Evolution - Intelligent Design
Evolution is a
process in which something
passes by
degrees to a different stage, especially a more
advanced or
mature stage
within a population. Evolution in
is the
sequence of
events involved in the evolutionary
development of a
species or
group of

How did life go from
geochemistry to
biochemistry, or go from rock to
living matter? How did
it go from
molecule to
cell? How did it go from
cell to
organism? What was the origin of the chemical
structures that form the subunits of hereditary molecules
RNA and
DNA? How did
molecules link into long chains and encode information and then reproduce
to pass on information?
Evolution is about
natural selection and the
adaptation of species, because those are facts that can be
explained and understood by most people. Evolution does not
where life originated from, or does evolution clearly explain
how life starts.
Not even
physics can explain how
life starts.
So don't confuse
life with
evolution, or confuse
evolution with
adaptation. Though they are related in
certain ways, those are three different things with different definitions
that are not 100 percent defined. How did life evolve from
nonliving matter?
Evolution is a process of life, and life
survives because of the process of evolution, and neither can exist
without the other. So neither came first, because
they came at the same time simultaneously. If life can't evolve or
adapt, then life does not live long. But evolution
does not say where life came from, it only says that
different species evolved at different times and in different places.
And life does not say where evolution came from, it only says that
different adaptations exist to ensure that life exists. The big bang was
not one thing,
the big bang
was several things happening simultaneously together at the same
time. And it was most likely by design
instead of chance
or luck because the universe was born with evolutionary abilities,
which is highly unlikely to be by chance or by luck. So did
God create life, or was it
just something that was so advanced that it seems like a God to us.
Earth Timeline
Cells -
Tree of Life -
Traits -
Heredity -
Mutations -
Vitro -
Intelligent Design
Regeneration -
Freak of NatureEvolution
does not mean that you evolved from monkeys or that you evolved from
bacteria, evolution says that almost all life forms on earth share
building blocks of life and have similar abilities to
adapt. Evolution is an understanding that things
change because the environment
changes. And
if you don't adapt, then you die, just like
90% of all life has
done since the
beginning of
planet Earth.
If the instructions are
already in the
DNA, than
that's a
planned development. So who planned it?
Humans had to have a beginning.
Believing in God does not mean that you can't believe in evolution, and
believing in evolution does not mean that you can't believe in God.
Believing in God does not excuse you from
learning the facts in the same
way that believing in evolution does not excuse you from learning about
religion, and what it's like to believe in a God.
Ignorance is the
only thing that divides people. To
assume that you know
origin of life is the same thing as assuming that you know who God is,
or knowing who created God.
Adapting - Being Able to Change
Adapt is to
oneself or to
make fit for a new or different
condition. To
progress and
make changes to suit a
new purpose.
To be
flexible and able
start anew. To
Adaptation is any alteration or
modification in the
structure or
function of an organism or any of its
parts that makes the organism
become better fitted to a
environment so that it can
survive and
multiply or
Adaptation is the dynamic evolutionary
that fits organisms to their environment,
enhancing their
evolutionary fitness. Secondly, it is
a state
reached by the population during that
process. Thirdly, it is a
phenotypic trait or adaptive trait, with a
functional role in each individual organism, that is maintained and has
evolved through
natural selection and
Readapt is to adapt to a new situation or
to adjust for a particular situation.
Transition -
Progress -
Adaptive Behavior -
Rehabilitate -
Practice Learning -
Compromise -
Diversify -
Opportunistic Potential -
Open Minded -
Innovate -
Renovate -
Create -
Resolve -
Awareness -
Learning -
Skills -
Planning -
Preparation -
Invariant -
Calculus -
Entropy -
Reduce -
Metamorphism -
Adaptive Performance refers to adjusting to and understanding change
in the workplace.
The process of
learning is
essential if you want to adapt.
vulnerabilities and
adapting to the wrong things could
shorten your life instead of
extending your life.
Conformity is a
form of adaptation, but conformity can create
vulnerabilities and
blind spots if done for the
reasons. Conforming comes with a
warning. Conforming to the
wrong things can make you
weaker, or
measure of intelligence
is the ability to change." -- Albert Einstein.
Changeable is capable of or tending to
change in form or quality or nature.
Change is to
become different in some
particular way, without permanently losing one's former
characteristics or
essence. An event that occurs when something passes
from one state or phase to another. A relational difference between
states, especially between states before and after some event. To exchange
replace something with another, usually of the same kind or category.
"The only constant in life is change." or "The only thing that is
constant is that things
will change".
"A change for the better will always better than a
change for the worse."
Red Queen's hypothesis is a hypothesis in evolutionary biology
proposed in 1973, that species must constantly adapt, evolve, and
proliferate in order to survive while pitted against ever-evolving
opposing species. The hypothesis was intended to explain the constant
(age-independent) extinction probability as observed in the
paleontological record caused by co-evolution between competing species;
however, it has also been suggested that the Red Queen hypothesis explains
the advantage of sexual reproduction (as opposed to asexual reproduction)
at the level of individuals, and the positive correlation between
speciation and extinction rates in most higher taxa.
Change your Tune is to behave in a
different way or to
express a different opinion or belief.
Changes are good,
especially with
your thoughts. Imagine a
skipping record in your mind.
Change with the Times is to modify or
update your behavior or beliefs to reflect what is current at the present
time or generally accepted or used at the moment.
Turn of Events.
Phase-Out means
to gradually stop doing something or to gradually discontinue something,
usually in a series of planned steps or phases. To withdraw something from
use in gradual stages. To stop doing something slowly over a period of
time with the goal to eventually stop.
Reprogram -
Ripe for Change is when something is
prepared or ready to undergo a different way of doing something or a
better way of doing something.
Winds of
Change means that change is going to happen or a series of events
have started to happen that will cause important changes or results. There
forces that have the power to
change things.
Transition -
Impermanence -
Simplicity -
Process -
Plasticity -
Relative -
Get your Shit Together means to become
organized, and
skillful. To
organize oneself so as to be
able to deal with a
problem or to achieve something. To gather or
collect yourself together,
including your thoughts, emotions, and actions. To become
prepared. To have one's affairs in
Afoot is something that is already
happening or being planned, but you do not know much about it.
Inflection Point is a point of a curve at which a change in the
direction of curvature occurs. A point on a continuous plane curve at
which the curve changes from being concave (concave downward) to convex
(concave upward), or vice versa.
Moment is an event marking a unique or
important historical
change or turning point, a historic moment on which important
developments depend. An event or period that is important because it
represents a big change in how people do things or
how people think about
something. Watershed is a geographical term that describes an area
that drains into a single river, which is the watershed for that river.
The entire geographical area drained by a river and its tributaries; an
area characterized by all runoff being conveyed to the same outlet.
Tributaries is a branch that flows into the main stream.
Dynamic is something that is able to change
and adapt. Characterized by
constant change, activity, or
progress. Dynamic
person is someone with a
positive attitude and
is full of energy and
new ideas. A characteristic or
manner of an interaction; a behavior. Characterized by action,
forcefulness or force of personality. Dynamics in physics is concerned
with the forces that cause
motions of
bodies. Dynamics in
music is
the varying loudness of sound; the markings in a musical score that
indicates the desired level of volume.
Environmental Change is a change or
disturbance of
the environment most often caused by
human influences and natural
processes. Environmental changes can include any number of
things, including natural disasters, human interferences, or animal
interaction. Environmental change does not only encompass physical
changes, but it can be things like an infestation of invasive species is
also environmental changes.
Trap is when an evolutionary adaptive trait has suddenly become
maladaptive, leading to
of the species. Within behavioral and ecological sciences, evolutionary
traps occur when rapid environmental change triggers organisms to make
maladaptive or unsustainable behavioral decisions.
Maladaptation is a trait that has become
more harmful than helpful, in
contrast with an adaptation, which is more
helpful than
harmful. All
organisms, from bacteria to humans, display maladaptive and adaptive
traits. In animals (including humans), adaptive behaviors contrast with
maladaptive ones. Like
adaptation, maladaptation may
be viewed as occurring over geological time, or within the lifetime of one
individual or a group.
is not providing adequate or
appropriate adjustment to the environment or
Physiological Adaptation is a
metabolic or
physiologic adjustment within the
cell, or tissues, of an organism in response to an environmental stimulus
resulting in the improved ability of that organism to cope with its
changing environment.
Metabolic Flexibility is the
ability to respond or adapt to conditional changes in
metabolic demand.
Climatize is to adapt for comfort in
extreme climates, especially as regards to temperature.
Climate Change.
Acclimatization is the process in which an individual organism
to a change in its environment (such as a change in altitude, temperature,
humidity, photoperiod, or pH), allowing it to maintain performance across
a range of environmental conditions. Acclimatization occurs in a short
period of time (hours to weeks), and within the organism's lifetime
(compared to adaptation, which is a development that takes place over many
generations). This may be a discrete occurrence (for example, when
mountaineers acclimate to high altitude over hours or days) or may instead
represent part of a periodic cycle, such as a mammal shedding heavy winter
fur in favor of a lighter summer coat. Organisms can adjust their
morphological, behavioral, physical, and/or biochemical traits in response
to changes in their environment. While the capacity to acclimate to novel
environments has been well documented in thousands of species, researchers
still know very little about how and why organisms acclimate the way that
they do. (also called acclimation, acclimatation or acclimatisation).
Normality is a process by which a major change can be accepted as
normal and acceptable if it
happens slowly
through small, often unnoticeable, increments of change. The change could
otherwise be regarded as remarkable and objectionable if it took place in
a single step or short period.
Gradualism is a
hypothesis that states that certain changes come
gradually, or that a variation is gradual in nature and happens
over time as opposed to in large steps.
Adaptation does not guarantee survival when the environment changes to
quickly. Natural selection only works when the environment is natural
without having any unnatural changes.
Adapting to Climate Change: We're doing it Wrong. Policymakers are
thinking too small. Most studies have emphasized the psychology behind
coping strategies
in the face of isolated
hazards that
comes from the point of view of a single household managing their own
risk. What is needed is
thinking about what is truly adaptive for society, change entire
systems through
actions and on barriers that keep people from embracing transformative
Climate Adaptation lacks coordination. How are governments,
organizations and individuals dealing with the effects of global warming?
Viewed globally, it is above all individuals and households that are
pursuing adaptation to the impacts of climate change; systematic
networking of the various groups affected is lacking.
Cultural Adaptation to climate change. Examining how human culture
evolves in response to a changing environment may help with creating more
effective climate change adaptation efforts. Using farming data from
across the U.S., a team of researchers conducted a new study of cultural
adaptation to climate change. They found that in many places in the U.S.
farmers are already adapting to climate change by selecting crops that
grow better in new conditions. Focusing on the process of cultural
adaptation can improve research and policy to help adapt to a warming
When the Shit Goes Down - Cypress Hill (youtube) - When tha shit goes
down, ya better be ready.
Free In The Knowledge - The Smile (youtube) - Free in the knowledge
that one day this will end, Free in the knowledge that everything is
change, And this was just a bad moment, We were fumbling around, But we
won't get caught like that, Soldiers on our backs, We won't get caught
like that.
Plants use their epigenetic memories to adapt to climate change.
Animals can adapt quickly to survive adverse environmental conditions.
Evidence is mounting to show that
plants can, too. An article details how
plants are rapidly adapting to the adverse effects of climate change, and
how they are passing down these adaptations to their offspring.
Genetic Engineering
Plants can adapt their lignin using 'chemically encoding' enzymes to face
climate change. A new study shows how plants 'encode' specific
chemistries of their lignin to grow tall and sustain climate changes: each
plant cell uses different combinations of the enzymes
to create specific lignin chemistries. These results can be used both in
agriculture and in forestry for selecting plants with the best chemistry
to resist climate challenges.
Dormant microbes can 'switch on' to cope with climate change. Dormant
strains of bacteria that have previously adapted to cope with certain
temperatures are switched back on during climatic change, according to a
new report.
Fluidity is a changeable quality. The
property of flowing easily. A continuous, amorphous substance whose
molecules move freely past one another and has the tendency to assume
the shape of its container.
Fluid intelligence.
Modulate is to
fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or the rate of something. Modulate
music is the change of key or to adjust the pitch, tone, or volume of a
sound or to vary the frequency, amplitude, phase, or other characteristic
of an
electromagnetic wave.
Compensate is to adjust for something,
or to make up for shortcomings.
Homeostasis in physiology is the
actively maintained by several complex biological mechanisms that operate
via the
autonomic nervous
system to offset disrupting changes.
Adjust is to
alter, regulate or modulate something so as to achieve accuracy or to conform to a
standard or to adapt or conform oneself to new or different conditions and
make something
or conformable.
But Not
Adjustable is
capable of being changed so as to match or fit. -
Amend (repeal).
Adjustment is to change or alter something
to work better or look better; adjusting to
circumstances. Adjusting
something to match a standard. The process of adapting to something.
Adjustive is the ability to
make adjustments and making a certain situation or outcome likely or
possible and bringing about something favorable or helpful. Conducive.
Alternative is a choice between
mutually exclusive possibilities. Pertaining to
unconventional choices
where one of a number of things from which only one can be chosen. Serving
or used in place of another.
Readjust is to adjust again
after an initial failure.
Learning form
Responsiveness is the
quality of reacting quickly to people and events, especially
is the act of making something
different and not an exact copy. An event
that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another.
Expression -
Remix -
Restore -
Alteration is an event that occurs when
something passes from one state or phase to another. The act of making
different. The act of revising or altering involving
reconsideration and modification.
is to make
different or to
become different in some particular way. To cause a
Flexible is
capable of being changed. Able
to adjust readily to different conditions.
Flexibility in personality is the extent to which a person can
with changes in circumstances and think about problems and tasks in novel,
creative ways.
Flexibility is the mental ability to switch between thinking about
two different concepts, and to think
about multiple concepts simultaneously.
Differentiation in biology is the structural adaptation of some
body part for a particular
function. To
something as being different and
identify things as being distinct or
not exactly the same.
Differentiate is to become
different during development and
become distinct and acquire a different character. To evolve so as to lead
to a new species or develop in a way most suited to the environment.
Stem Cell.
Alter is to cause something to change or make something different
and cause a
Alteration is an event that occurs when
passes from one state
or phase to another. The act of making something different.
is to
update, correct
and improve something.
Rewrite, or do or say something differently.
Reassess is to consider or assess
again, especially while paying attention to new or different factors.
Reevaluate is to evaluate again or
evaluate differently.
Reappraisal is an
assessment of
something or someone again or in a different way.
Reimagine is
reinterpret something imaginatively.
Rethink -
Sacrifice is to
give up something, or to
endure the loss of
something important. Sometimes a sacrifice has to be made because of an
accident, or as the result of a crime or a
penalty, or from a
mistake that
you made, or sometimes as a result of
not doing something that you needed
to do. A sacrifice can also be when you have to
surrendered something or
lose something in order to gain a much more important objective, or to
increase your
resilience. So the cost of keeping
something may far exceed its current estimated
value. Something's that
were once valuable, may not be so valuable in the future, though
everything is
Transformation is a change.
When something
becomes different. An event that occurs when something passes from one
state or phase to another.
Plasticity (brain).
Birds are laying their eggs a month earlier, and climate change is to
blame. Hundred-year-old museum collections help show that birds are
nesting earlier in the spring. By comparing century-old eggs preserved in
museum collections to modern observations, scientists were able to
determine that about a third of the bird species nesting in Chicago have
are laying their eggs a month earlier than they were a hundred years ago.
As far as the researchers can tell, the culprit in this shift is climate
Adaptation is a trait with a current functional role in the
life of an organism that is maintained and evolved by means of
selection, which is the differential survival and reproduction of
individuals over time due to differences in phenotype, which is the
observable characteristics or traits, the expression of an organism's
genetic code.
Co-Adaptation is the process by which two or more species, genes or
phenotypic traits undergo adaptation as a pair or group. This occurs when
two or more interacting characteristics undergo natural selection together
in response to the same selective pressure or when selective pressures
alter one characteristic and consecutively alter the interactive
characteristic. These interacting characteristics are only beneficial when
together, sometimes leading to increased interdependence. Co-adaptation
and coevolution, although similar in process, are not the same;
co-adaptation refers to the interactions between two units, whereas
co-evolution refers to their evolutionary history. Co-adaptation and its
examples are often seen as evidence for co-evolution.
Management is a structured, iterative process of robust decision
the face of uncertainty, with an aim to reducing uncertainty over time
monitoring. In this way, decision making simultaneously meets one or
management objectives and, either passively or actively, accrues
information needed to improve future management. Adaptive management is a
tool which should be used not only to change a system, but also to learn
about the system. Because adaptive management is based on a learning
process, it improves long-run management outcomes. The challenge in using
the adaptive management approach lies in finding the correct balance
between gaining knowledge to improve management in the future and
achieving the best short-term outcome based on current knowledge. This
approach has more recently been employed in implementing international
development programs.
Complex Adaptive System is a system that is complex in that it is a
dynamic network of interactions, but the behavior of the ensemble may not
be predictable according to the behavior of the components. It is adaptive
in that the individual and collective behavior mutate and self-organize
corresponding to the change-initiating micro-event or collection of
events. It is a "complex macroscopic collection" of relatively "similar
and partially connected micro-structures" formed in order to adapt to the
changing environment and increase their survivability as a
macro-structure. The Complex Adaptive Systems approach builds on
replicator dynamics.
Behavior refers to
behavior that enables a person to get along in his or her environment with greatest success and
least conflict with others. This is a term used in the areas of psychology
and special education. Adaptive behavior relates to every day skills or
tasks that the average person is able to complete, similar to the term
life skills.
Behavioral Adaptation is a change
affecting the way an organism naturally acts. Activities that an organism
does to help it survive in its natural habitat, like migration,
hibernation, dormancy, camouflage, and estivation. These behaviors can be
learned or instinctive.
Behavior Therapy.
Physiological Adaptations
are internal systematic responses to external stimuli in order to help an
organism maintain homeostasis.
Domesticated is to be converted or
adapted to domestic use and
accustomed to home life. To overcome wildness and make docile and
tractable. To make fit for cultivation, domestic life, and service to
humans. To adapt a wild plant or unclaimed land to the environment.
Adaptation is a change involving a physical aspect of an organism.
Functional Adaptation is any adaptation
that helps an organism survive.
Ancient genomes reveal hidden history of human adaptation. The use of
ancient DNA, including samples of human remains around 45,000 years old,
has shed light on a previously unknown aspect of human evolution.
If a women tells her girl friend
that the guy that she's interested in, "He's a nice guy once you get to
know him, what she's really saying is, "he's an as*hole but you'll get use
to it." Be careful about what you're adapting to. Being
passive will only take you
so far.
Life is a Learning Program -
How digital DNA could help you make better health choices (video and
interactive text)
Turn Your Life Around
is to
change or
one's life.
Don't be afraid to start over, because you're not
starting from nothing, you're starting from
By All Means, please do what is
You can say that something is broken, and
end with that. But how can you be sure if
you are
not overlooking an opportunity to make progress? How do you know
when you have adapted to being stupid? The only way to know if you have
adapted to being stupid is to learn more about yourself and the world
around you and see if there is any difference in your thinking.
Easy Come Easy Go, hang in
there. You got to do what you got to do. But remember, do what you should,
does not mean you can, and just because you can do something, this does
not mean you should do something.
But you
have to do something.
My life has been
filled with turnarounds and turnovers. This wasn't planned, or on
purpose. Sometimes change is good, but change is
relative. If you don't know where you're
going, then you have to choose a direction. Staying still is not an
option, unless you know for sure that someone one is coming to your
location, if not, it's time to move on. Life is filled with cycles and
life is constantly changing, moving and evolving. So it seems that I was
mimicking life in some ways, and life was sometimes mimicking me. As I was
searching for meaning, meaning was searching for me. How did I get here? I
never stopped moving, even when my location didn't change, my mind never
stopped exploring. At times I did more mind wandering than physically
wandering. I'm a solo traveler, a group traveler and a mind traveler.
Everything in the universe is in constant motion. Some of us have to be
explorers and some of us have to stay home. There's a difference between
exploring when you have a home to return to, and exploring when you have
no home to return to. Even when you have a home, when you return to that
home, you may find the home has changed and is not the same home that you
left. And when you lose a home, you realize that connections are a lot
more important than possessions. And your internal connections are just as
important as your external connections. Stay connected, stay grounded, but
also be ready to move and be ready to adapt.
Turn Around is turning in an
opposite direction or position. To turn
abruptly and face the other way, either physically or metaphorically. A
decision to reverse an earlier decision. To improve dramatically or
improve significantly and go from bad to good. A turn around is a
change in situation or perspective, often leading to
improvement or positive outcomes. It’s used to illustrate transformation,
growth, and progress in various contexts. Turn around also means the time
required to complete a task. The act or process of unloading and loading.
Turnover is the ratio of the number
of workers that had to be replaced in a given time period to the average
number of workers. Employee turnover measures how many people are leaving
a company and under what circumstances.
Mid Life Crisis -
Changing Careers
Divorce -
Losing Touch with friends and family
Leoncavallo - Pagliacci - Vesti La Giubba - Pavarotti (youtube) - Act!
While in delirium, I no longer know what I say, or what I do! And yet it's
necessary... make an effort! Bah! Are you even a man? You are a clown! Put
on your costume and powder your face. The people are paying, and they want
to laugh here. And if Harlequin steals away your Columbina, laugh, clown,
and all will applaud! Turn your distress and tears into jokes, your pain
and sobs into a smirk, Ah! Laugh, clown, at your broken love! Laugh at the
grief that poisons your heart!
The Show Must Go On means that regardless of what happens, whatever
show has been planned still has to be staged for the waiting patrons. (Ridi,
Pagliaccio, sul tuo amore infranto! Ridi del duol, che t'avvelena il cor!).
Life is an Improv -
Life is a Stage.
Overture, curtain, lights, This is it, the night of nights, No more
rehearsing and nursing a part, We know every part by heart. Overture,
curtain, lights, This is it, we'll hit the heights, And oh what heights
we'll hit, On with the show this is it. Tonight what heights we'll hit.
On with the show, this is it.
Proteus is an early
prophetic sea-god or
god of rivers and
oceanic bodies of water, one
of several deities whom Homer calls the "
Old Man
of the Sea". Some who ascribe a specific domain to Proteus call him
the god of "elusive sea change", which suggests
the constantly changing nature of the sea or
the liquid quality of water. He can
foretell the future, but, in a mytheme familiar to several cultures, will
change his shape to avoid doing so; he answers only to those who are
capable of capturing him. From this feature of Proteus comes the adjective
protean, meaning "
"mutable", or "
capable of assuming many forms".
"Protean" has
positive connotations of flexibility,
versatility and
adaptability. Proteus bacilli are
widely distributed in nature as saprophytes, being found in decomposing animal matter.
Proteus Bacterium (wiki).
Human Micro-Evolutionary Changes
Adapting to lower levels of Oxygen. Human species have
adapted to lowland
environment where oxygen is generally abundant. But
people in Tibet, the Andes and Ethiopia have acquired the
ability to survive at extremely high altitudes. While the
rest of human population would suffer serious health
consequences, these native inhabitants thrive well in the
highest parts of the world. Tibetans has become the fastest case
human evolution in the scientific record, as it is estimated
to have occurred in less than 3,000 years.
Adapting to deep
water diving and being able to hold your breath for a long time.
Physiological and Genetic Adaptations to Diving in Sea Nomads. The
indigenous Bajau people ("
Nomads") of Southeast Asia live a subsistence lifestyle based on
breath-hold diving and are renowned for their
extraordinary breath-holding abilities. However, it is unknown
whether this has a genetic basis. Using a comparative genomic study, we
show that natural selection on genetic variants in the
PDE10A gene have
spleen size in the Bajau, providing them with a larger reservoir of
oxygenated red blood cells. We also find evidence of strong selection
specific to the
on BDKRB2, a gene affecting the human diving reflex. Thus, the Bajau,
and possibly other diving populations, provide a new opportunity to study
human adaptation to
hypoxia tolerance.
is the view that many physical and psychological traits of organisms are
evolved adaptations.
Genetic 'memory' of ancestral environments helps organisms readapt.
The chicken was domesticated from the red jungle fowl in South Asia and
Southeast Asia at least 4,000 to 4,500 years ago. It was brought to the
Tibetan Plateau by about 1,200 years ago, where it acquired high-altitude
adaptations such as an increase in oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
People around
the Arctic Circle are
more adapted to cold and you can see them taking a
swim or a sunbath on the beach when temperatures are just above 10 degrees
C. Africans are more
adapted to heat, but when temperature drops to 15
degrees C, you can see them wearing warm clothes. People around the Arctic
Circle are used to eat meat and animal fat, but when they move to a large
town, where their diet will consist mainly of vegetables, they get anemia.
Europeans are most adapted for consuming milk, while Chinese people, where
historically milk was not used for food, have a high percentage of lactose
intolerance. This is an adaptation made by the organisms of European
people for their food regime. People that remained around the contemned
zone in Chernobyl seem to have adapted to a certain level of radiation.
Adapting Genetically to Arsenic. Andean communities may have
evolved the ability to metabolize
arsenic, a trait that could be the first documented example of a
toxic substance acting as an agent of natural selection in
humans, Arsenic exposure can be deadly, but high in the Andes,
drinking water laced with the chemical may have driven genetic
adaptation in local populations. In parts of Argentina, people
have been drinking poison—arsenic, to be specific—for thousands
of years. The river running through the Andean village of San
Antonio de los Cobres (SAC) has arsenic levels up to 80 times
the safe limit established by the World Health Organization. At
high doses, arsenic causes vomiting, convulsions and eventually
coma. At low, chronic exposure, the metal causes skin lesions,
liver damage and several types of cancers.
Human Hearts evolved for endurance. Major physical changes occurred in
the human heart as people shifted from hunting and foraging to farming and
modern life. As a result, human hearts are now less 'ape-like' and better
suited to endurance types of activity.
Obesity is a
form of Adaptation -
Adapting to Space Travel
Orthogenesis is the biological hypothesis that
organisms have an
innate tendency to evolve in a definite direction towards some goal
(teleology) due to some internal mechanism or "driving force".
Wisdom Teeth are gradually diapering.
Because early humans needed to chew coarse, hearty foods, they required a
broader jaw. Wisdom teeth grew in to give them more chewing power for this
purpose. Because the jaw was wider, the wisdom teeth were able to grow in
with no difficulties. But
wisdom teeth haven't
served much purpose for humans in more than 30,000 years. And in recent
years, people have actually stopped growing them at all, and the reasons
behind the disappearance of
wisdom teeth suggest
that human beings don't quite represent a finished product.
Flightless bird species at risk of extinction. Bird species that have
lost the ability to fly through evolution have become extinct more often
than birds that have retained their ability to fly, according to new
Human actions likely cause insect color change. New Zealand's native
stoneflies have changed colour in response to human-driven environmental
changes, new research shows. The study provides arguably the world's most
clear-cut case of animal evolution in response to change made by humans.
In natural forested regions, a native species has evolved 'warning'
colours that mimic those of a poisonous forest species, to trick predators
into thinking they are poisonous too. But the removal of forests since
humans arrived has removed the poisonous species. As a result, in
deforested regions the mimicking species has abandoned this strategy -- as
there is nothing to mimic -- instead evolving into a different colour.
Somatic Hypermutation is a cellular mechanism by which the
immune system adapts to the new foreign
elements that confront it (e.g. microbes), as seen during class switching.
A major component of the process of affinity maturation, SHM diversifies B
cell receptors used to recognize foreign elements (antigens) and allows
the immune system to adapt its response to new threats during the lifetime
of an organism. Somatic hypermutation involves a programmed process of
mutation affecting the variable regions of immunoglobulin genes. Unlike
mutation, SHM affects only an organism's
individual immune cells, and the mutations are not transmitted to the
organism's offspring. Mistargeted somatic hypermutation is a likely
mechanism in the development of B-cell lymphomas and many other cancers.
Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance is the transmission of
information from one generation of an organism to the next (i.e.,
parent–child transmission) that affects the traits of offspring without
alteration of the primary structure of
DNA (i.e.,
the sequence of nucleotides)—in other words,
epigenetically. The less precise term
"epigenetic inheritance" may be used to describe both cell–cell and
organism–organism information transfer. Although these two levels of
epigenetic inheritance are equivalent in unicellular organisms, they may
have distinct mechanisms and evolutionary distinctions in multicellular
Lamarckism is the hypothesis that an organism can pass on
characteristics that it has acquired through use or disuse during its
lifetime to its
offspring. It is also known as
the inheritance of acquired characteristics or soft inheritance.
have found that
Cephalopods are able to edit their RNA, at the expense of evolution in
their genomic
DNA. In other words, they are able to
rapidly change on the cellular level to suit their environment, rather
than relying on the slow evolution of DNA to make changes.
Long Genomes.
Porcini mushrooms have evolved with a preference to local adaptation.
A genetic survey of porcini mushrooms across the Northern Hemisphere found
that these delicious fungi evolved in surprising ways -- contrary to the
expectations of many who think that geographic isolation would be the
primary driver for species diversity. In fact, there are regions in the
world where porcini maintain their genetic distinctiveness in local
ecological niches, even if they are not isolated geographically from other
genetic lineages.
Sudden evolutionary change in flowers. Scientists describe an elusive
example of abrupt evolution happening in columbines. In a new study, the
scientists describe a population of columbines that have lost their
petals, including the characteristic nectar spurs. The finding adds weight
to the idea that adaptation can occur in large jumps, rather than merely
plodding along over extended timespans. The team plumbed the plant's
genome to find the source of the unusual morphology. They considered a
APETALA3-3, known to affect spur development. They found that this
single gene controlled the entire development of the flower's spurs and
nectaries. APETALA3-3 tells the developing organ to become a petal. "When
it's broken, those instructions aren't there anymore, and that causes it
to develop into a completely different organ.
Resilience - Handling Difficult Conditions
Resilient is the
ability to
withstand or
quickly from
difficult conditions, or
bouncing back
difficult experiences. Resilience is the
process of
adapting well in the face of
threats or significant sources of
stress, such as family and
problems, serious
health problems or workplace and financial
stressors. Resilience is
the process of successfully
adapting to difficult or
challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and
behavioral flexibility and
adjustment to
external and
internal demands. Resilient is the
ability to recoil or
spring back into shape after
bending, stretching, or being compressed.
Resilience is the
capacity to
quickly from
difficulties, and having
mental toughness,
physical endurance
and the
ability to adapt and
learn new things.
Psychological Resilience is the ability to successfully
cope with
problems and to return to pre-crisis status quickly.
An individual's ability to
adapt to life tasks in the face of
social disadvantage or
highly adverse conditions. Adversity and
stress can come in the shape of
family or relationship problems, health problems, or workplace and
financial worries, among others. Resilience is one's ability to bounce
back from a
negative experience with "
competent functioning". Resilience
is not a rare ability; in reality, it is found in the average individual
and it can be learned and developed by virtually anyone. Resilience should
be considered a process, rather than a trait to be had. It is a process of
individuation through a structured system with gradual discovery of
personal and unique abilities.
Anger Management
Staying Calm -
Self Control -
Being Prepared
Reverence for Life says that the only thing we are really sure of is
that we live and want to go on living. This is something that we share
with everything else that lives, from elephants to blades of grass—and, of
course, every human being. So we are brothers and sisters to all living
things, and owe to all of them the same care and respect, that we wish for
When the
going gets tough, the tough get going." - When a situation becomes
difficult, you need to
become strong
and be able to step up and handle the problems that you're facing. Don't
let obstacles stop you,
find a
solution and keep going.
Growth -
Resilient but still
Fragile -
Healthy Body -
Healthy MindSurvival of
the Fittest suggests that organisms best adjusted to their
environment are the most successful in surviving and reproducing.
Describes the mechanism of
natural selection.
You have to be able to handle
difficult situations and
moments, if not, then you will suffer a lot more from a challenging
situation than you need to, and, you might
fail to learn from the
experience. So don't get mad or get angry or get depressed, just get learning.
You don't want to
over react to a
problem or
under react
to a problem. You need to
acknowledge the problem and then solve it or resolve it or
adapt to the problem without being
passive about it. And then
you should learn from the experience so that you can move forward.
Will to Live is the
instinctual need
to live, whether or not a person is afraid to die. Humans don't give
up easily. A strong-willed person is determined to live. A person wants to
enjoy life, and they want to get more out of life. When a person believes
that their life is not over, they're willing to do whatever they can to
squeeze more out of it.
Self-Preservation is a behavior or set of behaviors that ensures the
survival of an organism. It is thought to be universal among all living
organisms. Pain motivates the individual to withdraw from damaging
situations, to protect a damaged body part while it heals, and to avoid
similar experiences in the future. Fear causes the organism to seek safety
and may cause a release of adrenaline, which has the effect of increased
strength and heightened senses such as hearing, smell, and sight.
is an
instinctual need that has the
power of driving the behavior of an individual. When a need is satisfied,
drive is reduced and the organism returns to a state of homeostasis and
to Power is believed to be the main driving force in humans.
Life Force.
Rock Solid is something reliable and
unlikely to change, fail, or collapse.
Mental Toughness
is being
able to cope with
difficult situations and
able to
handle pressure and avoid any lifestyle
distractions and emerge
without losing
Fight or Flight
Self Defense -
Will Power -
Survival -
Resolve -
Active not Passive -
Time is of the
Law of the Jungle is an expression that has come to mean "
man for himself", "anything goes", "survival of the strongest",
"survival of the fittest", "kill or be killed", "dog eat dog" or "eat or
be eaten".
Diamond Hands means that
you're ready to hold a position for the end goal, despite the potential
risk, headwinds and losses.
is a person who can
pain or hardship without
without showing emotions or
feelings or showing that they are
Stoically is
showing one's feelings or
about pain or
hardship. In a manner that endures pain and hardship without
outwardly showing suffering or expressing complaint.
Stoicism is a means of
understanding the
natural state of things, and as a means of freeing oneself from
emotional distress.
Stable is being
strong minded and
dependable and maintaining an equilibrium. Not subject to
Steadfast is
marked by firm
determination or resolution. Being
dependable and
Brave -
Undertaken is to accept a challenge and to
promise to accomplish the task at hand. To enter upon an activity or
Undeterred is when you
are not discouraged or prevented from acting. You are undaunted, fearless,
and resolute.
Fight is to make a strenuous or
labored effort. To
exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or
engage in a
crusade for a certain
cause or person. To be an advocate for. To fight against something or
resist something strongly. Fight can also mean an intense verbal dispute
or a hostile meeting of opposing forces in the course of a war.
Survival Tips -
Elastic (bounce back or spring
back into shape) -
Resurrection -
requires everyone to make sudden and
planned adjustments to meet its
demands. The greater the demand the greater the adjustment must be."
Resolute is characterized by firmness,
determination and
Resourceful is having inner
and the ability to use other
resources effectively
and efficiently. Having the ability to find quick and
clever ways to overcome
Creative Problem Solving.
Resourcefulness is the quality of
being able to cope with a
difficult situation.
Robustness is the property of being
strong and healthy in constitution, or a hardy, stable core and
foundation, from which all else stems. The characteristic of being strong
enough to withstand intellectual challenge.
Robustness in biology is used to describe a taxon with a stronger and
heavier build when compared to a related gracile taxon.
Enduring is to continue to
live and exist by withstanding unpleasant
hardships for a specified period of time. Being persistent and refusing to
stop. (Make do with what you have).
is to continue to live through
or adversity and persist for a specified period of time. To face hardship
and withstand with
courage. To put up
with something or somebody unpleasant and continue to exist.
Toughness is having
enduring strength,
energy and staying power.
Worse for Wear
is not in any worse condition despite rough treatment or a trying
Durable is something that
can exist for a long time.
Capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay.
Very long lasting.
Continue is to
keep or
maintain something in good
condition that would allow it to remain or last, so as to
move ahead and
travel onward in time or space and exist over a prolonged period of time.
Constant is steadfast in purpose or
devotion or affection. Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long
continuing. Unvarying in nature.
Mathematical Constant.
Persevere is to be
persistent and
refusing to stop. To quietly and steadily
preserve, especially in
detail or exactness.
Invincible is
being powerful or
strong willed and able to
defend yourself against threats, violence or
Doer is a person who acts and gets
things done.
Problem Solver.
Stiff Upper Lip is a person who is displays fortitude and stoicism in the face of
adversity, or exercises great
self-restraint in the expression of emotion.
Focused -
Bucking Up is to become
encouraged, reinvigorated, or cheerful; to
summon one's courage or spirits; to pluck up
Roll Up Your Sleeves is to prepare yourself to do some difficult
work that is messy, so to avoid getting your long sleeve shirt wet or
dirty, you would roll the sleeves back a bit.
Bite the Bullet is to decide to do
something difficult or unpleasant that one has been putting off or
hesitating over. The phrase is thought to have derived from battlefield
surgeries, when amputations and medieval medical procedures were done
without anesthetic. To distract the patient from the pain, a bullet was
placed in their mouth for them to bite down on.
Take it on the Chin is to endure or
accept misfortune
courageously. Grin and bear it, hang in there, suck it
up, tough it out.
Roll with the Punches
is to move one's body away from an opponent's blows so as to lessen the
Adapt oneself to
adverse circumstances.
Keeping it Together
means to maintain composure and avoid an
overly emotional reaction. To
suppress an instinct or urge.
Riding out
the Storm is to
protect yourself
harm or
damage during
a difficult situation. It's waiting for the
trouble or
threat to end or to subside before going
out or
Ride it Out is to deal with a difficult
situation without being harmed or over stressed. To make it safely through
a dangerous or difficult situation. To succeed in surviving or getting
through something dangerous that cannot be avoided. (You have to know when
to ride it out and
know when to treat it, and you have to know when you
have a choice or don't have a choice.)
Hang Tough is to
strong-willed and
brave, especially when experiencing
duress or adversity.
Hunker Down is
to make yourself comfortable in a place or situation, or to prepare to
stay in a place or position for a long time, usually in order to achieve
something or for protection. To stay in a place for a period of time until
a storm has passed.
To Hold Your Own
means to retain a position of strength in a challenging situation. Can do
something well enough.
To Have What it
Takes means to have the skill, intelligence, personality and
persistence that is necessary to achieve something.
Go the Extra Mile is when you're willing to
make a special
to do something or
achieve something.
Time to Move On or Moving On is to
stop dwelling and stop
thinking moodily or
anxiously about something on a continuing basis.
Living in the Past is to dwell on or
reminisce at length about past events.
Let it Go
is to
choose not to react to an action or
remark, or to stop being angry about
something that happened in the
past. To
free yourself from a painful
traumatic event.
New Normal is
when certain changes have become the new standard of doing things, usually
because the old way of doing things is no longer available or sustainable.
The new normal is a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles
following a
crisis, when this differs
from the situation that prevailed prior to the start of the
crisis. Forget about the
Next Big Thing, the
next thing has started. It’s called the New Normal.
Overcome is to
succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.
Prevail is proving to be more powerful and
more superior than opposing forces. To be valid, applicable, or true. To
be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance. To use
persuasion successfully. Continue to exist. Being victorious. Winning.
Second Effort is when you think that
you have been stopped, but instead of giving up, you find the energy and
determination to keep going.
Rise Above It is to successfully deal
with a difficult problem or an unpleasant situation, while not letting the
problem affect you or distract you from your abilities.
Tenacious is stubbornly persisting and
refusing to give up. Tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or
adhering closely. Not readily relinquishing a position, principle, or
course of action; Determined. Persisting in existence; not easily
dispelled. Sticking together.
Persistent is to continue to exist by
never-ceasing or refusing to stop.
Not stubborn, just
everlasting and doing what it
Look on the Brightside
Sink or Swim is a situation in which
someone either must succeed by his or her own efforts or fail completely
by giving up.
Coping means to invest own
conscious effort, to solve personal and
interpersonal problems, in order to try to master, minimize or
tolerate stress and conflict.
Fortitude is the
strength of mind that enables one to endure
adversity with
Grit is having fortitude and
determination. to have passion and perseverance
for long-term and meaningful goals. It is the ability to persist in
something you feel passionate about and persevere when you face obstacles.
Grit is a positive, non-cognitive trait based on an individual's
perseverance of effort combined with the passion for a particular
long-term goal or end state (a powerful motivation to achieve an
objective). This perseverance of effort promotes the overcoming of
obstacles or challenges that lie on the path to accomplishment and serves
as a driving force in achievement realization.
"He, who has a Why to live, can bear with almost any How. When we
can no longer change our circumstances, we are challenged to change
"Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to
endure a difficult life." -
Lee“If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if
you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving
forward.”- -
Martin Luther King Jr.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not
where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands
in times of challenge and controversy." —
Martin Luther King Jr.
"Perhaps it's fate that today is the
Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom. Not
from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but from annihilation. We're
fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the
Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the
day when the world declared in one voice:
We will
not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our
Independence Day!" -
Independence Day(1996_film) (wiki).
Don't give in. Don't let the shit get to you and don't let bad people
drag you down. You need a safe word or a phrase. Something that reminds you of your
abilities, your potential and your resilience. Something that activates a
reset to reconnect to your baseline and
values. This is your power, your pride, and your strength.
You can't give up. You can only die with
honor and dignity, which is a privilege of a hero. You smile in the face
of death, for not even death can defeat your soul. You can't lose, you can only
Time to stand up. Time
to stand up for yourself, and time to stand up for your rights. It's time.
The more knowledgeable you are, the more
liberated you are.
Time to learn.
Sisu is a Finnish concept
described as stoic determination, tenacity of purpose, grit,
bravery, resilience, and hardiness,
and is held by Finns themselves to express their national character. It is
generally considered not to have a literal equivalent in English
(tenacity, grit, resilience and hardiness are much the same things, but do
not necessarily imply stoicism or bravery). In contemporary psychology,
sisu is shown to have both beneficial and harmful sides which can be
measured using a designated scale. Sisu is extraordinary determination in
the face of extreme adversity, and courage that is presented typically in
situations where success is unlikely. It expresses itself in taking action
against the odds, and displaying courage and resoluteness in the face of
adversity; in other words, deciding on a course of action, and then
adhering to it even if repeated failures ensue. It is in some ways similar
to equanimity, though sisu entails an element of stress management. The
English "gutsy" invokes a metaphor related to this one (and found in still
other languages): the Finnish usage derives from sisus, translated as
"interior", and as "entrails" or "guts"; a closely related English concept
evokes the metaphor grit.
Find purpose
outside yourself. Increase resilience through
training. Be gental with yourself and connect to nature.
Serenity Prayer - Grant me the serenity to accept the things that I
cannot change, and the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to
know the difference.
All is Not Lost
is a saying that suggests that there is still some chance of success or
"All is not lost, we will find a way again, just as we
have done since the beginning of time. We are born explorers. And the
space between our ears is the same size of the universe. Space is
Third Times a Charm
means that if you failed something twice or attempted something twice,
sometimes you can get lucky on the third try and succeed.
Insight is having a clear or deep
perception of a situation and grasping the inner nature of things
intuitively. A clear and often sudden
understanding of a complex situation. Able to
predict actions
needed to take
Logos is a form
rhetoric in which the writer or speaker uses
logic as the main
Realist is a person who
accepts a situation as it is and is prepared to deal with it accordingly.
"Sometimes the only way to know how far you can go
is to go farther then you have ever gone before."
Optimism -
Shit HappensThe ability to
measure things gives us the ability to
protect and make
“One of the most important
revelatory moments is when the client grasps that no one is coming.
one is coming to save me; no one is coming to make life right for me; no
one is coming to solve my problems. If I don’t do something, nothing is
going to get better. The dream of a rescuer who will deliver us may offer
a kind of comfort, but it leaves us passive and powerless. We may feel if
only I suffer long enough, if only I yearn desperately enough, somehow a
miracle will happen, but this is the kind of self-deception one pays for
with one’s life as it drains away into the abyss of unredeemable
possibilities and irretrievable days, months, decades.”
Nathaniel Branden, The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem.
Words of
Encouragement: When you're so f*cked, and you're not doing anything to unfuck yourself, that means that you're fucking up other people too. So you
have to stop being stuckup and stop being a fuckup. You have to buckup and
suck it up, because we have a lot of fucking work to do. So do you want
to help us, or leave us. And what ever you decide, just please promise us
that you will stop fucking us over and stop fucking around. We don't need your
shit, we need your help.
Sometimes no
matter what you do, and no matter what you say, and no matter what you think,
things will just happen. So you need to
be prepared for the worse.
You either
learn how to stop
something from happening or you learn how to
if not, then you'll go
So you better act now while you still can, because you can't do anything
when you're dead. You could
pass on
valuable knowledge and information if you
preserve it. But you would have
to do most of that work now while you're alive. You also have to leave
It's not peoples fault that they are unaware of their true
potential. When I see behavior
or actions that are illogical or seem wrong or weird, I sometimes have to
say something. But the words I use to describe someone's behavior may not
be understood or interpreted correctly, which can make things worse, all
because I was concerned about someone. So things can easily get blown out
of proportion if you're not careful with the words you use. It's dammed if
you do and dammed if you don't, sometimes you just can't win. But you have
to stay in the game. You can't drop out of reality, so you might as well
learn to face it. Navigating life takes skill, so you better keep
educating yourself. There is no other way through this maze, life has many
twists and turns. You should at the least have a general idea about where
you're going.
Songs of Resilience
Tubthumping (I Get
Knocked Down) Chumbawamba (youtube) - I get knocked down, but I get up
again, You are never gonna keep me down.
Activist Songs about Resilience. -
Don't Give Up
Whatever It Takes -
Imagine Dragons (youtube) - Falling too fast to prepare for this,
Tripping in the world could be dangerous, Everybody circling, it's
vulturous, Negative, nepotist, Everybody waiting for the fall of man,
Everybody praying for the end of times, Everybody hoping they could be the
one, I was born to run, I was born for this. Whip, whip, Run me like a
racehorse, Pull me like a ripcord, Break me down and build me up, I wanna
be the slip, slip, Word upon your lip, lip, Letter that you rip, rip,
Break me down and build me up.
Whatever it takes,
'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins, I do whatever it takes,
'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains, Whatever it takes,
Yeah, take me to the top I'm ready for, Whatever it takes, 'Cause I love
the adrenaline in my veins,
I do what it takes.
Always had a fear of being typical, Looking at my body feeling miserable,
Always hanging on to the visual, I wanna be invisible, Looking at my years
like a martyrdom, Everybody needs to be a part of 'em, Never be enough,
I'm the prodigal son, I was born to run, I was born for this, Whip, whip,
Run me like a racehorse, Pull me like a ripcord, Break me down and build
me up, I wanna be the slip, slip, Word upon your lip, lip, Letter that you
rip, rip, Break me down and build me up.
it takes, 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins, I do whatever
it takes, 'Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains, Whatever it
takes, Yeah, take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes, 'Cause I
love the adrenaline in my veins, I do what it takes. Hypocritical,
egotistical, Don't wanna be the parenthetical, hypothetical, Working onto
something that I'm proud of, out of the box, An epoxy to the world and the
vision we've lost, I'm an apostrophe, I'm just a symbol to remind you that
there's more to see, I'm just a product of the system, a catastrophe, And
yet a masterpiece, and yet I'm half-diseased, And when I am deceased, At
least I go down to the grave and die happily, Leave the body and my soul
to be a part of thee. I do what it takes, Whatever it takes, 'Cause I love
the adrenaline in my veins, I do whatever it takes, 'Cause I love how it
feels when I break the chains, Whatever it takes, Yeah, take me to the
top, I'm ready for, Whatever it takes, 'Cause I love the adrenaline in my
veins, I do what it takes.
Unstoppable - Sia
- (youtube) - All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town, I'll do
it 'til the sun goes down and all through the night time, Oh yeah, Oh
yeah, I'll tell you what you wanna hear, Leave my sunglasses on while I
shed a tear, It's never the right time, Yeah, yeah, I put my armor on,
show you how strong how I am, I put my armor on, I'll show you that I am,
I'm unstoppable, I'm a Porsche with no brakes, I'm invincible, Yeah,
I win every single game, I'm so
powerful, I don't need batteries to play, I'm so confident, Yeah, I'm
unstoppable today,
Unstoppable today,
Unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, I'm unstoppable today, Break down,
only alone I will cry on out, You'll never see what's hiding out, Hiding
out deep down, Yeah, yeah, I know, I've heard that to let your feelings
go, Is the only way to make friendships grow, But I'm too afraid now,
Yeah, yeah, I put my armor on, show you how strong how I am, I put my
armor on, I'll show you that I am, I'm unstoppable, I'm a Porsche with no
I'm invincible, Yeah, I win every
single game, I'm so powerful,
I don't need
batteries to play, I'm so confident, Yeah, I'm unstoppable today,
Unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, I'm unstoppable
today, Unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, I'm
unstoppable today. I put my arm around, show you how strong I am, I put my
arm around, I'll show you that I am, I'm unstoppable, I'm a Porsche with
no breaks, I'm invincible, Yeah, I win every single game, I'm so powerful,
I don't need batteries to play,
I'm so confident,
Yeah, I'm unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, Unstoppable today,
Unstoppable today, I'm unstoppable today, Unstoppable today, Unstoppable
today,Unstoppable today, I'm unstoppable today.
Spirit - Judah &
the Lion (youtube) - We got spirit and I know you feel it,
There's no give up, give up, give up, give
up in us, We got spirit and I know you hear it, There's no give up, give
up, give up, give up in us.
My Silver Lining -
First Aid Kit (youtube) - And you've just
gotta keep on keeping on, Gotta keep on going, looking straight out
on the road, Can't worry 'bout what's behind you or what's coming for you
further up the road, I try not to hold on to what is gone,
I try to do right what is wrong, I try to
keep on keeping on, Yeah I just keep on
keeping on. I hear a voice calling, Calling out for me, These shackles
I've made in an attempt to be free, Be it for reason, be it for love,
I won't take the easy road.
Evolution - Small Changes Over a Long Time
Evolution is
change in the
heritable characteristics
of biological populations over successive generations. Evolutionary
processes give rise to
biodiversity at every level of
biological organization, including the levels of species, individual
organisms, and
Evolve is to undergo
development or to
learn through
Coevolution occurs when changes in at least two species' genetic
reciprocally affect each other’s evolution.
Macroevolution is evolution on a scale at or above the level of
species, in contrast with
microevolution, which refers to smaller
evolutionary changes of allele frequencies within a species or population.
Macroevolution and microevolution describe fundamentally identical
processes on different time scales.
Mutations -
Devolve -
Human Micro-Evolutionary
Changes -
Natural Selection Metamorphosis
Divergent is tending to move apart in
different directions. Diverging from another or from a standard.
Divergent Evolution is the accumulation of differences
between groups, leading to the formation of new species.
Convergent Evolution is the
evolution of similar features in species of different lineages.
Convergent evolution creates analogous structures that have similar form
or function but were not present in the last common ancestor of those
groups. The
cladistic term for the same phenomenon is
homoplasy. The recurrent evolution of flight is a classic example, as
flying insects, birds, pterosaurs, and bats have independently evolved the
useful capacity of flight. Functionally similar features that have arisen
through convergent evolution are analogous, whereas
homologous structures or traits have a common origin but can have
dissimilar functions. Bird, bat, and pterosaur wings are analogous
structures, but their forelimbs are homologous, sharing an ancestral state
despite serving different functions.
Differentiated is to evolve so as to
lead to a new species or
develop in a way most suited to the environment.
Become distinct and acquire a different character. Made different
(especially in the course of development) or shown to be different.
Exhibiting biological specialization;
adapted during development
to a specific function or environment. Become different during development
are found all over the world, mainly in Africa and Latin America, but
they’re especially abundant in
Malawi, where they’ve diverged into at least 850 species. That’s more
species of fish than can be found in all of the freshwater bodies of
Europe combined.
Softbotics is the
science of using soft materials to construct flexible robot limbs and
appendages. Many fundamental principles of biology and nature can only
fully be explained if we look back at the evolutionary timeline of how
animals evolved.
is the change in allele frequencies that occurs
over a short period of time within a
population. This change is due to four different processes:
artificial selection or natural selection, gene flow, and genetic drift. This
change happens over a relatively short period of time when compared to the changes termed
macroevolution, which happen over a longer
period of time and where
greater differences in the population occur.
Evolutionary Anthropology is the interdisciplinary study of the
evolution of human physiology and human behavior and of the relation
between hominids and non-hominid primates, builds on natural science and
on social science. Various fields and disciplines of evolutionary
anthropology include: human
evolution and anthropogeny, paleoanthropology and paleontology of both
human and non-human primates, primatology and primate ethology, the
sociocultural evolution of human behavior, including phylogenetic
approaches to historical linguistics, the evolutionary psychology and
evolutionary linguistics of humans, the archaeological study of human
technology and of its changes over time and space, human evolutionary
genetics and changes in the human genome over time, the neuroscience,
endocrinology, and neuroanthropology of human and primate cognition,
culture, actions and abilities, human behavioural ecology and the
interaction between humans and the environment, studies of human anatomy,
physiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and differences and changes
between species, variation between human groups, and relationships to
cultural factors.
Evolutionary Biology is the subfield of biology that studies
the evolutionary processes that produced the diversity of life on Earth
starting from a single
origin of life. These processes include the descent of species, and
the origin of new species.
Adaptive Radiation is a process in which organisms diversify rapidly
from an
ancestral species into a multitude of new forms, particularly when
change in the environment makes new resources available, creates new
challenges, or opens new environmental niches. Starting with a recent
single ancestor, this process results in the speciation and phenotypic
adaptation of an array of species exhibiting different morphological and
physiological traits.
experimentally trigger adaptive radiation. Preening drives divergent
camouflage in feather lice on both micro- and macro-evolutionary
Speciation is the evolutionary process by which biological populations
evolve to become distinct species.
New research sheds light on an old fossil solving an evolutionary mystery.
Picrodontids -- an extinct family of placental mammals that lived several
million years after the extinction of the dinosaurs -- are not primates as
previously believed.
We've had bird evolution all wrong. A frozen chunk of genome rewrites
our understanding of the bird family tree. Genomic anamolies dating back
to the time of the dinosaurs misled scientists about the evolutionary
history of birds.
Human Evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the
emergence of anatomically
modern humans.
Humans may have not stemmed from a single ancestral population in one region of
Africa. Our human ancestors were scattered across Africa, and largely
kept apart by a combination of diverse habitats and shifting environmental
boundaries, such as forests and deserts. Millennia of separation gave rise
to a staggering diversity of human forms, whose mixing ultimately shaped
our species.
Maturation is coming to full
or becoming biologically mature. The
process of an individual organism growing organically. A purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism
changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level.
Mental Maturity.
is the notion that species can revert into more
primitive forms over
Vestigiality is not being fully developed and has lost some or all of
their ancestral function.
Devolve is to
grow worse.
Education -
Regression is an
abnormal state in which development
has stopped prematurely, or has returned to an earlier state. Regression
is psychiatry is a defense mechanism in which you
flee from reality by
assuming a more
infantile state.
Non-Human is any entity displaying some, but not enough, human
characteristics to be considered a human. The term has been used in a
variety of contexts and may refer to objects that have been developed with
human intelligence, such as
or vehicles.
Primitive is a person who
belongs to an early stage of civilization or an earlier
ancestral type who evolved
very little. One who is without formal training and is simple or
naive in style.
Belonging to an early stage of
technical development and characterized by
Degeneration Theory is a fear that
civilization might be in decline
and that the causes of decline lay in
biological change.
Dollo's law of irreversibility states that evolution is
not reversible.
Natural Selection is the
change in
heritable traits of a
population over time. Some life forms can
adapt while
other species die off. Natural selection is the
differential survival and
reproduction of individuals due to differences in
variation exists within
all populations of organisms.
So how do we know that natural selection is
natural and not
just something that was
pre-programmed? Is a
natural? Is
randomness natural? Is
evolution natural? Is
adaptation natural? Are
Natural selection can slow evolution and maintain similarities across
generations. New research suggests that natural selection, famous for
rewarding advantageous differences in
organisms, can also
preserve similarities, which
lowers diversity that can
make species more vulnerable.
Frequency-Dependent Selection is an evolutionary process by which the
fitness of a phenotype or genotype depends on the phenotype or genotype
composition of a given population. In
frequency-dependent selection, the fitness of a phenotype or
genotype increases as it becomes more common. In
negative frequency-dependent selection, the fitness of a
phenotype or genotype decreases as it becomes
more common. This is an example of balancing selection. More generally,
frequency-dependent selection includes when biological interactions make
an individual's fitness depend on the frequencies of other phenotypes or
genotypes in the population. Frequency-dependent selection is usually the
result of interactions between species (predation, parasitism, or
competition), or between genotypes within species (usually competitive or
symbiotic), and has been especially frequently discussed with relation to
anti-predator adaptations. Frequency-dependent selection can lead to
polymorphic equilibria, which result from interactions among genotypes
within species, in the same way that multi-species equilibria require
interactions between species in competition (e.g. where αij parameters in
Lotka-Volterra competition equations are non-zero). Frequency-dependent
selection can also lead to dynamical chaos when some individuals'
fitnesses become very low at intermediate allele frequencies.
Mimicry -
Parasites -
Genetic Drift
Stabilomorph is a species of an organism that has
survived the mass
extinction of all other related species.
DNA Repair.
Living Fossil is an extant taxon that phenotypically resembles related
known only from the fossil record. To be considered a living
fossil, the fossil species must be old relative to the time of origin of
the extant clade. Living fossils commonly are of species-poor lineages,
but they need not be.
Why crocodiles have changed so little since the age of the dinosaurs.
New research explains how a 'stop-start' pattern of evolution, governed by
environmental change, could explain why crocodiles have changed so little
since the age of the dinosaurs. New research suggests that their evolution
speeds up when the climate is warmer, and that their body size increases.
Versatility could be one explanation why crocodiles survived the meteor
impact at the end of the Cretaceous period, in which the dinosaurs
perished. Crocodiles generally thrive better in warm conditions because
they cannot control their body temperature and require warmth from the
Crocodile are large semiaquatic reptiles that live throughout the
tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, all of
whose members are considered true crocodiles, is classified as a
biological subfamily. Crocodiles arisen some
million years ago, they have outlived the dinosaurs by some 65
million years. Although they appear similar, crocodiles, alligators and
the gharial belong to separate biological families. Crocodile species have
an average lifespan of at least 30–40 years, and in the case of larger
species an average of 60–70 years.
are freshwater rhipidistian fish belonging to the order Dipnoi. Lungfish
are best known for retaining primitive characteristics within the
Osteichthyes, including the ability to breathe air, and primitive
structures within Sarcopterygii, including the presence of lobed fins with
a well-developed internal skeleton. Through convergent evolution,
lungfishes have evolved internal nostrils similar to the tetrapods' choana,
and a brain with certain similarities to the lissamphibian brain (except
for the Queensland lungfish, which branched off in its own direction about
277 million years ago and has a brain
resembling that of the Latimeria). As lobe finned fish were adapting to
live in partial water or on land,
420 million
years ago during the Devonian, they seem to have split off into
multiple groups. Two such branches are known to survive to the present
day, the coelacanths and the lungfish.
are known to have the largest animal genome. Lungfish's genome is
43 billion base pairs long, which is around
14 times larger than the human genome. Lungfish have a highly specialized
respiratory system. They have a distinct feature that their lungs are
connected to the larynx and pharynx without a trachea. While other species
of fish can breathe air using modified, vascularized gas bladders, these
bladders are usually simple sacs, devoid of complex internal structure. In
contrast, the lungs of lungfish are subdivided into numerous smaller air
sacs, maximizing the surface area available for gas exchange.
Large Genome Size Could Promote Speciation. A small genome can cause
faster adaptation and species divergence in
small-genome clades.
Speciation is the formation of new and distinct species in the course
of evolution.
Why do species vary in their rate of molecular evolution?
99 percent of species who ever lived have become extinct. Of the 7.7
million species of animals that exist today, most are still around because
they have adapted to a changing planet. Yet there a few who have stuck
around for tens of millions of years with
apparent need to alter their form. One of the strangest things
about the platypus is that its body has barely changed over the past 150
million years, when its line diverged from all other mammals. It seems
that evolution blessed it enough in its early form that there was little
need to change. A major reason why certain animals have
survived with the same basic body plan is
that they are really broadly dispersed geographically. Even if a group in
one part of the world dies out because it can’t adapt to an altered
environment, competitors, or predation, its closely related members in
other parts of the globe can still go on.
Genome Evolution is the process by which a genome changes in structure
(sequence) or size over time.
Genetic variation gives mussels a chance to adapt to climate change.
Existing genetic variation in natural populations of Mediterranean mussels
allows them to
adapt to declining pH levels in seawater caused by carbon
emissions. Biologists show that mussels raised in a low pH experimental
environment grew smaller shells than those grown at normal pH levels, but
the overall survival rate of mussels grown under both conditions was the
Variation is the difference in DNA among individuals. There are
multiple sources of genetic variation, including mutation and genetic
Evidence that selection may also occur at the level of the epigenome
-- a term that refers to an assortment of chemical 'annotations' to the
genome that determine whether, when and to what extent genes are activated
-- and has done so for tens of millions of years.
Octopuses may link evolution of complex life to genetic 'dark matter'.
Findings suggest role of
microRNAs in advanced
brain development, including in humans. Researchers reported that
octopuses are the first known invertebrates to show an increase over
evolutionary time in microRNAs, which are gene-regulating molecules linked
to the development of advanced cells and cognition in humans, mammals and
other vertebrates. When combined with the known intelligence of octopuses,
the findings provide crucial support for the theory that
microRNAs are key to the evolution of
intelligent life.
Scanning system in sperm may control rate of human evolution. Maturing
sperm cells turn on
most of their genes, not to follow their genetic instructions like normal,
but instead to repair DNA before passing it to the next generation, a new
study finds.
First animals to make
skeletons. The
Namacalathus is one of the oldest-known examples in the fossil record
of a creature that built a skeleton. The animal was the shape of a goblet
on a stalk and may be part of the larger group that includes molluscs.
Paleontologists have discovered the oldest animal with a skeleton. Called
Coronacollina acula, the organism is between 560 million and 550
million years old. The finding provides insight into the evolution of life
on the planet, why animals go extinct, and how organisms respond to
environmental changes.
How new species arise in the sea. How can a species split into several
new species if they still live close to each other and are able to
Climbing Gourami possess a
labyrinth organ, a structure in the
head which allows it to breathe atmospheric oxygen. Fish of this
family are commonly seen gulping at air at the surface of the water. The
air is held in a structure called the suprabranchial chamber, where oxygen
diffuses into the bloodstream via the respiratory epithelium covering the
labyrinth organ. This therefore allows the fish to move small distances
across land.
Anabas Testudineus species that can live without water for 6-10 days.
"My theory of evolution was that Darwin was adopted." -
Steven Wright.
Cause and
Effect -
Pyramid of
Complexity -
Exploring the origins of life. A new model helps to understand the
self-organization of molecules into
living structures.
Catalytic molecules can form metabolically active clusters by creating
and following concentration gradients -- this is the result of a new
study. Their model predicts the self-organization of molecules involved in
metabolic pathways, adding a possible new mechanism to the theory of the
origin of life. The results can help to better understand how molecules
participating in complex biological networks can form dynamic functional
structures, and provide a platform for experiments on the origins of life,
intelligent design.
Metamorphosis is the
process of
transformation from an
immature form to an
adult form in two or more
stages in an insect or amphibian. A
of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different
one, by natural or supernatural means. Metamorphosis is a striking
change in
character or circumstances or a complete
change of
physical form or substance. Metamorphosis is a
biological process by which
an animal
physically develops
after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt
change in the animal's body structure through
cell growth
and differentiation. Metamorphosis is the marked and rapid
transformation of a larva
into an adult that occurs in some animals. Some insects, fishes, amphibians, mollusks,
crustaceans, cnidarians, echinoderms, and tunicates undergo metamorphosis,
which is often accompanied by a change of nutrition source or behavior.
Animals can be divided into species that undergo complete metamorphosis ("holometaboly"),
incomplete metamorphosis ("hemimetaboly"), or no metamorphosis ("ametaboly").
Scientific usage of the term is technically precise, and it is not applied
to general aspects of cell growth, including rapid growth spurts.
References to "metamorphosis" in mammals are imprecise and only
colloquial, but historically idealist ideas of transformation and
monadology, as in Goethe's Metamorphosis of Plants, have influenced the
development of ideas of evolution.
Resurrection Plant -
Hibernation -
Regenerate -
Stem Cells
Metamorphose is an insect or amphibian that undergoes
metamorphosis, especially into the adult form.
is the biological process that causes an
organism to develop its shape. It is one of three fundamental aspects of
developmental biology along with the control of cell growth and cellular
differentiation, unified in evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo).
( "beginning of the shape")
Biological Development
Morphogenesis is
the biological process that causes a cell, tissue or organism to
develop its shape. It is one of three
fundamental aspects of developmental biology along with the control of
tissue growth and patterning of cellular
differentiation. Morphogenesis is often defined as the biological
process through which cells, tissues and organisms
acquire dimension and form. Morphogenesis, the shaping of an
organism by embryological processes of differentiation of cells, tissues,
and organs and the development of organ systems according to the
genetic blueprint of the potential organism
and environmental conditions.
Morphoceuticals are a new class of interventions that target the
setpoints of anatomical homeostasis for efficient, modular control of
growth and form.
Characteristics - Traits
Phenotype is the
composite of an
organism's observable characteristics or traits, such as
its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties,
phenology, behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird's nest). A
phenotype results from the
expression of an organism's genes as well as
the influence of environmental factors and the interactions between the
two. When two or more clearly different phenotypes exist in the same
population of a species, the species is called
polymorph, which the occurrence of two or more clearly different
morphs or
forms, also referred to as alternative
phenotypes, in the population of a species.
Characteristic is a prominent attribute or
aspect of something that is typical of a particular person, place, or
thing. A distinguishing quality or a feature or quality belonging
typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it.
Trait is a distinguishing feature of your
personal nature, or a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically
one belonging to a person.
Phenotypic Trait
is a distinct variant of a phenotypic characteristic of an organism; it
may be either
inherited or
determined environmentally,
but typically occurs as a combination of the two. For example,
eye color is a character of an
organism, while blue, brown and hazel are traits.
Trait Theory.
Pedigree Chart is a
that shows the occurrence and appearance or phenotypes of a particular
gene or organism and its
ancestors from one generation to the next, most commonly humans, show
dogs, and race horses.
Tree of Life -
Biology Order -
is the basic unit of
classification and a taxonomic rank of an
as well as a unit of biodiversity. A species is often defined as the
largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate
sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual
reproduction. Other ways of defining species include their karyotype, DNA
sequence, morphology, behaviour or ecological niche. In addition,
paleontologists use the concept of the chronospecies since fossil
reproduction cannot be examined. The total number of species is estimated
to be between 8 and 8.7 million. However the vast majority of them are not
studied or documented and it may take over 1000 years to fully catalogue
them all. All species (except viruses) are given a two-part name, a
"binomial". The first part of a binomial is the genus to which the species
belongs. The second part is called the specific name or the specific
epithet (in botanical nomenclature, also sometimes in zoological
nomenclature). For example, Boa constrictor is one of four species of the
genus Boa.
is the part (
DNA sequence) of the genetic makeup of a cell, and therefore
of an organism or individual, which determines a specific characteristic
(phenotype) of that cell/organism/individual. Genotype is one of three
factors that determine phenotype, the other two being
inherited epigenetic
factors, and non-inherited environmental factors.
Pool is the set of all genes, or genetic information, in any
population, usually of a
particular species.
Genetic Drift is
the change in the frequency of an existing gene variant (allele) in a
population due to
sampling of organisms. The alleles in the offspring are a sample of those
in the parents, and chance has a role in determining whether a given
individual survives and reproduces. A population's allele frequency is the
fraction of the copies of one gene that share a particular form. Genetic
drift may cause gene variants to disappear completely and thereby reduce
genetic variation.
Living Fossil.
Gene Flow is the
transfer of genetic variation from one
population to another. If the
rate of gene flow is high enough, then two populations are considered to
have equivalent genetic diversity and therefore effectively a single
population. It has been shown that it takes only "
migrant per generation" to prevent population diverging due to drift.
Gene flow is an important mechanism for transferring genetic diversity
among populations. Migrants into or out of a population may result in a
change in allele frequencies (the proportion of members carrying a
particular variant of a gene), changing the distribution of genetic
diversity within the populations.
may also result in the addition of new genetic variants to the established
gene pool of a particular species or population. High rates of gene flow
can reduce the genetic differentiation between the two groups, increasing
homogeneity. For this reason, gene flow has been thought to constrain
speciation by combining the gene pools of the groups, and thus, preventing
the development of differences in genetic variation that would have led to
full speciation.
Variation means that biological systems – individuals and populations
– are different over space. Each gene pool includes various alleles of
genes. The variation occurs both within and among populations, supported
by individual carriers of the variant genes.
Selfish Genes or
Parasitic DNA are
genetic segments that can
enhance their own
transmission at the expense of other genes in the genome, even if
this has no or a negative effect on organismal fitness. Genomes have
traditionally been viewed as cohesive units, with genes acting together to
improve the fitness of the organism. However, when
genes have some control over their own transmission, the rules can
change, and so just like all social groups, genomes are vulnerable to
selfish behavior by their parts. Early observations of
genetic elements were made almost a century ago, but the topic did not
get widespread attention until several decades later. Selfish genetic
elements are also known as ultra-selfish genes, selfish DNA, or genomic
outlaws. Both papers emphasized that genes can spread in a population
regardless of their effect on organismal fitness as long as they have a
transmission advantage.
Selfish genetic elements have now been described in most groups of
organisms, and they demonstrate a remarkable diversity in the ways by
which they promote their own transmission. Parasitic DNA is a catchy
description of genetic snippets known to scientists as transposons.
Transposons are short sections of DNA that repeatedly replicate and
insert themselves into new DNA sites or
change its
position within a genome. The term “transpose” is known from music
and means writing or playing a piece of music in a different key.
Allele is a variant
form of a given gene. Sometimes, different alleles can result in different
observable phenotypic traits, such as different pigmentation. A good
example of this trait of color variation is the work Gregor Mendel did
with the white and purple flower colors in pea plants; discovering that
each color was the result of a “pure line” trait which could be used as a
control for future experiments. However, most genetic variations result in
little or no observable variation.
Allele Frequency
is the relative frequency of an allele (variant of a gene) at a particular
locus in a population, expressed as a fraction or percentage.
Specifically, it is the fraction of all chromosomes in the population that
carry that allele.
Microevolution is the change in
allele frequencies that occurs over time within a population.
Taxonomy in biology is the science of
defining and
naming groups of biological organisms on the basis of shared
characteristics. Organisms are grouped together into taxa (singular:
taxon) and these groups are given a taxonomic rank; groups of a given rank
can be aggregated to form a super group of higher rank, thus creating a
taxonomic hierarchy. The Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus is regarded as the
father of taxonomy, as he developed a system known as
Linnaean classification for categorization of
organisms and binomial
nomenclature for naming organisms. With the advent of such fields of study
as phylogenetics, cladistics, and systematics, the Linnaean system has
progressed to a system of modern biological classification based on the
evolutionary relationships between organisms, both living and extinct.
Taxon is a group of one
or more populations of an organism or organisms seen by taxonomists to
form a unit.
are cultivated varieties or cultivars of an animal species, achieved
through the process of selective breeding. When the lineage of a purebred
animal is recorded, that animal is said to be pedigreed.
Bloodline are the
descendants of one
Ancestry of a
purebred animal.
Genetic Genealogy is the use of
DNA testing in combination with
traditional genealogy and traditional genealogical and historical records
to infer relationships between individuals. Genetic genealogy involves the
use of genealogical DNA testing to determine the level and type of the
genetic relationship between individuals.
Phylogenetics is the study of the evolutionary history and
relationships among individuals or groups of organisms.
Genealogy also known as
family history, is the study of
families and the tracing of their
and history.
Lineage in
anthropology is a unilineal descent group that can
demonstrate their common descent from a known apical ancestor. Unilineal
lineages can be matrilineal or patrilineal, depending on whether they are
traced through mothers or fathers, respectively. Whether matrilineal or
patrilineal descent is considered most significant differs from
culture to culture.
Lineage in evolution is a series of
organisms, populations, cells, or
genes connected by a continuous line of descent from ancestor to
descendent. Lineages are subsets of the evolutionary tree of life.
Lineages are often determined by the techniques of molecular systematics.
Lineage in
genetics is a series of
mutations which connect an ancestral
genetic type (allele, haplotype, or haplogroup) to derivative type.
Lineage includes the data's origins, what happens to it and where it
moves over time.
Race in biology is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below
the level of subspecies. It has been used as a higher rank than strain,
with several strains making up one race. Various definitions exist.
may be genetically distinct phenotypic populations of
individuals within the same species, or they may be defined in other ways,
e.g. geographically, or physiologically. Genetic isolation between races
is not complete, but
genetic differences may have accumulated that are not
(yet) sufficient to separate species.
Tree of
Foundation Stock or foundation stock are animals that are the
progenitors, or foundation, of a new breed (or crossbreed or hybrid), or
of a given bloodline within such. Although usually applied to individual
animals, a group of animals may be referred to collectively as foundation
bloodstock when one distinct population (such a breed or a breed group)
provides part of the underlying genetic base for a new distinct
Exaptation describes a shift in the function of a trait during
evolution. For example, a trait can evolve because it served one
particular function, but subsequently it may come to serve another.
Exaptations are common in both anatomy and behaviour. Bird feathers are a
classic example: initially they may have evolved for temperature
regulation, but later were adapted for flight. Interest in exaptation
relates to both the process and products of evolution: the process that
creates complex traits and the products (functions, anatomical structures,
biochemicals, etc.) that may be imperfectly developed
Co-option in biology refers to the capacity of intracellular parasites
to use host-cell proteins to complete their vital cycle. Viruses use this
mechanism, as their genome is small. It is also used in a different sense
to refer to characters that have been exapted.
Teleology is the philosophical study of nature by attempting to
describe things in terms of their apparent purpose, directive principle,
or goal. A purpose that is imposed by a human use, such as that of a fork,
is called extrinsic. Natural teleology, common in classical philosophy but
controversial today, contends that natural entities also have intrinsic
purposes, irrespective of human use or opinion. For instance, Aristotle
claimed that an acorn's intrinsic telos is to become a fully grown oak
is the use of scientific methods to evaluate anomalies (phenomena that
fall outside of current understanding), with the aim of finding a rational
Evolutionary Psychology is a theoretical approach in the social and
natural sciences that examines psychological structure from a modern
evolutionary perspective. It seeks to identify which human psychological
traits are evolved adaptations – that is, the functional products of
natural selection or sexual selection in human evolution. Adaptationist
thinking about physiological mechanisms, such as the heart, lungs, and
immune system, is common in evolutionary biology. Some evolutionary
psychologists apply the same thinking to psychology, arguing that the
modularity of mind is similar to that of the body and with different
modular adaptations serving different functions. Evolutionary
psychologists argue that much of human behavior is the output of
psychological adaptations that evolved to solve recurrent problems in
human ancestral environments.
Timeline of
the Universe and Earth
Homo Futurus -The
Inside Story (youtube - 54 mins.)
Sphenoid Bone is an unpaired bone of the neurocranium. It is situated
in the middle of the skull towards the front, in front of the temporal
bone and the basilar part of the occipital bone. The sphenoid bone is one
of the seven bones that articulate to form the orbit. Its shape somewhat
resembles that of a butterfly or bat with its wings extended.
Regulator Gene is a gene involved in controlling the expression of one
or more other genes. Regulatory sequences, which encode regulatory genes,
are often 5' to the start site of transcription of the gene they regulate.
In addition , these sequences can also be found 3' to the transcription
start site. In both cases, whether the regulatory sequence occurs before
(5') or after (3') the gene it regulates, the sequence is often many
kilobases away from the transcription start site. A regulator gene may
encode a protein, or it may work at the level of RNA, as in the case of
genes encoding microRNAs. An example of a regulator gene is a gene that
codes for a repressor protein that inhibits the activity of an operator
gene (a gene which binds repressor proteins thus inhibiting the
translation of RNA to protein via
RNA polymerase).
Mutations - Alterations
Mutation is the permanent
alteration of the nucleotide
sequence of the
genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or
other genetic elements. Mutations result from
errors during
replication or other types of
damage to DNA, which then may undergo
error-prone repair (especially microhomology-mediated end joining), or
cause an error during other forms of repair, or else may cause an
during replication (translesion synthesis). Mutations may also result
from insertion or deletion of segments of DNA due to mobile genetic
elements. Mutations may or may not produce
changes in the
observable characteristics (
phenotype) of an organism. Mutations play a
part in both
normal and
abnormal biological processes including:
evolution, cancer, and the development of the immune system, including junctional
Mutation in
biology is an
organism that has
characteristics resulting from chromosomal
Mutation in genetics is any event that
changes genetic structure, or any
alteration in the
inherited nucleic acid
sequence of the genotype of an organism.
Mutant is an
organism that has characteristics resulting from
chromosomal alteration, or an event that occurs when something passes from
one state or phase to another. The act of revising or altering involving
reconsideration and modification. A change or alteration in form or
qualities. An animal that has undergone a mutation. Tending to undergo or
resulting from mutation. Mutant in genetics is any event that
changes genetic structure; or any alteration in the inherited nucleic acid
sequence of the genotype of an organism.
Mutagenic is something capable of inducing mutation.
Variables -
Consistency -
Chaos Theory -
Random -
Non-Conformist -
DNA Repair -
Junk DNA
Mutagen is any agent physical or
environmental that can induce a genetic mutation or can increase the rate
of mutation.
is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually
DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above
the natural background level. As many mutations can cause cancer, mutagens
are therefore also likely to be carcinogens, although not always
necessarily so. All mutagens have characteristic mutational signatures
with some chemicals becoming mutagenic through cellular processes. Not all
mutations are caused by mutagens: so-called "spontaneous mutations" occur
due to spontaneous hydrolysis, errors in DNA replication, repair and
Mutagenesis is a process by which the genetic information of an
organism is changed, resulting in a mutation. It may occur spontaneously
in nature, or as a result of exposure to mutagens. It can also be achieved
experimentally using laboratory procedures. In nature mutagenesis can lead
to cancer and various heritable diseases, but it is also a driving force
Reversions are genetic alterations
reverse the effect of mutations. Some revertants are due to
compensatory changes in genes different from the one with the original
mutation. Reversion occurs when the effects of one mutation are
counteracted by a second mutation. Reversion refers specifically to
phenotype. Some mutations that occur in somatic cells (nonreproductive
cells) can be reversed by the cell's repair mechanisms, but mutations that
occur in germline cells (reproductive cells) can be passed on to future
generations and cannot be reversed.
DNA repair machines are constantly at work in our cells, fixing
mismatched nucleotides and splicing broken DNA strands back together. Yet
some DNA changes remain. Mutation is a process that can cause a permanent
change in a DNA sequence. Changes to a gene's DNA sequence, called
mutations, can change the amino acid sequence of the protein it codes
for—but they don't always. A point mutation is a change to single DNA
letter. With gene editing, researchers can disable target genes, correct
harmful mutations, and change the activity of specific genes in plants and
animals, including humans.
Some mutations that occur in somatic
cells or nonreproductive cells can be
reversed by the cell's repair
mechanisms, but mutations that occur in germline cells or reproductive
cells can be passed on to future generations and
cannot be reversed. A mutation cannot be recognized by enzymes once
the base change is present in both DNA strands, and thus a mutation cannot
be repaired.
Most Random Genetic Mutations neither benefit nor harm an organism.
They accumulate at a steady rate that reflects the amount of time that has
passed since two living species had a common ancestor. In contrast, an
acceleration in that rate in a particular part of the genome can reflect a
positive selection for a mutation that
helps an organism
to survive and reproduce, which makes the mutation more likely to be
passed on to future generations. Gene regulatory elements are often only a
few nucleotides long, which makes estimating their acceleration rate
particularly difficult from a statistical point of view. Why are mutations thought to be part of the evolutionary process?
A mutation is an embedded option to modify an organism when
adaptation is needed.
Something's happen for a
reason, and not everything is
Though mutations are also
mistakes and
accidents, we can now correct these mistakes using
Genetic mosaicism more common than thought. Blood stem cells from
healthy people carry major chromosomal alterations, suggesting we are all
genetic mosaics. Researchers found that approximately one in 40 human
bone marrow cells carry massive chromosomal alterations without causing
any apparent disease or abnormality. Even so-called normal cells carry all
sorts of genetic mutations, meaning there are more genetic differences
between individual cells in our bodies than between different human
beings. The discovery was enabled by a single-cell sequencing technology
called Strand-seq, a unique DNA sequencing technique that can reveal
subtle details of genomes in single cells that are too difficult to detect
with other methods.
Genetic Element are genetic segments that can enhance their own
transmission at the expense of other genes in the genome, even if this has
no positive or a net negative effect on organismal fitness. Selfish
genetic elements are also referred to as selfish genes, ultra-selfish
genes, selfish DNA,
parasitic DNA and
genomic outlaws.
DNA Mutations are Not Random. Study challenges evolutionary theory.
Mutations occur when DNA is damaged and left unrepaired, creating a new
variation. The scientists wanted to know if mutation was purely random or
something deeper. What they found was unexpected. Knowing why some regions
of the genome mutate more than others could help breeders who rely on
genetic variation to develop better crops. Scientists could also use the
information to better predict or develop new treatments for diseases like
cancer that are caused by mutation. Findings could also lead to advances
in plant breeding and human genetics.
Flip-Flop Genome. Researchers found that inversions in the human
genome form more commonly than previously thought, which impacts our
understanding of certain genetic diseases. The term ‘inversion’ describes
a piece of DNA
flipping its orientation in
the genome. Inversions are poorly understood because they are more
difficult to analyze than other types of mutations.
Element or
Jumping Gene is a DNA
sequence that
can change its position within a
genome, sometimes creating or
mutations and altering the cell's genetic identity and genome size.
Transposition often results in duplication of the same genetic material.
Transposable elements make up a large fraction of the genome and are
responsible for much of the mass of DNA in a eukaryotic cell. Although TEs
are selfish genetic elements, many are important in genome function and
evolution. Transposons are also very useful to researchers as a means to
alter DNA inside a living organism. There are at least two classes of TEs:
Class I TEs or retrotransposons generally function via reverse
transcription, while Class II TEs or DNA transposons encode the protein
transposase, which they require for insertion and excision, and some of
these TEs also encode other proteins.
Transposable Element or
Jumping Gene is
a DNA sequence that can change its position within a genome, sometimes
creating or reversing mutations and altering the cell's genetic identity
and genome size. Transposition often results in duplication of the same
genetic material.
Chromosomal Inversion is a chromosome rearrangement in which a segment
of a chromosome is
reversed end-to-end. An
inversion occurs when a single chromosome undergoes breakage and
rearrangement within itself. Inversions are of two types: paracentric and
Somatic Mutations are
not inherited by
an organism's offspring because they do not affect the germline.
Somatic Mutation is a change in the genetic structure that is not
inherited from a parent, and also not passed to offspring. Somatic
mutation is change in the DNA sequence of a somatic cell of a
multicellular organism with dedicated reproductive cells; that is, any
mutation that occurs in a cell other than a gamete, germ cell, or
gametocyte. Unlike
mutations, which can be passed on to the descendants of an organism,
somatic mutations are not usually transmitted to descendants. This
distinction is blurred in plants, which lack a dedicated germline, and in
those animals that can reproduce asexually through mechanisms such as
budding, as in members of the cnidarian genus Hydra. While somatic
mutations are not passed down to an organism's offspring, somatic
mutations will be present in all descendants of a cell within the same
organism. Many cancers are the result of accumulated somatic mutations.
Epigenetics -
Genetic Disorder -
Cell Division
Rate is a measure of the rate at which various types of
mutations occur over time. Mutation rates are typically given for a
specific class of mutation, for instance point mutations, small or large
scale insertions or deletions. The rate of substitutions can be further
subdivided into a mutation spectrum which describes the influence of
genetic context on the mutation rate.
Point Accepted Mutation is the replacement of a single amino
acid in the primary structure of a protein with another single amino acid,
which is accepted by the processes of natural selection.
Mutation is a genetic mutation where a single nucleotide base is
changed, inserted or deleted from a DNA or RNA sequence of an organism's
genome. Point mutations have a variety of effects on the downstream
protein product—consequences that are moderately predictable based upon
the specifics of the mutation. These consequences can range from no effect
(e.g. synonymous mutations) to deleterious effects (e.g. frameshift
mutations), with regard to protein production, composition, and function.
Nature Specials - Mutation - The Science of Survival (youtube)
The Longest-Running Evolution Experiment (youtube)
Directed Evolution is a method used in protein engineering that mimics
the process of
natural selection to steer proteins
or nucleic acids toward a
user-defined goal. It consists of subjecting a
gene to iterative rounds of mutagenesis (creating a library of variants),
selection (expressing those variants and isolating members with the
desired function) and amplification (generating a template for the next
round). It can be performed in vivo (in living organisms), or
in vitro (in cells or free in solution). Directed
evolution is used both for protein engineering as an alternative to
rationally designing modified proteins, as well as for experimental
evolution studies of fundamental evolutionary principles in a controlled,
laboratory environment.
Selectively Advantageous Instability is a concept that suggests that a
certain level of
in biological components, such as proteins and genetic material,
can actually be beneficial to cells.
Genetic Mutations that promote reproduction tend to shorten human lifespan,
study shows.
Antagonistic pleiotropy theory of aging, remains the
prevailing evolutionary explanation of senescence, the process of becoming
old or aging. While the theory is supported by individual case studies, it
has lacked unambiguous genome-wide evidence.
Gain-of-Function Research is medical research that
genetically alters an organism
in a way that may
enhance the
biological functions of gene products. This may include an altered
pathogenesis, transmissibility, or host range, i.e. the types of hosts
that a microorganism can infect. This research is intended to reveal
targets to better
predict emerging
infectious diseases and to develop vaccines and therapeutics. For
example, influenza B can infect only humans and harbor seals. Introducing
a mutation that would allow influenza B to infect rabbits in a controlled
laboratory situation would be considered a gain-of-function experiment, as
the virus did not previously have that function. That type of experiment
could then help reveal which parts of the virus's genome correspond to the
species that it can infect, enabling the creation of antiviral medicines
which block this function. In virology, gain-of-function research is
usually employed with the intention of better understanding current and
future pandemics. In vaccine development, gain-of-function research is
conducted in the hope of gaining a head start on a virus and being able to
develop a vaccine or therapeutic before it emerges. The term "gain of
function" is sometimes applied more narrowly to refer to "research which
could enable a pandemic-potential pathogen to replicate more quickly or
cause more harm in humans or other closely-related mammals.
Using deep learning to predict disease-associated mutations.
Plants' ingenious defense against mutational damage. How do plants
deal with mutations in their 'power stations'? By exploiting randomness to
create diversity, say researchers. Humans wouldn't last long without plant
mitochondria and
These essential compartments of plant cells famously capture sunlight and
power plant life -- and so, ultimately, provide all the food we eat. But
there's a problem:
Mitochondria and
chloroplasts store instructions for their building blocks in their own
"organelle" DNA or
oDNA -- and this can get mutated. You can see mild effects of this in
some "variegated" plants -- where leaves get bleached and lose the ability
photosynthesise. Pretty in
your garden, but no good for crops. If a plant inherits some amount of
mutation from its mother, and passes the same amount of mutation on to
each of its offspring, mutations will inevitably build up over generations
and the plant's descendants will die off. Instead, plants spread out the
damage they inherit, so that while some offspring unfortunately inherit
lots of mutations, others inherit far fewer. This process -- which also
happens in animals (including humans) -- is called segregation. And it
relies on the plant generating random differences between its offspring.
The segregation process is known to be very fast in humans, and has a big
effect on the inheritance of human genetic diseases. To understand the
segregation of
oDNA, the team generated plants which inherited high levels of
mutations, and tracked how these mutations were distributed through the
plant over time. They then used mathematical and statistical modelling to
translate these experimental observations into theory describing how the
plant was randomly spreading out its inherited damage. They found that a
combination of processes -- random distribution of oDNA when cells divide,
and random overwriting of some oDNA molecules with others -- could explain
all their observations of plant segregation over time and from mothers to
daughters. They also found some support for the idea that plants "set
aside" some cells early in their lives that will end up responsible for
producing the next generation -- an idea currently actively debated in
plant science.
New brain cell-like nanodevices work together to identify mutations in
viruses. These systems could potentially overcome computational
hurdles faced by current digital technologies. Scientists have described a
new nanodevice that acts almost identically to a brain cell. Furthermore,
they have shown that these synthetic brain cells can be joined together to
form intricate networks that can then solve problems in a brain-like
Quantum mechanics could explain why DNA can spontaneously mutate. The
molecules of life, DNA, replicate with astounding precision, yet this
process is not immune to mistakes and can lead to mutations. Using
sophisticated computer modeling, a team of physicists and chemist have
shown that such errors in copying can arise due to the strange rules of
the quantum world. The two strands of the famous
double helix are linked together by subatomic particles called protons
-?the nuclei of atoms of hydrogen -- which provide the glue that bonds
molecules called bases together. These so-called hydrogen bonds are like
the rungs of a twisted ladder that makes up the double helix structure
discovered in 1952 by James Watson and Francis Crick based on the work of
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins. Normally, these DNA bases (called
A, C, T and G) follow strict rules on how they bond together: A always
bonds to T and C always to G. This strict pairing is determined by the
molecules' shape, fitting them together like pieces in a jigsaw, but if
the nature of the hydrogen bonds changes slightly, this can cause the
pairing rule to break down, leading to the wrong bases being linked and
hence a mutation. Although predicted by Crick and Watson, it is only now
that sophisticated computational modeling has been able to quantify the
process accurately. The team, part of Surrey's research program in the
exciting new field of quantum biology, have shown that this modification
in the bonds between the DNA strands is far more prevalent than has
hitherto been thought. The protons can easily jump from their usual site
on one side of an energy barrier to land on the other side. If this
happens just before the two strands are unzipped in the first step of the
copying process, then the error can pass through the replication machinery
in the cell, leading to what is called a DNA mismatch and, potentially, a
mutation. But, most intriguingly, it is thanks to a well-known yet almost
magical quantum mechanism called tunnelling -- akin to a phantom passing
through a solid wall -- that they manage to get across. The protons in the
DNA can tunnel along the hydrogen bonds in DNA and modify the bases which
encode the genetic information. The modified bases are called "tautomers"
and can survive the
DNA cleavage and replication
processes, causing "transcription errors" or mutations.
The far-reaching effects of mutagens on human health. Mutagenic
threats to a cell's subtle machinery may be far more widespread than
previously appreciated. Scientists demonstrate that DNA mutation itself
may represent only a fraction the health-related havoc caused by mutagens.
The study highlights the ability of mutagenic compounds to also affect the
process of transcription, during which a DNA sequence is converted (or
transcribed) to mRNA, an intermediary stage preceding translation into
protein. Mutagens can inflict damage to the DNA, which can later snowball
when cells divide, and DNA replication multiplies these errors. Such
mutations, if not corrected through DNA proofreading mechanisms, can be
passed to subsequent generations and depending on the location at which
they appear along the human DNA strand's three billion letter code may
seriously impact health, in some cases, with lethal results. But even if
repaired prior to replication, transiently damaged DNA can also interfere
with transcription -- the process of producing RNA from a DNA sequence.
This can happen when RNA polymerase, an enzyme that moves along a single
strand of DNA, producing a complementary RNA strand, reads a mutated
sequence of DNA, causing an error in the resulting RNA transcript. Because
RNA transcripts are the templates for producing proteins, transcription
errors can produce aberrant proteins harmful to health or terminate
protein synthesis altogether. It is already known that even under the best
of conditions, transcript error rates are orders of magnitude higher than
those at the DNA level. While the existence of transcription errors has
long been recognized, their quantification has been challenging. The new
study describes a clever technique for ferreting out transcription errors
caused by mutagens and separating these from experimental artifacts --
mutations caused during library preparation of RNA transcripts through
processes of reverse-transcription and sequencing. The method described
involves the use of massively parallel sequencing technology to identify
only those errors in RNA sequence directly caused by the activity of a
mutagen. The results demonstrate that at least some mutagenic compounds
are potent sources of both genomic mutations and abundant transcription
errors. The circular sequencing assay outlined in the study creates
redundancies in the reverse-transcribed message, providing a means of
proofreading the resultant linear DNA. In this way, researchers can
confirm that the transcription errors observed are a result of the
mutagen's effects on transcription and not an artifact of sample
preparation. The DNA molecule has been shown to be particularly vulnerable
to a class of mutagens known as alkylating agents. One of these, known as
MNNG, was used to inflict transcriptional errors on the four study
organisms. The effects observed were dose-dependent, with higher levels of
mutagen causing a corresponding increase in transcriptional errors. Hidden
mistakes may be costly to health. Transcription errors differ from
mutations in the genome in at least one vital respect. While DNA
replication during cell division acts to amplify mutations to the genome,
transcription errors can accumulate in non-dividing cells, with a single
mutated DNA template giving rise to multiple abnormal RNA transcripts. The
full effects of these transcription errors on human health remain largely
speculative because they have not been amenable to study until now. Using
the new technique, researchers can mine the transcriptome -- the full
library of a living cell's RNA transcripts, searching for errors caused by
mutagens. While the new research offers hope for a more thorough
understanding of the relationship between various mutagens and human
health, it is also a cautionary tale. A preoccupation with mutational
defects in DNA sequence may have blinded science to the potential effects
of agents that result in transcription errors without leaving permanent
traces in the genome. This fact raises the possibility that a broad range
of environmental factors as well as chemicals and foods deemed safe for
human consumption are in need of careful reevaluation based on their
potential for producing transcriptional mutagenesis. Further,
transcriptional errors in both dividing and non-dividing cell types are
likely key players in the complex processes of physical aging and mental
Junk DNA - Silent Mutations
Mutation are
mutations in DNA that do not have an observable effect on
the organism's
phenotype. They are a specific
type of neutral mutation. The phrase
mutation is often used interchangeably with the phrase synonymous
mutation; however,
synonymous mutations are
not always silent, nor vice versa. Synonymous mutations can affect
transcription, splicing, mRNA transport, and translation, any of which
could alter phenotype, rendering the synonymous mutation non-silent. The
substrate specificity of the tRNA to the rare codon can affect the timing
of translation, and in turn the co-translational folding of the protein.
This is reflected in the codon usage bias that is observed in many
species. Mutations that cause the altered codon to produce an amino acid
with similar functionality (e.g. a mutation producing leucine instead of
isoleucine) are often classified as silent; if the properties of the amino
acid are conserved, this mutation does not usually significantly affect
protein function.
Gene Silencing -
Non-Coding DNA
Most 'silent' genetic mutations are harmful, not neutral.
Occasionally, single-letter misspellings in the genetic code, known as
point mutations, occur.
Point mutations that alter
the resulting protein sequences are called
nonsynonymous mutations, while those that do not alter protein
sequences are called silent or
synonymous mutations. Between one-quarter
and one-third of point mutations in protein-coding DNA sequences are
synonymous. Those mutations have generally been assumed to be neutral, or
nearly so. A new study involving the genetic manipulation of yeast cells
shows that most synonymous mutations are strongly harmful.
Pseudogene is a section of a chromosome that is an
imperfect copy of a
functional gene and are
nonfunctional segments
of DNA that resemble functional genes. Most arise as superfluous copies of
functional genes, either directly by gene duplication or indirectly by
reverse transcription of an mRNA transcript. Sometimes they are referred to as
zombie genes in the media, are
segments of DNA that are related to real genes. Pseudogenes have lost at
least some functionality, relative to the complete gene, in cellular gene
expression or protein-coding ability. Pseudogenes often result from the
accumulation of multiple mutations within a gene whose product is
required for the survival of the organism, but can also be caused by
genomic copy number variation (CNV) where segments of 1+ kb are duplicated
or deleted. Although not fully functional, pseudogenes may be functional,
similar to other kinds of noncoding DNA, which can perform regulatory
functions. The "pseudo" in "pseudogene" implies a variation in sequence
relative to the parent coding gene, but does not necessarily indicate
pseudo-function. Despite being non-coding, many pseudogenes have important
roles in normal physiology and abnormal pathology. Although some
pseudogenes do not have introns or promoters (such pseudogenes are copied
from messenger RNA and incorporated into the chromosome, and are called
"processed pseudogenes"), others have some gene-like features such as
promoters, CpG islands, and splice sites. They are different from normal
genes due to either a lack of protein-coding ability resulting from a
variety of disabling mutations (e.g. premature stop codons or frameshifts),
a lack of transcription, or their inability to encode RNA (such as with
ribosomal RNA pseudogenes). The term "pseudogene" was coined in 1977 by
Jacq et al. Because pseudogenes were initially thought of as the last stop
for genomic material that could be removed from the genome, they were
often labeled as
junk DNA. Nonetheless, pseudogenes contain biological and evolutionary
histories within their sequences. This is due to a pseudogene's shared
ancestry with a functional gene: in the same way that Darwin thought of
two species as possibly having a shared common ancestry followed by
millions of years of evolutionary divergence, a pseudogene and its
associated functional gene also share a common ancestor and have diverged
as separate genetic entities over millions of years.
Storing Information
in DNA.
Non-Coding DNA sequences are components of an organism's
DNA that do
not encode protein sequences. Some noncoding DNA is transcribed into
functional non-coding RNA molecules (e.g. transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA, and
regulatory RNAs). Other functions of noncoding DNA include the
transcriptional and translational regulation of protein-coding sequences,
scaffold attachment regions, origins of DNA replication, centromeres and
Spontaneous Gene Mutations -
Morphology in biology is the study of the form and structure of
organisms and their specific structural features.
Heredity -
DNA mutation is less frequent, less than 1%, where a
SNP Mutation is more frequent.
Models of DNA Evolution describes the rates at which one nucleotide
replaces another during
evolution. These models are
frequently used in molecular phylogenetic analyses. In particular, they
are used during the calculation of likelihood of a tree (in Bayesian
and maximum likelihood approaches to tree estimation) and they are used to
estimate the evolutionary distance between sequences from the observed
differences between the sequences.
A Mutational Timer is built into the Chemistry of DNA. DNA contains a
kind of built-in timer that clocks the frequency with which mutations
occur. They show that DNA bases can shape-shift for a thousandth of a
second, transiently morphing into alternative states that allow the
molecule's replication machinery to incorporate the wrong base pairs into
its double heli.
Threshold Expression is a phenomenon in which
phenotypic expression of
a mitochondrial disease within an organ system occurs when the severity of
the mutation, relative number of mutant mtDNA, and reliance of the organ
system on oxidative phosphorylation combine in such a way that ATP
production of the tissue falls below the level required by the tissue. The
phenotype may be expressed even if the percentage of mutant mtDNA is below
50% if the mutation is severe enough.
Error Threshold is a limit on the number of base pairs a
self-replicating molecule may have before mutation
will destroy the information in subsequent generations of the molecule.
The error threshold is crucial to understanding "Eigen's paradox". The
error threshold is
a concept in the origins of life (
in particular of very early life,
before the advent of
DNA. It is postulated that the first self-replicating molecules might
have been small ribozyme-like RNA molecules. These molecules consist of
strings of base pairs or "digits", and their order is a code that directs
how the molecule interacts with its environment. All replication is
subject to mutation error. During the replication process, each digit has
a certain probability of being replaced by some other digit, which changes
the way the molecule interacts with its environment, and may increase or
decrease its fitness, or ability to reproduce, in that environment.
Synonymous Substitution is the evolutionary
substitution of one base for another in an exon of a gene coding for a
protein, such that the produced amino acid sequence is not modified. This
is possible because the genetic code is "degenerate", meaning that some
amino acids are coded for by more than one three-base-pair codon; since
some of the codons for a given amino acid differ by just one base pair
from others coding for the same amino acid, a mutation that replaces the
"normal" base by one of the alternatives will result in incorporation of
the same amino acid into the growing polypeptide chain when the gene is
DNA is constantly subject to mutations and accidental changes
in its code. Mutations can lead to missing or malformed
proteins, and that can lead to disease.
Khan Academy: Different Types of Mutations (video) -
DNA: Point mutations, frame shift mutation.
Protein: Non-sense mutation,
missense mutation.
RNA: Conservative mutation, non-conservative mutation.
Irreducible Complexity
is the argument that certain biological systems cannot evolve by
successive small modifications to pre-existing functional systems through
natural selection.
Irreducible Complexity
Genetic Variation -
Drift -
Junctional Diversity describes the DNA sequence variations introduced
by the improper joining of gene segments during the process of V(D)J
recombination. This process of V(D)J recombination has vital roles for the
vertebrate immune system, as it is able to generate a huge repertoire of
different T-cell receptor (TCR) and immunoglobulin molecules required for
pathogen antigen recognition by T-cells and B cells, respectively. The
inaccuracies of joining provided by junctional diversity is estimated to
triple the diversity initially generated by these V(D)J recombinations.
Genetic Recombination is the production of offspring with combinations
of traits that differ from those found in either parent. In eukaryotes,
genetic recombination during meiosis can lead to a novel set of genetic
information that can be passed on from the parents to the offspring. Most
recombination is naturally occurring.
Bifurcation is the division of something into two branches or
parts. "You go that way and I will go this way".
Theory is the mathematical study of changes in the qualitative or
topological structure of a given family, such as the integral curves of a
family of vector fields, and the solutions of a family of differential
equations. Most commonly applied to the mathematical study of dynamical
systems, a bifurcation occurs when a small smooth change made to the
parameter values (the bifurcation parameters) of a system causes a sudden
'qualitative' or topological change in its behavior.
Viruses revealed to be a major driver of human evolution.
Study tracking
protein adaptation over millions of years yields insights
relevant to fighting today's
Atavism is an evolutionary throwback, such as traits
reappearing that had disappeared generations before. Atavisms can occur in
several ways. One way is when genes for previously existing phenotypical
features are preserved in DNA, and these become expressed through a
mutation that either knocks out the overriding genes for the new traits or
makes the old traits override the new one. A number of traits can vary as
a result of shortening of the fetal development of a trait (neoteny) or by
prolongation of the same. In such a case, a shift in the time a trait is
allowed to develop before it is fixed can bring forth an ancestral
Coccyx commonly referred to as the tailbone, is the final
segment of the vertebral column in humans and apes, and certain other
mammals such as horses. In animals with bony tails, it is known as
tailhead or dock, in bird anatomy as tailfan. It comprises three to five
separate or fused coccygeal vertebrae below the sacrum, attached to the
sacrum by a fibrocartilaginous joint, the sacrococcygeal symphysis, which
permits limited movement between the sacrum and the coccyx.
Human Vestigiality involves those traits (such as organs or
behaviors) occurring in humans that have lost all or most of their
original function through evolution. Although structures called vestigial
often appear functionless, a vestigial structure may retain lesser
functions or develop minor new ones. In some cases, structures once
identified as vestigial simply had an unrecognized function.
Chromosome 2 in Humans is one of the 23 pairs of
chromosomes in
humans. People normally have two copies of this chromosome. Chromosome 2
is the second-largest human chromosome, spanning more than 242 million
base pairs (the building material of DNA) and representing almost 8% of
the total DNA in human cells.
Tree of Life
Biological Anthropology is a scientific discipline concerned
with the biological and behavioral aspects of human beings, their related
non-human primates and their extinct hominin ancestors. It is a subfield
anthropology that provides
a biological perspective to the systematic study of human beings.
are animals with bilateral symmetry, i.e., they have a head
("anterior") and a tail ("posterior") as well as a back ("dorsal") and a
belly ("ventral"); therefore they also have a left side and a right side.
In contrast, radially symmetrical animals like jellyfish have a topside
and a downside, but no identifiable front or back.
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.
UC Museum of Paleontology - Understanding Evolution.
European Human
Behaviour and Evolution Association.
Two mutations in
a gene called
melanocortin 2 help to explain
why dogs are so
social to humans.
The MC2R gene provides instructions for
making a protein called adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) receptor. This
protein is found primarily in the adrenal glands, which are
hormone-producing glands located on top of each kidney. The
receptor is embedded in the membrane of cells where it attaches
(binds) to ACTH.
"Yes, humans are still animals, but humans have an amazing
we either use it or we
lose it, now that's evolution."
Human Evolution
Homo Sapiens
is the binomial nomenclature or known scientific name for the only human species
still in existence after
5.5 million years.
Human Body Knowledge
Evolution -
Ages -
Fossils -
Anatomically Modern Human is used to distinguish
anatomically modern
homo sapiens from archaic humans such as Neanderthals and Middle and Lower
Paleolithic hominins with transitional features intermediate between H.
erectus, Neanderthals and early AMH called archaic homo sapiens.
Extant is something still in
existence and
not yet extinct, or
destroyed or lost.
Homo Erectus
upright man is still in existence species of hominid that
lived throughout most of the
Pleistocene geological epoch for
the last 200,000 years.
These bones were made for walking. The genetic changes that made it
possible for humans to walk upright have been uncovered in a study that
also shows how slight variations in skeletal proportions are linked to
arthritis. Perhaps the most profound advance in primate evolution occurred
about 6 million years ago when our ancestors started walking on two legs.
Human are the only extant members of Hominina clade or
human clade, a branch of the taxonomical tribe Hominini
belonging to the family of great apes, or just sharing some of
the same genes as apes and other living things.
Humans have Genes that will help them to Evolve during Interstellar Space
Travel -
Three million years ago, our ancestors were vegetarian. Nitrogen
isotopes in tooth enamel show no evidence of meat consumption in
Australopithecus. Human ancestors like Australopithecus -- which lived
3.5 million years ago in southern Africa
-- ate very little to no meat, according to new research. This conclusion
comes from an analysis of
isotopes in the fossilized tooth enamel of seven Australopithecus
individuals. The data revealed that these early hominins primarily relied
plant-based diets, with little
to no evidence of meat consumption.
2 Million Years Ago, early Humans were established and
had split into at least 2 Species:
Homo Habilis is a species of the tribe Hominini, during the
Gelasian and early Calabrian stages of the Pleistocene period, which lived
between roughly 2.1 and 1.5 million years ago.
Homo Rudolfensis
is an extinct species of the Hominini tribe known only through a
handful of representative fossils, the first of which was discovered by
Bernard Ngeneo, a member of a team led by anthropologist Richard Leakey
and zoologist Meave Leakey in 1972, at Koobi Fora on the east side of Lake
Rudolf (now Lake Turkana) in Kenya.
Scientists find 1.5-million-year-old footprints of two different species
of human ancestors at same spot. More than a million years ago, on a
hot savannah teeming with wildlife near the shore of what would someday
become Lake Turkana in Kenya, two completely different species of hominins
may have passed each other as they scavenged for food. Scientists know
this because they have examined 1.5-million-year-old fossils they
unearthed and have concluded they represent the first example of two sets
of hominin footprints made about the same time on an ancient lake shore.
The discovery will provide more insight into human evolution and how
species cooperated and competed with one another, the scientists said.
Homo sapiens likely arose from multiple closely related populations.
The model suggests the earliest population split among early humans that
is detectable in contemporary populations occurred
120,000 to 135,000 years ago, after two or more weakly genetically
differentiated Homo populations had been mixing for hundreds of thousands
of years. After the population split, people still migrated between the
stem populations, creating a weakly structured stem. This offers a better
explanation of genetic variation among individual humans and human groups
than do previous models, the authors suggest.
Key role of ice age cycles in early human interbreeding. Recent
paleogenomic research revealed that interbreeding was common among early
human species. However, little was known about when, where, and how often
this hominin interbreeding took place. Using
paleoanthropological evidence,
genetic data, and supercomputer simulations of past climate, a team of
international researchers has found that interglacial climates and
corresponding shifts in vegetation created common habitats for
Neanderthals and Denisovans, increasing their chances for interbreeding
and gene flow in parts of Europe and central Asia.
Past changes in atmospheric CO2 and corresponding shifts in climate and
vegetation played a key role in determining when and where early human
species interbred. Denny, who lived 90,000 years ago and who was
identified as a daughter to a Denisovan father and a Neanderthal mother.
To unravel when and where human hybridization took place, scientists
usually rely on paleo-genomic analysis of extremely rare fossil specimens
and their even scarcer ancient DNA content.
for learning and memory are 650 million years old. Scientists have
discovered that the genes required for learning, memory, aggression and
other complex behaviors originated around
650 million years ago. The
Nervous System first arose in wormlike organisms about 550 to 600
million years ago.
Gene expression in the human brain: cell types become more
specialized, not just more numerous. Our brain is arguably the organ that
most distinguishes humans from other primates. Its exceptional size,
complexity and capabilities far exceed those of any other species on
Earth. Yet humans share upwards of 95% of our genome with chimpanzees, our
closest living relatives.
New archive of ancient human brains challenges misconceptions of soft
tissue preservation. A new study has challenged previously held views
that brain preservation in the archaeological record is extremely rare.
The team compiled a new archive of preserved human brains, which
highlighted that nervous tissues actually persist in much greater
abundances than traditionally thought, assisted by conditions that prevent
Tiny sea creatures reveal the ancient origins of neurons. Our
brain cell components were
forming in shallow seas around
million years ago. Tiny sea creatures the size of a grain of sand,
have many similarities to the neuron, such as the genes required to create
a partial synapse.
Jellyfish, with no central brain, shown to
learn from past
experience. The researchers then sought to identify the
underlying process of
associative learning by isolating the animal's visual
sensory centers
called rhopalia.
for Intelligence -
Behavioral Modernity is a suite of behavioral and cognitive traits
that distinguishes current Homo sapiens from other anatomically modern
humans, hominins, and primates. Most scholars agree that modern human
behavior can be characterized by abstract thinking, planning depth,
symbolic behavior (e.g., art, ornamentation), music and dance,
exploitation of large game, and blade technology, among others. Underlying
these behaviors and technological innovations are cognitive and cultural
foundations that have been documented experimentally and ethnographically
by evolutionary and cultural anthropologists. These human universal
patterns include cumulative cultural adaptation, social norms, language,
and extensive help and cooperation beyond close kin.
Evolution of Human Intelligence is closely tied to the evolution of
human brain and to the origin of
language. The timeline of human
evolution spans approximately
seven million years, from the separation of
the genus Pan until the emergence of behavioral modernity by
50,000 years ago. The first
three million years of this timeline concern Sahelanthropus, the following
two million concern Australopithecus and the final two million span the
history of the genus Homo in the Paleolithic era.
Great Leap Forward in human evolution
probably happened around
to 50,000 years ago. This was the period in human evolution marked by
jumps in technology like the development of the spear, bow, and arrow that
were used both for defense and for procuring food.
Neanderthals are the closest relatives in the Homo genus,
they thrived for hundreds of thousands of years, only to
die out
about 40,000 years ago. "The theory is that no one wanted to marry a
Neanderthal, so they went extinct."
Neanderthal ancestry identifies oldest modern human genome. The fossil
skull of a woman in Czechia has provided the oldest modern human genome
yet reconstructed, representing a population that formed before the
ancestors of present-day Europeans and Asians split apart. Archaeological
data published last year furthermore suggests that modern humans were
already present in southeastern Europe 47-43,000 years ago, but due to a
scarcity of fairly complete human fossils and the lack of genomic DNA,
there is little understanding of who these early human colonists were --
or of their relationships to ancient and present-day human groups.
Lingering effects of Neanderthal DNA found in modern humans. Recent
scientific discoveries have shown that Neanderthal genes comprise some 1
to 4% of the genome of present-day humans whose ancestors migrated out of
Africa, but the question remained open on how much those genes are still
actively influencing human traits -- until now.
Craniometry is
measurement of the cranium (the main part of the skull), usually the human
cranium. It is a subset of cephalometry, measurement of the head, which in
humans is a subset of
anthropometry, measurement of
the human body. It
is distinct from phrenology, the pseudoscience that tried to link
personality and character to head shape, and
physiognomy, which tried the
same for facial features. However, these fields have all claimed the
ability to predict traits or intelligence.
Size indicates an
average adult brain volume
of 1260
cubic centimeters (cm3) for men and 1130 cm3 for women. There is,
however, substantial variation; a study of 46 adults aged 22–49 years and
of mainly European descent found an average brain volume of 1273.6 cm3 for
men, ranging from 1052.9 to 1498.5 cm3, and 1131.1 cm3 for women, ranging
from 974.9 to 1398.1 cm3. Homo habilis 550–687 cm3, Homo ergaster 700–900
cm3, Homo erectus 600–1250 cm3, Homo heidelbergensis 1100–1400 cm3, Homo
neanderthalensis 1200–1750 cm3, Homo sapiens 1400 cm3. The
human brain is roughly the size of
two clenched fists and weighs about 1.5 kilograms. From the outside it
looks a bit like a large walnut, with folds and crevices.
Brain Atrophy.
What makes the human brain distinct from that of all other animals,
including even our closest primate relatives? In an analysis of cell types
in the
prefrontal cortex of
four primate species, researchers identified species-specific --
particularly human-specific -- features, they report.
Differences between brains of primates are small but significant, study
shows. While the physical differences between humans and non-human
primates are quite distinct, a new study reveals their brains may be
remarkably similar. And yet, the smallest changes may make big differences
in developmental and psychiatric disorders.
Brain size riddle solved as humans exceed evolution trend. The largest
animals do not have proportionally bigger brains -- with humans bucking
this trend -- a new study has revealed. Bigger brains relative to body
size are linked to intelligence, sociality, and behavioral complexity --
with humans having evolved exceptionally large brains. Among these
outliers includes our own species, Homo sapiens, which has evolved more
than 20 times faster than all other mammal species, resulting in the
massive brains that characterize humanity today. But humans are not the
only species to buck this trend. All groups of mammals demonstrated rapid
bursts of change -- both towards smaller and larger brain sizes. For
example, bats very rapidly reduced their brain size when they first arose,
but then showed very slow rates of change in relative brain size,
suggesting there may be evolutionary constraints related to the demands of
flight. There are three groups of animals that showed the most pronounced
rapid change in brain size: primates, rodents, and carnivores.
A long childhood is the prelude to the evolution of a large brain. The
secrets of fossil teeth revealed by the
synchrotron. Could social bonds be the key to human big brains? A
study of the fossil teeth of early Homo from
Georgia dating back 1.77 million years reveals a prolonged
childhood despite a small brain and an adulthood comparable to that of the
great apes. This discovery suggests that an
extended childhood,
combined with cultural transmission in three-generation social groups, may
have triggered the evolution of a large brain like that of modern humans,
rather than the reverse.
Cephalic Index is the ratio of the maximum width (biparietal diameter
or BPD, side to side) of the head of an organism (human or animal)
multiplied by 100 divided by its maximum length (occipitofrontal diameter
or OFD, front to back). The index is also used to categorize animals,
especially dogs and cats.
ARHGAP11B is a human-specific gene which appeared after the divergence
from chimpanzees. It amplifies basal progenitors, controls neural
progenitor proliferation and can cause neocortex folding. It is capable of
causing neocortex folding in mice. This
likely reflects a role for ARHGAP11B in development and evolutionary
expansion of the human neocortex, a conclusion consistent with the finding
that the gene duplication that created ARHGAP11B occurred on the human
lineage after the divergence from the chimpanzee lineage but before the
divergence from Neanderthals. ARHGAP11B encodes 267 amino-acids and is a
truncated version of ARHGAP11A. ARHGAP11B arose on the human evolutionary
lineage after the divergence from the chimpanzee lineage by partial
duplication of ARHGAP11A, which is found throughout the animal kingdom and
encodes a Rho GTPase-activating-protein (RhoGAP domain). ARHGAP11B exists
not only in present-day humans but also in Neandertals and Denisovans.
ARHGAP11B comprises most of the GAP-domain (until lysine-220) followed by
a novel C-terminal sequence but lacking the C-terminal 756 amino acids of
ARHGAP11A. In contrast to full-length ARHGAP11A and ARHGAP11A 1-250,
ARHGAP11B, like ARHGAP11A1-220, did not exhibit RhoGAP activity in a RhoA/Rho-kinase–based
cell transfection assay. This indicates that the C-terminal 47 amino-acids
of ARHGAP11B (after lysine-220) constitute not only a unique sequence,
resulting from a frameshifting deletion, but also are functionally
distinct from their counterpart in ARHGAP11A. In this assay, co-expression
of ARHGAP11B along with ARHGAP11A did not inhibit the latter's RhoGAP
activity. Since several genes involved in mental retardation encode
proteins with RhoGAP domains or other proteins in the Rho signalling
pathway it does not come as a complete surprise that ARHGAP11B is involved
in neocortex folding; however, its precise function is still unknown. It
has been reported that it is located in mitochondria where it binds to the
adenine nucleotide translocator; it does not affect the adenine nucleotide
exchange activity of the translocator, but it does lead to delayed opening
of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore, thus allowing for
greater sequestration of calcium. Furthermore, the presence of ARHGAP11B
in the mitochondria boosts glutaminolysis, which is most likely due to the
ability of mitochondria to sequester more calcium which activates
mitochondrial matrix dehydrogenases in the citric acid cycle, particularly
the oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex.
The Big
Brain Bang?
Encephalization is defined as the amount of brain mass
related to an animal's total body mass.
Scientists’ Brains Shrank a bit after 14 months in
Antarctica. Animal studies have revealed that similar conditions
can harm the hippocampus, a brain area crucial for memory and navigation.
For example, rats are better at learning when the animals are housed with
companions or in an enriched environment than when alone or in a bare
cage. But whether this is true for a person’s brain is unknown. But there
are good reasons to believe that this change is reversible. While the
hippocampus is highly vulnerable to stressors like
isolation, he says, it is also very
responsive to stimulation that comes from a life filled with social
interactions and a variety of landscapes to explore.
A week in the dark rewires brain cell networks and changes hearing in
adult mice.
How did Brains Evolve? -
Intelligence -
Devolution is what our
current education system is doing.
Complex human childbirth and cognitive abilities a result of walking
upright. During
birth, the fetus typically navigates a tight, convoluted birth canal
by flexing and rotating its head at various stages. This complex process
comes with a high risk of birth complications, from prolonged labor to
stillbirth or maternal death. These complications were long believed to be
the result of a conflict between humans adapting to walking upright and
our larger brains.
Bipedalism developed
around seven million years ago and dramatically reshaped the hominin
pelvis into a real birth canal. Larger brains, however, didn't start to
develop until two million years ago, when the earliest species of the
genus Homo emerged. The evolutionary solution to the dilemma brought about
by these two conflicting evolutionary forces was to give birth to
neurologically immature and helpless newborns with relatively small brains
-- a condition known as
secondary altriciality. Prolonged learning key for cognitive and
cultural abilities.
Small brains can accomplish big things, according to new theoretical
research. New research explains how the fly brain creates an accurate
internal compass to keep track of where it is in the world using only a
few neurons, expanding scientists' knowledge of what small networks can
Ocean Creatures.
A new perspective on the genomes of archaic humans. Researchers
examined 14,000 genetic differences between modern humans and our most
recent ancestors at a new level of detail. They found that differences in
gene activation -- not just genetic code -- could underlie evolution of
the brain and vocal tract. A genome by itself is like a recipe without a
chef -- full of important information, but in need of interpretation. So,
even though we have sequenced genomes of our nearest extinct relatives --
the Neanderthals and the Denisovans -- there remain many unknowns
regarding how differences in our genomes actually lead to differences in
physical traits.
Hominid Evolution (image)
- Humans have 46
chromosomes, 2 less then the common
Everyone is 99.9% the same.
Chimpanzee Human last Common Ancestor is the last common
ancestor shared by the extant Homo (human) and Pan (chimpanzee) genera of Hominini.
Richard Dawkins: Why are there still Chimpanzees? - Nebraska Vignettes #2 (youtube)
Richard Dawkins: Comparing the Human and Chimpanzee Genomes - Nebraska Vignettes #3 (youtube)
Discovery of Human Antiquity. The genus Homo is now estimated to be
about 2.3 to 2.4 million years old.
Isochron Burial Dating uses Radioisotopes oldest hominid
skeletons ever dated at 3.67 million years old.
Radionuclide is an
atom that has excess nuclear energy, making it unstable.
Hominidae are known as great apes or hominids,
are a taxonomic family of primates that includes seven extant
species in four genera: Pongo, the Bornean and Sumatran
orangutan; Gorilla, the eastern and western gorilla; Pan, the
common chimpanzee and the bonobo; and Homo, the human and
near-human ancestors and relatives (e.g., the
Archaic Humans
in the period beginning 500,000 years ago (or 500ka). The period
contemporary to and predating the emergence of the earliest anatomically
modern humans (Homo sapiens) over 315 ka. The term typically includes Homo
neanderthalensis (430+–38ka), Denisovans, Homo rhodesiensis (300ka–125ka),
Homo heidelbergensis (600ka–200ka), and Homo antecessor.
is an endangered great ape and one of the two species making up the genus
Pan; the other is Pan troglodytes, or the common chimpanzee.
Denisovan is an
extinct species or subspecies of human in the genus Homo. Pending its
status as either species or subspecies it currently carries the temporary
names Homo sp. Altai, or Homo sapiens ssp. Denisova. In March 2010,
scientists announced the discovery of a finger bone fragment of a
juvenile female who lived about 41,000 years ago, found in the remote
Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains in Siberia, a cave that has also been
inhabited by
neanderthals and modern humans. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of the
finger bone showed it to be genetically distinct from Neanderthals and
modern humans. The nuclear genome from this specimen suggested that
Denisovans shared a common origin with Neanderthals, that they ranged from Siberia to Southeast Asia, and that they lived among and interbred
with the ancestors of some modern humans, with about 3% to 5% of the DNA
of Melanesians and Aboriginal Australians deriving from Denisovans.
Extinct humans survived on the Tibetan plateau for 160,000 years. Bone
remains found in a Tibetan cave 3,280 m above sea level indicate an
ancient group of humans survived here for many millennia. The Denisovans
are an extinct species of ancient human that lived at the same time and in
the same places as Neanderthals and Homo sapiens. ability to survive in
fluctuating climatic conditions -- including the ice age -- on the Tibetan
plateau from around 200,000 to 40,000 years ago.
Immune system of modern Papuans shaped by DNA from ancient Denisovans,
study finds. Sequences of Denisovan DNA are located near immune-related
genes and regulate their activity. Modern Papuans' immune system likely
evolved with a little help from the Denisovans, a mysterious human
ancestor who interbred with ancient humans, according to a new study.
Genetic Genealogy is the use of
testing in combination with traditional genealogy and
traditional genealogical and historical records to infer
relationships between individuals.
Information 'deleted' from the human genome may be what made us human.
These 10,000 missing pieces of DNA -- which are present in the genomes of
other mammals -- are common to all humans.
Small populations are particularly vulnerable to the 'founder effect'
in which the genetic composition of the founding population sets the stage
for future generations, so the founding population's genetic composition
must be carefully considered. Several anthropologists have suggested a
minimum of 500 people would be needed to avoid genetic problems brought on
by interbreeding, but Smith upped the safety factor to 2,000 residents to
avoid a population collapse.
Founder Effect
the reduced genetic
that results when a population is descended from a small number of
colonizing ancestors.
is human sexual activity between family members or close relatives. This
typically includes sexual activity between people in consanguinity (
relations), and sometimes those related by affinity (marriage or
stepfamily), adoption, clan, or lineage.
Homology is the existence of shared ancestry between a pair
of structures, or genes, in different taxa.
Primate arose from ancestors that lived in the trees of
tropical forests; many primate characteristics represent
adaptations to life in this challenging three-dimensional
environment. Most primate species remain at least partly
distinguished from reptiles and birds by the possession of a
neocortex (a region of the brain), hair, three middle ear bones
and mammary glands.
Mammals include the largest animals on the
planet, the great whales, as well as some of the most
intelligent, such as elephants, primates and cetaceans.
Society -
Human Studies
Louise Leakey Digs for Humanity's Origins (video)
A World
Without Humans.
First hominin muscle reconstruction shows 3.2 million-year-old 'Lucy'
could stand as erect as we can. Digital modelling of legendary
fossil's soft tissue suggests
Australopithecus afarensis had powerful leg and pelvic muscles suited
to tree dwelling, but knee muscles that allowed fully erect walking.
Apes may have evolved upright stature for leaves, not fruit, in open
woodland habitats. Anthropologists have long thought that our ape
ancestors evolved an upright torso in order to pick fruit in forests, but
new research from the University of Michigan suggests a life in open
woodlands and a diet that included leaves drove apes' upright stature. The
finding sheds light on ape origins and pushes back the origin of grassy
woodlands from between 7 million and 10 million years ago to 21 million
years ago, during the Early Miocene. But new research centered around a
21-million-year-old fossil ape called Morotopithecus and led by MacLatchy
suggests this might not be the case. Instead, researchers think early apes
ate leaves and lived in a seasonal woodland with a broken canopy and open,
grassy areas. The researchers suggest this landscape, instead of fruit in
closed canopy forests, drove apes' upright stature.
of the Jaguar (Part 1/5) (youtube)
Recapitulation Theory is a largely discredited biological
hypothesis that the development of the embryo of an animal, from
fertilization to gestation or hatching (ontogeny), goes through stages
resembling or representing successive stages in the evolution of the
animal's remote ancestors (phylogeny).
“Change is not merely necessary to life
- it is life.” -
Alvin Toffler.
"Knowing what you're made out of does
not explain how you were made....Knowing
E=mc2 does not fully
explain what energy is, or does it explain what matter is, or
what light is. So what do we know?"
Yes we know animals evolve or adapt because we have evidence.
But you can’t prove that new species
evolve from other species. Why would a lizard want to evolve
into a horse? And why didn't
Dinosaurs eventually grow brains within 160 million years?
Yes those are stupid questions, but that's where it all starts.
Cope's Rule
postulates that population lineages tend to increase in body
size over evolutionary time.
When something doesn't make
sense it means you don't have all the information, so what's
missing? Just because animals share the same
Genes does not mean
that one animal evolved from the other animal, it simply means
that they share the same building blocks of
So what causes these little variations, like the variations we
see in humans? Is it a combination of a
variable and a
Is evolution part
Evolution has a hard time proving
diversity or
Scientists extract genetic secrets from 4,000-year-old teeth to
illuminate the impact of changing human diets over the centuries.
Researchers have recovered remarkably preserved microbiomes from two teeth
dating back 4,000 years, found in an Irish limestone cave. Genetic
analyses of these microbiomes reveal major changes in the oral
microenvironment from the Bronze Age to today. The teeth both belonged to
same male individual and also provided a snapshot
of his oral health.
Explosion was the relatively short evolutionary event,
beginning around
541 million years ago in the
period, during which most major animal phyla appeared, as indicated by
the fossil record. Lasting for about the next 20–25 million years, it
resulted in the divergence of most modern metazoan phyla. Additionally,
the event was accompanied by major diversification of other organisms.
Prior to the Cambrian explosion, most organisms were simple, composed of
individual cells occasionally organized into colonies. Over the following
70 to 80 million years, the rate of diversification accelerated by an
order of magnitude and the diversity of life began to resemble that of
today. Almost all the present phyla appeared during this period, with the
exception of Bryozoa, which made its earliest known appearance later, in
the Lower Ordovician. The
marked a profound change in life on Earth; prior to the Cambrian, the
majority of living organisms on the whole were small, unicellular and
simple; the Precambrian Charnia being exceptional. Complex,
organisms gradually became more common in the millions of years
immediately preceding the Cambrian, but it was not until this period that
mineralized—hence readily fossilized—organisms became common. The rapid
diversification of lifeforms in the Cambrian, known as the Cambrian
explosion, produced the first representatives of all modern animal phyla.
Phylogenetic analysis has supported the view that during the Cambrian
radiation, metazoa (animals) evolved monophyletically from a single common
ancestor: flagellated colonial protists similar to modern
choanoflagellates. Although diverse life forms prospered in the oceans,
the land was comparatively barren—with nothing more complex than a
microbial soil crust and a few molluscs that emerged to browse on the
microbial biofilm. Most of the continents were probably dry and rocky due
to a lack of vegetation. Shallow seas flanked the margins of several
continents created during the breakup of the supercontinent Pannotia. The
seas were relatively warm, and polar ice was absent for much of the period.
Intelligent Design.
Why do we have some species staying the same for millions of years while other species in the same time
period evolving or
Freak of Nature
Something's just seem to appear out of no where, so where did they originate from? And somehow, even through
mass extinctions, life
still found a way to survive in some form. And after each
extinction, life never returns in the same way that it was
before. So it doesn't look like a normal process of life,
kind of looks like someone or something was experimenting with
different things,
like some form of Intelligence trying to define itself. There
are huge gaps of missing information. Both religious and
non-religious people love to fill those gaps with their beliefs.
But if I had a choice of filling the gap of missing
information with something, I would rather say that it was
then to say that it was nothing. Not that I would, but I do
understand why some people would say that.
I mean, who would
want to be considered just a
freak of nature
or just a
random mutation? I'm either a lucky
piece of sh*t or I'm here for a reason, I would like to
believe that I'm here for a
reason. If a
belief stops you from learning, then it's not a good belief to
hold. Being
against new knowledge and new information leaves you vulnerable
and reduces your ability to
adapt and to make good decisions. I
know that there is no guarantee of survival, but reducing my
odds to live makes no sense at all.
I like to believe that Human Ascended
instead of Descended. Our ancestors where the
building blocks of life, not the origin of life.
If we can
bring back a woolly mammoth by combining its genes with Asian elephant
DNA, then maybe someone created humans by combining the genes of an
intelligent life form with the DNA of a monkey.
because I have
similar DNA that a monkey does, this does not make me a
monkey or prove that I evolved from monkeys. Just because I have similar
DNA that a potato does, this does not make a potato my relative. Just because we
know everything is made up of atoms, we don't go around calling everything
matter. We give things names to make language less confusing.
Everything has
common features, but they are not the same. You can have two hydrogen
atoms and say they are the same because there is only two things that
hydrogen atoms can have, one proton and one electron. But soon as you add
together different atoms in different amounts, things are
no longer the same.
Last Universal Ancestor or the last
universal common ancestor, cenancestor, or progenote, is
the most recent
organism from which all organisms now living on
Earth have a
common descent. Thus, it is the most recent common
ancestor of all current life on Earth. As such, it should
not be assumed to be the first living organism. The LUA is
estimated to have lived some 3.5 to 3.8 billion years ago
(sometime in the Paleoarchean era). The earliest evidence for
life on Earth is biogenic graphite found in 3.7 billion-year-old
metamorphized sedimentary rocks discovered in Western Greenland
and microbial mat fossils found in 3.48 billion-year-old
sandstone discovered in Western Australia. A study in 2015 found
potentially biogenic carbon from 4.1 billion years ago in
ancient rocks in Western Australia. Such findings would indicate
the existence of different conditions on Earth during that
period than what is generally assumed today and point to an
earlier origination of life. In July 2016, scientists reported
identifying a set of 355 genes from the Last Universal Common
Ancestor (LUCA) of all life living on Earth.
Evolution is not as random as previously thought. A groundbreaking
study has found that evolution is not as unpredictable as previously
thought, which could allow scientists to explore which genes could be
useful to tackle real-world issues such as antibiotic resistance, disease
and climate change. The study challenges the long-standing belief about
the unpredictability of evolution, and has found that the evolutionary
trajectory of a genome may be influenced by its evolutionary history,
rather than determined by numerous factors and
historical accidents.
Bacterial Evolution refers to the
genetic changes that a
bacterium accumulates
during its life time, which can arise from
in response to environmental changes or the immune response of the host.
Because of their short generation times and large population sizes,
bacteria can evolve rapidly. Bacterial
pathogens possess innovative adaptive strategies to evade and counteract
host defenses. An example of such strategies is rapid genome evolution,
which enables bacteria to
rapidly alter their
antigenic epitopes over short timescales to evade immune
recognition and therefore avoid expulsion. The evolution of bacteria has
progressed over billions of years since the Precambrian time with their
first major divergence from the archaeal/eukaryotic lineage roughly
3.2-3.5 billion years ago. This was discovered through gene sequencing of
bacterial nucleoids to reconstruct their phylogeny. Furthermore, evidence
of permineralized microfossils of early prokaryotes was also discovered in
the Australian Apex Chert rocks, dating back roughly 3.5 billion years ago
during the time period known as the Precambrian time. This suggests that
an organism in of the phylum Thermotogota (formerly Thermotogae) was the
most recent common ancestor of modern bacteria.
Microbes are constantly
evolving. Laboratory studies of bacterial evolution increase our
understanding of evolutionary dynamics, identify adaptive changes, and
answer important questions that impact human health.
Most Recent Common Ancestor of any set of organisms
is the most recent individual from which all organisms in a
group, for example a haplogroup, are directly descended. The
term is often applied to
human genealogy.
because you can’t explain something now, doesn’t mean that you
never will. Believing you know the answer is different from
actually knowing the answer. Plus we only have one planet that
we know of where life exists.
So from a science point of view, having only one example of life
can never be hard evidence, and that this is just the normal process
of life. To me this is a silly argument and I take no sides in
this discussion. Both sides have good claims, good points and
good theories. Even though this is a healthy discussion that
needs more looking into, I can’t help to know that we have more
important and more urgent problems that need to be addressed.
This is a distraction, but we will come back to this, just
not now.
Beck -
Loser (youtube)
Adaptation can be dangerous,
especially when you become
adapted to something that is slowly killing
you. Adaptation only buys you some time, it does not guarantee you
survival. Only humans have the ability to over come this vulnerability,
that's why we are here. So we can't f*ck this up, if we do, we're dead,
like all other animal species before us. I don't want to become bacteria
again, that would suck, it's not the life that I want, or want for anyone
evolution is
just another form of
consciousness, or
some form of intelligence that we are unable to comprehend.
Maybe evolution is Gods work? Who else could have figured out that the only way
you can have a sustaining planet is to give plants and animals
the ability to evolve, adapt and to flourish. If you don’t adapt
you die. And that is exactly where humans are today. Evolution
has given all of us some extremely valuable information that
cause and effect is real and that Cause and Effect
should not be ignored. Everyone should just stick with the
facts. Evolution does not explain everything and
religion does
not explain everything,
so why are we so threatened by
someone else's beliefs? As long as no one ever stops asking
questions, no one should ever fear or feel threatened by other
peoples beliefs. The most important thing is that we keep
sharing information and keep documenting our world. You should
never claim that you have all the answers. If you are stubborn
and selfish with your beliefs then the message you are trying to
convey will only distort information and confuse people into
believing that there are no more questions to ask. And that is
simply a crime against humanity. A good documentary to watch is
War on Science. People are overreacting in this film but
I understand their passion. Another example of people
overreacting is in a film called “
Shape of Life” from PBS. This film has great information but
it's kind of ruined because they pretend to know the answers of
evolution. These are the kinds of things we need to stop doing
if we are going to educate people and secure our species
survival. A better film to watch is
Planet. To me it seems that a single cell is intelligent
life. How and why? I don't know.
Humans are 90%
bacteria. So I guess if you want to survive on a planet you
better find a way to have a symbiotic relationship with a
planets natural life forms, life forms that have lived and
survived on this planet for billions of years. I guess that is
how we will
survive on another planet, by finding out what has lived and
survived there the longest, and then learn how to have a
symbiotic relationship with those organisms.
So what's wrong with saying "I Don't
better than pretending to Know.
evolution is not bad, what's bad is
how you teach evolution and
how it's understood by people. The same thing with religion,
teaching religion is not bad, it's how you teach
Religion and how it's
understood." If evolution is information evolving, and if
is information, then I guess you're both right.
This is just another Human Transition, maybe evolution and
intelligent design are the same thing?....Can I go now?
You can't prove that God does not exist, or can you prove that
God does exist. We should stick with the things that we can prove and save
the things that we cannot prove for later time. Because if we don't solve
our greatest problems, that we all face, we will never live to see God, or
live to see if there isn't a God.
It is difficult to understand how anyone
can believe that the
nervous system, particularly the
brain, could have been
produced by evolutionary randomness and selection. We have
barely touched on some of the electrical design present in the
rest of the body. The truth is that scientists are always
discovering more about its workings, since its complexity, which
far surpasses anything produced by man, is nothing short of a
miracle. Truly we can say with David, “I will praise You, for I
am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are marvelous and
my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:14). (Craig Savige)
Modern Humans
"Whether you believe that evolution or
God designed our brain doesn't really matter, what matters is
that you never ignore the human brains enormous potential, and
its weaknesses. The knowledge that we have acquired about
human brain is invaluable. So knowing who or what made it
will not be as important as learning how the brain works and
learning how effectively we can use its power. So when we
finally do figure out who or what made us, it will not come to
us as some big surprise, because after all, we have brains."
"Thank God my brain is smarter then I am."
God has reasons for doing things, and
evolution has reasons too, and if God created evolution, then
evolution can't be wrong."
"I couldn't even imagine being anything
else but human. Human to me is the greatest way to experience
life. And when we imagine what other life from other planets
looks like, that makes me even prouder, because the human form
to me is the most enjoyable machine a person could ever design.
I couldn't even dream of a better human. Some people would say a
human with wings, or a human with superman powers. But we
already have those because of the machines that we will built."
If you didn't have what you needed to know
what you were missing, then how would you evolve into it? I know
information is some form of intelligence, what I don't know is
how did information see when it didn't have what was needed to
see what it didn't have?
I think that humans take for granted
that our way of seeing through the eyes is the only form of
"I'm the evolutionary result of a seed that was born thousands of years ago, and yet it feels like the
first time being alive."
Some people believe that 10 million years ago that some of the monkeys changed their
diet just enough to evolve into humans. Though I fully understand
the importance of nutrition and how diet can improve
appearance and health, I'm having a little trouble understanding
just what nutritional substances can cause a species body to
change and grow a better brain? I'm positive we can repeat this
theory. We just need to start feeding monkeys better food and
lets see what happens. Of course it will take many life times to
see the results, but we should start seeing some changes, maybe
Planet of
the Apes?
Humanzee is a hypothetical chimpanzee/human hybrid. An
unsuccessful attempt to breed such a hybrid was made by Ilya Ivanovich
Ivanov in the 1920s. There have been occasional reports of
human-chimpanzee hybridization, notably regarding a performing chimp named
Oliver during the 1970s, but none of them have been confirmed. There has
been what people think to be a sighting of a humanzee in July of 2012 in
Colorado. Similarly, the possibility of a chimpanzee–gorilla hybrid, known
as koolakamba, also remains unsubstantiated.
We know the about the negative effects from a poor nutritional
diet and
isolation, children are smaller and less developed, just
like early man. Does that mean that only a man can grow into
man. Humans evolved from humans? This is like finding out that
your father is not your real father. Welcome to the party.
Shines (youtube)
Project X (youtube)
Ilya Ivanovich Ivanov (wiki)
World's Smartest Apes (youtube) - Chimpanzee, Gorilla, or Orangutan?
Chimpanzees combine calls to form
numerous vocal sequences.
Evidence of structured vocal sequences in wild chimpanzee communication
provides insights into human language evolution. Researchers from the Max
Planck Institutes for
Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI-EVA) and for
Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI-CBS) in Leipzig, Germany, and the CNRS
Institute for Cognitive Sciences in Bron, Lyon, France, recorded thousands
of vocalisations from wild chimpanzees in Taï, Ivory Coast. They found
that the animals produced hundreds of different vocal sequences containing
up to ten different call types. The order of calls in these sequences
followed some rules, and calls were associated with each other in a
structured manner. The researchers will now investigate if this structure
may constitute a step towards human syntax and if chimpanzees use these
sequences to communicate a wider range of meanings in their complex social environment.
ohn 5 and
The Creatures - HERE'S TO THE CRAZY ONES (planet of the apes)
And since we have evidence and experience in knowing that
can actually be explained, we still have to keep trying to
understand our world. We have enough evidence to prove that our
increased understanding of the world has benefited us in many
ways. Not to say that it was
Perfect, But at least we are
definitely more aware of our possibilities and of our human potential.
"It's not the strongest of species
that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most
adaptable to change."
Darwin was an English naturalist, geologist and biologist,
best known for his contributions to the science of evolution. He
that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors.
(12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882). Charles wrote the 1859 book the
Origin of Species, which introduced the scientific theory that
evolve over the course of generations through a process of
natural selection. It presented a body of evidence that
diversity of life arose by common descent through a branching pattern
of evolution. Darwin included evidence that he had gathered on the
Beagle expedition in the 1830s and his subsequent findings from
research, correspondence, and experimentation.
Michael Archer: How we'll Resurrect the Gastric Brooding Frog
the Tasmanian Tiger (video)
People didn't have enough
information and knowledge years ago that was needed in order to
explain complex ideas and concepts. But now we do, and we can be
more precise. Not that we can fully explain all knowledge
correctly to all people, but at least we know now that the
acquisition of more knowledge is always needed to further our
understanding and also to help to explain knowledge so that more
people can understand. The mistake that most people make is that
they believed that all knowledge is known, so they make
assumptions instead of realizing that more knowledge,
information and research is needed. So not only do we have more
knowledge and information today, we also have the intelligence
to know that more knowledge and information is always needed. So
we can now make less assumptions, make less mistakes, and we
never assume that we know everything, thus we keep learning.
"I wouldn't want to assume that life started on this planet. I'm just saying that
life had to start somewhere. Where and how, I don't know? But I
hope we find out, because that would be an incredible story. We
know that
galaxy was not the first galaxy born in our universe. So we
may have brothers and sisters, some we may never know? But my
guess is, that we will find our siblings, because everything
usually leaves some kind of a trace."
Trace is a
just detectable amount. An indication that something has been
present. A visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of
person or animal or vehicle. Discover traces of. Follow,
discover, or ascertain the course of development of something.
To go back over again. Pursue or chase relentlessly.
Detect is to
discover or determine the
existence, presence, or fact of.
Indication is a datum about some
physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument.
Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design is the view that certain features
of the
universe, and of
living things, are best explained by an
cause, and not by an
undirected process, such as
natural selection.
Are we just one of the many
iterations in the process of
development? We just can't say that
things just
happened, because our existence looks too amazing to be just some natural
sequence of
First we
would need to define what
natural is, which
we can't, because
this is everyone's
first time here, thus, we have nothing to
it to, nothing. There is no other planet like earth that we can visit
and confirm that
spontaneous development is
normal in the universe. So we need to start this conversation over, and
this time, everyone needs to have an open mind, because God may not be the
designer in the universe.
In-Vitro -
Synthetic Biology -
Biomimicry -
Artificial DNA Gene Synthesis -
Life on other Planets -
Mechanisms Contrived is
created rather than
naturally or
Biogenesis is the production of new living organisms or
organelles. The hypothesis of biogenesis, attributed to Louis Pasteur,
states that complex
living things come only from other living things, by
reproduction (e.g. a spider lays eggs, which develop into spiders). That
modern life does
not arise from non-living material, which was the
position held by
spontaneous generation or
Morphogenesis is
biological process that causes
an organism to develop its shape.
Lab Grown -
Creating Matter -
Artificial Intelligence -
Demigod -
Just because you can't explain your existence, this doesn't mean that
you should just make up reasons for your existence. And just because
someone is smarter than you, this doesn't make them a God.
Star Trek III The Search for Spock
Extra Terrestrial
Life - Space Aliens are
is the process of deliberately modifying a planets atmosphere,
temperature, surface topography or ecology to be similar to the
environment of Earth to make it habitable by Earth-like life. (just as
long as it has a
magnetic field to hold in an
Bioforming is the opposite conception to terraforming. While
terraforming requires the transformation of a celestial body (planet or
moon) into a place where humans and other Earth-like life forms can exist,
bioforming requires to transform us and other
Earth-like bioforms into something that can survive on an untransformed
planet. An intermediary concept is terrabioforming.
Planetary Engineering is the application of technology for the purpose
of influencing the global environments of a planet. Its objectives usually
involve increasing the habitability of other worlds or mitigating
decreases in habitability to Earth. Perhaps the best-known type of
planetary engineering is terraforming, by which a planet's surface
conditions are altered to be more like those of Earth. Planetary
engineering is largely the realm of science fiction at present, although
recent climate change on Earth shows that human technology can cause
change on a global scale.
Paraterraforming involves the construction of a habitable enclosure on
a planet which eventually grows to encompass most of the planet's usable
area. The enclosure would consist of a transparent roof held one or more
kilometers above the surface, pressurized with a breathable atmosphere,
and anchored with tension towers and cables at regular intervals.
Proponents claim worldhouses can be constructed with technology known
since the 1960s. The Biosphere 2 project built a dome on Earth that
contained a habitable environment. The project encountered difficulties in
operation, including unexpected population explosions of some plants and
animals, and a lower than anticipated production of oxygen by plants,
requiring extra oxygen to be pumped in. i(also known as the "worldhouse"
concept, or domes in smaller versions).
Megascale Engineering is a form of
exploratory engineering
concerned with the construction of structures on an enormous scale.
Typically these structures are at least 1,000 kilometers in length—in
other words, at least 1 megameter, hence the name. Such large-scale
structures are termed megastructures. In addition to large-scale
structures, megascale engineering is also defined as including the
transformation of entire planets into a human-habitable environment, a
process known as terraforming or planetary engineering. This might also
include transformation of the surface conditions, changes in the planetary
orbit, and structures in orbit intended to modify the energy balance.
Astroengineering is the extension of megascale engineering to
megastructures on a stellar scale or larger, such as Dyson spheres,
Ringworlds, and Alderson disks. (macro-engineering).
Geo-Engineering (global warming)
is coming into being. The origin or mode of formation of
something. The beginning of creation.
Exogenesis or Panspermia, is the hypothesis that
life exists
throughout the Universe, distributed by
asteroids, comets,
planetoids, and also by spacecraft in the form of unintended contamination
by microorganisms. Panspermia is a hypothesis proposing that
life forms that can survive the effects of space, such as extremophiles,
become trapped in debris that is ejected into space after collisions
between planets and small Solar System bodies that harbor life. Some
organisms may travel dormant for an extended amount of time before
colliding randomly with other planets or intermingling with protoplanetary
disks. If met with ideal conditions on a new planet's surfaces, the
organisms become active and the process of evolution begins. Panspermia is
not meant to address how life began, just the method that may cause its
distribution in the Universe.
Cosmological Constant fine-tuned to 120 decimal places.
Astrobiology is the study of the origin, evolution,
distribution, and future of life in the universe
and extraterrestrial life
and life on Earth. Astrobiology addresses the question of
whether life
exists beyond Earth, and how humans can detect it if it does (the term
exobiology is similar but more specific—it covers the search for life
beyond Earth, and the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living
things. Astrobiology studies the future of life in the universe by
investigating its deterministic conditions and contingent events. As a
discipline, astrobiology is founded on the premise that life may exist
beyond Earth. Exobiology
is a multidisciplinary field that combines
biology, astronomy, geology, and
other scientific disciplines to answer questions about life on Earth and
elsewhere. How life originated on Earth and how it may have evolved from
inanimate matter. The distribution of life and
where life may be found in
our solar system and beyond. The potential for life to
adapt and how life may adapt to different
environments. The impact of space and
how the space environment
affects the ability of life to survive. Exobiology research involves a
variety of activities, including: Comparing the chemical evolution of
potential life precursors. Tracing the history of life on Earth. Studying
the environments of planets and moons in our solar system. Searching for
other planetary systems and signals of extraterrestrial civilizations.
Testing the ability of life forms to survive in space.
Principle is a philosophical consideration that observations of the
universe must be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that
observes it. Some proponents of the anthropic principle reason that it
explains why this universe has the age and the fundamental physical
constants necessary to accommodate conscious life. As a result, they
believe it is unremarkable that this universe has fundamental constants
that happen to fall within the narrow range thought to be compatible with
life. The strong anthropic principle states that this is all the case
because the universe is in some sense compelled to eventually have
conscious and sapient life emerge within it. The weak anthropic principle
states that the universe's ostensible fine tuning is the result of
selection bias (specifically survivor bias): i.e., only in a universe
capable of eventually supporting life will there be living beings capable
of observing and reflecting on the matter.
don't think that humans are the original intelligent life form,
considering that our star and planet were
created 9 billion years after
the universe was created. Maybe other intelligent life learned how to
adapt and modify their existence in order to live on planet earth. So when
we dream about intelligent life on
other planets, we would have to assume that we could possibly be that
intelligent life form from another planet. And the reason why humans don't
know this is because the
knowledge was either lost or kept
hidden, which we know has happened before many times throughout
human history.
Ryle's Regress
is a belief of a "Two-Worlds Story," or the "Double-Life Legend", which
requires intelligent acts to be the product of the conscious application
of mental rules. According to the legend, whenever an
agent does anything
intelligently, his act is preceded and steered by another internal act of
considering a regulative proposition appropriate to his practical problem.
We can't say that we are the only creation of god, because there are
millions of other types of life forms on the planet. And in the last 500
million years, over 90% of all
life forms have gone extinct. And even in 2019,
100's of species
are still going extinct every single day. You can say that God has a
plan, but you can easily say that God is still learning. And maybe God is
deciding if humans should go extinct too, just like the millions of other
life forms that God let disappear since the beginning of Earth. So if
humans don't start learning to live more ethically and sustainably, God
will see no reason to save us from our own self inflicted extinction.
Creationism is the religious belief that the universe
and Life originated "from specific acts of
divine creation," as opposed to
the scientific reasons that they came about through natural processes.
Cellular Automaton is a discrete model studied in computability
theory, mathematics, physics, complexity science, theoretical biology and
microstructure modeling. A cellular
automaton consists of a regular grid
of cells, each in one of a finite number of states, such as on and off (in
contrast to a coupled map lattice). The grid can be in any finite number
of dimensions. For each cell, a set of cells called its neighborhood is
defined relative to the specified cell. An initial state (time t = 0) is
selected by assigning a state for each cell. A new generation is created
(advancing t by 1), according to some fixed rule (generally, a
mathematical function) that determines the new state of each cell in terms
of the current state of the cell and the states of the cells in its
neighborhood. Typically, the rule for updating the state of cells is the
same for each cell and does not change over time, and is applied to the
whole grid simultaneously, though exceptions are known, such as the
stochastic cellular automaton and
asynchronous cellular
Conway's Game of Life is a cellular automaton devised by the British
mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. The "game" is a zero-player
game, meaning that its evolution is determined by its initial state,
requiring no further input. One interacts with the Game of Life by
creating an initial configuration and observing how it evolves, or, for
advanced "players", by creating patterns with particular properties. The
universe of the Game of Life is an infinite two-dimensional orthogonal
grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states,
alive or dead, or "populated" or "unpopulated". Every cell interacts with
its eight neighbours, which are the cells that are horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following
transitions occur: Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies,
as if caused by underpopulation. Any live cell with two or three live
neighbours lives on to the next generation. Any live cell with more than
three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation. Any dead cell with
exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
The initial pattern constitutes the seed of the system. The first
generation is created by applying the above rules simultaneously to every
cell in the seed—births and deaths occur simultaneously, and the discrete
moment at which this happens is sometimes called a tick (in other words,
each generation is a pure function of the preceding one). The rules
continue to be applied repeatedly to create further generations.
Zero-Player Game is a game that has no sentient players. In computer
games, the term refers to programs that use artificial intelligence rather
than human players. Virtual Reality.
Something Out of Nothing
Anthropogenesis is the evolution or
genesis of the human race.
Is life a
or a
freak of nature or
is it
Abiogenesis is believed to be the
origin of life, a
natural process by which
life arises from non-living matter, such as
simple organic compounds. It is thought to have occurred on Earth between
3.8 and 4.1 billion years ago.
Abiogenesis is studied through a combination of laboratory experiments and
extrapolation from the characteristics of modern organisms, and aims to
determine how pre-life chemical reactions gave rise to life on Earth.
(good luck with that).
is something that is
non-living and
not organic and does not
have involving
biological processes.
Inorganic Matter is something
lacking the
properties characteristic of living organisms. Not consisting of or
deriving from living
Inanimate Matter is something
not endowed with life. Appearing dead or
not breathing or having no perceptible pulse. Non-Living Material.
Spontaneous Generation is an
obsolete body of thought on the
ordinary formation of living organisms
without descent from similar
organisms. Typically, the idea was that certain forms such as fleas could
arise from inanimate matter such as dust, or that maggots could arise from
dead flesh. A variant idea was that of equivocal generation, in which
species such as tapeworms arose from unrelated living organisms, now
understood to be their hosts. Doctrines supporting such processes of
generation held that these processes are commonplace and regular. Such
ideas are in contradiction to that of univocal generation: effectively
exclusive reproduction from genetically related parent(s), generally of
the same species.
is a belief that starts from the premise that "living organisms are
fundamentally different from non-living entities because they contain some
non-physical element or are governed by different principles than are
inanimate things.
World is a hypothetical stage in the evolutionary history of life on
Earth, in which self-replicating RNA molecules proliferated before the
evolution of DNA and proteins. The term also refers to the hypothesis that
posits the existence of this stage.
Self-Replication is any behavior of a dynamical system that yields
construction of an identical copy of itself.
Cells, given suitable environments, reproduce by cell division. During
cell division, DNA is
replicated and can be
transmitted to offspring during reproduction. Biological viruses can
replicate, but only by commandeering the reproductive machinery of cells
through a process of infection. Harmful prion proteins can replicate by
converting normal proteins into rogue forms.
Self-Organization is a process where some form of overall order arises from
interactions between parts of an initially disordered system. The process
is spontaneous, not needing control by any external agent. It is often
triggered by
random fluctuations, amplified by
feedback. The resulting organization is wholly decentralized,
distributed over all the components of the system. As such, the
organization is typically robust and able to survive or self-repair
substantial perturbation.
Chaos theory discusses self-organization in
terms of islands of predictability in a sea of chaotic unpredictability.
Self-organization occurs in many physical, chemical, biological, robotic,
and cognitive systems. Examples can be found in
thermal convection of fluids, chemical oscillation, animal swarming, and
artificial and biological neural networks. Nothing configures itself or
learns on its
own. Something's have to be present and available. Self-organizing is
also called spontaneous order in the social sciences.
Synchronicity - Symmetry
Self-Assembly is a process in which a disordered system of
pre-existing components forms an
organized structure
or pattern as a consequence of specific, local interactions among the
components themselves, without external direction. When the constitutive
components are molecules, the process is termed molecular self-assembly.
Self-assembly can be classified as either static or dynamic. In static
self-assembly, the ordered state forms as a system approaches equilibrium,
reducing its free energy. However, in dynamic self-assembly, patterns of
pre-existing components organized by specific local interactions are not
commonly described as "
self-assembled" by scientists in the associated
disciplines. These structures are better described as "
Order is the
spontaneous emergence of order out of seeming
chaos. It is a process in social networks including economics, though the
term "self-organization" is more often used for physical changes and
biological processes, while "spontaneous order" is typically used to
describe the emergence of various kinds of social orders from a
combination of self-interested individuals who are not intentionally
trying to create order through planning. Naturalists often point to the inherent "
watch-like" precision of
uncultivated ecosystems and to the universe itself as ultimate examples of
this phenomenon.
Hard Sciences.
Life as a multiscale cascade of machines making machines. A new study
proposes a framework for understanding living matter as a
cascade of machines making machines,
extending from the atomic scale to the scale of the entire biosphere. What
is life?-This remains the quintessential puzzle of biological sciences, a
question that embodies the intricate complexity and stunning diversity of
life forms. This study suggests that one viable approach to address this
extreme complexity is to conceptualize living matter as a cascade of
machines producing machines. This cascade illustrates how cells are
composed of smaller submachines, reaching down to the atomic level where
molecular machines, such as ion pumps and enzymes, operate. In the other
direction, it explains how cells self-organize into larger systems, such
as tissues, organs, and populations, cumulating into the biosphere.
I would not assume that emergence from random chaos is the result of
self assembly or self organizing, especially when knowing about the laws
of physics. Atoms are preprogramed to react in certain ways. So when they
self assemble under particular conditions, atoms are just doing what they
have been programed to do, which I assume is by design, I mean, why else
would you make atoms if you didn't know how to control them? We can modify
the program in atoms on small scales, but we can't make atoms from
scratch. You have to have something to start something, so where did this
something come from? And you wonder why so many people believe in God. We
can say that atoms are a gift from a secret admire. So we should respect
this gift, it is literally the gift that keeps on giving. Though we may
never know our gifter, one thing is for sure, we have thy gift, and thy
gift is our connection to thou gifter.
"To say that
things self-organize is to say that you have no idea why these things
organized the way they did. It's like if you never knew what a computer
was and you saw computer programs running, you would
assume that they were
doing things all by themselves. And then some dude shows up and says, what
came first, the computer program or the computer?"
Artificial Magnetic Shield Could Help In Terraforming Mars (PDF)
Coordinated Modeling Center
Universities Space
Research Association
Lazarus Taxon is a taxon that disappears for one or more
periods from the fossil record, only to appear again later. Likewise in
conservation biology and ecology, it can refer to species or populations
that were thought to be extinct, and are rediscovered. The term refers to
the story in the Christian biblical Gospel of John, in which Jesus Christ
raised Lazarus from the dead.
Taxonomy (phenotype)
Endemism is the ecological state of a
species being unique
to a defined geographic location, such as an island, nation, country or
other defined zone, or habitat type; organisms that are indigenous to a
place are not endemic to it if they are also found elsewhere. The extreme
opposite of endemism is cosmopolitan distribution. An alternative term for
a species that is endemic is precinctive, which applies to species (and
subspecific categories) that are restricted to a defined geographical area.
God gave our
DNA the instructions that's
were needed for our bodies to survive in our Environment. God also gave us
all the tools necessary to live in our environment sustainably and
humanely. The only thing that God did not give
us was
Knowledge and the
instructions that are needed to use knowledge effectively and
efficiently. God gave us a brain, but God did not tell us how to use it.
Just like babies, we need
our mother to survive until we learn how to survive on our own. And
sometimes, if you don't learn the hard way, you may never learn at all. We
need to make God proud of us.
The Spark of
Life -
Life started with a Spark - Spark
is to cause something to start and to put something in
motion. To provoke or initiate a device,
reaction or circuit. A
joy expressed by a brightness, gleam or by animation of explicit approval
from a human face.
Evolution is a Process of Life
does not create life,
life is evolutionary. So how did life get here? Is
there another
dimension or
invisible landscape that allows life to travel
to any where in the universe?
Does life sense where life can exist in the universe, and thus goes to that planet and
adapts to the environment of that planet, so that life can evolve and
develop using the chemical building blocks that are currently available? Can
there only be life where life has existed before?
came first, the chicken or the egg? The rooster, or neither? Neither the chicken
nor the egg came first.
They came at the same time. Something made
something similar to
a chicken that was designed to lay an egg and
then that thing had an egg, which then grew into a chicken. Of course we may never know
where life truly originated from. Life certainly did not originate from
this planet.
Our planet was not the first planet
to support life or will it be the last
planet to support life.
The egg or the chicken? An ancient unicellular says egg.
Chromosphaera perkinsii is a
species discovered in 2017 in marine sediments around Hawaii. The
first signs of its presence on Earth have been dated at over a billion
years, well before the appearance of the first animals. A team has
observed that this species forms
structures that bear striking similarities to animal embryos. These
observations suggest that the genetic programs responsible for embryonic
development were already present before the emergence of animal life, or
that C. perkinsii evolved independently to develop similar processes.
Nature would therefore have possessed the genetic tools to 'create eggs'
long before it 'invented chickens'.
Convergent Evolution -
Divergent Evolution
Are Humans Special? Yes. Are Humans
Unique? Yes. Are other Animals Special? Yes. Are other Animals Unique?
Yes. Are Humans Vulnerable to Extinction? Yes. But humans may not be as
vulnerable as other animals, but there are other animals that could be
more adaptable than humans. Humans special uniqueness is definitely a
benefit, but only as long as we use our special uniqueness in an
intelligent way. I would not say that Humans are better than other
animals, humans just have more potential in certain areas. You're special
when you do special things. So being special is a responsibility that you
must prove in order to be worthy of such special unique traits. Life
The Human Option. Not just to
adapt ourselves to the environment, but to adapt the
environment to ourselves and to other life forms on this planet that we
need to live. But this manual option has its own vulnerabilities and
flaws, because choices and options are only good when you make the right
choices. It seems that planet earth is counting on humans to live up to
their potential, if not, then humans may never live again, just
like millions of
other species have done in the history of our earth.
When life
adapts or learns, life lives. When life does not adapt or learn, then life
dies. Extinctions are a fact of life. This is the main reason why humans
are here. Not just to experience life, but preserve life. Humans are the
only organism that can make adjustments manually and make changes quick
enough in order to survive extreme environmental events. But this
advantage over other life forms has an Achilles heal. If humans make wrong
decisions because of their ignorance, then their advantage becomes a
disadvantage, which is what is happening now. This is why it is so
extremely important to utilize human intelligence, if not, we die.
Iteration -
Development -
Intelligent Design
The Universe
Looks like One Big Experiment. The
Universe looks like someone had an
idea about
how they wanted
to create a universe, and then
experimented and learned along the way
to find out which
processes work
the best.
seems to be
the only successful result that we know of from all those
experiments that the universe is still currently
experimenting with. And
Human Society is also
another big experiment. On earth we have
diseases, wars, crimes
and lots of
natural disasters. You can't say that all those horrible
things that happen to people are by design or from God.
No one in their
right mind would design a world like that on purpose, so it must be the
current limits of our reality, a set of rules that we must learn to
understand and work within. So maybe all these things that
kill life are all part of
the process of learning and trying to figure out
how to make life flourish. Life is trying to figure out what
works best. So of course we still have some work to do, and so does God.
And I would rather help
God succeed then work against God. I really think
that God is on to something.
Intelligent design is work in progress. So
this is more about persistence. And
persistence is something that humans are
born with. Look at any child and you can see
the human spirit is alive and well.
Life is a work in
progress, it's not all by design or from evolution, but by
And we will survive.
I Will Survive -
Gloria Gaynor (1978) - This song is about how she no longer needs
in her life. So the man she sings about represents ignorance. (I'll be
fine when I finally get rid of your dumb ass).
"Life can be
predictable and also
unpredictable. With so many things that can go wrong, its just amazing
that so many things can go right. Just
being alive
is a freaking miracle."
The Universe is Not Perfect
or Finely Tuned.
Universe can be chaotic at
times. Stars
exploding, planets dying, radiation, climate change, asteroids and
extinctions. But the Universe does have
predictability and
order, most likely
by design,
how else could you have life?
Something's have to
last for a certain amount of time, if not, then we would not be here.
also by
design? Or is it just
meaningful coincidences?
The fact is that
nothing lasts forever. Though
atoms do last for an
extremely long time that seems to be
forever, (10^35 years). Planets and stars do have limited life spans
on the average of around 10 billion years, which seems to be plenty of
time to enjoy
life, and also, plenty of time to
find a new home when that
time comes.
Free Will -
The universe is about
development. And earth and
humans is just one of millions of steps in that development. But earth and
humans are making a big step, because now we know about entropy. once you
lose the knowledge to see things, you have to start all over again with
almost nothing. This can be good or bad, but you don't have a choice, or
do you? A glimmer of hope says what if? What if there was an option? An
option that the universe was built to except. So now you know, there is a
direction that can't be stopped, because the universe is all about
development. Though the last 100,000 years of human development seemed
extremely slow, we can clearly see we are
up to speed. Don't think about the years lost, think about the
years gained. We are going much faster now.
The human body is a
complex system that has billions of cells and many different parts. The
body can adapt and modify itself to the environment and also make changes
based on feedback. But this system of flexibility can also cause
instability and volatility. Causal emergence from random mutations and
disease can cause problems for the human body. But the human body can make
mistakes at low level development, and have these mistakes corrected at a
higher level development using the variables in gene expression, DNA
repair and general purpose proteins. So most of the time, the human body
can recover from mistakes. It seems that the entire universe is designed
in the same way. Bedsides diversity and variety, there are programmed
instructions and the laws of nature, but there is also adaptability that
gives us some stability and predictability. The only bad side is, this
changeability comes with inherent vulnerabilities. This is something that
we have to learn in order to improve our odds of survival. The human body
is an incredible machine that requires intelligence to operate effectively
and efficiently. But the intelligence that every human needs is not taught
in any schools or in any university, though it should be. So for now, you
have to educate yourself, just like all the other great minds have done
throughout history. The best leaders and inventors are the ones who
educated themselves. And the only way to educate yourself is to have
access to the worlds most valuable knowledge and information. The printing
press is one of the greatest inventions of all time, which is second to
the greatest invention of all time, language. But just like our body, our
greatest inventions have vulnerabilities because of manipulation from
ignorance. We have learned so much in the last 1000 years, but sadly, too
many of us have also learned very little about ourselves and the world
around us. Human power, potential and resilience comes from knowledge.
Humans can no longer ignore the enormous potential that comes from a high
quality education, an education that still does not exist. But BK101 is
getting close.
What does Life need in order to exist? A
Creator, Space, Atoms, Electricity and Magnetism, Heat and Cold, Light and Dark,
Environment, Chemical Reactions, Molecules,
DNA, Cells, Metabolism, Reproduction, Adaptation, Time perception and Some Luck.
are the basic
structural and
functional unit of
organisms. A cell is the smallest unit of
life. Cells are often called the
Building Blocks of Life. Cells may exist as independent units of life
such as in
or cells may form colonies or tissues as in higher
plants and
In humans, there are about
240 Different Types of
Cells, and within these cells there are about 20 different types of
structures or organelles. The human body is made up of trillions and
trillions cells. And of those trillions of
cells, there are hundreds of
different types, each with its own specific function, from forming your
tissue and organs to reproduction and fighting off infections. They
provide structure for the body, take in nutrients, and create energy.
Basically, it’s all about the cell.
A cell is made of
and a molecule is made of
cell has around 10 Trillion to 100 Trillion Atoms. The number of
molecules in a typical human cell is somewhere
between 5 million and 2 trillion. The number of cells in the human body is
estimated to be about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell.
There around
50-75 Trillion Cells in the Human Body.
(that's a 5 followed by 13 zeroes). If you have 50 trillion cells in the
human body with each cell having around
500 trillion atoms, then the human
body is made up of around 2,500 trillion atoms or over 2 quadrillion
Cells Poster (image) -
Cell Photo (image) -
The Cell Map -
Level (PDF) -
Cell Types Database -
Biology -
Cells (youtube)
The Cell (youtube)
The Human Cell (youtube)
What Is Cell / Cell as the Basic Unit of Life in Stunning 3D 4K (youtube)
Single Cell -
Organisms -
Stem Cells -
Blood Cells -
Cell Communication Signals
T-Cells -
Cell Division
Cell Death -
Synthetic Cells
Almost every Cell in the Human Body gets Replaced Every 7 to 10 Years
Atoms Too.
Biologists construct a 'periodic table' for cell nuclei. Project to
classify nuclei across the tree of life discovers how to transmute them
from one type into another.
Human Cell Atlas
- comprehensive reference maps of all human cells.
Bacteria Cells have a
different type of DNA.
The Next Software
Revolution: Life: Andrew Hessel (youtube)
Largest cell in the human body is the
Female Egg, and the smallest cell is the
Male Sperm, 500 Million from Ejaculation.
Eggs of
most animals are
single cells, containing stockpiles of all the materials needed for
initial development of the embryo through to the stage at which the new
individual can begin feeding.
Immune System Cells -
Cells and Longevity
Cells have Memory. New research provides
evidence that some
molecular interactions on cell surfaces may have a "memory" that
affects their future interactions. The report could lead to a
re-examination of results from certain single-molecule research.
Building Blocks of Life -
Tiny Machines
Extracellular Matrix
is a collection of extracellular
molecules secreted by
cells that provides
structural and biochemical support to the surrounding cells.
Membrane is a biological membrane that separates and protects the
interior of a cell from the outside environment or the extracellular
Extracellular is located or occurring
outside a cell or cells.
Bones -
Skin -
How cells use condensation to seal tissues tight. Our bodies and
organs are shielded from the external environment by tissue barriers like
the skin. These barriers must be tightly sealed to prevent unwanted
substances from entering. This sealing is achieved through structures
tight junctions. However, how these
tight junctions form has long been a mystery. Now, biologists have
uncovered that the proteins responsible for these seals form a liquid-like
material on the cell surface much like the water that condenses on a cold
Cell in
biology is the basic structural,
functional, and biological unit of all known living organisms. A cell is
the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and cells are
often called the "
Building Blocks of Life". The study of cells is called
Biology. Cells consist of cytoplasm enclosed within a membrane, which
contains many biomolecules such as
proteins and
nucleic acids. Organisms
can be classified as unicellular (consisting of a single cell; including
bacteria) or multicellular (including plants and animals). While the
number of cells in plants and animals varies from species to species,
humans contain more than 10 trillion (1012) cells. Most plant and animal
cells are visible only under a microscope, with dimensions between 1 and
100 micrometres.
Cell Physiology is the
study about the activities that take place in a cell to keep it alive,
like nutrition, environmental response, cell growth, cell division,
reproduction and differentiation.
When a Human Cell Develops, What are the Atoms or the Molecules that a
Cell needs to Grow? The various elements that make up the cell are:
59% Hydrogen (H) - 24% Oxygen (O) - 11% Carbon (C) - 4% Nitrogen (N) - 2%
Others - Phosphorus (P), Sulphur (S), etc. All life on Earth is built from
four different types of molecules. These four types of molecules are often
referred to as the molecules of life. The four molecules of life are
proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. Each of the four groups
is vital for every single organism on Earth. Without any of these four
molecules, a cell and organism would not be able to live. All of the four
molecules of life are important either structurally or functionally for
cells and, in most cases, they are important in both ways.
Watch a Single Cell
become a Complete Organism in Six Pulsing Minutes of Time-Lapse. A film by
Jan van IJken (vimeo).
Proteins are the first of the
molecules of life and
they are really the
building blocks of
Proteins are the most common molecules found in cells. If all the water is
removed from a cell, proteins make up more than half of the remaining
weight. Protein molecules are involved in a range of aspects of a cell’s
biology. They come in a huge variety of forms and perform a massive range
of functions. They are involved in muscle movement,
storage of energy,
immune defense and much more. The primary
structure of a protein is a long chain made of many smaller molecules
called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids that are used to
build proteins. The different
amino acids can be
arranged into trillions of different sequences that each creates a unique
protein. The long chain of amino acids twists and folds on itself to
produce the final shape of a protein. Amino acids contain nitrogen.
Nitrogen-based compounds are an essential part of the diet of all
organism so they can produce new proteins for
their cells. This is why farmers often add
nitrogen-based fertilizers
to help their crops grow and why it is important for humans to eat foods
that contain proteins. The cell makes proteins based on a process called
protein synthesis. During
protein synthesis, the cell uses information from a gene on a
chromosome to produce a specific
protein. Transfer RNA carries amino acids to the ribosome and adds them to
the ribosome and adds them to the growing protein.
Carbohydrates are an important
source of energy. They also
provide structural support for cells and help with
communication between cells. A carbohydrate molecule is
made of atoms of
hydrogen and
oxygen, e.g. glucose, with a ratio
of two hydrogen's for every oxygen atom. They are found in the form of
either a
sugar or many sugars
linked together. A single sugar molecule is known as a monosaccharide. Two
sugar molecules bonded together is a disaccharide and many sugar molecules
make a polysaccharide. The three different types of carbohydrates are all
important for different reasons. Carbohydrates are the most important
sources of energy for many organisms.
Plants use the sun’s energy to
convert CO2 into carbohydrates. The energy of these carbohydrates
later allows plants to grow and reproduce. Many organisms have what is
known as a cell wall that surrounds their cell. The cell walls of plants
and fungi are made from carbohydrates. Cell walls provide important
protection for the cells of plants and fungi. The carbohydrates are the
compounds which
provide energy to
living cells. The carbohydrates we use as foods have their origin in the
photosynthesis of plants. They take the form of sugars, starches, and
cellulose. Carbohydrates can be found in several places in the cell
including the cell membrane which is composed of a bilipid layer of
proteins and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are attached to proteins and
lipids on the outer bilipid layer.
Lipids are a highly variable group of molecules that include fats,
oils, waxes and some steroids. These molecules are made mostly from chains
of carbon and hydrogen called
acids. Fatty acids bond to a range of other types of atoms to form
many different lipids. Cells require lipids for a number of reasons.
Probably the most important role of lipids is the main component of cell
membranes. A type of lipid called a phospholipid is the primary molecule
found in the membranes of cells. Other important functions lipids have
include insulation of heat,
energy, protection and
cellular communication.
The importance of these various functions is why lipids are classed as one
of the four molecules of life. Almost all lipids are insoluble in water.
The structure of lipid molecules means they are
repelled by water. This is why oils
and fats form globules in water and why the vinegar and oil of vinaigrette
separate if the mixture is left for a while. lipid are made up of a
glycerol molecule with three fatty acid molecules attached to it.
Phospholipids form membranes. They are made of fatty acid where the
glycerol is attached to the acyle chain and in some case to other
compounds/elements. Lipids make all cell membranes, and they are stored in
oil bodies in oily seeds. Lipids have high energy content and require high
energy input too when produced.
Lipids comprise a group
of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, sterols,
fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides,
diglycerides, triglycerides, phospholipids, and others. The main
biological functions of lipids include storing
energy, signaling, and acting as
structural components of cell membranes.
Acids. There are two types of nucleic acids that are essential to all
life. These are
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA
(ribonucleic acid). DNA is a very well-known type of molecule that makes
up the genetic material of a cell. DNA is responsible for carrying all the
information an organism needs to survive, grow and reproduce. RNA is a
lesser-known molecule but it also plays an important role in cells. RNA
molecules are used to translate the information stored in DNA molecules
and use the information to help build proteins. Without RNA, the
information in DNA would be useless. Nucleic acids are long chains made
from many smaller molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is made of
a sugar, a base and a phosphate group. The two differences between DNA and
RNA are their sugars and their bases. DNA has a deoxyribose sugar while
RNA has a ribose sugar. DNA has four different bases – adenine (A),
thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C). RNA has three of the same
bases but the thymine base is replaced with a base called uracil (U).
Tug of war between cells – When crucial connections are missing. The
ability of cells to move together in harmony is crucial for numerous
biological processes in our body, for example, wound healing, or the
healthy development of an organism. This movement is made possible by the
connections between individual cells. A research team has shown that
particularly close connections -- 'tight junctions' -- play an important
role in cell movement. In addition, researchers investigated the
consequences of losing these connections.
We might not know half of what’s in our cells, new AI technique reveals.
Artificial intelligence-based technique reveals previously unknown cell
components that may provide new clues to human development and disease.
Most human diseases can be traced to malfunctioning parts of a cell -- a
tumor is able to grow because a gene wasn't accurately translated into a
particular protein or a metabolic disease arises because mitochondria
aren't firing properly, for example. But to understand what parts of a
cell can go wrong in a disease, scientists first need to have a complete
list of parts.
Protocell is a
self-organized, endogenously ordered
(produced, originating or growing from within), spherical collection of lipids
proposed as a stepping-stone toward the origin of life. A central question
in evolution is how simple protocells first arose and how they could
differ in reproductive output, thus enabling the accumulation of
biological emergences over time, i.e. biological evolution. Although a
functional protocell has not yet been achieved in a laboratory setting,
the goal to understand the process appears well within reach.
Knowing how Cells Grow and Divide can lead to more robust and productive
Chimera is a single organism composed of
cells from different
This can result in male and female organs, two blood types, or subtle
variations in form.
Mitochondrion is a double membrane-bound
organelle found in all
eukaryotic organisms. Some cells in some
multicellular organisms may however lack them (for example, mature
mammalian red blood cells). A number of unicellular organisms, such as microsporidia, parabasalids, and diplomonads, have also reduced or
transformed their mitochondria into other structures. To date, only one
eukaryote, Monocercomonoides, is known to have completely lost its
mitochondria. The word mitochondrion comes from the Greek μίτος, mitos,
"thread", and χονδρίον, chondrion, "granule" or "grain-like".
generate most of the cell's supply of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), used
as a source of
chemical energy. Mitochondria are commonly between 0.75 and
3 μm in diameter but vary considerably in size and structure. Unless
specifically stained, they are not visible. In addition to supplying
cellular energy, mitochondria are involved in other tasks, such as
signaling, cellular differentiation, and
cell death, as well as
maintaining control of the cell cycle and cell growth.
biogenesis is in turn temporally coordinated with these cellular
Mitochondria have been implicated in several human diseases,
including mitochondrial disorders, cardiac dysfunction, heart failure and
autism. The number of mitochondria in a cell can vary widely by organism,
tissue, and cell type. For instance, red blood cells have no mitochondria,
whereas liver cells can have more than 2000; The organelle is composed of
compartments that carry out specialized functions. These compartments or
regions include the outer membrane, the intermembrane space, the inner
membrane, and the cristae and matrix. Although most of a cell's
DNA is
contained in the cell nucleus, the mitochondrion has its own independent
genome that shows substantial similarity to bacterial genomes.
Mitochondrial proteins (proteins transcribed from
Mitochondrial DNA) vary depending on the tissue and the species.
In humans, 615 distinct types of protein have been identified from cardiac
mitochondria, whereas in rats, 940 proteins have been reported. The
mitochondrial proteome is thought to be dynamically regulated.
Ribosome is a complex
molecular machine, found within all living
cells, that serves as the site of biological
protein production. Ribosomes
link amino acids together in the order specified by messenger
RNA (mRNA) molecules. Ribosomes consist of two
major components: the small ribosomal subunit, which reads the RNA, and
the large subunit, which joins amino acids to form a
polypeptide chain.
Each subunit is composed of one or more ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules and
a variety of ribosomal proteins. The ribosomes and associated molecules
are also known as the translational apparatus. Ribosome is a minute
particle consisting of RNA and associated proteins, found in large numbers
in the cytoplasm of living cells. They bind messenger RNA and transfer RNA
to synthesize polypeptides and
Hydrocarbon is an organic compound consisting entirely of
hydrogen and
carbon, and thus are group 14 hydrides. Hydrocarbons from which one
hydrogen atom has been removed are functional groups, called hydrocarbyls.
Aromatic hydrocarbons (arenes), alkanes, alkenes, cycloalkanes and
alkyne-based compounds are different types of hydrocarbons.
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon are hydrocarbons—organic compounds
containing only carbon and hydrogen—that are composed of multiple aromatic
rings (organic rings in which the electrons are delocalized).
Amino Acids are
biologically important organic compounds containing amine (-NH2) and
carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups, along with a side-chain (R group)
specific to each
amino acid. The key elements of an amino acid are carbon,
oxygen, and nitrogen, though other elements are found in the
side-chains of certain amino acids.
About 500 amino acids are known
(though only 20 appear in the genetic code) and can be classified in many
is an organic compound, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of
several hundred to many thousands of β(1→4) linked D-glucose units.
Cellulose is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of
green plants, many forms of algae and the oomycetes. Some species of
bacteria secrete it to form biofilms. Cellulose is the most abundant
organic polymer on Earth. The cellulose content of cotton fiber is 90%,
that of wood is 40–50% and that of dried hemp is approximately 57%.
Endothelium (blood)
Cytostasis is the inhibition of
cell growth and multiplication.
Cytostatic refers to a cellular component or medicine that inhibits cell
growth. Cytostasis is an important prerequisite for structured
multicellular organisms. Without regulation of cell growth and division
only unorganized heaps of cells would be possible. Chemotherapy of cancer,
treatment of skin diseases and treatment of infections are common use
cases of cytostatic drugs. Active hygienic products generally contain
cytostatic substances. Cytostatic mechanisms and drugs generally occur
together with cytotoxic ones.
Respiration is a set of
metabolic reactions and processes that take
place in the cells of organisms to convert biochemical
energy from nutrients into
Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), and then release waste products. The
reactions involved in respiration are
catabolic reactions, which break large molecules into smaller ones,
energy in the process,
as weak so-called "high-energy" bonds are replaced by stronger bonds in
the products. Respiration is one of the key ways a cell releases
chemical energy to fuel cellular
activity. Cellular respiration is considered an exothermic redox reaction
which releases
heat. The overall
reaction occurs in a series of biochemical steps, most of which are redox
reactions themselves. Although technically, cellular respiration is a
combustion reaction, it clearly does not resemble one when it occurs in a
living cell because of the slow release of energy from the series of
reactions. Nutrients that are commonly used by animal and plant cells in
respiration include sugar, amino acids and fatty acids, and the most
common oxidizing agent (electron acceptor) is molecular
oxygen (O2). The
chemical energy stored in ATP (its third phosphate group is weakly bonded
to the rest of the molecule and is cheaply broken allowing stronger
bonds to form, thereby transferring energy for use by the cell) can then
be used to drive processes requiring energy, including biosynthesis,
locomotion or transportation of molecules across cell membranes.
Cellular Waste Product are formed as a by-product of cellular
respiration, a series of processes and reactions that generate energy for
the cell, in the form of
ATP. Two examples of cellular respiration
creating cellular waste products are
aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration.
Cell Death -
Cell Injury.
is a membrane-bound organelle found on most types of cell, and certain
microorganisms known as ciliates. Cilia are absent in bacteria and archaea.
The cilium has the shape of a slender threadlike projection that extends
from the surface of the much larger cell body. Eukaryotic flagella found
on sperm cells and many protozoans have a similar structure to motile
cilia that enables swimming through liquids; they are longer than cilia
and have a different undulating motion. Motile cilia are found in large
numbers on respiratory epithelial cells – around 200 cilia per cell, where
they function in mucociliary clearance, and also have mechanosensory and
chemosensory functions. Motile cilia on ependymal cells move the
cerebrospinal fluid through the ventricular system of the brain. Motile
cilia are also present in the fallopian tubes of female mammals where they
function in moving the egg cell from the ovary to the uterus. Motile cilia
that lack the central pair of microtubules are the cells of the embryonic
primitive node termed nodal cells and these nodal cilia are responsible
for the left-right asymmetry in bilateral animals.
Images of invisible holes or cellular pores on cells may jumpstart
Protein keeps our cell membranes in balance. Researchers have studied
the structure, function and mechanisms of the
protein ATP8B1, which flips lipid molecules in our cell membranes and
plays a key role in bile biosynthesis.
Researchers unravel mechanisms that control Cell Size.
have been shown to predominantly exist as large transmembrane channels
connecting the intracellular and extracellular space,
allowing the passage of ions and small molecules
between these compartments (such as ATP and sulforhodamine B). Three
pannexins have been described in Chordates: Panx1, Panx2 and Panx3.
innexins are responsible for forming gap junctions in invertebrates.
Supramolecular chemistry: Self-constructed folded macrocycles with low
symmetry. The
self-organization of biological
macromolecules is essential for life on earth. Chemists now report the
spontaneous emergence of complex ring-shaped macromolecules with low
degrees of symmetry in the laboratory. Molecules that are made up of
multiple repeating subunits, known as monomers, which may vary or not in
their chemical structure, are classified as macromolecules or polymers.
Examples exist in nature, including proteins and nucleic acids, which are
at the heart of all biological systems. Proteins not only form the basis
of structural elements in cells, they also serve as enzymes -- which
catalyze essentially all of the myriad of chemical transformations that
take place in living systems. In contrast, nucleic acids such as DNA and
RNA serve as informational macromolecules. DNA stores the cell's genetic
information, which is selectively copied into RNA molecules that provide
the blueprints for the synthesis of proteins. In addition, long chains
comprised of sugar units provide energy reserves in the form of glycogen,
which is stored in the liver and the muscles. These diverse classes of
polymeric molecules all have one feature in common: They spontaneously
fold into characteristic spatial conformations, for example the famous DNA
double helix, which in most cases are essential for their biochemical functions.
Nuclear Pore is a part of a large
complex of proteins, known as
a nuclear pore complex that spans the
nuclear envelope, which is the double membrane surrounding the
eukaryotic cell nucleus. There are approximately
1,000 nuclear pore complexes or NPCs in the nuclear envelope of a
vertebrate cell, but this number varies depending on cell type and the
stage in the life cycle. The human nuclear pore complex (hNPC) is a 110
megadalton (MDa) structure. The proteins that make up the nuclear pore
complex are known as nucleoporins; each NPC contains at least 456
individual protein molecules and is composed of 34 distinct nucleoporin
proteins. About half of the nucleoporins typically contain solenoid
protein domains—either an alpha solenoid or a beta-propeller fold, or in
some cases both as separate structural domains. The other half show
structural characteristics typical of "natively unfolded" or intrinsically
disordered proteins, i.e. they are highly flexible proteins that lack
ordered tertiary structure. These disordered proteins are the FG
nucleoporins, so called because their amino-acid sequence contains many
phenylalanine—glycine repeats. Nuclear pore complexes allow the transport
of molecules across the nuclear envelope. This transport includes RNA and
ribosomal proteins moving from nucleus to the cytoplasm and proteins (such
as DNA polymerase and lamins), carbohydrates, signaling molecules and
lipids moving into the nucleus. It is notable that the nuclear pore
complex (NPC) can actively conduct 1000 translocations per complex per
second. Although smaller molecules simply diffuse through the pores,
larger molecules may be recognized by specific signal sequences and then
be diffused with the help of nucleoporins into or out of the nucleus. It
has been recently shown that these nucleoporins have specific evolutionary
conserved features encoded in their sequences that provide insight into
how they regulate the transport of molecules through the nuclear pore.
Nucleoporin-mediated transport is not directly energy requiring, but
depends on concentration gradients associated with the RAN cycle. Each of
the eight protein subunits surrounding the actual pore (the outer ring)
projects a spoke-shaped protein over the pore channel. The center of the
pore often appears to contain a plug-like structure. It is yet unknown
whether this corresponds to an actual plug or is merely cargo caught in
Decoding a key part of the cell, atom by atom. Understanding of the
nuclear pore complex, a vital cellular gateway. There is an entire suite
of molecular machinery inside each of your cells hard at work. The nuclear
pore complex (NPC). The NPC, which is made of more than 1,000 individual
proteins, is an incredibly discriminating gatekeeper for the cell's
nucleus, the membrane-bound region inside a cell that holds that cell's
genetic material. Anything going in or out of the nucleus has to pass
through the NPC on its way. The NPC's role as a gatekeeper of the nucleus
means it is vital for the operations of the cell. Within the nucleus, DNA,
the cell's permanent genetic code, is copied into RNA. That RNA is then
carried out of the nucleus so it can be used to manufacture the proteins
the cell needs. The NPC ensures the nucleus gets the materials it needs
for synthesizing RNA, while also protecting the DNA from the harsh
environment outside the nucleus and enabling the RNA to leave the nucleus
after it has been made.
Cellular Movement. How does a cell move? 'Pull the plug' on the
electrical charge on the inner side of its membrane. Scientists say that a
key to cellular movement is to regulate the electrical charge on the
interior side of the cell membrane, potentially paving the way for
understanding cancer, immune cell and other types of cell motion.
Experiments in
immune cells and amoeba
show that an abundance of negative charges lining the interior surface of
the membrane can activate pathways of lipids, enzymes and other proteins
responsible for nudging a cell in a certain direction.
Recreating Life in a Lab - In Vitro - Cultured
Cell Culture is the process by which cells are
grown under controlled conditions, generally
outside their natural environment. After
the cells of interest have been isolated from living tissue, they can
subsequently be maintained under carefully controlled conditions. These
conditions vary for each cell type, but generally consist of a suitable
vessel with a substrate or
that supplies the essential nutrients (amino acids, carbohydrates,
vitamins, minerals), growth factors, hormones, and gases (CO2, O2), and
regulates the physio-chemical environment (pH buffer, osmotic pressure,
temperature). Most cells require a surface or an artificial substrate
(adherent or monolayer culture) whereas others can be grown free floating
in culture medium (suspension culture). The lifespan of most cells is
genetically determined, but some cell culturing cells have been
“transformed” into immortal cells which will reproduce indefinitely if the
optimal conditions are provided. In practice, the term "cell culture" now
refers to the culturing of cells derived from multicellular eukaryotes,
especially animal cells, in contrast with other types of culture that also
grow cells, such as plant tissue culture, fungal culture, and
microbiological culture (of microbes). The historical development and
methods of cell culture are closely interrelated to those of tissue
culture and organ culture. Viral culture is also related, with cells as
hosts for the viruses. The laboratory technique of maintaining live cell
lines (a population of cells descended from a single cell and containing
the same genetic makeup) separated from their original tissue source
became more robust in the middle 20th century.
Synthetic Life.
Cultured is something grown or propagated
in an
artificial medium. Grow in a special preparation.
Lab Grown Meat.
Cultivated is something that is no longer
in the natural state. Something developed by human care and for human use.
adapted to the environment.
In Vivo
is testing and experimenting on living organisms or cells, usually
animals, including humans, and plants, which the effects of various
biological entities are tested. In vivo studies are those conducted in
animals, humans, and whole plants.
is something
synthetic that is
lab-grown in an
artificial environment
outside the living organism.
Vivo is an
artificial environment outside the living organism or within a living
In Vitro
Studies are performed with microorganisms, cells, or biological molecules
outside their normal biological context. Colloquially called "test-tube
experiments", these studies in biology and its subdisciplines are
traditionally done in
such as
Test Tubes, flasks,
Dishes, and microtiter plates. Studies conducted using components of
an organism that have been isolated from their usual biological
surroundings permit a more detailed or more convenient analysis than can
be done with whole organisms; however, results obtained from in vitro
experiments may not fully or accurately predict the effects on a whole
organism. Unlike bacteria,
most tissue cells are not adapted to living in suspension and require a
solid surface on which to grow and divide. Cultures prepared directly from
the tissues of an organism, that is, without cell proliferation in vitro,
are called primary cultures.
Growth Medium is a solid, liquid or semi-solid designed to support the
growth of microorganisms or cells, or small plants like the moss
Physcomitrella patens. Different types of
media are used for growing
different types of cells. The two major types of growth media are those
used for cell culture, which use specific cell types derived from plants
or animals, and microbiological culture, which are used for growing
microorganisms, such as bacteria or fungi. The most common growth media
for microorganisms are nutrient broths and agar plates; specialized media
are sometimes required for microorganism and cell culture growth. Some
organisms, termed fastidious organisms, require specialized environments
due to complex nutritional requirements. Viruses, for example, are
obligate intracellular parasites and require a growth medium containing
living cells.
Artificial Cell,
Synthetic Cell or
Minimal Cell is an
engineered particle that
mimics one or many functions of a
biological cell. Often, artificial cells are biological or polymeric
membranes which enclose biologically active materials. As such, liposomes,
polymersomes, nanoparticles, microcapsules and a number of other particles
can qualify as artificial cells. Artificial cells refer to a class of
artificial structures where biologically active components, for example,
proteins, genes, enzymes, or other cellular structures, are encapsulated
in artificial membranes. Polymer, protein, lipid, and their conjugates
have been used to create artificial membranes.
Minimal Cell is one whose genome only encodes the minimal set of
genes necessary for the cell to survive. A minimal cell has a total of 473
genes – less than any self-sustaining living organism known to humankind.
In a remarkable milestone for genetic engineering, scientists have built a
synthetic one-celled organism that can grow and divide similarly to a
normal cell.
Researchers create artificial cells that act like living cells. To do
this, they used a new programmable peptide-DNA technology that directs
peptides, the building blocks of proteins, and repurposed genetic material
to work together to form a cytoskeleton.
Synthetic Biology -
Biomimicry -
Artificial DNA Gene Synthesis -
Synthetic Cells emulate natural cellular communication. A research
team has succeeded in synthesizing simple, environmentally sensitive cells
complete with artificial organelles. For the first time, the researchers
have also been able to emulate natural cell-cell communication using these
proto-cells -- based on the model of photoreceptors in the eye. This opens
up new possibilities for basic research and applications in medicine.
Breakthrough for 'smart cell' design. Researchers build assembly kit
for synthetic sense-and-respond circuits in human cells. Bioengineers have
developed a new construction kit for building custom sense-and-respond
circuits in human cells. The research could revolutionize therapies for
complex conditions like autoimmune disease and cancer. Imagine tiny
processors inside cells made of proteins that can 'decide' how to respond
to specific
signals like inflammation, tumor growth
markers or blood sugar levels. In multicellular organisms,
phosphorylation-based signaling often involves a multistage, cascading
effect like falling dominoes. Previous attempts at harnessing this
mechanism for therapeutic purposes in human cells have focused on
re-engineering native, existing
signaling pathways.
However, the complexity of the pathways makes them difficult to work with,
so applications have remained fairly limited.
Human embryo-like models created from stem cells to understand
earliest stages of human development. Scientists have created a
stem cell-derived model of the human embryo in the
lab by reprogramming human
stem cells. The
breakthrough could help research into genetic disorders and in
understanding why and how pregnancies fail.
Lab-Grown Human Eggs
by turning a type of stem cell called an induced
pluripotent stem cell into a human egg.
In vitro gametogenesis: just another way to have a baby.
In Vitro Derived Human Gametes as a
Reproductive Technology:
Scientific, Ethical, and Regulatory Implications.
Unlocking human
In Vitro Gametogenesis in Oncofertility -
Turning Stem Cells into
Human Eggs
Creating artificial cells with lifelike functionality. Scientists have
harnessed the potential of bacteria to help build advanced synthetic cells
which mimic real life functionality.
Protein's -
Cell Division -
Intelligent Design
Organoid is a miniaturized and simplified version of an organ produced
in vitro in three dimensions that mimics the key functional, structural,
and biological complexity of that organ. It is derived from one or a few
cells from a tissue,
embryonic stem cells, or
induced pluripotent stem cells, which can self-organize in
three-dimensional culture owing to their self-renewal and differentiation
capacities. Organoids are
spontaneous in that
they are able to
self-organize into tissues
without external factors. Self-organization. Organoids are
three-dimensional tissue cultures that
spontaneously form
into the shape and function of the organ they are derived from. This can
happen with both embryonic and adult stem cells. Spontaneous
differentiation. In the case of brain organoids, unguided protocols allow
pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) to differentiate
spontaneously into brain regions without external factors.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking.
Organoids can exhibit spontaneous symmetry breaking, where a single cell
type differentiates in a spatially organized manner.
Researchers develop artificial building blocks of life. For the first
time, scientists have developed artificial nucleotides, the building
blocks of DNA, with several additional properties in the laboratory. The
DNA carries the genetic information of all living organisms and consists
of only four different building blocks, the nucleotides. Nucleotides are
composed of three distinctive parts: a sugar molecule, a phosphate group
and one of the four nucleobases adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine.
The nucleotides are lined up millions of times and form the DNA double
helix, similar to a spiral staircase. Scientists from the UoC's Department
of Chemistry have now shown that the structure of nucleotides can be
modified to a great extent in the laboratory.
Team engineers new enzyme to produce synthetic genetic material.
Discovery advances development of new therapeutic options for cancer and
other diseases. A research team describes how they engineered an efficient
new enzyme that can produce a synthetic genetic material called threose
nucleic acid. The ability to synthesize artificial chains of TNA, which is
inherently more stable than DNA, advances the discovery of potentially
more powerful, precise therapeutic options to treat cancer and autoimmune,
metabolic and infectious diseases.
Researchers simulate behavior of living 'minimal cell' in three dimensions.
Simulations offer insight into fundamental principles of life. Researchers
have developed artificial cell-like structures using inorganic matter that
autonomously ingest, process, and push out material—recreating an
essential function of living cells.
study offers a powerful computer-modeling approach to cell simulations.
A milestone report proposes a new technique for modeling molecular life
with computers. The advance promises new insights into the fundamental
biology of a cell, as well as faster and more precise treatment of human
Grow your own blood vessel model in a dish. Researchers can now grow a
model of a patient’s blood vessel wall in a dish from a small sample of
their blood. The technology
could be used to create personalized testing
kits for new drugs and advance research into diseases of the blood vessels
including stroke, heart attack and vascular dementia.
HeLa is
immortal cell line used in scientific research.
It is the oldest and most commonly used human cell line. The line was
derived from cervical cancer cells taken on February 8, 1951 from
Henrietta Lacks, a 31-year-old African-American mother of 5, who died
of cancer on October 4, 1951. The cell line was found to be remarkably
durable and prolific, which causes it to be used extensively in scientific
study. Henrietta Lacks was born Loretta Pleasant on August 1, 1920, in
Roanoke, Virginia, to Eliza and Johnny Pleasant. On August 8, 1951, Lacks,
who was 31 years old, went to Johns Hopkins for a routine treatment
session and asked to be admitted due to continued severe abdominal pain.
She received blood transfusions and remained at the hospital until her
death on October 4, 1951. A partial autopsy showed that the
cancer had metastasized throughout her entire
Cell Suspension is a type of cell culture in which single cells or
small aggregates of cells are allowed to function and multiply in an
agitated growth medium, thus forming a suspension. Suspension cultures are
used in addition to so-called adherent cultures. The cells themselves can
either be derived from homogenized tissue or from another type of culture.
Life from
Non-Living Matter -
Abiogenesis -
3D Printing Body Parts
is a
miniaturized and simplified version of an organ produced in vitro in
three dimensions that shows realistic micro-anatomy. They are derived from
one or a few cells from a tissue, embryonic
stem cells or induced
pluripotent stem cells, which can self-organize in three-dimensional
culture owing to their self-renewal and differentiation capacities. The
technique for growing organoids has rapidly improved since the early
2010s, and it was named by The Scientist as one of the biggest scientific
advancements of 2013. Organoids are used by scientists to study disease
and treatments in a laboratory.
Cerebral Organoid describes artificially grown, in vitro, miniature
organs resembling the
Scientists manufacture living blood vessel. An international
consortium of researchers has developed technology to enable the
manufacturing of materials that mimic the structure of living blood
vessels, with significant implications for the future of surgery.
Synthetic red blood cells mimic natural ones, and have new abilities.
Red blood cells take up oxygen from the lungs and deliver it to the body's
tissues. These disk-shaped cells contain millions of molecules of
hemoglobin -- an iron-containing protein that binds oxygen. RBCs are
highly flexible, which allows them to squeeze through tiny capillaries and
then bounce back to their former shape. The cells also contain proteins on
their surface that allow them to circulate through blood vessels for a
long time without being gobbled up by i
mmune cells.
Cell Cycle - Cell Division
Cell Cycle is the series of events that
take place in a cell leading to its division and
duplication of its DNA to produce two daughter cells. In bacteria, which lack a
cell nucleus, the cell cycle is divided into the B, C, and D periods. The
B period extends from the end of cell division to the beginning of DNA
replication. DNA replication occurs during the C period. The D period
refers to the stage between the end of DNA replication and the splitting
of the bacterial cell into two daughter cells.
Stem Cells
DNA Repair -
Gene Expression
Cell Division is the process by which a
parent cell
divides into two or more daughter cells. Cell division usually
occurs as part of a larger cell
cycle. In eukaryotes, there are two
distinct types of cell division: a vegetative division, whereby each
daughter cell is genetically identical to the parent cell (
mitosis), and a
reproductive cell division, whereby the number of chromosomes in the
daughter cells is reduced by half to produce haploid gametes (meiosis).
Meiosis results in four haploid daughter cells by undergoing one round of
replication followed by two divisions: homologous
chromosomes are
separated in the first division, and sister chromatids are separated in
the second division. Both of these cell division cycles are used in
sexually reproducing organisms at some point in their life cycle, and both
are believed to be present in the last eukaryotic common ancestor.
Prokaryotes also undergo a vegetative cell division known as binary
fission, where their genetic material is segregated equally into two
daughter cells. All cell divisions, regardless of organism, are preceded
by a single round of
DNA Replication.
Cells divide at least a billion times in the average person, usually
without any problem. However, when cell division goes wrong, it can
lead to a range of diseases. The process of
dividing the cell takes around an hour in mammals.
is a specialized type of cell division that reduces the
chromosome number
by half, creating four haploid cells, each genetically distinct from the
parent cell that gave rise to them. This process occurs in all
reproducing single-celled and multicellular eukaryotes, including animals,
plants, and
fungi. Errors in
meiosis resulting in aneuploidy are the leading known cause of miscarriage
and the most frequent genetic cause of developmental disabilities.
is a part of the cell cycle when replicated
chromosomes are separated into two new nuclei. Cell division gives
rise to genetically identical cells in which the number of chromosomes is
maintained. In general, mitosis (division of the nucleus) is preceded by
the S stage of interphase (during which the DNA is replicated) and is
often accompanied or followed by cytokinesis, which divides the cytoplasm,
organelles and cell membrane into two new cells containing roughly equal
shares of these cellular components. Mitosis and cytokinesis together
define the mitotic (M) phase of an animal cell cycle—the division of the
mother cell into two daughter cells genetically identical to each other.
The process of mitosis is divided into stages corresponding to the
completion of one set of activities and the start of the next. These
stages are prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
During mitosis, the chromosomes, which have already duplicated, condense
and attach to spindle fibers that pull one copy of each chromosome to
opposite sides of the cell. The result is two genetically identical
daughter nuclei. The rest of the cell may then continue to divide by
cytokinesis to produce two daughter cells. Producing three or more
daughter cells instead of the normal two is a mitotic error called
tripolar mitosis or multipolar mitosis (direct cell triplication /
multiplication). Other errors during mitosis can induce apoptosis
(programmed cell death) or cause mutations. Certain types of cancer can
arise from such mutations. Mitosis occurs only in eukaryotic cells.
Prokaryotic cells, which lack a nucleus, divide by a different process
called binary fission. Mitosis varies between organisms. For example,
animal cells undergo an "open" mitosis, where the nuclear envelope breaks
down before the chromosomes separate, whereas fungi undergo a "closed"
mitosis, where chromosomes divide within an intact cell nucleus. Most
animal cells undergo a shape change, known as mitotic cell rounding, to
adopt a near spherical morphology at the start of mitosis. Most human
cells are produced by mitotic cell division. Important exceptions include
the gametes – sperm and egg cells – which are produced by meiosis.
Gametogenesis is a biological process by which diploid or haploid
precursor cells undergo cell division and differentiation to form mature
haploid gametes. Depending on the biological life cycle of the organism,
gametogenesis occurs by meiotic division of diploid gametocytes into
various gametes, or by mitosis. For example, plants produce gametes
through mitosis in gametophytes. The gametophytes grow from haploid spores
after sporic meiosis. The existence of a multicellular, haploid phase in
the life cycle between meiosis and gametogenesis is also referred to as
alternation of generations.
DNA packaging directly affects how fast DNA is copied in cells.
Researchers have found that the way DNA is packaged in cells can directly
impact how fast DNA itself is copied during cell division. They discovered
that DNA packaging sends signals through an unusual pathway, affecting the
cell's ability to divide and grow. This opens up new doors to study how
the copying of the DNA and its packaging are linked. These findings may
help scientists to find therapies and medicines for diseases such as
cancer in the future.
Cellular Senescence is when
normal cells cease to
divide. Senescence is the process by which cells irreversibly stop
dividing and enter a state of permanent growth arrest
without undergoing cell death.
First Interactive Model of Human Cell Division. Real-time tracking of
proteins during mitosis is now possible using a 4D computer model, Mitosis
is how one cell divides and becomes two. There are
about 600 different proteins involved in mitosis in human cells.
Mitotic cell atlas:
track proteins during Cell Division (youtube).
New Human Cell Structure Discovered. The structure is a new type of
protein complex that the cell uses to attach to its surroundings and
proves to play a key part in cell division.
Cell division quality control 'stopwatch' uncovered. Mechanism keeps
track of the time cells take to split, sounding the alarm on cells that
may turn cancerous. Biologists have uncovered a quality control timing
mechanism tied to cell division. The 'stopwatch' function keeps track of
mitosis and acts as a protective measure when the process takes too long,
preventing the formation of cancerous cells. Each day, hundreds of
billions of cells in our body cycle through a period of growth and
division. Yet in that time, only about 30 minutes is spent on the critical
orchestration of mitosis, when chromosomes are carefully segregated from
one parent cell to the next generation of two daughter cells.
Hayflick Limit
is the number of times a normal human cell population will divide before
cell division stops.
Mitochondrial Fusion Supports Cell Division. New research shows that
when cells divide rapidly, their mitochondria are fused together. In this
configuration, the cell is able to more efficiently use oxygen for energy.
This work illuminates the inner workings of dividing cells and shows how
mitochondria combine to help cells to multiply in unexpected ways.
Scientists detail how chromosomes
reorganize after cell division. During mitosis, as a cell divides
into two daughter cells, virtually all the
are temporarily turned off, and the intricate structures in
chromatin fibers, the substance of chromosomes, are disrupted. After
mitosis, the daughter cells faithfully rebuild the complex chromatin
structures within each cell nucleus.
complicated interplay between chromatin architecture and gene
transcription. The study detected the formation of structures in
chromatin: the appearance and expansion of transcriptionally active and
silenced compartments; the creation of contact between regulatory regions
of the genome; and changes in so-called architectural proteins called CTCF
and cohesin that help sculpt the genome. Transcription, the conversion of
information encoded in DNA into its equivalent in RNA, temporarily stops
during mitosis, but reactivates thereafter in the daughter cells. Because
gene mutations that disrupt normal genome architecture or transcription
can play a key role in disease, better understanding of chromatin
architecture has potential clinical importance.
How cells learn to 'count'. Trillions of mammalian cells achieve this
uniformity -- but some consistently break this mold to fulfill unique
functions. In single-ciliated cells, Holland says, centrioles are created
before a cell divides. A cell contains two-parent centrioles that each
duplicate so that both new cells gets one pair of centrioles -- the oldest
of these two centrioles then goes on to form the base of the
However, multicilliated cells create unique structures, called
deuterosomes, that act as a copy machine to enable the production of
tens to hundreds of centrioles, allowing these cells to create many cilia.
How cells relieve DNA replication stress. Scientists revealed that
ATAD5 actively deals with replication stress, in addition to its known
function to prevent such stressful situations. Though ATAD5 has been known
as a tumor suppressor by maintaining genomic stability and suppressing
tumorigenesis, it has been unclear
whether the replication regulatory protein is also involved in the
replication stress response. In addition, they reported that PCNA
unloading by ATAD5 is a prerequisite for efficient RAD51 recruitment.
These suggest that a series of processes starting with RAD51 recruitment
and leading to structural changes, breakage, and eventual replication
restart are regulated by ATAD5. These findings highlight that the role of
ATAD5 in maintaining genome stability extends beyond its roles in PCNA
unloading during normal DNA replication. Replication stress can be caused
by extracellular sources such as oncogenes and chemicals. However, recent
studies have shown that intracellular sources such as
structures or the abnormal function of specific proteins can also provoke
replication stress.
Ground-breaking study reveals dynamics of DNA replication ‘licensing’.
A new study has illuminated an important process that occurs during cell
division and is a likely source of
DNA damage under
some circumstances, including cancer. Why are certain portions of the
genome are relatively susceptible to DNA damage during replication in some
cancer cells.
Origin licensing occurs in the initial, preparatory phase of cell
replication, known as the G1 phase. It involves sets of special enzymes
that attach to the DNA in chromosomes at various locations where
DNA-copying is to originate. The enzymes essentially license the copying
of DNA so that cells don't copy their genomes more than once.
Origin of Replication is a particular sequence in a genome at which
replication is initiated.
Acoustic Waves can Monitor Stiffness of Living Cells (MIT)
Immortalised Cell Line is a population of cells from a
multicellular organism which would normally not
proliferate indefinitely but, due to
have evaded normal
cellular senescence and instead
can keep undergoing division. The cells can therefore be grown for
prolonged periods in
vitro. The mutations required
for immortality can occur naturally or be intentionally induced for
experimental purposes. Immortal cell lines are a very important tool for
research into the biochemistry and cell biology of multicellular
organisms. Immortalised cell lines have also found uses in biotechnology.
An immortalised cell line should not be confused with
stem cells, which can also divide indefinitely, but form a normal part
of the development of a multicellular organism.
Rescue mechanism that helps cells survive malfunctioning split. Cells
replicate their genetic material and divide into two identical clones to
perpetuate life. Some cells pause in the process with a single, undivided
nucleus. When the cell resumes division after such a pause, the nucleus
can become caught in the fissure, splitting violently, and killing both
cells. But that is not always the case; some mutant cells can recover by
pushing their nucleus to safety. Researchers are starting to understand
how active nuclear displacement rescues cell death.
DNA Replication.
How a single cell gives rise to the 37 trillion cells in an average adult.
Somatic or
non-inherited mutations are generated
at each cell division during a human's development. The percentage of
cells bearing the traces of any given mutation decreases as these
divisions continue, essentially leaving for scientists a trail to follow
back to the earliest cells. If the fraction of cells with traces of a
mutation is high, scientists know that the mutation was generated earlier
in the cells' lineage, closer to its one common ancestor during early
embryonic development.
Cell division: Cleaning the nucleus without detergents. Researchers
have uncovered how cells remove unwanted components from the nucleus
following mitosis. Organization of cells into specific compartments is
critical for their function. For instance, by separating the nucleus from
the cytoplasm, the nuclear envelope prevents premature translation of
immature RNAs. During mitosis, however, the nuclear envelope disassembles,
allowing large cytoplasmic components such as ribosomes to mix with
nuclear material. When the nuclear envelope reassembles following mitosis,
these cytoplasmic components must once again be removed. "The nuclear
envelope can contribute to this by actively importing or exporting
substrates up to a certain size, but it was not clear what happens with
very large cytoplasmic components," says Mina Petrovic, PhD student in the
Gerlich lab and joint first author of the study. The research team from
IMBA and EMBL have now shown that large components such as ribosomes are
in fact removed from the forming nucleus before the nuclear envelope is
assembled again. This exclusion process requires the protein Ki-67, which
was the focus of an earlier publication in Nature by Sara Cuylen-Häring,
the other joint first author of this study, when she was a postdoc in the
Gerlich lab in 2016. Dr Cuylen-Häring explains: "We previously showed that
Ki-67 was responsible for keeping chromosomes separate in early stages of
mitosis by acting as a surfactant. Remarkably, we have now found that it
changes its properties at the end of mitosis and performs the opposite
function, namely clustering of chromosomes. By coming together into a
dense cluster at the end of cell division, chromosomes are able to exclude
large cytoplasmic components before the nuclear envelope reforms."
The first cells might have used temperature to divide. A simple
mechanism could underlie the growth and self-replication of protocells --
putative ancestors of modern living cells -- suggests a new study.
Protocells are vesicles bounded by a membrane bilayer and are potentially
similar to the first unicellular common ancestor (FUCA). On the basis of
relatively simple mathematical principles, the proposed model suggests
that the main force driving protocell growth and reproduction is the
temperature difference that occurs between the inside and outside of the
cylindrical protocell as a result of inner chemical activity. The
splitting of a cell to form two daughter cells requires the
synchronization of numerous biochemical and mechanical processes involving
cytoskeletal structures inside the cell. But in the history of life, such
complex structures are a high-tech luxury and must have appeared much
later than the ability to split. Protocells must have used a simple
splitting mechanism to ensure their reproduction, before the appearance of
genes, RNA, enzymes, and all the complex organelles present today, even in
the most rudimentary forms of autonomous life.
Meiotic exit in Arabidopsis is driven by P-body–mediated inhibition of
translation. Meiosis, at the transition between diploid and haploid
life cycle phases, is accompanied by reprograming of cell division
machinery and followed by a transition back to mitosis. We show that, in
Arabidopsis, this
transition is driven by inhibition of translation, achieved by a
mechanism that involves processing bodies (P-bodies). During the second
meiotic division, the meiosis-specific protein THREE-DIVISION MUTANT 1
(TDM1) is incorporated into P-bodies through interaction with SUPPRESSOR
main translation initiation complex, temporarily sequestering it in
P-bodies and inhibiting translation. The failure of tdm1 mutants to
terminate meiosis can be overcome by chemical inhibition of translation.
We propose that TDM1-containing P-bodies down-regulate expression of
meiotic transcripts to facilitate transition of cell fates to postmeiotic
gametophyte differentiation.
Cell Death - Out with the Old, In with the New
Cell Death
is the event of a biological cell
ceasing to carry out its functions. This
may be the result of the
natural process of old cells dying and
replaced by new ones, or may result from such factors as disease,
localized injury, or the
death of the organism of which the cells are
Longevity (senescence) -
Entropy -
Autophagy (fasting) -
Programmed Cell Death is
cell death mediated by an
program. PCD is carried out in a
regulated process, which usually confers
advantage during an organism's life-cycle. For example, the
differentiation of fingers and toes in a developing human embryo occurs
because cells between the fingers apoptose; the result is that the digits
are separate. PCD serves fundamental functions during both plant and
metazoa (multicellular animals) tissue development.
Zombie Cells.
Apoptosis is a
process of programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms.
Biochemical events lead to characteristic cell changes (morphology) and
death. These changes include blebbing, cell shrinkage, nuclear
fragmentation, chromatin condensation, chromosomal
fragmentation, and global mRNA decay.
Between 50
and 70 billion cells die each day due to apoptosis in the average
human adult. For an average child between the ages of 8 and 14,
approximately 20 billion to 30 billion cells die a day. Most of the cells
in your body reproduce at a nonstop rate. Your body needs to replace the
red blood cells
its loses. Every second, 2.5 million
red blood cells
die (a relatively small number compared the trillions of cells you have in
your body). Red blood cells are replaced at a rate of about 2 million per
second, or 222 billion to 242 billion cells produced every day by the
average human body.
DNA Repair.
Necrosis is a form of
cell injury which results in the
premature death of
cells in living tissue by
Autolysis. Necrosis is caused by factors external to the cell or
tissue, such as infection, toxins, or trauma which result in the
unregulated digestion of cell components. In contrast, apoptosis is a
naturally occurring programmed and targeted cause of cellular death. While
apoptosis often provides beneficial effects to the organism, necrosis is
almost always detrimental and can be fatal. Cellular death due to necrosis
does not follow the apoptotic signal transduction pathway, but rather
various receptors are activated, and result in the loss of cell membrane
integrity and an uncontrolled release of products of cell death into the
extracellular space. This initiates in the surrounding tissue an
inflammatory response which
and nearby phagocytes which eliminate the dead cells by phagocytosis.
However, microbial damaging substances released by leukocytes would create
collateral damage to surrounding tissues. This excess collateral damage
inhibits the healing process. Thus, untreated necrosis results in a
build-up of decomposing dead tissue and cell debris at or near the site of
the cell death. A classic example is gangrene. For this reason, it is
often necessary to remove necrotic tissue surgically, a procedure known as
debridement, which is the medical removal of dead, damaged, or
infected tissue to improve the healing potential of the remaining healthy
Autolysis or self-digestion, refers to the destruction of a cell
through the action of its own enzymes. It may also refer to the digestion
of an enzyme by another molecule of the same enzyme.
Necroptosis is a programmed form of
inflammatory cell death. Conventionally, necrosis is associated with unprogrammed cell death resulting from cellular damage or infiltration by
pathogens, in contrast to
orderly, programmed cell death via apoptosis. The discovery of necroptosis
showed that cells can execute necrosis in a programmed fashion and that
apoptosis is not always the preferred form of cell death. Furthermore, the
immunogenic nature of necroptosis favors its participation in certain
circumstances, such as aiding defense pathogens by the
immune system. Necroptosis is well
defined as a viral defense mechanism, allowing the cell to undergo
"cellular suicide" in a caspase-independent fashion in the presence of
viral caspase inhibitors to restrict virus replication. In addition to
being a response to disease, necroptosis has also been characterized as a
component of
inflammatory diseases such as Crohn's disease, pancreatitis,
and myocardial infarction.The signaling pathway responsible for carrying
out necroptosis is generally understood. TNFα leads to stimulation of its
receptor TNFR1. TNFR1 binding protein TNFR-associated death protein TRADD
and TNF receptor-associated factor 2 TRAF2 signals to RIPK1 which recruits
RIPK3 forming the necrosome also named ripoptosome. Phosphorylation of
MLKL by the ripoptosome drives oligomerization of MLKL, allowing MLKL to
insert into and permeabilize plasma membranes and organelles. Integration
of MLKL leads to the inflammatory phenotype and release of
damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), which elicit immune
Your body mostly replaces itself every 7
to 15 years. Cells have a finite life span, and when they die off
they are replaced with new cells. Skin cells live about two or three
weeks. Colon cells have it rough and die off after about four days. Red
blood cells live for about four months, while white blood cells live on
average more than a year. Fat cells are replaced at the rate of about 10%
per year in adults.
Neurons in
the cerebral cortex are not replaced when they die. That
memory is erased or updated.
Differentiated and
Undifferentiated Cells -
Brain Cells
Cell Damage can occur as a result of an
adverse stimulus which disrupts the normal homeostasis of affected cells.
Among other causes, this can be due to physical, chemical, infectious,
biological, nutritional or immunological factors. Cell damage can be
reversible or irreversible. Depending on the extent of injury, the
cellular response may be adaptive and where possible, homeostasis is
restored. Cell death occurs when the severity of the injury exceeds the
cell’s ability to repair itself. Cell death is relative to both the length
of exposure to a harmful stimulus and the severity of the damage caused.
Cell death may occur by necrosis or apoptosis.
DNA Repair (natural defenses)
Catastrophe refers to a mechanism of delayed mitotic-linked cell
death, a sequence of events resulting from premature or inappropriate
entry of cells into mitosis that can be caused by chemical or
physical stresses.
Biological machinery of cell's 'executioner' yields secrets of its control.
Researchers by structural biologists have discovered how the cell switches
on an executioner mechanism called necroptosis that induces damaged or
infected cells to commit suicide to protect the body.
Cell Suicide could hold key for Brain Health and Food Security.
Research into the self-destruction of cells in humans and plants could
lead to treatments for
neurodegenerative brain diseases and the development of
disease-resistant plants. A study has identified the role certain proteins
play in cellular suicide. Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of
people worldwide, and come about for different reasons, but what connects
them is the breakdown of brain cells. "A particular
Protein SARM1 is essential for this brain cell breakdown across
different neurodegenerative diseases. Plant diseases account for more than
15 per cent of crops losses per year.
Life and death of an 'altruistic' bacterium. A new study shows how
some bacteria living in a biofilm sacrifice themselves to ensure the
survival of the community.
Quality Control in Cells. Researchers investigate key component in
bacteria. A protective protein that detects newly-made incomplete protein
chains in higher cells is found to have a relative in bacteria. There, the
protein also plays a central role in quality control which ensures that
defective proteins are degraded. The functional mechanism of these
Rqc2 proteins
must therefore have already existed several billion years ago in the
so-called last universal common ancestor. Scientists have experimentally
investigated the bacterial Rqc2 relative's function.
Cell Signaling - Cell Communication
Cell Signaling is part of any
communication process that
governs basic
activities of cells and
coordinates all cell actions. The ability of cells
to perceive and correctly respond to their microenvironment is the basis
of development, tissue repair, and
immunity as well as normal tissue
homeostasis. Errors in
signaling interactions and cellular information
processing are responsible for diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity, and
diabetes. By understanding cell signaling, diseases may be treated more
effectively and, theoretically, artificial tissues may be created.
Systems biology studies the underlying structure of cell-
networks and how changes in these networks may affect the transmission
and flow of information (signal transduction). Such networks are complex
systems in their organization and may exhibit a number of emergent
properties, including bistability and ultrasensitivity. Analysis of
cell-signaling networks requires a combination of experimental and
theoretical approaches, including the development and analysis of
simulations and modeling. Long-range allostery is often a significant
component of cell-signaling events. All cells receive and respond to
signals from their surroundings. This is accomplished by a variety of
signal molecules that are secreted or expressed on the surface of one cell
and bind to a receptor expressed by the other cells, thereby integrating
and coordinating the function of the many individual cells that make up
organisms. Each cell is
programmed to respond to specific extracellular
signal molecules. Extracellular signaling usually entails the following
steps: 1. Synthesis and release of the signaling molecule by the
signaling cell; 2. Transport of the signal to the target cell; 3. Binding
of the signal by a specific
receptor leading to its activation; 4.
Initiation of signal-transduction pathways.
Ligands are signaling molecules that cause modulation of processes
inside cells by binding to receptors. Intracellular ligands, such as
nitric oxide and estrogen, are small and hydrophobic and diffuse directly
through the cell membrane to activate proteins. Signaling molecules are
the molecules that are responsible for transmitting information between
cells in your body. The size, shape, and function of different types of
signaling molecules can vary greatly. Some carry signals over short
distances, while others transmit information over very long distances.
Cells typically communicate using chemical signals. These chemical
signals, which are proteins or other molecules produced by a sending cell,
are often secreted from the cell and released into the extracellular
space. There, they can float – like messages in a bottle – over to
neighboring cells. There are four basic categories of chemical signaling
found in multicellular organisms:
paracrine signaling,
autocrine signaling,
endocrine signaling, and
signaling by direct contact.
Direct signaling can occur by transferring
signaling molecules across gap junctions between neighboring cells.
How Your Brain Cells Talk to Each Other—Whispered Secrets and Public
Cellular Communication is an umbrella term used in biology and more in
depth in biophysics, biochemistry and biosemiotics to identify different
types of communication methods between living cellulites. Some of the
methods include cell signaling among others. This process allows millions
of cells to communicate and work together to perform important bodily
processes that are necessary for survival. Both multicellular and
unicellular organisms heavily rely on cell-cell communication.
Neuron Brain Signals -
Cellular Noise -
Tiny Motors in Cells
Cell Surface
Receptor are
receptors that are
embedded in the plasma membrane of cells. They act in cell signaling by
receiving (binding to) extracellular molecules. They are specialized
integral membrane proteins that allow communication between the cell and
the extracellular space. The
extracellular molecules may be
neurotransmitters, cytokines, growth factors, cell adhesion molecules, or
nutrients; they react with the receptor to induce changes in the
metabolism and activity of a cell. In the process of signal transduction,
ligand binding affects a cascading chemical change through the cell
Receptor is a receptor, usually on a cell membrane, which binds to a
substance (for example, a cytokine) and causes a response in the
immune system.
Signal Transduction is the process by which a chemical or physical
signal is
transmitted through a cell as a series of molecular events, most
commonly protein phosphorylation catalysed by protein kinases, which
ultimately results in a cellular response.
Proteins responsible for
detecting stimuli are generally termed receptors, although in some cases
the term sensor is used. The changes elicited by ligand binding (or signal
sensing) in a receptor give rise to a
signaling cascade, which is a chain
of biochemical events along a signaling pathway. When signaling pathways
interact with one another they form
networks, which allow cellular
responses to be coordinated, often by combinatorial signaling events. At
the molecular level, such responses include changes in the transcription
translation of genes, and post-translational and conformational changes
in proteins, as well as changes in their location. These molecular events
are the basic mechanisms controlling cell growth, proliferation,
metabolism and many other processes. In multicellular organisms, signal
transduction pathways have evolved to regulate cell communication in a
wide variety of ways. Each component (or node) of a signaling pathway is
classified according to the role it plays with respect to the initial
stimulus. Ligands are termed first messengers, while receptors are the
signal transducers, which then activate primary effectors. Such effectors
are often linked to second messengers, which can activate secondary
effectors, and so on. Depending on the efficiency of the nodes, a signal
can be amplified (a concept known as signal gain), so that one signaling
molecule can generate a response involving hundreds to millions of
molecules. As with other signals, the transduction of biological signals
is characterised by delay, noise, signal feedback and feedforward and
interference, which can range from negligible to pathological. With the
advent of computational biology, the analysis of signaling pathways and
networks has become an essential tool to understand cellular functions and
disease, including signaling rewiring mechanisms underlying responses to
acquired drug resistance.
Cell to Cell Interaction refers to the direct interactions between
cell surfaces that play a crucial role in the development and function of
multicellular organisms. These interactions allow cells to communicate
with each other in response to changes in their microenvironment. This
ability to send and receive signals is essential for the survival of the
cell. Interactions between cells can be stable such as those made through
cell junctions. These junctions are involved in the communication and
organization of cells within a particular tissue. Others are transient or
temporary such as those between cells of the immune system or the
interactions involved in tissue inflammation. These types of intercellular
interactions are distinguished from other types such as those between
cells and the extracellular matrix. The loss of communication between
cells can result in uncontrollable cell growth and cancer.
Extracellular ATP as a Signaling Molecule for Epithelial Cells. The
charge of this invited review is to present a convincing case for the fact
that cells release their ATP for physiological reasons. Many of our "purinergic"
colleagues as well as ourselves have experienced resistance to this
concept, because it is teleologically counter-intuitive. This review
serves to integrate the three main tenets of extracellular
ATP signaling:
ATP release from cells, ATP receptors on cells, and ATP receptor-driven
signaling within cells to affect cell or tissue physiology. First
principles will be discussed in the Introduction concerning extracellular
ATP signaling. All possible cellular mechanisms of ATP release will then
be presented. Use of nucleotide and nucleoside scavengers as well as
broad-specificity purinergic receptor antagonists will be presented as a
method of detecting endogenous ATP release affecting a biological
endpoint. Innovative methods of detecting released ATP by adapting
luciferase detection reagents or by using "biosensors" will be presented.
Because our laboratory has been primarily interested in epithelial cell
physiology and pathophysiology for several years, the role of
extracellular ATP in regulation of epithelial cell function will be the
focus of this review. For ATP release to be physiologically relevant,
receptors for ATP are required at the cell surface. The families of P2Y G
protein-coupled receptors and ATP-gated P2X receptor channels will be
introduced. Particular attention will be paid to P2X receptor channels
that mediate the fast actions of extracellular ATP signaling, much like
neurotransmitter-gated channels versus metabotropic heptahelical
neurotransmitter receptors that couple to G proteins. Finally, fascinating
biological paradigms in which extracellular ATP signaling has been
implicated will be highlighted. It is the goal of this review to convert
and attract new scientists into the exploding field of extracellular
nucleotide signaling and to convince the reader that extracellular ATP is
indeed a signaling molecule.
Bioelectricity -
Magnetic Field -
Electricity -
Decoding the Language of Cells. Unveiling the proteins behind cellular
organelle communication. A collaboration unveils a novel strategy for
identifying key proteins in organelle communication. This approach
advances our ability to pinpoint proteins essential for organelle
interactions within specific spatial and temporal contexts. In cellular
biology, unraveling the complexities of cellular function at the molecular
level remains a paramount endeavor. Significant scientific focus has been
placed on understanding the interactions at organelle contact sites,
especially between mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). These
sites are critical hubs for the exchange of essential biomolecules, such
as lipids and calcium, which are vital for maintaining cellular
homeostasis. Disruptions in this inter-organelle communication are
implicated in the onset of various diseases, including neurodegenerative
disorders, emphasizing the need to elucidate the mechanisms governing
organelle interactions. However, the study of these dynamic complexes
presents significant challenges due to the lack of available tools,
complicating the quest to understand ER-mitochondria contact sites.
Traditional methods relied heavily on the streptavidin-biotin (SA-BT)
binding pair system, derived from nature, for tagging and isolating these
mediator proteins. However, this approach has its limitations,
particularly in capturing the full spectrum of protein interactions
between two different organelles. OrthoID overcomes these limitations by
introducing an additional synthetic binding pair, cucurbit[7]uril-adamantane
(CB[7]-Ad), to work alongside SA-BT. The combination of mutually
orthogonal binding pair systems allowed a more precise identification and
analysis of the mediator proteins that freely translocate between the ER
and mitochondria, facilitating a deeper exploration of the proteins
involved in the organelle contact sites and uncovering their roles in
cellular functions and disease mechanisms.
Putting a Face on a Cell Surface. Researchers have been able to
thoroughly describe the repertoire proteins on the cell surface for the
first time. On the cell surface, anchored in the cell membrane, a wide
array of proteins perform functions, which are vital for the cell. These
proteins, collectively known as the
are a cell's antennae to the outside world, sending and receiving signals
that enable it to communicate with other cells. They also serve as gate
keepers for molecules, transporting materials into and out of the cell,
and enable cells to attach themselves to other cells or structures. The
medical field has a keen interest in the surfaceome and uses it to treat
diseases. Some two-thirds of known medications achieve their effect by
slotting precisely into a specific surface protein and triggering a
cellular signalling cascade. The researchers made use of the benefits of machine learning in their work: First, they taught the computer to
compile properties and features of surface proteins by feeding it with
protein data collected in previous experiments. The computer turned
presence of cell surface specific features into a score and then
calculated a surfaceome score of the 20,000 or so proteins found in
humans. Finally he predicted above which score a protein is likely to
appear at the cell surface. Predictions largely correct. In the end, the
computer-generated inventory encompassed about 2,900 different proteins.
In other words, out of all the proteins in a human cell, one in seven
could appear on the cell surface. The newly developed algorithm achieved a
high degree of accuracy in its predictions: a subsequent review of the
experiment revealed that the computer was correct in more than 93 percent
of cases. In addition, the researchers were able to show that the number
of surface proteins varies widely by cell type. Using publicly accessible
data on cell lines, they were able to show that immune cells have only
about 500 different surface proteins, whereas lung and brain cells have
more than 1,000. But the cells that showed the greatest variety in surface
proteins were primary stem cells, with about 1,800 different kinds.
"Cell lines have a less complex surface proteome than cells that have just
been removed from body tissue, since the interactions that cell lines
undergo are less diverse," Wollscheid says. The ETH researchers have
stored their findings in a public database.
Bringing information into the cell -
Cell Membrane is
a biological membrane that
separates the interior of all cells from the outside environment (the
extracellular space) which protects the cell from its environment. Cell
membrane consists of a lipid bilayer, including cholesterols (a lipid
component) that sit between phospholipids to maintain their fluidity under
various temperature, in combination with proteins such as integral
proteins, and peripheral proteins that go across inside and outside of the
membrane serving as
membrane transporter, and loosely attached to the
outer (peripheral) side of the cell membrane acting as several kinds of
enzymes shaping the cell, respectively. The cell membrane controls the
movement of substances in and out of cells and organelles. In this way, it
is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules. In addition, cell
membranes are involved in a variety of cellular processes such as cell
adhesion, ion conductivity and cell signalling and serve as the attachment
surface for several extracellular structures, including the cell wall, the
carbohydrate layer called the glycocalyx, and the intracellular network of
protein fibers called the cytoskeleton. In the field of synthetic biology,
cell membranes can be artificially reassembled.
Membrane Potential -
Membrane is an enclosing or
separating membrane that acts as a
selectively permeable barrier within living things. Biological membranes,
in the form of eukaryotic cell membranes, consist of a phospholipid
bilayer with embedded, integral and peripheral proteins used in
communication and transportation of chemicals and ions. The bulk of lipid
in a cell membrane provides a fluid matrix for proteins to rotate and
laterally diffuse for physiological functioning. Proteins are adapted to
high membrane fluidity environment of lipid bilayer with the presence of
an annular lipid shell, consisting of lipid molecules bound tightly to
surface of integral membrane proteins. The cell membranes are different
from the isolating tissues formed by layers of cells, such as mucous
membranes, basement membranes, and serous membranes.
Exosome are cell-derived vesicles that are present in many
and perhaps all eukaryotic fluids, including blood, urine, and cultured
medium of
cell cultures.
A sub-type of exosomes, defined as matrix-bound nanovesicles (MBVs), was
reported to be present in extracellular matrix (ECM) bioscaffolds
(non-fluid). The reported diameter of exosomes is between 30 and 100 nm,
which is larger than low-density lipoproteins (LDL) but much smaller than,
for example, red blood cells. Exosomes are either released from the cell
when multivesicular bodies fuse with the plasma membrane or released
directly from the plasma membrane. Evidence is accumulating that exosomes
have specialized functions and play a key role in processes such as
coagulation, intercellular signaling, and waste management. Consequently,
there is a growing interest in the clinical applications of exosomes.
Exosomes can potentially be used for prognosis, for therapy, and as
biomarkers for health and disease.
Exocytosis is a
form of active transport and bulk transport in which a cell transports
molecules, neurotransmitters and proteins
out of
the cell.
Endocytosis is a cellular process in which substances are
brought into the cell. The material to be
internalized is surrounded by an area of cell membrane, which then buds
off inside the cell to form a vesicle containing the ingested material.
Endocytosis includes pinocytosis or cell drinking and phagocytosis or cell
eating. It is a form of active transport.
Vesicle is a small structure within a cell, or
extracellular, consisting of fluid enclosed by a lipid bilayer. Vesicles
form naturally during the processes of secretion (
exocytosis), uptake
endocytosis) and transport of materials within the cytoplasm.
Vesicles perform a variety of functions. Because it is separated from
the cytosol, the inside of the vesicle can be made to be different from
the cytosolic environment. For this reason, vesicles are a basic tool used
by the cell for organizing cellular substances. Vesicles are involved in
metabolism, transport, buoyancy control, and temporary storage of food and
enzymes. They can also act as chemical reaction chambers.
Alpha-Synuclein is a neuronal protein that regulates synaptic vesicle
trafficking and subsequent neurotransmitter release. Alpha-Synuclein
protein in humans is encoded by the SNCA gene.
Using only 100 atoms, electric fields can be detected and changed. The
body is full of electrical signals. Researchers have now created a new
nanomaterial that is capable of
both detecting and modulating the electric field. This new material
can be used in vitro studies for 'reading and writing' the
electric field without
damaging nearby cells and tissue. In addition, researchers can use this
material to conduct in
vitro studies to understand
how neurons transmit signals but also to understand how to potentially
shut off errant neurons. This may provide critical insights on
current that flows between our cells,
is fundamental to our ability to think and talk and walk. In addition,
there is a growing body of evidence that recording and altering the
bioelectric fields of cells and tissue plays a vital role in wound healing
and even potentially fighting diseases like cancer and heart disease.
Quorum Sensing is a system of
and response correlated to population density. Quorum sensing (QS) enables
bacteria to restrict the
of specific genes to the high cell densities at which the resulting
phenotypes will be most beneficial. Many species of
bacteria use quorum sensing to
coordinate gene expression according to the density of their local
population. In similar fashion, some social insects use quorum sensing to
determine where to nest. In addition to its function in biological
systems, quorum sensing has several useful applications for computing and
robotics. Quorum sensing can function as a decision-making process in any
decentralized system, as long as individual components have: (a) a means
of assessing the number of other components they interact with and (b) a
standard response once a threshold number of components is detected.
Paracrine Signaling is a form of cell signaling or cell-to-cell
communication in which a cell produces a signal to induce changes in
nearby cells, altering the behaviour of those cells. Signaling molecules
known as paracrine factors diffuse over a relatively short distance (local
action), as opposed to cell signaling by endocrine factors, hormones which
travel considerably longer distances via the circulatory system;
juxtacrine interactions; and autocrine signaling. Cells that produce
paracrine factors secrete them into the immediate extracellular
environment. Factors then travel to nearby cells in which the gradient of
factor received determines the outcome. However, the exact distance that
paracrine factors can travel is not certain.
Autocrine Signaling is a form of cell signaling in which a cell
secretes a hormone or chemical messenger (called the autocrine agent) that
binds to autocrine receptors on that same cell, leading to changes in the
cell. This can be contrasted with paracrine signaling, intracrine
signaling, or classical endocrine signaling.
Endocrine System is a chemical messenger system comprising feedback
loops of the
released by internal glands of an organism directly into the circulatory
system, regulating distant target organs. In vertebrates, the hypothalamus
is the neural control center for all endocrine systems. In humans, the
major endocrine glands are the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands. The
study of the endocrine system and its disorders is known as endocrinology.
Endocrinology is a branch of internal medicine.
Cell Adhesion is the process by which cells interact and attach to
neighbouring cells through specialised molecules of the cell surface. This
process can occur either through direct contact between cell surfaces or
indirect interaction, where cells attach to surrounding extracellular
matrix, a gel-like structure containing molecules released by cells into
spaces between them. Cells adhesion occurs from the interactions between
cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs), transmembrane proteins located on the cell
surface. Cell adhesion links cells in different ways and can be involved
in signal transduction for cells to detect and respond to changes in the
surroundings. Other cellular processes regulated by cell adhesion include
cell migration and tissue development in multicellular organisms.
Alterations in cell adhesion can disrupt important cellular processes and
lead to a variety of diseases, including cancer and arthritis. Cell
adhesion is also essential for infectious organisms, such as bacteria or
viruses, to cause diseases.
Microbial Intelligence is the intelligence shown by
microorganisms. The concept encompasses complex
adaptive behaviour shown by single cells, and altruistic or cooperative
behavior in populations of like or unlike cells mediated by chemical
signaling that induces physiological or behavioral changes in cells and
influences colony structures.
Acetylcholine is a
neurotransmitter—a chemical message released by nerve cells to send
signals to other cells, such as neurons,
muscle cells and gland cells.
Junctions are specialized intercellular connections between a
multitude of animal cell-types. They directly connect the cytoplasm of two
cells, which allows various molecules, ions and electrical impulses to
directly pass through a regulated gate between cells.
Cell Junction
Previously unknown intercellular electricity may power biology. Newly
discovered electrical activity within cells could change the way
researchers think about
chemistry. Researchers have discovered that the electrical fields and
activity that exist through a cell's membrane also exist within and around
another type of cellular structure called biological condensates. Like oil
droplets floating in water, these structures exist because of differences
in density. Their foundational discovery could change the way researchers
think about biological chemistry. It could also provide a clue as to how
the first life on Earth harnessed the energy needed to arise. The human
body relies heavily on electrical charges. Lightning-like pulses of energy
fly through the brain and nerves and most biological processes depend on
electrical ions traveling across the membranes of each cell in our body.
These electrical signals are possible, in part, because of an imbalance in
electrical charges that exists on either side of a cellular membrane.
Biological Condensates are membrane-less organelles that organize
material inside biological cells. It is now understood that the often form
by the physical process of liquid-liquid phase separation, but how cells
regulate this process is still elusive. Biomolecular condensates are a
class of membrane-less organelles and organelle subdomains, which carry
out specialized functions within the cell. Unlike many organelles,
biomolecular condensate composition is not controlled by a bounding
membrane. Instead, condensates can form and maintain organization through
a range of different processes, the most well-known of which is phase
separation of proteins, RNA and other biopolymers into either colloidal
emulsions, gels, liquid crystals, solid crystals or aggregates within
Cytokines are a broad and loose category of small proteins important
in cell signaling. Due to their size, cytokines cannot cross the lipid
bilayer of cells to enter the cytoplasm and therefore typically exert
their functions by interacting with specific cytokine receptors on the
target cell surface. Cytokines have been shown to be involved in autocrine,
paracrine and endocrine signaling as immunomodulating agents.
Channels are
membrane proteins that allow
ions to pass through the channel pore and permit the selective passage
of ions through cell membranes by utilizing
proteins that function as
pores, which allow for the passage of electrical charge in and out of the
cell. These ion channels are most often gated, meaning they require a
specific stimulus to cause the channel to open and close. These ion
channel types regulate the flow of charged ions across the membrane and
therefore mediate membrane potential of the cell. Molecules that act as
channel blockers are important in the field of pharmacology, as a large
portion of drug design is the use of ion channel antagonists in regulating
physiological response. The specificity of channel block molecules on
certain channels makes it a valuable tool in the treatment of numerous
Potassium Channel are the most widely distributed type of
ion channel
and are found in virtually all living organisms. They form
potassium-selective pores that span cell membranes. Furthermore potassium
channels are found in most cell types and control a wide variety of cell
Sodium–Potassium Pump is an enzyme (an electrogenic transmembrane
ATPase) found in the membrane of all animal cells. It performs several
functions in cell physiology. The Na+/K+-ATPase enzyme is active (i.e. it
uses energy from ATP). For every ATP molecule that the pump uses, three
sodium ions are exported and two potassium ions are imported; there is
hence a net export of a single positive charge per pump cycle.
Proton Pump
Calcium ions contribute to the physiology and biochemistry of
organisms and the cell. (Ca2+). They play an important role in signal transduction
pathways, where they act as a second messenger, in
neurotransmitter release from
neurons, in contraction of all
muscle cell
types, and in fertilization. Many enzymes require calcium ions as a
cofactor, including several of the coagulation factors. Extracellular
calcium is also important for maintaining the potential difference across
excitable cell membranes, as well as proper bone formation.
Understanding ion channel inhibition to open doors in drug discovery.
Scientists have discovered how drug-like small molecules can regulate the
activity of therapeutically relevant ion channels—and their findings could
transform ongoing drug development efforts. A major mechanism by which
cells communicate with their environment is the movement of metal ions
through channels located within their cell membranes.
Channel Blocker is the biological mechanism in which a particular
molecule is used to prevent the opening of ion channels in order to
produce a physiological response in a cell. Channel blocking is conducted
by different types of molecules, such as cations, anions, amino acids, and
other chemicals. These blockers act as ion channel antagonists, preventing
the response that is normally provided by the opening of the channel.
Metabolic Network is the complete set of metabolic and physical
processes that determine the physiological and biochemical properties
of a cell. As such, these networks comprise the chemical reactions of
metabolism, the metabolic pathways, as well as the regulatory interactions
that guide these reactions. With the sequencing of complete genomes, it is
now possible to reconstruct the network of biochemical reactions in many
organisms, from bacteria to human.
Metabolic Network Modelling allows for an in-depth insight into the
molecular mechanisms of a particular organism. In particular, these models
correlate the genome with molecular physiology. A reconstruction breaks
down metabolic pathways (such as glycolysis and the Citric acid cycle)
into their respective reactions and enzymes, and analyzes them within the
perspective of the entire network. In simplified terms, a reconstruction
collects all of the relevant metabolic information of an organism and
compiles it in a mathematical model. Validation and analysis of
reconstructions can allow identification of key features of
such as growth yield, resource distribution, network robustness, and gene
essentiality. This knowledge can then be applied to create novel
biotechnology. In general, the process to build a reconstruction is as
follows: Draft a reconstruction. Refine the model. Convert model into a
mathematical/computational representation. Evaluate and debug model
through experimentation.
Cytoplasm is the material or protoplasm within a living cell,
excluding the cell nucleus. It comprises cytosol (the gel-like substance
enclosed within the cell membrane) and the organelles – the cell's
internal sub-structures. All of the contents of the cells of prokaryote
organisms (such as bacteria, which lack a cell nucleus) are contained
within the cytoplasm. Within the cells of eukaryote organisms the contents
of the cell nucleus are separated from the cytoplasm, and are then called
the nucleoplasm. The cytoplasm is about 80% water and usually colorless.
Microtubule are tubular polymers of tubulin that form part of the
cytoskeleton that provides structure and shape to the cytoplasm of
eukaryotic cells and some bacteria. The tubules can grow as long as 50
micrometres and are highly dynamic. The outer diameter of a microtubule is
about 24 nm while the inner diameter is about 12 nm. They are formed by
the polymerization of a dimer of two globular proteins, alpha and beta
tubulin. Microtubules are very important in a number of cellular
processes. They are involved in maintaining the structure of the cell and,
together with microfilaments and intermediate filaments, they form the
cytoskeleton. They also make up the internal structure of cilia and
flagella. They provide platforms for intracellular transport and are
involved in a variety of cellular processes, including the movement of
secretory vesicles, organelles, and intracellular macromolecular
assemblies (see entries for dynein and kinesin). They are also involved in
cell division (by mitosis and meiosis) and are the
major constituents of mitotic spindles, which are used to pull eukaryotic
chromosomes apart. Microtubules are nucleated and organized by microtubule
organizing centers (MTOCs), such as the centrosome found in the center of
many animal cells or the basal bodies found in cilia and flagella, or the
spindle pole bodies found in most fungi. There are many proteins that bind
to microtubules, including the motor proteins kinesin and dynein, severing
proteins like katanin, and other proteins important for regulating
microtubule dynamics. Recently an actin-like protein has been found in a
gram-positive bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis, which forms a
microtubule-like structure and is involved in plasmid segregation.
Cytoskeleton is present in all cells of all domains of life (archaea,
bacteria, eukaryotes). It is a complex network of interlinking filaments
and tubules that extend throughout the cytoplasm, from the nucleus to the
plasma membrane. The cytoskeletal systems of different organisms are
composed of similar proteins. In eukaryotes, the cytoskeletal matrix is a
dynamic structure composed of three main proteins, which are capable of
rapid growth or disassembly dependent on the cell's requirements at a
certain period of time.
Leaking away essential resources isn't wasteful, actually helps cells grow.
Experts have been unable to explain why cells from bacteria to humans leak
essential chemicals necessary for growth into their environment. New
mathematical models reveal that leaking metabolites -- substances involved
in the chemical processes to sustain life with production of complex
molecules and energy -- may provide cells both selfish and selfless
benefits. Researchers identified two such model chemical pathways with
catalytic reactions that use enzymes to enhance the reaction rate, which
they call the "flux control" and "growth-dilution" mechanisms. In both
mechanisms, leaking one essential upstream chemical component of the
pathway allows the end product to be produced more efficiently. Thus,
leaking is something cells do to selfishly enhance their own growth.
Cells communicate by doing the 'wave'. A research team reports on a
novel method of cell communication relying on '
signals to control cell movement. Cells work around the clock to deliver,
maintain, and control every aspect of life. And just as with humans,
communication is a key to their success. Every essential biological
process requires some form of communication among cells, not only with
their immediate neighbors but also to those significantly farther away.
Current understanding is that this information exchange relies on the
diffusion of signaling molecules or on cell-to-cell relays.
Stem Cells
Stem Cell are undifferentiated biological cells that can
differentiate into
specialized cells and can
divide through
mitosis to produce more stem cells.
They are found in multicellular organisms. In mammals, there are two broad types of stem
cells: embryonic stem cells, which are isolated from the inner cell mass
of blastocysts, and adult stem cells, which are found in various tissues.
In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system
for the body,
replenishing adult tissues. In a developing embryo, stem
cells can differentiate into all the specialized cells—ectoderm, endoderm
and mesoderm (see induced pluripotent stem cells)—but also maintain the
normal turnover of
regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal
tissues. There are three known accessible sources of autologous adult stem
cells in humans: Bone marrow, which requires extraction by harvesting,
that is, drilling into bone (typically the femur or iliac crest). Adipose
tissue (lipid cells), which requires extraction by liposuction. Blood,
which requires extraction through apheresis, wherein blood is drawn from
the donor (similar to a blood donation), and passed through a machine that
extracts the stem cells and returns other portions of the blood to the
donor. Stem cells can also be taken from umbilical cord blood just after
birth. Of all stem cell types, autologous harvesting involves the least
risk. By definition, autologous cells are obtained from one's own body,
just as one may bank his or her own blood for elective surgical
procedures. Adult stem cells are frequently used in various medical
therapies (e.g., bone marrow transplantation). Stem cells can now be
artificially grown and transformed (differentiated) into specialized cell
types with characteristics consistent with cells of various tissues such
as muscles or nerves. Embryonic cell lines and autologous embryonic stem
cells generated through somatic cell nuclear transfer or dedifferentiation
have also been proposed as promising candidates for future therapies.
Adult Stem Cell are undifferentiated
cells, found throughout the body after development, that multiply by cell
division to replenish dying cells and regenerate damaged tissues. More
accurately known as somatic stem cells (from Greek Σωματικóς, meaning of
the body), because they are usually more plentiful in juvenile (child)
than in adult animal and human bodies.
Progenitor Cell is a biological cell that, like a stem cell, has a
tendency to differentiate into a specific type of cell, but is already
more specific than a stem cell and is pushed to differentiate into its
"target" cell. The most important difference between stem cells and
progenitor cells is that stem cells can replicate indefinitely, whereas
progenitor cells can divide only a limited number of times. Controversy
about the exact definition remains and the concept is still evolving. The
terms "progenitor cell" and "stem cell" are sometimes equated.
Multipotency describes progenitor cells which have the gene activation
potential to differentiate into discrete cell types. For example, a
multipotent blood stem cell —and this cell type can differentiate itself
into several types of blood cell like lymphocytes, monocytes, neutrophils,
etc., but it is still ambiguous whether HSC possess the ability to
differentiate into brain cells, bone cells or other non-blood cell types.
Induced Progenitor-like Cells from Mature Epithelial Cells Using
Interrupted Reprogramming.
Pluripotency Stem Cell has the potential to differentiate into any of
the three germ layers: endoderm (interior stomach lining, gastrointestinal
tract, the lungs), mesoderm (muscle, bone, blood, urogenital), or ectoderm
(epidermal tissues and nervous system). However, cell pluripotency is a
continuum, ranging from the completely pluripotent cell that can form
every cell of the embryo proper, e.g., embryonic stem cells and iPSCs (see
below), to the incompletely or partially pluripotent cell that can form
cells of all three germ layers but that may not exhibit all the
characteristics of completely pluripotent cells.
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell are a type of pluripotent stem cell that
can be generated directly from adult cells. (also known as iPS cells or
Neural Stem Cell
are self-renewing, multipotent cells that
generate the neurons and glia of
nervous system of
all animals during embryonic development. Some neural stem cells persist
in the adult vertebrate brain and continue to
produce neurons throughout
life. Stem cells are characterized by their capacity to differentiate into
multiple cell types. They undergo symmetric or asymmetric
cell division
into two daughter cells. In symmetric cell division, both daughter cells
are also stem cells. In asymmetric division, a stem cells produces one
stem cell and one specialized cell. NSCs primarily differentiate into
neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes.
Neurogenesis -
Transplanted brain stem cells survive without anti-rejection drugs in mice.
Neural Stem Cells in the developing brain of modern humans
take longer to divide and
fewer errors when distributing their chromosomes to their daughter
cells. The cells from which neurons in the developing
neocortex derive,
spend more time preparing their chromosomes for
division in modern humans than in Neanderthals.
Human stem cells coaxed to mimic the very early central nervous system.
The first stem cell culture method that produces a full model of the early
stages of the human
nervous system has been developed by a team of engineers and
Scientists produce human norepinephrine neurons from stem cells.
Researchers have identified a protein key to the development of a type of
brain cell believed to play a role in disorders like Alzheimer's and
Parkinson's diseases and used the discovery to grow the neurons from stem
cells for the first time. The stem-cell-derived norepinephrine neurons of
the type found in a part of the human brain called the locus coeruleus may
enable research into many psychiatric and neurodegenerative diseases and
provide a tool for developing new ways to treat them.
Mesenchymal Stem Cell are multipotent
stromal cells
that can differentiate into a variety of cell types, including osteoblasts
(bone cells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells), myocytes (muscle cells) and
adipocytes (fat cells which give rise to marrow adipose tissue). MSCs are
also known as mesenchymal stromal cells or medicinal signaling cells.
Mesenchymal stem cells are adult stem cells isolated from different
sources that can differentiate into other types of cells. In humans, these
sources include; bone marrow, fat (adipose tissue), umbilical cord tissue
(Wharton's Jelly) or amniotic fluid (the fluid surrounding a fetus).
Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation or HSCT is the transplantation
multipotent hematopoietic stem cells, usually derived from bone
marrow, peripheral blood, or umbilical cord blood in order to replicate
inside of a patient and to produce additional normal blood cells. It may
be autologous (the patient's own stem cells are used), allogeneic (the
stem cells come from a donor) or syngeneic (from an identical twin).
Asymmetric Cell Division produces two
daughter cells with different cellular fates. This is in contrast to
symmetric cell divisions which give rise to daughter cells of equivalent
fates. Notably, stem cells divide asymmetrically to give rise to two
distinct daughter cells: one copy of the original stem cell as well as a
second daughter programmed to differentiate into a non-stem cell fate. (In
times of growth or regeneration, stem cells can also divide symmetrically,
to produce two identical copies of the original cell.
DNA Replication.
Cellular Differentiation is the process where a cell changes from one
cell type to another. Most commonly the cell changes to a more specialized
type. Differentiation occurs numerous times during the development of a
multicellular organism as it changes from a simple zygote to a complex
system of tissues and cell types. Differentiation continues in adulthood
as adult stem cells divide and create fully differentiated daughter cells
during tissue repair and during normal cell turnover. Some differentiation
occurs in response to antigen exposure. Differentiation dramatically
changes a cell's size, shape, membrane potential, metabolic activity,
responsiveness to signals. These changes are
largely due to highly controlled modifications in
gene expression and are the study
of epigenetics. With a few exceptions, cellular differentiation almost
never involves a change in the DNA sequence itself. Thus, different cells
can have very different physical characteristics despite having the same
Differentiated Cells have
become specialized cells for doing certain jobs, like muscle cells, skin
cells and nerve cells.
cells have not yet become specialized, so these cells could still
become any kind of cell that the body needs. Stem cells are
How undifferentiated cells commit to their biological fate. -
Metamorphosis is a
biological process by which an
animal physically
develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively
change in the animal's body structure through cell growth and
Decellularization is the process used in biomedical engineering to
isolate the
extracellular matrix
(ECM) of a tissue from its inhabiting cells, leaving an ECM scaffold of
the original tissue, which can be used in artificial organ and tissue
Embryonic Stem Cell are pluripotent stem
cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, an early-stage
preimplantation embryo. Human embryos reach the blastocyst stage 4–5 days
post fertilization, at which time they consist of 50–150 cells. Isolating
the embryoblast or inner cell mass (ICM) results in destruction of the
blastocyst, which raises ethical issues, including whether or not embryos
at the pre-implantation stage should be considered to have the same moral
or legal status as more developed human beings.
Amniotic Fluid is a rich source of Stem Cells that can now be Harvested
Amniotic Fluid is the protective liquid contained by the amniotic sac
of a
Amniote. This fluid serves as a cushion for the
growing fetus, but also
serves to facilitate the exchange of nutrients, water, and biochemical
products between mother and fetus. For humans, the amniotic fluid is
commonly called water or waters (Latin liquor amnii).
Cell Potency is a
cell's ability to differentiate into other cell types. The more cell types
a cell can differentiate into, the greater its potency. Potency is also
described as the gene activation potential within a cell which like a
continuum begins with totipotency to designate a cell with the most
differentiation potential, pluripotency, multipotency, oligopotency and
finally unipotency. Potency is taken from the Latin term "potens" which
means "having power".
is a
Eukaryotic Cell formed by a
Fertilization event
between two gametes.
Diploid Cells are found in the somatic
cells of our body, and are produced by
Haploid cells are found in the
gametes, or sex cells
of our body, and are produced by meiosis.
Cell Nucleus
is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells. Eukaryotes
usually have a single nucleus, but a few cell types, such as mammalian red
blood cells, have no nuclei, and a few others have many. Cell nuclei
contain most of the cell's
genetic material,
organized as multiple long linear DNA molecules in complex with a large
variety of proteins, such as histones, to form chromosomes. The genes
within these
chromosomes are the cell's
nuclear genome and are structured in such a way to promote cell function.
The nucleus maintains the integrity of genes and controls the activities
of the cell by regulating gene expression—the nucleus is, therefore, the
control center of the cell. The main structures making up the nucleus are
the nuclear envelope, a double membrane that encloses the entire organelle
and isolates its contents from the cellular cytoplasm, and the nuclear
matrix (which includes the nuclear lamina), a network within the nucleus
that adds mechanical support, much like the cytoskeleton, which supports
the cell as a whole. Because the nuclear membrane is impermeable to large
molecules, nuclear pores are required to regulate nuclear transport of
molecules across the envelope. The pores cross both nuclear membranes,
providing a channel through which larger molecules must be actively
transported by carrier proteins while allowing free movement of small
molecules and ions. Movement of large molecules such as proteins and RNA
through the pores is required for both gene expression and the maintenance
of chromosomes. Although the interior of the nucleus does not contain any
membrane-bound sub compartments, its contents are not uniform, and a
number of sub-nuclear bodies exist, made up of unique proteins, RNA
molecules, and particular parts of the chromosomes. The best-known of
these is the nucleolus, which is mainly involved in the assembly of
ribosomes. After being produced in the nucleolus, ribosomes are exported
to the cytoplasm where they translate mRNA.
Scientists turn Skin Cells into Heart Cells and Brain Cells using drugs.
Studies represent first purely chemical cellular reprogramming, changing a
cell's identity without adding external genes.
Stem Cells created from Skin Cells. Researchers have found a way to
transform skin cells into the three major stem cell types that comprise
early-stage embryos. Scientists Convert Skin Cells Into Functional
Placenta-Generating Cells.
Blastocyst is a structure formed in the early development of mammals.
It possesses an inner cell mass (ICM) which subsequently forms the
The outer layer of the blastocyst consists of cells collectively called
the trophoblast. This layer surrounds the inner cell mass and a
fluid-filled cavity known as the blastocoele. The trophoblast gives rise
to the placenta.
Labile Cell are cells that multiply
constantly throughout life. The cells are alive for only a short period of
time. Due to this, they can end up reproducing new
Stem Cells and
replace functional cells. Especially if the
cells become injured through a process called necrosis, or even if the
cells go through apoptosis. The way these cells regenerate and replace
themselves is quite unique. While going through cell division, one of the
two daughter cells actually becomes a new stem cell. This occurs so then
that daughter cell can end up restoring the population of the stem cells
that were lost. The other daughter cell separates itself into a functional
cell in order to replace the lost, or injured cells during this process.
Labile cells are one type of the cells that are involved in the division
of cells. The other two types that are involved include stable cells and
permanent cells. Each of these type of cells respond to injuries of the
cells they occupy differently. Hepatocytes of the liver are thought to be
a form of a labile cell because they can regenerate after they become
injured. An example of this kind of regeneration can consist of performing
a pediatric liver transplant. In which it consists of taking a piece of an
adult's liver to replace a child's whole liver. Then the adult liver that
was transplanted for the child's, would regenerate very quickly to around
a normal size liver. Other cell types that are thought to be cells that
are constantly dividing include skin cells, cells in the gastrointestinal
tract, and blood cells in the bone marrow. Acting as stem cells for these
cell types. In labile cells, it is not a speed-up in the segments of the
cell cycle (i.e. G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase and M phase), but rather a
short or absent G0 phase that is responsible for the cells' constant
Muscle Stem Cells.
Stable Cell are cells that multiply only
when needed. They spend most of the time in the quiescent G0 phase of the
cell cycle, but can be stimulated to enter the cell cycle when needed.
Examples include: the liver, the proximal tubules of the kidney, and
endocrine glands.
Permanent Cell are cells that are
incapable of regeneration. These cells are considered to be terminally
differentiated and non proliferative in postnatal life. This includes
brain cells, neurons, heart cells, skeletal muscle cells and RBCs.
Fission in biology is the division of a single entity into two or more
parts and the regeneration of those parts into separate entities
resembling the original. The object experiencing fission is usually a
cell, but the term may also refer to how organisms, bodies, populations,
or species split into discrete parts. The fission may be binary fission,
in which a single entity produces two parts, or multiple fission, in which
a single entity produces multiple parts.
is a colony forming unit that generates
myeloid cells. CFU-GEMM cells are the multipotential progenitor cells
for myeloid cells; they are thus also called common myeloid progenitor
cells or myeloid stem cells. "GEMM" stands for granulocyte, erythrocyte,
monocyte, megakaryocyte.
Stem Cell Research -
Adipose-derived Mesenchymal
Researchers have used CRISPR-Cas9 to edit long-lived blood stem cells
to reverse the clinical symptoms observed with several blood disorders,
including sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia.
Researchers identify key regulator of blood stem cell development. A
protein that masterminds the way DNA is wrapped within chromosomes has a
major role in the healthy functioning of blood stem cells, which produce
all blood cells in the body, according to a new study. The protein, known
H3.3, organizes the spool-like structures around which DNA is wrapped
in plants, animals and most other organisms. Histones enable DNA to be
tightly compacted, and serve as platforms for small chemical modifications
-- known as epigenetic modifications -- that can loosen or tighten the
wrapped DNA to control local gene activity.
Black box of stem cell transplants opened in blood study. New research
into the long-term dynamics of transplanted stem cells in a patient's body
explains how
age affects stem cell survival
and immune diversity, offering insights that could make transplants safer
and more successful.
Mesenchyme is a type of tissue
characterized by loosely associated cells that lack polarity and are
surrounded by a large extracellular matrix.
Researchers describe rebuilding, regenerating lung cells. Discovery
may lead to new approaches for repairing lungs damaged by a variety of
injuries or
genetic mutations.
Stromal Cell are connective tissue cells
of any organ, for example in the uterine mucosa (endometrium), prostate,
bone marrow, lymph node and the ovary. They are cells that support the
function of the parenchymal cells of that organ. Fibroblasts and pericytes
are among the most common types of stromal cells.
Beta Cell are a type of cell found in
the pancreatic islets of the pancreas. They make up 65-80% of the cells in
the islets.
Somatic Cell -
Cell -
Stem Cell Information -
Growing Organs (youtube) -
Solomon (youtube) -
Susan Lim Stem Cells
Stem Cell Research (youtube)
Method of accelerating the Maturation of Stem Cells to form Neurons
discovered. Hydrogel can be used as a scaffold for engineering
artificial brain tissue and promotes the development of
All immature cells can develop into stem cells. The study reveals that
the destiny of intestinal cells is not predetermined, but instead
determined by the cells' surroundings. The findings may make it easier to
manipulate stem cells for stem cell therapy.
New Technology to Manipulate Cells could one day help treat Parkinson's,
arthritis, other diseases. DNA strands in materials act like traffic
signals to start, stop cell activity or regenerate tissue. One of the
findings is the possibility of using the synthetic material to signal
neural stem cells to proliferate, then at a specific time selected by the
operator, trigger their differentiation into neurons and then return the
stem cells back to a proliferative state on demand. Spinal cord neural
stem cells, initially grouped into structures known as “neurospheres,” can
be driven to spread out and differentiate using a signal. But when this
signal is switched off, the cells spontaneously re-group themselves into
Second stem cell type discovered in mouse brain. Neurobiologists gain
new insights into formation of nerve cells. In the brain of adult mammals
neural stem cells ensure that new nerve cells, i.e. neurons, are
constantly formed. This process, known as adult neurogenesis, helps mice
maintain their sense of smell. A research team recently discovered a
second stem cell population in the mouse brain, which is primarily
involved in the production of new neurons in the olfactory bulb of adult
Morphic Resonance is a
process whereby
self-organizing systems
inherit a
memory from previous similar systems.
Morphogenetic Field is a group of cells able to respond to discrete,
biochemical signals leading to the
development of specific morphological structures or organs. The spatial
and temporal extents of the embryonic field are dynamic, and within the
field is a collection of interacting cells out of which a particular organ
is formed. As a group, the cells within a given morphogenetic field are
constrained: thus, cells in a limb field will become a limb tissue, those
in a cardiac field will become heart tissue. However, specific cellular
programming of individual cells in a field is flexible: an individual cell
in a cardiac field can be redirected via cell-to-cell signaling to replace
specific damaged or missing cells. Imaginal discs in insect larvae are
examples of morphogenetic fields.
Stem Cell Therapy
is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition.
Gene Therapy.
Scientists have created Expanded Potential Stem Cells that,
for the first time, can produce all three types of blastocyst stem cells -
embryo, placenta and yolk sac.
Activating a single gene is sufficient to change skin cells into stem
cells using
CRISPR Genome Activation.
Computer simulations visualize how DNA converts cells into stem cells.
Researchers have revealed how an essential protein helps to activate
genomic DNA during the conversion of regular adult human cells into stem
cells. A cell's identity is driven by which DNA is "read" or "not read" at
any point in time. Signaling in the cell to start or stop reading DNA
happens through proteins called transcription factors. Identity changes
happen naturally during development as cells transition from an
undesignated cell to a specific cell type. As it turns out, these
transitions can also be reversed. In 2012, Japanese researchers were
awarded the Nobel prize for being the first to push a regular skin cell
backwards to a stem cell. One of the main proteins involved in the stem
cell generation is a transcription factor called Oct4. It induces gene
expression, or activity, of the proteins that 'reset' the adult cell into
a stem cell. Those genes induced are inactive in the adult cells and
reside in tightly packed, closed states of chromatin, the structure that
stores the DNA in the cell nucleus. Oct4 contributes to the opening of
chromatin to allow for the expression of the genes. For this, Oct4 is
known as a pioneer transcription factor.
New Stem Cell method produces millions of human brain and Muscle Cells in
days. The new platform technology, OPTi-OX, optimizes the way of
switching on genes in human stem cells.
Certain placental stem cells can Regenerate heart after heart attack.
Stem cells derived from the placenta known as Cdx2 cells can regenerate
healthy heart cells after heart attacks in animal models.
The Integrated
Mitotic Stem Cell.
Stem cell population identified that is key for Bone Regeneration.
Researchers have identified a subpopulation of
mesenchymal stem cells in the bone marrow that express the marker
CD73. These cells have a higher potential for proliferation and
differentiation, and play a significant role in bone healing, migrating to
the site of a fracture and developing into cartilage and bone cells as
part of the repair process. These cells have potential for regenerative
Development of new Stem Cell type may lead to advances in Regenerative
Medicine. A team has derived a new 'intermediate' embryonic stem cell
type from multiple species that can contribute to chimeras and create
precursors to sperm and eggs in a culture dish. Cells in early embryos
have a range of distinct pluripotency programs, all of which endow the
cells to create various tissue types in the body. A wealth of previous
research has focused on developing and characterizing "naïve" embryonic
stem cells (those about four days post-fertilization in mice) and "primed"
epiblast stem cells (about seven days post-fertilization in mice, shortly
after the embryo implants into the uterus). However there's been little
progress in deriving and characterizing pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) that
exist between these two stages -- largely because researchers have not
been able to develop a paradigm for maintaining cells in this intermediate
state. Cells in this state have been thought to possess unique properties:
the ability to contribute to intraspecies chimeras (organisms that contain
a mix of cells from different individuals of the same species) or
interspecies chimeras (organisms that contain a mix of cells from
different species) and the ability to differentiate into primordial germ
cells in culture, the precursors to sperm and eggs. For this study, the
researchers successfully created intermediate PSCs, which they named
"XPSCs" from mice, horses, and humans.
Leveraging space to advance stem cell science and medicine. The secret
to producing large batches of stem cells more efficiently may lie in the
near-zero gravity conditions of
space. Scientists have found that microgravity has the potential to
contribute to life-saving advances on Earth by facilitating the rapid mass
production of stem cells.
Potential new approach to enhancing stem-cell transplants. A discovery
may boost the effectiveness of stem-cell transplants, commonly used for
patients with cancer, blood disorders, or autoimmune diseases caused by
defective stem cells, which produce all the body's different blood cells.
Stem-cell transplants treat diseases in which an individual's
hematopoietic (blood-forming) stem cells (HSCs) have become cancerous
(as in in leukemia or myelodysplastic syndromes) or too few in number (as
in bone marrow failure and severe autoimmune disorders). The therapy
involves infusing healthy HSCs obtained from donors into patients. To
harvest those HSCs, donors are given a drug that causes HSCs to mobilize,
or escape, from their normal homes in the bone marrow and enter the blood,
where HSCs can be separated from other blood cells and then transplanted.
However, drugs used to mobilize HSCs often don't liberate enough of them
for the transplant to be effective. The researchers suspected that
variations in proteins on the surface of HSCs might influence their
propensity to exit the bone marrow. In studies involving HSCs isolated
from mice, they observed that a large subset of HSCs display surface
proteins normally associated with macrophages, a type of immune cell.
Moreover, HSCs with these surface proteins largely stayed in the bone
marrow, while those without the markers readily exited the marrow when
drugs for boosting HSCs mobilization were given. After mixing HSCs with
macrophages, the researchers discovered that some HSCs engaged in
trogocytosis, a mechanism whereby one cell type extracts membrane
fractions of another cell type and incorporates them into their own
membranes. Those HSCs expressing high levels of the protein c-Kit on their
surface were able to carry out trogocytosis, causing their membranes to be
augmented with macrophage proteins -- and making them far more likely than
other HSCs to stay in the bone marrow. The findings suggest that impairing
c-Kit would prevent trogocytosis, leading to more HSCs being mobilized and
made available for transplantation.
Trogocytosis plays a role in regulating immune responses and other
cellular systems, but this is the first time anyone has seen stem cells
engage in the process.
Scientist advances prospect of regeneration in humans. In a study that
builds on earlier research that identified
macrophages as essential to
regeneration in the axolotl, a highly regenerative salamander, a scientist
has identified the source of these critical white blood
cells as the
liver. By giving scientists a place to look for pro-regenerative
macrophages in humans, the discovery brings science a step closer to the
ability to regenerate tissues and organs lost to injury or disease.
Regenerate - Regenerative Medicine
Regenerative Medicine is a branch of
translational research in tissue engineering and molecular biology which
deals with the "process of replacing, engineering or
regenerating human
cells, tissues or organs to restore or establish normal function". This
field holds the promise of engineering damaged tissues and organs by
stimulating the body's own repair mechanisms to functionally heal
previously irreparable tissues or organs. Regenerative medicine also
includes the possibility of growing tissues and organs in the laboratory
and implanting them when the body cannot heal itself. If a regenerated
organ's cells would be derived from the patient's own tissue or cells,
this would potentially solve the problem of the shortage of organs
available for donation, and the problem of
organ transplant rejection.
Regenerative Medicine.
Salamanders are capable of regenerating lost limbs, as well as other
damaged parts of their bodies. Researchers hope to reverse engineer the
remarkable regenerative processes for potential human medical
applications, such as brain and spinal cord injury treatment or
preventing harmful scarring during heart surgery recovery. Salamanders are
a group of amphibians typically characterized by a lizard-like appearance,
with slender bodies, blunt snouts, short limbs projecting at right angles
to the body, and the presence of a tail in both larvae and adults.
Morphogenesis -
Starfish have the
ability to regenerate lost arms and can regrow an entire new limb given
time. A few can regrow a complete new disc from a single arm, while others
need at least part of the central disc to be attached to the detached
part. Regrowth
can take several months or years.
How jellyfish regenerate functional tentacles in days. At about the
size of a pinkie nail, the
jellyfish species Cladonema can regenerate an amputated tentacle in
two to three days -- but how? Regenerating functional tissue across
species, including salamanders and insects, relies on the ability to form
a blastema, a clump of undifferentiated cells that can repair damage and
grow into the missing appendage. Jellyfish, along with other cnidarians
such as corals and sea anemones, exhibit high regeneration abilities, but
how they form the critical
has remained a mystery until now.
Scientists regrow frog's lost leg. Frogs briefly treated with a
five-drug cocktail administered by a wearable bioreactor on the stump were
able to regrow a functional, nearly complete limb. Scientists have
triggered long-term growth of legs in adult frogs, which are naturally
unable to regenerate limbs. The frogs regrew a lost leg over months,
triggered by just 24 hour exposure to a f
cocktail held under a bioreactor. The new legs were functional
enough to enable sensation and locomotion.
Turritopsis Dohrnii is a species of small,
biologically immortal jellyfish found worldwide in temperate to tropic
waters. It is one of the few known cases of animals capable of reverting
completely to a sexually immature, colonial stage after having reached
sexual maturity as a solitary individual. Others include the jellyfish
Laodicea undulata and species of the genus Aurelia.
Live Forever.
Scientists uncover a critical component that helps killifish regenerate
their fins. The findings are a step toward closing the gap on how we
could one day deploy regenerative medicine in humans. Spontaneous injuries
like the loss of a limb or damage to the spinal cord are impossible for
humans to repair. Yet, some animals have an extraordinary capacity to
regenerate after injury, a response that requires a precise sequence of
cellular events. Now, new research has unveiled a critical timing factor
-- specifically how long cells actively respond to injury -- involved in
regulating regeneration. The approach not only sheds light on the
evolutionary aspects of regeneration but also holds promise for developing
novel therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine.
Regenerative Adaptation to Electrochemical Perturbation in Planaria: A
Molecular Analysis of Physiological Plasticity. Exposure to barium
chloride (BaCl2) results in a rapid degeneration of anterior tissue in
Dugesia japonica. Remarkably, continued exposure to fresh solution of
BaCl2 results in regeneration of heads that are insensitive to BaCl2. RNA-seq
revealed transcriptional changes in BaCl2-adapted heads that suggests a
model of adaptation to excitotoxicity.
Transdifferentiation is an artificial process in which one mature
somatic cell is transformed into another mature
somatic cell without undergoing an intermediate pluripotent state or
progenitor cell type. It is a type of metaplasia,
which includes all cell fate switches, including the interconversion of
stem cells. Current uses of transdifferentiation
include disease modeling and drug discovery and in the future may include
gene therapy and regenerative medicine. The term 'transdifferentiation'
was originally coined by Selman and Kafatos in 1974 to describe a change
in cell properties as cuticle producing cells became salt-secreting cells
in silk moths undergoing
Hibernation -
The Genetics of Regeneration (harvard) -
DNA Repair -
Liver Fix Thyself. How some liver cells switch identities to build
missing plumbing. By studying a rare liver disease called
Alagille syndrome, scientists discovered the mechanism behind a form
of tissue regeneration that may someday reduce the need for organ
transplants. Researchers report that when disease or injury causes a
shortage in one type of liver cell, the organ can instruct another type of
liver cell to change identities to provide replacement supplies. The
findings one day may lead to a viable treatment for human disease.
Ancient disease has potential to regenerate livers. Leprosy is one of
the world's oldest and most persistent diseases but the
bacteria that cause it may also have the
surprising ability to grow and regenerate a vital organ. Scientists have
discovered that
parasites associated
leprosy can
reprogram cells to increase the
size of a liver in adult animals without causing damage, scarring or
tumors. The findings suggest the possibility of adapting this natural
process to renew aging livers and increase healthspan -- the length of
time living disease-free -- in humans.
The Liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate. But some
patients who undergo a liver resection, a surgery that removes a diseased
portion of the organ, end up needing a transplant because the renewal
process doesn't work. A new study shows that the blood-clotting protein
fibrinogen may hold the key as to why this happens. We discovered that
fibrinogen accumulates within the remaining
liver quickly after surgery
and tells platelets to act as first responders, triggering the earliest
phase of regeneration.
Regeneration in Humans is the regrowth of lost tissues or organs in
response to
injury. This is in contrast to
wound healing, which involves closing up
the injury site with a scar. Some tissues such as
skin and large organs including the liver
regrow quite readily, while others have been thought to have little or no
capacity for regeneration. However ongoing research, particularly in the
heart and lungs, suggests that there is hope for a variety of tissues and
organs to eventually become regeneration-capable.
Scientists Regenerate Neurons that restore walking in mice after
paralysis from spinal
cord injury. Guiding cells to natural target region key to functional
A Universal Solution for Regenerative Medicine. Revolutionary
Nano-Materials developed at Northwestern could make it possible to repair
any part of the body.
Super-Silenced DNA Hints at New Ways to Reprogram Cells in Regenerative
Cardiac Stem Cells from Young Hearts could Rejuvenate Old Hearts.
Discovery of a new population of macrophages promoting lung repair after
viral infections. Researchers have discovered a new population of
macrophages, important innate immune cells that populate the lungs after
injury caused by respiratory viruses. These macrophages are instrumental
in repairing the pulmonary alveoli. This groundbreaking discovery promises
to revolutionize our understanding of the post-infectious immune response
and opens the door to new regenerative therapies.
Researchers Develop Regenerative Medicine Breakthrough. Breakthrough
device heals organs with a single touch. Device instantly delivers new DNA
or RNA into living skin cells to change their function.
Tissue Nanotransfection, injects genetic code into skin cells, turning
those skin cells into other types of cells required for treating diseased
conditions. Researchers were able to reprogram skin cells to become
vascular cells in badly injured legs that lacked blood flow. Within one
week, active blood vessels appeared in the injured leg, and by the second
week, the leg was saved.
Novel 'living' biomaterial aims to advance regenerative medicine. A
biomaterial that can
certain behaviors within biological tissues could advance regenerative
medicine, disease modeling, soft robotics and more, according to
researchers. Materials created up to this point to mimic tissues and
extracellular matrices -- the body's biological
scaffolding of proteins and molecules that surrounds and supports tissues
and cells -- have all had limitations that hamper their practical
applications, according to the team. To overcome some of those
limitations, the researchers developed a
bio-based, "living" material that
encompasses self-healing properties and mimics the
biological response of ECMs to
mechanical stress.
Bone Regeneration (healing)
Discovery of new skeletal tissue advances regenerative medicine potential.
cartilage relies on an external
extracellular matrix for strength, but "
which is found in the ears, nose and throat of mammals, is uniquely packed
with fat-filled cells called "
that provide super-stable internal support, enabling the tissue to remain
soft and springy -- similar to bubbled packaging material.
Breakthrough in skeletal muscle regeneration. Skeletal muscles are
formed during embryonic development by the fusion of hundreds of
specialized cells called myoblasts. Adult skeletal muscles maintain
regenerative capacity, which is attributed to the presence of
muscle stem cells, named satellite cells. After
injury, satellite cells undergo several rounds of proliferation followed
by their differentiation into myoblasts. These myoblasts once again fuse
with each other and to injured myofibers to accomplish muscle
regeneration. In many muscular disorders, this intrinsic capacity of
muscles to regenerate is diminished resulting in the loss of muscle mass
and function. UH researchers found that Inositol-requiring enzyme 1, a key
signaling protein, is essential for myoblast fusion during muscle
formation and growth.
Thermo-Responsive Poly-Diolcitrate-Gelatin Scaffold and delivery system
mediates effective bone formation from BMP9-transduced mesenchymal stem
cells. PPCN-g.
New Material Regrows Bone.
Achieving bone regeneration and adhesion with harmless visible light.
A team develops an innovative injectable hydrogel for bone regeneration,
addressing the limitations of traditional bone grafts and adhesion
methods. Bone defects, which arise from various causes such as trauma,
infection, and congenital abnormalities, are becoming increasingly common
in aging societies. Conventional treatments often involve bone grafts
combined with serum or bioadhesives to fill the defect. However, existing
injectable hydrogels face challenges such as difficulty in maintaining
their shape within the body and limited adhesive strength. Moreover,
traditional methods using bone grafts with adhesive materials often fail
to achieve simultaneous "bone regeneration" and "adhesion." The POSTECH
team has introduced a novel system that addresses these limitations. This
new hydrogel system employs visible light -- safe for the human body -- to
facilitate cross-linking, where the main components of the hydrogel bond
and harden, and to simultaneously boost mineralization where bone-building
minerals like calcium and phosphate form within the hydrogel. While
earlier studies have explored the use of light in similar applications,
they encountered issues such as requiring separate preparation and mixing
of bone grafts and adhesive materials, as well as weak bonding of the main
components, which often degraded over time. The newly developed hydrogel
precursor comprises alginate (natural polysaccharide derived from brown
algae), RGD peptide-containing mussel adhesive protein, calcium ions,
phosphonodiols, and a photoinitiator. The coacervate-based formulation,
which is immiscible in water, ensures that the hydrogel retains its shape
and position after injection into the body. Upon visible light
irradiation, cross-linking occurs, and amorphous calcium phosphate, which
functions as a bone graft material, is simultaneously formed. This
eliminates the need for separate bone grafts or adhesives, enabling the
hydrogel to provide both bone regeneration and adhesion.
Cellular 'glue' to regenerate tissues, heal wounds, regrow nerves.
Researchers have engineered molecules that act like 'cellular glue,'
allowing them to direct in precise fashion how cells
bond with each other. The
discovery represents a major step toward building tissues and organs, a
long-sought goal of regenerative medicine.
Adhesive molecules are found naturally throughout the body, holding
its tens of trillions of cells together in highly organized patterns. They
form structures, create neuronal circuits and guide immune cells to their
targets. Adhesion also facilitates communication between cells to keep the
body functioning as a self-regulating whole.
Regeneration is the
process of renewal,
restoration, and growth that makes genomes, cells, organisms, and
ecosystems resilient to natural fluctuations or events that cause
disturbance or damage. Every species is capable of regeneration, from
bacteria to humans. Regeneration can either be complete where the new
tissue is the same as the lost tissue, or incomplete where after the
necrotic tissue comes fibrosis. At its most elementary level, regeneration
is mediated by the molecular processes of gene regulation. Regeneration in
biology, however, mainly refers to the
morphogenic processes that
characterize the phenotypic plasticity of traits allowing multi-cellular
organisms to repair and maintain the integrity of their physiological and
morphological states. Above the genetic level, regeneration is
fundamentally regulated by asexual cellular processes. Regeneration is
different from
reproduction. For example, hydra perform regeneration but
reproduce by the method of budding.
Regeneration in theology is a new life or to be
born again from a previous state.
Autotomy or self-amputation is the behaviour whereby an animal sheds
or discards one or more of its own
appendages, usually as a self-defense mechanism to elude a predator's
grasp or to distract the predator and thereby allow escape. Some animals
have the ability to regenerate the lost body part later. Autotomy has
multiple evolutionary origins and is thought to have evolved at least nine
times independently in animalia.
Transforming human Scar Cells into Blood Vessel
(blood) -
Adipose Tissue (fat)
Neural Crest cells are a temporary group
of cells unique to vertebrates that arise from the embryonic ectoderm cell
layer, and in turn give rise to a diverse cell lineage—including
melanocytes, craniofacial cartilage and bone, smooth muscle, peripheral
and enteric neurons and glia.
A Cellular Biologic Scaffold
Activating the innate
immune system opens
up the
DNA," said Cooke, the study's senior author.
" This open state enhances the formation of induced pluripotent stem cells
(iPSCs) or cells that can have the ability to regenerate into other cell
types and tissues, such as that of the
heart or
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell are a type of pluripotent
stem cell that
can be generated directly from adult cells.
Talking about Regeneration. Genes from regenerative organisms
rejuvenate intestinal
stem cells in fruit flies.
Researchers transferred genes from simple organisms capable of
regenerating their bodies into common fruit flies, more complex animals
that cannot. They found the transferred gene suppressed an age-related
intestinal issue in the flies. Their results suggest studying genes
specific to animals with high regenerative capability may uncover new
mechanisms for rejuvenating stem cell function and extending the healthy
lifespan of unrelated organisms.
A Universal Solution for Regenerative Medicine Revolutionary
nanomaterials developed at Northwestern could make
it possible to repair any part of the body.
Technology restores cell, organ function in pigs after death. Within
minutes of the final heartbeat, a cascade of biochemical events triggered
by a lack of blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients begins to
destroy a body's cells and organs. A team of
scientists has found this massive and permanent
cellular failure doesn't have to happen so quickly. Using a new
technology they developed -- which delivers a specially designed
cell-protective fluid to organs and tissues
-- the researchers restored blood circulation and other cellular functions
in pigs a full hour after their deaths. The findings may help extend the
health of human organs during surgery and expand availability of donor
organs. Cells that are seemingly dead or dying can sometimes
revive themselves through a process called
anastasis or
cell reanimation or
resurrection when you
bring someone or something back to life or to come back to life and they
recover from a debilitating condition.
Cell mechanism that transforms electrical signals into chemical ones
explained. Electro-chemical coupling through protein super complexes:
The calcium channel (Cav2) delivers calcium ions (Ca2+) that activate the
enzyme NO synthase (NOS) for generation of the messenger NO. The enzymes
nitric oxide (NO) synthase (NOS1) and protein kinase C (PKC) play an
important role in a variety of signal transfer processes in neurons of the
brain, as well as in many cell types of other organs. Enzymes can be
activated under physiological conditions through sole electrical
stimulation of the cell membrane. Protein super complexes that rapidly
transform electrical signals at the cell membrane into chemical signal
processes inside the cell emerge through direct structural interaction of
both enzymes with voltage-gated calcium channels.
Human Skin Cells transformed directly into Motor Neurons. Scientists
have converted skin cells from healthy adults directly into motor neurons
without going through a stem cell state.
Regeneration of the entire Human Epidermis using Transgenic Stem Cells.
Long-Term Stability and Safety of Transgenic Cultured Epidermal Stem Cells
in Gene Therapy of Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa.
Human Cells can also Change Jobs. By inducing non-insulin-producing
human pancreatic cells to modify their function to produce insulin in a
sustainable way, researchers show for the first time that the adaptive
capacity of our cells is much greater than previously thought. Moreover,
this plasticity would not be exclusive to human pancreatic cells.
Recording every Cell's history in real-time with evolving Genetic Barcodes.
New technique enables creation of a full developmental lineage record for
cells in vivo. A new method uses evolving genetic barcodes to actively
record the process of cell division in developing mice, enabling the
lineage of every cell in a mouse's body to be traced back to its
single-celled origin. This approach enables scientists to pinpoint where
and when different cells arise and how closely related different cell
types are to each other, allowing unprecedented insight into the journey
from zygote to adult.
Barcoding is a
taxonomic method that uses a
short genetic marker in an organism's
DNA to
identify it as belonging to a particular species. It differs from
phylogeny in that the main goal is not
to determine patterns of relationship but to identify an unknown sample in
terms of a preexisting classification.
Master developmental genes play role in adulthood. Among their many
extraordinary feats, some planarian flatworms reproduce by tearing off
pieces of themselves to regenerate new worms. Now, researchers have
discovered that this process is controlled by Hox genes, a family of genes
known to orchestrate important aspects of early development.
Hox Gene
are a subset of homeobox genes, which are a group of related genes that
specify regions of the body plan of an embryo along the head-tail axis of
animals. Hox proteins encode and specify the characteristics of
'position', ensuring that the correct structures form in the correct
places of the body. For example, Hox genes in insects specify which
appendages form on a segment (e.g. legs, antennae, and wings in fruit
flies), and Hox genes in vertebrates specify the types and shape of
vertebrae that will form. In segmented animals, Hox proteins thus confer
segmental or positional identity, but do not form the actual segments
themselves. The protein product of each Hox gene is a transcription
factor. Each Hox gene contains a well-conserved DNA sequence known as the
homeobox, of which the term "Hox" was originally a contraction.
is a DNA sequence, around 180 base pairs long, found within genes that are
involved in the regulation of patterns of anatomical development
(morphogenesis) in animals, fungi, plants, and numerous single cell
eukaryotes. Homeobox genes encode homeodomain protein products that are
transcription factors sharing a characteristic protein fold structure that
binds DNA to regulate expression of target genes. Homeodomain proteins
regulate gene expression and cell differentiation during early embryonic
development, thus mutations in homeobox genes can cause developmental
Conserved Sequence are identical or similar sequences in nucleic acids
(DNA and RNA) or proteins across species (orthologous sequences), or
within a genome (paralogous sequences), or between donor and receptor taxa
(xenologous sequences). Conservation indicates that a sequence has been
maintained by natural selection.
Synthetic Tissue can repair hearts, muscles, and vocal cords.
Combining knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering,
scientists from McGill University develop a biomaterial tough enough to
repair the heart, muscles, and vocal cords, representing a major advance
in regenerative medicine.
Organisms - Multi-Cell
Organism is any
contiguous living system, such as an
fungus, or
All known types of organisms are capable of some degree of
response to
reproduction, growth and development and
An organism
consists of one or more cells; when it has one
cell it is known as a
unicellular organism; and when it has
more than one cell it is known as a
multicellular organism. Most unicellular organisms are of
microscopic size
and are thus classified as microorganisms. Humans are multicellular
organisms composed of many
trillions of cells grouped into specialized
tissues and organs.
Uni-Cellular -
Physiology is the branch of the
biological sciences dealing with the functioning and processes of
organisms. The
scientific study of
functions and mechanisms in a
Eukaryote -
Multi-Cellular Organism are organisms that consist of more than one
cell, in contrast to unicellular organisms. All species of animals, land
plants and most fungi are multicellular, as are many
algae, whereas a few organisms are
partially uni- and partially multicellular, like slime molds and social
amoebae such as the genus Dictyostelium. Multicellular organisms arise in
various different ways, for example by
cell division or by aggregation of
single cells. Colonial organisms are the result of many identical
individuals joining together to form a colony. However, it can often be
hard to separate colonial protists from true multicellular organisms,
because the two concepts are not distinct; colonial protists have been
dubbed "pluricellular" rather than "multicellular".
Protist is any eukaryotic organism that is not an animal, plant or
fungus. The protists do not form a natural group, or clade, but are often
grouped together for convenience, like algae or invertebrates. In some
systems of biological classification, such as the popular five-kingdom
Anaerobic Organism is any organism that does not require
oxygen for growth. It may react
negatively or even
die if oxygen is present. In contrast, an
Aerobic Organism (aerobe) is an organism that can survive
and grow in an oxygenated environment.
Microbe or
Microorganism is a microscopic organism, which may be
single-celled or
multicellular. The study of microorganisms is called
microbiology, viewing plant cells
under a microscope. Microorganisms are very diverse and include all
bacteria, archaea and most protozoa. This group also contains some fungi,
algae, and some micro-animals such as rotifers. Many macroscopic animals
and plants have microscopic juvenile stages. Some microbiologists classify
viruses and viroids as microorganisms, but others consider these as
nonliving. In July 2016, scientists identified a set of 355 genes from the
last universal common ancestor of all life, including microorganisms,
living on Earth.
Microorganisms live in every part
of the biosphere, including soil, hot springs, inside rocks at
least 19 km (12 mi) deep underground, the deepest parts of the ocean, and
at least 64 km (40 mi) high in the atmosphere. Microorganisms, under
certain test conditions, have been observed to thrive in the vacuum of
outer space.
Microorganisms likely far outweigh
all other living things combined. The mass of prokaryote
microorganisms including the bacteria and archaea may be as much as 0.8
trillion tons of carbon, out of the total biomass of between 1 and 4
trillion tons. Microorganisms appear to thrive in the Mariana Trench, the
deepest spot in the Earth's oceans. Other researchers reported related
studies that microorganisms thrive inside rocks up to 580 m (1,900 ft;
0.36 mi) below the sea floor under 2,590 m (8,500 ft; 1.61 mi) of ocean
off the coast of the northwestern United States, as well as 2,400 m (7,900
ft; 1.5 mi) beneath the seabed off Japan. In August 2014, scientists
confirmed the existence of microorganisms living 800 m (2,600 ft; 0.50 mi)
below the ice of Antarctica. According to one researcher, "You can find
microbes everywhere — they're extremely adaptable to conditions, and
survive wherever they are." Microorganisms are crucial to
nutrient recycling in
ecosystems as they act as
decomposers. As some microorganisms can
fix nitrogen, they are a
vital part of the nitrogen cycle, and recent studies indicate that
airborne microorganisms may play a role in precipitation and weather.
Microorganisms are also exploited in biotechnology, both in traditional
food and beverage preparation, and in modern technologies based on genetic
engineering. A small proportion of microorganisms are
pathogenic, causing disease and
even death in
A Microbe's Membrane helps it Survive Extreme Environments. Stanford
University researchers have identified a protein that helps these
organisms form a protective, lipid-linked cellular membrane -- a key to
withstanding extremely highly acidic habitats. A group of microbes called
archaea "third domain of life," were surrounded by a membrane made of
different chemical components than those of bacteria, plants or
Human Microbes
Organism is a non-human species that is extensively studied
to understand particular biological phenomena, with the expectation that
discoveries made in the organism model will provide insight into the
workings of other organisms. Model organisms are in vivo models and are
widely used to research human disease when human experimentation would be
unfeasible or unethical. This strategy is made possible by the common
descent of all living organisms, and the conservation of metabolic and
developmental pathways and genetic material over the course of evolution.
Polyploidy is the state of a
cell or organism having more than two
paired sets of
chromosomes. Most
species whose cells have nuclei are diploid, meaning they have two sets of
chromosomes—one set inherited from each parent. However, some organisms
are polyploid, and polyploidy is especially common in plants.
Polyphyly is a set of organisms, or other evolving elements, that have
been grouped together based on characteristics that do not imply that they
share a common ancestor that is not also the common ancestor of many other
taxa (of course, if "life" is monophyletic, then any set of organisms
shares a common ancestor at some point back in the
root of the tree). The term is often applied to groups that share
similar features known as homoplasies, which are explained as a result of
convergent evolution. The arrangement of the members of a polyphyletic
group is called a polyphyly. Alternatively, polyphyletic is simply used to
describe a group whose members come from multiple ancestral sources,
regardless of similarity of characteristics. For example, the biological
characteristic of warm-bloodedness evolved separately in the ancestors of
mammals and the ancestors of birds. Other polyphyletic groups are for
example algae, C4 photosynthetic plants, and edentates. Many biologists
aim to avoid homoplasies in grouping taxa together and therefore it is
frequently a goal to eliminate groups that are found to be polyphyletic.
This is often the stimulus for major revisions of the classification
schemes. Researchers concerned more with ecology than with systematics may
take polyphyletic groups as legitimate subject matter; the similarities in
activity within the fungus group Alternaria, for example, can lead
researchers to regard the group as a valid genus while acknowledging its
polyphyly. In recent research, the concepts of monophyly, paraphyly, and
polyphyly have been used in deducing key genes for barcoding of diverse
group of species.
Biofilm is any
group of microorganisms in which cells stick to each
other and often these
cells adhere to a surface. These adherent cells are
frequently embedded within a self-produced matrix of extracellular
polymeric substance (EPS). Biofilm extracellular polymeric substance,
which is also referred to as slime (although not everything described as
slime is a biofilm), is a polymeric conglomeration generally composed of
extracellular DNA, proteins, and polysaccharides. Biofilms may form on
living or non-living surfaces and can be prevalent in natural, industrial
and hospital settings. The microbial cells growing in a biofilm are
physiologically distinct from planktonic cells of the same organism,
which, by contrast, are single-cells that may float or swim in a liquid
medium. Microbes form a biofilm in response to many factors, which may
include cellular recognition of specific or non-specific attachment sites
on a surface, nutritional cues, or in some cases, by exposure of
planktonic cells to sub-inhibitory concentrations of antibiotics. When a
cell switches to the biofilm mode of growth, it undergoes a phenotypic
shift in behavior in which large suites of genes are differentially
Biopolymer are
polymers produced by living organisms; in other words,
they are polymeric biomolecules. Since they are polymers, biopolymers
contain monomeric units that are covalently bonded to form larger
structures. There are three main classes of biopolymers, classified
according to the monomeric units used and the structure of the biopolymer
formed: polynucleotides (RNA and DNA), which are long polymers composed of
13 or more nucleotide monomers; polypeptides, which are short polymers of
amino acids; and polysaccharides, which are often linear bonded polymeric
carbohydrate structures. Cellulose is the most common organic compound and
biopolymer on Earth. About 33 percent of all plant matter is cellulose.
The cellulose content of cotton is 90 percent, for wood is 50 percent.
is a multi-step, enzyme-catalyzed process where substrates are converted
into more complex products in living organisms. In biosynthesis, simple
compounds are modified, converted into other compounds, or joined together
to form macromolecules. This process often consists of metabolic pathways.
Some of these biosynthetic pathways are located within a single cellular
organelle, while others involve enzymes that are located within multiple
cellular organelles. Examples of these biosynthetic pathways include the
production of lipid membrane components and nucleotides. The prerequisite
elements for biosynthesis include: precursor compounds, chemical energy
(e.g. ATP), and catalytic enzymes which may require coenzymes (e.g.NADH,
NADPH). These elements create monomers, the building blocks for
macromolecules. Some important biological macromolecules include:
proteins, which are composed of amino acid monomers joined via peptide
bonds, and DNA molecules, which are composed of nucleotides joined via
phosphodiester bonds.
Methanogen are
microorganisms that produce methane as a metabolic
byproduct in anoxic conditions.
Hypoxia in the environmental refers to low
oxygen conditions. Normally,
20.9% of the gas in the atmosphere is oxygen.
Lithoautotroph is a microbe which derives energy from reduced
compounds of mineral origin.
Lithotroph are a diverse group of organisms using inorganic substrate
(usually of mineral origin) to obtain reducing equivalents for use in
biosynthesis (e.g., carbon dioxide fixation) or energy conservation (i.e.,
ATP production) via aerobic or anaerobic respiration. Known
chemolithotrophs are exclusively microbes; no known macrofauna possesses
the ability to utilize inorganic compounds as energy sources.
Allorecognition is the process by which an organism's immune system
distinguishes its own cells and tissues from those of another organism of
the same species. It's a phenomenon that has been observed in almost all
multicellular phyla, including invertebrates like corals, hydroids, and
sea mats. Allorecognition is the ability of an individual organism to
distinguish its own tissues from those of another. It manifests itself in
the recognition of antigens expressed on the surface of cells of non-self
origin. Allorecognition has been described in nearly all multicellular
Single-Celled Organisms - Micro-Organisms
Organism also known as a
organism, is an
organism that
consists of only one cell, unlike a
multicellular organism that consists of
more than one cell. Historically,
simple unicellular organisms have been referred to as monads, though this
term is also used more specifically to describe organisms of the genus
Monas and similar flagellate ameboids. The main groups of unicellular
organisms are
bacteria, archaea, protozoa, unicellular
algae, and
fungi. Unicellular organisms fall into two general categories:
prokaryotic organisms and
eukaryotic organisms. Unicellular organisms are
thought to be the
oldest form of life, with early protocells possibly
3.8–4 billion years ago
Archaea constitute a domain and kingdom of single-celled
microorganisms. These microbes (archaea; singular archaeon) are
prokaryotes, meaning that they have no cell nucleus or any other
membrane-bound organelles in their cells.
Eukaryote is any organism whose cells contain a
Nucleus and other organelles enclosed within
membranes. Eukaryotes belong to the taxon Eukarya or Eukaryota. The defining feature that sets eukaryotic cells
apart from prokaryotic cells (
Bacteria and Archaea) is that they have
membrane-bound organelles, especially the nucleus, which contains the
genetic material and is enclosed by the nuclear envelope. The presence of
a nucleus gives eukaryotes their name.
is an informal term for single-celled eukaryotes, either free-living or
parasitic, which feed on organic matter such as other microorganisms or
organic tissues and debris. Historically, the protozoa were regarded as "
animals", because they often possess animal-like behaviors, such as
motility and predation, and lack a cell wall, as found in plants and many
algae. Although the traditional practice of grouping protozoa with animals
is no longer considered valid, the term continues to be used in a loose
way to identify single-celled organisms that can move independently and
feed by heterotrophy.
Geogemma Barossii is a single-celled microbe of the domain Archaea.
First discovered 200 miles (320 km) off Puget Sound near a hydrothermal
vent, it is a hyperthermophile, able to reproduce at 121 °C (250 °F),
hence its name.
Neutrophile is a neutrophilic organism that thrives in a neutral pH
environment between 6.5 and 7.5.
Mesophile is an organism that grows best in moderate temperature,
neither too hot nor too cold, typically between 20 and 45 °C (68 and 113
Sciences researching the interactions between the biological,
chemical, and physical processes in terrestrial or extraterrestrial life
with the geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.
is an organelle found on eukaryotic cells and are slender protuberances
that project from the much larger cell body. There are two types of cilia:
motile cilia and nonmotile, or primary, cilia, which typically serve as
sensory organelles. In eukaryotes, motile cilia and flagella together make
up a group of organelles known as undulipodia. Eukaryotic cilia are
structurally identical to eukaryotic flagella, although distinctions
are sometimes made according to function and/or length. Biologists have
various ideas about how the various flagella may have evolved.
Cilia beat to an unexpected rhythm in male reproductive tract.
is a
organism that lacks a membrane-bound nucleus (karyon),
mitochondria, or any other membrane-bound organelle.
Prokaryotic DNA Replication is the process by which a prokaryote
duplicates its entire genome into another copy that
is passed on to daughter cells. Although it is often studied in the
model organism E. coli, other bacteria show many similarities. Replication
is bi-directional and originates at a single origin of replication (OriC).
It consists of three steps: Initiation, elongation, and termination. DNA
replication begins at the origin of replication, a region commonly
containing repeating sequences (DnaA boxes) that bind DnaA, an initiation
protein. DnaA-ATP will first bind high-affinity boxes (R1, R2, and R4,
which have a highly conserved 9 bp consensus sequence 5' - TTATCCACA -
3'), then oligomerize into several low-affinity boxes. This accumulation
will displace a protein called Fis, allowing another protein, IHF, to bind
the DNA and induce a bend. This bend allows the DnaA chain to load onto an
AT-rich region of 13-mers (the DUE, Duplex unwinding element), causing the
double-stranded DNA to separate. The DnaC helicase loader will interact
with the DnaA on the single-stranded DNA to recruit the DnaB helicase,
which will continue to unwind the DNA as the DnaG primase lays down an RNA
primer and DNA Polymerase III holoenzyme begins elongation.
Complex Archaea that bridge the gap between Prokaryotes and
is the study of the microscopic anatomy (microanatomy) of cells and
tissues of plants and animals.
Dormancy is a period in an organism's life cycle when
physical activity are temporarily
Glass formation in plant anhydrobiotes: survival in the dry
Cytoplasmic viscosity near the cell plasma membrane: measurement
by evanescent field frequency-domain microfluorimetry.
Microfluorimetry is an adaption of fluorimetry for studying
the biochemical and biophysical properties of cells by using microscopy to
image cell components tagged with
fluorescent molecules. It is a type of microphotometry that gives a
quantitative measure of the qualitative nature of fluorescent measurement
and therefore, allows for definitive results that would have been
previously indiscernible to the naked eye.
Intracellular glasses and seed survival in the dry state -
Building Blocks of Life
How did the chemistry of simple
carbon-based molecules lead to the information storage of
ribonucleic acid, or RNA? The
RNA molecule must store information to code for proteins.
Proteins in
biology do more than build muscle — they also
regulate a host of processes in the body.)
List of Interstellar and Circumstellar Molecules. This is a
list of molecules that have been detected in the
interstellar medium and
circumstellar envelopes, grouped by the number of component atoms. The
chemical formula is listed for each detected compound, along with any
ionized form that has also been observed.
is the increase in the volume of an organ or tissue due to the
enlargement of its component
cells. It is distinguished from hyperplasia,
in which the cells remain approximately the same size but increase in
number. Although hypertrophy and hyperplasia are two distinct processes,
they frequently occur together, such as in the case of the
hormonally-induced proliferation and enlargement of the cells of the
uterus during pregnancy. Eccentric hypertrophy is a type of hypertrophy
where the walls and chamber of a hollow organ undergo growth in which the
overall size and volume are enlarged. It is applied especially to the left
ventricle of heart. Sarcomeres are added in series, as for example in
dilated cardiomyopathy (in contrast to hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a type
of concentric hypertrophy, where sarcomeres are added in parallel).
Swapped human genes into the genetic code used by common yeast
cells found that the cells could continue to function and
Systematic humanization of yeast genes reveals conserved
functions and genetic modularity.
Scientists unlock secrets of how archaea, the third domain of life, makes
energy. An international scientific team has redefined our
understanding of archaea, a microbial ancestor to humans from two billion
years ago, by showing how they use hydrogen gas. The findings explain how
these tiny lifeforms make energy by consuming and producing hydrogen. This
simple but dependable strategy has allowed them to thrive in some of
Earth's most hostile environments for billions of years.
Stentor Coeruleus is a protist in the family Stentoridae which is
characterized by being a very large ciliate that measures 0.5 to 2
millimetres when fully extended. The genome sequence revealed two
remarkable aspects. The genetic code is the "universal" code, which is
somewhat unusual for ciliates. Also, the introns are unusually small, only
15 or 16 nucleotides long. Stentor coeruleus are capable of sexual
reproduction, or conjugation, but primarily reproduce asexually by binary
Single-Celled Giants (youtube)
The Blob can
Learn - and Teach ! It isn't an animal, a plant, or a fungus. The
Mold (Physarum polycephalum) is a
strange, creeping, bloblike organism made up of one giant cell. Though it
has no brain, it
can learn from experience, as biologists at the Research
Centre on Animal Cognition. Imagine you could temporarily fuse with
someone, acquire that person's knowledge, and then split off to become
your separate self again, you don't have to imagine because that is what
schools are supposed to do, but fail to understand the process.
Polychaos dubium is a freshwater amoeboid and one of the larger
species of single-celled eukaryote. Like other amoebozoans, P. dubium
moves by means of temporary projections called pseudopods. P. dubium
reportedly has one of the largest genome size of any organism known.
Polychaos dubium has one of the
largest genomes
known for any organism, consisting of
billion base pairs or 670 Gbp, which is over 200 times larger than
the human genome (3.2 Gbp or gigabase pairs). Polychaos dubium was
previously known as Amoeba dubia. The author who named the species later
recognized it as different from species of Amoeba, and so designated it
the type species of the genus Polychaos. Unlike species of Amoeba, P.
dubium lacks longitudinal ridges on its pseudopods.
A single-celled organism capable of learning.
Habituation is a form of
learning in which an organism decreases or
ceases to respond to a
stimulus after repeated presentations. Essentially,
the organism
learns to stop responding to a
stimulus which is no longer
biologically relevant. For example, organisms may
habituate to
repeated sudden loud noises when they learn these have no consequences.
Habituation usually refers to a reduction in innate
behaviors, rather
than behaviors developed during conditioning in which the process is
termed "extinction", which is a conditioning process in which the
reinforcer is removed and a
conditioned response becomes independent of the conditioned stimulus.
Organelles is a specialized subunit within a cell that has a specific
function. Individual organelles are usually separately enclosed within their own lipid bilayers.
Study of organisms in the sea identifies 5,500 new species. Combining
machine-learning analyses with traditional evolutionary trees, an
international team of researchers has identified 5,500 new RNA virus
species that represent all five known RNA virus phyla and suggest there
are at least five new RNA virus phyla needed to capture them. While
microbes are essential contributors to all life on the planet, viruses
that infect or interact with them have a variety of influences on
microbial functions. These types of viruses are believed to have three
main functions: killing cells, changing how infected cells manage energy,
and transferring genes from one host to another. Knowing more about virus
diversity and abundance in the world's oceans will help explain marine
microbes' role in ocean adaptation to climate change, the researchers say.
Oceans absorb half of the human-generated carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere, and previous research by this group has suggested that marine
viruses are the "knob" on a biological pump affecting how carbon in the
ocean is stored.
Organisms that can Live in Extreme Environments
Extremophile is an
organism that
thrives in physically or
extreme conditions that are detrimental to most life on
Earth. In contrast, organisms that live in more moderate environments may
be termed mesophiles or neutrophiles.
Deep Ocean Life -
Hyperthermophile is an organism that
thrives in
extremely hot
environments—from 60 °C (140 °F) upwards. An optimal temperature for
the existence of hyperthermophiles is above 80 °C (176 °F).
Hyperthermophiles are often within the domain Archaea, although some
bacteria are able to tolerate temperatures of around 100 °C (212 °F), as
well. Some bacteria can live at temperatures higher than 100 °C at
large depths in sea where
water does not boil because of high pressure. Many hyperthermophiles are
also able to withstand other environmental extremes such as
high acidity or
high radiation levels.
Hyperthermophiles are a subset of extremophiles.
Resurrection Plants.
Deinococcus Radiodurans is an extremophilic bacterium and
one of the
most radiation-resistant organisms known. It can survive cold,
dehydration, vacuum, and acid, and therefore, is known as a
polyextremophile and it has been listed as the world's toughest known
bacterium in The Guinness Book Of World Records.
DNA Repair -
Radioresistance is the level of
ionizing radiation that organisms are
able to withstand. Ionizing-radiation-resistant organisms (IRRO) were
defined as organisms for which the dose of acute ionizing radiation (IR)
required to achieve 90% reduction (D10) is greater than 1000 gray (Gy).
Radioresistance is surprisingly high in many organisms, in contrast to
previously held views. For example, the study of environment, animals and
plants around the
Chernobyl disaster area has revealed an unexpected
survival of many species, despite the high radiation levels. A Brazilian
study in a hill in the state of Minas Gerais which has high natural
radiation levels from uranium deposits, has also shown many radioresistant
insects, worms and plants. Certain extremophiles, such as the bacteria
Deinococcus radiodurans and the
tardigrades, can withstand large doses of
ionizing radiation on the order of 5,000 Gy.
Microbial space travel on a molecular scale. How extremophilic
bacteria survive in space for one year. Galactic cosmic and solar UV
radiation, extreme vacuum, temperature fluctuations. How can microbes
exposed to these challenges in space survive? Scientists investigated how
the space-surviving microbes could physically survive the transfer from
one celestial body to another.
Radiotrophic Fungus are fungi which appear to perform
that is, to use the pigment melanin to convert gamma radiation into
chemical energy for growth. This proposed mechanism may be similar to
anabolic pathways for the synthesis of reduced
organic carbon (e.g.,
carbohydrates) in phototrophic organisms, which convert photons from
visible light with pigments such as chlorophyll whose energy is then used
photolysis of water to generate usable chemical energy (as ATP) in
photophosphorylation or
photosynthesis. However, whether
melanin-containing fungi employ a similar multi-step pathway as
photosynthesis, or some chemosynthesis pathways, is unknown.
Protein fragments ID two new 'extremophile' microbes--and may help find
alien life. Perfectly adapted microorganisms live in extreme
environments from
trenches to mountaintops. Learning more about how these extremophiles
survive in hostile conditions could inform scientists about life on Earth
and potential life on other planets.
Bugs genomes in unprecedented detail to find out why they just won't die.
Near-gap-free and
near-error-free genomes of a
susceptible bed bug strain and a superstrain with around 20,000-fold
insecticide resistance offer the broadest look yet at the full scope of
mutations driving their
Bacteria constitute a large domain of prokaryotic
microorganisms. Typically a few
micrometres in length. Bacteria have a
number of shapes, ranging from spheres to rods and spirals. Bacteria were
among the first life forms to appear on Earth, and are present in most of
its habitats. Bacteria inhabit soil, water, acidic hot springs,
radioactive waste, and the deep portions of Earth's crust. Bacteria also
live in
symbiotic and
parasitic relationships with
plants and
Germs -
is a phylum of
bacteria that obtain their
energy through
photosynthesis, and are the
photosynthetic prokaryotes able to produce
oxygen. The name
"cyanobacteria" comes from the color of the bacteria (Greek: κυανός (kyanós)
= blue). Sometimes, they are called
blue-green algae, and incorrectly so, because cyanobacteria are
prokaryotes and the term "algae" is reserved for eukaryotes. Like other
prokaryotes, cyanobacteria have no membrane-sheathed organelles.
Photosynthesis is performed in distinctive folds in the outer membrane of
the cell (unlike green plants which use organelles adapted for this
specific role, called chloroplasts).
Biologists commonly agree that
chloroplasts found in eukaryotes have their ancestry in cyanobacteria, via
a process called endosymbiosis. By producing
oxygen as a byproduct of
photosynthesis, cyanobacteria are thought to have converted the early
oxygen-poor, reducing atmosphere, into an oxidizing one, causing the
"rusting of the Earth" and the
Great Oxygenation Event, that dramatically changed the composition of
life forms and led to the near-extinction of anaerobic organisms.
Circular DNA is
DNA that forms a closed loop and has no ends.
Circular Bacterial Chromosome is a bacterial chromosome in the form of
a molecule of circular DNA. Unlike the linear
DNA of most eukaryotes,
typical bacterial chromosomes are circular. Most bacterial chromosomes
contain a circular DNA molecule – there are no free ends to the DNA. Free
ends would otherwise create significant challenges to cells with respect
to DNA replication and stability. Cells that do contain
chromosomes with
DNA ends, or telomeres (most eukaryotes), have acquired elaborate
mechanisms to overcome these challenges. However, a circular chromosome
can provide other challenges for
cells. After replication, the two progeny
circular chromosomes can sometimes remain interlinked or tangled, and they
must be resolved so that each cell inherits one complete copy of the chromosome during
cell division.
DNA Supercoil
refers to the over- or under-winding of a DNA strand, and is an expression
of the strain on that strand. Supercoiling is important in a number of
biological processes, such as compacting DNA, and by regulating access to
the genetic code, DNA supercoiling strongly affects DNA metabolism and
possibly gene expression. Additionally, certain enzymes such as
topoisomerases are able to change DNA topology to facilitate functions
such as DNA replication or transcription. Mathematical expressions are
used to describe supercoiling by comparing different coiled states to
relaxed B-form DNA.
Linear Chromosome is a type of chromosome, found in most eukaryotic
cells, in which the DNA is arranged in multiple linear molecules of
In contrast, most prokaryotic cells contain circular chromosomes, where
the DNA is arranged in one large circular molecule. However, linear
chromosomes are not limited to eukaryotic organisms; some prokaryotic
organisms do have linear chromosomes as well, such as Borrelia burgdorferi.
It is possible to take a prokaryotic cell with a circular chromosome,
linearize the chromosome, and still have a viable organism.
Acid Double Helix refers to the structure formed by
molecules of nucleic acids such as DNA. The double helical structure of a
nucleic acid complex arises as a consequence of its secondary structure,
and is a fundamental component in determining its tertiary
Stromatolite are layered mounds, columns, and sheet-like sedimentary
rocks that were originally formed by the growth of layer upon layer of
cyanobacteria, a single-celled
photosynthesizing microbe. Fossilized tromatolites provide records of
ancient life on Earth. Lichen stromatolites are a proposed mechanism of
formation of some kinds of layered rock structure that are formed above
water, where rock meets air, by repeated colonization of the rock by endolithic lichens.
New Technique Pinpoints Milestones in the Evolution of Bacteria.
Bacteria have evolved all manner of adaptations to live in every habitat
on Earth. But unlike plants and animals, which can be preserved as
fossils, bacteria have left behind little physical evidence of their
evolution, making it difficult for scientists to determine exactly when
different groups of bacteria evolved.
Primordial Soup
Premordial Life or
Abiogenesis is said to be a natural process of life arising from
non-living matter, such as simple organic compounds.
Soup is thought to have occurred on
Earth between 3.8 and
4.1 billion years ago. How can abiogenesis be a natural process when you
have no proof and no other planet to compare it to. Information does not
come from nothing, this information had to originate from somewhere.
Origin of life insight: Peptides can form without amino acids. -
Building Blocks.
In a world's first, scientists are able to control a chemical reaction
that precisely transforms two atoms into a single molecule. Using
laser tweezers, a team of Harvard University scientist nudges one sodium
and one cesium together to form a molecule. The achievement is
particularly exceptional because these two elements would not normally
form a molecule. The combination of the two atoms remarkably resulted in
an alloy-like molecule. Most especially of all, however, it becomes a
material that can advance the use of quantum computing. As a rule,
molecules are only made when numerous atoms are bonded together during a
chemical reaction. In the past, chemists were only able to create
molecules after marrying clusters of atoms. However, Kang-Kuen Ni, an
assistant professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology in Harvard, and his
colleagues have disrupted it by using the laser stimulus as the main
mechanism for the chemical reaction to take place. Atom Structure: In
conducting the experiment, the team had cooled the sodium and cesium to
extremely low temperatures where new quantum phases of gas, liquid, and
solid emerged in other similar trials. The scientists then captured the
atoms by using the laser tweezers and merged them through a process they
called "optical dipole trap." At this stage, the laser beams stimulated
the two atoms. Once stimulated, they created a molecule, which the
scientists identified as "dipolar molecule." "What we have done
differently is to create more control over it (chemical reaction)... The
whole process is happening in an ultra-high vacuum with very low density,"
Ni says in the paper published in Science. The Future Of Quantum
Computing. Ni explains that their discovery contributes greatly to the
advancement of quantum computing because the dipolar molecule also
introduces a new type of "qubit," which is the smallest quantum
information. This result has become their ultimate achievement from the
experiment. "...the molecular space is so huge, we cannot sufficiently
explore it with current computers. If we have quantum computers that could
potentially solve complex problems and explore molecular space
efficiently, the impact will be large," says Ni. Quantum computing may one
day lead to revolutionary breakthroughs in the different field of studies.
It can design complex systems, which include artificial intelligence. It
can also solve molecular and chemical reactions that may lead to the
discovery of new medicines. Computer manufacturing company IBM anticipates
as well that quantum computing will be integral in the financial industry
by isolating global risks that may impact investments.
How amino acids might form bonds during the drying process. It's
possible these amino acids could have come together during periods of
environmental change -- for instance, as a pool of water evaporated. In
the presence of a chemical activator, these
amino acids could bond
together into peptides, or short chains of amino acids. In the first
stage, when the pH of the solution was alkaline, the glycine combined into
two-molecule units called dimers, which are also produced protons, making
the pH of the solution neutral. In the second stage, as evaporation took
place, the dimers began to bond together to form longer peptide chains,
called oligoglycine.
Building one Molecule from a reservoir of two Atoms -
Lab Grown
How were amino acids formed before the origin of life on Earth? Amino
acids are one of the key
building blocks of life. The amino acid abundances of two
Ryugu particles were measured and compared with their rocky components.
The results demonstrate the important role that water plays in the
formation of amino acids on the giant precursors of asteroids like Ryugu.
Our solar system formed from a molecular cloud, which was composed of gas
and dust that was emitted into the interstellar medium (ISM), a vast space
between stars. On collapse of the molecular cloud, the early sun was
formed, with a large disk of gas and dust orbiting it. The dusty material
collided to produce rocky material that would eventually grow in size to
give large bodies called
planetesimals. The planetesimals that formed far enough from the sun,
also contained large quantities of ice. The ice consisted of water and
other volatile compounds, such as carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide
(CO2), methanol (CH3OH) and ammonia (NH3), as well as many other organic
compounds, likely including some amino acids. Eventually, the ice melted
due to the presence of radioactive material that heated up the bodies.
This period of liquid water (termed aqueous alteration) enabled many
reactions to occur, including
Strecker synthesis and Formose-like reactions, the result being the
production of new organic material, including amino acids. The same
process also changed the rocky materials from their original minerals to
new secondary minerals, such as phyllosilicates, carbonates, Fe-oxides and
Fe-sulfides. After several millions of years, the planetesimals began to
freeze, as the radioactive material was used up. Later catastrophic
collisions and interaction with the solar systems planets broke up the
large bodies and sent their asteroidal and cometary fragments close to
Earth. Further impact events have since delivered fragments of these
asteroids and comets to the Earth's surface, supplying the Earth with
large quantities of organic material, including amino acids, over the
course of its history. Amino acids are within all living things on Earth,
being the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are essential for many
processes within living organisms, including catalysing reactions
(enzymes), replicating genetic material (ribosomes), transporting
molecules (transport proteins) and providing a structure to cells and
organisms (e.g. collagen). Therefore, amino acids would have been needed
in significant amounts within the region where life began on Earth.
Intelligent Design or
Freak of
Substance that may have sparked life on Earth. Scientists believe that
sometime between 3.5 and 3.8 billion years ago there was a tipping point,
something that kickstarted the change from prebiotic chemistry --
molecules before life -- to living, biological systems. We believe the
change was sparked by a few small precursor proteins that performed key
steps in an ancient metabolic reaction. And we think we've found one of
these 'pioneer peptides'. The scientists conducting the study are part of
a Rutgers-led team called Evolution of Nanomachines in Geospheres and
Microbial Ancestors (ENIGMA), which is part of the Astrobiology program at
NASA. The researchers are seeking to understand how proteins evolved to
become the predominant catalyst of life on Earth.
Synthetic Life - Craig Venter (video and text) -
The first synthetic
cell, a cell made by starting with the digital code in the computer,
building the chromosome from four bottles of chemicals, assembling that
chromosome in yeast, transplanting it into a recipient bacterial cell and
transforming that cell into a new bacterial species. So this is the first
self-replicating species that we've had on the planet whose parent is a
computer. It also is the first species to have its own website encoded in
its genetic code. But we'll talk more about the watermarks in a minute.
Can We Create Brand
New Life In The Lab? (youtube) - This is not
creating life from just atoms, they are using parts of life that
already exist.
next species of human | Juan Enriquez (youtube, 2009).
Pyramid of Complexity -
Atoms -
Molecules -
Size Variations -
Nano Machines
Central Nervous System
Electricity -
Human Energy
Scientists try to Build Cells from scratch. Various scientists around
the world are trying to
build cells from scratch. Marileen Dogterom has
been piecing together a cytoskeleton in the Netherlands. Kate Adamala is
attaching receptors to a lipid bilayer in Minnesota. And Tetsuya Yomo
built RNA that can evolve like the real thing in Japan. But by and large
they’ve been working independently on different cell parts. Now, a growing
number of collaborations are melding these efforts together and speeding
progress toward an audacious goal:
Building a living cell out of
non-living molecules. Top-down and bottom-up: Earlier this year in
researchers at the J. Craig Venter Institute announced that they had
created a minimal bacterial cell — a Mycoplasma bacteria that contained
just enough genes to stay alive. That number is 473. Snip one more gene
off, and the bacteria won’t work properly. Add an extra gene, and now the
bacteria is carrying unnecessary baggage. But, at the time of the study’s
publication, the scientists only knew the function that 324 those genes
actually served. The remaining 149 did something to keep the cell chugging
along, but scientists don’t know what. This “top-down” approach — starting
with an object in nature and shaving off bits and pieces until you arrive
at what is fundamental to that form of life — has gotten scientists pretty
far, but has left them with a handful of genes they know are necessary but
whose specific functions are unclear. A complementary method would be to
construct a cell “bottom up” from constituent parts — a mitochondrion
here, some ribosomes there — ensuring that you know exactly what you were
putting into the cell and what purpose it serves. So far, Dogterom’s
microtubules don’t really come from scratch — they’re formed from tubulin
proteins derived from pig brains. Tubulin proteins assemble themselves
into 13-sided prisms — the microtubule structure — when left unattended.
Trying to make cells from their basic building blocks, without limiting
oneself to how those blocks happen to be arranged on Earth, might also
help scientists identify
extraterrestrial life.
Tree of Life
Tree of Life is a widespread
mytheme or
archetype in the
world's mythologies, related to the concept of
sacred tree more generally,
and hence in religious and philosophical tradition.
Tree of the knowledge of good and evil is one of two specific trees in
the story of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2–3, along with the tree of
life. Alternatively, some scholars have argued that the tree of the
knowledge of good and evil is just another name for the tree of life.
and Eve proved that eating the fruit from the
tree of knowledge of
good and evil has
its risks, because if you choose the evil fruit, or metaphorically go down
the wrong path or make a
bad decision,
there will be consequences, so you need to be careful about what you do.
This is why God forbid Adam and Eve from eating from the tree of
knowledge, because God knew that they were too young and did not know
enough in order to
wisely, which is still the case today, even in our modern day society.
The Tree of Life is a symbol of
personal growth, strength and beauty. The symbol represents our
personal development or personal growth, our uniqueness and our individual
beauty. Just as the branches of a tree strengthen and grow upwards to the
sky, we too grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge, wisdom and new
experiences as we move through life. The tree of life spreads its
roots deep into the soil in
order to ground it and stabilize it, just like a
strong foundation does. The roots
of trees can weather the toughest of storms, thus they are a prominent
symbol for strength. And the tree of life can also help us to stay
connected to the world through
our roots.
Fountain is a
2006 American epic
magical realism romantic drama film
that blended elements of fantasy, history, spirituality, and science
fiction, the film consists of three storylines involving immortality and
the resulting loves lost, and one man's pursuit of avoiding this fate in
this life or beyond it. The film shows the
tree of life and
also mentions
tree of knowledge.
Circle of Life -
Triskelion -
Ancient Symbols -
Flower of Life
Garden of Eden is a
story that has many interpretations. To me the garden of Eden is a
metaphor that says, "
careful what you wish for, for even a
paradise can have
dangers and risks.
Life has a beautiful
side, but life also has a dark side. So if you are
blinded by beauty, you may not see the
dark side and fall into a trap." The garden of Eden is a way for God to
tell humans, "please
avoid narrow-mindedness, because there is much
more to life than meets
the eye."
is an area of land where
plants are
cultivated and where animals can coexist. A
garden can be natural or
developed by human care. A
needs healthy soil with microbes and beneficial insects. A garden can have
flowers, vegetables, fruits or herbs and various other type of plants.
Eden is a paradise of pristine natural
beauty, along with abundant happiness or delightful bliss.
Kabbalistic Tree of Life is often depicted as a diagram composed of
ten interconnected spheres called Sephiroth, and 22 connecting paths,
which together form a pattern resembling a tree. The nodes are often
arranged into three columns to represent that they belong to a common
category. The Sephiroth ten spheres on the tree of life from top to bottom
are, Keter (crown), Hokhmah (
Binah (
intelligence), Hesed
(mercy), Gevurah (judgement), Tiferet (beauty), Netsah (lasting
endurance), Hod (majesty), Yesod (foundation of the world), Malkuth
Tree is a large sacred fig tree located in Bodh Gaya, Bihar, India.
Siddhartha Gautama, the spiritual teacher who became known as the Buddha,
is said to have attained
enlightenment or
buddhahood circa 500 BCE under this tree. In religious iconography, the
Bodhi Tree is recognizable by its
leaves, which are usually prominently displayed. The Bodhi Tree is
also know as the tree of awakening or the tree of enlightenment, and is
also called the Mahabodhi Tree or Bo Tree.
Great Chain of Being is a strict, religious hierarchical
structure of all matter and life, believed to have been decreed by God.
The chain starts from God and progresses downward to
angels, demons (fallen/renegade angels),
stars, moon, kings, princes, nobles, commoners, wild animals, domesticated
animals, trees, other plants, precious stones, precious metals, and other minerals.
Tree of Knowledge System is a new map of
Big History that traces
cosmic evolution across four different planes of existence, identified as
Mind and
Culture that are mapped
respectively by the physical,
psychological and social domains
Phylogenetic Tree
Phylogenetic Tree is a branching diagram or "tree" showing
the inferred evolutionary
relationships among various biological species
or other entities—their phylogeny—based upon similarities and differences
in their physical or genetic characteristics. The taxa joined together in
the tree are implied to have descended from a common ancestor.
Phylogenetic trees are central to the field of phylogenetics.
New Updated
Tree of Life (image).
Cladogram is a diagram used in cladistics to show relations among
organisms. A cladogram is not, however, an evolutionary tree because it
does not show how ancestors are related to descendants, nor does it show
how much they have changed, so many differing evolutionary trees can be
consistent with the same cladogram.
Common Descent is when one species is the ancestor of two or more
species later in time. According to modern evolutionary biology, all
living beings could be descendants of a unique ancestor commonly referred
to as the last universal common ancestor of all life on Earth.
Common Ancestor is an ancestral group of organisms that is shared by
multiple lineages. For example, an early mammal species, which existed
sometime in the distant past, is a common ancestor of whales, cats,
humans, and all other modern mammals. Another example is the common
ancestors of two biological siblings include their parents and
grandparents; the common ancestors of a coyote and a wolf include the
first canine and the first mammal.
Most Recent Common Ancestor of a set of organisms is the most recent
individual from which all the organisms of the set are descended. The term
is also used in reference to the ancestry of groups of genes (haplotypes)
rather than organisms.
Last Universal Common Ancestor is the hypothesized common ancestral
cell from which the three domains of life, the Bacteria, the Archaea, and
the Eukarya originated.
Last Universal Common Ancestor, or some of the first building blocks of
life. LUCA is the hypothesized common ancestor from which all modern
cellular life, from single celled organisms like bacteria to the gigantic
redwood trees (as well as us humans) descend, or
were made
from. LUCA represents the root of the tree of life before it splits
into the groups, recognized today, Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya. Modern
evolved from LUCA from various different
sources: the same amino acids used to build proteins in all cellular
organisms, the
shared energy currency (ATP), the
presence of cellular machinery like the ribosome and others associated
with making proteins from the information stored in DNA, and even the fact
that all cellular life uses DNA itself as a way of storing information.
The team compared all the genes in the genomes of living species, counting
mutations that have occurred within their
sequences over time since they shared an ancestor in LUCA. The time of
separation of some species is known from the fossil record and so the team
used a genetic equivalent of the familiar equation used to calculate speed
in physics to work out when LUCA existed, arriving at the answer of
4.2 billion years ago, about
four hundred million years after the formation of Earth and our solar
Bacteria looks the same as bacteria of the
same region from
2.3 billion years ago—and that both sets of
ancient bacteria are indistinguishable from modern sulfur bacteria found in mud off of the coast of Chile."
"Life has been using a standard set of
20 Amino Acids to build
Proteins for more than 3 billion years"
~ Quoted by Stephen
J. Freeland of the
NASA Astrobiology Institute at the University
of Hawaii.
Evolution Tree of Life Poster (image)
Remnants of an Ancient Metabolism without Phosphate.
Phylogenetic Network is any graph used to visualize
evolutionary relationships (either abstractly or explicitly) between
nucleotide sequences, genes, chromosomes, genomes, or species. They are
employed when reticulation events such as hybridization, horizontal gene
transfer, recombination, or gene duplication and loss are believed to be
involved. They differ from phylogenetic trees by the explicit modeling of
richly-linked networks, by means of the addition of hybrid nodes (nodes
with two parents) instead of only tree nodes (a hierarchy of nodes, each
with only one parent). Phylogenetic trees are a subset of phylogenetic
networks. Phylogenetic networks can be inferred and visualized with
software such as SplitsTree and, more recently, Dendroscope. A standard
format for representing phylogenetic networks is a variant of Newick
format which is extended to support networks as well as trees.
Molecular Phylogenetics is the branch of phylogeny that
analyses hereditary molecular differences, mainly in DNA sequences, to
gain information on an organism's evolutionary relationships.
Molecular Systematics
is the use of molecular genetics to study the evolution of
relationships among individuals and species. The goal of systematic
studies is to provide insight into the history of groups of organisms and
the evolutionary processes that create diversity among species.
Porphyrian Tree is a classic device for illustrating what is
also called a "
scale of being" which indicates that a species is defined
by a genus and a differentia and that this logical process continues until
the lowest species is reached, which can no longer be so defined.
Open Tree -
Open Tree
of Life
Pedigree Chart is a diagram that shows the occurrence and appearance
or phenotypes of a particular gene or organism and its ancestors from
one generation to the next, most commonly humans, show dogs, and race
Pyramid of
Complexity -
Connected -
Building Blocks of Life -
Mind Maps
Microbes in Humans
Phylogeny (youtube)
Parsimony is an optimality criterion under which the
phylogenetic tree that minimizes the total number of character-state
changes is to be preferred. Under the maximum-parsimony criterion, the
optimal tree will minimize the amount of homoplasy (i.e., convergent
evolution, parallel evolution, and evolutionary reversals). In other
words, under this criterion, the shortest possible tree that explains the
data is considered best. The principle is akin to Occam's razor, which
states that—all else being equal—the simplest hypothesis that explains the
data should be selected.
Phylogeny Archive -
Arizona Tree
of Life Web Project
Binary Fission
is the division of a single entity into two or more parts and
the regeneration of those parts into separate entities resembling the
original. The object experiencing fission is usually a cell, but the term
may also refer to how organisms, bodies, populations, or species split
into discrete parts. The fission may be binary fission, in which a single
entity produces two parts, or multiple fission, in which a single entity
produces multiple parts.
500 Million years ago was the
Cambrian Explosion -
Earth Timeline
Transitional Fossils is a tentative partial list of
fossils (fossil remains of groups that exhibits both
"primitive" and derived traits). The fossils are listed in series, showing
the transition from one group to another, representing significant steps
in the evolution of major features in various lineages. These changes
often represent major changes in morphology and anatomy, related to mode
of life, like the acquisition of feathered wings for an aerial lifestyle
in birds, or limbs in the fish/tetrapod transition onto land.
The Missing Link
Richard Dawkins: Intermediate Fossils (youtube) -
Descriptive Complexity Theory is a branch of computational
complexity theory and of finite model theory that characterizes complexity
classes by the type of logic needed to express the languages in them.
Evolution of Biological Complexity -
Earth Botany
Most Animals Start out the Same Way, but they never end the same way.
Horizontal Gene Transfer is the movement of genetic material
between unicellular and/or multicellular organisms other than via vertical
transmission (the transmission of DNA from parent to offspring.) HGT is
synonymous with lateral gene transfer (LGT) and the terms are
interchangeable. HGT has been shown to be an important factor in the
evolution of many organisms. Horizontal gene transfer is the primary
reason for the spread of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and plays an
important role in the evolution of bacteria that can degrade novel
compounds such as human-created pesticides and in the evolution,
maintenance, and transmission of virulence. This horizontal gene transfer
often involves temperate bacteriophages and plasmids. Genes that are
responsible for antibiotic resistance in one species of bacteria can be
transferred to another species of bacteria through various mechanisms such
as F-pilus, subsequently arming the antibiotic resistant genes' recipient
against antibiotics, which is becoming a medical challenge to deal with.
Most thinking in genetics has focused upon vertical transfer, but there is
a growing awareness that horizontal gene transfer is a highly significant
phenomenon and among single-celled organisms, perhaps the dominant form of
genetic transfer. Artificial horizontal gene transfer is a form of genetic
The tree of life does not say you grew out of bacteria, the
tree of life is the
biological history of planet earth,
things that we have
so far. The tree of life shows the
path that certain information took, or transcended from. The tree
of life shows some
of the things that we and other life forms are made out of, not grew out of, but
made out of.
If you were creating advanced animal life, you would want
animals made out of
certain things like bacteria, things that have learned to
survive for millions of
years. This is more then a
symbiotic relationship with
microbes, this is the
blueprint for life, use the strongest material available, give
life the ability to
adapt, to evolve and to learn.
Intelligent Design.
The responsibility of life is now in our hands. Humans have been
given the ability to
manually adjust information, which
gives life even more chances to survive,
pure genius. But
this ability is also a vulnerability when the controls of information are
manipulated. This is
pure hell when the
ability to
manually adjust
information causes death and destruction, all because the
information being adjusted
reduces our chances of survival, like
pollution that poisons the
water, land and air. There is also corruption. Bad information is
cancer, actions being made based on
bad information. Bad cells
are multiplying when bad cells should be dying.