Instructions - How to Use this Website

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Where Do I Start? That's a Good Question. Based on your current needs and situation, how do you determine what knowledge and information is the most valuable to you at this time? This is a difficult question to answer, which you will have to answer yourself until BK101 designs an entry test and an assessment tool or questionnaire that would accurately determine your needs and where you should start your education. So for now, this knowledge and information resource is mostly self-directing, and the subjects that you study first is up to you. And remember, this website is not finished. One of the main goals is to design an artificial intelligent teaching avatar that will assist you and guide you through your education needs and schedule learning times, as well as manage and plan your education goals. Your avatar will give you the necessary instructions until you become a self manageable and self directed learner who can solve problems and reach important milestones on your own.

Warning (reading the disclaimer will prepare you)

It's knowing What to Learn? When to Learn it? How to Learn it? Where to learn it? And Knowing Why you need to Learn it?

Learning the right things in the right order is essential. We learn in stages. So it's very important that we see and visualize these learning stages and understand their importance. This is more than the grade you're in, and more than the tests you passed. This is about you and your personal development and the intelligence and the skills that you want to obtain. Learn at your own pace and learn in your own time. Learn in your own environment and learn using your own personal methods for learning. And then learn how to test yourself.

If you're a child, when learning how to read, you should also be reading to learn at the same time. When learning how to read you should be reading things that teach you about why reading is important, why learning important, and why gaining knowledge is important. Being a self directed learner is extremely important. You can teach a child about life, just as long as that lesson is objective, relevant and factual. There is not one children's book that I would recommend. That's because most children's books are mostly subjective and not relevant to any real life examples. If a book or a story needs to be explained, that means the child will need more knowledge and more information to understand the full meaning of the book or story. And that knowledge and information is in the BK01 website. We need to write better children's books, and fully understand the implications and the effects that a story can have on the mind of a child.

So let's say that you're an adult, where would you start? The same way a child would? What is your goal? To understand yourself more accurately? To understand the world more accurately? How would you do that? First, you need access to the knowledge and information that would help you understand yourself more accurately and help you to understand the world more accurately. I would start with the language page, and then the information literacy page and then the reading page.

There are thousands of research articles from universities and other research organizations that are mixed in with each subject. This will help give you a better understanding of each subject. The website also organizes similar words together that have similar meanings. This will help you to see how things are connected, and also give you a better understanding of the whole picture. Throughout the entire website there's lots of interlinking, which are the associations. All knowledge and information is connected in someway to other knowledge and information. This is when levels of understanding are created. We need to see things from different perspectives, and also see things as a whole, as well as, see things as individual elements that make up the whole. This way we can stay connected to reality by seeing the whole picture, and not just see the parts or certain pieces to a puzzle.

21st Century Skills - Know your Baseline

Fundamentals are the principles from which other truths can be formed, developed, understood and obtained. Any factor that could be considered important to the understanding of something new. Simplify.

Don't be intimidated by all the knowledge and information. Don't be discouraged. Just because you don't believe that you can learn or understand things, this doesn't mean that you can't learn or understand things. You have a right to know. You have a right to be informed. But learning takes commitment. To make learning effective, you should prepare the mind for learning. Keep the mind open. Clear your head, no tension, no stress, no anxity, no lingering thoughts. Be rested, be nourished, be hydrated. Start with breathing exercises, or just use your own preferred method to ready yourself for learning.

Editor's Warning - Things you may not like or understand

Disclaimer: This website contains some language and comments that some readers may find offensive. Not all the views and opinions expressed in BK101 represent the views of BK101. There are many comments on BK101 that are just used as examples, whether they are bad examples or good examples. BK101 will imitate ignorance and stupidity, but BK101 does not support or encourage ignorance and stupidity, or indorses any kind of lying or criminal activity. There is some paraphrasing, and there is also some parody, and some comments are just mimicking other comments that have been posted on the internet. This is done to expose the contradictions and false statements, and used to express a second opinion, or just to show the other side of a story, which could help facilitate conversations that everyone should be having. BK101 focuses on educating people, not entertaining people. And certain comments, along with some of the notes in the margins within the research, will not be included in the finished product, or will the exact same words be used, or will the exact same language be used, and content may also be edited for style and length. So remember, this website is not the finished product. Not all the information on BK101 is visible. There will always be many other questions that you still need to ask in order to accurately comprehend, understand and interpret the information that is posted on BK101. There are over 200 pages with more than 4 million words, so don't take things out of context, because you need to fully understand the website as a whole. The goal of education is to teach the power of knowledge, and not just to preach the power of knowledge. And don't worry if you don't understand what you're reading or agree with what you're reading, that's normal for everyone at first. So please don't get discouraged or get irritated just because you don't like something or find something hard to understand. Just keep reading and keep learning. Eventually you will gain enough knowledge to understand everything that's written. And when you go back to read something again a few days later or a few weeks later, something that you could not understand originally at first, you will eventually understand it, this is because you have the ability to understand everything, just as long as you keep learning. Don't take things the wrong way. People can easily misunderstand things in the wrong way when they're exposed to certain information at the wrong time. This happens to everyone. Sometimes when writing, you have to talk to everyone, from a five year old to an old man. You have to talk to the highly educated, to the undereducated, to the poor, to the mega wealthy, to people with very little power, and to the people with a lot of power and influence. So don't assume that a particular message or a piece of writing is intended just for you, everything is relative. So don't make assumptions or jump to conclusions. It's a good idea to be aware of your own ignorance, because no one else will. You should ask yourself, "do I know enough about this particular subject to fully understand it?" Even though you might read a few things that you don't understand, you will still read a lot of things that will blow your mind and enlighten you. The vast majority of the information and knowledge that is provided by BK101 is unadulterated. But there is a small percentage of information that is considered to be idealistic. I include some insights about my personal interpretation of certain information, my point of view, my opinion, it's right and it's wrong, because there is always two sides to a story. My thoughts may be part of the conversation, or it may not be part of the conversation. I have more questions than answers, and relevance can't be known until people talk about what is relevant and talk about what is known. It's highly recommended that you do not get distracted by some of the things that you read in the BK101 website. There are some personal notes in the margins that may not be relevant to the subject and may not make it through the final edit. So focus on the facts when reading. Don't let certain words distract you or cause you to overreact. Look at some of the information on this website as if it were just an observation. Remember, there will always be moments in your life when you will learn things that you don't immediately like or understand, that is normal. Some of the thing's that we learn can seem scary at times, like learning that someone has been lying to you. The only way to prepare yourself for these types of situations is to educate yourself and continue your quest for knowledge. You will sometimes read things that will contradict the things you thought you knew, which may mean that your perception is skewed, or you might have to ask more questions and confirm the accuracy of something. Don't make assumptions or don't jump to conclusions. The only way to prove if information is accurate is to keep learning and do your research and investigate things. Don't assume that something is a 100 percent accurate just because you read it here. And don't believe everything that you read on a Wikipedia pages either. Some writers on Wikipedia like to sneak in their world view when writing, and this is not about writing guidelines, this is an attempt to persuade people to interpret the writing in a particular way, which is not the most accurate way, so you need to be aware. And this is not unique to just Wikipedia, most media is distorted to some degree. Some words are just used to mimic ignorance and are not meant to express any kind of agreement with ignorance. That is why reading comprehension is so extremely important. And this is why media literacy is also extremely important. The goal is to train yourself to be a professional learner, where only the best information gets through, and only the best information and knowledge gets stored.

You have to learn the important things first, if you don't, then you may never learn them at all. If you are lucky enough to learn the important things later in life, then you will be happy, and sad, because learning can be good and horrible at the same time when you are middle aged or older. Learning is good, because you're now more knowledgeable about yourself and the world round you. But learning is also bad later in life, because you can now see why you made so many mistakes in your life, and why you wasted so much time in your life. All because you didn't learn the important things first early in life. But it's better late then never. So start your journey today. No regrets. Live, Learn, Love and Progress.

Scan the Entire Website First - Scroll - Let your Mind do the Walking

The best way to familiarize yourself with all the knowledge and information that is in this website, is to scan all the subject pages using the Back and Forth Navigation Arrows that are located at the top of each subject page. You should cram and binge read for maximum effect. Read for 4 hours everyday for one week, or read for 1 hour everyday for 4 weeks. Your task is to scroll down slowly and skim each subject page, focusing mostly on the titles of the categories, and briefly scanning some of the text and some of the words in bold, as well as scan some of the links. Scroll slowly down each page until you have reached the bottom of that page. Then go to the next page and repeat the same process until you are back at the beginning on the first page where you started. Now go to the subjects page or to the site map and look at each subject and visualize the categories that you can remember reading about on that particular subject page. Now look at the next subject in the site map and repeat this process. Your goal is to be familiar with most of the subjects and categories in this website so you can start making logical connections and begin building a neural network and creating the matrix of knowledge and information that you will store in your memory. From there, you will now go back and read each subject page more deeply and more thoroughly. You are reading to learn. And as you do this, you will begin constructing the foundation for your intelligence. And from that foundation, your awareness and knowledge will increase and expand exponentially. This will be a gradual process of learning that may take a few years. So you must make a commitment to yourself and promise that you will continue to educate yourself. And once you reach a particular level of knowledge, you will experience epiphanies like you have never experienced before. Knowledge is the greatest source of positive energy that we know of in the universe. Knowledge is Power.

The four main types of reading techniques are Skimming, Scanning, Intensive reading and Extensive reading.

Scan is to make a wide sweeping search and a systematic examination of a prescribed region. Scanning is reading a text quickly in order to find specific information or find specific facts. Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific information rapidly. When scanning, you usually have a question in your mind and you read a passage only to find the answer, ignoring unrelated information. You may read only the first sentence of each paragraph. If you do not get the main idea in the topic sentence, or if the paragraph greatly interests you, then you may have to read more. Image Scanning is the process of translating photographs into a digital form that can be recognized by a computer. The act of systematically moving a finely focused beam of light or electrons over a surface in order to produce an image of it for analysis or transmission. 3D Scanning is the process of analyzing a real-world object or environment to collect data on its shape and possibly its appearance. The collected data can then be used to construct digital 3D models.

Skimming is the action of reading something quickly so as to take note of the important points, or to get the general idea of something or to get the general meaning of something. Skimming for keywords so that you can move quickly through the text. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Skimming often refers to the way in which one reads at a faster rate to gain the general idea about the text without wasting too much time on irrelevant details. Skimming helps you to quickly understand the overall points of the text and its relevance to your course or purpose without overwhelming you with too much information. Skimming can also mean the removal of a substance from the surface of a liquid.

Browse is to look around casually and randomly without seeking anything in particular. To read superficially or at random. To visit stores and look around, but not necessarily buying anything. To eat lightly and try different foods.

Scroll to move text or graphics up or down or across a display screen as if by unrolling a scroll. Stroll (walking).

Extensive Reading is to simply read as much as possible, without concerning oneself with the minutia of meaning and the occasional unknown word. This is done by reading for large swaths of time, and looking up words only when you deem it absolutely necessary to your understanding of the text. If the text you wish to extensively read is at the appropriate level, you'll find that most unknown words can be deciphered by looking at their surrounding context, making overt use of translations or dictionaries unnecessary. While intensive reading requires a high level of focus and deliberate effort, extensive reading is meant to be a fun and pleasurable experience, requiring a low expenditure of mental effort. Information Extraction.

After learning what all the words mean in a particular subject, read the subject fully again, but this time understand why some words are associated with one another and where in the definitions of these words are the connections the strongest? Then ask, how does this increase my understanding of this subject? And when would this information be relevant? Download.

Reading the whole website is just the first step. Then you have to correctly process this knowledge and information so that you can accurately understand the knowledge and information in order to know how to use it effectively and efficiently at the right time and in the right place. Having valuable knowledge and information is one thing, knowing how to use it is another. Like all information in the universe, information needs instructions. You will need to Read BK101 entirely and completely. But reading the whole website doesn't guarantee that you will understand everything that is written. You will have to read something's more than once. And you will most likely have to do your own research because that is a necessary process of learning. Verify. And reading certain subjects before you understand them could slow down the learning process. And believing that you know enough will also slowdown learning. So for now, read everything on BK101. And the things that you don't understand at first, just go back and read it again when you think that you understand something a little bit better. You don't need to understand everything on BK101, but you do need to know the basics that would give you enough knowledge and skills so that you can learn and understand anything that you want to, or need to.

Lesson: Read each page and then write a summary that briefly explains the main points of that particular page and what that particular information means as a whole. The goal is to remember the knowledge well enough so that you will be able to use that particular knowledge effectively and efficiently as possible, as well as understand the subject well enough so that you can explain it in simple terms.

The Goal is to Become a Self Directed Learner

You could easily teach yourself from all the information and knowledge that is provided in this website, but it will be even easier to learn from this website when all the data is designed into logically ordered lessons so that you can learn the right things at the right time.

Teach is to transmit information or to provide skills and knowledge to someone. To instruct, tutor or coach someone.

Facilitation is any activity that makes tasks for others easy, or tasks that are assisted.

Facilitator is someone who makes progress easier. Someone who saves people time.

Preach is to speak, plead, or argue in favor of something.

I don't have all the answers, but I do have a lot of good answers to a lot of questions, which took a lot of time and effort to learn. And even though I may never find all the answers, I will still continue to learn as much as I can everyday. There are so many questions that need answers. Teach, facilitate and preach, and always leave things open for discussion, and always leave room for improvements.

Teachers Pledge - Teacher Training - Teaching Methods - Priorities

I can tell you what to learn, and I can tell when is the best time to learn a certain subject, but it is still up to you to learn, and you still have to decide how to balance your life between living and responsibilities. I can provide you with the most valuable knowledge and information, but it is still up to you to learn, and it's up to you to remember that one of your biggest responsibilities in life is "Learning". Remember, Knowledge gives you Power, Power gives you Control, Control gives you Freedom, Freedom gives you Potential, and Potential gives you Endless Possibilities. Live, Learn, Love and Progress.

"I can explain something to you, but it's up to you to understand it accurately. I can help you understand, but the responsibility of understanding is still up to you. I cannot understand things for you or do the thinking for you. This is your responsibility."

I can provide people with the most valuable knowledge information, but people still need to read and understand what is written, otherwise, the value and the potential of the knowledge that is available will never be fully utilized. When people don't understand the responsibility of learning, then learning is ineffective. You can give a person knowledge but you can't make them think.

Every problem that you will ever face in your life can be solved, but you will have to learn how to solve it. So don't delay building your foundation of knowledge. Acquire the most valuable information and skills that you have available. Especially knowing that you will use them everyday of your life.

You don't want to force people to learn, especially when they are not ready to learn something, or, if they need to learn something else first, or, if they have more important responsibilities to take care of. You want to make sure that students have access to the worlds most valuable knowledge and information. So when they are ready to learn, they can.

BK101 Knowledge Base - Knowledge Management

Accumulate is something that is collected and gathered together over time. Increasing number or quantity of. Develop - Evolve - Organize.

You don't learn from me, you learn from knowledge and information

Don't think of me as the source of this information and knowledge, think of me as a medium or as a curator, because almost everything I know comes from other people, people who took the time to learn, and people who took the time to share what they learned. I'm mostly just a provider of a service. So whether you like me or not, that does not matter, what matters is the knowledge and the information on this website and the resources it is connected to, focus on that, not me. Opinions of me are mostly irrelevant. Focus on the information without prejudice. Because that's the only way to protect yourself from ignorance, whether it's perceived to be your own ignorance or someone else's. Besides that, if someone is just passing along the information, then they are not the source of the information. And you shouldn't think of me as your teacher, and don't assume that you are learning directly from me, because you learn from the knowledge and information that is presented to you on the BK101 website. Though knowing the source of information is important, it will always be the information itself that is the most important thing. So it's better that you see me as a conduit or a curator, and just one of the many people who are providing you with valuable knowledge and information. It is up to you to teach yourself and to learn about knowledge and information. Knowledge and information has been accumulated over thousands of years by millions of people throughout history. I didn't create knowledge, I discovered knowledge that was already there, because I'm not the first person to have discovered knowledge. So I am mostly rediscovering things that have been lost or misplaced. Remember, everyone stands on the shoulders of giants, and knowledge and Information is not coming directly from me, it is coming from life itself as I learn from life. And I'm just getting started in 2021, even though I've been learning fulltime for 13 years. So you're not here for me, you are here for the millions of people who contributed to my education and the people who shared knowledge and information throughout human history. Though I am 61 in 2021, I am still a teenager in the mind, and I'm still a student, so that makes you one of my teachers, and together, we will create the most effective education on the planet. Remember, you are not that far behind me, and I am definitely not that far ahead of you. So you must look beyond me, and don't look up to me or look down on me. Focus on the facts, and don't get distracted by the background noise that has been generated from my life experiences. Look beyond me, look beyond the horizon. Because I am also looking beyond the horizon. And eventually we will see the same things, but only if we can accurately describe what we see.

A lot of us are co-learning and we're learning together. Everyone should be a student for life. No one should ever stop learning. A learning and teaching machine would be a great tool to expand human intelligence.

I can give you guidance, I can give you advice, I can even share with you my experience with knowledge and information, but it is up to you to learn, and it's up to you to use knowledge and information to the best of your abilities. If a teacher is not teaching the student how to be smarter then they are, then the teacher is failing, not the student. The main goal of teaching is teaching the student how to effectively and accurately teach themselves so that learning continues to thrive beyond the school walls. Remember, you don't have to know everything, you need to know what's important and what counts.

I'm not going to make you intelligent, knowledge and information will make you intelligent. But only if the knowledge is learned in the most accurate sequence and in the right amounts that would create the most effective learning experience. The end result is intelligence, whether it's human intelligence, or machine intelligence.

I'm not intelligent. I'm on a quest to find out what it is to be intelligent. So I first need to discover what being intelligent is and know how to accurately measure intelligence, which will always need to be changed and updated as we learn more. I can tell you how to go from point A to point B, and the benefits of that choice, but I cannot guarantee you that choice will be the best thing for you because you may have different choices and different options where you live, and you may also have different experiences. The most valuable skill that I can teach you is how to be a self-directed learner. Because if you have to depend on a teacher or a school to learn, then you will never learn enough, and you will never become intelligent and skillful with unlimited potential.

Everyone has there own experience with knowledge, that is because everyone is learning different things at different times, and learning in different ways. But we know one thing for sure, without information being stored or shared, every cell and every seed could not produce life, so life would not exist. Nothing is void of information, for even rocks have a story to tell.

Learning is like Climbing a Mountain.

"Just because you don't see something or know something, this doesn't mean that it doesn't exist."

Horizon is the line that divides all visible directions. The range of interest or activity that can be anticipated. Future.

The knowledge and information provided here explains a lot about ourselves and the world, but it doesn't explain everything. But it's enough knowledge and information to make you the smartest person that you can possibly be. With more intelligence, more skills, and more abilities then you ever thought of having. With more control, more power, more freedom, more potential, and more possibilities. This should be the goal of every school and university on the planet, but sadly it is not. Schools today are mostly just job training facilities that create worker drones and mindless consumers who are addicted to money, and manipulated by money. So much so, that students lack an accurate understanding of themselves and the world around them. And this is why one of the main goals of BK101, which is to educate people to be Intelligent. So that intelligent people can lead this world into a better future of prosperity, and away from a world that is mostly in decline, and in decay, which is where we are right now.

Drone is an aircraft without a pilot that is operated by remote controlAutonomous.

All teaching and preaching must be Presented with Evidence, Research, Facts and Experiences. But students are still responsible for the validity of all knowledge and information they receive. They have to make sure that progress continues in the realm of what is known, and what is not known. Not having enough knowledge can cause vulnerabilities, and it could also be extremely dangerous if you learn the wrong things at the wrong time.

I have spent 10 years since 2008 gathering Information and knowledge. Though information and knowledge extraction is an ongoing process, the transition from research to development is just beginning. (2018).

Organizing information and knowledge is an ongoing process. So you will see changes and improvements as time goes on, especially with how the information and knowledge is presented. You need to organize information and knowledge in several different ways so that it can be utilized in more then one way, and also be adjusted for unique applications. (Smartphone Apps is one example of how organized information can be used to produce a particular outcome) Saves more then just time, it saves energy, resources and people, that's if you're not always using it to entertain yourself, because that would be a total waste. That is why having balance is so important, it helps remind you that you're still alive. Remember, everyone has the ability to Learn.

If you do feel that you need more help or guidance then please contact us for further assistance. Eventually we will have 24/7 education assistance that will help assist and guide people, as well as tutor and teach people about things that they would like to Learn.

Information Stations

Scanning the entire website will give you an overall picture of what a complete high quality education should look like as a whole.

The goal is to create a visible representation and a timeline so that a student can easily determine where they are, and where they need to be, in reference to their education needs. This is your base knowledge, Knowledge and information that you would normally use everyday of your life. Not all of it, and not all the time of course, just the information and knowledge that is important for your particular needs. Please don't worry if you do not understand some of the subjects and material. If you keep learning you will eventually understand. If you stop learning, you will never understand and you will never become aware of your full potential, or make use of the abilities and the intelligence that is inside you.

Site Map - Syllabus - 5 Core Subjects

Home Page - Knowledge Base

What a BK101 look like as a Regular School Building

This website continually improves and grows almost everyday. So please visit as often as you can. Feel free to Download or Copy text so that you can read the information later offline when you have some free time. The goal is to make the entire curriculum into approximately 20,000 hours of Knowledge Lessons, Information and Skills. Then have the entire curriculum digitized so that it can be delivered to people on small jump drives that can run on any computer or smart phone. People could then educate themselves in their own time and in their own chosen environment, as well as test themselves and evaluate their performance and progress....More..

Academic Disciplines is a branch of knowledge that is taught and researched as part of higher education. A scholar's discipline is commonly defined and received by the university faculties and learned societies to which he or she belongs and the academic journals in which he or she publishes research. However, no formal criteria exists for defining an academic discipline. Disciplines vary between well-established ones that exist in almost all universities and have well-defined rosters of journals and conferences and nascent ones supported by only a few universities and publications. A discipline may have branches, and these are often called sub-disciplines. There is no consensus on how some academic disciplines should be classified (e.g., whether anthropology and linguistics are discipline of social sciences or fields within the humanities). More generally, the proper criteria for organizing knowledge into disciplines are also open to debate. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to academic disciplines.

Outline of Education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual. In its technical sense, education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to another. Education can also be defined as the process of becoming an educated person.

A Well of Information and Good Things to Know. Once you read every page of BK101, everything will start making sense, and you'll feel as though everything has suddenly just clicked into place. You'll experience a sense of satisfaction that few human beings have ever known. It’s going to be amazing. And all you have to do is read about a million words. I would never say that becoming in intelligent is easy, it's just totally worth it. If you read 15 minutes a day at 182 words per minute, or 2,739 words a day, in one year you will read a million words. And it will be one of the best years in your life, and just the beginning of a life long journey filled with endless epiphanies and realizations.

Timeline Estimate

Hour GlassApproximate Time Needed to Complete a High Quality Education: 35 Hours a week X 45 weeks a year = 1,575 Hours of knowledge. 1,575 Hours X 13 Years = 20,475 Hours. So If a child started their education at the age of 3, in 13 years a person could graduate with a college education by their 16th birthday. Having enough skills and knowledge to to pursue any career, any goal, any dream or any form of higher education. And at the same time provide a person with a good understanding about themselves and the world around them.

Education Timeline - Reading Speed - Word Count - 10,000-Hours Rule

Each Subject and Discipline will have several Categories. Some Subjects will be related to other Subjects and share common information and skills. When these relationships and associations are understood, the student will be able to formulate that particular knowledge and skill correctly and apply that information when needed. 

Simultaneous Subject Teaching in Logically Ordered Steps. Principles of Engineering.

Subject Structures are Formed using Hyperlinks and Context.  (View Hyperlinks as Questions and not just Answers).

Associations - Organizing - Word Matrix

Most knowledge and information is connected in one way or another. These associations help formulate knowledge so that it can be applied correctly to any given situation. That is why simultaneous subject teaching is so important. Not only does it speed up the learning process, it also produces a better understanding of knowledge and information and how it's used to reach particular goals. BK101 Outline.

Saving Time - Making Time

When you collect and organize valuable knowledge and information, and when you make valuable information and knowledge available to people, you save people an enormous amount of time from having to search for that information and knowledge all by themselves. And when you help people learn valuable knowledge, you also save people a lot of time having to understand the knowledge and information all by themselves. If you can save time for millions of people and also keep them from wasting time, that would save more time and create more potential energy then every barrel of oil that was ever used in the last 100 years. I just don't want to help people learn valuable knowledge and skills, I also want to show people how to learn effectively on their own. I also want to show people how to save time, so they can have more time to enjoy themselves, and more time to help others, and more time to help teach others. Millions of people who are living today, and the millions of people who have lived in our past, have saved everyone alive a tremendous amount of time and energy from having to produce products and services all by themselves. Which gives people more time to discover even bigger ideas and create even more effective and efficient technologies. So I'm just passing this favor forward, to honor the lives of our ancestors, and also to honor the lives of future generations.

“For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned.” - Benjamin Franklin

Time is a Currency that never loses its value.

So if I worked 30,000 hours organizing knowledge and information, that means I saved each person over 205 years of work. (30,000 * 60 = 1,800,000 minutes) (1,800,000 * 60 = 108,000,000 minutes / 525,600 minutes in one year = 205 years).

From 2008 to 2021 = 13 years, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12x7=84 hours a week. 84x4=336 hour a month and 336x12=4,032 hours a year. Time spent working = 52,416 hours so far. (if you worked 40 hours a week, 40x4=160 and 160x12=1,920 hours a year. 1,920x25 years = 48,000 hours.)

I'm saving more than just time, I'm also saving peoples lives by providing valuable knowledge and information that is needed to make better decisions and to also insure constant progress. What is the value of knowledge and how much is knowledge worth?

What is your Time Worth? Value of time is the opportunity cost of the time that a traveler spends on his/her journey. In essence, this makes it the amount that a traveler would be willing to pay in order to save time, or the amount they would. Accept as compensation for lost time. 20 Minutes a Day.

You can spend all your time making money, You can spend all your love making time. And when you're looking for your freedom, Nobody seems to care, And you can't find the door, Can't find it anywhere, When there's nothing to believe in, still you're coming back, you're running back, you're coming back for more. So put me on a highway, and show me a sign, and take it to the limit one more time. Take It to the Limit · Eagles (youtube).

"Devoting my life to a cause is nothing new. Many people throughout history have given their lives for a cause, and many more will continue to give their lives for a cause in the future, it's human nature."

"I made all the mistakes so you don't have to. I'm the person who made almost every mistake there is to make in the world so you don't have to. I don't mind making mistakes as long as I save people time and stop people from suffering from mistakes like I did."

"You want people to learn fast, but not too fast, because they might overlook something important"

Logically-Ordered Steps - Linear vs. Non-linear Learning

FYI: For Your Information.

Everyone is on a Need to Know Basis. You need to know a considerable amount of information and knowledge in order to be prepared for life in the 21st Century, and beyond. You will not be Denied extremely important Information and knowledge that is necessary for you to be fully aware of yourself and the world around you. You will not be compartmentalized or isolated from what is known about the world and about the Human body. You Need to Know.

Having the correct amount of knowledge and skills gives a person more potential, more value, more choices and more possibilities in their life. The things you could achieve will seem endless. There are numerous advantages to having particular knowledge and skills, so it only makes sense to know which particular knowledge and skills are the most important. Knowledge and skills are the building blocks of your life. The stronger your foundation, the more you can build upon and grow. Knowing why you need to learn something is extremely important. You have to know the benefits that a particular piece of knowledge or skill will give you. You also have to know the negative aspects and difficulties that you will face if you do not learn a particular piece of knowledge or learn a particular skill. And once a person fully understands the benefits of knowledge, and the negative results of not having knowledge, 99% of the time a person will choose the path that provides them with the biggest reward.

You don't have to know everything, but you definitely need to know enough about yourself and the world around you. And you have to know when you need more knowledge and information, and you have to know where to find it. You need to learn a little more about yourself and the world around you each day in order to grow and develop. And this growing and developing is a life long process, because you can never learn everything there is to know, so you have to pick and choose wisely what you need to learn and when to learn it.

What do you Know? Some Stuff that's Worth Mentioning hopefully. I know, or do I pretend I know. What we know so far.

You don't have to fully understand all the information on this website, the important thing is, in order for you to be accurate with your understanding of the world, you have to know how to verify truth and accuracy. So this is why all this information and knowledge is here, for you to verify what information and knowledge is accurate and valuable. Sometimes you need to explore a little deeper into certain subjects in order for you to see the whole picture, Happy Travels.

Note: The links that you click on may not have the answers that you're looking for, the link may in fact be asking more questions. If you're not sure if you need to follow the link, just mouse over the link to read its destination page at the bottom of the browser. If you don't agree with something on the website please let us know. Most of the time it's just a lack of knowledge that causes a person not to agree with something, and other times it' just making false assumptions, and other times you are absolutely right and we are wrong. But in order to determine if something is right or wrong, we need to ask questions.

At the moment, BK101 is most likely  one of the greatest collections of educational knowledge that there is in the world. And this knowledgebase is not even finished, or has it reached its full potential. Because the expansion of knowledge and the potential of Knowledge will mostly depend on you. You will be the one who will take this knowledge to the next level. Maybe by increasing the effectiveness of teaching, or maybe by adding to the knowledgebase, or maybe even by increasing the understanding of knowledge and how it should be used, or maybe by creating something that hasn't even been thought of yet.

Starting your education. Preferably you would want your education to start at birth and have accurate documentation about what you were taught and when. The approximate time to finish your Basic Knowledge 101 education would depend on your current level of knowledge and your test results that confirm a complete understanding of the knowledge. There will be no grading. That is why accurate testing methods are extremely important. Everyone graduating Basic Knowledge 101 will be an honor student.

Of course Learning how to Read is the first step because 80% of the worlds most valuable knowledge and information is in writing. The next step after that is learning to Fully Comprehend what you're reading. Then you need to read the right things at the right time. Learning subjects in the right order makes new knowledge easier to understand and also speeds up the learning process, it also helps you to retain knowledge that you have already learned because you will need to recall it in order to understand new knowledge and new information. This is why jumping ahead or trying to learn things out of order is ineffective because you will fail to make the necessary connections in order to understand how to use this new knowledge and when to use it. So you may waste valuable time and also ruin your opportunity to learn correctly. Each subject that you learn has a reason, it might not be obvious to you at the beginning but as you learn over time you will eventually understand the accumulative effect of knowledge, information and skills, which builds up over time creating a greater understanding of your self and the world around you. This is when the power of knowledge starts to materialize. Your strength and your abilities will grow as you learn more and more each day. Know the purposes of education and Know your priorities.

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The Thinker Man