what work was preformed? We have to know if society benefited
from your work? We have to know what valued service you are
performing? We have to know why you demand a much higher salary
then other people? People who's work may be more valuable then
your work, and also less destructive. If you use people, time,
money, energy and resources that would benefit thousands of
people, just to only benefit yourself, than there is something
wrong, and this something needs to be explained. Fluctuations in
a system should only be in response to peoples needs, and to the
needs of the environment. If we use a currency that has a
fluctuating value, and it we use a currency that can have it's
value accumulated in uncontrolled areas, then we are doing the
same thing as the banks. But the good news is that the Bitcoin
software has the ability to correct these problems of
fluctuating value and hoarding. But just having technology does
not solve the entire problem. We have to educate the public and
make sure that everyone is fully informed on how to use
technology effectively and efficiently, and also know how to use
knowledge and information effectively and efficiently. We're
almost there. All corruption is derived from ignorance, so when
we reduce the ignorance, we will also reduce corruption, waste
and abuse.
What if the Wolf of
Wall Street were about Crypto? (youtube)
Bitcoin is a great idea, but it only solves a small piece of a
much larger problem. And this problem is a problem that we can
solve, we just have to learn how to solve it. We have
technology, now we need intelligence.
New Algorithm for Crypto-Currency Equihash mathematical algorithm is a
core component for the new cryptocurrency.
Zcash is
a cryptocurrency aimed at using cryptography to provide enhanced privacy
for its users compared to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. Like
Zcash has a fixed
total supply of 21 million units.
The Money Fix
Living without Money -
Kind Mankind
Impact Living -
Money Saving Ideas -
Community Knowledge Sharing
Ideas -
Innovation -
Food Waste -
Opportunity Cost
The End of Ownership (VPRO Backlight, 47:52)
society collapses
there's nothing that could stop us from taking care of each
other, or from printing our own money."
Fiat Money (money knowledge)
The bottom line is our
exchanges and hour banks still have to be
sustainable. Supporting the same ignorant practices, or businesses, using a new
method of exchange will not get us anywhere. We have to support
businesses that make a positive difference in the world and have
a direct positive impact on the local community. We must support
services that are sustainable and not wasteful or polluting. We
must not trade convenience for life. We can still have our
luxuries, but we just have to be more aware and respectable,
which would take a little extra effort, innovation and an
Improvement in Education.
If all the bit-coins were only used by people who practiced
sustainability, then every time someone used this currency they
would be directly supporting environmentally sound living.
Guaranteed Annual Income - Basic Income - Potential
Basic Income can help
grow the economy
in a
good way because it will
help increase peoples
incomes and increase spending, which means
that it will create
more jobs and create more small businesses, and thus, more people will be
working. And there will also be less crimes because people will not be so
desperate. And since people are spending more money, that means states
will be
collecting more tax revenue which means that states will have more
money for services and more money for infrastructure, which creates more
jobs. Of course this is not as simple as it sounds. You just can't give
people money without
educating people about how to
spend money
effectively. You just can't give people money without educating people
about the
responsibility and the
that comes from the
power of having money. Most
people will do what is right, especially when they fully
understand what the right thing to do
is. You just can't give people money without
accountability or without any
planning. You would not give
someone a drivers license without them proving they know how to drive a
car safely and skillfully. We see what happens
when we give
corrupt governments
money, and we see what happens when
corporations do
more harm than good
in the name of money. This is why it's extremely
important that everyone is well
informed, and also fully understands the
responsibilities that each
person has
to their community, and understands the responsibilities that they have to
themselves. Money should be used as a potential energy. But money is a type of
power, and everyone knows that
power can corrupt people really easy. So we need
to protect each other from this extremely destructive
And one of the best tools that we have is knowledge and education. Our technology
can help us to communicate needed information to almost every person on
the planet. But people will need more than just knowledge, information and
technology. People will also need
and directions on how to use our technologies
effectively and
efficiently. We
all have a common purpose. And our common purpose is to make sure that
everyone is cared for and that
everyone has what they need in order to
live a
productive and peaceful life. When we
work together, we are at
our strongest. But for now, we are not all working together, which means
that we are extremely weak and vulnerable, which means that our problems
will continue to get worse. So we are at a crossroads now. We have an
opportunity to end the mistakes that are killing millions of people and
killing our planet. So free money should be a wakeup call. A chance to do
what is right. This can be our shinning moment in the sun. So here we go.
Are you ready? Let's get ready.
Financial Aid Types -
Pay to
Learn -
Temp Workers -
Strings -
Lifestyle -
Quality of
Life -
Public Service -
Social Contract
There's no bank on the planet that gives people
money who don't have a
plan or have a
goal, or some kind of collateral, whether abstract or concrete,
unless the bank can profit from the loan like they do with
wars. You can't measure the
return on investment if you don't have any idea what you're investing in.
Even though there are some banks and people who do fund things that they
don't fully understand, it doesn't mean that we should always be this
ignorant about this fact. Ignorance is not a
precedent or a
Collateral is a borrower's
pledge of
specific property to a lender, to
secure repayment
of a
loan. The collateral serves as a lender's
protection against a
default and so
can be used to offset the loan if the borrower fails to
pay the
principal and interest satisfactorily
under the terms of the
lending agreement.
Credit is the
trust which allows one party to
provide money or
resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the
first party immediately (thereby generating a
debt), but promises either
to repay or return those resources (or other materials of equal
value) at
a later date. In other words, credit is a method of making
formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a large group of unrelated
people. The resources provided may be financial (e.g. granting a loan), or
they may consist of
goods or services (e.g. consumer credit). Credit
encompasses any form of deferred payment. Credit is extended by a
creditor, also known as a lender, to a debtor, also known as a borrower.
Credit Risk.
Marketing Collateral is considered the collection of media used to
support the sales of a product or service. Common examples include: Sales
brochures and other printed product information. Visual aids used in sales
presentations. Web content. Sales scripts. Demonstration scripts. Product
data sheets. Product white papers. Promotional pictures.
Income is a new kind of
public service program
in which all citizens or permanent residents of a country receive a
livable and
unconditional sum of money,
from the government. From
that follows, among other things, that there is
no state requirement to
work or to look for work in such a society. The payment is also, in such a
pure basic income,
totally independent of any
other income. An unconditional income that is sufficient to meet a
basic needs (at or above the poverty
line), is called full basic income, while if it is less than that amount,
it is called partial. Basic income can be implemented nationally,
regionally or locally. Some welfare systems are related to basic income
but have certain conditions.
Universal Basic Income Worked in 2018 (youtube)
South Korea’s
Universal Basic Income Experiment to Boost the Economy | WSJ (youtube)
Guaranteed Minimum Income is a system of social welfare provision that
guarantees that all citizens or families have an
income sufficient to live on, provided they meet certain conditions.
Eligibility is typically determined by citizenship, a means test, and
either availability for the
labor market or a
willingness to perform
community services.
The primary goal of a guaranteed minimum income is to reduce
poverty. If citizenship is the only
requirement, the system turns into a universal basic income.
"Guarantee Income would be great for parents who have to work 2 or three
jobs just to support their family. Parents need to spend more quality time
with their children. And everyone also needs access to knowledge and
information that would allow them to increase their knowledge about
themselves and the world around them. A family that learns together stays
together." ( also known as Universal Benefit, Citizens Dividend, Sate
Bonus, Negative Income Tax).
California Program Giving $500 No-Strings-Attached Stipends Pays Off,
Study Finds. A high-profile universal basic income experiment in
Stockton, Calif., which gave randomly selected residents $500 per month
for two years with
no strings attached, measurably improved participants'
job prospects, financial stability and overall well-being, according to a
newly released study of the program's first year.
Compton Pledge is a landmark
guaranteed income initiative that will distribute recurring cash relief to
low-income residents for 2 years, marking the largest city-based
guaranteed income pilot in the U.S.. Eight hundred residents receive
between $300 and $600 a month to
supplement their income.
Giving poor families a financial cushion can have a demonstrable impact on
their physical and psychological health and give some financial breathing
room. A $500 per-month stipend showed statistically significant
improvements in their mental health. Some are using the funds to pay it
forward. Payments could improve access to education, housing and
nutrition; reduce the racial wealth gap; and stimulate economic
activity—which in turn can lift up a whole community. After a year and a
half of the pandemic, three rounds of stimulus checks and a newly expanded
child tax credit, proponents of cash-based programs feel the tide turning.
Republicans fear that
people will not want to work and will also make them dependent on
government handouts, like the big corporations who are receiving
subsidies and
bailouts, which
only adds to the abuse and destruction of America. Despite 26 states
voluntarily ending supplemental unemployment insurance early, there was
little difference in their employment numbers and workforce participation
rate in July.
Swiss Referendums, 2016 popular initiative for a basic
income (wiki)
The Peckham Experiment was an experiment designed to
determine whether people as a whole would, given the opportunity, take a
vested interest in their own health and fitness and expend effort to
maintain it. The experiment took place between 1926 and 1950, initially
generated by rising public concern over the health of the working class
and an increasing interest in
social medicine.
When families living in poverty get a monthly cash payout or
conditional cash transfers, tuberculosis rates plunge. Tuberculosis killed
more than 1.25 million people in 2023.
Bolsa Familia program or Portuguese for Family Allowance, helps 21
million families in Brazil or about a quarter of the population. The
government claims to have
reduced hunger for millions of families. A series of
studies have found that families spend more on food than those who
didn't get the payments and that they buy healthier foods.
The effects of cash transfers on adult and child mortality in low- and
middle-income countries.
Mincome was an experimental Canadian guaranteed annual income project
that was held in Manitoba, during the 1970's. The purpose of this
experiment was to assess the social impact of a guaranteed,
annual income, including whether a program of this nature would cause
disincentives to work for the recipients and how great such a disincentive
would be.
Of course
scumbags apposed
financial aid. except when they're
getting bailouts and
subsidy's. Because how will
the rich control and manipulate the poor when the poor
can take care of themselves. So it makes perfect sense that we would also have a guarantee
of a free high quality college education for everyone. Because everyone
knows that you just can't have a bunch of idiots with money, the wealthy
have definitely proven that to be a sad fact many times over throughout
human history.
Give Directly allows you to
Send money directly to people living in extreme poverty.
The Short-term Impact of Unconditional Cash Transfers to the Poor:
Experimental Evidence from Kenya. Paying youth to stay out of trouble.
Comprehensive Homicide Initiative.
General equilibrium effects of cash transfers: experimental evidence from
Kenya. Just handing out cash can improve peoples overall well-being
and can boost peoples lives. Kids get more schooling, food and other
essentials. The family's nutrition and health improves. Though the cash
aid program in the Philippines did drive up the cost of certain perishable
food items.
No Strings Attached
No Strings Attached
is when an offer or an opportunity carries no special conditions or
restrictions. A no strings attached offer is an arrangement and an
agreement of doing something without asking for anything in return. A gift
with no special conditions, restrictions, expectations, limits, or
obligations. A no questions asked agreement.
Love -
Free from Dependency -
RightsBut there's nothing in life that has no strings attached to
it. Everything in life is
cause and effect
everything is
connected. Unconditional is an incomplete sentence and
not the whole
picture. It doesn't explain all the
scenarios and all the effects. There
no guarantees, but you still have to
play the odds. People need
common sense guidelines and
instructions on
safe operation. People need
freedom, but not free to be
abusive or
disrespectful. A no strings
attached agreement is to
encourage failure, so that
wealthy scumbags can
prove that
people can't handle money, which
is already proven with our
dumbed down education system that has failure built into it.
Spend Wisely Together.
But we first have to learn how to communicate this information to everyone
that helps people to make wise and practical decisions collectively, the
kind of decisions that will benefit everyone and also help make
improvements that can be measured and understood by everyone. This way
everyone will know that they are a member of society and that they can see
first hand how their decisions make a difference in their life and in the
world around them.
Conscious Living.
When you give money or pay money to people,
you have to know if the people are
using the money wisely to maximize their
output. Does the money or services people receive lower operating costs of
peoples lives and increase the quality of living? Is there a feedback loop
that measures the complete cycle of production, consumption and return on
investment? You don't want to feed people who waste food. You don't want
to give people electricity if they waste energy.
Operating cost is not the
money, it is the Hours spent, Labor used, Waste generated, Machines used,
Resources used, and the Return of investment. Are people more productive?
Does the service make improvements? Define the inputs and the outputs, and
cause and effects.
We can't make it difficult for people to receive
assistance. People shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to get
some help. You can't force people to reveal personal information,
especially if the people who are
extracting the information from you, will use that information to
profile you or sell your
personal information to other people. All the person should need is their
face. If the person in need does not have a valid ID, then the person must
have their photo taken and be entered into a secure database. If they give
more information, they should be paid for that information. And if
everyone has a smartphone, and are taught how to use it effectively, then
we can help people where almost anywhere they are. But we still
need people to be
accountable and
responsible for themselves and
the communities where they live. When you give
people assistance, you must also give each person a pamphlet that explains
how to maximize their buying power and tips on how to optimize their
spending so that the benefits from assistance can be effective and
efficient as possible. This way
progress becomes the
incentive. We should not be
worried about fraud being committed by individuals, because the most
damaging fraud is at the
corporate level and
government level. Most people are
honest and good. But
the criminals who control the news media outlets what you to believe that
humans are raving maniacs, which is a lie. The
raving maniacs are
behind the curtain.
Free Money will only work when
people are fully educated,
and when people can also provide some type of benefit,
service or
job in return for the money.
You just can't give people money with
no strings
attached or with no
on how to use the money
and efficiently. To make money unconditional would be a
negligent and problematic, just as
it is now. Giving people just money will only benefit people if people know how
use the money wisely. People with money
can easily accelerate our
decay and abuse if they make bad choices with their money, as
they do now, especially the people who are
exploiting capitalism. But everyone should be funded as long as they are
providing a
necessary service that is beneficial to them and to
other people.
Pay people to go to school and
learn skills for jobs that we know we will need. Like
scientists who can provide many different
services for
monitoring the world so
citizens can be alerted of possible dangers. All
workers should be paid as long as they are
providing a
sustainable solution to a problem.
Every service provided should have an
exit plan so
that we can show people how they can gradually become
independent and
self-sustaining. We don't want to encourage
dependencies, we want to encourage independencies, so that people can live
happier lives with more
freedom and more stability.
we don't want a basic income to allow
the wealthy and powerful to continue to steal more, waste more, abuse more and poison the
environment more. Basic income should not be
hush money, it should only be about
common sense. We also need to provide
basic needs,
as well as, make
living affordable. This way the
basic income will not make its way back into the hands of criminals, like
it does now with social security, food stamps and health insurance. We
live in a
Trickle Up Economy where the
rich get richer and
poorer get poorer.
Aichi Biodiversity Targets -
Ecological Fiscal Transfers.
Post-Scarcity is a theoretical economic state where most goods are
available to everyone at a low cost or for free. It's a
society where people no longer have
to worry about
basic needs like food and shelter,
and thus have
time to pursue meaningful work, have
more time to educate themselves,
more time to explore other possibilities
social progress, and have
more time to live in a
sustainable way of life.
What if we Paid Countries to Protect Biodiversity? Human life depends
on our ecological life support. Yet, we are constantly destroying
biodiversity and therefore the resilience of ecosystems and human
The responsibility of Money is not just about
managing your own personal budget. Everyone needs to know who
prints and makes the money and know the actual names of the people in
charge? Everyone needs to know who manages the amount of money that's
needed to be in circulation? Everyone needs to know how many people are
committing crimes because of money? Everyone needs to know how money is
being spent in their town, and in their country? Everyone is responsible
for the whole system of money. You must know the names of the people who
are in charge of these responsibilities. People will only be
accountable when they are held
accountable, because people do not always do the right thing on their own.
Everyone needs to know how many people are
money because money is a shared resource. And every human has the
right to have the
that money gives. No human should ever be without money or be abused
because they have no money. This is why people need to be informed and
educated. People will never be able to make improvements or stop the
corruption if they never learn how to do it.
Learning is everyone's first and most important responsibility.
Ignorance is no longer affordable.
Cash Payments Prompt Tropical Forest users to Harvest Less. Study
people cut 48
percent fewer trees when paid to conserve.
Reciprocation -
Incentives -
Reparation is replenishment of a previously inflicted loss by the
criminal to the victim.
Monetary Restitution is a common form of reparation.
The Hardest Working Person on Earth is a
Working Mother or a mother who has a full time job and at the same
time is also raising children or taking care of her kids. The value of her
work that she does for a company is not as important as the work that she
does for her children. In order to invest in your children's future, and
also benefit from your children's potential and value, you have to work
smart at home an also work smart away from home.
Being a mother is the most important job
on the planet. You can't make sacrifices when it comes to being a
mother, or a
father. And every employer in the world must understand that a women's
priority is her children, and that every other job or responsibility comes
second to her children. Everything that we do in life has an impact on the
world. So it makes sense to produce positive impacts on the world instead
of causing negative impacts on the world. Everyone has to do their part.
And societies and governments are fully responsible for protecting and
supporting people who are doing positive things. We have to stop rewarding
criminal behavior and start rewarding good behavior.
Basic Income Pros and Cons
Every problem or every scenario that people think that will happen because of basic
income, are the same things that are already happening. Problems with
money are already rampant throughout the world. You can list all the risks
that are involved with giving people money, but all you would be doing is
listing the current problems that we are already suffering from, problems
that are not being addressed.
You can't give money
to people or projects and expect nothing in
return, especially when someone hasn't done anything to deserve it or
earn it. Peoples morals would be corrupted and people will become lazy, dependent
and vulnerable. But that's what's happening with almost every wealthy person.
So you can ask wealthy people the same question. What do
rich people do in return for their wealth?
just can't give money to people. That's why people are required to have a drivers
license, so they can prove that they can operate a vehicle safely,
effectively and efficiently. And money is a vehicle. People need to understand restrictions, which are
just like instructions. You don't want to tell people that they can spend the money anyway
they want, for the same reason why you wouldn't say to someone to drive
their car anywhere they want, which is why we made roads. You don't want people spending money on things that harms
themselves or harms other people or harms the environment. There are good
ways and bad ways to spend money and people need to have this knowledge
and information in order to make good choices.
What will be the
incentive to work when people are given money? Answer: Knowledge
and information. People need to know what is good and bad, right and
wrong. Education needs to improve. Input, output, cause, effect, and
productivity need to be understood.
If you didn't
pay for something or work hard for something then you will not
respect it and it will not last long, which is what millions of people do today.
Even when people work hard for something, this does not say that they will
respect it more. You have to learn how to respect things. Again, Education
needs to improve.
People will not improve
themselves or better themselves when things are given to them?
Again, Education needs to improve. People need to learn how to improve
themselves and better themselves.
Where will the
money come from? Over 40 million people are already on food stamps,
millions are on social security, Medicare, receiving pensions and
disability checks, bonuses and getting bailouts. And
most money is electronic and not printed. Inflation is
mostly caused by ignorance and corruption, and not just from printing more
Tax is not theft when everyone
understands and knows where the tax money is going and how the money is
being used,
like services and infrastructure, and so on.
Earn is the reward in return for a valuable service given, or from the efforts or
actions that resulted in measurable benefits.
When people don't need to join the
military because they're poor or have no other choices, how are you going to get people to fight wars?
Governments and corporations do it by
oppressing people so
they have very little choice, that's why most minorities join military
services. So how do you get people to
join military services? By making it a needed service, and not by
using people as
a weapon for corporations
and banks.
So you see, improving education and making education
more available is the only way to solve these problems.
Making people
dependent is dangerous. The goal
should always be
Independence and the ability to
work together in harmony.
Soon you will not be able to buy anything you want just because you have
the money to do so. You will have to earn things. Everyone will be
rated on the type of work they do and how much that work benefits society.
They will also be rated by their energy use, whether they used energy
effectively and efficiently. Power companies are already doing this.
People will also be rated by how much waste they produce, and that
they don't waste resources by using them responsibly. So this will
eventually stop people from using money as an excuse for being inhumane or
criminal towards life and other people, like it does today. Now you will have to earn your way.
pretend and assume to know what
something means before all the details have been presented and finalized.
People use ignorant labels like social engineering, communism and
socialism, when they have no idea what they are talking about. People talk
about how bad some idea is before they even understand it. So their
reasoning is mostly just questions that they have. But some people believe that the
questions they have, questions that they don't know the answer to, are the reasons why they
should say no. No is not a question, and you can't answer your own
question when you have never asked a question to begin with. This is why
everyone should always have a right to speak, because even the
dumbest comments could reveal some kind of risk, which is the reason we
have to have warning labels on things, because people are sometimes
unaware or undereducated.
Money has not enslaved people, ignorance has enslaved people.
We want to make the
system easy, but we don't want to disconnect people from reality either.
Basic income is not just about giving people money. This is about
implementing a new system that will be more effective and more efficient,
and be fair and logical. It will be a big transition.
Financial Aid Types - Free Money is Nothing New
Social Security provides
monetary assistance
to people with an
inadequate income or no
income. Also known as
old-age assistance,
social welfare or a
Disability Program that
pays people money. In 2015, Social Security
expenditures totaled $750.5 billion for OASDI and $146.6 billion for DI.
Pension is a fund from which
are drawn to
support the person's
retirement from work in the form of periodic payments. To help pay peoples
living expenses so they can
Rest and Relax and still be
productive and provide some type of
service in their community instead of being a total
burden on society,
just like some
big corporations are.
Pension is a fund into which a sum of money is added during
an employee's employment years, and from which payments are drawn to
support the person's retirement from work in the form of periodic
Pensions Crisis or
pensions timebomb is
the predicted difficulty in paying for corporate or government employment
retirement pensions in various countries, due to a difference between
pension obligations and the resources set aside to fund them. The basic
difficulty of the pension problem is that institutions must be sustained
over far longer than the political planning horizon.
Superannuation in Australia is a savings system for workplace pensions
in retirement. It involves money earned by an employee being placed into
investment fund
to be made legally available to fund members upon retirement.
is an employer-sponsored retirement plan, defined-contribution, and
personal pension or savings account. Periodic employee contributions come
directly out of their paychecks, and may be matched by the employer.
Wall Street Crooks.
Perpetuity is an annuity or a series of
payments made at equal
intervals that has no end, or a stream of cash payments that continues
forever. There are few actual perpetuities in existence.
is a form of
financial aid, support or
incentive extended to an economic sector (or
business, or individual) generally with the aim of promoting
economic and social policy.
Food Stamps -
Basic Income -
Housing -
Bailouts -
Lending -
Predatory Lending
Tax Breaks
Stimulus in economics refers to attempts to use monetary or fiscal
policy to stimulate the economy. Stimulus can also refer to monetary
policies like lowering interest rates and quantitative easing.
Fiscal stimulus refers to increasing
government consumption or transfers or lowering taxes. Effectively this
means increasing the rate of growth of public debt.
Monetary stimulus refers to lowering interest rates, quantitative
easing, or other ways of increasing the amount of money or credit.
Intelligence is not a place or a destination. Intelligence is an
incredible journey through the mind that never stops being amazing. There
are levels of intelligence, but the levels are forever changing and
Support is the activity
of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities.
Give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to. Provide material
help or money to cover living expenses. The financial means whereby one
lives. Supporting structure that holds up or provides a
foundation. The act of bearing the
weight of or strengthening. Financial resources provided to make some
project possible. Aiding the cause, policy or interests of. Something
providing immaterial assistance to a person, cause or interest.
Public Service.
Child Support is an ongoing, periodic payment made by a
parent for the financial
benefit of a child (or parent, caregiver, guardian, or state) following
the end of a marriage or other relationship. Child maintenance is paid
directly or indirectly by an obligor to an obligee for the care and
support of children of a relationship that has been terminated, or in some
cases never existed. Often the obligor is a non-custodial parent. The
obligee is typically a custodial parent, a caregiver, a guardian, or the
is financial support that a person is ordered by a court to give to their
spouse during separation or following divorce. A legal obligation on a
person to provide financial support to their spouse before or after
marital separation or divorce. The obligation arises from the divorce law
or family law of each country. In most jurisdictions, it is distinct from
child support, where, after divorce, one parent is required to contribute
to the support of their children by paying money to the child's other
parent or guardian.
Provision is the activity of
supplying or
providing something. A store or supply of
something that is set aside for the future or for an
Credit is money that is available for someone to borrow, sometimes
based on the persons
credit history, assets, collateral or sometimes based
on a
credit rating. An estimate,
based on previous dealings, of a person's or an organization's ability to
fulfill their financial commitments. An accounting entry acknowledging
income or capital items. Arrangement for deferred
payment for goods and services. Credit is also
acknowledgement and
praise or respect for doing something, producing something and having a
certain quality and skill. Recognition by a college or university that a
course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in
semester hours. An entry on a list of
persons who contributed to a film or written work.
is the
trust which allows one
party to
provide money or resources to
another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party
immediately (thereby generating a
debt), but
promises either to repay or return those resources
(or other materials of equal value) at a later date. In other words,
credit is a method of
making reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a
large group of unrelated people. The resources provided may be financial
(e.g. granting a loan), or they may consist of goods or services (e.g.
consumer credit). Credit encompasses any form of deferred payment. Credit
is extended by a creditor, also known as a lender, to a debtor, also known
as a borrower.
Life Accounting.
Salary Advance refers to employees
receiving a portion of their pay before their next scheduled payday.
Salary advance is a short-term loan. Advance salary is salary paid in
Advance received against salary
will be repaid in installments.
Advance in Pay
or a payroll advance is a short-term loan an employer may offer employees
based on wages they've already earned, usually ahead of the scheduled
payday. The employees then repay the advance out of their next paycheck or
in installments over several paychecks.
Investment is to
distribute money in
the expectation of some
benefit in the future.
Return on Investment measures the gain or
loss generated on an investment
relative to the amount of money invested.
ROI is a ratio between the net profit and
cost of
investment resulting from an investment of some resources.
Incentives -
Investing -
Funding -
Social Safety
Net is a
collection of services
provided by the state or other institutions such as
friendly societies, which is a mutual organization or
benefit society composed
of a body of people who join together for a common financial or social
purpose. A social safety net includes welfare, unemployment benefit,
universal healthcare, right to healthcare, free education, right to
housing, legal aid, victims' rights, mutual funds, superfund for
pensioners and veterans, workers compensation, severance package, consumer
protection, social credit, private electricity, homeless shelters, and
sometimes subsidized services such as public transport, which prevent
individuals from falling into poverty beyond a certain level. A practical
example of how the safety net works would be a single mother with several
children, unable to work. By receiving money from the government to
support her children, along with universal health care and free education,
she can give her children a better chance at becoming successful members
of society, rather than be caught up in the hopelessness of extreme
Social Networks.
Retirement is ending one's position or occupation from a particular
business. Retirement does not always mean that a person stops working.
They may just do something else and be semi-retire by reducing work hours.
Retirement Plans (wiki).
retirement encourage
sloth? Do
bonuses encourage
Reimbursement is the act of
compensating someone for an out-of-pocket
expense by giving them an amount of money equal to what was spent.
Tax Evasion.
Compensation is to make
reparations or adjust for loss
or injury. To give something such as money as payment or reparation for a
loss or injury or service.
Reparation is compensation given for an insult or
injury. To make up for and
compensate someone for a wrongdoing or from causing offence. Something
done or paid in expiation or
atoning for a wrong.
Redemption Movement is a belief that a secret fund is created for
everyone at birth, and that a procedure exists to "redeem" or reclaim this fund to pay bills.
Per Diem or
daily allowance is a specific amount of
money an organization gives an
individual, often an employee, per day to cover living
expenses when traveling for
Allowance is an amount of money given or allotted usually at regular
intervals for a specific
purpose. The
amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of
regulations or for a specified purpose.
Study Links Parental Support and Career Success of Children.
Pocket Money is a small sum of money given
to a child, by a parent or guardian.
Chump Change is a small or
insignificant amount of money.
Two-thirds of young adults get financial support from their parents.
Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish coming of age ritual for boys and a Bat
mitzvah is a Jewish coming of age ritual for girls. Commemorative
monetary gifts in multiples of 18 are
considered to be particularly auspicious and have become common for the
bar and bat mitzvah.
Stipend is a fixed payment, generally small and occurring at
regular intervals. A modest allowance. A scholarship granted to a student.
is a regular fixed sum of money paid for services or to defray expenses,
such as for scholarship, internship, or apprenticeship. It is often
distinct from an income or a salary because it does not necessarily
represent payment for work performed; instead it represents a payment that
enables somebody to be exempt partly or wholly from waged or salaried
employment in order to undertake a role that is normally unpaid (e.g. a
magistrate in the United Kingdom) or voluntary, or which cannot be
measured in terms of a task (e.g. members of the clergy). Stipends are
usually lower than what would be expected as a permanent salary for
similar work. This is because the stipend is complemented by other
benefits such as accreditation, instruction, food, and/or accommodation.
Some graduate schools make stipend payments to help students have the time
and funds to earn their academic degree (i.e. master's and doctoral
degrees). Universities usually refer to money paid to graduate students as
a stipend, rather than wages, to reflect complementary benefits.
Stipend is a form of salary, such as for an internship or
apprenticeship. It is often distinct from a wage or a salary because it
does not necessarily represent payment for work performed; instead it
represents a payment that enables somebody to be exempt partly or wholly
from waged or salaried employment in order to undertake a role that is
normally unpaid (e.g. a magistrate in the United Kingdom) or voluntary, or
which cannot be measured in terms of a task (e.g. members of the clergy).
Remuneration is
money that is paid regularly for doing
work. The act of
paying for goods, services or to recompense for losses.
Scholarship is financial aid for a
student to further their education.
Bursary is a
scholarship to attend a college or university. Bursary is a monetary award
made by any educational institution or funding authority to individuals or
groups. It is usually awarded to enable a student to attend school,
university or college when they might not be able to, otherwise. Some
awards are aimed at encouraging specific groups or individuals into study.
Student Financial Aid -
Student Loans -
Endowment is money or other financial
assets that are donated to
universities or colleges and are meant to be invested to grow the
principal and provide additional income for future investing and
Dark Money.
Donation is a
voluntary gift made to some
worthwhile cause in the form of money,
services or ideas. An act of giving in common with others for a
common purpose, especially
to a
Seed Money -
Funding -
Grants -
Lending -
Loans -
Inheritance is
money and or property
that given to a person.
Patronage is the support, encouragement,
privilege, or
financial aid that an organization or individual
bestows to another.
Social Medicine
seeks to implement social care through understanding how social and
economic conditions impact health, disease and the practice of medicine,
fostering conditions in
which this understanding can lead to a healthier society, which would save
society billions of dollars.
Insurance -
Preventive Care
Appropriation is a sum of money or total of
assets devoted to a special purpose. Money set aside by formal action for a specific use.
Remittance is a transfer of money by a foreign
worker to an individual
in his or her home country. Money sent home by migrants competes with
international aid as one of the largest financial inflows to developing
countries. Workers' remittances are a significant part of international
capital flows, especially with regard to labour-exporting countries. In
2014, $436 billion went to developing countries, setting a new record.
Overall global remittances totaled $582 billion in 2015. Some countries,
such as India and China, receive tens of billions of US dollars in
remittances each year from their expatriates. In 2014, India received an
estimated $70 billion and China an estimated $64 billion.
Financial Aid.
Employee Benefits include various types of
non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their
normal wages or salaries. Examples of these benefits include: housing,
group insurance (health, dental, life etc.); disability income protection;
retirement benefits; daycare; tuition reimbursement; sick leave; vacation
(paid and unpaid); social security; profit sharing; employer student loan
contributions; conveyancing; domestic help (servants); and other
specialized benefits.
Gift Economy is a mode of exchange where valuables are not
traded or
sold, but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or
future rewards. This contrasts with a barter economy or a market economy,
where goods and services are primarily exchanged for value received.
Social norms and custom govern gift exchange. Gifts are not given in an
explicit exchange of goods or services for money or some other commodity.
Giving without explaining or educating, or giving without understanding
cause and effects,
is wrong, bad and dangerous.
Government Pension Fund of Norway comprises two entirely separate
sovereign wealth funds owned by the government of Norway.In May 2018
it was worth about $195,000 per Norwegian citizen.
Value-Added Tax.
Modern Monetary Theory describes currency as a public monopoly for the
government and unemployment as evidence that a currency monopolist is
overly restricting the supply of the financial assets needed to pay taxes
and satisfy savings desires. MMT is seen as an evolution of chartalism and
is sometimes referred to as neo-chartalism.
Chartalism is a theory of money that argues that money originated with
states' attempts to direct economic activity rather than as a spontaneous
solution to the problems with barter or as a means with which to
tokenize debt, and that fiat currency has value in
exchange because of sovereign power to levy taxes on economic activity
payable in the currency they issue.
Tokenization is the act of breaking up a sequence of strings into
pieces such as words, keywords, phrases, symbols and other elements called
Tokenization in data security is the process of substituting a
sensitive data element with a non-sensitive equivalent, referred to as a
token, that has no extrinsic or exploitable meaning or value.
State Monopoly
is a form of
coercive monopoly in which a
government agency or government corporation is the sole provider of a
particular good or service and competition is prohibited by law. It is a
monopoly created by the government. It is usually distinguished from a
government-granted monopoly, where the government grants a monopoly to a
private individual or company.
History of Money.
financial help to a corporation or country which otherwise would be on
the brin
k of failure or bankruptcy.
Why do some people get
bonuses while other
lose their job and
Corporate Welfare -
Subsidies -
Tax Evasion -
The Big Short -
Predatory Lending -
Kickbacks -
Economic Stimulus Act of 2008 provided several kinds of economic
stimuli intended to boost the United States economy. (But
low life scumbag criminals pocketed the money and burned the tax payers).

Government gives the illusion that they are
boosting the economy with a
stimulus package or
bailout, which creates another
financial bubble, where their friends get rich while the American
public suffers the consequences. It's shocking to think that American
citizens are letting this corruption happen time and time again, but in
reality, how can Americans be shocked when they are completely in the dark
and ignorant, which is also by design,
dumb down the public so that they
are unaware of the crimes that surround them. Even the
rating systems are rigged and corrupted.
Quantitative Easing is a monetary policy whereby a
central bank buys predetermined amounts of government bonds or other
financial assets in order to add money directly into the economy. An
unconventional form of monetary policy, it is usually used when
inflation is very low or negative,
and standard expansionary monetary policy has become ineffective. A
central bank implements quantitative easing by buying specified amounts of
financial assets from commercial banks and other financial institutions,
thus raising the prices of those financial assets and lowering their
yield, while simultaneously increasing the
supply. This differs from the more usual policy of buying or selling
short-term government bonds to keep interbank interest rates at a
specified target value. Expansionary monetary policy to stimulate the
economy typically involves the central bank buying short-term government
bonds to lower short-term market interest rates. However, when short-term
interest rates approach or reach zero, this method can no longer work (a
situation known as a liquidity trap). In such circumstances, monetary
authorities may then use quantitative easing to further stimulate the
economy, by buying specified quantities of financial assets without
reference to interest rates, and by buying riskier or longer maturity
assets (other than short-term government bonds), thereby lowering interest
rates further out on the yield curve. Quantitative easing can help bring
the economy out of recession and help ensure that inflation does not fall
below the central bank's inflation target. Risks include the policy being
more effective than intended in acting against deflation (leading to
higher inflation in the longer term), or not being effective enough if
banks remain reluctant to lend and potential borrowers are unwilling to
borrow. According to the International Monetary Fund, the US Federal
Reserve System, and various other economists, quantitative easing
undertaken following the global financial crisis of 2007–08 has mitigated
some of the economic problems since the crisis.
Get Paid to Learn - Learn and Earn
When you're Learning you're Earning - Get
Paid to Train and Gain - Win for Life.
Students should get paid to
learn or receive money as they learn. The more you learn, the more you
earn. Right answers earn you money, and wrong answers earn you nothing.
Education has value. If students learn the things that matter, then
students will have a better understanding of themselves and the world
around them.
Learn to Speak a letter, score 1 point each.
Learn to
a letter, score 2 points each.
Learn to Speak vowel sounds, score 3 points each.
Learn to
Add letters together to form a word, score 5 points
Learn how
to Read words, score 10 points each. (15 points for important words).
Learn the
Meaning of a word, score
points each. (25 points for important words).
Learn how to Use a word in
a sentence, score 30 points.
Learn how to Read complete sentences,
score 40 points each.
Learn how to Comprehend a written message, score 50 points each.
how to Use language to express an idea, score 100 points each.
Immediate Rewards Boosts Motivation