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Please remember that this website is not the finished product. This website is still in research mode and is still a work in progress. This is only the first draft. There is more organizing, editing, developing and processing that is still needed before knowledge translation and knowledge mobilization is applied. This is when BK101 will go from an abstract summary to more of an executive summary style format. For now, instead of personal notes being in the margins, the notes are embedded in the text. The notes are mostly questions and ideas about some of the ways on how to use knowledge and information effectively and efficiently. BK101 is filled with conversation starters, and these are the conversations that everyone needs to have. We need to reduce confusion and uncertainty. There's just too many vulnerabilities that comes from not understanding yourself and not understanding the world around you. There is no benefit to living with ignorance, absolutely none.

Instructions - How to use this Website - How this Project Began - Knowledge Integration

Prototype is an early sample and a temporary model of a product that is built to test a concept or process, or to act as a thing to be replicated from or learned from.

Knowledge Goals

Self-Archiving is the act of the author's depositing a free copy of an electronic document online in order to provide open access to it. The term usually refers to the self-archiving of peer-reviewed research journal and conference articles, as well as theses and book chapters, deposited in the author's own institutional repository or open archive for the purpose of maximizing its accessibility, usage and citation impact. The term green open access has become common in recent years, distinguishing this approach from gold open access, where the journal itself makes the articles publicly available without charge to the reader. Knowledge Management

Knowledge Translation is all of the activities involved in moving research from the laboratory, the research journal, and the academic conference into the hands of people and organizations who can put it to practical use. Risk Communication.

I have been writing readable definitions of words for 16 years, and I'm just getting started.

Knowledge Mobilization refers to moving available knowledge from research into active use. KMb seeks to make connections between research/expertise and policy/practice in order to improve outcomes in various organizations or sectors. KMb involves knowledge sharing and bridging the gap.

Transferable is something capable of being moved or conveyed from one place to another. Legally transferable to the ownership of another. Financial assets, liabilities, or legal rights are able to be transferred or made over to the possession of another person. Open.

Transfer is to move something from one place to another. The act of moving something from one location to another. The act of transferring something from one form to another. Application of a skill learned in one situation to a different but similar situation. Transition - Stages.

Technology Transfer is the process of transferring or disseminating technology from the places and in groups of its origination to wider distribution among more people and places.

Diffusion is the property of being dispersed or distributed over a wide area and moved outward or spread out in order to cause something to become widely known. Diffusion in mythology is the spread of skills from one society to another. Diffusion is physics the process in which there is movement of a substance from an area of high concentration of that substance to an area of lower concentration.

Distribution is the act of spreading and dispersing something throughout a given area according to a plan. To make something available and cause something to become widely known.

Technology Readiness Level is a method for estimating the maturity of technologies during the acquisition phase of a program. The use of TRLs enables consistent, uniform discussions of technical maturity across different types of technology. Original NASA TRL Definitions (1989). Level 1 – Basic Principles Observed and Reported. Level 2 – Potential Application Validated. Level 3 – Proof-of-Concept Demonstrated, Analytically and/or Experimentally. Level 4 – Component and/or Breadboard Laboratory Validated. Level 5 – Component and/or Breadboard Validated in Simulated or Realspace Environment. Level 6 – System Adequacy Validated in Simulated Environment. Level 7 – System Adequacy Validated in Space. Development.

Knowledge Market is a mechanism for distributing knowledge resources. Knowledge is a public good and should always be available. This is often referred to as attention economy.

Outline of BK101 Goals (basic summary)

When beginning any investigation, one of your first priorities is to find out what is known? So how much do we know so far? This starts with witnesses, documents and facts. I'm nearing peak information, which is the maximum rate of production or the maximum rate at which something can be processed. Education Reform.

So for now in 2024, this is mainly the research along with some comments and some personal thoughts and notes. Some of this research is observational. So more work is needed to define cause-and-effect relationships, as well as, other contributing factors that would help explain the information more clearly. This website acts as a kind of test for cognitive dissonance and cognitive bias, so unintentionally it filters out ignorance, which for the moment might discourage some people from reading more and learning more. This is a problem that will be corrected, because knowledge and information should be encouraging, and not be discouraging. Don't jump to conclusions or overreact when reading things that you don't agree with. I don't assume that I am the source of this knowledge and information.

A Higher Calling

A Higher Calling is a cause that summons you and inspires you to change your current path in life for a life of greater moral importance and purpose. A higher calling is to focus your work and effort towards something that is more important and more valuable and more beneficial to humanity, something that will make a difference. A higher calling is a change in your destiny that goes way beyond what you originally planned to do in your life. This is something that you have to do in order to preserve life for all, and if you don't do it, you may regret it the rest of your life.

A man's got to do what a man's got to do is a saying that means that a man must do what they feel needs to be done, even if it's dangerous and difficult or has consequences. A man must do whatever is essential or necessary in order to achieve a goal. Being a force for good is a privilege and an honor.

"One moment can change a day, one day can change a life, one life can change the world."

Idealist is someone who envisions an ideal world and knows that the world can be a better place, so the idealist works hard to achieve a positive change. The idealist is someone who is a catalyst for change. They see injustice in the world and they work toward ideal solutions. The idealist believes that the ideal solution—no matter how difficult—can be achieved through education, kindness, love, and hard work. The idealist has an altruistic view of the world and believes that good things can be achieved, just as they have in the past. The idealist is a visionary and a person who pursues noble principles, purposes and goals, even when the odds look horrible. An idealist is someone who tends to see things in an ideal manner. They see the world as being a better place than it is now. A realist is someone who tends to have a more pragmatic or practical view of things. A realist sees the world as it actually is, and thus can feel trapped in the status quo, so they become a passive and they never seek to improve things. The main root of idealist is "ideal," which comes from the Latin word idea. Philosophy of the Mind.

My Cross to Bear means that a person purposely or indirectly takes on a responsibility and position on a issue, and they must live with this hardship and deal with an unpleasant situation. The term cross to bear comes from Jesus being forced to carry the cross on which he was to be crucified.

Hero's Journey involves a hero who goes on an adventure, learns a lesson, wins a victory with that newfound knowledge, and then returns home transformed, only to find that most people can't understand what was learned. Now the second journey begins, help people become enlightened and help teach the ignorant nonbelievers who refuse to listen and reason.

My work on BK101 is time consuming and mind consuming, so the majority of my time is spoken for. But my work on BK101 is a labor of love. I do have balance, but work is always around the corner and always in the background. It's not an addiction, it's more of a commitment to a purpose. So it seems that I'm married to my job.

Mental Labor is the invisible time consuming mental tasks that you have taken on as a responsibility, that is sometimes unpaid work that is unrecognized or under appreciated. Mental labor can sometimes force you to make sacrifices in other areas of life, such as with relationships and self care. This means that your life needs balance. Don't sacrifice life for work. Deadlines don't have to kill you. I would rather die when I was taking a break than dying when I was busy at work. But of course it's all relative, and you may not have a choice. So what ever happens...Live, Learn, Love, Work, and Progress.

I have the greatest job in the world. As a knowledge worker, not only do I learn for my own benefit, I also learn for everyone else's benefit by saving everything I learned and then publishing everything I learned on the BK101 website, which is available on the world wide web. Basic Knowledge 101 is one of the greatest resources of valuable knowledge and information in the world. I'm basically a curator for an online library that is filled with the written contributions by millions of people throughout human history. Even though BK101 is still growing and still developing, as of 2025, BK101 is the essence of humanity. And I'm just getting started after 17 years of knowledge collection, processing, organizing and integrating.

Being Part of History means participating in or contributing to events or actions that are significant and memorable, shaping the course of events and leaving a lasting impact on the world or a specific community. It signifies that your actions or experiences become part of the collective record of the past, influencing future generations and shaping the understanding of a particular era or moment in time. In essence, it means that your actions or contributions will be remembered and documented, becoming a part of the narrative of the past. This can manifest in various ways, from groundbreaking inventions and scientific discoveries to social movements, political upheavals, or even personal achievements that resonate with others.

I'm like a historian, because I'm studying history and I'm also writing about historical events, and I'm also documenting some of the historical experiences during my life time, which means that my life will become part of history in the future. But being a part of history is almost meaningless when no one learns about history or when people just ignore history. When people are ignorant and unaware of history, and when people ban books or censor information or dumb down education or dumb down the media, history will be forgotten. And people will remain ignorant and just keep repeating the mistakes of the past, which means humans will go extinct and die off.

When ignorant people believe that something is no longer relevant, important, or interesting, and when people say that something is over and done with and in the past, it means that ignorance has survived and history has died.

History has Died is a phrase that describes the idea that history is in decline or has been lost. It can also refer to the loss of a sense of connection to the past and history is no longer able to provide a sense of continuity.

There is no greater gift than giving the gift of knowledge. Knowledge is truly the only gift that keeps of giving.

I'm been working fulltime for almost 17 years doing hard mental labor. Reading, learning, writing, thinking, processing, organizing, publishing.

Humble Beginning is when you start out small or unassuming and insignificant, and then grow over time. A humble beginning could also mean that a family did not have a high social status or have a lot of money, so they experienced struggles and hardships early in life, but they overcame these obstacles and became grateful and appreciative for what little they had.

My goal in life is to preserve valuable knowledge and share valuable knowledge. Knowledge is food for the mind. But the human mind in 2024 is starving to death. Starvation has many negative effects on the body because a person is not getting enough nourishment, which is similar to what happens to the mind when it's not getting enough knowledge. When a person starves, the body eats itself and your organs begin to fail. You will also suffer from emotional and cognitive changes, such as depression, anxiety, irritability, increased mood fluctuations, intense and negative emotional reactions, decreased enthusiasm, reduced motivation, impaired concentration, problem solving and comprehension, increased rigidity, obsessional thinking and reduced alertness, you will also experience fatigue, dizziness, muscle cramps, bad breath, dry skin, headaches, and body temperature drops. Like the bad side effects from certain pharmaceutical drugs. Lack of knowledge starves your mind, and until you start feeding your mind knowledge, you wont even know that you're starving. You will just blame your problems on something else or blame your problems on other people, You will never realize the problem is you. You are the one who is responsible for feeding yourself knowledge. There is no intravenous for knowledge and no pill for knowledge. Libraries are fragmented and the schools are dumbed down. But the internet has the ability to find the page or the paragraph or the video that provides you with the information you seek, but you have to learn how to use the internet productively and effectively.

My work is like building your own house. You have to spend money to buy the land, or buy the space on a server. Then you have to buy building supplies or in this case, buy computers. Then you have to learn how to build your home using education courses. This is when you can start to build your own home. And during all that time and work that you put in, you're not being paid. You are essentially making an investment. The payments that you receive from all the work that you do building your house, comes from all the benefits that comes from having a home. The work and time not only pays for itself, the return on investment will exceed most of the other work that you will do in your life. And on top of that, your work is something that you can share with others and pass on to future generations. This is your foundation.

There are only so many things that you can plan for. When I started the BK101 Project I had no idea how many hours a day that I would spend on collecting, organizing and sharing knowledge and information. I had no idea how many years I would spend doing this. I had no idea how much knowledge and information I would find, or what this knowledge and information would teach me about myself and the world around me. All I know now is that this is what I need to do. This project is extremely important and beneficial, so I see this as my destiny. The more work that I do on BK101, the more work I create. So I will be working on this until my last breath...more.

Majority of my focus and effort is on my work, and my work is focused on knowledge and information, and researching how knowledge and information can be used to improve education and improve media applications. Knowledge and information has been improving and advancing society for thousands of years. So the benefits of Knowledge and information has been well documented, so Knowledge and information is nothing new. But now, the world has so much more valuable Knowledge and information than any other time before in history. We can no longer ignore the potential and the power that Knowledge and information gives humanity. Humans are at a crossroads. We can no longer afford to make any more wrong turns. Our next decision may be our last.

When I started to collect all this knowledge, I had to learn in fragments because knowledge is not laid out in perfect order, or does knowledge have a straight path to follow. I had to learn how to put all those fragments together. And in doing so, I'm now seeing the bigger picture, as well as, I'm understanding the parts that make up the bigger picture a lot better. I can see the unseen. I can see the invisible layers that lie underneath this complex system of life. But I can't see it all or can I see everything. I see just enough to know that I'm still blind in many ways.

"Great knowledge often comes from the humblest of origins." The Man Who Knew Infinity (wiki).

The more I educate myself, the happier I become. The more I educate myself, the more aware I become, and the more understanding I am of myself and the world around me. I'm still vulnerable and I still make mistakes, but now I'm more knowable, so I handle myself a lot better than I use to, and I handle difficult situations better than I use to. The only down side to educating myself is that I see more ignorance in myself and in others. The good news is that I can fix and correct my own ignorance, but the bad news is that fixing and correcting the ignorance in others is a lot more difficult. And when you see the ignorance of others destroying the lives of millions of people and destroying the planet, the reality of this dilemma becomes extremely disturbing and stressful. So I have to take on this burden because I see this problem. This is my responsibility as a human being to do something. This is why every human is alive today, because our ancestors stood up and did what was right and did what was needed. So I'm reciprocating.

I have been educating myself for the last 16 years since 2008, and it has been incredible to say the least. But the down side is, no one I know has educated themselves in the same way or in the same amount or with the same quality of knowledge and information that I have. So I have to keep in mind that people don't have the same knowledge and information that I do, thus, other people can't understand things the same way that I do, or see things the same way I do. People have no idea how much knowledge and information they're missing, and how little they know. I was the same in 2008, I had no idea how much I didn't know. Now in 2025, I know a lot more than ever before, which gives ne a better understanding of myself and the world around me. So, there is a lot a human needs to know. Now, I have to explain why knowledge and information is important. Some people will be skeptic and make up excuses why they don't want to learn something. They will assume that the information is not important, and they make these assumptions without ever understanding why they think something isn't valuable, and, without proving their reasoning is accurate or even valid. If you can't prove you're right or prove someone else is wrong, then what are you doing? Nothing, except being an idiot.

As I continually learn about myself and the world around me, I reduce the ignorance that I have acquired throughout my life. And as I do this, I also increase the amount of ignorance that I was not aware of. The more you know, the more you realize how much you still don't know. I'm gaining more knowledge, but I'm also becoming more aware of my lack of knowledge. This keeps me learning, like a self feeding system. The more I learn, the more I want to learn more. This is normal human behavior. The brain wants to know. But why do so many young people lose this desire to keep learning? Why do people naively believe that they know enough? It's better to know what you don't know then it is to think that you know enough. It's true that you will never know everything. But this is not bad or discouraging. It's just a little reminder, so that when you think you know enough, you're reminded that you are not even close. knowing everything is something that you will never experience, which is a good thing. I can't even imagine what the means to know everything. To know that you will die, to know that you are vulnerable, to know that the planet is vulnerable. So what is the point? Will knowing everything answer every question, or, just make us aware of the questions we haven't learned to ask. I believe that we will get to a certain level and then decide how many human qualities we want to preserve. There's a lot of fun in being stupid occasionally. So the million dollar question is, can we still have fun and be intelligent at the same time? Can we preserve our human qualities that we love, and at the same time, live in nirvana? This is extremely motivating. Our ancestors explored the earth to discover a better life. And now, humans are exploring the human mind to fully understand what a better life is and what a better life is supposed to be. This gives everyone a reason for living.

Simplifying the Complex - Making things easy to Understand

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein

Layman's Terms is to describe a complex or technical statement using words and terms that someone not specialized in a specific field can understand. To put something in Layman's Terms is to phrased something simply in plain language, without jargon or fancy words. A laymen is someone who is not trained to a high or professional standard in a particular subject, and thus may not understand that subject matter. The goal is to eliminate vagueness and ambiguity and at the same time not limit knowledge to a specific set of values so that knowledge can vary infinitely within a continuum. 

Simplify is making something easy to understand without reducing its meaning or lowering its importance. To be basic and brief but not too general. Turning complexity into simplicity so that understanding can emerge and flourish.

Simplification is the process of making something simpler or easier to do or to understand. Simple Living.

Simpler is something having few parts and is not too complex, complicated or involved. Without additions or modifications.

Explain something as if you were explaining something to a child. If a child can understand, so should the adult. What was true to you as a child, should still ring true today as an adult. But if you never learned the truth as a child, then knowing the truth as an adult will be difficult, especially if the person has stopped learning or stopped educating themselves.

Real Life Examples - Analogies - Seeing the Whole Picture - Mind Maps - Facilitate

The Feynman Technique - If you can teach a concept to a child, then you most likely understand it. By attempting to explain a concept in simple terms, often makes you more understanding of that concept. The Feynman Technique is this: Pretend that you are explaining something to a child or teaching a concept to a student in the sixth grade. Identify gaps in your explanation. Identify your knowledge gaps. Go back to the source material to better understand it. Identify the subject. Write down everything you know about the topic, without generalizing and without being too vague. (Organize + Simplify + Tell a Story).

Oversimplify is to simplify something so much that it's difficult to understand because it doesn't have the necessary details or the context that is needed to make it clear and less vague. Oversimplifying something can distort its meaning to such a degree that it can make something no longer accurate or true.

Reframe is to express a concept or a plan differently using different words or different examples that would help explain something in a different way that may help someone understand something a little better.

Rephrase is rewriting the same text using different words without losing the meaning of the text itself.

Paraphrasing is to say something using different words, sometimes in a shorter and simpler form to make the meaning clearer. Paraphrasing can give speakers a chance to clarify or confirm something in order to avoid misunderstandings and avoid misinterpretations. Writing something in your own words, instead of using direct quotes, can help increase understanding. Validation.

Close Paraphrasing is the superficial modification of material from another source. Editors should generally summarize source material in their own words, adding inline citations as required by the sourcing policy.

Tautology is saying the same thing twice using different words.

Text Simplification is an operation used in natural language processing to change, enhance, classify, or otherwise process an existing body of human-readable text so its grammar and structure is greatly simplified while the underlying meaning and information remain the same.

Automated Paraphrasing in computational linguistics is the natural language processing task of detecting and generating paraphrases. Applications of paraphrasing are varied including information retrieval, question answering, text summarization, and plagiarism detection. Paraphrasing is also useful in the evaluation of machine translation, as well as semantic parsing and generation of new samples to expand existing corpora or collection of writings.

Prose is written or spoken language in its ordinary form. A matter of fact, commonplace, or dull expression.

You need to explain something in more than one way. When there's other ways to explain something, then there are other ways to understand something, especially something that is relevant to you. Sometimes there is no easy way to say something, especially something complex. Of course there's a good way or a better way of saying something. And there's also a bad way or the wrong way to say something. Most things can be explained, but there is no guarantee that the message will be understood correctly or understood in the same way by everyone. Sometimes you have to talk to each individual on their level and at the right time. Some messages can be mass produced, but there is no guarantee that the message will understood by the masses in the same way. You'll have pockets of conformity here and there, but conformity does not confirm understanding or consensus. If you want to speak to everyone, you have to speak to everyone separately. The only logical way to have comprehension be the same for everyone, is to have everyone use the same rules, the same procedures and the same reasoning that will help produce similar logical answers consistently, and also have a consensus. And the reasoning must always allow for new ideas and new perspectives. If someone does not agree, we must know why they don't agree. We can not silence or censor people, we can only filter peoples feedback in the best way that we know how. If a mistake is made, it will not be because we didn't listen someone, it will be because we did not learn something. And if we learn from our mistakes, then we can keep advancing and keep moving forward. Risk.

Explaining something simply does not make it simple to understand or simple to do. You are basically just giving someone an introduction to something so they can have a starting point, then from there, it becomes a learning journey.

Clarity is something free from obscurity and easy to understand. The quality of being coherent and intelligible. The quality of transparency or purity. The comprehensibility of clear expression.

Clear is something easy to perceive, understand, or interpret. Something readily apparent to the mind. Something free from confusion or doubt. Clear is something transparent and unclouded. Affording free passage or view or allowing light to pass through. Clear is to remove an obstruction or remove unwanted item or items from something so as to be out of the way of or away from.

Plain is something that can be clearly revealed to the mind or to the senses, or judgment. Something unmistakably and visibly clear in an evident manner. Simple and not mixed with extraneous elements. Not elaborate or elaborated. Without modification and without any attempt to soften or disguise.

Elementary is something easy and not involved or complicated. Being the essential or basic part.

Demystify is to make something less mysterious, something that is not apparent and obscure in nature and beyond ordinary understanding. Mystify is to make something confusing or perplexing. To cause someone to be unable to think clearly.

Straightforward is something that is uncomplicated and easy to do or understand. Free from ambiguity. Without evasion or compromise. Without concealment or deception; Honest.

Concise is giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words. Brief but comprehensive.

Concision is the cutting out of unnecessary words while conveying an idea. It aims to enhance communication by eliminating redundancy without omitting important information.

Elevator Pitch is a short description of an idea, product, or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can understand it in a short period of time. This description typically explains who the thing is for, what it does, why it is needed, and how it will get done. When, explaining an individual person, the description generally explains one's skills and goals, and why they would be a productive and beneficial person to have on a team or within a company or project. An elevator pitch does not have to include all of these components, but it usually does at least explain what the idea, product, company, or person is and their value. Mission Statement - Business Plan - Sales Pitch.

Encapsulate is to put in a short or concise form; reduce in volume. Enclose in a capsule or other small container.

In a Nutshell is to explain something briefly and clearly and sum it up in just a few words. To give a summary of a story.

Fundamental are the basic concepts, basic facts or basic principles that serve as an essential component to understanding a subject at the lowest level, or a factor that could be considered important to the understanding of something. Foundation.

To define but not Limit - Document Writing - Fluency - Comprehension - Occam's Razor - Science Communication - Presentation

Intelligible is something capable of being apprehended or understood. Well articulated or enunciated, and loud enough to be heard distinctly.

Self-Explanatory is something that explains itself or is capable of being understood without an explanation. Something obvious and easy to understand that does not need an explanation.

Obvious is something easily perceived by the senses or grasped and understood by the mind.

No Brainer is something that requires or involves little or no mental effort.

White Paper is an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely or in a few words about a complex issue and presents the issuing body's philosophy on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

To approach an idea from another angle. If you look at something from a different angle, or you look at it from a different point of view, and consider something from a perspective other than your own, you may see the whole picture. It's like using a 3D simulation, except using words.

Reductionist is a person who analyzes and describes a complex phenomenon in terms of its simple or fundamental constituents. But does not generalize or make vague statements. Reductionism.

Methodological Reductionism is the scientific attempt to provide explanation in terms of ever smaller entities.

Theory Reductionism is the suggestion that a newer theory does not replace or absorb the old, but reduces it to more basic terms. Theory reduction itself is divisible into three: translation, derivation and explanation. Reductionism can be applied to objects, phenomena, explanations, theories, and meanings.

Computational Irreducibility is the inability to shortcut a program or a system, or otherwise describe its behavior in a simple way. The empirical fact is that the world of simple programs contains a great diversity of behavior, but, because of undecidability, it is impossible to predict what they will do before essentially running them. The idea demonstrates that there are occurrences where theory's predictions are effectively not possible. Computational irreducibility explains observed limitations of existing mainstream science. In cases of computational irreducibility, only observation and experiment can be used. Computational irreducibility may also provide a scientifically-based resolution for free will.

Ontological Reductionism is a belief that the whole of reality consists of a minimal number of parts.

Simplicity is key to understanding and achieving goals. Our minds favor simple explanations and efficient actions. People's preference for simple explanations of any situation is connected to their desire to execute tasks efficiently. The study found that people are more attracted to explanations that involve common and reliable causes. If a cause seemed rare or unreliable, it was viewed as less helpful.

Independent Research - Unbiased Analysis

Independent Studies are extremely important. Autodidacticism or self-education is the act of self-directed learning about a subject or subjects in which someone has had little or no formal education. Many notable contributions have been made by autodidacts. Like Leonardo da Vinci, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, The Wright Brothers, Ernest Hemingway, Charles Darwin, Michael Faraday, Benjamin Franklin and Jimi Hendrix, as well as many others. Independent studies provide a way for well-motivated people to pursue a topic of interest that does not necessarily fit into a traditional hobby, activity or academic curriculum. Independent studies also provide students and people with opportunities to explore their interests deeper and make important decisions about how and where they will direct their talents in the future. Research includes the formulation of questions and answers, with the goal to develop and present a product or service. The research may also be used to advance further research into a particular subject that will be performed by other people. So don't ever under estimate the value of research. Just because it seems that nothing will come from your particular research, does not mean that it will not have some value in the future. As proven throughout history with many scientific discoveries and research.

I work outside academia, but I do listen to the people working inside academia. I would not see it as inside information, its more like inside information looking out and outside information looking in, and I'm in the middle where the middle information is looking everywhere in all directions.

You could easily teach yourself from this information and knowledge, but it will be even easier to learn from this website when all the data is designed into logically ordered lessons so that you can learn the right things at the right time.

Note: When the lessons are being created, some of the comments and personal notes within the research will not be included using the exact same words or the exact same language. The goal of education is to teach, and not just to preach.

I'm fully aware that I'm working on something that 99% of the people on this planet can't understand, which is not bad, because that means that over 70 million people on this planet should know enough to understand this project. Though knowledge and information has been here since our beginning, knowledge is mostly abstract, and most people don't fully understand what knowledge and information really means. People understand the benefits of a good education, but people have no idea what a good education is supposed to be. So no matter where I start this conversation, I know I must start off with questions that can reveal how much knowledge a person has, then I could use that information to communicate with that person. You have to know the language a person speaks. You can either learn their language, or, you can teach them your language. But I know that it will be a lot easier to learn your language first before I can even begin to teach you the language of knowledge and information.

Learning is like climbing a mountain. You can't see the top of the mountain, all you know is that the higher you climb, the more you can see, and the more you see, the more you will know, and the more you know, the more you will see. The more you learn and the higher you climb, and the more your view becomes breathtaking and awe-inspiring, way beyond an epiphany, or enlightenment, or a great awakening. You have to experience it yourself. It's like when you climb a mountain and you try to describe what you saw and experienced. The only way to truly see what a person saw, is for you to climb that mountain. And the mountain is a metaphor for all the knowledge and information that you can acquire, which a majority of is organized on BK101. The majority of what you need to know is here, the rest we still need to learn. So continually learning can get you high the mountain and open your eyes, but what you see depends on how much you learned on the way up. And those differences in what each of us learns and sees, is where our combined learning journey begins to flourish. But remember, there will be times that we need to go back down the mountain and see where on the trail that particular information was skewed or misinterpreted. Then we climb the mountain again, except this time, our ascension is a lot faster and a lot easier, which is the power of knowledge and learning at its finest. Learning everything on BK101 is just a beginning of a transformation. And it's not something that will happen over night, it may take a few years, but it will happen. Steps.

"If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way." — Martin Luther King Jr.

It's like I'm doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. My life could have gone in so many different directions. It's just amazing how things happen and how things turn out. I know that where I am now is where I should be. but it's just unbelievable. If you find yourself in a place you least expected, it might have been fate all along. Will power and determination still needs luck. Life has risks. And you have to except the risks that life has, and you also have to except all the responsibilities that go along with navigating the hazards of life. It's like we are freaks of nature, but were are not freaks, but life does seem freaky. It's definitely an incredible journey. Someone should write a book about it.

BK101 Responsibilities - Basic Outline

Phase One: Collect valuable knowledge and information and organize it. (2008-2025) - Timeline.
Phase Two: Edit and update organized knowledge and information, while still working in phase one. (2015-2024)
Phase Three: Start linking knowledge and information, while still working in phase one and two. (2015-2025)
Phase Four: Start assembling knowledge and information and prepare knowledge and information for mobilization. (2025)
Phase Five: Build the Education Software, Operating System and Artificial Intelligent Teaching Avatar.
Phase Six: Build the Hardware for the HOPE PC.
Phase Seven: Distribution and Field Testing.
Phase Eight: Setup Maintenance and Support.
Phase Nine: Continue Research and Development.

1: Continue collecting valuable knowledge and information and organizing everything into a education database.
2: Build computerized lessons that will teach people how to read and write.
3: Build computerized lessons that will teach people how to comprehend what they read. The computerized lessons will teach people how to read using the most valuable words in their chosen language, words that would give a person a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. Then make sure that all people have access to the worlds most valuable knowledge and information throughout their life, so that they continue to increase their intelligence and skills as long as they need to.
4: Expand computerized lessons to cover all important subjects.
5: Convert all Wikipedia links in BK101 into PDF's. Could easily put 100,000 of the best wiki pages on a single jump drive.
6: Continue to work on creating the most advanced laptop computer that would become the ultimate education learning tool.
7: Continue the research on how to make education to be the highest quality, and to be the most effective and efficient as possible.
8: Create the ultimate Question and Answer website on the Internet. The database for this project could also be used to give robots an operating system that would mimic Artificial Intelligence.
9: Live, Learn, Love and Progress.

The speed of this project will increase significantly as more people get involved, but for now, I still have to live life in balance, which luckily is part of the research. I have my research, but I also have other responsibilities, like maintaining my physical and mental health, I have to sleep, eat, exercise and pay bills. I have another life, one that is different, and sometimes normal. 

"Remember, I haven't thought of everything, or do I know everything, and I am certainly not prepared for all the different scenarios that life can throw at you from time to time. What I do know is that this project is extremely important to me and to this world. So my commitment to this project is for the rest of life."

How did I get Here

I got lucky. I was in the right place at the right time asking questions. Then from there it was just a matter of working on the idea, and of course, getting the support and resources that I needed to explore this idea and to chase this dream, which is pretty much the same for all inventors. I taught myself website development so that I could disseminate valuable information using the internet. There's only a handful of people on this planet who could have done what I have done in the same way that I did it. I was incredibly effective and efficient in collecting the most valuable knowledge and information that was currently available. I knew the internet, I knew where to look for information, I knew the right questions to ask, and I knew how to document and record, and I knew how to organizing and categorize. I was made for this particular job. But it wasn't always perfect, I made a lot of mistakes, but I did not let my mistakes slow me down or distract me. I kept going because I knew what I was doing was right thing to do, and no doubt, it was the most important thing in my life. I knew this was it, this is what I would do for the rest of my life.

Sometimes you don't get to choose what kind of life you want to live, sometimes life chooses you. Life has a interesting way to compel you to live a life that is completely different from the life that you had originally imagined. And when you look back on your life, you realize that many things seem to have happened for a good reason. I certainly didn't plan all the crazy things that happened to me in my life, but it seems that someone did plan a lot of those things. Was it some divine intervention, or was it just shear luck? We may never know why we have lived a life like ours, and we may never know what happens to us when we die, or if our memories are preserved in someway. But there has to be a reason. And maybe the reason why we are here is up to us to answer. It's our responsibility to give life reason. We should not wait around for someone to show up and give us some grand explanation of why life is the way it is. Give life reason. Live, Learn, Love, and Progress.

Though I try to plan as much as I can, a lot of things related to the BK101 project have happened as if planned by someone or something else. Most of the things that have happened since 2008, were not planned by me. I did not plan to learn what I have learned so far. You can not plan for how knowledge will change you. You can not wonder what it would be like to be smart, you can only experience it, and once you experience it, you can not even explain it. It's like you are born again without the memory of ever being born before. Epiphanies and exhilarating joy are common assurances. And as long as I keep learning and continue to acquire more knowledge, I will continue to experience mind expanding realizations that are a constant reminder that I am on the right path, and that I am on the road to heaven, even knowing that too many people are on the road to hell, and that too many people don't even have a choice to choose a path. So I must stay on this path. And not just because this is my destiny, but it's my duty and an honor to be of service. In a sense, this is my only choice.

My Priorities

I'm doing several things at once, researching education improvements, organizing knowledge and information, I'm writing a lot, I'm reading a lot, updating websites, learning, thinking, living, sleeping, eating, exercising, and, doing things for other people. So I have my priorities, and I have my responsibilities. But most people don't know what my priorities are, or do they understand my priorities the same way that I do. People see certain details of my life inaccurately. They only see what is important to them. But they don't understand what is important to me, or what is important to the world that we all live in. My First priority is to create a complete high quality education curriculum along with a knowledge and information resource that can be easily distributed effectively and efficiently, and also be affordable to everyone. So everything else in my life comes second, not to say that those other priorities in my life are not important, because they are, it's just that the main priority is so much more important. At times some of the planning and the managing of this goal seems illogical and ineffective, but at other times, the planning looks more like pure genius, as if the struggles of my life are in perfect balance that allows me to continue my research without any distractions, or without any corrupt influences from the ignorance that I am trying to overcome. Most people know that ignorance is poisoning the minds of almost every person on the planet. Our ignorance is killing life on earth, and killing our planets ability to sustain life. Being able to see is one thing, fully understanding what you see is another. We have learned from history that a lot ideas start out messy. New ideas seldom look perfect in the beginning, even when they are just old ideas being reintroduced. But you still have to define which parts look questionable to you. What parts do you think are right? What parts do you think are wrong? If something doesn't look right, then you should bring it to the attention of others, and then explain why you think something is right or wrong. You just can't give yourself excuses not to learn without the reasons why, because if you do, the only thing that you prove is that you are confused. And the only thing that relieves confusion is answers, answers to the questions that you need to ask. So, are you asking the right questions?

Trust No One (words have no truth without knowledge)

I'm Just Getting Started - Instructions from the Curator

Even though I have collected an enormous amount of knowledge and information so far, as of 2024, I'm still finding a lot more valuable knowledge and information. The Internet is like an endless gold mine of knowledge and information. The more you dig, the more knowledge you find, and the wealthier you become. Sometimes it's hard to stop learning. But the Internet has Flaws.

I don't just want to give you a computer, I want to give you the ability to make your own computer and know how it works, and know how to repair it yourself.

Our most powerful ability is our ability to learn, yet we take learning for granted, and we pay little attention to how important learning is.

What I'm doing is not unusual, it's just the particular way that I'm doing it that's unusual.

I'm the author, the co-author and the curator. Passing the Baton and Paying it Forward.

I inherited a world full of problems. But luckily I have been learning the skills and acquiring knowledge that is needed to solve these problems. What I need is to have clear lines of authority and have the resources available that are needed to do my job effectively. I also need to speak the truth and be on the level with the public so people are fully aware of our current state of affairs as they really are. I'm continue to do the work that is necessary.

I am a product of society. I was made by society. I can't say that I did something all by myself. I did something because thousands of intelligent people helped me to become the person I am. I learned from the collective. And I thank God that I was not restricted or limited or manipulated too much. But I was in the beginning.

You can say that I did it my way, but not really. I just did it. And why make the research available before it's complete? Because if I die, at least I know the research will live on and continue. And why don't I have more people involved? Finding others who understand, or care about what you're doing, is extremely difficult, especially when you haven't completed all the research just yet, especially the words that would help to explain the goal more clearly. But when that happens, more people will be able to understand, and more people will want to be involved. The speed I'm going now is as fast as I can go, because I still have a lot to learn, and I still have a lot of my own ignorance to repair. But people will learn a lot faster then me, and also learn more effectively then me because they will start with a much better education than anyone has had before, thus, they will not have to waste so much time repairing their own ignorance, or have to suffer from it. People will start their lives knowing, instead of not knowing.

"Remember why you started, remember why you're here, keep learning, don't second guess yourself, just stay aware and keep searching for more understanding."

"I'm doing nothing unusual. Humans have been asking questions since the beginning. It's just that now with the internet and our collective intelligence, we can finally now get some answers and learn more then ever before.

"I try to do positive things everyday so that my future self will will be incredibly thankful for all the things that I've done, instead of making people suffer from all the bad choices that I made."

I am the most unlikely person to be doing what I am doing. But if you study human history, our history is filled with unlikely people doing the most incredible things that seemed impossible.

Unlikely is something that is not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred. Something that has little chance of being the case or coming about. Something having a probability too low to inspire belief.

My Legacy - My Destiny

Everyone has to do something, and not everyone can do the same thing. Life is many people doing many different things together, so everyone plays a part. So I had to do something, and this is my something, my destiny, my legacy, my life's mission, my purpose, my inspiration. People devoting their life to a cause is nothing new. Many people throughout history have given their lives for a cause, and many more will continue to give their lives in the future, it's human nature. Everyone has to do something. And every person needs to focus and devote most of their time to a particular project or type of work. That is why people working together is so extremely important. When someone is focused on a particular type of work, they must rely on other people who are also focusing on their particular type of work. Because no one can do it all by themselves, but when we work together, we can do it all. Even though we can't do everything, you can at least be good and be good at whatever you do. You have to start somewhere. Everyone has a role to play, everyone has an important job to do, and everyone must work together, because everyone can't do the same type of work. Every person must play their part, and at the same time, be part of the whole.

I found my calling. I do what I love and I love what I do. I'm making time and continually searching and continually learning.

Legacy is a gift of personal property by will, something that is handed down, endowed or conveyed from one person to another, sometimes from an ancestor. It is something descendible one comes into possession of that is transmitted, inherited or received from a predecessor from one period of time to another period of time.

Everyone is a beneficiary of my digital assets. Everyone will inherit a tremendous wealth of knowledge. Digital Inheritance.

Historical is having once lived, existed or taken place in the real world. Relating to the study of history and what is important in history or famous in the past. The study of a phenomenon such as language as it changes through time.

True Will a person's grand destiny in life or as a moment-to-moment path of action that operates in perfect harmony with nature. True Will does not spring from conscious intent, but from the interplay between the deepest self and the entire universe. Thelemites in touch with their True Will are said to have eliminated or bypassed their false desires, conflicts, and habits, and accessed their connection with the divine. Theoretically, at this point, the Thelemite acts in alignment with nature, just as a stream flows downhill, with neither resistance nor "lust of result".

Something's Happen for a Reason - Misssion
Great Work is the spiritual endeavor aimed at realizing one's True Will and achieving a profound mystical union with the All. Great Work represents the culmination of the spiritual path, the attainment of enlightenment, or the rescue of the human soul from the unconscious forces which bind it. Magnum Opus.

I'm not only collecting knowledge and organizing knowledge, I'm also documenting some historical observations, because this time period will go down in history as one of the most significant moments in human civilization, and most people living it today, are not even aware of how significant they really are. Emergence.

When something important needs to be done, sometimes you have to do it yourself, mostly because hoping that things will improve on there own or hoping that someone else will do it, is sometimes not an option. You have to act, you have to do it, you have to start it, because no one else will. Activism.

For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” - Benjamin Franklin - (saving time)

Sometimes the most perfect person for the job is not the most perfect person, but for that particular job, they are perfect. Sometimes we perceive imperfections as hindrances, when in fact they are a perfect ability under some unique circumstances.

"Doing ordinary things in extraordinary ways."

"When something is important enough, you do it, even if the odds are against you" - Elon Musk (wiki)

The mark that great people leave on history are remembered for their actions and achievements. The greatest legacy anyone can leave behind is to positively impact the lives of others and add value to other people's lives.

Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime, And, departing, leave behind us, Footprints on the sands of time

Knowledge Base Definitions

Knowledge Base is a technology used to store complex structured and unstructured information that is used by people or by a computer system, including artificial intelligence.

Body of Knowledge is the complete set of structured knowledge that is used by members of a discipline to guide their practice or work. A set of concepts, terms and activities that make up a professional domain. A type of knowledge representation by any knowledge organization, or as defined by a relevant learned society or professional association. The prescribed aggregation of knowledge in a particular area an individual is expected to have mastered to be considered or certified as a practitioner. The systematic collection of activities and outcomes in terms of their values, constructs, models, principles and instantiations, which (a) arises from continuous discovery and validation work by members of the profession and (b) enables self-reflective growth and reproduction of the profession. A set of accepted and agreed upon standards and nomenclatures pertaining to a field or profession. A set of knowledge within a profession or subject area which is generally agreed as both essential and generally known. A body of knowledge is the accepted ontology for a specific domain. A BOK is more than simply a collection of terms; a professional reading list; a library; a website or a collection of websites; a description of professional functions; or even a collection of information.

Seeing the Whole Picture - Multiple Degrees - Corpus - Curriculum - Collective Knowledge - Library Science - Knowledge Management - Knowledge Preservation

Ontology in computing is a rigorous and exhaustive organization of some knowledge domain that is usually hierarchical and contains all the relevant entities and their relations. Metaphysics.

Athenaeum is a literary or scientific association for the promotion of learning. An association for the advancement of learning, particularly in science or literature. A place where reading materials are available. Athenaeum is used in the names of libraries or institutions for literary or scientific study, and used in the titles of periodicals concerned with literature, science, and art.

Domain is the content of a particular field of knowledge. People in general; especially a distinctive group of people with some shared interest. A particular environment or walk of life. Territory over which rule or control is exercised. Domain in mathematics is the set of values of the independent variable for which a function is defined. Biology Domain.

Living Document is a document that is continually edited and evolves through successive updates. The document expands as needed over time to serve multiple purposes. Living documents can be changed through revisions that may or may not reference previous iterative changes.

Figurative System of Human Knowledge was a tree developed to represent the structure of knowledge itself, produced for the Encyclopédie by Jean le Rond d'Alembert and Denis Diderot.

Encyclopedia is a reference work often in several volumes containing articles on various topics often arranged in alphabetical order dealing with a narrow or limited range of human knowledge, or with some particular specialty. Encyclopaedic or encyclopedic is something that is broad in scope or content.

Online Encyclopedias - Text Books - Dictionaries - Voyager - Knowledge Ark - Meaning of Life

Encyclopedism is an outlook that aims to include a wide range of knowledge in a single work. The term covers both encyclopedias themselves and related genres in which general knowledge is a notable feature. The encyclopedia is one of the few generalizing influences in a world of overspecialization. It serves to recall that knowledge has unity. The word "encyclopedia" is a Latinization of the Greek enkýklios paideía, which means all-around education. The Greek phrase refers to the education that a well-round student should receive, but seldomly never receives.

Encyclopedias are not a good teaching tool. They can only supplement other knowledge. So if you're using encyclopedias as a teaching tool, just remember that encyclopedias have limitations, such as not meeting the needs of a wide range of student learning abilities. Encyclopedias provide basic information, background information and a summary of the knowledge, but they lack certain details and also lack in-depth analysis. Encyclopedias can also lack procedure, purpose, significance and relevance. A complete set of encyclopedias does not create a complete picture of the world, or provide a complete understanding of being human. Encyclopedias can be used as a reference guide or a subject guide, but they may not be appropriate as a cited source for a research paper. Encyclopedias can also have outdated information. Encyclopedias are kind of like school textbooks, they are not scholarly sources and they may not meet academic standards, such as peer review.

World Book Encyclopedia is an American encyclopedia. World Book was first published in 1917. Since 1925, a new edition of the encyclopedia has been published annually. Although published online in digital form for a number of years, World Book is currently the only American encyclopedia which also still provides a print edition. The encyclopedia is designed to cover major areas of knowledge uniformly, but it shows particular strength in scientific, technical, historical and medical subjects. According to the company, the latest edition, World Book Encyclopedia 2024, contains more than 14,000 pages distributed along 22 volumes and also contains over 25,000 photographs.

Britannica Library says they are a reliable source with objective, fact-check, and unbiased content that is written by experts and vetted through rigorous editorial process, but without an independent third party verifying these claims, it's just talk. Britannica School - Britannica Learn.

Court Case Decisions - Instruction Manual - Human Instruction Manual - A Never Ending Story

Reference Book is a book to which one can refer for information. The information is intended to be found quickly when needed. Reference works are usually referred to for particular pieces of information, rather than read beginning to end. The writing style used in these works is informative; the authors avoid use of the first person, and emphasize facts.

Reference is a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage. A book to which you can refer for authoritative facts. The most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to. A remark that calls attention to something or someone. An indicator that orients you generally. A reference can also mean a formal recommendation by a former employer to a potential future employer describing the person's qualifications and dependability. To use something as a reference or someone as a reference is to name a source for some particular information or quoting someone. A reference can be a word, phrase, or an idea which comes from something or mention something or someone in speech or writing, or to direct attention to a person or thing.

Quoting Someone - Verbatim - Citations - Refer - Precedent - Standard

Reference Point or frame of reference is a system of geometric axes in relation to which measurements of size, position, or motion can be made. Reference point as a geometrical point is used to define the location of another point. Reference point is a point within a reference range or reference interval, which is a range of values found in healthy persons. Reference point is a measurement taken during a standard state or reference state, used in chemistry to calculate properties under different conditions.

Cross Reference is a reference to another text or part of a text, typically given in order to elaborate on a point. A reference at one place in a work to information at another place in the same work. An instance within a document which refers to related information elsewhere in the same document. In both printed and online dictionaries cross-references are important because they form a network structure of relations existing between different parts of data, dictionary-internal as well as dictionary external.

Reference Work is a work such as a book or periodical or its electronic equivalent to which one can refer for information. The information is intended to be found quickly when needed. Reference works are usually referred to for particular pieces of information, rather than read beginning to end. The writing style used in these works is informative; the authors avoid use of the first person, and emphasize facts. Many reference works are compiled by a team of contributors whose work is coordinated by one or more editors rather than by an individual author. Indices are commonly provided in many types of reference work. Updated editions are usually published as needed, in some cases annually (e.g. Whitaker's Almanack, Who's Who). Reference works include dictionaries, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, biographical sources, catalogs such as library catalogs and art catalogs, concordances, directories such as business directories and telephone directories, discographies, filmographies, glossaries, handbooks, indices such as bibliographic indices and citation indices, manuals, research guides, thesauruses, and yearbooks. Many reference works are available in electronic form and can be obtained as reference software, CD-ROMs, DVDs, or online through the Internet. A reference work is useful to its users if they attribute some degree of trust.

Commonplace Books are a way to compile knowledge, usually by writing information into books. They have been kept from antiquity, and were kept particularly during the Renaissance and in the nineteenth century. Such books are similar to scrapbooks filled with items of many kinds: sententiae (often with the compiler's responses), notes, proverbs, adages, aphorisms, maxims, quotes, letters, poems, tables of weights and measures, prayers, legal formulas, and recipes. Entries are most often organized under subject headings and differ functionally from journals or diaries, which are chronological and introspective." Commonplaces are used by readers, writers, students, and scholars as an aid for remembering useful concepts or facts; sometimes they were required of young women as evidence of their mastery of social roles and as demonstrations of the correctness of their upbringing. They became significant in Early Modern Europe. Science Literature.

Index in publishing is a list of words or phrases or headings and associated pointers or locators to where useful material relating to that heading can be found in a document or collection of documents.

Web Indexing - Web of Knowledge - Time Saver - Summary - Representation

Resource is a source of aid or support or reserve supply that may be drawn upon when needed. The ability to deal resourcefully with unusual problems. Provide with or obtain resources. An available source of wealth.

Resourcefulness is the quality of being able to cope with a difficult situation.

is the place where something begins, where it springs into being. A document or organization from which information is obtained. Anything that provides inspiration for later work. A facility where something is available. A publication or a passage from a publication that is referred to. A person who supplies information. Someone who originates or causes or initiates something. Source in technology is a process by which energy or a substance enters a system.

Guide is to accompany somebody somewhere to show them the way or determine the direction of traveling. Someone who shows the way by leading or advising. Something that offers basic information or instruction. A model, standard or outline to follow or adapt. Someone who can find paths through unexplored territory. A structure or marking that serves to direct the motion or positioning of something. Teaching - Testing.

Knowledge-Based System consists of a knowledge-base that represents facts about the world and an inference engine that can reason about those facts and use rules and other forms of logic to deduce new facts or highlight inconsistencies. A technology used to store complex structured and unstructured information used by any person or computer system.

Inference Engine is a component of the system that applies logical rules to the knowledge base to deduce new information. It is a tool from Artificial Intelligence. The first inference engines were components of expert systems. The typical expert system consisted of a knowledge base and an inference engine. The knowledge base stored facts about the world. The inference engine applied logical rules to the knowledge base and deduced new knowledge. This process would iterate as each new fact in the knowledge base could trigger additional rules in the inference engine. Inference engines work primarily in one of two modes either special rule or facts: forward chaining and backward chaining. Forward chaining starts with the known facts and asserts new facts. Backward chaining starts with goals, and works backward to determine what facts must be asserted so that the goals can be achieved.

Expert System is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning about knowledge, represented primarily as if–then rules rather than through conventional procedural code.

Corpus knowledge is a collection or body of knowledge or evidence, especially a collection of recorded utterances used as a basis for the descriptive analysis of a language.

Corpus is a collection of written texts, especially the entire works of a particular author or a body of writing on a particular subject.

Text Corpus is a language resource consisting of a large and structured set of texts (nowadays usually electronically stored and processed). In corpus linguistics, they are used to do statistical analysis and hypothesis testing, checking occurrences or validating linguistic rules within a specific language territory. A corpus may contain texts in a single language (monolingual corpus) or text data in multiple languages (multilingual corpus). In order to make the corpora more useful for doing linguistic research, they are often subjected to a process known as annotation. An example of annotating a corpus is part-of-speech tagging, or POS-tagging, in which information about each word's part of speech (verb, noun, adjective, etc.) is added to the corpus in the form of tags. Another example is indicating the lemma (base) form of each word. When the language of the corpus is not a working language of the researchers who use it, interlinear glossing is used to make the annotation bilingual.

Corpus Linguistics is the study of language as a language is expressed in its text corpus (plural corpora), its body of "real world" text. Corpus linguistics proposes that reliable language analysis is more feasible with corpora collected in the field in its natural context ("realia"), and with minimal experimental interference.

Information Commons is an information system, such as a physical library or online community, that exists to produce, conserve, and preserve information for current and future generations.

Public Domain is a place of sanctuary for individual creative expression, a sanctuary conferring affirmative protection against the forces of private appropriation that threatened such expression.

Creative Commons is available for others to build upon legally and to share

Open Education practices and programmatic initiatives that broaden access to the learning and training traditionally offered through formal education systems.

Open Governance is collective wisdom to benefit the decision-making process and improve democracy. Enable any interested citizen to add to the creation of policy.

BK101 Name (Base Knowledge) - About BK101 - Question & Answers

Welcome to Basic Knowledge 101: A Collective Intelligent Consensus of Knowledge for the 21st Century.

About Page - Home Page - Basic - Summary - Search Page

Site Map (alphabetical order A-Z) - Syllabus - 5 Core Subjects

Knowledge Base System Requirements: Your knowledge base system should help educate people and also help people to solve problems. When you write a how-to guide you should use chronological order to explain each step of the process. Start with basic information and build up to more complicated instructions towards the end. For every new action, give clear instructions. Don’t make assumptions. Your users don’t know the product as well as you do. What seems like an obvious intermediate step for you may be unknown to a beginner. Include screenshots to explain menus, categories, and buttons that users should click to get to the right result. Give clear instructions. knowledge base should include benefit-focused content only. A knowledge base should be highly informative and provide relevant information for a specific goal. Keep this question in mind when writing: “How will my content positively affect my audience?” A knowledge base should give relevant information only. Cut all the fluff. Titles and headlines must speak for themselves. Deliver the information in the right order for your readers to understand it. A Knowledge Base should be well-organized, and it should make sense as a whole. It should be intuitive and easy to navigate. Readers should be able to find the articles they need fast. Paragraphs are short (maximum of four sentences). There are plenty of line breaks and white spaces. Tables and bulleted lists make information easier to read and digest. There are links to other pages and articles for users to get more information on a related topic. Include video tutorials that show users how to install, setup, and use the software. Under the video, include a script where users who don’t have the time to watch can find the information they need. A knowledge base should be optimized for all devices. Two thirds of global traffic come from mobile devices. So, look for knowledge base solutions that allow you to provide excellent customer support on smartphones, tablets, and desktop. Make your Search bar visible. It should catch your visitors’ attention from the first moment they land on your page. (Don’t hide it in the corner!). Add quick links to hot topics and frequently asked questions to improve navigation. Also include links to related articles, for people who need to learn more about a specific topic. Use colours to differentiate the main categories and topics. Consider calming and relaxing colours, like blue, green, or yellow. Excessively bright colours aren’t going to calm down an already stressed user! Introduce a table of contents for long articles. This way, users can jump to the section they’re interested in and save time. Use white space to make the content easier to follow. Insert visuals to break up the long paragraphs – screenshots, videos, graphics, or any other tool that can help readers better understand what they’ve read. Images add interest and clarity and help the eye and the brain to take a rest from the text. Highlight the section where users can get more help. It’s essential for users to see that they can contact you when self-service alone fails to give them accurate answers. Divide your content into categories and organize articles by topics, themes, and sub-themes. Each piece should treat one question (or problem) only. Make navigation easy by linking related articles to guide your readers on a logical path. Design a user-friendly menu that allows readers to know where they are and gives them an easy way to get to another category. Implement a killer search engine to help readers find what they need. Use visual design and colours to help people differentiate the content. Break the information into small chunks to allow your readers to assimilate what they read. Guide users with solid UX techniques to lower the time they spend looking for inform. Just like the foundations of your office building, your knowledge base is fundamental to serving your customers. Whether you’re building an internal knowledge base or a self-service customer support centre, you must provide value to your readers. Your knowledge base is an essential tool since it allows you to help more customers at the same time, without increasing costs or lowering quality. Every article should give readers what they need, want, and crave! Anything less, and all the resources you’ve put into creating your knowledge base articles will go to waste. That’s why it’s crucial that you deliver your readers accurate, valuable information. After all, your knowledge base is the most legitimate source of information about your software and its features. You need to provide trustworthy, well-organised content, in easy-to-read chunks. knowledge base system should have these essential elements. Excellent readability – users should be able to focus on your content only. Killer search function – it’s vital for quick and effortless navigation. Mobile friendly – with most users accessing information from their smartphones, you need to make your knowledge base available from any device. Cost-effective – you should calculate costs try to get the best value for your money. Analytics – this feature helps you gather valuable data about your users and their habits. This way, you can improve your service based on your public’s preferences. Feedback collection – your customers should be able to evaluate your content. Integration – the perfect knowledge base software should be easy to integrate with all the other tools you use to grow your business. Quick setup – the less time you need to install and update the software, the better. This way, you can focus on creative tasks rather than technical details. Provide your customers with the best services.

Collecting knowledge is nothing new. Humans have been collecting knowledge for 1,000s of years. And just in the last 500 years, we have learned to print books. But now in the digital age, we can greatly expand on the limitations of a book. So instead of just telling a short story, we can tell the whole story. And not just give one version of a story, but give almost every version of the story. So the listener will not just walk away with memories of a story, but will walk away with a never ending story that gives them a better understanding of themselves and a better understanding of the world around them.

If you say that something is only part of the story or is not the whole story, then you mean that the explanation or the information that is given, is not enough for something to be fully understood.

"I'm just one of the editors. I'm not the sole creator or the sole architect, I'm just very good at what I do, collecting and organizing valuable knowledge and information. Not to say that I'm an expert, because I'm still learning and still making improvements. So the best is yet to come."

If you keep reading BK101, you will keep learning. BK101 will teach you something new everyday, something that you didn't know before. BK101 is like a bible, but not the Christian holy book type of bible, but a bible that is regarded as authoritative in its field, with that field being human knowledge. What does it mean to be human? And why is knowledge so extremely important? When you learn that knowledge is the holy grail, and that knowledge is that greatest source of power and energy, then you will never stop learning.

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The Thinker Man