
Worrying is being overly concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy, which can cause anxiety about actual or potential problems. Worrying is a disturbance that causes you to lose your peace of mind and to be afflicted with mental agitation or distress or to feel alarmed. Worry refers to the thoughts, images, emotions, and actions of a negative nature in a repetitive, uncontrollable manner, that sometimes results from a proactive cognitive risk analysis made to avoid or solve anticipated potential threats and their potential consequences. Worrying can become problematic if a person has been excessively apprehensive for many days in a row or several times within a six month period.

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Person Worrying Concerned is having something on your mind because it's important to you, or relevant to you, or affects you. A feeling of sympathy for someone or something. "Sometimes being concerned can create an anxious feeling that causes anxiety or becomes a source of unhappiness. That's the moment when you stopped being concerned and started worrying."

Despair is the complete loss of hope or absence of hope. The feeling that everything is wrong and nothing will turn out well.

Desperation is a state of despair, typically one that sometimes results in rash or extreme behavior or recklessness or the trait of giving little thought to danger. Revolution.

Despondency is feeling downcast and disheartened and hopeless.

Apprehension is fearful expectation or anticipation.

Negative - Reasoning - Body and Mind Influence Each other - Burnout

If you spend more time solving your problems then just worrying about your problems, you will eventually have less problems and have more time to enjoy. Working on solving your problems is a lot more healthier then worrying about problems. Stop punishing yourself, you have choices. so don't worry about things. You should either work on a solution for that problem, or move on. There's a big difference between thinking about something in order to understand it, and worrying about something based on fears and uncertainties. Thinking is productive, worrying is unproductive. One Though Leads to Another Thought.

There is a thin line between being concerned about something than just worrying about something. Concern should lead you to problem solving, just worrying takes you no where. Some things happen for a reason.

Don't Make a Mountain out of a Molehill or Overreact. Work on solving problems, then take breaks, eat healthy and exercise...Live, Learn, Love and Progress. Rinse and Repeat. Balance.

I understand that I can't control everything in my world, but I will do my best to control as many things as I can. Odds

Guilt occurs when a person believes that they have made a horrible mistake, or they feel that they made a serious error in judgment, and now they feel really bad about what they did because they know how bad the mistake was, and that damage has been done to themselves or to others, or damage has been done to something in the environment. And the only relief from the guilt and pain is to do something that would repair the damage, or do something that would make up for the loss or the mistake that you made. The right thing to do is to take full responsibility for what you have done, but more importantly, you must learn from this mistake so that you never have to repeat it again in the future. Vulnerabilities.

Men who worry more may develop heart disease and diabetes risk factors at younger ages. Middle-aged men who are anxious and worry more may be at greater biological risk for developing heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, also called cardiometabolic disease, as they get older.

Over Thinking - Ineffective Thinking - Intrusive Thoughts

Rumination is the focused attention on the symptoms of one's distress, and on its possible causes and consequences, as opposed to its solutions.

Ruminating is to reflect deeply on a subject or to think deeply about something.

Fret is to worry unnecessarily or excessively about something. To be agitated, irritated or annoyed resulting from active worry. To wear away or erode.

Over Thinking - Preoccupied - Anxiety - Information Overload - Paralyzed by Overthinking - One Thought Leads to Another - Feedback Loop - Falling down the Rabbit Hole - Fantasizing - Sexual Fantasies - Maladaptive Daydreaming - Illusions - Mind Wandering - Free the Mind - Prisoned MindDefault Mode Network - Two Sides to a Story - Language

Ruminating is like taking your hands off the wheel while your driving. When you take your hands off the wheel unconsciously, your brain will go on automatic pilot and randomly choose what to think about. This is why being mindful is so important. But you also need to remind the brain that certain thoughts are illogical and that they are a waste of time. Then the next time the brain goes on automatic pilot, the brain will have a better chance of choosing thoughts that are more productive. And don't get mad at your brain, the brain is doing what it always does, which is think. You just have to learn how to be a conscious co-driver, and learn how to be a friend of your brain. Your brain needs you as much as you need your brain.

Thoughts of Burden. Bad experiences can steal a lot of time from your life. The time we spend recalling bad experiences is just as bad as the experience itself. We need to be aware of our thoughts and and manage the time of our thoughts, as well as control what we think about. Time is of the essence.

Rumination can happen anytime and in different ways. Our inner monologue goes from one thought to another. But sometimes we get stuck focusing on just one experience. We can think about something we said and imagine ourselves saying something different. We can think about what someone else said and imagine ourselves replying to it differently. We can also worry about an upcoming event and imagine all the different scenarios. The brain is a problem solving machine. This ability was not meant to be used for worrying. The brain is also an imagination machine where it can visualize things in order to solve problems. This ability was not meant to be used for believing in fantasy's that do more harm than good. The brain is a technology that needs to be used effectively and efficiently, as it was designed to do. To avoid the addiction of ruminating, you should not be worrying about a horrible problem or continually thinking about a bad experience that you had, you should be thinking about the ways on how to solve that problem from repeating, and, you should also focus on your goals and continue to live your life. When you're nice and generous, there will always be an occasional scumbag who will take advantage of your good nature. This experience can be painful. So you can either seek justice or restitution if you feel that these scumbags will victimize other people, or, you can free yourself and let it go and move on because you got better things to do and better things to think about. So don't think about bad things or think about bad people, think about all the different ways that you're going to bring good to this world. Bad experiences should make us wiser, more aware and stronger, bad experiences should not make us miserable or colder like the scumbags who wronged you. Activism starts within yourself first, and then moves to the physical steps needed to make changes in the world and in yourself. You're a good person who has a lot of good to give, so don't let some asshole punish you twice by hating them or by wishing bad things to happen to them. Forgive them and forgive yourself. Trusting people is not a flaw, but it does have it's risks. So stay focused on the good that is within you, and free yourself from the negativity and the bad thoughts that steal your energy. Don't let bad things impede the love that you have to give. The world needs your light to shine bright. Shine on you crazy diamond, shine on.

Whether your thoughts are desires or just wishful thinking, they can do more than just distract you, they can change you in negative ways and make you think in irrational ways. This can make you feel low energy in your body. Remember, you are in control, but you must exercise your control to keep your control strong. Discipline comes from practice. Being mindful is the first step. From there you train, you learn and you progress.

Scenario Planning is a human ability that is extremely important and valuable. But this ability can also be a curse, just like with any technology that can abused or misused. If your possible scenarios are more about paranoia and fantasy, and if your ability to visualize and imagine what things could be, or imagine what possible things could happen, is abused or misused, you will waste time and you will not solve any problems. Planning for possible problems is extremely important and valuable to human existence. It's important to our survival and to our advancement. The more we progress, the more resilient we become. But this all hinges on people becoming more educated and more knowledgeable. If every school on the planet taught the necessary skills and the necessary knowledge to use all technology effectively and efficiently, the whole world improve on every level.

Counter Factual Reasoning involves the human tendency to create possible alternatives to life events that have already occurred, something that is contrary to what actually happened. These thoughts consist of the "What if?" and the "If only..." that occur when thinking of how things could have turned out differently. Counterfactual thoughts include things that – in the present – could not have happened because they are dependent on events that did not occur in the past.

The most dangerous enemy that a person can have is themselves. You can be your own worst enemy. You can fight and defend yourself from an external enemy, but the enemy within is more difficult to defend yourself against, because yourself and this perceived enemy share the same space. But you don't have to defeat this enemy, because it was never the enemy, the enemy is your misinterpretations and your assumptions that gives rise to this problem. You mistakenly birthed an alter ego. Now you must replace that little devil with a shoulder angel who symbolizes your divine reasoning and common sense. You have to make friends with the little cry baby that lives inside you. Having a conscience is a good thing. But just like all technology, we can misuse our abilities and our tools, which can make a good thing become a bad thing. So, to control your thoughts you must learn to understand your thoughts. Learning is a gift. To know thyself is the way. But if we don't learn effectively and efficiently, then learning will also become a technology that we misuse. Learning to be aware of your thoughts, and learning to understand your thoughts, and learning how to control your thoughts, is the best way to protect yourself from negative thoughts, abusive thoughts, intrusive thoughts distracting thoughts, non-sensible thoughts, and irrelevant information. You cause most of your own problems because you're using distorted thinking patterns to define your reality. You should control your thoughts and not let your feelings control your thoughts. Of course this is easier said than done. To be a master of your own domain takes practice and learning. The mind is the power. But to wield this power, one needs valuable knowledge. And you don't need to be a superhero or be a professional fighter, because the battles you'll be fighting are mostly internal, which means that knowledge is your strength, and not just having a strong and healthy body.

if you're dreaming about a possible scenario, or if you're thinking about a what if moment, just acknowledge it, don't get lost in it. It's natural to make predictions using your imagination. It's just when we confuse fantasy with reality, that's when we get lost in our thoughts and we slip away from our self. We forget our values and we forget about our conscious awareness when we get lost in our thoughts. This is why mindfulness is very important. We need to intervene and acknowledge our day dreams. We need to laugh at ourselves when we make crazy assumptions, and we should not get carried away with our thoughts, especially thoughts that have no logical purpose other than amusement and to entertain ourselves. Our thoughts can be a source of laughter, or a source of sorrow, or a source of knowledge. We can learn from our thoughts, or we can burn from our thoughts, but we can't ignore our thoughts. Reality is much more exciting and interesting than our fantasies. But fantasies are nice to have, and fantasies also help us fill the void that appears when our wandering mind drifts off to some other life. Our brain is efficient in that way, but this efficiency can become unproductive if you are not there to supervise the mind. Taking a break is normal, but you have to come back after the break, and so you have to know what being back is and know who you really are.

Internalizing Disorder is when people internalize problems or keep their problems to themselves, with behavior that is directed mainly toward themselves, sometimes causing depression, withdrawal, anxiety, and loneliness.

Overthink is to think about something too much or for too long that it could become an obsession that can distract you from having a balanced life and keep you from having normal relationships.

Run Away Thoughts. “Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts.” ~Buddha.

Shifts in brain connectivity associated with overthinking in adolescents. A new fMRI study substantiates previous groundbreaking research that rumination or overthinking can be reduced through an intervention called Rumination-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In addition, the use of fMRI technology allowed researchers to observe correlated shifts in the brain connectivity associated with overthinking.

Paranoia is when a person is over exaggerating the seriousness of a situation without considering all the facts, or without making sure that their thinking is accurate or correct, or without making sure that they're not making any unusual assumptions. When you're paranoid, you can easily be overwhelm with all kinds of different scenarios that may never happen. So it's always best to solve your problems than to worry about your problems, especially when some problems seem bigger than they really are. Being aware should not lead to obsessions, so don't confuse extrasensory perception with paranoia or low self-esteem.

When you have been abused and mistreated, your ability to trust people is diminished, and that distrust causes all kinds of problems such as fears and anxiety. Bad people are ruining the lives of millions of people. And with all the bad news about bad people, and with all the movies, TV shows and books about bad people, it's no surprise that people are fearful of bad people who do horrible things. We know that most people are good people, so the best thing to do is not to fear monger yourself. Dreaming about a hero saving the day keeps you from being a hero yourself.

Superstition - Pseudoscience - Fallacies

Paranoia can cause fantasies about different scenarios of things going wrong because certain people turned out to be bad, or that you just imagined that these people were bad. Thinking about worst case scenarios over and over again is not healthy. You should think about scenarios that are most likely to happen instead of thinking about scenarios that are most likely not to happen. Hope for the best and be prepared for the worst. But you can't waste too much time thinking about bad things happening, because it will steal away the time that you need to live in the moment today. It will also steal time away from all the planning that you need to do for all those tomorrows that you will be living in. And remember, there are no guarantees.

Thinking Trap is a certain type of pattern of thoughts that tend to trap us in anxiety. Sometime we can have lots of anxious thoughts about the future, and sometimes we can focus too much on what other people are thinking. We think so much about wanting to stay safe, that we sometimes see danger lurking around every corner.

Thought Loop is defined as the experience of becoming trapped within a chain of thoughts, actions and emotions which repeats itself over and over again in a cyclic loop. These loops usually range from anywhere between 5 seconds and 2 minutes in length.

Earworms - Shoulder Angel - Inner Monologue - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Recurring Thoughts

Stream of Consciousness is a narrative mode or method that attempts to depict the multitudinous thoughts and feelings which pass through the mind of a narrator. Stream of consciousness in psychology suggests how thoughts seem to flow through the conscious mind.

Train of Thought or track of thought refers to the interconnection in the sequence of ideas expressed during a connected discourse or thought, as well as the sequence itself, especially in discussion how this sequence leads from one idea to another.

"I have to be logical, because being illogical makes me crazy and insane, and it's also really bad for me."

"Don't let the narrative change you. You must change the narrative."

Assuming  - Jumping to Conclusions - Jealousy

Stewing is to be angry or worried about something for a while.

When a situation offends you, and when you take things too personally, and when you get upset by the things other people say or do, you can easily assume or misinterpret what someone else is saying and believe that their remarks or behavior are personally directed at you, which may make you feel insecure or make you over react.

Paranoia can come from the body. When you're not feeling well, your thinking can become unwell. When your body is saying something isn't right, your mind can interpret that feeling as something in the world is not right. So we can easily confuse our intuition with paranoia.

Pessimism - Anxiety - How the Body affects the Mind - Burnout - Feedback Loop

Hypochondriasis is a debilitating condition that is the result of an inaccurate perception of the condition of body or mind despite the absence of an actual medical condition. It's becoming unduly alarmed about any physical or psychological symptoms they detect, no matter how minor the symptom may be, and are convinced that they have, or are about to be diagnosed with, a serious illness. An individual suffering from hypochondriasis is known as a hypochondriac. (also known as health anxiety or illness anxiety disorder, worrying about having a serious illness). Don't Pretend that you Know.

Insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one's self-image or ego.

Worrying can turn into run away thoughts of despair and paranoia. But if you can be aware of these thoughts when they begin, then you can stop this run away train before it wrecks havoc. It all starts with one thought, and if you can catch yourself early enough, you can see the exact thought that started this chain reaction. And every time that you're able to stop and look, the more times you will experience calm and peace. Don't stress yourself out, logically assess the situation. Imagine that you are neural pruning negative thoughts or initiating mindful deletions of negative thoughts and redirecting certain thoughts to better memories or directing thoughts to more positive memories or more productive thoughts. A type of self programming, updating old connections or making new connections.

Words that seem to come out of nowhere, appearing or happening suddenly and unexpectedly. But not really. I was thinking about something that lead me to another thought. Or, I was just aimlessly wondering about? One thing is for sure, I was definitely not paying attention or living in the now. It's like when dreaming during sleep, you're not the director or an actor with a script. You just happen to show up somewhere, and you're like, WTF is happening now? Out Of Nowhere -Charlie Parker and Miles Davis (1947) - (youtube).

Paranoid Personality Disorder is a mental disorder characterized by paranoia and a pervasive, long-standing suspiciousness and generalized mistrust of others. Individuals with this personality disorder may be hypersensitive, easily insulted, and habitually relate to the world by vigilant scanning of the environment for clues or suggestions that may validate their fears or biases. Paranoid individuals are eager observers. They think they are in danger and look for signs and threats of that danger, potentially not appreciating other evidence.

Paranoia the Destroyer - The Kinks (youtube)

Stop The Rock - Apollo 440 (youtube) - Shake my paranoia.

New neural insights into processing uncertainty in obsessive-compulsive disorder. OCD is a neurological disorder characterized by repeated behaviors such as cleaning and checking despite clear objective evidence of cleanliness, orderliness, and correctness. Although the disease is often mischaracterized as a disorder of 'fussiness,' the disorder actually stems from difficulty in processing uncertainty. However, the neural underpinnings of that aberrant processing remains unknown. Now, a new study uses brain imaging to get a closer look at the underpinnings of uncertainty processing in OCD.

Fear of the Unknown is an intense fear of uncertain or unknown situations. Those with this fear may experience significant distress or anxiety due to a perceived lack of information about a situation. As a result, they may go to great lengths to seek certainty, even though this relief may only be temporary.

Fear of Death - Pretending to Know

Existential Angst is sometimes called existential dread, anxiety, or anguish. It is a term common to many existentialist thinkers. It is generally held to be a negative feeling arising from the experience of human freedom and responsibility. Despair is generally defined as a loss of hope. In existentialism, it is more specifically a loss of hope in reaction to a breakdown in one or more of the defining qualities of one's self or identity.

Uncertainty is a situation which involves imperfect and/or unknown information. Uncertainty arises in partially observable and/or random variable environments, as well as due to ignorance and/or laziness.

Formerly depressed patients continue to focus on negative. Attending to positives may be as important as minimizing negatives to prevent relapse, study says. People who have recovered from a major depressive episode, when compared with individuals who have never experienced one, tend to spend more time processing negative information and less time processing positive information, putting them at risk for a relapse, according to new research. Major depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. In 2020, approximately 21 million U.S. adults reported at least one incidence of major depression (8.4% of the U.S. population), according to the National Institute of Mental Health. Defined as a period of at least two weeks of a depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in daily activities, major depression can interfere with or limit a person's ability to carry out major life activities.

Anal Retentiveness describes a person who pays such attention to detail that it becomes an obsession and may be an annoyance to others, potentially to the detriment of the anal-retentive person.

Body Image Obsessions - Delusions

Perfectionism is a personality trait characterized by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting excessively high performance standards, accompanied by overly critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluations.

Panphobia is a vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil.

Haunted is having or showing excessive or compulsive concern with something. Experiencing an emotional state of great suffering and distress and being disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed and have anxiety about possible developments. Continually recurring thoughts in the mind that recur constantly regular or frequent.

Pessimism - No Confidence - Depression

Terror Management Theory proposes a basic psychological conflict that results from having a desire to live, but realizing that death is inevitable. This conflict produces terror, and this terror is then managed by embracing cultural values, or symbolic systems that act to provide life with meaning and value.

Suppressing Negative Thoughts may be good for mental health after all. Mindful.

Mental Block is an uncontrollable suppression or repression of painful or unwanted thoughts/memories. It can also be an inability to continue or complete a train of thought, as in the case of writer's block.

Acting Squirrelly is someone who looks or acts nervous, restless or fidgety and unable to relax.

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ― Lao Tzu.

Controlling Runaway Thoughts

Thought Suppression occurs when we try to ignore or control intrusive thoughts that we find threatening or distressing. Thought suppression is a psychological defense mechanism. It is a type of motivated forgetting in which an individual consciously attempts to stop thinking about a particular thought.

Will Power - Mindful - Meditation - Breathe - Exercise - Outside - Positive Thinking - Creativity - Routines - CBT

A key chemical within the ‘memory’ region of the brain that allows us to suppress unwanted thoughts.

Intrusive Thought is an unwelcome, involuntary thought, image, or unpleasant idea that may become an obsession, is upsetting or distressing, and can feel difficult to manage or eliminate. Distractions.

Pretend that words do not exist is one way to control runaway thoughts.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is to open up to unpleasant feelings, and learn not to overreact to them, and not avoiding situations where they are invoked. Its therapeutic effect is a positive spiral where feeling better leads to a better understanding of the truth. In ACT, 'truth' is measured through the concept of 'workability', or what works to take another step toward what matters (e.g. values, meaning). ACT differs from traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in that rather than trying to teach people to better control their thoughts, feelings, sensations, memories and other private events, ACT teaches them to "just notice," accept, and embrace their private events, especially previously unwanted ones. ACT helps the individual get in contact with a transcendent sense of self known as "self-as-context"—the you who is always there observing and experiencing and yet distinct from one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, and memories. ACT aims to help the individual clarify their personal values and to take action on them, bringing more vitality and meaning to their life in the process, increasing their psychological flexibility. As a simple way to summarize the model, ACT views the core of many problems to be due to the concepts represented in the acronym, FEAR: Fusion with your thoughts. Evaluation of experience. Avoidance of your experience. Reason-giving for your behavior. And the healthy alternative is to ACT: Accept your reactions and be present. Choose a valued direction. Take action. ACT commonly employs six core principles to help clients develop psychological flexibility. Cognitive defusion: Learning methods to reduce the tendency to reify thoughts, images, emotions, and memories. Acceptance: Allowing unwanted private experiences (thoughts, feelings and urges) to come and go without struggling with them. Contact with the present moment: Awareness of the here and now, experienced with openness, interest, and receptiveness. The observing self: Accessing a transcendent sense of self, a continuity of consciousness which is unchanging. Values: Discovering what is most important to oneself. Committed action: Setting goals according to values and carrying them out responsibly.

"Just because you think it, doesn't make it true."

What if your mind recorded every thought that you had during the day, and told you every thing that you were thinking about and how often you thought about certain things. You would be amazed and shocked. Most people have reoccurring thoughts and think about the same things everyday. And a lot of the time people are unaware of how often they think about certain things. Imagine writing down every thought that you had during the day, you would be doing more writing than thinking. But it might be an interesting exercise for one day. You're thinking can sometimes be like you're in a hamster wheel, you're thinking, but you're not asking the right questions or getting the right answers. So you're just spinning the wheel and going in circles, with no purpose and no plan. At least the hamster in the wheel is getting exercise, you're going no where with your thinking.

Optimism is a logical point of view and it's also a lot more healthier for you too, but don't let your confidence blind you from the facts. Be Happy, but just don't be gullible or naive. Learn as much as you can and then decide.

Not having a care in the world is impossible, and also a little delusional. You have to care about certain things, it's called responsibility and maintenance. You can take a break, but not forever. (false sense of security).

Nonchalant is a feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety, interest, or enthusiasm. It doesn't have to mean that you don't take things serious, it just means you are in control and not overreacting.

"My life has been full of terrible misfortunes, most of which never happened." (Michel de Montaigne)

"A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears." (Michel de Montaigne)

"Don't let the things you don't have spoil the things that you do have." Life Quotes

Over thinking and paranoia are two different things. It's good to have an open mind to all the possibilities, but try not go to far in one direction. I don't worry about the things that I cannot totally control because that would be paranoid, which is illogical. I prepare myself as best as I can by analyzing as much information that I can. Then I try to learn as much as I can from the experience.

Optimism, pessimism, or just being content, are illogical perceptions and a complete waste of time, and time is all you have. Patting yourself on the back for all the wrong reasons, or thinking things will be OK , or thinking things will be bad, or being happy with the way things are, is just more distractions. Logically analyzing the situation is your best bet. Every human is privileged to have time, so please don't waste it on illogical Perceptions. To be logical is to be happy. After all the brain is designed to function on logic. So logic is logical. Moving forward with a smile. 

Know the differences between depression, anxieties, worrying, bad memories and stress.

Feeling Guilty is a question, and if you don't answer the question correctly, you will never be free from the side effects that come from never getting an answer.

Why does guilt sometimes cause paranoia? Is it fear?

No Worries + the Understanding of reality - Peace of Mind

It's better to ask questions then to believe that you know the answers.

Meditation - Mindfulness - Boredom

Remember - Routines - Time Management

Don’t spend your time worrying, spend your time thinking. Because thinking is a lot more productive and also a lot easier on the mind and body then worrying. 

“Why do we dwell on things that don’t matter when there are so many things that do matter?”

How the Body effects the Mind - How worrying effects your Body

Calm Clinic - Stress Management

There’s a big difference between worrying and actually asking a question and understanding the answer to that question. Concerns should only be questions. Asking the right questions and getting the right answers. Easier said then done, but it has to be done. You have to learn how to reprocess old memories and old experiences. You need to reorganize old knowledge with new knowledge. You have to learn what questions to ask. This will help you better understand yourself and help you better understand past experiences. Over thinking and Paranoia are two different things. it's good to have an open mind to all the possibilities, but try not go to far in one direction.

"Caring about what someone thinks is always better then worrying about what someone else thinks."

Balance - Symmetry - Mental Confusion - Inner Monologue - Negative Placebo Effect - Controls - Confidence - Logic

I see a lot of people struggle with anxieties, anxieties that are created within themselves and not so much related to what is happening in that moment. Worry turns into fear, then fear turns into panic, then panic turns into uncontrollable emotions and possibly a mental breakdown. Anxiety to me is a misunderstood perception of your current state. So Anxiety is more about a persons lack of information and knowledge and not so much related to their lack of chemistry. But some physical ailments like lack of sleep, hunger, or other physical imbalances may cause the brain to misinterpret certain information in the brain. To interpret this information correctly a person needs a good understanding of their body and their mind. The stresses of life can sometimes be overwhelming, but don't overreact. Relax and analyze the questions carefully. Most of the time the answers are already within you. But there are times when you do need more information. That is when you need to seek out this needed information. But when seeking out this needed information try to stay within your current priorities and responsibilities. You don't want distractions to cause more harm then good. 

Separating your emotions from your memories or thoughts.

Thinking about the "what ifs" more then once is a waste of time, especially when a what if is highly improbable and impossible to plan for. Not to say that it's impossible, it's just more logical to pay attention to the things that are most likely to happen, things that you can control. You have to prioritize the things that matter so that you are aware of things that are more important and most likely to impact your life or most likely to benefit your life.

Why do we see our problems as not being so bad when we compare them to other peoples problems? Our problems are still bad, just because someone else's problems are worse then ours that should not make our problems seem less significant. They are still significant.

Worrying is a result of not having enough information, or just forgetting the information that you already have, or not correctly understanding the information that you already have. 

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy (youtube)

Philosophy - Sanity - Awareness

Pull Yourself Together, when people fall apart they might find that putting themselves back together in the right way is not that easy. When questioning yourself you have to be very careful not to ask questions that you cannot answer correctly. Except the fact that you don't have all the answers. But luckily with the internet, the chances of finding someone with the answers to your problems is more probable then any other time in human history.

The realm of logic is a sanctuary that all humans should visit often, or at the least know where the sanctuary of logic resides. But even then, knowing that you are human is an understanding that as humans we cannot fully control everything or even come close to being aware of everything, in our world or in ourselves. So we must, at this moment, except this fact. But acceptance of the uncertainty does not mean that one should ignore the things that a person knows to be certain. This is where knowledge truly stands out as being the most powerful tool that every human should possess. The feeling of emptiness or the feeling that you have no life or hope is just a reaction that humans experience when they stop educating themselves. When you stop learning you are always going to be more vulnerable and struggle more with everyday life situations. As we live our lives as best as we can between those moments of doing and not doing, continually learning is really the only logical thing that we can do. And when it comes to giving advice or taking advice from someone else, always keep in mind that advice is only the beginning of many questions that you need to answer. Like what is 'learning' and what are the things that a person needs to learn? Humans have been on a journey from the beginning. Searching and walking almost the entire earths surface for that shangri la or that place that a person can call 'home'. But as soon as we arrive, the first thing we learn is that the Physical Journey was just the beginning and that the Ultimate Journey is the Journey of the mind. (Howard Polley, 08/14/2011).

When thoughts flow in one direction. Researchers found that only a small fraction of the neurons engaged in reciprocal dialogue with each other. In humans, the information tends to flow in one direction instead. It seldom returns to the starting point either directly or via cycles. The neocortex, a critical structure for human intelligence, is less than five millimeters thick. There, in the outermost layer of the brain, 20 billion neurons process countless sensory perceptions, plan actions, and form the basis of our consciousness. How do these neurons process all this complex information? That largely depends on how they are "wired" to each other.

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

Please don't worry. Educate yourself and learn the facts, and then take the most appropriate logical action. Don't worry about mistakes, just learn as much as you can and then move on, there is only so much time in a day, so use it well. Seek solutions to problems and then educate others about what you have learned. A better world is waiting for us, but it will never come if we are just sitting around complaining or blaming others for our struggles. And for those who believe that everything is alright, please wakeup, for you have more opportunities to make a difference then those who have to spend most of their time just surviving. You too have to educate yourself and learn the facts. Don't dread or fear the things you have to do tomorrow, just do them, finish the task at hand and remember that you will have many accomplishments tomorrow. So look at tomorrow as, How many things will I accomplish tomorrow? 

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff--and it's all small stuff (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff Series)

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The Thinker Man