Navigation is the process or the activity of accurately
calculating and
planning a route to
take or a direction to travel starting from
one's position or
location. Finding your way around. Getting from point A to point B.

is a field of study that
focuses on the process of
monitoring and
controlling the
movement of a craft or vehicle from one place to another.
The field of navigation includes four general categories: land navigation,
marine navigation,
aeronautic navigation, and
space navigation. It is also
the term of art used for the specialized knowledge used by navigators to
perform navigation tasks. All navigational techniques involve locating the
navigator's position compared to known locations or
patterns. Navigation,
in a broader
sense, can refer to any skill or study that involves the
determination of position and direction. In this sense, navigation
includes orienteering and
pedestrian navigation.
Navigational Instruments -
Spatial Intelligence -
Latitude -
Longitude -
Geo -
Navigator is the member of an aircrew who is responsible for the
aircraft's course. The ship's officer in charge of navigation and
traveling on water as a means of transport or on a tour. The navigator's
primary responsibility is to be aware of
ship or aircraft position at all
times. Responsibilities include planning the journey, advising the ship's
captain or aircraft commander of estimated timing to destinations while en
route, and ensuring hazards are avoided. The navigator is in charge of
maintaining the aircraft or ship's nautical charts, nautical publications,
and navigational equipment, and he/she generally has responsibility for
meteorological equipment and communications. With the advent of GPS, the
effort required to accurately determine one's position has decreased by
orders of magnitude, so the entire field has experienced a revolutionary
transition since the 1990s with traditional navigation tasks being used
less frequently.
Navigate is to direct and guide something
or someone carefully and safely.
To plot or plan the path and position of something that serves as a means of
transportation. To act
as the navigator in a car, plane, or vessel and plan. The act of moving
something from one location to another.
Coordinate is a number
that identifies a
relative to an
Course is a general line of orientation or
a line or route along which something travels or moves.
is to direct and
guide a desired course and determine the direction for travelling.
Position is a certain place or abstract
location in a portion of
space where something is
Place is a
point located with respect to
features of some region.
Here is
in a place now at this
time. A place
where the speaker is or writer is. In this circumstance or respect or on
this point or detail.
Near is not
far distant in time, space, degree or circumstances. Not far away in
position, relationship or time. In the neighborhood of something
close to something.
Close is at or within a short
distance in space or time or having elements near each other. Not far away
in position, relationship or time.
Travel is to change location or the act of
going from one place to another. A
movement through space that changes the
location of something. To move upon or across something. To undertake a
journey or trip from place to place. A self-propelled movement.
Proceed is to move ahead and travel onward
in time or space. To follow a
procedure or to take a course. To resume or start again in a certain
state, condition, or activity. To keep talking.
Go is to begin something or to set in
motion. To change location and proceed. To follow a procedure or take a
course. To move away from a place into another direction. To be in the
right place or situation. To continue to live through hardship or
adversity. To functioning correctly and be ready for action.
To lead.
Direction is a
line where something moves to that leads to a place
or point.
Frame of Reference
Wind Direction -
Way Finding -
Direction corresponds to any of the
relative directions.
Up and
Down are three pairs of
complementary directions, each pair orthogonal to both of the others.
Relative directions are also known as egocentric coordinates.
Distance is the
space between two objects
or points or the size of the gap between two places, sometimes measured in
Distant is
something located far away spatially. Being separated in
space or apart in
time. Far apart in relevance,
relationship or kinship. Coming from or going to a distance.
Backtracking is to retrace one's course.
Retrace is to go back over again or to
reassemble something mentally.
Point of No
Return is an expression that originated in air navigation planning.
It is the point along the planned flight path beyond which an aircraft
will no longer be capable of returning to the takeoff airfield or reaching
an alternate airfield due to insufficient fuel, which is usually
calculated before takeoff and is mandatory for overwater flights or
flights without alternates on route.
Point Someone in the Right Direction is
to provide someone with the necessary information that will help them to
take the next step in order for them to achieve something or to locate
something that they need.
waters or uncharted territory can refer to places that have not yet been
explored. Uncharted territory can also mean unfamiliar situations in
Lost is when you don't know
where you are exactly, either physically or mentally. Unable to find your
way or not knowing where you are, or not knowing your whereabouts or
unable to find your bearings, or not knowing the direction to take or the
path to be on. Lost can also mean when you no longer have something in
your possession or in your control. You have lost sight of something that
can't be found or recovered. Lost can also mean when you feel perplexed or
confused by a conflicting situation or statement. Being filled with
bewilderment and unable to percieve or sense.
Orientation is a function of the
mind involving
awareness of
three dimensions as well as the
awareness of
time, place and
Position and Momentum Space (wiki).
Orienteering is a group of sports that requires navigational skills
using a
map and
compass to navigate from point to point in diverse and
usually unfamiliar terrain, and normally moving at speed. Participants are
given a
topographical map, usually a specially prepared orienteering map,
which they use to find control points. Originally a training exercise in
land navigation for military officers, orienteering has developed many
variations. Among these, the oldest and the most popular is foot
orienteering. For the purposes of this article, foot orienteering serves
as a point of departure for discussion of all other variations, but almost
any sport that involves racing against a clock and requires navigation
with a map is a type of orienteering.
US. Orienteering
Orienteering can train the brain and may also help fight cognitive
decline. Finding a new way. The sport of orienteering, which draws on
athleticism, navigational skills and memory, could be useful as an
intervention or preventive measure to fight cognitive decline related to
dementia, according to new research. Researchers hypothesized that the
physical and cognitive demands of orienteering, which integrates exercise
with navigation, may stimulate parts of the brain that our ancient
ancestors used for hunting and gathering. The brain evolved thousands of
years ago to adapt to the harsh environment by creating new neural
pathways. Those same brain functions are not as necessary for survival
today due to modern conveniences such as
GPS apps and
readily available food. Researchers suggest it is a case of "
it or lose it." Modern life may lack the specific cognitive and
physical challenges the brain needs to thrive. The sport is unique because
it requires active navigation while making quick transitions between parts
of the brain that process spatial information in different ways. For
example, reading a map depends on a third-person perspective relative to
the environment. Orienteers must quickly translate that information
relative to their own positions within the environment, in real-time, as
they run the course.
Map & Compass Handbook (amazon) -
Compass Map -
Orienteering Book (amazon)
Spatial Awareness -
Internal Compass -
Core Values -
Environmental Awareness
Geocaching is an
outdoor recreational activity, in which participants use a
Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational
techniques to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", at
specific locations marked by coordinates all over the world.
Geo Caching -
Groundspeak -
Letter Boxing
is the orientation, angular position, or attitude of an object such as a
line, plane or rigid body is part of the description of how it is placed
in the space it is in. Namely, it is the imaginary rotation that is needed
to move the object from a reference placement to its current placement. A
rotation may not be enough to reach the current placement. It may be
necessary to add an imaginary translation, called the object's location
(or position, or linear position). The location and orientation together
fully describe how the object is placed in space. The above-mentioned
imaginary rotation and translation may be thought to occur in any order,
as the orientation of an object does not change when it translates, and
its location does not change when it rotates.
Reckoning is the process of calculating one's current position by using a
previously determined position, or fix, and advancing that position based
upon known or estimated speeds over elapsed time and course. The
corresponding term in biology, used to describe the processes by which
animals update their estimates of position or heading, is path
integration. Drift is the angle between the heading of the airplane and
the desired track. A is the last known position (fix, usually shown with a
circle). B is the air position (usually shown with a plus sign). C is the
DR position (usually shown with a triangle). Dead reckoning is subject to
cumulative errors. Advances in navigational aids that give accurate
information on position, in particular satellite navigation using the
Global Positioning System, have made simple dead reckoning by humans
obsolete for most purposes. However, inertial navigation systems, which
provide very accurate directional information, use dead reckoning and are
very widely applied. By analogy with their navigational use, the words
dead reckoning are also used to mean the process of estimating the value
of any variable quantity by using an earlier value and adding whatever
changes have occurred in the meantime. Often, this usage implies that the
changes are not known accurately. The earlier value and the changes may be
measured or calculated quantities. There is speculation on the origin of
the term, but no reliable information.
encompasses all of the ways in which people (and animals) orient
themselves in physical space and navigate from place to place. The basic
process of wayfinding involves four stages:
Orientation is the attempt to
determine one's location, in relation to objects that may be nearby and
the desired destination.
Route decision is the selection of a course of
direction to the destination.
Route monitoring is checking to make sure
that the selected route is heading towards the destination.
recognition is when the destination is recognized.
Sense of
Direction is the ability to know one's location and perform wayfinding.
It is related to cognitive maps,
spatial awareness, and
cognition. Sense of direction can be impaired by brain damage, such as
in the case of topographical disorientation. Humans create spatial maps
whenever they go somewhere. Neurons called place cells inside the
hippocampus fire individually while a person makes their way through an
environment. This was first discovered in rats, when the neurons of the
hippocampus were recorded. Certain neurons fired whenever the rat was in a
certain area of its environment. These neurons form a grid when they are
all put together on the same plane. We get our sense of direction when we
match up spatial maps we have stored in the hippocampus, to the pattern of
firing neurons when we are trying to find our way back or trying to find
our car in the parking lot.
Visuospatial Sketchpad refers to our
ability temporarily to hold
visual and
spatial information, such as the
location of a parked car, or the route from home to a grocery store. The visuospatial sketchpad is a component of
working memory model which stores
and processes information in a visual or spatial form. The visuospatial
sketchpad is used for navigation.
Cognitive Map is a type of
representation which serves an individual to acquire, code, store,
recall, and decode information about the relative locations and attributes
of phenomena in their everyday or metaphorical
spatial environment. Cognitive map
is sometimes called, but should not be confused with, a
mental map
or mental model.
Mind Maps
Brain Cells for Spatial
Reasoning -
Mind Set
Mental Mapping is a person's
point-of-view perception of their area of
interaction. Although this kind of subject matter would seem most likely
to be studied by fields in the social sciences, this particular subject is
most often studied by modern day geographers. They study it to determine
subjective qualities from the public such as personal preference and
practical uses of
geography like driving directions. Mass media also have
a virtually direct effect on a person's mental map of the geographical
world. The perceived
geographical dimensions of a foreign nation (relative
to one's own nation) may often be heavily influenced by the amount of time
and relative news coverage that the news media may spend covering news
events from that foreign region. For instance, a person might perceive a
small island to be nearly the size of a continent, merely based on the
amount of news coverage that he or she is exposed to on a regular basis.
In psychology, the term names the information maintained in the mind of an
organism by means of which it may plan activities, select routes over
previously traveled territories, etc. The rapid traversal of a familiar
maze depends on this kind of mental map if scents or other markers laid
down by the subject are eliminated before the maze is re-run.
Just thinking about a location activates mental maps in the brain.
Researchers found that mental representations known as cognitive maps,
located in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex, are activated when the
brain performs mental simulations of a navigational route.
Scientists discover the brain's internal goal map enabling animals to
navigate precisely to a chosen destination. Animals including rodents
and humans can navigate to a desired location by relying on the brain's
internal cognitive map. While previous studies have identified specialized
neurons that help us identify our own position and direction in space,
whether the brain can process a precise estimate of a future target
location has been a long-standing question. Scientists at the Max Planck
Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt have now discovered a neural
code for spatial goals, demonstrating the existence of the brain's goal
map guiding us toward a remote destination over space and time.
How our brains track where we and others go. Study suggests our brains
may be more in tune with each other than we think. A new study reveals how
your brain navigates places and monitors someone else in the same
location. The findings suggest that our brains generate a common code to
mark where other people are in relation to ourselves. Our brains create a
universal signature to
put ourselves in
someone else's shoes. What we pay attention to may influence how our
brains map out a location.
Navigating based solely on surrounding Smells. The brain can form a
virtual landscape map of its surroundings based solely on
Navigation using Magnetics
Migrating Mule Deer don't need Directions, study finds. Mule deer
navigate in spring and fall mostly by using their knowledge of past
migration routes and seasonal ranges. Big-game animals know where to
migrate across hundreds of miles of vast Wyoming landscapes year after
year. These animals appear to have a cognitive map of their migration
routes and seasonal ranges, which helps them navigate tens to hundreds of
miles between seasonal ranges.
How a fly's brain calculates its position in space. Neurons in the fly
brain appear to literally perform vector math in order to signal the
direction in which their bodies are traveling, regardless of which way
their heads are pointing. Navigation doesn't always go as planned -- a
lesson that flies learn the hard way, when a strong headwind shunts them
backward in defiance of their forward-beating wings. Fish swimming
upriver, crabs scuttling sideways, and even humans hanging a left while
looking to the right contend with similar challenges. How the brain
calculates an animal's direction of travel when the head is pointing one
way and the body is moving in another is a mystery in neuroscience. A
physics student plotting an object's trajectory will break the trajectory
into components of motion, plotted along the x- and y-axis. Similarly in
the fly brain, four classes of neurons that are sensitive to visual motion
indicate the fly's traveling direction as components along four axes. Each
neuronal class can be thought of as representing a
mathematical vector. The
vector's angle points in the direction of its associated axis. The
vector's length indicates how fast the fly is moving along that direction.
"Amazingly, a neural circuit in the fly brain rotates these four vectors
so that they are aligned properly to the angle of the sun and then adds
them up," Maimon says. "The result is an output vector that points in the
direction the fly is traveling, referenced to the sun."
Vector math is more than
just an analogy for the computation taking place. Rather, the fly brain
appears to be literally performing vector operations. In this circuit,
populations of neurons explicitly represent vectors as waves of activity,
with the position of the wave representing the vector's angle and the
height of the wave representing its length. The researchers even tested
this idea by precisely manipulating the length of the four, input vectors
and showing that the output vector changes just as it would if flies were
literally adding up vectors.
Clarks Nutcracker.
Disorientation is
confusion about
where you are and how to proceed; or an uncertainty as to what direction
to take. A
Disoriented is having lost your bearings,
or confused as to time, place or personal identity.
is to
wander from a direct course or at
random. Be in motion due to some
air or water current. The gradual departure from an intended course due to
external influences. Move about
aimlessly or without any destination. Vary
or move from a fixed point or course.
Topographical Disorientation is the inability to
orient oneself in
one's surroundings, sometimes as a result of focal brain damage. This
disability may result from the inability to make use of selective spatial
information (e.g., environmental landmarks) or to orient by means of
specific cognitive strategies such as the ability to form a mental
representation of the environment, also known as a cognitive map. It may
be part of a syndrome known as visuospatial dysgnosia.
Visuospatial Dysgnosia is a loss of the sense of "whereness" in the
relation of oneself to one's environment and in the relation of objects to
each other.
Internal Compass -
Core Values.
Left–Right Confusion is the inability to accurately differentiate
between left and right directions.
Spatial Disorientation is the inability to determine position or
relative motion, commonly occurring during periods of challenging
visibility, since vision is the dominant sense for orientation.
A defective potassium channel disrupts the brain’s navigation system.
potassium channel KCNQ3 is
required for our brain to generate accurate spatial maps. In mice, defects
in KCNQ3 function have measurable effects on the internal navigation
system. In addition to other physiological processes, potassium is
required for muscle and nerve cell excitability. Potassium ions cross the
outer cell membrane via a variety of ion channels and thereby generate
electrical currents.
Homing is to return home accurately from a long distance. Orienting
or directing homeward or to a destination. Provide with, or send to, a home.
Homing in biology is the inherent ability of an animal to navigate
towards an original location through unfamiliar areas. This location may
be either a home territory, or a breeding spot.
Home In is to find and go directly
toward someone or something. To get closer to something.
Direct onto a
point or target, especially by automatic navigational aids.
Focus -
Hone In.
Homing Device provides direction to a target or destination.
A mechanism incorporated into a guided missile, airplane, etc., that aims
it toward its objective.
Guidance System is a virtual or physical device, or a group of devices
implementing a guidance process used for controlling the movement of a
ship, aircraft, missile, rocket, satellite, or any other moving object.
Guidance is the process of calculating the changes in position, velocity,
attitude, and/or rotation rates of a moving object required to follow a
certain trajectory and/or attitude profile based on information about the
object's state of motion.
Missile Guidance refers to a variety of methods of guiding a missile
or a guided bomb to its intended target.
Infrared Homing is a passive weapon guidance system which uses the
infrared (IR) light emission from a target to track and follow it.
Semi-Active Radar Homing is a common type of missile guidance system,
perhaps the most common type for longer-range air-to-air and
surface-to-air missile systems.
Active Radar Homing is a missile guidance method in which a missile
contains a radar transceiver (in contrast to semi-active radar homing,
which uses only a receiver) and the electronics necessary for it to find
and track its target autonomously.
Acoustic Homing is a system which uses the acoustic signature (sound)
of a target to guide a moving object, such as a torpedo.
Geo-Location - Satellites - GPS
Geographic Information System is a system designed to capture, store,
manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. The
GIS is sometimes used for
geographic information science (GIScience) to refer to the academic
discipline that studies geographic information systems and is a large
domain within the broader academic discipline of geoinformatics. What goes
beyond a GIS is a spatial data infrastructure, a concept that has no such restrictive boundaries.
Satellite Navigation is a system that uses
satellites to provide
autonomous geo-spatial positioning. It allows small electronic receivers
to determine their location (
latitude, and altitude/elevation)
to high precision (within a few metres) using time signals transmitted
along a line of sight by
radio from satellites. The system can be used for
providing position, navigation or for tracking the position of something
fitted with a receiver (satellite tracking). The signals also allow the
electronic receiver to calculate the current local time to high precision,
which allows time synchronisation. Satnav systems operate independently of
any telephonic or internet reception, though these technologies can
enhance the usefulness of the positioning information generated.
is the
height above
level of a location, in geography the term
elevation is often preferred for this usage. Vertical distance
measurements in the "down" direction are commonly referred to as
depth. Altitude is defined
based on the
context in
which it is used (aviation, geometry, geographical survey, sport,
atmospheric pressure, and many more). As a general definition, altitude is
a distance measurement, usually in the vertical or "up" direction, between
a reference datum and a point or object. The reference datum also often
varies according to the context.
Map -
Eyes in
the Sky
Elevation of a
geographic location is its
height above or below a fixed reference point, most commonly a reference
geoid, a mathematical model of the
Earth's sea level as an equipotential gravitational surface (see
Geodetic datum § Vertical datum). The term elevation is mainly used when
referring to points on the
Earth's surface, while altitude or geopotential height is used for
points above the surface, such as an aircraft in flight or a spacecraft in
orbit, and depth is used for points below the surface. Elevation is not to
be confused with the distance from the center of the Earth. Due to the
equatorial bulge, the summits of Mount Everest and Chimborazo have,
respectively, the largest elevation and the largest geocentric distance.
Positioning System is a space-based
radio navigation system owned by
the United States government and operated by the United States Air Force.
It is a global navigation satellite system that provides geolocation and
time information to a GPS receiver anywhere
on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four
or more GPS
GPS Satellite
is a satellite used by the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS). The
first satellite in the system, Navstar 1, was launched February 22, 1978.
The GPS satellite constellation is operated by the 50th Space Wing of the
United States Air Force. The GPS satellites circle the Earth at an
altitude of about 20,000 km (12,427 miles) and complete two full orbits
every day.
Navigation Device is a device that is capable of receiving information
from GPS satellites and then to calculate the device's geographical
position. Using suitable software, the device may display the position on
a map, and it may offer directions. The Global Positioning System or GPS
uses a global navigation satellite system or GNSS that is made up of a network of a
minimum of 24, but currently 30, satellites placed into orbit by the U.S.
Department of Defense.
GPS Apps.
Real Time
Kinematic positioning is a satellite navigation technique used to
enhance the precision of position data derived from satellite-based
positioning systems (global navigation satellite systems, GNSS) such as
GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and BeiDou. It uses measurements of the phase of
the signal's carrier wave in addition to the information content of the
signal, and relies on a single reference station or interpolated virtual
station to provide real-time corrections, providing up to centimetre-level
accuracy. With reference to GPS in particular, the system is commonly
referred to as Carrier-Phase Enhancement, or CPGPS. It has applications in
land survey, hydrographic survey, and in consumer unmanned aerial vehicle
Geolocation is the
identification or estimation of the real-world geographic location of
an object, such as a radar source, mobile phone, or Internet-connected
computer terminal. In its simplest form geolocation involves the
generation of a set of geographic coordinates and is closely related to
the use of positioning systems, but its usefulness is enhanced by the use
of these coordinates to determine a meaningful location, such as a street
address. For either geolocating or positioning, the locating engine often
uses radio frequency (RF) location methods, for example Time Difference Of
Arrival (TDOA) for precision. TDOA systems often utilise mapping displays
or other geographic information system. When a GPS signal is unavailable,
geolocation applications can use information from cell towers to
triangulate the approximate position, a method that is not as accurate as
GPS but has greatly improved in recent years. This is in contrast to
earlier radiolocation technologies, for example Direction Finding where a
line of bearing to a transmitter is achieved as part of the process.
Five Satellites are needed for precise navigation. Researchers have now
proved that a precise location can be determined in most cases with five
or more satellites. At present, we can generally be sure of having contact
to only four satellites. GPS satellites are equipped with an extremely
accurate atomic clock and know their positions at all times. They
continually transmit the time and their location using radio waves. A
mobile phone or other navigation device receives these signals from all
satellites within their line of sight. The difference between the arrival
time at the local clock of the receiver and the transmission time recorded
by the satellite clock corresponds to the time taken for the signal to
travel from the satellite to the receiver (the "time of flight"). Since
radio waves travel at the speed of light, the time of flight determines
the distance covered by the signal. The satellite positions and the
distances are used to calculate the position of the receiver using a
system of equations. This simplified description does not take into
account the fact that the local clock in the receiver is not an atomic
clock. If it is inaccurate by just one millionth of a second, the
calculated position will be inaccurate by at least 300 meters. The GPS
problem is the need for the phone or other navigation device to determine
the precise time along with the location -- known in the theory of
relativity as space-time. If too few satellites are in the line of sight,
the system no longer functions reliably and delivers multiple solutions,
in other words several different locations where the receiver could be.
This can lead to the situation where a phone indicates an incorrect
location or no location at all. Until now the number of satellites needed
to obtain unique solutions to the GPS problem has only been conjectured.
Robotic Mapping is a discipline related to
The goal for an
robot is to be able to construct (or use) a map (outdoor use) or floor
plan (indoor use) and to localize itself and its recharging bases or
beacons in it. Robotic mapping is that branch which deals with the study
and application of ability to localize itself in a map / plan and
sometimes to construct the map or floor plan by the autonomous robot.
Evolutionarily shaped blind action may suffice to keep some animals alive.
For some insects for example, the environment is not interpreted as a map,
and they survive only with a triggered response. A slightly more
elaborated navigation strategy dramatically enhances the capabilities of
the robot. Cognitive maps enable planning capacities and use of current
perceptions, memorized events, and expected consequences.
robot navigation inspired by brain function boosts efficiency and accuracy.
A research team has taken inspiration from the brains of insects and
animals for more energy-efficient
robotic navigation. Spiking Neural Networks are
artificial neural networks
that mimic how biological brains process information using brief, discrete
signals, much like how neurons in animal brains communicate. These
networks are particularly well-suited for neuromorphic hardware --
specialized computer hardware that mimics biological neural systems --
enabling faster processing and significantly reduced energy consumption.
Self Driving Cars.
Obstacle Avoidance is the task of satisfying some control objective
subject to non-intersection or non-collision position constraints, like
unmanned vehicles.
Normally obstacle avoidance is considered to be distinct from path
planning in that one is usually implemented as a reactive control law
while the other involves the pre-computation of an obstacle-free path
which a controller will then guide a robot along.
Motion Planning is a term used in
Robotics for the process of breaking down a desired movement task into
discrete motions that satisfy movement constraints and possibly optimize
some aspect of the movement.
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping is the computational problem of
constructing or updating a map of an unknown environment while
simultaneously keeping track of an agent's location within it. While this
initially appears to be a chicken-and-egg problem there are several
Algorithms known for
solving it, at least approximately, in tractable time for certain
environments. Popular approximate solution methods include the particle
filter, extended Kalman filter, and GraphSLAM. SLAM algorithms are
tailored to the available resources, hence not aimed at perfection, but at
operational compliance. Published approaches are employed in
self-driving cars, unmanned
aerial vehicles,
autonomous underwater vehicles, planetary rovers, newer
domestic robots and even inside the
human body.
Precomputation is the act of performing an initial computation before
run time to generate a lookup table that can be used by an algorithm to
avoid repeated computation each time it is executed. Precomputation is
often used in
that depend on the results of expensive computations that don't depend on
the input of the algorithm. A trivial example of precomputation is the use
of hardcoded mathematical constants, such as π and e, rather than
computing their approximations to the necessary precision at run time. In
databases, the
term materialization is used to refer to storing the results of a
precomputation, e.g. in a
view, which is a database object that contains the results of a query.
For example, it may be a local copy of data located remotely, or may be a
subset of the rows and/or columns of a table or join result, or may be a
summary using an aggregate function.
ZIP Code
is a postal code used by the United States Postal Service (USPS) in a
system it introduced in 1963. The term ZIP is an acronym for Zone
Improvement Plan; it was chosen to suggest that the mail travels more
efficiently and quickly (zipping along) when senders use the code in the
postal address. The basic format consists of five digits. An extended
ZIP+4 code was introduced in 1983 which includes the five digits of the
ZIP Code, followed by a hyphen and four additional digits that reference a more specific location.
Quantum Navigation is a new
technology that uses
science and
intelligence to improve navigation accuracy. It has the potential to
overcome GPS limitations and be used in challenging environments, such as
with satellite-denied areas, tall buildings, areas with jamming, areas
with imitation, and areas with denial. Quantum navigation works by using
the microscopic quantum characteristics of
photons. Achieving higher
precision than classical measurement, and by measuring acceleration over
time to calculate velocity, and calculating position based on velocity
over time. Using an inertial measurement unit to measure changes in
acceleration or deceleration. Bringing two groups of atoms back together
using a laser pulse. Measuring the difference in color of the emitted
light to determine acceleration. Quantum navigation has several advantages
over GPS, including it's unjammable and can't be affected by technical
outages, cyberattacks, or atmospheric disruptions. It can locate and
navigate vehicles with pinpoint accuracy. It can also protect from
accidental and malicious attack. Quantum navigation is being trialled in
boats, planes, and underground trains. SandboxAQ, a spinoff of Google's
parent company, Alphabet, is developing the technology.
Quantum Compass often relates to an instrument which measures relative
position using the technique of
atom interferometry. It includes an ensemble of
accelerometers and
based on quantum technology to form an inertial navigation unit.
Map is a
symbolic depiction
between elements of some
space, such as objects, regions, or themes. Many maps are static, fixed to
paper or some other durable
medium, while others are dynamic or
interactive. Although most commonly used to depict geography, maps may
represent any space, real or imagined, without regard to context or
such as in
brain mapping, DNA mapping, or computer network topology
mapping. The space being mapped may be two dimensional, such as the
surface of the earth,
three dimensional, such as the interior of the
earth, or even more abstract spaces of any dimension, such as arise in
modeling phenomena having many independent variables.
Map Box
Cartography (making maps).
Surveying (scale).
How to Read a Map
Trail Map is a map used to aid in navigation and can
symbolize an
assorted amount of information of a particular area or contain only a
single representation of the data it represents.
The genius of the London Tube Map: Michael Bierut (video and text)
Road Map
is a map that primarily displays roads and transport links rather than
natural geographical information. It is a type of navigational map that
commonly includes political boundaries and labels, making it also a type
of political map. In addition to roads and boundaries, road maps often
include points of interest, such as prominent businesses or buildings,
tourism sites, parks and recreational facilities, hotels and restaurants,
as well as airports and train stations. A road map may also document
non-automotive transit routes, although often these are found only on
transit maps.
Topographic Map is a type of map characterized by large-scale detail
and quantitative
representation of relief, usually using contour lines,
but historically using a variety of methods. Traditional definitions
require a topographic map to show both natural and man-made features.
is the study of the
shape and features of the
surface of the Earth and
other observable astronomical objects including planets, moons, and
asteroids. The topography of an area could refer to the surface shapes and
features themselves, or a description (especially their depiction in
Raised-Relief Map is a
three-dimensional representation, usually of terrain, materialized as
a physical artifact. When representing terrain, the vertical dimension is
usually exaggerated by a factor between five and ten; this facilitates the
visual recognition of terrain features. RRM is also known as terrain model
or embossed map.
tints are
colors placed between contour lines
to indicate
elevation. These tints are shown as bands
of color in a graduated scheme or as a color scheme applied to contour
lines themselves; either method is considered a type of Isarithmic map.
Hypsometric tinting of maps and globes is often accompanied by a similar
method of bathymetric tinting to convey differences in water depth.
Hypsometric tints are also known as layer tinting, elevation tinting,
elevation coloring, or hysometric coloring.
Elevation Mode is a
3D computer graphics
representation of elevation data to represent terrain or overlaying
objects, commonly of a planet, moon, or asteroid. A "global DEM" refers to
a discrete global grid. DEMs are used often in geographic information
systems or GIS, and are the most common basis for digitally produced
relief maps. A digital terrain model or DTM represents specifically the
ground surface while DEM and DSM may represent tree top canopy or building
roofs. While a DSM may be useful for landscape modeling, city modeling and
visualization applications, a DTM is often required for flood or drainage
modeling, land-use studies, geological applications, and other
applications, and in planetary science.
Topographical Disorientation is the inability to orient oneself in one's
surroundings as a result of focal
brain damage. This
disability may result from the inability to make use of selective spatial
information (e.g., environmental landmarks) or to orient by means of
specific cognitive strategies such as the ability to form a mental
representation of the environment, also known as a cognitive map. It may
be part of a syndrome known as visuospatial dysgnosia.
Geologic Map is a special-purpose map made to show geological
features. Rock units or geologic strata are shown by color or symbols to
indicate where they are exposed at the surface. Bedding planes and
structural features such as faults, folds, foliations, and lineations are
shown with strike and dip or trend and plunge symbols which give these
features' three-dimensional orientations.
Geography IQ -
Geography -
Smarty Pins with Google -
Google Earth Explore
Geography is a field of science devoted to the study of the
lands, the
features, the inhabitants, and the phenomena of Earth.
of a Map is the
ratio of a distance on
the map to the corresponding distance on the ground. This simple concept
is complicated by the curvature of the
Earth's surface, which forces
to vary across a map. Because of this variation, the concept of scale
becomes meaningful in two distinct ways. The first way is the ratio of the
size of the generating globe to the size of the Earth. The generating
globe is a conceptual model to which the Earth is shrunk and from which
the map is projected. The ratio of the Earth's size to the generating
globe's size is called the nominal scale (= principal scale =
representative fraction). Many maps state the nominal scale and may even
display a bar scale (sometimes merely called a 'scale') to represent it.
The second distinct concept of scale applies to the variation in scale
across a map. It is the ratio of the mapped point's scale to the nominal
scale. In this case 'scale' means the scale factor (= point scale =
particular scale). If the region of the map is small enough to ignore
Earth's curvature, such as in a town plan, then a single value can be used
as the scale without causing measurement errors. In maps covering larger
areas, or the whole Earth, the map's scale may be less useful or even
useless in measuring distances. The map projection becomes critical in
understanding how scale varies throughout the map. When scale varies
noticeably, it can be accounted for as the scale factor. Tissot's
indicatrix is often used to illustrate the variation of point scale across
a map.
Linear Scale is a means of visually showing the
scale of a map,
nautical chart,
engineering drawing, or architectural drawing. On large scale maps and
charts, those covering a small area, and engineering and architectural
drawings, the linear scale can be very simple, a line marked at intervals
to show the distance on the earth or object which the distance on the
scale represents. A person using the map can use a pair of dividers (or,
less precisely, two fingers) to measure a distance by comparing it to the
linear scale. The length of the line on the linear scale is equal to the
distance represented on the earth multiplied by the map or chart's scale.
In most projections, scale varies with latitude, so on small scale maps,
covering large areas and a wide range of latitudes, the linear scale must
show the scale for the range of latitudes covered by the map. One of these
is shown below. Since most nautical charts are constructed using the
Mercator projection whose scale varies substantially with latitude, linear
scales are not used on charts with scales smaller than approximately
1/80,000. Mariners generally use the nautical mile, which, because a
nautical mile is approximately equal to a minute of latitude, can be
measured against the latitude scale at the sides of the chart. While
linear scales are used on architectural and engineering drawings,
particularly those that are drawn after the subject has been built, many
such drawings do not have a linear scale and are marked "Do Not Scale
Drawing" in recognition of the fact that paper size changes with
environmental changes and only dimensions that are specifically shown on
the drawing can be used reliably in precise manufacturing. Linear Scale is
also called a
bar scale,
scale bar, graphic scale, or graphical scale.
Can children map read at the age of four? A study that involved 175
two to five-year-olds revealed that four-year-olds become able to use a
scale model to find things in the real world. The team say that this new
spatial ability potentially lays the foundations for math and science skills.
Mapmaking in the mind: How the brain builds
mental maps
of the world. Researchers have systematically detailed, step by step, how
cognitive maps form in the brain's
hippocampus -- a region
responsible for learning and memory. Our brains build maps of the
environment that help us understand the world around us, allowing us to
think, recall, and plan. These maps not only help us to, say, find our
room on the correct floor of a hotel, but they also help us figure out if
we've gotten off the elevator on the wrong floor.
Mind Maps.
Compass is an
instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction
relative to the geographic cardinal directions (or points). Usually, a
diagram called a compass rose shows the directions north, south, east, and
west on the compass face as abbreviated initials. When the compass is
used, the rose can be aligned with the corresponding geographic
directions; for example, the "N" mark on the rose points northward.
Compasses often display markings for
angles in degrees in addition to (or
sometimes instead of) the rose. North corresponds to 0°, and the angles
increase clockwise, so east is 90° degrees, south is 180°, and west is
270°. These numbers allow the compass to show azimuths or bearings, which
are commonly stated in this notation.
Magnetic Pole -
Latitude -
Longitude -
Sextant -
Orienteering -
Points of the Compass mark the
divisions on a compass, which is
divided into four points: north,
south, east, and west. These cardinal directions are further subdivided by
the addition of the four intercardinal (or ordinal) directions—northeast
(NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and northwest (NW)—to indicate the
eight principal winds. In meteorological usage, further intermediate
points between cardinal and ordinal points, such as north-northeast (NNE)
are added to give the 16 points of a
compass rose. At the most complete division are the full thirty-two
points of the mariner's compass, which adds points such as north by east (NbE)
between north and north-northeast, and northeast by north (NEbN) between
north-northeast and northeast. A compass point allows
reference to a
specific course (or azimuth) in a colloquial fashion, without having to
compute or remember degrees. The European nautical tradition retained the
term "one point" to describe 1⁄32 of a circle in such phrases as "two
points to starboard". By the middle of the 18th century, the 32-point
system was extended with half- and quarter-points to allow 128 directions
to be differentiated.
32 compass points
each has an angular range of
11.250 degrees
where: middle azimuth is the horizontal angular direction (from north) of
the given compass bearing; minimum is the lower angular limit of the
compass point; and maximum is the upper angular limit of the compass
Ordinal is being or denoting a numerical
order in a
series. The number
designating place in an ordered
Cardinal Direction are the directions north, east, south, and west,
commonly denoted by their initials N, E, S, and W. East and west are
perpendicular (at right angles) to north and south, with east being in the
clockwise direction of rotation from north and west being directly
opposite east. Points between the cardinal directions form the points of
the compass. The intermediate directions (also called the intercardinal
directions) are northeast (NE), southeast (SE), southwest (SW), and
northwest (NW). The intermediate direction of every set of intercardinal
and cardinal direction is called a secondary intercardinal direction, the
eight shortest points in the compass rose that is shown to the right (e.g.
NNE, ENE, and ESE).
Direction Determination refers to the ways in which a cardinal
direction or compass point can be determined in navigation and
wayfinding. The most direct method is using a
compass (magnetic compass or gyrocompass), but indirect methods exist,
based on the Sun path (unaided or by using a watch or sundial), the stars,
and satellite navigation.
Internal Compass -
Intelligence -
Moral Compass
Geographic North Pole differs from the Magnetic North Pole by about
500 kilometers. The difference is nearly 30 degrees west on the
south-eastern tip of Africa, and about
degrees east on the southern tip of New Zealand, and about 20 degrees
west in Maine to about
21 degrees east in
Washington. The Geographic North Pole is where lines of longitudes
converge into what we call the North Pole. The Magnetic Pole is a point in
Northern Canada where the northern lines of attraction enter the Earth.
The position of
Earth's magnetic north pole was
first precisely located in 1831. Since then, it's gradually drifted
north-northwest by more than 600 miles or 1,100 kilometers, and its
forward speed has increased from about 10 miles or 16 kilometers per year
to about 34 miles or 55 kilometers per year. As of early 2019, the
magnetic north pole is moving from Canada towards Siberia at a rate of
approximately 55 km (34 mi) per year.
directions are given in relation to true north, not magnetic north.
Animals use Earths
Magnetism to Navigate.
Classical Compass Winds were names for the points of geographic
direction and orientation, in association with the winds. Ancient wind
roses typically had twelve winds and thus twelve points of orientation,
sometimes reduced to eight or increased to twenty-four. Originally
conceived as a branch of meteorology, the classical wind rose had only a
tentative relationship with actual navigation. The Classical 12-point wind
rose was eventually displaced by the modern compass rose (8-point,
16-point and 32-point), adopted by seafarers during the Middle Ages.
32-wind compass rose (wiki).
Flight Instruments are the instruments in the cockpit of an
that provide the
pilot with information about the
flight situation of that
aircraft, such as
altitude, airspeed
and direction. They improve safety by allowing the pilot to fly the
aircraft in level flight, and make turns, without a reference outside the
aircraft such as the horizon. Visual flight rules (VFR) require an
airspeed indicator, an altimeter, and a compass or other suitable magnetic
direction indicator. Instrument flight rules (IFR) additionally require a
gyroscopic pitch-bank (artificial horizon), direction (directional gyro)
and rate of turn indicator, plus a slip-skid indicator, adjustable
altimeter, and a clock. Flight into Instrument meteorological conditions
(IMC) require radio navigation instruments for precise takeoffs and
Navigational Instrument refers to the instruments used by
nautical navigators and pilots as tools of their
trade. The purpose of navigation is to ascertain the present position and
to determine the speed, direction etc. to arrive at the port or point of
History of Navigation (wiki).
Fibre Optic Gyrocompass is a compass and instrument of navigation. It
is sometimes part of a ships set of compasses, which also include a
conventional gyrocompass and a
magnetic compass. The compass comprises a Fibre optic gyroscope
sensor, which links to a computer and then locates north. This in turn
links to a compass readout to provide a heading. It has very high
reliability and requires little maintenance during its service life. The
entire system usually includes a sensor unit, a control and display unit,
and an interface and power supply unit. It is often linked with the ship's
other navigational devices including
Gyrocompass is a type of non-magnetic compass which is based on a
fast-spinning disc and the rotation of the Earth (or another planetary
body if used elsewhere in the universe) to find geographical direction
automatically. The use of a gyrocompass is one of the seven
fundamental ways to determine the heading of a vehicle. Although one
important component of a gyrocompass is a
gyroscope, these are not the same
devices; a gyrocompass is built to use the effect of gyroscopic
precession, which is a distinctive aspect of the general gyroscopic
effect. Gyrocompasses are widely used for navigation on ships, because
they have two significant advantages over magnetic compasses: they find
true north as determined by the axis of the Earth's rotation, which is
different from, and navigationally more useful than, magnetic north, and
they are unaffected by ferromagnetic materials, such as in a ship's steel
hull, which distort the magnetic field. Aircraft commonly use gyroscopic
instruments (but not a gyrocompass) for navigation and attitude
monitoring; for details, see Flight instruments and Gyroscopic autopilot.
Fibre Optic Gyroscope senses changes in orientation using the Sagnac
effect, thus performing the function of a mechanical gyroscope. However
its principle of operation is instead based on the interference of light
which has passed through a coil of optical fibre, which can be as long as
5 km.
Solar Compass is a surveying instrument that makes use of the sun's
direction. Its original impetus was for use where magnetic compasses were
susceptible to iron bearing minerals that made for inaccurate readings. It
was then found to be superior to the magnetic compass even when local
attraction was not a problem. Its close relative, a solar compass
attachment to a surveyor's transit, was still a recommended method of
obtaining direction in the 1973 manual of the US Bureau of Land
Management. Using the location of the sun, or occasionally the moon, with
astronomical tables, the solar compass enabled surveyors to run more
accurate lines, saving its user valuable time. The operation is as
follows: Set the sun's declination for that day, obtained by means of
tables, on a scale attached perpendicular to the time dial. Set the
latitude on a scale in the alidade. Set the approximate local time on a
dial that rotates on a polar axis. Orient the instrument, while remaining
level, so the image of the sun appears between scribed lines on a screen
below a lens. The time dial is fine adjusted to bring the image between
lines perpendicular to the first set. The time axis will then point to the
pole. The pinnula (sighting vanes) may then be pointed to a terrestrial
object and its bearing read from the angle scale. The magnetic declination
may be read from a compass attached to the base plate.
Polarization has been used for orientation in navigation. The Pfund
sky compass was used in the 1950s when navigating near the poles of the
Earth's magnetic field when neither the sun nor stars were visible (e.g.,
under daytime cloud or twilight). It has been suggested, controversially,
that the Vikings exploited a similar device (the "sunstone") in their
extensive expeditions across the North Atlantic in the 9th–11th centuries,
before the arrival of the magnetic compass from Asia to Europe in the 12th
century. Related to the sky compass is the "polar clock", invented by
Charles Wheatstone in the late 19th century.
Pfund Telescope provides another method for achieving a fixed
telescope focal point in space regardless of where the telescope line of
sight is pointed. This configuration utilizes a two-axis feed flat mirror
to reflect starlight into a fixed paraboloid of revolution (paraboloidal)
mirror, usually with a horizontal optical axis. The paraboloid focuses
through a central hole in the feed flat to a convenient distance behind
the flat. No spider vanes or Newtonian secondary fold mirrors are required
in this configuration. This eliminates vane diffraction and blockage, as
well as secondary mirror scattering and absorption, thus improving image
brightness and contrast.
Sagnac Effect is a phenomenon encountered in
interferometry that is elicited by rotation. The Sagnac effect
manifests itself in a setup called a ring interferometer. A beam of light
is split and the two beams are made to follow the same path but in
opposite directions. On return to the point of entry the two light
beams are allowed to exit the ring and undergo interference. The relative
phases of the two exiting beams, and thus the position of the interference
fringes, are shifted according to the angular velocity of the apparatus.
In other words, when the interferometer is at rest with respect to the
earth, the light travels at a constant speed. However, when the
interferometer system is spun, one beam of light will slow with respect to
the other beam of light. This arrangement is also called a Sagnac interferometer.
Which way is North ?
How to tell which way is North using the
The Directions below are for the Northern Hemisphere.
In the Southern Hemisphere it's the Opposite (North is now South).
1: Place a 3' long stick in the ground firmly.
2: Mark the end of the shadow from the 3' long stick with a smaller stick.
3: Now wait around 15 minutes.
4: Use another small stick to mark where the end of the shadow is now.
5: Lay another stick on the ground so that it touches both small sticks.
6: Place your left foot towards the first small stick marker.
7: Place your right foot towards the second small stick marker.
8: With your body facing the 2 small sticks used to mark the ends of the shadow you are now facing north. Your Right is east,
your left is west and behind you is south.
Note: At 12 noon your shadow will be facing North in the Northern Hemisphere
Finding North without a compass #1 (youtube)
Another way using the Sun to tell Direction: If you have a digital watch with no hour & minute hand then just replicate a
watch with sticks to match the time on your digital watch.
1: Point the hour hand at the sun.
2: Half way between the hour hand and 12 noon will be do south.
(If you are in the southern Hemisphere the it would be north)
When facing north, your Right is East, your Left is West.
At Night know how to use the Stars and Moon to tell North,
but of course it's always best to carry a Compass.
Find True North Without a Compass (wikihow)
Tell Time Without a Clock -
Natural Navigation -
Mapping Tools
Hiking and Trails Information
The North Star is the last star in the handle of the Little
Dipper constellation. You can also find the North Star by using the Big
Dipper constellation. The outermost stars of the cup of the Big Dipper
forms a straight line that always "points" to the North Star or Polaris.
Star Navigation
Celestial Navigation is the ancient science of position fixing that
enables a navigator to transition through a
space without having to rely
on estimated calculations, or dead reckoning, to know their position.
Celestial navigation uses "sights," or angular measurements taken between
a celestial body (the sun, the moon, a planet or a
star) and the visible
horizon. The
sun is most commonly used, but navigators can also use the
moon, a planet, Polaris, or one of
57 other navigational stars whose
coordinates are tabulated in the nautical almanac and air almanacs.
Celestial navigation is the use of angular measurements (sights) between
celestial bodies and the visible horizon to locate one's position on the
globe, on land as well as at sea. At a given time, any celestial body is
located directly over one point on the Earth's surface. The latitude and
longitude of that point is known as the celestial body’s
geographic position, the location of
which can be determined from tables in the Nautical or Air Almanac for
that year. The measured angle between the celestial body and the visible
horizon is directly related to the distance between the celestial body's
GP and the observer's position. After some computations, referred to as
sight reduction, this measurement is used to plot a
line of position (LOP) on a
navigational chart or plotting work sheet, the observer's position being
somewhere on that line. (The LOP is actually a short segment of a very
large circle on the earth which surrounds the GP of the observed celestial
body. An observer located anywhere on the circumference of this circle on
the earth, measuring the angle of the same celestial body above the
horizon at that instant of time, would observe that body to be at the same
angle above the horizon.) Sights on two celestial bodies give two such
lines on the chart, intersecting at the observer's position (actually, the
two circles would result in two points of intersection arising from sights
on two stars, but one can be discarded since it will be
far from the estimated position. Most
navigators will use sights of three to five stars, if they're available,
since that will result in only one common intersection and minimize the
chance for error. That premise is the basis for the most commonly used
method of celestial navigation, and is referred to as the
altitude-intercept method'. There are several other methods of celestial
navigation which will also provide position finding using sextant
observations, such as the noon sight, and the more archaic lunar distance
method. Joshua Slocum used the
lunar distance method during the first ever
recorded single-handed circumnavigation of the world. Unlike the
altitude-intercept method, the noon sight and lunar distance methods do
not require accurate knowledge of time. The altitude-intercept method of
celestial navigation requires that the observer know exact
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) at the moment of
his observation of the celestial body, to the second—since every four
seconds that the time source (commonly a chronometer or in aircraft, an
accurate "hack watch") is in error, the position will be off by
approximately one nautical mile.
Navigational Stars. There are 57 navigational stars. The star
is given a special status in the field of celestial navigation. Of the
approximately 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye under optimal
conditions, these selected stars are among the brightest and span 38
constellations of the celestial sphere from the declination of −70° to
+89°. Many of the selected stars were named in antiquity by the
Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and Arabs. The star Polaris, often called
either the "Pole Star" or the "North Star", is treated specially due to
its proximity to the north celestial pole.
Dimensions -
Space -
Seeing the Same Stars
Galactic Coordinate System is a celestial coordinate system
in spherical coordinates, with the Sun as its center, the primary
direction aligned with the approximate center of the
Milky Way galaxy, and
the fundamental plane approximately in the galactic plane. It uses the
right-handed convention, meaning that coordinates are positive toward the
north and toward the east in the fundamental plane.
Celestia Coordinate System is a system for specifying positions of
satellites, planets, stars, galaxies, and other
celestial objects. Coordinate
systems can specify an object's position in
three-dimensional space or
plot merely its direction on a celestial sphere, if the object's distance
is unknown or trivial. The coordinate systems are implemented in either
spherical or rectangular coordinates. Spherical coordinates, projected on
the celestial sphere, are analogous to the geographic coordinate system
used on the surface of Earth. These differ in their choice of fundamental
plane, which divides the celestial sphere into two equal hemispheres along
a great circle. Rectangular coordinates, in appropriate units, are simply
the cartesian equivalent of the spherical coordinates, with the same
fundamental (x, y) plane and primary (x-axis) direction. Each coordinate
system is named after its choice of fundamental plane.
Coordinate System is a system that uses one or more
numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely
determine the position of the points or other geometric elements on a
manifold such as
euclidean space.
The order of the coordinates is significant, and they are sometimes
identified by their position in an ordered tuple and sometimes by a
letter, as in "the x-coordinate". The coordinates are taken to be real
numbers in elementary mathematics, but may be complex numbers or elements
of a more abstract system such as a commutative ring. The use of a
coordinate system allows problems in geometry to be translated into
problems about numbers and vice versa; this is the basis of analytic
Spatial Intelligence.
Latitude -
rotates 15 Degrees
Longitude an
hour, and rotates
360 degrees every 24 hours.
Marine Sextant (youtube)
Octant instrument is a tool used to calculate
latitude at
sea by measuring the angle between the sun and the
horizon. It uses a
small mirror to align the two celestial bodies together. The octant has an
arc of 45° that measures
angles of 90o.
Arc is a continuous portion of a
circle. Something curved in
shape. Form an arch or curve.
Marine Chronometer is a timepiece that is precise and accurate enough
to be used as a portable time standard; it can therefore be used to
longitude by means
of celestial navigation.
Sailing Knowledge - "It's how you position your sails that will
determine your direction."
"You can never cross the ocean until
you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
Underwater Navigation
Nautical Chart is a graphic representation of a
sea area and adjacent coastal
regions. Depending on the scale of the chart, it may show
depths of water and heights of
land (topographic map), natural features of the seabed, details of the
coastline, navigational hazards, locations of natural and human-made aids
to navigation, information on tides and currents, local details of the
Earth's magnetic field, and human-made structures such as harbours,
buildings, and bridges. Nautical charts are essential tools for
marine navigation; many
countries require
commercial ships,
to carry them. Nautical charting may take the form of charts printed on
paper or computerized
electronic navigational charts. Recent technologies have made
available paper charts which are printed "on demand" with cartographic
data that has been downloaded to the commercial printing company as
recently as the night before printing. With each daily download, critical
data such as Local Notices to Mariners are added to the on-demand chart
files so that these charts are up to date at the time of printing.
Why we see the same Stars? (star charts)
Position in the sky is defined by a pair of angles relative to the
celestial equator: declination (d) and right ascension (a). While d is
given in degrees (from +90° at the celestial north pole to -90° at the
south pole), a is usually given in hours (0 ... 24h). This is due to the
observation technique of star transits, which cross the field of view of
telescope eyepieces because of Earth's rotation. The observation
techniques are topics of positional astronomy and of astrogeodesy. Ideally
two-dimensional coordinate system a, d refers to an inertial frame of
reference; the 3rd coordinate is the star distance, which is normally used
as an attribute of the individual star. Star positions are changing in
time, caused by precession and nutation – slow tilts of Earth's axis with
rates of 50 arcseconds and 2 arcseconds respectively, per year; aberration
and parallax – effects of
Earth's orbit around the Sun; proper motion of
the individual stars. The effects 1 and 2 are considered by so-called mean
places of stars, contrary to their apparent places as seen from the moving
Earth. Usually the mean places refer to a special epoch, e.g. 1950.0 or
2000.0. The 3rd effect has to be handled individually. The star positions
a, d are compiled in several star catalogues of different volume and
accuracy. Absolute and very precise coordinates of 1000-3000 stars are
collected in Fundamental catalogues, starting with the FK (Berlin ~1890)
up to the modern FK6. Relative coordinates of numerous stars are collected
in catalogues like the Bonner Durchmusterung (Germany 1852-1862, 200.000
rough positions), the SAO catalogue (USA 1966, 250.000 astrometric stars)
or the Hipparcos and Tycho catalogue (110.000 and 2 million stars by space
Space Travel.
Right Ascension is the equatorial coordinate specifying the
measured eastward along the celestial equator, from the vernal equinox to
the intersection of the hour circle that passes through an object in the
sky; usually expressed in
hours and minutes and seconds; used with
declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere.
Declination is the angular distance of a celestial body north or to
the south of the celestial equator;
expressed in degrees; used with right
ascension to specify positions on the celestial sphere.
A minute of arc, arcminute (arcmin), arc minute, or minute arc is a unit of angular measurement equal to 1/60th of one
Distance is often specified in
Astronomical Units (AU)--an AU is the average distance from the Earth
to the Sun = 149,597,870 kilometers (92,955,730 miles). For objects
outside the solar system, the light year (ly) is often used. This is the
distance light travels in a year,
One light year is equal to 63,240 AU.
Rangefinder is a
device that measures distance from the observer to a target.
Unit is a unit of
roughly the distance from Earth to the Sun. However, that distance varies
as Earth orbits the Sun, from a maximum (aphelion) to a minimum
(perihelion) and back again once a year. Originally conceived as the
average of Earth's aphelion and perihelion, it is now defined as exactly
149597870700 metres (about 150 million kilometres, or 93 million miles).
The astronomical unit is used primarily as a convenient
yardstick for measuring
distances within the Solar System or around other stars. However, it is
also a fundamental component in the definition of another unit of
astronomical length, the parsec.
Astronomical System of Units is a system of measurement developed for
use in
Triangulation is the tracing and measurement of a series or
network of
triangles in order to determine the distances and
relative positions of
points spread over a territory or region, especially by measuring the
length of one side of each
and deducing its angles and the
length of the other two sides by observation from this baseline. In
trigonometry and geometry,
triangulation is the process of determining the location of a point by
forming triangles to it from known points.
To triangulate a location of
an unknown object, first you need to
measure the
distance between two
known points and know the distance and the direction from each known
point. Second, each known point would then measure the distance to a third
point, and then determine the direction to where those two known points
will meet, which would pinpoint a location to the third point or third object.
Trinity -
Space Triangulation is a method of establishing geodetic
relationships between points on the earth’s surface by simultaneous
observations of the moon, high-altitude balloons with light sources, or
artificial earth satellites from these points.
X-Ray Pulsar-Based Navigation is a navigation technique whereby the
X-ray signals emitted from pulsars are used to determine the location
of a vehicle, such as a spacecraft in deep space. A vehicle using XNAV
would compare received X-ray signals with a database of known pulsar
frequencies and locations. Similar to GPS, this comparison would allow the
vehicle to triangulate its position accurately (±5 km). The advantage of
X-ray signals over
radio waves is that X-ray telescopes can be made smaller and lighter.
Experimental demonstrations have been reported in 2018.
X-Ray Pulsar
consists of a magnetized neutron star in orbit with a normal stellar
companion and is a type of binary star system. The magnetic-field strength
at the surface of the neutron star is typically about 108 Tesla, over a
trillion times stronger than the strength of the magnetic field measured
at the surface of the Earth (60 µT). Gas is accreted from the stellar
companion and is channeled by the neutron star's magnetic field on to the
magnetic poles producing two or more localized X-ray hot spots, similar to
the two auroral zones on Earth, but far hotter. At these hotspots the
infalling gas can reach half the speed of light before it impacts the
neutron star surface. So much gravitational potential energy is released
by the infalling gas, that the hotspots, which are estimated to about one
square kilometer in area, can be ten thousand times, or more, as luminous
than the Sun. Temperatures of millions of degrees are produced so the
hotspots emit mostly
As the neutron star rotates, pulses of X-rays are observed as the hotspots
move in and out of view if the magnetic axis is tilted with respect to the
spin axis.
Protractor is a
instrument, typically made of transparent plastic or
glass, for measuring
angles. Most protractors measure angles in degrees
(°). Radian-scale protractors measure angles in radians. Most protractors
are divided into 180 equal parts. They are used for a variety of
mechanical and
applications, but perhaps the most common use is in geometry lessons in
schools. Some protractors are simple half-discs. More advanced
protractors, such as the bevel protractor, have one or two swinging arms,
which can be used to help measure the angle.
Jacob's Staff is a stick or pole with length markings to measure
angles, for instance the angle
between the horizon and Polaris or the sun to determine a vessel's
Latitude, or
the angle between the top and bottom of an object to determine the
distance to said object if its height is known, or the height of the
object if its distance is known, or the horizontal angle between two
visible locations to determine one's point on a map. Usage: The navigator
places one end of the main staff against his cheek just below his eye. He
sights the horizon at the end of the lower part of the transom (or through
the hole in the brass fitting) (B), adjusting the cross arm on the main
arm until the sun is at the other end of the transom (C). The altitude can
then be determined by reading the position of the transom on the scale on
the main staff. This value was converted to an angular measurement by
looking up the value in a table. In surveying, a vertical rod penetrates
or sits on the ground and supports a compass or other instrument. (also
called a cross-staff)
Surveying is the science of determining the terrestrial or
three-dimensional positions of points and the distances and
angles between them. A land
surveying professional is called a land surveyor. Surveyors work with
elements of
trigonometry, regression analysis, physics,
engineering, metrology,
programming languages, and the law. They use equipment, such as
total stations, robotic total stations,
theodolites, which is a precision optical instrument for measuring
angles between designated visible points in the horizontal and vertical
planes. GNSS receivers,
scanners, radios, clinometer, handheld tablets, digital levels,
subsurface locators, drones,
GIS, and surveying software.
"Men take shortcuts, while women follow well-known routes."
"Sometimes the path that you're on is not the path that you chose."