Education Reform - Dumbed Down Education
education is extremely important. But because our current education
system is so
inadequate, very
few people can understand the
that are needed to education. Most everyone knows the
importance of a good education,
but no one knows exactly what a
good education is,
or what a good education is
supposed to be, or,
understands the
purpose of a good education.
In 1983, a report from the
National Commission on Excellence in Education declared that American
education standards were eroding, and that young people in the United
States were not learning enough.
Educational Malpractice -
Fraud -
Negligence -
Abuse -
Information Vacuum -
Gaslighting -
Assimilation -
Under Reporting -
Suicides -
Mental Health -
Addictions -
Sex Crimes -
Corruption -
Extremism -
Loan Sharks

Schools don't teach you everything that you need
to know. And schools will not teach you or tell you what knowledge
information is missing from your education.
When you tell people that education is inadequate, people can't
believe it. This is because you can't understand something that you have
no knowledge of. But this doesn't stop people from
pretending to
understand, or stop people from
denying that there
problems with education, which actually proves the problems exist. When people don't
believe there's problems with education, they will never solve the
problems with education. This is why these problems have persisted for so
long. The Education System is a type of
assimilation program,
where the teachers and students are both unaware because it's not on the
test or
part of the curriculum.
The Dumbing Down Machine is designed to
give the
illusion of an education.
The real education is when you're educating yourself. You need to educate
yourself. Schools can teach you how to read, write and count, but schools
don't teach the
valuable knowledge that is needed
in order to fully understand yourself and the world around you. Good
grades are good, but they can also show how smart you are at being dumb. A
good grade is an indication of your learning ability,
a good grade does not measure
your intelligence, because schools and universities don't teach you
how to be intelligent, you
need to do that yourself. All
great minds throughout
history are the people who educated themselves.
People in
power are so desperate to keep power, that they devoted most of their time
and energy to dumbing down people. Now America has over 80 million
ignorant people who have no idea how ignorant they are. This ignorance is
much worst than a ticking time bomb, it's a
cancer that is malignant and a
cancer that has metastasized throughout the world and has infected every
inch of this planet. To rid the world of ignorance we will have to cure
almost every individual on the planet. ~
"Our only true enemy is
ignorance, which
makes our dumbed down education and our
dumbed down media
the biggest threats to humans and to our planet."
How are you going to have good teachers when schools are so dumbed
down that good teachers can't get educated enough to know what being a
good teacher is? How are you going to have good parents when schools are
so dumbed down that parents can't get educated enough to know what a good parent is?
Corporations Control the Text Books. In the United States, the largest
textbook publishers are
Pearson Education, Cengage, McGraw-Hill Education, and Wiley. Together
control 90% of market revenue. Another
textbook publisher is Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Corporations Control
the Media -
Controlling the Historical Narrative.
Textbooks are not peer
reviewed. There is
no transparency, no accountability,
no oversight
and no empirical evidence to support the content in textbooks. And
textbooks are not
reviewed and deconstructed by an independent third party
verification of effectiveness and quality,
or if the the information is
factual. Textbooks are not open to public opinion. Textbooks are
shaded by politics,
ideologies and
bias. The content in
textbooks is typically memorized, regurgitated and then forgotten. Almost
every text book is empty and void of valuable knowledge and information,
and this is done by design. There is no reliable guide in producing
textbooks except for
standards, and these standards are also not
peer reviewed. Local agencies or schools
choose textbooks with the
of choice. Curriculum Committees reviews and recommends courses and
programs functioning under policies and procedures set by the academic
senate, either through primary advice to or mutual agreement with the
Educational Malpractice Lawsuit
Providing Inadequate Education -
Educational Negligence -
Constitutional Right to Basic Literacy -
Achievement Gaps
"Texas does not require schools to be accredited, licensed or
approved. But just because a
school is accredited, licensed or approved, this does not make a
school a good school. Only a high quality curriculum that has a
clear purpose can be considered a good school."
Almost every person on the planet knows the importance of a school
education, but not every person on the planet knows the
importance of self
education, and understands that self education is a personal
responsibility. You can not transfer your responsibility of self education
to any school or to any university. What an individual needs is knowledge
and information that gives them a better understanding of themselves and a
better understanding of the world around them. In order to be aware of
your self education needs, you need to start learning the knowledge and
information that is needed to accurately analyze yourself, and then learn
the knowledge and information that is needed to understand.
Every Human being that is born has amazing
potential. But
that potential can never be fully
utilized if a
human does not have
access to a
high quality education,
or has access to
technologies that would help
connect a person
to valuable
knowledge and
information. Potential starts with the human mind. Every
bit of
valuable information that a
person can store in their
increases their potential.
Education is a human right, and a
high quality education needs to be a
Low quality education, low quality food, low quality news, low quality
housing and low quality maintenance of the environment, which ends up with low
quality physical health outcomes and low quality mental health outcomes
for its citizens.
Learning knowledge that has value has many
beneficial qualities, such as being more aware of other possibilities. But
on the other hand, the more you learn about reality on earth, the more
aware you become of the many problems associated with life on earth, and
the many social problems and challenges that people face. The more you
know, the more you see. It's not that I wish I didn't know, I wish that
these problems didn't exist. But they do, and that is the reality. We have
the solutions to our problems, but not the intelligence that's needed to
focus on solving our problems. If we don't improve education, we will
never improve our abilities enough to solve certain problems that plague
our society, such as political corruption, greed, violence, poverty,
cancer, and disinformation. We spend to much time spreading harmful
information and not enough time spreading beneficial information.
Psychosis is a severe
mental disorder in which
contact with reality is lost or highly distorted. Education needs to
define reality in order to
prepare people for the
problems and the challenges that we currently have.
National Survey:
Students’ feelings about high school are mostly negative.
Lost Generations are being produced from a
dumbed down education and a dumbed down media.
Fail State is an
investigative documentary film on
for-profit colleges,
student loan debt, and American
higher education. This
feature-length documentary film chronicles the public policy decisions
and marketing ploys that contributed to the growth of
predatory for-profit colleges
in the 2000s.
Education System is a Racket -
System is a Racket -
War Machine is a Racket -
Corporate Monopolies is a Racket -
Politics is a Racket -
Religion is a Racket -
Money is a RacketThe
institution of education
is controlled and influenced by
religious extremists
far right radicals
who are purposely dumbing down education. The
current education system is like a
lobotomy. It's more about breaking
connections than it is making
connections, there for, you will
never connect the dots
see the whole
A Texas schoolteacher shares how hard teaching has become. (reddit
video) -
Teacher Turnover
Scores in
U.S. history and civics for eighth-graders are down across the U.S.,
according to recent results from the assessment known as the "Nation's
Report Card." This year's history scores are the lowest recorded since the
assessment began in 1994, and the new data mark the first-ever drop in
civics. The history test assesses students in different categories,
including democracy, culture, technology and world role of the U.S.. This
year, there were declines in all those subject areas.
The pandemic is being used as an excuse on student learning. But
students were ignorant before the pandemic. The culture war’s impact on
public schools was about ignorant adults who were under-educated by the
dysfunctional educational system, who now want their children to be even
more under-educated then they are.
Study of long-term student engagement challenges 'one great teacher'
narrative of education. A positive relationship with a teacher at an
early age may help children to feel more engaged with school, but not
necessarily in the long term, new research shows. A new study of more than
3,600 young people in Australia shows that their 'school engagement' --
their interest in school and willingness to learn -- fluctuates between
ages eight and 15, especially during the transition between primary and
secondary education. Relatively few studies have explored how student
engagement develops during early adolescence. Some of those which have,
however, suggest that in the first years of secondary school, student
engagement levels often decline. Mostly because
don't teach valuable knowledge and skills. Schools teach shit by
design. So eventually, students lose interest in learning because they
believe that learning is nothing but shit.
Lonely 12 year-olds less likely to gain employment in adulthood. New
research has found that there is a direct socioeconomic impact of
loneliness in early adolescence. The research found that lonely young
adults are more likely to be out of education, employment, or training and
consider themselves less employable and lower on the economic ladder than
their less lonely peers.
is a person who is unemployed and not receiving an education or vocational
Explicit socioemotional learning can have a key role in PE lessons,
study says. Teachers might be more motivated to help students engage with
their emotions and build their resilience when this work is part of
lessons, rather than as an add-on intervention, a new study has found.
Using socioemotional learning to support children to develop communication
skills, handle stress and accept failure works best as part of everyday
teaching -- rather than when it is not organically linked to the school
life and curriculum.
Doing good in school
doesn't make you intelligent, good grades in school only proves
that you have the
ability to be
intelligent. This means that you have to learn how to be intelligent
on your own. You have to educate yourself using multiple sources for
knowledge and information that can be trusted and verified. Intelligence
is your responsibility. BK101 can get you started on the road to
intelligence, but it's up to you to do the rest of the work that's needed
to be intelligent. BK101 can't make you smart, BK101 can only show you the
path. You still have to walk it. When BK101 becomes a working product,
BK101 could hold your hand while you take this incredible journey through
human consciousness, but until than, you have to take this journey
yourself. There is help along the way, but you have to seek help and
choose help wisely. You are not alone on this path, but you still have to
make decisions on your own.
United States Department of Education is a
department of the United States government. It began operating on May
4, 1980, having been created after the Department of Health, Education,
and Welfare was split into the Department of Education and the Department
of Health and Human Services by the Department of Education Organization
Act, which President Jimmy Carter signed into law on October 17, 1979. The
Department of Education is administered by the United States secretary of
education. It has 4,400 employees – the smallest staff of the Cabinet
agencies – and a 2024 budget of $238 billion. The ED's budget funds
programs like early childhood education, Pell Grants, and special
Most public school funding comes from state and local governments.
Public education spending in the United States falls short of global
benchmarks and lags behind economic growth; K-12 schools spend $857.2
billion or $17,280 per pupil annually. The federal government provides
13.6% of funding for public K-12 education. Public postsecondary schools
spend an average of $30,230 per pupil. Two of the most important federal
funding streams to public schools are: Title I, which provides money to
help districts that
serve lower-income communities.
In 2023, the Education Department received more than $18 billion for Title
Individuals with Disabilities
Education Act), which provides money to help districts serve
students with disabilities. In FY 2024, the department received more than
$15 billion for IDEA. Both of these funding streams were, like the
department itself, created by separate acts of Congress: Title I was
signed into law in 1965, and IDEA was signed into law in 1975. They cannot
be unwound except by Congress. Large changes to either are unlikely, as
the money enjoys broad bipartisan support. Managing college financial aid
and federal student loans. The Education Department is not only
responsible for
managing the federal
student loan portfolio, which amounts to approximately $1.6 trillion
in student loan debt, it's also responsible for the mechanism that gives
students access to college financial aid: the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid, or FAFSA. More than 17 million current and aspiring college
students fill out the FAFSA each year in order to qualify for student
loans, grants and more. For many, it's the only way they can get help
paying for college.
The department has no power
over what's taught in schools. In reality, it is already up to
states to determine what is
taught in classrooms.
Nation's Report Card has long served as a common yardstick for
student achievement, The data
generated by NAEP is then used by educators, policymakers and researchers
to work towards improving K-12 education across the country. But you can't
measure intelligence
with a yard stick, you moron. The lies that you tell are many. When you
pretend to understand student achievement, it means that
ignorance will continue and the world will
continue to suffer from ignorance, an ignorance that has been disguised as
an education.
Below is all the research and information that I collected on education reform since 2008.
I'm not finished organizing it all just yet, but this will give you some
idea about the serious problems that are plaguing our education system.
When we finally improve education and make it available to everyone, we
will then solve every problem on this planet, but until then, millions of
people will
continue to
die every year from things they can avoid. And
corruption and
environmental destruction
will also continue till
our own
extinction if we don't improve education soon. We have been making a
huge and costly mistake with education. The
responsibility of learning and becoming more
knowledgeable is not taught in schools, or is learning encouraged by
society or by the media, and most people don't even know this or are they aware
of it. It's like we are purposely keeping people in the dark about
reality. And we're not helping people to be more aware about better choices
they have, which is totally crazy. People should be more knowledgeable
about the choices we have, because 99 percent of people will always make
the best choice that's available. That's
human nature, that's
the path of
least resistance, that's just
being good because being
good is always better then being wrong or doing something bad. There are
many benefits that come from being good, so everyone should have the right
to be good and have the opportunities to be good. But this right needs the
necessary knowledge and information that helps define and understand what
is good and what is bad. If we don't improve access to valuable knowledge
and information that people need, we will continue to suffer from our
ignorance as we draw ever closer to a
massive meltdown. We don't
need a total collapse in order to rebuild. We don't need to destroy
everything that we have accomplished in order to start a new beginning, we
just need to learn. Everything can be
repurposed and
recycled. So as we are building a new and better world, we can set up the
necessary infrastructure that makes our world more
sustainable and a lot more
healthier. And that
fact is where millions of jobs are. So
everyone will have a job, and our world will continually improve for
millions of years. This means that future generations will only know a
world of intelligent living, and they will only learn about how ignorant
we were from history books, which will describe how our generation
suffered from ignorance and how billions of people suffered from the
dumbing down of
the human mind.
is Murder -
Tracking -
Testing Flaws -
Education News
"The saddest aspect of life right now is that
science gathers knowledge faster then society gathers wisdom."
"Parents teach their children to walk and talk and then
schools teach them to sit-down and shut up."
American Students Haven't Gotten Better at Reading
in 20 Years since 1998.
Math scores have been flat since 2009.
Schools by design make
learning feel like a boring task. This is because people in power
do not want people to know how valuable learning is and how how rewarding
learning is. This is because if people knew this, then people would
realize that schools are dysfunctional and ineffective, and people would
make improvements to every school. And when schools stop discouraging
students from learning, then people would eventually learn that the people
in power who are controlling things, are crazy psychopaths who want people
to stay ignorant. And when people learn this, humans will experience a
great awakening like no other before, and people would eventually solve
all of the problems that have been plaguing life to way to long.
have thousands of memories as a child, but
I have
no memories of learning anything in school. I remember being in
class, I remember the students, I remember my teachers, I remember recess,
but I have not one memory of learning something. I learned how to read, I
learned how to count, but I have no memory of learning how to read or
learning how to count.
Political Corruption has
damaging effects on education. Education forms
the basis and the fabric in which a society is transformed and different
facets of well-being are shaped. Corruption in higher education has been
prevalent and calls for immediate intervention. Increased
corruption in
higher education has led to growing global concern among governments,
students and
educators and other stakeholders. Those offering services in
the higher education institutions are
facing pressure that highly
threatens the integral value of higher education enterprise.
Corruption in
higher education has a larger negative influence, it destroys the relation
between personal effort and reward anticipation. Moreover, employees and
students develop a belief that personal success does not come from hard
work and merit but through canvassing with teachers and taking other
shortcuts. Academic promotions in the higher education institutions have
been disabled by unlimited corruption. Presently, promotion is based on
personal connections than professional achievements. This has led to
dramatic increase in the number of professors and exhibits their rapid
status loss. Utmost the flawed processes in the academic institutions has
led to unbaked graduates who are not well fit to the job market.
Corruption hinders the international standards of an education system.
Additionally, Plagiarism is a form of corruption in academic research,
where it affects originality and disables learning. Individual violations
are in close relation to the operation ways of a system. Furthermore, the
universities may be in relationships and dealings with business and people
in government, which majority of them enroll in doctoral studies without
the undergraduate program. Consequently, money, power and related
influence compromise education standards since they are fueling factors. A
Student may finish thesis report within a shorter time upon which
compromises the quality of work delivered and questions the threshold of
the higher education.
Teacher Turnover.
If you dumb down
education and
dumb down
the media, you can create
dumb people. And
dumb people don't know that they're dumb, so
dumb people can be
easily manipulated, which has been clearly documented. People need a
test that can help them to determine how much ignorance they have. And
people also need to have an
easy way to educate themselves so they can repair their ignorance and
become smart and become aware of their potential.
Dumbing Us Down: Gatto asserts the following regarding what school
does to children: It confuses the students. It presents an
incoherent ensemble of
information that the child needs to
memorize to stay in
school. Apart from the
tests and
trials, this
is similar to the television; it fills almost all the "free" time of
children. One sees and hears something, only to forget it again. It
teaches them to accept their class affiliation. It makes them indifferent.
It makes them emotionally dependent. It makes them intellectually
dependent. It teaches them a kind of self-confidence that requires
constant confirmation by experts (provisional self-esteem). It makes it
clear to them that they cannot hide, because they are always supervised.
John Taylor Gatto (wiki) - (December 15, 1935 – October 25, 2018).
Millions of students enroll in
college each year
across the country and discover that they need to take
remedial education
courses. Teaching students what they
should have
learned in high school. Between 40% and 60% of first-year college
students in the United States require remedial help in English, math, or
both. 56% of African American students and 45% of Latino students enroll
in remedial courses in comparison to 35% of white students. Students are
spending around $1.3 billion on these classes in all 50 states and the
District of Columbia. Schools are a
racket, just like Wars and
Enrollment At U.S. Colleges Down 11% Since 2011. Fewer Students Are
Going To College. Over the last eight years, college enrollment nationwide
has fallen about 11%. Every sector — public state schools, community
colleges, for-profits and private, liberal arts schools — has felt the
decline, though it has been especially painful for small private colleges,
where, in some cases, institutions have been forced to close.
States are putting less money into higher
education, and that's led to an increased reliance on tuition. As
tuition goes up, and grants and scholarships don't keep pace, that's
pushed the cost of college down to students and their families. Without
state investment, institutions are strapped, and so are American families.
New research shows there are about 36 million Americans — mainly adults —
have some college and no
degree. We just don't need free college, we also need to acknowledge
the fact that the majority of jobs asking for a degree right now don't
actually require one to do the job effectively.
Every School and University should have a Warning
Sign on it that says, "We do not provide people with all the
Knowledge and information that they need, so please educate yourselves to
the fullest level possible. We are only here for the people who can't
learn own their own. If you
want to be educated and intelligent, you will have to learn how to teach
yourself, because no one is going to learn for you." Remember that some
schools only give you the illusion of learning,
which is extremely damaging to people and to society.
School Types.

More than 1.5 million U.S. public school students experienced
homelessness during the 2017-2018 school year.
If you're
injured, and
ignorance is an injury,
then you want the best medical care that is available, and you want to
heal properly, without
scars and without any
that would cause you to have more injuries in the future. That is what
everyone wants. And that is what the difference is between a receiving a
high quality education and receiving a poor quality education. A poor
quality education will give you scars and will also make you more
vulnerable to injuries. And that is why every student on the planet needs
high quality education.
Nutrition Benefits.
"If you never
learn to educate yourself,
you will never be educated, even if you go to schools for your entire
Learning needs to be incentivized
so that people can fully understand the importance of knowledge. Then
people will also need easy and effective ways to
Accurately Test Themselves.
After that, people will then need all the facts of the world so they can
solve all the problems and also make all the necessary improvements that
the world needs.
teachers are
just following orders from
school administrators. And school administrators are just following
standards. And standards are
designed by States and Governments. And States and Governments are
controlled by corporations, religious institutions and the wealthy. And
corporations, religious institutions and the wealthy are controlled by
"America use to
be a nation of learners, but now people have stopped learning, and the
people who are learning, are not learning enough, so eventually they too
will stop learning. This is extremely devastating, the horrible
consequences are everywhere."
One thing is for
"We can't solve our problems by using
the same kind of thinking that created our problems."
"Todays education is like teaching someone how to swim in a pond and then
throwing them into a stormy sea." WTF.
Thomas Jefferson noted that laws and
must keep pace with progress of the human mind.
must advance as new discoveries are made, new truths are
discovered, and as opinions and circumstances change. (1816).
Pedagogy of the Oppressed was written by educator Paulo
Freire in 1968. Proposes a pedagogy with a new relationship between
teacher, student, and society. In the book Freire calls traditional
pedagogy the "banking model" because it treats the student as an empty
vessel to be filled with knowledge, like a piggy bank. However, he argues
for pedagogy to treat the learner as a co-creator of knowledge.
Suppressing Knowledge.
Dumbing Down is the
deliberate oversimplification of intellectual
content in education, literature, and cinema, news, video games and
culture. Dumbing-down varies according to subject matter, and usually
involves the
diminishment of critical thought, by
undermining intellectual standards within language
and learning; thus
trivializing meaningful information, culture, and academic standards,
as in the case of
popular culture.
We have absolute
empirical evidence that Americas schools are
inadequate and that schools are not educating students enough.
60 million morons
voted for trump in 2016. And a lot of those
ignorant morons are
still trump supporters. The
also contributes to peoples ignorance. So when we improve education,
people will not be so
naive or easily
fooled. We have a lot of problems to
High School
Musical 4 - SNL (youtube, Season 34, 2009) No one sings or dances in
"The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all; it
is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe
level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent
and originality."
L. Mencken (wiki) -(September 12, 1880 – January 29, 1956).
Factory Model Schools are designed to create
docile subjects and
factory workers, they are in a sense, factories, in which the raw products
(children) are to be shaped and fashioned into products to meet the
various demands of life. The specifications for manufacturing come from
the demands of twentieth-century civilization, and it is the business of
the school to
build its pupils according to the specifications laid down.
The powerful morons in charge
half conscious
robots who randomly think about things and just does the things that
they believe they should be doing, without question and without validity.
Knowledge - Saturday Night Live (youtube) - Steve Martin: 10/17/87 -
Sketch makes fun of how little they teach students in schools.
problems with education have been talked about
for over 200 years. We
have made a lot of improvements to education, but these small improvements
were not at the same pace as our advancements in knowledge. So the
education improvements that are about to be made will be one of the
biggest advancements ever made. But this will take a lot of work, so here
we go.
An Ounce of Prevention is
Worth a Pound of Cure.
774 million people in the
world are illiterate and
two thirds are women.
Low health
Literacy cost the U.S. 238 billion per year.
About 30 million
people, 14 percent of the US population 16 and older, have trouble with
basic reading and writing. 18 million adults don’t read well enough to earn
a living wage. 63% of prison inmates can’t read.
Americas education
system is like a
Chinese Reeducation Camp, which is like
Detention for your Mind. Torture does not work. Forced injections
don't work. If you truly want to
brainwash people,
you have to be subtle about it, like America and other countries do. Give
people just enough freedom so they don't ask questions.
"All this will not
be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the
first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even
perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But
let us begin." -
President John F. Kennedy Inaugural
Address in Washington, D.C. January 20, 1961.
Films about Education
Grosse Pointe
teacher roasts board of education in intense resignation speech
Finland doesn't necessarily have a better education system,
because when you
Finland's Education System to other shitty education systems around the
Finland's Education System is just less shitty.
Education is a Human Right
Would you want someone you don't know to have the power to
modify your DNA without ever
telling you why? No, of course not. Then why would you give someone you
don't know the power to modify your education without ever telling you why
or how it was modified?
Knowledge has always been sacred. Life's information should never be
ignorantly tampered with or censored. And no one has the right to alter
education quality or education quantity.
What would the world look like when everyone is highly educated
and intelligent? I would not use the word utopia, because the reality of
life requires a lot work, which means that there will never be a jobless
person. Intelligent people understand the responsibilities of life.
Intelligent people strive to make work and maintenance simple and easy and
less problematic. The goal is to be in
perfect equilibrium with life
and the planet, giving people plenty of free time to explore more and
learn more. Forever advancing.
History of Education

We have come a long way, but we still have a long way to go...
Prussian Education System refers to the system of education
established in Prussia as a result of educational reforms in the late 18th
and early 19th century, which has had widespread influence since. The
education system was introduced as a basic concept in the late
18th century and was significantly enhanced after Prussia's defeat in the
early stages of the
Napoleonic Wars. The Prussian educational reforms inspired other
countries and remains important as a biopower in the Foucaultian sense for
relates to the practice of modern nation states and their regulation of
their subjects through "an explosion of numerous and diverse techniques
for achieving the subjugations of bodies and the
control of populations.
Michel Foucault address the relationship between
power and knowledge,
and how they are used as a form of
social control
Horace Mann (wiki) -
John Dewey (wiki)
"The effect of
education (παιδεία) and the lack of it on our nature". (
1840 - America was a nation of readers
with a 93% to
100% Literacy Rates. Education was private and
decentralized. But knowledge and information was
censored and
fragmented as it is
now. So
information access
was a problem and knowledge organization was also a problem then, just as
it is now. BK101 is the book that everyone needs, but very little people
know about BK101. And almost 200 years later, the descendants of those
ignorant scumbags that were in power in 1840, have continued their corrupt
scumbag behavior that was past on to them, while everyone else receives
very little knowledge and information. So the same scumbags then are still
here now, just a different year. Your privilege is being a scumbag with no
Compulsory Education refers to a period of education that is
required of all people and is imposed by government.
General Education Board (wiki) -
Corporate take over of
Education -
Taylor Gates (wiki)
Flexner Report
talked about the need for revamping and centralizing medical institutions.
and natural medicines were
suppressed and some
doctors were jailed. The Report also concluded that there were too many
medical schools in the United States, and that too many doctors were being
Physical Health Education.
When The Education System was Hijacked, Dumbed Down and
Manipulated (youtube)
The Country School of To-morrow (Frederick T. Gates
Published 1913)
When the Corporate World Hijacked, Dumbed Down and Manipulated the Healthcare System and Medical Schools (youtube)
Corporate Takeover of our Education System Timeline.
Curriculum is a side effect of an education, which are learned but not
openly intended, such as the transmission of norms, values, and beliefs
conveyed in the classroom and the social environment.
Correspondence Principle in sociology is the relationship between a
person’s social standing and the type of education that is received at
1910 to 1940 -
High School Movement describes the era from 1910 to 1940
during which secondary schools sprouted across the United States.
1927 - The National Association of
Manufacturers complained that 40 percent of high school
graduates could not perform simple arithmetic or accurately
express themselves in English.
- Study complained that newfangled teaching methods were
forcing out basic instruction in phonics: “teachers...conspire
against pupils in their efforts to learn.
1940 - Survey of business executives “found that by large
margins they believed recent graduates were inferior to the
previous generation in arithmetic, written English, spelling,
geography, and world affairs.
1943 - Test by the New York Times found that only 29 percent of
college freshmen knew that St. Louis was on the Mississippi,
only 6 percent knew the original thirteen states of the Union,
and some students even thought Lincoln was the first president.
1947 - The Time’s education editor published a book titled
Our Children Are Cheated. In it, businessmen lamented the poor
state of American schools.
Segregation -
1951 - Test in LA found that more
than half of eighth graders couldn’t calculate 8 percent sales tax on an
$8 purchase. The newspapers complained that students couldn’t even tell
1962 - Gallup poll found “just 21 percent looked at books even
The End of Education is a book by Neil Postman about public
education in America.
1983 - Reagan’s National Commission on Excellence in Education
declared that our failing schools made us A Nation At Risk.
1988 - The chairman of Xerox warned that “public education has
put this country at a terrible competitive disadvantage.
1993 - The vast majority of Americans do not know that they
do not have the skills to earn a living in our increasingly
technological society and international marketplace.
1995 - The chairman of IBM told state governors that our
schools needed higher standards for an era that demands
improvements in skills if Americans are to succeed in the world
1997 -
China Privatized Universities.
100,000 NYC School Children Face Airport-Style Security
Screening Every Day.
Higher Education Failures -
Earth Timeline
2003 -
Underground History of American Education is a
Schoolteacher’s Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern
Schooling, is a critique of the United States education system by John
Taylor Gatto.
2012 - State And
Local School Funding Has Declined In Most States Since 2008. Spending on
schools in at least 23 states will be lower this school year than it was
in 2008.
2020 - How corporations
are forcing their way into America’s public schools. We’re being hijacked:
In the expanding effort to privatize the nation’s public education system,
an ominous, less-understood strain of the movement is the corporate
influence in
Career and Technical
Education that is shaping the K-12 curriculum in local communities.
Many parents, teachers and local officials are worried that major
corporations including Amazon, Ford and Cisco—rather than educators and
local, democratic governance—are deciding what students learn in local
Schools systematically fail to recognize the best teachers who make the
biggest impact in improving pupils' success rates.
The best advice that you can give a student.
School is not the place where you will be doing your most
important learning. 80% of the worlds most valuable knowledge
and information is not going to be found in schools. Your most
important learning will be done by you
actively seeking out the
worlds most valuable knowledge and information, by researching,
by talking, by reading, by experiencing. So until schools
finally merge
with reality, you're on your own, and your education is your
responsibility, sorry, but that's the way it is, for now anyway.
"The responsibility of learning is yours,
don't depend on someone else to do the learning for you."
"The one thing that is causing most of our problems is the one thing that
we failed to fix and improve, and that was education."
biggest fraud being perpetrated on the public is making people
believe that they are receiving a quality education, when in
fact they are not. When the public finally realizes this fraud,
there will be an uprising and a great awakening like no other
human advancement in human history."
"A good school is not necessarily the one that spends the most.
A good teacher is not necessarily the one who has a master’s degree or has
the most experience. We found there are big differences across schools and
they are not closely related to our common ways of judging the quality of
Children of the CodeAdolescence is a critical time of formative growth and brain
development second only to infancy.
The single best investment we can make is guaranteeing access
to free, quality secondary education,” explains Professor
Patton. “Every year of education beyond age 12 is associated
with fewer births for adolescent girls and fewer adolescent
deaths for boys and girls. A healthy, educated workforce has the
potential to shape a country’s economic prospects.”
Schools don't teach enough, but
you will never know the things that schools are not teaching you
until you learn the things that schools are not teaching you.
You will never know how
ignorant you are, until you learn the knowledge that makes
you aware of your ignorance. You don't know that you're missing
knowledge until you acquire that knowledge that makes you
that you were missing knowledge. Almost every problem that we
have comes from not knowing something. Fear comes from not
something, anxiety comes from not knowing something. That is why
learning the right things at the right time is so extremely
important. Once something is known and understood, then it is no
longer an unseen problem, it becomes a problem that you are now
aware of, a problem that can be solved.
do you know that you know enough?
99% of people alive
today don't know that they are extremely undereducated. And less then 1%
of the people who think they know what a good education should be, don't
want people to be educated. This is because highly educated people can
think for themselves, which would make it hard for the rich and powerful
to control and manipulate people at will. So over a 100 years ago dumbing
down all schools and Universities went into effect. It was not a well
though out plan. And sadly that plan worked so well that 99% of the people
alive today don't know that they are extremely undereducated. But the
ignorant people who devised this plan had no idea how many millions of
people would be murdered and how much destruction it would cause, for if
they did, they would have improved education and made education more
available. For it's pretty obvious now that improving education would have
been a much better plan.
Education will be like Everyone Winning the Lottery
knowledge and information is our greatest strength and power.
But too much of todays knowledge and information is not being
effectively transferred, so our greatest asset is being
When people are more informed they make better decisions and
make better choices. But we are doing an extremely poor job when
it comes to informing people.
Humans are better then this. Everyone has potential, but
everyone needs the knowledge and information that will make them
realize their potential, if not, then that potential is wasted
and underutilized.
If education was more effective and efficient in the transfer of
knowledge, and also gave people a higher quality of skills and
intelligence, naturally people would choose that particular
education over other forms of education. People want to be smart
and skillful, because they know their life will have less problems and have more opportunities.
Who decides what is taught in our schools? Not you.
The main problem with schools is that they make learning tedious, obscure and irrelevant,
which causes students to never fully understand
the true power
of learning. So schools create dysfunctional learners, which is
the most damaging thing that you can do to a person, and to the
future of our world. Everyone knows that kids love to learn, so what are you doing to our children?
Achievement Gap - Knowledge Gap
Education Index is a major component of
well-being and is used in the measure of
development and
quality of life, which is a key factor determining whether a
country is a developed,
Developing, or underdeveloped nation.
Education Report Card (PDF)
We have an achievement gap, but we certainly don't have an
ignorance gap. More ignorance is not an achievement.
Achievement Gap -
Knowledge Gap
Closing the
achievement gap, while at the same time, increasing
achievement to the highest level possible, for everyone.
"There's no
Achievement Gap, there's only dumb and dumber, you need to
measure the things that are important and accurate."
We report to the American people that while we can take
justifiable pride in what our schools and colleges have
historically accomplished and contributed to the United States
and the well-being of its people, the educational foundations of
our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of
mediocrity that threatens our very future as a Nation and a
people. What was unimaginable a generation ago has begun to
occur--others are matching and surpassing our educational
A Nation At Risk - April 1983"The education problem is systemic, it
affects the entire system."
Better-Educated Population Could Boost US Economy by Trillions.
By matching the average scores received by Canadian children,
the US economy could increase by $10 trillion by 2025 and $57.4 trillion
by 2075, which will make us debt free, forever.
Education News -
Equitable Growth -
Years of Potential Life
Lost is also related to the years
that are lost from
being ignorant, or doing ignorant things.
The Disability-Adjusted Life Year
is a measure of overall
Disease Burden, with the disease being ignorance in this
Mortality Attributable to Low Levels of Education in the United
States, of course this study does not explain all the damage
that is done by undereducated people, because undereducated
people did the study. For now, we have no educated people,
because a complete high quality education does not exist any
where on this planet. But soon there will be.
171 million people could be lifted out of
poverty by acquiring
basic reading skills. 4 Million child deaths were prevented by
educating more women.
Learning For All.
New Global Education Monitoring Report 2016. Education for people and
planet: Creating sustainable futures for all.
Schools that are ineffective can
penalize a child for life. The student who
leaves school without completing upper secondary education or
without the relevant skills has fewer life prospects. This can
be seen in lower initial and lifetime earnings, more
difficulties in adapting to rapidly changing knowledge-based
economies, and higher risks of unemployment. The same child is
also less likely to take up further learning opportunities and
less able to participate fully in the civic and democratic
aspects of modern societies. Educational failure also imposes
high costs on society. Poorly educated people limit economies’
capacity to produce, grow and innovate. School failure damages
social cohesion and mobility, and imposes additional costs on
public budgets to deal with the consequences – higher spending
on public health and social support and greater criminality,
among others. For all these reasons, improving equity in
education and reducing school failure should be a high priority
in all
education policy agendas.
Quality in Education
Seely Brown: Tinkering as a Mode of Knowledge Production (youtube)
Seely Brown Lecture on Learning in the Digital Age (youtube)
John Seely Brown
The Government takes your money and then they stab you in the back...The federal government
allocated approximately $141 billion on education in fiscal year
2014. "Just throwing money at a problem does no solve a problem,
you need
Nations Report Card is a joke, they have no idea how to
accurately measure how ineffective education system really is.
Nations Report Card.
Assessment of Educational Progress in Various Subjects -
Assessment of Educational Progress -
Stats (teaching resources)
International Student Assessment (wiki)
Education in the United States (wiki)
Is There A Better Way To Pay For America's Schools? (NPR)
School Spending (image)
These are among the best incompetent and corrupt schools that we
National Rankings Best High Schools.
How they
calculated the rankings has the same defective flaws as
testing has.
giving a person the most valuable knowledge and information they
need should be illegal and against the law.
If you are not sure which valuable knowledge and information a
person needs, then that would be your first step, information
that they need, knowledge and information that would increase
their understanding of them selves and knowledge and information
that would increase their understanding of the world around
them. We have to create an accurate way to effectively and
efficiently assess a persons level of knowledge. Then make the
knowledge the need accessible and easy to use.
Dropping Out - Leaving School before Graduating
Every year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in
the United States alone. That’s a student every 26 seconds – or
7,000 a day. About 25% of high school freshmen fail to graduate
from high school on time. The U.S., which had some of the
highest graduation rates of any developed country, now ranks
22nd out of 27 developed countries. The dropout rate has fallen
3% from 1990 to 2010 (12.1% to 7.4%). The percentage of
graduating Latino students has significantly increased. In 2010,
71.4% received their diploma vs. 61.4% in 2006. However,
Asian-American and white students are still far more likely to
graduate than Latino & African-American students. Almost 2,000
high schools across the U.S. graduate less than 60% of their students.
Having schools that are a
dropout factory and
tracking students
should be illegal.
Dropout is to
leave school or an educational program prematurely. A person who has
abandoned a course of study or who has rejected conventional society to
pursue an alternative lifestyle. To withdraw
from established society, especially because of disillusion with
conventional values.
Leavers are young people who have
just left school because they
have completed their time there, instead of continuing on to a college or
university. A person who has
not yet entered employment. It can also
mean the
lack of job opportunities, particularly for school leavers.
White students at Northeastern Illinois
University are five times more likely to graduate than Black students and
more than three times more likely to graduate than Latino students.
Famous Drop Outs -
Dropout Rates -
Teacher Drop Out Rate
But even if you do graduate,
it's not saying that you are more prepared or even smarter. That is the sad part.
Ninety-three percent of high school seniors say they intend to
go to college, but 1 in 10 of those never apply.
Between 10 and 15 percent of those who are admitted never
register for classes.
Of those who do show up, only 59 percent of four-year college
freshmen, and just 29 percent of two-year college freshmen,
actually get that diploma in a reasonable length of time.
3.6 Million graduate high school each year in the U.S..
Higher Education Problems
These “
dropout factories” account for over 50% of the students
who leave school every year. 1 in 6 students attend a dropout
factory. 1 in 3 minority students (32%) attend a dropout
factory, compared to 8% of white students.
In the U.S., high school dropouts commit about 75% of crimes.
the real punishment is our failing education system.
But Dropouts are only part of the problem, it's the students who
do graduate, they are not even close to being educated. They may
commit less street crime, but they do more damage, and they also
commit other crimes like
white collar crimes.
In 2020 an estimated 3
million students may have dropped out of school learning since March. A
study cited a lack of Internet access, housing insecurity, disabilities
and language barriers as major obstacles to attending virtual classes
during the pandemic.
Education is a Human Right - Education needs to be done
Every Child on Earth should have the Right to the Highest Quality Education that is Available.
Educate America Act - To
improve learning and teaching by providing a national
framework for education reform; to promote the research,
consensus building, and systemic changes needed to ensure
equitable educational opportunities and
high levels of
educational achievement for all students; to provide a framework
for reauthorization of all Federal education programs; to
promote the development and adoption of a voluntary national
system of skill standards and certifications; and for other
Staff must be encouraged to work together to analyze student
curriculum needs, develop a broad instruction plan, set information
literacy goals, and design specific unit and lesson plans that integrate
the information skills and classroom content. Educators can also
collaborate on teaching and assessment duties, teaching methods,
procedures and feed back they receive from students. (103
rd Congress, 2
Session, January 25, 1994).
Freedom of Information
Rights to Access
Information and Knowledge -
Inclusion Education -
Progressive Education -
Hope PC
Accessible is something capable of
read with
comprehension. Capable of being reached and easily obtained. Accessibility
is the quality of being at hand when needed.
Educational Malpractice is when an
incompetent teacher or school provides
education, leaving a person functionally illiterate or simply
unprepared for the real world, or that the
instruction didn’t prepare the student for suitable employment. Schools
breached their duty to provide students with an adequate education in
basic academic skills, that
school officials misled students into believing that their skills were
at the appropriate grade level, or that the schools didn’t properly test
children or place them in the right classes or programs. If an incompetent
doctor provides substandard care that leaves you with ongoing physical
problems, then you can sue for medical malpractice.
Educational Malpractice Laws -
Higher Education Fraud
U.S. Department of
Education -
How to Sue
a School -
History Propaganda
Educational Negligence is the failure
of a school teacher or parent or legal guardian to provide for a child's
basic educational needs, or negligently failed to provide a student with
adequate skills. The
negligence caused the plaintiff
harm, and as
a result, the plaintiff
suffered losses or
Schools and Universities need to have a warning label that says, "Warning, your kids will not be
educated enough,
advisory for
inadequate content."
A High School Education is
not a real education. A college education is
not a real education. 80% of the most important knowledge comes from
directed learning, not from schools. Your education begins when you
asking real questions. You need answers, not opinions or beliefs. You need
facts, not vague ideas or half truths. Your job as a student is to
investigate things, and not to imagine things. Don't confuse your human
intelligence for military intelligence. Our
war is against ignorance,
starting with yourself, then everyone else. People naively believe that if
they go to school they will receive an education. Your education is not
found in schools or in universities, your education is
self taught and
deliberate.. You have to
ask questions and
filter all the information in order to get good answers, answers that
are useful to you and valuable to know. Schools can teach you how to read
and write, but you're the one who's responsible for the rest of your
education, which is around 80 percent of the knowledge and information
that schools don't teach you. If you learn one thing from school, it
should be that you learn that schools are dumbed down, and that you are
the one who has to smarten up.
dumbed down education is an Adversarial Attack on the human mind. How
can you have good teachers when you have a dumbed down education system?
If you under educate everyone, where do good teachers come from? If you
don't teach enough, then students don't learn enough and teachers will not
teach enough?
Scumbags dumbed down education, which can cause
mental health problems. Then scumbag pharmaceuticals companies make drugs
to try treat mental health problems, instead of fixing the root cause of
mental health problems, which is a dumbed down education.
Duty of Care is the
obligation to
provide services that meet
reasonable standards.
All public-school students shall have the right to a high-quality public
education that provides them with the
skills necessary
to fully participate in the economy, our democracy, and our society
Judges will give
invalid arguments and
be living examples of an
inadequate education. So
it's hard to prove that the teachers or schools were responsible for a
student’s academic shortfalls, because there are many other factors that may play an
important role in learning, and there is also no uniform
standard of care for
providing an adequate education, which is the problem.
False Advertising -
Students around the world suffered historic setbacks in reading and math
during the COVID-19 pandemic, with declines in test scores so widespread
that the United States climbed in global rankings simply by falling behind
less sharply, a new study finds. These setbacks are small when compared to
the biggest problem, which is the dumb down education system. The damage
from a dumb down education has been constant for years.
Academic Freedom is the freedom of teachers, students, and academic
institutions to pursue knowledge wherever it may lead, without undue or
unreasonable interference.
successfully sued in Gary B. v. Snyder to establish that there is a
constitutional right to basic literacy. Due
Process Clause protects a fundamental right to access literacy. Along with
racial and social justice, literacy is a fundamental human right, just
like any other liberty we enjoy. The equal protection clause of the 14th
Amendment requires that when a state establishes a public school system,
no child living in that state may be denied equal access to schooling. All
public-school students shall have the right to a high-quality public
education that provides them with the skills necessary to fully
participate in the economy, our democracy, and our society. Children in
poorer districts deserve the same excellent education as children in
richer districts.
Literacy Bill of Rights
is the right to an opportunity to learn to read and write. Opportunity
involves engagement in active participation in tasks performed with high
success. The right to have accessible, clear, meaningful, culturally and
linguistically appropriate texts at all times.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a
United States
Federal Law that governs the access of educational information and
records to public entities such as potential employers, publicly funded
educational institutions, and foreign governments.
Right to Education is a universal entitlement to education.
This is recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and
Cultural Rights as a
human right that includes the right to free,
compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary
education accessible to all, in particular by the progressive introduction
of free secondary education, as well as an obligation to develop equitable
access to higher education, ideally by the progressive introduction of
free higher education. 2017, almost 70 million children across the world
are prevented from going to school each day. The right to education also
includes a responsibility to provide basic education for individuals who
have not completed primary education. In addition to these access to
education provisions, the right to education encompasses the obligation to
rule out discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set
minimum standards and to improve the quality of education.
#righttoeducation -
Right to Education Project.
Universal Primary Education is to ensure that by 2015, children
everywhere, boys and girls alike will be able to complete a full course of
primary schooling. Education is vital to meeting all other Millennium
Development Goals: Educating children gives the next generation the tools
to fight poverty and prevent disease, including malaria and AIDS. Despite
the significance of investing in education, the recent report, Fixing the
Broken Promise of Education for All: Findings from the Global Initiative
on Out-of-School Children—produced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics and
UNICEF found that the world has missed this 2015 target of universal
primary education, and there are currently 58 million children, of primary
school age, out of school worldwide.
Education For All is a global movement led by UNESCO (United Nation
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), aiming to meet the
learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015.
Education refers to a period of
education that is
required of all people and is imposed by the government. This
education may take place at a registered school or at other places.
Compulsory schooling means that parents are obliged to send their children
to a certain school. Social and Cultural Rights requires, within a
reasonable number of years, the principle of compulsory education free of
charge for all. If we are going to make
mandatory, it must be the
best education
available. Society does not need any more
mindless consumers or
mindless workers who are dependent on the system. society needs
intelligent citizens who can
think for themselves and be
self managing
contributors of society.
Mandatory Voting.
Higher Education Act of 1965 was legislation signed into United States
law on November 8, 1965, as part of President
Lyndon Johnson's Great Society
domestic agenda. The law was intended "to strengthen the educational
resources of our colleges and universities and to provide financial
assistance for students in postsecondary and
higher education". It
increased federal money given to universities, created scholarships, gave
low-interest loans for students, and established a National Teachers
Corps. The "financial assistance for students" is covered in Title IV of
the HEA. In January 1965, President Lyndon Johnson told Congress that
higher education was
"no longer a luxury but a necessity" and urged Congress to enact
legislation to expand access to college. The Higher Education Act of 1965
was reauthorized in 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1986, 1992, 1998, and 2008.
The current authorization for the programs in the Higher Education Act
expired at the end of 2013 but has been extended through 2014 while
Congress prepares changes and amendments. Before each re-authorization,
Congress amends additional programs, changes the language and policies of
existing programs, or makes other changes.
Grant is a subsidy the U.S. federal government provides for students
who need it to pay for college. Federal Pell Grants are limited to
students with financial need, who have not earned their first bachelor's
degree, or who are enrolled in certain post-baccalaureate programs,
through participating institutions. Originally known as a Basic
Educational Opportunity Grant, it was renamed in 1980 in honor of
Democratic U.S. Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island. A Pell Grant is
generally considered the foundation of a student's financial aid package,
to which other forms of aid are added.
Texas Gov. Greg
Abbott says his state shouldn't have to provide free public schooling
to undocumented students, despite a long-standing Supreme Court decision
that says the opposite. In its ruling, the
Supreme Court said the Texas
legislation violated the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause and
would create a distinct
which Texas has profited from for many years. In response to Abbot's
remarks, the
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, which filed the
original case on behalf of four families whose children were denied a
public education, sharply criticized the governor. Texas businesses have
profited from
low paying
migrant workers, and now the governor wants these migrant workers
punished even more. Greg Abbott hates women, he hates children and hates
people in general. Now he wants to violate constitutional rights of
people, this means he also hates America. So who voted for this
psychopath? Haters who are undereducated and ill-informed? This is just
another publicity
stunt to defraud voters who hate immigrants.
Knowledge Divide.
is any intentional, unjustified, unauthorized, or illegal absence from
compulsory education. It is a deliberate absence by a student's own free
will and usually does not refer to legitimate excused absences, such as
ones related to medical conditions.
Neglect of a Dependent is when a person
having the care of a dependent, whether assumed voluntarily or because of
a legal obligation, who knowingly or intentionally: (1) places the
dependent in a situation that
endangers the dependent's
life or health; (2) abandons or
cruelly confines the dependent;
deprives the dependent of
necessary support; or (4)
deprives the
dependent of education as required by law; commits neglect of a
dependent, a Level 6
person on earth has the
right to reach their potential. This is what God has given us, and no
person on this beautiful earth has the
right to
impeded or
restrict another persons potential. If a human has the ability to be
intelligent, then it's a persons God given
right to be
Bill for the More General Diffusion of Knowledge
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a United States
federal law that governs the
access to educational
information and records by public entities such as potential
employers, publicly funded educational institutions, and foreign
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act whether it's a
financial disability, or some other
social disability, such as being
subjected to a
inadequate education.
Land-Grant University is an institution of
higher education in the
United States designated by a state to receive the benefits of the Morrill
Acts of 1862 and 1890. The mission of these institutions as set forth in
the 1862 Act is to focus on the teaching of practical agriculture,
science, military science, and engineering (though "without
excluding...classical studies") as a response to the industrial revolution
and changing social class. This mission was in contrast to the historic
practice of higher education to focus on a liberal arts curriculum. A 1994
expansion gave land-grant status to several tribal colleges and
Tribal Colleges and Universities are a category of
higher education,
minority-serving institutions defined in the Higher Education Act of 1965.
Each qualifies for funding under the Tribally Controlled Colleges and
Universities Assistance Act of 1978 (25 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) or the Navajo
Community College Act (25 U.S.C. 640a note); or is cited in section 532 of
the Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act of 1994 (7 U.S.C. 301
note). These educational institutions are distinguished by being
controlled and operated by American Indian tribes; they have become part
of American Indians' institution-building in order to pass on their own
cultures. The first was founded by the Navajo Nation in 1968 in Arizona,
and several others were established in the 1970s. As of 1994, they have
been authorized by Congress as land-grant colleges. Presently, there are
32 fully accredited Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs) in the United
States, with one formal candidate for accreditation.
Minority-Serving Institution make up a category of educational
establishments (federally recognized Title IV colleges and universities)
based on either historical origin or enrollment criteria (typically the
percentage of enrolled minorities at a particular school). Such schools
are eligible for federal funding under Title III of the Higher Education
Act of 1965. Until 2007, no federal legislation existed concerning Asian
American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Serving Institutions. The College
Cost Reduction and Access Act of 2007 made history, because it federally
recognized the existence of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) serving
institutions, making them eligible to be designated as minority serving
US college enrollment has dropped in the
past decade by nearly 1.5 million students, or by about 7.4%.
At least 59 public or nonprofit colleges have closed, merged, or
announced closures or mergers since March 2020. Nearly 80% of colleges
closed between 2004-2020 were for-profit schools.
Student Rights to Education
1: No student shall be unlawfully denied an equal
educational opportunity or be unlawfully discriminated against
because of national origin, race, religion, economic status,
sex, pregnancy, marital status, previous arrest, previous
incarceration, or a physical, mental or sensory handicap.
2: All students possess the constitutional right to
freedom of speech and press, the constitutional right to
peaceably assemble and to petition the government and its
representatives for a redress of grievances, the constitutional
right to the free exercise of religion and to have their schools
free from sectarian control or influence, subject to reasonable
limitations upon the time, place, and manner of exercising such
First Amendment.
3: All students possess the constitutional right to be
secure in their persons, papers, and effects against
unreasonable searches and seizures.
4: All students shall have the right to be free from
unlawful interference in their pursuit of an education while in
the custody of a common school district.
5: No student shall be deprived of the right to an equal
educational opportunity in whole or in part by a school district
without due process of law.
Freedom of Information.
In 2000, 164 nations got
together and pledged "
For All" by 2015. Education for All Global Monitoring
Report, 58 million children do not attend primary school. And
the worst part is, the ones going to schools and universities
are not getting a complete high quality education.
No Lost
Generation"A person can better serve their country
and their community when they have above average intelligence rather then
having below average intelligence, and that is a
fact of life."
Students for Academic Freedom - The Student Bill of Right & The Academic Bill of Rights
The Global Learning Crisis — and what to do about it: Amel Karboul
(video and text)
The most important infrastructure we have is educated
Learning Generation.
One of the best ways to improve life is by
organizing mutual agreements with everyone around
you. But to do this effectively and efficiently, society needs
people to be educated to the highest level possible. Because
without having a high degree of knowledge, people find it
extremely difficult to negotiate agreements with other people.
Everyone on the planet knows the value of a good education. So
we have to make sure that everyone shares this extremely
valuable resource, a resource that pays for itself, because the
returns on this investment are
enormously profitable, a profit not measured by money,
a profit measured by the improved quality of life that people
will benefit from. A life that is healthier, happier, more
sustainable, more fair, and with more possibilities and more potential.
"Education should
be a
Feed Back Loop."
We need to create a way for
people to easily
educate and inform themselves. The knowledge
and information that's being transmitted through
the media needs
to beneficial and valuable, so that people can continually learn
how to improve their lives, and improve their world.
Having great teachers doesn't matter if you're teaching the same
old inadequate curriculum. If
you're not learning the most valuable knowledge that the world
has to offer, then
grades are pointless. If
education is not teaching students the best and the most
valuable knowledge, information and skills that
the world has accumulated up to this date, then what are schools
really doing? Schools are blowing an incredible opportunity to
create intelligent people. Intelligent people who could solve
every problem and make
this world a beautiful place for all its inhabitants.
The Love of Learning should
never be impeded or discouraged in anyway shape or form.
"If school's are not
contributing to the overall intelligence of students, then what
are they doing?"
"Leave no one behind? Everyone is behind
you freaking moron."
teachers will need to be retrained; it's time to educate the
educators and teach the teachers.
Teacher quality is the single biggest school-based influencer on
student achievement. The methods that we use to share information and knowledge is
going to get a huge upgrade, and, the amount and the quality of
knowledge and information that we share will also get a huge
upgrade. We have only witnessed a small amount of what human
potential is capable of doing. The potential that awaits us is
finally going to reveal to us what human intelligence is all
about. We have just begun, but we are catching on fast.
Informed Consent -
Wasted Research
Teachers become Healthier when they Learn -
Teaching Teachers (PDF)
12 states that made especially
deep cuts to education, more than the Great Recession. And they
haven't yet restored school funding. Texas slashed school funding the
most, with per-pupil spending 20 percent lower than in 2008. Teachers are
earning less in 42 states than they did a decade ago. Texas, Oklahoma,
Alabama, Kentucky, Kansas, Michigan, West Virginia, Utah, North Carolina,
Arizona, Mississippi, Idaho.
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights is a
multilateral treaty adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 16
December 1966 and came in force from 3 January 1976. It commits its
parties to work toward the granting of economic, social, and cultural
rights (ESCR) to the Non-Self-Governing and Trust Territories and
individuals, including labour rights and the right to health, the right to
education, and the right to an adequate standard of living. As of July
2020, the Covenant has 171 parties. A further four countries, including
the United States, have signed but not ratified the Covenant. The ICESCR
(and its Optional Protocol) is part of the International Bill of Human
Rights, along with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR),
including the latter's first and second Optional Protocols. The Covenant
is monitored by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
free universal primary education,
generally available secondary education and equally accessible higher
education. This should be directed to "the full development of the human
personality and the sense of its dignity", and enable all persons to
participate effectively in society (Articles 13 and 14).
Educating Women
If we were to educate every women on the
planet we could improve this world over night. Women have
always had the power of positive influence and a better insight to what’s
important. Ask any Mother. Ask any child of a Mother. Mothers have an
incredible intimate relation with life that no man could ever experience.
Women represent 70 percent of the worlds poor, they perform 66 percent of
the worlds work and produce 50 percent of the food, but women only earn 10
percent of the income and own 1 percent of the property.
Gender Issues
Women for
MMountain 2 Mountain
10x10act (youtube)
Shabana Basij-Rasikh
Speaks on International Day of the Girl (youtube)
United Nations
Girls’ Education Initiative
Azure Antoinette speaks on
International Day of the Girl
of Nepal
Womens Global
Day of the
International Day of the Girl Child (wiki)
Women Thrive
Girl Rising
Girl Up
Rania of Jordan knows girls can change the world
Malala Fund
Global Fund For Women
Leymah Gbowee: Unlock the intelligence Passion Greatness of
Girls (video)
Girl Child
Khalida Brohi: How I work to protect
women from honor killings
Half the Sky Movement
Laura Boushnak: For these women Reading is a daring act
for Women
Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard; Good Education Helps
Violence against Women
Help Rainn Wilson Educate Girls in rural Haiti
Gender Bias in Textbooks (PDF)
Girls Education Facts (PDF)
GoldieBlox, Rube Goldberg, Beastie Boys "Princess Machine" (a
concert for little girls)
African American Girls (PDF)
Kakenya Ntaiya: A Girl Who Demanded School (video)
(She's a great example of why education is so extremely
Veerni mission is to educate and empower girls and women of rural Rajasthan so they can lead healthy and productive
lives free from poverty, coercion and disease.
Spill-over effects show prioritizing education of very poorest improves
attainment of all. International development projects that target the
education of the world's very poorest children also significantly improve
other young people's attainment, research indicates. The findings are
based on a study of a program targeting marginalized girls in Tanzania,
which showed the attainment of other boys and girls at these pupils'
schools significantly improved through 'spill-over' effects. For every
$100 spent per girl, all students made the equivalent of two years of
learning gains. The team tested their model by analysing a programme by
CAMFED (the Campaign for Female Education) in Tanzania, which supports the
education of disadvantaged girls. The study was carried out by members of
the Research for Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre at the
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge.
To Learn is to be Free: Shameem Akhtar (video and text)
"If it
were not for women, humans never would have survived this long. Our best
is yet to come."
In most developing countries, fewer than 50 percent of girls complete primary school,
according to the United Nations. And the ones who do complete
primary school are not given an inadequate education, which
would be an education that will prepare them and provide them
with potential.
Together Girls (2014) 1:15 (video) -
The Atlas
of Beauty
Mihael Anoroc
Ms. Foundation
for Women
...Brides for Sale (youtube music video)
Problems women face in the workplace - Close to 40 percent of women with engineering degrees either
leave the profession or never enter the field. Engineering
workplace is unfriendly and even hostile to women. Engineering
has the highest turnover of women. Women faced the same issues
in the fields of aerospace, biotech and computer software. 17
percent of women left engineering because of caregiving reasons,
companies did not offer flexible enough work-life policies that
met their concerns.
Hostile Work Environment
Glass Ceiling
is a metaphor used to represent an invisible barrier that prevents a given
demographic (typically applied to minorities) from rising beyond a certain
level in a hierarchy.
Work Life Balance
Work at Home Parent.
Maryam Mirzakhani is the first women to be given a
Fields Medal, finally!
This Women Understands Education
more then 90% of all Americans
Sakena Yacoobi:How I stopped the Taliban from shutting down my
school (Video and Text) -
Sakena Yacoobi provides teacher training to Afghan women,
supporting education for girls and boys throughout the country.
Photo on right is Afghan women studying biology in the 1950's before the Taliban takeover.
Nefertiti was an
Egyptian queen and the Great Royal Wife (chief consort) of Akhenaten, an
Egyptian Pharaoh. Nefertiti and her husband were known for a religious
revolution, in which they worshiped one god only, Aten, or the sun disc.
Together Akhenaten and Nefertiti were responsible for the creation of a
whole new monotheistic religion which changed the ways of religion within
Egypt. With her husband, she reigned at what was arguably the wealthiest
period of Ancient Egyptian history. Some scholars believe that Nefertiti
ruled briefly as Neferneferuaten after her husband's death and before the
accession of Tutankhamun, although this identification is a matter of
ongoing debate. Nefertiti had many titles including Hereditary Princess (iryt-p`t);
Great of Praises (wrt-hzwt); Lady of Grace (nbt-im3t), Sweet of Love (bnrt-mrwt);
Lady of The Two Lands (nbt-t3wy); Main King's Wife, his beloved (hmt-niswt-‘3t
meryt.f); Great King's Wife, his beloved (hmt-niswt-wrt meryt.f), Lady of
all Women (hnwt-hmwt-nbwt); and Mistress of Upper and Lower Egypt (hnwt-Shm’w-mhw).Nefertiti,
whose name means "
a beautiful woman has come".
She was made famous by her bust(a painted stucco-coated limestone), now in
Berlin's Neues Museum, shown to the right. The bust is one of the most
copied works of ancient Egypt. It was attributed to the sculptor Thutmose,
and it was found in his workshop. The bust is notable for exemplifying the
understanding Ancient Egyptians had regarding realistic facial
proportions. (Lived from ca. 1370 – ca. 1330 BC).
Don't Forget the Boys: Boys are 70% of D's and F's. 75%
of Boys are diagnosed with learning disabilities. Boys are 33%
more likely to drop out of high school. Boys are twice as likely
to be diagnosed with ADHD. Boy's are 60% more likely to have
repeated a grade by the age of 12. By the 8th grade Boy's skills
in reading and writing are 2 to 6 times lower then girls.
Boy's make up 80% of all suicides. Boy's are twice as likely to
suspended from school.
Education (youtube)
Teacher -
Balanced Teaching
Education -
Shifting Thinking
- Disadvantaged Students
Schools trying to make a Difference
Seed Foundation is another great program that proves that
every child has incredible abilities, no matter what their social status
is or where they come from. You don't have to be born privileged to
succeed you just have to be born. And when you invest in a child's
education, you're not only investing in that child's future but you're
also investing in the future of everyone and everything that child comes
in contact with. Talk about returns on your investment, there is no better
place to invest your money or your time.
Distributed Learning
Education Revolution
Free the Children
Education South Sudan (PDF)
e-Estonia e-School
Diem Schools -
Seize the Day
Kipp SchoolsHacker House
Youth Build
Charter School Center
Charter Schools:
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube)
Summit Prep
Achievement First
Creative Learning Systems Pencils
of Promise
Classical Education
Heart of Stone
Ed Trust
Feed the
Feed the
Minds (wiki)
programmes in six countries and more than 900,000 students
Alt School
Success After 6
Students First
Aspire Public Schools
New Schools
Data Rocket Ship Education
Australian Curriculum
Summer Hill
About 21st-Century Skills
Bureau of Indian Education
Native Youth Report
International Network for Education in Emergencies
Virtual Learning
Academy Charter School
Clark Academy - To deliver the highest quality educational
experience where global citizens are born through advanced
rigor, engaging teaching methods, and a passionate climate and
How to fix a broken education system ... without any more money,
Seema Bansal: (video and interactive text)
I love the
Success For Kids
program (SFK) they help provide children with life skills and
universal tools that teach them how to make wise choices.
Social Emotional
Learning (SEL)
Kiran Bir Sethi: Taches kids to take charge (video)
5 October
2012 – Some 1.7 million more teachers are needed to achieve
Universal Primary Education by 2015, the second of the eight
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Heads of
various United Nations agencies said today in a joint
statement marking
World Teachers Day, which is held annually since 1994.
Education For All
We need more then just
Reform in
Primary Education, we need a vastly improved curriculum with
self directed learning capabilities and more effective ways of
testing. In a world that is full of knowledge and
information, schools teach so very little.
Bunker Roy: Learning from a Barefoot Movement (youtube)
Barefoot College
Treasure Noise in Classrooms (youtube)
Education for a
Sustainable Future (youtube)
from Pond to Fountains (vimeo)
Estella's Brilliant Bus
Siragu Montessori School in Tamil Nadu, India is another Great
Advancement in Education.
Siragu Kids
World Kids
zim Premji Foundation
Unstoppable Foundation
Service to Humanity
in the Wall
School on
Wheels (youtube)
Mexus Education -
Teacher Holds Class in a Cowshed
Another great ideas is
Stones into Schools, which Promotes
Peace through Education.
Give and Live is a
nonprofit charity giving to disadvantaged children in Southeast Asia
learning opportunities by supplying educational materials, building
facilities and providing food, clothing, shelter and related necessities.
As a 501(c)(3) corporation, your donations are tax-exempt. Help us help
the kids!
Soft Power
Cyber School Bus
Project Education Sudan
Learning Community
Ananda Education for Life
Community Learning
Bridge International Academies
Watch this video by
Richard Dreyfuss on Improving Civic Education. (Fora TV) -
Some interesting ideas & thoughts about education.
Madangombe One Block at a Time
Jig Saw
diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity, race, and ability a
cooperative learning technique that reduces racial conflict
among school children, promotes better learning, improves
student motivation, and increases enjoyment of the learning
Revolution providing families with information on school
quality and options and supporting families in navigating the
school choice process in Los Angeles.
The problem with
education is not the teachers, the problem with education is the
curriculum. If you improve the curriculum you will improve
teachers, you will also improve the students and then you will
improve the world.
77 million children and adults enrolled in school throughout the
country in October 2009.
3.2 million projected number of high school diplomas that will
be awarded in the 2011-12 school year.
19.7 million projected number of students enrolled in the
nation's colleges and universities this fall.
98,706 number of public schools in 2008-09. In 2007-08, there
were 33,740 private schools.
7.2 million Number of teachers in the United States in 2009.
Almost 3 million taught at the elementary and middle school
level. The remainder included those teaching at the
postsecondary, secondary, preschool, kindergarten levels,
special education and other teachers or instructors. Almost 50%
of the teachers quite in the first 5 years. Around 80% of
teachers are women.
Of the 3,380,300 full-time and part-time public school teachers
who were teaching during the 2007–08 school year, 84.5 percent
remained at the same school (“stayers”), 7.6 percent moved to a
different school (“movers”), and 8.0 percent left the profession
(“leavers”) during the following year. Among the 487,300 private
school teachers who were teaching during the 2007–08 school
year, 79.2 percent were stayers, 4.9 percent were movers, and
15.9 percent were leavers.
Education Facts -
Education Census
Education in the United States (wiki)
Education in Germany (wiki)
German Model (wiki)
Change Agent for Systemic School and Community Change (PDF)
Change Agent Mechanisms for School
Improvement (PDF)
Years of Life Lost Associated With Primary School Closures During the
Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic. Estimation of US Children’s
Educational Attainment.
"I'm just reporting illegal activity, I'm like a whistle
blower exposing fraud, waste, abuse, illegalities, and the
danger of public health and safety, that are a direct result of
our education institutions. I believe that we can avoid a class
action lawsuit."
Education Reform Resources and Ideas
Collegiate Learning Assessment
New Leadership Alliance
Rethinking Schools
School Choices
Pro Ed
Ed Reform
Education Reform
Essential Schools
Social Organization
Annenberg Institute
Get Schooled
I 4 Reality
Ct. Ed Reform
Education News
Reuniting Thinking with Doing (PDF)
Advance Path
Teaching and Student Experience
Relations for Education
Learn Zillion
The Future of Higher Education
Study Sync
Education and Skills Forum
Race to the Top (your top is still the bottom)
we Create
Future of
Higher Ed
Future of Education
CareersFuture of Ed
Learn USA
Small Schools Movement (wiki)
International Baccalaureate (wiki)
IB Diploma Programme (wiki)
Extracurricular Activity
Conspiracy Theory's about the Next Generation of Education
Education Research Education
Research Grants (PDF) These guidelines show just how
incredibly ignorant and corrupt our education system is. If they
used these same guidelines for our current education system, our
education system would be throw-out and defunded.
What If all of a sudden
you lost all the knowledge, memories and information that you
had stored in your brain? You
would be on the ground like a new born baby. You would have to
learn everything all over again. So you have to ask yourself, what if you had a chance to start over
again and had a chance to relive your life? What would you change about the
things that you learned during your previous life
experiences? What things would you like to learn this time in
the first 16 years of your life? How would you like your
education experience to be like this time? What if you had a
chance to go back and improve upon everything in your life, and
improve everything in the world, what would you do? Guess what,
almost every single person on this planet is in that position
now. This is not a what if, this is a "What can we do now?"
The goal is to create the
highest quality curriculum that would give people the most
valuable skills and wisdom that would allow people to reach
their highest potential, and at the same time, give them the most
freedom and the most control over their lives. If people were to
be given the knowledge to understand life more accurately and
more completely, that would give people enormous potential, with
endless possibilities, and the ability to solve any problem that
the world is currently suffering from. But this is not just
about improving education, this is also about making sure that
people continually have access to the most valuable and the most
accurate information and knowledge that the world has to offer.
Information that would help people make the best decisions
possible, and at the same time, give them the greatest control
over the quality of their life.
"Everyone knows that a good
education is the key to solving our problems, but no one knows
what a good education is supposed to be."
"One of
the failures of Education is that it often focuses on rote
memorization of facts without describing either the method that
generated them or the theories that organize our understanding
of them."
Why is the Government so incompetent, inefficient and corrupt?
Why are Local Governments so incompetent, inefficient and
Why are Public Services so dysfunctional, incompetent and
inefficient in America?
Why are Public Sector Workers so incompetent and inefficient?
Why are Government-Run Businesses so incompetent, inefficient
and corrupt?
Why are some Private Businesses so incompetent, inefficient and
Because our education system is incompetent, inefficient and
Too many schools are like an evil joke
being played on innocent children, it's just cruel. And people
wonder why children grow up to be
resentful, da. But kids and people have to learn to forgive
teachers and parents, because they do not know any better. So
it's not their fault and they are not to blame, just like you're
not to blame, no one is to blame. So the only intelligent thing
left to do now is start learning, and start learning together,
as we should have done since the beginning, but we never learned
how, until now. We are about to embark on the most incredible
journey, beyond imagination.
Our dysfunctional and ineffective
education system has similar results as the radicalization of
terrorists. Except some of the graduates from public education
end up killing more people then all terrorists combined, because
they grow up to be politicians and corporate leaders.
Radicalization and ignorance are the same thing. How can you
go to the best universities in the world and still end up
ignorant? It's not just what schools are teaching, it's what the
school are not teaching that does most of the damage.
Radicalization will not exist
after education improves, because there we be nothing to be
radical about when the ignorance is removed from society by a
high quality education.
Cause and EffectIt's bad enough that students are not learning the right things
at the right time, they are to many times that students are
learning the wrong things at the wrong
90% of students graduating high school and
college are
in a sense intellectually deprived. And they don't even know it because being intellectually deprived
means that you don't have the necessary information and
knowledge that is needed to correctly analyze and understand
that you are
Intellectually Deprived,
or Pathologically Naive. So if education does not improve then almost every student will never fully
understand themselves or the world, and they will never be effective
enough or efficient enough to improve their abilities or increase their
Pathologically is any deviation
from a healthy or normal condition.
Naive is lacking information or
Deficient in relevant
As all schools are, the
Free School
is a great experiment. Learning on your own and experiencing
life on your own terms is incredibly important. But, there is
only so much you can learn from your own experiences. And you
don't want to waste too much time making the same mistakes that
everyone else makes, even though
learning from your mistakes is
important. That is why teaching is so extremely valuable.
Freedom to explore and freedom to learn is absolutely necessary,
but you also need Guidance from an experienced professional,
because this will save you lots of time and help you
learn much
quicker and learn much more. The worlds accumulated knowledge
and information is our most valuable resource, and should not be
wasted. That is why I'm
collecting and organizing all the
knowledge and information that I can find so that I
can share it with as many people as possible. This will save
people many years of time and effort, which is one of the main
purposes of teaching, saving people time so they have more time
to explore and learn more about our world then the previous
generations. They will also have more time to enjoy
life as well, and, be better equipped to solve the problems that
have been plaguing this world for way too long.
"You can be either part of the problem
or part of the solution. Being part of the solution will always
be the most rewarding."
If you don't learn the things that are important or valuable,
then you will not benefit from learning in the ways that you
should. Knowing what things to learn and when to learn them is
extremely important. The worlds most valuable knowledge and
information does not come from schools or universities, or does
it come from the TV, or the Radio, or the News Papers or
Magazines. The worlds most valuable knowledge and information is
not found all in one place, but it will be soon,
welcome to
Knowledge 101, collecting and organizing the worlds most
valuable knowledge and information so that it can be used to improve
education, as well as improve the lives of every person on the planet.
Right to Education
Trying to explain what a high quality
education is, is like trying to explain what seeing is like to a
blind person, it's extremely difficult. You have to experience
you can't pretend to know what it is, or pretend to know
what it isn't. You don't understand a language or know how speak
a language until you learn how. The only way to understand
knowledge and information is learn what knowledge and
information is, and to learn what knowledge and information
means to a human.
Turnover - When Teachers Dropout
drop out too.
Between 40 and 50 percent of those that go into teaching are
gone within five years.
Teacher Turnover costs school districts upwards of $2.2
billion a year.
Teacher Retention Project
Teacher Burnout
Teacher resignation letters paint bleak picture of US Education. As
teacher resignation letters increasingly go public – and viral – new
research indicates teachers are not leaving solely due to low pay and
retirement, but also because of what they see as a broken education
Teacher turnover costs more than $2.2
billion in the U.S. each year and has been shown to decrease
student achievement in the form of reading and math test scores.
There are an estimated 55,000 vacant teaching positions in U.S. schools,
according to the tracker
Nearly all middle school teachers are highly stressed. Researchers
have found that 94% of middle school teachers experience high levels of
stress, which could contribute to negative outcomes for students.
Teachers are
critical for student learning, but not as critical as
what they teach and
how they teach it.
Nuance in the Noise - The Complex Reality of Teacher Shortages (PDF)
Estimated average annual salary of teachers in public elementary and
secondary schools, by state: Selected school years, 1969-70 through
The teacher pay penalty has hit a new high. Trends in teacher wages
and compensation through 2021.
Educator Turnover Has Markedly Increased, but Districts Have Taken
Actions to Boost Teacher Ranks.
Rise and Fall of the Teaching Profession: Prestige, Interest,
Preparation, and Satisfaction over the Last Half Century.
Grow Your Own Policies and Programs in the 50 States and District of
Columbia - Updated.
"People are either paralyzed by the lack of knowledge or they are doing
something harmful because of their lack of knowledge."
"School is
not just a place where you go to learn, school is any place where you
want to learn. Learning to
teach yourself not only gives you more freedom and more
choices, it gives you unlimited potential."
Potential is possessing numerous
possibilities. The capacity for
coming into being.
Having prospect and the possibility of future
success. Having
Capability and aptitude that
may be developed. Having the skills and
qualifications to do
things well.
Potential Energy (action
A Brave New World, The only way that people will be ignorant
in the future is if people purposely don't educate people, or, pretend
that they are educating people.
Speaks Out About Common Core, Teacher Evaluations, and
Educational Data (youtube)
Kenneth Ye
Farragut student Dec 4th School Board (youtube)
Charter schools suspended or expelled more students each year then
public schools did. Maybe as a way to boost standardized test
scores? African American boys and girls are several times more
likely to face harsh punishments.
Welcome to The Pro-Education Improvement Movement...
"There's no way of knowing about possibilities unless you learn about what
possibilities exist." "Academic Innovation"
This is a list the people and organizations that are working on improving education.
Learning from these programs and disciplines could provide some useful information. Hopefully it's not the same
crap that's just in a different package with a new name?
80% of our most valuable knowledge and information comes outside the classroom, but only if
you are actively learning the right things at the right time.
And that is one of the main reasons why education needs to
improve, so kids are aware of what's missing.
This is our time.
All the problems that we see in the world are directly
related to people not having enough information and knowledge.
When people have more access to more knowledge, and when people
learn the facts about the world, they will have more
opportunities and they will have more choices. Just like when
someone receives a high quality education, that person has more
potential, they have better skills, and they have a better
chance of having a better life. It's time that we make improving
education one of our highest priorities. It's time that we
create a high quality education that everyone has access to. We
can no longer allow ignorance to destroy ourselves and our
planet. We have to make improving education a world project,
something that everyone can do together, something that anyone
on the planet can be a part of. Let education be in the News everyday.
Let it be seen on the TV everyday. Let people know that
education is important and that learning should be part of our daily life.
Everyone has the responsibility to learn, to know more about ourselves,
to know and understand the world around us. This is our time.
More Word Clouds.
The Paradox of Our Time (our ignorance)
We spend more, but have less.
We buy more, but enjoy it less.
We have more
leisure, but less fun.
We have more conveniences, but less time.
have more gadgets, but less satisfaction.
We have multiplied our
possessions, but reduced our values.
We have more knowledge, but less
We have more experts, yet more problems.
We have more
kinds of food, but less nutrition.
We have more more medicine, but less
We have added years to life but not life to years.
We have
learned how to make a living, but not a life.
We have more degrees but
less sense.
We write more, but learn less.
We have more
acquaintances, but fewer friends.
We have bigger houses and smaller
We have more effort, but less success.
We plan more, but
accomplish less.
We have learned to rush, but not to wait.
We have
wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.
We make faster planes, but
have longer lines.
We fly faster to arrive there quicker, just to do
less and return sooner.
We have conquered outer space, but not our
inner space.
We have done larger things, but not better things.
have never improved education enough, and that's why we have all these problems above.
Time Sacrifices -
Paradox of Service -
Tomorrow's Child -
Time Paradox
Materialism -
Gilded Cage -
You Can't Do Everything
The Paradox of Progress
Paradoxical Thinking -
Flawed History -
What We Know So Far
Every School in the World should have
this as their Mission Statement.
These are the things that we have learned so far and
is what we know. These are
the current predictions that we have calculated so far that will
impact your life, negatively and positively, with some
predictions being in the
near future, and some being
far into the future.
100 billion humans have lived and died before your birth.
Their efforts are responsible for sustaining Human Life for
thousands of years, as well as, providing us with many benefits,
advancements and luxuries. But during this process of survival
and progress, we have made a lot of mistakes and have caused a
lot of problems. This is your world now. This is your
responsibility. In order for us to improve our lives, and
continue to progress and to survive, we must learn how to repair
our mistakes, while at the same time, learn how to stop making
the same mistakes over and over again.
"Every problem can be
solved in this world, you just have to learn how to solve them."
Everyone is capable of understanding
anything they want, it's just knowing the things that are
needed to learn is the hard part. So if the knowledge that you
needed was available for you to learn, then
you could learn
anything you want. The more knowledgeable you are about
something, the more chances you'll have to use that knowledge
for your benefit, as well as for the benefit of others. The more
we learn about what we can do, the more we can do.
Improving the world needs to be a competition. Where countries
and communities can compete with each other. People love games.
So we should make our most beneficial endeavors more fun and
less boring. We are very creative, so it will be easy.
Students have to understand that education is 90% their
responsibility, and only 10% the responsibility of schools and
If you want a job, then you better learn how to create a job
yourself, or support the people who are creating good paying
jobs that are sustainable and beneficial to everyone. If you
want healthy and clean food at a reasonable cost, then you
better learn how to grow food yourself, or support the farmers
who grow healthy and clean food. If you want clean water in
abundance, then you better learn how to create clean water in
abundance yourself, or support the people who know how to create
clean water in abundance. You want a home, you better learn how
to build a home yourself, or support the people who know how to
create affordable, healthy and energy efficient homes. Do you
want clean and affordable energy, then you better learn how to
create clean and affordable energy yourself, or support the
people who know how to create clean and affordable energy. If
you want a fair and criminal free government, then you better
learn how to create a fair and criminal free government, or
support the people who know how to create a fair and criminal
free government. You don't have to do everything yourself, but
you do have to learn how to do everything yourself. This way
nothing will stop you from having a good life. Everyone knows
there's no guarantees, but you can definitely increase your odds
significantly, so having a great life is definitely in your hands.
When we work together our potential is limitless. So start
building your team now, start a club or a
coop of like minded people.
Create your own community of intelligent
people, people you can count on who share the same values that you do. Use
Social Media the way that it is supposed to be used, which
is to stay connected to people and create healthy and strong bonds. Share information and
knowledge that benefits people, instead of
sharing information that isolates people. One of the best ways to improve life is by
organizing mutual agreements with everyone around you.
My Speech Idea for TED
(this speech idea is now 8 years old in 2023, this still needs to be updated
a lot more)
2015 - After watching over 1,000 TED videos, one word has been used in
almost every video.
The word is education. Almost everyone will agree how incredibly important education is.
Every parent in the world wants their child to have a good education. But
the most surprising thing is, no one knows what a good quality education
is supposed to be, which is totally mind blowing. Most everyone knows the
importance of being able to read and write, but no one knows what would be
the best things to read or the best things to write, which again is
totally mind blowing. But trying to explain what this means is extremely
difficult. What does it mean to have more knowledge and more information?
Again, extremely difficult to explain. Education has the enormous
potential to make improvements all over the world, in all aspects of
society. Of course this is not what our current education system is
designed to do. An improved education can produce highly educated people with incredible abilities, skills
and qualities. People who could solve every problem that our
world is currently faced with. Everyone knows the value of a good education. People who have a
good education have more options, more choices, more abilities and more
potential. But the improvements that we have made to education so far,
have fallen way short to prepare people for the world that we live in
today. We have a lot of problems to solve and a lot of challenges ahead of
us, so we are going to need a lot of highly educated people to solve these
problems and to meet these challenges. But access to a good education is out of reach for most people.
There is a
Gap Divide. And even if you are lucky enough to go to a School, or a University, there is still no guarantee that you will get a good
education. And with budget cuts and school closings, getting a
good education is becoming a lot more difficult and a lot more
We have accumulated a lot of information and knowledge over the
last 2,000 years. And just in the last 100 years the amount of
information and knowledge that we've accumulated has increased
tremendously. And
thanks to the internet, and the millions of
people who have contributed to the largest source of information
and knowledge, we are literally sitting on the biggest gold mine
this world has ever seen. We have learned so much about
ourselves and the world around us that we can no longer afford
to ignore the value and the benefits of all the things that we
now know. The facts are in. All human improvements and
technological advancements have all been the result of more
people having more access to more knowledge and more
information. So if we improve our greatest tool, which is
education, and make it available to everyone, we will unleash
the full power of human potential all over the world, and at the
same time, fix all our major problems that we are currently
faced with. Every person has the potential to be intelligent, so
it just makes sense that we provide everyone with the necessary
tools and knowledge to reach their potential.
Every parent in the world wants their child to have access to
the best education possible, because every parent knows that a
good education is an incredibly important when it comes to their
child's future. This is why we need to build a complete high
quality education that everyone can have access too. An
Education that is available online, in schools or in the form of
software that can run on any computer or smartphone anywhere in
the world. This will give every person on the planet a chance to
be successful in their life, as well as in their careers and at
the same time be a benefit to the world.
There are currently thousands of people working on improving
education, but we can't do it alone, and we certainly can not
use the same teaching methods or the same inadequate curriculum,
because they are clearly not enough to prepare students, and the
evidence of that is everywhere, especially when you look at all
the things that can be avoided like the thousands of people who
are dying everyday, the millions who are suffering everyday, and
the enormous amount of destruction that is happening to our
environment everyday. These things can be avoided and so they
The world is desperately in need of educated people. People who
can be problem solvers for the countless problems that have been
plaguing our world for way to long. We have many challenges
ahead and we need many highly educated and skilled people to
meet these challenges.
We are an intelligent species with incredible abilities and
potential, and our advancements in technology is clear evidence
of our potential, and clear evidence of what educated people can
accomplish. And we all know that when we work together we can
accomplish some amazing things.
We have everything that we need on this planet, except a complete
high quality education that everyone has access too. An
education that provides a person with all the necessary
information, knowledge and skills that a person needs to be
prepared to live on this planet.
So lets do this...Lets build a complete high quality education
that everyone has access too.
IIt will be our gift to every child on the planet, and a gift to
future generations to come.
Thank you and Godspeed, ~Howard Mark Polley
improvements in the world from the bottom up and from the top
down at the same time, this way we can meet in the middle some
We know for a fact that the
driving force behind all our improvements and advancements in
the last 200 years, has been directly related to our ability to
educate more people. And we did this by building more Schools
and more Universities then any other time in human history. So
this education thing works really really well. But, we haven't
improved education enough in order for it to adequately prepare,
or have we made it available to everyone. So we are literally
wasting the potential of 100's of millions of people. 100's of
millions of people who could be making desperately needed
improvements all over the world, but are instead marginalized,
and there is no need for that.
Young people today need to
fully understand, we are just beginning to realize how badly our
schools are and that the way we educate people needs a lot of
improving. The enormous amount of valuable information and
knowledge that the world has accumulated, over the last 10,000
years, needs people that have learned how to correctly utilize
this incredibly valuable resource that we call knowledge. We all
know the benefits of highly educated people, so lets educate
everyone. If you're going to pass one thing onto your future
generations, let it be knowledge, it's the gift that keeps on
giving, and improving.
School standards and the curriculum are incredibly inadequate,
and our teaching methods are old and outdated.
Kids are not prepared and
definitely not ready for the challenges of life. That means most
kids will most likely waste way to much time thinking about
things and worrying about things that are irrelevant and
unimportant, which will cause them to do to many things in their
life that are irrelevant and unimportant. Life shouldn't be
something that you have to endure, life is something to explore,
and enjoy. And if you don't have the necessary knowledge and
information, you will get lost, you will struggle, you will make
a lot of mistakes that you shouldn't have to make. So you will
waste a lot of time, you will not be aware as you should be and
can be, and you will have no clear direction in your life, or
anyone else's life. Everyone has incredible amounts of
potential. But all that potential goes to waste if you never
learn how to utilize it, as well as, utilize all your natural
born talents, talents that you are unaware that you even have.
want the most accurate information they can get so that they can
make the best decisions possible, that would produce the highest
quality results, and at the same time, save time and energy."
When kids are not educated
enough it not only lowers their potential it also increases
their vulnerability. Undereducated people also make bad
decisions, and a lot of those mistakes that they make they won't
even notice that they're making them. So you see our awareness
is extremely important. It's more then just understanding what
you see, but more importantly it's understanding the things you
can't see. The more we are aware of, the more we are aware of
the choices we have, and the better our decisions will be.
Humans have brains, it's time we start using them, effectively
and efficiently.
Just because you went to school does not mean that you are
educated. To say someone is educated says very little
about that person. You can say that being educated means that a
person can read and write and do some math. It does not say that
a person is reading the right things, or writing things that are
relevant, or counting things that matter. Just because you have
abilities does not mean you are using them correctly,
effectively or efficiently. Educated and
intelligence should mean the same thing.
If you don't
go to school or college you won't get a good job, that is really a stupid
thing to say, and this is why. First, going to school does not define what
you need to learn, and getting a job does not define what type of work
that you should do. Just because you go to school does not guarantee that
you will learn the right things, and just having a job does not mean that
the work that you do is important, or does it say that the work you do is
valuable or that it benefits people and has a positive impact on the
So what do you need to
What type of work should you do?
What are the risks with
higher education?
can clearly see that education has improved the lives of
millions of people all around the world. But sadly we can also
see that millions of other people do not have the benefits of
education, which is causing millions of people to suffer,
millions to live in poverty, and causing thousands of people to
die prematurely every single day. The benefits and potential of
education is just to
important to ignore. Everyone needs to be a part of this. Since
2008 I have dedicated the last 6 years of my life, and I will
continue to dedicate the rest of my life to improving education
and making it available to everyone, I will not stop until my
body has deceased. I prey to God that I can live another 50
years. Because it would be a honor and a privilege to give the
last 50 years of my life, especially knowing that millions of
people will benefit from having a complete education, and then
those millions will benefit millions more, and so on and so on,
until every human that ever lives will have access to the worlds
best education.
Improving education may seem like an abstract idea, and it may
be hard for most people to visualize and understand what
improving education means, but it's not that hard to understand
how knowledge and information can improve someone's life, or
understand how knowledge and information can give a person more
potential. One of the reasons why improving education seems like
abstract idea
is because the word education itself is abstract. No one has a
clear understanding of what education is or what educations
purpose should be. And the reasons why education is so abstract
is because todays education is fragmented and dysfunctional,
which is the cause of this abstraction. If you can't teach
people to understand what education is, then education will not
improve fast enough to meet the challenges that we are currently
faced with, thus suffering, diseases, problems and avoidable
deaths will continue for as long as humans live.
words education and knowledge has little meaning to the average
person. Beyond the basic
definition of the words education and knowledge, there is no way
to clearly explain what education and knowledge means, until we
create a high quality education and see the results. It's hard
to explain something that takes months, and even years, to fully
understand. It's not easy to explain something that's hard to
imagined or visualize. It's like trying to explain to some one a
place in the world that they have never visited or never seen a
picture of. No matter how detailed I am in my explanation, it
will never compare to being there and living there. You have to
go and see and experience it yourself. I can show you examples,
like show you poverty and say that is the result of a poor
education, and then show you sky scrapers and bridges and say
that is the result of a good education. But those explanations
would not even come close. There is no easy way to explain what
it means to understand, to increase your awareness, to increase
your potential, to see more opportunities and more possibilities
then ever before, an awakening. I have no examples of a great
education, because we don't have a great education yet. I can't
even be an example myself because I'm still learning, so most of
what I have so far is a head start. I can tell you the things
that I have learned so far, but that would never be enough to
explain to you all the benefits that I have experienced. I just
got started.
people working is not saying that things are improving, because
most people are working in the wrong direction, so they are not
having a positive impact or making improvements, so employment
numbers are irrelevant."
Experiencing a lot of different things does not make your life
better or richer, or does it make you wiser. This is
because there is no guarantee that you are learning important
lessons or gaining valuable skills by experience many different
things. I experience many different things in my life, but those
experiences provided little value to me when I compared them to
learning the right things at the right time. Knowledge is not
automatically gained through our experiences. Knowledge is a
slow methodological process that can only be
successful if given access to the right knowledge at the
right time and sequence.
Every parent wants their children to be able to make good
decisions on their own. So lets give them the necessary
information and knowledge so they can do this successfully. We
have this ability, so let us not waste it, we don't have a lot
of time to waste, or people.
We live in an incredible system that took millions of years to
perfect. It's a magnificent and sustainable a cycle of life that
has sustained humans for thousands of years. And if we maintain
this system correctly, it will provide us with life for the next
3 billion years. But we are failing, and failing miserably in to
many areas. It's time we educate people and teach everyone about
the problems that we all face in this world. We have a fighting
chance, But if we don't train and educate people enough to face
these challenges then we will have very little chance of making
any improvements, especially enough that would ensure our
Survival: A natural process resulting in the evolution of
organisms best adapted to the environment, thus remaining alive.
So are you still wondering
why we need to improve education? Don't worry, understanding
this will not happen over night.
have a serious education problem, it's not working. And
the evidence that education isn't working is everywhere. We need
to make a lot of improvements in how we educate our young.
Luckily education isn't totally broken, it just needs a lot of
fact that they had to raise the drinking age is proof that
education is failing. A teacher is either the worlds greatest
enemy or the worlds greatest ally."
Zombie Apocalypse is just a metaphor for our failing
education system. Eating brains does not make you smarter. The
only way to unzombify yourself is to fully and accurately
educate yourself."
We now have enough knowledge
and information to educate people completely. That means
everyone could have the ability to fully understand themselves
and fully understand the world around them. I'm not saying that
these highly educated people will know everything, but they will
know enough to control their own destinies, and to live the life
that they choose to live, a life with complete fairness and
compassion for everyone.
"Everyone should posses
the accumulated knowledge and information that has been produced
by everyone that has ever lived, just like all living animals
and plants,
it's the only way that life survives."...not know
everything, just the most important.
would you be if you never had another human to teach you? A wild
animal with a short life span and no potential."
If Students are willing to
put in the time and effort into their education they should be
given the most valuable and the most important information and
knowledge that the world has to offer, Information and Knowledge
that is the most current and the most accurate. Don't waste
students time with inferior curriculum, inadequate schooling and
teaching methods, because everyone will have to pay for this
ignorance, and the world cannot afford anymore
Side Effects from an Inadequate Rudimentary Education
Rudimentary is an
undeveloped, or basic form and being in the earliest stages of
basic facts and
Information Vacuum is the lack of
information or knowledge about a particular topic or issue. A lack of
information which may exacerbate and increase the severity of a crisis and
may induce rumors, gossip and conspiracy theories and be a
breeding ground for misinformation
Hindered is to prevent or
down the progress and
potential of someone, putting them at a
disadvantage. Hindrance is something immaterial that interferes with or
delays action or progress. Any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome.
Impede is to be a hindrance or obstacle
to growth or an improvement.
Years of Potential Life Lost
Feral Children -
Disability -
Virus -
Focusing Problems
Seeing Impaired -
Boxed In -
Language Disorders
Brain InjuriesImpaired
is being diminished in strength, quality, or
utility. Mentally or
physically unfit. Make worse or less effective.
like when on drugs.
Interfere is to hinder or alter
progress or to be
an obstacle to progress using force or the
threat of force.
Stymie is to prevent or hinder the progress
of someone or prevent the progress or accomplishment of someone.
Stagnant is something not growing or
changing. Something without force or vitality and showing no activity.
Something dull and sluggish. Having no current or flow and often having an
unpleasant smell as a consequence.
Impediment is something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or
progress. Any structure that makes progress difficult.
Arrested Development is an abnormal state
in which development has stopped prematurely. A bad experience that
impairs your ability to develop full emotional maturity.
Prison for the Mind.Inferior is something low in quality
and characteristic of low rank or importance and falling short of some prescribed
Ineffective is not producing an intended effect
and lacking the
ability or skill
perform effectively.
Inefficient is
not producing desired
results. Being
and lacking
the ability or skill to perform
effectively. Inadequate.
Incomplete is something not yet
finished. Not complete or not totally done.
Inept is displaying
incompetence and
having no skill and being clumsy and not able to do something
Having lack of perceptiveness, judgment or finesse.
Ineptitude is having
resulting from a
lack of
training or quality education. Having no qualities that would render
valuable or
Inadequate is lacking the
requisite qualities or resources to meet a
task. Not
sufficient to meet a
Inadequacy is
lack of competence, quantity or number.
Incompetence is the lack of physical or
ability or
qualifications. Inability to
function properly.
Fallible is
something or someone who is likely to
fail or make
mistakes or
is the lack of ability to do something, especially mental ability. Lacking
the power to perform.
Invalid is someone who is
by a chronic illness or injury. Having no relevance or legal force.
Incapacitated is someone lacking in or
deprived of strength or power and unable to perform a certain action.
Injure permanently.
Disconnected Youth are teenagers and young adults between the ages of
16 and 24 who are neither working nor in school or in training. The
effects of youth disconnection are the result of
limited education,
social exclusion, lack of work experience and fewer opportunities to
develop mentors and valuable work
which can have long-term
consequences that snowball across the life course, eventually influencing
everything from earnings and self-sufficiency to physical and mental
health and marital prospects.
Confused is
someone unable to think with clarity or act intelligently. Filled with
bewilderment. Perplexed by
many conflicting
situations or statements. Lacking orderly continuity.
Failure to Understand
Flawed Reasoning.
Clumsy is lacking grace in movement or
posture. Not elegant or graceful in expression. Showing lack of skill or
Tactless is lacking or
showing a lack of what is fitting and considerate in dealing with others.
Revealing lack of perceptiveness, judgment or finesse.
Lacking is something that is inadequate
in amount or degree. To be without or nonexistent.
Lack is the state of needing something that
is absent or unavailable.
McNamara's Morons.
Amateur is someone who pursues a
study or sport as a
secondary activity. An athlete who does not play for pay.
professional skill or expertise. Non-Professional is someone who engages
in a profession but not at a high professional level that pays money or
has a college degree.
Dilettante is showing
frivolous or
superficial interest. An amateur
or amateurish who engages in an activity without serious
intentions and who
pretends to have knowledge.
Deficient is a quantity not able to
fulfill a need or requirement.
Dysfunction is being unable to function
normally or operate properly. Abnormality or impairment in the function of
a specified bodily organ or system. A deviation from the norms of social
behavior in a way regarded as bad. Characterized by abnormal or impaired
psychosocial functioning.
Dysfunctional is being
impaired in
and being diminished in strength, quality, or
utility and failing to serve an
Being mentally or physically unfit. Being
imperfect, worse or
less effective.
Dysfunction is a disruption to the efficacy of the
functions, which is a group of
cognitive processes
that regulate, control, and manage other cognitive processes.
Malfunction is a failure to operate
normally or function in the normal or correct manner. Fail to work
properly or fail to function properly.
Toxic Egos.
Under-educated people are like having an unusable peripheral device.
People are incompatible with the current level of technology.
Degenerate is a person with uncontrolled
abnormal behavior and a lack of
morality that deviates from what
is acceptable.
is a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual
falling off from a better state. Grow worse. A gradual decrease.
Go down in value. Refuse to accept. Show
unwillingness towards.
Change toward something smaller or lower.
Diminish is to decrease in size,
extent, or range.
Disadvantage is having something that impedes, hinders or
interferes with the abilities or progress of someone to a point that it
may be harmful.
Damage is to cause
injury or
harm that
value or
usefulness of someone or something. To break something,
beyond repair and not able to perform its normal function.
Render something ineffective.
Ruin something completely.
Cause something to separate into pieces or
fragments. Stop
something from operating or functioning.
Damage is any
change in a thing, often a physical object, that degrades it away from its
initial state. It can broadly be defined as changes introduced into a
system that adversely affect its current or future performance. Damage
does not necessarily imply total loss of system functionality, but rather
that the system is no longer operating in its optimal manner. Damage to
physical objects is the progressive physical process by which they break,
and includes mechanical stress that weakens a structure, even if this is
not visible. Damage can also mean any
harm or injury resulting from a
violation of a legal right. Act in
disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or
Disruption is the
act of causing
Delusional -
Pathologically Naive -
Gullible -
Denier -
High Functioning
MoronDisorder is a
physical condition in which there is a
disturbance of normal functioning.
Distortion is the alteration of the original shape or other
characteristic of something.
is something lacking
stability or firmness. Subject to change or variability. Highly or
violently reactive.
Disposed to psychological variability or suffering from severe
mental illness.
Defective is subnormal in structure or function or
intelligence or behavior. Not working properly. An imperfection
in a bodily system.
Defect is an
imperfection in a bodily system. A failing or deficiency. An imperfection
in an object or machine. A mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of
something, especially on a person's body.
Low Quality.
Delay is to be slowed down or to slow the
growth or development of someone. Act later than planned, scheduled, or
required. Stop or halt.
Absence is
the failure to be present. The time interval during which something or
somebody is away. The occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or
impairment of consciousness (which is not subsequently remembered),
sometimes with light twitching, fluttering eyelids, etc.; common in petit
mal epilepsy.
Absent is not being in
a specified place. Go away or leave. Lost in thought or showing
Absent Minded of a person's behavior or
manner showing a
forgetful or
Absent-mindedness (wiki).
Flaw is a defect or weakness in a person's
character. An imperfection in a plan or theory or legal document that
causes it to fail or that reduces its effectiveness. Add a flaw or blemish
to; make imperfect or defective.
Deterioration is a symptom
that reduces the quality or strength of something or someone. Process of
changing to an inferior state. Degrade or degradation.
Drain on Society or a
Burden on Society is someone who
needs a lot of support and help from
other people in order to live and survive, usually in the form of extra
time, money and resources.
Eviscerate is to take
away a vital or essential part of someone, or deprive something of its
essential content. To disembowel someone by removing a body organ or
entrails in the abdominal cavity.
Poor Education is like a slow moving
doomsday device and a
terminal illness
Undereducated is someone
who is inadequately educated.
None the
Wiser is not knowing more or not understanding anything more about
Brain Drain
is the emigration of highly trained or intelligent people from a
particular country, or the failure of an education system that only
educates people enough for them to realize how undereducated everyone else
is around them.
Human Capital Flight refers to the emigration of individuals who have
received advanced training at home, but their home country is not educated
enough to utilize their training, so they leave their own country or
Untrained Mind
is a mind that is not
or conditioned or made
adept by
In, Garbage Out describes the concept that flawed, or nonsense input
data produces nonsense output or "garbage".
Mediocre is something average and inferior
in quality. Lacking exceptional quality or ability. Poor to middling in
Petty is something inferior
in rank or status and is small and of little importance. Having a
narrow outlook.
Lame is something
lacking in force or effectiveness. Someone who doesn't understand what is
going on. To be deprived of the use of a limb or mental ability.
Fault is a
wrong action attributable to
bad judgment or
Ignorance or
Inattention. An imperfection in an object or machine. The quality of
being inadequate or falling short of perfection.
Responsibility for a
bad situation or event.
Unable is not having the necessary means
or skill or know-how. Lacking necessary
physical or
ability. Antonym:
Obtuse is
someone annoyingly slow to understand, blunt, not quick to alert in
Subpar is something
worse than expected or usual, and below an average level.
Poor is someone
lacking in specific resources, qualities or substances and not sufficient
to meet a need. Unsatisfactory. Poor can also mean people without
possessions or wealth, indicating
Fragmented is lacking
orderly continuity. Part; cease or break association
with. Confused.
Having been divided; having the unity destroyed.
Break or cause to break into pieces.
Vague is something
not clearly understood or expressed.
Lacking clarity or
Coherence is logical and orderly and consistent relation of parts.
Bomb is an aircraft-dropped bomb that
does not contain a
guidance system and hence simply follows a ballistic trajectory. A
dumb bomb is also known as an unguided bomb, or free-fall bomb, or gravity
bomb, or iron bomb.
Dirty Bombs.
Retardation is a decrease in rate of change. The extent to which something is
delayed or held back. Any agent that retards or delays or
Lack of Normal
Development of intellectual capacities. The act of slowing down
or falling behind.
is to cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate. To slow the
growth of something or to slow the development of something. To be
delayed. A person of
subnormal intelligence.
Malformation is an affliction in which some part of the body is
misshapen or malformed. Something abnormal or anomalous or deviating from
the general or common order or type.
Development of the Nervous
Abnormalities are abnormal physical conditions resulting from
defective genes or developmental deficiencies causing below normal range
of intelligence and
behaviors that disregard the rules of etiquette, customs or morality,
and also marked by strangeness as a consequence of being abnormal.
Lobotomy is a form of
psychosurgery, a
neurosurgical treatment of a mental disorder that involves
severing connections in the
brain's prefrontal cortex. Most of the connections to and from the
prefrontal cortex, the anterior part of the frontal lobes of the brain,
are severed. It was used for psychiatric and occasionally other conditions
as a mainstream procedure in some Western countries for more than two
decades, despite general recognition of frequent and serious side effects.
While some people experienced symptomatic improvement with the operation,
the improvements were achieved
at the cost of
creating other impairments. The procedure was controversial from
its initial use in part due to the balance between benefits and risks.
Today, lobotomy has become a disparaged procedure, a byword for
medical barbarism and an exemplary instance
of the medical trampling of patients' rights.
Problems with Mental Health
was a set of
ignorant beliefs and practices that aimed to improve the
genetic quality of a human population by excluding
certain genetic
groups judged to be inferior, and promoting other genetic
groups judged to be
superior. The Updated Triangle of Life-The
environment is what you have,
education is who you are, and
is what you do. Eugenics is still popular among the wealthy elite,
conservatives, evangelicals and
ignorant people. The
American eugenics movement received extensive funding from
various corporate foundations including the
Carnegie Institution, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Harriman railroad
fortune. In
1906 J.H. Kellogg provided
funding to help found the
Race Betterment Foundation in Battle Creek, Michigan. The Eugenics
Record Office (ERO) was founded in Cold Spring Harbor, New York in
1911 by the renowned biologist Charles B.
Davenport, using money from both the Harriman railroad fortune and the
Carnegie Institution. As late as the
the ERO was one of the leading organizations in the American eugenics
movement. So Hitler was not the first
moron psychopath. This
inbred ignorance is what
needs to be bred out.
Experimentation -
Birth Control -
Subhuman or
Untermensch is a term that became infamous when the Nazis used it to
describe non-Aryan "
inferior people" often referred to as "the masses from
the East", that is Jews, Roma, and Slavs - mainly ethnic Poles, Serbs, and
later also Russians. The term was also applied to most Blacks, and persons
of color, with some particular exceptions. Jewish people were to be
exterminated in the Holocaust, along with Romani people, and the
physically and mentally disabled. According to the Generalplan Ost, the
Slavic population of East-Central Europe was to be reduced in part through
mass murder in the
Holocaust, with a majority expelled to Asia and used as slave labor in the
Reich. These concepts were an important part of the Nazi racial policy. (A
dumbing down of education is the same thing).
Normal Instructions create normal and
healthy human beings.
Abnormal instructions
creates abnormal and unhealthy human beings. DNA Instructions are just as
important as our Educational Instructions.
As Above, So
Education Under-Matching (tracking)
Adolescent Brain Development Impacts Mental Health, Substance Use.
How childhood stress contributes to anxiety, depression. Research in
animals illuminates important role of
mast cells.
Key Brain Network Nodes Show Differential Cognitive Relevance and
Developmental Trajectories during Childhood and Adolescence.
Extracellular vesicles help pass information between cells and onto
offspring. Their cargo can carry molecular signals, signs of disease,
and even effects of stress. New studies reveal that small, membrane-bound
particles transported between cells have wide-ranging and long-term
effects in the brain and throughout the body, from helping neurons
communicate to passing the effects of stress onto the next generation.
Such extracellular vesicles released from the brain into the blood can
also provide a window into brain pathology to help with disease diagnosis.
We have the Ability to Improve Education 100 times better than it is today
And we can make education available to everyone on
the planet 24 hours a day. We have the ability to give anyone an
entire education on a laptop computer. That means every person
that we can fully educate will have the ability to improve their
world. So instead of people being victimized by an undereducated
society, people will have the abilities to correct and improve
their world. So instead of having a world that is in constant
decline, we will have a world that is constantly
improving. We
can make education be
the cure for our problems, instead of just
using education to treat our problems. The potential of an
educated society is limitless. Imagine a world full of educated
people who fully understand themselves and the world around
them. Imagine. We have the Ability.
Imagine that all your knowledge of the world came to you through
News Papers, Magazines and the Television, you would be a
ignorant moron and have very little understanding of yourself
and the world around you. And you wonder why improving education
is so extremely important.
I'm just doing what is
right and what is needed. Knowledge and information is extremely
important to all humans, so I'm just trying to make sure that
everyone has access. Learning is an incredible journey that
everyone should be on.
All the problems that I have ever witnessed in my life can all
be solved by a few simple questions, How can this information
and knowledge be Taught and Learned so that this problem can be
understood and solved before this avoidable damage is repeated?
All our problems can be solved by improving education, if you
don't know this, then you are the perfect example of a poor
education and why we have so many problems, so you have actually
become part of the problem.
The Right to EducationIf you knew of something that would give you more abilities and
more potential, you would want it? Improving education is our
best chance for all of us to live normal lives, lives that would
benefit everyone, and, everything.
Students today don't know how to study--period. Distracted,
undistracted--doesn't matter. At least that's been my experience
over many years as a college professor. They don't know how to
read or listen or take notes. They don't know how to research or
ask appropriate questions. They lack persuasive writing and
articulation skills. They don't know how to model themselves
after an
effective mentor. Every year, i do my best to teach them various
methods of learning and studying. I give them examples from my
own experience. I tell them when I study, it's an active,
vibrant endeavor. I read, I take notes, I look things up, I ask
questions--all while reading a book. But when most students try
to sit down and read they fall asleep, they drift, they nod
off--and after a few minutes they finally give up and claim the
material's too hard or too boring or the professor is too
old-fashioned. Sure, there may be other ways to engage the
brain. But learning extended and focused concentration is still
a great skill. And students are too often enabled in their
distracted, unfocused approaches by well-meaning, but misguided
instructors who are more concerned about getting good teaching
evaluations than actually helping their students to genuinely
learn. ~ L Barrett
Look at all the problems in the world, do you think that
educated people caused those problems? No. It was all the
undereducated people that caused our problems. Even college
graduates are undereducated. That's because we have not yet
updated the curriculum to match all the knowledge, information
and experiences that we have accumulated in the world today.
Rediscovering. We are actually rediscovering education, but this time there's a
better understanding about the potential of knowledge, all
because of the
internet, and the internets inherent ability to give people
access to an enormous amount of knowledge that's being generated
by millions of people from all over the world, including the
text from some the brightest minds throughout human history. We
have more knowledge and information now then any other time in
human history, and we also have more people accessing
knowledge then any other time in human history, and we also have
more people contributing knowledge then then any other time in
human history. There is no other greater time then now to start
learning. If you can predict a brighter future, then you know
what to do to make that prediction come true. So in a sense we
are following in the footsteps of the creator. Following the
footsteps that line the road to knowledge. The same road the
creator took that made us. It's like an endless cycle of
creation. With each universe giving birth to the next.
Today’s Education is Dysfunctional and
with little Coherence, which includes all Public Schools, Private Schools,
Montessori, Colleges and Universities. All these little improvements we
see in schools are inadequate. -
We can talk all day about what we
need to do to improve school education, but the bottom line is,
if there are not enough qualified people who fully understand
the improvements that we need, or how to implement these
improvements, these improvements will be to little and to late.
You have to define education as a whole. It's knowing
What to Learn, When to Learn it,
How to Learn it, and
Why you need to
Learn it? Education curriculum needs a complete overhaul. And
that is what I’m working on at
Basic Knowledge 101.
Create the perfect education, create effective instructions and teaching
methods, and create effective ways to test and confirm intelligence and
Purposes of Education
Educational Attainment refers to the highest level of
education completed.
Achievement Gap.
notes about the journey so far...
""If you never improve education
you will never have enough educated people in the world that are
needed to solve the worlds problems or handle the challenges
that we're faced with. With out a strong and effective
education, suffering, corruption, crime, avoidable deaths and
decay will increase and continue till our own extinction."
"We know that addictions kill people everyday. But what we don't
know is that addictions come in many forms. Everyone is addicted
to the
Self, it is after all a
beautiful feeling. But if we ignore our
outer self, the self that
gives us life and meaning, then our addiction to
our self is going to kill us. So if you want to cure the
self from addiction, you need to improve education."
We're not even surprised by our
own ignorance anymore, which is not surprising, still.
We know education works, so what are we waiting for? -
Knowledge is Freedom.
You can't have advancements in
technology without making advancements in education..we just
can't have all these amazing advancements in computer software
every year and not have hardy any incredible advancements in
own software.
Human intelligence is
being marginalized, which is costing us trillions. So that's
another reason why improving education is so extremely
important. If the education system followed
Moore's Law, education would be very effective today.
But sadly as it stands right now our Education System is just
another form of
Child Abuse.
Moore's Law and The Conundrum of Human Learning
Seclusion Rooms -
Keeping All Students Safe Act
The evidence of a good education is visible in many places, just
by looking at our technological advances. But a good education does not
exist for most people. We know how important education is but we are not
improving education fast enough, or sharing it enough. In order for people
to be prepared for the incredible challenges that we're currently faced
with, we better make improving education #1 priority, if not...
Most schools discourage learning more then they encourage learning,
that's because people associate learning with schools, which they should, but, if school sucks
that means kids mistakenly think that learning sucks. This is
why there's so many ignorant people in the world and why we have
so many problems. Schools make learning boring as shit and
really discouraging, and you wonder why kids don't learn. When
kids relate learning with being in school they fail to learn
outside the school, where most of a persons learning is done,
that is if you know where to look and know what to learn and when to
learn it. Then on top of that we have made a horrible mistake in creating
a society that discourages the sharing of information and knowledge.
Curriculum and the Learning Genome (youtube)
Learning Targets Tagged Curriculum
"Yes your parents and your teachers may be stupid at times, so if you don't want
to end up like them you better start educating yourself and
learn what particular information and knowledge is important."
"Most people would agree that teachers are the most important people in the world, but in
order to say that, you would also have to agree that teachers
can also be the most dangerous people in the world. Trusting
someone to educate your child is very risky, especially knowing
that most people do not understand what education as a whole
should be. In order for a student to trust someone else's
intelligence, a teacher would have to prove that their teachings
are the most honest, the most accurate and the most important
knowledge for its time. And to understand that, you have just
learned your first lesson as a student, there is always two
sides to a coin, thus, there will always be one more question to
ask....What's on the other side?"
"You can't
Process information unless you have
"Improving Education is the number one priority. All other priorities, problems and
issues are directly related to fixing this number one priority.
It's not just that people don't have enough information and
knowledge, it's that some of the information and knowledge they
do have is not being processed correctly, and this is why people
make mistakes and make bad decisions".
Education Sayings -
Education Quotes -
Education Blog -
Education News
When going to elementary school
in Danbury, Ct. you couldn't see much around the school.
But when I got to Junior High School I could see the High School up on a
hill from the Junior High School, now I could see my destiny, my future.
But when I got to the high school I could now see the prison up on a hill.
I would sit with my friends and laugh saying now that's our destiny? No
way. But maybe the prison up on the hill was some kind of a sign or a
symbol for another type of prison. Like Ignorance, because Ignorance is a
prison. The lack of knowledge and skills drastically lowers the number of
choices you have, just like a real prison does. So I ask myself, why are
schools sending kids to prison? They're certainly not educating them
enough, so what's the problem?
Ignorance is a prison, the only way out of that prison is to
learn your way out."
I went to school but I don't remember learning anything.
I know I learned how to write, but I was not a good writer or did I learn
how important writing is. I learned how to count, but I did not learn how
to count the things that mattered. I learned how to read, but I was not a
good reader or did I learn how important reading is, or did I read things
that were valuable and informative.
"The only thing that can save us now is our ability to share
information and knowledge effectively and efficiently."
Putting students first is an
obvious choice of course. But the hard part is, as it has been
for years, is actually putting our best ideas into practice.
There seems to be a lot of talk but not enough action. We have
an incredible amount of information and knowledge that can move
us forward. And we have plenty of evidence that clearly shows us
the numerous benefits that come from a good education. Look at
our skyscrapers, look at our bridges, look at our boats, our
planes, our spaceships, our computers, our networks. Highly
skilled and educated people provide society with more potential
and more options and more choices.
Education is not only the best investment that a country can
make, it's also the most important investment a country can
make. The only sure way to solve the problems in our world is to
educate students on how to be problem solvers. Then and only
then will our problems will be solved, and the quality of life
improve for everyone. Education is directly related to the
strength of a Nation.
So the more people you can fully educate, the stronger your
families will be, the stronger your communities will be, and the
stronger your nation will be. Education is the only logical path
to take. And I plan to stay on this path for the rest of my
life, as a teacher and as a student. A good education is costly,
but a poor education costs more.
An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
(Benjamin Franklin)
We're not really helping
education when we take a step backwards. But sometimes even a
step backwards is still a step forward when you compare it to
the level of knowledge that your average citizen has. But we
don't want to waste a lot of time repeating the same things that
we're already doing. We have an enormous amount of information
and knowledge that can help us improve education, education that
would increase every students knowledge and skill level, a level
that would be far more superior then the standards we have now.
So we need to focus more on the curriculum itself, because the
curriculum is the vehicle that moves our best information and
knowledge forward. So if your not updating the curriculum, then
you end up just repeating yourself, which impedes learning. And
this impeded learning is the source of all our problems. So if
we improve education, and educate every student to be problem
solvers, then all our problems will be solved.
"It's not the size of
your education, it's what you do with the education you have. So
it all comes down to choices. And if you don't know what the
good choices are, your chances of making good choices are
greatly diminished. You have to know what a good choice is in
order to make one."
"it is easier to educate
a child the right way the first time than it is to try to
reeducate an adult who has been made dysfunctional from an
ineffective education."
Please quite your mind for
just a moment and listen to what I say..Imagine people standing around in 1960 and looking up at the
moon and saying, hey, lets fly up to the moon, land on the
surface, and walk around for a little while, and then fly back.
That's sounds really cool, lets do it. Now just imagine all the
people, all the time and all the resources that went into making
that trip to the moon even possible. Just imagine how smart you
would have to be in order to design a spaceship that has
thousands of perfectly engineered parts that are able to perform
under one of the most extreme conditions know to man, this thing
that we call space travel. But as more and more people are
learning this specialized
knowledge like science and engineering, more people can now
explore space by making their own type of spacecraft, which is
incredible. If knowledge and information can get you to the moon
and back, just think about what knowledge and information can do
for you in your everyday life? More Possibilities, More
Abilities, More Freedom, More Happiness. This is why creating a
complete education is so extremely important. Just imagine an
Education that's full of the worlds most important information
and knowledge. Just imagine having this knowledge and
information by the age of 16. Starting in 2013, if we would
fully educated just 20% of our children starting at birth, in 15
years you would have tens of thousands of the most highly
educated people the world has ever seen. Creating an incredible
workforce made up of highly skilled and highly intelligent
people. People who are fully aware of the state of world and
fully aware of the responsibilities that they are faced with.
Humans greatest strength has always been our Brain. And the more
educated brains that we have working together, the greater our
strength will be. More Possibilities, More Abilities, More
Freedom, More Happiness. What are you waiting for?
Great things don't happen over night, but if you never start,
great things will never happen.
Keep Learning My Friends, a quote from the worlds most educated
man, well not yet of course, but getting there.
It's time to open the
gates of knowledge and let all who enter know that heaven on
earth awaits them..
"Soon one day you will
hear a
Commencement Speech start off by saying.."College
graduates, you are now the most educated people the world has
ever seen, your intelligence far exceeds every generation before
you, you are truly a gift to the world and our greatest chance
for positive change."
Every parent wants their child to have access to the worlds best education, so lets
provide it.
A better world is still in our reach. It isn't gone because you
can't see it. Something doesn't exist just because you can't
understand it. The future always comes. Some people see it, and
others don't, and not because people can't see, they just don't
know how to see correctly. We have very accurate ways of
predicting the future, and we have been right and correct many
times, just look at our skyscrapers, look at our tanker ships,
look at our airplanes and jets. We know engineering works. But
because our current education system, not everyone has access to
the necessary information and knowledge that would give them the
chance to learn how to use these amazing skills correctly. But
just educating more engineers will not improve our world, the
only thing guaranteed to improve our world is by improving
education, and the evidence of what a better education can do is
all around us. People with better education get paid more,
people with better education also have more options and more
skills then the average person. And engineers end up creating
these amazing engineering feats like flying to the moon and back
and building satellites, and building a space station where
people could live in space. And it's amazing how so many people
are not impressed by these facts. But I would not say impressed,
I would say proud. Even though we have made some horrible
mistakes, and are still making mistakes, I know that we can turn
this around. Like I said, the proof of what a good education can
do is every where. Lets engineer the perfect education and then
distribute this complete education to everyone who wants to be
educated. So that's like over 7 billion copies, but guess what,
we print that many pages everyday. But this time we don't even
need paper, because we can use the digital world to deliver
"All College's, Universities and
schools should be free. They should earn their money on the
return, meaning, if the student prospers then they get a small
percentage of that benefit. So if the knowledge and information
that a school teaches benefits people, then the will always be
rewarded because the proof of the benefits will be clearly
Your ability to Learn is the reason why you are alive, but
just because you're alive doesn't mean that you're living, you
could be struggling to stay alive, you could be suffering in
many different ways, or you could be wasting your true potential
on things that don't matter.
Knowing comes from Learning
There's something that would
solve all your problems and improve your life. And it's
something that you have been doing most of your life, it's
called learning. But in order for
to be effective, you have to learn the
right things at the right
time. Everything that you are, and everything that you'll ever
be, is directly related to what you
know. And your life is also
directly effected by what other people know. So
knowing is extremely important when it comes to
improving the quality of life. But the process of knowing is not
totally defined. So the goal of this education project is to
define the process of knowing, and to define what would be the
most valuable knowledge and information that is currently
available. And then determine at which time this knowledge would
be best learned. This way, anyone who completes this education,
will have the highest degree of intelligence that is currently
obtainable, as well as the potential, the abilities, and the
skills to pursue any career, and to live any quality of life
that they wish. Testing will only be used to assist each student
in measuring their personal progress, and their personal
performance, and also to determine the level of intelligence
that they have reached at a particular time. There will be no
grades, you either pass or you don't pass. If you pass, then you
move on to the next level, if you don't pass, then you keep
trying until you reached the next level. And if a person needs
extra help or guidance, then the student must seek out and use
the resources available. There is no time limits, so you can go
as fast as you want, or go as slow as you want. Intelligence is
not a race. Intelligence is a process. Some will take more time,
and some will take less time, but everyone will eventually pass,
whether you're gifted or not so gifted. Each person will
eventually have a greater understanding of themselves and the
world around them, and, be able live their life to the fullest
potential possible.
do you Know
I know -
Living a Good Life is learning how to live a Good Life
The level of intelligence that a student reaches will be measured when the student has
passed all the courses, similar to a
Final Examination. But of course there is nothing final
about intelligence. Testing will mostly be used to determine that the
student has the understanding and the abilities to be
intelligent. The true measure of intelligence only comes from a
persons actions, and not from how well a person does on tests.
So if testing has determined that a person has reached a higher
level of intelligence then you, this does not mean that the
person is smarter then you, because they still have to prove
intelligence by their actions.
Education will be engaging
because you will choose the
style of learning that works best for
you. You will also choose the time and place for learning that
works best for you. You will also choose the speed of learning
that works best for you.
Films about Education Problems and Solutions
Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education (youtube)
- 2.3 Educational system (youtube) -
Trom Website
RSA Animate - Ken Robinson: Changing
Education Paradigms (youtube)
Emily Pilloton: Teaching Design for Change (video)
Education - Why Poverty? China (youtube)
Diana Laufenberg: 3 ways to teach (video)
A Small Act -
Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE)
Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the Learning Revolution! (youtube)
Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools Kill Creativity? (youtube)
Stupid in
America by 20/20 on ABC (youtube)
This 2007 video explains some of the problems we have
in our education system.
Adora Svitak: What adults can learn from kids (youtube)
(This shows you a good example of what a good education can accomplish)
Decadence - Meaninglessness of Modern Life - Episode 4 - Education (youtube)
Detachment is a 2011 American drama film about some of the horrors and
struggles that teachers face in the dysfunctional education system in
America. A high-school substitute teacher observes acts of hostility and
antagonism, including a student yelling at him and threatening him
physically, as well as two students verbally harassing another pupil. The
film also takes a look at people who struggle with life because of the
effects from a dumb down education system.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson shows one way how under educating people can effect
certain outcomes of an entire group of people. But just because some
people are more educated then others, this does not say that the more
educated people are educated enough, because 99.9% of the humans on earth
are not educated enough, which has even more negative outcomes such as
death, disease and pollution.
Another great example when people have access to a higher quality
Tanmay Bakshi - Tanmay Teaches (youtube channel - Joined Dec 25, 2011)
(youtube) - Videos On: iOS, macOS, watchOS, Swift, ObjectiveC, PHP, VB,
Windows, SQL, Math, Science.
The most
Intelligent people are being exploited. Our main concern is that
big corporations are exploiting too many of our best and brightest
students, luring them in with high paying jobs that just end up wasting
their valuable brain power and potential. Having them working on bogus
projects that do more harm to society than good. It's bad enough that big
corporations are buying up the competition and creating monopolies, but
they are also buying up people like they were pawns. This is a dangerous
game that they are destined to lose. Sadly, some of them don't even care
that they're losing. But many people do care. We don't want to be dragged
down anymore. This ignorance is killing us. So you see, we have to get you
to stop. WHICH IS OUR ONLY CHOICE, but luckily you have choices, choices
you can make that would save us a lot of problems and time.
There are more films on this page about education, just look for links with youtube or video.
Higher Education
Below is more information about the Seriousness of Education Reform.
Yes, many people know that our education system is a horrible failure.
And if you are not aware of
this, then you are truly a victim of this incompetent education system.
Tracking - Under Matching - Under Educating
Tracking is
separating pupils by academic ability into groups for all
subjects or
certain classes and curriculum within a school. It may be
referred to as streaming or phasing in certain schools. In a tracking
system, the entire school population is assigned to classes according to
whether the students' overall achievement is above average, normal, or
below average. Students attend
academic classes only with students whose
overall academic achievement is the same as their own.
of low performing students from high performing students with
reintegration plan.
Under Matching is when well-qualified students, often from
less affluent households, are not matched with competitive
colleges. Undermatched students
attend less-demanding colleges such as two-year
colleges or don't attend college at all.
Targeted Marketing
Assimilation -
Discrimination -
Knowledge Gap -
Brain Drain
Classes set by ability are hitting children's self-confidence. Study
could have important implications for interventions directed at addressing
in education. The way a vast amount of schools are setup, with classes
grouping children based on their ability,
is severely affecting pupil's self-confidence.
We need targeted education instead of
targeted marketing
that triggers ignorant behaviors and time wasting distractions, Targeted
education could trigger learning and motivate a person to be intelligent
and to seek out healthy experiences. Targeted education will remind a
person of their goals and help them achieve their goals. Targeted
education will be there to help a person, not hurt a person like targeted
marketing does.
Not everything about tracking is bad,
especially when putting together good teams and organizations. But
there are many bad things with tracking students. The main problem is not the
tracking itself, it is the teaching in a classroom setting where a group
of students is taught by one teacher who has
no connection with any
one student, or can give any one student personal attention. This is not
just a horrible way to educate someone, it is also a horrible way to treat
someone. To be
by an education system is abusive.
size does not fit all. Every student should be allowed to go at
their own pace. Every student should be allowed to advance quicker, and
every student should be allowed to take their time when needed. But the most important
thing is that every student should fully understand their
current level of knowledge and fully understand their current skill level,
as well as fully understand how to reach their personal education goals. And
on top of that, every student should fully understand what a
false sense of accomplishment is, and why it's dangerous to have a false
sense of failure or have a false sense of worth.
students is just the tip of iceberg and just a small part of a much bigger
problem, which is the under-education of students. You still have
dumb and dumber. And most students are not aware of this, which is proof that
the dumbing down of education exists. If everyone around you is ignorant, then
you will think that your ignorance is normal, and
you will conform to what
you think is normal. And students in higher performing classes will
ignorantly believe that they are more educated, which is partly true, but
when you compare yourself to less educated people, then you only confirm
that you yourself are not fully educated.
Good grades are not a measurement of
intelligence. Tracking students and dumbing down education provided
society with factory workers, low pay workers,
and a steady
supply of soldiers.
But dumbing down education also caused most of the problems that society
is suffering from, like
white collar crimes,
sexual perversion,
mental illness,
propaganda and a
divided society,
just to name a few. I witnessed classroom
tracking first hand when I was in Broadview
Junior High School in 1973. I was accidentally or
put in a lower performing class of students, which was
disturbing. But of course I had no idea what tracking was then.
When I was moved to a higher performing class I ignorantly believed that I
would be better off. Tracking also happened in Danbury High School in
1977. When I was moved to a higher performing class, all I saw was very
obedient and
students. And of course I felt left behind and uneducated, which was only
partly true because I did not know then what I know now. Danbury High
School in 1977 was a
dropout factory and some
teachers looked like over paid baby sitters, and Danbury High School is
not doing much better in 2020. So every student is being
extremely undereducated, it's just that some
people are more undereducated than others.
means that schools stop the traditional system of separating students by
ability and performance in various subjects. Every student should understand what
prerequisites means.
Big-Fish Little-Pond Effect happens when individuals
compare their own self-concept
with their peers and equally capable
individuals have higher
self-concepts when in a less capable group than in a more capable group.
For example, it is better for academic self-concept to be a big fish in a
little pond (gifted student in regular reference group) than to be a small
fish in a big pond (gifted student in gifted reference group). High
achieving and gifted students are just as susceptible to the effect as are
talented students indicating that the effect depends only on the
achievement of the reference group. Higher academic self-concept (ASC) has
been shown to predict future performance and achievement.
Segregation is the separation of humans into ethnic or racial groups
in daily life. It may apply to activities such as eating in a restaurant,
drinking from a water fountain, using a public toilet, attending school,
going to the movies, riding on a bus, or in the rental or purchase of a
Surrounded by Low Achievers: High on Positive Emotions? Researchers
demonstrate negative impacts of high-achieving environment on school
students' individual emotional well-being.
The End of
Education is a book by Neil Postman about public education in America.
The use of the word "end" in the title has two meanings: primarily, as a
synonym for "
purpose", but also as a prediction
about the future of public schools if they do not successfully identify
and communicate a convincing purpose for their existence within our
"Today, wherever youngsters attend school, they hang up their coats, face the
flag and express belief that they, along with the states, pledge
to remain undivided. Soon after, however, the children divide
into fast, average, and slow learning groups. Time widens the
physical and educational distances which discriminate reading
groups into social classes, learning tracks, and internally
segregated schools. Young people become bonded to members of
their reading group and alienate from those in
other reading groups. Reticent to leave their supportive group
to advance to another group of strange , and possibly hostile
youngsters, many pupils remain socially , educationally, and
linguistically segregated and unequal to others all their lives."
~Quoted by Robert and Lois Wolsch in the Book "Literacy
Assured", page 4.
"Play-Doh fun factories,
squeezing out supposedly educated human beings, marching them around from
class to class — bells bonging, punishments escalating,
homework being
loaded on. Every day something like 16 million high-school students
get up at the crack of dawn, slurp some oat clusters while barely
conscious, hop on a bus, bounce around the county, show up and sit in a
chair, zoned out, waiting for the first bell. If they’re late, they are
written up. Even if they don’t do much academic work, they are physically
present. Their attendance is a valuable commodity, because if students
don’t attend, teachers and guidance counselors and principals and textbook
makers and designers of educational software have no jobs. A huge
lucrative industry is built around them, and the students get nothing out
of it but a G.P.A.
They deserve not to have their
time wasted. Their lives are absurdly regimented. Teachers spend
half their time shouting themselves hoarse, and young adults are infantilized."
My heart breaks when I see kids that have so much potential and abilities being
subjected to this cruel and incompetent education system. An
education system that has no idea what education should be. And
on top of that people are putting way to much faith in college
as a means to an end when college is just a continuation of this
incompetent education system. Yes college does give you more
So instead of being just a slave you are now a slave
with benefits.
The contented blindness of college students is a clear example
of why education is defective....What are we doing?
"Soon the slaves will become the masters, but not ignorant
masters of people, but the masters of life." There is this
ignorant assumption that people actually think that kids will
just figure stuff out on their own..Figure What Out? What Stuff
are you talking about?
"Everything that we do in this world has
an opportunity to teach and learn something, don't waste the opportunity."
A lot of things that we learn are by chance, randomly and spontaneously. But you have to
be aware in order to learn.
To judge education success by
reading and math scores is not just inadequate but incredibly
moronic. Reading and math is just 10% of the actual education
that every human needs. It’s like a car manufacturer selling you
a car without an engine or a gas tank and telling you “Hey at
least the car still rolls”. No engine to power it and no tank to
add fuel. That’s not education, that’s a scam.
When someone asks "What's wrong with education?" They have already answered the
question and given a good example at the same time.
"The Education Revolution has begun, the war on ignorance must be won"
Our teachers are on the frontline in this war,
teachers are our most important soldiers,
but if teachers do not become part of the solution they will
then be part of the problem.
What is the
The Perfect Education?
Emile, or On Education (wiki)
Our educational standards are incredibly inadequate
and are an injustice to our children's future. Since most
people, parents and teachers, are unaware of what academic
studies that we need to expand on, and how they should be
formulated for each age group, then it is safe to say that we
will all learn this together. Everyone needs life skills and an
education that provides the necessary knowledge that we use in
everyday life. The best way to improve our world is to improve
our pedagogic practices.
The rapidly evolving information landscape means that education
methods and practices must evolve and adapt accordingly.
The more teaching methods, teaching styles
and teaching techniques that a teacher is familiar with and
understands, the more valuable that teacher will be it the
classroom. And it’s not just knowing about the many ways of
teaching but more importantly showing students the many ways of
“An educated person is someone who knows how to
learn and continually learns”.
Education Blog
What's the point of having
standards for a dysfunctional and inadequate education?
That's like having standards for child abuse. It's wrong to
begin with. It's like someone with serious brain damage trying
to perform surgery on your brain. How can you ever create good
teachers using the same information and knowledge that creates
ignorance? First you have to define what is the
best information and knowledge
that is needed and then teach it.
Standards should only be comprised of
methods, styles and guidelines.
To judge education success by reading and math
scores is not just inadequate but incredibly moronic. Reading
and math is just 10% of the actual education that ever human
needs. It’s like a car manufacturer selling you a car without an
engine or a gas tank and telling you “Hey at least the car still
rolls”. No engine to power it and no tank to add fuel. That’s
not education, that’s a scam.
Lunatics are Running the Asylum
Just because your school has closed or your
teachers are incompetent does not mean that your chances of a
good education are gone. It just means that you were looking in
the wrong place. 80% of your education is here on the Internet.
Even if you go to a good school or have a so-called “good
teacher”, 80% of your education is still here on the Internet.
Basic Knowledge 101.
We spend billions of dollars
on education and a lot of that money is being wasted,
but waste does not mean cuts,
it means that there has to be improvements.
Education cost money, but ignorance costs more.
774 million people in the
world are illiterate and two thirds are women.
Low health literacy cost the U.S. 238 billion per year.
About 30 million people, 14 percent of the US population 16 and
older, have trouble with basic reading and writing.
18 million adults don’t read well enough to earn a living wage.
63% of prison inmates can’t read.
Our defective education system as it stands is creating children
with learning disabilities, but still it's better then nothing
because luckily some students do make it through and achieve on
their own. And now to make this situation even worse some
leaders are cutting education budgets.
This is like seeing people starving to death and then deciding
to produce less food. 36,000 teachers could lose their jobs in
California, 20,000 in Illinois, 16,600 in New York. And not only
cutting teachers, but cutting programs, cutting school hours,
enlarging classes, closing schools and all to save money.
Ignorant people making ignorant choices, another reason why
education improvements are extremely important. The same leaders
who failed to make the necessary educational improvements are
now just cutting services that they promised to protect.
Ignorant people make horrible leaders. "Improving education will
improve our next generation of leaders which in turn will improve our
War on Ignorance
Education Cuts -
Say No To
Reading & Literacy Books & Websites
Curriculum Strategies & Ideas
Too much School work is another reason
why education needs a complete overhaul. Learning isn't
stressful, what's stressful is a dysfunctional,
fragmented and
incoherent education system that overloads kids with schoolwork,
which is abusive and ignorant because it doesn't even produce
intelligent people, it only produces mindless slaves who don't
even have enough knowledge and information to correctly analyze
themselves or the world around them, thus it ends up causing
more problems then it solves.
So the parents and the kids are just victims. They believe that
taking on more school work or taking advanced placement courses
will improve their lives, but all it does is lead them into a
hole and that traps them in debt, emotionally and literally. You
have to take a strong look at what you're learning and why
you're learning it? What kind of human do you want to be and how
will you benefit the world? Students don't have time to waste
learning things of little value or things they will not use
enough that justifies the time and effort given. You have to
have balance in your life between learning and living. You don't
want to spend all your time
learning if all you end up doing is spend all your time working,
especially if the work you do does not benefit society. If you
experience life you will have no life.
All text books should be
available for digital download for
Laptops or Netbooks with
flash drives, so that every student can study when ever they
can. Plus they don't have to worry about carrying all those
books. Plus digital textbooks can be updated easily so learning
can keep pace with progress.
The beginning of the next school year in August 2010, math and science
students in Ca. high schools will have access to online texts
that have passed an academic standards review.
Education News.
I love the
One Laptop Per
Child and the
Class Mate
PC program but I want to
take it to the next level with another
Laptop Idea
for the advanced student or as a
teaching tool for an educator.
The True Purpose of Education - Academic Imperative
purpose of
education should always be to
people for the
life, and to
fully inform
people about the
realities of the world, as well as,
be educated enough to
protect themselves from misinformation and protect themselves from a
misguided belief system. Education should help
socialize children into
society by
teaching cultural
values and
Education should equip students with the skills needed to become
productive members of
society. Every student must have enough skills,
knowledge and
information to
have the
ability to pursue any
career, work
any job, chase
dream, reach any
goal, and
continue to
learn in any form of
education in order to improve their
or to seek an
academic degree,
academic major,
master degree or
doctor of philosophy.
Sufficient is a quantity
that can fulfill a
need or
requirement without being
abundant or
Adequate is having the
requisite qualities
or resources to meet a task. Sufficient for the purpose.
Constructive is something serving a
useful purpose. Tending to
build up.
Holistic Education is to engage all
aspects of the learner, including the mind, the body, and the spirit,
where each person finds identity, meaning, and purpose in life through
connections to their local community, to the natural world, and to
humanitarian values such as compassion and peace.
Holistic Development is a complete educational strategy that aims
to develop physical, intellectual, emotional, cognitive, and social
abilities in the young. It seeks to enhance these skills in the early
stage of life, which will prepare them to meet the challenges and
difficulties of daily life in the future as adults.
Holistic Living means having
balance in your mental,
physical, emotional, and spiritual being. It is about keeping harmony in
all areas of your life and approaching healing from the perspective of
being whole. We mean addressing health concerns and complications from all
aspects that make up who you are.
Theology does not focus on any specific religion, belief system or
God. Rather, holistic theology analyzes a religious concept as it relates
to every religion, the whole of religious belief and practice.
More academic freedom leads to more innovation. The innovative
strength of a society depends on the level of academic freedom. An
international team has now demonstrated this relationship. The researchers
analyzed patent applications and patent citations in a sample from around
160 countries over the 1900--2015 period in relation to indicators used in
the Academic Freedom Index. In view of the global decline in academic
freedom over the past 10 years, the researchers predict a loss in
innovative output.
The best
way to
solve problems is to be educated enough and skilled enough to solve
problems. The best way to avoid making mistakes and avoid certain problems
is to be educated enough and skilled enough to know how to avoid making
costly mistakes and avoid certain problems. The best way to live a good
life is to be educated enough and skilled enough to know how to live a
good life. An
astronaut is
trained for space travel, our education system should train young people
life travel.
Count the Things that Matter
Remember the Things that Matter
Read the things that Matter -
Language -
Seeing the Whole
Learning Object is a
collection of content items, practice items, and
assessment items that are combined based on a single learning objective.
Learning Objects is known by numerous other terms, including: content
objects, chunks, educational objects, information objects, intelligent
objects, knowledge bits, knowledge objects, learning components, media
objects, reusable curriculum components, nuggets, reusable information
objects, reusable learning objects, testable reusable units of cognition,
training components, and units of learning.
Simultaneous Subject Teaching
student should be a finely tuned learning machine by the
age of 15. Life has
challenges, and
those challenges are increasing and becoming more complicated everyday,
especially in 2023. The only way to adequately
people for the struggles they face is to give people the
knowledge they need to fully understand their situation. Having knowledge
is very beneficial. So the value of
should never be under-estimated. People need to know how much
potential they
have, and people need to know how to use their potential effectively and
efficiently so they can have a productive life, a meaningful life, and a
life of purpose.
Knowledge is
the energy that gives humans their power. And everyone needs to have
this power so that each persons power can be utilized instead of being
marginalized in unproductive and destructive ways. Knowledge is our
greatest strength, but we are under utilizing knowledge. So we need to
start utilizing the potential that every human has. People need to be
The purpose of education should
be about teaching kids how to be
logical and
sensible. To be
knowledgeable and have the
ability to read above the high
school level. To
write and
communicate effectively.
To be able to
so that they can calculate and predict the future outcomes.
To be
aware of
themselves. To be
aware of other people. To be
aware of the
world and
their environment.
To be
healthy and
strong. To be
unafraid, but still
cautious and careful. To be
honest and
morally sound. To be
compassionate and
understanding and to
people in need. To
stand up for what is right and be
able to
defend themselves when needed.
question things for there
validity and reasoning.
never seek revenge but to
justice and
reform. To be patient and
to have self-control. To
be emotionally stable,
To be
happy and
grateful. To
have a good sense
of humor.
To be
creative and
open minded. To be
adventurous and
inspired. And most importantly,
to be
good at solving problems.
Because our world has created a lot of problems that desperately
need solving. And if we don't educate our children to be problem
solvers, then thousands of people will continue to suffer and die
everyday from things that can be avoided, and this will continue
for as long as our species survives.
if you can't
educate someone to be prepared for life, then that person can be
victimized, and they will have problems controlling their emotions, and
they will have problems with communication and problems with
relationships. If someone is not ready to face the realities of life, and
if they're not aware of the struggles that people have to endure everyday,
then that person is in for a rude awakening. When a person finally
realizes how much they don't know about themselves and the world around
them, it's going to be traumatic. This is why we must educate every child
to the highest degree possible. Educating an adult is extremely difficult.
Adults have accumulated stubborn beliefs that tend to not listening and
not have good reasoning skills. When an adult pretends that they know and
understand something, they will not seek out other perspectives or look
for more information. Higher learning has basically stopped, and human
development becomes stagnant.
"When you only know so much, you can
only do so much. Not that you can't do anything important, it's just that
you can do more when you know more. When you learn more, you can do more.
More knowledge equals more possibilities. What you do is important, what
you learn is even more important."
Reading a
dictionary will help
you to
the definitions of words, but it will not help you to understand the
meaning of words when they
are used within a particular
context. Reading all the
encyclopedias in the
world will help you to understand many things in the world, but it will
not help you to understand what knowledge and information means is a
whole. There is a level of human intelligence that can only be acquired
deliberate learning.
In order to better understand yourself and the world around you, you have
to learn the things that will give you a better understanding of yourself
and the world around you. And you also need an accurate method for
measuring the accuracy and the value of what you understand about yourself
and the world around you.
Head Start
After School
Programs -
Learning Methods and Styles
The true purpose of education should be - Teach students to become
free thinkers and expert
analyzers of
information. Teach students how to
formulate ideas and information into
logical answers.
Teach students how to learn from
history and how to
learn from mistakes and
learn from bad decisions.
Students should learn from good experiences and learn from bad experiences so they can make
better choices and better decisions.
Teach students how to see the future and understand the
importance of being prepared, and the
importance of
intelligent planning and the awareness that science has
given us.
Teach students
what it means to be successful.
Teach students
how to use machines effectively and
responsibly as well as teaching students how to survive
machines and still retain the
necessary knowledge and skills to live. Teach students
to be analytical thinkers who are not constrained, and who are instead
encouraged to explore and to be creative.
Teach students how to
understand themselves, and to be
aware of their potential, and to be aware of their abilities, and
the same time, to be aware of their vulnerabilities.
Teach Students to have a clear understanding of logic and why
common sense is so important.
Teach students to be conscious and to know
how to focus. Teach students on how to possess
perceptual skills.
students to live with
purpose, to have pride, and to never stop learning.
Students should develop reasoning about perennial questions.
they should
master the methods of scientific inquiry and cultivate the
intellect. Teaching should create positive change agents, develop spirituality, and
show students how to be a model in
a democratic society.
Basic Knowledge 101.
Actionable Principles of Formative Assessment. Principles include the
integration of
assessment into
the process of
teaching and
learning, using assessment
evidence to
advance learning, and using
assessment to support student
As we teach students to be proficient
writers and
communicators, we should also teach students to have a good
understanding of the
techniques that are
needed for
learning, so that students become
self directed learners who are proficient in
problem solving and are very
skillful in
analyzing information. Educate students to have a good understanding of the processing abilities of the
human brain.
Educate students so that they have a good understanding of the worlds
accumulated knowledge. Educate
students to have a good understanding of
awareness. Educate students so that they have
the necessary skills and knowledge to create an
effective self-awareness,
conscious of
oneself, and
conscious of ones surroundings, and not only what is
perceived by
the individual, but also what is perceived by others.
Educate students so that they have the necessary
skills and
knowledge to create
effective processes,
executive functions and
techniques for
reasoning and
analyzing information that is acquired from all the
human senses. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, for
learning is a
continuum, and the
benefits are limitless.
Century Skills or
applied skills or
soft skills,
include personal, interpersonal, or
learning-based skills,
such as life skills and
problem-solving skills,
people skills, and
social skills. The
have been grouped into three main areas: Learning and
innovation skills: critical thinking and problem
communications and
creativity and innovation.
Digital literacy skills:
information literacy,
literacy, Information and communication technologies (ICT) literacy.
Career and life skills: flexibility and
adaptability, initiative
social and cross-cultural interaction, productivity and accountability.
Twelve 21st Century skills are: Critical thinking, Creativity,
Collaboration, Communication, Information literacy, Media literacy,
Technology literacy,
Social skills.
Foundation Skills (PDF) -
Life Skills are
abilities for
adaptive and positive
behavior that enable
humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of
life. This
concept is also termed as psychosocial competency. The subject varies
greatly depending on social norms and community expectations but skills
that function for well-being and aid individuals to develop into active
and productive members of their communities are considered as life skills.
Mindful -
Staying Calm -
Emotion Regulation -
Coping -
Anger Management
Resilience -
Not being overly Sensitive
Avoiding Escapism -
Situation Awareness
Life Skills-Based Education is a form of education that focuses on
cultivating personal life skills such as self-reflection, critical
thinking, problem solving and interpersonal skills.
People Skills -
Social Skills -
Emotional intelligence -
Study Skills -
Vocational Skills
Soft Skills or common skills or core skills, are skills applicable to
all professions. These include critical thinking, problem solving, public
speaking, professional writing, teamwork, digital literacy, leadership,
professional attitude, work ethic, career management and intercultural
fluency. This is in contrast to hard skills, which are specific to
individual professions. The word "skill" highlights the practical
function. skills can include social graces, communication abilities,
language skills, personal habits, cognitive or emotional empathy, time
management, teamwork and leadership traits. the word "skill" has to be
interpreted as the ability to master hardly controlled actions.
Hard Skills are the technical skills you
need to complete specific tasks. Hard skills are acquired through formal
education and training. Hard Skills Examples are Technical skills,
Computer skills, Microsoft Office skills, Analytical skills, Marketing
skills, Presentation skills, Management skills, Project management skills.
Vocational Education is education that prepares people to work as a
technician or to take up employment in a skilled craft or trade as a
tradesperson or artisan.
The true aim of education should be more about
implanting a will and facility for learning. To develop
independent learners,
to instill
logic and the
We have to teach students how to develop
study skills. How to develop
conceptual thinking, abstract conceptualizing, and analytical
reasoning. How to Develop the ability to approach problems and
situations logically instead of reacting to problems and
situations illogically. How to develop mental-thinking-cognitive
skills. How to develop the ability to seek solutions to problems
instead of just complaining about problems. How to develop
intellectual curiosity. How to seek truth, to effect change. How
to gain moral and character development. How to attain
intellectual, physical and spiritual or emotional progress. How
to empower people to seek a more just world. How to develop the
ability to observe and analyze situations, compare results,
anticipate consequences, and make decisions based upon firm
commitment to goals, ideals and ethics. How to develop
processes for selecting the best and
rejecting the worst elements contained in the various value
systems. How to provide
students with the intellectual resources that enable them to
make informed and responsible judgments about difficult matters
of moral importance. How to create thinkers who are
positive influences on society instead of creating unconscious
materialistic consumers who are unaware of their true
impact and unaware of their true potential.
All students should ask their teachers what they think is the
true purpose education so that all definitions can be examined
for validity.
Before you start learning something new, ask these questions…Why
are you learning this? How will this knowledge be used? When
will this knowledge be most likely used? How will this knowledge
be stored in your psyche?
It is the responsibility of the teacher to inform students the
objective of the lesson.
We have to teach
more then the traditional disciplines such as literature,
history, science and mathematics. We need more Purpose-Guided
Education, Inquiry-Based Learning, Contemplative Education and
provide Learning Contracts and Personalized Student Learning Plans while
at the same time avoiding curriculum overload.
The process approach to education is requiring new forms of
student assessment. Students demonstrate their skills, assess
their own learning, and evaluate the processes by which this
learning has been achieved by preparing portfolios, learning and
research logs, and using procedures.
Education needs to go way beyond
lessons of life, or
soft skills,
informal learning,
native intelligence, or
general studies, or
general educational development, or a
minor academic or
exploratory studies, or
education, or
university preparatory, or
higher education,
college, or
polymath or
remedial education. Being
truant in your education needs
will definitely have negative effects. Information and knowledge is our
best defense. And knowing how to use that information and knowledge
correctly would be our best offence.
Learning Objectives are statements that define the expected
goal of a
lesson or
activity in terms of demonstrable skills or
knowledge that will
be acquired by a student as a
result of instruction. Also known as :
Instructional objectives, learning outcomes, learning goals. The
definition of learning objectives is (or should be) the foundation of any
instructional design.
Educational Aims and Objectives relates to gaining an
ability, a skill, some knowledge, a new attitude etc..
Outcome-Based Education is an educational process that bases each part
of an
educational system
goals and outcomes. By the
end of the educational experience, each student should have achieved the
goal of being intelligent,
along with having Life skills, Basic skills, Professional and vocational
skills, Problem Solving skills, Interpersonal skills and personal skills.
The focus on outcomes creates a clear expectation of
what needs to be accomplished by the end of
the course. Students will understand what is expected of them and teachers
will know what they need to teach during the course. Education should be
flexible so instructors will be able to structure their lessons around the
student’s needs. Student involvement in the classroom is a key part of
Intended Learning Outcomes (MIT)
Academic Advising is a series of intentional interactions with a
curriculum, a pedagogy, and a set of student learning outcomes. Academic
advising synthesizes and contextualizes students' educational experiences
within the frameworks of their aspirations, abilities and lives to extend
learning beyond campus boundaries and timeframes.
The National Academic Advising Association.
Students should be
always reminded that they should be active participants in learning and
that they are ultimately responsible for understanding what they have
learned, especially for all the things learned that are not taught in
schools. Teachers are mostly responsible for sharing some information and
skills, not responsible for what happens with that students life.
Educational Essentialism is an educational philosophy whose adherents
believe that children should learn the traditional basic subjects
thoroughly. In this philosophical
school of
thought, the aim is to instill students with the "
essentials" of
academic knowledge, enacting a back-to-basics approach. Essentialism
ensures that the accumulated wisdom of our civilization as taught in the
traditional academic disciplines is passed on from teacher to student.
Such disciplines might include Reading, Writing, Literature, Foreign
Languages, History, Mathematics, Science, Art, and Music. Moreover, this
traditional approach is meant to train the mind, promote reasoning, and
ensure a common culture.
Being Prepared.
Educational Aims - Knowledge, Descriptive knowledge, Procedural
knowledge, Wisdom, Skills, Higher order thinking skills, Numeracy,
Reasoning, 21st century skills, Creativity, Metacognition, Life skills,
Study skills, Critical thinking, Literacy, Cultural literacy, Diaspora
literacy, Faith literacy, Digital literacy, Computer literacy,
Transliteracy, Technological literacy, Web literacy, Information and media
literacy, Data literacy, Information literacy, Media literacy, Scientific
literacy, Statistical literacy, Visual literacy, Information literacies,
Agricultural literacy, Carbon literacy, Ecological literacy, Emotional
literacy, Geo-literacy, Health literacy, Mental health literacy, Legal
literacy, Oracy, Power literacy, Critical literacy, Racial literacy,
Financial literacy, Musical literacy, Disposition, Attitudes, Discipline,
Social-emotional skills, Interpersonal relationship, Self-awareness,
Social consciousness, Emotional self-regulation, Self-directed beliefs,
Academic self-concept, Academic self-efficacy, Self-esteem, Motivation
Building, Educational equity, Educational inequality, Peace,
Reconciliation, Economic growth, Sustainable development, Justice.
How to accurately understand life.
How to accurately understand human
How to accurately understand personal development.
to accurately understand other people.
How to solve problems.
How to
accurately understand emotions.
How to handle mistakes and losing.
How to handle criticism and negative feedback.
How to manage stress.
How to handle conflict.
How to apologize.
How to say no.
How to
understand consent.
How to balance work and life.
How to accurately
measure success.
How to understand diversity.
How to accurately
understand gender identity.
How to understand respect.
How to
understand self worth.
How to minimize waste.
How to grow food and
cook food.
How to accurately understand politics.
How to understand
How to accurately understand money.
Philosophy of Education is the branch of applied philosophy that
investigates the nature of education as well as its aims and problems.
what goals should be pursued in the process of education. Prominent
suggestions include that education should foster knowledge, curiosity,
creativity, rationality, and critical thinking while also promoting the
tendency to think, feel, and act morally. The individual should thereby
develop as a person, and achieve self-actualization by realizing their
potential. Some theorists emphasize the cultivation of liberal ideals,
such as freedom, autonomy, and open-mindedness, while others stress the
importance of docility, obedience to authority, and ideological purity,
sometimes also with a focus on piety and religious faith. Many suggestions
concern the social domain, such as fostering a sense of community and
solidarity and thus turning the individual into a productive member of
society while protecting them from the potentially negative influences of
society. The discussion of these positions and the arguments cited for and
against them often include references to various disciplines in their
justifications, such as ethics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology.
The different theories of the aims of education are sometimes divided into
goods-based, skills-based, and character-based accounts. Goods-based
accounts hold that the ultimate aim of education is to produce some form
of epistemic good, such as truth, knowledge, and understanding.
Skills-based accounts, on the other hand, see the development of certain
skills, like rationality as well as critical and independent thinking as
the goal of education. For character-based accounts, the character traits
or virtues of the learner play the central role, often with an emphasis on
moral and civic traits like kindness, justice, and honesty. Critical
thinking is often cited as one of the central aims of education.
The Perfect Education does not yet
exist, why?
How do you cultivate individual achievement when you're not even
sure what that means?
Public education, contemporary
education or
formal education, with its
traditional curriculum,
should provide you enough information to get you a
job, but
that's pretty much it, and that's if you're lucky. Though
career education and work
skills are essential, we know that there is much more to life
than just our work. Our national
academic standards desperately needs to be
reevaluated. What you teach, how you teach it, when you teach it,
where you
teach it, and why you teach it, all these questions need
answers. The
learning objective needs to be defined and understood if you
want teaching to be effective.
Education is a
right, but education also needs to be
Goals of
Basic Knowledge 101 -
Simultaneous Subject Teaching -
Stages of LearningCultivate is to teach or
refine someone to be discriminative in taste or judgment. Cultivate in
farming means to
foster the growth of crops or prepare for crops.
Adapt a wild plant to the
Utilize is to make
work for a
particular purpose and be
used or put into
service as
Designed is something done,
made or performed with
purpose and intent to
Imperative is a duty that
essential and urgent that
attention or
action. A mood that
expresses an intention to
influence the
listener's behavior.
Machine Learning -
People to Learn -
Knowledge Visualization
Learning Standards are elements of declarative,
procedural, schematic,
and strategic knowledge that, as a body, define the specific content of an
educational program.
Standards are usually composed of statements that
express what a student knows, can do, or is
capable of performing at a certain point in their learning
progression (often designated by "
grade" or its equivalent).
Learning -
Classroom Learning
(Pros and Cons)
Teaching pupils to 'think like Da Vinci' will help them to take on climate
change. Reforms to the school curriculum which mix the arts and
sciences, so that these subjects 'teach together' around common themes
like climate change and food security, will better prepare young people
for the real-world challenges that will define their adult lives,
researchers argue in a new paper. Evidence is also emerging that a
transdisciplinary approach
enhances pupils' acquisition of key skills.
The ideal student valued by both learners and university staff is a
punctual, organized, hard worker and enthusiastic learner, rather than
someone with excellent academic results, high intelligence and
employability. Academic skills least valued when assessing the 'ideal
student' by academics and peers. Higher education staff and students value
the ideal university student as a hard-working and punctual person, but
not necessarily a genius. The eight dimensions of what makes an ideal
student were chosen, in order, as: diligence and engagement, organization
and discipline, reflection and innovation, positive and confident outlook,
supportive of others, academic skills, employability skills, intelligence
and strategic approach.
Challenges and strategies for assessing student workplace performance
during work-integrated learning.
Indigenous Education
specifically focuses on teaching
Indigenous knowledge,
models, methods, and content within formal or non-formal educational
systems. The growing recognition and use of Indigenous education methods
can be a response to the erosion and loss of Indigenous knowledge through
the processes of colonialism, globalization, and modernity.
Alternative Education
encompasses many pedagogical approaches differing from mainstream
pedagogy. Such alternative learning environments may be found within
state, charter, and independent schools as well as home-based learning
environments. Many educational alternatives emphasize small class sizes,
close relationships between students and teachers and a sense of
community. The legal framework for such education varies by locality, and
determines any obligation to conform with mainstream standard tests and
grades. Alternative pedagogical approaches may include different
structures, as in the open classroom, different teacher-student
relationships, as in the Quaker and free schools, and/or differing
curricula and teaching methods, as in the Waldorf and Montessori schools.
Synonyms for "alternative" in this context include "non-traditional,"
"non-conventional" and "non-standardized". Alternative educators use terms
such as "authentic", "holistic" and "progressive".
is to correct or improve something or make something better. Something
done to cure or treat someone. Provided or intended for students who are
experiencing learning difficulties.
Remedial Education is to assist students in order to
achieve expected
competencies in
core academic skills such as literacy and numeracy.
Whereas special education is designed specifically for students with
special needs, remedial education can be designed for any students, with
or without special needs; the defining trait is simply that they have
reached a point of lack of preparedness, regardless of why. (remedial
education is also known as developmental education, basic skills
education, compensatory education, preparatory education, and academic
Grades -
Degrees -
Entry Testing
Academic is something relating to education
scholarship. A school
or academy for special training. A learned establishment for the
advancement of knowledge. An institution for the advancement of art,
science or literature. Academic can also be a teacher or scholar in a
college or institute of higher education. Academic can also mean something
hypothetical or theoretical and not expected to produce an immediate or
practical result and may not be of practical
"Education that Works"
- "Real World Training"
- "The Best Defense is Common Sense"
Life-wide Learning involves real contexts and authentic
Visualizing learning and personal development as a whole of life
Pedagogy combines education with
critical theory. -
Learning by Doing (PDF)
"Changing the existing system from one focused on inputs
to one focused on outputs"
What is 21st Century Education
Skills Framework
Skills 21 -
Skills You Need
21st Century
Knowledge (BK101) -
Save People Time and Maximize
their Potential.
Solving 21st-century problems requires skills that few are trained in,
scientists find. A new scientific report identifies the essential
components of collaborative problem solving and shows how integrating
knowledge from diverse fields will be essential for training these
abilities. This unique set of cognitive and social skills include:
Shared understanding:
Group members share common goals when solving a new problem.
Accountability: The
contributions that each member makes are visible to the rest of the group.
Differentiated roles:
Group members draw on their specific expertise to complete different
Interdependency: Group members depend on the contributions of others
to solve the problem.
Worker Qualities
Purpose -
When you
learn the right things at the right
time you will see more possibilities and you
will have more potential.
By the time a student enters high
school they should not only be ready
for college, they should also be ready to
teach college.
A student should not
only learn how to save time, but
they should also learn how to make
Baccalaureate Program (PDF) -
Laptops Filled with Educational
Revolution in Education in the 21st century, the curriculum is no
longer the most important aspect of school. It is the experience of
learning that teaches the portable skills that students need to be
successful in this rapidly changing world. It is a positive learning
experience that results in students graduating and becoming life-long
learners; not just learners who can retain content information long
enough to take the next
test. A
deeper learning experience creates self-esteem, empathy, confidence
essential qualities for personal success in the job industry, with in
relationships and strengthening family bonds. Students are an untapped
resource that can change the world. Traditional education positions
students as not yet ready to be contributing members of society; however,
a change in that paradigm could unleash unimaginable talent to solve the
world’s problems.
I Pledge Allegiance to Learning, for Knowledge is the greatest gift and our greatest
First: You
need to know how to
read, you need to
fully comprehend what you are reading, and you have to know
what to read, as well as,
know what not to read? You need to know how to
listen carefully. You need to know how to
communicate effectively. This includes having a very strong
vocabulary and a full
understanding of
You have know how to be a
self-directed learner and be good at
analyzing all types of information.
You have to know when it's necessary to seek out more
information, and know when to
ask for help.
Good Sources to find Answers
Third: You
have to be good at
problem solving. You have to be good at
planning and decision making. You have to know sufficient
and know when to use it. You have to be able to calculate
important factors in problem solving.
Fourth: You
have to understand
science and how it's used to explain things
in our world and how we use science to predict future outcomes
so that we can make better decisions and react accordingly to
laws of nature.
You have to have a good understanding of the
human body.
Understand both
mental and
physical capabilities, understand your needs, as well as
your vulnerabilities.
Sixth: You
have to understand
relationships by being
self mart, as well as,
people smart.
have to be good at
making tools. You also
need to be effective and
efficient when using tools no matter what tools you are using,
technology tools,
basic tools or
heavy equipment.
Eighth: You have to understand
creativity and how we use creativity to
express our own personal perceptions, so that we can learn from
each others experiences and inspire new ideas.
Ninth: You
have to understand the
environment. You should know how to build a
both a temporary shelter and a permanent shelter.
You have to know how to
grow food and find
water. You have
to know how to
create energy and use energy efficiently.
And all these skills have to be sustainable and safe so that you
don't harm yourself or the environment that sustains your life
and other life forms around you.
Tenth: You
have to learn how important it is to
keep learning. You have to
keep updating what you know about yourself and the world around
you. This way you will be better prepared for a world that goes
through many changes with many challenges.
Principal Aims and Purposes. There are two principal aims and four main purposes set out in the National
Curriculum documentation:
National Curriculum England, Wales and Northern Ireland (wiki)
Aim 1: The
school curriculum should aim to provide opportunities for all pupils to
learn and to achieve. The school curriculum should develop enjoyment
of, and commitment to, learning as a means of encouraging and stimulating
the best possible progress and the highest attainment for all pupils. It
should build on pupils' strengths, interests and experiences and develop
their confidence in their capacity to learn and work independently and
collaboratively. It should equip them with the essential learning skills
of literacy, numeracy, and information and communication technology, and
promote an enquiring mind and capacity to think rationally. The school
curriculum should contribute to the development of pupils' sense of
identity through knowledge and understanding of the spiritual, moral,
social and cultural heritages of Britain's diverse society and of the
local, national, European, Commonwealth and global dimensions of their
lives. It should encourage pupils to appreciate human aspirations and
achievements in aesthetic, scientific, technological and social fields,
and prompt a personal response to a range of experiences and ideas. By
providing rich and varied contexts for pupils to acquire, develop and
apply a broad range of knowledge, understanding and skills, the curriculum
should enable pupils to think creatively and critically, to solve problems
and to make a difference for the better. It should give them the
opportunity to become creative, innovative, enterprising and capable of
leadership to equip them for their future lives as workers and citizens.
It should also develop their physical skills and encourage them to
recognize the importance of pursuing a healthy lifestyle and keeping
themselves and others safe.
Aim 2:
The school curriculum will aim to promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social
and cultural development and prepare all pupils for the opportunities,
responsibilities and experiences of life. The school curriculum should
promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and, in
particular, develop principles for distinguishing between right and wrong.
It should develop their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of their
own and different beliefs and cultures, and how these influence
individuals and societies. The school curriculum should pass on enduring
values, develop pupils' integrity and autonomy and help them to be
responsible and caring citizens capable of contributing to the development
of a just society. It should promote equal opportunities and enable pupils
to challenge discrimination and stereotyping. It should develop their
awareness and understanding of, and respect for, the environments in which
they live, and secure their commitment to sustainable development at a
personal, local, national and global level. It should also equip pupils as
consumers to make informed judgments and independent decisions and to
understand their responsibilities and rights. The school curriculum should
promote pupils' self-esteem and emotional wellbeing and help them to form
and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for
themselves and for others, at home, school, work and in the community.
It should develop their ability to relate to others and work for the
common good. It should enable pupils to respond positively to
opportunities, challenges and responsibilities, to manage risk and to cope
with change and adversity. It should prepare pupils for the next steps in
their education, training and employment and equip them to make informed
choices at school and throughout their lives, enabling them to appreciate
the relevance of their achievements to life and society outside school,
including leisure, community engagement and employment.
Purpose 1:
To establish an entitlement. Purpose 2: To establish standards.
Purpose 3: To promote continuity and coherence. Purpose 4: To promote
public understanding.
Polymath is a person whose
expertise spans a significant
number of
different subject areas; such a person is known to draw on
complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.
Multipotentiality is the ability of a person to excel in
or more different fields.
Renaissance Humanism
is citizenry able to speak and write with eloquence and clarity and thus
capable of engaging in the civic life of their communities and persuading
others to virtuous and prudent actions.
Collective Wisdom -
Intelligence1) Provide every student
with the most valuable knowledge and information that the world
has to offer.
2) Show every student the most effective and efficient ways to
learn new skills, and how to acquire more knowledge and more
3) Show every student the most effective and efficient ways on
how to use knowledge and information.
4) Get out of the way, because students have a lot of problems
they need to solve.
So you are either working with students to solve problems, or,
you're making sure that you're not impeding their learning and
their progress in any way. And if you have knowledge and
information that you know will benefit students, then please,
feel free to share your knowledge and information, students will
greatly appreciated all the help and support they receive.
The Current Curriculum that will teach all the above and
a lot more (all these subjects are
taught together as well as
"The objective of education is to prepare the young to
educate themselves throughout their lives." (
Maynard Hutchins)
"We need to prepare our young adults to be positive contributors to
society, as well as active members of society."
What Knowledge Is of Most Worth? Defining Valuable Knowledge for
the Future.
In July 1859, the British philosopher Herbert Spencer published an essay
titled "What Knowledge Is of Most Worth?" in the Westminster
Review. In this essay, Spencer set out to "determine the
relative value of knowledge" so as to determine "the great thing
which education has to teach" (1911). We are in the midst of
another revolution that at least rivals the Industrial
This revolution, as already discussed, is significantly changing
our society and thus the value of knowledge and talents. We must
then ask the same question: What should schools teach in order
to prepare our children for the global and digital economy?
Core Subjects: English, reading or language arts, world languages, arts,
mathematics, economics, science, geography, history, government
and civics) and 21st Century Themes (global awareness;
financial, economic, business and entrepreneurial literacy;
civic literacy; health literacy)
Learning and Innovation Skills (creativity and innovation
skills, critical-thinking and problem-solving skills,
communication and collaboration skills)
Information, Media, and Technology Skills (information literacy,
media literacy, ICT [information and communication technology]
Life and Career Skills (flexibility and adaptability, initiative
and self-direction, social and cross-cultural skills,
productivity and accountability, leadership and responsibility)
Digital-Age Literacy (basic scientific, economic, and
technological literacies; visual and information literacies;
multicultural literacy and global awareness)
Inventive Thinking (adaptability/managing complexity;
self-direction, curiosity, creativity, and risk taking;
higher-order thinking and sound reasoning)
Effective Communication (teaming, collaboration, and
interpersonal skills; personal, social, and civic
responsibility; interactive communication)
High Productivity & Quality, State-of-the-Art Results (ability
to prioritize, plan, and manage for results; effective use of
real-world tools; the ability to create relevant, high-quality
products) (Lemke et al., 2003, p. 9)
The Eight Key Competences are the
following: Communication in the mother tongue.
Communication in foreign languages.
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and
Digital competence.
Learning to learn.
Social and civic competences.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
Cultural awareness and expression.
Quality Education -
Quality Education and the Key Role of Teachers (PDF) -
Quality Education (PDF) -
Quality in Education (PDF) -
Quality Education in Juvenile Justice Secure Care Settings
We need to give kids the
facts, the necessary skills, and give them our most valuable
information and knowledge that they need, and then get out of the
way so they can fix the problems that we created. If we don't do
this kids will just end up being part of the problem just like
so many others. Kids are intelligent, if you give them the right
tools they can fix anything. As soon as kids understand and
figure out what work needs to be done, they will do it gladly.
Because it will not just benefit themselves but it will also
benefit future generations as well. They will create their own
jobs, jobs that
make a difference.
We must remember that
intelligence is not enough. Intelligence plus
character--that is
the goal of true education. The complete education gives one not
only power of concentration, but worthy objectives upon which to
concentrate. The broad education will, therefore, transmit to
one not only the accumulated knowledge of the race but also the
accumulated experience of
social living.
If we are not careful, our colleges will produce a group of
close-minded, unscientific,
illogical propagandists, consumed
with immoral acts. Be careful, "brethren!" Be careful, teachers! -
The most important thing
about teaching is
saving the students time from having to make
the same mistakes as earlier generations have made, or from
wasting time by not learning the right things at the right time.
You want the students to be more intelligent then pervious
generations. Since all life forms advance and evolve from
learning, that means that humans can also advance and evolve
from learning, as we have, but not at the rate or the quality
that we have come to know. Teaching should be more like "Here's
what we have learned so far and here are the mistakes that we
have made." We must do everything in our power to prepare our
young for life.
People shouldn't have to
live entire life in order to learn from a lifetime of mistakes,
especially when they can easily learn about these mistakes in
school when they're young, where a lifetime of mistakes turns
into a lifetime of opportunities.
Most people don't fully
understand that they have incredible abilities. They have the
potential to accomplish almost anything they put their mind to,
and all we need to do is teach people how to learn more about
their abilities and how to use them effectively.
"We are aware of human
potential and the powers of the human brain. Inadequate
education is not the fault of the teachers but the fault of the
curriculum. Excellent curriculum creates excellent teachers,
which in turn creates excellent students."
We want to educate children
so they don't grow up to make the same mistakes that we're
making there's your problem, you can't teach children
how to avoid mistakes that you're making
until you realize that
you're making mistakes, and when you correctly define these
mistakes, you then have to solve the problem that will keep you from
repeating these mistakes, and the show and explain to everyone how you did
it. And that's how a lesson is born.
Classroom Management.
Though humans have been on earth for thousands of years, we are just
beginning to understand. And just in the last 100 years we have learned
more then we have learned in the past 10,000 years. So all children should
be taught that we as a species are just beginning to be aware of how many
problems we have created. And that they have the power to create a better
world, that's if we start to educate all children fully and completely.
purpose of education is to make ignorance nearly impossible so that
mistakes will be so few,
that even if
we do make some mistakes, we will simply see our mistakes as
just a freak accident, a temporary glitch or a simple error in
judgment. So we end up
either laughing at our stupid actions, or we just end up solving this problem and learning
from it. Pure Logic."
University -
VanDamme Academy
"Schools are not preparing kids. So schools will be responsible for all
the mistakes that students make and all the
inactions they will fail to take, so basically most every
school has blood on their hands."
"On this Learning Adventure
I'm not saying follow me, I'm saying Observe and Learn as Much as you Can, so that I may
follow you"
This video shows just how ignorant some Administrators and Unions can be.
Vouchers would be a great idea. We should also abolish union
rules that protect unqualified, ineffective and corrupt teachers
and administrators. We need to improve ineffective schools by
firing unqualified, ineffective administrators and teachers that
fail to educate students. There are schools and teachers who are
producing better education results with less money then the
schools who are receiving a lot more money then they deserve
So this is not just about money it's more about quality and
effectiveness. Another film to see is
Waiting for Superman
which also shows how horrible our education system is.
Idiot – Green Day (2004, youtube)
Scholars (youtube) Shows how uneducated some kids
I would never say that a
diploma or a
is worthless. I would
say that some knowledge is worth more than other knowledge. So
choosing the right knowledge at the right time is critical. If
choosing to learn a specialized skill, you should understand that
you will be investing a lot of your time. And it just can't be about
money, so what is your
true purpose?
Do you have
what it takes?
Everyone needs
skills. Everyone needs
knowledge and information. But
not everyone needs the same specialized skills or the same
specialized knowledge.
And it's
not just about what you want, but also, what the world needs. Do
home work
and use some
Social Problems
Teachers unions can be criminal at times. The only thing they
should be negotiating is what’s best for children’s education and what's
best for teachers, period. You shouldn't haggle with
children's future. What are you trying to say to kids, that when
you grow up you become a selfish greedy scumbag? You’re wrong on
so many levels that it’s totally disgusting, disgraceful and
pitiful. Your ignorance is so ignorant that you don’t even know
how ignorant you are. Your leader acts like she's a
Sociopath and at the same time she’s making teachers look
like a bunch of
Mental Cases. I’m all for workers rights, I will even fight
for workers rights, but not at the expense of children. You
cannot justify treating children this way. Education is the most
important thing we have. I'm sorry for these horrible and
demeaning words. Being cruel and name calling is not me. It's
embarrassing and childish. But I'm really disappointed in adults
who claim they care about students. A poor
education does so much damage in so many ways, you cannot put a
price tag on life. And I know that teachers unions are not the
only ones to blame. There's problems with all areas of society
Government when it comes to
this issue. But the teachers union has the power to make a big
difference. Please don't be greedy and please don't make unfair
demands. American needs you to do what's right. Please do the
right thing.
Be the hero. Be a great example. Be the change that we
desperately need.
I'm not being critical of teachers, just
critical of the teaching process.
You can't blame the teachers, that's like
blaming the soldier for killing, which makes no sense. Of course
we need people to follow orders, but more importantly we also
need people to question why? We need to follow orders, but not
blindly follow the same orders over and over, especially when
you know the outcome is bad and not beneficial. That is to close
to being like a suicide bomber, from the outside it looks like
murder, because it is, but from the inside, reality has been
warped and manipulated, this is what we need to stop. We need to
start improving education and our media outlets so that every
student and citizen is fully informed about their lives and the
choices they have. I see a fantastic future, but I also see a
long transition. But humans are amazing, so I know eventually
humans will overcome their struggles, and rid the world of
costly mistakes, and create a world full of hope and prosperity.
I know that improving education will take a lot of work, but
luckily it's the kind of work that I love doing, so I am content
in knowing that I will spend the rest of my life working on ways
to improve education, and ways to improve the quality of life
for everyone on the planet, Just like millions have done before
me, and just like the quadrillions of people that will live
after me. This is human nature, to live in harmony, to live in
peace, to live.
12 years of school is enough time to include
college education material. If not, then you are failing and definitely
not teaching correctly or effectively. The first 16 years of
every child's life are the most critical and the most important
years in their education.
By the time a child is 5 years old
they should have enough education to be prepare for the next
level of education. If a child starts school at the age of 5,
that's 6 hours a day, 5 days a week with 2 months off in the
summer till the age of 16.
Teachers of course will not have 2
months off for they will still be in school learning to perfect
teaching methods and teaching strategies along with every
administrator and politician who will finally have to earn their
money. And just because kids will have summers and weekends off
does not mean they will not be educating themselves. For that
will be one of the things they will learn in school. Homework
will not be about making up time for teaching failures it will
be about children finally learning how important it is to
educate themselves instead of expecting someone else to do it
for them. Lets do the Math, 6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 40
weeks a year, for 12 years = 14,400 hours. If you can't graduate
students with a college education in 14,400 hours of school then
you are not just a failure but you are completely blind and
incompetent. And this is not just about the teachers but more
about the administrators and politicians who force teachers to
be morons. Teachers have to work together as a team and know
exactly what the other teacher is doing. One good hour or having
only one good teacher in a school will not be productive. I
apologize again for the name calling. I'm not trying to be mean
or disrespectful. I'm just trying to get your attention.
The Foundation for Education Choice.
Even though these films below fall way short of actually addressing the real problems with
education they are still extremely important in informing people
that there are very serious problems with the way we educated children.
Congress Declares that the National Education Goals are the following:
(1) School readiness
(A) By the year 2000,
children in America will start school ready to learn.
(B) The
objectives for this goal are that—
(i) all children will have access to
high-quality and developmentally appropriate preschool programs that help
prepare children for school;
(ii) every parent in the United States
will be a child’s first teacher and devote time each day to helping such
parent’s preschool child learn, and parents will have access to the
training and support parents need; and
(iii) children will receive the
nutrition, physical activity experiences, and health care needed to arrive
at school with healthy minds and bodies, and to maintain the mental
alertness necessary to be prepared to learn, and the number of low-birthweight
babies will be significantly reduced through enhanced prenatal health
(2) School completion
(A) By the year 2000, the high school
graduation rate will increase to at least 90 percent.
(B) The
objectives for this goal are that—
(i) the Nation must dramatically
reduce its school dropout rate, and 75 percent of the students who do drop
out will successfully complete a high school degree or its equivalent; and
(ii) the gap in high school graduation rates between American students
from minority backgrounds and their non-minority counterparts will be
(3) Student achievement and citizenship
(A) By the year
2000, all students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 having demonstrated
competency over challenging subject matter including English, mathematics,
science, foreign languages, civics and government, economics, arts,
history, and geography, and every school in America will ensure that all
students learn to use their minds well, so they may be prepared for
responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment in
our Nation’s modern economy.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that—
(i) the academic performance of all students at the elementary and
secondary level will increase significantly in every quartile, and the
distribution of minority students in each quartile will more closely
reflect the student population as a whole;
(ii) the percentage of all
students who demonstrate the ability to reason, solve problems, apply
knowledge, and write and communicate effectively will increase
(iii) all students will be involved in activities that
promote and demonstrate good citizenship, good health, community service,
and personal responsibility;
(iv) all students will have access to
physical education and health education to ensure they are healthy and
(v) the percentage of all students who are competent in more than
one language will substantially increase; and
(vi) all students will be
knowledgeable about the diverse cultural heritage of this Nation and about
the world community.
(4) Teacher education and professional development.
(A) By the year 2000, the Nation’s teaching force will have access to
programs for the continued improvement of their professional skills and
the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to instruct and
prepare all American students for the next century.
(B) The objectives
for this goal are that—
(i) all teachers will have access to preservice
teacher education and continuing professional development activities that
will provide such teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to teach
to an increasingly diverse student population with a variety of
educational, social, and health needs;
(ii) all teachers will have
continuing opportunities to acquire additional knowledge and skills needed
to teach challenging subject matter and to use emerging new methods, forms
of assessment, and technologies;
(iii) States and school districts will
create integrated strategies to attract, recruit, prepare, retrain, and
support the continued professional development of teachers,
administrators, and other educators, so that there is a highly talented
work force of professional educators to teach challenging subject matter;
(iv) partnerships will be established, whenever possible, among
local educational agencies, institutions of higher education, parents, and
local labor, business, and professional associations to provide and
support programs for the professional development of educators.
Mathematics and science
(A) By the year 2000, United States students
will be first in the world in mathematics and science achievement.
The objectives for this goal are that—
(i) mathematics and science
education, including the metric system of measurement, will be
strengthened throughout the system, especially in the early grades;
(ii) the number of teachers with a substantive background in mathematics
and science, including the metric system of measurement, will increase by
50 percent; and
(iii) the number of United States undergraduate and
graduate students, especially women and minorities, who complete degrees
in mathematics, science, and engineering will increase significantly.
(6) Adult literacy and lifelong learning
(A) By the year 2000, every
adult American will be literate and will possess the knowledge and skills
necessary to compete in a global economy and exercise the rights and
responsibilities of citizenship.
(B) The objectives for this goal are
(i) every major American business will be involved in
strengthening the connection between education and work;
(ii) all
workers will have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills,
from basic to highly technical, needed to adapt to emerging new
technologies, work methods, and markets through public and private
educational, vocational, technical, workplace, or other programs;
the number of quality programs, including those at libraries, that are
designed to serve more effectively the needs of the growing number of
part-time and midcareer students will increase substantially;
(iv) the
proportion of the qualified students, especially minorities, who enter
college, who complete at least two years, and who complete their degree
programs will increase substantially;
(v) the proportion of college
graduates who demonstrate an advanced ability to think critically,
communicate effectively, and solve problems will increase substantially;
(vi) schools, in implementing comprehensive parent involvement
programs, will offer more adult literacy, parent training and life-long
learning opportunities to improve the ties between home and school, and
enhance parents’ work and home lives.
(7) Safe, disciplined, and
alcohol- and drug-free schools
(A) By the year 2000, every school in
the United States will be free of drugs, violence, and the unauthorized
presence of firearms and alcohol and will offer a disciplined environment
conducive to learning.
(B) The objectives for this goal are that—
(i) every school will implement a firm and fair policy on use, possession,
and distribution of drugs and alcohol;
(ii) parents, businesses,
governmental and community organizations will work together to ensure the
rights of students to study in a safe and secure environment that is free
of drugs and crime, and that schools provide a healthy environment and are
a safe haven for all children;
(iii) every local educational agency
will develop and implement a policy to ensure that all schools are free of
violence and the unauthorized presence of weapons;
(iv) every local
educational agency will develop a sequential, comprehensive kindergarten
through twelfth grade drug and alcohol prevention education program;
(v) drug and alcohol curriculum should be taught as an integral part of
sequential, comprehensive health education;
(vi) community-based teams
should be organized to provide students and teachers with needed support;
(vii) every school should work to eliminate sexual harassment.
(8) Parental participation
(A) By the year 2000, every school will
promote partnerships that will increase parental involvement and
participation in promoting the social, emotional, and academic growth of
(B) The objectives for this Goal are that—
(i) every State
will develop policies to assist local schools and local educational
agencies to establish programs for increasing partnerships that respond to
the varying needs of parents and the home, including parents of children
who are disadvantaged or bilingual, or parents of children with
(ii) every school will actively engage parents and
families in a partnership which supports the academic work of children at
home and shared educational decisionmaking at school; and
(iii) parents
and families will help to ensure that schools are adequately supported and
will hold schools and teachers to high standards of accountability.
(Pub. L. 103–227, title I, § 102, Mar. 31, 1994, 108 Stat. 130.).
Incentive - Motivation
can help us simplify a decision, but we still have to explain
the causes and effects, and the reasons. Sometimes incentives
are good for people who don't have the ability to
motivate themselves. And sometimes incentives are good for
people who lack knowledge and are
dependent on other people to
tell them what to do. And sometimes people don't need any
incentives at all, some people just need the reasons why, and if
the reasons why are
good reasons, then
that's incentive enough to do it. There are many reasons why we do things.
need to be explained in more detail. We must not confuse
incentives for reasons. Incentives can never be just about the
money, because we know that money is not an accurate
measurement of value, or reality. People shouldn't depend on
money for
motivation. Many people do things without the
motivation of money, and they are usually the happiest people,
and the most correct. Some people do things because they enjoy
doing them. Some people do things for love. Some people do
for the benefit of others. Some people do things because
there are many benefits, so the work they do is valuable. Some
people do things because they want to make other people smile.
Some people do things because it will benefit their health. Some
people do things because they have
calculated and measured their
actions, and they have figured that these particular actions
will produce the most
favorable outcome that is currently
obtainable, so the results speak for themselves, and there's the
incentive. Incentives should always be about increasing the
chances of
future prosperity, both near future, and
far into the future.
Rational Motive -

"Incentives! We don't need
stinking Incentives, we just need the reasons, all the reasons.
And don't leave anything important out either. We need all the facts."
Pay People to Learn.
I'm not saying that I wouldn't except
Incentives for
good teachers and good schools, but....Rewarding good teachers or good
schools is simply ignorant. If you want to improve education you should
use the money to improve education curriculum so that it would create
greater quality teachers. Incentives are ignorant and very insulting. You
just can't throw money at problems. If you are a good teacher then you
don't need incentives or rewards. It's like giving people money for not
smoking instead of using the money to teach people about the dangers of
smoking. You don't use money to reward people for not being morons you use
money to stop people from becoming morons. Just remember that if you are
only teaching 10% of what is needed in education then you should be fully
aware of what you are paying for. Having better test results from an
inadequate and an incompetent education is still a failure. Paying more
does not necessarily mean that you are actually getting more. Giving
people incentives to be better at teaching ignorance will only create more
ignorant people.
Not to
say Incentivizing is Bad
TROM - 2.4
Work (youtube)
The Equity Project
TEP Charter
The Teacher Salary Project
Using Money to Measure Value
“Good teachers are costly, but bad teachers cost more.” (Bob Talbert)
"Great teachers don't matter if they're not teaching the necessary information and
knowledge that helps create intelligent students. And
besides, you will never have enough great teachers in the first
place if you never have an effective curriculum that creates
great teachers, or intelligent people."
End Teacher Abuse -
Teacher Abuse
"A bad education is like a stray bullet, everyone becomes a possible victim."
Incentives should not be
about money, incentives should be about increased potential and
abilities. Money is corrupted, so to use money as an incentive
for teaching is to say that you are ignorant and that all you
are teaching is more ignorance.
If healthy food was the
least expensive food in the store then poor people would buy
more of this healthy food and thus become healthier. But it's
the opposite, unhealthy food is cheaper in the stores, thus poor
people have more health problems because of it, and end up
paying more in the end by way of increased health costs, lost
productivity and lost potential. So if you are going to use
money as an incentive you better do it the right way, or you
will end up causing more harm then good. But this of course is
not saying that having money is better because we all know that
money does not equal intelligence. Because a lot of people with
money buy bad foods that end up destroying their health so
gradually that they never expect poor health until it's too
late. Paying people to do the right thing is not as effective as
teaching people what the right thing is, and why the right thing
is so important. Because people who have money are just as
ignorant as the people who don't have money. You want to use
money to make people more intelligent, you don't want to use
money to make people more dependent or more ignorant.
Books about Education Reform -
Books on Improving Teaching
Information Sources -
Online Education Websites
Teaching Resources -
Law and Education
Reading -
Literacy -
E-Books -
Text Books
"If you never
improve education quality and quantity you will never improve."
"The Nation that
becomes the most educated nation, by
BK101 education
standards, will be the most powerful nation on earth. But
not the kind of power that seeks control, or the power that
seeks to conquer, it will be the power of potential, the power
of freedom, and the power to live a more happier and more
prosperous life. True Power"
"What good is knowledge or wisdom if you never use it?
What good is knowledge or wisdom if you never share it?"
Just because I had a bad experience in
schools does not mean that I condemn the whole process of
teaching. I am just one experience with one opinion. And I have
always encourage people to get several opinions. Other people
have had different experiences with schools, and some people
have had very similar experiences to mine."
When they ask for the research that
proves that
Education is a higher quality education, I just say this,
the research for your education the way it is now says this,
your education is so inadequate that things are extremely bad
for 100's of millions of people. Murder, crime, corruption,
suffering, destruction, homelessness, starvation, your education is in a sense some kind
of a poison, and BK101 is the
antidote, if not, it will surly be one of the greatest
placebos that you have ever seen. The bottom line is, people
want to learn, and if your not helping, you're hurting, so you
either get out of the way, or help us teach this world into a
better future for everyone. You can't stop people from knowing,
God wants us to know, that is why God gave us a brain, use it or
lose it. So, Put up or shut up. Show your proof, show your
justification. The evidence that a high quality education is
very beneficial is all around us, so it's not like we have no
evidence. And we know what a poor education does, so let's get
Panacea is a solution for all problems. Hypothetical remedy for all ills or
I can teach how to use a hammer. But just
knowing how to use a hammer will not help you understand yourself or the
world around you. You just can't give people hammers, as everyone can
clearly see today. Some hammers are used to build while other hammers
are used to kill. We obviously understand the importance of education, but
know one fully understands what education should be, or how effective it
should be.
Going to school may be better then
nothing, but the research says maybe not.
When someone asks "How do you know?" I answer, "How can I not
Know?" I don't know everything, but that's the plan, which is to
know everything. The goal is intelligence, and when problems
happen, we solve them. We should always have goals and we should
always make plans, but we should have goals and plans that we
can share together, I like these 5...To Know Everything, To Become Intelligent, To Solve Every
Problem, To Live Well, To Love.
BK101 is not making outrageous claims
like other schools, we have the enough knowledge and
information that proves that we can develop every student to be
intelligent, and those intelligent people will help reconfirm
what human intelligence is, and what human intelligence is not.
Like a type of positive feed back loop, the person
continually learns throughout their life.
If a school makes a claim that they are preparing your child for
life, they are lying. Ask them, where in the curriculum does
this knowledge exist? And, how is the understanding of this
knowledge measured? Because being prepared for life is not a
process that is clearly defined, so there is no proof? So, Put
up or shut up. Schools mostly make this false claim to take your
And if a school claims that your child will do better on
standardized tests, then they are selling you more snake oil.
Standardized tests are an insult to intelligence. Standardized
tests mostly measure conformity, and not intelligence.
Schools like to show famous people who graduated from their
school, but none of those famous people are hero's. The true
impact that famous people had on life is not measured by pros
and cons, and it is not measured by all the cause and effects
that came from their life. Their life is mostly a measurement of
popularity or money, two things that have no value on their own,
and to compare yourself to things that are not valuable, does
not make you more valuable. Did those particular famous people
create a positive difference in life and really improve life in
the way that they claim? How much learning did these famous
people do outside of their school? Because no one school teaches
everything a student needs to learn. And on top of that, no
famous person, or anyone, makes it on their own. So a
person is the combination of several people, like parents,
friends, teachers, and even all the people they have come in
contact with. and everyone one else who wrote in a book that
they read, or has been in a movie that they have seen. The
majority of knowledge a person has, comes from other people, we
create very little knowledge on our own. But that very little
knowledge quickly adds up when we combine it with the entire
history of human knowledge .
Schools have to stop lying to people, and to themselves. We have
to start acting like responsible adults. If we really want to
prepared our children for life, then lets do it, and not pretend
to do it. Under educating students hurts everyone, and
everything. And that proof can be seen everywhere on this
planet. Ignorance has infected almost every inch of this earth.
We can no longer afford to stay on this path.
Students of BK101 will do more then just do great on inadequate
standardized tests, BK101 students will improve tests and make
them more effective. Students of BK101 will be more then just be
prepared for life, BK101 students will improve life and actually
define what being prepared for life is really about. BK101
students will also learn how to recognize and analyze all
information, including propaganda, especially knowing that
propaganda can come from within as well as
from outside ourselves. BK101 students will not be
conformists, BK101 students will be fully educated in the
skills involved with being able to work together as civilized
people. BK101 students will be free thinkers, able to solve any
problem. BK101 students will not be discourage by the struggles
of life, they will instead see our struggles as opportunities
for improvements. BK101 students will improve life, BK101
students will not just sit around and watch the world die, they
will create a better future instead of just waiting for one, or
dreaming about one.
BK101 is not in the business of creating more conformists. We
are not creating people who are unaware of the true nature of
the problems that are plaguing this world. We are not creating
people who just end up being accessories to the criminal
elements that murder millions of innocent people every year.
"There's too much emphasis on
compliance, and not enough on engagement."
We are in the business of creating the most intelligent humans
that this world has ever seen. People who actively participate
in improving the world, repairing the damage that has been done
and stopping the damage being done now and in the future.
We know for a fact that learning exists
because people are learning every day. But most people don't
understand the process of learning or the power of learning,
this we need to improve. I am a learner, yes, I can be an
a*shole at times, and yes, I can be stupid at times, but I am a
learner. So no matter how slow or how painful the process of
learning can be, I still learn. Thank you God!
Graduating high school and going to college is not success,
unless those accomplishments are stepping stones to a higher
calling. One where the person engages the world and seeks out
improvements, instead of just taking from the world and stealing
from future generations just to pursue your own selfish
lifestyle, one that does more harm then good.
Famous People who Dropped Out of School - Self Taught
Albert Einstein dropped out of high school at age 15. Deciding
to continue his education a year later, Einstein took the
entrance exam to the prestigious Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology, but failed. He returned to high school, got his
diploma, and then passed the university's entrance exam on his
second attempt.
Open Science -
Independent Science -
Giants -
Harry Houdini
or Ehrich Weiss dropped out of school at age 12,
working several jobs, including locksmith's apprentice.
Andrew Jackson,
the 7th U.S. President, dropped out.
Abraham Lincoln left school at 12 to help his family farm.
Thomas Edison dropped out after only three months of formal
education and was home schooled.
Benjamin Franklin spent two years at the Boston Latin School
before dropping out at age ten and going to work for his father.
Richard Branson.
Walt Disney dropped out of high school at 16.
David Karp (Tumblr) dropped out of high school at 14.
Princess Diana dropped out of school at 16.
Aretha Franklin dropped out at 15.
Quentin Tarantino dropped out at 15.
Al Pacino dropped out of his New York high school to pursue
Jim Carrey dropped out of high school at just 16.
Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard.
Mark Zuckerberg left Harvard to start Facebook.
Steve Jobs dropped out of Reed College to become the father of
all things Apple.
Oprah dropped out of Tennessee State University.
F. Scott Fitzgerald left Princeton University because of poor grades.
John Lennon was expelled from Liverpool College, so he joined a band.
Other notable dropouts were:
Marlon Brando,
Sean Connery,
Robert De Niro,
Lucille Ball,
Frank Sinatra,
Elton John,
Ansel Adams,
Johnny Depp,
Katy Perry,
Nicolas Cage,
Arnold Schwarzenegger,
Cameron Diaz,
Tom Cruise,
Charlize Theron,
Nicole Kidman,
Robert Downey Jr.,
Kate Winslet,
George Carlin, and
Marilyn Monroe.
When these famous people dropped out of
school, they did not stop their education or stop educating
themselves. They decided to take education into their own hands. If your
school is failing to provide you with the education that you need, then
you have to
educate yourself and
find a way to reach your goals outside of these
institutions. And this
is why these famous people found success without finishing school or
finishing school as they originally planned. They finished their schooling
on their own terms. This is why education should be available to everyone.
complete education curriculum needs to be in
the form of computer software that is self teaching and self testing. No
one should feel boxed in.
Companies that Started in a Garage.
Dropping out does not mean that
you stop your education,
or does it mean that you have given up, or does it mean that you
can't recover and regain the potential that was
temporally impeded by a dysfunctional education
It means that you understand that education is your
responsibility. I can
track my self, thank you
very much.
It really doesn't
matter if you drop out of school. All that matters is that you
educate yourself and
continue to learn. It's all the reading and learning that you do outside
of school that ends up being the single most important factor when
studying how to receive a degree, or when studying how to succeed in life
and how to
in your work and in your relationships. There is not a lot of learning
done in schools. All the most valuable learning is done outside school,
but only if you have access to
the worlds most
valuable knowledge and information, and also understand the
stages of learning.
So don't ever give up. Don't let the things that you did not do just yet, stop you from doing something amazing.
There is a big difference between going to school and being
educated. Going to school does not prove that you are educated, it only
says you attended an
institution that provides some form of basic education skills. To be
educated is to deliberately learn and acquire knowledge that is not taught
in schools. To be educated is to have comprehension of yourself and the
world around you without making assumptions and without pretending to be
educated just becuase some institution gave you a diploma.
I'm a High school Drop Out.
But it's not that
I dropped out of High School, it's more like
I had to fire my school
and let my school go because it was not fulfilling my
education needs. So I had to
break up with my school. Besides that, I can learn more on my own and I
can also learn faster own my
own. Of course this does not mean that I don't seek professional advice or need skilled labor every
now and then, it's just that I understand my capabilities a lot more now
then I use to.
"I won't grow up, I don't wanna go to school, just to learn to be
a parrot, and recite a silly rule, I'll never grow up, never grow up, not
I, not me, so there."
Peter Pan is a 1953 American animated adventure fantasy film produced
by Walt Disney Productions and based on the 1904 play Peter Pan, or The
Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up by J. M. Barrie.
'I Won't Grow Up'
Allison Williams | Peter Pan Live (youtube).
Not even Wikipedia can accurately explain what
reform is. Todays Education is
dysfunctional and
fragmented, with little
Teaching Methods -
Education Blog -
Education Quotes -
Education Sayings from Famous People