What School Lunches look Like around the World

Of course not every school or home has good quality food. That is why Food Security needs to be a human right worldwide.

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See Peoples Diets from other Countries - What Classrooms look like Around the World

Physical Health Knowledge - Food Chemistry - Nutrition Knowledge


As Schools Buy More Local Food, Kids Throw Less Food In The Trash At least 42,000 schools spent almost $600 million on local food during the 2013-2014 school year. That's up almost 50 percent from the previous census.

Serving Water with School Lunches could prevent child, adult obesity. - Junk Food.

RHS School Lunch School-Level Practices to Increase Availability of Fruits, Vegetables, and Whole Grains, and Reduce Sodium in School Meals United States, 2000, 2006, and 2014   Weekly August 28, 2015 / 64(33);905-908.

School-Based Nutritional Programs Reduce Student Obesity.

A coalition of state attorneys general is suing the Trump administration for weakening the federal nutrition standards for school meals that are fed to about 30 million children across the country. Trump administration gave school lunch administrators more flexibility in serving up refined grains, including white breads, biscuits and white pastas. Child Abuse - Child Endangerment.

Yale-led team examines impact of diet intervention on autoimmunity in mice.

How Singapore Airlines Makes 50,000 In-Flight Meals A Day | Big Business | Insider Business (youtube) - With a whopping $500 million food budget, catering chefs for Singapore Airlines pump out 19 million in-flight meals a year. But cooking food for 30,000 feet is anything but easy. Airplane meals, like us, can't miss their flights. So chefs move with military clockwork to stay within flight schedules and food safety requirements. Then there's the added issue that food can taste differently in the sky because of pressure, engine noise, and dryness on the plane. It's a phenomenon airlines and manufacturers have been working for decades to fix. Food and beverage director Antony McNeil develops meals that can regenerate well in small aircraft ovens while still tasting good.

Catering is the business of providing food service at a remote site or a site such as a hotel, hospital, pub, aircraft, cruise ship, park, festival, filming location or film studio.

Photos of School Lunches by Country - Not Every School has Food like this

Brazil School Lunch Photo

Finland School Lunch Photo

France School lunch Photo

Greece School Lunch Photo

Spain School Lunch Photo

Italy Scool Lunch Photo

South Korea School Lunch Photo

Ukraine School Lunch Photo

The Thinker Man